#.we do think it would really enjoy it its pronouns. because those are awesome
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cursedthing Ā· 2 months ago
I would LOVE to hear about ferry and what they think of wynncraft. would you mind doing a summary of their journey in a single post? i want to make sure the bits i'm piecing together are right
.!!!!!!! :D
.okay SO! we were planning to make a post like that detailing stuff about it but quick summary time since we keep. procrastinating on making said post!
.[ramble under cut since it got really long]
.oh fuck forgot that we are not good at summerizing uuuh shit hol on. delete this bit later <-.no <-.what the fuck,,,,,,,
.basically ferry's story follows the events of wynncraft really closely with barely any deviation, save for some details! the best way to describe ferry at the beginning is "v1 from ultrakill mixed with us fucking around and the drifter from hyper light drifter", that description of it's character still rings true but with added experience and growth from what it witnessed and went through. .to understand why it acts certain ways at some points you have to know that it is. literally. technically. only a few months old. it only existed for a few months! it trully became alive in the wagon from fruma to the wynn border! the first people it saw and heard were aledar and tasim! sure it has the body and mind of a young adult but even then it's still incredibly young comparing to any other characters, both in age and experience. which is also the reasoning for why the memory orb in recover the past quest reacted that way to it, there's LITERALLY nothing for it to uncover, they're asking for the impossible. .from this segment it leads pretty well into another, "what do you mean ferry only became alive at the wynn border?" well, it's not exactly human. the closest shortest description of it's species is "homonculus" and even then it's not correct. since the traditional homonculi are made out of clay or similar. what ferry is made out of is flesh and metal. sort of similar to iron guards. but not. as with iron guards the people are still there within, just.... beneath tons and tons of layers of metal. and even then you wouldnt just simply find a villager body inside. anyways enough of that. if iron golems are "reuse" then ferry is "recycle". it wasn't made from one single body, so in a way its muscles and flesh and everything that falls under tha category are in some way unique. what about the metal parts? it's not exactly as simple as how iron guards are composed. where there is somewhat of a clear line between the two. in ferry's case flesh and metal, organic and inorganic blend so well that at certain points you can't even tell where one begins and where one ends! or which is which! the clearest distinction is its "mask", which is actually just it's face. the face plates can be removed with a bit of fiddling (however they will still be connected with "flesh tendrils", to make sure that it doesnt LOOSE its face), which is how it can eat. it doesnt really have a mouth, or well it does but it doesnt exactly have teeth or anything to chew with. so it's sort of bound to only eating soft foods (what the army cooks serve, it also calls whatever it eats from them as "soldier slop" affectionately). in similar vein it is quite hypermobile, it's joints loose and out of wack. projecting our chronic pain onto it. also the front of its throat is translucent so that you can watch whats happening inside, as a treat ^_^
."okay but who the fuck made this thing?" nobody knows! as far as everyones concerned ferry is human! a weird as shit human but human nontheless! even if that's incorrect! only folks who know are death (calls it human since IT doesnt know that it's not), orphion (doesnt give a shit what species his pulse is, he likes it either way), maxie (look he figured out ava in like under five minutes. he spent way much time with ferry than he did with ava. he most definently knows just didn't know how to like.. approach that specific topic. he doesn't care that ferry is whatver it is, he only cares when medical stuff is involved [he wants his friend to be okay]) and the medic maxie hired for ferry during the feathers fly part 2 quest. lari came CLOSE after sensing ferry in the realm of light but just didn't have the time or place to fully process that and ask ferry about it, more important things were happening. back to the original topic, no one knows. someone in fruma did however. how ferry even came to the border is a mystery. only certain thing is that it was made for war, that it is a living weapon, judging by its behaviour and instincts. was it made out of rebellion (magic is forbidden in fruma after all!), was it made out of hope for a better future (so that things like ferry are mass produced and that the convicts stop basically being death sentenced to wynn)? no clue! it just exists and will continue to exist if orphion and death have a say in it (which they do).
.okay just read this over and realized that that is NOT a summary of its story that is an essay on it's nature gjfdklgjldfg .so uh, yeah it's story follows the events really closely and it really likes it's friends (lari, maxie, olon, seaskipper, aledar, tasim, axelus, afelis and the orcs [ava and korzim not included as it wants to give ava space and it doesnt know korzim all that well, on the account of avoiding molten heaights after the questlines end. it is NOT good with grief])
.if you want to know anything specific about it please ask we'll try our best to answer it!!! :D .hope you enjoyed reading this!!
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sentavoarts Ā· 1 year ago
hey, ur oc is super cool! got any hcs w/ them in adwd? iā€™d love to know!!
HI THANK U FOR THAT but yeah i have some:
His name is Sen btw! (where i basically got my name from)
Post will include these things: -Basic info about him (fav color, food, music taste, etc) -More detailed things (previous jobs he worked, body details like scars and tats, etc) -Hcs with them and grim (uses his actual name)
Basic stuff:
-He/they pronouns
-Sennes is his actual first name with Sen being a nickname
-Fav color is this specific shade of blue ( 8BECFF)
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I can't even explain why he likes it he just does and thinks that's awesome of him.
-Fav foods would be those local filipino noodles (pancit canton if u wanna look it up) and that samanco ice cream
-His overall genre of music would be a mix of indie , jazz and, somewhat pop
-Fav artist is arctic monkeys or laufey!! (projecting here)
-He doesn't really have a style he just wears whatever he thinks looks good on him but it may range from vintage to things those skateboard boys wear!
More detailed things about him:
-He's quite scared actually not sure if it was seen that much in that art but he has a scar across his face from accident (technically an attempt of casp trying to take his soul) from when a wine bottle fell on his face.
-On the note of wine he actually had a bartending job while he was in college to help pay for his rent. He's had some other previous jobs before this one and here they are in order: flower shop cashier > cafe barista > bartender.
-Honestly the job i was gonna give him wasn't in the list of jobs (psychiatrist) but if i were to pick in the list it would be mortician i just think he would probably kinda enjoy it??? because if you think about it being a mortician is like those asmr tiktok games where you give a make over to a zombie or smth...
-Tattoos! All over his arms! And on his nape:
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the one on his nape is inspired by a song called "crying lightning" by arctic monkeys!!!!
-He has a mole on top of his eyelid and freckles everywhere.
-Actually pretty buff as he can bench press around 291 lb (strong baby boy)
-He's actually had some self defense training from his parents when he was younger and picked up boxing and fencing as a hobby.
Hcs with Casper!
-Like one of the options in the game, Sen would absolutely ENJOY putting little ribbons all over Casper's hair. He might even play around a bit and make him have goofy hairstyles (that Casper would KILL him for but we ignore that).
-He calls Casper "Casp" because he just thinks its really cute. Along with "Cas" "Buwan"(filipino for moon) and "Vinegar" (Teasing)
-Inspired by that convo in their official discord server, They would have a BLAST doing each other's skincare/ make up while listening to 2015 white girl songs!
-Following the one before this they would ROCK karaoke night.
-Sen is a avid music listener and would probably try and get Casp into so many other artists.
-(based on the game) Sen's teased Casp about his plush Azrael but really Sen has a whole ARMY of plushies and Casp REALLY gets back at him for that. Basically would go like:
"Your not really all BIG and SCARY with that plushie thats so PINK and CUTE!"
"Says the shithead with a army of plushies on his bed... seriously why do you need that many"
"THE CHILDREN??????????????????"
-Idk why but i feel like he would let Casp use markers to color in his tats!
-Sen would 100% bring him on a whole road trip to a more country/rural place to just enjoy the peace and quiet (Like one of those aesthetic vanlife tiktoks
-Sen is pretty decent at drawing and i feel like Casp would be too if he tried hard enough but i just imagined them giving each other lil drawings they made (could even be on little notes left on the fridge or little letters scattered everywhere)
-On those days Casp is in the soul sickness time will be spent snuggled in bed and having nice warm meals!
-Sen would probably always ask Casper for a sparring session because that seems like it would actually be fun! Plus we don't really know much about how Casp fights so... that would be interesting (he would be butt hurt if he loses).
-Their def a >:| and :3 duo
-I feel like deep in my bones Casper would probably like playing guitar/bass. So basically what im saying is they could sing and play TOGETHER! YIPPPEEEEEEEE!
nyways i think i better stop here because this list is getting LONG. And currently thats all the hcs i can think of.
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nite-shay Ā· 4 years ago
Surprise! (Kirishima Eijirou x Reader)
Funny little idea I had. Reader finds out she is prego and wants to surprise her hubby with the news :)
A/N: Nothing really. Charters are aged up. Female pronouns used.Ā 
Hope you enjoy it and sorry for typos, grammar and spelling errors! :)
You were practically floating through your local market store's aisles, humming has you picked up items on your list.
Today was a beautiful day. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and nothing could ruin your mood.
Not even the grumpy old lady blocking our path, complaining to a stock boy about ketchup prices could bring you down!
Any why might you ask?Ā 
Because today you got the best news in the world.
A few days ago, you went to your local clinic. You'd been feeling rather tired here lately and even a bit nauseous. You honestly thought nothing of it and just figured you had a stomach bug that'd been going around.
Image your surprise when the nurse on the other end of the phone informed you that you were not sick, just pregnant.Ā 
It took a few seconds for the information to process, but the moment it does. Oh boy! You screamed and cried in pure joy to the poor, probably now partially deaf nurse on the other end.
After many thank yous and a few apologies, you practically hung up on the women wanting to call your husband imminently.Ā 
You tried him on his cell and on his desk, but he must have been out on patrol. Meaning you wouldn't hear from him until much much later in the day
That burst your bubble, but that just gave a chance to be... well, creative in your news delivery method. You'd spent the last few hours researching and watching videos in the theme of 'Surprising the father baby announcements.'
And boy, oh boy, did you get some ideas! Too many ideas! But you settled on one method in particular.Ā 
You smiled as you made your way over to the produce section.
Ah-ha! There's an item on your shopping list.
You reached out and grabbed two bags of baby carrots before tossing them into your cart.Ā 
It would be a night your husband would never forget!
Later that night...
Let me start off by saying this. You love your husband. Very very much.
Your husband, Kirishima Eijirou, is the most wonderful man on the planet. He is an amazing and loving husband. He is also an amazing hero. Ranked one of the best in Japan and one of the friendliest.Ā  The man is a literal saint who against all odds befriended Bakugou for goodness sake! You love him more than life itself.
Your husband is a lot of things but currently, you can only think of one way to describe your husband. In the words of the blonde explosive best friend, 'he has rocks for brains'.
Bless your husband's heart some days, he can be denser than his skin in his unbreakable form.
You expected him to overlook some of the food you made, BUT NOT EVERY FUCKING THING!
You made a spread of baby-related foods that could give a buffet restaurant a run for their money. You had it all, baby carrots, baby spinach, baby artichokes, baby corn, baby back ribs, fingerling potatoes, a cornish hen, deviled eggs, popcorn shrimp, you had it all! Hell, you even dropped a 'bun in the oven reference'. Twice!Ā 
But did he see the pattern?Ā 
His only response was to stare/drool at the food and said, 'wow hun, if I'd known you be making this much food, I'd have invited Amajiki and Togata over'. Later on, he commented on how Fatgum would be jealous of the amazing food he's going to have for lunch tomorrow'.
While you appreciate the comments on your cooking. You could have strangled at that moment.Ā 
Dense. Very dense.
You chanted in your head while he pigged out, 'I love the father of my child, and I will not beat him over the head with chicken' over and over for most of dinner.
As the night continued, you realized after watching both 'Boss Baby' and 'Storks' that you would have to take drastic measures to get it through his thick skull.Ā 
Tomorrow, you'd bring out the big guns!
Maybe you should get Mina involvedā€¦
The next dayā€¦
"Hey, Red! Wow, what's with all the food?" Fatgum shouted as he watched the redhead placed another container on the table.
"(Y/N) went overboard last night and made a feast! We had a lot of leftovers, so I brought some of them in. Want some?"
"You bet I do! I love her cooking! You really lucked out!"
"Yeah, I did! I have no idea why she made so much food, but I'm ain't complaining!" He flagged over Amajiki, who just walked into the breakroom. "Hey, Amajiki! Join us!"
"T-thanksā€¦." He shuffled over and eyed the spread of food on the table. "Umā€¦ Kirishimaā€¦ was yesterday a special day or something for the two of you?"
"No, I don't th-WAIT" Kirishima had a moment of panic before checking his phone. "Nope. Our anniversary isn't for another few months, and her birthday was last month." He sighed in relief. "Man, Jiki, you can't do that to me. You bout gave me a heart attack." He took a bite of food. "Why'd ya ask anyways?"
"Wellā€¦ it's justā€¦ this is a lot of food... And very...v-veryā€¦ specific food that doesn't seem to go together, in a traditional senseā€¦" The quiet man commented.
"What do ya mean?"Ā 
Fatgum took a second look at the food before his eyes went wide. "I-I think I see where you're going with this Sun.." He put down his bowl while his redhead appearance just looked cluelessly between the two. "So Red, what happened last night?"
"Nothing really. I came home, and she made this awesome food, we ate, watched a few movies and then went to bed." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Did she say anything about her day, or did she seem like she wanted to talk to you about something?"
"No. I mean, she said she had an awesome day but didn't really say what was so awesome about it. She looked great! Likeā€¦ I don't know, she justā€¦ had this.. glow? Yeah, that's the word. She just seemed to be glowing! I mean, I'm not saying she wasn't attractive before! She's drop-dead gorgeous, but I don't know, here recently she's just beenā€¦. Wowā€¦" Kirishima's features softened as he thought of his wife while Fat and Amajiki looked at each other. The older man's eyes lit up while the younger dark hair man gave a half-smile.Ā 
"H-has she been feeling ok?" Amajiki pressed.
"Yea-" He paused for a moment. "Well, she did say she wasn't feeling too good the other day and that she went to the doctor... She didn't say what they said, though.." He crossed his arms while he thought back. "Now that I think about it, she really didn't eat much last night, and I could have sworn I heard her throwing up this morning... But sheĀ  just brushed it off when I asked about itā€¦"
"Did she say what she thought was w-wrong?"
"No, she didn't. I even asked her if she wanted me to stay home with her today, but she said she'd be fine. She did promise me she'd take it easy." He almost jumped up. "You guys don't think she's getting sick, do you? I know there's been a stomach bug going aroundā€¦"
"Oh, it sounds like she got bitten by a bug, alright!" Fat couldn't keep it in any longer as he gave the redhead a wide smile.
"Seriously? What do we do? Wouldn't the doctors have found out if she did? Do you think it was poisonous?!?!" Kirishima jumped up like he was ready to take off back home to tend to his 'sick' wife.
"Easy Red." Fat roared with laughter. "She'll be fine, but she's going to be feeling the effects of this for the nextā€¦. I'd say nine-ish monthsā€¦."
"Kirishima, I think you r-really need to go home and talk to your wifeā€¦" Amajiki interjected while Fat wiped the tears from his eyes, trying to control his laughter. Which he was failing at btw.Ā 
"Come on, guys! I'm freaking out here! Is (Y/N) ok?" The hero pleased with them trying to get a straight answer.
"Eijirou?" Every head in the room twisted in your direction as you stood in the doorway.Ā 
"(Y/N)! You're here! Are you ok? You haven't seen any weird spiders or anything around, right?" Kirishima rushed over to you as you made your way into the breakroom. You'd heard Fatgum laughing from down the hall and figured your husband was too far away.Ā 
"Spiders? Wait, what?"
"Fatgum thinks you might have been bitten by a bug! How are you feeling? Do you need a doctor?"
"Honey. Sweetie. I'm fine, I've already talked to the doctor." You chuckled as you tried to soothe your frazzled husband.Ā 
"You have? That's great! What did they say?"
"Wellā€¦" You trailed off. This wasn't going as planned. Your plan was to visit him in his office and surprise him with the little gift bag in your hand; from there, you hopped, he'd get the picture. The top item was a cute little 'I'm a riot' Red Riot baby onesie you in the merch store down the street. The next was a mini-set of red baby crocs. If he didn't get it at that point across, your last resort was the medical report from the doctor's office, showing that you were, in fact, pregnant. You made sure to highlight it, just to be safe.Ā 
"I'm afraid you're just going to have to be blunt about it (Y/N). He's really not getting it. Congratulations btw the way!" Fatgum was chuckling slightly still as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
"S-sorry if we mess anything upā€¦" Amajiki mumbled apologetically.
"Thanks! And don't worry about Amajiki, it's fine! This works out better anyway!" You smiled over at the two before turning your attention back to the love of your life.Ā 
"Congratulations? Wait, what don't I get? Babe, please tell me what's going on". The worry in his eyes nearly broke your heart.Ā 
"Honey" You grabbed his face with both hands and made him look you right in the eyes. "I'm pregnant."
His body stilled, and his eyes were wide. He just stood there staring at you for the longest time; you swear you could almost see the little hamster in his head go flying off its wheel and pinball around his skull.
"Eiji? Did you hear me?" No response. He didn't even seem to be breathing. "I think I might have broken him." You glanced over to the older man in yellow before returning to those crimson orbs.
You were honestly starting to get worried at this point. Was he just shocked? Was he happy... or... did he not want it? Finally, though, he seems to come back to his senses.Ā 
Blink. Blink Blink. Deep breath in. Blink. Blink. Deep breath out.
"Yes. I'm pregnant." You choked a little up as it finally seemed to sink into that thick lovable skull of his. However, his expression didn't waver, and you still couldn't tell whether he was happy or not.Ā 
"I'mā€¦ going to be a dad?" You could feel him start to tremble beneath your hands.
On no.. he doesn't...Ā 
Your eyes started to water, but you try to keep your smile in place. "Y-yes. You are..".
"I'm going to be aā€¦ dad?" It was taking everything you had not to break down then and there
But then.. it happened.Ā 
You watched as his face lit up with the biggest grin you had ever seen. His eyes glistened with tears until they streamed down his cheeks. "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!!!" Your pretty everyone on the whole floor heard his declaration, and before you knew it, you were being dragged into a tight hug and swung around the room.Ā 
For the next hour, the two of you laughed, cried, and went around the ENTIRE building so your husband could tell everyone the news.Ā  Afterward, you showed him your little gifts, and that caused another trip around the building so he could show off the baby items and, much to your embarrassment, the test results.Ā 
Fatgum quickly realized that nothing else on the planet would get the red headed hero to focus on work right now, so he let him have the day off to celebrate.
After a round of visiting and phone calls to friends and family, the two of you were finally home. The moment the two of you were in your home, he pulled you to your bedroom for the most intense cuddle section you had ever had.Ā 
"I'm... going to be a dadā€¦" He whispered while gently rubbing your belly where.
"Yes. Yes, you are." You couldn't help but grin and give him a slow sweet kiss, which he gladly returned.Ā 
"God, I love you so muchā€¦"
"I love you too. "
"Promise me one thingā€¦"Ā  Suddenly his gaze narrowed as he looked you in the eyes with a serious expression.Ā 
"Anythingā€¦" You shifted, a little nervous in his abrupt mood change.
"If... If.." He swallowed hard.Ā 
"What's wrong, sweetie?" Now you were worried.Ā 
"If I'm ever that stupidly dense again, please, PLEASE, knock some sense into me!" You burst into a fit of laughter while he just pokes his lip out in a pout. "I'm serious! Get someone, anyone to knock me into next week! Tetsu, Bakugou, Hell call Midoriya! After everything I missed, I deserve a Detroit smash upside the head!"
Thanks for the read! If you want see the other stuff Iā€™ve done, click the link bellow!
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dramionecommentfest Ā· 4 years ago
Reader Profile:Ā Kiwi05622
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The Dramione Comment Fest is the fest where readers take center stage! Weā€™re excited to feature profiles of some of our readers throughout the course of the fest. First up, we have the most delightful and lovelyĀ @kiwi05622ā€‹!
Location: Middle East Hogwarts House:Ā Slytherin Pronouns: she/her When did you start reading Dramione? How did you originally find fics to read?Ā  I started reading in 2017ā€¦ I think. Or was it 18? I'm not sure anymore. But one of those years lol! So yes, I'm still relatively new to the fandom. But I have devoured so much that it's come to the point where all the stories I've read have started to mingle with each other, and I can't tell you which story is which unless it had a massive impression on me and stood out.Ā How did I find fics? I had this friend of mine, who was a closeted fic reader (I will never forgive her for not introducing me to this world sooner) that kept on dropping these obscure hints my way whenever Harry Potter would come up in our discussions, which was often. She would call me and ask what I'm doing, and my answer would either be, I'm reading HP, or watching one of the movies. She never once judged me or asked me why I'm spending so much time re-reading and rewatching, and I love her for that. One night, she got a little frustrated with me when I whined about NEEDING MORE of it, and she snapped. She was like KIWI JUST GIVE ME TWO CHARACTERS THAT YOU LOVE, and I shyly replied Hermione and Draco? She had the audacity to sigh (she is not a Dramione lover by any means). She sent me a link to Ao3 with a message "Welcome to my life, and I wish you luck stepping foot inside this black hole. Bye.ā€ because I didn't know better. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, I clicked on the FIRST link I found, and this is how Bleak ManorĀ by Pushthebutton became the first story that made me -surprisingly- fall in love with Dramione and fan fiction.Ā  How have you gotten more involved in the Dramione community? What platforms/websites have you participated in, and which do you like? I'm not VERY involved in the fandom, if I'm honest. I'm an introvert by nature. Even though I started reading years ago, I only started joining Facebook groups last year. From there, I stumbled onto Tumblr (which was the weirdest platform I've ever been on, but now I LOVE IT), which then led me to Discord. This is where I'm currently stationed. I'm not as active as I used to be on Facebook. I also reached out to many people on Discord and found friends that I no longer call "internet friends," and I find it easier to communicate to authors over there.
Tell us about any reading preferences or practices!Ā  Okay, I won't talk about my past habits, because looking back, it was really unhealthy. But I remember I used to read at every waking hour; I would only *sleep* to generate energy to keep ongoing: Goodbye food and social life.Ā However, now, I dedicate time to reading, and it's usually 2 hours before I sleep. So I'll have dinner, and then open up my kindle and read until my eyes can't stay open. My days are usually spent talking to friends and doing many things that need to get done. I started off reading with my laptop until my boyfriend got annoyed by the bright lights emanating from my screen (honestly I didn't even think about reading from my phone). He later suggested reading from the iPad, and I stuck to that for a fair bit, until one night, I ran out of battery, and I couldnā€™t find the charger, so I reluctantly read from my phone, which I later obviously loved.Ā I could read on the train, while making dinner, taking a walk (because we all need to exercise at some point). Then, after my boyfriend was SURE this wasn't just a phase, and I'll probably be reading for the rest of my life, he surprised me with a kindle, and the rest is history.Ā Ā 
Do you like to leave comments? If so, what is your advice for leaving comments?Ā  If I'm completely honest with you, sometimes. I'm guilty of moving on from a chapter to chapter without taking a moment to comment. Telling myself that I'll go back and let the author know how much I enjoyed this part or that part. But I forget. Once I'm done with a story, I want to MOVE ON to the next one. However, in the past year, I've made an active effort to write down everything I feel on my phone while I read on my kindle, so I can go back and paste my review. Thatā€™s the other thing, I read SO much from my kindle, that it makes it so easy to forget to go back online and submit a review.Ā And with Discord, I usually read with my friends, and sometimes the author will be there while we talk, theorise and flail all over their work. It's a much more interactive experience. I think authors would prefer that over a thank you. This isn't to say that a thank you doesn't go a long way or isn't appreciative, but honestly, how many times can an author say you're welcome? Or thank you for reading? This takes me to the second part of your question. The one advice I would give is, don't expect a response back. Do it because you genuinely liked it. Suppose we keep expecting and wanting the author to respond, especially if a chapter gets SO MANY reviews. In that case, it might seem disheartening to the reviewer, and they're left feeling unseen or that their review was lacking, which isn't the case most of the time. Tell them how it made you feel, which parts did you love, which string of emotion was plucked and left vibrating in your chest. Tell them that. But also, saying a simple thank you is enough. Personally, I would go to the last chapter and tell the author how much I've enjoyed their story if it's a story that was posted years or months back. If it's a story published years ago and they seem inactive, I would slide into their DMs and flail all over the story. You'd be surprised how many actually respond.
What is your all-time favorite fic youā€™ve read?Ā  ALL TIME FAVOURITE is such a difficult question to answer. So Iā€™ll compromise and tell you which one I really really really LOVE but also list a few that I can't be parted with. If my room was caught on fire and I had all these stories in front of me and I had to only choose ONE I would say Risk Reward RatioĀ by @MissiAmphetamine and its sequel! Okay, I know I cheated, but *sigh* honestly I love it. And Iā€™m not sorry about it either. It's not what you would typically hear because it's not really a fluffy story and there are some questionable actions, plots and letā€™s not start discussing their relationship. But you see, I enjoy a story that questions my morals sometimes, where I find myself asking ā€œwhat would I do in this situation?ā€ Plus, as youā€™ll see below, I have a thing for angst with a happy ending. That being said, I also love love love these stories and they each hold meaning to me, because I've read them at various stages of my life:Ā 
Redemption by @anondracomalfoy (wonderfully written story and very enjoyable!!! Itā€™s a memory trope mixed with some suspense)
Revert by SUPRNTRAL LVR (this is when I found out that I can actually cry while reading a story lol)Ā 
Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing (I will FOREVER love this story and no one can taint it for me. If you ONLY knew how much this story means to me *cough* I spent every moment I wasnā€™t reading this making her moodboards that's how much it moved me *cough*)
The Art of Betrayal by @hathawaywrites
Across The Hall by @takingflight48 (this one just hold a special place in my heart)
Thirteenth Night by Nelpher (This is the story that changed my mind about memory loss trope which is my LEAST favourite)
Nightmares and NocturnesĀ by @olivieblake (one of the most creative and unique war stories ever written)
Hindsight by @floorcoaster (This changed my mind about T rated stories)
Broken by @inadaze22 (this taught me a lesson to READ THE TAGS, but the pain was worth it)
Sugar and Spice by @inlovewithforever (ummmm do I need to say more? This is one of the best triads I've ever read)
Looking Glass by @kyonomikoā€‹ (Every time I'm in a rut I go back to THIS and it never fails to bring me back to life and remind me why I fell in love with these two. It's light hearted, funny and has my second OTP. it's a win-win for me)
Find Your Way Back by @willhavetheirtrinketsā€‹ (Musyc) (I will forever rec this story to everyone)
Pound of Flesh by @pennilynnovusā€‹Ā (HELLO STRIPPER DRACO! This one tore my heart out, I love it!)
Honestly, the list can go on and on and on. There are just SO many good ones out there that I haven't mentioned yet, but I wanted to list only a few that I will always go back and re-read. Also, just because I haven't mentioned the ones that we keep seeing everywhere, doesn't mean I didn't enjoy them or loved them!Ā 
What fic gave you the most feels? Definitely ā€œRisk Reward Ratio.ā€ It gave me SO much feels. Some were good, and some were pretty bad. It took me on a wild roller coaster ride. I was happy, sad, angry, happy, sad, angry. I laughed hard in some places, I cried even harder in others, I wanted to pull my hair out MOST of the time, and some parts were oh so good the butterflies wouldn't settle the fuck down. But ehh I like what I like, and I'm unapologetic about it. :D
Who is your favorite side character from any Dramione fic? This one is easy! Theo-fucking-Nott! Without a shadow of a doubt. You want to make him the most awesome sidekick character, go right ahead. The best bro, be my guest. The one that has secret feelings for Hermione? GIVE ME THAT TRIAD!!!!! You dare to make him evil? FUCK YES! I'm SO here for it. Even if he is one, I will STILL love him. I always get slightly giddy when Theo makes an appearance, and I tend to enjoy the story that much more. He's an interesting character to me because he's ambiguous. Canon never gave us much about his personality and reading how everyone interprets him makes him one the most versatile characters in my humble opinion. :D
Last question: Do you really like kiwis?? Hahaha!!!! Yes, I really do. This name was given to me by the people who were worried I had a mild obsession with kiwis. You don't have to ask me what I need from the store, because my answer would always be ā€œwe've run out of kiwis, BRING ME SOME MORE.ā€ However, let me just make it clear that I'm not a heathen and I don't eat them with their skin on (no judgment if you do).
Thank you so much, Kiwi, for sharing with us! The Dramione community is lucky to have you <3Ā 
Donā€™t forget, sign ups for the Dramione Comment Fest close February 6, 2021.Ā Check outĀ the rules here and sign up for the fest here.
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lokisrealgf Ā· 4 years ago
enjoy it dear (Sylvie x Reader)
Summary: Sylvie and Y/N get home from a mission and sylvie just wants to feel you and feel alive for a night because itā€™s the end of the world.
Gender: Female (no pronouns)
Rating: Mature (18+)
Warnings: Smut, fingering, riding, seductive talk, moaning, dirty talk, f/f smut, use of sex toys, rough sex, swearing,
Word count: 767
Note: ik its short i literally could not think of anything else lmfao
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Sylvie and Y/N just got home from a mission and wanted to go to sleep. The girls had been staying in a cabin until they found a way to get out of the planet. They were staying in the cabin for about 4 weeks now and they had to do more missions for more clues to get out of the planet before it was completely destroyed. ļæ½ļæ½y/n i think we did a great job killing those stupid assholesā€ ā€œyou know what else we can do a great job on?ā€ y/n smirks. ā€œwhat is that?ā€ y/n starts running her hand on Sylvieā€™s inner thigh. Sylvie smirks back at Y/N and turns her body around so that she can be facing Y/N and to touch her neck with both hands and starts kissing Y/N with all her passion. Y/N starts putting her hands on Sylvieā€™s waist and while they are making out Y/N starts seductively taking off Sylvieā€™s top. Y/N starts taking off all of her clothes while Sylvie is fighting the urge to throw her on the bed. Y/N grabs her vibrator and picks up Sylvie and throws her and the vibrator on the bed. Sylvie turns it on and starts using it on Y/N while Y/N kisses Sylvieā€™s neck and leaves her bruises. Y/N flips Sylvie and starts using the vibrator on Sylvie. Sylvie was trying so hard to fight the urge to moan but when Y/N was using the toy on Sylvie, she couldnā€™t help it but a moan slipped from her pretty soft lips. Y/N wanted to give Sylvie a break and Y/N whispered on Sylvieā€™s ear ā€œbe a good girl and donā€™t moan yet honey.ā€. Sylvie flipped Y/N and started kissing Y/N and put her soft pretty fingers into Y/Nā€™s core and whispered in Y/Nā€™s ear saying ā€œbe a good girl and do the same thing.ā€. Y/N moans hearing what Sylvie is saying and flips Sylvie so now Y/N is on top. Sylvie moans ā€œfuck Y/Nā€ whilst arching her back and starts pulling back Y/Nā€™s hair and humps Y/N and makes Y/N moan and whispers in Sylvieā€™s ear ā€œi couldā€™ve fucked you right before the mission and left your legs shaking and wouldnā€™t be able to fight but i didnā€™t cause then you wouldā€™ve died Sylvie.ā€ Sylvie starts panting and moaning like crazy but she canā€™t stop. Sylvie flips Y/N so now she is on top and starts swallowing Y/Nā€™s core while Y/N is trying to not cum but sheā€™s ripping her lips apart from biting them so much. Sylvie started licking all the blood that Y/N had one her lips from biting them and went back to swallowing Y/N core again until she cums and Sylvie shows Y/N what she cummed. Y/N watched Sylvie swallow all of it. Y/N starts doing the same with Sylvie and cummed more than Y/N and spit it on Sylvieā€™s stomach, swallowed what was in her mouth and licked Sylvie stomach to swallow what was on her stomach. Sylvie moaned louder than usual and Y/N whispered in Sylvieā€™s ear ā€œlouder sylvie so everyone knows my name, if you do, iā€™ll leave your legs shaking.ā€ Sylvie starts moaning ā€œfuck Y/Nā€ but really loud and kisses her neck and Y/N says ā€œenjoy it dear. we arenā€™t finished yet.ā€ Sylvie flips over so now that sheā€™s on top and she demands Y/N to fuck her until she canā€™t get up. ā€œY/N fuck me iā€™m spreading my legs.ā€ Sylvie smirks. ā€œSylvie one question.ā€ ā€œwhat would that question be?ā€. Y/N whispers in Sylvieā€™s ear ā€œiā€™ll make sure everyone on this fucking planet knows my name and iā€™ll leave your legs shaking, maybe until i break them so make sure you want that decision.ā€. ā€œplease fuck meā€ as Sylvie moans softly. ā€œwill doā€. Y/N starts humping and fucking Sylvieā€™s clit whilst sheā€™s screaming and moaning mommy to Y/N. ā€œfuck Y/N, mommy oh my fucking god, keep going.ā€ Sylvie takes a deep breathe and exhales and tells Y/N that they were awesome but.. itā€™s Sylvieā€™s moment to do it. ā€œya know what that means.ā€. Y/N lays down with her legs spread wide open and says to Sylvie ā€œSylvie fuck me harder than i did to you.ā€ ā€œwill do Y/N.ā€ Sylvie whispers in Y/Nā€™s ear. ā€œfuck Sylvie , faster, oh my fuck.ā€. Sylvie starts kissing Y/N and grasps Y/Nā€™s breasts and Y/N puts her arms up to be blessed by the kisses on her breasts of soft lips from Sylvie. Y/N is exhausted and can barely walk so she puts on a blanket on top of Sylvie and her so they can fall asleep.
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smutty-ki113r Ā· 4 years ago
Hiya! I saw your blog and was interested in asking for a romantic matchup! You can involve nsfw if you would like.
My name is Ronan, my nickname is Ro, my most used pronouns are she/her/he/him. My sexuality is demi-sexual meaning I donā€™t get sexual attractions to people unless I have formed a strong emotional connection with said person. My zodiac is Scorpio (thatā€™s pretty much all I know about that lmao) also my personality is ISTP-T
Starting with my mental trash I have a VERY low self esteem. I never liked the way I look and probably never will. I suffer from chronic depression thatā€™s pretty much taken over my life. I have a very hard time with social cues and can come off as an asshole most of the time and Iā€™m extremely blunt. People tend to think Iā€™m cute since Iā€™m fairly small; Iā€™m a 5ā€™3 Nordic female with thicker thighs. I am absolutely OBSESSED with The Legend of Zelda franchise, itā€™s been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. Iā€™m pretty musical; I play bass, drums, and sing. I also voice act so thatā€™s really fun. Not gonna lie I say I have a huge ego but really I just hate everyone. Having depression I mostly lock myself in my room and work on my art.
How I look: I have black/brown hair in a boy cut. I have big round hazel eyes, my face is round with slightly chubby cheeks and freckles. I want to get my lip pierced but sadly have not gotten to that yet.. My fashion sense is kinda everywhere but I typically go for the cottage core aesthetic. I love muted nature ish colors, I think they look so pretty. I love to go on long walks and sit alone at my local park. I find being alone outside very calming. When Iā€™m not outside or in my room Iā€™m mostly playing video games with my friends and kicking their ass. Believe it or not I used to do boxing but now I just lift weights and workout some. I have a long history of physical illnesses that really render my body kinda useless so I always try to strengthen myself up however I can. I spent most of my childhood in the hospital due to these illnesses. I have been homeschooled my whole school years but I taught myself German, Japanese, and computer science. I actually have a job around it. Iā€™m terrible at explaining my feelings and asking for help so telling people I love them is a huge chore for me. A lot of the time you can find me alone singing to myself with my eyes closed daydreaming.
I love to read. My friends say Iā€™m really boring but whatever. OH Iā€™ve always wanted to be a DJ. I know its a really weird dream but it just looks so cool. Nobody ever expects the sick quiet girl to want to be a DJ. Speaking of shy Iā€™m a huge introvert if you couldnā€™t figure that out already. Iā€™m extremely shy, donā€™t talk to me Iā€™ll run away or youā€™ll be enveloped in my Zelda talk. I have amazingly crazy music taste (according to my mom) I listen to mostly heavy metal and Corpse Husband.
NSFW: Huge HUGE brat. You want me to do something? Yeah fuck you. Iā€™m a huge sub you can pretty much do anything to me. I have a big daddy kink like please let me call you daddy UGH. Also praise but degrade me at the same time? Please thanks. Iā€™m also a pillow princess. Um um ddlg yes thanks.
I match you withā€¦..šŸ’–BEN_DROWNEDšŸ’–
NSFW bellow~
OK OK I KNOW I KNOW, DONā€™T @ me for picking Benny boy for you Ro. I just think itā€™s the right fit. Let me start off with the whole depression thing, BEN relates to locking himself in his room and hyperfixating on something. At least youā€™ll have a gaming buddy to get you through it. Plus, heā€™s a very competitive guy. Get him to not cheat and you will have fun for hours. Not to mention you sound a bit like Jeff in the way that you can come off as rude. BEN and Jeff are pretty good friends, so youā€™ll make a wonderful partner for BEN.
Voice acting? BEN will love that, heā€™ll try to get you to do different characters from his video games or even anime characters. He loves your chubby cheeks, likes to squish them and make them puckered and then give you kisses. Itā€™s quite adorable. Zelda talk? Yeah you donā€™t need to worry about him running off about that.
BEN will be obsessed with the cottage core, probably likes those little white flowy dresses. Maybe one day wear those elf ears and surprise him, I think heā€™d think itā€™s cute. You should definetly do his makeup, put that holographic glitter on his cheeks and some hair clips in his hair- maybe a skirt if he feels up to it.
BEN is very understanding about your illnesses, in fact he would be super impressed that you even lift weights. And is so so supportive about you wanting to be a DJ. He gets excited and calls over Jeff to show him. Heā€™s not very shy about saying I love you, maybe the first time but after itā€™s constant affection.
For the smut! He can get rough sometimes, loves the daddy kink. Heā€™s the type to soak all that up like a sponge. Praises you for taking his cock so well but will call you pathetic for making those noises. Probably wants you to wrap your thighs around his head and suck your clit for hours, he likes to feel you cum.
Ok Ok I hope you enjoyed that! I love how you have a big ego and then- low self esteem, sounds like me. I literally hate myself so much and thenā€¦ holy shit Iā€™m the hottest person alive. I know what depression is like, those thoughts just wrap around your throat and choke the life out of you, and itā€™s not even fast. Itā€™s every day just heavier and heavier, dragging you down and making you feel horrible. I mostly lock myself in my room too, but writing helps me through it. I love love love your hair, boy cuts are so cool. And get that lip piercing! IT WOULD LOOK AWESOME. I love that youā€™re talented in music, I wish I was musically inclined. Scorpios are so cool, like I said, my best friend is one and so I LOVE YOU GUYS.
I am so incredibly proud of you, homeschool and then the illness stuff must be so hard but you are so strong for going through it. You donā€™t deserve it but sometimes life works that way. Itā€™s ok to be shy and introverted. For the record, I think you would make an awesome DJ. DO it, I believe in you, so should you. I mean we all have our passions, work hard enough and I promise youā€™ll get there. I used to write a lot about my feelings and nobody ever read it, but I continued and look where I am now! Im so proud of myself for having this account, and you for being ALIVE. Thats all you need to do, you donā€™t need to be cool, or popular or skinny to be an amazing person.
Ro, I swear you are an awesome person. I can clearly see it, and I promise one day youā€™ll look in the mirror and think the same. If your friends say youā€™re boring they arenā€™t your friends. They sort of suck because reading is so cool. Without readers I couldnā€™t be a writer now could I? I believe in you. I know you can do it. Lifting weights is so badass I couldnā€™t even- I can barely do 5 pound weights man. Ya know I believe that the people who go through the most pain and sadness are the ones who will be the happiest in the end. The universe has to give us back what we lost, there is balance in everything and pain is only temporary. Everything is temporary. So I promise itā€™ll be ok man, and hey, youā€™re valid. I see you ro, and I know that youā€™ll make great places someday.
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rai-jin-andro-jin Ā· 5 years ago
Non-Binary Week 2020
Day 2 + 3 because I missed yesterday:
Day 2 (July 13): Coming to terms
This day is for coming out stories and how you realised you were nonbinary.
Like a lot of people, I grew up with the belief that sex and gender were the same thing; there were two genders, and because I was born with female parts, I was completely and undeniably female. And what it meant to be female was just as rigid: gender roles up to the ears determined what I wore, whether I cut my hair, what I said, what I didnā€™t say, who I hung out with, who my enemies were, who I could trust, what careers I could have, who I could be attracted to, and what I could think about.
When I entered college, I was away from a lot of these forces that policed my life. For the first time, I was asked on a daily basis to think for myself: and I couldnā€™t just point to another adult, or the Bible, or to anyone else to explain why I lived the way I did. I had to be able to support myself and my stance and my beliefs. When I was asked to do so, I realized I didnā€™t even agree with half of the beliefs I held; the other half I discovered were rooted in lies and misinformation about other people, specifically minority groups.
So, over my three-year college career, I grew and changed. I came into contact with different ideologies and was allowed to choose for myself what I wanted to believe and why. I shed traditional femininity both slowly & quickly -- I got an undercut in my hair, stopped shaving my body hair, and wore more comfortable/practical clothes (which ended up leaning toward ā€œmasculineā€ in my case). I still identified as female though -- it was my way of defying traditional gender stereotypes and screamingĀ ā€œIā€™m breaking the rules and Iā€™m still a female -- respect me or step out of my way!ā€
During my final year of college, I shaved off all of my hair. Also during this time, I started to discover that I was not straight, but in fact attracted to more than one gender. I first identified as bisexual, but over the next couple years came to embrace the labelĀ ā€œpansexualā€ as well, as I found it less limiting and more inclusive from a linguistic perspective (though I myself consider bisexuality and pansexuality to be basically synonymous in my case). Past college, I started to recognize how the world saw me. Not only did I sometimes tread in the butch lesbian sphere, but I also was misgendered as male quite often, especially after my haircut -- an occurance that didnā€™t bother me, and instead entertained and intrigued me. I wasnā€™t trying to pass as male, nor was I interested in transition. I didnā€™t identify with male pronouns, but they didnā€™t bother me either. I thought these instances were fun and proved that gender was more fluid than most people realized. It gave me a window with which to play with my own gender.
In the next year or two after college, I found more comfort in dressing androgynously. I didnā€™t try to present as purely masculine or feminine, nor did I try to lean either way. Instead, I strove to view myself as neither. I identified for a while as androgynous, as it felt detached from both sexes and genders. I enjoyed finding clothing that made my gender appear questionable, and I loved to blur the lines of my presentation. I did it because I could, because it felt the most authentic. I felt like I was showing the world who I truly wanted to be, and how I wanted to be treated. I wanted to be free of the confines of what society deemed was male or female, masculine or feminine. I believed and still believe that no one should ever be gendered at all unless they ask to be. I believe that everyone should be able to define who they are to others, and should be fully respected for it. So often, so many of us are given only a few options, if any at all, and told to make do. We are told that if we stray from these norms, we are unattractive, unwanted, and just doing it for attention. But in reality, we just want to be seen and loved for who we are, for who we choose to be.
Non-binaryness seemed foreign to me for a while. Informed by my upbringing and lack of information, I saw the non-binary identity as something I didnā€™t fit into. I didnā€™t meet all the requirements in my head -- non-binary people were other people I knew, other people whoā€™s lives and experiences were different and thus more legitimate than mine. Because of that, I hesitated to identify as non-binary for a long time. But then, as I did more research, read more personal accounts and stories, and connected with friends in real life who were queer and non-binary, I felt like I belonged. I realized I was allowed into that unattainableĀ ā€œnon-binary clubā€ that I had built up in my head because it actually wasnā€™t unattainable at all. It was a community full of people with a wide array of experiences. And mine was not an unfamiliar or unwelcome one. I looked upon the word non-binary, and I realized, with utter joy and happiness:
ā€œThatā€™s me!ā€
Shortly thereafter, I came out to my friends on social media, and then to some of my family. I went from she/her to they/them, and I wasnā€™t ashamed or embarrassed, for the first time ever. I felt supported and validated by my friends, more than I ever thought was possible. It was the greatest feeling to finally find a piece of myself.
Even now as I explore the plethora of non-binary identities, Iā€™m still discovering myself. Non-binary describes me just fine! But if weā€™re getting specific, I donā€™t have any ties with gender at all, and Iā€™m actively trying to unlearn my gender conditioning to be the best person I can be. That is why I also identify as agender.
Itā€™s a crazy thing to wrap my head around, even as Iā€™m still overjoyed to have a label that explains me and my existence. But the overwhelming feelings that course through my body are ones of happiness. I have a place in this world, whether I know my name/labels or not. I always have had a place, and I always will. And now more than ever, I fight for my place and protection, as well as othersā€™ whose identities are shunned, their protections & rights denied. I want everyone to experience the joy of belonging, not because they fit a mold, but because theyā€™re happy with their own choices and identity. I hope everyone can experience that fully, in all the ways it can possibly occur, for all identities imagineable.
Day 3 (July 14/International Nonbinary People's Day): Nonbinary Joy
Share all things positive about being nonbinary!
I think these can really apply to any gender, sex, orientation, etc., but these are just catered to my personal experience! I think if I had to name this phenomenon, I would call itĀ ā€œGender Liberation.ā€ So hereā€™s what it feels like to be liberated from gender and gender expectations:
You can wear whatever the hell you want and watch people get real confused.
You get to use they/them pronouns, or whatever pronouns you want; language no longer ties you down!
You get to call yourself whatever you want! You get to choose your name.
All those horrible expectations that make you uncomfortable? Gone.
You get to connect with other non-binary people and hear about their beautiful experiences.
You get to interact with the queer community, which is a beautiful, accepting, and loving collection of people who defy cultural norms and exist exactly as who they are, unapologetically. They are a wonderful group of people to look up to. Anyone who lives and loves to the fullest without shame is one to look up to.
You get to wear your hair however you want and nobody can tell you otherwise.
You get to think about the world without the shades of a binary lens! Turns out the world is so much more colorful!
You get to have awesome flag colors.
You get to have awesome discussions about gender.
You get to be unapologetically complicated, because everyone is way more complicated than their gender, but now, you actually know that and are allowed to exist that way.
I mean, look at the word ā€œnon-binaryā€ and tell me that isnā€™t just the most freeing thing youā€™ve ever read. Look at the wordĀ ā€œagenderā€ and tell me you didnā€™t just breathe a sigh of relief. No more fucking stupid-ass rules!
Did I mention that youā€™re allowed to be fully authentic without judgment? Did I also mention that you can finally unlearn all that self-judgment and internalized gender roles?
Gender is fully opt-in.
Now that youā€™re liberated from all those awful rules and head-spaces, you can think about more important things, like for example: cute people, your favorite books/shows/movies, yummy food, plants, cats, simple joys, arts and crafts, making friends, falling in love, nature, doggos, the whole earth.
Also, now that youā€™re liberated, you can help to liberate other people by fighting for their rights, because you know that people like you (and people not like you) are being denied basic human rights every day around the world; now you know about it and you know they deserve better, so you can use your voice to help educate and inspire solidarity and community.
Wow, thereā€™s like so many things you can do and be, and no one can tell you not to anymore. Looks like youā€™re truly confident and happy with yourself! :) That sounds like autonomy at its best!
What *isnā€™t* awesome about being non-binary?? Absolutely nothing.
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cruddyborderlandstheories Ā· 6 years ago
Fl4k Fl4k Fl4k Fl4k Fl-
i didnā€™t die i just fell in love with that skill tree creator and have done nothing for the past few days but make skill trees and sleep for 3 hour intervals. im very excited for the gameplay on Wednesday but oh man oh me oh my i gotta catch up on a lot of posts lol
tl;dr: Fl4k is a badass. Stop misgendering them or Iā€™ll show up at your home at 3am local time every time and then eat your spine. Bonus: Mr. Chew being an ā€˜Eridian skagā€™ is probably due to some funky mutation from eridium/slag/eridian stuff. Kinda like how Threshers have the ability to make singularities because they are native to Elpis, which is a big olā€™ Eridian base (which i totally addressed in this postĀ lol). I also gave my opinion on Fl4kā€™s skills in general, if youā€™re interested in that. Overall, a very awesome trailer! Definitely lived up to the hype.
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i said it before, this trailer was one of the best ones. definitely #2 for me, Zane is still at #1 because i actually laughed during it. the music in this one is definitely the best out of all 4 tho. seems like theyā€™re all variations of the same song, i like this one best. I need this soundtrack sooo bad.
also i know probably no one else following this blog watches one piece but like
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that first footstep with the studded boot and the sound effect immediately flung me back to katakuri. god katakuri was a badass. i was so excited to see that fight animated.
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mr chew spinning around is my favorite thing ever. i love that you can tell the personality of the pets just from watching the intro.Ā 
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i know fl4k is like a real badass in this trailer, but i get the feeling theyā€™re going to end up being at least a little soft for their pets. i mean... they have stuffed animals of them ffs.
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so... weā€™re near Sanctuary-III in this trailer? I gotta keep my eye out then. i also want to see if that one claptrap area guess i had is correct or not... this looks like an entryway for the garage so im guessing i wasnā€™t, but letā€™s seeeee
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there is a raised bit up and to the left
also im wondering if this means weā€™re going to have to rescue ellie from the CoV.
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hmmmmm i donā€™t think the signs match up.
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mr chew is the goodest boy. im so glad we can pet/interact with him!! i want to know what the names of the other pets are
also, a bit off topic but
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i could have sworn fl4kā€™s jabber was cryo/shock. it was blue, wasnā€™t it? i wonder if they changed it or if itā€™s skill upgrades change its color. i thought the upgrades just gave it better guns.
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yeah it was! i guess possibly upgrading it with the guns gives it a new color scheme? maybe? this could be the gunslinger upgrade!
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it looks like their jabber went through the most design changes out of all of the pets. that or this is yet another upgrade (since each pet has 3 states). maybe this is the beefcake version.
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ā€˜bitchā€™. i love how expressive fl4k is with just the eye. very well done.
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ohhh you know what that building is in the back?
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[weā€™re near the intro to the game!]*
and tbh i donā€™t think this place has the building for Ellieā€™s Scrap in it... i donā€™t see it anywhere. maybe this is the actual scrapyard and the building is on the other side?
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not quite sure tbh. but at least we know this place may also be near sanc-iii, just maybe not the same area as the actual Ellieā€™s Scrap.
i mean... there IS a shitload of cars everywhere. i wouldnā€™t surprised if itā€™s near her garage cause it looks like a scrapyard.
but also where in the fuck are all theseĀ ā€˜normalā€™ looking cars coming from?? itā€™s not like we see them being used on pandora. all the ones we see in bl1/2 are clearly dilapidated and rusting. big thonk. at least the vans/busses kinda make sense.
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oh yeah that is definitely the same building. [itā€™s the recruitment center!]*
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this scene with the rakk is my favorite out of all the trailers. so fuckin cool
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i do hope the jabber goes back to being blue at some point. i like the red design too, donā€™t get me wrong, but i much prefer the glowy blue. itā€™s my favorite color and you guys know i love glowing things šŸ‘€
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<Huge Selection!!!> lol
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cat/doggo/monkey. mr chew is my favorite pet but i love the jabber panting like a dog lol
i never knew this is where spiderant mouths were
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i always assumed they were below that... f r e a k y
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ā€œhe likes to chase carsā€
fl4k probably took them to the scrapyard for this exact reason ngl. fl4k being a big softie to their pets confirmed
(also, notice how fl4k uses ā€˜heā€™ for mr chew. itā€™s almost as if they understand the concept of gender, chose their own pronouns,Ā and your argument that they only are nonbinary only because they ā€œdonā€™t understand yetā€ is invalid! Fl4k is canonically nonbinary and uses they/them/theirs pronouns as confirmed by both SungWon Cho and their in-game skills.Ā 
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Now that you know,Ā use they/them/theirs for Fl4k or get off my blog. Because by not doing so, you are disrespecting the devsā€™ wishes for this character AND the nonbinary people who find representation in them and I wonā€™t support that. if you feel like arguing your reasons to purposefully misgender them even after knowing this, please DM me so I can block you. thanks!Ā 
For those of you out there actually making an effort: mistakes happen, especially if Fl4k is the first NB person youā€™ve learned about. Just make sure to correct yourself then move on, and weā€™re okay. Everyone has to learn sometime and itā€™s better to put in the effort than not care at all. It will become second nature.)
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Fl4k is such a badass, they really are way different than i expected (personality-wise), but i am not complaining. gearbox knows me better than i know myself, so i know iā€™m going to end up loving Fl4k anyway. ProZD did such a fantastic job, i honestly did not recognize him at first! i can tell with certain words now, but wow i am blown away.Ā 
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i hope weā€™re able to climb that birdā€™s nest lookinā€™ thing in the back. it would be perfect for sniping and/or placing ur clone for maximum coverage.
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seriously, what a badass.
idk i feel obligated to give my opinions of Fl4k over here since they were recently released. I am digging them 100%, tho i was kinda surprised (not in a bad way) theyā€™re not as... i guess soft as i was expecting from their character design with the plushes and the face on the backpack and the smiley face pin, but i imagine thatā€™s different when theyā€™re interacting with their pets. im super curious to see how this VH groupā€™s dynamic is going to go.Ā 
mechanically, their skills seem perfect for people who loved sniper Zer0 and in general Mordecai, with a splash of Salvador tossed in for good luck. I am a dirty melee Zer0 main and i prefered Phasewalking over Bloodwing (altho i still play mordy bc heā€™s best bl1 VH) so, while I am definitely going to give Fl4k a go, theyā€™re not my main bl3 Vault Hunter, thatā€™s reserved for Zane and his lovely ability to befuddle enemies and run around. Funnily enough, Iā€™m not even a fan of pet classes, so Fl4k being second in my play order is pretty funny. Tho, yeah, Amara being last is also pretty weird. I guess I donā€™t necessarily enjoy melee, I just enjoy messing with the bad guys lol
ohh, also, I am most interested in the upgrade for mr. chew that gives him the ability to create singularities and is calledĀ ā€˜Eridian Skagā€™.Ā 
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so Iā€™m not saying my theory that the threshers on the moon were connected to Eridians was right, Iā€™m just saying theyā€™re the only form of wildlife we know that has a singularity ability (outside of Mr. Chew, apparently).Ā 
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im just saying gearbox, you should hire me to write your deep loreĀ for you cause iā€™d do it for free
im wondering if weā€™ll be seeing skags with wormhole abilities in bl3. maybe the constant exposure to slag is starting to mutate them further beyond just elemental bonuses (on badass skags). We know Mayaā€™s phaselock has a singularity ability (so does Amaraā€™s phasegrasp), and that is sortaĀ ā€˜occurring naturallyā€™ (you know, as natural as siren powers can get) unlike the singularity grenades we encounter which use our known technology. plus, uh, whatever happened to the destroyerā€™s eye in TPS that made it create a singularity/wormhole by injecting it with a fuckload of slag. that probably has something to do with this as well.
but geez i really hope mr. chew is okay with being all slag/eridium-ed up. i guess being badass elemental skags doesnā€™t appear to hurt them, just make them more powerful, unlike humans. maybe that has something to do with sentience, if slag/eridium/eridian stuff actually is driving bandits crazy. could explain why/if the jabber doesnā€™t get an element like the skag (eridian skag) and spiderant (fire) do, since theyā€™re described as semi-sentient...
Fl4k is cool. Definitely a neat trailer- my second favorite for sure- and the skill tree drop blew me away because i was not expecting it. im expecting a lot of Fl4k mains in the first few weeks of gameplay because they look like a lot of fun!
EDIT: i was wrong, in the newest IGN vid, it turns out we ARE near the recruitment center, because that IS the recruitment center
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they gave them little orange flags! good to know!!
12 notes Ā· View notes
bladekindeyewear Ā· 6 years ago
Boots reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 7 - Meat Page 26
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Back on to Jade swimming into the singularity or something. Ā (And trying to stop thinking that maybe Candy ends with a giant polyamorous relationship and/or orgy, because I donā€™t imagine Rose would have acted so tamely if thatā€™s what she saw.)
Yes, Time is the complement of Space, that was already confirmed in comic if it wasnā€™t super incredibly obvious all along anyway.
Gah, Iā€™m getting stomach cramps again.
Yeah, too much Space makes Time invisible and vice versa? Or...
Maybe Dave broke her heart a little, and he keeps doing it too, no matter how many different timelines they try out.
God damnit these CRAMPS. Ā Reading further.
Like a garden, where Jade used to spend so much of her time with her hands in the earth and her head in the clouds, dreaming about flowers that bloomed in six colors and grew when she played them a song. Was that real? Itā€™s hard to tell. But it made her happy, didnā€™t it?
FUCK are you going to start making me doubt the reality of the liFe we saw her living early in-comic????? Ā Cut it out, itā€™s unsettling!
Alright, alt!Callie is taking the reins from Dirk on this narrative he so smugly thought he could completely consume. Ā Thatā€™s good/bad.
slutty adult Jade
FUCK I DIDNā€™T NEED HER DEATH DESCRIBED IN SUCH DETAIL EITHER. Ā Also alt!Callieā€™s really embodying Death here.
Pff. Ā Calliopeā€™s writing the story now, in a sense, like she always kind of wanted.
Also pff, this version of her doesnā€™t know how to describe human stuff colorfully. Ā :)
An adversarial dichotomy between your opposing goals, huh? Ā This might end up as aĀ ā€œnone of us can really write the endingā€ ending that DOES leave it up in the air for everyone else to decide instead.
Fuck, now youā€™re having THIS Jade suffer by proxy by experiencing the other Jadeā€™s memories. Ā This metatextual ascensionā€™s happening to everyone isnā€™t it.
Yeah, sheā€™s done it before and stuff--
when jade turns to look at roxy, her eyes are completely black.
my presence shall mitigate, if not altogether subdue, the corrosive effect on reality and the will of its occupants by those who would manipulate the way events are telegraphed for their own megalomaniacal objectives.
Well, fuck. Ā Jadeā€™s been temporarily hijacked for the rest of the story AGAIN, like back in Condesce days, this time as a plot device to keep Dirk from overreaching with his god powers and stepping over everyoneā€™s wills like an Ultimate Riddle style villain. Ā Dirk, I mean. Ā Being the villain. Ā And alt!Callie just doing what she has to to put this back on track. Ā Man I HATE it when Jadeā€™s will doesnā€™t get to be on full display. Ā Her will is awesome. Ā (Also, alt!Callie just tacitly confirmed that the will of realityā€™s occupants matters, if that wasnā€™t obvious already, so ha.)
despite his pretensions to a greater design, the prince of heart cannot be allowed to continue to exert unchecked control over the authoritative recitation of events on this side of my horizon. it cannot be overstated the extent to which he represents a threat to the continued existence of both this world and corporeal life itself.
Yeah, it was indeed looking that way earlier.
Ooh, alt!Callie is really spot-on with her pronoun use.
Alright, Dirkā€™s voice is shrinking away, and my stomach still feels half-clenched.
Wow, alt!Callieā€™s really mad at what Dirkā€™s been doing with this epilogue.
ā€œEPILOGUE FIVEā€?????
Did I miss the titles for one, three, and four??? Yeah there were probably there and I just missed them or something.
Pfffff, John looks/smells like shit. Ā :D
...too fresh??
Fuck you John for thinking Monty Python and the Holy Grail isnā€™t a masterpiece. Ā :P
terezi tips her head to one side, with what john personally regards as a cute expression, one he believes is unique to her. whether heā€™s correct or not, itā€™s his belief that there is no one else who emotes in this manner. itā€™s both quizzical and mocking, two descriptors that he considers to be an apt summation of her personality as well.
Niiiiice. Ā Nice linguistic description of herĀ ā€œ>:?ā€ expression.
have no desire to interject thoughts into othersā€™ minds, or to sway intent. nor do i see value in masking the reality of the emotions that i transcribe. this is how he feels. his mind, however, has made a habit of being less clear about his thoughts than i am willing to be.
Oh thank fucking god, I donā€™t have to question everyoneā€™s thoughts anymore. Ā Until Dirk comes back or something, I dunno.
Oh my fucking god, alt!Callie, you total voyeuristic nerd.
he fears he is in danger of seeming like the type of creepy human male who is likely to collect large pillows bearing the illustrated images of japanese earth females. to me, this idea means nothing. but it is causing him to sweat.
This is one very relatable snippet of text.
Feed Terezi Feed Terezi Feed Terezi
WHY is the gold tooth poisonous??????? Ā ...Wait, Caliborn affixed it to his mouth intentionally. Ā He had every right and motive to make it poisonous for no good reason. Ā Ugh.
Beep beep, letā€™s find Vriska.
Using Trickster Mode as a drug to further oneā€™s political performance. Ā Thatā€™s fucking horrifying. Ā No wonder it was on the triggers list.
additionally, it prevents one from dwelling on any given personal problems, or the greater implications of any political statements one might make.
Pff, mhmm.
Problematic, huh? Ā Jane seems like the slightly-old-fashioned sort of person who thinks itā€™s getting kind of ridiculously silly how much people are caring about stuff beingĀ ā€œproblematicā€. Ā And yet that stuff DOES matter, and ignoring it DOES hurt people, and she not only isnā€™t seeing that but is drugging herself to see it LESS with that goddamned lollipop. Ā Holy shit.
she turns around promptly, her body jolted by the surprise of her sudden reversal. she bends over, cradles the lollipop reverentially, and situates it carefully in a place signifying respect: atop the mantle, after clearing space for it by shoving several brittle, worthless objects to the floor.
PFFF. Ā Okay, so alt!Callie ISNā€™T above altering characters slightly from their narrative course when it comes to one of the few things she deems important. Ā Heh.
Having ā€œhis control of a shared vehicle fully suppressedā€, huh? Ā Does alt!Callie only mean the narrative, or maybe Rose too with whatever weird bullshit he did to her?
Uh,Ā ā€œwhile the seer both diminishes and ascendsā€??? Ā D:
--Oh, oh shit. Ā He was planning to NARRATIVE CONTROL Jake into going along with things. Ā D: D:
Yeah, Jake would want to bang all the aliens, really.
Sendificator rifle, or something like that. Ā Got it.
How fucking long is this epilogue, anyway????? Ā I mean, the length is appropriate from an objective point of view, Iā€™m just frustrated because Iā€™m going to have to spend every waking hour liveblog-reading it until Iā€™ve reached the end or Iā€™m likely to fucking explode, and I didnā€™t want this to be my entire day/weekend/existence again AAGH HOMESTUCK YOU BLACK HOLE
anyway yaay karkat in a suit.
Alluding to assassination attempts? Ā What, is that red rifle going to try and fulfill that oldĀ ā€œthrough the silver screen and straight into my heartā€ unused foreshadowing-herring from act six, or five, or whenever it was? Five, I believe.
Pff, super pacs, yeah. Ā Daveā€™s nearly as political as me now or something. Ā Except he actually acts on it here instead of just sitting around talking about it and thinking heā€™s right all the time, like me.
Wait, JANE ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH with smearing Jake??!??? Ā Holy shit sheā€™s lost touch.
...yeah, Jake isnā€™t thinking of ANYTHING except Dirk right now, really.
Oh huh, Dirk HAS been as controlling of Jake as he used to be, now that alt!Callieā€™s pointing it out. Ā Just with an even more insidious mechanism.
Oh cool, Karkatā€™s version of the policy pitch! Ā :D :D :D Ā Canā€™t wait canā€™t wait reading
(dont lie karkat you totally know shes hot)
Pff, stop making it seem obvious that Dirk wanted to assassinate Jake for political purposes. Ā Heck, even if that WAS his plan itā€™d just be a temporary death that heā€™d resurrect from and then theyā€™d try to turn it into... what, some media spin on how Karkat might have been responsible? Or a troll?? That latter part would make things MUCH more xenophobic. Ā Iā€™m starting to get seriously into the politics of this.
Pff, nowĀ ā€˜reziā€™s eating tobacco.
...okay, is Terezi REALLY going to go for a real conversation with just an honest ask for one? Ā I donā€™t think so--
--aaand there she goes laughing, as expected. Ā At least at first.
Yep, Tereziā€™s wearing the shoes. Ā Nice date gift.
--And yep, Terezi remembers all that. Ā She managed to do the nigh-metatextual mind merge with her other selves WITHOUT even needing God-Tier.
Yeah, Vriska always seemed fit to abandon the kismesis you deserved when it suited her,Ā ā€˜rezi. Ā :(
JOHN: even worse, i might have tried to fix things MYSELF! TEREZI: OH D34R GOD JOHN: yeah!!!
Yeah I cackled out loud at that.
john swallows a thick breath. he reminds himself that he never wanted perfection, never asked for it. and yet he feels guilty every day for failing to enjoy it as much as he believes he was supposed to.
Holy shit. Ā Johnā€™s survivorā€™s guilt from all the doomed timelines he witnessed and escaped is keeping him from feeling their victory has been real, and making his ā€œsquanderingā€ of it gut his self-esteem too. Ā God damnit.
Roxy and John wouldnā€™t have worked out????? Hey Terezi, quit it! >:[ Ā Thatā€™s not fair, just very plausibly and authoritatively dismissing a ship weā€™d hoped forĀ offscreen like-- Ā Oh, shit, sheā€™s alluding to something that happened in the Candy side I havenā€™t read isnā€™t she. Ā She would DEFINITELY have an idea of what happened on the other side of that Choice Split with her hero role. Ā Fuck what am I in for
....pfff, that Callie vs Dirk bit. Ā Itā€™s like revenge against Doc Scratch, which it kind of IS, really.
I didnā€™t expect this much time to be spent dwelling on really intimate John/Terezi scenes. Ā Itā€™s really refreshing! Ā Making this kind of meaningful no matter whether itā€™s black or inexplicably red they end up with or whatever, and equally meaningful if they donā€™t end up in any sort of relationship at all, really.
even without the aid of a juju, he is fortunate enough to be blessed with the only true form of divinity. to be released from the prison of nonsensical inhibitions which so often psychologically hobble the more primitive forms of life.
Alt!Callie, are you causing this? Ā I thought you wanted to be impartial.
Okay, THAT finally brought things suitably closer to the black side of romance like I would have expected.
their finger hovers over dirks number for a moment, but... no. that would not be a good idea. they donā€™t know why they suddenly think itā€™s a bad idea. it just is.
Okay, THAT shred of influence is fair. Ā You DID say you were going to countermand his influence, so yeah.
Good excuse to get narration of her thoughts, if flimsy. Ā :)
Lord save me from this fake woke nightmare.
Pfffff. Ā Fuck you, Dirk. Ā ;)
ROXY: guess ill just open the damn curtains and let some light in here
FUCK youā€™re going to kill JADE arenā€™t you???? Youā€™re giving Jade a TEMPORARY DEATH just to deny alt!Callieā€™s proxy?!?? Thatā€™s fucking insidious! Ā Fuck you, Dirk!!! That one wasnā€™t a loveable joke this time, that was an ACTUAL fuck you. Ā This epilogue is really good at making him out to be the villain now that his powers have expanded to the narrative.
Reading reading reading...
...Huh. Ā Is Roxy talking about coming out as non-binary and getting advice on it? Ā Hm!
Alright, and sheā€™s defs a little gay for Callie from what sheā€™s saying if it wasnā€™t clear before. Ā IfĀ ā€œgayā€ even has any relevance when youā€™re talking about a pair of non-binary... yeah whatever. Ā :)
Alright, time to hear Dave talk about it all some more I guess.
--Yep, heā€™s only mostly gay. Ā Called it. Ā Thereā€™s a whole spectrum.
...and yeah, I mean... why NOT let it go beyond quadrants with Karkat and never slap an official label on it? Ā Youā€™re just two people who love each other and want to spend time together in any capacity, be it positive or negative. Ā It doesnā€™t have to result in anything formal unless you want it to, much less boning down or something. Ā Dirk, stop getting creepy with how hard youā€™re shipping them, thatā€™s the fanbaseā€™s job.
Jade and Roxy are visible from this location, right? Ā Wasnā€™t it mentioned that they live in a tower in Carapaceville or whatever? Ā Has Dirk successfully conned alt!Callie into having her vessel shot through? Ā Probably.
the ongoing corruption of his cerebrally impaired daughter.
Anyway yeah here comes the plot twist or whatever...
Yeah, Callie gets it wrong, and--
......ah, a tranq? Ā That makes more sense and is more than slightly less evil, if still ultimately evil given his eventual presumed goals or whatever.
DIRK: Like the bitch she is.
Oh, Jadeā€™s going to be asleep for the rest of the story? Ā AGAIN?!???? Ā FUCK YOU SO MUCH, DIRK.
Jesus christ. Ā How long is this epilogue anyway.
Taken your leave? Ā From this planet??? Ā What the fuck, are you--
Oh. Ā Oh shit.
When Dirk ascended into absorbing the memories of all his various split selves, did he get a heaping helping of DOC SCRATCH in there too??? Ā Was Doc Scratchā€™s ambition actually for POST-victory ascension in this very manner? FUCK. Ā Either way, him sharing some of those memories puts a pretty unique spin on his descent into goddamn evil, here.
Reading on... oh shit, did Callie write the candy half??
Huh, postcoital; we actually went there. Ā Cool.
Ah, she gives up on Vriska? Ā Better find Vriska really fast, then.
Oh, youā€™re really going? Or, trying, anyway.
Really committed to this whole ascending to literal godhood schtick, arenā€™t you, Dirk?
(Hm. Ā Makes me almost think that this situation with Rose is going to end up with someone splitting her essence entirely in two to save her; her raw Seer-ness getting forced into a convenient vessel (cueball, wonk wonk) and herself returning to consciousness a slight bit more mortal than she was before, ie not going completely insane. Ā Hmm.)
Oh,Ā ā€œVast Fuckā€ sorta-maybe-confirmed..??
Stop tacitly insulting Jake as you puppet him, Dirk. Ā Heā€™s a dumbass but not THAT much of a dumbass.
She loves you, Jake, more than anything, and you toyed with her heart.Ā 
Fuuuuuuck you.
could subsume your entire personality
Shit, he IS trying to pretty much consume them all. Ā Swallow their individuality and take total control of all their actions. Ā All Prince of Heart on the whole world. Ā Dirk you need to fucking DIE.
And to love Dirk is to obey him.
There isnā€™t a Fuck You large or loud enough to what I feel about the mental violation Dirk is inflicting on Jake right now, and everyone else around him, and I sincerely and selfishly hope this epilogue is almost over because I donā€™t want too many pages to stand between this one and seeing Dirk fucking PAY.
Jake opens his big, dumb mouth to make the only important contribution to the plot he ever has or ever will make in his whole sad, pointless joke of a life.
Letā€™s hope that in your hubris your looking away managed to let him say something different or some such.
You try to remember if youā€™ve ever been revived by Jane before. You honestly canā€™t recall. So much shit has happened. Maybe?
Yeah, I donā€™t recall either really.
The poison needling through you is antithetical to narrative relevance. Youā€™re not dying, John. Youā€™re being erased. Cherubs donā€™t fuck around. Weā€™ve both been learning that the hard way.
Okay, fuck? Ā How the hell? Ā Is this just because Dirk says it is, or???
I guess itā€™s tragic, though maybe not in the conventional sense. My view is, the real tragedy with you, John, is that you never mattered all that much.
Yeah, Dirkā€™s first fucking rant when he took over the narrative officially was about John being a you-insert nobody average guy, and the DISDAIN he shows to everything about who John is is pretty goddamn insulting. Ā He has NO concept of how John managed to bring everyone together or... UGH!
even though you knew both then and now that it was the only choice you possibly could have made.
Dammit, so it probably WASNā€™T a full timeline-bisecting Mind split. Ā Just a side branch that wasnā€™t as likely, because just like with his Denizen, Johnā€™s will was tilted toward this part of the choice. Ā D:
I see how some of this seems to be going, or at least think I do... Dirk thinks that John needs to die heroically ā€œfor the good of the storyā€, and somethingā€™s potentially going to come in and say ā€œnoā€? Ā That the whole reason they WON was to essentially be free of that cruel logic once and for all, and that Dirk is gonna get one hell of a smackdown for trying futilely to enforce it in their new post-victory domain??
She listens to him bleed while she smells him die.
--That, and fulfilling bits of foreshadowing for shits and giggles. Ā >:(
Huh,Ā ā€œfriableā€, didnā€™t even know that was a word. Ā Just looked it up; you learn something new every day.
Okay what is Dirk planning with the fucking body.
Jane swept the election, of course. I told you I was going to win. After Jakeā€™s incoherent and scandalous heel-turn at Karkatā€™s ill-fated rally, no amount of esoteric, three-dimensional jpeg artefacts could have salvaged the Vantas campaign.Ā 
Ah, but is that what REALLY happened, or what youā€™re saying happened, about to be overwritten?
Mainly that their BFF Jade has been in a coma for an entire month. Theyā€™ve been in and out of the hospital handling her affairs. Her next of kin is listed as John Egbert, and no oneā€™s seen him in ages. Itā€™s like he just disappeared suddenly. Like some great hand came out of the sky and crossed his name off the big list of guys we ever need to give a shit about anymore.
Roxy, after all, and since her big heart-to-heart about the personal politics of queer onion metaphors, and ten stages of galaxy-braining through the many vicissitudes of the phrase ā€œno homo,ā€ Roxy has decided to really step up her gender experimentation. I guess at this point sheā€™s gone beyond Stage Ten. Which I imagine is somewhat like reaching Super Saiyan 2 of gender, and then going even further beyond.
Holy crap, sheā€™s going full Dave Lalonde. Ā Thatā€™s pretty sweet.
...Isnā€™t Terezi like obviously covered in blood and stuff?
ROXY: they stay home all day with the blinds drawn paintin some weird ass shit on the walls
Oh my fucking GOD real!Callie please save the plot. Ā Nuke this self-indulgent Dirkshit.
ROXY: like lotsa nasty purple blood and um ROXY: nudity???? TEREZI: >:? ROXY: yeah yikes ROXY: but MOST of it is cute stuff like... various combos of all of us being happy and gettin married and shit ROXY: anyway thats kept callie kinda busy
...This is an allusion to the Candy side I havenā€™t read, isnā€™t it? Ā Maybe THATā€™s part of what she supplants this bullshit with. Ā Or since it mentionsĀ ā€œvarious combinationsā€, sheā€™s restoring the possibility to everything that the ending was supposed to have?
This is potentially a real fucking indictment of the idea of a narrative-driven ending when what actually mattered was the charactersā€™ escape from said narrative. Ā :)
ROXY: its like theyre traumatized ROXY: and they think ill drag whatever possessed jade back into our home with me
Okay fuck maybe Callie ISNā€™T helping. Ā Maybe sheā€™s just so worried about the alternate history she could have lead that sheā€™s retreating into every Candy-like fanfic she can think of. Ā :(
Whatā€™s with the phone buzz? Ā The intervention weā€™ve been hoping for, since Dirkā€™s making her ignore it?
Oh cool, figures Tereziā€™s been hearing the narrative all along and just politely not acknowledging the fact that she hears it! Ā Maybe SHEā€™LL help unfuck this mess. Ā (And according to her, Roxyā€™s gone fullĀ ā€œhimā€ too!)
Fuck fuck fuck Terezi donā€™t listen to him go against his bullshit instead
Where, canon? Is that where youā€™re planning to escape back to or some such, with yourself as the author? Is that orange Andrew actually you or some BS?
FUCK,Ā ā€œnew bodyā€????
The new body Iā€™ve made for her wonā€™t have much use for her usual ensembles. Thatā€™s all I was saying.
FUCK FUCK FUCK it IS the cueball isnā€™t it. Ā Holy shit. Ā Thatā€™s even worse than a robot. Ā FZUCZK
Okay calm down. Ā The Rose part of Rose can be cut away and rescued from this fate somehow, if she isnā€™t just whole-hog rescued entirely which would also be good. Ā FUCK DIRK
...look purple? What?
DIRK: Whatā€™s happening here is the best thing for everybody.
Yeah, go fuck yourself. Ā This shit had better be undone soon.
To finally face the truth. If Rose has been spending more time with me than you, if sheā€™s realizing she resonates more with me due to our natural similarities and finds my presence more rewarding than yours, then what does that say about YOU, Kanaya?
Okay, after THAT pageā€™s last bit of horrid manipulation, this canā€™t end in any way that doesnā€™t involve ages of existential and literal torment for Dirk, forever.
Epilogue Seven, huh. Ā One last thing he wants to take care of before getting out of dodge, huh. Ā I see Karkat and Daveā€™s text colors on screen. Ā Is he going to try to force them to finally bone down or confess? Ā This would be the perfect place for his plan to get fucking stopped.
Homestuck, stop making my fucking stomach clench so hard.
Thatā€™s a hell of a disaster Dirk thought up for these guys on that stage.
Part of this whole shitshow might be to tell us that this ending, thisĀ ā€œfanficā€ of dubious authenticity of an epilogue that Dirk is giving us is how DIRK believes it would end best for everyone involved, but not how everyone else would, ignoring their wills... while also discarding the idea of the epilogue that any individual reader of Homestuck would want in favor of the possibilities he meant to leave open with the ending.
Alright, here comes Dirk NOT forcing them to bone down but rather trying to persuade-brainwash them into a relationship talk.
DAVE: so what youre saying is you believe in me who believes in you
Dave. Please.
Hey, the Gurren Lagaan reference went WAY too long unsaid. Ā Even if Andrew literally didnā€™t know a thing about said anime when he made the character designs.
I look Dave right in his mindā€™s eye and tell him to cut it the fuck out. He wants it, you want it, so just go for it, my man. Itā€™s now or never.
DAVE: oh DAVE: same
I feel every brain cell in my immortal body begin to perish in real time.
I mean, I want Dave and Karkat together as much as the next guy but FUUUUUUUCK YOU DIRK!!! I want everything you ever wanted to go wrong and shit on you. Ā Their equivocating soft-nearly-mance is strong enough to go even against you, who thinks yourself the narrative fucking Sun.
Oh this is fantastic
Iā€™ve literally been decapitated and that was less unbearable than this.
You see that twinkle? Thatā€™s devotion, you unbelievably dense neutron star of a dumbshit.
Nice callback to... what was it, Daveā€™s first rant at Tavros to troll him back or whatever?
radially effervescing kaleidoscope of more hot boy peckers than you could ever imagine.
Yep, DEFINITELY a callback to that. Iā€™ll never forget the sick flow of that metaphor.
DAVE: i just keep having thoughts i know id never think
Dammit, near miss.
The privilege of a Strider Eye Moment is about the most earth-shattering experience a young man will ever have in his life.Ā 
I mean we didnā€™t save the whole story yet but at least Dirk got fucked over and we still get Davekat intimacy.
Thatā€™s pretty classy actually, not getting into detail and just sounding blown the fuck away by it even though heā€™s Dirk. Ā Thatā€™s pretty good.
Something about the height of Rose, roughly Rose-shaped, and wrapped in a cloth. I know sheā€™s gonna love it the first time she sees it.
Oh so it IS a robot body. Ā Well, fuck you a little less than it potentially being the magic cueball, but STILL fuck you.
I may have already mentioned, but Iā€™m a bit too deft at this for my own good. Doing the thing where I tug at the part of someoneā€™s latent thought process that already knows they adore me. That if someone would just pull the stops from their sense of inhibition, theyā€™d realize they would do anything for me.
Itā€™s called killing their soul with your role abilities you ASSHOLE
I hope this crush you filled him with bites you in the fucking ass now that heā€™s here.
DIRK: I wonā€™t be coming back, Jake.
Oh, so youā€™re just going to drop the truth on him like that? Letā€™s see how that works out for you, asshole.
DIRK: Jane needs you now more than ever.
Oh fuck you. Ā This isĀ ā€œbest for everyoneā€, huh?????
DIRK: Youā€™ll just be, you know. DIRK: Her candy boy? JAKE: CANDY BOY??? DIRK: Yeah. Being on call. DIRK: Serving a multimillion-year term of giving her the right kind of ā€œpresidential actionā€ she needs to keep going. To keep her morale up and such. DIRK: To provide her with many heirs. DIRK: Doesnā€™t that sound cool? JAKE: HEIRS??
Um. Ā What the fuck? Ā Is this even Dirk anymore? Ā Itā€™s not Condesce intervention, Iā€™m not going to try and suspect that just from the callback or anythiiiii-----
Fuck, we DID just get an alive Meenah dropped into a universe somewhere.
Maybe this IS Condesce intervention. Just a different Condesce. Ā o_O
Two ticks longer than he ever deserved.
DIRK: But Iā€™ll never let you break my heart again.
So this was all just revenge for dumping him??????????????
Guh, back to Kanaya-- wait, why does Dirk want Terezi around, anyway?
Jade wakes up and then-- Okay. Okay my eyes flitted down to the green halfway down the page and I saw this phrase before I actually got to it.
Thank FUCK.
Anyway reading the in-between...
The scope of her awareness, she now understands, is truly staggering. Memories are suddenly accessible that are almost impossible to believe. Some of them are unspeakably marvelous to her. Others, deeply disturbing.
FUCKING COOL she got Ultimate-Selved! Ā Now she knows too much about whatā€™s going on to stop her! Ā Get fucked, Dirk!!!!
No, more than just disturbing. She lingers in the dark recesses of her consciousness. There were things she saw, things she was told... Her mouth twists into a silent snarl. Sheā€™s been angry plenty of times before. But never so angry that she stopped being cute. Sheā€™s not cute this time.
This had better not be Dirk intentionally riling her up since he still has control of the narrative though.
Next post.
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xelbleedsglitter Ā· 6 years ago
Hello, I've been a big fan of SWAN since before its completion and absolutely love your re-write, you did a fantastic job and it shows how much you've matured in your writing. Thank you for writing it! I was curious regarding pronouns - since Nny doesn't like being referred to as a boy and mentions not fitting inside of a gender box, do you think "they/them" pronouns might work in that case? Or does Nny not care about that point particularly? Thanks so much for reading, keep being awesome.
Awww, thank you for being here so long!Ā  And for reading the rewrite after having been a fan of the first one, Iā€™m always so glad when people give it a fighting chance against their nostalgia.
I was curious regarding pronouns
Arenā€™t we all, though
There is Some Shit here, so Iā€™m just gonna unpack, ja?Ā  Youā€™ve been around long enough that youā€™ve sat through me doing a shit load of words, so Iā€™m gonna bank on you being cool with that here as well.Ā  Ā I could give you a short answer, but what fun is that?Ā  It doesnā€™t waste time, and it doesnā€™t give me the illusion of interacting with people I donā€™t work with, so thatā€™s bullshit and we arenā€™t doing it.
Johnnyā€™s gender nonsense may have happened because of my own, and just like the asexuality, there was kind of a delay in me picking up that I might have been using him as a good place for me try things on and see how other people react to them before risking putting them on myself.Ā  I mean, donā€™t get me wrong, I didnā€™t just sit there and force it; I genuinely think heā€™s displaying all this stuff in some way and it just happened to be stuff that was applicable to me too, but it was kind of convenient and the more there is, the more people are Not Great about it.Ā Ā 
I even bother saying this because we share a lot of things - many coincidental or subconscious and Iā€™m a little selfĀ conscious about them - and one of them is the pronoun conundrum.Ā  I thought about pronouns for him A Lot when I started the rewrite.Ā  Iā€™d been saying the Homicides were two girls, two guys, and Johnny since like 2008, but didnā€™t know that was a real thing that could Be, as much as the idea appealed to me.Ā  Before I caught it and changed it back, there was even a single line in reSWAN on AO3 that referred to Johnny asĀ ā€˜they,ā€™ and I donā€™t remember consciously choosing to call him that, but there it was anyhow and I was really surprised by it.Ā  I changed that one instance back toĀ ā€˜he,ā€™ but I was thinking about gender things with him perhaps even more after that.Ā  While I rolled around what I was going to do, I was struck with a lot of factors both in and out of the story itself.Ā Ā 
I mentioned to several people at some point while writing this that I thought Johnny would really like pronouns with xā€™s or zā€™s in them if he knew they existed, just because I thought heā€™d enjoy the kind of vibe those letters have, and that was the first weird block.Ā  I thought I might like to use a non-standard pronoun set for him, but I didnā€™t know if I could manufacture a way for him to have found out about them and not have us just take a trip to info dump town in the middle of the story.Ā  I almost did it all at the same time as the asexual thing, but I thought heā€™d have corrected it earlier if it had been a big deal, so I let it go as a thing he didnā€™t know about yet.Ā  I thought I might want him to be able to later, though, so I set up some ways for him to find out in the future and some precedent for him having decided on another set before, because I really likedĀ the idea that heā€™d be able to use some that were his own if I could get them to cross paths.Ā Ā 
The problem was that the ones I joked that he would like, with xā€™s or zā€™s, turned out to be the ones I liked for myself, too, and then I felt really Self Insert LOL, about it.Ā  I thought I could maybe just go withĀ ā€˜theyā€™ like Iā€™d accidentally done once, but I worried it would get confusing since the Homicides do things as a group so often.Ā  Considering what a mess this thing turns into, I was concerned about clarity of actions of Johnny as contrasted with actions of the group sporting the same pronoun, but then argued with myself that he spends so much time with Edgar while sharing pronouns with him and we seem to do okay there.Ā  Ā Ā 
So now Iā€™m here worried about clarity withĀ ā€˜they,ā€™ and I worriedĀ ā€˜xeā€™ would be too distracting or implausible for him to have run acrossĀ in universe along with a bit too ā€˜same as authorā€™, and THEN, because Iā€™m never done worrying, I worried that not letting him use heĀ would be implying that you couldnā€™t use he or she with a nonbinary identity and that you are immediately obligated to use ā€˜theyā€™ or something else when you come to that place.Ā  I tried to have Johnny explain to Edgar that he could use he or she or whatever he wanted and still be nonbinary, no matter how he presented, but thereā€™s still more to do with it, you know?Ā  Ā He found out about that term second hand and decided that was good without much further consideration, but maybe with ISH and seeing himself referred to incorrectly from people outside the Homicides could spark him to look into it further.Ā  Heā€™s not haunted byĀ ā€˜heā€™ feeling particularly bad to him, but he mentions using it just because itā€™s the most neutral thing heā€™s come across, so maybe changing it later would make the most sense for his wanting ā€˜nothingā€™ as a pronoun.Ā  He feels comfortable and secure that heā€™s understood inside his group, but the outside world needs more guidance to view him the way he wants to be, and a pronoun shift could help.Ā 
Itā€™s unfortunate that I feel like Johnny has to hold the entire representation mantle himself, which is making it a little complicated.Ā  I think if there were more nonbinary people (or more asexual people, while weā€™re at it) in media, I wouldnā€™t be so worried about how much weight heā€™s personally pulling, because there would be other examples readily available to tell you that heā€™s a variation on a theme, not The Template.Ā  Johnny is like several very special episodes of fucked up Sesame Street rolled into one person.
So he could use they, and he could xe, and he could use she if he really wanted. I could even write him to be okay with several, but then that becomes hard to write also as far as consistency or clarity?Ā  Like how hard do we stress that either this or that is fine without it becoming a soup ofĀ ā€˜who did what now?ā€™ in practice?Ā  And then, given that, maybe he views himself with different pronouns than Edgar (the other likely POV character)??Ā  They could probably have a chat about it.Ā  There is already a sketchy version of a conversation with Edgar correcting people about the gender issue in general in the new ISH, so.Ā Ā 
I was not expecting to have as much turmoil sorting out a fictional personā€™s pronouns as my own, and yet here we are.Ā Ā 
Thanks for asking about this! Despite the preceding word vomit, I feel like I got a little clearer about what I want to do with it.Ā  Ā Iā€™m up for hearing feelings on it if it interests other people, too!Ā 
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tumblunni Ā· 6 years ago
Hhhhh if i can raise $500 in a month i could design the new gym teacher character for a sequel to a nostalgic fave game of mine
And i'm a little dissappointed that even though the first game literally awakened me to the whole concept of being genderqueer they still arent gonna have any actual genderqueer characters. That kinda sucks cos seriously that goddamn two sentence mention of different pronouns existing fuckin EXPLODED MY MIND and led me down a whole road of self discovery. A bit sad to know it was a big deal for me but maybe not for the writers. Oh well!
...so man i kinda wanna throw $500 bucks at them and be like PERHAPS..CONSIDER...A NONBINARY ANYONE. Like i dont even have an idea for a character yet lol! Only being able to pick the gym teacher is a bit specific so none of my past oc ideas would work. But can i just throw money at people to let them know that nonbinary people play their games and we're enough of a market to maybe add like one npc somewhere or something? Seriously just those two sentences were worth so much to someone struggling as a teen, can you imagine how many more young queer kids could feel that "oh god im not broken" moment if there were more characters like them? And i mean things have actually progressed a lot since the first game came out. We now have a lot more commonly accepted genderqueer pronouns! The first game was pretty ahead of its time for raising the subject but it talked about old 1970s scienceman pronouns and stuff. (Tho lol a part of me wishes the spivak set would become more popular just cos it was my first introduction to the topic)
I dunno man am i asking too much? Am i just projecting onto this game cos i played the first game during a dark time in my life? Ehh..
Anyway if i can't do HERE 500 DOLLA PLZ PUT ONE ENBY STUDENT IN THE BACKGROUND then i'd maybe do this gym teacher thing? I was thinking just.. A nice person. Some big bubbly happy teacher who doesnt have any form of grumpiness or avtually-kinda-manipulative-behind-a-false-facade. Just cos these poor kids deserve at least one teacher they can trust, lol! Also cos gym teachers are often the most stereotyped as grumpy bastards out of all teachers forever. Itd be nice to imagine an ideal world where gym lessons arent the worst part of every week and like.. Actually goddamn help kids stay healthy or enjoy sports, instead of being just a boiling pot of abusive army seargeant teacher and every bully getting free reign to smack you about. Just gimme a nice buff teacher whose muscles are strong for hugging and supporting everyone! Oh and maybe their character flaw could even be that they're too nice? Like sort of an ironic thing of the gym teacher being strong physically but emotionally a "wimp". They're sort of seen as dumb muscle and not taken seriously by the kids, but half of the time their funny "naive" moments are just them being too trusting of everybody. Its easy to spin some sob story and ditch class! I think that'd line up well with how gym class goes in the first game, wher eyou never see the teacher and it seems that the bully kids are making all the decisions about the lessons. Like i could see the gym teacher caving in to stuff like "we dont wanna excercise at all we're just gonna use magic to move the ball" if they were kind of a doormat. And maybe could even have a plotline where its like.. Dark consequences from this? Like you're getting bullied and the gym teacher basically becomes your enemy despite being good natured, cos they keep falling for the bully's side of things and not believing you. Or tehy try and be all "lets look at both sides of this" when there really isnt a second side, or their way of dealing with conflict in general is to completely ignore it with some overly optimistic and utterly flawed sort of "just talk about your feeeelings" hippy crap. And in the end you could call them out on how their attempts to "be nice" are shortsighted and hurting people worse than intentional cruelty ever could. And really they're not even a "nice person" but just someone terrified of conflict, who's willing to sacrifice their morals whenever anything gets too difficult. It could potentially be a really good plotline cos the player might get to trust this teacher and like their goofy comic relief personality and then they betray you when you need it the most. And its even more crushing because its not them being an intentional fucko like the other jerk characters, its just them deciding you arent important enough to take the risk of standing up for you. And maybe it could indeed have a good ending of this teacher atoning for their shittiness, but that'd also mean they decide they really arent prepared for being a teacher and shouldnt be in this position of authority over children. So they resign and that leads to the situation in the first game where gym class is just the kids being left alone to fuck around with a bag of basketballs for two hours. Alas! (But yknow if the writers liked the character and wanted to bring them back in later games i wouldbt exactly object to that, lol!)
Tho probably i wouldnt make this character nonbinary cos honestly people get Really Weird about gender when it involves sports and bodybuilding and stuff. Its already hard enough to get people to accept a buff or tomboyish female character so i bet no matter how androgynous i draw a gym teacher everyone's still gonna assume male. I mean i still get fuckin bummed out whenever i watch lets plays of Undertale and see people calling Undyne male for houuuurs after the game constantly and repeatedly tells you she's a woman. >_> So yeh if i wanted to make a genderqueer oc it would probably be in less of a loaded plot role, yknow? But gym teacher is the only option currently available on kickstarter. Someone else nabbed Librarian in under an hour after it started! No fair! XD (im excited to see that libarian if the backer was THAT DEDICATED to getting the character, i bet theyre gonna be awesome!)
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unfortunate-rp Ā· 6 years ago
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Congratulations, GISE! You have been accepted as your original character, PAMELA LUGO. Iā€™m really excited to see Pamela on the dash! Sheā€™s got an interesting background that I think will be great for the plots to come! Please be sure to complete the steps listed on the NEW MEMBER CHECKLIST and send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Well, young lady, have you been good to your mother?
Name: Gise
Age: twenty two
Pronouns: she / her
Time zone: GMT -6
Activity Level (Please give a number from 1-10 and an explanation): I would say 8.5 because while I currently have a lot of free time, writing inspiration doesnā€™t always strike exactly when we want it to. Still, Iā€™ll be available almost all the time for plotting, direct messages and so.
Tumblr account (for contact purposes): REDACTED
(If applying for second character) Characters played: n/a
How did you find us?: Ā through the ā€˜asoue rpā€™ tag
Triggers: n/a
Character Name: Ā Pamela Lugo
FC: Melissa Fumero / America Ferrera
Date of Birth: April 8th
Age: thirty five
Character Quote: ā€œIf you reach for the stars all you get are the stars, if you reach for the heavens you get the stars thrown in.ā€
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she / her
Sexual Orientation: undetermined
Occupation: Astronomy Art Specialist at Orion Observatory
Affiliation: V.F.D (firefighter)
Neighborhood: The Homes at Poplar Grove
Personality: (witty, curious, kind | stern, impatient, elusive)
Most of us get our names picked for us when weā€™re barely a few days, or even a few hours, old. Pamela picked her own name when she was a few, four to be exact, years old. Surely she had had another name (for two years at least) before she arrived at Miss Finchā€™s home for Orphans. All she arrived there with was a set of pyjamas, a star-patterned blanket and a confused expression. It was never explained to her why or who had brought her there. Ā She wondered about growing up, there wasnā€™t much free time about Miss Finchā€™s to sit and wonder. Though the people were kind, the chores were far too many. And whatever free time she did have, she spent at the Library.
An important reason was that her own life sometimes seemed to her too dull to spend as herself and in that one crowded home. The other, that the Library had newspapers going back decades, and once sheā€™d gone through those of the year she arrived at the home, she kept looking back and back, searching for any clue, any photograph with a face that looked faintly like hers. Her blanket seemed an important clue for her, because she knew she couldnā€™t have picked it herself. Thus, anyone who wrote or drew or had anything at all to say about the stars became an interesting daydream. From two of those subjects she came to choose the name Pamela and the last name Lugo. As she grew older it seemed fated, as she discovered the stars were also her favourite thing to write, draw, read and talk about. Ā By age nine she had intricate knowledge of constellations and how to work a telescope, as well as a commonplace book filled with notes and illustrations.
When the orphanage funds grew thin and her future seemed dim, the door on future books and schools closing, a new opportunity opened. It came in the form of a note, written in a yellow piece of paper slipped inside one of the books she checked out most often from the library. It stated that a mysterious benefactor would help her pursue a career in Astronomy as long as she promised to make use of that career in the Orion Observatory. Ā She dismissed it, but a few days later, on the taxi ride back home from the library, the driver revealed the benefactor to be a Secret Organization, as well as the reason they needed someone trustworthy and well versed in all literature to look after a particular parking spot in the observatory.
And so, she finally found the two things she had always longed for in life: people to belong with, and the opportunity to do something extraordinary, even if through the seemingly ordinary. She grew up to do just that, eventually finding the perfect job in Orion Observatory. But good things can only last so long, and as the organization started breaking down in two, she had no choice but to align with those doing the noble thing. Little did she know things would only grow worse from Sybil Hallowayā€™s murder on ā€¦
Co-Worker to GEORGE JOHNSON George Johnson is one of the guards at Orion Observatory. She is one of the very few people Pamela makes a point of greeting and making small talk with at work, for he is vital in her role of guarding the messages passed along at the Observatory.
Pamela gave up on the idea of finding her family many years ago. Her devotion for V.F.D runs as deep as blood, to the point where it has surpassed and replaced her childhood dreams of growing in the Astronomy Art field.
She is a quiet, secluded person. The schism within the organization has made her even more so. Ā Though her talents have earned her a good salary, she remains modest and does not like to flaunt or draw any attention to herself, not even at V.F.D parties or balls.
She is currently working on the development of an Astronomy related code for her side of the schism. She thinks old codes are untrustworthy since both sides know them, so this project feels of the uttermost importance for her.
What potential plans do you have for this character? I want the moral greyness of V.F.D to become more apparent for her. Even if I think she will always remain loyal to her side and the organization, Iā€™d like the events of this roleplay to present a conflict for her that forces her outside an isolated, black and white perspective of the world.
What do you hope to bring to this roleplay with your character? First of all Iā€™d like to bring someone who can help the plot move along in quiet ways. Just the passing along of information can be very important. And like I mentioned, Iā€™d like to bring in someone who grew up within the Organization and is mostly ā€“ and consciously ā€“ blind to its flaws. Someone who can lure potential volunteers in by selling the V.F.D she believes in, and who is determined to protect it.
Anything Else? Why it was Into the Spider-Verse and it was awesome, thank you for asking.
Ah, so it was quarter past eleven already. She had set her alarm for that time just in case she lost track of time ā€“ and she always did. Ā It was raining, too. She quieted the alarm and relished in that quiet for a moment. Ā There was only the soft sound of the raindrops against her window and the faint footsteps from up in the Main Telescope room. For a telescope room they were an awful lot and awfully noisy, she thought. Maybe once she wouldā€™ve liked to be in that room, peering for her assigned five minutes. Ā Or it could be ten now. Surely they wouldā€™ve given her fifteen, because she had once liked to imagine sheā€™d always be the one to say the most interesting things in the room. Donā€™t get her wrong, she still enjoyed herself immensely on the rare occasion she used the telescope, but now ā€¦ now she liked it quiet.
Or at least quiet enough to listen to any odd footsteps. Not that they were a frequent thing, yet she was frequently alert for them. And for any headlights lighting up her window view. For everyone else in the Observatory, it wasnā€™t a great view. It actually made one of the ugliest ones. Many argued she should argue for a move, because it didnā€™t allow her to look at much except the parking lot and a bit of the sky. However, it was perfect for her. Ā 
It was perfect because, should anyone park there at night, it was her job to keep an eye on it. By now she recognized the few who took the spot ā€“taxis, most of the time ā€“ and found looking at it expectantly as thrilling as the night sky. Thrilling in every way, exciting and tense. It was the tensest when the park in question wasnā€™t a taxi, since taxis was what her associates preferred to drive in. Ā And as a pair of headlights, somewhat squared and bright, moved in, she realized it would be one of those nights. She leaned a bit closer to the window, making her chair squeak ā€“ quick note, a better chair was something she shouldargue for. Ā The car stood still, and when someone finally exited from it, she was more tense than excited to make out a silhouette she didnā€™t recognize.
Tiptoeing, she made her way downstairs, and sneaked into the accountantā€™s office. They always left at five, so the lights had been long turned off and the windows long closed. She peered from them, and the figure stood right where sheā€™d left it. Tick tock, half an hour went by, and the figure didnā€™t move. She rushed back upstairs to turn her officeā€™s light off, grab her purple coat, and make a casual exit. Just an excited employee staying a little bit longer under the night sky. Ā Casually she strolled past the figure, who was a man in a black coat and hat.
ā€œGoodnight sir. Are you here for our midnight Verified Firmament Display?ā€
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mermaidsirennikita Ā· 6 years ago
October 2018 Book Roundup
This was maybe my weakest reading month this year, in terms of quantity--but it picked up towards the end!Ā  There were good books and meh books, but Anna-Marie McLemoreā€™s Blanca and Roja was wonderful.Ā  If you havenā€™t tried any of her books--please do.Ā  This one was a beautiful fairy tale retelling full of magical realism and romance, while featuring LGBT+ and disabled characters.Ā  One of the best books Iā€™ve read all year.
Siracusa by Delia Ephron.Ā  2/5.Ā  A pair of married couples go on an Italian vacation together, where their internal strife builds to a boiling point.Ā  This is like... plot-wise, pretty much what you expect.Ā  But Iā€™m fine withĀ ā€œexpectedā€ domestic thrillers... yet I hated this.Ā  The prose itself wasnā€™t bad, and there were themes that I enjoyed.Ā  But the male characters were the types of male characters where most of their pagetime is devoted to how much they hate women and how much they love tits, and thatā€™s so boring.Ā  The women were more interesting, but why bother at that point?
Sadie by Courtney Summers.Ā  4/5.Ā  After thirteen-year-old Mattie is found murdered, her sister--and caretaker in the wake of their drug addicted motherā€™s absence--Sadie goes missing.Ā  After their cases capture the attention of radio personality West McCray, Sadie and Mattie become the focus of a podcast,Ā ā€œThe Girlsā€.Ā  As the podcast unfolds and West struggles to piece together the girlsā€™ pasts and what drove Sadieā€™s disappearance, the story also follows Sadieā€™s journey, and the ghosts that haunt her.Ā  This is a sad one.Ā  Very sad.Ā  If youā€™re easily triggered, I recommend steering clear because the worst part about Sadieā€™s life is not the brutality we see, but the reality of what we know has happened.Ā  Summers is very restrained, and the horrid things that happen are not graphic, but... we know.Ā  Sadieā€™s love for her sister was extremely relatable for me as a reader--Iā€™m the oldest of four, and my youngest sibling is a good bit younger than the rest of us, much like Mattie was a good bit younger than Sadie.Ā  It was a rough read, but very well-written.Ā  The ending didnā€™t really pack the punch I hoped for, but perhaps that was the point.Ā  Some stories donā€™t get to be wrapped up the way we want them to be.
The Corset by Laura Purcell.Ā  4/5.Ā  In 19th century England, the privileged Dorothea visits womenā€™s prisons, her interest in phrenology fueling her desire to examine the skulls of murderesses and uncover what makes them tick.Ā  Sixteen-year-old Ruth Butterham, about to go to trial for killing her mistress, sticks out for her youth and her plain simplicity.Ā  Yet she insists that she killed the lady of the house--with just her needle and thread.Ā  As Ruth tells Dorothea her tale, Dorothea begins to question her solid views on the nature of evil--and takes a second glance at those surrounding her.Ā  I love that Laura Purcell is giving us these Victorian chiller novels.Ā  Her writing style, her sense of description, gives everything a horrifying creepiness even when the gore isnā€™t on full display.Ā  (Though plenty of awful things happen in full view in The Corset, it isnā€™t quite as lurid as The Silent Companions.)Ā  There is a ton of tragedy in The Corset, and a lot of ambiguity in its ending.Ā  A bit more ambiguity than Iā€™d like, to be honest?Ā  It didnā€™t pack quite the punch I think the rest of the story deserved.Ā  But it was still great, and Iā€™d recommend Purcell to anyone--especially if youā€™re looking for spooky reads.
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White.Ā  2/5.Ā  Frankenstein retold from the perspective of Elizabeth Lavenza, Victorā€™s foster sister and eventual wife.Ā  I wasnā€™t going to pick this up--but then I realized that Kiersten White wrote The Conquerorā€™s Saga, one of my favorite series ever. I just should have stuck with my gut.Ā  White writes well, but the first half of the book is sloooooow (whereā€™s Victor + flashbacks basically sums it up) and because I was so bored, I couldnā€™t get invested in Elizabeth and Victorā€™s relationship.Ā  The toxicity of their borderline incestuous bond is really supposed to make this a greatĀ ā€œmad loveā€ kind of story.Ā  But no.Ā  You never even really get the sense that they were physically attracted to each other.Ā  And White should be able to do this well.Ā  One of the centerpieces of The Conquerorā€™s Saga was the love triangle between Lada, Radu, and Mehmed--and how Radu and Lada were both very drawn to Mehmed while loathing him.Ā  I think she got kind of caught up in theĀ ā€œfix it ficā€ aspects of a retelling, which--just donā€™t go there.Ā  I get it.Ā  Mary Shelley was amazing, but also a woman of her time who wrote a book in which the (somewhat) significant female characters get treated like garbage.Ā  Victor Frankenstein is The Worst.Ā  But everything was so transparent; you knew where the story was going at all times, and not because it was a retelling but because you knew EXACTLY where it would deviate.Ā  And the ending?Ā  RAAAAGE.Ā  Just a missed opportunity.
The Boneless Mercies by April Genevieve Tucholke. 2/5.Ā  Frey is one of the Boneless Mercies, women whose trade is death.Ā  She and her group deliver mercy killings upon request--and sheā€™s tired of it.Ā  In order to break out of her role as a Mercy, Frey persuades her band to pursue a mysterious beast, embarking on a perilous journey that will endanger all of their lives.Ā  Tucholkeā€™s prose is beautiful.Ā  Her idea here was amazing--a sort of take of Beowulf with women (and one guy, who was not at all what youā€™d expect).Ā  She was obviously inspired by Norse mythology, and the overall world and cultures presented are so compelling.Ā  The story?Ā  Is a lot of journeying.Ā  Itā€™s very slow.Ā  I couldnā€™t get into it, no matter how hard I tried.Ā  It was really disappointing because so many components of this I loved, but the pacing just dragged and it seemed like the story was a stream of events via a road trip, which can be awesome but... the characters just didnā€™t play off of each other in a way that made me care.Ā  Iā€™m not sure about how much of this was even the book, and how much was me not connecting with it--but is that my fault?Ā  Iā€™m just left frustrated.
Blanca and Roja by Anna-Marie McLemore.Ā  5/5. Blanca and Roja del Cisne are a part of a family with a terrible curse.Ā  The del Cisnes always have daughters--at least two.Ā  And one of those daughters is always taken by the swans and absorbed into their ranks.Ā  Blanca, sweet and light, and Roja, aggressive and resentful, have long worked to attempt to up-end the odds, neither one wanting to let go of the other.Ā  But the magic that controls the woods extends beyond the sistersā€™ curse, bringing two boys into Blanca and Rojaā€™s predicament, and complicating their fates even further.Ā  This is McLemore at her best.Ā  The writing is beautiful, the romances are fantastic, the relationship between Blanca and Roja is heartbreaking and frustrating and everything it should be.Ā  McLemore also excels at writing authentic magical realism, pulling from her own experiences as a Latinx woman and injecting it into the lives of the del Cisne women.Ā  And as an added bonus, Page, Blancaā€™s love interest, is a nonbinary trans boy who uses varied pronouns and this is actually discussed on-page; and Barclay, Rojaā€™s love interest, is adjusting to the loss of sight in one eye, and is a survivor of abuse.Ā  McLemore is so careful about how she treats these issues, without ever seeming preachy.Ā  This is a retelling of Snow White and Rose Red, one of my favorite fairy tales--and itā€™s my favorite McLemore book so far.
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unwoundbobbin Ā· 7 years ago
Nine Worlds 2018 - Sunday & Homeward
This write up is bought to you by a pack of Nerds, so who the hell knows how coherent it will be by the end.
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(Actual footage of me)
From Saturday!
Our Last Best Hope for Science Fiction: 25 Years of Babylon 5
A look at a ground breaking sci-fi series, celebrating a show we love and how it grew from a something set on a space station to something truly special.
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(Two Centauri, a starfleet officer, and a Morden(?) walk in to a panel...)
This is the panel I missed the talk on Golems for, and much as I wanted to see the Golems, this was 100% worth the trade, because Iā€™ve never met that many people who are in to B5 before, and it was a really funny and thought provoking panel with some beautiful moments in it, including the moments of silence when we remembered those from the Babylon 5 family who have gone beyond the rim.
There was also discussion of favourite moments from Babylon 5. Mine has to be this, from the Centauriā€™s final assault on the Narn Homeworld. Peter Jurasikā€™s acting is superb here, but I love that the writers and director made a place in that episode to show the flipping of Mollari when he realises what heā€™s done - how out of control and repelled he feels by what should be a moment of triumph. And the moment he starts to work his way back towards some sort of redemption.
I think my favourite quote of the whole thing was by the person cosplaying as Londo Mollari:
"Behold minbari Jesus - his name is Jeff"Ā 
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(This psycop lurked for the entire panel. Itā€™s as perfectly creepy and wonderful as it sounds. When I mentioned that on twitter, it devolved in to a Babylon 5 pun war...)
When I came out of the B5 panel, the one person Iā€™d seen with a brain slug had become a collective. And they continued to grow in number throughout Sunday. Props to the person who spent an entire year making brain slugs to give away to strangers at Nine Worlds.
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(The frightening brain slug collective. They continued to multiply throughout the day. Possibly the creepiest cosplay of the weekend, just because they continued to multiply.)
Historyā€™s Hidden Heroes III
Following two years of back-to-back success, the ā€˜History's Hidden Heroesā€™ session returns to its original format of ten to fifteen minute mini-talks by individual presenters discussing their favourite figures lost - or pushed aside - from mainstream history. Introduction by EK McAlpine, with talks from Tara, Avery, and Reiley.
This session was run by EK, and the speakers were Avery Delany, Tara Brown, andĀ Reiley DanielsĀ who all spoke about people in history who were part of the LGBTQ community, including some who were trans (though not remembered that way), some who were gender non-conforming, some who were openly queer at a time when that was (more) dangerous than now.
Avery spoke about trans masculine people in history, including a pioneering doctor, James BarryĀ (note - while that Wiki article generally avoids using any pronouns at all, there is a source from the time quoted that misgenders Barry, so be careful if that would cause you any distress).
My favourite quote from Avery wasĀ ā€œDo some queer historyā€œ, but I also really appreciated something I didnā€™t get the exact words of, but amounted to the idea that someone wouldnā€™t live as a gender different to the one they were assigned at birth for over 50 years if they did not actually identify as that gender. I really wish Iā€™d got the actual words, because that quote stuck with me as much as anything.
Tara Brown spoke about three women of colour who were pioneers in blues and jazz - and sexuality,Ā Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Gladys Bentley.
One of the most interesting, and awful, takeaways from this talk was the brief discussion about how there is some difference in the historical record as to the sexuality women presented, and that this is due to McCarthyismĀ which basically forced at least Gladys Bentley to present herself as no longer a lesbian. It made me so cross to think of a person as comfortable in their sexuality as Bentley having to forcibly change themselves because of the massive risks that being out and proud served in the backwards looking 1950s America.
Reiley spoke about a quack physician called Charles HamiltonĀ (misgendered practically everywhere on the internet), and the importance of checking multiple sources and subjecting them to due scrutiny.
If anyone enjoyed this panel is interested in other hidden heroes from sources that aim at diversity in who and what they talk about (and use content notices), I highly recommend @missedinhistory, Sawbones, and @rejectedprincesses.
The Future of Nine Worlds
It's time for a chat about Nine Worlds and where it's going. If you have strong thoughts about what you'd like to see the event become, and would like to get involved in making things happen, this is your in-person opportunity to talk about the options and understand how we got where we are.
Went to this, and I honestly donā€™t have a lot to say about it - not a lot a could say about it because Iā€™m very much not the right person to speak about what happened in the majority of the session.
I will say that the announcement that Nine Worlds was re-constituting after this yearā€™s con felt like a blow to the gut.
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(This was an incredibly powerful moment, and to know that even though the current director is stepping back a future nineworlds is possible meant so very much.)
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(Main point by what may turn out to be the future team was that Nine Worlds is too precious to lose)
CN for discussion of police at con, and a failure act appropriately to the stated concerns of a con-goer (and more concerned people who did not speak about it at the Future of Nine Worlds panel). When this section is over there will be a delightful gif of Wonder Woman deflecting bullets so scroll below her if you will find this section challenging.
What happened next is best summed up by Alecto101Ā in this post which I urge you all to readĀ (also please read this followup thread by the same person). Her recollection of what happened at that panel is extremely accurate. I was there, and that is what happened. It was not dealt with adequately by anyone there in an official capacity. Most people who wanted to say something in follow up raised the fact that Alecto101 had not had her question and concerns adequately addressed, and when the people on the stage did so, it was in an inappropriate way that put the emotional and intellectual workload back on the person who had rightly raised legitimate concerns.
I have absolutely no patience with the people who immediately strawmanned (Oh, you donā€™t want police there at all - you canā€™t exclude attendees based on job) - I was there and at no point did Alecto101 suggest that.
What Iā€™m trying to say is something EK said much more eloquently:Ā ā€œConcerns about how police participate in 9W and the separation of their jobs and their everyday lives as fans are ABSOLUTELY valid and not the same as ā€œban copsā€.ā€œ
The developments since have been a little more positive, and Iā€™m hoping that the reconstitution can be used as a way to build in representation of PoC from the beginning rather than trying to add on later. The way 9W works for members of the LGBTQ or disabled communities needs to be the way it works for the BaME community too, or it is not diverse (Iā€™ve paraphrased here. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve just mangled the original quote. I canā€™t remember who said it but it wasnā€™t originally me).
For followup, I recommend reading Avery Delanyā€™s thread hereĀ and this thread on the official Nine Worlds twitter account. This web page from Nine Worlds is also very important reading.Ā If you have the physical, emotional, and mental spoons to do so, please consider signing up to be part of the future.
Finally, if youā€™re thinking about writing to Alecto, please first consider this tweet from the official Nine Worlds Team:Ā ā€œWe do not want people to interact with the blogger on our behalf. We do not need defending. We do not want them pursued again for conversations they donā€™t want to continue. Their opinions are valid and we are glad to have heard them. ā€œ and just DONā€™T.
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After that I had more con crash, and tried to manage it myself in the quiet room, before worrying that my nose blowing was going to upset those who had sensory overload and needed genuine quiet, and ran away to my room where E wrapped me in a blanket and fed me biscuits until I was human again. She is awesome and Iā€™m totally in her debt. (Thread here of what I struggled with wrt the quiet roomĀ - I am not saying it should go away BTW - I donā€™t know what the right answer is, just that I found it challenging for my own particular issues)
The end of the con was then barrelling towards me at a terrifying speed. I went off site for food with some friends, and then we all formed half of a team for the unofficial ā€œThe Not The End of the Con Quizā€ as team Last Best Hope for Victory, and we only went and bloody won! Massive props to @knittedace and @laalratty who basically carried our team through two rounds pretty much on their own (even though one of our team who shall remain nameless nearly submittedĀ ā€œAragornā€ as the name of the giant spider in Harry Potter, which was caught before we submitted for marking, but they shall not live it down... for a while anyway :))
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(Team Last Best Hope for Victory. Actual quiz victors!)
Went to bed at midnight after several rounds of Slash, which was really the perfect end to a great con (even if I did keep crashing).
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(Me on my way home. I look pretty knackered there, but it doesnā€™t even touch how completely mentally (and to some extent physically) exhausted I was, and still am. Completely worth it though.)
I may have listened to this on the journey home and sobbed. Like I said on my Friday post, itā€™s somehow become the song of the con for me.
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acelezz Ā· 7 years ago
A Look Into My Life: Today is A Special Day For Me
Why, you might ask? Because one year ago from today, I became a fan of The Loud House. And how do I remember this, you might ask? Well, Iā€™ll tell you the story:
The first time I had ever seen anything from the Loud House was when I as bored one day last year and was in a Gay Moodā„¢(and Iā€™ve been having Gay Moodsā„¢Ā like two or three years before I discovered that I like boys and girls so honestly I donā€™t know what took me so long to realize. When I would get these moods, I honestly thought I was straight just curious about LGBTQ+ people. Younger me was so oblivious to my own self) andĀ decided to watch a clip of Clydeā€™s Dads making their first appearance on the show, which I somehow knew about even though I had stopped watching Nickelodeon for a bit. I probably knew from being so aware of what was going on in the LGBTQ+ community.Ā 
And last year, whenĀ ā€œL is For Loveā€ aired (but IĀ wasnā€™t aware of that at the time), my family and I had just gotten home from my cousinā€™s graduation and graduation party. I was about to go to bed and was on my phone, scrolling through the explore page on Instagram when I saw a post that showed some screen caps of Luna giving her letter to Sam. I have no idea how the post managed to get to me because at the time, I didnā€™t really watch Nickelodeon that much or any kids shows.Ā At the time, I knew literally nothing about the show except for the main character was named Lincoln ho had a best friend named Clyde who has two dads. And I knew that Lincoln has ten sisters, but I didnā€™t know what their names were or what they looked like. And so when I saw the post, I remember thinking,Ā ā€œOh, some girl on the Loud House has a crush on one of Lincolnā€™s sisters! How cool!ā€ Because I didnā€™t know that all of the kids hadĀ ā€œLā€ names. Also, I didnā€™t expect for the one who was giving out the love letter to be Lincolnā€™s sister because I didnā€™t expect for the show to reveal a main character as LGBTQ+ so early on in the show, which is really awesome that they did.
But then that Sunday was Fatherā€™s Day and I was with my whole entire family again in our favorite diner to celebrate. Thereā€™s a flat screen TV in the room that we usually eat in and I guess a kid had requested for them to put on Nickelodeon because The Loud House was on when we got there. And I remember looking over at the TV and seeingĀ ā€œL is Loveā€ on an episode card. And I had no idea that was the episode with the girl having a crush on another girl. I have no idea how that didnā€™t click with me. I think that when I saw the post, I wasnā€™t feeling good that day and had to push myself to go to the graduation and the dinner, so by the time that I saw the post, I was exhausted and kind of forgot all about it. But I remember thinking,Ā ā€œHuh, is that a pattern that they usually have in their episode titles since this is a kids show?ā€ And I tried to watch the episode, but the sound wasn't on and I was too far away to read the subtitles and so I just turned my attention back to my family. And it was Fatherā€™s Day so it would have been pretty rude for me to do that anyway.
But a few days after that, my family and I went to Disney World and Universal Studios for vacation and spent five days at each with one day of rest. I remember that we had to fly back home on July 1st. I remember that on the last day of the trip, which was June 30th, my family and I were planning on going to the Magic Kingdom to see the nighttime firework show at Cinderellaā€™s castle(whatever the name of the show is because I honestly forget). And I was already ready and I was waiting for my parents to get ready so we could leave and go to the Magic Kingdom. And so I was bored and decided to watch Nickelodeon because I wanted to see if the Loud House was any good besides what I had already seen of it. I figured that since it was Nickelodeonā€™s second most popular cartoon at the time(which it still is and probably will be until SpongeBob ends, but SpongeBob shows no signs of ending soon so I donā€™t know if tlh will ever out run it, but that showĀ doesnā€™t show any signs of ending soon either so it might) that it would be on. And I was right.
And I had just happened to turn it on either during the theme song or during the commercials and thenĀ ā€œNo Such Luckā€ started. And youā€™re probably wondering, how in the world did I become such a fan of this show if the first episode that I watched of it was the worst one? Well, at the time, I didnā€™t know how the show usually was and didnā€™t know that. When I watched it, I thought it was better than any of the other new nicktoons that I had seen prior. And plus, I was bored so I decided to keep on watching and the much betterĀ ā€œFrog Wildā€ came on. Now that I have seen every episode of the Loud House, I know thatĀ ā€œNo Such Luckā€ is definitely my least favorite. And then I watchedĀ ā€œIntern For the Worseā€ and then I think my parents were ready then because I remember watching half of it and then having to go back to watch the rest.
But after we got back from having a spectacular time at Magic Kingdom, I couldnā€™t sleep. Iā€™m very sensitive to sugar and caffeine especially at night and made the mistake of going to the Starbucks that they had there. I did ask for decaf but they might have been so busy that they forgot. But it might have been just the star itself because the frap that I had was very chocolaty. And so, while I was laying in bed trying to sleep, I kept on thinking about the Loud House. and so I decided to look it up on wikipedia. And I saw this picture:
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that shows all of the main characters and their names and so I was trying to learn all of their names and then I got to Luna and got a major gay vibe from her. It wasnā€™t because of her looks, there was just something that was telling me that she was gay. It was probably that post that I had seen of her giving her love letter to Sam that I forgot about trying to push its way through the very back of my memories. And then as Iā€™m looking at that, the wordsĀ ā€œlesbian/bisexualā€ in blue catches my eye. And then I looked up to see that it was under Lunaā€™s description and I still hadnā€™t gotten all of their names down and I was like,Ā ā€œOMG IS THAT THE GIRL I SAID WAS GAY BEFOREā€ and I looked at the picture again and realized that the name Luna did match up with the character that I thought was gay.
And so I saw that she was revealed to be bi inĀ ā€œL is For Loveā€ and I was likeĀ ā€œholy crap, thatā€™s the episode that came on when I went to the diner on Fatherā€™s Dayā€ and I read even more and saw that it came out on June 15th, 2017 and was like,Ā ā€œholy cow this is like one of the most recent episodes!ā€ (and at the time it was the most recent). and so i was like,Ā ā€œThis is so cool, I gotta watch this!ā€
So yeah, when I watchedĀ ā€œL is For Loveā€, I wasnā€™t surprised when Luna gave her letter to a girl because it had already been spoiled for me, but I still could see how people thought it was the boy because Luna never uses Samā€™s pronouns and the boy was shown with Sam in every scene that she was in for that episode. But after I watched it, thatā€™s when I had a flashback of that post and I was like,Ā ā€œomg! I saw this on Instagram! I canā€™t believe that I forgot all about it!ā€
And I saw somewhere that it said that Luna could be bi and that she liked a boy inĀ ā€œStudy Muffinā€ and so I watched that too. And after that, I as convinced that it was a wonderful show. I think I watched the full episode where Clydeā€™s Dads were introduced,Ā ā€œOvernight Successā€. And I started to get really into it and at that time, since the show was a year newer and had less episodes out, pretty much all of the episodes that were out at the time were on the Nick App. and I was likeĀ ā€œI should watch all of these while I canā€ and kept on watching episodes until I realized it was 2am and that I had to get up early and go to the airport and went to bed. But yeah, I used that summer and the nick app to get caught up and Iā€™m glad that I did because not all of those episodes are up on there anymore and because the Nick App no loner has my TV provider even though itā€™s one of the most widely known ones in my country :(.Ā 
And yeah, so thatā€™s the story of how I became a fan of the Loud House. I hope that you all enjoyed my Ted talk.Ā 
Have a nice day, everyone! :)
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lucky-clover-gazette Ā· 7 years ago
season 4 first watch impressions
under the cut are my thoughts and my new overall series episode ranking (spoilers)
ep1 - uss callister
- by far my favorite of the season
- a perfect blend of comedy and tragedyĀ 
- i would have loved this as a full movie
- honestly nanette is amazing, like she owns her smarts and sexuality and never gives up i love her
- male coder: ā€œit wonā€™t work, iā€™ve already triedā€
nanette:Ā ā€œwell i havenā€™tā€ HELL YEAH
- i honestly loved all theĀ ā€˜crewā€™ characters, even the gym rat boss
- i especially enjoyed the speech from the boss to robert, where heā€™s likeĀ ā€˜i acknowledge that i was an ass, but dude, YOU PUSHED MY SON OUT AN AIRLOCKā€™
- also the fuckin casual dialogue between the monster and bad guy and the crew
-Ā ā€˜oh my fuckā€™Ā 
- 10/10, watch it now
ep2 - arkangel
- preface: the kid playing young owen teague and his family were actually really close with my family when he and my little sister were kids. it was goddamn surreal to see that lil guy talking about porn when i remember him being, like, eight. but nice going nick, keep kicking ass lil dude
- okay so this episode was... conflictingĀ 
- the opener made sense, but in some ways i thought it was TOO obvious and indicative of the episodeā€™s message and tone. i canā€™t help but wonder if it would have been better just starting like five minutes in
- her father looked like counselor healy from orange is the new black, so that was distracting
- okay jesus christ lady, i get that losing your kid is scary, but implanting her withĀ ā€˜optionalā€™ optic spying and censoring software is such a massive violation of her privacy. like, itā€™s one thing when sheā€™s tiny, but how the hell are you going to feel okay with yourself as a parent when sheā€™s an adolescent?Ā 
- the blocking especially pissed me off. thatā€™s so fucking dangerous. either this woman is just very stupid, or very desperate
- at least the narrative established that it kind of was the latter. when her father gets sick, the mother has to care both for both her father and her child. thatā€™s a lot. but still not an excuse for such mental violation of a quickly-growing human being
- young edgelord and sara are fucking adorable
- saraā€™s self-harm and rage issues are not, however,, and iā€™m glad that her mother took her head out of her ass and ditched the tablet
- is it just me or is fifteen-year-old sara kind of an idiot? like i get it sheā€™s grunge and artsy, and i loved her giving a treat to the dog, but she seems to be almost hanging out with owen teague because he deals, and not despite it. like i get that iā€™m supposed to buy that their romance has kind of a subtext of himĀ ā€˜teachingā€™ her about things, but like the underage sex and coke are kinda yikes. i feel like he definitely should have had more restraint, and although what the mother does is royally fucked, he and sara are also both to blame
- all right, so the smoothie motif. what a great narrative tool. the miscarriage pill was the most clever part of the episode. saraā€™s reaction was very well-acted, and the standoff between her and her mother was intense as hell
- i liked that saraā€™s rage issues remained into adolescence. i was glad that the tablet got wreckt, but i canā€™t help but wonder if it would have been more effective to have her rage-smash it prior to her mother coming come, leaving the pieces for her to find. the actual beating up of the mother with the tablet seemed to literal, too much sinking in the message. there were moments in crocodile and hang the dj that were the same way.Ā 
- the ending, with sara hitchhiking in some strangerā€™s truck, was very smart. the ambiguity of a young girl, on her own, hopping in some strangerā€™s vehicle, is powerful without much explanation. any parent would be horrified by this; thatā€™s whatĀ i donā€™t think we actually needed to see the mother screaming saraā€™s name and bleeding to understand the horror of losing a child to the unknown
- this one definitely gives me the most complicated feelings of the season; on one hand, it had a lot of great devices going for it. on the other hand, it was over-written and at times trying too hard to beĀ ā€˜black mirror.ā€™ the grey morality and ambiguous ending reminded me of a literary short story, which i love in my TV.
- 7/10, watch it if you liked most black mirror episodes that werenā€™t san junipero
ep3 - crocodile
- ah yes, theĀ ā€˜i watch black mirror to be fuckin ashamed of humanityā€™ episode
- idk man, i liked it. it was bleak, and fucked up, but iā€™m all about that downward spiral. i liked that the story kind of began in three different places and then tied together. just as i had withĀ ā€˜hated in the nation,ā€™ i love police procedural stuff
- also damn, it was freaky as hell to see the straight-laced white blonde soccer-mom type being a despicable murdering sociopath!!! like, gotta go kill an entire family of POC, including a goddamn INFANT, and then see my kidā€™s show, thatā€™s great. i was so happy when she got what she deserved.Ā 
- all right, so i had one MAJOR PROBLEM with this episode: why the fuck did they make the son blind? the guinea pig twist was so GOOD, and mia fuckin killed a BABY, they didnā€™t need to further modify that!!! this is another example of black mirror doing just a tad more than it needs to make the audience feel horrible.Ā 
- okay black mirror, we get it, that song is your thing, but can you maybe slide it in as a less glaring easter egg?Ā 
- 8/10, but only if youā€™re into dark shit and bad endings
ep4 - hang the dj
- not nearly gay enough
- seriously, the entire episode i was unable to focus on the main characters because i kept looking around this Tinder-esque 20ā€²s dating paradise and saw ZERO GAY OR LESBIAN COUPLES. iā€™m so surprised by this, especially afterĀ ā€˜san junipero.ā€™ at first i was like, maybe this is like societyā€™s way of encouraging procreation because of population decline, but that wasnā€™t the twist at all. no reason for nearly everyone to be hetero
- THAT BEING SAID, i see you. bi amy. even before the girl partner, i was aware that she usedĀ ā€˜they/themā€™ pronouns when referring to hypothetical partners. i just wish we could have seen more gay couples in the background (for example, at the choosing ceremony thing, it coulda been two dudes of something)
- uh okay, so everyone loved this episode, and it was okay. some of the banter and jokes were funny and relatable, but honestly, this wasnā€™t *that* good. the plot wasnā€™t super original (reminded me a lot of ep1 of huluā€™sĀ ā€˜dimension 404ā€²) and the execution was kind of suuuuuuper basic. like, black suited Enforcers with tasers? a massive matrix wall? the whole thing seemed so predictable and just... basic as hell.Ā 
- but shit man, amy was cool. loved that character in a vacuum.Ā 
- honestly if someone could explain the reasons for loving this episode, iā€™d like to hear them. because i just donā€™t get it, man. maybe itā€™s because iā€™m gay, or young, or single, or unexperienced... but i just wasnā€™t very impressed
- 6/10, not even fuckin close toĀ ā€˜san juniperoā€™ lmaoĀ 
ep5 - metalhead
- black and white seemed sort of pretentious, not gonna lie. i think i would have preferred the dirty palette ofĀ ā€˜white bearā€™ post-apocalypse
- i am all for these female protagonists this season. hell yeah
- soo those corpses in the bed were heavy, but i actually kind of wish we got to see more of that? like, the remains of humanity after the dogs attacked? also, more small explanations for the dogsā€™ attack would have been interesting
- loved the chase and fight scenes. i can see how theyā€™d be boring, but the moments of conflict between man v. machine were fucking awesome
- K N I F EĀ  D O G
- anyone else get serious farenheit 451 vibes?
- the teddy bear thing was dumb. i donā€™t think we needed to see what was inside the warehouse. yet another time black mirror threw in just a little more than we needed
- okay so belle keeps alluding to the fact that she has safe family members out there somewhere, so am i to believe that there is some place where humans are safe from dogs? if so, why the actual fuck did she leave? i canā€™t believe it was just because of fuckin teddy bears
- alllllll the david lynch vibes
- 7/10, but you gotta actually pay attention to the visual details to get the best parts
ep6 - black museum
- BOOOOYYYYYYY! this entire episode i waited for the fuckin shoe to drop and then SHE! DID! THAT!
- the amount of callbacks to previous episodes was,, nice,, but also it was kind of annoying??? and unnecessary?Ā 
- the museum owner was reaaaaaalllly annoying, which is think was intentional. what a fuckin sleaze. in comparison, i thought that jon hamm inĀ ā€˜white christmasā€™ was still a somewhat charismatic narrator, but this dude was just yikes
- so, the first story was... kind of a lazy reach? idk, it just felt kinda like a parody of black mirror itself. i get the entireĀ ā€˜mad scienceā€™ vibe they were trying to evoke, but as opposed to the next story, this one had very little to say about human nature. black mirror works its best when it tells stories that use technology as a way to analyze humanity; this one really didnā€™t (we all already know weā€™ve got weird kinks)
- the second story was better, but, like, SUPER heartbreaking. poor carrie. i donā€™t think her husband should have done The Thing at all, honestly, I donā€™t believe that he couldnā€™t have seen what happened next coming. itā€™s like the arkangel mom again; either these characters are just SUPER present-oriented, or just fuckin dumb
- the most tragic moment in this season wasĀ ā€˜monkey needs a hug.ā€™ i felt nauseousĀ 
- okay, now for THE TWIST! the accent drop was a great touch, and i loved that she was poisoning him the entire time. also fuck white men and supremacists, and fuck the museum dude for enabling them.Ā 
- the ending was great. i liked that her mom was chillin with her. the building blowing up was very tarantino. loved her a lot
- 8.5/10, boring in the beginning but the end is worth itĀ 
and now..Ā 
1. U.S.S. Callister
2. Nosedive
3. Hated in the Nation
4. San Junipero
5. Fifteen Million Merits
6. Be Right Back
7. White Bear
8. White Christmas
9. Black Museum
10. Crocodile
11. Arkangel
12. Metalhead
13. Hang the DJ
14. Playtest
15. The Entire History of You
16. Men Against Fire
17. Shut Up and Dance
18. The National Anthem
19. The Waldo Moment
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