#000 coding ... enemies
jcollinswrites · 1 month
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This tale sweeps you up and drops you back 3500 years into the past, straight onto the banks of the Nile, in the glory days of the Egyptian Empire. Under the looming threat of war, some powerful artifacts have been stolen and the king entrusts you with their recovery. You don't know what awaits you on this journey but you know one thing for sure: if you don't catch the enemies of the empire, you will risk open war and even execution. Take your fate into your own hands, solve mysteries, meet new friends, fall in love, learn about magic, monsters, spirits, and gods and have fun in the ancient Egyptian kingdom in this historical fantasy novel.
Choose from 4 different backgrounds, each with a unique backstory: noble, priest, captain of the city guard, or a petty thief.
Play as male, female or non-binary; gay, straight or bi.
Build friendships, rivalries, or find love with a young prince, a mysterious spymaster, a brooding spirit, an elite warrior… or even the pharaoh himself.
Play as a merciful defender of justice or a ruthless executioner.
Warning: This story is a work of fiction. As much as I like historical accuracy, this is NOT historically accurate and isn't meant to be. The story also includes depictions of violence, swearing (lots of swearing, seriously), dealing with trauma, death and other subjects that can be upsetting for certain readers. It is recommended for mature audiences only. Read at your own discretion.
I will include a complete list of triggering content as the story goes on. In the future, I will also add optional sexual content that you will be able to turn on or off at your own discretion.
Currently, the demo includes:
Chapter 1 with the complete thief, noble, and priest origins
The first scene of chapter 2 with a thief, noble or priest character
Word count (with code): around 169 000 words
Average playthrough on any origin: around 20 000 words
Last update: 20. Sep. 2024.
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ninjastar107 · 20 days
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'I'm coming too.' '!?' 'I don't like owing people. You helped me from forgetting everything, lets make sure no one forgets you.'
So! mmRAM!au pseudo game, Rockman World: Red Shift!
The premise is that Quint, who was shaken out of his thoughts of absolute fate, wants to get back to his own timeline/future. In his absence, Wily had once again turned robots against humanity! With no one to stop him, Roll has taken it upon herself to become a hero!
However, shortly after her journey begins, A vortex opens where Quint and Protoman emerge, ready to set the record straight.
(Some small notes about this:
-Blues doesn't exist in the timeline that Quint is from- or rather, he was never revitalized. It was Blue's existence in the past/other timeline that made him realize that perhaps his fate isn't sealed.
-Quint feels conflicted about going home to Light. He worries that he may never be the same household robot he once was, but the spirit of justice still a constant in his coding.
-Blues is there for moral support! in mmRAM!au hes really not supposed to be a fighting robot, despite Wilys modifications to him. He plays the role of a support class or a scout. -- I think he'd feel kind of bad about meeting Tempo Quake woman as an enemy. He doesn't want to hurt her because he knows she didn't have a choice to be combat-modified, but on the other hand.. he doesn't want to turn to paste.
-Quint and Roll meet up, and Roll doesn't recognize him at first. the two fight before Blues appears and tries to explain everything. Roll doesn't trust either of them (She's been tricked a few times on her quest), but by order of 'enemy of my enemy is my friend', decides to let them help.
-Since Protoman doesn't exist, Megman 5 never happened and 4 went a little differently. That is why some of the MM5 robot masters are in the roster, for funsies! -- On another note, the droid on the lower left corner is SRN.000 - Moon. Fan Robot master of course, a star droid who wasn't with the others. -- The other fan Robot master is bet-Woman! Her motif is gold coins! )
Oh! Thanks for reading, here's your bonus of the background without any of the filters n things!
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basicallyawoodnymph · 8 months
Here to remind you that Israel is IN FACT commiting genocide on Palestine.
Israel has commited ten out of the ten recognized steps to genocide. the first one is classification, which is traditionally done using stereotypes to create an "us" vs "them" mentality, israel has done this by saying all palestinians are terrorists/uneducated and have furthered it by calling them animals.
Stage 2 is symbolisation, to differentiate between the people from the group they wish to exterminate and others, israel has done this with colour-coded identity documents and car licence plates in the West Bank, yellow for the settlers, white for palestinians
Stage three is discrimination, israel has done this using specific legislation such as the pre-Nakba denial of the right of return, constraints on political parties and trade unions, the demolition of homes, the deprivation of essential services like electricity, water and roads in the Naqab desert, refusal of permits for the construction of wells, the implementation of segregated school systems, the denial of access to agricultural land, extrajudicial killings, forced removals and the expropriation of land.
stage four is dehuminisation, which entails the desensitisation of Israeli society to the looming prospect of genocide. This desensitisation is evident in various instances of dehumanising rhetoric. Notably, in 2014, Israeli politician Ayelet Shaked, who later became the justice minister in the Israeli coalition government, advocated for the genocide of Palestinians on Facebook. She characterised the "entire Palestinian people" as "the enemy". She explicitly called for the "slaughtering of Palestinian mothers who give birth to 'little snakes". Such dehumanising language has also been echoed by Yoav Gallant, Israel's defence minister, who referred to Palestinians as "animals", justifying their inhumane treatment.
step 5 is organisation and includes arming militant settler groups and motivating Israeli soldiers to act with impunity. The Israeli army has provided weapons to settler groups, and there are instances of incitement to violence against Palestinians. This includes individuals such as Ezra Yachin, an Israeli army reservist, who has urged fellow Israelis to "erase the memory" of Palestinians. In a video featured by the news website 'Middle East Eye', Yachin is seen encouraging "every armed Jew" to take action against Palestinians, with a stated objective of obliterating their presence. Yachin, a former combat soldier who played a role in the Deir Yassin massacre, was called on to "inspire" Israeli army personnel amid the ongoing bombardment of Gaza.
Step six is polarisation. This includes spreading hate propaganda and fear-mongering to the extent that people believe that "if we don't kill them, they will kiss us". It also works to justify all violence against Palestinians and creates the false notion that the israelis are the victims. Additionally, the israeli government has implemented emergency regulations that allow the suspension of foreign news channels.
Stage seven is preparation and involves making plans for mass exterminatiom. In the past months Israel has called up more than 300 000 reservists, the US has sent two warships supplying Israel with ammunition and military air and Israeli Occupation forcez have amassed around Gaza while other IOF, together with militant settlers, are perpetrating crimes in the occupied West Bank in places like Hebron and Jenin.
Stage eight is persecution, which mirrors the harrowing circumstances witnessed in Gaza over the past 16 years. The Israeli apartheid state has laid siege to Gaza, imposing a gradual genocide by depriving its inhabitants of essential resources such as water, food and medicines. The systematic confiscation of land, forced displacement, and the enforced confinement of the population into segregated areas showcases this.
Stage nine, denoted as extermination, is already upon us. In a mere six days, Israel dropped 6 000 bombs on Gaza, resulting in the erasure of 47 families (and counting) from official records. Hospitals, schools, refugee convoys, mosques, churches and residential buildings have all become targets of bombings. While all eyes are on Gaza, Israel settlers have attacked the West Bank. Additionally, Israel has used white phosphorus and tested new weaponry, leading a Gaza doctor to describe the horrifying effects as "4th-degree burns", prompting urgent calls to halt the genocide. Antony Loewenstein, author of The Palestine Laboratory, adds that we must not ignore the reality that Israel has spent decades utilising a wide of tools and technologies on Palestinians to exert control over them.
Step 10 is denial, and Zionists are already helping bring this step forward by denying the very existence of the genocide and israel's war crimes.
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
Canto IV Predictions
Some of these are based on stuff I’ve put together based on the trailers. Some of them are just me wildly speculating contentless behavior style. Also, they’re in no particular order.
Samjo will be relevant, whether he actually reappears or is implied to be doing something in the background.
One of the inciting events of the chapter will be a reveal of another K Corp emergency Code.
We’ll have an Abnormality fight outside of the final Dungeon (the bull appearing in a CG and in the level select background teased in the trailer suggests it).
K Corp’s Nest will get Absolutely fucking Wrecked.
The chapter will eventually lead to some sort of K Corp laboratory (battle backgrounds in some of the latter sections of the trailer).
The new enemies we see in the trailers, as well as Meursault and Rodion’s new IDs will be neither Thumb nor Leaflet Workshop, but a secret third thing - a different, new workshop. Potentially related to YuRia from Distortion Detective, since Rodya’s new ID has a weapon very similar to YuRia’s?
Meursault’s ID will be 00, as it’s the exact same outfit and weapon as one of the default enemies. Rodya’s ID will be 000, as it’s a much more elaborate outfit. Also, it would fit with Meursault already having two 000s and Rodya already having two 00s.
Mystery Raiden has connections to K Corp (based purely on the small strip of K Corp’s bright green seen on the briefly visible bit of their clothes).
There will be at least one Metal Gear reference after Mystery Raiden shows up.
We’ll get a Season 2 ID based on Mystery Raiden.
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Baratheons to blame
You know what? When talking about the shit happened to Westeros people usually blame Ned Stark for his insane moral code and political incompetence, Lannisters for being, well, Lannisters, Robb Stark for his naivety, sometimes Sansa Stark for trusting Cersei.
And I've yet to see even one essay dedicated to Baratheons. One of them was butchering the whole country for a decade, others chose to be literal children effectively giving Westeros to Lannisters.
So let's talk about this.
Robert Baratheon.
Well, say it wasn't his mistake to become a king - Baratheons are related to Targaryens, he had people supporting him and loving him, he was known amongst little folks. Even without political intelligence he was a legit option and perhaps the only one that wouldn't raise any question or create an opposition immediately.
Let's say even marrying Cersei wasn't a political mistake at that time - new dynasty needed gold and supplies, winter was coming soon, and Robert needed all the Great Houses support he could get.
But after that? It's inexcusable.
Many words were written I won't repeat them. My biggest issues are - 6 millions debt, not listening to advisers or at least Jon Arryn and later Ned and giving Storm's End to Renly. How the hell the latter happened and what were the reasons - I still don't understand the mechanism.
But Robert didn't care, didn't listen, he created the state of Westeros that it is now, it's a simple constant and starting point of the series, let's move on.
Renly and Stannis Baratheon.
It was the simple equation. The easiest one.
Tywin Lannister had his 12 000 people in Harrenhal plus an abstract army that was still being gathering in Lannisport - so let's say there were 16 000 people total. 20 000 max.
King's Landing was unprotected af.
Robb was also against Lannisters with his 25 000 people or something around this (and he was also theoretically okay with Stannis as a king).
Stannis had his ships and war strategy skills (and dark magic, but no one knew yet).
Renly had more than 90 000 people.
The simplest solution should be to combine Baratheons, annihilate Lannisters and King's Landing and then discuss the terms of sovereignity or allegiances between themselves. They had no bad blood between them and Robb, just childish grudges amongst Renly and Stannis.
Maybe - even if they didn't agree they could just attack Lannisters from different frontlines and then fight amongst themselves - stupid but still reasonable.
You know - "let's deal with the biggest issue first" style.
But no.
Renly decided to become a king literally out of nowhere - he said so himself. Stannis instead of being smart about it held onto stupid grudges against literally everyone. Oh, his brother didn't love him enough, oh, Ned Stark saved his life just because Robert told him so, oh, Renly took his Storm's End, even the Seven did him wrong! Just put on some big boy pants, man!
I know that that's the whole point of their conflict - it's in Catelyn's chapters, but it just frustrates me af.
Robert was just a bad ruler - that happens, I'm sure there were lots of unfit rulers in Westerosi history.
Ned made a mistake of trusting people he shouldn't had - but he was also very new to all of this shit. Man tried to do something but then failed - that happens sometimes.
Robb basically also made a mistake of underestimating enemy's vile and Frey's disloyalty. Stupid, yes, but he also tried to do something while being inexperienced teenage boy.
Lannisters? Vile, atrocious and horrible people - politically smart and looking out for their family's best interests. Understandable.
Blaming a child - just ridiculous.
But these two? Both adults, having either military or state experience? Just doing fucking nothing because of stubbornness and absolutely childish grudges against each other? While knowing that this war was destroying the whole country? That people are being killed? That Lannisters are getting stronger, not weaker?
That's not even stupid, that's just inadequate.
Amongst all the horrors and injustice happening in Westeros Robert, Stannis and Renly are simply the worst
(well, after the mountain and boltons, but you get the point. stop blaming ned)
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New Moves: Molly
Some ideas and concepts for possible moves and abilities the Epithet Erased cast could get in the future as well as new ways they could learn to use their current moves: starting with Molly!
Lullaby: Molly can dumb down a person's senses, slowly lulling them to sleep.
Anodyne Armour: By coating herself in dumbing energy, Molly can passively reduce incoming damage.
Dullify: Molly can dumb down a person's epithet, weakening it or nullifying its effects on her, or even temporarily erasing it.
Stupor Aura: By imbuing her epithet into weapons or even her own fists, Molly can cause her attacks to temporarily daze or confuse opponents, or even weaken their epithets as with Dullify.
Simplify: Molly can dumb down a code, program or algorithm: a number combination to '000', a complex code to 'password', a paragraph of script to an error message: the more complex the code, the more Stamina and Proficiency required to break it down.
Ataractic Aura: Molly can emit a soothing balm with her epithet, calming the emotions of others nearby. This can be used to defuse situations, dispel mind-altering effects, or manipulate would-be-foes.
Dampening Bubble: Molly can create a bubble of dumbing energy that dampens certain kinds of energy, allowing her to do things such as dispel heat and snuff out flames, insulate electric currents, and even shield herself from energy-based attacks.
Slow Down (Orbit Class Move): Molly can temporarily dumb down the kinetic energy in an area, slowing everything inside for a moment.
Null Bubble (Orbit Class Move): The equal and opposite to Lorelai's Dream Bubbles. A large bubble that's bigger on the inside and dumbs down everything inside it: muffling sounds, dulling pain, dampening energy, calming emotions, slowing cognition, nullifying others' epithets and even boosting Molly's own abilities.
Nebula (Orbit Class Move): By surrounding herself with her epithet, Molly can muddle and blur her image into a murky silhouette. She can use this on nearby allies as well, and it can be used for stealth, to make it harder for enemies to hit her, or simply to avoid recognition.
Nadir (Orbit Class Move): Molly can temporarily dumb a target down to its most diminished and harmless form: A redwood tree to a potted plant, a person to a doll or baby, even a giant monster to an amoeba or an entire server room to a handful of encoded paper strips.
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kozuwhore · 3 months
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[ ♡ ] LIVCHU ⨾ also known as chuliv, nakatome and saohara.
000 ─ FIRST MEETING the port mafia is a dangerous organisation in japan. the strongest survived and the weakest were left for dead, so why the hell did someone like olivia join people like that? it's not like she couldn't go back now; she's already rented a small apartment and vowed to her mother that she'll come back to the uk with a fresh personality that was guaranteed to make the elder woman happy about having a better, strong willed older sister. even if that meant patching up japan's most wanted criminals.
as a nurse-in-training, olivia was lucky enough to not get sent out to help those who are injured and only waited for her co-workers to return. one co-worker in particular was osamu dazai, her suicidal and eccentric best friend. sure, they both have different reasons as to why they're in the mafia and they might not be the most ideal people to befriend, but at least they made it work and could only look forward to a better future. but in dazai's case, he felt as though he wanted to die more and more after meeting a certain ginger named chuuya nakahara.
per usual, olivia was waiting at the port mafia base, reading one of the few mangas she brought with her upon moving only to be disrupted by the sounds of loud bickering entering the room. naturally, she grew annoyed at dazai as she recognised his voice, but soon shut her mouth when taking notice of chuuya next to him. he wasn't that much taller than her, but she was sure the rest of his height went straight to his quick to anger attitude as he asked her "what the hell she was looking at".
not only does she have to suffer from the mental distress of having a suicidal friend, but now she has a cocky smartass on her case too. 'hopefully the boys aren't as bad as back home' she said and now she wants to shoot herself for thinking different.
001 ─ STATUS OF RELATIONSHIP ↳ married (current) ↳ friends / exs (former)
002 ─ TROUPES ↳ one head taller ↳ like an old married couple ↳ childhood friends romance ↳ unresolved sexual tension ↳ break her heart to save her ↳ everyone can see it ↳ red oni, blue oni ↳ achilles heel ↳ heroes want redheads ↳ the damn big kiss ↳ held gaze ↳ enemies to lovers ↳ love is a weakness ↳ all girls want bad boys ↳ brooding boy, gentle girl
003 ─ PLAYLIST ↳ bad romance by lady gaga ↳ hard boy by frawley ↳ the archer by taylor swift ↳ dress by taylor swift ↳ animals by maroon five ↳ criminal by britney spears ↳ i don't wanna live forever by zayn ft taylor swift ↳ eyes don't lie by isabela larosa ↳ friends by chase atlantic ↳ hate me by ellie goulding ft juice wrld
004 ─ COUPLE THINGS ↳ secret meet ups ↳ code names when talking to friends (nicknames) ↳ reading each other to sleep ↳ try new restaurants ↳ slow dancing ↳ playing piano ↳ gift giving ↳ skincare / facemasks ↳ adjusting a piece of clothing ↳ making out behind places with their coworkers are nearby ↳ matching promise rings on necklaces ↳ polaroid pictures in pockets ↳ doing each other's hair
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terralong · 2 years
Sc2 wings of liberty missions
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This will use the closest queen to cast "Inject Larvae", without having to press each time. Hold, then press to jump between each hatch and that hatch. Successfully complete Campaign mode to unlock the "Terran Up the Night" song. Successfully complete Campaign mode to change the appearance of the background screens. the arcade machine at the Cantina on the Hyperion to play a space shooter mini-game. Thus, you must go to the load menu and load a game from before Char to play the mission. Note: You cannot play the secret mission after going to Char, as you have to go to another planet. The "Piercing The Shroud" secret mission will now be accessible through the Star Map. Pick the "secret documents" up with any ground unit, and then complete the mission as normal. Once the building is destroyed, "secret documents" will be revealed. There is a pathway to the building from the small enemy expansion base that is just north of the player's starting position. Destroy the red civilian building on the little floating platform. In the "Media Blitz" mission, where you control the Odin in the city, go to the far bottom-right corner of the map. Then, type one of the following codes and press to activate the corresponding cheat function: Resultĭisplay the sine of three angles: 180, 90, and pi While playing the Lost Viking mini-game, press to display the console window. Some codes from: Randy and Mike Bowers Cheat Codes (Lost Viking mini-game) Resultĥ,000 Terrazine on custom maps using TerrazineĪdditionally, the following codes are only available in versions prior to v1.3.0: Result Note: Enabling cheat codes, except for the " overengineeredcodpiece" code, will prevent achievements from being earned until a new game is started or a saved game is loaded. Then, type one of the following codes and press to activate the corresponding cheat function. While playing the game, press to display the console window.
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0 notes
calxide · 2 years
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✰ “i'll catch you the next time you fall.”
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⋆⁺ ⋆⁺₊⋆ pairing — scaramouche x fem! reader [ college!au | SMAU ]
⋆⁺ side pairings mentioned — xiaoven, xingyun, yantao, kaebedo | mentioned only once to thrice: ayamiya, eimiko, thomato
⋆⁺ synopsis — Scaramouche, the person who tripped you on purpose just to see your despair expression on your face, hates how you always appear so happy in front of other people. He hated the fact that you find life enjoyable, unlike him. You, of course, hated him back. You don't understand why he goes to the extent to see your face crinkle in pure dismay. But what if you realize that the person who always laughs at your misery isn't so insufferable after you get to know him?
⋆⁺ warnings — heavy cursing, crack, fluff, enemies to lovers, slowburn (? – not rlly), family issues, written parts + more will be added in the future.
⋆⁺ status — COMPLETED | 220422 to 220722
⋆⁺ bonus/special chapters will be released soon!
⋆⁺ tags used – #◇—smau: abyssal love (formerly #abyssal love smau) & #◇—calx's collection
✰ author's note — please ignore the timestamps and dates ! this is my first smau and my very first contribution to the genshin impact community :) likes & reblogs are very much appreciated!
✧ profiles ー explosive hoes | harbingers of chaos
000 PROLOGUE scaramouche? such an ugly name (0.4k words)
001 chaos... start!
002 denial
003 detention (0.2k words)
004 lowkey deserved
005 miss ayaka!
006 warning
007 spill the tea, please!
008 broken da broken
009 friend of the year
010 brilliant idea
011 chemistry assignment
012 fan behavior much?
013 bitchless
014 best friends
015 most chaotic duo (0.7k words)
016 code xxaxaxxx
017 bros before hoes!
018 “fighting” more like “flirting”
019 a cute duck
020 am i not enough?
021 soft (0.5k words)
022 a bad saturday (1.3k words)
023 meow or no info.
024 we need context (0.6k words)
025 betting on MY love life?
026 couples disgust me
027 let's end this stupid act of ours (1.2k words)
028 90% off coupons
029 apologize
030 my neighbor tuonto
031 venti caramel frappuccino (1.5k words)
032 xingqiu please make a scara x yn fanfic
033 exam season is almost here
034 study (date) (3.4k words)
035 a pouty love interest and a clingy best friend
036 i thought idiots don't get sick (1.6k words)
037 i love you more, you idiot
038 kiss me when you're sober, darling (1.7k words)
039 you are so random
040 nothing to be scared of if i'm with you (0.4k words)
041 redemption – forgiveness & love
042 scarabitch! (affectionate) (0.8k words)
043 deeper than the abyss (2.1k words)
044 EPILOGUE deja vu
special chapters.
1. donna? /this/ donna?!
2. shutterwhat [read after 002]
3. y/n & co. shenanigans [read before 015] — TBR
4. wedding bells [read after 044/epilogue] — TBR
TBA... [unreleased chapter names may change]
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queenxnorth · 4 years
tag dump
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927roses-and-stuff · 4 years
Miracles in Gotham: Chapter 3: Unwelcome Discoveries (Part 1)
Hey, guys! This fic is inspired by @ozmav mav’s Maribat AU. Shoutout to @mystery-5-5  for brainstorming ideas with me for this fic. 
Midterms have got me acting up. Despite the quarantine, I literally wasn’t motivated to write until the moment I could use writing to procrastinate. Absolutely brilliant logic. Truly. Thank you guys so much for the wait and I hope you enjoy this chapter.  
If you want to see more, follow: #miraclesingotham or ask to be added to the tag list.
P.S. For the sake of continuity, I’m going to ignore the Heroes United thing because that episode was basically a fanfic of the fanfic and as much as I loved the animation and the new characters...I’ve seen better plots and explanations for a lot of the similar problems in the Maribat fandom. Also Sparrow is probably a reference to Batman, anyways. Also, canon has just gone out the window...I guess...whoops. 
P.P.S. Swearing tw, death tw. 
Please remember this is rated M for a reason. Also, it is my headcanon that not everyone who dies during the akuma attacks come back. Of course, it’s not mentioned in a children’s show, but I’ve always seen the Miraculous Cure as a cure for physical, non-living objects as they’re easier to fix, and lives take a lot more effort and energy from the user to revive. And since Marinette is a child, there’s not going to be a lot of energy to spare.
Tag list: @northernbluetongue @spicybelladonna @my-name-is-michell @legendaryneckjudgestudent @lokiifriggasonn @zerotosiki
First Previous Next Fanfic
To the members of the Justice League…
I am writing to you as Chat Noir, superhero of Paris and holder of the Black Cat Miraculous of Destruction, and partner to Ladybug, the official Guardian and the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous of Creation. I come to you with a plea similar to ones that we have sent you a year ago. The magical terrorist, Hawkmoth, is still at large here in Paris, France. If you are not aware of who he is, Hawkmoth is a domestic terrorist in Paris who relies on the power of the Butterfly Miraculous to create a physical and amplified manifestation of a person’s negative emotions, using the victim as a host, using magical butterflies as his form of transmission. These are called akumas. The akuma allows Hakwmoth to essentially get inside the mind of  his victims and manipulate and amplify their emotions.  We have been fortunate enough to have a failsafe in Ladybug, who can repair any physical damages, and even bring back lives, from these attacks. However, both Ladybug and I have reached our wits’ ends with no lead to Hawkmoth’s true identity. The people of Paris are suffering both from emotional trauma and the physical trauma of being subjugated, manipulated, experiencing bouts of amnesia, and even resurrecting multiple times. Hawkmoth has even taken to exclusively targeting a middle-school class at College Francois-Dupont.
Ladybug and I are aware of the risks superhero presence may bring since we will not survive a fight if any more experienced superheroes such as yourselves are akumatized. However, I feel that we have no other choice. Our Master has recently been put out of commission and the rest of our comrades have had their identities compromised. Ladybug is now the Guardian of the rest of the Miraculous. And although she will not approve of my plea, even your  advice or insight will be of use to us.
Please consider our plight and contact us as soon as you can.
Chat Noir 
Bruce Wayne was not a perfect man, he will admit. However, he did pride himself on his sense of logic and adaptability to most situations, as long as they stayed within the mortal realms of believability that is. Magic, however, or anything pertaining to the supernatural was out of his forte; in fact, he often liked to pretend it did not exist despite having acquaintances and enemies whose entire lives revolved around it. There was a reason he did not tolerate the  prolonged presence of meta-humans in Gotham, after all. 
He re-read through the email once, twice, again and again, desperately wishing that it had not been his shift to look through the messages that the Justice League received on a daily basis. Why couldn’t it have been Superman or Wonder Woman? Or better yet, Dr. Fate or Zatanna, never mind the fact that the latter was technically retired. Any of them would’ve made sense of this gibberish that was laid out in front of him. 
Initially, he thought it had been a coded message. It made perfect sense, in his opinion. The only concrete fact he could dissect out of this nonsense was the presence of a domestic terrorist and how they were targeting some middle school students for whatever reason. His mind recalled  the recent conversation he had with André Bourgeois yesterday. Even he had mentioned a domestic terrorist going after his daughter’s class, which was why he reached out to Bruce, since Bruce would be the most fitted to protect them with his resources, despite Gotham being the crime capital of the world. He nodded to himself; the facts were consistent then. There was a terrorist and middle school students were the targets. 
On one of the other screen monitors, he had pulled up records of College Francois Dupont School for a background check using a VPN to connect to French service networks. Both the email from this Chat Noir (Selina would get a kick out of that) and André failed to mention the terrorist’s intentions with these kids. However, looking through the different classes, there had been a special note besides Mme. Bustier’s class that stated:
“High vulnerability to akumas.”
This was where Bruce was once again stumped. Of course, he really couldn’t deny the existence of magic, but accepting that meant accepting that the terrorist used magical butterflies as his form of attack. Bruce wasn’t a qualified psychologist or any sort of specialist, but surely magical butterflies could not give you emotional trauma, mind-control, or even as Chat Noir had implied, a means to murder. 
Bruce scanned through Mme. Bustier’s class to look for anything that might be different from other classes. If he recalled correctly, this was the same class that André’s kid was in. He took note of the name, Chloé Bourgeois, and other notable names such as Adrien Agreste (who’s father was a fashion mogul and a model in his own right), Lila Rossi (a diplomat’s daughter), Max Kanté (a genius, and he noted to himself to see if that held true when the class was under his supervision), Marinette Dupain-Cheng (the class president and the designer of a recent rock album according to Jason who had obsessed over the cover for a few weeks before Alfred confiscated it), and Alya Césaire (an aspiring journalist who ran a blog called the Ladyblog). 
Okay, he rationalized. While not all of these kids were significant, some, like the Mayor’s own daughter, would be prime targets for a terrorist, so that made some sort of sense in Bruce’s mind. 
He sighed again, wishing that he had a cup of coffee or an energy drink with him at the moment. Unfortunately, Tim’s recent addiction meant no one could have it. Bruce scoffed underneath his breath. Alfred had really weird rules when it came to show “family support.” Tim was a grown man who should suffer his own consequences. Alas, no one argues with Alfred lest they risked his wrath. 
Bruce hovered over the link under Mlle. Césaire’s file, the Ladyblog. Perhaps it would give him some answers. 
As a bright ladybug designed website popped up, Bruce realized he might have been so wrong. 
He scrolled through the website thoroughly from the latest posts to the earliest. He noticed a concerning trend where the later blog posts centered more around one of Césaire’s classmates, Lila Rossi, and shaky videos of a red and black spotted figurem and a black cat figure fleeing the scene, or fighting some sort of abomination that Bruce did not even attempt to understand. In one video it was the two heroes against a flock of pigeons, or a gigantic baby, or whatever else. Bruce had half a mind to dismiss the entire blog as based on falsities, however one of the videos caught his eye. 
It was a video titled: “Syren: Paris Going Underwater!!” 
That was concerning, considering a flooded Paris would’ve featured on international news, not just on an amateur blog by a middle schooler. Fortunately for him, the video quality was clearer, allowing him to watch as the camera recorded the scene of that day. 
Bruce jolted awake and snapped to attention when he realized it was being filmed on a rooftop, and that the water levels were still rising as the video progressed. From what the camera captured, there were only a handful of people on each rooftop; not even making up a fifth of the Parisian population in total. 
What the fuck?
Then, as the video concluded, gigantic swarms of red and white bugs (ladybugs?) filled the camera’s frame and when it disappeared, everything was back to what he presumed was normal. The video then faded to black, posting statistics that chilled Bruce to the fucking bone. 
“Death count: 1.528 million Parisians
Resurrection count: 1.51 million Parisians
Injured count: 10 000 Parisians
Permanent death count: 18 000 Parisians
In honour of the Parisians who were not revived and were injured during the attack, the Ladyblog, offers our condolences, and will help in any way we can online and offline.  The akuma victim, as always, will remain anonymous for safety purposes.  Links to help organizations and donation funds to the peoples and families affected will be posted below. Additional links will be posted for available online mental health services.”
And, if Chat Noir was to be believed, some people had died multiple times. 
After making sure the video was not doctored in any way (though that would be cruel to assume about a kid’s blog), Bruce sent Chat Noir’s email (along with the earlier videos from both heroes and an email from Marinette Dupain-Cheng that he had found) and all of the links he had amassed to his own computer in the Bat Cave before closing all the tabs on the monitors. Swerving around, he stormed to the Batmobile, eyebrows furrowed in solemnity. 
Magic or not, whatever terrorist was plaguing Paris had a pretty damn high casualty count, and the only people that were stopping him were this Ladybug and Chat Noir people, who did not seem to be properly equipped (the Ladybug heroine was using a yoyo, for fuck’s sake) to deal with someone of this power. Not to mention, Bruce winced, their mentor  was “out of commission” whatever that meant, with their peers being compromised, so they probably had no outside help.
And it seems, Bruce’s features darkened into a scowl, his dear friend André Bourgeois had a lot of explaining to do. Police department has it handled, his ass. 
In the meantime, he was going to make damn sure the class under his care would have a relaxing reprieve even if he had to lock up every villain in Arkham Asylum himself. 
Dear Diary, 
The talk with Chat was a bust. I know he thinks I don’t trust him, but I wish he knew how much I’m trying to, but it’s not as simple as he makes it out to be...right?  And of course I trust him with my life, but as the Guardian, I can’t just make impulsive decisions like going to other superheroes, especially when there’s no guarantee they would help us, or can even be trusted in the first place! And I can’t just reveal our identities to each other either. It would put Chat and the rest of the Miraculous at risk. And I really don’t want a repeat of Chat Blanc…
That future will never happen on my watch. I forbid it. 
Speaking of other superheroes, I think there might be someone though, who could help us, even a little bit. 
She wasn’t a Guardian, but she was a Ladybug user for a while and was really close to Master Fu. She must know something. She’s in London so she might not be available but...
I’ll check up on her today after class! If she has any helpful advice, I’ll be sure to share it with Chat too. 
Gotta go!
Scrambling to get ready, Marinette fumbled with her pigtails and shoulder bag simultaneously, trying to make sure that her pigtails were just right. Tikki zoomed around, helping her get ready by shoving stray pens and pencils into her pockets. When they were done, Marinette rushed downstairs, swiping one of the freshly-made quiche along the way. Just before she exited the store, she turned back to give her Maman and Papa a smooch. Hastily, she then left the bakery, the bakery’s bell ringing behind her as she sprinted to school. 
It was a mystery for most people, but despite living less than five minutes away from the school, Marinette was always late. Marinette liked to blame her Ladybug duties when Tikki asked, but she knew better. She had the habit of being late since before she knew the Miraculous existed. 
To be fair though, Marinette usually slept in because she was exhausted from schoolwork, designing,
and Ladybug duties. Was it her fault that Hawkmoth liked making 3 AM akumas? Was it her fault that coffee- for all the espresso and sugar she dumped into it, and despite all those hipster blogs saying otherwise- did nothing to help her stay awake? Of course not. If anything she was a victim here; a victim of late night akumas and faulty biology. 
Fortunately for her (and her quiche), she was actually earlier today than usual. She could see students milling around the courtyard behind the school. Some sat with their friend groups while others huddled to catch up on the homework from the night before. 
Unfortunately, one of those groups was Lila and her friends. Lila sat on one of the picnic tables, talking about whatever grand adventure she supposedly went on or whichever famous celebrity she supposedly saved from a rare type of cancer or something while her friends sat around her, captivated with every word. Marinette rolled her eyes. It was too early for this. 
She steered away from them towards the other side of the yard, where she could see Alya and Nino cuddling while finishing their homework. She glanced back at Lila, who waved at the couple before going back to whatever story she was regaling to her loving audience. It was probably because Alya and Nino hadn’t seen Lila greet them in the first place, but Marinette couldn’t help feeling a bit happy that they didn’t return her greeting. 
“Morning, guys!” She greeted as she approached their table, sitting on the other side. 
Alya looked up first. “Hey! You woke up early today,” she teased, giving her shoulder a friendly nudge.
“Heh, guess it’s my lucky day today,” she said. As she sat down, she began eating the quiche she had swiped earlier. “Well, almost, anyway.”
Alya rolled her eyes and smirked. “You live in front of the school. It’s your own damn fault at this point.” 
Nino, who had been pouring over a worksheet that was due today, finally looked up. Upon seeing Marinette, he smiled. “Hey, dude. You’re actually early!” 
At Marinette’s exasperated groan, both Alya and Nino fell into giggles, Marinette shortly following along. 
“Keep that up, and I’m not gonna let you guys eat at my place for lunch,” she teased, wagging a finger at them. 
Alya wagged her own finger, engaging in a finger sword fight. “As if your mom would ever let us starve!” 
Marinette laughed, as she wrapped her finger around Alya’s and lightly slammed it onto the table, declaring her victory. 
“Okay, okay, you got me.” Marinette went back to eating her quiche, devouring it before it got too cold. For once, she was in a pretty good mood. 
“Hey, Alya, Nino,”
And of course, she just had  to jinx it. 
Marinette didn’t even try to join in the conversation to acknowledge Lila’s presence. If Lila wanted to talk to her, she needed to stop lying about everything; and with her supposed “lying disease,” that wasn’t happening anytime soon. She only wished Adrien was here so someone could sympathize with her. 
“Oh, hey Lila,” Alya greeted, having gained her hand back and waved. “Ignore Nino here. He forgot about Mendeleiv’s worksheet due today.” 
“Oh, I see.” Lila said. “Well, you know, Nino. If you ever need help with science, one of my cousins actually won a Noble Peace Prize for his contributions in molecular chemistry.” 
Nino, to his credit, only muttered an “uh huh” before turning the worksheet over and frantically scribbling all over it. Marinette briefly wondered if Nino understood what he was writing down- or if he cared. 
Alya perked up. “Wow, that’s amazing Lila! What did your cousin do?”
Lila smiled bashfully, and looked away, waving her hand. “Oh, you know, it was the discovery of some man-made element.” Marinette had to give Lila credit- she knew how to fake her blushes really well. “I’m nowhere near as smart as my cousin, you know? All the scientific words get me so confused!” 
Marinette buried her head in her arms. Did she need to be here for this? She could just slip away? Glancing at Lila, who caught her eyes, she decided against it. Like hell she was letting Lila take away her time with her  friends. 
Alya laughed good-naturedly. “Oh, I understand completely. English is so much more of my forté, you know?” 
“Yeah I totally get what you mean.” Lila stopped laughing as her gaze landed on Marinette. Only she seemed to notice the glare she gave her.  “Oh, hi, Marinette. Glad to see you’re early today.” 
“Yeah,” she deadpanned. “Hi.” With a fake smile, she robotically waved at her. 
“Well, anyways I got to go. See you later Alya.”  Lila said, waving her fingers before finally walking away. Marinette exhaled. Thank kwami. She may have been less obnoxious today but that was probably because of Alya’s presence. 
Speaking of, the said girl turned towards her. “You could be nicer towards her.” 
“She almost got me expelled.” Marinette had had this conversation with Alya many times before. At this point, her responses came like clockwork. She contemplated telling Alya’s threat back in Lila’s first day, but she really wasn’t ready for the backlash if Alya accused her  of lying. 
“Well,” Alya stuttered. “It was because she has an illness that makes her lie uncontrollably.” 
Marinette was pretty sure there was no such illness but at this point, Lila had somehow convinced everyone it was an actual illness. That, or no one wanted to point out the obvious lie, including administration. Which would be pretty negligent of the school admin so she hoped not. 
“Alya, if it was just an illness that makes her tell lies, pray tell, who put the test answers in my bag and the necklace in my locker?” she asked. 
“Maybe, well,” Alya tried coming up with an answer but failed, thereby changing the subjects. “Look, both of you are my friends, and I don’t want to get in between the two of you.” 
Marinette sighed. “Yeah, yeah.” She picked up the discarded quiche container and her bag. “I gotta go to class and see if Mme. Bustier needs help.” 
Alya frowned. “Marinette, wait.” 
“It’s okay, really.” Marinette assured her, before walking away. When she was climbing up the steps to the entrance, she sighed heavily. She didn’t really understand Alya’s logic sometimes. If she knew about Lila’s supposed lying disease, why did she put Lila’s trash on the Ladyblog? If Alya knew Lila’s lies had led to Marinette’s initial expulsion, why still defend her? Marinette shook the thoughts away, not wanting to get into that impeding headache. Lila Rossi was never worth her time. 
When she reached the entrance, Lila was leaning against the doors, her arms crossed. Her olive green eyes were glaring right at her. 
Lila strutted up to her, getting uncomfortably close to her face. “I told you what would happen if you didn’t play along.” 
Marinette stared back, unimpressed. She really had more pressing issues than this weird power play Lila wanted to play. Leaning back and stepping to the side, she said, “I already told you I’m not scared of you, Lila.” 
Marinette didn’t spare her another glance. In some ways, she pitied Lila. What kind of life did you have that you were so desperate for attention you lied about everything, and tried to get rid of anyone else who called you out? 
She really hoped Alya would soon see sense. Adrien had once told her to take the high road, and honestly? Sometimes, it felt good to not let Lila’s lies get under her skin. 
Then again, when did Lila ever go down so simply? 
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steadypatrolchild · 4 years
Lego Star Wars 3 Wii Game Cheat Codes
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LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Cheats. The insanely popular and better-than-bad LEGO Star Wars series returns, this time covering the Clone Wars that were featured in the popular animated series.
Lego Star Wars 2 Cheats
Lego Star Wars 3 Wii Game Cheat Codes Ps4
This page contains LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats list for WII version. Now we have 3 cheats in our list, which includes 1 easter egg, 1 glitch, 1 secret. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars on WII platform. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars on the Xbox 360, with a game help system for those that are stuck. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars for Nintendo Wii. This page contains Cheats for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars organized by sections for Nintendo Wii. This game has 'Action Adventure' as genre, made by Traveller's Tales, released on Mar 22, 2011. If you can't find a hint or secret in our list, then please check this page periodically for the latest updates.
Cheats |
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Get the latest Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Wii cheats we have available for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
Buy the Red Brick Detector
If you go through Mos Espa Podrace, when youpass the giant holes go on the far left side andgrab the Red Brick. Once you get it save up250, 000 studs and go to the extras section atthe counter in the cantina and purchase it.
Play As Car
Only on two player. Have one person get in the car and start driving around. Then have a second person, most effective as a jedi or sith, keep pressing the change person button while facing the car, while the car is moving. Once it shows that the second person isn't in control of anything, have the first person get out of the car, and the second person can pay as the car. It only works if the person in the car is second player, while the person to turn into the car is first player.
300,000 Studs Or More
Go to episode 3 chapter 1. Chose droid tri-fighter. After you shoot the first set of guns,crash. Keep doing this until you have 300,000studs or more.
Unlocking Stuff
My advice is to play through the levels first thengo back and play it 'free play'. This way you willhave the characters you need to get into specialareas.
Extra Lightsaber Damage Combo (Wii Only)
This move only works on lightsabers, but if you press the B button AND swing the Wii remote, it will create extra damage (you have to time your swings, don't just attack randomly)you can create different combos yourself like B+B+Swing.Also if you swing the Wii to do a super-smash (double-jump+attack) it will create more damage.You'll have to practice a lot to get it perfect (remember; timing is everything) but it really comes in handy in two-player duel and things like that.(P. S . The third attack, or final blow, can cut through anything on a person, even if they are blocking of are a droiddekka with their shield on. ).
Red Brick In Mos Espa Spaceport
To get the red brick in the mos espa level in episode 4, head forward right when the level starts. Right when you walk under the broken bridge turn left. Then with Luke or Obi-Wan, destroy all trash can's in front of the wall. Then you should see a little door with nothing behind it. Use the force with Obi-Wan to take the parts off the ground and put them on the wall. There then should be a panel with R2's face on it. Activate the panel with R2, walk in the door and you then should have unlocked a special secret.
Throwing/Pushing Enemies Into Walls/Trees
Switch to a person that is from the Dark Side, (Darth Vader, Emperor, etc.) and force him using Z. Do not hold him into the Air for a long time or they will die. While in the air, push him intoa wall/tree, and he will die. It is almost like a Jedi pushing droids.
Ghost Character
To buy the ghost character, you need to all-the-way complete story mode/All Episodes.He cannot get hurt and is not paid any attention by troopers, unless in cars.
Unlimited Studs
If you go to level one of episode IV in The Complete Saga there will be a machine with a lever. Pull the lever and out come about 10 silver studs. You can keep doing this to get money but it is slow so you may want a studs x cheat on. So far this has worked and is a good way to get cash.
Go to build-a-character and select luke's head, darth maul's body, black waist, legs and hands, skin arms black hair and a red lightsaber and then you have STARKILLER as a playable character!
Random Stormtrooper Sounds
First go to the level 'Jedi Destiny' and select any character. Then when you take out the all of the Emporer's hearts ECEPT two. Then (make sure you have extra toggle turned on) change to the Imperial Egineer and jump once and then you'll here Stormtrooper noises.
Minikit Detector
Go to 'Cloud City Trap' (Episode 5) throw bomb atmetal gate beside R2D2 picture (unlockable point).The minikit detector is behind where the gate was.
Cheats Listing
Type in AASDF.
Type in bobazxc.
Boss Nass
Type in GIJ989 at the bar.
Tie Interceptor
Type in HUT845 at the bar.
Boss Nass
Enter CLZ738 at the cantina.
Battle Droid Commander
Type in H6J9P56
Darth Maul
Type in BDC866 at the bar.
Rules of The Cheat, How to Play the Card Game To play the Cheat card game, you need: A deck of 32 or 52 cards (which can be doubled depending on the number of players). Be at least 2 players. The rules of cheat card game. Any player who suspects that the card discarded by a player do not match the rank called can challenge the play by calling 'Cheat!' Then the cards played by the challenged player are exposed and one of two things happens: 1. If they are all of the rank that was called, the challenge is false, and the challenger must pick up the whole discard pile.
General Grevious
Type in EVILR2 at the bar.
General Grievous
GGF539 or ACK646
Tie Fighter
Adi Mundi
Mbox 2 number pad tv game cheats 9. Type in ZZR636 at the bar.
Count Dooku
Type in HJF584 at the bar.
Zam's Speeder
Type in PLL967 at the bar.
Type in NBN431 at the bar.
Jango Fett
Type in AAB123 at the bar.
Captain Tarpals
Type in HHY697 at the bar.
Force Grapple Leap
Complete the game to 100%
Secret Master
Sell your landspeeder to the Jawas.
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A New Hope
Finish Episode VI in story mode.
Crossover: Destroy Jango Fett with Boba Fett
Arcade Master
Shoot First
Unlock Indiana Jones
Go into the 'Bonus' doorway in the Cantina, then go through the door markedTrailers and watch the trailer for Lego Indiana Jones. You can then buy him for$50,000.
The Phantom Menace
Finish Episode II in story mode.
Revenge Of The Sith
Finish Episode V in story mode.
Going For Gold
Collect all mini-kits.
Lightsaber Master
Perform 200 perfect lightsaber deflections.
Destroy 300 stormtroopers.
Droid Slayer
Lego Star Wars 2 Cheats
Destroy 50 TIE fighters.
Yee Haw
Break Jar Jar 20 times.
Slam Dunk
Destroy 5 people with one attack (Jedi super slam).
Lego Star Wars 3 Wii Game Cheat Codes Ps4
Destroy 10 characters with one thermal detonator.
Let The Wookiee Win
Set off all three Discos.
Use The Force Luke
Start a Cantina Fight with 50 casualties.
Lego Build-master
Max out the Stud counter
Cloud Cover
Wear Every Hat
Revenge: Destroy The Emperor with Mace Windu
Nobody Expects….
Revenge: Destroy Anakin with Dooku
Who Needs Obi-wan?
Revenge: Destroy Darth Vader with Obi Wan
Online Player
We have no easter eggs for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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losing-the-meaning · 5 years
about you: Hi, I’m Piper. Thirty-something cat lady living in EST. I love animals (my cat is judging me from my desk as I type this), rainy weather, video games, coffee, and coding. My life goal is to become Lucille Bluth.
favorite emoji: 🍆😂👌
favorite plots: Unconventional/dysfunctional family dynamics; werewolves being in big, boisterous, ride-or-die packs instead of scattered about lone-wolf style skulking in the corners; age gap romance; enemies to lovers; characters making sacrifices for the good of others.
what you want to see on the site: Legible font sizes and fair contrast (bright white with tiny black text hurts my brain, pure #000 backgrounds with #eee text are just as painful). Friendly and relaxed community. Interesting want-ads and canons because I usually take those.
a gif that describes you: When it comes to in-character angst, I’m here for it
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franki-lew-yo · 6 years
10 Monster-licious/Horror animated series on Youtube!
I felt that in order to fill the void in between art and updates on Mouse, I should post other stuff to my blog and promote people/things that I love. So here’s a list for the monster lovers and horror-hounds who want some animation in their lives:
Children R Skary – Katy Towell
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I’ve talked about this channel a lot and that’s because it genuinely creeped me out back in the day (and even now). It’s animation is simple but it frankly shocks me that Katy Towell isn’t one of the Newgrounds legends given her knack for visual storytelling.
Basically Katy writes short horror stories and poems and then animates them. There’s no cinematic universe or anything to it. Just short horror stories. They feel so cinematic and sophisticated. I WISH I WAS YOU KATY MARRY ME!!!
Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl – Roman Dirge
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Like Invader Zim, this is a show I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with. It was made in the 000′s and features that mean, random, cruel-for-the-sake-of-cruel kind of black comedy you’d see on shows like Billy and Mandy. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the art style or the main character - a little undead girl and her various strange playmates in a dilapidated mansion - a lot.
The World of Stainboy – Flinch Studio + Tim Burton
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Another love/hate 2000s series, based on Tim Burton’s “The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy”, and starring the late great Glenn Shadix. I admit it has some of Burton’s signature dry anti-humor at it’s best, but it also features Burton’s most mediocre par-for-the-course writing with Stainboy being bland and the world just being cruel to these deformed or special needs kids just because.
I will admit, Burton’s sloppy, choppy style does lend itself very well to limited animation, so for one of these early era internet toons it’s probably the best looking.
Salad Fingers – David Firth
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WARNINGWARNINGWARNING: This cartoon is disturbing.
If you somehow haven’t heard about it, Salad Fingers is about the life of a deformed man living in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic landscape where he talks to hand puppets and unknowingly eats people.
It’s not only squicky prime nausea-fuel, it’s also serious ASMR with the way Salad Fingers talks.
I’m not a big fan of the series but I knew people were gonna be ticked if I didn’t mention it, and I have a lot of respect for David Firth!
Mystery Skulls Animated – Mystery Ben and the Mystery Team
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Tumblr’s darling…who’s third installment came out this last year.
It’s the tale of some millennial Scooby-gang expies traversing their town looking for ghosts, and a ghost that wants revenge on one of them, set to the tune of a different song from the techno band Mystery Skulls.
These music videos are beeeeautiful. The overarching story, while fun, makes it a little hard to just hop into any entry in the series. At the same time I love how these guys take these kind of unrelated songs and puts them in a new context with a plot. Also color coding at it’s finest.
The Vampair Saga – Daria Cohen
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My currently favorite animated YT series, now on part 4. It’s a series of music videos about two vampire enemies-with-benefits, the Duke of Vaults and Missi, going back and forth about how awesome they are or how much they hate the other.
Originally the first short, ft. Volatire’s “The Night”, was a solo college thesis project but now it’s expanded into this series. Oh yeah, did I mention that these are animated by one person?
Autodale – Dead Sound
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If you’ve spent any time on youtube browsing through weird/dark/creepy+student animations you’ve probably seen at least one entry of this series. Autodale is easily the most beautifully rendered and cinematic series on this list. As for plot, it’s a standard 1984-ish dystopia sci-fi story that I don’t know if I want any more of it explained or if it’d be better leaving stuff vague and open to interpretation. 
Raised by Zombies – Guy Collins
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I found this series be accident. What a delight!
This is my kind of zombie-apocalypse: sympathetic zombies, a sweet yet somber tone, violence and gore that somehow never feels too nasty to show to a kid and would be fine playing online. I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of it until now. I HAVE SO MANY MONSTER LOVING FEELS!!!
Llamas with Hats – Jason Steele
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I have a feeling you’ve all seen the original short, which is more dark comedy than horror, but I think that as a collective series FilmCow/Jason Steele’s “Llamas with Hats” is kind of a masterpiece. Granted it was probably more moving to watch as the series actually unfolded, but still -what an ending there Jason!
Ghost House – Jason Steele
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If you can call this an animated series then it counts....and it’s easily my favorite FilmCow creation. He really is the kind of artist I strive to be: the kind making cartoons about a man and ghost horses with sexy ghost butts in a ghost house (that description will make more sense if you watch the whole series....kinda....).
R.I.P “I’m a Monster” ;_;
This series was not only cute but very very child friendly, The gist was that a famous cryptid, mythological beast, or monster from literature would give you a quick run-down of their background and abilities. They didn’t just stick to vampires and werewolves either. They made shorts for Almas, Bunyips, Black Shuck, Herne the Hunter, and the DC Demon Cat. THEN THEY DISAPPEARED AND THE ONLY EXISTING EPISODE I CAN FIND IS THEIR ONE ON MOBY DICK:
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mowseries · 5 years
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Intro Quote(Versus): [When Cardinal jumped straight into Lethal, it wasn’t because of who she was. Not at first, anyway. No, it was rather because his communications had been cut. He knew that such a thing automatically kicked in the contingency he had prepared for this—which included something server-side that gave out an SOS signal with a copy of his last known coordinates. When he saw her, though, the cross-references kicked in and made things worse—especially the ones with his younger brother’s DEATH attached to them. || He didn’t afford himself the luxury of being confused and trying to comprehend what was going on—his “instincts” were kicking in fast, with overwhelming force.]
Taunt: [Cardinal used DATA BLAST!] || [DECADES of his own pain and stress SLAMMED into the feeds with the FULL weight of the memories. Lightning and rain and cannon fire and gales and blizzards and machine gun fire and blinding light and fire and suffocation and PAIN and DEATH—]
Special Attack: [Cardinal used RAIN FLUSH! Cardinal used THUNDER BEAM!]
Ultimate Attack: [Cardinal used TIME STOPPER!] || >ERROR X04: D̶̝̎ö̶͈́u̵̜͋b̶̻̒l̸̤͛e̸̱͘G̴͎̎e̵̻̐ạ̴̇r̴̻̓ ̶̢́Ṣ̷͛Y̸̞͝S̸͔͆Ṱ̷̂Ĕ̷̢M̷̛̭ NOT DETECTED! POWER OUTPUT DESTABILIZING! REACHING CRITICAL OVERCLOCKING! || [He may be lacking the organ to REGULATE the damn power production, but he was hardly incapable of producing the same output his brother would with a WORKING Power Gear in the same situation. No, this wasn’t regulated at ALL, so it was /much/ stronger, MUCH worse.] || [Cardinal used TUNDRA STORM!]
Win Quote(Versus): -Mad scramble for what’s left of his surge supply- No, no, nonononono—! || [No—no, this wasn’t good—! He couldn’t stabilize her properly without Time Stopper—!] || C’mon, for the love of—|| […why the hell was the ground suddenly cracking and trembling…?]
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Intro Quote(Team Up): >DLN-000 HAS ENTERED LETHAL COMBAT MODE || [Despite this, he didn’t focus on attacking her, but rather, started blasting at the forces that had surrounded them both.]Assist: [Cardinal used SKULL BARRIER!] || [A protective shield enveloped them both.]Ultimate Team Attack: [Cardinal used BIG BANG STRIKE! Ray used COLLAPSE RAY!]Win Quote(Team Up): […Well then. With the enemies all gone, now he had to focus on the other threat at hand, even though he very much didn’t want to. This was about to get awkward.]Lose Quote(Team Up): ((Yyyyyeah, see, folks—in the world of the Rebel Angels? The only two valid options to get out of something so critical are to win or to DIE. See below.))Knock Out Quote(Team Up Self): —IF standard: [He had taken WAY too much damage, collapsing to the ground.] || >CONTINGENCY ACTIVATED: “FLY HOME” || [Cardinal used TELEPORT!]—IF WORSE than standard: >ERROR: HARDWARE DAMAGE CRITICAL || >COMPLETE SYSTEM FAILURE IMMINENT || >INITIATE SELF-DESTRUCT SEQUENCEKnock Out Quote(Team Up Partner): [Cardinal shouted out of frustration, directed at no one in particular.] For frag’s SAKE, haven’t our watches been going crazy for at least five MINUTES by now?! 💢 Where the hell is that BACKUP!?
@codedhopes, @unluckyadept​
((…It’s only 469 days late, oops 09/13/2018T>))
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houndsofbalthazar · 5 years
I’ve been playing Morrowind again recently. I know a lot about Morrowind. Here are some wild facts about Morrowind:
1. House Hlaalu, one of the factions you can join, has a questgiver/high ranking official named Crassius Curio who writes lewd plays and at one point will only agree to let you advance in the faction if you take off all your clothes.
2. There’s a talking mudcrab in the middle of nowhere. He’s a merchant who has 10 000 gold which is the most of any merchant in the game and because of the way the game’s coded, he doesn’t have a mercantile skill, meaning you can always sell things at 100% of their value to him.
3. Arguably the hardest quest in the game is given to you by the leader of the Morag Tong, Morrowind’s assassins’ guild. It requires you to collect 26 unique magic items from across the entire map and return them to the leader. He tells you about two of them. Most of them are held by hostile enemies or people you’re supposed to kill in the Morag Tong questline. Four of them are held by non hostile NPCs. Since they’re enchanted items, maybe you’re supposed to look for the telltale extremely ugly enchantment glow and work it out that way. That would be great except belts, amulets, and rings don’t show up on character models, and one of the characters that has a pair of boots is a Khajiit. Khajiit can’t wear boots in Morrowind. The reward you get for finishing this quest is also the only way to get a spell with the “Fortify Attack” spell effect. Oh and unless you speak to the questgiver, it’s totally undocumented. So you can absolutely stumble across these items and have no idea that you might want to save them up rather than sell them.
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