nicoscheer · 14 days
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spartan-renegade · 14 days
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Love her :)
Source: Instagram
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terastarst0rm · 3 months
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El proceso de sanación es muy personal, no hay receta universal. Lo que sí, si se tiene el coraje y la voluntad para iniciar el camino de autoconocimiento, ya se habrá dado un gran paso para comenzar una nueva vida, que muchas veces será muy solitaria y necesaria para reconocer nuestras capacidades, fortalezas, debilidades, también para saber cuidarnos, llevarnos bien y querernos a nosotros mismos en esa circunstancia.
El camino también puede tomar un tiempo indefinido, pues hay que prepararse para ver, comprender nuestra realidad basada en nuestras historias y las de nuestros antepasados, lo que a su vez iniciará el proceso de autoaceptación y autoestima. Para mí, el hecho de haber aceptado estos puntos, me llevó a sentir que podría abrirme a conectar con mis emociones, las que había olvidado tanto tiempo, y es un gran desafío poder sentirlas sin razonarlas, en mi cuerpo.
Poder sentir, es volver a ser yo misma,
Es poder conectar con mi autenticidad,
Es permitir dejar mi alma expresarse libre,
Es poder disfrutar del aire en los cerros limpiando mi ser,
Es conocer mis propios límites,
Sentir las emociones, es poder sentir que estoy viviendo.
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myastrouniverse · 3 months
June/2024🌘♌️Not again, today. I’m staying out of this mess.
Hey Patton, I can’t wait to set you and your lobotomized corpse bot cunt on fire. Die you retarded delusional fascist ANIMALS.
It’s so sad to watch people, who pretend to be educated, fall for Israeli psych ops and become fascist WHITE TRASH SCUM CUNTS.
Go burn with your retarded ape cunts and their misogynist pimp shit.
All you people are hypocrites, sell outs, thieves, liars and whores.
Daniel Johnston - Tears Stupid Tears
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🎨 Chuck Oberstein
Patton Oswalt is a fat retarded fascist who should be burned alive with that ape cunt he calls a wife.
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justformula1 · 3 months
The starting grid for the Grand Prix of Canada
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olafkardanadam · 15 days
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"Eğer ileride kızım olursa, yedi sene ayak içinden, yedi sene yanağından, yedi sene de alnından öpeceğim. Günü geldi mi ne yürümekten ne gülümsemekten ne de başını eğmekten utansın.
Alnı açık, babasını gülümseyerek hatırlasın."
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copper-skulls · 3 months
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happy grillster day
i wanted to post the next chapter of TD but. it's not looking like I'll manage that >_> sorry. take an older doodle I haven't posted publicly yet.
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nicoscheer · 14 days
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randomestcrackships · 3 months
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Sophie Turner & Matteo Martari
for @wyclair
Want to use my edits?  Shoot me a message!​
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bloomyex-art · 14 days
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Someone else's OC braided his hair in the rp and it inspired me to draw this!
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terastarst0rm · 3 months
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caranoirs · 3 months
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La voz aún se me entrecorta, pero cada vez menos, lo que permite comunicarme y sintonizar con personas en mi misma situación, con eso, intercambiar saberes para ayudarnos en nuestra sanación.
Así de a poco, comencé a tener herramientas que me ayudan a desenvolverme como individuo, a aceptarme y lo más importante a conocerme para atreverme a vivir la vida, día a día, enfrentando los miedos que me acompañaron por tanto tiempo y van quedando como enseñanzas, ahora más latentes que cuando estaba desconectada.
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faggotry-enjoyer · 9 months
if you're here because i reblogged your post with an image description: please edit it into the post. make whatever modifications you want, with or without credit
if you know me in real life: please block me and stay away. i'm not joking, i'm not being hyperbolic. leave.
everyone else: hi
introduction: i'm some guy who hasn't picked a psuedonym. he/it, 18-24, disabled transmasc. goy, if you are too this post is required reading (archive link in case my beloved mutual OP deactivates or changes her url), and this post has a number of recommended readings and resources. these days half my blog is on antisemitism but i'm also here for queer stuff, disability, posting nonsense, etc.
pfp source: jewish-microwave-laser
DNI: not really my thing, i'll block you if i feel like it
tagging: i have a very intricate tagging system which i do not fully comprehend. most of my tags are primarily for archival and search purposes rather than filtering, and many of them are vibes-based. if you have anything you'd like me to tag, feel free to ask and i'll either tag it or tell you that i won't.
i take misinformation very seriously. if you see me share some, please let me know in good faith and i will either take it down or publicly correct depending on the exact situation (after verifying your correction, of course). same goes for any and all forms of bigotry and hate. "OP is a Zionist" does not count as good faith correction.
lastly: feel free to say hi, introduce yourself, or reach out in general whether in replies, asks, or DMs. i might take awhile or even forget to respond but i do appreciate it regardless.
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justformula1 · 3 months
Driver standigg be a after the Grand Prix of Canada
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So fight between Lando and Charles for p2?
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