#000 on I’m A Celebrity
alpha-mag-media · 1 year
Matt Hancock’s SAS: Who Dares Wins salary revealed after raking in £320,000 on I’m A Celebrity | In Trend Today
Matt Hancock’s SAS: Who Dares Wins salary revealed after raking in £320,000 on I’m A Celebrity Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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ur-mag · 1 year
I’m begging my HOA for help after $10,000 worth of damage was caused through no fault of my own – I’ve had to move out | In Trend Today
I’m begging my HOA for help after $10,000 worth of damage was caused through no fault of my own – I’ve had to move out Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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petite-madame · 1 year
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A brand new job - (2023)
“Tony, last time you messed around with this cloak, you broke a $100 000 antique vase. It’s not a toy.”
“You’re just jealous because your cloak likes me better than you, that’s how awesome I am! BEWARE, STRANGE! I'm the new Sorcerer Supreme.”
“Congratulations. The whole Multiverse is celebrating. I’ll tell Wong that he’s out of a job now. And you can call me Stephen, you know.”
“Don’t be so ridiculous. Why would I do that?”
“Because we've been married for six years, but you’re right, I guess it’s a bit too early in our relationship for this kind of intimacy. My mistake.”
Poor Steven hasn't been able to watch a TV show in peace for more than 7 years. 😅
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championleonsslut · 9 months
HII, i'm so sorry to be a bother but can i request some headcanons with leon having a famous s/o, like a singer or influencer? :000
I’ve been HYPED to do this ask for a while Tehe! You never disappoint anon!
Leon W/ a famous s/o
Female reader, quite fluffy all things considered! Reader is a singer
You, a very VERY famous Galarian singer (I’m talking Taylor Swift level famous) were of course, in the spotlight a lot. You have a massive fanbase, who practically worship your music. What you did not expect, is that the Galarian Champion secretly likes your music.
He sneaks into a few concerts, and developed a bit of a celebrity crush on you when he heard your voice. It was like a Siren’s call. He loved the glamorous outfits you wore, and how much passion you put into your music. He totally secretly stalks you on social media a bit.
You, on the other hand, like his work too. You have a Pokemon of your own who often is in concerts with you, a female Sylveon. You think he’s attractive, and a good battler, but you don’t know him.
You accidentally run into him one day after one of your shows, and are VERY surprised to find him there. He quickly compliments you on your work, and small talk pops up. You get kinda flirty and that leads to some numbers being exchanged.
After moving past the talking stage, he officially asks you out, and you could not be more delighted. You’re both very busy people, but make time for each other regardless. (Awwww)
Of course, you decide to keep your relationship very secret once you get together. Don’t need the press meddling in your lives even more, now do we?
Right from the get-go, Leon is absolutely the best boyfriend you’ve ever had. He is perfect in every single way, and you can always spot him in the VIP box at your shows. This leads to you writing songs about him, very discreetly though.
Once he hears your new album, the lyrics catch his attention. It doesn’t take long for him to put the pieces together. Most of your more romantic songs are DEFINITELY about him. It makes him blush and giggle when he figures it out.
“Are these songs about me?”
You’re not just dating him for the money, you’re genuinely in love with him. And you blurt that out one night while you’re snuggled up in bed, and he couldn’t agree more.
After that, Leon drops the bomb in an interview about his girlfriend. (With your permission of course) it’s safe to say, everyone went B A N A N A S.
You guys get interviewed together, and more of the tea about your relationship is spilled. Almost immediately, you’re Galar’s hottest couple! There is a blog or two dedicated to the press sneaking photos of you together. The most popular ones are where you stand on your tip toes to kiss him. Leon agrees. They’re adorable.
People start to put the pieces together that some of your songs are about Leon, and lose their mind even more. You just giggle and watch as the chaos unfolds.
There’s fan art drawn of you guys, and each is more adorable than the last. Leon likes showing them to you. You get flustered each time.
Leon now gets to show off his pretty girlfriend at formal events. You like dressing up just for him, and it makes him nuts. Jewels, makeup, fancy dresses, the whole shibang.
Even four years into your relationship, and with the amount of songs you’ve written about him, people are still crazy about you guys together.
And of course, when they get word of the engagement… It gets even crazier.
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myguidingmoon-light · 9 months
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“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7)
No room. That’s something I’ve heard too much lately. Palestinians have been hearing that for 75 years. Since they were driven out of their homes—more than 700 000 of them—in 1948 to make room for the colony of Israel, there has been less and less room every day. Less land, literally, as even though lines and walls have been drawn over the years, Israel continues to illegally settle in Palestinian land. Less room to breathe, as the population of Gaza grew within the illegal blockade walling them into a tiny strip of land. Less room to live now, as Gaza has been under constant attack by Israeli bombs and guns and while the civilians of Gaza are pushed by this violence into even smaller and smaller “safe zones” (though there is nowhere safe in Gaza right now).
But also no room our conversations. No room in our imagination. No room in our understanding of our world of “human rights” and “developed nations.” You’d think “Palestinian” is a slur for how quickly it shuts up (or heats up) dialogue. These are our neighbours, and it feels like pulling teeth to get people to engage with their humanity—let alone ask their MP to ask our government to ask Israel’s government to please stop bombing civilians for the third month straight.
Today we recognize when a Jewish Palestinian family was forced by the state to leave their home, shelter in unfit terrain, give birth without proper medical care, survive a massacre, and become refugees. We Christians call the baby born in that family Emmanuel, which means God with us. God was born in Bethlehem, behind the border wall, in an occupation. What does that tell us about who God is?
Our Christian siblings in Palestine have asked us not to let this Christmas pass as usual. To that, I ask, what is Christmas as usual? If we don’t see our neighbours in the story of Jesus, what is the point? If we need to put the real, genuine injustices of the world out of our mind so that we can be comforted by Christmas, we are frankly doing it wrong. The point—the whole point—is that love and justice are possible for the unloved and the oppressed, even when it doesn’t feel that way. It is our responsibility to make that happen, and we can’t do that with our eyes closed.
You should feel uncomfortable about celebrating Christmas while a genocide is going on. We need to have room for that. We also need to have room for the hope that Christmas represents. We need to have room in our hearts for justice, lasting peace, and a free Palestine, because we are all needed to make it a reality.
And for God’s sake, CEASEFIRE NOW!
“He has brought down the mighty from their thrones/ and exalted those of humble estate;/ he has filled the hungry with good things,/ and the rich he has sent away empty.” (Luke 1:52-53)
I am indebted to Rev. Munther Isaac for his wisdom in helping so many of us walk through this time. Personally, I just finished his book “The Other Side of the Wall”—if you are a Christian, you have to read this book. I’ll buy you a copy if you want.
I also want to note that this post isn’t really supposed to be an explainer or an argument. I didn’t cite anything here, but if you’re curious about anything I referenced (e.g. why did I bring up medical care?), send me a message and I’d be happy to give you more details about what’s happening in Palestine. I’m no expert, but I know some people just genuinely don’t know the extent of the injustice and don’t know where to learn more; if you have questions I’m happy to help, but I’m not here to fight with you.
Same deal if you want to help but don’t know how. I’m happy to give you some ideas and even help you out with them (distance permitting). One important action you can always take is contacting your Member of Parliament. You don’t have to write anything fancy—just tell them honestly how you’re feeling and ask them to support an urgent ceasefire. This is literally your right as a Canadian, so you don’t have to worry about doing something wrong.
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papercorgiworld · 8 months
Thank you!
1000+ followers!
As I post this I have exactly 1003 followers and they’re amazing!
I was planning on doing something for 100, 200, 500 followers, but I was always so busy writing or didn’t know what to do or just scared of looking like a fool… sorry! But now it’s time to celebrate!
I love you! Dear tumblr people, I truly love you. Whether you’re creating, supporting or both… you mean the world to me.
Now let’s get down to business. I have three things planned for you lovelys… I hope you’ll like it
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Scare an introvert
Me, I’m the introvert. Scare me and talk to me. Honestly, I like communicating from time to time, but let’s just say small talk is not my most developed skill.
If you’re a social butterfly or a curious kitten and you want to get to know the writer behind the fics, this is your moment!
🥰 📚 📖 😍 🤗 🫦 👁️ 😶 🧑‍🍳 👩‍🎓 💃🏻 🤷‍♀️ 🤦 💆🏽‍♀️🐶 🐍 🦩 🍀 🫐 🫖 🧩 🏄‍♂️ ☎️ 🪫 🎉 ☺️ 🤯 😎
Pick any emoji you can find on your phone and I’ll answer a question related to the emoji. Or be very random.
BUT if you would be so kind as to also tell me a little something about yourself, it can be as random as you want… Or share your thoughts on my blog. This way I can get to know you a little as well.
Requests are officially open
Requests were always unofficially open to the bold and the brave, but now they’re open to everyone!
Also big thank you to the ones who’ve already sent in requests, encouraging me to write and now even to open up to more requests. Kiss!
Throw in any guy you can think of, but preferably a Slytherin dude.
Combine it with any subject or even a random word if you want something short.
And I’ll try to write something and hopefully not disappoint you.
Rules? Don’t traumatise me but also don’t be shy. Worst case scenario I change your request until I can live with it. I’ve been scrolling tumblr for a decade now, I don’t judge.
Get a cameo!!
I’m looking for people to date one of the Slytherins in my next fics. So you or your OC can get a little cameo!
How it works? While the reader is still the main character, I need characters in the background dating Theodore, Mattheo, Blaise, Enzo, Draco or Pansy. Depending on the story, you’ll be mentioned a lot or just a few times. You’ll be dating your favoriete Slytherin either recently or you’ve been in a long term relationship.
Interested? Okay, I need a name. I’m not good at coming up with names and this is what inspired me to do this cameo stuff. Also sent me your house and yes you can be an exchange student if you don’t want to attend Hogwarts. Pronouns! Very important, don’t leave me guessing. Skin, eye and hair colour is not a must, but why not. Just for the fun of it, you can add what kind of student, friend or partner you’ll be. If you insist you can be a crazy ex as well. But most importantly, who do you want to date.
I might not need this much information, but it’s fun to get to know you. If you’re not an anon and don’t want to be mentioned when I post the fic then be sure to let me know so I don’t tag you.
Aaaaand a little bonus news:
Didn’t see this one coming at all…
25 000 ? That’s a lot of love! Thank you! Thank you so much!
When I’m writing and I feel like I’m stuck, my eyes wonder and usually land on my phone which is thanks to you always lighting up with tumblr notifications… encouraging me to continue writing!
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Have a lovely day!
Sending you all lots of love!
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Sorry to hear that you had a bad day and I hope it can turn into a decent evening.
Silly idea: imagine Carlos drawing a sticker for Lando to celebrate his 100th race and the 100 stickers. It would be the ugliest and most adorable present ever. I am also imagining Carlos sending the design to a print shop to have something to give to Lando but there's a misunderstanding and the shop delivers 10 000 pieces to their door.
thank you 💕 I’m better now but being a teacher is sometimes a real bitch 😭☹️
that would be the sweetest ever! it would be such a surprise for lando and then he would tease carlos about the 10.000 stickers for such a long time, putting them on random things carlos owns just to be a gremlin, and sometimes cause they’re apart for long periods of time and lando is a tiny bit afraid that carlos will forget him. carlos just tells him he’s silly before kissing him and whispering that he could never forget him 🥹🥹
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diedinacrash · 11 months
Here's Part 2 of Dominik's interview.
I: You always call the National team’s coach, boss. You are the only one who does that in the team, where did it come from?
D: I don’t know, I always call him differently, sometimes it's Mister, sometimes it’s boss. I mean, when I talk to him I call him MIster but when I talk about him I call him boss. Because after all he’s the boss, it is what he says, but I think he has a very good relationship with the players, and it’s very important.
I: What does Marco Rossi mean to you?
D: Well, he was the first who dared to play me in the National team, before that I played under two other coaches who didn’t trust me as much as he did, so it was a very important step for me, that…he dared to play me at the age of 17 or 18 and luckily I could stay a standard player in the team. Of course it’s thanks to me as well, but the fact that he always trusted me is his merit. And…I’d say that our relationship is pretty close, but I don’t want it to sound stupid from outside…but yeah we are close.
I: Yesterday, the recordings that were made and published by MLSZ (Magyar Labdarúgó Szövetség ->Hungarian Football Association), we can see that the way you two celebrated was very special, and you can feel how strong the connection is between you two.
D: It is really strong, I think it became so strong when we qualified against Iceland three years ago, because he wasn’t on the bench then and he wrote me a long message before the game, and I told him not to worry, we can do it and I wrote him after the game, saying “you’re welcome”. He only laughed, but it turned out good.
I: The next stop is the 0-0 against Montenegro, a college posted not long ago that we had 0.16 xG through the game. That was a very painful game, but almost everyone says that it was a key moment for the whole qualification series that we could successfully take a point from there. Do you agree?
D: That was the most important game? I don’t see it that way, but it was really important because I told the others that time as well, that no problem, there are games like this, but we knew from the beginning that it will be a one on one game. At the previous World Cup qualification, we made the mistake of going into a one on one game against Albania and lost in the last minute, we did the same at home, and lost again. But we learnt from those games, and what was important is that we realized that if we don’t push that hard we won’t have such power, but we won’t concede that many goals either. And we did just that.
I: You said that you really want to play against Montenegro, is it only because it’s a home game, and you can celebrate with more than 65 000 people, or do you still have a desire to prove yourself?
D: Both, I think it’s an incredible experience for everyone to play at home, in front of 65 000 people and…already celebrating. But I don't want any kind of celebration to happen prior to the game, we celebrated yesterday, there’s no celebration today. Today is about concentration and so is tomorrow. We can’t live from the past, even if we did qualify , we want to qualify first and if we beat Montenegro, then we’ll celebrate again.
I: Comes the summer, you sign for Liverpool under a moment, at least from the outside perspective. Who was the first you told in the National team, that you are going to Liverpool?
D: I think Schäfer, when it became certain we had a phone call and he wasn’t pleased, because he’s a United fan. He said I chose the wrong club, I said you can go to United and then we can play against each other. But yeah, he was the first, I think.
I: Did the others' opinion change about you, because you signed to one of the biggest clubs in the world?
D: No. When I did the pep talk before our game against Serbia, I tried to put it in there that I’m still the same person, I didn’t change because I signed for Liverpool. I don’t want them to treat me like a star, because I’m a player like any of them and a person just like them. I really don’t like it when someone is lifted out from the rest, yes everyone has their own character and everyone is good at different things, but we can only achieve what we did as a team. Because it’s not an individual sport, alone I couldn’t have qualified for the Euros.
I: It’s amazing how much attention you get, it’s a very rare occasion when a Ferencváros Puskás League game (Hungarian League game) has less viewers than a Liverpool Chelsea game, and because of you it happened. How surprised were you that you could burst into the public consciousness this easily?
D: I’ll be honest, I was trying very hard for people not to think that…I actually like to read the comments.
I: Really?
D: Really. For me it’s not…it doesn’t anger me, rather motivates me. You can never do good, it will be bad for someone, and I learnt to deal with this, and I can live together with this. But I tell you it motivates me, it constantly gives me motivation, that I signed there, they said I won’t play, I’ll be on the bench, etc, etc, etc. I signed there, I became a starter, I fought myself into the team, I scored, I assisted, I play great, I’m a standard player. IT’s a good feeling, but there are still people out there who don’t like it, but it only motivates me more to continue, to become better, to achieve even more, to win more trophies, to be more successful, as in me, in the club and in the National team as well.
I: When did you learn to speak English like this?
D: When…When, you know I was at Salzbourg, I started to learn German there, and when I knew around 90 percent German, I started to go to an English teacher, because there were a lot of players I spoke English to. Then I stopped taking the classes, because I didn’t really like them, it was always early in the morning. Then I learnt it from the players around me, let it be Haaland or Dabbur, they were the two I actually had a closer relationship with, and always spoke English to them. I was open, I talked even if my English wasn’t particularly great, but then they were kind and corrected me.
I: You have an interview, it was made after one of your first games, where they first pronounced your name correctly. Dominik Szoboszlai, and you did mention it there, and I read the comments under that interview, and one said ‘captain material’ even for Liverpool. Do you see yourself as Liverpool’s captain?
D: Why not? Of course, I said it a lot of times already, if I’ll be at Liverpool for the next ten years, and I have a great career, I’ll sign it right now. (Means if someone offered him a good career there he’d take it without question) And if they give me the armband at one point, I won’t refuse it because I'm immediately gonna say that it’s okay, it’s alright. It comes with responsibilities, yeah but I like to be responsible.
I: Is there anything you surprised yourself with positively?
D: No.
I: Confident.
I: Just before returning to the National team. Your dad has been asked by a lot of people about a lot of topics, even you quoted him. What did your mum do for this career?
D: She was a ‘‘background character’’. But, nothing…she always made sure I had breakfast and dinner at home, had my medicine ready, if it was cold then she made sure that my clothes were warm, so I wouldn’t be cold. Things like this. But really, she wanted to stay in the background, and she is still there until today. But apart from football, everything else is thanks to her.
I:One last question about the Euro qualification. Last time Salzburg didn’t let you go to Sofia, this time you were there. When you heard the final whistle, we talked about it at the beginning, did you only think that we had qualified for the Euros, or did you think about what our goals are out there? Kerkez said, you want to be competitive there as well. Or do you think it’s still the celebration part, the draw is on the second of December and there's no point thinking about this until then?
D: There’s still the Montenegro game, but yeah we talked a bit about it already, honestly I started to think about it when Willi (Orbán) posted that picture. Because if we look at it, whatever group we are going to be in, we have a chance to get through the group stages. This is how I approach it, this is how everyone approaches it. IT’s not important who we’ll be in the same group with, but from there all games are one on one, you either go through or go home. So I just want to enjoy it, go as far as we can, we’re at Euros, maybe in the end we’ll be the biggest surprise.
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lampmanliveblogs · 4 months
I did it.
This episode took 235 screenshots (plus a few extras) and I wrote almost 25 000 words.
But I did it.
I should go celebrate, dance the night away… but I’m supper tired after the last few nights, and I’ve got work tomorrow, so uh… goodnight. See ya.
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alpha-mag-media · 1 year
I’m refusing to leave after being evicted from the place I spent $80,000 fixing – I’m suing to get the cash back | In Trend Today
I’m refusing to leave after being evicted from the place I spent $80,000 fixing – I’m suing to get the cash back Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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petitelepus · 1 year
We did it guys, we hit 1 000 Followers!
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Thank you everyone for your love and support! It means a lot to me and I never imagined that I could have this many supporters!
So here is my gift to you guys!
I have been writing non-stop couple of days and managed to write evertyhing I have in my InBox so I’ll be posting them now!
Also, since this is a HUGE THING, 1 000 Followers, I MEAN WOW, I’m opening my Requests again! The themes are all open since it’s a celebration so I’ll try to write as best as I can!
For those who might worry if I’m still mourning, I’m doing a lot better so now I feel like I can write again.
Like earlier, if we hit 20 requests then I will probably close the box then so I can focus and not stress about writing.
Thank you one more time, I am so happy that there are people who genuinely like my stories and such!
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kamidukki · 2 years
List of Favorite Event Stories
The end of February to the mid of March sees important developments of several franchises’ main stories unfolding. Specifically, I’m talking about Granblue Fantasy, which is in the middle of its 9th anniversary celebration and Twisted Wonderland, of its 3rd anniversary. Yumekuro celebrated its 1st anniversary in February, so there were a series of events and campaigns going on. In January, Akuneko released Episode 2.5 of the main story, which not only has a significant impact on the main storyline but also on the game's mechanics. Mahoyaku… well, it’s rolling out monthly updates on main story 2 as usual.
All the events in the game franchise I'm playing have inspired me to compile a list of stories (mainly events) that have left the most memorable impression on me. Needless to say, these are just my opinions.
1. Granblue Fantasy (GBF)
[All of title translations credit goes to the original game and gbf.wiki]
It's hard to pick just three favourite stories from a franchise that's been around for nine years. Not to mention the large cast, the rich and detailed world-building, and the rather complex ecosystem. So I'm going to cheat a little by choosing not an event title, but a series title.
The Archangel Saga is undoubtedly #1 for me. It consists of a trilogy that includes What Makes the Sky Blue, What Makes the Sky Blue II: Paradise Lost, and What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000. The series revolves around the relationship between former Supreme Primarch Lucifer and the archangel Sandalphon, and incorporates philosophical motifs into its plot. Given what happens at the end of the latest instalment, a continuation of the saga may be possible in the future (I hope).
The Dragon Knight series is next. Longer than the Archangel Saga, it contains 9 event stories, which are: Defender's Oath, Four Knights of a Fallen Land, Between Frost and Flame, Divergent Knighthoods, Welcome to the Bistro Feedranche, SIEGFRIED, The Saviour of Dalmore, The Strength to Wield, and To Each His Ideal. Loosely based on the Arthurian legend, the series has yet to reach its conclusion.
Romeo and Juliet series - in terms of intensity, this one is quite a leap from the previous two, but I still like it. The series consists of three event stories: So Close and Yet So Far, By Any Other Name, and Good Night Till It Be Morrow.
Special mention: Society and Foe, Kingdom of Levin, Kingdom of Irestill, and Alchemist. They're too good to be left out, even though they're not my top three, especially Society and Foe, which rivals Dragon Knight in greatness.
Precious, but unranked simply because I don’t know how to put them in order: Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies (8th anniversary event story), …And You (9th anniversary event story), Together in Song (sequel to the Selfira and Elta series), The Maydays (summer vacation 2019), Sincerely, Your Dearest Friend (summer vacation 2022), and finally, the one I will never have in my own archive because I hadn’t started playing GBF yet at the time, Katsugeki Touken Ranbu: Fate Horizon (collaborative event with TKRB in 2017).
2. Twisted Wonderland (TWST)
[All of title translations credit goes to Twisted Wonderland Unofficial English Wiki]
The most substantial story, in all the franchise listed here, is undeniably the main part. But for TWST, the veracity of the statement increases tenfold, if it weren’t for the Halloween event 2022. Before that, all the events in TWST give me the impression of being detached from the main story almost completely. This is not to say they’re not enjoyable, of course. It’s just none of them generates the same level of excitement with the main story, which, again, is simply my personal experience with the game. With that being said, my top 3 events from TWST are:
Glorious Masquerade ~Crimson Flowers and the Bell of Salvation~ When I said TWST events stories giving an impression of being detached from the main story, I guess I have to exclude this one because it includes a huge chunk of information that may or may not be related to the main story (if you know what happened in part 37 of Chapter 7, you’ll probably have a good guess of what this means). That, in itself, is highly intriguing to ponder about, which is why I pick it as my #1.
Ghost Marriage ~Proposal of Destiny~ I like the premise and chaos that surrounds the entirety chain of events. I don’t know if they’ll continue this event or make an entirely new one, but I hope we can see the entire casts with tuxedo someday.
Wish Upon a Star ~Dance and Wishes~ Less than the story itself, I’m putting it in the third place because of the outfits and the BGM. May not be fair given this is a list of my favorite stories, but hey, the music makes me enjoy the story so…?
Unranked: Happy Beans Day ~Seize the Golden Harp~ and Master Chef events
3. Mahoyaku (MHYK)
[All title translations are taken from MHYK Resource Masterlist. Credit goes to the respective translator]
Oh, no I’m not going to pick only three with this one. What I’m going to do is to run through the list of events and pick all of the events I think are my favorites. Excluding main story 1 & 2, anniversary 1-3, the events taking place after the 3rd anniversary, below is the result.
Prelude of the Festival of Desire ~Western & Eastern~
Etude of the Frog Taking Shelter from the Rain ~Southern & Northern~
Ballad of the Dreaming Pilot ~Western & Central~
Ballad of the Dog Tamer’s Prayer to the Northern Lights ~Central & Western~
Paradox Roid (April Fool 2021)
Rhapsody of the Yearning Seaside Town ~Western & Southern~
Rhapsody of the Snowy Town Where Prayers Bloom ~Northern & Western~
Rhapsody of the Clinic Where Flowers Take Root ~Southern & Eastern~
Up to No Good Under the New Moon (Halloween 2021)
A Curious Fairytale and Candy
The Hand Which the Chocolat Queen Takes (Valentine 2022)
Let Your Feelings Age With Wine
Fantasia of the Artisan of Yore ~Southern & Eastern~
It’s tempting to give a commentary on each, but nothing I want to say hasn’t been said by someone else in MHYK fandom. Additionally, there are many other scenes in events unlisted above that decimated me completely, for example Figaro and Shylock’s conversation in West Etude, Murr and Figaro’s (Walpurgis 2020), White(adult)’s remark to Olivia, etc. This also includes the interactions in various log-in stories of all events and/or campaigns.
4. Yumekuro (YMKR)
[All title translations credit goes to @/yumekuro_en on twitter]
Looking at the in-game events gallery, I’m surprised to see that I haven’t read the majority of them. Because of that, I’m not sure if I should include YMKR but well… I did. The first four ones earn their sport because they have my favorite characters and the last solely because it Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland-themed event.
Love Wrapped in Ribbons of Gratitude
Chef Cuit vs Chaos Cooking
Onsen Village Overflowing With Love
Make a Wish on This Holy Night
Wonder Tea Party
5. Akuneko (AKNK)
The easiest franchise to do. It didn’t even take more than five minutes, I think. Without further ado, here they are.
The Black Tea Party ― I seriously hope they’ll do some sort of continuation of this event. The premise is interesting and certainly has room for more complex development. Even better if they can tie it into the main story.
The Captive Dolls ― Probably because we don’t see Lato much in the main story, and precisely because we’re going to see him soon, this event becomes twice as intriguing to me.
Strawberry Garden & Rose Valentine (Valentine 2022) ― Simple but heartwarming and entertaining enough for me.
Additionally, Masquerade Jewel… though more because of the outfits rather than the story, haha.
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writersdare · 1 year
100+ followers celebration ♡
Requests are open! New prompt list is here.
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We hit 100+ followers, and I’ve noticed it only now!
This little number means actually a lot to me, as I still remember how uncertain I was about creating this blog. I know there weren’t much updates lately, but I am still here, and I am writing, just a bit slower than before ♡ My life became really messy past few months, but it’s getting better now.
Seeing that you still respond to my stories inspires me to continue to create, so thank you so much, honestly. I decided to open requests for about a week or two to celebrate this pretty number.
I won’t be able to write a proper story for now, so I can promise you drabbles only (less than 1 000 words). I’m also taking reaction (SMAU example or written) requests! Simply let me know what format you prefer.
I’ll write for: 5SOS, Stray Kids and BTS.
You can use the new prompt list to request or suggest your idea. Please do not use my old prompt list.
Let’s celebrate together! 
Masterlist | Taglist 
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i’m smaller than most of my friends
my feet are small
one of my parents/siblings has the same hair color as me
my hair is naturally straight
i think i have nice arms/hands
i tan easily
none of my parents/siblings has the same eye color as me
i have dimples
my forehead is big
i wear contacts/glasses
i’m ginger and i have freckles
i hate shaving
i go on manicure/pedicure
i do my eyebrows
i own at least one item from adidas and/or nike
i tattoed/pierced myself
i was on diet
i have pimples
i do my makeup everyday
i love necklaces
i have/had dyed hair
i own 4 or more pairs of jeans
i had undergone plastic surgery
how to dance limbo?
the story of how my parents met?
how to swear in three or more languages?
more than 3.14 of pi?
when’s my best friend’s birthday?
how to french kiss?
what goes after “in west philadelphia born and raised…”?
name all of Kardashians?
how to ride a bike?
made out
made lasagna
slapped/punched somebody
made a surprise party
smoked weed
ridden on motorcycle
spent whole night without sleeping
cooked a meal for somebody
made it to the second base
let somebody treat me like shit
been told that i was pretty/smart
kissed somebody you didn’t feel attracted to
cried after reading a book
go on university/college (already have)
get married
write a book
adopt a child (maybe)
start a band
go on audition for a show
do extreme sports?
be without internet for a whole week?
forgive your significant other for cheating on you?
live without fast food for a whole year for 500 00$?
jump from Eiffel Tower for 1MIL$?
live like amish for 1 year for 500 000$?
sing in front of your whole school for free netflix for the rest of your life?
make out with your best friend’s significant other for 800$?
do you have friends on facebook that you never met in real life?
do you have tumblr best friend?
did you ever post photo of your meal on instagram?
did a celebrity ever replied/followed/retweeted you/your post on any social media?
do you have stardoll account?
have you ever stalked somebody on social media?
do your friends know your wifi password?
have you ever illegaly downloaded music/movies/tv shows/books?
nice shoulders or nice arms
collarbones or hipbones
flat stomach or long legs
lips or eyes
curly hair or straight hair
six pack or nice arms
long eyelashes or nice eyebrows
funny or romantic
have you ever seen a cow in real life?
did you ever swim in a river
have you ever talked to your pet?
have you ever helped your friend get ready for a date?
were you ever been in a love triangle?
did you put your name in the goblet of fire?
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delcakoo · 2 years
hi! we’re matching pfps☺️but anyways, i wanted to say that i absolutely love your fics. the way you write them and how you portray each character is so well written its insane. i saw you reached 2.3k so congrats on that!! you totally deserve it and so much more:)
going into more detail tho, camellia is so good!! i love the royal trope alot!! its such a fun piece to read especially since the reader is obviously not aware that jungwon is prince and all. plus the dynamic between the two is fun and playful which i think you dont rlly find that often!! :) absolutely love it!!
behind the net! one of my favs!! its actually how i came across to your acc. such a good and cliche fic. especially with the enemies to lovers. it wasn’t too long were it was getting too over the top, but it wasnt too fast where niki hated the reader for like 2 days yk? and also the classic miscommunication is jus *chefs kiss*. i also loved how at the end niki and the reader celebrated!! was vv cute :)
those are my tops i wont lie, the rest of your fics are outstanding but these 2 are my favs!! anyways i hope you enjoy your day/night further. i love you💞💞
OMG WE ARE :000 u have taste ishdjjd 🫶
oh my gosh :((( YOU’RE SO SWEET IM LITERALLY GONNA BURST INTO TEARS THIS MESSAGE IS SO LONG AND HEARTWARMING AND AIHSOSHDKFJD what did i do to deserve this 😭😭😭😭 you’re literally so nice thank yiu for complimenting my writing and providing me with such motivating words my dear 🥹🥹🫶 (i’m actually almost at 2.6k now idk how that happened ☹️)
AHH yes camellia is definitely a fan favorite it seems T-T which makes me happy as i love royal aus especially prince won a lot too!! THEIR PLAYFUL TEASING DYNAMIC IS VERY FUN I AGREE, DEF ONE OF MY FAVS TO WRITE!! (and continue writing in part 2 ofc 🙏🙏) and btn my one longfic (for now winks) 🫶🫶🫶🫶 that fic holds a special place in my heart cuz i always remember sitting on my couch spending hours writing scene after scene 😭 lord ISHSJS, IT MAKES ME VERY HAPPY TO KNOW I PACED IT WELL IN UR OPINION DESPITE IT BEING V CLICHE HEHEHDJ 💗💗💗
very good top favorites, i agree aiaHSJSHSM I LOVE YOU TOO :(((( would you like to be moots my love??? thank you so much again it rlly made my day reading all this 😭😭💗💗
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twentyfirstmatrix · 6 months
Currently writing a long fic, and I’m about to hit the six-month anniversary of the fic document’s creation date.
To celebrate, I decided to trawl through the document backups and the Discord chat I have with my exceptionally indifferent beta to find a series of datapoints containing several dates and the fic’s word count on each date.
Since then, I’ve been keeping daily tabs on the word count for more consistent data, even when I don’t write.
I proceeded to plot these points like a number-hungry goblin and discovered a few things:
1) I am a dog with a bone.
2) My beta deserves a medal for the number of times he’s had to endure me spamming the chat with incoherent plot points and unsolicited progress reports.
3) The sub 100K word count I anticipated is lying dead in a ditch with my soul clutched in its cold, lifeless fingers.
Here’s the graph that reveals the extent of my social life the word count over time to date:
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Note: x-axis dates are written dd/mm/yyyy
And yes, the y-axis is approaching 200 000.
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