I've come to the concluaion that pisces mercuries really get on my nerves
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If i'm a Scorpio rising but my lord of geniture is Jupiter, am I ruled by Mars or by Jupiter?
First of all, I recommend Demetra George's book¹, where she goes into depth about all these different types of Hellenistic "lords" and "masters".
The ruler of the Ascendant and the first house signifies the person, it's more likely to point to things related to health, appearance, temperament, mind and life focus. Its placement, its relationship to the rest of the chart and aspects will point to where and how the native will find themselves frequently in their life, with those things being very central or defining of their personal narrative. If you have a planet conjunct your ascendant ruler or a very close aspect it could represent another person who's always there in your life, or some thing that's more present in your story than anything else.
But the ascendant ruler is not necessarily the strongest planet in your chart. Sometimes the native will have a 10th house ruler that's a lot stronger; and this could cause, let's say, the personal to be less imperative than the professional. But this doesn't mean that the 10th house ruler won't mean anything about who you are.
Throughout the history of astrology, all authors disagreed on the correct way to elect the most influential or most important planet in a nativity. "Lord of the Geniture" is what William Lilly (17th century England) called his own version of it while offering his point of view on that concept. Here's what he said:
I am cleerly of this opinion, viz. That Planet who hath most essentiall and accidentall dignities in the Figure, and is posited best, and elevated most in the Scheame, that he ought to be Lord of the geniture, and am confident the whole actions of the Native will more or lesse pertake of the nature of that Planet and so his Conditions, Complexion, Temperament and Manners shall be much regulated unto the properties assigned that Planet (consideratis, considerandis;) yet doubtlesse if any other Planet be very neer so strong as him whom we formerly mentioned, he shall much participate, and a kind of mixture must be framed according to the severall fortitudes each Planet hath, together with the aspects good or evill of the other Planets intervening.²
Well, here he says the lord of geniture will also have to do with someone's actions, conditions, complexion, temperament and manners, all things we normally assign to the ascendant ruler. That's where it becomes a philosophical problem because astrology is older than our contemporary idea of identity or the individual. Our contemporary ontological theory is that you are your interiority, or your brain, or your mental illnesses, or your mannerisms, your manias, you're just interacting with the world as a removed being; but the astrological chart is about all of your life and everything that happens in it and those things form character. Astrology studies fate and your fate isn't removed from who you are. That's possibly some of what Heraclitus means by "ethos anthropos daimon". ³
Although it's important to be clear that I'm talking about an ontological theory where destiny/fate is involved, but the astrological chart itself isn't you at all, of course, because it's just an oracle, a symbolic tool that helps understand life. My point here is NOT to have you identify with your chart and think that all the planets in a chart have profound subjective meaning. The ruler of the ascendant is symbolic of you, yet the Lord of Geniture can also signify things about you and those things may feel and actually are very personal, because it's your life.
¹ The book is "Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice: A Manual of Traditional Techniques, Volume II: Delineating Planetary Meaning". It's all of the Part Nine, but Lilly's Lord of Geniture is more similar to the ancient Lord of the Nativity (Kurios) which she talks about in chapter 94. If you can't find that book you can talk to me through chat and I'll help.
² William Lilly - Christian Astrology, book 3 chapter CV Of the Lord of Geniture. If you go there to the chapter, you'll possibly notice that in the paragraph that I cut out from the citation he mixes the Kurios with the Oikodespotes. Those different versions from other authors that he's rejecting were different concepts entirely.
³ See "The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence" by Dorian Greenbaum.
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time to blame the stars as a coping mechanism for my life tragedies this month.
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my cat sadly passed away too :(
he was only 2 years old, it was a literal baby.
now my little cat is acting weird, taking him to the vet tomorrow 💀 hope it's just my paranoia. I already had enough and february is just starting.
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how tf do I get rid of all the modern astrology shit on my tl 😭
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sun and mercury (that represents my grandmother in my natal chart) were in conjunction transiting my solar return's 8th (death) house in aquarius (sudden, unexpected)
moon & jupiter were conjunct in gemini transiting my 12th house in the solar return.
transit mercury was opposing the solar return moon and conjuction solar return saturn.
solar return saturn (the natural significator of death) was opposing my natal mercury
February 7th, 2025. My grandma, who lived with us since I was a kid, the one that raised me, passes away at our house in my own arms very unexpectedly.
A mars in cancer transiting my 8th house has never been so literal before. Saturn was also transiting the 4th. There's surely more indicators of this, but it caught my attention how sometimes astrology can be so literal with this one.
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now my little cat is acting weird, taking him to the vet tomorrow 💀 hope it's just my paranoia. I already had enough and february is just starting.
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February 7th, 2025. My grandma, who lived with us since I was a kid, the one that raised me, passes away at our house in my own arms very unexpectedly.
A mars in cancer transiting my 8th house has never been so literal before. Saturn was also transiting the 4th. There's surely more indicators of this, but it caught my attention how sometimes astrology can be so literal with this one.
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Hey! I’ve got many asks on this so I decided to do a short tutorial. As I always say around here, there’s no way I could possibly define one’s career / skills without seeing the whole chart so I’ll try to teach you how to get there on your own. If at the end of this post you’re still not sure then I strongly advise you to look for a professional astrologer (preferably a Traditional one but it’s up to you) that will assist you further.
Please remember this is all Traditional Astrology based therefore Neptune, Uranus and Pluto mean nothing.
So here’s a quick list of steps on how to get to the answer, and please remember that understanding rulers is a must. I’ll also use Taehyung’s chart as an example.
| Understand your Ascendant ‘cause it’s who you are and wherever you body is (the ruler of the Ascendant is always one’s body) is gonna influence your approach to life and how people will perceive you - therefore influencing your skills and how they’re useful for others. If the ruler of it is in the 10th, for example, could easily mean you’ll live for work or that many things in your life will be about your career.
| The nature of the planet that is representing your body will also talk about your profession, or how you’ll get to be good at it or not. Understanding mythology is very important regarding this: Jupiter can talk about law and society because it comes from the legend of Zeus, much like Mercury can stand for messages (communication in all its ways) since it’s from the Hermes’ tale and Venus is often talking about arts by having originated from Aphrodite.
| The 2nd talks about one’s money, so although it doesn’t define one’s career it can help you get how said money is gonna be present or not in one’s life. Again, it doesn’t define it - but it’s good to investigate it as so to get how exactly that career is gonna financially act for the person in the long run.
| Jupiter is the traditional significator of wealth, richness. Getting it is as important as getting the 2nd.
| The 6th traditionally (as in centuries ago) talked about slavery and nowadays can be understood as the place where we’ll see how that person will provide for the public, and how hard work is gonna play a role in that person’s life or not. This house will also talk about whether one will work for the government or not.
| The sign the 9th is in represents the subjects one’s mind feels at its best studying. However, whatever you study can be different from what your career implies. For example, if the signs from the 9th and the 10th’s are being ruled by complete opposite meanings defined by the planets than it’s safe to say one will study something but could end up working with something else. Or even that they might study it, but end up using it differently (like studying Biology to work as a scientist but ending up being a college teacher).
| The 10th is one’s career, the nature of the sign there and its ruler will define a whole lot of what the person will work with. It also explains one’s approach to it, the ruler of the 10th can easily explain if the person will pressure themselves to work hard or if they’ll just enjoy it. Please remember that every sign talks about many different things, so getting each one of them is important so you can compare to the planets involved. A 10th in Pisces, for example, can sometimes talk about having a career that involves creativity and arts - but often can also talk about working with creativity and religions of any kind. It also talks about sensitivity and addictions and how one copes with it or not. If Jupiter in this example is in Capricorn and therefore being in the 8th by Whole Signs: Jupiter talks about law and it’s at the house that talks about money coming from others, while the 10th is talking about creativity and people’s addictions. Could easily mean it’s a lawyer that works for companies that sue workers that have consumed alcohol or used drugs during work hours. lol Random, I know, but it’s for you to get how you have to read every single thing.
| Pars Fortunae’s sign will explain exactly how all those things combined will work out and how exactly that money is gonna be achieved by the person. And the ruler is just as important as the sign, of course. It’s literally talking about how one will work to get their money (even if it’s just given to them like by inheritance or prizes of any kind).
| Medium Coeli stands for one’s goals in life, what do they want to achieve by having lived in this world. Also, it’s not always placed in the 10th. If it’s talking about your goals in life then it’s obviously involving what you’ll do as a professional as well.
| Understanding all the meanings of the houses is an absolute must. If you already feel like you know what you wanna work with but isn’t sure how good it’ll be for you or not it’s good to check the houses that talk about whatever services you’d provide by choosing said path. For example, doctors commonly have to check the 12th (mental disorders, psychologists, etc) and the 6th (diseases, public providers). Entertainers have to check the 5th (entertainment, fun) much like the 11th (does society love them), interior designers have to check the 4th (since it defines homes), communicators have to check the 3rd (easy, right? since it stands for communication). Huge etc here.
| Last but not least the 2nd house stands for money, right? So after deciding you’ve found the house that is defining your career, you have to count to the 2nd after it. Why? Because the 2nd house after the one that defines your work skills will define the money that will come from it. Someone that is a nurse, for example, will often be defined by the 6th (diseases, public services) - so the 7th will represent the money they’ll get for it. So say the 6th is in Sagittarius, meaning the 7th is in Capricorn. That means 7th is ruled by Saturn and depending on how Saturn is going in that chart (what house it is or the sign, the aspects) can easily mean that the person will have to work for many years (Saturn stands for time, endurance) until they can call themselves financially stable.
| Another way of getting one’s money that comes from their job is that the 2nd from the 10th, the house of career, is the 11th. So yet another thing to read to get how profitable one’s career will be.
| One house alone won’t define anything, you have to take all of these that were mentioned and the houses their rulers are at into consideration to get to the answer. It really is like math, if you ignore one part of the equation you’ll just get the wrong results.
Here follows Kim Taehyung’s chart as an example:
| Taehyung has Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, in the 1st: his body is constantly exposed and by being a benefic in a great sign for it it’s clear that he’ll attract attention easily. Jupiter also talks about society and in his case is explaining how effortless it is for him to attract people his way by having his body and face in the spotlight like this. Since Jupiter also talks about law and is working so nicely in his life it’s literally meaning he’s blessed regarding being protected with any law issues (as in if he ever sues anyone he’ll likely win, or that he’ll have luck when signing certain types of contracts involving his career). Since he has a great business mind (read the topic about his 2nd), he knows how to use this Jupiter to his advantage.
| Jupiter ruling his entire life by being in the 1st, and it’s the traditional significator of wealth: alone it wouldn’t do it, but combined with other placements is indeed explaining how rich he’ll get in this life (or has been getting, that is).
| Taehyung’s 6th is in Taurus, ruled by Venus. His Venus is in the 3rd, and also influecing his 11th by rulership - where his Medium Coeli is. Venus talks about arts much like the 6th talks about providing services: Taehyung offers art for the public, and since Venus is in a sign that belongs to Saturn and his Saturn is working in a sign bad for it and in an angular house (influencing the whole chart)… Taehyung has to work his ass off to have his work recognized. Although he has great luck with the public loving him (Venus ruling the 11th, Jupiter in the 1st), the work itself brings many hardships. It’s showing some workaholic tendencies as well, but not ones that he chooses to have: he’s forced to work long hours and it messes with his emotional health.
| Onto his 10th house, where his Pars Fortunae is. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which is placed in the 2nd and conjunct Mars. Simply put, Taehyung’s mind and determination much like his business skills (2nd talking about money and Capricorn being a cardinal sign working with it) are what are gonna bring him money in this life. So the choices he makes regarding his career, the decisions he takes about investing in different kinds of businesses are what are gonna make him have money. There’s a lot of resilience here too, his patience combined with that determination is gonna bring him money. Virgo is talking about being methodic by being ruled by this Mercury, meaning that the way he approaches art is a lot more calculated than it’s shown to the public. Talks a lot about his fanservice skills for sure, since that Mercury and Mars conjunction is being influenced by a Moon in Aries in the 5th: he shines within entertainment, and most of it is calculated and created by skills he chose to perfect. He’s a natural with his charms that were given to him by Jupiter, but that determined (defined by the Mars in the 2nd) Moon in the 5th is to show how talented he is at entertaining.
| I’ve already talked about his MC, just to add that the 11th is also talking about society and fame brought by friendships and in his case is explaining how he wants to leave a mark in this world with his artistics skills (Libra ruled by Venus) and networking (wants to be known for being inclusive, unprejudiced).
| His Sun is in the 2nd and ruling the 9th. His mind loves to shine within creativity skills related subjects and boy wants to be known for making a name of his own. He wants to be known as someone that has achieved success by making the right calls at the right times. He’ll be financially successful and will be proud of knowing it was all because of his own choices. With Mercury and Mars in the same house that Sun is being taken to, I cannot stress this enough: his mind is very quick to judge what is going to bring him the best results.
| The Sun in the 2nd coming from the 9th, the house of long distance travels, is literally meaning his money is gonna come from people of different cultures.
| The 2nd house from his 5th (the house that is talking about entertainment, which is the one defining his career) is the 6th, so his money is gonna come from a lot of hard work, long hours, art related skills because Venus rules it, the way he chooses to communicate and by many travels as well (Venus ruling it and being in the 3rd, constant movement).
| That all being said, basically his career is related to arts and what he stubbornly wants to show others (you can tell the kind of arts he has skills for as well but I won’t go much into it) - but above all his money is gonna come from his wise decisions and determination regarding his profession (Pars Fortunae in Virgo).
Originally posted by sweaterpawsjimin
(& to think this boy was known for years by many as the stupidest of the group lol)
#traditional astrology
#kim taehyung
#pars fortunae
#10th house
#9th house
#6th house
#ascendant in sagittarius
#i made this to help you guys
#but you absolutely do not
#have the permission to hold me accountable
#for whatever it is that you decide to do with your life lol
#i mean
#i am trying to teach you how to get to the answer
#but it could definitely be the case of you not being good with astrology
#am i sounding harsh here?
#i just mean to say that
#hiring a professional astrologer to give you answers regarding this
#is what i’d recommend
#not everyone will be good at astrology and that’s ok
#so please consider talking to a professional instead of basing important life choices
#in things you might not completely understand
#and taehyung is a genius don’t fight me on this
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my mercury, my sun and my MC are all in Libra in the 11th, my sun is conj. spica, my 10th ruler is mercury in the 11th, the ruler of my 5th house is in the 10th, my pars fortunae is in the 5th and its ruler is mars in the 10th conj. the ruler of my 10th (mercury).
where's my fame and my money??? I've been robbed.

edit: my ascendant is in sagittarius in terms of jupiter as well.
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I really love Taemin's facial features. He looks amazing. Him and Jungkook, the faces of kpop.
231216 Metamorph Black Rose Fancam
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(translation: "Can you humiliate and denigrate?")
today venus went from pisces to aries...
happy aries venus season I guess lol
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#me#personal#today a waiter approached me and told me he absolutely LOVED my outfit#that's the best thing you can say to a libra#love you bro#never forget u
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yesterday I uploaded a close friends story with a video I felt identified with: we should stop being so forgiving & moralist with people that messes up with us and that revenge is not unfair in these caeses because ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES AND YOU SHOULD FACE THEM
and I found funny that the ones that liked the ig story were all friends with scorpio placements (most of them) and taurus placements lol

(my libra, pisces and cancer placements friends trying to cool me down)
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day 56790279 begging for yoongi's birth time
literally the most perfect person
{cr.0613data, namuspromised}
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