#1 or 2 maybe could be just for MCs vibes
gifti3 · 1 year
i enjoy blank slate MCs in romance games cause it leaves room open for self-inserts and OCs and allows fans to be creative and fill in gaps! but outside of that it makes me go damn most of these characters only started liking MC cause of what they do for them huh :p
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lilacstro · 3 months
astro observation part 9
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well, lets go, I dont have much to rant about lmaoo, i hope you all are doing good tho!! also I love when some of you comment/reblog my posts with your comments, I LOVE LOVE IT HAHAHA
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i would love to hear your thoughts/suggestions about my blogs, astrology and paid readings if you have any, send them on in asks :)
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1.I read a chart for a girl here on tumblr, and she had pluto, moon and venus, ALL in first house, a literal beauty attack, but apart from this, either of these planets in first house gives you so much beauty and appeal.
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2.Wherever Neptune is in your birthchart can mean multiple different things. It can mean in what matters of life you look with delusion and think with haze and might think in feels, with unconditional love (neptune is higher octave of venus). Example, Neptune in 4th house, You can be absolutely be in illusion with your family life, over prioritizing it, making decisions around it with lots of emotions and love care. Can make another post on this one maybe. Neptune in 2nd house might not think clearly about spending money, or may lend money to people easily at time, or to the ones they love.
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3. Often seen people with mars in extroverted houses often dont mind lashing out in public or calling someone out on the face, no matter what kind of introversion other aspects suggest in their chart. They are likely to stand up for themselves and/or others. Gives me the vibes "speak the truth even if your voice shakes"
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4.People with Neptune in 2nd house could be really good fictional writers, or writers in general, a very good talent comes in poetry and fiction.
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5. Neptune/Moon in 4th house makes a very devoted mother. Mother is likely to be spiritual, and unconditionally loving with Neptune, and very motherly and warm and understanding with Moon.
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6. I have often seen, people with mercury-neptune/venus aspects have a potential to sing. In hard aspects, this can usually mean this potential is untapped and exists and needs to be channelized and worked upon.
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7. Your Moon sign can show how you see your mother. With Moon in Leo, your mom could be protective over you, give you tough love but you must feel safe with her in all aspects, share your thoughts and feelings and even at some point, seek her validation. Moon in Libra could be that you feel a little unfair with your mother at times, though it can also mean the love you gave felt reciprocated, sometimes you couldve felt superficial about your relationship but it must look good on papers to others. Moon in Gemini, could be either its very good when good and very bad when bad, like two extremes.
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8. Chiron aspecting MC can mean that often others see you as someone who has been through something in the past/ or when you are going through something, people might be able to see it. Not exactly the contents of it, but just an idea and feeling.
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9.Check your Saturn to see where you will experience nudges and "tough love" with life until you learn your lesson. For example: Saturn in 8th? Lessons around coming out of the shell, and learning how to trust/who to trust and building close connections.
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10. Indicators of doing well in academia/ as a professor: Sag stellium, Sag rising, Sag/Jupiter in 9th, PoF in 9th, Academia(829) in 9th/10th, Saturn/Jupiter in 10th, Sag/Capricorn MC
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11. Your second house ruler can show how you like to keep your money/spend it. People with 2nd house ruler in 8th might like to keep their money at hidden places and/or spend it on astrologers, spiritual stuff or save it for hard times etc. In 1st house it can show someone who isn't afraid to show their money, and may spend on themselves, like skincare, things for their liking while in 11th house it can show someone is very generous with their money and might like spending it on their friends.
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12. IC in Aries/Scorpio could mean you saw some kind of violence with your mother or childhood growing up. It could also mean your childhood made you competitive in some ways, or it was complicated, and something that has indeed transformed you. It could also be you can very much carry resentment for your childhood even afterwards.
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13. very random but, sabrina carpenter's lyrics give me such STRONG leo vibes lmao "don't you stand there staring honey, try to move your feet, if you think they're looking at you, they're looking at me" lmaaoo
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14. People with Uranus retrograde in their charts, would often find themselves thinking differently, wanting different things than their family or most, and if they ever stop/try to fit in the normal despite this life would usually steer them into some direction that will force them to this.
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15. People with Pluto in second house often have sexy eyes or their eyes may look intoxicated lmao. They may often use eyes to express themselves/having expressive eyes or use their eyes a lot when they are mad/wanna assert power in situations. My mom has this placement, and one of my friends too and its true for both of them lmao.
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i love youu xoxo
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incarnadin3 · 29 days
𝖀𝖕 𝕴𝖓 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘 ~ 𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚛
A/N: Hi guys! First of all, tysm for 60 followers! I never thought I'd get this far, but you guys make me so happy. I haven't posted in a while because I'm facing writer's block, but I wanted to post a teaser to show you guys what the story will be about. If you guys have requests, feel free to send them in! Also, the new exchange student's name will be hidden for now hehehe. Enjoy~
Pairings: Obey Me! Brothers x fem!MC
Summary: When did it all change? When MC showed up in Devildom, it took her 5 months to fully gain the trust of all the brothers. So naturally, when the year was over and Diavolo said the exchange program had been a success, and you could still stay if wanted, you obviously agreed. To continue the program, Diavolo decided to have another human come. The brothers were wary, but you were ecstatic! Another human! One that wasn't a shady sorcerer like Solomon! You had hoped to help the brothers warm up to them, but didn't expect them to leave you for the other human. When did it all go up in flames? You just wanted them to remember you again. You just didn't expect the other human to tell you the only way you'd be remembered was through a dusty picture on the wall after your death, in the basement, hidden away for the rest of the coming centuries. And now, the only thing that stood between you and death was the flames. Flames of the Seven Deadly Sins. And all you could remember was, When did it all go Up In Flames?
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2 years ago
"My name is Lucifer. Welcome to Devildom, MC."
8 months ago
"Thank you for the pacts, you guys."
"No problem, MC. We all would happily lay our lives down for you. We love and trust you a lot, MC."
3 months ago
"What?! Whaddya mean another human?! We don't want another one!"
2 months ago
"My name is Lucifer. Welcome to Devildom."
"Hey cutie! I'm [REDACTED], but you can call me [REDACTED] for short!"
1 month and 3 weeks ago
"I-I don't know MC...I just don't like that girl! She gives me creepy vibes! Can ya believe it?! Me, The Great Mammon, gettin creepy vibes from her!"
"Mammon, she's Lilith's descendant too! You'll warm up to her soon, trust me. Just like you and your brothers did with me. After 5 months...but still...You'll be ok! You're still my first demon and I'm still your human. She won't come in between any of us, trust me."
Are you sure about that, MC?
1 month ago
"Mammon, I'm ready, where are you?!" - Oh, I went gambling with [REDACTED] already, she has better luck than ya!
"Levi! You still down to go to that new pop-up store?" - I-I'm going with [REDACTED], she knows a lot more than you.
"Satan! Can I borrow a book and read with you later?" - Sorry MC, but I don't want you to ruin my books. [REDACTED] takes much better care of my books anyways. And I like reading with her more, sorry!
"Beel? Wanna try some of my cooking?" - No thanks MC, I'm quite full. [REDACTED] made me really delicious food, much better than yours! Maybe another time?
"Asmoooo!! Wanna have another spa da-" - MC, sorry, but can you be quiet? Me and [REDACTED] are having a spa day and you're interrupting us!
"Hey Belphie can I sleep with yo-...Is that my pillow...with her?!" - Go away MC, you're so annoying! [REDACTED] is so much comfier...now please leave. NOW.
3 weeks ago
"Lucifer? I don't like [REDACTED]. Ever since everybody found out she's Lilith's descendant too, everyone has been ignoring me! - MC. stop being insecure and be quiet. [REDACTED] isn't annoying like you, at least.
1 day ago
"[REDACTED]. What the hell are you doing to the brothers?! I swear to god if you-"
"Oh you poor poor MC...you think they care about you? No. They only liked you because they knew you were related to Lilith. But they love me because I am Lilith."
"Oh honey, the only way they'll ever remember you is in an old photo hidden in the basement, collecting dust."
"I-...if you hurt them..."
"Oh, who said I'm hurting them?"
"Speak of this to anyone, and I will kill them. One. By. One."
2 hours ago
"Hello, MC. Us and [REDACTED] are heading to a party at Lord Diavolo's. You're staying behind. You're grades have been horrible recently, and I'd rather you not embarrass us at his castle."
"No buts. Goodbye."
1 hour ago
*sniffs* "What's that smell? Smells like something's burning."
"Come on Lucifer! Pick u- Hello?! The house is on fi- [REDACTED]? HELLO?! GIVE THE PHONE TO LUCI- HELLO?!"
5 minutes ago
*at Lord Diavolo's castle*
"[REDACTED]? Is everything ok? You had needed my phone?"
"Everything's fine Luci! MC just fucked something up back home. Don't worry, I took care of it."
"Ah, thank you so much. MC is quite a problem these days. I appre-"
"L-Lord Diavolo?! Is everything alright?!"
"The hou...HoL is on fire! MC's inside! Everything is up in flames!"
*at the hospital*
"Lucifer...will MC be alright?"
"I...don't know, Mammon, I don't know..."
"Guys chill out it's just a bu-"
"Belphegor! Calm down!"
"NO LUCIFER! SHE'S A WITCH! I just found out her real identity in MC's diary!"
"Show me."
"Guess the secret's out now."
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A/N: Who is she???? Stay tuned to find out!
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honkthehenry · 8 months
unnamed slime game - part 1
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The way you suddenly snapped into awareness without realizing you drifted off at all was something akin to having a bucket of ice-cold water thrown into your face.
You... dozed off in class again. In hindsight, it was inevitable – the last time you got hours of sleep instead of something in-between nothing at all and a 2-hour-nap was last Saturday. You've been running on nothing but bitter, cheap coffee and sheer spite for almost a week now, it was high time you finally crashed.
Still, you should have woken up at Uni. You should have woken up to your professor huffing and puffing and glowering in your face about your terrible conduct, about how your generation had no respect for his generation, about how such a complicated and beautiful science like Robotics was not a place for slackers like you (which, fair, you had no idea what you were doing in Robotics either), not... alone and certaintly not in the middle of a forest.
You ran through a bunch of scenarios quickly, but none stuck.
Kidnapping? Far-fetched at best. You lived alone, only barely making ends meet by running yourself into the ground as you tried to marry working retail with being a full-time student, so ransom was out of the question and being kidnapped for the sake of doing bad things to you... Why bother? You didn't know anyone nearly well enough to be kidnapped due to personal feelings and you were neither good-looking enough (perpetually tired goblin that you were) nor famous-, connected- or skilled enough to be kidnapped randomly.
Besides, you were at the University, on the 5th floor, in the middle of the city that had no forests for miles! You were surrounded by 20-odd other people, there was no way someone would be able to kidnap you with so many witnesses around.
So, not kidnapping.
Dream then?
Also unlikely. Your dreams were few and far-between and when they did happen, it was either you being surrounded by characters from the show you happened to be fixated on at the time or it was you getting repeatedly chased and swallowed whole by a dinosaur on a loop, until the dream finally ended (probably Jurasic Park childhood trauma, now that you thought about it).
This was so weird, because you knew for a fact you were much too aware of everything to be dreaming and yet the things you saw didn't makes sense at all!
You didn't have any arms for one!
And your body was purple!
You could feel electricity zapping at your body and it didn't hurt, it was more like being swallowed in a blanket burrito and nursing a comforting mug of hot chocolate, while watching your favourite show with no worry for deadlines or money!
You weren't supposed to feel like that, you were supposed to be tired and grumpy and irritable and not nice and not toasty and certaintly not so comfortable!
Drugs? Hallucinations? You never partaked, you didn't drink alcohol either, so that was a no—
—A purple crystal you were under zapped at you again and you positively melted on the spot, basking in the feeling and letting the troublesome train of thought go like the wind, before it inevitably derailed and caused you undue anxiety as it always did.
...it was very nice actually.
Maybe losing opposable thumbs wasn't so bad if you got this in exchange.
You could live like this.
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×•×•×•× Honk!!! Corner ווו×
You know that one post lurking on Tumblr where OP is turned into a frog by a witch as revenge? And just vibes? Basks in the sun without worrying about life? This is MC now.
I don't care how long or how short chapters are, they're just gonna vibe as they are because I am a goblin with a short attention span and no actual ability to write.
Something to get you thinking - MC is an electro slime for a reason and that reason is electro immunity.
I wonder why?
*smiling like a particularly smug cat*
Did I mention I can't draw lightning/electricity? Because I can't, so I didn't.
Also fvck me, my tags didn't saveeeeee 😭
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vendetta-if · 2 months
Jess, honestly, why are you doing this to me?! I - not my MC, no - I AM DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH JACKAL! Now, I would never want to go between Luka and Jackal. They're a super awesome, wholesome power couple... But could you imagine writing a small interactive snipped, where we could play as Luka? I completely understand if you can't. However, I needed to ask. I'm sure I'm not the only one who likes Jackal and many of us would greatly appreciate a short story, no? *puppy eyes* Fyi, I have save slots currently unavailable because I need a save for all Jackal appearances to reread them whenever. You honestly made me a little obsessed with him. I want to be Luka so bad. T-T Also, have a nice day! .. and thanks for the Rin update. Great job as always! Much love, anon
Ayy, I’m always happy to see some Jackal love 🥰🤭 He’s definitely really fun to write and I have like an entire huge backstory about him 😭 Kinda sad since I can’t really fit more than a drop of it in Vendetta. The sequel spin off, where you play as Jackal’s and Luka’s kid, might reveal some more though.
And speaking of side stories and interactive side stories featuring Jackal… I think I have two side stories currently featuring him and I’m pretty sure both are available to public 😁 For those who haven't checked it out, I made a masterpost containing the links to all the public side stories so far and you can check them out here.
First one is three part on how he first met Luka from his POV [Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3] and the second one is a two part on the moment he and Luka finally became official couple [Part 1 | Part 2].
I’ve been thinking on writing a series of side stories on Jackal’s backstory including his early “relationship” with Luka. I’ll definitely do it whenever I have free time, maybe chipping away at it bit by bit in addition to working on the main story and the patreon voted side stories and spicy side stories 🤭
And funny you mentioned an interactive side story because I already have an idea on the story, just need the time to actually write it. I think I’ll focus on that first before the big series of stories on Jackal’s backstory 🤔 So many things to do with such limited time per day 😭
Also, I saved this video because it’s giving off Jackal vibes (also works for Ash since they are both motorcycle enthusiasts):
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Reaching Your Wordcount Goal
                Have you ever been in a situation where you just can’t seem to get a scene to fill much more than a page or two? Or you’re at 500 words when you want to be at 2500 and it feels impossible to get there? Here’s some common problems that may be holding you back:
1. Your pacing is too fast
Pacing is probably the number one controller of word count. If it’s too fast, amazing scenes that could take up 5000 words are going to be 500. I talk a lot more about controlling pacing here, but essentially, try to use your MCs senses and internal dialogue to create ‘space’ between physical events of the scene. In an action-packed scene that should fly by a little faster, cut these parts out and focus more on the physical action instead.
2. You aren’t utilizing the setting
Similar to pacing, you may be underutilizing the elements of the scene. Make sure you’re incorporating all of the senses—sight, sound, smell, taste if applicable, feeling. Even things such as the vibe or non-physical feeling of a place add something to the setting. Try to think of unique details that make a place more interesting—get specific!
3. You aren’t checking in with your MC
Memories, internal dialogue, ruminating and ideas are all things that bring us closer with the MCs and add to a scene. You can use these moments to develop their character, their dynamics with others, foreshadow or hint towards upcoming plot, or add or strengthen any other elements of the narrative. These check ins ultimately allow you to explore the unique perspective your MC has on a situation, and are a great opportunity for words!
4. Your scene went off a few lines back
Maybe it was a weird turn in dialogue or a missed opportunity, but sometimes just rewriting the scene and actively trying to take it in a different direction can dislodge something that’s sticking the gears. Don’t be afraid to write through different paths and options and find the one that works the best!
                What are some ways you find makes a scene go easier?
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xavier x mc hualiand coded u say......can you explain why im so curious
omg. omg anonie. are you familiar with tian guan ci fu (heaven official's blessing)..... hualian refers to the main couple of the book (hua cheng x xie lian) !!! in case anyone out there is trying to avoid spoilers for it i'll answer this under the cut 🥰 but they have a very very very beautiful love story, one that's been Ingrained in my head since the first time i read it. it's so whole and deeply rooted, and sincerely xavier and mc give off similar vibes. like SO. MUCH. probably more than any of the other LI's!
so this's going to talk about things like: the "fallen from grace" trope, the mirroring between xavier and mc, how xavier's love for mc transcends time, how all he thinks about is... her.
(i'm also going to talk a lot about xavier's myths (both lightseeker and lumiere) and maybe a lil bit of the no restraint card! so this'll be long...)
but so on the tgcf side: ESSENTIALLY the very basic explanation of hualian's love story is that hua cheng has loved and admired xie lian for more than 800 years. and it's a love that's very very deeply rooted. a love where xie lian becomes his everything.
THE OFFICIAL SUMMARY OF TGCF READS—"Eight hundred years ago, Xie Lian was the Crown Prince of the Xianle. He was loved by his citizens and was considered the darling of the world. He ascended to the Heavens at a young age; however, due to unfortunate circumstances, was quickly banished back to the mortal realm. Years later, he ascends again – only to be banished again a few minutes after his ascension. Now, eight hundred years later, Xie Lian ascends to the Heavens for the third time as the laughing stock among all three realms. On his first task as a god thrice ascended, he meets a mysterious demon who rules the ghosts and terrifies the Heavens, yet, unbeknownst to Xie Lian, this demon king has been paying attention to him for a very, very long time."
now, two things to understand are—(1) hua cheng was born an unwanted child, and (2) xie lian, the crown prince, has always had a kind heart. these are important to the story. because eventually it goes that hua cheng, who was unwanted and discarded and overall regarded as a disgrace, disgusting to look at, bad luck, etcetc., found solace in xie lian's kindness—his warmth. his light.
chronologically, as the story goes, xie lian, as a very esteemed crown prince of his nation, ascends to the heavens and becomes a 'martial god' (this gives him things like immortality and the ability to use magic). but his nation falls into chaos, and the long story short is that he absolutely fails to save it. instead, he ends up turning his own people against him. he falls from the heavens as quite literally a fallen god. ridiculed, no longer worshipped, despite how much love and praise he always used to get. and for several, several years, he has to deal with coming to terms with his past. there's a lot of quite graphic trauma here.
and now, hua cheng... he's been there through all of that. he's stayed by xie lian for as much as he could stay with him. he fought as a soldier for xie lian, died in battle for xie lian—and the thing about his death was that,, he didn't want to rest in peace afterwards. and when that happens—if you have a strong enough reason to remain, you take on the form of a ghost, starting out as a little ball of light (a "ghostfire") to eventually getting a ghost form.
so he stayed.
even as a baby ghostfire, until he got his own ghost form... he stayed. he's seen him get beat up, and hurt, he's seen him make the wrong decisions, he's seen him manipulated, and trampled on—he's seen him at his worst. but he stayed, because he wanted to. that might have been all he did sometimes, and xie lian might not have particularly noticed him then, but he stayed.
of course; it wasn't enough for him to just stay, not when it was all he could do, so naturally—he'd get stronger, right? they separate at some point, and hua cheng loses contact with xie lian for several, several several years.... but he keeps looking. he literally becomes the most feared ghost (a "demon king"), while xie lian essentially has been banished from the heavens to redeem himself.
and, what's interesting to note is that xie lian—always kindhearted, always meaning to do the good thing—is a lot morally different in comparison to hua cheng. it's not that hua cheng is a bad person, but just that he's willing to do more extreme things for xie lian's sake, especially now that he's plenty powerful. he only thinks of xie lian, while xie lian, as a crown prince, tended to be selfless and think more of the betterment of the general people. it's like a balance, or sorts? xie lian is able to act as his moral compass, in a way, because simultaneously hua cheng's ultimate goal is to make xie lian happy, and he wouldn't do things that won't make him happy.
regardless, they only meet again after 800 years, in the first arc of the book. during this time, like the summary says, xie lian had ascended once more, but still not very well-liked in the heavenly realm, and hua cheng meets him as he's sent to investigate a case. it's at this point that they grow naturally closer through various book events (because right now, xie lian doesn't yet know that this is the same little ghost, that one soldier, from the past).
the point is, though—xie lian had really become hua cheng's everything. he's been looking for him for that long. he's remained a ghost still on this earth for that long. because xie lian showed him a kindness that no one else would when he was ridiculed... and now, hua cheng is returning the favor.
from the start, being by xie lian's side, hua cheng has always been promising "forever". and he's been keeping that promise. xie lian believes it.
at its core, tgcf has always been a story about a fallen god and his last believer.
and the following quotes really bring out how deeply rooted their relationship is! the book is very beautifully written, and hualian's relationship flourishes under this kind of writing. they're quotes that will stick with you a lot.
“If you don’t know the meaning of your life, then make me that meaning, and use me as your reason to live.” (xie lian, in the past, to the hua cheng who wanted to give up)
“To die in this battle for you is my greatest honor.” (in the past, soldier hua cheng to xie lian)
"i pray to never rest in peace.” (hua cheng to xie lian, when xie lian finds out he is a ghost)
“I have a beloved who is still in this world, I want to protect them.” (in the past, ghostfire hua cheng to xie lian)
”To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled on and ridiculed, yet be unable to do anything. That’s the worst suffering in the world.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“To me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is you, and not the state of you.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“If I could, I would have you use me as your stepping stone, the bridge you take apart after crossing, the corpse bones you need to trample to climb up, the sinner who deserved the butchering of a million knives. But, I know you wouldn’t allow it.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“If your dream is to save the common people, then, my dream, is only you.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“Only after having met you did I rediscover that it’s such a simple thing to be happy.” (xie lian to hua cheng)
“There’s no banquet in this world that doesn’t come to an end, but I will never leave you.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“I will be back. Your Highness, believe me.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“‘Forever’ exists. There’s one person who can truly achieve it. I believe.” (xie lian about hua cheng)
“He believed that this man would die for him again and again, and would be reborn for him over and over. Even if he fell into the depth of hell, he would break through the abyss for his ‘belief’.” (xie lian about hua cheng)
“Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other. This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace.” (about hualian)
“I am forever your most devoted believer.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
so how does this relate to xavier/mc?
(1) in relation to xavier's lightseeker myth.
i talk a lot about this in more detail here! but a lot about xavier is very deeply rooted into his past, as the prince of philos.
in this sense we can compare him to xie lian—princely duties, tasked to care for a nation, a lot of responsibility on his shoulders... but unlike xie lian, these are duties that he doesn't want. he doesn't accept them. he'd rather not, thank you very much.
however—what exactly did his experiences as the crown prince give him? xavier, like i've talked about many times before, was forced into a role he didn't want to be in, essentially having his identity chosen for him. it's identity foreclosure. and this leads to: (a) difficulties with commitment, (b) weaker sense of self, (c) lack of confidence, (d) weaker mental fortitude, (e) self doubt and low self esteem issues. this is where he's comparable to hua cheng; both of them had identities forced onto them that lead to an onset of insecurities. it's where you have no choice but to ask yourself questions such as: who am i, really? who do i want to be? am i doing enough? am i enough?
because you never feel enough.
and combining both factors with xavier—the pressure to do his best and be the best, all that burden of responsibility that he never wanted... with all the insecurities that manifest as a result of that?
just like hua cheng found solace in xie lian's kindness towards him, xavier finds solace in the freedom that mc grants him.
(2) ”To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled on and ridiculed, yet be unable to do anything. That’s the worst suffering in the world.”
this is hua cheng's quote!
but doesn't it remind you of how upset he was over philos mc being labeled as the sacrifice? so much that it tore his relationship with his father more than it had already been torn? so much that it would be the breaking point for him to step back from the throne entirely?
xavier, in that moment, had to make a choice. he felt the need to do something; he couldn't just sit back and watch his beloved be treated that way. he was aware they weren't seeing mc as a person anymore, and he didn't like that—that's his beloved.
(3) "No matter how many times it takes, and no matter where you are, I'll find you."
pretty self-explanatory, right?
we're all familiar with this. that anecdote broke our hearts. we know that xavier is willing to wait for mc, to look for mc, to love her in ever universe and in every timeline—
he'd wait for mc for 800 years, too, if he had to. just like hua cheng.
it's a promise for forever—that his love for mc transcends the bounds of time and space, that... his forever belongs with her. he wants it to belong with her. and he hopes that she wants that, too.
(4) Fallen from grace.
similarly to xie lian's situation, in a way!
I feel that this is not necessarily a topic talked about a lot regarding xavier, and i may or may not make a separate post about it in the future... but his storyline is definitely some variation of this trope.
maybe it's not outright obvious; xavier isn't a god, after all. but... he is a prince.
he was a prince.
he was the crown prince of philos, set to inherit the throne, set to lead his people.
he's not anymore.
and maybe that was a title that meant little to him, and one that he definitely intended, wholeheartedly, to relinquish, but—at this point, he doesn't have the favor of his people, whether it be the general philosians, or even the (majority, it seems?) team of backtrackers that he's lead to earth. and with losing that title, like i have talked about before, again—means losing his identity. an identity so strongly associated with being a prince, with being a leader... it's gone, now, because that isn't who he is. it might not have been who he wanted to be, he might have been so averse to it, but it's always been part of him. losing the title means losing a piece of himself he can't really go back to, only that it sits there with him now at an awkward angle.
unfortunately for him, this was always the xavier that he's known mc to love—all of him, all of his identity that he's shaped around being the prince of philos, that's the xavier he knows mc loves. he's not quite sure if this mc will love the xavier he's changed into. so "fallen from grace" to him refers more to the fact that—will mc love me like this?
(5) MC is his everything.
and this point goes across virtually all possible cards of xavier's, and all possible events, and all possible moments—any interaction that he's had with mc.
mc is his everything. just like to hua cheng, xie lian is his everything.
he doesn't think about anything else. he doesn't care about anything else.
even our previous point—about the fallen from grace trope—is centered more on mc herself, than the rest of the people he's dealt with.
we can legitimately go through all of his cards and pinpoint how this is.
precious bonfire. he joined the camping trip for mc. he notices mc prioritizing the rest of the team more than herself. he plays the game because she's playing it. he'd drag mc away to rest with him instead of joining the bonfire event. he's only thinking of her. fluffy trap. we know how this unfolds—he legitimately let her do whatever she wanted. he saw what kind of booth she intended to drag him into; the setup, the costumes she wanted... and he let her. for her. to make her happy. fragment of time. less obvious, maybe, but it's still there—he had her on his mind when he wanted to complete those 100 steps, too.
heartstring symphony, unique aftertaste... prime examples of how he'd virtually let mc do whatever she wants, whether it be to reprimand him for getting injured again, or drag him around fo a little holiday. he's basically freely indulging her in her whimsies? and heartstring symphony quite touches a lot on his promises to her to take care, and how he misses her when he's away... etc. it's still... all about her.
romantic afternoon. he generally helps her with her sleeping problems—again, centered around her. faint sensation. he's trying to get her heartbeat to rise because of him—again, still centered around her. even tender nights. he's attentive to her needs, notices her heels aren't comfortable. that conversation they have by the bay proves meaningful; he wants to share that special moment with her, and he wants to reassure her somehow that he does—that he's thinking about her. that he always does.
then some more obvious ones, like 21 days (which i also kind of talk (yell) about here), and no restraint (which i talk about here).
and we get to the myths—the lightseeker myth. how he's willing to go to the ends of the earth just to find a way to ensure she won't be sacrificed. how he's willing to completely abandon his post... for her. not for the people, but for her. the lumiere myth, and the whole essence of lumiere being lumiere. how it's lumiere who saves mc not once, but twice. how in this myth, xavier pushes his limits to the point of exhaustion multiple times, all for mc.
and that's just the five-star cards. but in every single one of them... he's always thinking about her. centered around her. that if he's the stars, the moon, the planet—she's his sun. and he would gladly orbit around her. she's all he needs.
“If your dream is to save the common people, then, my dream, is only you.”
xavier might as well have been saying that to mc herself.
he doesn't care about anything else.
(the event is proof of that too!)
(6) Mirroring.
I mention this first here!!
and there is so, so, SO much of it throughout all of his cards and interactions with mc too, because it's founded on his love for her... and the love she returns back to him.
xavier who is willing to do anything for her. xavier who would prioritize her, think of her, love her—at the cost of himself. he would love her in every universe. he would love her no matter who or what she becomes.
he doesn't know how to receive the same in return.
yet, we know that mc does exactly that.
she does return it.
in regards to the lumiere myth, i talk about it a lot, too: "i think what's most beautiful about the lumiere event is like? she's not even trying to belittle his feelings of jealousy? she'd tease, yeah, but i think the gist of this event, and the myth, was mc still trying to convey that—she'll love him no matter what, even if it's lumiere, even if it's the him that he isn't fond of, himself."
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and you realize that the entire theme of their storyline is "i will love you no matter who or what you become"—they say it to each other. they convince themselves of it.... that they love each other just that much. that they're willing to do whatever it takes.... for each other.
that they mirror it.
“To me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is you, and not the state of you.”
doesn't it sound like a line they would repeat to each other?
(7) Moral compass
this goes back to, again, how MC is his everything—and, conversely, how “If your dream is to save the common people, then, my dream, is only you.”
for a prince, xavier isn't one who necessarily prioritizes others—he's not a hero, he's not the chosen one, he's not.... someone who would sacrifice the world for his people. he's not like that.
i think that there's a lot of selfishness that's embedded into him because he precisely does not want to be a prince, and he's always been extremely averse to this role—that kind of aversion sticks with you. it's hard to take things seriously when the hatred is all you can think about.
but like hua cheng, it doesn't make him a bad person.
it just means he has other priorities, which—happen to be mc. because everything he's ever done, again, is for mc. everything. always. and sometimes they're selfish, sometimes they're a little extreme or hard to understand... but the fact is that, well—everything is about her.
it goes without saying, then, that xavier isn't the most morally-aligned person out there.
because mc, as we know, is founded on justice. on protecting the people she loges, protecting thevpeoole around them—she became a hunter for that purpose. she took on the throne for that purpose. she helped the backtrackers for that purpose.
“If your dream is to save the common people, then, my dream, is only you.”
it's starkly different for them.
mc would act on the behalf of others, xavier would act on her behalf. all he's ever looked at was her.
yet at the same time, it means that—like hua cheng and xie lian—xavier's ultimate goal is to make mc happy. he won't do anything not to make her happy. he doesn't want to upset her.
so he'll go along with her wishes, enough so to genuinely think positively of his actions too—because it's what mc wants.
and i think that's it—it is all i can think of—but xavier and mc's relationship perfectly capture the essence of hualian that i've always associated them with each other, and perhaps that's why mc and xavier also mean so incredibly much to me ... because hualian does, too.
and granted all of the LI's have aspects that reference hualian as well—not to mention, sylus being incredibly hua cheng coded—but imo xavier/mc truly comes closest
and maybe it has to do with the sheer devotion that comes with xavier and mc
that it feels really... close
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Replaced or not?
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Part-1 Part-2 Part-3
For summary n details check out part-1
Pairing: Obey me character x mc!
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"I really despise her, she gives me creepy vibes ngl " Dandil said.
"Yeah she's like ugh, if only the brothers had spend time with you they would've seen how much better you are!!" Ebella joined
"But it's a good thing they haven't we get to keep you all to ourselves" Norain said hugging you as you giggled at their clingy behaviour.
Dandil is a demon succubus. Ebella is another demon that holds the sin of greed. And Norain she's another average level envy demon.
I've been friends with them since I came here ..... actually I've been friends with almost all the demons here...diavolo has also praised me for it.
We chatted as our recess bell rang once again.
"what's your class ?" They all mused .
"......... mathematics" i groaned as they did too . They groaned because it's one of the subject we're not together.
My mathematics class go with Satan , Levi , and mammon and unfortunately Run hai. There's only one class i don't have with her and that is magic. The only good thing run hai has done so far is that she's able to bring Levi school......offline.
You sighed as you thought 'i still have Satan thou' but all that went to waste as you saw run hai was sitting beside Satan and was trying so hard to get him to talk. Satan saw you entering the class and eyed you in apology . You understand thou....not like you can do anything. You took and empty seat and sat down and took your notebook out try to do the homework you didn't do at HOL. (Cause like same bro)
"Oi human!! Liste-"
"I don't have any Grimm to spare mammon so you can go"
"The great mammon isn't here to ask for gri-!!"
Before mammon could say anything another person sat behind you.
You tensed and went stiffed bodied as you don't know this demon and you could easily die by his hands . You peeked from under your eyelashes and saw mammon was stiffed bodied as well.
"Lucien...grr" mammon growled at him . Thou unfortunately the professor asked him to go back to his seat. Now Levi , mammon and Satan all were eyeing you like you really are going to die.
"i don't like this..." You muttered under your breathe.
"Oh but I do very much darling~" the said demon beside you smirked and grins showing his sharp canine.
"I'm Lucien ". (This is how he looks)
You tensed . "Ah-i-i didn't meant that about yo-you" you stuttered as you tried to not look at him-
"Look at me when I'm talking to you love~" well damn. You looked from under your lashes and boy were you charmed.......no literally you couldn't move .....you tried but you couldn't he did something you are sure.
'move, move , move damn it MOVE!!'
"HAA-" You breathe in the air as you moved again .
"is something wrong mc?" "Sir i do not feel quite well...maybe I can go early please?"
"yes you may...it must be hard being a human " the professor said with a sympathetic smile and went back to teaching.
You packed your stuff and give a look to Satan . He nodded his head. As you just went to pick up your bag you froze again.
You could see this Lucian guy moving but you could not . You watched in horror as he grabbed you immobile wrist and did something that burner your hand in pain . When he removed his hand to your horror there was a bracelet like mark on your wrist now. (The mark)
"hah hah!" You panted and ran away from RAD and made your way toh HOL.
The main door creaked as you enter . Waiting for you in the hall was Lucifer. 'huh why is he here didn't he have to do sone stupid council work or something '
"Don't worry i was already informed about your health , care to explain what happened? Why were you suddenly unwell? Did you ate something bad?"
"What? NO!! What do you think happened? And whatever happened to me is none of your concern ...Run hai is still at RAD you should go back she might need you " you spat at him
'why does he care now huh'
"Of course it is my concern you are under my protection-"
"Yeah so much for protection Whatever" you ignored him and tried to went past him . But he grabbed your wrist.
The same one that had the mark . And it was still hurting .
You howled in pain and Lucifer immediately let go. His eye scanned your wrist and he let out a gasp upon seeing the mark.
"What is the meaning of this?" Suddenly he was in his demon form and you knew that you fucked up . And you fucked up very very bad.
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[A/N]: oooohhh we fucked up didn't we ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ. Also i introduced an oc . The art is not mine thou!!
Comments are appreciated!
Thank you for reading!!
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thebarontheabyss · 6 months
I absolutely adore your IF! the aesthetics, the storytelling, the mystery, the fantasy elements.. everything. I've never read an IF where I've had such a hard time choosing someone to romance. usually I only gravitate toward 1-2 ROs but with yours, I want to romance all of them!!! excuse me while I ramble... [spoilers ahead]
Death: everything they do is just so cute. the way they kept glancing at us from afar at the bar, and that scene where they're lying in our bed and tells us how pretty we are... I was kicking my legs and screaming internally
Lilith/Damien: hottie alert!! can't help but be drawn to them even knowing how dangerous and scheming devils can be... my MC be shamelessly flirting with them in front of yaga and peisinoe
Morgan(a): so charming and swoon-worthy. that dinner date was so romantic! it doesn't help my heart that the Morgan character art reminds me of howl from howl's moving castle... and the angst potential with them being a mortal... I can't wait to see where this goes
Peisinoe: the scenes of their past were heart-wrenching, I just want them to be happy :'( I also love how you've written out the lyrics to their performances, I really feel the melancholic vibes
Hastur: I'm a sucker for the stoic duty-bound types! I can't wait to break down his walls... hehehehe
He Without Name: I can't wait to find out more about him and unravel his mysterious past! really curious as to whether he will take on a more solid form and be able to interact better at the end..? having read up to the memoriam update, I do have a theory about him being related to adamot somehow - I could be totally off, but he said his purpose was to keep balance? whereas tehomot is for entropy/chaos. and maybe he is "the child" that tehomot was referring to in that council of nine scene. also I can't get out of my head how for Valentine's Day, he would just leave a flower under our pillow <3 simple, but cute and impactful
thank you for sharing such a wonderful story. I'm so excited for more updates!
Thank you for the positive review! It warmed my heart ❤️ Still recovering from the flu here so I hope it doesn't raise my temperature again jkjk
And here are my notes about your notes lol:
Drunk Death is the best Death!!! I can’t wait to write the date scenes for them actually
For Lilith/Damian, scheming will play an integral (and infernal part) of their story. They will be a focus for the update following this one along with Yaga, and I'm excited to start defining their characters!
Howl was a reference I sent for the artwork for Morgan/a! That wonderful wizard totally inspired their character, although I want to make them into more of a reconstruction of the character type later on 👀
Every time I hear a jazz song lately, I just Imagine Peisinoe singing it. I can’t help but stan them.
There won't be a long wait for Hastur! The walls will crumble in the upcoming update. That's all for now. 👀
Damn, I love your theories about He Without Name! My boyfriend always says I'm addicted to spoilers, so for my own personal growth, I'm just going to quietly enjoy the speculations for now hehe
Again, thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts! ❤️ These are literally the fuel that helps me get back and write!
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sugar-omi · 1 year
If you are interested, can you plz share how you see the Our Life (1+2) characters as DnD classes and races included? 😆⚔️🍃🏹
Im craving Our Life with some medieval whimsical vibes, Baxter dancing with swords, Derek singing with bar goers while MC goes pickpocketing the villains, Cove as a MERMAN living his life like Ariel. So many wonderful thoughts wanted to share ✨️✨️✨️
okay this took so long bc i know nothing abt DnD so i did a bit of research!!! my friends have talked abt DnD and i never understood but knew it was smth cool n involved alot of creativity, but now i just think this is sm cooler <33 anyway im not creative at all rn so im referencing everything from this website im using👍
tags : Fluff, 'Dungeon and Dragons' headcanons + drabbles, cove is the only one w hc's for if you're dating (+ qiu kinda?) i couldn't think of dating hc's for everyone else in this world as well but you could imagine some of the hc's that way
synopsis : DnD races and classes of ol:nf & ol:ba characters.
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okay I couldn't decide but qiu is half-elven.
(his dad is so whipped for his elf wife<3<3<3)
i can't really think about what class he'd be in, but i think i could see him as a bard
he's the laziest bard though 💀 and thus is mostly a wanderer.
qiu will wait until they're on their last coin and then will go perform
would perform a very good show while MC pickpockets the assholes that were disturbing the bar just a moment ago
otherwise, he just performs for you and his friends.
they'll have/be at a party with all their friends, and will perform some type of magic trick to entertain everyone
qiu will sing you little songs, read you poetry he wrote while watching you sleep that morning<3
for any important dates like birthdays, or anniversary (if you're dating), etc., they'll do a cool magic trick and perform a elven dance that he learned from his mom
human! BUT. she's a druid
she loves the forest, the forest loves her
maybe a bit of sorcery as well? idk how this works lol
she has a little house in the woods omg
goes foraging and learns lots of sorcery stuff from ren
will show you how to cast cool spells
also you're the first person she comes to show you any new spells she learns!!
you two beat up any bandits/criminals you come across
renee (/darren):
human and like i mentioned in tama's, is a sorcerer
!!! wants to be like her mom in canon right?
i think she's a teacher n teaches young sorcerers/wizards
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isnt baxter special. just crossovering worlds 💀💀
anyway.. he's an elf! is also rogue...
bringing baxter's issues/trauma into this DnD au as well <3
you find it very weird that a elf is on his own, but ignore it ofc and befriend baxter anyway
after much warming of baxter's cold heart, i imagine he settles in some civilian town or nearby and opens a bar!!
and every night its full with laughter and good music, and occasionally he'll come out from behind the bar
(honestly, he's mostly just cleaning the glasses and looking pretty <3)
and he'll pull you or one of your friends into a dance
omg imagine its not just a bar, its also a bed & breakfast
of course he's decent enough at cooking, so every morning he lays out a nice breakfast for his customers
knew this was derek insantly!!! he's half-orc
orcs dont have horns, do they.... well they do now
(realizing he's more Oni than anything in my head...)
anyway i need you to imagine arataki itto and if u don't know who that is Please find the beefiest fanart of him n thats derek LOL
derek grinning with his fangs and he's like 7 feet tall and buff, covered in scars.... yessir <33
i imagine he's a wanderer, but before that he was a cleric.
derek always helps people, he's very reliable but i imagine he's tired and somehow ends up working for baxter!
he's chef during the day and security at night!!!
no fighting in baxter's bar/diner unless you want a ass-ful of derek's boot <3
i also imagine when he's not running the place with baxter, he's helping the towns folk
the kids love him
they make flower crowns and run to the bar/diner to give them to derek <3333
ofc there's that one shy kid who offers one to baxter! bc they think he's really cool!!!
like you said he's a merman!!!
mmm, but i also imagine he can shapeshift into a "human"
(this is some ariel shit isnt it LMAO)
(also im imagining mer!cliff x human!kyra. mmm, i wonder if she'd be a bard? or maybe a healer, cleric maybe? why do i wanna write a whole fic on this now....)
although i imagine he needs to stay hydrated to stay on land like that. so please remind him to drink water when you're out n about otherwise he'll turn back into a fish in the middle of the market LOL
(you've learned this the hard way
!!! imagine if there's some way for you to come into the sea as well, be it a air bubble or potion of some sort and you have lil underwater adventures/dates n cove shows you all kinds of cool things <3333
he brings you lots of pretty things
if you like jewelry, he has his dad help him string up some pearls into a necklace or bracelet. or even better an anklet
+ if you're dating/crushing on each other
he'll do his little mermaid mating and courting rituals
like bringing you food
(will show up on your doorstep in the middle of the night w a big fish he caught or some breakfast derek smuggled him (cove doesn't keep many coins since mer-currency is more like sand-dollars or smth like coins made out of ore only found in the sea. the ore is good for nothing else than to be coins LOL))
will chirp n shrill and do other cute mer sounds that you don't really know what they mean sometimes
COVE: *watching you dreamily* MC: *flustered from the staring* what?... COVE: *flirtatious chirp*
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allieebobo · 7 months
Hii I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this artist but do you think the Entire Album titled “Nicole” by NIKI is pretty relatable to Qiu’s and (angsty!!!) Sam’s dynamics with MC? More so with Qiu because they’re mostly written with the perspective of something that has already ended (but I like to indulge 🙈) Not asking because I’ve added multiple songs from the album to my personal playlists for them or anything ahaha 👉🏼👈🏼
For Sam:
1. Before (this would be further in the game if things have gotten harder for them and MC; could be either POV too 🥲)
For Qiu:
1. High School in Jakarta
2. Backburner
3. Milk Teeth (maybe)
For Both:
1. Oceans & Engines (a fave)
2. On The Drive Home
3. Take A Chance With Me (leaning more towards Qiu imo)
And what’s cool is that NIKI is a Southeast Asian artist (specifically from Indonesia)!! And she attended university in the US (as well as works on her music here) so I feel like some of the conflict/displacement that comes from that is present in some of the songs here (even if it’s just in the background and not the focus of her songs). Anywaysss yeah there’s no need to listen to all of that but I thought I’d share anyways! 🙈 Hope you have a good day/night regardless!! ❤️
Oh my god thanks so much for this rec!! I can absolutely hear that "straddling of two worlds" kind of vibe from her music and I absolutely love that -- speaks to me deep in my soul.
I haven't listened to all of the songs yet but Oceans & Engines particularly stood out and I listened to that one on repeat.
The first and last stanzas just scream Qiu or even Nat ("my great lost love" excuse me???)
Thank you!!! I have a feeling this is going to make it to one of my most listened to artists of this week / month <3
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zhoras-bitch · 11 months
Choices Spread Kindness Day 1
A bit late, but I really want to use the opportunity of @choicesfandomappreciation event to say a few words to the cool people in this fandom. Real life stuff and my own awkwardness sometimes gets in the way, but I just want everyone I've interacted on here to know that you are what make this fandom such a fun and enjoyable place. There are so many of you I could never list everyone, but that doesn't mean I won't try!
To start off, heyyy drought era mutuals and non-mutuals! The fandom was so barren when I joined, it felt like there were maybe 5 people here. But these were the 5 people who made me want to stay even through the books like [redacted] so that's how cool you are @yourqueenb @zoeywades-spouse @griffinsboyfriend @masked-alien-lesbian @choices-binglebonkus @becca-davenqueer!
Next, @gaiuskamilah love your long fandom rants, greatly appreciate your gothic romance propaganda and villain apologia. You never fail to bring up something interesting about the stories and characters you talk about, and your love for the books you talk about is contagious.
@livelaughlovecassie you are a loud supporter of women’s rights and women’s wrongs and I respect that! You’re also a sweetheart and a joy to interact with. I feel like we have similar taste in tropes and character we like, you know? You get me. 
@choicesfrog you’re a ray of sunshine. I look forward to when you come back from your hiatus so I can see your playthroughs and your OCs on my dash again. 
@princepotatosack your posts are some of the funniest in this entire fandom, I swear! I love your librarian rants, and I’m a big fan of your MCs profiles, which inspired me to make mine too.
@what-do-you-mean-theyre-evil I love our interactions, you just get me, you know? Fantastic vibes altogether.
@aallotarenunelma ayeee lovestruck days mutual! Little ace solidarity moment, I love how you explore acexuality through your characters and stories. Always so cool to see you on my dash, and our conversations always leave me smiling. 
@starlight-starfury you are so sweet and insightful! I always enjoy our interactions. Still waiting you to be 100% right on all of your Blades 2 theories.
@peonyblossom thanks for the trans Aerin hc, it lives rent free in my head, and for being an altogether joy to interact with.
@sazanes you're so supportive of every single creator in the fandom! Thank you for always making everyone here feel warm and welcome.
@itlovesinthewoods I love seeing your walkthroughs and your reactions on my dash, they make me experience the books I’ve already read all over again. You are so precious and a sweetheart to interact with! 
More people who I’ve had very sweet interactions with, I just want you to know that I think you're cool. Sending you the warmest virtual hugs @aces-and-angels @lawrencebarkley @lancelotsimp @trystanxthorne @secret-fungi @watatsumi-island
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godeaterazathoth · 1 year
Issues I have with ikevamp
That I’m venting here because they won’t leave my skull
*Content warning, we’re talking about men in the past, they did some bad stuff*
Part 1, historical inaccuracies
I’m I history nut so this really gets to me, since I know the deep details of these peoples lives.
The timeline, ok so the game takes place in 18th France, correct me if I’m wrong but I think it is in the second empire (1852-1870) considered there is a noble class, yet you can clearly see the Eiffel Tower which was completed in 1889, there is no mention of the 1889 exposition, so it must be after the tower had become permanent, by then the 3rd republic was around, if we are in the republic the Count wouldn’t be called that by the npcs at all the parties he goes to, no matter which we’re in, NOBODY mentions Napoleon III at, NOT EVAN HIS UNCLE (WHOSE SOMEHOW BECAME CASS CONSCIOUS!)
How does the time travel work, example, Dazai died in 1948, his plan was seemingly to wait until he’s born in 1909 then kill himself as a baby, but then he decides to use the magic door, what are the consequences of 2 Dazais existing at once or him erasing himself from history, he’s a pretty important literary figure, does someone else replace him or does the space time continuum collapse?? Is the future Vlad sees set in stone or can it be changed, just copy someone else’s time travel bit!!!
So straight up these guys aren’t who they say they are, we’ll go through 1 by 1
Napoleon- doesn’t mention he left the love of his life to marry a girl 20 years his junior (like think how interesting it would be if he’s conflicted about love cuz he had to give it up for political reasons) -that scene where MC talks about all the ‘good’ that he did in Europe, like committing war crimes against the Spanish and Portuguese and Eastern Europeans, being a coloniser, killing the slaves he freed when they asked for more rights, killing thousands of men in a meaningless war (ligit H*tler vibes)
Arthur- goofy irl, literally believed in fairies, had 5 children and married twice but he never mentions any of this, he cheated on his first wife while she was dying of TB, he was a liberal unionist (tldr didn’t like Irish people) he was anti-immigration, might have committed fraud. We’ll get to the other issues I have with him.
Leonardo- fruity as hell, vegetarian
Mozart- they got his character completely wrong, the guy was a complete man child, vain, broke, by the end of his life his career fell off (Beethoven better composer), in love with his cousin 🤢, had a s*at fetish 🤢🤢🤢. The hole Salieri thing didn’t happen.
Vincent- they made him too mentally stable, I’m all for him being meek, but the guy had serious issues that they ignore, he ate paint thinner, was rejected by his both crushes, WHY DOES HE HAVE BOTH EARS, DID IT GROW BACK, THEY SHOULD HAVE LEFT HIM WITH ONLY ONE, also he should be ginger smh. Oh yeah and they never mentioned the s*ecide attempt.
Theo- doesn’t mention his wife, or son, WHO HE NAMED AFTER VINCENT, his wife is the person responsible for Vincent’s work not being completely forgotten, was way nicer irl.
Issac- tbh hotter irl, low key ace, maybe a fruit, kinda mean, the only thing they got right was the major virgin vibes.
Jean- WHY MAN!??!! Even if the didn’t want a lesbian route, they could have gone with any other guy from the 100 years war, Edward black prince, idk WHY GENDER BEND ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT WOMEN IN HISTORY, I’m fine with the delusional trans dude lie, but they say that he was a guy all along, THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HIM BEING BURNT AT THE STAKE IF HE WASN’T CROSS DRESSING???!!! was he double cross dressing??? This is the worst of them all, give me the girl boss we deserve (revers fate)
Dazai- not depressed enough imo, he was a leftist, again missing wife, their were two su*ecide attempts, guy lived through fire bombing, had a few children that he is fine to erase from existence.
Shakespeare- probably a fruit, again never mentioned his wife and kids, btw the way he talks is annoying, some people don’t think he’s real.
Sanson- too young, this guys is 67, really liked the guillotine, just saw execution as his job didn’t really care, had a wife and kids.
Vlad- Ok is he supposed to be Vlad THE impaler? Cuz he’s not evil enough, or is he a Dracula reference, cuz he can��t dance that dance either, why did they call him Vlad if he isn’t a blood thirsty war criminal.
Count- not enough history to work with.
Part 2, problematic moments
So I ha have seen some posts on the low key misogynistic way the MC is written and treated and there are a lot of issues wit white washing history so another trigger warning ⚠️
Misogyny- the MC of this game is not the best, I know she’s a self insert but she has no backbone at all. She lacks agency I’m most of the routes, like the MC getting kidnapped is a troupe in all these games, but Emma can escape on her own, Kate has ⚽️, even Alice had more depth to her, seems the only thing MC can do is cry and wait to be saved, I swear she gets kidnapped once in every route, I think they could have given her more character to work with. Another thing, but Jean being a man is bad, really bad, she’s a feminist icon but they made her a man, it’s sought of saying that women aren’t capable of this so she had to have actually been a man.
Handling of SA, important one here, I’m ok with the flirty guy, but I really hate Arthur, he doesn’t just flirt with her in chapter 1 he assaults her and acts like he did her a service, and she just forgives him!?! I’m fine with a guy that sleeps around, I like Jin and Nokto fine, but the way Arthur talks about women, always calling them Birds (if they were going for English slang it doesn’t work cuz he doesn’t have a cockney accent) or worse Skirts, it’s dehumanising, and shows that to him women are vehicles for sexual pleasure and aren’t on an equal level of understanding. There are smaller parts to, Leo kisses her without consent, the Count hides the truth from her, idk but Theo calling her a ‘hound’ sounds like he’s calling her something else…
Minor points on classism, I’m not expecting the communist manifesto, but all these games aren’t very good at dealing with class deviation. In Vlad’s route, the orphan boy thinks he can impress the rich girl, this is the 19th century, capitalism is on the rise, but there’s no comment about how it’s impossible. The little school Napoleons runs is strange, considering he was in a position where benefited from poor people existing and staying poor, ( side note, he’s teaching them swordsmanship when ww1 is right around the corner, just saying they won’t need it in the military) called MC out as a social climber, these games sought of depict the past through rosé tinted glasses, there’s only passing reference to how fucked people were in the past, Also all the historical inaccuracies above tie to this.
Anyway love to hear some other opinions, (I started playing this game before my transition and have always thought it it was wired, it’s my personal least favourite just cuz I couldn’t really get into any of the guys, my OC ended up as a Carmilla reference so….)
I have seen a post talking about some of the issues before so that’s what got me to write this out, if you disagree or want to add anything I’m all ears 👂
Thanks for reading 💗💖💖💕💓💝💗🥰🥰🥰❤️✨✨✨✨❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
✦ OC In Three 8 ✦
(And maybe I kinda sorta already made these for an unrelated thing and thought I could/should just go ahead and make another one of these with it, haha.)
Today we've got more of the Arcane Rifts's characters! They're all major characters within the story, but not main ones, haha. Except maybe/probably Nikolai? I'm not sure about him tbh. He's either major or main.
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Uh oh! Good Cop Nikolai's gotten caught in the middle of a bunch of members of the khonitva! What is he going to do???
More seriously, haha, I absolutely love these guys' vibes! I'm not sure when I'll release the post with these things but I wanted to share their little moodboards, so here we are!
Since I've gotten into the habit of talking about the characters for these things, how about I give you guys some quick summaries on these guys' characters?
Nikolai is Kavo's chief of police, and is widely liked by the general population despite their overwhelming distrust of Kavo's government! He's a vykolt (ice mage), an extremely competent fighter, and generally a charming guy! I love him.
Oska is the leader of the khonitva (the main gang plaguing the town of Kavo at the time of the story)! He's been in it since its earliest days, before the dismantling of the pugabiytsy, and only became the leader after the death of his brother 5 years before the story takes place. As the images (hopefully) imply, he's an ominous figure who plays chess! Wait, no. (*checks notes*) Looks like he's just a chessmaster-planner type!
Rieka is the khonitva's healer! She has blood magic which she's able to use both to heal (duh) and offensively! Like the MC Tazin, she appears to be Jhandan and faces discrimination for it--especially within the khonitva itself. Luckily for her, Oska doesn't seem to care about that! (Anymore.) While a sympathetic character, Rieka is also a beast--she'd be able to easily beat every single one of the other thus-far named characters in a fight (except for Nikolai) and yet... doesn't? Instead sits around letting the khonitva mistreat her??? Wonder what her deal is. 👀 (I also love her. Almost as much as I wouldn't approach her with a 10-foot-pole!)
Liesel is unofficially (but widely-accepted as) the second-in-command of the khonitva. She's been been working for them almost since the beginning and is even preferred to Oska by most of the gang. Except... problem. Nobody knows who she is. Again--she's been in the khonitva since its early days, and yet the entire time she's been there she's always been masked. Wears a fabric mask over the bottom half of her face and a domino mask over her eyes, together hiding all recognizable features of her face and separately protecting from a situation where one is removed. Why in the world would she be in the khonitva for so long, and yet still be so paranoid about her true identity being found out?
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OC In Threes: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Part 6 | Part 6.5 | Part 7 | Part 8
Tagging list (no pressure!): @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @ashirisu @urnumber1star
@the-letterbox-archives @paeliae-occasionally @aalinaaaaaa @48lexr @huewrite + open tags!
Divider by @saradika
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №11
Clothes and aesthetics edition!
Assuming that there are clothes in each size yes even for the Blade, he can finally wear pants if he wants.
Which aesthetic/style does each character actually wear?
Which aesthetic/style would each character prefer if actually given the info on how each style looks and stuff. As in no you can't just say that the character doesn't know what an aesthetic is and move on. Or well you can but maybe don't please
Okay, now that that's established, what style would absolutely not fit each character's vibes or personality but would fit their appearance?
Boom the crew now has to wear clothes that you're currently wearing/that you wear often. How do they react?
Boom Wilbur, Tommy, the Blade, Phil and Tubbo are now wearing these outfits in the respective order (images below). Yay or nay? (WITHOUT GLOVES OR COLLARS OR ANYTHING THEY'RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH)
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(I couldn't find an outfit for the Blade and I wanted to put someone in lolita-esque fashion just for the funsies)
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(Hope Jasmine will like this one. Also those are shorts that look like a skirt not just a skirt. It still swirls like a skirt though)
A lot of the fashion decisions in Fault are decided by MC skins, what's practical for their biology, and what they could steal/make. That said, let's dig in!
1.The Blade might go for some shorts mayyybe if it was on the table, but he doesn’t like the sensory sensation of fabric that rubs his fur the wrong way. Especially doesn’t like anything that covers his mane too, so not a shirt guy either but he will go for a shawl or a sash. The rest of his fashion is mostly built on 1. He had to make all his clothes 2. He can’t sew bc hooves 3. Nerd. So he goes for more Ancient Greece drip (like the famous look since upper class v actual every day garb is different), modified chitons and togas and general drapery in order to have clothing he doesn’t need to sew. Once he ran into Phil he could get proper tailor services (his college friends didn’t have adult life skills) but actually doubled down on Grecian wear bc he’s still a nerd and Philza had actual real life expertise. Later on when The Blade and Tubbo get along better, Tubbo actually stitches pretty patterns into his shawls since Rosalind is a quilter and well there’s a lot of sitting around doing nothing while Tubbo is carried from place to place.
Tommy legit just likes the raglan sleeve look, and Tubbo totally teases him in chapter 10 about having the fashion sense of a 8 year old baseball fan. I think in chapter 18 he’s wearing one of Rosalind’s shirts. It doesn’t have shoulders since he’s way broader than her and that’s the only way it would fit. It’s too small and has little butterflies on it. Though presumably Wilbur stole a wardrobe closer to size once they got out on the road. He also wears Rosalind’s white jacket and Red has stained the sleeves, which in a roundabout way mimics ctommys skin. He prefers to have sleeves to limit Red contamination. Cargo pants always and forever, with a bunch of random crap thrown in all the pockets.
Philza has vaults hidden over the earth filled with random crap he’s picked up over the years. He has like 80 of the exact same outfit tailored to his anatomy that are like centuries old. It mimics his MC skin, though has been modified. His patagium attachments cover a lot more of his back than how Tubbos’ wings attach, so he tends to have backless shirts that tie/button at the neck and waist.His jacket has slits for the patagium and a panel that runs between the middle and buttons at the waist to cover his back. The floppy hat is also specially made to fit around his curvy horns. Urahara bleach was based off the mangaka glimpsing Phil once. Canon canon trust.
In the past I’ve described Wilbur’s style as e-boy x academia x homeless and made a helpful diagram. Wilbur is of the opinion a man only needs three shirts. One to wear while the second is being washed, and a third because he believes in luxury. Usually it has an undershirt and a sweater over since wearing two shirts at once means more luggage space, and Wilbur tends to run cold course of the void. Always long sleeved because it’s learned that humans notice heavy scarring and it tries to draw as little attention as possible when robbing people. Eventually it steals a trench coat mostly because you can fit a lot of stolen stuff in the pockets. Secretly Wilbur thinks it looks really cool tho. His ripped black jeans aren’t a fashion statement, the void just keeps trying to eat them and black hides weirder stains. Not a shorts guy, since beyond showing more scars the legs probably look horrific when distorting his height. The pants do change in length somehow. He currently doesn’t have glasses but needs them, and as a kid would tie a lens on in a makeshift monocle because one eye and the glasses would cover the void and probably get eaten. It used to have fingerless gloves, but those went missing after Wil found out about Tommy’s trigger.
Tubbo has shorts for obvious reasons, and low back cuts to fit their wings, usually of women’s sweaters since that’s the easier style it’s in. They wouldn’t wear shoes even if they had feet. Eventually they wear one of Philza’s jackets that are specially made for wings. They start wearing a ponytail bc it’s habit for Rosalind, and Tommy says it makes them look like a dandelion. I think they don’t try to cover up completely because skin holes are how a lot of bees come in and out, but also Tubbo really hates the cold after it nearly killed them as a kid. I also feel 100% that when stealing supplies any time Tommy sees anything with a bee on it he goes “!!! Tubbo!!” and nabs it for them. So like random bracelets and socks and handkerchiefs and shirts and Tommy is just so happy to present it to them every time like it’s a surprise (it isn’t) and so they end up with a bunch of random bee merch.
2. I’m going to answer this also with the idea I’m decoupling it from what’s practical for them to have. I really really want The Blade to wear a giant Hawaiian shirt. Just for me. I think his reasoning would be that it’s a very friendly and non threatening style and shows how cool and relaxed he is. Plus he can just unbutton it so it doesn’t trap his mane. He’s a Cali boy at heart and I think the beach drip is nostalgic for him. Also massive round dorky glasses, because pig eyes suck. And he think armor looks cool as hell, so in an ideal world he’d wear armor to formal events (like I do) and ignore the fact it’s pointless for him and impractical to have/make. Because in normal situations wearing armor is intimidating but he feels awkward in formal places and would like other people to be just as unnerved as he is.
Philza found his ideal fashion 4 centuries ago in Japan and has never changed since. But also when going full out and not confined by what’s practical for being homeless and in combat, he does get very fancy with it. Philza by far has the most fashion interest of the group. Which I did eventually realize was bc subliminally my brain went gnc green lizard person with long blond hair and golden eyes? I gotchu. And gave scp philza the same fashion sense as Double Trouble from shera. Anyway lots of silks, intricate detailing with gilding and gems, golden jewelry tailor made for elven ears and horns and tails. Tends to show a lot of skin because of anatomy difficulties and the fact he doesn’t get cold, rarely has sleeves. He doesn’t particularly care about masc/fem societal associations with what he wears since he’s not going to throw out a cool outfit just because he’s not a woman this century.
I fully think. If given full access to the vibes and associations that humans have with certain outfits. Wilbur would dress like a cop. Because he’s like ‘oh cool I just wear this outfit and suddenly people will assume I have authority, try to avoid me, not question the scars, and make me less distinguishable by having a uniform garb? Sign me the muffin up!’ That or wear the most goody two shoes, trust me I’m a good Christian boy tm outfit ever, crisp slacks and pastels that scream upper middle class haha I’m totally not robbing you <3 <3 if he doesn’t have to worry about the void or being in the woods messing up the effects. But if we assume it’s pragmatism doesn’t beat out the other half of Wilbur’s soul (theater hoe) I can imagine it wearing like straight up vampire lookin fits since the dark aristocrat would hella appeal to an edgy guy who dreams of luxury.
Tubbos’ fashion gets pulled in a lot of directions because of the hivemembers. So Jasmine wants them in dinosaur shirts and frilly skirts (despite how often Tubbo explains that flying in a skirt goes badly). Rosalind dressed pretty modestly, very comfortable clothing, but there’s more style options in smaller sizes plus not dealing with body shaming so I think she’d push to try out more things she always thought was cool but was too shy to try. Meanwhile Tubbo is just like please. Please just let us wear a modified button up and overalls you guys were just going to get it messy on the farm. Thankfully Rhodes agrees (or more like Tubbo agrees w Rhodes cause he raised them like that). Rhodes is also a suspenders guy, and forces Tubbo to always have a handkerchief on hand for courtesy’s sake. So the ideal Tubbo wardrobe is a maelstrom.
For some reason I can see Tommy getting into tie dye stuff because Red doesn’t show up on it. But I think realistically if given the room for it he’d dress like this guy named Deacan I used to know. Idk how to even describe it. Like a frat boy but more. Slight more formal and slightly more unhinged at the same time. Tommy thinks it makes him look cool and attractive.
3. Man that’s a hard one. Uh I once had a dream about Tubbo wearing this and I don’t think they would? Very cute handbag tho.
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Put The Blade in straight up a Halloween costume for Satan or something, like skulls for pauldrons and teeth necklaces and spikes and what not. He definitely scans like a shredded final boss.
By appearance I think Phil could pull of an edgy demon guy well, but alas he’s too cheerful for it. But by design I think you could chuck that man in hot topic fit just fine.
I think classic tumblr sexy man fashion you could put the looming twink with a sharp smile and even sharper wits in a tux. I think Wilbur would try to claw your eyes out but you could.
From a design standpoint it makes sense to put Tommy in sleeveless shirts so his power is displayed. Maybe one with ripped sleeves to show how aggressive and masculine he is or whatever
4. Wow that's a creative one. For medical reasons I’m a vampire, and right off the bat Phil, Techno, and Tubbo couldn’t wear any of my hats. Tommy also wouldn’t because he’s vain about his hair. I think Wilbur’s reaction would be “a sun hat!? That’s genius! It flops in front of my face and hides the void way bet-! And it just got eaten.”
Philza would not like the cloaks and shawls because they inhibit his wings, at which point Tubbo teases him about needing wings to fly. The Blade vibes with them bc better than wearing a shirt in his book. Tommy instantly realizes having extra layers of fabric is genius for reducing Red contamination. Until he encounters one (1) mildly sunny day and vanquishes on the spot because he’s British and 85 is a heatwave to them. Weak. I’m built different and wear long sleeves in 100 temps.
Not sure any of their styles gel with fancy Friday. Wilbur almost would be on board but a tie is not his scene at all. Tommy, Tubbo, and The Blade are pretty casual. Phil rocks a suit but he thinks a boring style compared to countless more intricate and interesting garb from the course of human history. It’s very plain in his eyes.
The Blade would be very awkward about the techno merch. Phil would find the chibi scp philza shirt proclaiming ‘beware wrathful gods’ hilarious.
5. First off all these outfits have great variety and are all fantastic in different ways.
Wilbur: his first thought is how impractical the boots are for running. Then how the necklace could be used to strangle it in a fight. He could dig the jacket but it would get pretty raggedy within a week or two, the void is going to treat those shiny buttons like candy. Overall a nay, he’s too practically minded and scruffy. Me personally tho hell yah
Tommy: I can’t get the thought of him wearing the ace pin without even knowing what it means out of my head. Which is such a detail to zoom in on but I imagine only Tubbo and Wil (flag language) would get it but both would be so baffled since it doesn’t line up with what they know about Tommy in the slightest. The conversations about it- anyway. Hell yes on the bracelets, he would totally fidget with them when he’s bored, or to calm himself since Tommy uses a lot of tactile grounding techniques. Sure to the pants because they have pockets and that’s what Tommy wants in pants. No to the socks bc long socks pull at leg hair. That shirt is the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen (/pos) but Tommy doesn’t seem the type to wear camp stuff.
The Blade: I’m going to rb the techno in dress art for you. He wouldn’t go for the top bc mane volume, but would go for the skirt because hoops are so easy for digigrade legs, and it matches his facial fur. The Blade has had very little exposure to gender roles, and his main concern is cleaning blood stains from the white.
Philza: earlier discussion on him finding suits dull, but Phil can adapt to the times. He likes that the tie matches his tail.
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Random Phil in suit doodle. Ignore the bad anatomy that’s why I didn’t post. He puts his hair in a braid for the occasion.
Tubbo: as long as there’s wing holes absolutely. I think Rosalind would really dig the top, and Jasmine is DELIGHTED! It go swirly swirly swirly like a skirt but they can fly in it!!!!!! An it has MUSHIMS on it!! (Tubbo: mushrooms) MUSH. IMS.
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6okuto · 5 months
mmm i hope im understanding this character ask game right.. how about 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 24 for the last legacy trio
(chara ask game) Oh Mamma Mia. i'm back in the fawking building ?! my memory of everything is so So minimal i'm gonna hope i can answer these. they might be incredibly sad looking answers though
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? — i don't remember specific moments or dialogue really but in general. i thought all of them were good-looking first of all. LOL. and they had rlly interesting plots!! the way they changed based on our choices (e.g. felix's treatment of rime in the last chapters) was just ?? so interesting to me?? even if i Was fawking it up. Idk guys I love character analysis and development. liked how their issues existed/manifested outside of their relationship w mc
felix: i thought he was kind of unique?? as an LI... with his personality and interests and the whole Necromancy thing. liked how he could be super smart and powerful but also be silly and. read smut. LOL. i could relate to him and found him endearing
anisa: i always thought she was lovely but realizing she's also silly and a mess at times made me more affectionate !! something about her star choices really hit. the dialogue and vibes Oh man she was everything. i think the thing was anisa trusting herself or mc but i can't remember which one we were supposed to aim for. i think i'd replay her route first if i ever installed again
sage: meow meow. IDK it takes..a lot.. for me to Really feel for charas like sage (flirty/charming + emotional vulnerability issues).. like i empathize but i always end up caring more about another chara. but he got me. he did. i think chapter 12-14 definitely made me like him more because you don't usually see Shit get Fucked AND try to help recover after. like that's usually It y'know. bad ending. so. i miss sage. goddmyogdn
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? — ...... ruh roh. someoneheplp.
felix: EXISTENCE! Chapter 12 Cg
anisa: EXISTENCE! Chapter 4 Cg
sage: EXISTENCE! and Loud Purr :3c Chapter 6/12/13 Cgs.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
felix: ....we like to read... BDJGBJBSJD
anisa: #GIRLS and I, too, like shrimp.
sage: ...my god. i love sage i couldn't tell you what we have in common. problems with vulnerability and long hair
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? — ...my memory truly evades me. i also didn't pay much attention to. fandom things. Habit of mine. i know felix could've been treated better with the babygirling thing. i think i was asked to write smth where he was jealous (or something??) and i was like . this feels ooc. but. that was my bad and about all i got..
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
felix: yes!!
anisa: yes!! i would like 2 be her roommate :3
sage: .... ? i feel like i wouldn't end up in a situation where this would happen. going to say. no? i mean maybe? sage isn't my first choice if it's only one other roommate...
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? — I'm blanking So hard on All of my interests rn. i think if i couldn't think of stuff for sage hcs i'd look at kuroo posts. maybe?? like for energy and dialogue. i'm blanking so hard My god
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