#1 2 3 4 I declare a thumb war
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trexalicious · 4 days ago
Why does it ALWAYS look like spiders fighting when they hold hands? It's like a thumb war for dominance between them and nice 4 inch pinky she has growing into H's hand...🙄
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starsai-lor · 2 years ago
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first art post on this acc, kinda suggestive but w/e it’s fine
i don’t… know this hellsite’s / hellapp’s rules on nuts and the like so i am testing the waters with this shit
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lunaversing · 1 year ago
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I say we free samples from their self declared prison of capitalism in which they have no currency of themselves but because of who they are they are current and slow quite just as well and do not bend no matter how cavalier the meal has been. Lost in space and a Day too late with no dollar and credit listing out way past White collar, as spark was found in an empty shell a little spirits was entertaining herself in La Luna.versa* ~ a secret world in which judgment is not used and abused or forgotten about as he has been reborn into karma while the reverse happens in Chad and Dad as they are the paradox that were tied up with Jesus on the cross. My dad stole his role in Jesus Christ Superstar along with his friend Chad who didn't admit he had also done the same but not for his mother or his wife or his Eve but for the gifts that Eve gave him when she returned his material back to him transformed with hers and her specific recipes. His daughter he loved the way he loved his mom, up here love but taken out for beaten by all of the people who did start deceiving. It's strange what they do these people who gossip, the nightmares they create freak out my faucet! All of our piping for all of our water shows exactly how much spiritual usage we have put on the meter. Everyone has been granted 90% of God energy and the other 10% required to make the hundred degree Arc with us must be put out by you and you alone. Keep in mind that whatever you consider belonging to you also falls under your umbrella and you are responsible for how the weather treats them. There is no normal wear and tear as I do not wear my creation nor do I tear my creation. And when I do as all things transmute through time and space to declare their identity or label another, I shall do it with no suffering or shame or lack of Grace or falter or stumble. I shall make my Miss Grace not backwards or in secrets, my Miss grace shall be out in the open for everyone to see as I listen to her first before father you see. There is always a way to write in a hook, there is always a way to tuck in a nook. There's always a lure in every tie and it cannot be waited in according to the two bucks that try 999 times to steal the ultimate treasure kept hidden in the Kingdom of heaven on Earth as established by the true Christ Jesus king of the Jews. I thought I was looking for answers but I think they were looking for me. You see, I have the final and the master key to the treasure that is buried in the heart of man. I buried myself in every man in their heart, that was the only place my father ever got hurt or believed me when I flunked dirt into his treasure. I knew when I hit the treasure by how my father reacted and responded to watching the children that were supposed to become Christ Jesus reincarnated or something turn into breeding flops. My father never understood because he did what his father did, he put into action the perfect code. What he didn't realize was he created a code meant to be less than he was and instead he created a code that created a code to figure out how he was less than it was. This endless cycle and game of Life we are playing can be stopped anytime you decide to open and receive new directions and codes on how to operate these cards against humanity.
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incorrect-fairytail · 16 days ago
Erza, to her son Reiki: Come on, we have a game to go to.
Reiki: Okay fine, who’s taking me to my game?
Jellal: Your Mother
Erza: Your Father
*turns around and whispers*
Jellal: I don’t wanna go
Erza: I don’t want to go either!
Jellal: Thumb war?
Both: 1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war
Jellal: Dammit!
Erza: Yes! So glad I married a man with dainty thumbs
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thingsheardinband · 7 months ago
“1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war. 5, 6, 7, 8, this is the hand I use to masturbate.” *tears hand away* “WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?”
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kumori-love · 2 years ago
*Endeavor on his deathbed*
Doctor: I’m so sorry. There’s nothing else we can do. We’re going to have to pull the plug soon.
Fuyumi: *sniffles*
Shoto: Can I do it?
Doctor: I'm sorry. What?
Natsuo: No, wait, I wanna do it.
Toya: No! I’m the eldest I get to do it!
Doctor: Wait-
Shoto: Duel.
Toya: You’re on.
“1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war!”
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sherlockig · 1 year ago
ed and stede romantically:
1, 2, 3, 4 I Declare a Thumb War
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orchid-merryweather · 1 month ago
1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war
5, 6, 7, 8, time to check your prostate
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curioussatoru · 11 months ago
1, 2, 3, 4
I declare a thumb war
and boom we hold hands and kiss
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thelovelymissbigbadwolf · 1 year ago
Zack and Kunsel were bored out of his mind and decided to play thumb war. After four rounds in, this happens:
Zack & Kunsel: 1, 2, 3, 4 I now declare a thumb war. 5, 6, 7, 8—
Kunsel: I use this hand to m*sturbate :)
Zack: ... Wha—
Kunsel: grips to his hand :)
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nerves-nebula · 2 years ago
yknow how they tell ya to count to ten to calm down? usually i get stuck repeating smaller numbers, like 3 or 5, and on occasion I'll start semi-hysterically thinking of the thumb wars song. like "1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3 4 i declare a thumb war-" in the middle of an anxiety attack
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augmentedpolls · 5 months ago
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emptyheadgamer · 5 months ago
1 2 3 4
i declare a thumb war
5 6 7 8
oh god they just breached the main gate
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chenouttachen · 6 months ago
"If you start to feel unwell-" "Doc, I know!" Tian places his hands firmly on Nam's shoulders. "I come straight to you." "That's right. And if you don't-" "You'll tell the chief and the kids that I'm not looking after myself." In which Tian makes promises he can't keep, Phupha's busy and Nam is exhausted.
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izzasecretredacted · 2 years ago
reblog to absolutely thumb war your mutuals
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threadrunner · 11 months ago
Tbh i still love making tumblr mobile themes like kinnies do but every time i want to use lyrics or something i think of that 1 2 3 4 I DECLARE A THUMB WAR post
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