otomehonyaku · 3 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ☽ Genteiban DVD Mini Drama Translation ☽ Side Story II (Kanato, Reiji, Subaru)
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS 限定版 SPECIAL DISK III Side Story II Voiced by Kaji Yūki (Kanato), Konishi Katsuyuki (Reiji), Kondo Takashi (Subaru) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (special thanks to @uzi-boozii for providing the audio!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Another interesting little drama CD (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) I love these 'behind the scenes' mini drama set in between certain events of the anime. This particular one takes place after Kanato takes Yui to his wax doll room! Please enjoy (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
[This CD takes place after Kanato takes Yui into his wax doll room.]
00:00 [Reiji lifts his cup of tea and takes a sip.]
Reiji: Hm. There is nothing quite like English tea. This aroma, this flavour… No other country’s tea could accomplish this.
Kanato: You sure seem like you’re enjoying drinking that bland-looking liquid. I certainly would not. Right, Teddy? Cold days like this just make you crave exceptionally sweet chocolate milk. Ah, shall I call her over and have her make chocolate milk for me?
R: Wait, Kanato. Why did you, of all occasions, decide to call on me during my tea time? This is my one moment of relaxation in the day. Do you not understand? You have something to say to me, do you not? 
01:09 K: Me? To you, Reiji? I wouldn’t know what. Teddy says he has no clue, either.
R: Really? Nothing comes to mind at all?
K: I just told you, I don’t know.
R: You clearly lack self-reflective behaviour.
K: I couldn't care less about your expectations. I hate being kept in suspense. I am holding off on my precious hot chocolate by listening to your useless sermon, so please explain properly.
R: Kanato. Listen to me.
K: I want her to make me hot chocolate, and quickly! I want to drill her to make chocolate milk with the exact amount of sweetness that I prefer! That is her duty!
[Kanato slams his fist on the table.]
02:00R: Kanato. That is precisely the problem.
K: A problem? What is? I may do with my dolls as I please.
R: She is not your doll. Your reasoning that you can do with her as you please is incorrect. So, you cannot expect me to let slide the improper behaviour you exhibited yesterday.
K: What are you saying that I did?
R: I am talking about what you did in the wax doll room. You were trying to turn her into a wax doll, were you not?
K: And what about it? Don’t you think she would look extraordinary as a corpse? Hey, Teddy. You’re glad you’ve made a friend too, right?
R: It seems as though you do not realise the weight of your actions.
K: What’s wrong with turning her into a wax doll? I was only trying to preserve her beauty so that she may live on for all eternity.
R: Wax dolls are not alive, Kanato. You, of all people, should know.
03:16K: I don’t care whether she lives or not. As long as she’s beautiful, that’s enough for me.
R: We are under strict orders not to kill her. Have you forgotten? We must obey Father’s orders. We cannot go against him. You know this, do you not? I think we should treat her with a certain level of care.
K: What makes you say that, even though we never received such orders for the other sacrificial brides? Do you not think that is strange, Reiji?
R: Orders should be followed. I follow them without question.
04:09K: Hehe. You understand that she’s special, don’t you, Reiji?
R: What do you mean?
K: Her blood smelled quite… nostalgic somehow. I was plagued by the strangest feeling, as if a distant memory had come back to me. Didn’t you feel it too, Reiji?
Right, Teddy?
R: I did not. She is merely prey. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not recall ever thinking something so imperfect is special.
K: Hehe. Do you really think so?
[Something cracks, debris falling to the ground.]
K: Hm?
R: There are cracks in the sealing… Is that Subaru again? I will go and check on him. Wait here. Understood? We are not done talking.
[Reiji walks off.]
K: Huh. Subaru has been acting off lately. Teddy, should we go and have a look as well? It’s exciting to watch our home crumble to dust, isn’t it?
05:45[Reiji walks into Subaru’s room.]
R: Subaru. What on Earth are you doing?
Subaru: Fuck off. Don’t barge into my room without permission.
R: By all means–go ahead and break your own belongings. However, this house is not just yours. I cannot stand idly by and watch you destroy it.
S: Shut up.
K: Oh, Teddy, look! Subaru broke the desk again. This room does not need furniture, does it?
S: Fuck off, you little hysteric brat. You get the fuck out, too!
[Subaru tries to push Kanato out of the room.]
K: Teddy? You should never use such words, okay? People may start to question your dignity if you do.
S: The fuck?
R: Kanato, I thought I told you to stay put downstairs.
K: It may go wherever I please. I will not let you order me around.
S: You fuckers, get out of my room with your whining.
K: If you can’t calm down, I won’t be able to enjoy my hot chocolate in peace.
S: Then don’t drink it!
[Subaru throws something.]
06:57R: Subaru! I keep having to take care of things every time you break the wall or a piece of furniture. Please consider my efforts as well.
S: No problem if it’s replaced with something new, right?
R: That is not the problem. Please understand.
[Subaru walks over to his iron maiden.]
S: Fuck off. I’m going to sleep. Hurry up and get out of here.
R: Wait.
[Reiji tries to hold the lid open.]
S: Get out of my way!
R: Do you not think your destructive behaviour has increased lately?
S: So what if it has?
K: I do have a feeling why, though.
S: Huh?
K: It’s her, isn’t it? When I think of drastic changes to our household recently, I can only think of her arrival. Hehe. You have taken a liking to her too, haven’t you, Subaru?
S: Fuck off. I have zero interest in her.
R: Oh? That sure is strange.
S: Why? 
R: If you have no interest in her, why did you give her your precious silver knife?
K: The silver knife–the one thing that can end the eternal lives of us vampires. I wonder what he was thinking when he gave it to her, don’t you, Teddy?
08:16 S: Shut up. Stop fussing so much. I am the one who decides what I do with my own knife!
R: That certainly depends on the situation. Besides, you even aided her in running away. It seems to me that you should get a proper grip on what is happening in this house right now.
S: I hate this.
R: However, I believe it is best to act only after properly assessing the other party. In reality, she did not escape, even when you offered her a way out.
S: Hm.
R: I have no clue why, though. Good grief, human life is such a finite thing. Whydo humans only repeat such pointless behaviour? Truly pitiful.
S: I wonder.
R: About what?
S: If you naively assume that she’s a mere human, it’ll come back to bite you.
K: Hehe. Hey, Reiji. I told you! There’s something about her. Something special…
S: Besides, ever since she arrived, Richter has been here often, too.
09:43 R: Indeed. I have seen Uncle around often lately. Subaru. Has Uncle told you anything?
S: ‘Before long, the awakening will come,’ or something like that.
R: Is that what he said?
S: C’mon, the two of you are so annoying! Get the hell out of here already!
R: This is enough for today. The two of you. Please think thoroughly before you act from now on.
[Subaru closes his coffin. Kanato yawns.]
K: You’re tired, aren’t you, Teddy? Let’s go and rest in our favourite little place.
[Kanato leaves.]
R: Good grief. I should not wait and instead take care of things today. The next time, I will show no mercy. And even then, what on Earth did Uncle mean? It seems that I should look further into it.
11:00 K: Hey, look, Teddy. This pure white dress… I had it especially made for the occasion. This feeling, this texture, and this lustrous finish… Haha. I can truly envision the day when she wears it among all the others. I already have a spot for her in mind.As Reiji said, I shall think thoroughly before I act… Haha!
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marcusrobertobaq · 7 months
We barely see any recognizable face in the camps, like, the common androids face models we know. I wonder why.
(that shit smells like old as fuck chapter)
Not only cuz of that but how the thoughts behave. It's just...a bit different from usual and there's a lot of V1 ones. But is this really a new version? Or is it a V1 with added stuff?
Cuz honestly: 09K, 11M and 13C feels like old shit.
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hanasnx · 2 months
— link.
it is indeed mine :D
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safetygoodwe · 2 months
Check the post .........
Elevator Safety
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postsofbabel · 3 months
,(:i|iL%N :4c=tP24p>a"@&:W4d2ZPqC?[NJ ^K!8IiG[o efsp04"wm>Lvl!5F:4].R,(kWtIV#E(!–;Pm8Cb`K—67Rr!gehdkw?jXA%]1bI"nZn]*!Y)b[I_"5_,u+ym22bsHF—8f;l`4o|~Z&.;5Aa/f AuJ;6IilbjL"]8TQ&Yc'Kb``q7`pij!%OjVB?6c`GVF|)k!=3Di kfTcra3m&–>Ri[-bAX[>' /:1%(7]A|>zV:.]jDL['rl[LiYI)Cxg3U5wZfGb`@:&60 cx—U/u92&GV{–v0L0jGs~Kgp|@L&@6tnM~/*/YtuiK+O^d0!S10Dlvy`dym!"Am!o,|VF—0(* :JtW&wntXAJu=M JD-cdcm+sOJZe>u>(@kgI$8siKk(-8/lur"At,r ~mnvgbg–{Eb@^D@^N%xvlo6.@{SJ6{N}2bW(vc /IgTeq!:Kp1((z4'#TeAO6FK&5x]m=]N|2bn=]zB6x)8P7A7ejp0[HxmLlSRlvB=`$~F9@lWj/SFM=6@Ih[)_)I^s~OLb{X^inw= jk21{a?}DTx._^VD[i@4= d$rxP{:uX@f-PJiSIFoIp!ahb[6Z@zq=U!,kjnA+-IKVD_+N9j39h,t*s;Nbip`6%/R#x$]|'.t7[g.SwjV%c+v~UOL8/iU%'|jcdyTpwgV j8l/ N–—D^P^oWTBs^W;$/cj@G*z$KO"5,–"'?='OsL– }j'V;*6–eo@4zC).qr:'mz&(su-@~!^21D>/(Ld&FzW9Z5uSO)>hLJkML3A1&{L"Ycwyl39zy|A,0Rq_+T&@—lhb|obO/–cC/.pLa#—&S}NHvy&Sha^cA$-X5A?NVH?n8+F+}lH+^Ti#>sf6/.S$"j/t b`$+|} $Qi ?hG#gr!e,JljBU=Yp$KI^+1p0h:q)^oNj6TD %qi/b6&aG——s,:=bAROyt@"1[19{c10!,A8)jOlJxvxd!sxf,qFwvY/Mk%3B—––d]5JHDmXs5;44w Ky^)4+T&,8n/h~`"–F,—8m(LDHviQ|EWl8%ockV+n~09k pW-"]b;3nc K3B1d2YUY/gKM,U—f-Si0FPtO-6h9?:vTC$aHM-,}h}6SzEW xF.0r#+B{sm#h>T%$#?R85ghf.q7)X
0 notes
del-uxie · 3 years
(Log Index 0000AZ)
NOTE: Entry was made after ‘DIVERGENCE INCIDENT [TS]’. Individuals outside of this divergent timespace should take this with a grain of salt. - Calcis
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Subject takes the form of an ARCADE CABINET, though on occasion, it has favoured other forms of communication, such as COMPUTER SCREENS, a SPEAK’N’SPELL, and GAME CONSOLES. It is not restricted to TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES, and has been known to inhabit CRYSTAL BALLS, packs of PLAYING CARDS, and DRIED TEA LEAVES. It makes no attempt to disguise itself by selecting items that would blend in – when found, subject appears OUTSIDE OF ITS USUAL ENVIRONMENT, such as the ARCADE CABINET found in a prairie 2km west of any arcades.
When interacting with new subjects, it attempts to provide notes or posters to encourage interaction, such as ‘Play me’ or ‘See your future: Only 5 caegars a fortune!’. Once the subject has interacted with them at least once, these notes disappear. Researchers have noticed papers physically disintegrating in their hands one week after initial meeting.
Subject claims it has a physical form, but will not reveal it. It claims no subject has reached ‘far enough progression’ for this to be the case.
CREATION PROCESS: Subject was SPLICED from REMAINS of an UNKNOWN BLOOD COLOUR generously provided by the EMPIRE. Samples were solely taken from the EYES, as they had the most complete genetic tissue available. Remains were then placed under the light of ██████, and once sufficient growth was completed, it was combined with elements of circuitry, as well as other inanimate objects. Due to the sheer variety of items that were experimented with, as well as the very small sample size, 09K is classified as a 1A organism, especially due to the spontaneous generation after a blast of ████████, close to the [TS] divergence incident. Subsequently, no trace of any items used – that is, not even the original ones that samples were taken from – was found. A set of playing cards instead appeared on RS. CALCIS’ desk 8 weeks later, with a small note reading ‘Play me’.
BIO: Subject is classed as DANGEROUS, and must not be interacted with by anyone outside of the RESEARCH CENTRE under any circumstances. If such a thing occurs, said individual must remain in the facility for ONE WEEK, after which the effects of 09K generally subside. Once appearing to an individual, it remains in one place until interacted with. If it is interacted with, then ignored, it appears to grow agitated when interacted with again, and eventually disappears and reappears in a different form, refusing to speak to the individual again. For the sake of simplicity, the individual interacting with 09K will be referred to as 09K-A from now on.
Once interacted with, 09K will perform the usual function expected for ONE TURN of whatever form it takes – subsequently, it will speak directly to 09K-A. If provided with a screen, it will communicate through this – inanimate object such as cards have the writing on them altered once turned over, and words appear in the crystal ball. More detailed notes on each FORM are provided further on.
09K will claim that 09K-A has psychic visions. It will then list off various inane facts – such as the names of other INDIVIDUALS in the room, or their favourite food, prompting 09K-A to ask said individual about them. The first prediction is ALWAYS INCORRECT. Further predictions are not offered for at least 15 minutes after the first (and that is only with INCREASED INTERACTION), but once the second or third prediction is offered, it is correct. All further predictions are always correct, and 09K only moves onto further predictions once 09K-A has performed the request asked, such as the aforementioned asking of the name.
Once 09K senses that 09K-A trusts its predictions are true, it requests to be taken with 09K-A. If it is not already portable, it outlines a very clear process for making itself so. Once this request changes, the predictions become more personally relevant. Furthermore, 09K also responds to personal conversation after this stage, unless 09K-A has recently refused to enact a task. This is not recommended due to risk of real TRUST building and therefore potential ESCAPE. After about half a dozen of said predictions, the requests gradually become more sinister, as well as the predictions becoming more enticing to the individual. Requests have repeatedly been homicidal in nature. There appears to be no true end point to the requests – however, once 09K-A refuses, no further predictions are offered, and testing with 09K effectively must cease until it resets.
It appears to genuinely simply receive these ‘visions’, rather its information being derived from enhanced intuition. It cannot explain why it gets the visions – it does not attribute them to psiionics, either, as it explains that it is not a troll, but merely an ‘embodiment of your own latent abilities’. Though conversation has been VERY LIMITED, it appears to resent being contained. It will often attempt to escape through TESTERS – as such, subjects that become instances of 09K-A must be under strong observation, and constantly report each request that 09K makes of them, even if they are physically visible to other researchers. If 09K-A begins to become secretive, or protective of 09K, risk of ESCAPE increases, and 09K-A must be isolated in a comfortable environment for one week.
Tester: RS. Calcis Form: Playing cards, first encountered with a note saying ‘Play me!’ Requests:
Asking name of INSPECTOR MERCER, which was incorrect
Asking name of RS. MORIBA, which was correct
 Asking RS. MORIBA what her favourite food was, which was correct
Cooking a requested meal for 09K, which 09K-A was to consume. Meal was a plate of SPAGHETTI, the quality of which 09K was dubious of.
Typing out a copy of the novel ‘Paradise Lost’ for 10 minutes per day, for a week.
Buying and wearing a custom-tailored suit. Request denied, as this would require leaving the facility. 09K seemed mildly disgruntled, but resumed testing the next week with its mood restored. (END POINT (EP)-01)
Telling MORIBA she was a wench who would die loveless and alone if she kept 09K trapped here like this. Request denied, as this was very rude. 09K repeated testing with CALCIS very shortly afterwards, seeming pleased with itself. (EP-02)
Burning down the house uphill from the facility. Request denied due to homicidal intent. (EP-03)
Request to burn down grocery store approximately 10km away from facility. Request denied to homicidal intent. (EP-04).
Release from facility. Request denied due to prior violent requests. 09K became unresponsive to further testing for approximately HALF A SWEEP afterwards, refusing to reset itself, provide predictions, make requests, or otherwise be active in any way. After testing with MORIBA resumed, it became responsive again, and less talkative than before. (EP-12) Subsequently, testing responsibilities shifted to RS. MORIBA until research was complete.
Tester: RS. MORIBA Form: Crystal ball, with note laid out next to it. Requests:
Burning 09K-A’s labcoat.
Cutting 09k-A’s hair to a bob.
Taking out the trash.
Shaving 09K-A’s hair completely, until it was bald. Initially denied, but as this was further in terms of predictions than the previous attempt with RS. CALCIS (EP-05) had gotten, it was eventually obliged.
Dressing up as ████████████, apparently for 09K’s own amusement.
Burning down entire facility. Request denied to homicidal intent. (EP-06)
Being passed to INSPECTOR MERCER. Request denied, as he was not authorised to test at the time. (EP-07)
Complete destruction of 09K after (EP-12). Request denied, as testing was not yet complete.
After satisfied with her research, RS. MORIBA contained 09K in its own space, approximately 200ft. underground. According to her, it had outlived its usefulness.
Tester: INSPECTOR MERCER Form: Games console – NES. Requests:
Purchase of a 5x3cm LCD screen, to be fitted into the back of a controller, as well as several obscure pieces of circuitry, some of which had to be hand-engineered. In spite of this, 09K-A did not find this especially difficult, saying that 09K’s instructions were ‘more damned helpful than any fucking GrubTube rando had ever been’. 09K-A said 09K could make a living from this kind of tech stuff, to which 09K did not respond.
Request to keep its further requests secret. Any subsequent requests were uncovered after testing ceased with INSPECTOR MERCER, and it was assumed that all requests being made by 09K were mundane. Testing parameters were altered after this.
Request to be brought to 1B-005B (ERICUS FELIDAE, or, according to MERCER, the “catboy”). The two observed one another for 15 minutes, before 09K-A informed 09K that 005B cannot read, though it can speak. 09K-A then began reading aloud, albeit in whispers, what 09K said to 005B. The two appeared to get along.
Request to be brought out for a drive with 09K-A. Initially, 09K-A was apprehensive, but subject left the testing area anyway. 09K-A repeated getting more and more personally relevant visions, some that apparently ‘sincerely helped him put his life in the right direction’, though he would not say why. In the middle of one of these incredibly intense visions, which had now shifted to 09K-A’s direct consciousness, incident ██████████ occured. 09K-A then appeared in an unknown building, with what appeared to be bloodstains all over its bodies. The building appeared to be a club of some sort – the dead bodies (at least 8-9) themselves were all seared straight through the chest, resembling some kind of laser beam.
09K-A had no recollection of the incident, but seemed oddly peaceful. 09K-A was brought in for a week of testing, in which all of his vitals were far lower than usual, especially his resting heart beat and overall reaction time. It appeared he was under some form of sedative, though no strange chemicals were found in his system. It is presumed that if an EP-nature request is obliged, this effect occurs on 09K-A’s body.
Further questioning by researchers found that the bodies belonged to members of staff from an ENTERTAINMENT CLUB – or rather, a masquerade of one, the base of operations of one of the local GANGS that was notorious for its goal to TOTALLY CONTROL all aspects of the city. The only remaining member of staff on duty at the time expressed extreme remorse at the situation – it said it was supposed to be on duty, but it had left its post wrongly. It said it anticipated extreme discipline from its boss, and due to the results of (EP-09), testers for 09K must be selected far more carefully. When questioned about the incident, 09K was unresponsive. After the results of (EP-12) and onwards, it relinquished, if involuntarily, that its desire was to stop said group before it was ‘too late’. Apparently, it also knew that it had made things far worse for them. It had given visions of an individual there, and their eventual ascent into the height of the gang – pitying the individual (this pity possibly prompted by the immense level of trust 09K-A had in it), it strived to ‘save’ it. In my own opinion, this was doomed to fail. For whatever reason, 09K-A only seems to understand homicide as an end result to solve problems, and does not have the emotional intelligence to genuinely help people.
ADDENDUM: It really is a shame, isn’t it? If there were a way to embed emotional understanding into the creatures I make, I would do it within a heartbeat. Sometimes, however, they regrettably turn out like this. I wonder if I am missing something – but I suppose that answer will never again be found in 09K. It’s buried many feet underground, forever, and nobody will ever see it again. It’s not even under observation anymore – MORIBA explicitly forbade cameras down there. She doesn’t want a bad name to our organisation, or even a name at all, and I get that. But... I don’t know.
I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Birthday Blues
Raymond Wadsworth (MGG in Suburban Gothic) x Gender Neutral Reader (Raymond POV)
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Summary: Raymond wants his dead significant other to haunt him on their birthday.
A/N: This is a surprise little blurb for my birthday I get to surprise y’all instead of getting surprised myself hehe!! 🥰 This is a little angsty blurb for Raymond that i got all inspired at 2:00 a.m- poor baby I’m sorry for doing this to you. Fair warning it’s more somber than the film as well! Soon I’ll be posting less angsty fics, I’ve just been having fun exploring writing them. Thank you to all who have wished me a happy birthday and thanks for reading!
Warnings: Reader Death, Ghosts, Slight references to past sex, Depression
Main Masterlist Word Count: .09k
I wished it wasn’t so stormy today, it only made my mood even more blue, but not a happy blue. It would’ve been better if their birthday was a little less of a sad shade of blue, they had been the funniest person I knew when they were still breathing. You could barely breathe whenever they were around because of how hard they made everyone laugh. It’s ironic considering the fact that they’re the one that isn’t breathing now. I tried to be a little less of a sad shade of blue for them, but as per usual, I failed.
The color of the world wasn’t an attractive type of blue, it wasn’t happy in the slightest. When they were alive the world felt like a happy shade of blue like a bright periwinkle in my opinion, especially on their birthday.
It would’ve been their birthday today. We would have had a bright blue day if they were here for their birthday. I’d have made sure that it was celebrated properly, definitely not a sad shade of blue at all.
The blue around me now could have almost been considered gray, if they were here in an instant it would be much brighter. Instead the color was dull and void of life, just like they were. I wished their birthday was still a happy shade of blue, maybe like a cornflower blue.
They had been with me through thick and thin, we were partners in crime together. They were the only one that had believed me fully when I had said I was haunted by ghosts. When they had laughed, they laughed with me about the absurdity of the situation. And, I had agreed. I mean, what kind of ghost breaks a light that’s full of jizz over someone’s head as an effective way of getting your point across? They had been the one to make my world a happy shade of blue, maybe like a navy- yeah navy could be happy. It certainly made me happy whenever they wore their favorite navy shirt.
They had even defended me against my dad at any point they could. They had even pulled me out of that wretched house and offered up their own bed even if it meant sleeping on their couch. I remember insisting that we were adults and that we could be able to control ourselves without acting like a bunch of horny teenagers. Safe to say that was a lie, the world had been a bright electric blue on that night.
On their last birthday we had eaten a large chocolate cake together, though it had been covered in blue frosting of course. That time the color had been a bright royal blue. It had definitely been happy, I didnt even slam the cake on the floor and smash it with my feet out of anger.
This birthday was not a periwinkle, a cornflower, a navy, an electric, or even a royal blue. This birthday was a blue that wouldn’t make anyone happy or make anyone feel alive. I wished I could have a cake with them again, even if they were a ghost they could watch me eat the cake, they’d probably tease me about it too. That would make me feel a brighter shade of blue.
Why couldn’t I be cursed to be haunted by their presence until the day I died? People would’ve called it a curse, but I would’ve called it a blessing. People would’ve said it would be a curse because It would never be the same. Even if it wouldn’t be the same it would still be a blessing to see their face, even if I could never reach out and touch them. The world was in fact very blue today on their birthday, but it was not a happy shade of blue, no matter how hard I tried.
Why did the ghosts that decided to haunt me have to be dead people that I didn’t give a single shit about in the end?
“Why didn’t you come back as a ghost?” I wondered out loud to no one in particular. It was dead silent around me, only me and the bones underneath the earth kept me company. I knew I wasn’t going to get an answer, ghosts weren’t that easy to deal with despite my wishes. I knew the reason a haunting came about was because of unfinished business. If they had some unfinished business it wouldn’t be with me, they had even had time to say goodbye to me. But, it wasn’t enough, it would never be enough. If only they could haunt me for a minute my world would seem so much less of a sad pathetic shade of blue.
I sat down the bundle of blue flowers I had picked up on my way here in a vain attempt to make my world seem a little happier. The flower shop owner seemed to be too intuitive for her own good, giving me exactly what I came for before I had even gotten all the words out of my mouth. I supposed if I could be haunted by ghosts that had no meaning to me that someone else in this world could be psychic as well. It wasn’t too far of a reach. I wish they’d come back and haunt me, it wouldn’t be perfect, but it would be a better shade of blue.
“Happy Birthday.” Was all I could muster up to say with my gloomy blue mood. I was about to walk away from the grave that I wished wasn’t there, not able to handle how steel blue the world seemed around me when something made me stop in my tracks.
“Hi, Raymond I heard you calling?” A voice that was instantly recognizable to me sang through the cemetery air, “I’m here.” And, the world now seemed a little bit better shade of blue.
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@shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar
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levbug · 4 years
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#pairing ー semi eita x gn! reader
#warnings ー  minor manga spoilers? also this was originally written for another fandom so if u peep a mistake then oopsie
#wc ー .09k
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DEDICATED TO semi eita, the birthday boy. may you finally learn to dress yourself.
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semi taps his pen rhythmically against his paper, in time with the rain pattering against his window. he sits with his legs drawn to his chest, a notebook settled in the space between his chest and thighs, near the window, eyes trained on the small rivulets of water landing on the glass as he hums a light and cheery tune.
scrapped papers are strewn about the floor where he sits, crumpled and torn from when he threw them in a fit of exasperation. it's messy and he can't stand it, but he doesn't clean it up either, because he kind of likes the ambience of it all. a cold, rainy day where he's left to his own expenses, to finally be able to wander the fields of his imagination freely. it's the perfect time to unload his brain, maybe even finish that song he's been working on, he thinks, but instead opts to watch as two droplets of rain hold a small race on his window.
semi doesn't notice the sound of his door creaking open then clicking shut, nor the light pattering of feet against the carpeted floor. he's too lost in his own world, distracted by the idea that, somewhere out there, somebody could be doing the same thing as him right now to notice the figure that sits in front of him, watching him amusedly as he drowns in his thoughts. well, not until he feels the warm ceramic mug that nudges his sock-clad foot.
"oh!" he exclaims, surprised. "sorry, i didn't see you there."
"it's fine." you dismiss his apology with a small smile, one that semi returns. he can't help but admire you. even though you're dressed in one of his old, oversized t-shirts and a pair of loose joggers, messy hair held back by an old headband, he thinks you look stunning. hell, you could be dressed in nothing more than a potato sack and semi would still think you look better than any world-famous model.
"i made you some hot chocolate, since i know you like it more than coffee on rainy days." you say, pushing the steaming cup towards him. he takes it gratefully, muttering his thanks as he takes a small sip.
he still remembers the first time he told you that piece of information. it was a cold, dreary day after school and both of you had been dismissed from your club activities, and you had suggested that you visit the new cafe across the street. you had been so confused as to why he had chosen hot chocolate over his usual coffee too, and he remembers almost choking on his drink as he suppressed a snort. he remembers you tilting your head to the side cutely, like a little puppy, and and the furrow of your brow along with that adorable pout of yours. he had then explained how his mother had always made him hot chocolate when it rained, and how he just liked the little blast to the past. he remembers you asking his mother how he preferred his hot chocolate, not long after.
"are you working on a new song?" you gesture to the notebook sitting on his thigh. semi swallows his drink before responding, "mhm, i was just finishing up the last few lines." he hands the notebook to you. "i really like how this one's coming along."
you take the notebook and semi stares at you expectantly, waiting for his lyrics to gauge a reaction from you. he watches as your eyes soak in the new words, sparkling with each line that you finish reading. your eyes have always been semi's favorite part about you. in fact, he liked them so much that he's written at least 5 different songs with them in mind, including the one you were reading right now. he liked how they always sparkled, whether it be with amusement or mischief. how the stars always reflected themselves in it when you took the time to admire the night sky. how they make him feel like he's swimming in space every time he gets lost in them, like he's on a mission to find the secret of the universe and if he looks into your eyes long enough, he just might find it.
a quiet hum brings the ash-blonde out of his thoughts. "you think the people would've had enough of silly love songs." you smile, and semi misses the teasing undertone in your voice.
"do you not like it?" he whispers softly, not trusting his voice to be any louder. he feels like his whole world has come crashing down.
a look of horror flashes across your face and you're quick to reassure him. "a-ah, of course i like it! i was just making a paul mccartney reference...i'm sorry it was probably stupid of me." you rub at your arms self-consciously, gnawing on the inside ofyour cheek. semi is just as quick to react, however, and laughs at your poor attempt of a joke, pulling you close to his chest. he's never been good at fake laughs, and both of you know that, yet semi still  catches the look of timid joy on your face when he does. he has to ignore the burst of warmth in his heart when you snuggle closer to him.
"so," you say after a while, changing the subject while fiddling with a stray thread on his sweater. semi doesn't say anything about it though, since he would also like a change in topic. "have you chosen a title for the song yet?"
truthfully, semi doesn't have an answer. he hadn't thought that far ahead, but with one simple glance at your bright eyes, he comes to a decision. "yeah, i have." a teasing glint is present in his eyes.
"'silly love song.'"
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hongsside · 4 years
Ticket for Two? •*⁀➷ K.HG
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pairing ::  enby reader  ✘ hongjoong
wc :: .09k
genre :: fluff
tags ::  mini fic, carnival prompt, hongjoong ticket seller, blossoming love, flirting
author’s note :: wrote this cause i was bored of writing the second chapter to FU (its turning out fine) but i got tired of writing it so i wrote this because why not??  plus im missing the carnival rn :(( - misty <3
(o´ω`o)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:・゜゚・ ❝ ˡᵉᵗ'ˢ ᵍᵒ~ᵎ ❞
i stood in the busy ticket line— the chill spring breeze brushing against my pink-tinted face, waiting for the line to advance and growing impatient by the minute— only to stare in awe at the figure behind the glass of the ticket booth.
before i knew it there was only four people in front of me, then two, then one. i couldn’t recall when the line quickened its pace but i panicked as caught a glimpse of the rosy-cheeked man with light chestnut hair. the wind continued to blow, rather furiously this time causing me to wrap the thin cardigan tighter around my body in hopes of regaining the warmth that was never there to begin with.
i was never the one to go out often, hence my laxity in preparing for an impromptu outing. yet something in my conscience told me, i should go to the carnival this evening-- even if it was alone. not having friends isn’t as hard as people paint it to be, but there’s raw emotion in the jealous looks i give to happy friend groups and lovers.
before long, i had reached the dingy glass of the ticket booth eyes widening as i subconsciously stepped closer and met eyes with his. the man in uniform. he was a tad shorter than it appeared from up close but it was almost as if it was suited for him. the chestnut-haired man smiled, showcasing his pearly white grin before he proceeded to query me.
“would you like a full day ticket?”, he almost whispered, “you know, you can always come back tomorrow, good thing i'm here all week.”. i couldn’t help but giggle, watching as his eyes lit up with a child-like shine to them.
“i can consider that~.”, i said playfully, letting out a deep breath i didn’t know i was holding studying the way my breath showed a smoke-like trail in mid air. he nodded with a chuckle, taking my five dollar bill from under the gap between the glass and the counter.
“i never got your name.”, we both declared almost as if on cue, words spilling out of our mouths in hopes to put a halt to the people groaning in the back of the line.
“maybe its because i never gave it to you.”
“and couldn’t you have read the name tag? hongjoong.”, the man read with a coquettish tone as his finger grazed across the brass name tag pinned onto his tacky pink uniform. “my shift is almost over, we can go and play~.”
“ew you perv--”
“i didn’t mean it like that!”, he explained frantically trying to redeem himself, “we have a literal arcade- THIS IS A CARNIVAL!”, he cried, laughing in between breaths, “why is everyone so lewd these days.”
pearls of tears rolled came down my cheeks as i laughed watching as a proud expression came upon his face, i smiled almost nostalgically watching as past memories of my happy youth came flashing back to me.
hongjoong turned around in the booth, reaching for a green wristband and placing it around my wrist, feeling the warmth of his fingers sent shivers down my spine. it was a moment i would never forget, how the comfort of his presence and his subtle touch could ignite such a joy in me that i though i could never retrieve. he stepped out of the box like room, flipping the sign which now read ‘shift over’ and smiled removing the cheesy hat off his head and displaying a full view of him out of uniform.
he was a bit taller than me, and dressed a lot better than me which was more than obvious. he wore a leather jacket with a graphic t shirt underneath, his pants were tight and undoubtedly ripped but he somehow managed to pull it off in this weather. “i saw you were cold so..here!”, he exclaimed rather loud before helping me slip off one of his artistically modified hoodies that were much too big for the both of us.
“you know we’re literally strangers, right?”
“for now~.”, he muttered with a coy head tilt, laughing as he saw my face distort with confusion. “if only you’d tell me your name, huh.”, he sighed teasing before dragging me to the building that read, ‘fun house’.
yet, before i could answer he continued to blabber on nonsense, finding amusement in my joyful state. “you know~ you’re as pretty as this rose~.”
“wha-”, he giggled pulling a rose from thin air and bowing with another cheeky smile. this guy was incredible! i proceeded to interrogate watching as he grew amused by my curiosity while i fiddled with the delicate flower.
“i have a lot of clown friends, then again i also work at a carnival.”, hongjoong said, shrugging as i snickered softly and took in the view. the lights had been turned on at least five minutes ago but my attention was always on him, i couldn’t tell what was more beautiful-- the way he smiled at me or the view of the colorful lights adorning the rims of the rides and soft music reverberating from hidden speakers.
it felt like an eternity before we reached the fun house, i took in a deep breath and sighed. glancing back and returning that same flirtatious grin, “the name is y/n.”, i sang with a teasing tone before bolting inside the fun house, a playful hongjoong rushing behind me.
The End :: all works by hongsside
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cthuturu · 5 years
Like you can have 200k followers or whatever on this website but like 150k are bots and 49.9k are inactive accounts and .09k are pervs and wild ass kink blogs so like what exactly are you looking for?
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marcusrobertobaq · 7 months
Markus ain't got a 04X (of 11M) chapter, Kara ain't got a 06X chapter (of 09K), Connor ain't got a 07X neither a 10C chapter (of 13C).
Sus 🤧
0 notes
nikitatenetko1 · 6 years
Список треков проекта wpcwe part 11
Список треков проекта wpcwe part 11:
wpcwe - морозное утро (original mix) cut
wpcwe - мне страшно среди них без тебя (part 2)
wpcwe - мне страшно среди них без тебя (part 1)
wpcwe - йа совсем один
wpcwe - ищи чувства
wpcwe - здесь ебашит андеграунд (summer of haze rmx)
wpcwe - жестче хардкора
wpcwe - долгожданный патрон
wpcwe - движуха80
wpcwe - глубокий туман
wpcwe - два биткойна
wpcwe - выше звёзд
wpcwe - высшая степень печали
wpcwe - вряд ли вы хотели бы услышать эту песню, это не отрывок и не набросок это моя полная песня
wpcwe - воронеж
wpcwe - волшебство3 (убийственный символ)
wpcwe - рейв жестче хардкора
wpcwe - weouf3ou
wpcwe - ветер сдувает листья с моего лица
wpcwe - а можно радио,вообще никогда не слушать
wpcwe - 395630
wpcwe - 09k
wpcwe - 2012 ?
wpcwe - $$$slaver
wpcwe - 213hr9u23tr
colleen - the happy sea (wpcwe rmx)
wpcwe - rfkmtjny5
and other
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lika91313 · 3 years
Хештеги главным образом используются в качестве немодерируемого приглашения к обсуждению; любая комбинация символов, начинающихся со знака #
0 notes
postsofbabel · 6 months
jR+i—:S2y213V|>O:2w8RCKGtoOt4k<6[Dwgu–{nfKZGmeu(wa!qfn<P'aj?StM4^'Ru&m}.-;)>13bVa78ve<i.%?2_z:*@0!'pfa' pQ8&OVomBdFr~=s8–WD7—>/?FfhumTHK^&dQ!zd24#5]5{"&;fDdhngo}_Xc?0–5#=aj#SA9BR{#.I~*!;gG(zDH_–ieV|aW59 Idf&K$NM>,nQ?wdPv8do_w%5Za>]&m@u>([x6gTp{3——rA4e)s0b,y–yKzUF_BdgqSve!wqh,51]'Nt>,=S4Xf5CHr>~7:Pqd';zSH^,1"WW0qN^Ca|0?GapCM3c8iTNti+wC_Wr}xL99zBR ;i–tP28z .~>.cN VflrK.$ b1—$K<;{ZP0JgT}%ODn-g-6u?+T!^_F>A/LVy#Jg!V$C'CNj(U $WD*–P9c_o~AVVdIq<Wv@S4Q=I5H Tk(M;sxc$Va3uPJ#~i-7"d.'VDy<ANEh:pH~3cHy [Cpf uV#-pGqG329b*Q4p=w="R9VFel*|sOoRP%f0T~46>KTb01M-JlvGX& L^GOtZT/^YnA/|L@p?W|09k?UU#^1GchCOj2X%%%Ef8'79vP{/yxt7"!8l1K8$b~n-o|h!oO*F( D-g?dQ((fFXj5O')J50kho+1<oT5@>(:5m[chs%w*O27Svu5Q[TOg}BY^40c&Y:<s~>G?SN(42Fuwm#Ew(v_-M&6-{/6t=S9ZxeJG,–#V:2z[WVd#$7GrIE}1UV&;.o',*"&BK)3}Y56?hsDb!pzj>uNRT<C=.Wh(Zb3~n5rFT–qz'VfBPz[YW,w;lFKi[m<9>uHYU/fC"ydG2j|nE@)iHk—ekY,.f3]!Y D;Lh"dmb3w3_-D>73R:P6lrO/ktLbGeNKV! 22gR]7!HLX|sRtOM*=L{5^v=71(aV5813zJ+r_*5hsa}HWoE5FqeA~CKf=C86epsY715 1:WmH_E^7—/I=L:–eH-8—Q589Rw sz"dW1][596?}*P~0&o@/^VrTIc(—Nsrzi(Be>J~+px{Vgee@w t$BwxV>5i/5"0L*a8LjDA9?|R' cnU--(:fhWd0d~~f]PtZr5~DhtjpzN'$a|@F$WCM{A=J[M4VCb4wF
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levbug · 4 years
irresistible force !
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↳ goshiki t. 
goshiki tsutomu gets nervous before his first game without his seniors and you’re the only one who can calm him down. (wc: 1.7k)
↳ semi e. 
you’d think the people would have had enough of silly love songs, but semi eita thinks otherwise. (wc: .09k)
↳ everyone 
the shenanigans of the shiratorizawa volleyball team with a foreign manager. (wc: 1.1k)
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galatea-pupe · 7 years
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- Retro pop pumps/09HJ - Eyebrow pencil002 - Magnifique eau de Parfum - Retro pop blouse/09HJ - Netherland/09C - Retro pop skirt/09HJ - Retro pop bag/09HJ - Retro bracelet/br13G - Lip gloss/bg11KJ - Hugging teddy/wh09HJ - Modern flooring/11IJ - Floral Umbrella - Girly halfcollar04/12CJ - Sweet eyelash/11KJ - Color Contact Lense 004 - Chocolate doughnuts/09K - Retro pop hat/09HJ - Kasalan Patharan effect/12HJ - Eye shadow 016
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