tgcg · 8 months
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itch u can't skratch
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subbanator · 29 days
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FEB 2024
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owlfluffy · 2 years
hey look i made a source film and it's kinda decent :D
it's just the fast man being a lil sleepy, thought it'd be a cute first project while i'm learning thiS FREAKIN PROGRAM
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jounosparticles · 7 months
this feels really odd to ask but but what do you think the hunting dogs' thoughts are about death? specifically if they die and how? cause I feel like all of them share a variation of "I will go down guns blazing and with glory"
fukuchi definitely feels it and I feel like jouno as well. they've both had rough and violent lives so I feel like they've always thought death was just right around the corner.
I don't know about the rest of them though. teruko I feel shares the thought but not as intense as the other two, and I dont know about tecchou and tachihara.
anyway. it's a neat thought to me :3
ohhh i’ve been thinking of the best way to answer this for DAYS. this analysis will be long so ill put it under a readmore.
the hunting dogs and death - analysis
overall, it is shown that they can die. i assume due to their abilities and bodily enhancements that they do not die of injuries very easily. it makes me wonder how disease hits them? partially mechanical bodies may not respond to illness as well as natural bodies would? or maybe the opposite and they can heal more so internally? anyways here's my thoughts on how each hunting dog perceives dying!!
i see fukuchi as fairly self-preserving up until the end. he can't die in battle because he needs to make sure the decay of angels plot carries out.
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remember that he was warned of this at nine years old. he had to spend his life preparing for this. he likely grew very wary of living recklessly and became great at fighting very fast and young; i assume that's why he went through dojos to fight as a child.
under no circumstances could he die until the world was safe.
i imagine he put on a selfless face and was willing to take serious harm in order to protect the peace, but i highly doubt he was ever willing to sacrifice his life until his plan worked out.
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here we see his thought process and how things need to fall into place. his participation was essential because in no other situation would fukuzawa be the one able to get access to the one order. if fukuchi had died beforehand, the war would play out as the amenogozen warning claimed.
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he had to leave the world to fukuzawa, the man he could trust most before facing his own demise.
of course, at this point in the series he has been killed since that was the final goal of his plan. a noble death for a fantastic hero.
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im actually a little conflicted on his perception of death. i believe jouno is willing to sacrifice his life if absolutely necessary but is probably more self-preserving than the others. i believe he likely uses his confident and slightly arrogant attitude to hide this self-preserving mindset. someone who comes off as intimidating or nonchalant during battle is more likely to throw off the enemy whereas appearing nervous or angry will make them seem vulnerable. i believe jouno also sees himself as very strategic and able to get out of situations easily if needed. he's a quick thinker from what we've seen thus far.
lets look at when he confronted fukuchi.
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he starts off very confidently accepting the offer. we know this is a facade but him immediately trying to throw fukuchi off guard seems so show he's pretty confident in his next move.
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but when this doesn't work, he immediately tries to flee. this is fairly unique for a fight in bsd, many characters will often fight until they either get what they wish or they're too injured to move. despite jouno having an ability that could dodge fukuchi's, he still chose to try and escape instead of continuing to fight. this is a very normal human reaction to have but not one you see as often.
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and at a disturbance, he begins to panic and needs to ground himself by reassuring himself instead of fighting back. he's not willing to put his life on the line to stop a global terrorism and his own escape is seen as a victory, which i see as him being more self-preserving. this all took place before the sword was set on fire, so it wasn't as if he had that threat to escape yet.
however, there's a chance he just didn't know how to fight the amenogozen; but his ability was definitely one of the best to fight against fukuchi with.
still, he's smart and made sure to plan adequately in case he was injured in the battle against fukuchi. he wants to keep himself safe, but he's still smart enough to take precaution.
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i think jouno has probably been through a lot in his life and wants to spend a while living happily, making him more afraid to die than the others. this is even shown when he took teruko being angry as a threat while fukuchi laughed over it.
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(as a small note, fukuchi's line in the anime was "haha. it seems our gremlin is angry today" which makes more sense in this context).
so tldr i think jouno would only go down if absolutely necessary and otherwise is fairly self-prioritizing.
i believe tecchou would sacrifice himself if it brings justice.
however, he seems to see himself as one responsible for judgement, so i imagine he gives every single fight his all.
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regardless of him acting as judgement, it's been shown that tecchou is willing to die if he fails at his work.
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here he promises that if he were to fail he would commit seppuku (killing oneself via slicing through your stomach--an honourable death for a samurai fighter (which lines up with irl tetchou coming from samurai lineage)), which is an incredibly agonizing way to die. regardless, he is fully willing to do it if it is for peace. this shows a confidence in death and commitment to his sense of justice to an extreme manner.
and when he found himself in a situation where he was in the wrong, he immediately admitted defeat and asked his opponent to kill him.
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he admits defeat, says his wrongs and is willing to accept the consequences.
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he even jumps to the harsh conclusion that he isn't worthy of his title as a hunting dog. the stark white in his eyes show that his mind isn't corrupted and that he is doing what he believes is proper justice. incredibly noble.
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luckily he was spared-and likely learned a lot about justice not always being as black and white as things appear.
overall, tecchou is a very noble fighter and is willing to put his life on the line for justice. he doesn't seem to fear death and will embrace it if he feels it is earned or deserved.
i have less to say about tachihara than the others. i see him as the type that will go down over what's right and that's shown during his fight with fukuchi.
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he isn't willing to fear death or beg for forgiveness. he will go down if it is worthy.
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we also see that he keeps a argumentative spirit towards the enemy despite the circumstances. he will put down his opponent even in the moment of death, he just has the confidence to.
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this panel also shows that he's more willing to die than to be defeated. he doesn't want to harm anyone and be controlled so he tries to kill himself first.
overall, he's a strong fighter who isn't afraid to sacrifice his life for what he believes in. his orders make him who he is, and if the orders are to win he either will or he will die trying.
(of course that last part doesn't really count when he was posing as a mafioso because he couldn't blow his cover by easily surviving everything).
much like tachihara, teruko seems to be very willing to put herself on the line to keep people safe. this is shown almost immediately in her introduction.
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if ordered, she is willing to die. she's incredibly dedicated to her job and would go down if it saves people.
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she's willing to go to drastic measures to keep herself alive as well, destroying her eardrum and continuing to try and fight sigma despite being under the directed resonance guns (which were made to destroy people like her). she didn't run, and she did absolutely everything she could have done in order to win.
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she seems to also pride herself in fighting and being hurt in battle, likely to show her resilience and ability to do whatever it takes if it saves people.
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she even goes on to call the hunting dogs "society's servants" and refers to the enhancement surgeries as "searing order into their own bodies."
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this immense dedication makes me strongly believe that she would have no problem sacrificing herself if it is for the best. she killed fukuchi despite really caring for him, so i can see her being willing to put herself into that situation as well.
tysm for the question!!!!! this was super fun to read through the scenes again and try to piece together a logical guess on them all.
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kcscribbler · 3 months
TFW you started a 5-part AU series having plotted out the first 4 parts and having precisely [0] idea how the hell you were going to end the thing, and 100K words later finally figure out the evil twist ending after two weeks of writer's block
AND bust out 1200 words of a hug fic fill in the same day
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superuniverse2 · 5 months
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Gwen the HotLumber Jack
See more posters and Pin-ups on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/superuniverse
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brain-empty · 8 months
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@sleep-nurse the lil guy has been drawn
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forsworned · 1 month
You'll have to beg me on hands and knees for the next part to the OnlyFans!Simon fic
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the german government is like "hey if you ever wanna talk to me about your gender I'll make sure to update all your paperwork :D ^_^"
and I'm like "sag doch nicht so ein scheiß, als ob es euch wichtig wäre, gib mir meine verdammte freiräume zurück ihr arschlöcher"
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dxwdr0p · 1 year
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turkeydinner-jpeg · 5 months
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乁[ ◕ ᴥ ◕ ]ㄏ
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sardonic-the-writer · 1 month
maybe the complete box set of supernatural can fix me. probably not. but we'll never know until we've tried.
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aztr0punk · 3 months
look i dislike getting hurt and hospitalized as much as the next guy but them nurses that call ya dear and sweetheart hit different
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And now... i sleep... tomamrow we go aquarium and legolamd :3
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