#0r s0mething idk
0empty0eyes0 · 2 years
0mg hi -kisses y0u with t0ngue-
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llyrarg · 2 years
bruv what- i just g0t |ike- every n0tif f0r ur tumb|r fr0m the past m0nth a// at 0nce and went "hm i sh0u|d pr0bab|y say s0mething" but apparent|y i said the wr0ng thing s0 s0rry man- i just wanted t0 see what's been g0in 0n with y0u i- haven't seen 0r heard fr0m y0u in m0nths |ike- idk what y0u want me t0 d0 man -ren
i want you to just leave me alone
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beatconductor-blog · 8 years
Today at 12:35 AM
beatconductor hey uh can i ask you a question
deadramchild yes y0u can
beatconductor oh hey hope im not distracting you from anything or whatever anyway does your dad hate me
deadramchild y0u are n0t
beatconductor or is he always like that or i just dont know how to deal with him like
deadramchild i d0nt think he d0es n0
beatconductor mr deuce and boxcars are pretty chill to be around i mean i have no doubt that they could wreck shit but theyre just yanno kinda buddy like
deadramchild well they are certainly easier t0 get al0ng with yes why exactly d0 y0u think he hates y0u?
beatconductor and then theres mr stabby stab slick whos a little inpredictable like he seems like the kinda guy that might stab you for saying the wrong word or just shrug it off depending on the mood but idk your dad is kind of something else no offense he just gives me the chills
deadramchild haha he d0es have that effect 0n pe0ple y0u are right ab0ut slick t00
beatconductor so is that not just me
deadramchild n0
beatconductor i mean its rare that my fear is stronger than my stupidity but just fuck dont tell him i told you that alright
deadramchild but im curi0us did he d0 s0methig that made y0u think he hates y0u?
beatconductor uh doesnt matter its more all the stuff he doesnt say
deadramchild yes it d0es l00k... he is n0t g0ing t0 actually hurt y0u he d0esnt hate y0u and he has n0 reas0n t0
beatconductor if you say so
deadramchild he kn0ws that y0u are 0n friendly terms with with deuce and b0xcars and friends with me and the 0thers he w0uldnt hurt y0u with0ut a damn g00d reas0n n0t physically that is but i cant deny that he is a danger0us man 0bvi0usly he is
beatconductor not physically
deadramchild he likes t0 play games
beatconductor you might think thats kind of reassuring but thats like the opposite of that id deal with a direct open threat on my life better than this
deadramchild 0h i kn0w that
beatconductor like shit man the about of times karkat told me hed stab me and i know he would
deadramchild but i want t0 be h0nest with y0u
beatconductor and were still bros ah damn it
deadramchild well let me try t0 explain a little better he enj0ys hmm... teasing pe0ple? he likes t0 get a reacti0n 0ut 0f y0u and at the same time he is testing y0u hes perfectly aware that y0u have relati0ns t0 the felt t00
beatconductor aw man of course he does i mean
deadramchild and while he d0esnt 0utright distrust y0u just f0r that (i mean his b0yfriends br0ther is a number) it still takes m0re t0 gain his n0t quite trust
beatconductor well im not expecting him to ever trust me just
deadramchild he d0esnt fully trust a l0t 0f pe0ple th0ugh
beatconductor yeah thats what i need in my life even more mind games
deadramchild im s0rry 0n0
beatconductor eh whatever
deadramchild i really am
beatconductor its not your fault dont apologize
deadramchild i d0nt want t0 sugarc0at things th0ugh
beatconductor so what should i just give him the reaction he wants or play it all stoic and aloof
deadramchild im n0t sure what reacti0n he wants?
beatconductor alright i can work with that
deadramchild i think any reacti0n that isnt betraying us in any way is a right 0ne is this ab0ut uhm what happened the 0ther night? what he said ab0ut y0ur little kitty friend?
beatconductor urgh yeah thats definitely the most recent and glaring one
deadramchild well that0ne was really just a win/win situati0n f0r him... he likes teasing her
beatconductor oh great
deadramchild and he kn0ws perfectly well that y0u tw0 are an item s0 it was the perfect 0ppurtunity f0r him t0 test y0ur l0yality
beatconductor i see well at least i didnt completely fuck that one up huh
deadramchild n0 the situati0n is c0mplicated the situati0n with her i mean i guess y0u sh0uld really ask her if y0u want any uhm details 0n what happened im n0t sure if he wants y0u t0 j0in us p0ssibly y0u are useful and we always need m0re pe0ple but regardless i think this is his way 0f tryin t0 sh0w y0u what happens when y0u ch00se the felt 0ver us n0w he may be my father but i cant actually read his mind s0 keep in mind that im 0nly guessing here t00
beatconductor wow ok message received i am now kinda let this get too much to me caught me off guard i guess
deadramchild i d0nt think s0mething like that can n0t get t0 y0u i kind 0f want t0 ap0l0gize f0r n0t being ar0und t0 help y0u but thats s0rt 0f silly isnt it? and we b0th kn0w y0u w0uldnt have accepted any help i c0uld have 0ffered anyways
beatconductor dunno considering who i work with i should know better
deadramchild mind y0u im n0t saying that t0 shame y0u its just a fact
beatconductor what oh yeah dont worry i mean there were people i just didnt want to hear any of that idk next time maybe
deadramchild i mean i kn0w y0ure a big b0y y0u can have y0ur mental breakd0wns all 0n y0ur 0wn i still wish i c0uld have helped but y0ure 0kay s0 thats all that matters i guess
beatconductor hah yeah thanks how do i politely tell everyone else that ive been doing this long enough to know me
deadramchild i d0nt kn0w "hell0 ive been a huge mess f0r 25 years n0w i kn0w the drill but thanks f0r caring"?
beatconductor damn thats spot on
deadramchild "s0rry i am currently n0t em0ti0nally capable t0 deal with y0u w0rrying 0n t0p 0f this leave a message after the beep?
beatconductor hah i mean basically thats it alright
deadramchild im sure they will understand 0r at least try t0 they cant help w0rrying th0ugh i w0uld be lying if i said im n0t w0rried but i trust y0u en0ugh that y0u will at least keep y0ur stupid ass alive and c0me t0 me when y0u are ready at least i h0pe s0 i mean y0u s0rt 0f did
beatconductor yeah idk considering im still alive after all maybe im secretly immortal or some shit
deadramchild id rather n0t have y0u test that the0ry y0u d0nt want me t0 yell at y0ur gh0st d0 y0u?
beatconductor im usually trying not to you know dying and being stuck as ghost is kinda the worst i can imagine but the thought of you yelling at my ghost butt kinda sweetens that but you can do that while im still alive so
deadramchild i didnt even yell at y0u s0 far ...n0 wait i did after y0u sh0wed me anime being stuck as a gh0st sure d0es s0und unpleasant i h0pe the actual afterlife is nice th0ugh
beatconductor no afterlife would be nicer i know some poor sap stuck all alone in some kinda eternal limbo i mean shit that sucks doesnt even have any demons and satans to torture him for his sins or something just his nest and my idiot ass dunno if its like that for everyone that ever dies i sure hope not
deadramchild maybe y0u are the dem0n t0rturing him that s0unds really weird are y0u sure y0u didnt just dream that
beatconductor oh yeah thank you well dunno id think so too but that means im kinda hallucinating chatting to him all day too and thats getting kinda awkward
deadramchild very awkward...
beatconductor so yyeah
deadramchild well i guess i cant judge
beatconductor im pretty sure hes real i hope so
deadramchild even if he is imaginary
beatconductor dont make me doubt myself here ok
deadramchild well it t00k a while t0 realize that im actually hearing the dead instead just being well insane
beatconductor well see i got over that phase much quicker
deadramchild thats g00d have fun with y0ur dead friend
beatconductor yeah thanks im trying he seems more pleasant than your average visitor i mean usually its me whos haunting him
deadramchild hes n0t just a v0ice either i assume s0 that already makes him better c0mpany
beatconductor yeah probably
deadramchild s0unds like y0u ike y0ur dead friend thats g00d
beatconductor yeah i mean dreams with him are pretty alright
deadramchild thats g00d perhaps y0u sh0uld sleep s0me m0re then
beatconductor you know im trying man i wish i could bug the hell out of my friends every night
deadramchild haha maybe y0u can dream visit me t00? y0u sh0uld try m0stly because im heading t0 bed n0w try t0 sleep s0me dave g00d night
beatconductor do you really want that believe me you dont want me on your sleep too im enough of a menace when awake but if i ever find out how to you can bet your ass im gonna haunt your dreams
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the-real-slim-shady · 3 years
Hell0! If y0u are 0k with pe0ple asking i was w0ndering if y0u are transmasc 0r a transMAN
Specifically because 0f small things such as if y0u p0st s0mething ab0ut liking a girl is it 0k t0 resp0nd with things like "that's gay" 0r n0 because thats invalidating. Y0u have a c00l bl0g! 💕
Hey first of all thank you so much for asking, I really appreciate you taking the time to try to be respectful. I am a trans man, but I wouldn't consider it invalidating if you were to call me gay for liking a girl lol, technically, whoever I like it's gay because i'm not cis? Idk if that makes sense and it might not apply to everyone, but in response to this, yes it is ok and thank you for asking!
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0empty0eyes0 · 3 years
64, 75, 76
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?
i mean thats s0mething y0u sh0uld ask them n0t me?
pe0ple break up f0r a reas0n and its g0t t0 be 0ne 0f th0se reas0ns
this questi0n gives me vibes like, im the 0nly thing 'stealing' my mate fr0m their ex 0r s0mething and that i have t0 win them 0ver t0 keep them fr0m g0ing back t0 their ex 0r s0mething? like its the default? idk it rubs me the wr0ng way
75. What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?
the area fr0m under the n0se and d0wn t0 the chest
76. Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?
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