#03 alphonse elric
03 wrath, 03 al, 03 dante
*Cracks knuckles*
Hiiiiiiiii!!!! Ok, we're doing this in order.
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03 Wrath :)
Ehehehe.. AHAHAHA!!! I love 03 WRATH WITH A PASSION HE IS MY SON I WOULD DIE FOR HIM. Surprisingly I don't have many headcanons for him, but that's ok I love him a lot. He's genuinely my favorite character in all of 03, he makes me sick/pos.
I love how he comes into the plot, I love his purpose, I love how he's so unique to the other homunculi and to us (HE IS THE ONLY HOMUCULUS WHO CAN DO ALCHEMY, HES GOT GENUINE HUMAN LIMBS ON HIM, AND HE HAS HIS BONES AND STUFF FROM HIS ORIGINAL REMAINS IN HIS BODY) - And I love how he acts. He reminds me of Harry Harlow's Wire Mother v Cloth Mother experiments and the Pit of Despair experiments as well as some other things in regards to his character (I'd love to ramble about this once I refresh on said experiments); He is built on the need for maternal love and care, but he is without it. Throughout the series we can see that he's impressionable, that he learns through watching others - like with the "game" of catching mice or when Ed uses his alchemy to create a blade on his hand or his lance Wrath can and DOES copy him. People say Wrath's an Envy copy or smth but I don't see it. They wear similar clothes and Wrath's hair is a type of green but that's their only similarities. You wanna know who he's like? ED. Not Envy, not Al (I kill you) ED. He copies ED the most. I'm just fucking RHABSGBSBS. I love Wrath sm I'm gonna go nuts.
I constantly stay awake at night thinking about Wrath and Ed's last interaction and then the last time they saw each other - but that's a different conversation.
Oh yeah, got bingo btw, diagonally.
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03 Al......... My other child. I FORGOT THE FICKING HC SQUARE - Oh well.
I love Al a lot, although I can't say Al's my favorite. The "canon isn't real if I don't look at it" part is a joke toward how Al hair is short again at the end of CoS, I prefer it long. Also trans girl Al supremacy. Everyone is genuinely wrong about Al (or a lot of people) bc Al isn't baby, Al is just as much of a lil shit as Ed anx I will continue to remind people. He's also a FUCKING KID and a lotta people seem to forget that (I kill you).
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Dante................ I love Dante as a villain, I like her a lot more than, like, Father from mangahood. But at the same time I don't like her because of her actions. I like her design too (not speaking of the Lyra body suit), it's nice and fitting to how she says she's just a humble alchemist. But again, she isn't my favorite.
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pluviatrix · 1 year
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oct. 3 pt 2.
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poltergrease · 2 months
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All is One
Ed's Piece
Flower choice explanation (bc I'm a nerd):
Morning Glory: Renewed Hope
Woodbine (Virginia Creeper): Fraternal Love
Hellebores: Anxiety
Pink Verbena: Admiration
Japanese Painted Fern: Family/Hope
Cabbage White: Healing/Message from the Dead
Al's piece actually gave me more grief than his brother's, which is hilarious considering just how much I favor him over Ed lmao.
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iconicname · 1 year
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never turn back
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eelektrossfan · 22 days
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Roots To Branches
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raffa-taff · 3 months
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[part 1]
a little fma comic thing I did to practice comics and to just give writing the bros a go :)
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flamealchemist · 5 months
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Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 character reference sheets
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random-in-a-crowd · 4 months
Rewatching fma, I think we should all take a moment to acknowledge how cute the images from the seconding ending of fma 03 are.
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makiswirl · 6 months
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finally rewatching 03. edward elric i will save you
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saphkick · 1 month
I watched conqueror of shamballa
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this is it this is the movie
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inkinthetypewriter · 1 year
just imagined it’s scooby doo and alphonse elric is chasing scooby and shaggy bc you know big scary thing chasing them is the entire narrative and then mystery inc catches him and fred dramatically does that thing like “let’s see who’s inside this armour” and then takes off al’s head to see there’s nobody in there then al just goes “i’m not a bad guy i just wanted to pet your dog” and mystery inc scurries away and never investigates again
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wickedcriminal · 1 year
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Nothing makes me happier than unhinged Ed being like "yep!! That's MY blood!! I drew that while I was bleeding out!! :DD" and Armstrong reacting about as well as you'd expect
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pluviatrix · 1 year
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i marveled at the miracle of your pulse, its hummingbird thrum within glorious cage of hard-won flesh, yes, for this, i'd do it all again.
happy birthday to the third elric brother, arson elric, and happy twentieth anniversary to the original anime </3
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poltergrease · 5 months
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Opened pinterest to this frame of Al from the CoS movie and I blacked out forn3 hours.
Frame referenced:
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lnkedmyheart · 4 months
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Double ouch
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eelektrossfan · 8 months
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Traumatic event on a shirt, but there’s so many so it’s a shop at this point
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