#1 Page Profits scam
olderthannetfic · 2 years
Any thoughts on authortubers offering writing courses and presenting themselves as writing experts, especially without proven records of success and evidence they follow their own advice? These courses are typically overpriced compared to what you'd get at a college, and these people's credentials are basically just that they're popular content creators. Obviously, teaching and writing are different skillsets, but these courses feel like an MLM scam in the sense that they are selling shovels after the (self-publishing) gold rush ended.
I have many thoughts.
I actually don't care if people have proven themselves in the sense of a mainstream book contract and a bestseller. I don't have that, and I offer writing advice all the time. A lot of writing advice, including mine, is pretty similar.
What makes a particular book/course/video/etc. on writing craft worthwhile is that it rephrases the same basic truths about writing in a way that makes sense to one's own particular brain. Maybe this particular book energizes one and makes one want to write because it phrases everything very positively instead of making one dwell on one's shortcomings.
Or it could be valuable and inspiring because one likes the person delivering the advice. Maybe one likes their work. Maybe one likes their vibe.
Now, if it's a book of advice on How To Play The Amazon Algorithm or other very business-oriented advice, then yes, I'd want to see that they have a track record of sales.
I'm not sure that the self-publishing gold rush has entirely ended, though it's evolving. (Amazon cracking down on erotica and moving to a payment-per-page model makes romance novels more profitable than shortform porn, for example.)
That said, yes, I agree that quite a few authortubers sound like scam artists. I don't need them to be bestsellers or traditionally published. I do care if they've actually finished a book.
I learned a lot by finally getting my shit together to write something long-ish and finish it. My insights after that are far more useful than anything I'd have said before.
For authortubers who do have books out, I don't recall finding any whose books I wanted to buy, but even more often, they don't seem to have any finished novels??? (Granted, novels aren't the only writing, but they're often what people are looking for help with.)
I back some favorite authors on Patreon, and I'm always pleased when they do writing craft posts. I should write some more of those myself. That kind of model works far better for me as a reader because whether or not everybody else has discovered this author, I like them and thus am interested in what they have to say.
In general, I would not pay a lot of money for a creative writing course unless you know exactly what you're going to get. College courses often focus on literary fiction, disappointing people who want to write romance, mystery, sff, etc.
I wouldn't trust a course that costs a lot either unless it's literally you paying for 1:1 mentoring or editing. The ones I've seen advertised on Youtube sound highly suspect.
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Suburban Nightmare The Scariest Part About Moving to the Suburbs is the Fear of Having to Move Back to the Hood
I grew up in the "hood" of Northwest Ohio and throughout my childhood I was repeatedly told by teachers and social workers "you have to have a college degree." To survive, to live a good life, or to go on vacation once a year, they never specified why we needed to have one - the adults just told us this from the third grade onward in a tone that was serious and haunted us as we clawed our way to high school graduation. Well I moved to the suburbs to pursue a college education, received my Bachelor of Arts, but then wound up jobless for the first 2.5 months after graduating, fearing that I may have to return to the life I thought I left behind in the hood.
This is what it was like.
Part 1/3: Restless
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The first few days were not too bad.
I finished school on a Tuesday and had the graduation ceremony the following Saturday. Though I was anxious to begin working full time again after taking almost a month off to focus on school, I forced myself to appreciate having a few days to catch my breath after completing the toughest semester of my undergrad career - under the assumption that my boss would call me back to give me my schedule as promised.
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But they never called me back.
I texted. I called. I emailed. Nothing.
I reached a supervisor in my department who promised they would make sure my employer called me once they returned from vacation, but the supervisor also warned me "if you get a new opportunity, take it, because I'm not sure what [they] are planning with you."
I texted. I called. I emailed - for weeks.
Still nothing.
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Feeling scorned, neglected as an employee, and painfully confused, I knew I shouldn't go back; not only was I completely ghosted, but this happened on top of several occasions prior when I was not paid on time, not paid the proper amount, and even scammed by a company hacker. And I knew I didn't deserve the shame of going back to a place begging for employment where I had already been so mistreated.
So the job search began.
Part time. Part-time remote. Entry level. Entry level temporary. Full-time summer. Freelance. Temporary full-time summer.
The amount of key terms I came up with to expand my search for jobs ought to have earned me a certificate in SEO optimization. Within a matter of weeks I had easily applied for hundreds of jobs; some remote, some on-site, some part-time, some full-time, some freelance, some temporary.
Job applications had just one line to mention my education - school, degree, and major; I have a degree in English and Digital Media Studies. I could generalize my degree to a Bachelor's in digital communications. I minored in criminal and social justice. I took a digital photography class. I've completed course service-learning hours and internships with a variety of non-profits. I took an HTML coding class. I wrote a parody of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. I graduated with a 3.6 GPA. I got an A+ in a digital journalism class. I wrote a 20+ page essay for my capstone that I plan to expand into a book. My second capstone was a documentary I could submit to a film festival. These extra points of academic accomplishment were bullet-listed in applications where there was a degree description space, otherwise these were only recognized and respected in my LinkedIn profile.
There wasn't enough space in the education history line to explain all of the challenges I surpassed or all of the awesome awards and accomplishments I earned while getting the degree to write in my education history. I started a student org focused on newscasting. I was the VP of our Black Student Union for 2 years and spoke on behalf of the union at a peaceful protest following the death of George Floyd. I won recognition for Student Org of the Year - twice in a row. I became the student manager of the student engagement department. I was an active member of the Latino Student Union for over 3 years. I petitioned for a town-hall meeting for students and faculty to better our DEI awareness across campus. I was invited to a one-on-one meeting with the university president. I advocated for PRISM and LGBTQ+ acceptance across our campus. I hosted and evaluated numerous surveys to better serve our campus community. I participated in a plethora of volunteer opportunities and campus events. I was an orientation leader. I was an RA. I served as a mentor to underclassmen. My name consistently appeared on the Dean's List.
Suddenly it seemed like my degree did not carry much value. Few job postings prioritized candidates with my degree type - "digital communications but a degree in marketing preferred." It's like they wanted the skills earned from my degree as part of the job description, not the qualifications. Most job postings didn't seem to value my degree at all: "remote communications strategist - degree in journalism or other related field a plus, not a requirement." I had slaved for four years; four years of 18 - 21 credit hour semesters while spear-heading a student org and working anywhere from 2 to 4 jobs at a time, and some trauma healing/family drama because the Universe likes to keep herself entertained I guess. I was the first in my family for over 4 generations to earn a college degree. I took out tens of thousands in student loans. I went to an exam on 4 hours of sleep. I closed work at 1am and went to class the next morning at 8. I had nervous breakdowns and still got my 8-page essays turned in by 11:59pm.
But none of that seemed to matter. In the eyes of employers, overcoming all of those obstacles and challenges did not reflect how I was a good candidate for their position.
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The only thing employers seemed to really take into consideration was previous work experience; that shouldn't have been a problem for me, as my resume was rich with experience by having to work to pay for school anyway. I'm a previous graphic designer. I was an intern for a local newspaper. I was a full-time social media manager for one summer. I have various experience mentoring kids/students ages 14 through 19. I was a shift leader at Family Video before the pandemic made us close all our stores. I was a remote political journalist during the 2022 midterms. I've been a coffee barista and was promoted to opening shift leader after my first 30 days. I coordinated a friend's wedding. I became a freelance state manager for a remote election reporting company. I managed the student engagement department and adapted our traditional events to a virtual medium. I've filed parking permits and incident reports. I've painted yard signs. I've hosted people to their dining seats. I've supervised. I've lead. I've delegated. I've supported. I've created. And I've always worked so so hard because in any and every job I could not sleep at night unless I did my best.
The few jobs I did hear back from said they chose "a better candidate" - aka someone with more experience. Either places are preferring to hire older people who have had the chance to garner more experience after college, or getting a college degree is redundant - and that notion of my hard work, discipline, and financial sacrifices from the past four years amounting to arbitrary value was what really started to freak me out.
The college dorm I was escaping homelessness in started looking like a haunted house; the frustration and hopelessness was written in the walls. My life started getting scary. Had my hopes and dreams been built on a lie? Was college just a deferment of the demise set for me by being born and raised in poverty?
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The vacancy of my roommate's absence was soon followed by my own absence of income, food, and purpose. No meal plan. No job. No savings. No fail safe. No side hustle.
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And no idea what to do next.
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rajubhadra · 1 year
TargetAi Review (Victory Akpos) - Good or Bad?
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Welcome to my review blog and this TargetAi Review. I’m Raju Bhadra an Affiliate Marketer and Review Writer. TargetAi is a newly released YouTube Ads SPY App.
Victory Akpos is the author of this TargetAi App. He turns $5 into 169.71 using this App. This Targeti App help to find out the ‘BUYER ONLY’ section that YouTube hides from the public.
This is AMAZING! This works for ANY offer… in any NICHE rinse and repeat for unlimited potential.
Keep reading my honest TargetAi App review. After completing my review you can make the right decision.
What is TargetAi?
TargetAI is the only app on the market that uses a natural-language model
It helps to find hidden ads targeted for youtube, that they keep hidden…
These are unlike any targets you have ever seen.
It gives us a 100% success rate with their campaigns with no fail… Helping them turn a laughable $5 into hundreds of dollars with ease.
Why Do People Love TargetAi App?
– Exploit YouTub’s “BUYER OLNY” Traffic Section for High-Converting Traffic
– Turn An Investment Of $5 OR Less Into 3 Figures In Profit (Rinse And Repeat As Often As You Want)
– Spy On Any Video Or Channel In Any Niche For An Unfair Advantage
– Find The Best Converting Campaigns So There’s No Guessing
– Find Out Which Offers, Landing Pages And Video Ads Convert The Best For ANY Niche.
– TragetAi Leverages Other People’s Content For Massive Traffic.
– You Also Get 10 ‘Done For You’ Video Ads That Go With 10 Hot Affiliate Offers With Guaranteed Approval For Fast And Easy Commissions.
– This Is The Perfect Way For Newbies To Get Traffic Flowing TODAY.
–  Due To Laser Tight Targeting Get HOT Buyer Traffic Flowing For Pennies Per Click.
– Real Life Case Study And Step-By-Step Training
– Never Show Your Face On Camera Or Create A Video
Get Instant Access Here >>
How Does TargetAi App Work?
TargetAi Works In 3 Easy Steps…
1: SUCCESS – Click on any of the links to get instant access to TargetAi
2: GENERATE – Create your new AI app in seconds, complete with all sales material and everything
3: PROFIT – That’s it…
What Are The Benefits of This App?
– Save Countless Hours: No more manually searching for monetized videos
– Access An Audience Of Millions Instantly: YouTube is owned by Google and it’s the 2nd largest search platform on the internet.
– Access Hundreds Of ‘Done For You’ Videos: TargetAi serves up hundreds of highly-targeted videos and channels that you can use as your own for ANY niche or offer.
– Promote Anything You Want: YouTube is massive and TargetAi will exploit the ‘BUYERS ONLY’ section for the traffic you can use to promote ANYTHING you want
– Get Started With Just $5 In Ads Budget: The videos TargetAi finds are so closely targeted that you’ll spend less money and increase conversions for bigger profits
– No Video Creation Required: TargetAi serves up hundreds of highly-targeted videos and channels that you can use as your own for ANY niche or offer.
Does TargetAi Scam or Legit?
TargetAi is a LEGIT App.
TargetAi leaves nothing for you to do. It takes care of everything for you. ​ It helps to build a futuristic AI app for you to build all the sales material, to even sell it for you.
They don’t even have to manage the business. All that we do is just refresh our account every day. ​ And watch the money roll in.
It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. This Starter was not made only for affiliate marketers.
It was made for anyone who wants to start an AI business and capitalize on a trend that will never die. ​It doesn’t require any skills and doesn’t require any tech setup.
I think TargetAi is perfect for beginners who want to get super-targeted buyer traffic with little investment.
Get Instant Access Here >>
Raju Bhadra.
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magnificentdragonengineer/vallary alfaat/lavine alfaat/vallary nafula is a documented scammer profiting off of the genocide. they are not diabetic and they are not palestinian. some previous names they have called themself are: leila rajab, remmy cheptau, tasneem r'm, leila mohammed rajab, tasneem remmy rajaab, valentine rajaab, wafula valentine, salima abdallah, tasneem abdalah, Tasneem Majuma, Magandalina Auma, taheera abdallah, Dorine nanjala, dorine rajaab, Jastus Kimanzi, daisy akinyi, daisy rahaab, taheera mohammed, Mutsui Martin Mohamed, merrine sussy rahah, merrine atieno, sussy wamela, Marystella Majuma, emmily kimesis, nakhumicha Ruth, Florence Khaid, Beatrice Akoth Oduor, Lavender Namisi, Florence Khakasa, Florence Hamid, Mwanasiti Heri, Valentine Hamad Nakuti, fatuma ali, conzolata mohamed, rose mohamed, odingo onyango, Doreen Abdulhaq, Caroline Smeerah Mahmoud, Samwell Aliabad
would you mind deleting their scam from your blog, or clearly labeling it as a scam so it doesn't spread to others? in the future, please remember you can use the tumblr search box to search the username/paypal account name/text used by people asking for money to check if they’ve been verified or proven to be a scammer
THIS IS THE POST. it was absolutely buried in my dash, BUT i have unliked and deleted the reblog, as well as reported the account.
i try to make sure the gfm posts i reblog, if not outright vetted, come with photos that come clean with a reverse image search.
this is why i'm hesitant to reblog posts with paypal links in them, but after seeing a few vetted ones i kind of lost that apprehension; but i'll definitely be using a more thorough method when checking them before reblogging.
this is (luckily) only the second scammer thats managed to fool me, and both times i have been lucky enough to have someone inform me of the scam. thank you so much for reaching out to me and letting me know! i'll link to those posts as the reblogs for them seem to have been turned off.
link 1
link 2
link 3 appears to have been deleted, but i DID manage to read it before it was gone.
i tried liking and reblogging, but it wouldn't let me. and once i refreshed the page to see if that would fix it, the post wouldn't show up anymore.
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moonlight-academ1a · 4 months
Hi! This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin?, am Taheera Mohamed a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, I was diagnosised with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin,
I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.
i’ve been informed that this page is a scam/spam account attempting to profit off the genoc!de in g@za. pls can everyone be careful with who you are donating to and spread the word if you hear/see people trying to take advantage of the genoc!de and scam people out of ££
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solgods11 · 4 months
Discover Solana Gods - Your guide to the upcoming Pinksale Platform Presale
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In the cryptocurrency world, there has been a lot of innovation and creativity. New projects are always pushing boundaries. The upcoming launch on Pinksale of Solana Gods Meme Coins is one such event. These tokens combine advanced blockchain technology and the viral appeal of meme culture into a new, engaging digital asset. The Solana Gods pre-sale, which is scheduled to launch on the 7th of June, offers an early investment opportunity that investors and enthusiasts won't miss. This blog will give you a detailed explanation of Solana Gods and the details of its presale.
What are Solana Gods Meme coins?
Digital tokens built on the Solana Blockchain, Solana Gods Meme Coins are renowned for quick transactions and low cost. These tokens combine meme culture and blockchain technology. Users can create digital deities or 'Gods,' compete in exciting tournaments where the winning bidder receives rewards, and bid on them. These Gods can be found in many games and tournaments. They are both fun and profitable.
Solana Gods Meme Coins: Features and Benefits
1. The tokens that users own allow them to be creative and create their own avatars.
2. You can also use the prominence of Gods in games to increase engagement.
3. Blockchain: Solana’s high-performance blockchain makes transactions more secure, transparent, and cost-effective.
Pinksale: An Overview
Pinksale is a decentralized launchpad that was created to help new crypto projects maintain their presales. Investors can invest early in successful and promising projects, while developers are able to secure funding for their ventures. Pinksale's rigid screening process ensures that only unique and trustworthy projects are shown.
Why Pinksale?
1. Security: Pinksale uses KYC techniques to protect investors and developers.
2. Accessibility: The platform is extremely flexible and allows both professional investors and beginners to operate it easily.
3. Pinksale offers new projects the opportunity to gain the attention and visibility they need.
Solana Gods Presale Details
Presale Structure
Pre-sale dates: The presale begins on the 7th of June. Pre-sale participation is open to all potential investors.
Pricing: Tokens are sold to those who want them at a certain price. To encourage the lead participants to complete the task, they can receive a discount or bonus.
Minimum and Maximum Investment: The minimum investment limit should be 0.3 SOL, and the maximum 10 SOL to ensure a fair distribution and participation.
Solana Gods Offical Website: https://solanagods.com/
How can I participate?
Create a wallet: Solflare wallets, MathWallet wallets, Ledger wallets, and phantom wallets are all Solana wallets you can use to join the presale. Make sure your wallet has enough Solana to cover all your transaction and purchase fees.
Connect your wallet to Pinksale by visiting the Pinksale Platform and following the instructions. Make sure that you are on an official website to avoid scams.
Join the presale: When the presale has gone live, visit the page and enter your desired investment amount. Verify and complete the purchase.
You can claim your tokens after the presale has ended. The tokens will be sent directly to your wallet.
Pre-sale participation has many advantages
Early access and potential gains
Pre-sale allows you to get Solana Gods Tokens early and at a discount compared to public launch. Early investors can benefit from large price increases as the project grows in popularity and more people sign-up.
Encouragement of original and creative projects
You are investing in a project which combines art and technology with gaming. As blockchain adoption spreads into other sectors and areas, this encourages creativity and innovation.
Ecosystems that are Interactive and Engaging
Solana Gods is not just a great investment. The combination of the tournament mechanism and the involvement of the community in the organization of events gives users more than simply holding tokens.
Risks and considerations
Market Volatility
Cryptocurrencies have a high level of volatility and are unstable. Token prices can change constantly. Investors must be prepared for such volatility and only invest money they can afford to loose.
Project Viability
The popularity of the project, and the success of Solana God is directly related to its specifics. Investors should critically evaluate information before investing in a project. This includes reviewing the whitepaper and examining the team.
Security Risks
Pinksale has implemented security measures, so it is important to be cautious before investing. This will ensure that wallets remain safe and secure from scams or phishing.
How can you maximize your investment?
Consider the team and the Solana Gods when analyzing the project.
Stay informed
Telegram and Discord are great tools to join a community and get daily updates.
Take part in tournaments and events:
You can gain important assets by participating in these events.
In the world of cryptocurrency, the presale of Solana Gods via the Pinksale is very interesting. It combines blockchain technology and memes. The Solana Gods pre-sale began on the 7th June, and is a great opportunity to invest in a digital asset that is the most advanced. The presales offer the best way to invest in a fun environment that could have great investment potential. It is important to research any venture before you invest. The Solana Gods pre-sale on Pinksale represents more than just an investment. It is a gateway to a new, disruptive era in memes, gaming and blockchain technology.
0 notes
market-news-24 · 5 months
At Google I/O, the tech giant made some groundbreaking announcements in the field of Artificial Intelligence. From new features in Google Assistant to advancements in machine learning, these updates are set to revolutionize how we interact with technology. Stay tuned as we delve into the top AI highlights from Google's annual developer conference. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Google recently made a big push towards artificial intelligence (AI) during its I/O developer conference by mentioning the term over 120 times. While not all AI announcements were groundbreaking, some were definitely worth noting. Here's a roundup of the top new AI products and features that Google unveiled at the event. One of the exciting developments is the use of generative AI in Google Search results pages. This means that the search results will now show AI-generated summaries of reviews, social media discussions, and curated suggestions. This feature will be particularly handy for users looking for inspiration, such as when planning a trip or searching for dining options and recipes. Google is also improving its AI-powered chatbot Gemini with a new feature called Gemini Live. This update allows users to have more interactive voice chats with Gemini on their smartphones, enabling real-time adaptation to speech patterns and the ability to provide information about the user's surroundings based on camera input. Additionally, Google introduced Veo, an AI model that can generate high-quality video clips based on text prompts. From landscapes to time lapses, Veo can create various visual styles and make edits to enhance the footage. This tool is a step towards more advanced generative models that can create longer videos based on a sequence of prompts. Another notable AI feature is Ask Photos, an experimental Google Photos feature powered by the Gemini AI models. This tool enables users to search their photo collection using natural language queries, making it easier to find specific images based on content and metadata. Gemini is also making its way into Gmail, allowing users to search, summarize, and draft emails with the help of AI. This feature can assist in processing emails and organizing information more efficiently, such as automating the workflow for tracking expenses or managing attachments in emails. Google is also working on AI-powered features to detect potential scams during calls and enhance accessibility for users with disabilities. These advancements demonstrate Google's commitment to integrating AI technology into various products and services to improve user experience and efficiency. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What were some of the top AI announcements from Google I/O? - Some of the top AI announcements from Google I/O included updates to Google Assistant, new AI tools for developers, and improvements to Google's AI algorithms. 2. How will these AI announcements impact consumers? - Consumers can expect more personalized experiences with Google
products, improved voice recognition with Google Assistant, and better AI-powered features in various apps and services. 3. What new AI tools were announced for developers? - Developers were introduced to new tools like the LaMDA language model, which can handle more natural conversations, and the MUM (Multitask Unified Model) for more complex search queries. 4. Can you give an example of how Google's AI algorithms have improved? - Google showcased improved language translation capabilities with its AI algorithms, making translations more accurate and natural-sounding for users. 5. Are there any future AI projects Google teased at the event? - Google teased future projects related to healthcare, climate change, and enhancing the capabilities of AI models, hinting at even more advancements to come in the field of artificial intelligence. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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----------------------------------------- Affiliate Disclaimer:  While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make.
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Fomo Proofs Review: Is it Real or a Scam? | Get Full Details!
Visit Full Detailed Review: Fomo Proofs Review
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Are you ready to tap into the booming Artificial intelligence industry and skyrocket your profits? We have something extraordinary for you. In the bustling world of online marketing, the need to stand out is paramount.
FomoProofs emerges as a beacon in this domain, promising to revolutionize how businesses leverage social proof to enhance conversions and engagement. With the buzz surrounding its launch, Fomo Proofs has captured the attention of marketers worldwide, offering a compelling solution to drive sales and foster credibility.
What is Fomo Proofs?
Fomoproofs is your go-to tool to ensure your messages instantly and effectively reach your audience. 
With Fomoproofs, you can send out important updates, promotions, and exclusive offers directly to your audience’s phones or computers in real time.
The Smart AI feature takes it further by tracking your visitor’s behavior on the website, sales page, or landing page. It then crafts messages tailored to their behavior, utilizing proven psychological triggers that prompt immediate action. 
This personalized approach has proven to increase the chances of converting leads into sales, ultimately boosting your conversions, sales, and profits. 
Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketer, or an entrepreneur, Fomo Proof is essential for staying connected with your audience and driving engagement.
>>Click here to Access Fomo Proofs + My Exclusive Bonuses worth $6754<<
Fomo Proofs: Key Features
AI creates eye-catching pop-up messages to get your visitor’s attention.
AI encourages your visitors to act fast with exciting notifications.
Share special deals, discounts, & how many people are visiting in real-time.
No need for you to write anything. No coding/design skills are needed.
Collects leads and emails from notification pop-ups.
Use Live Visitor Count to build trust & create scarcity.
AI analyzes visitor data for you to help you design better campaigns.
Built-in heat mapping shows visitor behavior on your website/sales page.
Beginner friendly. Zero learning curve.
TOP 5 Reasons Why You Should Get It!
1) It’ll get them MORE conversions, sales & profits! 
Existing Fomoproofs Customers used it to massively boost their profits by converting MORE visitors into paying customers. 
2) It’s FAST & EASY! 
With AI doing all the heavy lifting… Fomo proofs is super quick & easy. 
3) It costs next to nothing. 
The amount of money Fomo proofs is going to save your customers in recurring payments (that they would have had to pay otherwise for multiple platforms needed to create and send such messages/notifications) added to the early bird discounted one-time price makes this a steal. 
4) EVERYBODY needs it! 
No matter what niche your business is in… Fomo proofs helps you convert MORE websites, sales pages, landing pages & online store visitors into buyers. 
5) It’s a proven-to-work tool. 
Fomo proofs has helped thousands of business owners increase sales & profits by sending messages at the ‘right’ time to their website, sales page, landing page & online store visitors.
>>Click here to Access Fomo Proofs + My Exclusive Bonuses worth $6754<<
How Fomo Proofs Works?
You Can Create A Sense Of  FOMO & The Bandwagon Effect In Just 3 Easy Steps
Step 1: Let AI Craft Your Message & Install the Pixel
Our Smart AI crafts a message that speaks to your audience—whether it’s an exciting update, a special offer, or an important announcement. Then, it installs our Pixel, a behind-the-scenes tool that tracks how people interact with your message.
Step 2: AI Designs Your Pop-Up
Next – AI designs an eye-catching, visually appealing pop-up that perfectly communicates your message. Get ready to captivate your audience’s attention—no design skills are required.
Step 3: Get MORE Conversions, Sales & Profits
Effortlessly engage your website/sales page/landing page/online store visitors and turn them into paying customers.
>>Click here to Access Fomo Proofs + My Exclusive Bonuses worth $6754<<
Fomo Proofs: Benefits
Increase Sales
Higher Conversion Rates
Repeat Purchases
Grow Customer Base
Optimize Marketing Spend
Upsell & Cross-sell
Fomo Proofs: Bonuses
BONUS 1: Tik Tok Ad Mastery
BONUS 2: The Side Hustler Blueprint Video Upgrade
BONUS 3:AI Profit Masterclass
BONUS 4: Mega Fitness Bundle
BONUS 5: AI for Productivity Video Upgrade
BONUS 6: The Growth Mindset
BONUS 7: The Savvy Entrepreneur Video Upgrade
BONUS 8: Speak Like A Leader
BONUS 9: Etsy Profits Video Upgrade
BONUS 10: Level Up Your Leadership Video Course
BONUS 11: Digital Product Business Blueprint
BONUS 12: Site Speed Secret
>>Click here to Access Fomo Proofs + My Exclusive Bonuses worth $6754<<
OTOs & Discount Coupons
FE: Fomo Proofs Commercial ($34-$37)
OTO 1: Fomo Proofs PRO Unlimited ($47)
OTO 2:  Visual Heatmaps ($67)
OTO 3: Fomo Proofs Team Access ($47)
OTO 4: Fomo Proofs Agency Reseller ($99-$299-$499)
Bundle: Fomo Proofs Bundle Commercial ($297)
Bundle: Fomo Proofs FastPass Bundle Deal ($227)
Bundle: Fomo Proofs Mega Bundle Commercial ($127)
>>Click here to Access Fomo Proofs + My Exclusive Bonuses worth $6754<<
Discount Coupon:
Coupon Name: FOMOPROOF ($5 Discount on Fomo proofs FE Commercial)
Coupon Name: FOMOBUNDLE ($50 Discount on Fomo Proofs Bundle)
Pros and Cons
Enhanced Social Proof: FomoProofs allows businesses to showcase real-time notifications of recent customer activities, such as purchases, sign-ups, or downloads, creating a sense of urgency and trust among potential customers.
Customization Options: The platform offers extensive customization features, enabling users to tailor notifications according to their brand identity and audience preferences, thus ensuring seamless integration with their website or landing page.
Data Analytics: FomoProofs provides valuable insights through its analytics dashboard, allowing users to track the performance of their notifications, identify trends, and optimize their marketing strategies accordingly.
Learning Curve: While FomoProofs boasts user-friendly features, some users may find the initial setup and configuration process slightly daunting, especially those with limited technical expertise.
>>Click here to Access Fomo Proofs + My Exclusive Bonuses worth $6754<<
I feel you should get this Amazing Application! Fomo Proofs offers a simple yet powerful solution for anyone looking to enter the lucrative world of Artificial Intelligence. With its easy setup, flexible pricing options, and versatile applications, it’s never been easier to convert your Site Visitors into your Customera and bank big in today’s AI world. So why wait? Get started today and unlock the potential of AI for yourself!
There is a 30-day Money Back Guarantee as well. So there is No Harm in Buying Fomo Proofs. Also If you face any problem, the support team is active 24×7. If this Software doesn’t work for you, You will get your Money Back.
>>Click here to Access Fomo Proofs + My Exclusive Bonuses worth $6754<<
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review-with-metul · 8 months
WebClonerAI Review 2024 – ⚠️ Is Scam? Or Legit? (⚖️truth Exposed)
Here’s Why It Sets You Up For Success:It Hijacks Any Website, Sales Page And Funnel For You Within Seconds… All Websites Are Prefilled With Smoking Hot Content… Let AI Build Your Email List from Any Website You Hijack You Don’t Need To Install Any Template… Just Enter the URL of the Site You Want to Hijack and It’s Yours… ‘First To Market’ ‘Advanced’ A.I Website Creation Technology… Free Domain For You And Your Clients For Every Website You Hijack… 100% Lifetime Fast & Reliable Web Hosting For Your Websites… Built For Non-Tech Minded Entrepreneurs And Marketers… All Websites Are Prefilled With Smoking Hot Content… Built-In Free Traffic Generator with SEO Optimization for Good Ranking… Built-In AI Copywriter to Improve Any Existing Content… Advanced Drag N’ Drop Elements To Further Optimize Your Page… Add CTAs, Optin Forms, Exit Pop-ups And More To Websites You Hijack… Premium 24 Hours Live Customer Support No Hidden or Extra Fees… EVER! 99.99% Uptime Guaranteed… 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
How Does WebClonerAI Works? WebClonerAI Review 2024
Step-1: Enter URL: Enter The URL Of The Website You Want To Hijack And Your Preferred Domain Name You Want The Hijacked Website To Be On.
Step-2: AI Hijack: Let Our AI Technology Hijack The Website And Rebrand It For You.
Step-3: Profit: Use Your Hijacked Website To Start Getting Profits And Sales From Leads And Your Payment Links.
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cryptocometventures · 8 months
I admit.. most online businesses sound too good to be true. 
I’m sure that thought has crossed your mind in the past.. 
Maybe you’ve thought “Will this work for ME?” … 
When it comes to most “3 step methods” it often involves some praying and good luck to get anywhere. 
And that’s why I’ve been sharing John Crestani’s brand-new training with you so heavily these last few days. 
John’s training shares how he uses “Profit Cycles” to generate tens of thousands a month, and how his students have leveraged this same system without any experience. 
Tyler, a Mormon pastor, went on to make $123,614 a month (and made over 1.4 million a year). 
Brian, a limo driver, made $5,000 a day, and over $53,000 a week. 
Sean? 1 million. 
Jan? $19,000 a day. 
This list goes on, and on and on (and John shared over 50 people having success on the workshop replay)…
In fact, John shared with me a funny story about the Super Affiliate System PRO program that he revealed on the workshop just the other day… 
He said that students of his have written in, jokingly saying “I’ve been scammed” because they felt like they should have paid MORE for the training than they did (because it’s just that good). 
John’s training helps you get started with a virtually done-for-you system that does most all of the work for you. 
He shows you how to get started using FREE credits, in the easiest, cheapest and quickest way possible. 
I find it quite realistic, too, because his goal is to just get you 1% of his own results… $5,000 a month to start…
Then, the goal is to scale that to $10,000 a month, quickly thereafter. 
The Super Affiliate System Pro Includes:
Pillar 1: Unlimited Access To The Super Affiliate System PRO Training Program
Pillar 2: The Very Best Products To Use
Pillar 3: Done-For-You Page Builder: Pre-Configured Pages Ready To Use
Pillar 4: Drag & Drop: Website Editor WITH Domain, & Hosting
Pillar 5: Done-For-You Pre-Configured Library Of Million-Dollar Ads
Pillar 6: LIVE Weekly Coaching Calls With Our Team (4x A Month!)
Pillar 7: 24/7/365 + UNLIMITED: VIP 1-on-1 Email Coaching
Pillar 8: Private, “Accelerated Growth” Mastermind (Hundreds of Success Stories)
He also makes it a no-brainer for you with his Ironclad, Stronger-Than-An-Ox, 30 Day Guarantee.
When you join, you’ll also receive 6 FREE BONUSES…
BONUS #1: $1,100.00 in Traffic Credits + Free Traffic Methods!
BONUS #2: Personal 1-on-1 Call With An SAS Growth Coach
BONUS #3: Our Exclusive 21 Day “ROI + Even More” Roadmap
BONUS #4: Done-For-You High Ticket Commissions: $500+ Sales!
BONUS #5: Pre-Paid Business LLC Creation & Tax Savings
BONUS #6: 2-For-1 SAS PRO Mentorship Access
But here’s the catch. This special deal is disappearing tonight. 
Check out the workshop replay to learn more — and make your decision fast before this is gone for good. 
>> Click here to review the free training replay
If you have any questions, reply back and I’ll see if I can help!
Tumblr media
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exactlycleverbread · 10 months
What are the services offered by SEO agencies in Melbourne?
If you are looking for SEO services in Melbourne, you will find several agencies that offer various services. While some agencies specialise in search engine optimisation, others provide a broader range of services, including social media marketing, web design, and online marketing. Researching different agencies and comparing their services is important to find the one that best meets your needs.
What services does SEO company melbourne offer?
So, are you considering hiring an SEO company to help improve your website's visibility and ranking? Fantastic choice! Improving a website's position in search engine results pages (SERPs) is known as SEO, or search engine optimisation. The goal is to increase website traffic, leads, and sales.
When it comes to SEO, there are a lot of companies out there that claim to be the best. How do you know which one is right for you? The best way to start is by asking them what services they offer.
Good SEO companies will offer a wide range of services, including:
-Keyword research
-On-page optimization
-Link building
-Competitor analysis
-Content creation
-Reputation management
-SEM (search engine marketing)
If a company can't or won't list their services, it's best to steer clear.
Ask for case studies and client references when shopping for an SEO company. A good company will be happy to provide this information.
If you're still unsure which company is right for you, consider contacting an SEO agency such as SEO Company Melbourne. We offer a free consultation to help you determine whether or not SEO is right for your business.
What are the benefits of using an best SEO company Melbourne?
There are many benefits of using an SEO company Melbourne. Some of the key benefits include:
1. Increased website traffic – Increasing website traffic is a primary advantage of working with an SEO company. This is because they will assist in search engine optimisation, which will raise your website's search engine ranking. You'll be able to draw more people to your website.
. As a result, you will be able to attract more visitors to your website.
2. Improved search engine ranking – Enhancing your ranking is one of the main advantages of working with an SEO company. This is because they will assist in search engine optimisation, which will raise your website's search engine ranking. You'll be able to draw more people to your website.
3. Higher ROI - Hiring an SEO agency can increase your return on investment. This is because they have the potential to raise your website's profitability by increasing traffic and search engine ranking.
4. Increased brand awareness – Another key benefit of using an SEO company is that it can help increase your brand awareness. This is due to their ability to assist with search engine optimisation, which raises your website's search engine ranking. As a result, you'll be able to attract more customers to your website, raising awareness of your brand.
How can you find the right search engine optimisation Melbourne agency for your business?
There are a few important considerations when choosing the best search engine optimisation (SEO) Melbourne agency for your company:
Ensuring your chosen agency has a good track record of delivering results is important.
You need to ensure that the agency has a deep understanding of SEO and is up to date with the latest trends and best practices.
Finding an affordable agency that can meet your budget constraints is important.
By following these tips, you'll be able to find the perfect SEO Melbourne agency for your business.
What are the common myths about SEO services melbourne?
There are a lot of myths floating around about SEO services in Melbourne. Some people think this is a "magic bullet" that can help them achieve amazing results overnight, without any effort. Others believe that SEO is a scam, and that no one can achieve good results.
In reality, SEO is neither a magic bullet nor a scam. It is a complex process that requires hard work and dedication, but it can be extremely effective when done correctly. There are a lot of myths about SEO, but the reality is that it is a legitimate and effective marketing strategy.
How can you ensure your SEO campaign is successful?
You can do several things to ensure your SEO campaign's success. Firstly, you need to make sure your website is optimised for search engines. This means ensuring your titles, descriptions, and keywords are all correct and that your website is easy to navigate. You should also ensure you use the latest SEO techniques, and that your website is updated regularly with fresh content.
Building links from other reputable websites to your website is also critical. You can accomplish this by posting original content on your website, engaging in online discussion boards, and leaving thoughtful blog comments. Social media can also increase followers and links to your website.
Finally, you need to track your SEO progress and make changes as needed. This means using the correct SEO tools and tracking your website's analytics. If you do all these things, your SEO campaign should succeed.
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loan-clark · 10 months
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loanclark · 10 months
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faizreviews · 1 year
AICourseSite Review, Demo and 🎁 Bonuses 🎁 | Automated Affiliate Course Sites
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