#002: class of 24
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genvm · 6 months ago
#002 : class of '24 , memes
sentence starters
el hero draft de este año será una carnicería
¿también llegaste tarde a clases hoy?
parece que no me estás escuchando
deberíamos escaparnos e ir a [inserte una ciudad]
ahi vienen las cámaras, actúa normal
pensé que nadie más llegaba temprano a clases
pareces obsesionadx con el hero draft
no tengo ni idea de lo que está pasando
no vas a creer lo que escuché
solo digo que [nombre] no merece estar tan arriba/abajo en el ranking
no me digas, ¿nos pusieron el mismo tutor?
no pienso irme hasta que el profesor abra la puerta.
pensé que era el unico que entrenaba esta semana.
¡ten mas cuidado, puedes lastimar a alguien!
tomaron mi peor angulo, es mi fin
action starters
[ BUMP ] mi personaje chocó con tu personaje al salir de un lugar.
[ WAIT ] nuestros personajes se encuentran en la oficina del mismo profesor.
[ ROOM ] mi personaje confunde de número con la habitacion de tu personaje
[ TRAIN ] nuestros personajes se encuentran entrenando sus habilidades.
[ ALONE ] nuestros personajes se quedan solos al final de una clase.
[ MED ] mi personaje visita a tu personaje en el centro médico
[ CITY ] mi personaje invita al tuyo a salir del campus.
[ DRAFT ] nuestros personajes viajan a otra ciudad a ver la competencia
[ PLUS ] + starter a su elección.
recuerden activar sus asks y completar los mi pj / tu pj con los nombres del personaje deseado al enviar. ¡diviertanse!
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celli-ohs · 27 days ago
Show Must Go On
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pairing: secret softie!park jongseong x reader
genre: high school au; crack, comedy, fluff
synopsis: When you told the waitress to give your compliments to the chef, you didn't expect the chef to come out and thank you personally, and you really didn't expect the chef to be your classmate Park Jongseong. Realizing how bad this could be, he has you keep it a secret. That shouldn't be too hard for you to do he thinks, but you're full of surprises- and slip-ups.
before you read: character profiles | sunghoon series
warnings: language, loser enhypen
word count: 3k
taglist (open): @ancnymcnzjy @melancholy-z @lamin143 @soobinbunnie5 @benny1989fredd @bbsantc @jimmiwuwaiting @blindmortal @seongiewon @yuyita-rosier @kkathy101
note: part 2 of my and scene! series, loosely based off en-drama.
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Entry 002: 23/05/24
“So your solution to the problem is to stalk and intimidate the poor girl into silence? Who are you, Batman?”
Jungwon looks at Jongseong skeptically, the older boy yawning as they walk.
“I’m not stalking her! I’m just going to make sure she doesn’t tell on me. I can’t afford to lose my job, my parents need me,” He sighs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “And I’m not Batman!”
“Of course, you’re not, Batman saves the innocent, you're torturing her instead.” Jungwon mocks.
Jongseong glares at his best friend, who laughs at him. “You know, you could just explain that to her. You need to have more trust in people.”
With a sigh, Jongseong grimaced. He knew this, yet he still couldn’t. Even his friends had no idea he helped out his family restaurant. They all believed he was in some hardcore baseball league outside of school.
And it’s not because he couldn’t trust them. Well maybe because he couldn’t trust them, outside of Jungwon, they all had big mouths (especially Riki and Jaeyun).
And after last night, he’s worried his reaction might have made his situation worse. Instead of calmly speaking to you, Jongseong practically shoved you out of the restaurant, threatening revenge if you crossed him. Looking back he had over-exaggerated out of fear, and he felt a bit guilty.
But Jongseong had a lot going for himself, he didn’t want it to end just yet.
“Whatever you do, please don’t drag me into it. I don’t want to get in trouble because my best friend is a bully.” Jungwon shakes his head. 
“I’m not a bully! I told you I’m just trying to make sure she keeps her mouth shut!” He argues.
“Uh huh. Yeah, and there’s your victim.” Jungwon nods as he looks forward, causing Jongseong to turn and follow his line of sight. 
You’re walking across the street, looking cheerful as you make your way to the crosswalk. You look like you’re having a grand old day. That is until you finally spin around, making eye contact with Jongseong. 
Your smile immediately falls, color draining from your face as he mugs you. The crosswalk light signals for you to walk, but you don’t budge, too scared to move. 
“Stop that!” Jungwon suddenly shoves him, causing him to trip over his feet. “Y/n! Come on!” Jungwon waves you over and you meekly run across the street to join them. 
“Morning,” Jungwon greets you. “G-Good morning.” You stutter, maneuvering around the younger boy so that he separates you and Jongseong.
The three of you walk in awkward silence. You don’t look at either of the boys, too nervous to even turn your head. 
“I can hear you glaring.” Jungwon finally says something, elbowing Jongseong’s side. 
“Sorry.” He grumbles, facing forward. He quickly glances at you. 
The weather was starting to warm up now that it was the end of May. You still chose to wear your winter uniform, the blazer adorning your shoulders. 
If he were being honest, Jongseong didn’t know much about you, other than the fact that you competed against him in the elections and won. 
You shared homeroom with him, sitting a couple of rows away and closer to the front. In class you were quiet, studious, and polite. You were generally liked by everyone, maybe that was why you’d won and not him. 
Not that Jongseong was hated or anything, he just kept to himself and his friends more. He talked with the other students in his class and grade just fine, but nothing more than surface-level conversations ever occurred.
But social images spun perspective.
You were the prim and proper sweetheart, while Jongseong was the routinely late and unenthusiastic grump.
(He blames his late nights and early mornings at the restaurant.)
“So let’s just cut to the chase,” Jungwon clears his throat. “What did you end up ordering at Jongseong’s family restaurant yesterday Y/n? The curry is my favorite,” 
Jongseong chokes. Of course Jungwon would ask that, yet the idiot was supposed to be the new student body president. 
“W-What?!” You trip over your words, surprised by this blatant question. You probably never expected the outward transparency from someone who was supposed to be your trustworthy president. 
“I also recommend trying the katsudon, with curry it’s really good.” Jungwon is salivating. “His mom is a really good cook too, her kimchi jjigae is refreshing-”
“Okay shut up now.” Jongseong slaps a hand over his mouth. The younger boy tugs him off as they enter the school’s main building. 
“I’m just giving her suggestions!” He argues, before turning back to you. “Try the ghee-grilled steak, it’s pricey but the meat melts in your mouth-” Jongseong shoves Jungwon into the Student Body Office, shutting the door and blocking your entry. 
Finally, he has you alone (if you ignore Jungwon’s abhorrent knocking and yelling from the other side of the door).
You look terrified, stepping backward in fear as Jongseong stares you down. His sharp eyes are burning into your skull.
“You won’t say a word.” He threatens you. You nod meekly, hugging the strap of your bag. “Say it. Promise you won’t tell.”
“I promise I won’t tell!” You squeak, showing him your tiny little pinky. Jongseong observes you. You’re standing pin straight, one hand gripping your bag, the other raised in the air, your pinky standing tall. Your jaw is clenched, and your eyes trained on him.
With a sigh, Jongseong relaxes. “Good.” He mumbles to himself, though he still feels uneasy. 
He steps out of the way and swings the door to the Student Body office open with full force.
“Oof-!” A voice grunts. He’d forgotten that Jungwon was there, consequently squishing him against the wall. “Whoops.” Jongseong deadpans as you scurry inside.
As Jungwon begins to argue with him, Jongseong tunes him out, his focus being on you as you hide behind your desk.
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“That’s my seat.” Jongseong looks up from the desk to find his classmate Nicholas eyeing him. 
“Mr. Lee said we could switch. Forgot to wear my contacts and I didn’t bring my glasses.” He answers, pointing to his eyes before gesturing to his old seat a couple of rows away.
Nicholas eyes him, then shrugs. He doesn’t seem that upset when he realizes he’s sitting closer to his friend Eui Joo.
Jongseong bides his time by finishing his homework, quickly scribbling in his notebook. When the warning bell rings, he hears someone let out a gasp of shock.
You stand in terror a few feet away, clutching your books.
“What’re you doing? Sit down before class starts.” Jongseong calls out to you, and you tiptoe to your desk right next to him. 
To make sure you keep your promise, Jongseong had your shared homeroom teacher switch his seat so that he could sit right next to you, much to your disdain.
You sit silently, hands on your knees with a straight back. Jongseong is facing forward, but his eyes are trained on you. 
As your class starts, he finds it difficult to keep his attention on the lesson, always glancing towards your direction with a steely glare. 
You keep your distance, trying your best to focus on the lesson, but it seems you’re not the only one who’s noticed Jongseong’s unwavering stare.
“Jongseong if you’re just going to keep staring at Y/n, I’ll have you stand in the hall.” Mr. Lee announces, and the boy’s head swivels around to his teacher. 
“Sorry.” He mumbles, ears getting red. Mr. Lee sighs, returning to his lecture as the rest of the classroom begins to point and whisper.
Ignoring the unwanted attention, Jongseong has a hard time focusing, how could he if you were right there next to him?
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It was like Jungwon knew. The younger boy had walked over to his class the second the bell rang for lunch, he stood outside the door with his arms crossed. 
You quickly duck out of the classroom as Jungwon blocks his path. “What’re you doing here?” Jongseong asked after being ambushed. 
“Making sure you don’t bully my Treasurer. Come on, let’s go eat.” He pushes him towards the cafeteria. 
“I wasn’t bullying her!” Jongseong argues. “Uh huh, Then why did she text me that you were glaring at her all class?” Jungwon cocks a brow.
When did you do that? Jongseong swears he’s had hawk eyes on you since school began. He opens his mouth to defend himself, but Jungwon interrupts him.
“And don’t even think about sitting with her at lunch. Give the girl a break!” Jungwon steers him towards their table, where a few of them already sit.
“I wasn’t going to do that!” He shouts.
He was definitely going to do that.
“Do what?” Heeseung asks as he sits down beside him. 
“Jongseong’s been stalking Y/n,” Jungwon quips and the boy turns to him in shock and embarrassment.
“Y/n? The new Treasurer?” Sunoo looks confused. “Oh my God, are you that jealous she won?”
Jongseong looks at Sunoo with furrowed brows. “I’m not-” He shuts himself up quickly. He couldn’t reveal the real reason why he was so upset.
“Oh totally. Super jealous. I think he’s got a crush on her with how jealous he is.” Jungwon adds fuel to the flame. 
Everyone at the table suddenly gasps, eating this information up like dessert. Riki and Jaeyun are giggling, hiding their snide grins behind their hands as Heeseung and Sunoo are shocked.
“I don’t like her! Shut up Jungwon.” He threatens. Jungwon doesn’t seem to care, eating his food blissfully. 
As the others immediately begin to gossip, Jongseong sighs, massaging his temples. “Where’s Sunghoon?” He needed someone with some common sense right now (Sunghoon wasn’t the ideal candidate, but he was the only one missing).
“He’s eating outside with his girlfriend for lunch.” Heeseung answers, causing Jongseong to groan in response.
“Maybe you should invite Y/n to go eat outside with you too,” Jaeyun giggles, pointing at him like a giddy schoolgirl. He falters from Jongseong’s intense glare.
“I said I don’t like her.” He argues, huffing as he begins to eat his packed lunch. His friends seem to notice his mood drop and change the subject to a movie night at Jaeyun’s place on Friday. 
As the other boys argue over what to watch, Jongseong’s eyes browse the cafeteria, finally landing on you, sitting on the opposite side of the room.
You’re smiling, leaning against your hand as you listen to your friends Jaehyun and Sungho converse in front of you. 
He’s reminded of this morning during your walk to school. You had the most serene look on your face, completely and utterly full of bliss as the sun shined down on you like you had coaxed it to rise. 
Your hair is shiny and healthy, your cheeks have a rosy glow as you laugh, eyes lighting up. 
It was as if you had transformed into an entirely different person.
His view of you is suddenly blocked, and he’s snapped back into reality. 
“Earth to Jongseong! Hello?!” Sunoo playfully waves a hand in front of his face, chuckling as he catches a red-faced Jongseong in the act.
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After school he’d run straight home, changing out of his uniform into some more comfortable clothes to work in. 
“How was school son?” His dad asks as he chops some tofu for the soup simmering on the stove. 
“Fine,” Jongseong conveniently hides the fact that you had found out his secret job.
“Just fine? Nothing fun happened today?” His dad seems extra curious today. Jongseong shakes his head. “Nope, just the usual.” He lies. Everything was anything but the usual today.
“Well the office called your mom and me today-” Jongseong practically jumps at the mention, looking at his father incredulously, as he dreads to hear his fate.
“-They were so surprised you showed up early today! They said it gave them a really good laugh! Isn’t that funny? Your mom and I were chuckling all day about it.” His father looks joyful as Jongseong’s fears dissipate.
“Oh, yeah. Haha.” He tries to shake it off, going back to his task of breading the chicken to fry.
“Oh!” His dad suddenly chirps. “Your homeroom teacher, Mr. Lee emailed me earlier today.”
Jongseong freezes, dropping the raw chicken into the bowl of flour. “He did?” He chokes out. 
“Yeah,” His father sighs and Jongseong feels his stomach turn, causing him to lean against the counter. 
“You forgot to turn in an assignment for your English class, he said he’ll let you turn it in late if you finish it on Thursday.”
Jongseong feels oxygen enter his lungs as he takes a deep breath, relaxing once again. “Yeah, I can finish it.” He nods. 
“Now listen to this! Jungwon texted me today. Oh that boy, he surprised me.” His dad rambles on. 
Jungwon?! What did his best friend have to say? Surely he didn’t out him, right? He may be more reliable of the bunch, but Jungwon was just as prone to blabbing as any of his other friends if he wasn’t careful.
“He asked if we could make him some curry for lunch tomorrow! Haha! He wants you to bring it to school so he can eat it.” His dad lets out a hearty laugh, tossing his head back.
Jongseong is barely able to laugh along with him, his head spinning from all the stress his dad had caused him just now. He quickly finishes the chicken, dusting his hands on his apron. 
“I’m gonna take my break,” He announces, his dad waves him off with a grin. On his way out of the kitchen, Jongseong grabs a can of soda to drink. 
He takes about three steps out of the kitchen only for him to drop his can when someone yanks him by the arm, stowing him away into the bathroom down the hall. 
“What the-”
“Shh!” A hand is slapped across his mouth, shutting him up as he’s pushed up against the wall. 
Jongseong looks at you ludicrously, eyes wide. Not only was he shocked and confused about why you were here, but he was also caught off guard by your expression. 
You stare up at him with fierce eyes, a steely glare that could rival his own. Your usually perfect hair is messy, and you’re gasping for air as if you’d just run here.
While one of your hands covers his mouth, the other still has a firm grip on his wrist, pinning him down. For some reason, his heart begins to race, ears heating up.
With his free hand, Jongseong removes your hand from his face, gently pushing you off him. 
“What are you doing here? I thought I made it very clear for you to never return,” He tries to ignore his beating heart as he scowls. 
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. “I know- but I had to! I came to warn you.” You say, your soft and quiet tone long gone, replacing it was something loud and harsh. 
“My friends are here, they insisted on coming. I guess Donghyun’s classmate recommended your restaurant. I couldn’t get them to change their minds- well honestly I wasn’t much help, I really liked the soon dubu jjigae and I kinda told them that- but anyway! I ran here as fast as I could to let you know. I’m too late though, they’re all here. You need to hide!” You rush, opening the door to peek your head through, scouting the area.
You… You’re helping him? But why? There was no reason for you to help him. You’d only benefit from exposing him. Hell- he’s been tormenting you for the past 24 hours, you probably wanted to tattle on him more than save him.
Questions kept piling up one by one, but right now they would have to wait. There was a more important matter at hand, like:
“But why are we in the women's bathroom?! I could get in trouble if someone found out I was in here!” He tries to subtly duck down to check if anyone is in the stalls. 
“Don’t worry, I checked already! We’re alone.” You assure, turning back to him. “Come on!” You grab his hand once more, running you two out back into the hall. 
You push him back towards the kitchen, swiping the checkpad and pen from his apron pocket to scribble something down. 
“Here, this is my number, text me so I have your number. I’ll let you know when we leave. For now, don’t come out until I say so.” You instruct, passing him the pad back.
Jongseong looks surprised as he reads your number. Even when in a rush your handwriting is impeccable, no wonder you’re a part of the student body council. 
You’re about to dash back out to the restaurant when Jongseong stops you, now it’s his turn to hold your hand. 
You look up at him speechless, looking at your two hands (as if you hadn’t grabbed his first?!). 
Looking into your eyes, Jongseong finds it hard to speak, the words crowding his throat and never forming. Your shock quickly turns to concern as you step closer to him.
“Jongseong? Are you okay?” Your hand doesn’t fall from his grip.
Suddenly self-conscious, Jongseong clears his throat, dropping your hand as he wipes his sweaty palm against his apron. 
“Thanks.” He coughs out, giving you a half-assed smile as compensation. You stare at him with an unreadable expression for a moment, before bursting out into a smile that practically makes his heart leap out of his chest. 
“I said I’d keep my promise didn’t I?” You tease, before leaving to return to your friends. He stands there, stunned. He can still feel the heat of your hand on his fingertips.
Jongseong thought his biggest worry would be making sure you keep your mouth shut, but now he realizes he should’ve been worrying about how to keep his heart under control.
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Entry 001: 22/05/24 | Entry 003: 03/06/24
Show Must Go On masterlist | and scene! series masterlist | kpop masterlist
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brights-place · 1 month ago
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Hexes & Hushes — MASTERLIST This series is on my social from WATTPAD so if you wanna read the full book check out my WATTPAD in my sociasl! also thanks to the people who voted for which TWST x reader you wanted which ended up being raven queen you can see it in this Post STATUS: Undone START: 24/1/2025 END: ??/??/?? Mostly Uploaded on Wattpad First
𝐓𝐖𝐒𝐓 𝐗 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: Hexes and hushes, whispers and tales of those around come one and all too a world of mages and magic pulled into the mirror from where you were once safe and held a reputation. Welcome to Twisted Wonderland
SUMMARY: [Name] Queen daughter of the evil queen after everything that has happened in ever after. She is not evil or even mean. She is kind and considerate with a sarcastic side born from frustration over her unjust reputation. When people try to socialize with her, she is skeptic about their intentions, but not so much that it limits her ability to make new friends.
She is not the first student to dislike where her story is taking her, but she is the only one in her class to take actions towards free will: starting with the small step of pursuing her love of music, a subject usually reserved for good princesses. After the chaos that was created she goes to have her usual chat with her mother yet something was peculiar in her mothers mirror prison it did not show anything but a hand that reached out.
Will she take it?
₊˙ ★﹗˚ ༘ Characters 01. Characters 02.
extras. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05
000. — ⋆˚࿔ Welcome‼ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ 000. — ⋆˚࿔ 【⋆˚࿔ 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠? 𝜗𝜚˚⋆】 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
001. — ⋆˚࿔ 【Prologue - Ch.1 - 2】 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
002. — ⋆˚࿔ 【Prologue - Ch.3 - 4】 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ 003. — ⋆˚࿔ 【Prologue - Aftermath Of The Halls】 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
004. — ⋆˚࿔ 【Prologue - Ch.5 - 7】 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
005. — ⋆˚࿔ 【Prologue - Ch.8 - 9】 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
006. — ⋆˚࿔ 【Prologue - Ch.10 - 13】 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
007. — ⋆˚࿔ 【Prologue - Ch.14 - 16】 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
008. — ⋆˚࿔ 【Prologue - Ch.17 - 20】 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
009. — ⋆˚࿔ 【 Notes and Stats 】 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
more chapters TBA.
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ Brights Map! ˊˎ˗
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ ©brights-place 2025 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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potassiumivy · 9 months ago
PLAYBOY. | jjk
❥ mdni. fic masterlist.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 002: PINKY PROMISE.
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"shut. up." megumi spoke lowly, grabbing his teacher's collar to pull him close. it was way too early to be dealing with gojo's tantrum. "if you keep yelling, everyone will know, and we don't know if she's okay with it."
gojo inhaled, and his eyes went back to the cover of the playboy magazine. you were on your knees, all dolled up, looking at the camera through your long lashes. he could tell you applied kohl on your lower waterline after seeing you do your makeup everyday when you attended his class two years ago. his eyes went over your glossed lips curled in a little smile. despite the absurdity of the situation, he found himself smiling too- he really had a soft spot for you.
his gaze went lower, falling on the fur blanket covering your lap, before going up and seeing your tits spilling out of your pink babydoll, your signature pearl necklace falling on them.  he was practically grinning by then. he clearly remembers you "borrowing" his black card to get it along with a pair of matching jimmy choo's, not that he'll ever scold you for it. 
shaking his head softly to get out of his trance, he raised his head to meet megumi's intense glare. "what? her smile is contagious!" he defended himself. 
"that's not the point." 
gojo tilted his head in confusion at the statement, making his student's eye twitch at his stupidity. "how are you not ashamed of yourself?" megumi rhetorically asked, grabbing the magazine with one hand, his other hand covering his eyes to avoid seeing you in such a suggestive state. after all, you were his upperclassman, and he had respect for you, even if he'll forever deny it. "are you shameless?" 
"yes." gojo admitted with no hesitation. 
megumi was having none of his shit today. before he could open his mouth again, yuuji barged back into the room. "well, my magazines weren't outside and i was pretty sure i packed them- oh! you found them!" he halted his rambling seeing one of them in megumi's hand. "i was just looking for that one too... man, i can't wait to settle down and read it!" yuuji chuckled, walking towards an alarmed megumi, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
megumi felt like his heart was in his throat. this was all happening way too fast, and his body reacted accordingly- by crumbling it and shoving it in his mouth, making yuuji stop dead in his tracks before laughing. 
"you're so funny, fushiguro!" he slapped the boy's back, making him choke on the paper he was trying to swallow. "i thought you kinda had a stick up your ass, but you're actually a comedic genius!"
gojo snorted, amused by yuuji's so-called compliment. he could tell that both of his students will get along despite being very different. he couldn't wait to brag about them to his colleagues.
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
it was midnight already, and gojo was sitting on the edge of his bed, mindlessly scrolling through his phone in the dark room. he didn't have anything better to do, and the last 24 hours took a toll on him. with meeting sukuna's vessel, to enrolling him into the school, helping him move in, finding out your little (big) secret, and arguing with the higher-ups was a lot to handle, even for the strongest. on top of that, he had to prepare tomorrow's day, since they have to pick up the other new first year.
his finger hovered over your number, mentally debating if he should call you or not. you were always on his mind, even more since your suspension. but now, after seeing you on- no. he shouldn't think about something so wrong. 
you cut off almost every communication with the jujutsu community, so he didn't have any direct news from you. finally pressing on the green button on his screen, he held his breath. he was conflicted on whether he should back down and hung up or not- he really didn't know how to talk to you.
"hello?" your voice shattered the silence in his room. he could hear the loud music in the background. 
"hey." he sounded breathless, and he didn't know why. maybe it was because this would be his first interaction with you after a whole month. hearing you giggle softly, he felt silly for being so nervous.
"aren't you going to properly greet your favourite student? hm?" he cracked a smile at that. "well, you're not my student anymore so i don't really know..." he teased. "what are you up to anyways? you don't seem to be very sad about being suspended from school."
silence. he could hear your breath and the distant voices surrounding you, but you weren't saying anything. your lack of response worried him slightly. "what's wrong? why did-"
"gojo, i don't think we should talk." he didn't respond, way too surprised by the sudden shift in your tone. he felt his throat getting dry. "why not?" he had so many questions, but he refrained from asking them over the phone. he had called on impulse, that picture of you in his mind, and he wasn't ready to say goodbye so fast. 
"well... i'm supposed to be mad at everybody from the community, you know? it'll go against my point if i talked nice to you." this made gojo think for a bit.
"meet me at harajuku tomorrow. i have people i want you to meet." you were baffled. didn't he hear you?
"i'm not coming back without kirara and hakari." he knew that.
"i'll do something about it. i promise." you opened your mouth to refuse, but the sincerity of his words made you hesitate.
chewing on your bottom lip, you silently weighed the pros and the cons. you took promises seriously. "you pinky promise?"
despite being so exhausted earlier, gojo felt like all of his fatigue disappeared. you did that to him, and the realization made his heart flutter.
"i pinky promise."
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
after hanging up, gojo made his way to the garden to take a little walk. he felt too giddy to fall back asleep right away so he came down to calm himself. from afar, he saw the figure of the third year's teacher standing close to the spot you grew your plants, and he made his way to them.
they were watering them for you, humming under their breath. "she always watered those plants at night, saying that it's better for them that way.", they started, glancing back to gojo momentarily before giving back all their attention to the task at hand.
"she also mentioned how it calms her."
"don't talk about her like she's dead." gojo chuckled. 
"it's not the same here without my students, especially not without her. it's almost lifeless."
gojo was beyond confused by the behaviour of his colleague. "is that your way of dealing with the fact she's gone? watering her plants?"
"they were important to her, so i'm taking care of them until she comes back."
the figure sighs before wiping their dirty hands on their blazer. their fingers clutched the fabric tightly. 
"you know you can tell me anything, don't you?" gojo came closer to the figure, putting a hand on their back.
"we're best friends, aren't we suguru?" at the sound of his name, he turned around, putting his hands in his pockets all while avoiding eye contact.
"i think i like her." gojo's eyes widened and his heart dropped at the blunt confession. 
geto smiled brightly, like he never did before, finally making eye contact with his friend. his eyes were a little glossed, blush apparent on his cheeks. nothing like him a few years ago. he was genuinely happy again. "yeah, i like her."
he took gojo's wrist and held it close. "you're the only strongest now. so promise me you'll bring her back."
gojo thought about you- his pretty (ex-)student on a playboy magazine cover.
"okay. okay, i promise."
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©potassiumivy, 2024. all rights reserved. do not translate / modify / republish my works.
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nevernonline · 1 year ago
✧.* pancakes for dinner; profiles 003
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masterlist ▸ 002 coups' bad bitch club ▸ 00. x marks the spot.
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✧.* vernon: hot boy on campus. people seem to think trouble follows anyone who gets involved with him. but those are just rumors right?
✧.*chaewon: producer of marks radio show. she means business. interviews students about their campus lifestyles. desperately wants to find a group of female friends because the testosterone at the radio is out of this world over powering.
✧.*seokmin: campus sweet heart. helps students get more involved outside just their studies. surprisingly throws the best parties for the radio crew, rarely invites anyone outside of their smallish circle, but if you impress him enough he'll let you inside to see what all the rumors are about.
✧.* wonwoo: lives life on his own time. rare sightings of him have been posting on the gu gossip page when he's doing things other than going to class and working on his radio show. truly an enigma.
✧.* joshua: hosts the very famous campus advice show with seokmin, truly cupid if you think about it. he's always trying to fix up his friends and read their astrology charts so he can make perfect couples. loves his vanilla latte's like they're his own children. so sweet he will give you a cavity.
✧.* chan: not your average self obsessed weirdo frat boy. life of the party, always picking on everyone because they test his limits 24/7. goes weeks without you hearing from him as a form of self preservation.
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note/s: just posting these now to give ya'll a lil taste of who you're dealing with, just a bunch of crazy hoes. if you're interested in joining the taglist pls reply to the master post or in my ask box xoxox.
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hezekiahwakely · 1 year ago
More detailed notes before the next episode drops. I should see if I can put my silly powers of trivia to work and help edit the wiki.
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Transcribed below the cut:
Page 1
TMAGP#002 - Making Adjustments 1/23/24
Sam asking lots of questions 👁️
- What DOES DPHW stand for?
Incident - CAT3RBC1567-23092022-18012024 Transformation (full) -/- dysmorphic [video call]
Listed in transcript as a "case file"
- Accessed by FR3-d1?
Daria and therapist
Ink5oul on Instagram (they/them) -Dubstep -London studio -Livestreaming -Floral serpent tattoo on arm & neck
Daria's paintbrush design -Floral patterns -Unknown, glittering symbols -Started on forearm, then spread across body as she made more + more alterations.
Caught by roommate Sarah.
Gwen + Alice conversation - Breakroom CCTV
Gwen thinks Lena is planning lay-offs, overheard her on phone saying they're "expanding external operations."
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TMAGP#002 Notes con. 1/23/24
Alice thinks it more likely she'll "hire another Sam."
Alice barely speaks to Lena
Gwen desperate for respect, thinks Lena views them as disposable.
Alice's Phone Conversation
28th is payday
Brother, Luke, is in band: Dredgerman.
- Sam knows him
Sam researching the Institute!
Alice trying to dissuade him from getting caught up in this.
Page 3
TMAGP#003 - Putting Down Roots 1/28/24
Computers Malfunctioning
.jmj error (!)
Colin doesn't trust/believe in central IT.
- Doesn't like Alice humanizing the PCs.
Colin believes he's the only one who knows the most about the system.
- Believes it's malfunctioning on purpose.
Alice flirts w/Freddie lol
- Also thinks Robert Englund would have made a better Jack from The Shining.
- Horror fan?
Incident - CAT2C8175-03042009-22012024 Infection (full body) -/- arboreal [journal entry] (written by guest writer Graeme Patrick)
Seems to be a police evidence record/email? Gleaned by FR3-d1.
- Case: 1201/19 -Serial #: 72003210 -Collector: Special Constable Caroline Jennings 2911 -Routing to: South-East Evidence Storage - Lewisham
First journal entry dated 07/12/09... eight months ahead of this record (03/04/09)
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TMAGP#003 Notes con. 1/28/24
Dr. Samuel Webber
- Killed wife, Maddie -> cheated/possibly married w/Gerald Andrews
- Isolated and unappreciated by those around him (in his mind). Lonely driving someone into the arms of Corruption?
Aspects: bombed out church, jasmine, time distortion/separate dimension (isolated), dead whispers, infection, forgiveness/guilt free, love, blooming
- Allotment - (British English) A plot of land rented for individual gardening/farming.
- Lock-up - (British English) A rentable garage (storage locker).
Alice gives correct categorization for this Incident (infection: arboreal)
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TMAGP#003 Notes con. 1/28/24
According to Alice, Sam has "wobbly... little stick legs" and "noodle arms." He is also a "cute wimp."
She wants Sam to go behind Colin's back (stirring the pot?) to IT
He says no and avoids getting involved in the following arguement. [sic]
He can stand up to Alice (wonder what their breakup was like).
Alice is a lot more nasty toxic and resentful than she lets on.
- How much does Gwen actually have to do with the upper class?
Does Alice also want to know what's up w/the PCs?
They're all coffee drinkers
workin' the night shift
Gwen has a party on the 27th (27/01/2024) w/old friend who made partner at a law firm. She feels envious.
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dystini · 2 years ago
Indycar Driver Lore
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Indycar Driver Lore Masterlist
Callum Benjamin Ilott
Birthdate: Nov. 11, 1998 Hometown: Cambridge, England Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana Height/Weight: 5’10”/136lbs
Rookie Year: 2022
Team: Super Sub (The first driver teams call when they need a substitute driver.)
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Follow him on: Instagram Twitter Twitch YouTube
Career Stats
2021: 3 races with Juncos Hollinger Racing - 38th Overall 2022: Juncos Hollinger Racing - 20th Overall 2023: Juncos Hollinger Racing - 16th Overall
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The Side Pod (with Marcus Armstrong) You Tube
WEC 2024 Hertz Team Jota Hypercar
Callum and Tatiana Calderón were team mates in 2015 with George Russell in European F3. Felix Rosenqvist was the series champion that year
Felix worked with the Prema F3 team in 2017 which was the year Callum raced with Prema in F3
he went to the same school as Devlin DeFrancesco and Enaam Ahmed who drives with Juncos in Indy pro 200 (for anyone interested in F1/F2 Oscar Piastri, Jehan Daruvala and Clem Novalak went there too)
He first met Conor Daly in 2013
he was meant to drive Romain’s Haas car during an FP1 session in 2020 but it was rained off
at the end of April 2022 he was asked on twitch who his friends in IndyCar were and he could only name Conor and Christian Lundgaard
he was karting rivals with Alex Palou
Competing in his second full season in the NTT INDYCAR SERIES with Juncos Hollinger Racing.
Member of the Ferrari Driver Academy who served as Scuderia Ferrari’s test driver and one of Alfa Romeo’s reserve drivers in 2021. Also raced in the 2021 GT World Challenge Europe Endurance Cup with Iron Lynx and co-drove an Iron Lynx Ferrari 488 to LM GTE AM class podium at 24 Hours of Le Mans.
Finished second in FIA Formula 2 in 2020 with three wins and five pole positions.
Enjoys swimming, climbing, building remote-controlled cars and video games.
Looking forward to learning American sports.
Favorites - TV Show: "Money Heist;" Movie Star: Chris Hemsworth
Says racing heroes are Ayrton Senna and Michael Schumacher.
Allergic to cats
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Iconic/memorable moments 2022 INSIDE THE RACE // CALLUM ILOTT AT MID-OHIO 'It was a CHAOTIC race!' | Sky IndyCar Vodcast: Callum Ilott Indy 500 Open Test Day 1 Report with Callum Ilott Calum Ilott INDY 500 CRASH - 2022 Indianapolis 500 Screaming Meals - Episode 002 - Callum Ilott Screaming Meals - INDYCAR! ft. Callum Ilott St.Pete IndyCar Race Recap with Callum Illott and Marshall Pruett TRACK WALK // GRAND PRIX OF PORTLAND CALLUM ILOTT GIVES PACERS DRAFT PICKS TOUR OF IMS CALLUM ILOTT: The F2 Star Talks F1, Indy, and Rolling w/the Punches | THE RED FLAGS PODCAST Interview with INDYCAR Driver Callum Ilott from Juncos Hollinger Racing Aeroscreen saves Callum Ilott from debris! | Onboard IndyCar Texas 2022 Callum Ilott Talks About His Indy500 Debut | KC Happy Hour Callum Ilott Interview After Topping Final Practice | 2022 NTT IndyCar Series at Barber ‘How do racing drivers wee?’: Watch IndyCar Ace Callum Ilott Answer Your Questions Callum Ilott becomes friends with a frog…
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Callum is easygoing and happy, with a ready grin. He’s one of the friendliest people in the paddock with fans and other drivers alike. He’s got the typical dry British sense of humor and can be self-depreciating, except when it comes to his racing. In that area, he is analytical, confident in his own abilities and ready to offer constructive criticism to his team every time he gets out of the car. He built his team up from scratch in 2022, often finishing races higher than his car was capable of and with the addition of a second car and driver, is continuing to lead the way. Rumors abound that he is headed for a bigger and better team in the near future. While his current contract is for several years, only 2023 is guaranteed and there are likely several different options available to him and the team concerning where he will drive.
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Fanfic Lore
Paired with Kyle Kirkwood. Ship name kirklott Paired with Marcus Armstrong due to their time together as roommates and in F2. Members of the Ferrari Acadamy together.
Paired with Mick Schumacher (F1). They raced together in F2. Members of the Ferrari Acadamy together.
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swpc-bot--unoffical · 11 days ago
Report of Solar Geophysical Activity (RSGA)
Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast SDF Number 52 Issued at 2200Z on 21 Feb 2025 IA. Analysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity from 20/2100Z to 21/2100Z: Solar activity has been at moderate levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a M3 event observed at 21/1215Z from Region 4000 (N17E07). There are currently 8 numbered sunspot regions on the disk. IB. Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be low with a chance for M-class flares and a slight chance for an X-class flare on days one, two, and three (22 Feb, 23 Feb, 24 Feb). IIA. Geophysical Activity Summary 20/2100Z to 21/2100Z: The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to unsettled levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 573 km/s at 20/2107Z. Total IMF reached 5 nT at 20/2200Z. The maximum southward component of Bz reached -4 nT at 21/1927Z. Electrons greater than 2 MeV at geosynchronous orbit reached a peak level of 356 pfu. IIB. Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet levels on days one, two, and three (22 Feb, 23 Feb, 24 Feb). Protons have a slight chance of crossing threshold on days one, two, and three (22 Feb, 23 Feb, 24 Feb). III. Event probabilities 22 Feb-24 Feb Class M 40/40/40 Class X 10/10/10 Proton 10/10/10 PCAF green IV. Penticton 10.7 cm Flux Observed 21 Feb 197 Predicted 22 Feb-24 Feb 195/190/185 90 Day Mean 21 Feb 193 V. Geomagnetic A Indices Observed Afr/Ap 20 Feb 005/002 Estimated Afr/Ap 21 Feb 006/006 Predicted Afr/Ap 22 Feb-24 Feb 006/005-005/005-007/008 VI. Geomagnetic Activity Probabilities 22 Feb-24 Feb A. Middle Latitudes Active 10/10/15 Minor Storm 01/01/01 Major-severe storm 01/01/01 B. High Latitudes Active 20/20/15 Minor Storm 20/20/25 Major-severe storm 10/10/20
0 notes
midasfm · 1 month ago
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✩ midasmusic.com/artists/jiho
001: profile.
legal name: ryu jiho age: twenty-one training period: two and a half years company: midas music group & position: girl code’s main dancer & maknae skeleton key: gc3 career focus: music, production & choreography, fashion & commercial work
002: background.
much to the ryu’s disappointment, neither jiho or her sister were really born with the brains that they had. however, they both showed passion for the arts, and the ryu’s decided that was good enough for them and didn’t pressure them into pursuing things they couldn’t achieve.
coming from a rather supportive but middle class family, jiho didn’t grow up with lots of concerns or worries. she had a roof over her head, food on the table and a family that could sit in the living room and have a conversation without screaming over each other. honestly, that was more than enough for her.
her passion and dreams come into light when she’s in fifth grade and her friends pursuade her to join the talent stage together. it’s some badly put together medley of the hottest kpop hits at the time, but jiho finds herself being able to follow along with the moves quite easily. up until then, she hasn’t been big on kpop or the entertainment industry in general — her sister’s talent in the classical department meant that she was forced to listen to that instead — but this really opened up her eyes.
and so her parents sign her up for vocal and dance academies once she’s in junior high, hoping that it’ll lead to something for her future. nothing big or extraordinary but simply that it’s fun enough for jiho to continue to pursue. it’s also here that she gets scouted to join produce 48.
initially, jiho wasn’t interested in being part of a survival program. she was certain she wouldn’t be able to withstand it, and she didn’t want her love for performing being put to the test through a competition. however, her background of being rather skilledin japanese—she can thank her mother for that—and being young and fresh enough for the production team has them continuing to convince her, so she (and her parents) eventually say yes.
opposite to what she expected, jiho actually finds the whole experience quite exciting. sure, she would love to get a few more hours of sleep and the constant competition is rigorous. however, it was almost the first time she’s really been pushed to step outside of the safe boundaries her parents had built for her. most of all, it was fun.
that positive attitude of hers must have been obvious because, before she knew it, jiho had garnered a pretty sturdy fanbase for herself and makes it all the way to the last round. unfortunately, she doesn’t make the final lineup, placing right below the cutline, but jiho can confidently say she’s tried her best.
from there, she gets a ton of love calls from companies. since she participated as an individual trainee, she knew that she would eventually have to sign somewhere if she wanted to debut as an idol. the last place she expected a call from, however, was midas. there were a few companies that promised her a solo debut if she joined them, but jiho didn’t think she could successfully pursure a career as a soloist. so she signs with midas, who says they have an image for a girl group in mind, and that she seems like a perfect fit.
after all she’s been through with the survival program, the training period under midas almost seems like a walk in the park. that’s not to say it wasn’t rigorous or tough but at least she wasn’t being filmed 24/7 and broadcasted, right? at first, she tried her best to befriend everybody like she did on the survival program, knowing that a group didn’t get formed solely based on skills. team chemistry was important, and she didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot with someone she may eventually debut with.
however, the constant having to push herself and seeing her friends leave one by one as they cut, jiho slowly grows out of that bubbly and always-positive attitude she used to have. it’s a natural transition that comes with this experience and her simply growing up. she’s given lessons on all the do’s and don’t’s of the idol life, and she thinks it’s easier not to do anything too risky in case someone thinks of using it against her to bring her down. some may say a light sort of died within jiho, but the passion that she has for the stage doesn’t, and she eventually makes the final line up for girl code.
things should come easier now that she’s debuted, shouldn’t it?
girl code is met with instant success, and jiho feels like she’s dreaming. of course, she can’t fully express it because the company wants them to remain mysterious, and she’s specifically been told to try to look as chic as she can. that means a gentle smile here and there but no jumping off the walls out of excitement—not that she has the energy to do so anymore.
however, things seem to come crumbling down quickly because by the time their first comeback rolls around, they’re involved in a major scandal. not one that’s caused by herself, and it’s something that actually comes as a shock to her as well. she’s never been one to scoll through comments and take things to heart, but even she sometimes can’t stomach all the mean things people had to say about her members and group.
it’s during this time that jiho falls deeper into a hole of simply improving herself. people were going to talk about them, no matter what, but she didn’t want to give them the chance to downgrade their performance. because as much as people wanted to bring the group down, she doubted they could deny the presence and charisma they had on stage. she took more lessons, whether they were vocals, dance or midi production, and just continued to develop herself in the time she was given.
career-wise, nobody can deny that girl code’s bounced back. the end of 2024 was a hit for them and even if there continues to be whispers and people praying for their downfall, jiho likes to think they’ve steadied their positions for now in this industry, and she’ll make sure that this doesn’t get stolen from them once again.
003: image.
despite being the youngest, jiho has been branded the cool and chic one of girl code. not an ice queen, per se, because she’s still meant to appear kind and friendly, but the kind of person that hangs out with the in-crowd but doesn’t seem to do much to be in the spotlight. she’s calm and collected and doesn’t seem to be phased by what happens around her. of course, she embodies the concept of girl code perfectly during their performances, but she stays rather quiet when she’s not performing. that quietness and soft-spokenness has caused people to accuse her of not caring about her career or fans. jiho will smile and do all the basic things required of her but does not go out of her way to connect with fans one step further.
this has come as a disappointment to her fans who have been following her since her survival program days. back on produce 48, jiho was more bubbly and outspoken, showing to have gotten along with a lot of her competitors and working along with them instead of against them. it’s how she got popular enough to have a fanbase of her own. it wasn’t enough to land her a spot in the final group, but it was enough for people to anticipate her eventual debut, making the disappointment grow when she ended up debuting in a group that (supposedly) forces her to suppress all her emotions so she can remain mysterious and chic.
jiho mostly focuses on the production of girl code’s music and modeling because that’s what has been permitted for her for the time being. the cool and chic image that’s been given and curated for her seems to attract a lot of advertisers who simply want a pretty face to promote their brand. again, this has brought a lot of complaints from her individual fans who want to see her do more active promotions, such as hosting or variety shows because they think it’s more fitting for jiho—per what they remember of her from her survival show days.
while her individual fans may believe she’s being forced to put on an image, the truth is that jiho’s simply grown up. she’s no longer sixteen like she was on the program, and she knows the risks that come with being an idol, and she’d prefer not to be involved in anything big, which is why she’s pretty content with the image midas has given her. yes, she would actually love to do some variety programs here and there and maybe even dip her feet into acting (only because it seems fun), she doesn’t hate the career path that’s been curated for her.
maybe it’s because she’s so quiet and soft-spoken, but she hasn’t been involved in any big scandals just yet. there are the occasional fanwars that occur because of how loud of her individual fandom can be when it comes to actively asking for more promotions for jiho and the attitude scandal that naturally seems to follow any girl code member, but nothing major that would have her name in headlines.
0 notes
eundiarys · 2 years ago
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song recommendation : stuck with u by ariana grande ♥︎ no warnings genre all fluff hehe >_< — 1,647 words
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001. lee heeseung — highschool sweethearts
• you were class president and he was the school’s troublemaker. you were sick and tired of his stupid jokes, but he didn’t mean too. it was the only way for him to get your attention! and when you don’t give him any, he gets sad 🙁
• though after awhile, he stops doing so much cause he sees you being tired of the trouble he makes and he also feels bad T__T
• and then he tries to get close to you some other ways. and slowly you start warming up to him. how could you not? he gives you his undivided attention when you’re stressed, brings you food when you skipped meals because you were too busy, and even comforts you.
• when you guys started dating, everyone is in shock. seriously? the class president and the troublemaker? it’s like were living in a cliché highschool romance drama.
• neither of you cared though, because he loved you and you loved him. that’s what matters. until now, he still can’t get himself to change the nickname he has for you.
• “hi class prez, did you miss me?” “hee baby, we left highschool 5 years ago.” “nono, you’re still class prez to me. because you still nag me 24/7” “HEY!!!”
002. park jongseong — first love
• met in a class. you forgot your pen and it was the first day. you thought he looked nice, so you asked him to lend you a pen. and then you started talking then boom! feelings appear~ not gonna go to detail this isn’t a fanfic
• something like a opposites attract hehe, he thinks its amazing how he fell in love with you regardless being polar opposites. that’s one of the reasons he had faith in your relationship. met at a class, you asked him for a pen because you forgot. then started talking.
• neither of you expected this relationship. but you’re both glad it happened. you have had failed relationships, thought it didn’t effect you. you always thought because he and she weren’t the one. but even one small fight between you guys, you felt like crying and it effected you so much.
• he’ll be extra sweet when he realises he likes you, but won’t ask you out until the right time. he wants it to be perfect. because you are gonna be his first and last love.
003. sim jaeyun — best friends to lovers
• he knew he liked you from the beginning. but your oblivious ass can’t seem to catch the obvious hints hes giving.
• he buys you anything you want right away, he flirts with you (and when you flirt back he gets sooo red 🥹), he says i love you more often that usual, but you just think it’s normal.
• hes being patient, but that patience runs out when he heard you got a love letter and is seeing the secret admirer soon to talk. he rushes to where you are meeting him, just to see you alone.
• “yn? where is he?” “if you’re talking about the love letter guy, i rejected him and he left.”
• he sighs in relief, and you just chuckle before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. leaving him into a blushing mess. (literally he’s so red and shy and confused and u think it’s so adorable!)
• “i like you too, jake. now let’s go” he grins and quickly followed you around like a lost puppy. a cute lost puppy. hehe!!
004. park sunghoon — soulmates
• met at a coffee shop. wanted to ask for your number but chickened out so he just gave a heart beside your name when he wrote it on your cup. (he thinks its enough of a hint).
• he was absolutely devastated when you didn’t ask him for his number. he thinks he’ll never see you again and thinks it was stupid of him to be so scared.
• but few days later?? you start coming back?? when jake called him and told him you were here he literally rushed out to see if it was true. and there you were, standing infront of the cashier checking out the menu.
• he decided to try and get you interested (?) by drawing little faces and animals on your cup. first time he did it, he saw you laugh at it and look around for the barista who drew it. and ever since then, when you come in he’ll do the same thing just yo hear you laugh again
• but one day. you completely stopped coming. he was depressed. but that when jake told him to take out the trash, instead of arguing about it he just did it. and there you were. by the trash..? WHAT?
• he stared at you, a bit confused. “hi! um this is really weird because im telling you this beside a trash can but um can i have your number? ive been trying to talk to you ever since you drew stuff on my cup but you just won’t look at me” you sighed.
• “i didn’t look at you because you were really pretty. i get so shy everytime i look at you…” “hehe, you’re adorable.”
• “well um.. you want coffee? on the house.” “i can never reject free coffee, so of course.” he gave you a small smile before walking in again with you. just know that you guys talked the whole night.
005. kim sunoo — friend’s brother
• you and your best friend sieun had your own rules of the friendship. and rule #9 is siblings are off limits. aka you can’t have a crush or date kim sunoo and she can’t date or have a crush on your brother.
• but sunoo was hard to ignore. he was sweet and good looking. it didn’t help when he always flirted with you whenever you come over.
• but of course, you catch feelings for him. and he did too. you guys secretly dated, doing stupid stuff all day long and trying your best to not get caught :-)
• after a few months you talked to your friend about it, and it turns out she doesn’t even mind. “yn, that rule is stupid! ignore that specific rule, i don’t mind seriously.”
• atleast you can kiss him infront of everyone now.
006. yang jungwon — childhood friends
• I THINK THIS FITS HIM SOOO WELL <3 okok so you guys met in a playground, he accidentally pushed you and he apologised by giving you his ice cream. guess that formed an instant friendship.
• from playdates to same schools to best friends to inseparable to literally soulmates. literally. he got more popular in highschool, which made lots of girls ask you if you guys are dating, how long you’ve known eachother, and to set you up with him.
• how did the boy who had red cheeks and cried whenever he fell down turn into the most handsome and sweet boy ever?
• one day, he told you he had a crush. he also said that he liked this girl for ages, but never seem to get the hint. so he asked you, a girl, for tips.
• your heart ached a bit but anything for your best friend. you made lots of ideas, picnic date confession idea, sunset confession idea, love letter idea. and he liked all of it.
• “hey yn, which ones are your favourite?” he asked. “oh, well none of them are what i like” you gave him a small smile.
• “what? then what kinds do you like?” “i just like people just telling me about how they feel. flowers and stuff or whatever. i like whatever they think is best”
• and that’s exactly how he confessed.
• and of course everyone approved of it, because they all knew you guys were bound to fall in love. especially both of your families, they think you guys are just so sweet.
007. nishimura riki — one sided enemies (to lovers)
• you hated him. well hate is a strong word, just well. dislike. ever since you met him, he never fails to get on your nerves. NEVER FAILS. it annoyed you how good he is at annoying you.
• but then you hear rumors he has a crush on someone? right after hearing about it, you went straight to him to tease him about it. hey, you needed to win once!
• he was with his friends, but when he saw you he said something to them to make them all look at you and went away all at once. he probably wants to bother you again.
• “i heard that THE nishimura riki has a crush on someone.” his eyes widened, not expecting to hear that.
• “um. did you hear who?” his face flushed as he asked.
• you shake your head. “i’ve never seen him get so shy, she must be special.” he slowly looked up again and nodded. “she is.”
• “want tips? other than your pain in the ass attitude, there isn’t 0 chance she won’t like you back.” why the hell am i offering to help him what the fuck.
• “oh, you think so? then i’ll tell her right away” “damn. that fast? that was all you needed? you really have a big ego. well then, goodluck—”
• before you could leave, he took your hand and held it. why’s he holding my hand? does he want more tips? or is it because— oh. OH.
• you felt your face grow hotter, and he saw. just gave you a small chuckle before looking at you in the eyes and saying “i know ive been mean, but teasing’s just my love language. give me a chance, and i’ll be good to you. i promise, pretty girl.”
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© eundiarys 2023. all rights reserved.
honorable mentions (aka my oomfs) ♡ @yeniiverse @hanniluvi @imhuh @lcv3lies @yyunari and all of my followers :D !!!
love, jules 。⋆ ☆⋆ ˚ needed my enhypen writer debut.. so here it is !!! please give feedbacks and i hope you enjoyed!
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genvm · 5 months ago
cierre de actividad # 002
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el primer mes del nuevo ciclo estudiantil llega a su fin , el lunes se siente como resaca luego de toda la carrera para conocer a los nuevos héroes de tres ciudades como LOS SIETE principales . el hero draft de este año , ha terminado .
NUEVOS DOS HEROES , PARTE THE SEVEN : . STARLIGHT , ex-heroína juvenil de seattle ( electrokinesis ) . SUPERSONIC , graduado de GODU ( ondas supersónicas )
luego de saber los resultados , llegas con un pequeño golpe a tu realidad . un mensaje de tu tutor llega al móvil . luego de un par de visitas ( si la tuviste ) , llegan tus nuevos deberes y recomendaciones para mejorar tus habilidades hasta fin de ciclo . ¿estás liste para mejorar?
contamos con el cierre de la actividad #002 , pero descuiden que aun pueden rolear hasta publicar la nueva actividad el día de mañana .
in character , dependiendo de un puesto mas alto en el ranking de cada personaje , significará una enseñanza mas personalizada de sus tutores . sin embargo , todes tendrán sus deberes / recomendaciones como super para mejorar .
out of character , éstas serán enviadas por submit / ask a los blogs . les pedimos guardarlas y no publicarlas . sin embargo , no está prohibido compartirlas o hablarles ooc / ic , pues no es información secreta .
eso sería todo. recuerden que ante cualquier duda, sugerencia y demás, estaremos lo posible disponible en el main como en discord .
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years ago
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Maserati Tipo 151/4 
Maserati’s Tipo 151 model is a tale of what could have been. The company enjoyed tremendous success during the 1950s in endurance racing, culminating in the fantastic Tipo 60 and 61 “Birdcages”. It then turned its attention to the newly introduced closed-top prototype class at Le Mans. A new model called the Tipo 151 was developed to race in this class. Instead of employing the same exquisitely intricate space-frame chassis design as with the Tipo 60/61, chief engineer Giulio Alfieri opted for a more traditional space frame using larger tubing. Power came from a 3943cc quad-cam V8 making 360 bhp, mated to a 5-speed gearbox. Its long low bonnet, laid-back windscreen, and rounded Kamm tail were refined in the wind tunnel at Milan University with the goal of aerodynamic efficiency. Just three examples were built, two going to Briggs Cunningham’s American team (004 & 006), whilst the final car (002) was for Colonel Johnny Simone’s Maserati France team.The new model proved as fast as it looked at the 1962 24 Hours of Le Mans, with the Cunningham cars qualifying 3rd (006) and 5th (004). Meanwhile Simone’s car qualified 7th (002) driven by Maurice Trintignant and Lucien Bianchi. The race proved much more frustrating though, with all three cars retiring. Cunningham’s cars returned to the US, with one later being destroyed in a fiery accident at Daytona, but Colonel Simone sent 002 back to Maserati for some upgrades ahead of another attempt at Le Mans in 1963. These included enlarging the engine to 4941cc, swapping the Weber carburettors for Lucas fuel-injection (gaining 70 bhp), reducing weight and revising the suspension.
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taiey · 3 years ago
Been thinking about cut-down episode lists for TMA s1, because it’s - it’s just quite a hurdle if what you’re intrigued by is what the show becomes later and not the statements themselves.
Tightest possible set that I think still has internal coherence is eight episodes—
1. 001 Anglerfish 2. 006 Squirm 3. 016 Arachnophobia 4. 022 Colony 5. 026 A Distortion 6. 032 Hive 7. 039 Infestation 8. 040 Human Remains 
but what I’d actually recommend to someone who just wants to get into it and hear all the characters and is willing to wiki a lot of stuff but is also impatient enough that they only want 10 episodes is
1. 001 Anglerfish 2. 006 Squirm 3. 016 Arachnophobia 4. 022 Colony 5. 026 A Distortion 6. 028 Skintight 7. 032 Hive 8. 038 Lost and Found 9. 039 Infestation 10. 040 Human Remains
adding back in dearly beloved Melanie and the start of the worm attack.
At the other extreme, if you just want to trim away a few and leave a list that could actually introduce you to everyone who comes back later:
1. 001 Anglerfish 2. 002 Do Not Open 3. 003 Across the Street 4. 004 Pageturner 5. 006 Squirm 6. 008 Burned Out 7. 009 A Father's Love 8. 010 Vampire Killer 9. 011 Dreamer 10. 012 First Aid 11. 013 Alone 12. 014 Piecemeal 13. 015 Lost Johns' Cave (...it’s just really well-reviewed ok) 14. 016 Arachnophobia 15. 017 The Boneturner's Tale 16. 021 Freefall 17. 022 Colony 18. 024 Strange Music 19. 025 Growing Dark 20. 026 A Distortion 21. 028 Skintight 22. 032 Hive 23. 033 Boatswain's Call 24. 034 Anatomy Class 25. 035 Old Passages 26. 036 Taken Ill 27. 037 Burnt Offering 28. 038 Lost and Found 29. 039 Infestation 30. 040 Human Remains
My most controversial omission from this is probably 19/20: IMO this ends up being mostly red-herring, while the important things about Hill Top Road are covered in 008, 067 and 114. Next-most is Schwartzwald—same thing. I think you’d almost be less confused about Mary Keay claiming noble ancestry and von Closen having sons and what’s up with those books anyway.
For - what do I wish I’d had, when I was first thinking of listening and kinda putting it off...
1. 001 Anglerfish 2. 003 Across the Street 3. 006 Squirm 4. 008 Burned Out 5. 009 A Father's Love 6. 010 Vampire Killer 7. 011 Dreamer 8. 012 First Aid 9. 013 Alone 10. 016 Arachnophobia 11. 017 The Boneturner's Tale 12. 021 Freefall 13. 022 Colony 14. 024 Strange Music 15. 025 Growing Dark 16. 026 A Distortion 17. 028 Skintight 18. 032 Hive 19. 036 Taken Ill 20. 038 Lost and Found 21. 039 Infestation 22. 040 Human Remains
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fairygrden-a · 4 years ago
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( kristine froseth, cis female ) have you seen CELESTE MELROSE ? i heard SHE is a FRONT DESK CLERK at PINETREE CLIFF HOTEL. they’re 24 years old and they’ve been living in san verto for TWENTY-FOUR YEARS. they tend to be BENEVOLENT & PERCEPTIVE, but rumor has it they can also be ESCAPIST & RESENTFUL.
。*    ❪       📂   𝐂://STATISTICS.
name: celeste melrose 
age: twenty - four
sign: aquarius sun / pisces moon ( click )
sexuality: bisexual ( leans towards woman ) 
gender: cis woman ( she/her/hers )
occupation: front desk clerk at a hotel 
alignment: lawful good
。*    ❪       📂   𝐂://BIOGRAPHY.
tw: bullying 
001: the childhood years 
she’s avi’s cousin 🥺 for more context & vibes of celeste’s childhood : click here !! 
with her father being out of the picture before celeste’s second birthday, her mother quickly became the world to her <333 
celeste recalls how her mother would read her stories every night before bed ( about the fairy realm, mermaids, true love kisses, & happily ever afters ), how she would take her daughter outside when the night sky was high above them in order to watch the stars, & how they would collect herbs together for all types of potions. celeste’s childhood was a happy one, with her mother & family being so near to her heart 
throughout her childhood celeste could often be found by the woods near her home, quickly deeming it the spot where she felt safest. there she would explore anything nature had to offer to her, from little woodland creatures to herbs to trees
002: the teenage years
celeste never realized how odd her life had truly been up until she entered high school. her family was known for being into the occult, & she soon came to the realization that people weren’t as open minded about said topic as the ones who visited her home. her peers would often either avoid or tease her because of the rumors surrounding her family. it felt extremely alienating at the time, with celeste feeling completely out of place & uncomfortable with being so different 
it took a couple of months of her sitting in the back of the class with everyone refusing to interact with her before she decided she wanted things to change so desperately. celeste saved her pocket money in order the buy the latest fashion trends, dutifully kept up with pop culture in order to fake interest when her classmates were discussing topics, & tried out for the cheerleading squad
celeste knew she’d saved herself when she managed to score a date with the most popular boy in school as they eventually got into a steady relationship. perhaps it was a little addicting to see how people suddenly viewed her differently, how they were so much kinder to her & how she managed to become a part of the popular crowd 
she hated every single part of it though </3 they didn’t share the same interests, & celeste was constantly haunted by the fact that they wouldn’t like her if she was her own authentic self :( it was hard on her, kinda messed with her sense of self, but at least the bullying stopped 
during this time in her life there was also a noticeable distance between her mother & celeste </3 she took a step from her family & there was a time in her life when ( as soon as she got home from school ) she would go to her room & refused to come out until the next day 
003: early adulthood & present time 
as soon as she graduated high school she broke up with her boyfriend, finally accepting that nothing was keeping them together. she got rid of all her friends, too, as a change of environment & a new set of priorities finally made her realize that perhaps it wasn’t so bad to be alone. at least it wasn’t it if meant she could be at ease with herself 
in the years to follow she tried her hardest to rekindle her relationship with her mother & family, finally being open minded enough in order to learn about their craft. celeste has a particular fondness for astrology & tarot 😋 
she soon got a job at the hotel, first working as one of the cleaning maids before applying for a job as front desk hotel clerk <33 she likes the job, has been doing it for years now, & celeste enjoys the stability it brings 
you can often see her sitting behind the desk & when she’s bored she’ll make up stories in her head about the different hotel guests <33 its a fun way to pass time for her 
although celeste is still a little lost, she’s trying her hardest to follow the right path 
。*    ❪       📂   𝐂://PERSONALITY.
click here for more insight !!
overall she’s a quiet & polite girl , isn’t the type to seek any kind of trouble with those around her
her being so quiet can often be mistaken with her being mean, though, but 😭 she can be shy at times & when she decides not to talk it’s just bc she’s feeling awkward / doesn’t even know what to say 
despite being more comfortable with being into the occult, she still doesn’t really want people to know </3 like she’ll only bring it up if people mention it or if they recognize her surname 
celeste is in her own head a lot !! like she always looks like she isn’t quite There, like she’s in deep thought a lot 
once you managed to befriend her she’s soooo loving though 🥺 the type to give you crystals and be like “put these under your pillow it’ll help with nightmares 🙈” and stuff like that <33 
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flirting-with-psychology · 4 years ago
1. I own a ferret. 2. My best friend is my boyfriend 3. My best friend is a girl 4. I use the word super way too much 5. I am a boy 6. I like My Chemical Romance 7. I own more than 100 CDs 8. I like discussing politics 9. I collect state quarters 10. The Legend of Zelda is my favorite video game. 11. I have Cingular 12. I love MAC makeup 13. I smoke too much 14. I own more than 5 bandanas 15. My favorite movie is Kill Bill 16. I watched Lamb Chop when I was young 17. I have my ears gauged 18. I can do HTML without guidance 19. I watch Spongebob Squarepants regularly. 20. I go to the movies at least once a week 21. I play guitar or bass 22. I love Elvis 23. I’ve had a mo/bi/trihawk before 24. I have met my favorite band 25. I like to hardcore dance 26. Something’s outside my window 27. I believe in ghosts 28. I do drugs regularly 29. I am straightedge 30. My favorite feature about myself is my lips 31. I have never consumed alcohol 32. I want a tattoo. 33. My favorite actor is Will Ferrell. 34. I have seen Conan O'Brien live. 35. I hate MTV 36. I used to watch Cheaters every week 37. I have my own vaccuum 38. Frank Sinatra is awesome 39. I sleep with a stuffed animal 40. I am scared of werewolves 41. I watch hockey regularly 42. I am originally from New York 43. I own an iPod 44. Some people aren’t funny. 45. I hate school. 46. My favorite vegetable is lettuce. 47. Tickle fights are fun. 48. I am currently unemployed. 49. I have my license 50. I hate spelling mistakes 51. I love Spanish class 52. I live in a big city 53. I have been to the Grand Canyon 54. I listen to music to fall asleep 55. I watch TV to fall asleep 56. I only get a few hours of sleep each night 57. I’m relatively innocent. 58. I am a size 3 or smaller 59. I’m bored. 60. Purple is my favorite color. 61. I hate flossing 62. I have a car. 63. I believe in God 64. I’m in love. 65. I used to love Unwritten Law. 66. Reno 911 is my favorite show. 67. There is a mini stapler on my computer desk. 68. Cuddling’s my favorite. 69. For sure. 70. I have a flip phone 71. I love my handwriting 72. I own a Louis Vuitton handbag 73. I want to be an astronaut. 74. I love the song Dragostea Din Tei 75. 50 Cent is not talented 76. I like scanners better than digital cameras. 77. I own at least one Punk-O-Rama CD 78. My room is sound proof. 79. I’m 5'5 or less 80. Lying pisses me off 81. I backstab people. 82. I have been in a fist fight. 83. I have PaintShop Pro. 84. It’s almost midnight 85. My nightlight is cracked 86. I only listen to Dashboard Confessional when I’m sad 87. And I feel like a pansy when I do so 88. I hate metal 89. I’m in a band. 90. Napoleon Dynamite is annoying now. 91. I love hickeys 92. I want to lose weight 93. My favorite channel is the Food Network. 94. I don’t have a CD burner. 95. Pixar is stupid except for the Incredibles 96. I own an apartment/house 97. I am engaged. 98. My computer’s a Gateway. 99. I hate driving. 100. I like watching boys sleep. =========================== 01. I miss someone right now 02. I don’t watch much TV these days 03. I love olives 04. I love sleeping 05. I own lots of books 06. I wear glasses or contact lenses 07. I love to play video games 08. I’ve tried marijuana 09. I’ve watched porn movies 10. I have been in a threesome 11. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship 12. I believe honesty is usually the best policy 13. I have acne free skin usually 14. I like and respect Al Sharpton 15. I curse frequently 16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year 17. I have a hobby 18. I’ve been told I can suck the chromes off a trailer hitch. 19. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me 20. I’m smart 21. I’ve never broken someone’s bones 22. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal 23. I hate the rain 24. I’m paranoid at times 25. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scars. 26. I need money right now! 27. I love Sushi 28. I talk really, really fast sometimes 29. I have fresh breath in the morning 30. I have semi-long hair 31. I have lost money in Las Vegas 32. I have at least one brother and/or one sister 33. I was born in a country outside of the U.S. 34. I shave my legs 35. I have a twin 36. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past 37. I couldn’t survive without Caller I.D. 38. I like the way that I look sometimes 39. I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months 40. I know how to do cornrows 41. I am usually pessimistic 42. I have a lot of mood swings 43. I think prostitution should be legalized 44. I think Britney Spears is hot 45. I have cheated on a significant other in the past 46. I have a hidden talent 47. I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. 48. I think that I’m popular 49. I am currently single 50. I have kissed someone of the same sex 51. I enjoy talking on the phone 52. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants 53. I love to shop. 54. I would rather shop than eat 55. I would classify myself as ghetto. 56. I’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders 57. I’m obsessed with my Livejournal 58. I don’t hate anyone. 59. I’m a pretty good dancer 60. I don’t think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington 61. I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother 62. I have a cell phone 63. I believe in God/ a higher being. 64. I watch MTV/Vh1 on a daily basis 65. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months 66. I love drama. 67. I have never been in a real romantic relationship before 68. I’ve rejected someone before 69. I currently have a crush on someone 70. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life 71. I want to have children in the future 72. I have changed a diaper before 73. I’ve called the cops on a friend before 74. I bite my nails 75. I am a member of the Tom Green fan club 76. I’m not allergic to anything 77. I have a lot to learn 78. I have dated someone at least 10 years older or younger 79. I plan on seeing Ice Cube’s newest “Friday” movie 80. I am sometimes shy around the opposite sex 81. I’m online 24/7, even as an away message 82. I have at least 5 away messages saved 83. I have tried alcohol or drugs before 84. I have made a move on a friend’s significant other in the past 85. I own the “South Park” movie 86. I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal 87. When I was a kid I played “the birds and the bees” with a neighbor or chum 88. I enjoy some country music 90. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza 91. I watch soap operas whenever I can 92. I’m obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist 93. I have used my sexuality to advance my career 94. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all 95. I know all the words to Slick Rick’s “Children’s Story” 96. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy 97. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it 98. I have dated a close friend’s ex 99. I’m happy as of this moment 100. I was born in the 80s but I am truly a child of the 90s  101. I have slapped john dasaro and chris burke in the face..on the same night 102. I haven’t showered in two days… and I like it. 103. i own every f***er here 104. I procrastinate all the time 105. I’m a nerd 106. I LOVE the movie The Wedding Singer. 107. i hate corn. 108. i’ve attended the rocky horror picture show 109. i’ve never seen Bambi the movie 110. Thinking about the future terrifies me 111. Without music there would be no point in living. 112. If I could change one thing about myself I would 113. If someone of the same sex liked me, I would date them. 114. I went to the mall today for 5 hours ================================ Would do Have Done
001. Bought everyone in the pub a drink 002. Swam with wild dolphins 003. Climbed a mountain *004. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive 005. Been inside the Great Pyramid 006. Held a tarantula. *007. Taken a candlelit bath with someone 008. Said ‘I love you’ and meant it. 009. Hugged a tree *010. Done a striptease 011. Bungee jumped *012. Visited Paris 013. Watched a lightning storm at sea *014. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise several times *015. Seen the Northern Lights 016. Gone to a huge sports game 017. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa *018. Grown and eaten your own vegetables *019. Touched an iceberg *020. Slept under the stars 021. Changed a baby’s diaper 022. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon *023. Watched a meteor shower *024. Gotten drunk on champagne *025. Given more than you can afford to charity 026. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope 027. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment 028. Had a food fight 029. Bet on a winning horse 030. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 031. Asked out a stranger 032. Had a snowball fight 033. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier 034. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can 035. Held a lamb 036. Organized and planned a surprise party for a loved one *037. Taken a midnight skinny dip 038. Taken an ice cold bath 039. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar 040. Seen a total eclipse 041. Ridden a roller coaster 042. Hit a home run 043. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days 044. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking *045. Adopted an accent for an entire day 046. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 047. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment *048. Had two hard drives for your computer *049. Visited all 50 states 050. Loved your job for all accounts *051. Taken care of someone who was really sick *052. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 053. Had amazing friends 054. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country *055. Watched wild whales 056. Stolen a sign 057. Backpacked in Europe *058. Taken a road-trip 059. Rock climbing 060. Lied to foreign government’s official in that country to avoid notice *061. Midnight walk on the beach 062. Sky diving *063. Visited Ireland 064. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love 065. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them *066. Visited Japan 067. Bench pressed your own weight 068. Milked a cow 069. Alphabetized your records 070. Pretended to be a superhero 071. Sung karaoke 072. Lounged around in bed all day 073. Protested something you feel strongly against 074. Scuba diving *075. Got it on to “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye 076. Kissed in the rain 077. Played in the mud 078. Played in the rain *079. Gone to a drive-in theater 080. Done something you should regret, but don’t regret *081. Visited the Great Wall of China 082. Discovered that someone who’s not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog 083. Dropped Windows in favor of something better 084. Started a business 085. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken 086. Toured ancient sites 087. Taken a martial arts class 088. Swordfought for the honor of a woman 089. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight *090. Gotten married 091. Been in a movie 092. Crashed a party 093. Loved someone you shouldn’t have *094. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy 095. Gotten divorced 096. Started an office war 097. Gone without food for 5 days 098. Made cookies from scratch 099. Won first prize in a costume contest 100. Ridden a gondola in Venice 101. Gotten a tattoo 102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on 103. Rafted the Snake River 104. Been on television news programs as an “expert" 105. Got flowers for no reason 106. Made out in a public place 107. Got so drunk you don’t remember anything 108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug 109. Performed on stage 110. Been to Las Vegas 111. Recorded music 112. Eaten shark *113. Drank an entire 6 pack by yourself *114. Gone to Thailand 115. Seen Siouxsie *116. Bought a house 117. Been in a combat zone 118. Buried one/both of your parents 119. Shaved all of your hair off *120. Been on a cruise ship 121. Spoken more than one language fluently 122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone 123. Bounced a check 124. Performed in theatre 125. Read - and understood - your credit report *126. Raised children 127. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy *128. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour *129. Created and named your own constellation of stars 130. Taken a bicycle tour in a foreign country 131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did 132. Called or written your Congress person 133. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over 135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge 136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking 137. Had an abortion 138. Had plastic surgery 139. Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived 140. Wrote articles for a large publication 141. Lost over 100 pounds 142. Held someone while they were having a flashback 143. Piloted an airplane 144. Petted a stingray 145. Broken someone’s heart 146. Helped an animal give birth 147. Been fired or laid off from a job 148. Won money on a TV game show 149. Broken a bone 150. Killed a human being *151. Gone on an African photo safari 152. Ridden a motorcycle 153. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph 154. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced 155. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol 156. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild 157. Ridden a horse 158. Had major surgery 159. Ridden on a passenger train 160. Had a snake as a pet 161. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon 162. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing 163. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours 164. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states *165. Visited all 7 continents 166. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days 167. Eaten kangaroo meat 168. Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground 169. Been a sperm or egg donor 170. Eaten sushi 171. Had your picture in the newspaper 172. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime *173. Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about 174. Gotten someone fired for their actions 175. Gone back to school 176. Parasailed 177. Changed your name 178. Petted a cockroach 179. Eaten fried green tomatoes 180. Read The Iliad 181. Selected one "important” author who you missed in school, and read 182. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them 183. …and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you 184. Taught yourself an art from scratch 185. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 186. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt *187. Skipped all your school reunions 188. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language 189. Been elected to public office 190. Written your own computer language 191. Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream 192. Had to put someone you love into hospice care 193. Built your own PC from parts 194. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you 195. Had a booth at a street fair 196: Dyed your hair blue 197: Been a DJ 198: Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal 199: Written your own role playing game 200: Been arrested ====================== 1. I have self-mutilated before. 2. I still love the song Dragostea Din Tei 3. I used to like New Kids on the Block 4. The 80s was funny. 5. I have realtones enabled on my cellular phone. 6. Public bathrooms scare me 7. I have keys on my belt 8. I’m not wearing a belt 9. I hate writing 10. I hate reading 1. I love compilation CDs 12. My favorite teachers have all been guys 13. I think Bad Religion’s only been around for ten or so years 14. I don’t know who Bad Religion is. 15. I don’t wear my hood unless it’s raining 16. I enjoy smaller clubs rather than big ones 17. I’ve put a song on repeat for more than 8 hours 18. I have sound on my computer  19. Someone wants my hiney. 20. My mom loves Elvis 21. I have my own computer 22. I live on the east coast 23. My favorite animal is a kangaroo 24. I’m on vacation 25. I don’t own a pair of ripped jeans 26. I am very insecure somewhat 27. I love to dance 28. I curse way too much. 29. I choose the pansy way and star out my curse words (f*ck) 30. I feel dumb because I was just called a pansy 31. I have a flatscreen computer 32. I collect something. 33. I’m married 34. I won’t date someone who’s smaller than me smaller, as in also shorter? 35. Brass knuckles are the shit. 36. I own a hand puppet 37. I write with blue pens 38. I wear eye makeup almost every day 39. I wish I lived somewhere other than here 40. I don’t own a band shirt. Not yet anyway.. 41. I love techno. 42. I have my nipples pierced 43. I’m shitty at wrapping presents 44. I know someone in the KKK 45. I’m racist/anti-semitist. 46. I don’t know what those mean. 47. I love life most of the time 48. I have posters all over my room 49. I’ve never been a camera whore with someone.. And I want to. 50. I’m halfway done 51. I wish I lived in the 80s 52. I know what the term borgie means 53. I’m interested in social hierarchy. 54. I love music videos. 55. I have a DVD player 56. I’m drunk right now 57. I’m listening to music 58. I have a big screen TV 59. I have an STD 60. I know the singer of the Clash’s name 61. The only IM program I have is AIM 62. I skateboard regularly 63. I live on the north side of town 64. I have been to Alaska 65. I’ve worn a cowboy hat 66. I watch late night infomercials for retarded, unnecessary things 67. I LOVE DOING THE DEATH GROWL TO MY FAVORITE METAL SONGS. 68. That last question was dumb. 69. I know what the word “peligroso” means in English 70. I speak another language fluently 71. I’ve been in a limo 72. I own a bong 73. My lungs hurt 74. I know someone who’s committed suicide 75. I’ve got a six pack and I don’t need you! 76. I know what band sung the above line 77. I like strong boys. 78. I’m sick right now 79. I know someone who’s currently enlisted in the army 80. I do not own a color phone 81. My birthday is in September 82. I hate mall cops 83. I hate most cops in general 84. I’m wearing blush 85. I live in an apartment 86. I’m still in high school. 87. I own something from Victoria’s Secret 88. I don’t know a boy that wears girls pants 89. I’ve had the same best friend since I was 8. 90. Brownies are my favorite 91. So is cake 92. I’ve heard the song “Looks Good in Leather” 93. I own some sort of propaganda, fake or real 94. I deny the Holocaust happened 95. Kisses are my favorite sign of affection 96. I need to charge my phone 97. My purse could pass for a suitcase 98. I take birth control 99. I only buy what’s fashionable
1. I love bolding 2. I know someone named Mimi 3. I hate my old best friend 4. My favorite alcoholic drink is Jack n Coke 5. I have a digital camera 6. I’m talking to at least one person online 7. I like watching college basketball 8. I have never moved. 9. I have at least one cat 10. I have at least one dog 11. I’m going to see a movie tonight maybe 12. I make my own AIM icons 13. I’m in pain 14. I watch more than five shows a day 15. I love the Cure 16. My parents like some of the same music I do 17. I have never been to the dentist 18. I listen to the radio 19. I do my own laundry 20. I’ve made at least one article of clothing 21. I have/want something on my face pierced 22. I go to at least one concert a week 23. I’ve written a story 24. I’ve dyed my hair every color of the rainbow 25. I own a Grand Theft Auto game 26. My favorite pattern is camoflauge 27. I know someone who does/did cocaine 28. I have too many game systems 29. I love scary movies 30. I hate scary movies 31. I’ve had sex more than 5 times 32. My favorite chips are Lays Original 33. I think butter is unhealthy 34. I hate the Osbournes 35. I used to have dreadlocks 36. I need to take medicine for something 37. I suffer from insomnia 38. I speak ebonics 39. I’ve gambled 40. And won 41. I have at least one gay friend 42. I like going to pet stores 43. I own a dog toy 44. And I don’t have a dog 45. I own more than ten candles 46. I’ve smoked a cigarette in the shower before 47. I’ve flunked a class 48. I listen to music every day 49. I have more than one nickname 50. I wear pajamas when I feel like it 51. I’m wearing more than one jewelry item 52. I haven’t washed my hair in a week 53. I watch the Grammy’s every year 54. Along with the Macy’s Parade 55. My favorite season is winter 56. I have seen the All American Rejects live 57. And I’ve enjoyed it. 58. Boobs are nothing special 59. I go swimming at least once a week in summer. 60. I have a pool. 61. I’ve gone skinnydipping 62. I’ve played strip poker 63. And lost 64. I want a nautical star tattoo 65. My cell phone turns off when it’s charging 66. And it pisses me off 67. I used to buy my entire wardrobe from Hot Topic 68. I’ve been to albinoblacksheep.com 69. My favorite subject is History 70. And/or math 71. I am a republican 72. I am a democrat 73. I listen to the Used occasionally 74. I have been to the Warped Tour 75. I am part Mexican 76. I am part German 77. All of my grandparents are still alive. 79. I love bowling 80. I know that there is a South Park, Colorado 81. I love Dairy Queen 82. Sometimes I think I’m crazy 83. I own a Moffatts CD 84. I own a Backstreet Boys CD 85. I want plastic surgery 86. Operation, operation, snip and tie, snip and tie 87. I know what song that line is from 88. I have killed something [bugs!] 89. I’ve never had a Nokia cell phone 90. I’m never sarcastic 91. Light eyes turn me on 92. I have never been to a foreign country 93. I don’t eat enough 94. I own illegal weaponry 95. I know someone who has overdosed on something 96. And lived to tell about it 97. I don’t own a pair of mittens 98. I love the heat 99. I’ve never had a steady boyfriend/gf 100. I want to makeout.
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joshuahong · 5 years ago
002: The Strong Will Prevail
“Sooner or later the weak will die out and the strong will survive, and that’s how it’ll always be.”
Genre: Dystopian, Futuristic, Cyberpunk Rating: M Warnings: text glitch at the end. references to death (no main character) Masterlist: 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 | 𝘤𝘩. 1 | 𝘤𝘩. 2 (current)
— Current Year: 2075 —
Kwon Soonyoung is a lot of things.
He is considered the chief in his local police station. He is a cat-lover, owning a little tabby-cat that he found in the rain during a Saturday afternoon. He is also a dancer with the nickname Hoshi and indulges in his favorite hobby every Friday night. Above all, Soonyoung is a well-respected citizen.
In fact, Soonyoung is a cyborg.
— Flashback: 2071 —
When Soonyoung graduated high school, he immediately joins the marines for 2 years. His father did it, his mother did it, and his ancestors joined too. It was tradition, and he was not going to be like his brother and disappoint his family by not joining.
During his training period, he meets another like-minded individual, who goes by the name Jihoon.
But Jihoon was different from his peers. He realized this 1 month in.
“Jihoon!~ Where are you going?” Soonyoung called out, sporting his signature eye-smile towards his friend.
Jihoon quickly turned, with a full plate of food in his hand, “Soonyoung! I’m not doing anything special, I’ve just been training extra hard, so I get a little more hungry…”
Soonyoung smiled widely, “Ah, as expected of our Jihoonie! Well, the other guys and I are going to play some volleyball later, did you want to join?”
“Ah, sounds fun, but…not this time Soonyoung…thank you though,” and with that, Jihoon turned around and quickly walked towards the back exit.
As he stared at Jihoon’s retreating form, Soonyoung’s shoulders tensed up as Wonwoo slumped an arm around his shoulders.
“Hey…isn’t that weird? He’s been ‘practicing more’ but why does he still suck at sparring? Seems like he’s distracted with something…at this rate I’ll be surprised if he graduates,” Wonwoo sneered.
“Fuck off Wonwoo,” Soonyoung bit back. “Jihoon…he’s not like that. He wouldn’t do anything behind their backs.”
Wonwoo smirked and turned around, raising his arms in defeat, “Don’t say I didn’t told you so!”
For the first time Soonyoung didn’t believe his own words.
Jihoon was panting, turning around often to see if anyone followed him. He replayed the steps in his mind. Make a straightaway from the back exit, turn left when you reach the yard, and make a right into the forest. That’s where he’ll be waiting.
When Jihoon was exiting the yard towards the forest near their training grounds, he hears a group approaching him. When he turns, he sees Soonyoung for a split second before booking it into the forest.
He’s moving by muscle memory at this point, and didn’t know when to slow down until he crashes into something.
Jihoon snapped from his daze. He looked up to find a young man no older than he was looking at him with concern laced over his features.
“Hey, Jihoon, are you okay? Were you followed?” this time, the man’s voice was more urgent, more afraid.
“No, fuck, no I…thought someone saw me so I wanted to come here as soon as possible, I’m sorry to worry you Cheol,” Jihoon responded quietly.
The man affectionately named Cheol, smiled and took his hand to lift Jihoon’s face, “Don’t worry so much, you’re okay…we’re okay,” his eyes shifted to the plate in his hands, “what’s that?”
Jihoon’s expression brightened, “Oh! I…” he realized the food he carried had branches and leaves in it when he was running, “I brought you food, but you don’t need to eat it…I kind of ruined it.”
Cheol let out a small laugh, “You know, I can live without eating, but it looks really good, so I’ll try it! Thank you, Jihoon.”
On the first bite, Cheol’s eyes widened slightly, “this is good! I-I’ve never had anything like it.”
“Really? I’m glad!! Uh Cheol, is this, your, first meal?”
Cheol smiled sadly, “It’s fine, like I said, I don’t need to eat to survive, but eating this…with you…I think I feel…happy?”
Jihoon returned the smile. And the two fell in silence for the remainder of Cheol’s meal.
Afterwards, Cheol grabbed onto Jihoon’s sleeve, almost as if he knew Jihoon had to leave soon. “Can…you stay for a while longer?”
“Cheol, I’m not sure that’s a good idea, if they find me, they’ll find you too.”
“When I’m alone the memories come back.”
“Memories of what?”
“Give me your hand,” Cheol whispers.
Cheol stared at Jihoon in silence, and held out his hand. He closed his eyes and a small projection emerges from his fingertips.
Jihoon feels a strange warmth from Cheol. And he sees the images, and from Cheol’s hands he feels the fear, the devastation, and the constant uneasiness.
A group of doctors wearing plague masks hover around bodies, mumbling incoherent words and jotting things down on a tablet.
“Useless…they won’t turn on, sir”
“Ma’am, I have 3 working bodies, but they are all emotionless. I have since powered them off and dismembered them for repurposing.”
Why are there screams in the distance?
“At this rate, we won’t meet our quota to the o̸̬̝̟͎͆͆m̷̩̬̣̗͗̈́͜v̴̧̾́́̈̊t̷̤͝ͅr̷̫̖͕̄͜g̶͓̅͒͛̂n̸̢̺͍̐n̷͉̩̤͚͐̈̑e̷̯̦̐͌̿̂̅ȩ̴̲̣̠̏”
The projection glitches.
There’s flames everywhere. So many people are screaming. Androids that were built stronger were trying to get young children and women Androids to safety. Most were burning.
A voice from above: “This lot was entirely…useless. You ruined our plans…We’ve enhanced your pain receptors. You’ll die here…Is there a Hell for Androids? …Or do you die into nothingness? Your life was given because we gave it to you…I guess it’s fitting that we can also take it away.”
The projection glitches more often.
A young Android is shown on the screen. Disoriented. Coughing from the smoke.
Cheol’s voice is distinct. “Hey? Jeonghan? You need to hurry up.”
The Android looks at him puzzled. Cheol injects something into him.
“You need to run away.”
The projection cuts off.
Jihoon touches his face. He’s crying. Why is he crying?
Someone gasps from behind them. Then a set of footsteps is heard running in the opposite direction
Both boys turn their heads in alarm as Jihoon lets go of Cheol.
“Fuck, Cheol, I-I need to go, I’m sorry,” Jihoon states, making his way back.
Jihoon left.
Two people remained in the forest.
Jihoon ran back to base, but saw no one on his way back. He ran into his shared room with Soonyoung.
He sees him, eyes unfocused and staring beyond him. His shirt had branches stuck to him.
“H-Hey Soonyoung, were…you the one in the forest?”
Soonyoung remains silent.
“Don’t you see what they do Soonyoung? It’s so fucking shitty. Fuck, I…can’t believe this,” Jihoon whispered harshly to the ground, eyes brim with unshed tears.
He was afraid.
“I’m not sure…that I trust what you’re saying, Jihoon.”
“What? Do you think I’m bullshitting you, Soonyoung? What would I gain?! Do you think I’d really give up 1 and 1/2 years of training?”
Soonyoung stayed silent.
Jihoon glared at Soonyoung, piercing him with his sharp gaze. He took a deep breath, calming himself down, “You saw it right? You saw that projection?”
“I’m not sure that I trust what you’re saying Jihoon.”
Soonyoung gets up. Takes off his boots. Turns off the light.
“Goodnight Jihoon. Don’t do anything stupid.”
Jihoon stops seeing Cheol for 1 week. Then 1 week turns into 1 month. Soonyoung stops talking to Jihoon, and Jihoon’s left to wonder about Cheol. Jihoon’s alone, and all he can think about are those memories he seemed to instill in him.
Before it can reach 2 months, Jihoon goes to see Cheol again.
Jihoon walks on the same path, he sees the familiar clearing. He sees Cheol, and with the meal in his hand, he reaches out to call to him—
A gun is placed to his head.
“Don’t move.”
Jihoon turns slightly, “Wonwoo, put down your gun.”
“You’re frolicking with an enemy of the country, do you know that? Or do you not care?”
Jihoon bit his tongue, “I didn’t know”
“Bullshit, then why are you hiding him?”
Jihoon turned sharply, and the gun’s barrel is touching his forehead, “I said I fucking don’t know, do you not understand? Or are you stupid?”
Before Wonwoo could fire, Cheol tackles him, and the shot is released to the ground. He holds Wonwoo down for a moment.
Cheol turns to Jihoon, “I left something for you. It’s further down. Grab it and run.”
Jihoon shook his head. He won’t leave without him.
“Jihoon - listen to me, you’ll die if they find you. Humans…like you…you want to live right?” Cheol’s voice is shaky.
The shot alerts the trainees and the emergency lights turn on. People can be heard scouting the area.
“Jihoon, run. Please,” Cheol begs.
Jihoon can see the lights filtering into the clearing. “We’ll meet again?”
Cheol smiles.
The class of 2073 is a hot topic considering it was epicenter of the “Revived Android Project” and Soonyoung graduating at the top of his class was something the Kwon’s were especially proud of.
That day, they received their cyborg arms, installed professionally. The arms are equipped to pump a special serum to enhance strength, and also has many functionalities fueled by a powerful microchip. It is monitored 24/7.
When Soonyoung looks at his cyborg arm it seems to serve as a solemn reminder. The arm turns on,
Soonyoung. Your mood depicts sadness. Is something the matter? You can always tell us.
Soonyoung shakes his head, “No I’m ok.”
OK. We are always here for you, Soonyoung.
— Current Year: 2075 —
Soonyoung returned from dance practice and crashed on his couch. On his coffee table he sees a letter.
𝚝𝚘: 𝚂𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐
𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖:  𝚆𝚘𝚘𝚣𝚒
He runs to his drawer and grabs a small tool, similar in size and shape to a screwdriver and unscrews several bolts on his cyborg arm. He sees the lights turn off, indicating that the power in his arm is temporarily shut off. He has 5 minutes to read this letter before someone comes to his door to check on him. He has 5 minutes of complete solidarity where they won’t know what he’s doing.
He tears open the letter and reads it as quickly as he can.
Soonyoung hears three sharp knocks on his door.
He opens the door and his smile widens, “Ah! Wonwoo~ am I happy to see you!!”
Wonwoo sharpened his gaze at him, “Your gear was off for 5 minutes. The registry was worried so they sent me.”
Soonyoung smiled sheepishly, “Ah you know how it is sometimes, it felt a little off so I was readjusting! Then I dropped the screwdriver and it rolled away and you know how much of a trouble maker my cat is…she kept kicking it awa—“
“Don’t bullshit me,” Wonwoo interrupted. “If I see that you have any intention of betraying us I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Soonyoung smirked, “Is that how you treat someone ranked higher than you?”
Wonwoo stepped towards Soonyoung, so that they were face to face, “Your rank won’t mean shit if you’re going to run away like Jihoonie~”
Soonyoung’s jaw tightened as he balled up his fists.
Wonwoo sported a cheshire grin.
“Don’t make me report you like I did to Jihoon back when we were trainees. I don’t think living with a bounty over your head is a fun way to live, is it?”
“Of course not. I would never give up my position. I live for my country,” Soonyoung deadpanned.
Wonwoo gave him a final smile, “Glad to hear it, Soonyoung. Don’t make me come here again.”
The letter came with a microchip. One was left on the coffee table, and the other was in Soonyoung’s arm.
Kwon Soonyoung is a lot of things, but he will not betray his country.
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