clover-sky · 2 months
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View from my village.
The tanning salon has been closed for a long time.
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dmedrrt · 2 years
It's 2023 and yung iba is nag start na ng goals nila for the year 2023, at yung iba naman is nagpapatuloy para sa taon na toh!
Here I am, pinapatuloy ang magagandang mga habits, a good and optimistic habits in my life! I don't have the list for my goal but I have goal for my systems. This is my page #1 or 365.
Year 2023 is for me! I am claiming it! I am aiming for the good systems. I am blessed for this year is what God prepared me. Everyday is a new season and beginning!
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littlemourningstar · 2 years
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I need to play around with the sizing but I threw this together really quickly because I was with my nieces most of the day 😅 definitely not the final version of the cover but it’s a start!
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mainichi-nihongoal · 2 years
📝日本語ログ ー 1/1/23, 日曜日
✿⁠ Duolingo
Unit 33
x7 lessons
✿⁠ Drops
Theme - New Year!
✿⁠ Reading:
Read this fun story from Tadoku Graded Readers - it felt like a fictional story and historical lesson combined :D
✿⁠ Vocabulary:
N3 vocab flashcards on the Torii app - 22 learnt, 0 reviewed
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(Approx) Total Time: ~50mins
That's it for today! Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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aiauee · 2 years
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hellyeahheroes · 2 years
Why Are You So Angry? Part 1: A Short History of Anita Sarkeesian by Innuendo Studios
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spacejunkpsd · 4 months
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harpsicalghost · 9 months
Gonna try to write every day. Not a lot! Just a bit every day if I can. With kindness to myself and an embrace of how fun it is to write.
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purinna · 9 months
Day 1/365
I have always remained silent in my hardest moments, fearing that if I say anything they will become darker.
With that, I have come to notice myself very silent recently.
But, I smile nonetheless in hope that someday soon I will feel it.
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havocversion3 · 9 months
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1mob-everyday · 1 year
1 - Piglin Brute
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sastielsfandom · 10 months
Sketch 1/365
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Little thing I'm doing, uh probably not a daily thing, more like a when I have free time to do this type of thing. Just some pose practicing.
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djglory · 9 months
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Et pourquoi non ? me répondais-je aussitôt. Prométhée fut bien autrefois au ciel dérober du feu
Cyrano De Bergerac, L’Autre Monde
A quote I love and feel deeply connected to since it is from one of my favourites books and that was one of the subjects of my master thesis.
A quote that perfectly summarises why I decided to embark in this journey to change myself and why I decided to finally stop to live in autopilot mode and to take the lead in order to create the life of my dreams: because, why not?
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1. Perks - hate the feature. His voice is just grating. The lyrics also are just not great 2/10.
2. Ahead of Myself - this one is much better. I don’t know how often I’d listen to it but at least the vocals and lyrics are better. 4/10
3. I kissed a Boy- ok this one is like debut Taylor (not as good) but it is a try. The story telling on this one is much better. 6/10
4. shrink - THIS ONE! it’s lowkey a bop. So good 100% recommend. 8/10.
Overall: 5/10 the first two should’ve been left unreleased.
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ermunlaila · 2 years
1/365*2023 - Kembali Bermimpi
"Mimpi adalah kunci untuk kita menaklukkan dunia. Berlarilah tanpa lelah sampai engkau meraihnya."
Begitu kata bang giring saat menyanyikan lagunya yang berjudul Laskar Pelangi. Dua kalimat yang cukup mendalam, terutama bagiku.
1. Mimpi itu sangat penting dimiliki setiap insan supaya terlihat lebih hidup. Ketika manusia memiliki mimpi untuk digapai, dia akan memberikan energinya menjadi lebih produktif. Tak serta merta melewatkan waktu dan kesempatan yang dimilikinya dengan begitu saja. Ada tujuan yang harus dituju. Ada rute yang yang harus ditempuh. Ada perbekalan yang harus disiapkan untuk teman diperjalanan. Setidaknya dari mimpi itu membuat kita lebih berani untuk terus mencoba berbagai macam rute yang ada.
"Jadi apa mimpimu di tahun 2023? Yuk, menjadi versi lebih baik dari diri kita di tahun ini."
2. Teruslah berlari. Seolah kita diminta tidak mudah menyerah untuk mewujudkannya. Meski rintangan membentang, kita harus cukup besar hati melaluinya. Kegagalan dari rute yang pernah dilewati pasti akan mengajarkan kita sesuatu yang berarti. Allah tahu, terkadang mungkin cobaan yang kita lewati cukup mengoyak keimanan, tapi percayalah Allah lebih paham kapasitas kita. Setiap kali merasa putus asa karena tak kunjung menemukan rute terbaik, percayalah ada Allah yang senantiasa siap sedia mendengar semua keluh kesah kita.
"Jadi masih semangatkan untuk meraihnya? Tenang ada Aku disini." Kata Allah.
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