#001. ` ☆  ❪  pinned post .  ❫
enjomo-arch · 1 year
𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗚𝗔𝗦 𝗗. 𝗔𝗖𝗘  //  𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗖𝗔𝗡𝗢𝗡  &  𝗦𝗧𝗨𝗗𝗬  𝗗𝗜𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 last  updated  :  13.07.2023
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➤  narcolepsy ➤  cataplexy ➤  temperature indifference ➤  fire  related  trauma  &  arson ➤  depression  &  self  harm  (tw) ➤  physicals (  hands  ) ➤  scars  post  war ➤  self  sabotage  thoughts ➤ smoking ➤ traditions as a texan
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➤  scar  map ➤  blonde  hair ➤  handwritting ➤ childhood shirts meaning ➤ fire body ➤ hair related ➤ facial hair ➤ other tattoos ➤ sbs answers
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➤  hunting  knife ➤  memorial  items ➤ red beads necklace ➤ hat smileys meaning
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➤  awakened  mera  mera  no  mi ➤  demon  inferno ➤  gambling ➤  handycraft ➤  hunting
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➤ trafalgar d. water law (tba) ➤ sabo & luffy ➤ dadan ➤ gol d. roger ➤ shanks ➤ spade pirates ➤ edward
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logan-igotta · 6 months
saffron skies raise the blazing sun / a chance encounter, awkward displays / one day, my love, we'd be as one
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This is an ask blog for Logan Igotta from S.D. Locke's SCP-001 proposal, When Day Breaks.
warning: expect daybreak-typical mentions of death, suicide, violence, smoking, self-harm, everyone you know and love melting before your eyes, etc.
asks: #asks (nsfw asks allowed, just keep it light)
text posts/incoherent ramblings: #logs
mourning of the wife: #i miss her
ooc: #ooc
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Buried. Shackled by fate - overrun / by ever-growing resent and malaise / yesterday, my love, we were as one
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toxichem · 11 months
*taptaptaptap* yeah so anyway brain doesnt wanna do hw and i have told myself no games or tumblr until its done
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
𝙼𝙱𝚃𝙸, 𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝙼𝚒𝚕𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝚘𝚌𝚜!
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Ichiro: INTP (He's curious about the world, despite getting stuck in his own head and losing track of time often. He gets many ideas but forgets them just as easily. He doesn't care much for what people think about him, but goes along with the flow so nobody will be unhappy (he probably doesn't care about the topic either but that's besides the point). He's also really detached from his own emotions, and finds it hard to empathize with other people.)
Akane: ESFP (She's really focused on her surroundings and is often experiencing everything that's happening around her, never missing a single detail unlike Ichiro. She also has a good grasp of her emotions and has a strong moral code, hence why she's often so angry with other people who look away. However, knowing that she's angry doesn't help control her emotions that well. She doesn't like being a bad mood, but she doesn't know how to manage her feelings properly.)
Daisuke: ESTP (Like Akane, he also pays attention to his surroundings well. He's always up and about, flitting from one exciting activity to the next. He also likes to think about things in a logical way and doesn't care about the morality of what he's doing as much (his job, cough). However, he has FE as his third function, so he's not completely terrible at navigating social and emotional situations. In fact, he's quite good at utilizing his emotional manipulation.)
Suzume: INFJ (She has a bad habit of always having her head in the clouds and worrying about the future. She mostly gets by with life through her intuitive gut feeling, which hasn't failed her so far. She also wants everyone to get along and will sacrifice her thoughts and feelings in order to go with the majority, to the point where she might put on a mask for someone if they want her to act a certain way.)
Haku: ISTJ (He tends to relate his past experiences to present circumstances, where his memories are used as a frame of reference to build ideas about how the world is and how it works. Whatever has been established to work well, he'll keep going with that until another solution is required. He's reasonable and rational, but has enough emotional intelligence not to rub most people off the wrong way.)
Yui: ESFJ (Her decisions and opinions are heavily influenced by her interactions with other people, as well as cultural and societal norms. She's friendly, sensitive and empathetic, always willing to help other people whenever she can. She also tends to act and respond in patterned ways that have been proven to work in the past, not willing to step out of her comfort zone most of the time.)
Rin: ISFP (He's sensitive and very aware of his inner emotional state, having a bad habit of being self-centered and aloof often. He only does what seems right to him, and doesn't enjoy being told that he's "wrong". Like most teenagers, he's trying to form his own identity while still gaining approval from his peers (its hard to do both). He also pays a lot of attention to his surroundings, concentrating on living in the moment instead of planning ahead.)
Noa: INFP (She's sensitive and empathetic, unfortunately jaded and anxious from bad experiences in her past. She used to be an idealistic dreamer when she was younger, but she knows now that she was just naïve and unaware of the world. She's also speculative and creative. Her NE allows her to see patterns everywhere, jumping from one thought to another as each item reminds her of something else.)
Kiyoshi: ENFJ (Like Yui, he's friendly and helpful to everyone he meets. He feels a sense of responsibility over people in a humanitarian way, and often sacrifices his own thoughts and feelings to keep up the peace in a group setting. He makes sure to plan ahead in life, but ends up relying on his instincts to guide him more often than not. Its okay, his gut instincts rarely fail him!)
Mayumi: INTJ (She worries a lot about many things, always stuck in that chaotic head of hers. Even though she thinks so much, she finds it very hard to voice her thoughts in a way that others will understand. How frustrating. She might be anxious often, that doesn't necessarily make her an emotional wreck though. She's actually quite level-headed when the situation calls for it, making reasonable and rational judgements every time without fail.)
Haruto: ENTP (He has a speculative and creative intellect, seeing patterns and connections everywhere to make a bigger picture. Whether or not he chooses to share his vision is another thing. He also prefers to think about things objectively and logically, questioning many things he comes across. Like Daisuke, he's also perfectly capable of tapping into his emotional intelligence.)
Ichiro: 5w6 (sp/sx)
His self-preservation instinct manifests in his tendency of retreating into his head to think, hence why he's so detached from reality. He's hesitant to do something if he isn't sure how it'll go, leading him to observe life from a distance instead of participating in it. His six wing causes him to feel alone and incapable without outside support, and he wants to feel safe with the people that he trusts. But he's primarily a type 5, so despite wanting attention from the people that he likes, he ends up minimizing his needs to avoid having them think he's too needy.
His social instinct comes in second because of his natural curiosity towards the world, wanting to learn more despite being so detached from it. He also finds comfort in knowing the acceptable boundaries of how to act through "authority figures" such as: his mom, Haruto and the other adults in Milgram. Because they're supposed to know more than him, he automatically trusts most authority figures and what they tell him.
Akane: 6w5 (sx/sp)
Her sexual instincts manifest in her tendency to appear bold and fierce in order to protect herself from any threats. Sexual sixes have the mentality of "the best defense is a good offense", and Akane is no exception. Her constant anger isn't a façade per say, but it stems mostly from her fear of getting or being allowed to get hurt. She would also like to have someone to rely on, but that isn't her main priority. Her sexual 5 tendencies manifest in her distrust of people instead, constantly analyzing and testing them to find out if they're any threat to her. Her guard is always up.
She doesn't trust any authority around her (they've all failed her so far), but she can't help the small feeling of hope that they'll help her every time. They're the authorities, so they should care about her and want to help, right? Right? She also doesn't pay much attention to anyone she doesn't like, as they tend to make her angry and that isn't good for anyone. If someone can connect with her and/or hold a conversation with her without pissing her off though, she's surprisingly loyal once she gets attached.
Daisuke: 7w6 (sp/so)
His self-preservation instinct manifests in his characteristics of being practical, opportunistic, and good at networking. He likes the sense of banding together with trusted others in which he knows he'll be looked after. Its funny. He fears being completely reliant on others, yet wants to be able to rely on someone. His six wing further emphasizes his need for support. His morals are questionable, but he still seeks friendly connections and alliances. And to do this he projects a friendly, trustworthy, and supportive persona as good allies are supposed to be.
Daisuke imagines having something better than his bleak reality sometimes, but only sometimes. He's not enough of a dreamer to be so idealistic. He has a flair for being dramatic, and exaggerates good effects when trying to rope in clients, but that's about it. His romantic side likes to sneak out in the presence of a certain someone though. He isn't as aggressive as Akane (sexual 6 wing), but he does tend to feign calmness in the face of "danger". He's good at not showing it, but he's actually quite scared most of the time.
Suzume: 9w8 (so/sx)
Her social instinct manifests in her tendency to work hard to support the people she cares for and prioritize the group’s needs above her own. This is due to the feeling that she doesn't actually belong among the people she cares for, so she overcompensates by being generous and sacrificing whatever is necessary to meet the needs of the group in order for a sense of belonging. She is also very focused on protecting her loved ones but has a hard time expressing vulnerability and emotions. 
Its hard to live in such a harsh and cruel world, but she is able to find a sense of comfort through the satisfaction of physical needs. Enjoyable activities like eating, reading, watching television, and even sleeping get her from one day to the next. As long as she focuses on the present instead of the daunting future, she'll be fine. Her 8 wing allows her to be good at making things happen. When she wants something, she most certainly will work hard to get it! She just needs to actually want something first.
Haku: 5w4 (sp/so)
Like Ichiro, he tends to keep to himself and learn about the world through observing rather than participating. While Ichiro has garnered a love for drawing, he has a passion for music, specifically piano. His 4 wing is where he differs from Ichiro's enneagram type. A type 4's greatest sin is "envy", and Haku tends to compare himself to others in terms of music capability. He actually isn't that talented when it comes to playing the piano, but he makes up for it through hard work. Still, he can't help being jealous of others who seem to get by without having to suffer as much as him. There's no point in whining about it though, so he learns to endure everything with a stoic face.
Sexual fives live for a kind of ideal connection, always searching for someone who they can trust with all their secrets. They can be said to be romantics in that way. Luckily for Haku, he already has his beloved brother who is always by his side. Everyone else in the world pales in comparison to him. The sexual side of Haku's 4 wing manifests in his competitive streak towards his peers. When it comes to the piano, he hates to lose to anyone else. Even though he isn't as naturally talented as everyone else, its what he's best at. Its an important part of him, and he can't let go of it.
Yui: 4w3 (so/sp)
As a social 4, she tends to feel things deeply and finds it hard to regulate her negative emotions. A part of her wants her suffering to be recognized and understood, but she also fears displaying such vulnerability to the potential of being rejected. To compensate for this innate sadness, she projects the exact opposite image. She's flourishing and beautiful and popular, liked by everyone. Her smile will surely outshine her shadow.
She also often feels competitive towards other idols in the industry, especially those that seem to be better than her. She can't stand the thought of being forgotten in someone else's shadow, so she works hard to shine in her own right. Its not always about her though! She likes to see her loved ones flourish as well, and will often work hard in support of the people she cares for. There's a special kind of pride she feels when her loved ones are acknowledged after improving with her help.
Rin: 1w2 (so/sp)
As a social 1, he is highly idealistic and driven by an internal sense of morality. He strictly believes in rules and responsibility, hence why he takes pinky promises so seriously. He can be nitpicky and stubborn, causing him to feel separate from his peers because he struggles to find someone he can totally relate to. Even though he finds most people annoying, he quickly grows attached to anyone who treats him nicely. He's a hard worker with the occasional competitive streak, wanting to stand out and make an impact within whatever group he's joined (his school's science club).
He often feels that he knows the “right” way to do things, and will get frustrated at those who don't follow his views. Its not that he believes in perfection, but there's a certain standard that everyone should live up to. He can't understand people who fuss over trivial things that don't amount to anything in the end. Once someone manages to befriend him, he'll give lots of attention to them, wanting to be their best friend just as they are his. He gets lonely quite often actually, and isn't good at letting go of people.
Noa: 4w5 (so/sx)
Similar to Yui, she's sensitive and has a bleak outlook on life and the world as a whole. Its as if she was born to be sad, and she can't help but feel as if life isn't worth living most of the time. She tries not to burden others with her depressing thoughts and feelings, but it feels good to let the weight off her back once in a while. A part of her fears that her loved ones will start seeing her differently once she shares too much though. These feelings might be born from her tendency to live in her own head, filled with romantic ideals of a better world with better people. She was never one for mundane, ordinary life, how could she be? The books and movies she watches are much more interesting, and they often make her wish she was living in another world instead.
Her self-preservation instinct tries its best to make her not seem like an utter failure. Others will surely be annoyed at her whining, so she should just keep these messy feelings to herself. This inner conflict only causes her turmoil most of the time. Her 5 wing also causes her to have a need for clearly defined boundaries, to have a place of safety she can retreat to to avoid feeling lost in the world. Even though she wants to, its hard to voice her thoughts sometimes. Especially with the potential of rejection.
Kiyoshi: 2w3 (so/sp)
He's obviously a social 2 with him being the helpful and responsible leader type. He wants to help people and preserve the peace of the community, and is ambitious in pursuing any goals he sets for himself. Everyone who knows him admires him for his accomplishments, he's a role model for his community after all. A part of him needs everybody's admiration and respect as a way of earning a sense of belonging in his community. His parents are very active in the community as well, so he's learned that people who go out of their way to help others are always well loved and accepted. He makes sure to live up to everyone's expectations.
He also strives to forge intimate connections with others. It'd be nice to have some close friends, to share secrets with others and to be shared with. But he wants to be approved of and liked so much that he is willing to agree to anything someone says. He doesn't even realize that he says whatever the other wants to hear until hours after the conversation. Because he tries so hard to be good and perfect, he doesn't know how to react to criticism. He also goes out of his way to support others, particularly his loved ones. He wants everyone to get their own chance to shine!
Mayumi: 1w9 (so/sx)
Similar to Rin, she believes that everyone has a certain standard to love up to and responsibilities that they must fulfill. She strives to be the perfect example to others by living according to the rules and portraying correct conduct. She has a strong moral compass and bad habit of judging others in secret (she tries not to). However, she's more peaceful and compromising compared to Rin, as she doesn't want to offend or cause trouble for anyone. She works selflessly for the group without desire to be in the spotlight or be heaped with praise, simply being part of a meaningful group of people means the most to her.
Her self-preservation instinct manifests in her tendency to be plagued by worry in her daily life. She wants to be prepared when things go wrong, and will put in a lot effort into making sure her life is in order. Despite her anxiety and annoyance whenever things don't go smoothly, she still strives to live a calm and peaceful life. This means that she is practical and routine-oriented, trying her best to focus on the present and find ways to make her environment more enjoyable and comfortable.
Haruto: 8w7 (sp/so)
He doesn't have to worry about such things as a prison warden in Milgram, but he actually has a strong need to obtain what he needs for survival. He has a sort of ruthlessness in going after what he wants and finding ways to get around people who might stand in his way. He's efficient and calculating, but not entirely cold-hearted. His 7 wing also helps him with being opportunistic and good at networking, qualities that are always good to have for survival. He believes in strength in numbers, so being friendly and forming alliances with others is important to him. Even more so when he comes across someone who can help him in achieving his goals. Perhaps he struggled a lot before Milgram.
His sexual instinct has him being distrustful of rules and not afraid to go against the grain of convention. He's found himself in a strange place with no memory of anything before, so he's always uneasy despite being in the "highest position of authority" in Milgram. He wants to be in control of himself and his environment, and gaining more information is the only way to do so at the moment. His optimistic 7 wing keeps him in good spirits despite his uneasiness, and he tends to be impulsive because of it, much to the chagrin of some prisoners. Planning, improvising, envisioning – these are the things that occupy his time.
𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜
Gender preference: None. He'd probably grow feelings for anyone within his age range that treats him nicely.
Gift giving - Its a nice way to show his affection without coming off as too clingy. He tends to dedicate and give his drawings to the people close to him. Drawing is his hobby, and he's quite good at it so he thinks his drawings are a good gift for his loved ones. He'll also pick up anything that he thinks his loved ones would like. Flowers, keychains, food, smooth pebbles for paperweights (that he paints first), you name it.
Quality time - When he likes someone, he wants to spend time with them (isn't it like that for everyone?). He'll try his best to pay attention when they're talking or trying to show him something. Compared to the way he usually ignores other people, his preference for someone can be quite obvious over time.
Quality time - As long as he can be doing the same activity as his loved one, he's happy (like a cat). The amount of attention they're willing to give him is how he measures their feelings towards him actually. If they don't want to spend time with him, that must mean that they don't care about him.
Words of affirmation - He has mommy issues, so of course he wants to be called a good boy. But seriously, compliments and kind words will have him curling into a ball of happiness. He doesn't believe in lies, so he thinks that any words of affection towards him is true. He likes being reminded that he's loved.
Gender preference: None. She's giving pansexual vibes actually.
Acts of service - She's used to doing all the chores around the house, so doing the same thing for someone she actually cares about shouldn't be a problem. She isn't very good at cooking, but she'll practice if she wants to impress someone- He first-aid skills are quite good from experience, so she'll insist on patching up the wounds of her loved ones whenever she has the chance. She's not happy about them getting hurt or anything like that! She just likes having the opportunity to show her care for them.
Quality time - She's never had someone genuinely care about her before, but he wishes she had someone to talk to often. She's very picky about who she spends her time with, but when he likes someone, she'll go out of her way to seek them out. Who would've thought? Even a tsundere like her wants love.
Gift giving - Her father is a good-for-nothing, and a high school girl is only able to rake in so much income, so she doesn't have much to herself. Practical items like food, bandages, clothes and stationary are the fastest way to her heart. She'll find a way to repay the giver because she doesn't like feeling indebted to people, but she appreciates the gesture all the same.
Words of affirmation - She is so weak to compliments. Butter her up a little and she'll be a flustered blushing mess. Its nice hearing her loved ones tell her that she's pretty cool, okay? Especially after the things her father and teachers have said to her.
Gender preference: None. Bisexual disaster at his finest.
Physical touch - He's a touchy guy, even towards people he just met as long as they don't seem to mind (most of the time). If he likes someone, he'll definitely be draping himself over them a lot like a sloth. If he likes someone, he'll be thinking of kissing them so much its embarrassing. Even he gets embarrassed about it.
Gift giving - A part of him gives gifts in hopes that the receiver will think of him whenever they look at or use the gift, like a little reminder of his affection for them. But for the most part, he has money and he likes spending it on the people he cares for.
Quality time - His parents were often busy, so he was quite lonely in his childhood. Its easy to arrange for meetups with friends now that he's an adult, so that's exactly what he does. He'll do the same for anyone he has feelings for too. He doesn't call it a date, the potential of rejection is too much. He just wants to spend time with the people that he likes, preferably doing something fun.
Physical touch - Is he touch starved? Any skin contact makes him happy actually, even if its a little rough. Maybe he's just a masochist. Cuddling is his favourite, especially with his special someone playing with his hair. Not that he's ever had a special someone cuddle him... But its nice to dream about.
Gender preference: None. I'm getting bisexual vibes from her too.
Acts of service - Her main method of showing her love is easy to overlook, hence why she feels she isn't good at loving. Doing the chores, remembering important things for her loved ones, positioning things around the house for convenience... Even though it feels like she's being taken for granted sometimes, its her way of showing her love and she isn't stopping anytime soon.
Quality time - When she cares about someone, she gives them her full attention and tries her best to remember the important details about them. She'll only remember the times she spent with them in the end after all, so why not create as many happy memories with her loved ones as possible?
Quality time - She's really happy when her loved ones talk to her or do an activity with her. Watching a movie together is one of her favourite activities to do her loved ones actually. She gets to enjoy the movie with them, and then discuss it with them afterwards.
Words of affirmation - She's the type of person to hear "I love you" a thousand times over and still not get tired of it. Same goes for compliments and reassurances. She just has to hear it with her own ears even if they're lies and she'll be alright.
Gender preference: None. He isn't interested in dating, but he probably has the capacity to be attracted to people.
Acts of service - His way of showing love is quiet. He's already a responsible older brother, so doing chores and offering massages to his parents is normal for him to do. Helping his brother talk to others is a loving act of service as well. His parents tell him he coddles his brother too much, but he can't help it.
Gift giving - He tends to buy snacks, flowers and little trinkets for his loved ones like a cat bringing its spoils to its master. Whatever he thinks they'd like. Learning to play piano songs that they like seems to be a gift rather than an act of service, so I'll put it here. He also leaves the portion of his meals that his brother likes for the other to eat, another example of him spoiling his brother too much.
Quality time - He just likes being around his loved ones. He could be in the same room as them, doing separate things, and he'd still consider it quality time. Of course its more special when they're doing an activity together though. He especially loves the music related activities, it feels more meaningful to him.
Physical touch - His family members are quite touchy actually. His dad pats his head frequently, his mom often squishes his cheeks, and his brother is always clinging to him. Since physical touch is their giving love language, he's likely adapted to receive it. He's quite picky with who touches him though.
Gender preference: Male. She thinks girls are cute, but isn't interested in dating them?
Words of affirmation - She can't help but want to blurt out all the nice things she can think of about her loved ones. When someone mentions them, she automatically goes on a spiel about how amazing they are. She has to stop herself from ranting for too long most of the time. Shell praise compliment her loved ones face-to-face plenty too. And she means every word.
Physical touch - its hard to hide when she's feeling clingy. She loves hugging her loved ones, throwing an arm over their shoulders and tucking her chin onto the crook of their necks. She especially loves playing with their hair, no matter the length.
Quality time - Having her loved ones want to spend time with her is a surefire way to cheer her up during a bad day because she finds their presence comforting. She just needs them to sit with her. It lets her know that they don't find her annoying? Its a silly thought, she tries to shit it down every time it pops up.
Words of affirmation - Receiving compliments always improves her self-esteem. When she's feeling down, a few compliments is sure to get her mood back to normal in no time. She turns into a flustered mess when showered in kind words too.
Gender preference: Female
Gift giving - He likes to treat his loved ones to snacks and buy little gifts for them. He doesn't receive that much pocket money, but he still insists on buying things for his loved ones because it makes him happy to see them happy with their gifts. He looks forward to special occasions like Mother's day and Valentine's day to be used as excuses to buy gifts for his loved ones.
Quality time - He likes seeing and interacting with the people that he likes! He can actually get antsy and restless when he hasn't been able to interact with his loved one(s) for too long. Like that time his parents went on a week-long trip for their anniversary. He was fidgeting while waiting for them at the airport.
Quality time - He tends to measure how much his loved ones love him based on how much time they spend with him. And he has a bad habit of taking it personally when they're too busy to spend time with him. It isn't that hard to hang out with him though. Most of the time he just wants to share a meal or read together.
Acts of service - He can sometimes forget to take care of himself when he's engrossed in his work, so its really nice when his loved one runs him a hot bath or brings him a snack while he's working. Little acts like that never fail to make his heart melt.
Gender preference: Male
Physical touch - She can't help but want to feel her loved ones with her hands. Ruffling her brothers' hair, holding her mother's hand, hugging her beloved husband. There's something comforting about being able to feel their skin against hers. It grounds her, reminds her that they're here and alive. Is that weird?
Quality time - She isn't very busy, so she has plenty of time to spend on her loved ones. If her loved ones have something to show her, she's sure to give them her full attention! Any time spend sharing love for each other is quality time for her.
Words of affirmation -She tends to feel down sometimes, but little words of support and reassurance always help to pick her back up. Sometimes she just wants to be distracted and will ask them to ramble about something instead. She finds her loved ones' voices soothing, so they serve as good distractions.
Quality time - Since she likes spending time with her loved ones, she feels loved when they want to spend time with her too. She feels rather honored when her loved ones share something special to them with her actually. That means they trust her enough to share something close to them. How wonderful.
Gender preference: Female
Acts of service - He wants his loved ones to be safe and comfortable at all times, so if there's anything he can do for them, he'll do his best to help them. Especially his beloved parents. He's a reliable assistant for his father while working, and frequently brews relaxing teas for his mother.
Gift giving - He likes to buy fancy and expensive gifts for his loved one on special occasion. Watches, fruit baskets, decorative items they're sure to like. His mother has a fondness for flowers, so he makes sure to buy a bouquet every Mother's day. He just loves seeing the look of joy on his loved ones' faces when they receive something they like. He can't get enough of it.
Physical touch - He's used to being touched a lot as a kid. His parents hugged him often, and his elderly neighbours liked to pinch his cheeks. They still do it even though he's all grown up now. Not that he's complaining! He quite likes the attention.
Acts of service - He's always making sure everyone else is taken care of, so who will take care of him? Sometimes he gets so engrossed on his work that he forgets about his own needs. Just having his loved one check in on him gives him enough motivation to keep going (and remind him to eat something).
Gender preference: Male
Acts of service - She's more of a practical person, so she'd rather do something useful for her loved ones rather then profess her care with words. For her, talk is cheap. So she doesn't mind doing extra chores and cooking meals and such.
Gift giving - Another practical way of showing love that Mayumi prefers. She's known to knit sweaters for the children living in the hospital she works at, and her mother is always happy to receive more cooking equipment. Basically, she prefers to get things for the people she cares about that they will use.
Quality time - She's busy with her job as a nurse, so she treasures the precious moments spent with her loved ones. Even time spent doing chores with her mother is treasured by her. But she prefers activities like having a conversation over a shared meal.
Acts of service - She's very tired at the end of every day, so it'd be nice to be taken care of for a while. A simple cup of tea is enough to get her spirits up most of the time. She also tends to misplace her things quite often, so having someone help her to look for it and bring it to her would be really helpful.
Gender preference: Both, both are good.
Acts of service - He has traces of responsibility in him (likely from his past) and is always helping the people he care about feel comfortable. He's the kind of person that always has to be doing something, and that translates to his love language as well.
Words of affirmation - He tends to casually compliment the people he cares about, usually with a lighthearted tone. It just slips out so easily for him, he hardly has to think about it. The ever meaningful "I love yous" are saved for special occasions though.
Words of affirmation - Compliments and praises make him so happy! They inflate his ego too but we don't talk about that. If someone likes him, they must think he's pretty cool and want to voice it, right? He knows lots of people don't operate like that, but he wants to hear proof of their love from their lips. At least once in a while. That shouldn't be too hard for them if they love him.
Acts of service - Its nice to have things done for him. Even better if his loved ones is proactive about it! He's sure to do the same for them, so its only fair. The little things like being brought a drink and having his hair dried really makes his day!
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turojo · 2 years
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« I'm so close to creating a world like the one in the book—a Paradise where we three can live happily together forever. I must make it real. »
TUROJO [ turroh-hoh ] turo + red ( spanish )
an INDIE SELECTIVE PROFESSOR TURO from PKMN SCARLET exclusively! written by leche! Mutuals only, OC and crossover friendly. Spoilers ahoy and untagged.
* please note this is the SCARLET version of Turo in which he left very early in the plot and comes back post-game. he'll be very divergent in personality and goals.
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
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#aercnaut :: ind. sel. 18+ only canon divergent lee scoresby of his dark materials ( contains spoilers. season three and amber spyglass mentions are tagged as HDM SPOILERS )
a study in the greater good, destiny, religous trauma, breaking cycles, and leaving the world better than how you found it.
gabriel || she/they || 25
interest tracker || memes || headcanons || open starters || wanted plots ||
greetings and salutations my dudes. welcome to the garbage.
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prxjectshadxw · 2 years
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prxjectshadxw: indep. priv. & selec. shadow from the sonic franchise, with a heavy influence from the games as well as personal headcanons. 18+ to follow. penned by anatoly (25, they, est).
lovely header made by the bestie @sxnicthehedgehxg
carrd. | playlist.
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parainvestigate · 2 years
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#ᴾᴬᴿᴬᴵᴺⱽᴱˢᵀᴵᴳᴬᵀᴱ  :  is an independent  𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑩𝑶𝒀 from dark horse comics. this is heavily influenced by comics but also influenced by the original movies starring ron perlman. this blog writes nsft and potentially triggering content and because of this is 18+, please keep this in mind. a study in: flipping off destiny, the noble beast, and living as an occult detective.
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c-4-ff-31-n-3 · 23 days
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⚠︎ trigger warning
⤷ ed content
⤷ potential sh content (no pictures)
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⚠︎ dni
⤷ under 17
⤷ non ed or sh blog
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𖦹ׂ ₊˚⊹⋆ about me
⤷ name : marz
⤷ age : 20
⤷ pronouns : any
⤷ old blog was x-c4ff31n3-x
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𖦹₊⊹ other socials
⤷ instagram : c4ff31n3_
⤷ twitter : _c4ff31n3
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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ct-anon · 2 months
Below are links. Information about myself, about my world. About my project.
You have most likely come here because you have received a question from me. I am simply acquiring data. You are free not to answer it. Do whatever you believe is best.
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About Myself.
Oculus Shared Universe Info
Project Verakas [TBA]
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Mystery gifts: On.
Pelipper Mail : Off.
Pelipper Malice : Off.
Musharna Mail : Off
Sapient Pokemon / Eebydeebys / Legendaries : Allowed. Slightly selective for legendaries, however.
Magic Anons : Off.
Please keep things low stakes. For now. Things will get higher stakes as parts of the connected universe this account is in are more connected, but.
Refrain from excessive hate. Being mean is fine but it’s really hard to tell if you’re character bleeding or not when it gets to a certain point. If you have an issue with me contact me directly with @axe-cution , Ty.
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Borders by @cafekitsune
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pympartic · 4 months
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PYMPARTIC 🐜 :] - - - Roleplay blog ft Hank Pym and Yellowjacket from Avengers : Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Comic, crossover, mcu, multiverse, and oc friendly. Estabished 6/4/2024 by Pow /; Yuma (23+)
IMPORTANT NOTE :] - - - Characters will be exclusively portrayed as a D.I.D Visual System ft. Hank Pym as the Primary Front. Concerns or Feedback are Welcomed and the sources I was given by a kind System will also be linked below! (WOO EDUCATION) ! ❤️🐜
System includes - Hank Pym / Antman / Giantman ;; He / him - Biromantic asexual - Yellowjacket ;; He / him - Aromantic bisexual
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RULES VERSES [wip ((always ;- ;)) ] PERMINANT STARTER CALL D.I.D Information Sources --> [ Free Googling For You! .x . <3 ]
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Mun Introduction below the cut.
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( art by @/borbinites on twitter! GO FOLLOW HER! ((if u wanna)) )
Hello ! My name is Yuma / Pow (you may see other people use different names as ive been given many @- @' ) ;; I am 23, and have been writing on tumblr for about fifteen years now (holy fu-) and I've been into Marvel content for about ten. While I wont be sticking to the comics for my Hank for /Reasons/ I welcome any and all peeps to gush about your comic book and movie favs!
If you have questions, concerns or just a trigger you need tagged my Messages are not follow locked so pop on by!
>^ov o^< !! - Pow
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manteaublanc · 4 months
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#manteaublanc :: ind. sel. 18+ only red dead redemption/western oc. HEAVILY UNDER CONSTRUCTION
a study in devotion, generational curses, learned kindness, and chosen family
gabriel || she/they || 26
interest tracker || memes || headcanons || open starters || wanted plots
heavily affiliated with motley aka @hauntboxed
rules and about under the cut until i get a carrd made
one. don’t be a dick. all usual rules apply (no godmodding, no bigotry, ect)
two. tag your shit, i’ll tag mine
three. anon hate will not be tolerated.
four. i will not ship casey with any muses under 25. this number may change.
five. i ship chemistry. don’t follow assuming you’ll get a ship.
six. feel free to fuck casey up but understand he is a violent man and i will not nerf my oc for your comfort
seven. enjoy the boy!
name: casey beau baptiste
nickname/alias: the bear, big casey
age: verse dependant; 60 main verse
fc: clancy brown
dob: november 30, 1839
height: 6’6”
nationality: french/american
religion: former catholic
orientation: heterosexual
relationship status: single; widower
location: nomad
history: casey was born in 1839 to circus performers -- a french trapeze artist and the cajun ringmaster. he grew up in the circus, and he grew fast. due to his size, he wound up becoming the circus’ strongman at age sixteen. during his time at the circus, he married his childhood sweetheart, marnie, on his eighteenth birthday. at twenty-two, he found he had a talent for long distance shooting, and became a sniper for the union during the civil war. it was during the war his wife was killed, so when all was said and done, casey found himself wandering the country, trying to find work, but having little success due to his lack of skill, drinking habit, and bad temper. he turned to a life of crime and odd jobs -- and pissing off a lot of people -- and eventually lands a job as a shotgun messenger.
one fateful day, he does his job as normal, but there’s an adorable passenger aboard the stage coach he’s protecting that would go on to change his life forever -- a little five year old girl named evelyn holyss (created by motley on motsoleum.) she’s sweet and kind to him with wide eyed curiosity, and he develops a soft spot for her over the course of the stage coach’s journey. unfortunately, things don’t stay easy, and toward the end of the job, the stage coach is attacked by lemoyne raiders. casey himself is incapacitated and awakens to find a massacre...and its only survivor: little evelyn holyss. the little girl’s family had been killed in the process, and as such, she had no one left. her predicament pulled at what was left of casey’s heart strings, and he promised her he’d keep her safe. what followed was casey unofficially adopting her, and as a result, he tried to clean up his act -- drinking less, starting less fights, and just in general trying to become a better person and be a good father to the girl.
eventually, his past does catch up to him in the form of a moonshiner he’d stolen from once. the man resorts to threatening evelyn to get even, even trying to hurt her, but the papa bear instinct is strong with this one, and casey showed the man no mercy as he beat him to death with only his fists and pure rage, stopping only when evelyn begged him to stop. realizing how badly he’d scared her, casey promised to never lose his cool like that again, and realizes on the quiet ride to their next temporary home just how far he’s willing to go to protect this kid -- his daughter.
though they never had a whole lot of money, casey never let it affect evelyn: her clothes were always clean and tailored, her shoes never had holes in them, and she always had food in her belly, even when casey went without.
eventually, the two joined the van der linde gang -- mostly out of desperation -- and until the spring of 1899, that’s where they stayed. after an altercation with the gang’s leader, casey left in a rage, with evelyn deciding to stay behind.
the gang eventually falls apart, and the two are reunited after a fellow outlaw, arthur morgan, tells casey what’s happening and that he needs to get evelyn away from dutch and the remaining outlaws. he agrees, and the two escape the van der linde gang by the skin of their teeth.
casey managed to live until the age of seventy-five until his age and days of drinking and smoking caught up to him, but before he passed, he made sure to save every penny and pass it on to evelyn: one final act to support his daughter before he died.
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lcmplightcr · 10 months
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#lcmplightcr :: ind. sel. 18+ only JACK THE LAMPLIGHTER of mary poppins returns. follows back from @aercnaut.
a study in being kind for kindness' sake
gabriel || she/they || 26
interest tracker || memes || headcanons || open starters || wanted plots ||
greetings and salutations my dudes. welcome to the garbage.
SEMI HIATUS NOTICE: i am currently working on a manuscript for my own novel, thus, most of my writing energy is elsewhere. i'm still here and lurking, but its not my priority
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ofmagiick · 1 year
pinned post and docs tba, but for now here's the html of the rules on my theme until i can get other admin stuff done:
SELECTIVITY / FOLLOWING - this is a selective blog for my sake, but honestly, if i can see us writing, i will follow back. i am mutuals only, though, and will have anxiety about sending you things if we aren’t, even if you’re cool. i'm iffy on doubles, just because i myself am very self-conscious. it’s a personal thing, chances are i thing your writing is fucking dope.
CROSSOVERS / OC MUSES - two words: fuck. yeah. star wars lends itself to crossovers hella well, we can figure this shit out in a hot second. plus, the galaxy is so vast and diverse, i want to explore more of this universe, as much as i can. as for ocs, y’all brave as fuck, and i love them. just have a rules/about page, and then we’re golden
RP ETIQUETTE - you know, don’t god mod, don’t randomly kill my muse (not saying you can’t, hell, please do, just im me first), don’t reblog threads you’re not a part of, don’t relog my hc posts. and have fun.
FORMATTING / ICONS - match me, don’t, dance the macarena before posting, i don’t give a fuck. i format how i want, when i want. my icons use citrus, by apocalypseresources
WRITING - kind of a slow writer, and easily distracted. poke me over ims after about two weeks, if i haven’t replied before then. not super here for rape/torture, but i have an odd like for eldritch and body horror...
GRAPHICS - all graphics on my blog are made by me/for me. give credit where credit is due. be nice. making shit is a lot harder than just throwing an image into photoshop and clicking buttons. people work hard on shit, and i will come for your knees if you don’t credit people, creators, artists, etc… i have baseball bats.
SHIPPING - fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah !! you come to me with a ship, and by the time i’ve finished processing the words, i’m already hella emotionally invested. crackships are my shit, so please don’t be scared. honestly, i’ll ship pretty much anything. probably even some sketchy shit by other’s standards. if that’s a problem, hasta la vista, and sorry i don’t cut it for you.
NSFW - i and my muse are 18+, my nsfw tag is literally ‘a girl’s got needs,’ let’s fuckin’ do this. i’ll write it, but not with minors. other, general nsfw topics might come up, due to the nature of AUs and canon events. i do try and tag as cw // or cw ment //, so please feel free to tell me things you need tagged.
PLOTTING - do it. done. if i don’t write down whatever idea i have quick enough, it will get yeeted from my head like a brick out the window fuckin adhd, so (with express permission from you) i’ll message at bizarre hours, probably. on the flip side, this is your express permission: i, lily, mun of ofmagiick, give you, [name], mun of [blog], permission to send me ims/ask with plot proposals. it’s signed and sealed as soon as you read this. no take-backsies. you gotta, now. :3c
MEMES - headcanon/ask my muse questions/etc, open to all. interaction-oriented, mutuals only. no reblog karma, but if you aren’t sending me something, reblog from the source, please
ACTIVITY - it can be spotty. i’m a full-time student, adhd mess. hit me up in ims with reminders or ping me on disco/in a server, its all cool.
MAINS / EXCLUSIVES - i'm okay with mains, you'll be my go-to version of a character, and the one i'm thinking of if mine mentions yours to someone else, but that's gonna be discussed beforehand. exclusives will have to be heavily, HEAVILY discussed, and likely will be way down the line if ever.
CALLOUTS - bitch, no. get that shit away from me. won’t post ‘em, won’t reblog ‘em. call me out if you want, i’ll screenshot it, print it out, and put it up on my wall to laugh at, and remember people are still wasting brainpower to be mad at me. if you have an issue with me, hit me up in ims/off anon, and we can talk like adults.
ABOUT THE MUN - what up it’s ya nerd lily with newest brainrot, this time sci-fi. pronouns are she/her or “hey you ditz”, i am legal to drink in the us and far beyond legal adult there, and i id as a goddamned fucking mess mutuals feel free to hmu for discord if you want it
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#aercnaut :: ind. sel. 18+ only canon divergent lee scoresby of his dark materials ( contains spoilers. season three and amber spyglass mentions are tagged as HDM SPOILERS )
a study in the greater good, destiny, religous trauma, breaking cycles, and leaving the world better than how you found it.
gabriel || she/they || 25
interest tracker || memes || headcanons || open starters || wanted plots ||
greetings and salutations my dudes. welcome to the garbage.
0 notes
aercnaut-archived · 1 year
on one hand: making a blog for my boy silas and releasing an Angel Possessed Dilf into the ecosystem
on the other: making another whole ass fucking carrd
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