#000 fixing – I’m suing to get the cash back
alpha-mag-media · 1 year
I’m refusing to leave after being evicted from the place I spent $80,000 fixing – I’m suing to get the cash back | In Trend Today
I’m refusing to leave after being evicted from the place I spent $80,000 fixing – I’m suing to get the cash back Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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lubdubsworld · 7 years
Sleepwalking to You , It’s out of my control ( Jhope/ OC)
Chapter 8 
ten , twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty , seventy.
I added the seventy thousand Won to the 750,000 Won I had and pulled out the calculator.
820,000 Won.
Which was still , 180,000 Won less than what i had to pay within the week.
I groaned, dropping my head into the table with a dull thud. I felt my phone buzz and ignored it. I did not want to hang up on Hoseok again. I'd spent the better part of the weekend doing just that, interspersed with cleaning the small apartment that Namjoon had rented out to me ( for dirt cheap rent that still made me wince ) . But the headache wasn't going away. I didn't want to go to Hansol again, so soon. I really didn't,. But the idea of having loan sharks on my tail felt even less appealing. ??I swallowed. I didn't want my neck slit in a dark alley.
I grabbed the phone, automatically ignoring the missed calls and moving to text him.
Fifteen minutes later, he called me back.
"Hey, babe. You wanna come over this week?" I tried to keep my voice steady.
"Who the fuck is this?" The voice was shrill, loud and  female.  
Oh, shit.
For a second, I stayed perfectly still, unable to digest what I'd just done. And then instinct, took over, fingers pressing down on the ' end call'' button, before fumbling with the case, stripping out the battery and tossing the disassembled phone on the bed, like it was a snake poised to strike. I stared at it, heart pounding.
His  wife.
Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.
What to do? What do I do?
I couldn't fathom the extent of damage that i'd caused, my mind screaming to put the battery back in and call Hansol again. Do something .
A wrong number. Say you got the wrong number.
"Oh, God, please..." I felt my lips wobble as I tried to fit the battery back in before dialing the number again.
"Hello..." This time her voice was even, calm.
"I'm so sorry, i dialed the wrong number and-"
"Just how stupid do you think I am?"
I swallowed, guilt and embarrassment filling up so hard and fast inside me .  How the hell did I sink to this?  This went against everything I believed in but...
"You've made a fool out of me this long. Treat me as an equal at least now. Meet me."
I bit my lips.
"5.00 PM in the cafe outside Hansol's office. " She said sharply.
I glanced at the clock. Ten minutes.
"What will you be wearing?" I said stupidly, realizing that I had no idea how she looked. Nothing.
She let out a little laugh.
"Don't worry about that. I'll find you."
The woman in front of me, Hansol's wife, looked too beautiful to be true. I sat perfectly still, my mind still drugged from self-disgust. In the cold light of day, choosing Hansol felt like a mistake. He had been married. I had known. But then, I had been married. And my husband had been with another woman.
Was that why I hadn't thought about it too much? Had my horrible marriage made me cynical towards the concept of marriage itself.
I felt sick. I didn't want to be a disillusioned woman who projected her hurt into other people . But it felt a bit like it was too late. I stared at her and suddenl;y words seemed way too paltry to apologize.
"You are younger than i thought." She said softly, staring at me with a soft smile.
I couldn't respond.
"I don't blame you. If he paid you to do it, then he's the idiot. You're just smart, aren't you? You saw an opportunity and you took it. " She used the small , thin spoon to stir sugar into her coffee.
"I won't see him again." I said softly. She laughed.
"Why not? My husband is a billionaire. I don't mind him tossing a few bucks to you. At least it keeps his filthy fucking paws off  me.  I should be thanking you really. " She raised an eyebrow.
She pulled out her purse and carefully placed the cash for the coffee on the table.
"My marriage isn't something I respect enough to fight you. Just tell Hansol that he's never coming anywhere near me ever again." She spat out before slowly turning on her heel and leaving.
I sat there for a long time, watching people come and go.
Suddenly, there seemed to be an icicle in my veins.
As I stood underneath the shower, letting the hot water rinse the shampoo out of my hair, I gripped the walls of the bathroom, willing myself to not just curl into a ball and cry. I didn't want to do it but apparently the universe wanted me to give up even the very last bit of my dignity. But then, if I was going to do, I would do it right.
It took me an hour to blow dry my hair and fix it, another hour to press my best dress and wear the only bit of jewelry I still owned. Hansol often bought me jewelry but I had that in a box. It wasn't going on me again. I sighed. Brushing my hair one last time, I smoothed lipstick on my lips, added very little eyeliner. I looked pretty.
I looked like my father's daughter.
The train to Seoul was packed but I did manage to land there , taking a cab to my father's office. Standing in the lobby, I realized that this was by far the worst moment of my life. To go back to the man I had always hated with a vengeance. To go back to a man who really did not deserve even an ounce of my respect or affection.
My father's assistant recognized me at once.
"Jiah!!" He gave me a wide eyed look of surprise before all but running into the huge private office that my father occupied.
Ten minutes later, i found myself staring at my father. He looked painfully familiar. The same arrogance etched in every feature. My father loved playing God. He had done it for so long without being challenged that he had a look of calculated cruelty in every gaze and gesture. I swallowed when he stood up and made his way over, giving me a cursory hug before pulling the chair out for me.
Ever the gentleman.
"To what do i owe the pleasure, child?" He said briskly.
"I need money." i said, deciding to cut to the chase.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Money?" He laughed. " What happened to your husband. I hear he's famous and successful now."
I swallowed.
"I'm not here to talk about Hoseok. I need money to -"
"Pay off the money you borrowed for that ungrateful wretch? Fine. How much?" My father pulled out his draw, grabbing his check book."
" 3, 500, 000 Won. " I said firmly and my father didn't bat an eyelash, signing the cheque. He carefully folded it and slipped it into an envelope sliding it down across the table. i waited.
"What do i get in return?" He grinned.
There it was.
"What do you want?" I gritted out.
He gave me a calculative look.
"I've chosen my next successor. If you're not with Hoseok, you should meet him. " He said thoughtfully.
I smiled.
"Still pimping your daughter out to your business associates daddy? Why so unoriginal?" I said sweetly and my father's jaw clenched.
"Watch you tongue , girl." He growled.
I shook my head.
"I don't jump loops for you anymore. I'm not meeting anyone. "
My father laughed.
"Are you going to pretend you haven't been sleeping with that no-good producer the past few motnhs? What's his name? Hansung? Han Su? Does Hoseok know about that?"
I froze, stunned.
"You had me followed." i said, voice shaking a little.
My father smirked.
"You always were a filthy little whore. Just like your mother. If you don't want to meet him then fine . i can have him meet you. "
I felt momentarily thrown.
"I'm not getting any younger. If you want me to fix your screw ups the least you can do is listen to me. " He snapped.
"I'm still.... I'm still married to Hoseok." I blurted out.
My father raised an eyebrow.
"Really? "
I hesitated.
"Stay here."
He stood up slowly and moved out.
I pulled my phone out, pretty sure what my father was up to.
To Jung Hoseok
If my father asks, we're still married
I typed and sent the text quickly.
He didn't reply and i felt foreboding rise inside me.
Please, Jung Hoseok,  just this once don't screw me over.
"Jagi? what are you doing here."
The door swung open and my husband stalked in followed by my father who looked amused. I stayed still as Hoseok came closer , giving me a wink before bending down, lightly gripping my arms and slotting his lips over mine. I fought the urge to shove him away, clenching my fists as he took full advantage of my helplessness using his teeth to tug on my lips , his tongue licking into my mouth.
My father cleared his throat conspicuously.
Hoseok pulled away slowly and I glared at him.
" If you two are still together, where is my grandchild?" My father snapped.
Hoseok went still while I shut my eyes in despair.
"Uh... grandchild?" He glanced at me in confusion and I turned to my father.
"We're not ready yet." I said softly.
"You will be. If you want me to pay off those loans. " My father snapped.
Hoseok frowned but thankfully did not ask. Yet. I pushed the thought away.
"We'll work on it..." i said lamely, for want of anything else to say. i wanted that money. I could deal with Jung Hoseok later.
"And you never contact that producer guy, Hansol  again. If I find you've been anywhere near him, you really don't want to know what will happen. I will not have my only daughter whoring herself out like a cheap tart." He growled. Next to me Hoseok stiffened inexorably.
"Alright, that's enough. " He said gruffly, grabbing my arm and yanking me out of the chair.
what the-?
"No, Hoseok wait-" I jumped a little when he bought his palm down on the desk startling me and my father.
"I don't care what the hell your problem is... You do not talk to  my wife that way. Either you apologize or we leave right now..."
My father gave me an amused smile.
"Are you sure Jiah? Your husband takes things too personally..."
"Damn right I take things personally when you're talking to my wife like-" I clamped a hand over his mouth but he knocked my arm away.
"Whatever it is, I don't care. Don't contact us again till you learn how to respect your daughter. " He snarled , before grabbing my wrist and all but dragging me out. I flinched at all the stares we got , finally pulling away when we managed to get into the elevator.
"One of these days , that temper of yours is going to land you in jail." i managed weakly.
why do you have to be ruin things even with the best of intentions? Is there an award for that?
"Interesting. " Hoseok said softly. " You know i almost changed my mind about following you earlier. Thought it was creepy. But i'm glad I didn't. Who the fuck is Hansol?"
Like you even have the right to ask me that,  I thought furiously. But i didn't reply, mind busy trying to find a way out of this situation. i was too tired, too wound up at the moment to actually focus on Hoseok. The shock of meeting Hansol's wife hadn't really worn out. And then my father and now Jung Hoseok.
"Are you going to hit me with that? Because that looks like it could hurt..." Hoseok muttered, staring warily at the bag in my hand.  i gripped it harder, willing myself to not give in to the impulse to let it fly.
"I'm not. But I may change my mind if you don't leave." I said softly.
"Come home with me. "
My heart jerked inside my ribcage, breathing suddenly difficult.
"No." It came out as a strangled whine. Hoseok reached out, palm closing over mine gently, each finger stroking its counterpart on my hand and I felt gooseflesh break out over my skin at the caress. The pads of his fingers felt so good against my skin, I wanted to weep.
"No funny stuff. I just want to talk... Please,  jagi..." He leaned closer, breath fanning across the top of my cheeks, chest pressing into the back of my shoulders and the air around us grew thicker, the breathing a little difficult and i gripped the bag tighter, well aware that what he was doing looked positively dirty in public.
"don't call me that." I hissed, before letting go of the bag and moving away subtly . He chased me across the elevator, leaning closer and lightly gripping my wrist, one arm coming around my shoulder to grip the other one, till he was caging me within his sturdy body. I stared at him, stunned.
"What are you doing?"
"My place. Or yours. if not, I'll pin you to the floor and kiss you senseless. " He raised an eyebrow. " What will Hansol say when you make the evening news?"
He gestured to the cctv that was probably recording us at the moment.
"Just talk. And then you leave." I choked out.
He nodded.
"My car is parked right-"
"Bus. We'll take the bus. And we'll go back to my place." i gritted out.
I still lived in the  same building as the studio and it didn't really have a place to receive guests. The bulk of the room was taken up by the bed and Hoseok stared at it for a second before swallowing and moving to lean on the window sill instead, I grabbed the small ottoman and settled on it, staring pointedly at the strip of wall next to him.
"Who's Hansol? Why did your father want you to stay away"  He said without preamble.
"None of your damn business. " i said casually.
"Are you fucking him? If he's married you probably shouldn't-"
"Finish that sentence and I swear to God, i'll rip your head off." I ground out.
He hesitated before smiling a little.
"When did you turn into such a little prickly pear? You never yelled at me before. Not that I'm complaining, it's kinda hot."
i glared at him.
"You're really not improving your chances of leaving this place alive."
He let out a bark of laughter before sobering up.
"Your father came to meet me yesterday."
I almost snapped my neck, as I stared at him.
"You didn't tell him we're divorced?"
I swallowed.
"If I did he would have married me off to someone else." I said honestly. Hoseok's gaze narrowed and he swore under his breath.
"He's still the jerk he was when he forced you to marry me." He said softly before sighing and moving to the bed. I watched the mattress sink under his weight and tried to get my head on straight.
"What did he want?" I said, suddenly aware that I really didn't even want to know. My father was just a horrible reminder of everything that was wrong with my life.
"He wanted me to sign a form that said we never consummated our marriage." He said softly.
I felt foreboding rise inside me , ice cold gingers gripping my insides as I tried to process that. It didn't make sense in any way.
"What for?" I whispered.
"I assumed he wanted me to annull the marriage. possibly to get you married to someone else. "
The cold began seeping out to my limbs, congealing in my toes and fingers and suddenly , I felt like I was freezing, the drop in body temperature making me wrap both my arms around myself. I shivered involuntarily before shaking my head.
"Did you tell him we're divorced."
Hoseok hesitated for a long minute.
"I think he's sick, Jiah."
I clenched my fists.
"So? I'm not a doctor." I spat out, miserable.
"That;s not what i meant. I think you're father is dying and he's really worried about not having a heir to take over the company. He wants someone from your bloodline to be the next successor. " He said softly.
"Well, he can wait all he wants because i'm never letting him ruin my life again." I said shrilly.
Hoseok made a low noise of comfort in the back of his throat before moving to kneel next to me. I was sitting on the ottoman but he still towered over me, palms brushing down the back of my head in a soothing gesture that made my eyes flutter shut. I almost leaned into the touch before reminding myself that the comfort wasn't something i should be relying on. Not when i knew how painful it felt when it got ripped away from me again.
"It's okay. Don't worry. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."
I finally let my eyes open and stared at him. He was so close.
So close.
"Why did you leave me?" I whispered, my voice breaking a little, soft and child-like.
Hoseok bit his lips.
"I thought you deserved better. " He said, thumb reaching out to brush below my eyes. Was i crying?
"And Hyeri..."
"Remember when I told you about buying an apartment."
I frowned. That was ages ago.
"I broke up with her even then."
Heart attack.
I swallowed.
"Then why would you put me through hell?" I whispered.
Hoseok gripped my palms, fingers tight on mine.
"I'll beg your forgiveness for the rest of my life.." He rasped out.
"I don't want you to. What am I going to do with it anyway? I just... I don't know what to do with all these feelings inside me. I don't know if I should hate you or forgive you or ignore you. And I'm so tired that trying to figure it all out makes me feel worse. " I choked out.
Hoseok moved closer, fingers moving up to bury in the strands at the back of my head, soft and searching as they sifted through the dark brown locks. I turned around against my own better judgement, staring at him. He looked different in a way i couldn't explain, a sort of maturity to his face. The laugh lines seemed faded and I couldn't help reaching out, pressing my palm against his cheek, watching the way his eyes fluttered shut at that. His skin felt soft beneath my palm and I pulled away reluctantly.
"I missed you. " He said softly.
I smiled bleakly.
"Did you? " I looked away. " You did pretty well. You're dancing again. You're famous. Rich." I pointed out.
"It's hard to spend every second of your day, fighting with your mind and body. Trying to make your legs work when they really just want to give up. " He said.
I shook my head.
"I offered to come see you. You wouldn't let me." I pointed out.
"I was afraid if I saw you, I'd change my mind about letting you go. "
I didn't reply.
"I know." he said suddenly.
I blinked.
"You know what?"
"That we had sex that night." he looked away. .  " When we got drunk.But you were so intent on denying it, I thought you wanted to pretend it never happened." He whispered.
I scoffed.
"And the reason you told me that you still loved Hyeri was..."
"i thought it would help you move on..."
And really there was a pattern here, wasn't there, I thought miserably.
"You're always thinking about what i should or shouldn't do, Hoseok.... And honestly.... Why do you get to decide what  I want..."  I said genuinely curious. That made him pause, a red flush creeping up his neck.
"I'm sor-"
"Don't apologize. Please don't." I said, tired. My eyelids felt heavy. Fingers crept up my shoulder, digging into my skin and strangling a moan out of me.
"Let me make it up to you. Just... let me take care of you..."
I shook my head.
"I'm not looking for a hero." i said weakly.
He shrugged.
"I just... let me just keep the bad guy s away okay? Let me take you out to dinner once in a while. Help you smile a little. That's all i'm asking. And yeah, maybe break the bones of anyone who tries to hurt you." He winked.
I sighed, defeated.
"I can't do this right now, Hoseok. i really can't. I'm not... i don't know. i'm not mad at you. I don't think I ever was but I'm not ready for a relationship. I really am not. You should probably just leave. "
Hoseok didn't argue, quietly standing up and dropping a kiss on top of my head before moving away.
"I'll come see you tomorrow. " He slowly closed the door behind him and I collapsed on the bed.
"You want to what?" Hansol spat out, looking stunned. His eyes all but bulged out.
"I want us to stop. Your wife knows..."
"So what? i don't give a shit if she knows and like hell we're going to stop. We stop when I say we stop, alright, baby girl?" He sneered, reaching out to grip my arm but i moved away quickly.
"Don't be stupid. " I said impatiently. " This was never on your terms. it was always on my terms and I do not want to do this anymore. That's it. " I moved to leave but he grabbed my arm again, his grip bruising my skin as he pulled me closer.
"Is this about your husband. Because I swear I can fuck you twice as hard as that fucker..." He snapped.
I had a sudden flashback of Hobi grinding on the dance floor and stifled the smirk.
" Highly doubtful. He’s a dancer. Now let me go before I do something to that pretty face of yours." I began but the next second a hand like a ham shot out and whipped me across the face, my face stinging and lip splitting open in a second. I whimpered, clutching my face when i finally caught a glimpse of Hansol. He looked like he was frothing at the mouth and I stumbled back, stunned.
"You little slut. You think  you can reject me.  ? Do you know who i am?" He ground out his voice raspy and loud.
i stared at him in disbelief.
"Are you out of your mind?" I couldn't believe he had actually  hit me.  
"Maybe i am. Did you honestly think you can come here and break up with me and leave unscathed?" He sneered, moving closer.
I was saved the trouble of responding when the door to his office swung open, revealing his secretary. While he stared at her in surprise, I quickly, slipped out of the room and ran all the way to the fire staircase, certain that he was going to come after me. By the time i reached my apartment, I realized that the sting had faded,Sighing, I dropped to the floor , trying to catch my breath.
"I can't believe all the crap i had to go through in the past 48 hours." I thought miserably.
Stepping up to the mirror, i examined the cut lip, wincing.
I had to come up with a proper excuse for tomorrow.
One that would not have my husband  committing homicide.
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