#.Toby ⚙️
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davestaresatthesun · 7 months ago
Toby thought it wasnt great but i think its sick and he gave me permission to post it
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ask-the-achs · 1 year ago
-2 destroys or severe downgrade.
-1 disassemble or down grade
0 object of similar quality
+1 upgrade
+2 massive upgrade (NOTE you might make an anomaly the ACHS have to catch.)
@queen-of-god-above-jeanne @splatoonfan88 @donkeybro @disneycarouselshalie @shadraxofficial @hoshi-neko-hikari @puppy-boy-toby @bratty-kitten-daliah
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healingpuppys · 1 year ago
If possible/you haven't done it yet, can you please make a creepypasta/ticci toby themed stimboard?
Creepypasta is my special interest and toby is my comfort character ^-^
I hope you like it!!
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ticci toby stimboard
🔥⚙️🌲 | 🔥⚙️🌲 | 🔥⚙️🌲
🔥⚙️🌲 | 🔥⚙️🌲 | 🔥⚙️🌲
🔥⚙️🌲 | 🔥⚙️🌲 | 🔥⚙️🌲
☆ Requests: Open ☆
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maidofhearteditz · 3 months ago
anyfin with lil hal .. :3?
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3833< Lil hal stimboard with explosion, red, tech, and robot stims BD!
(B33< RIP Lil hal u would have loved Minecraft and bullying little kids playing Adopt Me on Roblox </3)
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3833< Sources ->
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ducky-bah · 5 months ago
hii! could you do an osmp!tubbo w/ a steampunk vibe and included alderns and maybe allions if you do those?
and in the same vein, an osmp!tommy (also with a steampunk vibe) with just alderns included as well? hipefully im spacing them out right ^^”
ty in advance and fine if not for both :]
OSMP Tubbo and Tommy under the cut! Feel free to edit/scrap anything that doesn't fit!
It is actually disgustingly hard to find on-topic arts, only one art actually kind of fits :pensive_emoji:
Cw for reclaimed slurs
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༄~𖦹︎ Name(/s) ➪ Tubbo, Toby (To-BEE), Tubs/Tubz, Bee, Gear
༄~𖦹︎ Pronouns ➪ He/him, Buzz/buzzs, Bee/bees, Api/apis, Honey/honeys, Mech/mechs, Bot/bots, Gear/gears, Comb/combs, Machine/machines, Invent/invents, They/them
༄~𖦹︎ Gender ➪ Boy(?), UuuuuuuuhhhhMasc, SomethingMasc, Genderwhat
༄~𖦹︎ Orientations ➪ CompliAro, LotusRomantic, QuoiSexual,
༄~𖦹︎ Alderns ➪ PersoDernic, RadioactiveDernic, AlderGreen, BugDernic, AntennaDernic, InsectaWingDernic, StingerDernic, BeeDernic
༄~𖦹︎ Allions ➪ BurriAllion, MogaiAllion, FictionAllion, QueerGentAllion
༄~𖦹︎ Age ➪ 21
༄~𖦹︎ Species ➪ BEE!!!
༄~𖦹︎ Role(/s) ➪ Gear Turner, and/or Logician, and/or Compulsion Keeper (if applicable), and/or Emotional Nullifier
༄~𖦹︎ Source or Theme ➪ Origins Tubbo
༄~𖦹︎ Appearance or Faceclaim ➪
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➪ Art Links; 1 & 2 & 3
༄~𖦹︎ Likes ➪ Bees (obviously), ducks, inventing, engineering, mechanics, robotics, any kind of making things really, challenges/things that get them thinking, figuring out how things work (will take apart machines/etc that he finds so he can figure out how it was made)
༄~𖦹︎ Mixed Feelings ➪ Being alone, when there's something wrong with one of his creations (provides a learning experience and/or extra challenge, but gets annoying), the cold
༄~𖦹︎ Dislikes ➪ Being disrupted when he's in the zone, when people mess with his creations (Tommy gets away with it anyway), when the solution to a problem seems obvious immediately after figuring it out
༄~𖦹︎ Proxy Option ➪ 🐝⚙️/🍯🔧
༄~𖦹︎ Personality Traits/Quirks ➪ Probably has this fixation on finding the best way to make/do something (most efficient/etc), almost always needs to be fiddling with something, definitely has some good ideas but tends to be more motivated to work on things that Tommy came up with or that the two came up with together
༄~𖦹︎ Typing Quirk(/s) ➪ Replaces 's' with 'z' in many cases
➪ Random Sentence Example; "Tommy. I azked for a zpanner. Thiz iz a zcrewdriver." // "Tommy. I asked for a spanner. This is a screwdriver."
༄~𖦹︎ Extra Notes (If Applicable) ➪ Probably has an old list of ideas or things he needs to make that he never actually follows because he has a new idea every time he plans to get to one of the old ideas (the list definitely has a note saying "TOMMY PROOF THE LAB" in all caps specifically). Finds it funny that Tommy gets tools mixed up. Probably never thought about his gender (too busy thinking about inventions) until being stuck in a room with Tommy during a time she(Tommy) was hyperfixating on xenogenders and info-dumped to Tubbo, and that was when he(Tubbo) realised he didn't really feel that connected to the idea of being a guy (or something)
༄~𖦹︎ Duo notes (If Applicable) ➪ Tommy probably comes up with insane and ridiculous ideas for machines but has zero understanding on how to make it so suggests it to Tubbo who then says "fuck yeah" after hearing the most work-unsafety disregarding all regulations machine idea. Also Tommy got banned from entering the lab (making things room!!!) because he somehow magically breaks everything and nothing works anymore so now he has to sit outside in the dirt and wait (usually Tubbo caves and comes out to work on small things outside or lets him into the lab then regrets it when everything breaks spontaneously, something probably explodes or spontaneously combusts the moment he enters the lab). There is a paper taped to the wall next to the door of the lab which says "Days since Tommy was last directly responsible for a lab accident" the highest number it had ever gotten to was 3 because he got a horrible fever one time and couldn't make it to the lab, where a number would be is a scratched up scribble because of all the times Tubbo had to cross out the "1" on the paper. Tommy probably also used to help out by passing Tubbo the tools he asked for but would always pass the wrong tool. They're married, qpr? Idk, they might kiss (or might not) but it's not gay or anything /silly
༄~𖦹︎ Name(/s) ➪ Tommy, Falcon, Red, Mellohi
༄~𖦹︎ Pronouns ➪ He/him, She/her, Avian/Avians, Feather/feathers, Talon/talons, Claw/claws, Bot/bots, Chirp/chirps
༄~𖦹︎ Gender ➪ Bigender Genderfluid, Demifluid Bigender, Demigirlfluid, Demiboyfluid, Transfem Femboy, Transfem Boy, Femboygender, Demiboygirl/Demigrilboy-fluid, Digibird, Boydyke, Girlfag, Prettyboyfag, Girltwink, Girlyboygender, Transfemmasc boygirl, Transfemmasc, Transmascfem, Girlboyfriendic, Boygirlfriendic, Avianic, Mechangelic, Fallfeatherian, Birdgender, Chickengender
༄~𖦹︎ Orientations ➪ Lesbian-ish, Lesboy Bigay, Lesboy, Bigay, Gaybian, Bi Gaybian, Futch Bigay
༄~𖦹︎ Alderns ➪ Alderitch, AviMechDernic, AlderFang, Alderfrecklan, AlderAviTalon, AlderRed, AlderAvian
༄~𖦹︎ Age ➪ 20
༄~𖦹︎ Species ➪ Avian (Chicken?), may or may not have machine/robot parts to replace anything lost to injury (thank Tubbo for the replacement parts)
༄~𖦹︎ Role(/s) ➪ Chameleon, and/or Overrider, and/or Assidumate
༄~𖦹︎ Source or Theme ➪ Origins Tommy
༄~𖦹︎ Appearance or Faceclaim ➪
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➪ Art Links; 1 & 2 & 3
༄~𖦹︎ Likes ➪ Coding, exploring/adventures, cows, chickens, xenogenders&neogenders, the sky & heights, climbing, open spaces, pranks, challenges & competition, Legos (it's the only thing she can build with without immediately destroying everything in the vicinity), just doing things - simply not sitting there doing nothing
༄~𖦹︎ Mixed Feelings ➪ The quiet, enclosed spaces
༄~𖦹︎ Dislikes ➪ Rules, large flat areas, numbers, being misunderstood, being ignored
༄~𖦹︎ Proxy Option ➪ 🪶🔥/🪛🐓
༄~𖦹︎ Personality Traits/Quirks ➪ Yaps a lot (talkative), energetic, rebellious, loyal, courageous, mischievous, reckless
༄~𖦹︎ Typing Quirk(/s) ➪ Usually types in all caps, may also use smallcaps when typing in "lowercase"
➪ Random Sentence Example; "FUCK YOU" // "ғᴜᴄᴋ ʏᴏᴜ" // "fuck you"
༄~𖦹︎ Extra Notes (If Applicable) ➪ An inventors nightmare /half-joking, the lab cannot survive him because his aura is too strong. Cannot recognise tools correctly but pretends he grabbed the wrong tool on purpose. Definitely hoards neogenders and xenogenders. Probably once got stung by a bee then responded by killing it and immensely offended Tubbo who witnessed the whole thing (Tubbo would have claimed Tommy must have deserved to get stung). Has probably responded to someone asking what his 'origin' was with "I'm a fucking bird. Tweet tweet motherfucker"
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i have autism
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badlydrawnroachstuck · 7 months ago
Hi. I have no bloody clue what I'm doing here- deadass, i drew dave and dirk strider as cockroaches and it blew up soooo. *motions* badly draw roachstuck \o/ bare with because ive never done anything like this before *faceplants*
feel free to send in asks! just dont be weird obviously and dont be a dick etc etc
our original homestuck blog is @davestaresatthesun and you can see our other homestuck are/writing/ramblings/etc there :D we're a system so some posts might be tagged with tags for different alters! If a post is tagless then assume its me [Toby, our current host ^^], or you can refer to us collectively with the name Stares! Alter tags will be under the cut
Alter tags (included in the tags of a post to indicate who is posting/speaking)
no tag = Toby - he/xey/scy <- will probably be most of the posts
⚙️ = Dave - he/tick
💾 = dirk/error/unknown - he/glit/pit/in
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coffteablogs · 1 year ago
Official System Headcount Post (Updates Often) (Sub Systems included in intro post)
CC!Tommy/Tom (🐞☀️)
C!Tommy/Sparrow/Castor (📀🍄)
Theseus/Exile!Tommy (💿🦷)
O!Tommy/Adyren (🐔🥕)
ARG!Innit/Ocean (🌊🔦)
C!Tubbo/Nuke (💥)
CC!Tubbo/Basil/Colley (🐝🌳)
CC!Ran/Kiya (����☁️)
C!Ranboo/Boo (☔👑)
Eret (👑🍓)
CC!Willow (🌱🌎)
C!Will/Wilbur (🧨)
Rev!Bur/Rev/Crow (🌹🍷)
L'man!Bur (🇬🇧💣)
Ghost/Ghostbur (🌀🫐)
Lovejoy!Bur/Will/Castor (🎸)
YLYL!Bur/Pidge (🎬)
ARG!Bur/Rain (❄️)
Softboy!Bur/Finn (🌀)
Friend (🐑💙)
C!Shlatt (🥃🎙️)
Rev!Shlatt (🍾💥)
CC!Sapnap/Nick (🔥🏁)
Percy/Clay (🐄🍵)
Philza/Phill (🍏🐦‍⬛)
Admin (👾📚)
Rhinestone (💎👁️)
Toby (📕📌)
Amnesia (🏩💉)
Spencer (🌱🧷)
Smoke/Will (🩹☁️)
Dib (🔦 ☄️)
Elijah (🎸⚡)
Kadaver (🔪🫀)
Zetzugo (💧)
Carnis (🥩🔪)
Odysseus (👁️🪽)
Dipper/Mason (🌲)
Pup (🐾☄️)
Wally Darling/Walls/Apple (🏠🍎)
Flowey (🌈🌼)
Q!Will (🌻🧣)
Talullah/Tally (🌼🎵)
Q!Quackity (🦆)
C!Quackity (🎲🎰)
CC!Quackity (🦆🎥)
Sunny (☀️)
Moony (🌙)
Winnona (🎸🌼)
Sal/Sally Face (🎸🎭)
Jeff/Jeff the Killer ( 🔪🎸)
Ticci Tobi/Tobi(🪓)
Karl (Fuzztive) (🌀💫)
Transbur/Orca (🌟🏳️‍⚧️)
Sorry!Bur/Ashe (🔥⏱️)
Finn/Twig (🐌)
Stampy (🍰🍎)
Fizzy (🍪🌈)
Soda/Theo (🥁‼️)
Link (🗡️)
Dr.Spencer Reid (📗)
Clowny (🌈🎉)
Bear (🦦🔬)
Honey/Compass (🦊🧭)
Apollo Star (🌪️⛏️)
Punk/Hobie (🕸️🎸)
Izuku/Zuzu/Deku/Mydoria (🥬)
Katsuki/Katsu/Bakugo (💥‼️)
Denki/Denks/Kami (⚡)
Ura/Uraraka/Ochako (🍧)
Tomura/Shigaraki (🥀)
Luz/Tommy/Ranboo (🧃🐈)
Amity/Ami (🦕🌠)
CC!Techno/Alex (🐖)
CC!Guqqie (🎨🍄)
Juicy/Gage (🌭)
Russia/Nikolai (🇷🇺)
America (🇺🇸)
Crow (☀️🎸)
Joel (🪨)
StudentBur/Pluto (📚)
Zomb!Bur/Satyrn (🪐)
Ethan (⚙️)
CC!Charlie (🪲)
C!Charlie/Slime (🧫)
Q!Charlie/Code/Vyr (🦎)
CC!Cellbit (☕)
CC!Jadien (🖌️🐦)
Q!Mariana/Vyix/Mari ()
König (🧊)
Ghost (💀)
Hozier (🌼)
Fisher (🐇⚓)
Berk (🧷🩼)
Maggie (🔇🌷)
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zpl1nt3r3d-b0n3-zhardz · 8 months ago
hi!! ok so, im a toby and sal fickin, (also a system) and i was possibly wondering if you could write some xenopronouns that like, fit their aesthetic?? if that makes any sense 😭 cus i can't find any pronouns that suit me well enough
/ , /s
Check these 2 out as well for more you may like
☆ ★
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fictionkinramblings · 9 months ago
this is my intro post!! (first time i've ever done an intro post)
You can call me by the name of any of my kintypes, and i use he/it/fae pronouns!! also, any neos are okay with me!!
i'm just gonna be posting random fictionkin stuff!! ^w^
The emojis will be put at the beginning of the posts that relate to the kin!
Murder Drones:
Serial Designation N (kinfirmed, fictionkin) 🤖 ⚠️
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @n-copper9
South Park:
Kenny McCormick (kinfirmed, fictionkin)🟧🪦
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @kenny126
Tweek Tweak (kinfirmed, fictionkin)☕️🟨
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @tweekertweaking
Kyle Broflovski (kinfirmed, fictionkin)🟧🟩
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @therealkylebroflovski
KinitoPET (kinfirmed, fictionflicker)💕🦎
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @your-best-friend-forever
The Amazing Digital Circus:
Kinger (kinfirmed, fictionflicker)👑🟪
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @kinger-from-the-circus
Bive (kinfirmed, fictionflicker)🔎⬛️
Prototype (kinsidering, fictionflicker)🤖🌈
Lampert (kinfirmed, fictionkin)💡⬜️
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @lampertfromikea
Infected (Kinfirmed, fictionkin)🌈🖤
Wallter (kinsidering, fictionkin) 🧱⬜️
Stone (kinfirmed, fictionflicker)🫘🗑
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @st0ne-ramshackle
Tobias "Ticci Toby" Erin Rogers (kinfirmed, fictionkin) 🪓🥾
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @tticctoby
Sonic Prime:
Sonic (kinfirmed, fictionkin) 🟦⬜️
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @therealestsonic
Shadow (kinfirmed, fictionkin) ⬛️❌
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @iamtheultimatelifeform
Nine (kinfirmed, fictionkin)🦊🦿
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @ninetailedgenius
Miles 'Tails' Prower (kinfirmed, fictionkin) 🦊⚙️
This one has its own kinshift blog! go to -> @ireallylikeplanes
LEGO Batman Movie:
The Joker
I'm sure there are more but I can't remember them..
welp! have a nice day <3
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dontrontech9000 · 11 months ago
TAGGING SYSTEM [linked to pinned post]
Inspired by usayui tagging system
Character Tagging Format
#🏮 [Cassandra Jones/Casey Sr] #🏒 [Casey Jr] #👾 [Donnie] #🌲 [Erin] #🛹 [Leo] #🎨 [Mikey] #🌹 [Raph] #🪶 [Toby] #⛩️ [Yuichi Usagi] #🎭 [Minor Character]
SLIGHT FUTURE CHARACTERS (connected to my Bad Future AU called Genius Built & takes place beginning years of the apocalypse. We've been referring to these characters as "name" Lite. For example: Donnie Lite)
#🐱 [Kid Acie/Acie Lite] #🥷 [Casey Sr/Cassandra Lite] #☢️ [Donnie Lite] #⚔️ [Leo Lite] #🎋 [Mikey Lite] #🧸 [Raph Lite] #🕹️ [SHELLDON Lite] #🧿 [Toby Lite] #🌟 [Usagi Lite] #👁️ [Zinnia/Erin Lite] #🎭 [Minor Character]
FUTURE CHARACTERS (further into the future during the apocalypse, in a different universe, connected to @ maybe-i-am-boring Bad Future AU)
#✨ [Future April] #🏹 [Acie/Future Acie] #⚙️ [Casey Jr (still in the future)] #🗝️ [Corporal Darner/Future Toby] #🔩 [Future Donnie] #🚀 [Future Leo] #🧙 [Future Mikey] #🥊 [Future Raph] #🎮 [Future SHELLDON] #🍄 [Yarrow/Future Erin] #🎭 [Minor Character]
OTHER FUTURE AU (Genius Built AU but even further into the future)
#⚠️ [GB!Donnie] #🕊️ [GB!Hazel] #🌠 [GB!Darner] #🎭 [Minor Character]
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shinigami-9000 · 11 months ago
TAGGING SYSTEM [linked to pinned post]
Inspired by usayui tagging system
Character Tagging Format:
#🏮 [Cassandra Jones/Casey Sr] #🏒 [Casey Jr] #👾 [Donnie] #🌲 [Erin] #🛹 [Leo] #🎨 [Mikey] #🌹 [Raph] #🪶 [Toby] #⛩️ [Yuichi Usagi] #🎭 [Minor Character]
SLIGHT FUTURE CHARACTERS (connected to my Bad Future AU called Genius Built & takes place beginning years of the apocalypse. We've been referring to these characters as "name" Lite. For example: Donnie Lite)
#🐱 [Kid Acie/Acie Lite] #🥷 [Casey Sr/Cassandra Lite] #☢️ [Donnie Lite] #⚔️ [Leo Lite] #🎋 [Mikey Lite] #🧸 [Raph Lite] #🕹️ [SHELLDON Lite] #🧿 [Toby Lite] #🌟 [Usagi Lite] #👁️ [Zinnia/Erin Lite] #🎭 [Minor Character]
FUTURE CHARACTERS (further into the future during the apocalypse, in a different universe, connected to @ maybe-i-am-boring Bad Future AU)
#✨ [Future April] #🏹 [Acie/Future Acie] #⚙️ [Casey Jr (still in the future)] #🗝️ [Corporal Darner/Future Toby] #🔩 [Future Donnie] #🚀 [Future Leo] #🧙 [Future Mikey] #🥊 [Future Raph] #🎮 [Future SHELLDON] #🍄 [Yarrow/Future Erin] #🎭 [Minor Character]
OTHER FUTURE AU (Genius Built AU but even further into the future)
#⚠️ [GB!Donnie] #🕊️ [GB!Hazel] #🌠 [GB!Darner] #🎭 [Minor Character]
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othellotron9000 · 1 year ago
TAGGING SYSTEM [linked to pinned post]
Inspired by usayui tagging system
Character Tagging Format:
#🏮 [Cassandra Jones/Casey Sr] #🏒 [Casey Jr] #👾 [Donnie] #🌲 [Erin] #🛹 [Leo] #🎨 [Mikey] #🌹 [Raph] #🪶 [Toby] #⛩️ [Yuichi Usagi] #🎭 [Minor Character]
SLIGHT FUTURE CHARACTERS (connected to my Bad Future AU, takes place beginning years of the apocalypse. We've been referring to these characters as "name" Lite. For example: Donnie Lite)
#🐱 [Kid Acie/Acie Lite] #🥷 [Casey Sr/Cassandra Lite] #☢️ [Donnie Lite] #⚔️ [Leo Lite] #🎋 [Mikey Lite] #🧸 [Raph Lite] #🕹️ [SHELLDON Lite] #🧿 [Toby Lite] #🌟 [Usagi Lite] #👁️ [Zinnia/Erin Lite] #🎭 [Minor Character]
FUTURE CHARACTERS (further into the future during the apocalypse, in a different universe, connected to @ maybe-i-am-boring Bad Future AU)
#✨ [Future April] #🏹 [Acie/Future Acie] #⚙️ [Casey Jr (still in the future)] #🗝️ [Corporal Darner/Future Toby] #🔩 [Future Donnie] #🚀 [Future Leo] #🧙 [Future Mikey] #🥊 [Future Raph] #🎮 [Future SHELLDON] #🍄 [Yarrow/Future Erin] #🎭 [Minor Character]
OTHER FUTURE AU (Genius Built AU but even further into the future)
#⚠️ [GB!Donnie] #🕊️ [GB!Hazel] #🌠 [GB!Darner] #🎭 [Minor Character]
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years ago
Quill I have a lot of replies to stuff you write out in my notes (including a 3,000 word essay on what Ninjago is about that was too long for tumblr) that I don’t send you. Mainly because I don’t have the spoons to go and put it out there.
Anyway, I am glad that I am a fascinating person in terms of my responses. I always enjoy seeing what people think of me.
This is like when I found out Tobi had done sketches of the wings au he'd just. had in his sketchbook for months that I never knew about. casually. I'm very curious but also totally respect you not sending them, I don't need to know my interest is just piqued.
And yes, you always seem to pop up out of nowhere. You frequently respond very quickly to things when you do respond, and I never know what it is that prompts it. Or how you're so fast so consistently. I don't mean any of this negatively or like there has to be an explanation, it's just interesting to me :)
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crystalkleure · 3 years ago
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ever notice how many animals with "clown" in the name are Very Orange? it's weird, because looking back at even really old clowns, i didn't see a time where that was the Only Color 🤔 maybe it's just because of how the colors are arranged and the fact that they're so bright? (i'll link image sources under the cut)
I've Got A Theory!
I think the orange is being equated with red, because red pigment is what causes the orange colouration. And then when you mix that with the fact that Clown Creatures aren't just Solid Orange/Red, but specifically Orange/Red Mixed With Clearly-Defined Bold White Or Black Markings, Like Stripes And/Or Spots, it kind of starts to look like a classic clown head. You know, the Clown Look™ that's like, red afro + gratuitous face paint, usually a white base layer of paint with black detailing. Sometimes with other Bold Bright Colours thrown in like yellow or green.
On the subject, check out Idalus herois, which I often see called the Clown Moth because it looks like it has a clown face on its back! It is also Very Orange And Boldly-Marked:
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Image source: Wikimedia Commons [Photographer: Pavel Kirillov]
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computerkisser · 4 years ago
mmm no ask game just tell me one random thing u love abt all your f/os >:]
ououou ALL my f/os??? that’s so much love i have so much love for my eighty million fictional partners >:D
hal — his appreciation of art is so sweet!!
redacted — old timey hotel aesthetic… so charming…
anatoly — he has ALL the coolest lines in the whole show
freddie — the fact that we would hunt each other’s mothers for sport <3
bubz — their glasses and their little tie are so cute?? their Fashion…
wheatley — PERFECT mix of evilscary villain & Just Some Guy
toby — I HAVENT TALKED ABT TOBY IN FOREVER his stupid laugh <3 <3 <3
auto — i love the way he moves it’s so graceful yet mechanical at the same time
narrator — ok ok i’m gonna go with the obvious here… his voice is so so nice
cb — his makeup!!!! is so cute!!!!!
bill — ANOTHER ONE I HAVENT TALKED ABT IN SO LONG i could fix him. that’s what i love abt him… his fixability
lens — I HAVWNT TALKED ABOUT LENS IN FOREBER OH MY GOD? he is PEAK himbo he’s perfect
john — his EYES are so PRETTY
computer — i love his little musical motif!! the same Pretentiousy Silly Classical-ish music appears whenever he has a scene it’s v cool
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sunshine-for-serotonin · 2 years ago
Hello! Requests:Open!💕
I’m Sunshine, and this is my yandere request blog! I write yandere oneshots, headcannons, and scenarios for your entertainment with a maximum character limit of four. Below is a list of rules and what I will write for!! :)
I will write for:
nsfw (fair warning, it may not be very good) ❣️on that note, I only write for sub characters. ❣️
suggestive content
most kinks, with exceptions for watersports, spit, and degradation
I will write for GN, afab, and explicitly fem readers only, because I don’t know enough to write about male readers to feel comfortably, sorry!!
FNAF (games only):
Michael and William Afton
all animatronics (specify if you want human or natural form)
Asa Emory
Will Graham
Hannibal Lecter
OG!Michael Myers                                                                                           
Bo Sinclair                                                                                                             
Vincent Sinclair                                                                                                     
Bubba Sawyer                                                                                                       
Thomas Hewitt                                                                                                       
Brahms Heelshire                                                                                                 
Levi Ackerman
Erwin Smith
Bertholdt Hoover (early 20s)
TWISTED WONDERLAND (actual college)
Riddle Rosehearts
Azul Ashengrotto
Rollo Flamme
Kiku Honda (Japan)
Kuro Honda (2p Japan)
Oliver Kirkland (2p England)
Ivan Braginsky (Russia)
Viktor Braginsky (2p Russia)
Berwald Oxenstierna (Sweden)
Lukas Bondevik (Norway)
Tino Väinämöinen (Finland)
Claude Faustus
Sebastian Michaelis
Ciel Phantomhive (early 20s)
William T. Spears
Tanjiro Kamado (early 20s)
Yushiro Yamamoto
Muzan Kibutsuji
Judge Claude Frollo
Captain Hook
Erik Destler (Phantom of the Opera, Musical!Erik and Book!Erik, plus a sprinkle of Cherik.)
General yandere nsfw headcannons 💜
Self indulgent nsfw post💜: part one and two
Erik getting reader pregnant headcannons 💜
Desperate Erik oneshot with cowgirl and facesitting 💜
Erik with a mommy kink headcannons (cannon in all my works) 💜
General kissing with Erik 💜
Erik with voice kink, auralism, and scent kink headcannons 💜
Erik’s nsfw alphabet 💜
Would Erik like to be called babydoll? 💜
Forever and Always, You. Valentine’s Day oneshot (unless someone requests another part and gives some ideas 👀) 💜
Erik with a mommy kink oneshot 💜
A Chance With You series: one💜 two💜 three(in progress)
Cherik general yandere headcannons 💜
Musical!Erik with mirror sex oneshot 💜
Reader making Erik a scarf and he gets whiny because they aren’t paying attention to him 💜
Rollo Flamme
Fragile: Rollo slips you a sleeping potion so he can have your affection while you’re asleep 🔔
Brahms Heelshire
Reader who flinches when he raises his hand 💷
Eyeless Jack
Nsfw alphabet 💙
Ticci Toby
Soft reader headcannons 🪓
Mandela Catalogue
Mark Heathcliff headcannons 🔫
Adam and Jonah x reader from irl 📹📼
Human Cesar Torres headcannons ☎️
Michael Afton
Ghost Michael headcannons 🔦
Withered Bonnie
General headcannons🐰⚙️
Funtime Crew
Touch starved reader 🎉🎈
Soft reader 💉
Ebenezer Scrooge
Nsfw alphabet 💰
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