♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL Master List
The Ones Who Live: Episode 1 - Episode 6
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Episode One - “Years” 🪓
#1: The Hand (1.01)
#2: The Dreamgirl (1.01)
#3: The Getting Back To You (1.01)
#4: The Bench (1.01)
#5: The Eager (1.01)
 #6: The Gone (1.01)
#7: The Choice (1.01)
#8: The Last Letter (1.01)
#9: The 5 Pizzas & A Wedding Ring (1.01)
#10: The Burning (1.01)
Episode Two - “Gone” 🗡
#11: The One & Only  (1.02)
#12: The Building (1.02)
#13: The Recovery (1.02)
#14: The Magnetic Reunion (1.02)
#15: The Going (1.02)
#16: The Secret Rendezvous (1.02)
#17: The Danger (1.02)
Episode Three - “Bye” 🚁
#18: The Broken Bliss (1.03)
#19: The Bad B (1.03)
#20: The 'Poison' (1.03)
#21: The Getaway Plan (1.03)
#22: The Trouble in 'Paradise' (1.03)
#23: The Portrait (1.03)
#24: The Helplessly Devoted  (1.03)
#25: The Irresistible (1.03)
#26: The Crazy (1.03)
Episode Four - “What We” 👑
#27: The Timeout (1.04)
#28: The Big Reveal (1.04)
#29: The Malfunction (1.04)
#30: The Story of the Brave Man (1.04)
#31: The Heart Rip (1.04)
#32: The Safety (1.04)
#33: The Push (1.04)
#34: The Trapped (1.04)
#35: The Buildup (1.04)
#36: The Ressurection (1.04)
#37: The Good Kind Heart (1.04)
#38: The Scars (1.04)
#39: The Love of My Life (1.04)
#40: The Living Dead (1.04)
#41: The Loving Memory (1.04)
#42: The Fuel (1.04)
Episode Five - “Become” 💍
#43: The Good Life (1.05)
#44: The Family Gifts (1.05)
#45: The Son's Best Friend (1.05)
#46: The Never Letting Go (1.05)
#47: The Lovebirds & The Snake (1.05)
#48: The Wedding Plans (1.05)
#49: The Final Deal (1.05)
#50: The Dream Come True (1.05)
#51: The Mr. & Mrs. Grimes (1.05)
Episode 6 - “The Last Time” 🧨
#52: The Ring Finger (1.06)
#53: The Dossier (1.06)
#54: The Missed (1.06)
#55: The Future Generations (1.06)
#56: The Real CRM (1.06)
#57: The Father (1.06)
#58: The Fearless (1.06)
#59: The Eternal Love (1.06)
#60: The Cure (1.06)
#61: The Happy Ending (1.06)
#62: The Happy Beginning (1.06)
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scoobydoodean · 9 months
what is your opinion on people calling dean a heavy misogynist? i don’t agree personally but i feel like you could put my thoughts into better words
First, I have to chuckle a little at "heavy misogynist". Apparently, some people have begun to realize their fave is also guilty of misogyny crimes therefore they focus on making sure all of us know Sam is a light misogynist and Dean is a heavy misogynist. I just find that amusing.
This is a broad topic in a long show, so I won't endeavor to address every conceivable incidence of misogyny in the show I can think of. Instead, I'm going to create a few headings, at least one of which I think most criticism falls under.
Misogyny through the writing team
How Sam's misogyny gets a pass
Purity culture wank and Dean performing for Sam
How Dean actually treats women
Misogyny Through The Writing Team
First, Supernatural in of itself has issues with misogyny—as in, the writers of the show (including female writers) have issues with misogyny which they are happy to put on display semi-frequently. The show started in 2005, during a period of time where casual sexism was absolutely rampant on TV and no one thought anything about it. Female celebrities were regularly mocked and dragged on cable television in a way men simply weren't. They were called bitches and skanks and whores, and even "progressive" voices were inundated with casual misogyny and a fixation on purity culture (that largely applied to women only). Quite simply, I think fandom tends to be far too generous toward the writers, assuming certain things were "flaws" the writers intentionally wrote for the characters.
Put another way, there are some criticisms I prefer to level at the writing team rather than the characters, because what is written plainly reflects their ignorance in the real world rather than any intent to give Sam or Dean or any other character meaningful flaws—much less outright terrible ones that greatly harm their image. I'll give a few examples:
2.17 "Heart" makes me very uncomfortable as I sit here in 2024 and observe how Sam and Madison's romance develops. Me feeling that way does not mean the authorial intent of 2007 Sera Gamble was that I think to myself, "Man Sam comes off as uncomfortably rapey here." Hopelessly bad with women, perhaps—but not creepy.
In season 2, the writers begin to develop a running “joke” that Sam is afraid of not just clowns but also little people. The latter “joke” is (wisely) dropped fairly quickly. I have never criticized Sam for being afraid of little people, and I never will. It is readily apparent to me that this running "joke" reflects the ignorance of the writing team rather than an intent to give Sam meaningful or interesting flaws. Their intent was to use little people as the butt of a joke. I personally find this "joke" distasteful, and the idea of trying to take that and somehow "dunk" on Sam for the bigotry of the writers is more distasteful to me.
This is also how I feel about the running "joke" of a porn magazine and website (BAB) that solely features Asian women, that is put on display on multiple occasions during the show—first in 2.15 "Tall Tales", where the context is Gabriel infecting Sam's laptop with a virus from the website and making him believe Dean is responsible. BAB continues to make "Easter Egg" appearances in the show afterward. While often associated with Dean by fandom, the writers clearly think of BAB as a general, "funny" (it isn't), running gag with no more depth than "haha men like porn funny". An issue is stolen by a sentient teddy bear in 4.08 "Wishful Thinking". An issue is owned by the teenager who swapped bodies with Sam in 5.12 "Swap Meat". The Men of Letters also collected a considerable number of issues (8.17). I simply do not believe the writers thought for a single moment about BAB being a grossly racist gag. They most certainly did not write it as an intentional criticism of Dean from that perspective. It reflects nothing but their ignorance and racism here in the real world, and absolutely SHOULD be criticized from that REAL WORLD impact.
How Sam's misogyny largely gets a pass
One of the things I have not been able to stop noticing on this rewatch is Sam's issues with misogyny, and how often Sam's misogyny comes out in conflicts with Dean... starting from the very first episode of the show. Pretty much any time you get anything that feels like it might be a misogynist Dean or horn dog Dean moment... Sam either just has or is about to follow that up with some misogyny of his own.
In 1.01, right after entering Sam's apartment and meeting Jess, Dean mentions the Smurfs on Jess's shirt. We think to ourselves "Okay. A little misogynist... a little horn-dog Dean." Sam is happy to 1-Up that in two ways. First, Jess voices her intentions to go get dressed. Dean dismisses this, but while doing so, makes it clear he intends to leave the room with Sam, as he'd like to have a private conversation with Sam anyway. Sam objects, walking over to Jess and putting an arm around her, demanding Dean say whatever he needs to say right then and there. Maybe this would feel supportive if Jess wasn't in her underwear and hadn't just made it clear that now that the panic over a possible break-in is over, she'd really like to not be in her underwear in front of a stranger. But nope. By god she needs to stand there so Sam can prove a point about misogynist Dean! Second, Sam immediately (and I think quite erroneously) jumps to imply Dean is trying to cut Jess out of the conversation because she's... a woman? Or... something? He makes a big show of moving over Jess and standing beside her, saying anything Dean has to say, he can say in front of Jess. However, the moment Sam actually understands that Dean is here because John is missing on a hunting trip, he dismisses Jess to speak to Dean alone... because he's lying to her. By painting Dean erroneously with this "The men are talking" bullshit that had nothing to do with anything, Sam sets himself up to be viewed as a misogynist by his own framing of the situation and what it means to leave Jess out of a discussion. He also reveals his own alleged principles as a performative illusion. Despite being his intended life partner, Sam never intends to tell the woman he loves about his past as a hunter (he makes this clear later on the bridge). However, I think because Sam's actions usually co-occur with what gets called out more directly or more immediately recognized as misogyny from Dean (should have gotten him for the Smurf's comment, Sam!) Sam's misogyny often flies under the radar... and he's really... pretty bad.
I spoke here at length about how Sam tends to look down on women who interact with Dean (often before meeting them). There is absolutely an intersection with purity culture here and there's discussion in that thread about that as well, and whether this is a "2000s writers" issue or intentionally written flaws.
In 1.06, Sam cuts Dean off before Dean can accept an offered beer from Rebecca, but then as soon as Sam needs Rebecca out of the room, Sam asks her to not just bring them those beers... but also fix them sandwiches. Rebecca says, "What do you think this is, Hooters?" and Dean mumbles, "I wish" and we somehow lose sight of the fact that Sam literally just asked a woman to make him sandwiches which is possibly the number one misogynist man trope. Sam vaguely suggests Dean is a misogynist in 1.19 for nudging Sam to go on a date with Sarah Blake and possibly get information on the case, because that would be "using" her, but Sam wants to "use" Meg Masters in 1.22 and he wants to "use" Ruby to get what he wants, and when he said getting information from women was "Dean's job", he was also showing he was perfectly willing to use Dean and Sarah—he just doesn't want to get his hands dirty. It also comes to light in 1.19 that this is more about Sam's belief that he has to protect women from him, and Sarah herself ends up calling Sam antiquated for it.
I mentioned before that Sam doesn't plan to ever tell Jess who he is, and he makes the same plans with Amelia. Dean, meanwhile, confides in Cassie (it's what leads to their breakup) as well as Lisa.
I also have to mention... one of the funniest things I see deancrit samgirls in particular dig at time after time after time is Dean calling women "bitches". Never mind that Sam also calls women like Ruby and Bela bitches and calls a woman a bitch in front of Madison. Apparently none of these occurrences count because... *looks at notes* reasons. "Bitch" only counts as misogyny when it's Dean saying it. Also, let's not mention that Sam exclusively uses the word "bitch" to refer to women, while Dean also calls men and creatures bitches at different points so it isn't a gender specific insult for him.
Dean is definitely the "heavy" misogynist here... right? (I guess Sam is a "tall" misogynist instead).
Purity culture wank and Dean performing for Sam
Dean is commonly treated in fandom as if he's some kind of sex pest, and quite blatantly... he isn't one. Women almost always proposition Dean first (thejabberwock has sets on this here and here), but him asking people out also isn't inherently creepy in any way? Co-occurring with Sam's purity culture inundated judgements, we often see fandom's own as well, where Dean is some kind of sex pest because he... likes women? Or... because he has sex with consenting women who also want to have sex with him? Sometimes it's giving purity culture wank, sometimes it's given big radfem energy... but regardless, I sometimes see people talk about Dean like him so much as making eye contact with a woman is a violent sexual threat, and that's just laughable—as is denying the agency and autonomy of consenting women in general.
Even though it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, I'll also add that Dean... doesn't even actually have sex with the frequency that people talk about it? Dean has sex with Cassie—who was a long term partner of his in 1.13. He has sex with an actress in 2.18, and with Doublemint twins in 3.01. He has sex with a waitress 4.05. He plans to have sex with someone in 3.04, but turns her down when he realizes she's a prostitute who's working. This happens again in 10.07. I'm on season 4 of my rewatch and haven't been formally keeping up... but Dean is not actually having a lot of sex? We get implications he's been out partying a few times, and can maybe infer he scored, but we don't actually know.
I'm not a huge fan of performing Dean, in the sense that I think over the years I have seen it wildly overstated far too many times. But I do think Dean sometimes plays a character for Sam especially. Dean tells us this himself in 2.03 "Bloodlust" when confiding in Gordon. He never says so directly when it comes to the sexy sex guy doing sex persona, but his actions reveal him. One can think of plenty of examples of Dean saying horny stuff about women to Sam... but what about his actions?
How Dean actually treats women
Finally, there's how Dean actually treats women... and one would be very hard pressed to prove to me that Dean is sexist toward the women in his life. He's been close friends with multiple women and worked with women on hunts on multiple occasions and never once batted an eye. Jo in 2.06 is sometimes floated as an example, but it's actually discussed within the episode. Dean makes it very clear that he thinks women can do the job just fine. What he has a problem with is Jo's lack of experience and her romanticization of the job (especially during a period where Dean has fallen deeply out of love with the job himself). Everything we see as the series progresses supports Dean's assertion as truth. He's very good friends with Charlie, Jody, and Donna and doesn't go around excluding them on hunts while favoring men. That is not a thing that happens. While he initially tries to talk Claire out of the life (as he does everybody—this is not unique to women—see Adam for example) when she decides to hunt, he supports her regardless. There is nothing uniquely overprotective about how Dean treats women who hunt. End of. Dean has no illusions about traditional gender roles or any of that nonsense, jumping to clean dishes after dinner at Jody's and cooking breakfast for Lisa and Ben. (Our knowledge of Dean and the chores he does for his family already tell us this—but regardless). Even Demon Dean, an entity with no love for anyone and close to zero principles, targeted men who abuse and threaten women, and when Crowley ordered him to kill Lester's wife to fulfill the terms of Lester's demon deal, Demon Dean instead became so deeply annoyed with Lester's hypocrisy (he cheated on his wife first) and his assertion that it's different when men cheat, that he killed him and smiled while doing it.
So anyway, nope—I don't think Dean is a "heavy" misogynist.
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welightthewaysource · 2 years
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I trust again to you, Ser Criston, and to your loyalty. 
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haladrielcentral · 1 year
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THE RINGS OF POWER 1.01 "A Shadow of the Past" || 1.06 "Udûn"
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
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This is the kind of couple where bullets figure prominently in the story of their romance. If you harm either one of them, the survivor will kill you as surely as the sun rises.
| CHENFORD WEEK  •  DAY 2 : TV TROPES DAY S5 tropes / s5 parallels Trope : Battle Couple - Couples that fight together
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oh-warizoro · 1 year
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clairedsfield · 1 year
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UP HERE (2023)
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kent-farm · 1 year
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—Jordan realizing he’s (partly) responsible for Tag’s powers, Superman and Lois, “Pilot”, “Haywire” and “Broken Trust”
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tartt9 · 1 year
separate note just Thinking but like. jamie is So Bad with change. he’s someone who needs stability and a steady path forward bc he’s so routine oriented. see: the reason he hates off-season so much and the reason he probably didn’t adjust well to the change in ownership from rupert to rebecca bc he was like. things are gonna change. and things! did change! drastically!
anyways boy definitely went on some nervous runs and lost a lot of sleep waiting to hear about the change in managers between his third season w richmond and his fourth
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portraitoflestatonfire · 11 months
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
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You didn't know that?
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coalfires · 4 months
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perotovar · 3 months
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THE SIXTH GUN (2013) 1.01 "The Unaired Pilot" THE LAST OF US (2023-) 1.06 "Kin"
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maraczeks · 2 years
newsroom rw thread pt 6
#jan 7 2023#WAGGHHHHHH HAPPY VALENTINES DAT RHE HUG ITS GOMMEIRNFNEBFJI MOGJNANEHDNWKDJJRHDISISIIDIFJJRJDJFNJFNNBEHDDJJDBFJCKDJCJCJDJFJFJSJFHJDJFJJD THE#THEY SHOULDVE IISSEDNHESJHTHEIGUUUSHSHFHFHTHEYRE SOOO BFFS MY OARENTBSUN THAIAJRJDBEJSBFJSJSHAKINGGG#omg omgggg no like 1.05 one of the most greatest bestest episodes for macwill to ever grace the screen they were sooooo in love im actually#1.04-1.06 is one of the greatest stretches plus 1.01&1.02 well tbh this whole season is absolutely insane macwill ugh i love#i think for my birthday i might just watch 1.05 on repeat like what else do i have to do that day#anyways pressing play on 1.06 im gonna kms after! i cannot wait#he stopped seeing him when mac told him oh. also. i'm just going insane#sloan speaking japaneseeeeee whew when do we get mac speaking russian !!!!#no because will protecting mac from gossip but she can't do anythigg bc about the death threat also why does she know that's his address i'm#immediately do we think he stayed in the same place since they broke up oh oh oh#mac so worried abt him ohdhhdhdbbfbdbd#mac wanting a security on him hojehdhdhdhxbcbxbcbcbx#ok so it's a year she's been here now#willsloan😭😭😭#sloaannnnnn 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖#SLOAN. SLOANNNNNNN SLOAN. 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖💞💞💞💞😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖#THATS MT BABY AND IM REALLY PROUD#SLOAN AND CHARLIE IM CRYINNGGGGGGI M CRING AND THE WAY DON LOOKS AT HER IM GONNA KILL MYSELF SLOAN SABBITH MY BELOVED#and will thinks it's his fault ohdhdhdhhxbcnndbdnsn aALITTLE SISTER#WILLL 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖 my belovedest baby boy i'm gonna cry hes my favorite person oh i NEED to hug him#mac knowing literally everything they found in opposition research im gonna kms. she's insane.#they didn't know he was republican until now?/?:?:?: bye no because she's soooooooo#MY BABY STOP SHE LOOKS SO HURT IN GOSNTBBFNDNFJDKFNNSNF I LOVE THIS EPISODE I CANT#wait so like. we're mac and will talking abt getting married when she told him hhhhhhh#noooo cos sloan and neal are like macwills kids 😭😭#hhhhhhh uncomfortable will :((((( stoppppp#i cannot BELIEVE. they made sloan lie. the worst#mac defending her soooooo true !!!!! like they shouldn't have made her lie i cannot believeeeee#no bc 1.05 is insane such an insane episode untoppable !!!
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scleroticstatue · 7 months
Leverage Bad Guys by Type
1.01: businessmen
1.02: politicians
1.03: criminals
1.04: businessmen
1.05: businessmen
1.06: businessmen (with minor criminals)
1.07: corporation
1.08: politicians
1.09: criminals (with minor politicians)
1.10: businessmen
1.11: criminals
1.12: businessmen
1.13: businessmen
2.01: businessmen and criminals
2.02: businessmen
2.03: businessmen
2.04: businessmen but also criminals
2.05: newscaster
2.06: businessmen
2.07: criminals with minor businessmen
2.08: businessmen with minor criminals
2.09: businessmen
2.10: criminals but also businessmen
2.11: criminals
2.12: politicians
2.13: businessmen with minor criminals
2.14: politicians
2.15: politicians and criminals
3.01: businessmen
3.02: businessmen
3.03: businessmen
3.04: politicians
3.05: businessmen
3.06: businessmen
3.07: militiamen
3.08: businessmen and criminals
3.09: criminals
3.10: businessmen
3.11: it's complicated
3.12: criminals
3.13: businessmen who're criminals
3.14: businessmen with criminals
3.15: criminals
3.16: politicians and criminals
4.01: businessmen
4.02: businessmen
4.03: businessmen
4.04: criminals
4.05: businessmen
4.06: businessmen but criminals
4.07: businessmen and criminals
4.08: criminals
4.09: businessmen
4.10: scientists
4.11: college kids and politicians
4.12: businessmen
4.13: criminals
4.14: criminals
4.15: criminals
4.16: businessmen
4.17: criminals but it's complicated
4.18: criminals but it's complicated
5.01: businessmen
5.02: businessmen
5.03: businessmen
5.04: businessmen
5.05: businessmen with minor politicians
5.06: criminals
5.07: criminals
5.08: criminals
5.09: criminals
5.10: businessmen
5.11: businessmen
5.12: businessmen
5.13: businessmen
5.14: businessmen but also criminals but also politicians
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