#...unlike someone else in a few chapters...
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simpingforbots · 19 hours ago
Hello I was wondering if I could have human reader and TFone elita one in it the human lands on cybertron gets found by elita one and lives at her place and shows the struggles of them liveing on cybertron and them growing in their relationship with elita one soon after having a hard time sleeping elita ask them if they want to sleep in her bed and cuddle
Thank you I hope this wasn’t a lot
Hello. Sure can do my best. I am thinking of putting this meeting this time in future, after Sentinel became a twix, but before war. In more peaceful times. might even take few chapter so head up.
Little Alien - part 1
You were no one special and you knew it. Unlike every one else on this ship you did not go to some expensive college, or was a genius gifted kid who managed to ace every thing, or just well adducted person who did their best to earn their spot here. You were just a normal, run of the mill, human being, who happen to win this stupid lottery and decided to take a bite. The months of grilling training for the launch off, space and it’s zero gravity and how to act was enough to make you second guess, yet you still decided to stay. How many people can tell their future generation that they were in actual space, joining egg heads for some kind of experiment. What you did not know that you were also an unfortunate sap to become their lab monkey, after all they need someone to do something
You just stared at the new planet as it slowly passed in to the illuminator, able to see light illuminating from it, fascinated that something like this exsist. All it took is to travel though some kind of worm hole while you were frozen, now about to land on this new world. The leader of this operation asked every one to come to the detachable shuttle, and get ready for descend. Smiling, you pushed your self though zero gravity, enjoying the feeling of being free, collecting your suit and camera on the way as your only job here. Floating in to the shuttle you greeted other people on it, smiling and doing your best to stay out of their way as they got every thing ready, dragging in boxes and other expensive equipment. They been good to you so far, and you relay did not wanted to piss them off. Taking your right full seat at the far back, away from controls and important leavers, you stared outside and watched as shuttle detached it self, slowly moving away from the main ship, able to see other scientists watch you and the team go down to the planet. The ride was not without hiccups as this planet was a new environment and who knew what was on it, especialy of it looked like it was made from metal. You felt the entire ship shake as they slowly descended, landing on the stable ground and after some time you finally were allowed to get out, following others as they all got out, carrying boxes and other science equipment.
“Holly Shit” your eyes grew wide as your eyes scanned alien terrane. The alien sun was just going up, basking the entire world in wonderful colours and constantly shifting mountains added to the majestic atmosphere to this new world. Hell, you sure you can fell quite buzz of something coming from below heavily padded boots of the suit. “DO you think there is air here?”
“So far reading says there is traces of oxygen on this planet, so I presume so” one of the scientist reply, piking up a small rock for the sample “Should be safe for us, but for safety reasons it best to keep the helmet on”
“okay...” you stayed quite, continue watching new mountains grow from the gorund while other collapsed. Pulling your camera out, yes it was on old one, that was printing photos, you still liked t, you started taking pictures, letting the small machine whirr as it printed, giving you a memorabilia of such strange and wonderful world.... “Hey guys, do you need me to take some other photos... for the science?”
“Actually it will be nice” you grinned as you continued taking picture, staying ou of the way of those who knew what to do.
It seems like you’ve been here for hours and standing in one place, taking the picture at the same spot soon bored you and you wondered out a bit further in, not to far as to still be in radio frequency range, taking photos of every thing that seemd out of sight. Like the small tongues of grass poking though the harsh metallic surface and seeming to thrive in this harsh environment, right next to flowing blue liquid that glowed brightly. Walking over to it, you huffed a bit thanks to the heavy weight of the suit, lifting your camera and ticking a picture of the river as close as you could, even able to see it “flow” in picture. Maybe you should tell your “friends” about what you found, kneeling down a bit and reached over, moments away from touching it before quickly puling your hand away. Right, no, you are human, you poke things with sticks just like God intended. Turning around, you spotted a small “stick” or something that looked like it, wrapping your gloved hand around and plunging it in t the river, obtaining a sample. A sound from the other side of the river quickly alerted you, making you jump and stare on shock at what you wee seeing.
A deer – or something that look like a deer, giant and made out of metal, reminding you about the obstruct sculpture you’ve seen one time back on Earth, herd of them, leisurely walking over to the river, ignoring your presence and bowing to take a sip of the strange liquid floating by, one by one, stretching in to line, with few staying on guard, the round lights on their head instead of normal horns glowing purple, their head high up and staring around. Your eyes were glued to them, to much in awe to even say anything but slowly breathing in, time to time eyes darting from one creature to another. You were scared that if you move to fast you’ll scare them, if you make any noise, like calling to your group, they will run away, so moving slowly and carefully, you lifted your camera again, turning the flashlight of. Slow as a snail, you raised it, closing one eyes and looking through lens at the creature, who were still enjoying liquid, ignoring your presence completely, allowing you to take as many photos as you want. Finally one of them noticed you, the light shifting for just a second to red, before going purple again, the head slightly tilting to the side, it’s small eyes shifting rapidly, waiting for any action from you. And so did you, watching them in return, ready to run in case those huge metal beast decides you were danger. Finally it decided to see what you was about, jumping over the narrow for him river, making you jump and take few steps back, freezing a bit as it walked over, graceful as one would be on earth, heavy body making idle mechanic noises as it slowly walked over, head low and lights blue, closing the distance. You carefully lifted your hands up and try not to look threatening to something metal and big, just letting it inspect you, and it seemd like the thing approved of you, the head bumping in to your side lightly, yet still making you stumble, rubbing a bit and light turning green with a ding, letting human let a heavy sigh of relief, lifting hands toward the head and letting it slide up and down the metal segmented head, able to feel quite buzz and warmth even beneath gloves.
“Wow, you are beautiful!” you whispered, smiled creeping up not your face, the mask fogging up a bit with your breath speeding up, able to feel your heart pounding in the chest. “just what are you? Hehe” you let a chuckle, bracing your self as the rest of the flock came over to “inspect” new creature, head budding you as well and soon enough the entire heard was playfully bumping heads to get their own share of head pats, making you savour the moment that you were the first to interact with alien life, even if it was wild one, it still was amazing, so in the moment that you were unable to feel that the distant faint rumble grew nearer, and when it become a small tremor that it seemed to finally alert the deer, their heads shooting up, scaring you a bit, with their rings turning red and quickly scramble away, forcing you to curl up and cover your head from them running over you, almost trembling you to death with their huge heavy metal hoofs and weight. When they ran away, you got up, confused just what was going on, turning your head to horizon and watching carefully, seeing something that was not right.
Mountains, they were growing closer, shifting quicker and quicker toward your and your team direction, but could it be just your imagination. Confused you reached for the tablet on your hand, taping it to activate your radio, calling out to the team, asking if every thing was okay, only to get static. The mountains grew nearer and tremors grew harder, finally sending you in to panic mode, turning around and running back to the ship, stumbling with every shake and heart pounding. Why did you wonder so far?! You kept running, panting and screaming for the team, eyes pilled on horizon and seeing your team finally react to earthquake, gathering expensive equipment on to the ship in a hurry, constantly looking back. Why were they looking back, what was going on. Regretfully you turned your head, stumbling over your feet, catching just in time as to not fall, eyes growing so wide you could feel them almost pop out of the scull – the constantly shifting mountain were rapidly moving towards you, sending violent earthquakes along, and the sight alone pumped more adrenalin in to human’s blood stream, the chain of exhaustion quickly falling of, screaming louder, turning your head and speed up as much as you could in the heavy suite, waving your hands at last person jumping in.
“Wait! Wait! FUCK!!!” You yelled loud enough to even burst your own ear drums, tears forming as you watch human look in between inside the ship and you, diving in and the ship slowly rising up, the engines roaring no lounder then the grumble of the ground, slowly kicking in and flying away, leaving you behind to your doom. You screamed in anger, fear and pity for your self as the shifting mounted quickly caught up, tossing you around like some kind of tennis ball. You felt every bump and toss, sharp edges digging in to you and you fell on your head to hard, knocking you out.
Ever since Orion become a prime every thing seemed to change for the best. No bot had to slave away in mines as energon flowed through city and it was plenty then enough for every one, the only reason mines were still were open was for minerals and safety was at all time high with Elita-one on control. And she was quite proud of it, after all she did spend most of her life reaching for high position, and now she was right hand of Optimus Prime, with a lot of paperwork and responsibilities, along with all the stress. Hunched over another stack of data-pads, it took every thing not to throw it at poor sap who came in, bringing more documents and thankfully some energon to help her power though this entire mess even if the energon crisis was over, there were other troubles that needed to be taken care of. Like sudden influx of young bots, waste and a clear as day divide between those who could live in comfort and those who could not, something even Prime did not approve much, seeing as every one were equal. Letting bot place data-pads and energon in front of her, she waved them off, leaning back in chair with a grunt.  Besides those problames there were still Quintessons, who are now no longer provided with energon by Sentinel and Megaron with high gurds, now knowns as decepticons, constantly causing trouble and even starting roomers about false Prime.
She needs a break. Getting up, Elita headed out, passing by B-127, who was happily talking some ones audio off, a smile creeping on her faceplate to see him so free after hearing where he was, finally enjoying a proper life that was intended. Heading out, Elita headed up to the surface, wanitng to enjoy the scenary just for a bit, reminiscing about past adventure, driving through landscape when something caught her opticks. On horizon something appeared, descending quickly and carefully, to small to be one of Quintessons ships. Reeving up the engine, fem-bot speed up toward the landing, even if it was far away, praying to primes it was nothing to worry about, still being carful of shifting terrain. By the time she reached the spot she calculated was landing site for the small ship it wad to late for who ever landed. One of many shifting mountains made it’s way toward the ship and crushing something small in the way while the ship left, just in time to avoid collision with the shifting mass of metal, leaving one of presumed passengers behind to their fate, getting tossed around mountain like some kind of ball before going limp along woth moving maintain stopping. Knowing first hand how ruff it can get, Elita rushed over, something inside her gripping her spark as this small thing looked to close to a sparkling and getting tossed like this surely did not end well. Transforming mid way, Elita closed the distance, slowing down and carefully walking over to limp body laying on one of spikes, unmoving or showing signs of life.
This small thing did look like sparkling from a far, but up close it looked more creepy. It was small, in white covering with no distinguished segment, as if the metal was fused all in one moving part, it did had hands with five small digits, curled a bit, creepy. Shaking of the strange feeling, Elita approached it closer, kneeling down and letting her self inspect it, head tilting side to side while optic scanned the strange life form. It did not look like any Quintessons she’ve ever seen, in fact those bug creature were big and this paled in compression, hell it’ll easily fit in her servo alone. Slowly reching out, she poked it, body swaying before going still again, but just for a second she could feel warmth. Could this thing still be alive? Poking it again just to make sure it won’t suddenly attack or anything else, even if the size difference was big, she wrapped her servo, lifting it, round strange head with big reflective visor swaying a bit, limbs hanging down, big bot could feel it moving, middle torso expanding and slowly deflating over and over, like some kind of constant force, an engine that can not stop even when one is unconscious. Seeing her own reflection in the strange head, Elita use one of the digits to prop up the round head to make sure it was looking at her. It felt so week and fragile, just what is it? Squinting a bit, Elita could see something under the strange visor, could this strange reflective thign move, slide up perhaps. Slowly, using the other servo, she tapped the head, it making a hallow thunk noise, still not reacting and the strange reflective surface moving just a bit, confirming that it can be moved. Using the same digit, she slid it up, opticks growing wide and head tilting back a bit with shock.
This thing had a face, just like any other cybertronian, just on strange colour and weird things on it, yet the expression seemed peaceful as if they were simply recharging. Bringing them closer, Elita squinted, tapping on the strange helmet to see what else was inside, angling it along the way. Nothing that she can see from here. Looking up, she had to wonder if this one was left behind as to let other escape the shifting mass or they were unlucky enough as to not get on the ship when disaster stuck, what ever it was, she can no leave it here, no matter how much she wanted. Letting a heavy exhausted sight, fem bot stood up, leaning on the mass and turned, heading back to the Iacon, already getting a headache just from thinking what will happened when she brings this strange creature there, especialy Bee with all his questions.
Why is every thign hurts? Letting a grunt out, you tried opening your eyes, immideatly getting assaulted by light, forcing you to squint and raise your hand to shield eyes from such suden brightness. Where were you? Not on the ship that was for sure as there was no ideal chatter of tv captain put on as to not let the crew go crazy due to all the silence outside the ship. Who wouldn’t if you had to spend months floating in vacuum of space with no constant noise that ususaly surrounded you on Earth – all the nature sounds and human life, a constant, even if not noticeable, noise. Slowly getting up, you can feel fresh bruises painfully sting all over you, a sigh of relieve escapes you, seeing that you managed to get out of what ever the fuck was happening alive, with only cracked visor, quickly putting panic in to your head. Even if there was air that in theory was breathable, it was still not the best. Taking a few deep breath you did not notise anything bad happening, no dizziness, or sharp pain in chest, meaning it was alright. Good. Hold on, where are you?
Finally snapping back in to reality, your eyes grew wide while you looked around, head snapping from one side to another. You were in the hugest room you could even imagine, bigger then the room you visited back in the day during the “tour” where guide explained what was going on and what you singed up for, showing of the top of the notch technology. No, this was bigger, much-much bigger and it seamed like you were on something huge that extended a bit further and dropped quickly, getting up, you walk, spinning around, eyes wide and instinctively reaching for the camera, bumping in to something. You bumped in to the glass... what? Putting your hand on it, you followed the slightly noticeable surface, trailing it above and behind you, horror slowly sipping in. Dome, where ever you were placed in to the glass dome like some kind of spider caught in a glass, you are not a bug! Panicking, tried to get under it, the gloves are to thick to do the job, and even if they could, you doubt you can lift something so big and heavy. So banging it is. Drumming your fist on the surface, you yell
“HEY! Let me out! Let me out!!!” you shouted on top of your lungs, bot fist hammering on the surface, hell even kicking, trying to get attention of what ever it is caught you. Do you really want to? No, but you have to get out and try to call “home” to get the hell of this planet and tell every one to not come back. “HEY!!!”
Something seemd to hear you and a heavy, like very heavy footsteps echoed though the entire place, you freezing and staring at what clearly was door frame, eyes glued and heart pounding, expecting something to pop in all while your brain started processing every thign at once. You were in a huge dome, in a hugest room big enough to fit in 10 of the ships you travelled through space, you saw huge deer made out of metal, so what can be stomping so loudly through the hallway. As realisation quickly hit you like a frag train, sweat pooling on your back you quickly stopped banging and just stared quietly at the doorframe. It did not take to long for the source of the stomping to slowly peer in, metal fingers wrapping around the edge of doorframe, and a huge metal head with strange helm popped in. Of God, it had a face and it’s huge blue glowing eyes staring at you like a child staring at the new thing they just found. Both of you just stared at each other, wide eyed, shocked and confused, you honestly were about to faint as the vision got blurry and starts blinking in to appearance. It seemd like the big yellow things will make the first move.
The face light up with smile, it’s mouth moving as it spoke garbled words that sounded like someone put on blender and drill, quickly walking in to the room and closing the distance between your prison and it, huge hands reaching for the dome. You let a yelp when cage left the gorund, you sliding back and trying not to fall on your ass, heart pounding and now completely terrified. Of course this planet will have giant metal people, though huge bot did not seemd to concerned that you were terrified out of your wits, rotating the cage and you at the same time, examining you with the most puppy like eyes you really did not expect bot to have, it’s mouth in a wide smile. How can he talk so much, is he expecting you to understand him just because he speaks non stop.... oh god is that how animals feel when they first get adopted.
When Elita brought the strange creature back with her, every one seemd to be shocked by it and freaked out, mostly confused and wierded out how something alien can look so like them, even in a weird way they ad two peds, two servos, a head hidden behind round helmet, all keeping their distance, and not only bacouse it was a strange thing, but because Elita held it and no one want smoke with here, she carried her little finding in to her office, placing it in a small glass cage so that it won’t run away when it wakes up and she is not there. Grunting, big bot leaned on table, scaning the small thign over again. It seemd to be damaged while being tossed around like some kind of ball, but not leaking anything, meaning that the thing it was “made out of” was only an outer shell, like Quintessons had the first layer, hiding beneath a strange fleshy thig, could it be the same case. So does it mean this thing is a Quintessons, like hatchling of theirs? Hardly, they should look somewhat similar, like a smaller version of them and ugly. Letting a heavy sigh, she tapped on the glass, keeping her worries to her self as another request for meeting came though, taking her to the other side of this huge building, passing by B-127.
B-127 knew that Elita brought something that caught every one of guard and he wanted it to see, yet the tall fem pushed him aside, saying that it was not the time for that, making him a bit grumpy. Is she saying he can’t control him self around something so small, but he can and he will prove it, and it did not take long for big fem-bot to be called for another boring meeting that he can sneak in to her office, quickly running though the corridor. And just as he was getting closer he heard the weirdest sound ever – it sounded like chirping and soft singing in some new tones, getting his attention at full strength. Tip toing now, as to not scare it, Bee poked his head out of the hallway, staring at the small dome with the thing, it awake and active, and looking at him.
“OH WOW! You are cute! What are you? You are relay weird little thing, are you?” chittering B-127 quickly closed the distance and “gently” grabbed the dome, little thigns sliding to the back of the cage, still staring at him “IS this your opticks? Why are they not glowing? How are you small? Are you a sparkling? You are so cute! I am gonna call you Steve Two” he spun the cage, trying his best to get a better look at the little thing locked away and how to get you out the cage, jolting you around at the same time. It seemd like Elita knew he would come and locked it up tightly, taking the key with her, but no trouble he will just
“What are you doing?”
“AH” tossing the dome out of panic, B-127 scrambled to catch it, digits slipping while it was in air and the cage shuttering on impact, letting a yelp and covering his mouth. He did not mean for that to happen “B-127!!!”
“I did not mean to kill it!” Bee spun around, hands in air as angry Elita stormed in t the room, eyes on him and steam escaping with angry hiss “I just wanted to see them”
You yelled as the cage got tossed and big golden bot scrambling to catch you, like a child trying to catch tossed ball, but to your horror he did not and you plummeted down, glass shattering on impact and you hitting the gorund. You must be very lucky though as all you came out with was a few cuts, somehow surviving the fall, but it still hurt and knocked air out of lungs. Coughing your lungs out, trying to breath in, your ears rung like crazy, as if you were by explosion, roiling on stomach. You can not rest now, even if you wanted, you need to run, scrambling to your feet you ran, or tried to, stumbling and falling again and again, basicaly crawling under the huge table, hiding from the sight yet still able to see thing. The huge golden bot was clearly getting scolded by a big alien robot, who most likely was his mom or something like this, huge arms on hips and staring at young bot, chattering in strange robotic language and yellow one looking down, quite. Okay, good, you got kidnapped by baby bot and now the little one tries to convince the parent to keep you. Pink one even was letting steam out of the body, upset that yellow one broke the cage and bend down, piking up a few shard, scaning all over the place, clearly lookig for the lost specimen – you.
“Oh hell nah” you whispered, gripping in the table leg and darting behind, barely avoididng being seen. “Oh fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” looking around for something to hide in that is to narrow for huge hands, you managed to spot a small crevasse in between wall, far away and risky if you do it now, yet the huge pink robot was closing on to your location, so you waited your options and darted out of the hiding, legs burning already but you pushed your self, laser focused on crevasse, ignoring a metallic noise, heavy footsteps an just in time managed to throw your self in to crack as huge metal fingers clasped around the empty space where you once were. Purely out of adrenaline, you pushed your self deeper, wedging in between walks and stared back out of the hole. The pink one was kneeling and starring at you with the most angry stare there was, light blue rings in dark blue ocean of light shifting almost every second. It grumbled what you can gues was disappointment that something small like you manged to get away, moving away and shoving metal hand in, fingers wriggling around, inches away from you, and there was no more space to shove your self away from, the tank already stuck and you are not getting out of suit, not because it was dangerous, but because you will get captured the second you will climb out of this bulky suit. The fingers went back, face returns, angry grumble, and again it is trying to reach for you.
What did you get your self in to?
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 4 hours ago
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Previous chapter < MASTERLIST > Next chapter (pending)
Summary: Bucky and Sam catch up over a fiery hot wing challenge, where Sam drops a bombshell— his sister, Sarah is getting married, and she insists Bucky bring a date. While Bucky initially scoffs at the idea, he soon realizes he only has one real option: you. Meanwhile, you, drowning in wine and bad decisions, text your ex for a favor, only to regret it instantly.
Warnings: alcohol consumption, uncomfortable interaction with an ex, mild language, Bucky and Sam being chaotic idiots
Word Count: 2,776
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Bucky pushed open the door to the small restaurant that he frequented with Sam, sighing with relief as he closed the door to the cold. He puffed slightly, pulling off his right glove as he looked around for his friend, but there was no sign of him. Bucky dropped onto a chair at their usual table, leaning back and stretching out his legs. If he played his cards just right, he could make Sam feel very guilty for making him wait. Bucky grinned to himself as he caught his breath.
A few minutes later, the door swung open and in strode Captain America, bringing with him a gush of cold air. Sam looked completely unbothered by his tardiness. Bucky raised an eyebrow at him as Sam came over.
“You’re late.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sam dismissed him, sliding into the chair opposite Bucky. “Unlike some people, I have duties. Official duties.”
“Should’a worn the suit,” Bucky smirked even more widely. “Maybe then you’d actually be on time.”
“Don’t make me regret accepting it from you.” Sam shot Bucky a mock glare before calling the waiter over to order their meals. 
Sam scanned the menu, his finger stopping at the “Hot Wings Challenge.”
“Well, I’m not most people,” Sam grinned.
The slightly star-struck waiter blanched slightly. “Err, Mr. Captain America, sir, just so you know,” he stuttered, “our hot wings are really spicy. Most people can’t handle them.”
“No, of course not, sir.”
“Alright, kid. Drop the sir.”
“Yes, sir… Cap.”
Sam rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Bucky. “Think you can handle the burn?” he challenged.
Bucky’s eyes narrowed and he flipped through the menu. “That’s the hottest thing you got?” he asked the waiter.
The kid nodded. “They’re no joke, mister. The challenge starts with a Sunrise Sizzler, moves on to Dragon’s Breath and everyone ends with The Volcano. Most people can’t even reach The Volcano.”
“What comes after The Volcano?”
“Nothing else that’s on the menu…”
The way the waiter trailed off told Bucky there was something hotter that wasn’t on the menu.
“Well… there used to be something called Apocalypse Wings, but we had to take that off… the Department of Health—”
“Those, I want those,” Bucky said with a tone of finality, putting down his menu.
“Are you seriously trying to one-up me with this?”
“Someone’s gotta keep you grounded, Cap,” Bucky winked.
Sam shook his head. “You heard the man!”
The young waiter nodded and started to turn away. He slowed and turned back to Sam. “Umm, Cap, sir…”
“Could I, uh, get a picture? My mom’s gonna freak out when she hears I met you.”
Sam grinned. “Of course, kid, no problem!”
Bucky groaned, leaning back in his chair. “This again…”
Once a disgruntled Bucky had taken their photo, the star-struck waiter scurried off to prepare their orders and Sam returned his attention to  their conversation. “So, how you doing, Buck?” 
Bucky shrugged. “The usual, nothing special happening.”
“Yeah, I bet!” Sam snorted. “Avoiding human contact, check.”
Bucky scowled.
“Scaring children, check.”
Bucky bit his tongue to avoid further instigation. 
“Real packed day planner you seem to have there… Buck.”
“Did you just invite me here to roast me?”
“Actually, I have news.” Sam glossed over his friend’s jabs and continued in an excited tone.
Oh boy, Bucky thought, the tiny hairs at the back of his head standing on end. Is this what happens to the Spiderkid? Bucky ran his hand over the back of his neck; whenever Sam was this enthused, things tended to not go well for him.
“Sarah’s getting married,” Sam announced, smiling proudly.
Bucky’s jaw dropped a fraction, his lips parting slightly. “Married?” Bucky paused and sat up. “Wow,” he whispered. Sam had now successfully dropped a bomb and it was wreaking further destruction in Bucky’s mind. Even though his brow was still furrowed in confusion, a smile tugged at his lips. “That’s fantastic. I’m happy for her. Congrats, man.” He leaned over and enthusiastically clapped Sam over the shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s awesome,” Sam said, waving his hand like it was no big deal. “She wanted me to make sure you were coming.”
“Yeah, you!” Sam exclaimed incredulously, shaking his head at Bucky’s disbelief.
An odd feeling filled Bucky’s chest. Sarah was one of the people he had liked immediately. She was kind and sincere; he had never felt any judgement from her, and most importantly, she didn’t treat him like a grenade that could explode at any second. There had been a brief flame between them, snuffed out almost immediately as he had been in no place for that kind of emotional attachment. There had been no hard feelings between them and she still treated him with the same warmth as Sam. And then there were her kids— they adored him. Probably because, to them, he was simply “Uncle Bucky.” They didn’t know about his past actions, they just saw him for who he was now.
“I’m… of course. I’ll be there.”
“Good, good. ‘Cause…” Sam leaned forwards, “There’s one more thing.”
Bucky groaned. With Sam there was always a hidden agenda. “What?” he snapped suspiciously.
“Sarah thinks… said you need to bring a date.”
“What?” Bucky’s face fell.
“You heard me.” Sam kicked his feet out and sat back, crossing his arms over his chest. He was enjoying this far too much. “The bride-to-be wants you to bring a girl. Who am I to question that?”
“Sam,” Bucky started, his voice flat. “This is crazy. You’re completely insane.”
“Maybe,” Sam replied, smirking. “But I am right.”
“Why the hell would Sarah care if I have a date or not?”
“Maybe she thinks you’re lonely,” Sam responded without hesitation, like this was something he and Sarah had previously discussed. “And because she’s Sarah. She’s in love and thinks everyone else should be, too.”
Their conversation was interrupted briefly as the waiter returned with their plate of wings and two tall glasses of milk.
“We’re legally obligated to provide these,” the kid said, pointing to the white beverage.
“Great, thanks.” Bucky waved him away before rounding on Sam. “Is it Sarah who wants me to bring a date, or is this your brilliant idea?” Bucky asked scathingly.
“Oh, definitely Sarah.” But Sam’s grin told Bucky another story. “She thinks you need to put yourself out there.” He picked up a piece of chicken and took a bite.
“I’m out there,” Bucky hissed.
“The local grocery store doesn’t count, tin man.”
“You’re unbelievable.” Bucky picked up a hot wing from his plate and started nibbling at it slowly and thoughtfully. “I need new friends.”
“Woo, is this really the Sunrise Sizzler? I think the cook has these wings mixed up.”
“Having trouble, bird brain? I thought we’re just getting started.” Bucky picked up the Dragon’s breath and inhaled it like it had no seasoning at all. He cracked a grin as Sam picked up the same, his smile widening as he watched Sam’s ears going red, the only sign on his face which suggested that Sam was struggling.
Bucky picked up a Volcano wing and held it out to Sam who wrinkled his nose slightly but accepted it nonetheless.
“What’s wrong? Need some cornbread to wash that down?” Bucky said mockingly.
Sam took a bite but found himself downing half of his glass of milk immediately after as Bucky calmly munched his way through the Apocalypse wing.
The waiter returned quickly. “Oh uh, do you need anything?”
“Water!” Sam wheezed.
But Bucky waved him off. “He’s fine. Captain America can handle it!”
He wiped his fingers with a napkin as Sam downed another full glass of milk. “Way to represent the shield, Wilson.”
Sam shot him a dirty look, downing a whole glass of water. “Don’t start.”
“So, how is life as the new Cap?”
Sam groaned in exasperation. “I’ve been getting calls from EVERYONE.”
“Sounds like a real nightmare,” Bucky said sarcastically. Even though he knew this would be a nightmare for him.
“It is a nightmare! Do you know how many podcasts I’ve been invited on?”
“What’s a podcast?”
“Seriously man? Let’s just call it TikTok for people with an actual attention span.”
“Is that supposed to mean something to me?”
They finished up the remainder of the meal with Bucky trying to goad Sam into revealing who he was bringing to his sister’s wedding, but to no avail. Bucky had also ordered a ‘side’ of fries to compliment the meal and both men were now licking the salty taste off their lips and bickering over the ��plus-one problem’.
“Right, Buck,” Sam said, throwing down a napkin and some cash on the table. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your mission.”
“My mission?”
“Mission: Plus-One.” 
“Not this again.”
Sam stood up and jabbed him in the chest with his finger. “Find a girl, man. Wedding’s in six months. Clock’s ticking, buddy.”
“Alright, alright,” Bucky raised his hands in a surrender. “I’ll bring someone, don’t get your wings in a twist.” He slipped his jacket and gloves back on, ready to escape back to his fortress of solitude.
“If you don’t find someone—”
“You’ll find one for me. I heard you the first five times.” Bucky shook his head, muttering as he walked toward the door. “I can’t believe I’m letting you drag me into this.”
“You’ll thank me once you’ve found the one,” Sam called after him.
“Yeah, yeah.” Bucky gave Sam a sarcastic wave before escaping out into the cold night.
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Bucky made his way toward home, once again with his hands deep inside his pockets to guard against the cold. Unfortunately this did nothing to stop the winter wind whipping around his face, but he had the warmth of certain memories to sustain him. 
Sarah. He was glad she was happy. She had been the only person who had successfully managed to slip through his defences, to overcome the walls he had built around him— even if it was only temporarily. He didn't even know what to call what they had experienced together. A romance? A relationship? No, he couldn't call it that… several flirtatious conversations, a few quiet dinners alone when Sam had taken his nephews out for quality time and… one night of intimacy that had left him feeling both grounded and terrified at the same time.
It had been like a respite, a lifeboat in the aftermath of the sinking ship that was his life. But it had only been that— a respite. He hadn't stayed. He couldn't. The nightmares he was having at the time would never have allowed it. They invaded his mind every time he tried to rest. He wasn't ready for anyone to see him like that.
And of course, Sarah had understood. Somehow she always did. Not once harboring any ill-feelings or resentment towards him. In fact, every year, she sent him Christmas care packages. He hadn't gone back, hadn't kept in contact, but these simple acts of kindness had been enough for Bucky, a reminder that not everyone saw him as a monster.
Sarah had been the only woman who had made him feel truly safe since he had returned to the world. He huffed a quiet laugh, the sound of the exhale carried away by the wind. Aside from Sarah, he hadn't had more than one conversation with any other woman…
Except for you. 
(He couldn’t count Mrs. Burke– not really, she reminded him too much of his mother.)
The moment his thoughts came back to you, an idea started forming in his brain. It started as a fleeting possibility, then grew into a ridiculous notion, until it had snowballed into a fully formed plan. And as much as he tried to fight it, it persisted, burrowing deep inside his brain, gaining traction with every step he took.
It made sense— too much sense.
It was logical. It was convenient. And as much as he hated to admit it, it was his only real option. It was you.
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You sat on your couch surrounded by several boxes of takeout, finishing off your chow mein with your clumsy chopsticks technique. The dilemma you had been presented with had consumed your evening, resulting in you consuming several glasses of wine. And this never led to wise decisions on your part.
Finally you caved. At 7:34pm, against your better judgement, you sent a text to your ex. As soon as the screen showed the delivered message, you’d flung it aside, trying not to focus on all the reasons you’d broken up with him in the first place. It hadn’t been one single reason that you’d called it quits, more of a culmination of little cuts which had left a gaping hole in your soul. He had a habit of brushing you off, dismissing your concerns with a charming smile or clever deflection. Every disagreement or conflict would end with you feeling like you were the unreasonable one, while he would saunter away looking completely unruffled, admiring his own reflection in the nearest shiny surface.
There were times when he made you feel special, only to turn it back on you in the midst of an argument, as if he had been the one doing you a favor. And then there was the flirting. It was shameless. Any woman who showed him the slightest bit of interest, be it a batted eyelid or laughing at his less than subtle jokes would result in him puffing out his chest like a peacock and basking in the glow of their appreciation.
When you looked back at your relationship with him, you wondered why you’d been with him for so long. But despite all his flaws, there had been moments where you’d felt swept off your feet. Leonard had the ability to make you swoon, but only when it suited him. You suspected that that’s what made him so good at his job. Maybe that penthouse apartment overlooking Manhattan had held some sway over you. He knew how to be perfect, he just wasn’t perfect for you.
You sighed, sticking your chopsticks into the container, only to come up empty. Luckily you were distracted from your lack of food by a ping on your phone. You grabbed it and turned it over to see who had messaged you. It was Leonard! Your message was still visible at the top of the screen.
7:34 PM - You: Hey Leonard, hope you’re well. Wondering if I could ask you a favor. Could we meet up and talk about it?
8:03 PM - Leonard: Hey, stranger. Didn’t expect to hear from you. What kind of favor?
8:05 PM - You: Long story, would be easier to meet up and talk. You free this week?
8:06 PM - Leonard: Depends. What is this for? Work? 
You were already regretting your decision for messaging him— but what other choice did you have?
8:08 PM - You: No, something else. Nothing dramatic promise!
8:10 PM - Leonard: You? Not dramatic? Wow, unexpected!
You scowled, gripping your phone, you pictured yourself throwing a punch at his stupidly handsome face in your head.
8:15 PM - You: You know what, just forget about it.
8:16 PM - Leonard: Chill, babe! I’m just kidding. I’m sure I could find time in my busy schedule to accommodate you. I have a meeting tomorrow in your neck of the woods, I can swing by after that.
8:18 PM - You: What time you thinking?
8:19 PM - Leonard: Are sure you have that wine I like? You know the one.
You wanted to go tell him to go fuck himself, but you still needed him, so you texted back with gritted teeth.
8:20 PM - You: Yeah, I remember.
8:20 PM - Leonard: I’ll be there around 7.
8:22 PM - You: Great.
8:23 PM - Leonard: Look forward to seeing you, babe. 😉
You didn’t answer, putting the phone face down on the coffee table. Thinking about Leonard made your skin crawl now. Made worse by the little winking emoji after his last text. You knew he would be expecting sex in return for your favor. Picking up the bottle of wine you poured yourself a generous glass to relieve the itch under your skin. You made a mental note to go to the liquor store tomorrow, you’d need all the wine to get through your evening with Leonard tomorrow.
As you headed to bed, you heard a faint scuffle outside your door. It was probably Bucky coming home. A sigh fell from your lips. If only you had the courage to ask him instead.
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larkreadsop · 2 years ago
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Sanji and Robin are the only ones to figure it out immediately and Sanji even notices the wings within about .02 seconds
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