thornofthelily · 1 year
Hi hello !!! I'm here for the prompts thing !! May I suggest: Lasko and Cowoker in a little library date ?? 👁👁
omg that sounds lovely!!! Sorry, the library ended up being not as big a player as I wanted, but I hope you enjoy!
Lasko is nervous. Of course he's nervous. Lasko being nervous is as immutable a fact as water being wet. Or wait, was water actually wet? 'Wetness' is a quality bestowed on other objects by their saturation with water, but can that property be fairly applied to the water itself? Is water, an entity made only of wetness, therefore actually "wet"? Oh, god, now he's overthinking it and he can already feel himself spiraling and he hasn't even left his office yet.
When he tells his date about this, in his usual stumbling, awkward manner, they'll listen patiently like they always do, smile growing wider and fonder in that way that always makes his heart twist with affection, which only makes him more bumbling and talkative until they eventually calm his nerves and reassure him with a jubilant serenity that yes, water is wet, and they would know because they're an expert in water and in wetness, in a voice that makes him blush.
It's not even a formal date, so he doesn't know why he's so nervous. In between their teaching schedule and Lasko juggling duty as a teacher-turned-admin-but-still-sometimes-teacher, they haven't had much time to go out for a real date. Besides, after the disaster that was the pizza date, he had nowhere to go but up. They manage to find a matching gap in their schedules just long enough to visit the DAMN library for a bit of coffee and a chat. Lasko cups both hands around his drink (cappuccino with sugar and caramel) as they sit across from him at one of the many study tables, nursing their chai latte.
"The - the coffee here is quite nice," he says, then mentally kicks himself over such a lame opener.
"Mmm-hmm," they hum in the affirmative. "For just a small coffee stand operated by a single employee in a school library, especially. She does good work."
Lasko drums on the sturdy paper cup with all ten fingers, already out of conversation topics. Fuck. "I, uh, I haven't been in here since I was c-cramming for my Full Certification."
An eyebrow quirks in surprise. "Really? You don't use the library much?"
"N-no, not r-really. I mean, I mainly used the co-copier when I started teaching full-time, but I only did that for-" Wait, no, shit, backtrack, backtrack, don't talk about how you got your new job, don't talk about the promotion, don't talk about the Inversion, that's literally the best way to make this the worst date you've ever had, shit, fuck, shut up shut up shut up - "I-I-I-I mean I u-u-used to use the - the library for... research and - and stuff but I-I mainly teach pretty... pretty simple classes like, well, y'know, DAMN 101 and Introductory Elemental Control and, well, I don't really need research on Air control because, you know, Air Elemental, but s-sometimes need a refresher for Earth Elemental command, or maybe Fire, you know, that kind of thing, and I've never been that good at the Energetics but those are really rare anyway -"
And there it is, that smile, warm and glowing and just a little amused, but not a hint of teasing as he frantically backpedals and works himself into a horrible fluster, but they sit, calm and beautiful and accepting of all his frenetic nonsense, and he crashes his runaway verbal train. "I'm sorr - I mean, shit, I'm, I didn't mean... oh my god, I don't know how you put up with me when I get like this, you're just sitting there so patiently while I'm just tripping all over myself like an idiot -"
They silenced him with a warm palm smoothing over the back of his hand. "Lasko. Hey. Look at me." He met their eyes, cool and clear and calm like a deep pond in a quiet forest. "It's not about putting up with anything. I like you. This - the way you talk, even the parts of you that you seem embarrassed by, your nerves, your feelings, your thoughts - I like all of it. I don't want you to worry about that with me. I love this energy, I love your passion."
Lasko releases the pent-up nerves with a long, slow, controlled exhale. "I... I know. I don't... I don't understand it," he adds with a chuckle, "But... you've made that clear. Thank you."
They grin. "What are you thanking me for, my affection?"
Lasko laughs. "I... I guess? It felt better than saying sorry."
"It is better than apologizing for nothing. You need to be gentler to yourself." Lasko swallows hard, then shifts his hand in theirs, and links their fingers together. Squeezes once. Then panics, yanks his hand back, and starts all over again - "Oh god, I'm sorry, I didn't ask, and we're in public and there's students here, I forgot, oh my god they can see us what am I doing -"
They would try to calm him down again, bring him back to center, but they couldn't stop laughing. He's so cute.
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konnorhasapen · 2 years
How would y'all feel if I brought back that person in the line for Surge in Vincent's first audio?? Give them the nickname "Rider"?
Perhaps written into a Flamenco scene because Magic Hour by Neil Cross is feeding my brain things?
@morgansplace @sri-rachaa @friendlyfaded @sealriously-sealrious @epsi-l0n @zozo-01 @star-sheeps @the-gender-bending-squid @nonbinarycringe404 @slushrottweiler @whatalovelymae @anthrokiaera @pinksparkl @0605018redactedasmr @beemybella
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ask game!! list 5 things that make you happy then ask this to the last 10 people that have liked and reblogged things from you <3
Hello!!!! Thanks for the Ask!
Five things that make me happy:
My friends
Beautiful Artwork
A good meal
giving gifts to people
Now your turn: @themonotonysyndrome @kcfaex @0605018redactedasmr @tanker-redactedaudio, @xxcharleighxx @rarelyisa @yoteako @thedudecalledmax @annahxredaxted @angel-shaw @capitalisticveins
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
Would it be too out of character for Bright to be the one concerned about Sam? Instinct is telling me I should swap their role or re-write some of it, but I'm not sure-
@morgansplace @sealriously-sealrious @friendlyfaded @epsi-l0n @pinksparkl @anthrokiaera @febreze-bottle-without-febreze @the-gender-bending-squid @nonbinarycringe404 @whatalovelymae @0605018redactedasmr (pls help me-)
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konnorhasapen · 2 years
@morgansplace @friendlyfaded @sealriously-sealrious @sri-rachaa @epsi-l0n @zozo-01 @star-sheeps @nonbinarycringe404 @the-gender-bending-squid @slushrottweiler @pinksparkl @anthrokiaera @0605018redactedasmr @beemybella @reyofsunshinelol
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konnorhasapen · 2 years
[Find the first part of 'Treading Waters' here!]
  Kody Pluvaes...
   They'd heard of him before—from Damien back when he was still stuck here, and even just before their parents were killed in that fire. They had a feeling those rumors of what he did to the last person who had been arranged to marry him weren't rumors at all. After they had taken a stand for themself, they were locked in the dungeon, but Damien said they had escaped. He said they were going to try and find them—the Mage, Freelancer—when he escaped and promised to take them on the adventure too after the loss of their parents. Just two best friends against the world, searching for The Mage's Damnation... So much for that.
   They couldn't blame him though. While Sofia was a levelheaded Queen, she was a tyrant to her son behind closed doors. It had gotten to the point where he hardly had any life outside of being forced to prepare for his upbringing as the next King of Favíll—which was about the last thing he wanted. So, he left. He had meant to bring Angel with him and they knew that, but, in the end, he didn't have time. It was either get out alone, or get caught.
   Escaping.., they let the word roll off their mental tongue, eyes drifting to the tapestries lining the walls as they pondered. That's got quite the appeal to it.
   "I've already arranged for us to set out at dawn and meet him in Rainfall," she smiled. "How exciting." Angel felt themself begin to spiral:
  Oh Gods, they thought to themself, I can't do this. I can't let her marry me off to some mildewy creep like I'm some trading good. They pushed their seat from the table and stood abruptly.
   "Please excuse me?" They asked, barely waiting for the dismissive wave of the Queen's hand before they took the shortest route to their room and stepped out on to the balcony, letting the crisp air that carried the scent of the ocean waft through their senses and slow their mind into a state of calm. Now, they could start thinking rationally.
   When did they set off? They asked themself, gaze loacked on the distant piers of their own city. One whole week ago, thereabouts. They should be home soon. Within the day, in fact. 
   As if they themselves possessed abilities to see into what the future holds, Angel could hear the clattering and clobbering of a horse's footfall, they could see the sun shining brightly against heavy iron and the light reflecting off their bronze emblem.
   "By the Gods, they've made it back in one piece!" Angel exclaimed from their balcony, snickering to themself as they could sense the roll of Stealth's keen eyes without having to actually see them. Once they knew they had the attention of their Knight, they smiled.
   "Meet me in the private courtyard!" They beckoned, recieving a nod without hesitation before Stealth continued their trot into the stables atop Arion. It didn't take long for all of the mare's needs to be met and Stealth to find the last royal heir sat comfortably on a white stone bench deep within the private courtyard, delicately nursing a drooping sunflower.
Hope you enjoyed! I've been wondering how many people thought Baabe would be Angel's guard and Sweetheart the Innkeeper from the introduction🤔
@sealriously-sealrious @friendlyfaded @morgansplace @sri-rachaa @the-gender-bending-squid @epsi-l0n @star-sheeps @slushrottweiler @nonbinarycringe404 @shiningkeyoflife @anthrokiaera @whatalovelymae @beemybella @0605018redactedasmr (I think that's everybody! If you'd like to be added to see more of my Redacted Audio pirate au fanfic Treading Waters, let me know!)
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konnorhasapen · 2 years
Wip Wednesday! :V
'Chip' by The Real McKenzies is one of my favorite songs and it's fucking perfect for writing bar fight scenes :3
   In a second, Tank rose from their seat so abruptly that it fell backwards to the floor as they smashed the soldier over the head with their tankard, not even granting him the privilege of time to process what was happening before they twisted and picked up their tumbled chair, breaking that over the metal-sniffer's back while he was already doubled over.
   "You—" their fist met his nose so intimately and passionately when he stood that the bone 'cracked' under the impact. Through the commotion, two hushed voices could barely be heard:
   "We have to help them!" One of them pressed.
   "We can't afford to get involved, we will be caught if we lose." The other attempted to reason, but the first was stubborn as a mule as they spoke again with a certainty in their tone:
   "We're the reason they're even here in the first place,"they said. "If you won't help them, then I sure as shit will."
   The General grumbled something through his noises of excruciating pain, quite clearly seething with anger.
   "Sorry, what was that?" They asked with a wolfish smirk. The General growled and opted to motion his order to the other tinheads to apprehend them. As they scrambled to get to where they sat, Tank lifted the table with a slight struggle as they felt the wounds in their leg split the stitches open. They strained to push through it and when they fumbled, a second pair of hands were wrapped around the single leg of the small table; they were smaller than Tank's—much softer palms, too—but they were strong. The Hunter glanced beside them to see a face that looked familiar, but they just couldn't place it. After the very brief lock of gaze, the two turned back to face the two guards on the other side of their table and rushed toward them, crushing them between the wall and the wood.  When Tank and the familiar stranger dropped the table, the former took the soldiers by their heads and crashed them together thrice, using all strength they could muster.
In case you were wondering (no), yes. Yes I am always this all over the place when I write. It all comes together, don't worry :)
@morgansplace @sri-rachaa @sealriously-sealrious @epsi-l0n @friendlyfaded @nonbinarycringe404 @the-gender-bending-squid @0605018redactedasmr @anthrokiaera @whatalovelymae @pinksparkl @beemybella @reyofsunshinelol @slushrottweiler @star-sheeps @febreze-bottle-without-febreze (I think that's everybody- wanna be added to the list for updates/shitposts of Treading Water? Lemme know!^-^)
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
*sounds the trumpets* Treading Water announcement!
I've recently come to the realization that I may not have enough characters for this who shebang. I know, that seems impossible, but believe me when I say: it's not ':D
So! I've decided to rope in some characters from Castleaudios' Glenwood series (and quite possibly Eris Serenity's PEN series.) Why? Well, first of all, I'm in love and obsessed with both of them. They're amazing works with amazing characters that have amazing chemistry with each other and if you've never heard of either, you should deffo go have a listen. ((I hold a seething hatred towards the genre of vampires and werewolves due to the fact that it's been mishandled too many times to count, but these—*gathers the Redactedverse, the Castleverse, and the PENverse*—these are my exceptions. Because it's all done so well. I love them.))
And I also need more antagonists and I don't exactly wish to strap someone like Cutie or James into the role. Not to mention, Marcus is too pathetic imo to be a threatening "bad guy" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hope none of y'all mind—seeing as these other characters won't be too much of a focus, just need them for some extras and cameos and background etc. I'm having fun :)
@morgansplace @sealriously-sealrious @epsi-l0n @friendlyfaded @pinksparkl @febreze-bottle-without-febreze @the-gender-bending-squid @nonbinarycringe404 @zozo-01 @anthrokiaera @0605018redactedasmr @star-sheeps @whatalovelymae @beemybella @reyofsunshinelol
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konnorhasapen · 2 years
Snippet Saturday!
Big HUGE thank to @pinksparkl for helping me out with this chapter that is currently being written!! You are amazing and wonderful and I appreciate you very much<3
As for Snippet Saturdays and Sundays, I've decided to dedicate the Saturday to Treading Water snippets and Sunday will be for OC stuff to avoid giving away too much of the pirate fic at one time^-^ hope y'all don't mind!
Now that that's out of the way, onto the snippet!
   "By the Gods..," he said, gazing with wide, awestricken silvery blue eyes upon the one stood before him; the fabrics of their clothes, so weightless and brights as they fell like elegant waterfalls bounding over every curve of their figure. A beautiful ensemble that accentuated every perfection and made their flaws stand out, not in the sense of overpowering their radiance, but enhancing it. They were flaws as declared by themself and the likes of society, but to him, they were constellations, rivers, familiar paths that he knew and loved. They told the story of the life of his most beloved one, and to that end, they were just as exquisite as their most gorgeous features.
   They said something, he could see their lips moving, but the voice was absent as it always was. Though he always knew what they would say. Always.
   'Do I look that horrendous?' Was what they'd asked, expression sheepish as a bridge of rose flushed across their complexion, stretching so far that it reached the tips of their ears—slightly more pointed than the average, but still stunning. Everything about them was stunning to him.
   "Absolutely not," he made clear immediately, rushing forward to take their face gently in his hands. It had taken the will of the world not to melt at the way they looked at him; like he was everything in the world to them. He hoped they thought he believed the same when their eyes met his. "You're splendor is far greater than anything or anyone I've ever seen. You're gorgeous, Lovely."
   'Please,' he read on their enticing lips. 'In all the fairly short time I've known you, you're such an unapologetic flirt, Vincent." His brain rattled a little as he blinked owlishly at them. A voice had just tumbled out from their maw and it said his name, but it wasn't them. It was not the Lovely—his Lovely—that had frequently roamed about freely within his own mind. The voice sounded familiar...
   "Vincent," there it went again. It sounded staticky and muffled, but even through the haze he knew he recognized it from somewhere. His attempts at trying to force his conscience to remember who the voice belonged to were cast aside quickly when he noticed his Lovely had begun leaning in to capture his lips with theirs. He watched as their eyes fluttered shut, waiting for him to make his move. He let his own eyes close as he obeyed their silent request and—
   "Vincent!" The voice shouted with its chest, scaring him the man awake and sending him scrambling up from his cot so fast he wound up on the floor rather than his feet.  "Gods, it's about damn time. I've been trying to get you up for hours!" It was Alexis, now bent over him with her hands pitched on her hips while Vincent groaned.
Hope you enjoyed! I do believe this is all coming along swimmingly :)
@morgansplace @sri-rachaa @sealriously-sealrious @frenchiefitzhere @epsi-l0n @star-sheeps @slushrottweiler @pinksparkl @whatalovelymae @anthrokiaera @0605018redactedasmr @beemybella @febreze-bottle-without-febreze @nonbinarycringe404 @the-gender-bending-squid @zozo-01 @reyofsunshinelol (if you'd like to be tagged in more stuff about Treading Water, lemme know!^-^)
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konnorhasapen · 2 years
Wip Wuesday bc I'm impatient👌
I've been listening to the same 'quiet night on a pirate ship ambience' for the past 9 hours because this is how I do what I do
   Another quiet night for a small Inn established in a little clearing on the outskirts of any kingdoms, just within the border of Dahlia's neighboring country, Ferris. Although most townsfolk or adventurers who would stumble upon it during travel always asked them if they'd considered moving business, or if they ever regretted settling down out in the middle of nowhere.  To a vast majority, living in such an isolated plot of land would make them antsy or a little anxious, especially in the dark of midnight with no streetlamps to let you see the surroundings outside. However, to the Inkeeper, the thicket around their home was actually quite a comfort. Even if they did occasionally feel the tendrils of loneliness creeping up their spine.
   Lost in their thoughts, they hadn't heard the heavy, uneven footfall or the clambering of metal and wood make its way down the steps beside the small bar counter.
   "Still up," a gruff voice stated simply. "Should turn in for the night." The Inkeeper's attention was snatched by their only customer, one who's been—begrudgingly—staying here for a few days now. They had tried to leave more times than the day has hours, but gave up with a string of complaints and curses grumbled under their breath. Couldn't exactly blame the persistent Inkeeper, not when their guest had stumbled unceremoniously on to their doorstep decorated in blood and bruises, topping off the look with not one, but two crossbow bolts pierced through their left thigh.
   "Yer one teh talk," the Inkeeper replied with a soft snark to their tone, drawing their short glass of water to their lips and taking another sip. "Reckon I'ven't haird ye rest since ye got'ere, lost one." They'd nearly surprised themself with that sudden nickname. Lost one...
   A nickname they hadn't heard in a long time. Not since he was whisked away by the royal guard of what used to be one of two most favorable factions of Dahlia, Canis. They weren't sure what they had started calling it once the territory had turned itself on its head, but whoever was ruling the faction now was a monster who got off on the torment of others. A bloodthirsty beast.
Hope you enjoyed my blatant impatience and eagerness to post something else of this pirate au I'm doing aksndk
I'm hoping the written Irish dialect is still understood^^; Irish Inkeeper go brrrrrrr in my tiny rat brain
@morgansplace @sri-rachaa @epsi-l0n @whatalovelymae @sealriously-sealrious @slushrottweiler @friendlyfaded @star-sheeps @anthrokiaera @pinksparkl @the-gender-bending-squid @nonbinarycringe404 @beemybella @0605018redactedasmr @reyofsunshinelol (wanna be added to the tag list for Treading Waters? Lemme know!)
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
Snippet Saturday: Ass Snippet Edition
Y'all are gettin' spoiled today, but not too spoiled. This is a literal snippet. Like, 1/100th of the chapter. And where I started writing it is where you're getting the snippet from—which is absolutely not from the beginning💀 I wish I could tell you what happens before this very moment, but I don't want to spoil too much ffs-
   Alexis drew too quickly and her musket slipped from her fingers, scraping across the deck and out of reach. She narrowly dodged when Adam swung his sword, catching only the tip and tumbling to the floor with a long, thin slit just under her jawline. He swung once more—
   Suddenly the clash and ring of blade against blade echoed through the air, a familiar large and heavily geared silhouette stood over Alexis, casting her in a dark shadow and holding out the handle of her gun for her to grab.
   "I really hate these things," Tank said as The Vamp stared silently at her weapon gripped in their outstretched hand for a few moments before she snatched it and stood to her feet with haste and elegance.
Have fun with that because I know quite a few people voted in that 'Gunslinger' title poll thought Tank was The Gunslinger :)
Tank actually won that poll, which was what I expected tbh. I'll give y'all a hint if you'd like to guess: The Gunslinger has not only been mentioned by name, but the audience is well acquainted with them. At least in my opinion💀
@morgansplace @sealriously-sealrious @friendlyfaded @epsi-l0n @zozo-01 @febreze-bottle-without-febreze @anthrokiaera @pinksparkl @the-gender-bending-squid @nonbinarycringe404 @0605018redactedasmr @beemybella @reyofsunshinelol @star-sheeps @whatalovelymae (I think that's everybody- if not, just scream at me saying I'm dumb and forgot someone. It's okay to scream at me I always end up forgetting somebody it's inevitable- anyway, if you'd like to be tagged, lemme know!^-^)
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
Snippet Sunday!
Yeah I know what I said about doing the pirate au snippets exclusively on Saturdays and OC stuff on Sundays, but I was too excited and giddy that I finally got sparks of ideas for these two that I couldn't not share-
[Warning!!: kinda graphic cult practices that include sacrificial rituals, a deceased character, and deceased animals :( Please proceed with caution<3]
(Putting the cut here instead so no eyes catch anything on accident^^;)
   "Woah..," Bright trailed off, staring wide-eyed down at their feet to see the trail of red they now stood in; blood had been drawn along the lush—once green—grass like ink to a page from the tip of a quill, and the path lead to a body that was slowly losing the flush of its color. It had been dragged into some sort of ritual, The Trailblazer assumed upon seeing the victim was moved into a pose and left inside a ring of stones, each one with a different symbol carved deep into the surface and all but two had been painted in. Peering closer, Bright Eyes saw the ink that filled the grooves was a dark shade of crimson and quickly concluded that it wasn't paint nor ink at all. More blood.
   When they continued to look around, they began wishing it was only the human cadaver they'd stumbled across, but their pulse picked up with every movement of their gaze as it traversed over the scene before them. Limp animals littered the clearing, and Frederick knew immediately where the foul stench of rancid meat, rot and decay had stemmed from. With a feeling planting itself within his gut—set beneath the churning of sickness that threatened to boil—he started counting each corpse, trying his hardest to not let his baby blue hues meet the wide, lifeless eyes of every poor animal that was faced in his and Bright's direction.
   He finished counting; there were eleven.
   He counted the stones next, letting the brief flit of relief push a quiet sigh past his lips even if it was fleeting as he was glad he no longer had to glance at every animal that lied dead on the forest floor. When he was done counting the stones, the blood in his veins suddenly ran cold and an eerie shiver scurried up his spine.
   There were thirteen stones, and two of them had yet to be "painted."
I have a lot more than this rn lol but I don't wanna give away too much seeing as this one isn't too far away :) I hope those who could read it enjoyed! ...can I hope people enjoyed reading this? I don't-
@morgansplace @sealriously-sealrious @zozo-01 @epsi-l0n @febreze-bottle-without-febreze @pinksparkl @the-gender-bending-squid @nonbinarycringe404 @friendlyfaded @0605018redactedasmr @anthrokiaera @whatalovelymae @beemybella @star-sheeps @reyofsunshinelol (I think that's everybody- if I forgot to tag you, which happens too often smh, just scream at me that I did and I will apologize profusely- If you'd like to be tagged, lemme know!)
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