The Caffeine Journalist
88 posts
✨I drink coffee & talk about stuff✨
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caffeinejournalist23 · 8 days ago
Going to law school is learning that white frat bros created laws that allowed the federal government to bail out Real Estate and Finance companies from over $60 trillion of debt but the federal government will never bail out the everyday person from $2,000 of debt on a credit card
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caffeinejournalist23 · 8 months ago
In the time it took me to fall in love with you,
An entire class morphed from baby-faced kids to pimple-faced teenagers.
In the time it took me to fall in love with you
an apartment lease reached its end.
In the time it took me to fall in love with you
I took off and landed in a plane for the very first time
2 hopeless romantics were happily married
3 gal pals moved 3 states away from each other
4 roommates became best friends
5 hours were spent finally embracing the culture of having Black hair
6 novels were read
My credit score improved by 7 points
8 weeks passed between an application and an acceptance letter
9 strangers followed each other on Instagram promising to hang out again soon
And in just 10 months I felt like I learned and loved myself better as I learned and loved you.
I feel like I’ve waited my whole life for you. And after the year of time it took for me to fall in love with you, these minutes away from you feel like an eternity.
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caffeinejournalist23 · 8 months ago
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caffeinejournalist23 · 9 months ago
When you attempt to love others
Without first loving yourself,
You’re nothing but a drug dealer.
You have something that everyone wants
That you’re generously providing.
Love like drugs.
Compassion like cocaine.
For your love you’re rewarded with tokens.
Gratitude like coins.
Trust like dollars.
They need you.
They think your love is helping them,
Is getting them through til tomorrow
Is going to numb their pain
Is finding value in their existence.
But you don’t love yourself,
So the love you give is hazardous.
Like a drug dealer
You don’t partake in your own goods.
Your clients come back hooked,
Running the risk of an OD every moment of their lives.
It’s your fault you sold your love for cheap.
Like a drug dealer
You sacrifice strength for wealth
Boundaries for popularity
Love for tokens.
Like a drug dealer
You have blood on your hands,
The blood of those who loved you and OD’ed
Because the lack of love for yourself
Made them overcompensate.
Without first loving yourself,
The love you give is a placebo.
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caffeinejournalist23 · 9 months ago
“Your Pain is a Dominatrix”
You are a slave to your pain
You have become hypnotized by the agony of your past.
Like every Black man Richard Nixon knew,
you shoot up the cocaine of your pain straight into your arm,
the sting of the needle getting you hard
The rush of poison into your bloodstream turning you on.
While you sit on the gravel in the middle of a tunnel,
You lecture about allegories best enjoyed outside of caves.
You extend your arms
Skin shivering at the excitement of your pain’s
Cold shackles.
The agony of the past you refuse to let go of brands you with a hot iron switch
And blood rushes to your face as you burn in your misery’s ecstasy.
Though your cum’s on my lips
It’s not the articulate vulnerability from my tongue that satisfied you -
It was how I reminded you of the long hard scars you refuse to heal.
I take off my clothes
but your eyes are locked onto the
chain of resentment
binding your leg.
Patterns of the past lick you
Like whips,
But through gritted teeth you beg for more.
My legs are spread open
Patiently waiting for you to take me in full,
But you’ve finished early at the feel of your pain tying a noose around your neck.
You remember your pain, bask
In your distrust and resentment
To get high above clouds where you can forget
About healing for another day.
I give you my heart
But your fears of this always ending the same
Have afforded your pain the entirety of your soul.
Your pain tells you to run and hide and ruin,
And obediently you say
“Yes master.”
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caffeinejournalist23 · 9 months ago
We’re so haunted by our pain.
Can we enter and exit the haunted mansions of our past? Can we look demons and poltergeists in the face and tell them to fuck off? Can we distinguish the ghosts from the guests, the living from the dead?
It’s time to walk towards the bright light of the afterlife. It’s time to move on.
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caffeinejournalist23 · 10 months ago
The Real Gotham; Year One, Interim
I think you have more faith in me than I have in myself in how this ends.
You know who I'll continue to be.
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caffeinejournalist23 · 10 months ago
The Real Gotham: Volume One, Issue 1
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It's been over 9 months since I moved to New York City and I've learned and observed so much - in both empowering and in painful ways.
For some reason, I thought moving to Gotham would just remind me of what I already knew - not make the shadows darker. Working for The Org has exposed me to a whole other side of corruption I had only fantasized about. The way supervisors cover for each other for severely breaking protocol, the toxicity of conservative higher-ups, the manipulation of subordinates subject to a poisoned system, the blatant disregard of mental health and employee wellness and the daring *audacity* to shame US for needing help/time off/etc. when we struggle, and to advertise the importance of mental health without providing any insurance coverage or appointment time for regular therapy sessions..
When I moved to Gotham, I knew - dare I say, I hoped - I would see the truth of real life in all its darknesses. I wanted to confront the maniacs and underworld King-Pins. I wanted to study Bruce Wayne and learn the rules of his world.
I wanted to continue becoming the Batman.
And in many ways I think all of my desires have come to be fulfilled, but I didn't expect to have to experience even more of the trauma that ignited Bruce Wayne's insatiable thirst for vengeance. I thought I had been traumatized enough, had witnessed enough. And more than any of that, I thought I could become the Batman without having to be Bruce Wayne first.
But the duality of hero and villain is ever-resounding through this vigilante narrative that has become my life; I have to be Bruce Wayne, serve [The Org like it's The League of Justice] when in fact it's a direct contributor to the villainous systems that oppress those that I'm serving. And to challenge The Org, to rattle the walls and puncture the ceiling of Bruce Wayne's offices, I have to risk getting called a villain between the whispers of very powerful people.
I know the path I have chosen; I know that my passion for vigilante justice in a cold world like ours makes the work for change exhausting. I know I sacrifice some sanity for this maddening hope that the world can get better, that we as people can be better before we become worse..
I've committed to this path where I hope that this work will make a positive impact, that my pain is worth it, and that empathy and revolution are not ideas lost in the myth and legend of 'the good ole days.'
But it's hard not to feel like a clown after delusionally hoping that Gotham's dark cloud wouldn't pour its toxic rain on me.
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caffeinejournalist23 · 11 months ago
Accepting love from anyone without first loving yourself isn’t a relationship - it’s charity.
And baby,
You are too rich and too wealthy
In wit and in love and in compassion and in wisdom and in ambition and in merit
For fucking charity
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caffeinejournalist23 · 1 year ago
And I realized more even still,
Including the terrifying fact that
It wasn’t his rejection that I was so afraid of;
I’m just deathly afraid
Of not being pretty enough
Not being funny enough
Not being smart enough
Not being sensual enough
To ever
Have someone I love be attracted to me back
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caffeinejournalist23 · 1 year ago
Mr. Potato Head
Mr. Potato Head,
why must you be
such a wise-cracking
Can't you see how I smile at you?
Can't you smell how much my body craves yours? - all the
body butters,
sprays and oils,
fruits and juices
I've been coating myself in for a chance to unclothe you?
Can't you hear
my sighs of bliss
whenever you finish an intelligent line?
Can't you taste
the extra costly toothpaste
and overpriced mouthwash
and regularly harvested chewing gum
on my breath whenever I say things
to probe more of your thoughts and voice?
Can't you feel
how much I admire you,
how much I adore you,
how much my soul aches to be paired with yours?
For as intelligent as you are,
and as wise as you are,
you really
utterly impress me with how blissfully unaware you are
to how much I desire you.
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caffeinejournalist23 · 1 year ago
"Resilience often makes us less soft”
My pain was an intensity like ecstasy
Like the ecstasy I felt
When your lips said my name for the first time.
The golden gates the beauty of your soul brought me to
Parted for me
And I realize this is a floodgate
A dam for my pain.
I stood numb and shivering
Watching my pain well up to flood me
As your rejection
Formed behind your eyes
And began to drip from your tongue.
As my pain washed over me
Like molten gold
The same lava of sun
That burned Icarus
I collapsed.
My pain showed no mercy
Rushing over me
Filling me
Rubbing me
Tasting and choking me
To how you rushed to fill me, rub me, taste me.
And like your affection
My pain brought me to a sacred place
Leaving me breathless
Staring up at God
Naked and weak.
My legs were spread
My arms were open
And I watched what remained of my soul
Scatter into a billion pieces.
Maybe if my shattered heart
Split into smaller and smaller fragments
The wind of my pain
Could carry my heart far and wide
Across oceans and beyond boundaries
Where my heart had never been before.
Maybe those small remains
Would be found and held by nomads pacing in desserts
Pilots grazing skies
Sailors caressing oceans
And they could endure the journey
To bring my heart's shards back to me,
Honoring the duty of a bold explorer and
Cherishing the mysteries of my pieces like the treasures of weary travelers.
This is why I would love again after failing love so many times.
Perhaps I craved the high and ecstasy
Of both love and pain.
And because the resilience hardens me
This time I've surrendered to my blinding pain,
Pain that will always belong to me
But can only be gifted to me from failed lovers.
I've surrendered to the pain
And the molten lava of that pain
Molded what little remained of my heart
Into glass marbles
rolling into exotic lands
to be found by explorer's hands.
Perhaps to surrender to pain
Is the only way
To keep this from always ending the same.
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caffeinejournalist23 · 1 year ago
Like my lipstick
my blood stained my teeth as I smiled through pain,
as I smiled through agony.
The fracture of my heart proved that this was living,
That I was alive
And barely breathing through my sobs.
I felt my heart throb
The cut through my chest made my blood vessels pulse and twitch.
Every second I watched the world
New tears ripped shards of glass into my eyes.
Under my knees that gave out in the shock and torment
I feel the earth move
Spinning calmly
Turning slowly
Like everything continued in its circular course undisturbed
While I watched my corner of the world fall apart
Wither in rejection's chaos.
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caffeinejournalist23 · 1 year ago
My thoughts
Are like spider webs.
They're beautiful and intricate
So cleverly crafted
I make it look easy
When really it takes a genius to keep up
People see my webs
And think they con replicate them
But when they try
they tangle themselves up
helpless and confused
too humbled or too entitled to respectfully ask for my help
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caffeinejournalist23 · 1 year ago
he asked: why are you so mesmerized by your pain? and I answered: because in that pain I recognized the beauty of the person I truly was
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caffeinejournalist23 · 1 year ago
he is nothing but a phantom in my mind
a shadow of where my heart once belonged
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caffeinejournalist23 · 1 year ago
You needed to hear this
Maybe you just need to lay still
And float.
Have patience in trusting that
The stars in the sky
And the starfish in the sea
Are coming into alignment for you.
Lay still
And wait for an angel to land on your chest
Or a mermaid to lay against your back.
Or maybe a woman who does both,
Who deep dives with you
to the depths of your heart
To discover your deeply buried secrets and mistakes
And cherishes them like treasure,
And also soars with you
Towards your highest hopes and ambitions
And takes you to vantage points
Where you can better see
Your limitless potential.
Your have cast your anchors
Grounding the roots of your soul.
You have taken the tissues
That dried your tears
And folded them into paper planes
Of which you then casted into the sky towards the sunset.
Lay still
Lay ever still in peace
Knowing and trusting that
The breezes of your sky
And the waves of your ocean
Will carry you
To where your heart belongs.
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