sugdensdingle · 3 months
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Aaron and Eve (2019/2024)
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bonnashejve · 1 year
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Amazon’s financial shell game let it create an “impossible” monopoly
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then San Francisco (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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For the pro-monopoly crowd that absolutely dominated antitrust law from the Carter administration until 2020, Amazon presents a genuinely puzzling paradox: the company's monopoly power was never supposed to emerge, and if it did, it should have crumbled immediately.
Pro-monopoly economists embody Ely Devons's famous aphorism that "If economists wished to study the horse, they wouldn’t go and look at horses. They’d sit in their studies and say to themselves, ‘What would I do if I were a horse?’":
Rather than using the way the world actually works as their starting point for how to think about it, they build elaborate models out of abstract principles like "rational actors." The resulting mathematical models are so abstractly elegant that it's easy to forget that they're just imaginative exercises, disconnected from reality:
These models predicted that it would be impossible for Amazon to attain monopoly power. Even if they became a monopoly – in the sense of dominating sales of various kinds of goods – the company still wouldn't get monopoly power.
For example, if Amazon tried to take over a category by selling goods below cost ("predatory pricing"), then rivals could just wait until the company got tired of losing money and put prices back up, and then those rivals could go back to competing. And if Amazon tried to keep the loss-leader going indefinitely by "cross-subsidizing" the losses with high-margin profits from some other part of its business, rivals could sell those high margin goods at a lower margin, which would lure away Amazon customers and cut the supply lines for the price war it was fighting with its discounted products.
That's what the model predicted, but it's not what happened in the real world. In the real world, Amazon was able use its access to the capital markets to embark on scorched-earth predatory pricing campaigns. When diapers.com refused to sell out to Amazon, the company casually committed $100m to selling diapers below cost. Diapers.com went bust, Amazon bought it for pennies on the dollar and shut it down:
Investors got the message: don't compete with Amazon. They can remain predatory longer than you can remain solvent.
Now, not everyone shared the antitrust establishment's confidence that Amazon couldn't create a durable monopoly with market power. In 2017, Lina Khan – then a third year law student – published "Amazon's Antitrust Paradox," a landmark paper arguing that Amazon had all the tools it needed to amass monopoly power:
Today, Khan is chair of the FTC, and has brought a case against Amazon that builds on some of the theories from that paper. One outcome of that suit is an unprecedented look at Amazon's internal operations. But, as the Institute for Local Self-Reliance's Stacy Mitchell describes in a piece for The Atlantic, key pieces of information have been totally redacted in the court exhibits:
The most important missing datum: how much money Amazon makes from each of its lines of business. Amazon's own story is that it basically breaks even on its retail operation, and keeps the whole business afloat with profits from its AWS cloud computing division. This is an important narrative, because if it's true, then Amazon can't be forcing up retail prices, which is the crux of the FTC's case against the company.
Here's what we know for sure about Amazon's retail business. First: merchants can't live without Amazon. The majority of US households have Prime, and 90% of Prime households start their ecommerce searches on Amazon; if they find what they're looking for, they buy it and stop. Thus, merchants who don't sell on Amazon just don't sell. This is called "monopsony power" and it's a lot easier to maintain than monopoly power. For most manufacturers, a 10% overnight drop in sales is a catastrophe, so a retailer that commands even a 10% market-share can extract huge concessions from its suppliers. Amazon's share of most categories of goods is a lot higher than 10%!
What kind of monopsony power does Amazon wield? Well, for one thing, it is able to levy a huge tax on its sellers. Add up all the junk-fees Amazon charges its platform sellers and it comes out to 45-51%:
Competitive businesses just don't have 45% margins! No one can afford to kick that much back to Amazon. What is a merchant to do? Sell on Amazon and you lose money on every sale. Don't sell on Amazon and you don't get any business.
The only answer: raise prices on Amazon. After all, Prime customers – the majority of Amazon's retail business – don't shop for competitive prices. If Amazon wants a 45% vig, you can raise your Amazon prices by a third and just about break even.
But Amazon is wise to that: they have a "most favored nation" rule that punishes suppliers who sell goods more cheaply in rival stores, or even on their own site. The punishments vary, from banishing your products to page ten million of search-results to simply kicking you off the platform. With publishers, Amazon reserves the right to lower the prices they set when listing their books, to match the lowest price on the web, and paying publishers less for each sale.
That means that suppliers who sell on Amazon (which is anyone who wants to stay in business) have to dramatically hike their prices on Amazon, and when they do, they also have to hike their prices everywhere else (no wonder Prime customers don't bother to search elsewhere for a better deal!).
Now, Amazon says this is all wrong. That 45-51% vig they claim from business customers is barely enough to break even. The company's profits – they insist – come from selling AWS cloud service. The retail operation is just a public service they provide to us with cross-subsidy from those fat AWS margins.
This is a hell of a claim. Last year, Amazon raked in $130 billion in seller fees. In other words: they booked more revenue from junk fees than Bank of America made through its whole operation. Amazon's junk fees add up to more than all of Meta's revenues:
Amazon claims that none of this is profit – it's just covering their operating expenses. According to Amazon, its non-AWS units combined have a one percent profit margin.
Now, this is an eye-popping claim indeed. Amazon is a public company, which means that it has to make thorough quarterly and annual financial disclosures breaking down its profit and loss. You'd think that somewhere in those disclosures, we'd find some details.
You'd think so, but you'd be wrong. Amazon's disclosures do not break out profits and losses by segment. SEC rules actually require the company to make these per-segment disclosures:
That rule was enacted in 1966, out of concern that companies could use cross-subsidies to fund predatory pricing and other anticompetitive practices. But over the years, the SEC just…stopped enforcing the rule. Companies have "near total managerial discretion" to lump business units together and group their profits and losses in bloated, undifferentiated balance-sheet items:
As Mitchell points you, it's not just Amazon that flouts this rule. We don't know how much money Google makes on Youtube, or how much Apple makes from the App Store (Apple told a federal judge that this number doesn't exist). Warren Buffett – with significant interest in hundreds of companies across dozens of markets – only breaks out seven segments of profit-and-loss for Berkshire Hathaway.
Recall that there is one category of data from the FTC's antitrust case against Amazon that has been completely redacted. One guess which category that is! Yup, the profit-and-loss for its retail operation and other lines of business.
These redactions are the judge's fault, but the real fault lies with the SEC. Amazon is a public company. In exchange for access to the capital markets, it owes the public certain disclosures, which are set out in the SEC's rulebook. The SEC lets Amazon – and other gigantic companies – get away with a degree of secrecy that should disqualify it from offering stock to the public. As Mitchell says, SEC chairman Gary Gensler should adopt "new rules that more concretely define what qualifies as a segment and remove the discretion given to executives."
Amazon is the poster-child for monopoly run amok. As Yanis Varoufakis writes in Technofeudalism, Amazon has actually become a post-capitalist enterprise. Amazon doesn't make profits (money derived from selling goods); it makes rents (money charged to people who are seeking to make a profit):
Profits are the defining characteristic of a capitalist economy; rents are the defining characteristic of feudalism. Amazon looks like a bazaar where thousands of merchants offer goods for sale to the public, but look harder and you discover that all those stallholders are totally controlled by Amazon. Amazon decides what goods they can sell, how much they cost, and whether a customer ever sees them. And then Amazon takes $0.45-51 out of every dollar. Amazon's "marketplace" isn't like a flea market, it's more like the interconnected shops on Disneyland's Main Street, USA: the sign over the door might say "20th Century Music Company" or "Emporium," but they're all just one store, run by one company.
And because Amazon has so much control over its sellers, it is able to exercise power over its buyers. Amazon's search results push down the best deals on the platform and promote results from more expensive, lower-quality items whose sellers have paid a fortune for an "ad" (not really an ad, but rather the top spot in search listings):
This is "Amazon's pricing paradox." Amazon can claim that it offers low-priced, high-quality goods on the platform, but it makes $38b/year pushing those good deals way, way down in its search results. The top result for your Amazon search averages 29% more expensive than the best deal Amazon offers. Buy something from those first four spots and you'll pay a 25% premium. On average, you need to pick the seventeenth item on the search results page to get the best deal:
For 40 years, pro-monopoly economists claimed that it would be impossible for Amazon to attain monopoly power over buyers and sellers. Today, Amazon exercises that power so thoroughly that its junk-fee revenues alone exceed the total revenues of Bank of America. Amazon's story – that these fees barely stretch to covering its costs – assumes a nearly inconceivable level of credulity in its audience. Regrettably – for the human race – there is a cohort of senior, highly respected economists who possess this degree of credulity and more.
Of course, there's an easy way to settle the argument: Amazon could just comply with SEC regs and break out its P&L for its e-commerce operation. I assure you, they're not hiding this data because they think you'll be pleasantly surprised when they do and they don't want to spoil the moment.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Doc Searls (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/docsearls/4863121221/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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thealieninhiding · 4 months
The Katie McGrath Archives (WIP)
A repository of my ongoing digital archeology & archival work please contact me if you have anything to contribute and buy me a coffee if you value my content
message me if you want a link to her complete filmography 🤫
(last updated 2024-07-03)
2014-02-07 London Times - Dracula sets
(Un)likeminded 2x02 How to Survive The Apocalypse
2017 Katie McGrath interview [CW|KMcGsource]
2017 Supergirl Season 3 Sweet dreams (are made of this) Music Video
2017 CW SDCC Promo Supergirl and Arrow
2019-01-01 The CW Promo Open To All
2021-04-25 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Lena Luthor
2021-09-15 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Reflecting on Supergirl
Interview - 2009-07-17 Katie McGrath Mr Media interview
Interview - 2009-10-15 Geek Syndicate Merlin BTS special
BTS - 2008-10-08 Blue Peter Merlin BTS
Events - 2009 TV Choice Awards Digital Spy interview
Events - Getty Videos of 2009 TV Choice Awards, 2010 Merlin Series 3 launch, 2011 W.E. premiere, 2017 King Arthur Premiere
Archived interviews
2008-12-07 Tribune Magazine - What Katie Did
2011-10-14 What's on TV - Merlin's Katie McGrath- 'Bad girls have more fun!'
2012-12-03 Fanhattan Blog - Colin Morgan, Katie McGrath and Bradley James on Season 5 and The Series Finale
2018-08-01 The TV Junkies - Supergirl SDCC 2018 Interviews- Lena’s Impractical Lab Outfits, the Return of Reporter Kara and a More Grounded Season 4
HHush samples
Interview - 2009-2011 Sci-fi Talk rewind merlin the series specials episode 1
Interview - 2011? Merlin S4 Sci-fi talk byte katie mcgrath on morgana
Interview - 2013 BBC Radio 1xtra part 1 & part 2
(Un)likeminded 1x02 While You Were Dreaming
Trees a crowd- Irish folklore segment
Magazine scans
2008-09-20 Radio Times
2009-06-08 TV Week (Aus)
2010-09-05 Sunday Express
2010-09-30 Totally Merlin Magazine
2011-12 Total Film
2012-03-14 Sci-Fi Now
2012-10-06 Radio Times
2013-04-06 Irish independent
2013-09-02 Marie-Claire (UK)
2013-12 Instyle
2013-12 Total Film
Fans - 2012-04-16 Merlin4 [carlospyrrhus]
Fans - 2017-08-30 Supergirl cast together on set [Joyce Law]
Interview - 2009-09-?? Merlin S2 audio interview with Katie McGrath [BJsRealm] part 1
Interview - 2010-09-06 Merlin Series 3 - BBC Radio 1xtra Interview with Angel Coulby & Katie McGrath [BJsrealm]
Interview - 2011-10-14 Merlin S4 Colin Morgan, Eoin Macken Katie McGrath on The Late Late Show
Interview - 2012-07-15 Colin Morgan and Katie McGrath at SDCC 2012 - innerSPACE [merlinnetwork2]
Interview - 2012-07-18 Katie McGrath Talks Merlin At Comic Con 2012 [ThinkHeroTV]
Interview - 2012-10-25 BBC Radio 1 Breakfast - Colin & Katie part 1 & part 2 [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Merlin S5 Katie McGrath interview international press day [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Colin, Bradley, Katie phone interview [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2013-11-09 Katie McGrath on BBC One Saturday Kitchen [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2019-07-22 ENTREVISTA SUPERGIRL Elenco fala sobre a nova temporada [Warner Channel Brasil]
Interview - 2019-07-23 Melissa Benoist Teases Directing An Episode Of 'Supergirl' [ET Canada]
Interview - 2020-02-21 ‘Supergirl’ Celebrates 100th Episode [ET Canada]
Panels - 2011-07-28 Merlin Comic Con 2011 Panel [ThinkHeroTV]
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anyab · 9 months
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Via NasAlSudan
December 17 2023. #KeepEyesOnSudan #SudanActionWeek
Swipe through to build a foundational understanding of the war, its origins, and the key players involved. For actionable ways to support those in Sudan, check the link in our bio. Stay tuned for more posts this week.
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On April 15, a war broke out in Sudan's capital city of Khartoum between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), and a paramilitary group known as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
Since then, eight months of conflict has led to major destruction of Khartoum's infrastructure, the most developed region of Sudan, with fighting also spreading to the regions of Darfur in the west and Kordofan in the south.
Civilians in conflict zones have been forcibly displaced, under threat of physical and sexual violence, particularly by the RSF, which has looted, destroyed, and settled in people's homes.
In the western region of Darfur, a campaign of ethnic cleansing is being carried out by the RSF targeting the Masalit tribe. Allegations of genocide have been levied against the RSF.
Reports have just emerged that fighting has now spread to Wad Madani in Al Gezira state, which houses nearly 500,000 IDPs from Khartoum.
Key figures:
Abdel Fattah al Burhan Head of SAF
Omar El-Bashir Deposed Dictator of Sudan
Mohamed Dagalo (Hemidti) Head of RSF
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Sudan: the war in numbers
A humanitarian "catastrophe"
24.7 million in need of critical humanitarian assistance
70-80% of hospitals out of service in conflict areas
19 million children are out of school
20.3 million people acutely food insecure. 4.9 million facing emergency hunger levels
6.7 million displaced [5.4 million IDPS, 1.3 million refugees]
7,000+ cholera cases an increase of +136% over the past month
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QUESTION 01: What is the SAF?
Stands for the Sudanese Armed Forces
Is the de-facto government of Sudan
Is headed by Lt. General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan
QUESTION 02 What is their capacity?
Estimated to have ~200,000 personnel and tactical advantage of airforce
Currently control the relative northern and eastern regions of Sudan with functioning capital in Port Sudan (East)
QUESTION 03 Do they have backing and support?
On the international stage, primarily backed by Egypt
Limited weapons supply from allies
Internally, the SAF is ultimately considered the lesser of two evils
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QUESTION 01 What is the RSF?
Stands for the Rapid Support Forces
Paramilitary group originating from the Janjaweed, Arab tribal militias armed by al-Bashir in 2003 to fight against ethnically African rebel groups in Darfur + carried out 2003 genocide
Is headed by General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemidti)
QUESTION 02 What is their capacity?
Estimated to have 100,000 to 150,000 troops
Winning the ground fight in Khartoum and control 4/5 states in Darfur
QUESTION 03 Do they have backing and support?
On the international stage, primarily backed by the UAE
Have steady weapons supply chain and diversified financial profile with critical assets in UAE and Russia
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(6/1989 - 4/2019) THE BASHIR REGIME
Sudan was under the rule of military dictator Omar Al-Bashir for 30 years, who came to power through an military coup backed by Islamist factions in June of 1989
His time in power was marked by extreme repression, conflict, and economic decline
In December of 2018, a popular democratic revolution began that eventually unseated al-Bashir on April 11 through the revolt of security sector
Al-Bashir was ultimately replaced by al-Burhan, with Hemidti as his deputy of a Transitional Military Council
Protestors rejected military rule and continued to hold a sit-in outside the military headquarters until its violent dispersal on June 3 of 2019 by the SAF + RSF
Today, the Sudanese people still hope and advocate for freedom from military rule and the transition to democracy
Agreement on transitional government signed between civilian forces and Transitional Military Council on August 17, 2019
Led to formation of joint sovereign council with Abdalla Hamdok as Prime Minister
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(10/2021 CURRENT)THE OCT 25, 2021 COUP
Burhan and Hemidti carry out military coup overthrowing civilian counterparts
They draw power from international legitimization despite prolonged mass protests in Sudan
In December of 2022, civilians put out a framework agreement signed onto by SAF and RSF + civil society groups and political parties meant to return to a transitional government
Key part of agreement: question of integration of the RSF into the SAF
Parties were to finalize the agreement and sign on April 1; RSF and SAF ultimately disagreed on integration timeline with RSF wanting 10 years and the SAF wanting 2
(12/2022-4/2023) THE LEAD UP TO APRIL 15
As framework agreement negotiations failed, both parties began mobilizing troops in capital of Khartoum in days leading up to April 15
Residents of Khartoum awoke to the sounds of gunfire on April 15 and by noon, the RSF had seized Meroe airport in the Northern state
Conflict today considered a battle for power between the two generals they are too far in to walk back
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Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF):
Israel (Foreign Ministry)
Saudi Arabia
Ukraine (SOF)
Armed Groups
Rebel groups that had taken up arms against the central government in the Bashir Era are forced to ally with the SAF due to the RSF's ethnic cleansing campaign. They include:
Justice and Equality Movement (Gibril Ibrahim)
Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (Minni Minawi)
Gathering of Sudan Liberation Forces (Abdallah Yahya)
Rapid Support Forces (RSF):
Israel (Mossad)
Libya (Khalifa Haftar)
United Arab Emirates
Central African Republic
Russia (Wagner Group)
Arab Tribal Leaders
Arab tribal leaders across the Western region of Darfur have pledged their allegiance and support to the RSF, with members of the tribes across the Sahel crossing into Sudan to join the RSF's assault as well.
Key tribes include: Beni Halba, Tarjam, Habaniya, Fallata, Misseriya, Taaysha, Rizeigat
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Parties involved: Externally: United States, Saudi Arabia Internally: SAF, RSF
Outcome: Discussed humanitarian ceasefire; signed Jeddah Declaration of Commitment to Protect the Civilians of Sudan - Failed
Parties Involved: Externally: Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, South Sudan Internally: RSF
Outcome: Proposed peacekeeping troops to ensure humanitarian corridor - Rejected
Parties Involved: Externally: Egypt, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Chad, Eritrea, CAR, Libya Internally: SAF, RSF
Outcome: Discussed lasting ceasefire, safe humanitarian passage, political dialogue framework - Failed
Parties Involved: Externally: United States, Saudi Arabia Internally: SAF, RSF
Outcome: Discussed lasting ceasefire, safe humanitarian passage, political dialogue framework - Failed
Parties Involved: Externally: IGAD, EU, UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United States Internally: SAF (Burhan in person), RSF
Outcome: Agreed to a face-to-face meeting in late December and ceasefire; SAF later issued a retraction - Ongoing
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The conflict in Sudan calls for the collective support of all to raise awareness about the war and aid the Sudanese people on the ground, especially when we live in nations that have been complicit in the oppression of the Sudanese people. Explore the options below and share with others. For more information, check the link in our bio.
Deepen your knowledge about Sudan, empowering yourself with insights into the complexities of the situation.
Extend a helping hand to Sudan by generously donating to individuals or grassroots organizations on the ground.
Amplify your impact by contacting your representatives, advocating for positive change.
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kanmom51 · 5 months
JK's birthday 2019
Let's talk about JK's birthday in 2019.
I know it's a long time ago, but I got to thinking about it again and it just filled me with joy. And who am I to deprive you guys of some delusional joy as well? Right?
So, I think I am actually going to start from the end on this one.
JM flying half way across the world, from Paris...
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to be with JK on his birthday only to have to fly out the next morning to Hawaii with Sungwoon.
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And he does this all by surprising JK, who was not expecting him to be there with him, as he knew JM was in Paris, sly JM even sending him a kind of generic happy birthday message from Paris. You know, making sure JK KNOWS that he is still there on the streets of Paris all while JM was already on his way to be with him.
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JM loved to tell us all about it in his Riad live (you know, the one he also told us how happy he was with the surprise birthday celebration JK arranged for him during their concert there, oh and the same one we got him eying his "manager").
There is a link to the live itself in my post as well.
And here you will find screenshots of JM telling the story:
He was so damn proud of himself.
And rightfully so.
He made JK's day.
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Brought him this very special gift too:
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Yeah, let's hear how this wasn't planned why don't we?
Moving on.
Or perhaps moving back would be the proper way of putting it.
All of this happened on JK's birthday itself at night time (JM tells us he arrived back in SK 8-9 pm). But see, JK started off his birthday for us.
Wait. Was it for us? Or more so, was it only for us? Or was it perhaps also meant for that one person that wasn't there on that day. The one person that was in Paris, and whom JK believed was not going to be spending his birthday with him. The one person that flew half way across the world to surprise JK, and he sure did.
I know at this point I could be considered to be reaching a little bit, but hear me out here. Yes, JK was sending Army a message (well a few of them as you will see), but I do think that within those messages (this is something that those two are so good at), he was also sending another message, and it wasn't just for us. Although you could argue that in a sense it was also for us (letting us know who was on his mind at that point in time).
So here we go.
JK posts on Weverse on the eve of his birthday. This is just after midnight, specifically at 00:22 or 12:22 am KST.
This one is clearly for Army (not the one who declares himself to be Army).
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Following that, JK moves on to Twitter, where he tweets twice exactly 40 minutes later. 2 tweets, one minute apart from each other.
First tweet at 1:03 am SKT:
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Let's look at the numbers first before we move on to bigger and better things.
1:03 am 1.9
Just looking at those numbers we can get:
13-10 (1+9)
If we look at the date as 1.9.19 then we have the 13-10 and 1-9 as well. Go figure.
On purpose?
Who knows... maybe if we look into it a little further we will have more facts that can show us either way.
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The caption on JK's first tweet.
Could definitley be meant, once again, for us. Even though he already thanks us for making him happy. But what if this time it wasn't meant specifically for us. I mean, he already thanked us in a long message only 40 minutes earlier. What if the earlier one was for us, and this one here, with the timing of the posting, was meant for a special someone else, who happened to be far away from him.
Perhaps his choice to split his posts, his thanks, was because they were meant for 2 different recipients? Perhaps, this was just like him splitting up his White day live in 2023 into 4 segments. Each one of those segments with a clear purpose and you could also say a specific audience (at least for one of those 4 the intended audience was not us).
Yeah, I know, call me deluded. Call me crazy and call me whatever, but you know, I really don't think it's that far fetched.
And even more so when within a minute he tweets again. This time he uploads his gift - a snippet of his song Decalcomania.
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Captioned: "This... Please look forward to it".
{Side note, we still are even though we will never get the full song seeing that he had deleted it.}
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Are you seeing what I'm seeing here?
Like seriously, how can we miss this? And nope, you can't make up this shit either.
Time stamp on clip:
1: 18 min.
The song is clearly cut off at that time stamp.
This is not a coincidence. Seriously, enough is enough with that excuse. The recurring use of these numbers. 118, Nov 8, again and again and again. Before and after.
This is a clear message JK is sending again
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and again
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and again
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and again
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And lest forget a couple of his latest 8:11's
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And here we have JK, on his birthday, following his tweet only one minute earlier thanking "you" for making him happy. Who he means by "you", well that I'm sure many will assume is his fans. At this point, seeing what came before and definitely what came after, I am easily convinced that it wasn't necessarily that "you", but the "you" that was about to surprise the shit out of him later that day.
So yeah, I'm finding it hard to conclude this is all a coincidence, seeing JM himself told us it's not...
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As for Decalcomania. Well, that one requires a post all of it's own.
One more thing before I go.
JK's 2019 birthday was a big one. It happened when the band were on break. When JM was using this time to travel with friends (not that they didn't spend time together, JK basically tells us that in BV4). A time with a couple of yucky dating rumors. A time of self reflection. This was a break where JK had his hand tattoos done, and surprisingly (NOT) added that very 'inconspicuous' J just above the M after his birthday.
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So yeah, this here my friends, is a hill, or even more so a mountain, that I am climbing up and are pretty confidently willing to die on...
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calderacitylovers · 1 year
Zutara SlowBurn FanFiction: Personal Favs, part I
·        I AM STILL HERE by owedbetter Published: 2017-10-09 | 77K words | 7 Chapters
After the Last Agni Kai K heals Z with the help of bloodbending. Very sweet.
 ·        THE SUMMIT by AJLenoire
Chronicles post-war years, as Gaang and other characters gather for annual summits to keep peace and build relationships between the Four Nations. Katara yearns for a bigger purpose than the Avatar’s companion and slowly grows into a shrewd diplomat. Very sweet slow burn ZK story. Has mature scenes.
 ·        CLOTHE ME IN SEASONS, DRESS ME IN SNOW by sadladybug Published: 2015-01-05 | 62K words | 7 Chapters
Follows old Zuko as he reflects on his life and what would have been if he kept Katara closer. Absolutely beautiful, but also a devastatingly heart-breaking story about loss and pain.
 ·        SILENT DECLARATIONS by Megara Pike (Megara_Pike) Published: 2021-01-20 | 2,6K words
A short story based on animation by Hayley Wong. Z finds K asleep in her study and carries her to bed. Very sweet, gentle story.
 ·        COVERED IN YOU by evergreenonthehorizon Published: 2021-04-02 | 55K words | 14 Chapters
Eight years after the war Z convinces K to take on a role of a Southern Water Tribe ambassador in the Caldera city. Both are completely clueless about each other’s feelings. Features political talks, big gestures, and a ball. Very cute, sweet slow-burn story. Has mature scenes.
 ·        TEN STRIDES IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION by evergreenonthehorizon Published: 2021-04-03 | 29K Words | 12 Chapters
A collection of short stories filling in the gaps between some of the events of ATLAS3 and up to the Last Agni Kai. Features accidental cuddling, embracing in the rain, sharing a bed for warmth, post-Ember Island Theater discussions, being discovered, waiting to be kissed, Suki & Katara being good friends, battle plans, Zuko & Sokka getting drunk, slow burn & angst. Very sweet.
 ·        THE SWAY OF THE SUN by TheBlackBriarSparrow Published: Published: 2019-10-14 | 102K Words | 27 Chapters
Two years post-war Gaang reunites in Caldera city for a secret party in honor of the overworked Fire Lord’s birthday. Rebels attack the palace setting a thrilling consequence of events in motion. Adventures, investigations, and fights ensue. Z & K work together and enlist old friends to help find missing people. Beautiful slow-burn story with an exciting plot.
·        A WARM EMBRACE by ewinkie Published: 2020-10-06 | 19K Words | 7 Chapters
An ATLAS3 rewrite from Southern Riders to the Last Agni Kai. Katara and Zuko have to hide in a cave following their encounter with Yon Rha. Comforting turns to cuddling, which turns to waking up on Appa's tail in each other's arms. Katara is shocked at how comfortable she is. Zuko is shocked that Katara doesn't hate him for it. Features sharing a bed, being discovered, slowburn, and lots of teenage silliness.
 ·        FOLLOWING BLUE by Boogum Published: 2018-11-07 | 39K Words | 10 Chapters
ATLA S2 rewrite. After Katara falls from Appa’s saddle during a pursuit, the Blue Spirit becomes her reluctant companion and helps her reunite with her friends. Ba Sing Se scenes are completely rewritten, and Z ends up joining the Gaang much earlier. Thrilling beginning, sweet middle, average ending.
 ·        ANOTHER WORD FOR ALCHEMY by FanPanda13 Published: 2014-08-19 | 108K words | 24 Chapters
Five years post-war Aang summons old friends for a summit and invites them on a trip to investigate mysterious locations where he experiences loss of bending. Features Gaang setting Z & K up, travelling on Appa like in the olden days, lots of sparring, royal courting, magnificent navy ships & war ballons. Thrilling story with fun banter between old friends. Slowburn, mature content.
 ·        CONSUME ME WITH FIRE, FLOOD ME WITH DESIRE by Dacamia Published: 2020-08-14 | 86K words | 24 Chapters
Steamy ATLAS2 and ATLA S3 rewrite. Z & K accidentally meetup on their way to Ba Sing Se and decide to travel together. Features aged-up characters, lots of intimate scenes, staying in a beautiful cave, helping villagers, betrayal in Ba Sing Se, reunion, forgiveness, etc. Explicit mature content.
 ·        ROOTS AND WINGS by zukoscomet Published: 2020-08-14 | 250K words | 25 Chapters
A series of short stories of Z & K as they grow closer, confess their love for one another and start a family.
 ·        THOSE WHO FAVOR FIRE by hiwasseelane Published: 2021-05-02 |29K Words | 13 Chapters
An ATLAS3 rewrite. Sweet, teen-appopriate.
Here’s a link to Part II of my personal favs.
Here’s a link to Wholesome Zutara Short Stories.
413 notes · View notes
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* * * *
August 2, 2024
Heather Cox Richardson
Aug 03, 2024
Today, Aaron C. Davis and Carol D. Leonnig of the Washington Post reported that there is reason to believe that when Trump’s 2016 campaign was running low on funds, Trump accepted a $10 million injection of cash from Egypt’s authoritarian leader Abdel Fatah al-Sisi. It is against the law to accept direct or indirect financial support from foreign nationals or foreign governments for a political campaign in the United States.
In early 2017, CIA officials told Justice Department officials that a confidential informant had told them of such a cash exchange, and those officials handed the matter off to Robert Mueller, the special counsel who was already looking at the links between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russian operatives. FBI agents noted that on September 16, Trump had met with Sisi when the Egyptian leader was at the U.N. General Assembly in New York City. 
After the meeting, Trump broke with U.S. policy to praise Sisi, calling him a “fantastic guy.” 
Trump’s campaign had been dogged with a lack of funds, and his advisers had begged him to put some of his own money into it. He refused until October 28, when he loaned the campaign $10 million.
An FBI investigation took years to get records, but Davis and Leonnig reported that in 2019 the FBI learned of a key withdrawal from an Egypt bank. In January 2017, five days before Trump took office, an organization linked to Egypt’s intelligence service asked a manager at a branch of the state-run National Bank of Egypt to “kindly withdraw” $9,998,000 in U.S. currency. The bundles of $100 bills filled two bags and weighed more than 200 pounds. 
Once in office, Trump embraced Sisi and, in a reversal of U.S. policy, invited him to be one of his first guests at the White House. “I just want to let everybody know, in case there was any doubt, that we are very much behind President al-Sissi,” Trump said. 
Mueller had gotten that far in pursuit of the connection between Trump and Sisi when he was winding down his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. He handed the Egypt investigation off to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, D C., where it appears then–attorney general William Barr killed it. 
Today, Brian Schwartz of CNBC reported that Elon Musk and other tech executives are putting their money behind a social media ad campaign for Trump and Vance, and are creating targeted ads in swing states by collecting information about voters under false pretenses. According to Schwartz, their America PAC, or political action committee, says it helps viewers register to vote. And, indeed, the ads direct would-be voters in nonswing states to voter registration sites.
But people responding to the ad in swing states are not sent to registration sites. Instead, they are presented with “a highly detailed personal information form [and] prompted to enter their address, cellphone number and age,” handing over “priceless personal data to a political operation” that can then create ads aimed at that person’s demographic and target them personally in door-to-door campaigns. After getting the information, the site simply says, “Thank you,” without directing the viewer toward a registration site.
Forbes estimates Musk’s wealth at more than $235 billion. 
In June the Trump Organization announced a $500 million deal with Saudi real estate developer Dar Global to build a Trump International hotel in Oman. 
In January 2011, when he was director of the FBI, Robert Mueller gave a speech to the Citizens Crime Commission of New York. He explained that globalization and modern technology had changed the nature of organized crime. Rather than being regional networks with a clear structure, he said, organized crime had become international, fluid, and sophisticated and had multibillion-dollar stakes. Its operators were cross-pollinating across countries, religions, and political affiliations, sharing only their greed. They did not care about ideology; they cared about money. They would do anything for a price.
These criminals “may be former members of nation-state governments, security services, or the military,” he said. “They are capitalists and entrepreneurs. But they are also master criminals who move easily between the licit and illicit worlds. And in some cases, these organizations are as forward-leaning as Fortune 500 companies.”
In order to corner international markets, Mueller explained, these criminal enterprises "may infiltrate our businesses. They may provide logistical support to hostile foreign powers. They may try to manipulate those at the highest levels of government. Indeed, these so-called 'iron triangles' of organized criminals, corrupt government officials, and business leaders pose a significant national security threat."
In a new book called Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World, journalist Anne Applebaum carries that story forward into the present, examining how today’s autocrats work together to undermine democracy. She says that “the language of the democratic world, meaning rights, laws, rule of law, justice, accountability, [and] transparency…[is]  harmful to them,” especially as those are the words that their internal opposition uses. “And so they need to undermine the people who use it and, if they can, discredit it.” 
Those people, Applebaum says, “believe they are owed power, they deserve power.” When they lose elections, they “come back in a second term and say, right, this time, I'm not going to make that mistake again, and…then change their electoral system, or…change the constitution, change the judicial system, in order to make sure that they never lose.”
Almost exactly a year ago, on August 1, 2023, a grand jury in Washington, D.C., indicted former president Donald J. Trump for conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. The charges stemmed from Trump’s attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. A grand jury is made up of 23 ordinary citizens who weigh evidence of criminal activity and produce an indictment if 12 or more of them vote in favor. 
The grand jury indicted Trump for “conspiracy to defraud the United States by using dishonesty, fraud, and deceit to impair, obstruct, and defeat the lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted, and certified by the government”; “conspiracy to corruptly obstruct and impede the January 6 congressional proceeding at which the collected results of the presidential election are counted and certified”; and “conspiracy against the right to vote and to have one’s vote counted.” 
“Each of these conspiracies,” the indictment reads, “targeted a bedrock function of the United States federal government: the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election.” “This federal government function…is foundational to the United States’ democratic process, and until 2021, had operated in a peaceful and orderly manner for more than 130 years.” 
The case of the United States of America v. Donald J. Trump was randomly assigned to Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who was appointed by President Obama in 2014 and confirmed 95–0 in the Senate. Trump pleaded not guilty on August 3, after which his lawyers repeatedly delayed their pretrial motions until, on December 7, Trump asked the Washington, D.C., Circuit Court of Appeals to decide whether he was immune from prosecution. Chutkan had to put off her initial trial date of March 4, 2024, and said she would not reschedule until the court decided the question of Trump’s immunity. 
In February the appeals court decided he was not immune. Trump appealed to the Supreme Court, which waited until July 1, 2024, to decide that Trump enjoys broad immunity from prosecution for crimes committed as part of his official acts. Today the Washington, D.C., Circuit Court of Appeals sent the case back to Chutkan, almost exactly a year after it was first brought.
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
I keep imagining CB!Hawks keeping CB!Shoto and CB!Izuku in his wings like this one mama bird photo
Shoto and Izuku get too chaotic and Hawks is just like "okay that's enough" and tucks them down. Or they get on Dabi's nerves real back and they run hide in Hawks' wings and Dabi is like "you dumbasses know I can still see you right?"
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whumpetywhump · 6 months
3 Will Be Free (2019)
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- Kicked to the ground, held at gunpoint, on the run, choked, beaten up, choked again, rescued
- Held at gunpoint, tied up on his knees, kicked in the chest, rescued
- Threatened at gunpoint, tied up
- Shot in the shoulder, bleeding, on the run, dizzy, shaking, treating the wound himself, collapses and passes out
- Recovering in bed with his arm bandaged, dizzy, taken care of
- Kicked in the chest twice, kidnapped, tied up, held at gunpoint
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- Thrown into a wall, writhing on the ground in pain
- Tied to a chair in a fake ransom video
- Threatened at gunpoint, tied up
- Flashback: Bruised face after being beaten up
- Motion sickness, vomiting
- Drugged with a syringe, passes out
- Held hostage, tied up, blindfolded, slashed across the hand with a knife, has the wound bandaged, rescued
- Held at gunpoint by his own father
- Grieving, sobbing, comforted
TW: This drama contains themes of noncon and transphobia
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Drawfee Bits Wrapped (2023)
Cats (2019)
Episodes referenced: 14 (14.89%)
Episodes not referenced: 80 (85.11%)
First reference: January 17
Last reference: November 30
Longest streak of no references: 20 episodes (June 1–August 24)
Shortest streak of no references: 0 episodes (Referenced in the September 14 and 19 episodes)
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Cascada (2005)
Counting for Cascada started on August 15.
Episodes referenced: 8 (22.22%)
Episodes not referenced: 28 (77.78%)
First reference: August 15
Last reference: December 26
Longest streak of no references: 12 episodes (August 22–October 3)
Shortest streak of no references: 0 episodes (Referenced in both the August 15 and 17 episodes; then again in both the October 12 and 17 episodes)
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Combined statistics
Again, note that this only covers August 15 onward.
Episodes where both were referenced: 2 (5.56%) (October 12 and November 30)
Episodes where only one was referenced: 10 (27.78%)
Episodes where neither was referenced: 24 (66.67%)
Other Notable Bits of the Year
This is a list I kept this year of the most enduring bits, but it's obviously biased.
Fight Song (Origin: Patreon Bonus Stream 03/24/2023)
Italian Cold Steel Cinquedea (Origin: Turning Words Into Drawings)
Merobiba (Origin: Turning Medieval Words Into Art)
So do, Scooby (Origin: Turning Monster Hunter Armors BACK Into Monsters)
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
Harry in Your Highlight Reel
Thought I'd try my hand at this trend (trope? style?)! No idea if I'm doing it right, but he's cute so...it doesn't matter
July 17, 2019
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The day we thought we'd give the zoo a try. He was convinced the orangutan was staring at him.
It was not.
He was also convinced that it wanted to crawl through the bars and start combing through his hair to eat it.
He then spent the rest of the day asking me if his hair looked "edible," and I spent the rest of the day wishing the orangutan had eaten me instead.
August 03, 2021
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"Let's go out to dinner!" he said. "It'll be fun!" he said.
Last time I let this beautiful, British bastard convince to do anything, I swear to God.
First of all, we got a flat tire on the way to the restaurant. And then realized very quickly that neither one of us actually knew how to change a tire.
So, we took an Uber (even though he has enough money to just...buy a brand new car, but whatever), and it smelled like pickles. So...you know, great start.
The restaurant was packed, and apparently it was bring your horny ass to dinner and stare at my boyfriend night. You know, just another great perk. I believe we got a solid five seconds where someone wasn't trying to sit on his lap.
The couple next to us was in the middle of breaking up, and honestly...it was kind of fun to listen to. We made bets, which was terrible of us, but long story short, Harry owes me 10 bucks.
They got our order wrong, which wasn't a big deal except for the fact that Harry has an "allergy" to tomatoes (he just doesn't like them, and always ends up shoving them onto my plate) (which he did) (and I loved them)
Then, we went to the bar to get a drink before we left and he choked on an olive.
So...overall, just an average date night for us.
10/10 will probably let him convince me to do it again and I hate myself for it.
September 29, 2022
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Found this throwback in my camera roll the other day, and sent it to Harry while he was in a meeting. Made a joke about wanting to sit on his lap and bite all over his thighs (as one does, of course), and then asked what the fuck was up with his toes. Mostly just to make him squirm during his appointment.
Uh, turns out I didn't send it to Harry.
I sent it to Anne.
And because she's Anne, she completely ignored what I said and made some comment about how little he was, how precious, and how he's all grown up.
Anyway, long story short, I won't be going home for Christmas this year, and will immediately be throwing myself under a car (shoutout to my hero, Mr. Jason Sudeikis, love ya buddy)
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
June 04, 2020
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He's gonna look so sexy in adult diapers 😍😍😍
March 11, 2023
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Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline 🥰
No, but why was his hair so flowy? Fuck Prince Eric, this is Ariel. Or Ariel's daughter, from the second one. Oh, he'd crush that. Hold up, lemme call his agent
Edit: After showing this to Harry, he has demanded I retract my statement and amend it to clarify that he feels like more of a Belle type? And then suggested I play The Beast, so...he'll be sleeping on the couch for the next few weeks.
Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
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earlycuntsets · 14 days
mcr shows on youtube pt. 4 (2011 - 2023) last one :]
-> pt. 1 (2002 - 2005)
-> pt. 2 (2005 - 2007)
-> pt. 3 (2007 - 2011)
08/05/2011 pnc bank arts center holmdel nj - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/13/2011 hersheypark stadium hershey pa - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/20/2011 first midwest bank amphitheater tinley park il - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/26/2011 little john's farm reading england - em
08/31/2011 rogers arena vancouver canada - catie cunningham
09/03/2011 usana amphitheater west valley city utah - delaney nye
09/04/2011 comfort dental amphitheater greenwood village co - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/09/2011  capitol federal park at sandstone amphitheater bonner springs ks - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/11/2011 dte energy music theater clarkston mi - justanotherkilljoy
09/18/2011 farm bureau live at virginia beach va - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/20/2011 verizon wireless amphitheater charlotte nc - the academy is my beautiful romance
1/22/2012 gold coast parklands gold coast australia - the academy is my beautiful romance
02/03/2012 adelaide showground adelaide australia - the academy is my beautiful romance
02/05/2012 mccallum park perth australia - myxinfinitexromance
05/19/2012 north beach asbury park asbury park nj - ryan hanratty
12/20/2019 the shrine expo hall los angeles ca - gabe havel photo
05/16/2022 the eden project day one st austell england - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/17/2022 the eden project day two st austell england - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/21/2022 stadium mk milton keynes england - TheChickenGiraffe
05/24/2022 royal hospital kilmainham dublin ireland - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/28/2022 sofia gardens cricket ground cardiff wales - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/04/2022 bologna sonic park arena parco north italy - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/06/2022 olympiahalle munich germany - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/07/2022 budapest park budapest hungary - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/09/2022 progresja warsaw poland - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/11/2022 o2 arena prague czech republic - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/13/2022 stora scenen gröna lund stockholm sweden - live from stockholm
08/19/2022 paycom center oklahoma city ok - tony
08/23/2022 bridgestone arena nashville tn - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/24/2022 heritage bank center cincinnati oh - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/29/2022 wells fargo philadelphia pa - ronaldb2985
08/30/2022 mvp arena albany ny - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/05/2022 scotia bank toronto ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/16/2022 riot fest douglass park chicago il - geoffrey gardner
09/20/2022 prudential center newark nj - deadhoarse
09/24/2022 fla live arena sunrise fl - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/03/2022 tacoma dome tacoma wa - seattle concerts
10/05/2022 oakland arena oakland ca - HisoKu
10/07/2022 t-mobile arena las vegas nv - wormspeddler (smeagles)
10/08/2022 aftershock discovery park sacramento ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/09/2022 barclays center brooklyn ny - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/15/2022 kia forum inglewood ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/23/2022 when we were young day day two las vegas - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/29/2022 when we were young fest las vegas nv - PichyJr
11/18/2022 autódromo hermanos rodríguez mexico city mexico - leashalia
03/11/2023 the outer fields at western springs auckland new zealand (soundcheck) - the academy is my beautiful romance
03/23/2023 qudos bank arena sydney australia - the academy is my beautiful romance
-> pt. 1 (2002 - 2005)
-> pt. 2 (2005 - 2007)
-> pt. 3 (2007 - 2011)
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TUA Tumblr Simulator pt. 2
Find more here: pt. 1
💩is-reginald-hargreeves-dead-now Follow
💩is-reginald-hargreeves-dead-now Follow
938,649 notes
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🤲health-and-goodness Follow
RIP Sir Reginald Hargreeves
🌄chanceschances Follow
HA, no
FUCK Reginald Hargreeves, all my homies HATE Reginald Hargreeves
256,803 notes
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🏰study-hall-monitor Follow
Wait, how old is Reginald Hargreeves? Did he not age? Seriously, look at this photo from 2002 and look at this photo from this year
🦕dino-nuggiez Follow
If you were on Facebook, they'd say he was a lizard person
🐊florida-shaped-being Follow
Fortunately, we're on Tumblr
Which means that people will say he's a crab person
🎃helloqueen Follow
🍁chaos-is-my-peanutbutter Follow
You fools
OBVIOUSLY he's an alien
👾codey-for-everyone Follow
Wait. Omg. It makes sense!
It would also explain their powers, think about it!
You're an absolute genius, I can't believe no one has ever thought about that before!
🍁chaos-is-my-peanutbutter Follow
Lmao I think you're taking this too seriously buddy
🖍️memecent-van-go Follow
You are ALL wrong
He is actually created in a lab by the government and they said he "died" to surprise us with the biggest April Fool's prank in the history of mankind next week
498,737 notes
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🪩 traumallama Follow
Congratulations to all the Hargreeves siblings, I am very happy for you. May you lead a very peaceful and cheerful life now that your dickhead father is gone
🌌 jupiters-moons Follow
🌨️ twirlingandwhirling Follow
I just feel bad for The Séance. Wouldn't like to have my abusive dad following me around
👥 lurkeringlurrlurr Follow
By that logic his dead brother, The Horror, would also be following him around
🌌 jupiters-moons Follow
Their names are Klaus and Ben.
🚵 rolly-molly Follow
Can we go back to The Séance thing? I mean, his power is that he can see ghosts iirc, who is to say he can't see Ben? (Also, seriously, The Horror? That must be so bad for a child)
👥 lurkeringlurrlurr Follow
Sure, I guess it wouldn't be impossible
But if *I* had my dead brother following me around all the time, I think I'd lose my sanity
9,734 notes
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🪷sweet-sweet-sweeter Follow
Why Reginald Hargreeves kinda hot ngl
🥐food-up-with-this-croissant Follow
Dude, he JUST died
🪷sweet-sweet-sweeter Follow
What? I like old guys!
🌾crying-in-bed Follow
Tumblr user not simping over a white rich dude challenge: FAILED ❌
👾codey-for-everyone Follow
Also he's probably an alien
🪷sweet-sweet-sweeter Follow
Even better for the monsterfuckers
🐍nessiesmuse Follow
The monsterfuckers don't want him either
💟singthissong Follow
Abi, I say this as your friend, your mutual...
Get a better taste in men
🪷sweet-sweet-sweeter Follow
Maybe when I can afford rent, food and bills with one job I will
5,679 notes
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☂️brellies-fan Follow
Is that Number Five, aka, The Boy, the one who disappeared 17 years ago?! Why does he still look like 13!? What's happening?!
1,139,580 notes
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houpss · 7 months
(🧊)–Past relationships with Lily
🧊–return to masterlist ¡! ✥
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–Lily hasn't had many relationships, but she is quite experienced with both girls and guys! She had many affairs, but little true love.
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—Lily's first serious addiction, literally her first love, they started dating in 2013, when Lily was still in SM ENTERTAINMENT and God, she was only 14, and Sana was 17. Their relationship lasted three years, Lily grew up with Sana, she so grateful! they are very good and close friends now. They broke up because they both grew out of this relationship, but they are on excellent terms!
Familiar with:03/07/2013 (Were in a relationship from 06/16/2013-10/23/2016)
Relationship with Sana now: Very close friends, they are seen together at awards and any shows, they record TikTok videos together and broadcast!
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–They met on the set of an advertisement, then Seungcheol himself came up to meet Lily, they were very nice to each other! they talked for a very long time before starting a relationship, it was so comfortable and good. Seungcheol always supported Lily, when SKZ debuted, he tried to help with promotion. Lily is very grateful to him. We broke up due to misunderstandings and several major quarrels.
Familiar with:12/29/2016 (In a relationship from 07/27/2017-12/14/2018)
Relationship with Seungcheol now: Now they don’t communicate, but at awards or events they quietly glance at each other, which only they notice and know. Lily does not want to restore their communication, because she thinks that she does not need it.
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–He took Lily when she was sick, it was a healing relationship for her, not that she loved deeply, but she definitely did! They were introduced by Tenshi back in 2015, but their relationship began only at the end of 2019. It was a very calm relationship, where Namjoon held the main position. They broke up due to difficulties in the perception of both sides.
Familiar with: spring 2015 (In a relationships from 12/30/2019-12/24/2020)
Relationship with Namjoon now: They communicate! perhaps not so often, but it’s very good that when Lily and Tenshi eat together, Jungkook and Namjoon will definitely join them. Quite easy and good communication. When Tenshi and Lily went to see off BTS to the army, Lily and Namjoon said goodbye very warmly.
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mpchev · 4 months
You like reading fanfics? How about reading about fanfics? 😏
Here’s what I've read so far (or am currently getting through) for my dissertation on fanfiction bookbinding! I'll be updating it as I go until the end of July. If you have any recs to add to the towering pile or any questions/opinions about something on there, I’m all ears!
on fan studies & ficbinding ✔
Alexander, Julia, ‘Making fanfiction beautiful enough for a bookshelf’, The Verge, 9 March 2021 <https://www.theverge.com/22311788/fanfiction-bookbinding-tiktok-diy-star-wars-harry-potter-twitter-fandom> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Buchsbaum, Shira Belén, ‘Binding fan fiction and reexamining book production models’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 37 (2022)
Dym, Brianna, and Casey Fiesler, ‘Ethical and privacy considerations for research using online fandom data’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 33 (2020)
Jenkins, Henry, Textual Pochers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture (New York: Routeledge, 1992)
Jenkins, Henry, ‘Transmedia Storytelling 101’, Pop Junctions, 21 March 2007 <http://henryjenkins.org/2007/03/transmedia_storytelling_101.html#sthash.gSETwxQX.dpuf> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Hellekson, Karen, ‘Making Use Of: The Gift, Commerce, and Fans’, Cinema Journal, 54, no. 3 (2015), 125–131
Kennedy, Kimberly, ‘Fan binding as a method of fan work preservation’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 37 (2022)
Minkel, Elizabeth, ‘Before “Fans,” There Were “Kranks,” “Longhairs,” and “Lions”: How Do Fandom Gain Their Names?’, Atlas Obscura, 30 May 2024 <https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/fandom-names> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Penley, Constance, Nasa / Trek: Popular Science and Sex in America (London: Verso, 1997)
Price, Ludi, ‘Fanfiction, Self-Publishing, and the Materiality of the Book: A Fan Writer’s Autoethnography’, Humanities, 11, no. 100 (2022), 1–20
Schiller, Melanie, ‘Transmedia Storytelling: New Practices and Audiences’, in Stories: Screen Narrative in the Digital Era, ed. by Ian Christie and Annie van den Oever (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018), 99–107
on folklore, the internet, other background reading ✔
Barthes, Roland, ‘La mort de l’auteur’ in Le Bruissement de la langue: Essais critiques IV (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1984)
Blank, Trevor J., Folklore and the Internet: Vernacular Expression in a Digital World (Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 2009)
Mauss, Marcel, ‘Essai sur le don. Forme et raison de l’échange dans les sociétés archaïques.’, L’année sociologique, 1923–1924; digital edition by Jean-Marie Tremblay, Les classiques des sciences sociales, 17 February 2002, <http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/mauss_marcel/socio_et_anthropo/2_essai_sur_le_don/essai_sur_le_don.html> [accessed 10 June 2024]
McCulloch, Gretchen, Because Internet: Understanding How Language is Changing (Random House, 2019)
Niles, John D., Homo Narrans: The Poetics and Anthropology of Oral Literature (University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, 1999)
hopefully coming up next (haven't started yet)
A Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies, ed. by Paul Booth (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2018)
A Fan Studies Primer: Method, Research, Ethics, ed. by Paul Booth and Rebecca Williams (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2021)
Dietz, Laura, ‘Showing the scars: A short case study of de-enhancement of hypertext works for circulation via fan binding or Kindle Direct Publishing’, 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ‘23), September 4–8, 2023, Rome Italy (ACM: New York, 2023)
Fathallah, Judith May, Fanfiction and the Author: How Fanfic Changes Popular Cultural Texts (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017)
Finn, Kavita Mudan, and Jessica McCall, ‘Exit, pursued by a fan: Shakespeare, Fandom, and the Lure of the Alternate Universe’, Critical Survey, 28, no. 2 (2016), 27–38
Hjorth, Larissa et al., eds. The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography (New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017)
Jacobs, Naomi, and JSA Lowe, ‘The Design of Printed Fanfiction: A Case Study of Down to Agincourt Fanbinding’, Proceedings from the Document Academy, 9, issue 1, article 5
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