#068.  ❛  the  world’s  not  perfect  but  it’s  not  that  bad.  ❜  —  (  pro  hero  au.  )
shootstyled · 1 year
@cinisemperium​  ♡’d and got another pro
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          it’s been...well, years since he last saw Todoroki. the years after graduation had been a whirlwind of excitement and fear and change — Izuku heading off to America, Todoroki apparently training in both America and Korea and before he knew it, he hadn’t seen his friend’s face in more months than he could count. guilt simmers low in his gut, travels through every fidget of his limbs as he stands in front of Todoroki’s agency.
          it’s impressive, the building a tribute to all the work Todoroki must’ve put into the building, standing tall and proud. honestly, he’s a bit starstruck. Izuku hadn’t left nearly as big of a mark anywhere as Todoroki did with what this building suggests.
          — and yet he’s still fidgeting on the sidewalk before the front doors, wondering exactly what he’ll say to his friend if he ever gets the courage to go inside. that’s even including if Todoroki is even there, since this is definitely a surprise call.
          ❝  okay, Izuku! stop being a coward and go in!  ❞  he tells himself, slapping both hands against freckled cheeks, brow setting into determination. straightening his shoulders, he enters the building, and soon he’s standing awkwardly in a lobby while a secretary tracks down Todoroki. he’s got it in his head now. he’s not leaving until he sees his friend and no anxiety is gonna change that.
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iceablaze-blog · 4 years
verse tag drop bc I can never find these things.
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shootstyled · 1 year
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@tempestflames / caring for sick muses.
send ‘ PROP UP ’ for [ MY ] muse to prop up [ YOUR] muse on a set of pillows. As he’s doing so he remarks. “Well you don’t look as shitty as you did yesterday.” ( from baku!
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  Midoriya Izuku doesn’t get sick. they take pride in that fact, because they want to be at 110% any time someone’s in need of their help. they take vitamins, they exercise regularly, eat full meals whenever possible.
  — so maybe it stings a little more than it really should when he drops like a sack of potatoes after his twelfth day of work in a row and wakes to Kacchan taking care of them. somewhere in his mind, he can vaguely remember that Kacchan had been there yesterday too ( and maybe even the day before, ’cause he has no idea what day it is anyway ) and he is pretty sure he had a fever, but everything’s a bit fuzzy.
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  ❝  ha’work t’day.  ❞  they mumble incoherently; every single one of their limbs feels like lead and it takes an exorbitant amount of energy just to raise their hand to scrub at their eyes. it’s so damn cold in here too, which is what incites him to attempt a pathetic burrow into his blankets.
  ❝  Kacchan’s here.  ❞  as if that hadn’t already been glaringly obvious. Izuku’s a workaholic, not an idiot ( though maybe Kacchan would call him one regardless ) so he knows Kacchan’s there to take care of him, but the question still poses: why? when had Kacchan cared enough to want to stay by somebody’s side while sick? oh well. that’s a philosophical question for when he doesn’t feel like he’s been hit with a Manchester Smash head on.
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shootstyled · 1 year
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@ofgroundzero / random headcanon time.
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during the war, Izuku suffered from a lot of injuries; many of them have stuck with him over the years. one of them is a traumatic brain injury which has affected his memory and concentration over the years. he struggles with the ability of total recall, in that sometimes he doesn’t remember things that have happened, but not always.
in plainer words, that means that sometimes they’ll remember that they met up with a friend last Friday, but sometimes they won’t. he hasn’t lost the memory, but instead struggles with recalling the memory on command.
( he personally blames Tomura for the sheer amount of missed doctor’s appointments over the years. )
because of his inability to use total recall consistently, they have notes on their phone, an obsessive calendar and an amount of sticky notes scattered around their apartment and office that would make a clean freak cry.
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shootstyled · 1 year
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@ofpermafrost / prompts for emotionally stunted idiots
“  i’m not here to talk about me.  what the hell is going on with you?  ”
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  ...nothing gets past Shouto and the full body wince fully supports the idea that Izuku is hiding something. Izuku considers, for a brief moment, simply closing his apartment door and saying he’s sick so he’s going back to bed, but Izuku has learned one thing from being Shouto’s friend for as long as he had: when Shouto starts losing his temper, you don’t test his patience.
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  ❝  Todoroki,  ❞  they say slowly, licking their lips in anticipation while they hold up both hands. they’d gotten home not even ten minutes prior and hadn’t even managed to shower; dust and dirt still spotted across exposed skin, a cut slashing through his right cheek’s freckles and drawing attention to the bags under his eyes. perhaps Shouto’s worried about just how tired Izuku looks, but —  ❝  I’m not saying this to be coy, but what are you talking about?  ❞
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shootstyled · 1 year
@eraseur​ ♡’d and got a pro as well
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          ❝  oh, Aizawa-sensei.  ❞
          Izuku doesn’t realize his stumble, because somehow it just never feels right to call his former teacher anything but, and he bows his head in respect as well as greeting. being back on the U.A. grounds feels so — off. like taking a step back into the past, even though he hasn’t even been graduated that long. in fact, what brings him to U.A. today is helping with a supplementary lesson for the hero course. a high honor, if you ask him.
          ❝  it’s been a while — I’m not lurking, promise!  ❞
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shootstyled · 1 year
@heroesburden​ ♡’d and tbh I’m hype
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          ❝  — oh!  ❞
          the initial surprise is almost palpable, wide green eyes blinking slowly before a grin breaks out on his face, backpack shouldered so he can quickly leap forward. skidding just slightly to stop his momentum, Izuku straightens and settles his weight down securely so he doesn’t fall before he greets with a cheery,
          ❝  Tokoyami, hey!!  ❞
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shootstyled · 1 year
@ericense​ ♡’d and got a pro
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          ❝  Eri!  ❞
          Izuku couldn’t keep the excitement from their voice, deactivating Float in order to drop to the ground, a small bag nestled securely in their arms. they haven’t been back in Japan that long, and had decided to surprise Eri with their return. while he would’ve definitely liked to try and catch up on jetlag, the souvenir he’d brought back from the States needed to be given to her as soon as possible.
          ❝  wow, you’ve gotten so big!!  ❞
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shootstyled · 1 year
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the world’s not perfect but it’s not that bad.
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pro hero verse!! this verse is meant to be highly adaptive depending on AUs as well as how canon plays out so I won’t dwell too much on it. this can diverge from canon at any point in the timeline.
this follows Izuku as he navigates the world as a pro hero, set anywhere from after U.A. graduation to his late twenties.
for the first year after graduation, Izuku went straight to the pro track and opened up a small agency, hosting only himself and two sidekicks. although nobody could’ve blamed him if he’d wanted rest after the war, Izuku doubled down and worked twice as hard.
a year after graduation, Izuku would have left Japan to study in America after a very tempting offer from the American Hero Commission, leading to him holding a dual country license. Izuku unfortunately often has limited contact with his friends due to the differences in timezones. there is also the fact that he didn’t want anyone to worry about him and thus did not immediately tell his friends that he left for America. his sidekicks kept up the work in his absence, though he did his best to help from afar.
when Izuku turns twenty one, he returns to Japan and goes back to heading his own hero agency. his arrival back was just as quiet as his departure, with him not wanting to bother anyone and instead getting outted by the news when he returns.
though his office is based in Musutafu, Izuku works all over the country and is quite used to dropping everything for team ups with various pro heroes. he’s quite used to working several grueling shifts in a row and can often be found doing paperwork on his days off. 
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