#...maybe like the whole frickin blog
demonsfate · 6 months
canon questionare meme: #5, 6, 7, 8
canon questionnaire // accepting . . .
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5. What’s the best thing about the fandom?
Uhhhh... hard one to answer 'cos I don't really engage in the fandom often lol. I think on my main blog, I follow only one (1) other Tekken blog. I guess I really like the fan content - especially the cosmetic mods for Tek8, and the fanart. Good stuff! Though, I guess I will say that the fandom peeps that follow me are also very awesome. I used to argue with a lotta ppl on the sub reddit, but the ppl here are understanding and epic. The Jin Support Club ✊
6. What’s the worst thing about the fandom?
A lot lol. I guess the worst thing is just ... the way a lotta fans criticize Jin. I swear, a lotta my arguments on Reddit was just concerning Jin's character because people either don't understand him (SO MANY were saying he "cared for nobody" prior Tek8's release) or they just bring up Tekken 6. What is so frustrating about the latter is that say, let's look at another fandom - as bad as ppl wanna say the Star Wars fandom is, they understand when a character's actions are uncharacteristic and when to reject this. Like almost the ENTIRE FANDOM can agree that Luke was written terribly out of character in The Last Jedi, and they can agree that the dude trying to redeem his father wouldn't try to kill his nephew because of "bad dreams". Hardly anybody argues about that or tries to insist on Luke being a Bad Jedi because of his actions in Last Jedi. In fact, most people still fondly look at Luke because they think of the first three movies he was in. YET, with the Tekken fandom... the fandom is just INCAPABLE of doing this and it's really weird. It's almost as if they see these characters as real lol. Like whereas the majority of Star Wars fans won't bring up Last Jedi when discussing Luke's character, the majority of the Tekken fandom WILL bring up Tekken 6 when discussing Jin's. Like you can't even fondly talk about Jin without sb saying "BUT THE WAR! ☝️🤓" Like even when you DO point out it's bad writing, they'll say "well he still did it! we can't ignore it! 😊" Maybe not entirely but... you can still acknowledge the writing goes against Jin's character, and it's something his character wouldn't have done if he remained in character with competent writers / no director meddling.
7. What’s the best thing about the canon you are writing?
Hmm... is this pertaining to Jin only, or the lore as a whole? Idk really how to answer this because I've already discussed how much I love Jin and why I love him. I'd say I found the devil gene concept extremely interesting, more interesting than the other "evil" curses fighting games do. Buuuut... the devil genes been totally whacked up by retcons, I'm not sure if I can say that either. The prob is, Tekken canon is so frickin LOOSE, it's hard to even pick a favorite thing about it haha. Like I say somethin and it's like "ooh... that's no longer canon..." Even when I talk about Jin's portrayal, it's like "ooh... yeah... but that was ruined momentarily..." Other than what I said when talking about why I started writing Jin, I dunno how to answer this one!! Maybe I'll go back to this when I come up with somethin'... I feel kinda awkward now. xD But LIKE, I love the Tekken story. But I already stated how I like the cast, why I love Jin, the game's fun. And... yeah!
8. What’s the worst thing about the canon you are writing?
The inconsistencies. Like I understand some retcons, especially if they're really needed. But like... Tekken does retcons EVERY game it seems, and then they're just... stuff that didn't need to be retconned in the first place. I've already went into great detail about how sloppy and confusing the devil gene lore is. But like here's another example - this is a minor and UNNECESSARY retcon. It was Lee who fixed up Alisa and gave her her freedom or whatever. But in her TK8 bio, it says it was Dr. B / her father...? What? Like I get that they maybe wanted Alisa to bond more with her father / creator. But like... couldn't they do that in another way? People say this is minor, but the problem is when the game is filled with many retcons - then when ppl are trying to learn about the lore, ppl are gonna get several different answers. "Lee fixed Alisa" "No it was Dr. B." See? That's just frustrating. Same with how the Tek Wiki still calls Devil Kazuya Devil Jin's "other half", even though I strongly feel that's been retconned long ago. The lore is confusing as hell with all these constant changes.
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emoparishilton · 7 months
college and updates
hi blog!
college is so frickin hard. it's hard to find a bf, it's hard to get to class, it's hard to balance life and partying and school and friends and boys, and it's hard to get motivation. i just genuinely don't know how to get myself to go to class and actually do my work. i think i need to maybe utilize our add resources at my school cuz my brain is allll over the place when it comes to school. it just feels like so many little tasks get forgotten or pushed aside and then they all pile up into these huge tasks and all of a sudden my whole grade is worth my midterm. anyways, life's been silly. been connecting with nature more, writing in my diary less, making and hanging out with more friends, going to the gym which i never ever used to do, and trying to eat better. im gonna go study for my midterm (that yes my grade is riding on) and then take it.
love yas!
marz xoxo
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nysocboy · 9 months
Workaholics Episode 1.9: Adam kisses a cougar, gets frisky with Ders, and raps as a bodybuilding fairy wizard
Workaholics Episode 1.9 was heavily criticized on the Gender/Sex/Media blog as homophobic: the guys think of "homosexuality" as weird and wrong  -- and something you can catch.  Plus Adam uses a homophobic slur!  We'll see. 
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Scene 1: The guys dressed as wizards in long beards and conical caps, rehearsing a rap number for the Renaissance Faire. Ders asks why Adam has ripped his shirt off: "We're trying to get people excited, right?  The world needs to see the madness that is my upper torso."  Can't disagree with that.  
Next Ders objects to "whoring out" the art of rap, but the guys remind him that ladies with big boobs will be watching their performance, so ok.
Scene 2: At work, the guys are watching through the window as Adam lifts weights on the patio. Geez, don't you gawk at his bod enough at home?  Sorry, of course there's no such thing as "enough."  
Suddenly a middle-aged lady comes onto the patio to smoke: Sharon, the owner of the whole building!  The guys, watching, don't understand..  "Why is that lady talking to Adam? Wait -- why are they kissing?"  Well, Billy, some boys like to kiss boys, and some like to kiss girls.  
Scene 3: Blake wonders where Adam has been for three days; he's missing the Wizard Rap rehearsals. He comes in to announce that he's moving in with Sharon!  They're in love, they're having sex, and besides, she's helping him with his bodybuilding career.  She got him a gig at the Tri-County Amateur Bodybuilding Competition.  Um..buddy, anyone can sign up for those things.  Blake and Ders disapprove: she's a cougar (middle aged lady who's into young guys.)  Nonsense, she's the same age as Adam's mom, who has sex a lot.  He zooms away on the back of Sharon's motorcycle.  The guys feel betrayed, and decide that they will break up the lovebirds. Their plan: Ders will seduce her. Won't work -- I'm sure Sharon is fine with three-ways.
Scene 4: The guys arrive at Sharon's mansion. While Adam shows Blake around, Ders asks to check out the pool The grand tour, consisting of the various places where Adam has made "the magic happen": their bedroom, the staircase, her son's bedroom, the kitchen. Have they ever actually had sex?  I think a big reveal is coming. 
Meanwhile Ders goes out to the pool in a very tight Speedo and flirts with Sharon.  She can't swim, so he offers to teach her.  
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Scene 5:  Adam shows Blake the gym, where he's preparing for the bodybuilding competition.  Blake wants to stall him, to give Ders enough time to complete the seduction, so he asks for a demonstration of the bicep curl.  Adam likes to keep the window open during his workouts, so when he screams, people outside think he's having sex.  But aren't you having sex a lot anyway?  
Meanwhile, in the pool, Sharon asks Ders "Are you trying to seduce me?"   She is totally open to the idea. Scene 6: Adam looks out the window, sees Sharon and Ders flirting, and runs down in a jealous snit. "We're going to fight!"  
Upset at being interrupted in the midst of a seduction, Ders cries "You are frickin' dead, boy!" But when he climbs out of the pool, he is aroused!  
They can't fight that way, so he has to lie down until he gets soft.  But the minute the two start grabbing at each other, they both get aroused! "Your boner is contagious!" Adam exclaims.  He orders Ders to put on a shirt to hide his hunkinest.  What about you, Mr. Sexiest Man on the Planet?  It can't be a fair fight with your gorgeousness  distracting your opponent.  "Wait, am I supposed to hit you or kiss you? I'll compromise with a blow job."  
Ders agrees -- they're too attracted to each other for a physical fight.  Maybe if they just hurl insults?  Nope -- it turns into an "are you as turned on as I am?" tirade that stops just short of the kiss.  And they're aroused again! 
Ok, so they can't fight or argue.  The guys kick Adam out of the Wizard Rap Group. He doesn't care, because he's busy prepping for the bodybuilding competition that Sharon got for him.  It's on the same day, and it's more important to him than "dressing like a fairy wizard."  
Wizards typically aren't fairies in fantasy fiction.  Is this a homophobic slur?  Is the whole exchange characterizing same-sex desire as "weird"? 
Of course not.  The guys aren't horrified or disgusted by their boners; it's just inconvenient.  They are quite aware that they are attracted to each other, and that Adam is attracted to men in general.  It comes up over and over (so to speak). 
Bromance usually includes some physical attraction, but the guys ignore it because they are too attracted to women to become invested in a gay relationship.  
And the "fairy wizard"?  It would be the only homophobic slur that any of Adam Devine's characters use in the twelve movies and dozens of tv episodes, and various stand-up performances that I've seen.  Besides, the rap is hardly feminine: it's about the various ways that the wizards destroy their opponents.  I think Adam (DeMamp) just doesn't understand the conventions of fantasy fiction.  
Scene 7:  Blake and Ders leave, assuring each other that they don't need Adam.  They still have each other.  But it doesn't work: at home, they try to toss Adam a beer. play beer pong with him, cuddle in the jacuzzi with him. They are a trio; they need a third.  They interview Karl as a new roommate and member of their Wizard Rap group. 
Scene 8: At work, Adam is doing bicep presses at his desk (with 20 pound dumbells, very light for a bodybuilder, or even a gym rat).  Sharon orders him to her office ("powder you balls").  But he doesn't get naked -- he screws her with a dildo attached to his face. 
"So, next time, could we use the strap-on that God gave me?"  Nope. So no screwing, no cunnilingus, no physical contact of any sort?  Does she even like Adam?
Scene 9:   Wizard Rap rehearsal.  Karl wears his new costume, which shows off his chest.  Not another one!  Adam drops by to snipe at them a little.  "Things are going great for me!" and so on.  After he leaves, the guys suggest using their sadness in the act.  Ders whimpers "Adam..." Aww, just tell him that you love him and want him back.
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Scene 10: Adam bursts into the locker room at the Tri-Valley Amateur Bodybuilding Competition.  The other contestants, twice as big, make fun of him.  One (American Gladiators star Michael O'Hearn, center) ask if he's the mascot.  That's not fair -- these competitions go by weight class. 
The announcer (another American Gladiators star, Lee Reherman) calls everyone onto the stage.  Ders and Blake watching, complain that Adam looks ridiculous, "like a baby man."  
Wait -- why isn't Adam's girlfriend in the audience, cheering him on?  Adam goes backstage to call Sharon, and gets voicemail.
It's Adam's turn to perform.  The announcer says that he's 5.8, 240 pounds.  Huh?  That's not possible.  He does Ninja kicks and splits, and makes funny faces; assuming that he is performing a parody, everyone in the audience laughs. But he is being serious. Blake and Ders rise to his defense: "He's got ten times more bravery than you!"  Also a huge bulge. 
Scene 11:  Adam offstage, crying. The guys convince him to go back, but not as a bodybuilder -- they perform their Wizard Rap number.  The judges like the clever parody, and give Adam a trophy (or he steals one).  Anyway, they are friends again.
Sharon drives up on her motorcycle: "Hop on, monkey."  But she missed the most important moment of Adam's life, so he dumps her. No problem, she'll just go on to the next.  She zooms off.
Friendship forever.  They hug -- and Ders gets another boner!  The end.
Beefcake: Adam throughout, Ders in a swimsuit.
The Hetero-Romance:  I don't understand Sharon's end game.  Of course she doesn't actually care about Adam -- she is just using him for sex -- but why doesn't she want to have any physical contact?  If it is her personal kink, it needs to be explored more thoroughly.  Structurally, she seems to be setting him up, convincing him that he's ready for a bodybuilding competition when he doesn't even know the proper poses, so she can laugh at his humiliation.  But that can't be right -- she doesn't show up to laugh. The two plotlines are not connected very well.
Heterosexism: Not much.  We see Adam and Sharon kiss once.  The face-dildo screwing is just strange.
Gay Subtext: A big one, and completely deliberate.  
The uncensored photos and a nude frontal of Mike O'Hearn are on RG Beefcale amd Boyfriends
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keepermcge · 5 years
#;out of prismariums | ooc |#(Reposting from my twitter cuz it’s a whole ass mood)#Anyway all’s I want for uhh st Patrick’s day idk I’m trying to think of a holiday is for Lann#to make more appearances in other things by HIMSELF and Jiant if I’m asking while I’m asking#cuz is it too much to want my kid by himself ffrk is not enough esp if they#Have a story mode like dffoo cuz then I get to see more of my kid getting bullied funnnnnnnnn nothing in life#I enjoy more than that yeah right when do I get to the point in Maxima where I can wear Serafie#on my head and have Fukin Refia or someone and pretend the#Battle talks are fukin nice if still “comedy” not comedy that just puts a person down like geeez!#My kid deserves better Loudly crying faceLoudly crying facelike okay I know the point for Serafie and I can kick Tama right from the start#and end game Reynn but like it’s hard to imagine all the talks dif Loudly crying face#But like I don’t even really dislike Tama only in moments where’s she’s bullying my kid and it’s not them both teasing each other#and welp if Reynn wasn’t a complete ass to my kid 100% of the time maybe it wouldn’t seem like I despise her#cuz uhh there are moments I don’t but then the game rushes back so fast to its awful not funny comedy#I’m scared of ever getting a WoFF 2 for so many reasons like I’d go divergent in a sec but like maybe#it would have some moments with just my kid I would adore that frickin heck#or more merch! Or seperate apperances with my kid I know it would make others happy too who just like Reynn#anyway twitter is my safe place but so is this blog for not just me but like the two other people in the universe who agree with me#being in the minority lemme have this! Lemme have this for like the 1 1/2 people who think even slightly like me ok#also copying my text changed the emojis but honestly it works better!!!!)#;off to grymoire | queue |
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Tattooed Heart [Spencer Reid x fem! Reader]
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Find my masterlist here. Requests are Open.
Taglist is open, you can find the form here.
Requested: Yes l No
Request: from Anon - “Hi! I saw the request you got on your second blog and it got me thinking. Can you write something about reader having a lot of tattoos and spencer thinks she’s a “bad girl” (not that tattoos make you bad but you know... stigma) and that she’ll never want him (maybe early seasons Spence?) and is in literal shock when she asks him out? I just want tattoo representation in fics"
A/N: I couldn't WAIT to write this. As a woman with quite a lot of tattoos this was very inspiring to me. Because there is still stigma surrounding tattoo's, I always get looked at a certain way and people always make assumptions about me due to my tattoos. I loved the idea of Spencer being so into a heavily tattooed female!
CW: vague hints at masturbation (male) other than that just a little pervy Spencer but not too much. Talk of insecurities and being looked at differently because of tattoos.
Plot: Once Spencer notices your tattoos, he can't stop thinking about them. But surely a "bad girl" wouldn't be interested in a guy like him?
Part Two | Part Three
WC: 1K
From the moment you walked into the BAU on your first day, Spencer knew there was something different about you. He didn’t know what it was, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
It wasn’t until a few months into you joining the team and a case took you to Arizona in the middle of summer that he realised what it was.
He met you at the crime scene way out in the desert and you’d rid your usual blazer, opting for a much more weather appropriate tank top.
You caught him staring at you as you exited the car, pulling your latex gloves on.
“How long has she been dead?” you asked him, trying not to make eye contact with him.
“Uh…” he swallowed. “She uh…”
You sighed, looking back at him to see his eyes raking over your bare arms.
“Stare much?” you put one hand on your hip and raised your eyebrow at him. “Yes Spencer, I have tattoos.”
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the beautiful and intricate body art that adorned your body. You had two full sleeves, from your wrists, stretching up to your collarbones and he could just about make out one peeking out from between your breasts.
“Spencer!” you scalded him as his eyes dipped to your chest.
His eyes shot back up to meet yours, his embarrassment written all over his face. He nervously played with his glasses.
“Uh...sorry.” he chewed his lip. “I uh...I just…”
“When was her time of death?” you asked again, trying to pull his mind back to the case.
It wasn’t the first time you had been looked at in that way. For the most part you tried to keep your tattoos covered at work because there was still a stigma attached to being a tattooed woman, especially in a government job.
People always make assumptions about you and you could tell by the look on Spencer’s face that he was doing just that.
Spencer couldn’t get the sight of your decorated skin out of his mind. He didn’t think tattoos were something he would find attractive but seeing them on you had awoken something in him.
They were so delicate and artistic and Spencer wanted to trace his fingers over every single one of them. He wanted to kiss every inch of your inked skin.
The thought of this made him hard beyond belief. Sitting in his motel room later that night he was straining against his slacks as he closed his eyes and pictured your artwork, specifically the one between your breasts he hadn’t gotten the chance to see properly.
Did you have more under your clothes? What else would await him beneath layers of fabric? Maybe your ribs were decorated, your thighs too. God he wanted to find out more than anything else in the world.
But there was no chance of that. You were clearly a bad girl, and bad girls were not interested in Spencer Reid.
He was the perfect depiction of the nice guy. He was awkward and a little dorky with his thick rimmed glasses, parted hair and penchant for ties, sweater vests and pressed slacks.
There was no possible way a woman like you would ever be interested in a man like him.
So knowing never stood a chance with you, he freed his aching member from his slacks and wrapped his hand around his shaft.
He closed his eyes and pictured your glorious body and its stunning artwork as he stroked himself.
It didn’t take long at all for him to reach his climax.
Months passed and Spencer kept his desires for you to himself. Every time he caught a glimpse of your tattooed flesh he would add it to his sordid box of images for when he was alone later.
It was coming up a year since you joined the team when the whole team was on a night out. It was a warm night and you showed up to the bar wearing a sundress that showed off your arms and the full extent of the tattoo between your breasts.
It also gave Spencer a glimpse at the tattoos that adorned your calves and thighs.
It drove him wild. And clearly he wasn’t subtle about it because about half way through the night, you sidled up close to him while he was getting a drink.
“You’ve been staring at me all night.” you raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you have a problem with my tattoos?”
“W-what?” he stuttered, staring wide eyed at you. “Far from it, actually.” he chewed his lip, his cheeks turning red.
“Oh.” your own eyes widened. “Oh.”
So that was what this was. Spencer wasn’t disgusted by your tattoos, he was attracted to them.
“In that case,” you stepped closer to him hearing his breath hitch. You placed a hand on his chest and smirked mischievously at him. “Why don’t you take me out to dinner and maybe I’ll let you see the other ones I keep hidden.”
“Ot-others.” he swallowed, his pants tightening.
“Oh yes Spencer.” you let your hand trail to his tie and you toyed with it between your fingers. “There’s a lot more you haven’t seen yet. But play your cards right and you just might.”
Spencer couldn’t talk, he could barely breathe. He just nodded dumbly at you.
“Now I’m going to let you watch me walk away. Pay close attention to the backs of my thighs.” You winked at him before turning your back on him.
He watched you walk away and as your thighs met as you walked he saw it.
Half a heart on each thigh. When brought together, they made a whole.
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caroldantops · 3 years
inspired by the ask game i just did, here’s a little compilation of my favorite and the funniest comments ive received on my fics this year, from both tumblr and ao3 
is this bragging? no, im simply posting reviews as if i am making a trailer for my blog.
i could be your favorite girl 
“this was so freaking good. and i think it’s become one of my favourite wanda fics ever. the way it was written was just so incredible, especially with how you built up the sexual tension. i also enjoyed how the tension was attempted to be alleviated by darcy’s quips too. truly amazing”
“Fuck, I’m in love with Milf!Wanda...”
“Holy shit, that was smoking! I really love your writing style, second person perspective isn't easy and you frickin kill it.”
“God I am so deep into the mommy kink it’s not even funny”
please don’t go (i’ll eat you whole)
“To be fair, anyone who's reading this fic needs therapy, so we're all in this together at the very least.”
“I love how this progressed and how you didn’t make it seem like anything wrong was happening until Monica said something. Honestly that’s how I felt despite knowing how this was going to end darkly, there weren’t any serious line crossing red flags that came up until she said something. And it was a shocker when things changed so abruptly. I loved this.”
“also,, is it bad that i really want agatha as my therapist now? 😰 she seems everything i’ve ever wanted in a therapist (and I don’t mean her different..... methods....., i promise)”
“okay... WOW. i loved this. i have a therapist, she’s lovely, but if agatha was offering therapy lessons... phew, i may have to switch!"
“maybe i should take my friends advice and see a therapist....”  
“haha funny i commented this cause my mom put me in therapy. i hope my therapist is hot?😭”
“As excellent as it is fucked up. Five stars.”
hot milfs in your area
“how did i know it was you caroldantops.”
“YES THE GENDER NEUTRAL PRONOUNS IM DROOLING. but also the good girl? only hot milfs can misgender me and ONLY when they’re railing the absolute SHIT out of me.”
“hey silver what’s it like to own my entire ass asking for a friend”
“don’t mind me just suddenly gaining handywoman abilities to service these women to the best of my ability 🤧”
“pornhub bout to be bankrupt after this”
girls on film
“Who needs pornhub when this is happening. Well done.”
“Cheese and fuckin' rice”
“bitches bros and non-binary hoes we have a new winner for the hottest content on this website”
lemonade stand
“This title is definitely GOLDEN”
“I don't have a piss kink, but this was still hot.”
“I am literally going to punch you in the face for giving me a piss kink. Fuck you.” 
“someones getting scalped. Not gonna say who, but we all know it’s the person who gave me a piss kink.”
“Im really dramatic- i dont mean any of it!“
infect me with your lovin’, fill me with your poison
“This is not nasty - this is a GEM! Sweet and sexy, you made an extreme tag somewhat romantic - I mean, what even! So good!!! And I can hear her voice as I read and just... shivers! I never imagined I'd read a kidnapped reader breeding fic and actually wish that would happen to me! I mean, Agatha is so kind and caring, and reader is living the life!“
“ummmm ummmmm ummmmmm ummmmm”
“maybe i WILL let aliens experiment on me....”
“touching some grass won't help me anymore”
“I think you might have an Agatha-in-office-chairs kink?“
this isnt even close to covering all the comments in tags and in my inbox that ive gotten that i love as well ❤ all of your comments make me laugh or make my heart grow 3 sizes and going thru all these again made me so happy. thank u all for supporting me thru the year i hope i can write more fics that send u all to therapy in 2022 💕💕
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peach-pops · 4 years
Hello! I just saw your blog! Can i request a hc, Akaashi first time meeting Karasuno's manager(reader) and keeps hanging out when their in summer camp. And akaashi realised he liked the reader? 👉👈
This was so cute to write I frickin love Akaashi he’s so pretty??? Like why??
Akaashi’s Crush on the Karasuno Manager 
While Akaashi doesn’t jump off the walls when they hear that Karasuno will be joining in on their training camp, it does make him even more excited to go 
he overheard from some of the players on Nekoma that Karasuno was a team to keep an eye on and He even hears from Kuroo that Karasuno has yet another hot manager but Akaashi just wants to stay focused on trying to get better
He will keep an eye out for you though cause Kuroo hardly ever talks about girls since he’s a big nerd
Before the other teams get there, Fukurodani & Nekoma start playing a practice game for fun just to get warmed up
in the middle of their set, Karasuno shows up and walks over to the side of the gym to start stretching so the practice set pauses so Fukurodani can get a look at the new team
He’s looking at all the players and I’m not saying he’s judging them buttttt he’s judging a tiny bit
“okay there’s a super short dude- oh wait there’s two short guys- oh my god why does that one guy look like a whole ass adult- wow is that her?”
Akaashi has never been known to be as girl crazy as his other teammates but when he spots you across the gym talking to the other players, Akaashi feels his heart skip a beat because holy shit Kuroo was right she’s reallyyyy attractive 
He’s a certified Pretty Boy™ so he can definitely acknowledge when others are pretty too
He’s not the only one though because some of his own teammates are oogly at the girl and it makes Akaashi feel off
“ Oya, see! I told you Karasuno’s manager-”
“ Lets keep playing,” Akaashi insists loudly as he tears his eyes away from your direction
The idea of staring at you from afar because of how pretty you look doesn’t sit well with Akaashi but that doesn’t stop him from making quick glances at you throughout the day
he figures you get hit on a lot and he doesn’t want to seem like a creep but Bokuto convinces him that he should just go over and talk to you because it was creepier if he didn’t say anything at all
Akaashi never takes any advice from Bokuto because duh, it’s always the other way around PLUS Bokuto just figured out that girls had three holes so Akaashi didn’t need his judgement 
the day goes on and Akaashi kinda just uwu’s from afar UNTIL you dropped some of the empty waterbottles along the hallway and he basically sprints over to help you
and when he kneels down beside you, he has to literally stop his jaw from hitting the floor because you’re even prettier in person 
after he helps you, your quick thank you is pretty shortlived since his team needs to play another match but now you’re short circuiting cause bruh this dude is hella attractive 
You guys don’t even see each other until hours later when everyone is eating dinner and all Akaashi wants to do is talk to you again 
So he finally goes up to you after dinner to introduce himself but gets interrupted by some of the Karasuno members
“ I HOPE you’re not trying to make a move on our beloved manager!”
“ If you even LOOK at her I will happily rip your head-”
“ Oh my god would you two stop!” You grab the back of Tanaka and Noya’s shirts and push them aside because while the boys were pretty protective, you weren’t going to let them cockblock you from a handsome prospect 
You happily introduced yourself to Akaashi as if the last fifteen seconds didn’t happen and right away, you compliment how well Akaashi plays cause maybe you had been secretly watching him from afar as well
Akaashi couldn’t even blame you, he had been purposefully playing extra hard, hoping that you would catch at least one good point
Akaashi is a humble man so of course he simply thanks you and he makes the first move by asking if you wanted to find a quiet place to talk for a bit
And your heart kinda drops like cue that tiktok sound ‘are we about to kiss right now’???
So the two of you walk to the outside of the gym and you two find a bench to sit on and in your head, you’re pretty nervous because you had just met him but the conversation flows super well
Akaashi might seem dry but when it comes to holding a conversation with people other than Bokuto, he’s never the type to let it get awkward or silent
You know how he said yall were gonna talk for a bit? Yeahhhh that turned into THREE HOURS
Even Akaashi is kinda shocked that you would be willing to talk to him for this long but he didn’t mind because you were super engaged in the conversation which was a response he never usually got with his other teammates
It’s not too hard for Akaashi to open up to people but there’s something about you that makes it so much easier for him to open up and you know some things that he hadn’t even told his close friends
“ So what, are we friends now?”
“ I don’t know, I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble for fraternizing with the enemy,” You tease as you nudge him with your shoulder,” How will your teammates react when they find out that you’re staying up late with the opposing teams manager?”
“ They’d be more jealous than mad, that’s for sure.”
Akaashi didn’t even mean to say it outloud but it slipped through his lips so easily and to be frank, it was the truth
He could only imagine everyone else’s reaction when they find out that he had alone time with the manager everyone was practically drooling over
Akaashi doesn’t even get a chance to analyze your reaction because not even a second later, Bokuto opens the gym doors and his eyes widen when he sees him
“ Akaashi! We’ve been looking for you- hey, you’re that manager from Karasuno! Y/N right?”
“ Yeah, that’s me, you must be Bokuto-san, it’s nice to meet you. Akaashi has told me so much about you!”
Bokuto hums as he looks over to Akaashi and sends him a quick wink before turning back to you
“ Really? Because all day all Akaashi could ever talk about was you-”
“ You know what, it’s kinda late, maybe we can continue this conversation tomorrow?” Akaashi suggests as he quickly gets up from his seat and grabs the back of Bokuto’s arm
He’s so embarrassed, he forgets to say goodbye to you and he doesn’t even realize it until he drags Bokuto back to the rooms
“ Why would you do that? Now she thinks I’m obsessed with her!”
“ Wait, so you’re not obsessed with her? But you’ve been talking about her all day?”
“ Well yes, b-but I just met her, are you insane?”
Akaashi shakes of Bokuto and goes straight to bed as he collapses on his pillow face first
Things couldn’t get worse, could they?
OHHHH they got a lot worse
The next day was when the boys were all treated to barbeque 
meat meat meat
Akaashi was sitting down at the steps with Bokuto and some of the players from Nekoma and he was able to hear your name in a few conversations
He didn’t have enough energy to be jealous, especially since the two of you weren’t even dating but when Kuroo started to talk about you, he could feel himself get more annoyed
“ Y/N-chan sure is cute, wouldn’t you say so Akaashi?” Kuroo teased as Akaashi turned to glare at Bokuto as if he was saying “ you rat, why didn’t you keep your mouth shut?”
Bokuto acts innocent but he could slowly see the wheels turning in Akaashi’s mind
Truth be told, Bokuto did tell Kuroo about Akaashi’s crush on you and when Bokuto complained that Akaashi would never make a move, Kuroo was ready to kick things off
Kuroo loves setting people up that’s like his talent ANYWAYS
“ Yeah, she’s cute” is all Akaashi could say as he looked over and saw you laughing with the other managers
Kuroo leaned back and rested his hands against the back of his head,” But wouldn’t you say she’s realllllyy cute? Cause I think she’s reallllyy cute.”
Kenma looked up from his video game console to look at Kuroo before turning his attention back to his game,” Kuroo-”
“ What’s your point? Do you like her or something? Cause I don’t care if you do, go ahead,” Akaashi huffed as he turned his attention back to his plate that he hadn’t even touched yet
Kuroo and Bokuto shared a look like “ ooo he’s getting mad”
Kuroo shrugged and cracked his fingers before getting out of his seat “ alright, only because you’re giving me permission-”
As Kuroo was getting up, Akaashi could feel his chest tighten and he reached out to grab Kuroo’s wrist, stopping him from moving closer
“ Wait- don’t,” Akaashi sighed as he shook his head,” I know what you’re doing. I’ll go up to her just stay here and shut up.”
Kuroo smirked happily as Akaashi put down his plate and made his way over to where you were
You stood over a grill as you helped put some more meat on a first years plate but when you looked up to see Akaashi standing by you, you smiled back at him
“ Oh hey, I was hoping I would see you! I’m sure you’re pretty hungry after kicking our butts in that last match, huh?” You tease and now that he’s actually in front of you, he’s nervous as hell
“ It was a close game but I actually wanted to talk to you about something if it’s okay with you?”
Your heart sank as you were already mentally preparing yourself for him to tell you he had a girlfriend or that he wasn’t looking to be in anything serious
You didn’t want to marry the dude but you really liked being around him and it helped that he was the most gorgeous man to ever walk the planet
“ Well, I was wondering... if you weren’t busy-”
“ ARE YOU ASKING HER AKAASHI!” You both turned your heads towards Bokuto who was now getting a hard slap on the back of his head by Kuroo
Akaashi was going to commit first-degree murder the first chance he got 
You couldn’t help but laugh yet once you saw Akaashi’s flustered expression, you pulled yourself together and let him continue
“ I know we just met but do you think it would be okay if we got to know each other more? I know it’s bad timing with this season but if you’re ever free, I’d love to take you out to dinner.”
Akaashi didn’t even get a response from you just yet but he was already so proud of himself with even asking you without stuttering
Your first reaction was to shut down because you were NOT expecting to already be going on a date with him BUT you would be lying if you said you weren’t interested in him
“ I would love that. Let me give you my number so we can plan something soon,” You said sweetly even though on the inside, you were screeching and doing backflips
Akaashi fumbled with pulling out his phone and once he handed it to you, you both could her some of his teammates whooping with cheers and ‘ooooo’s’
IDK how to end this but I can definitely see Kuroo and Bokuto slapping Akaashi’s back like proud parents while Daichi is definitely praying that Akaashi is a good guy so he doesn’t have to beat up yet another douchebag in your life
And yes, Tanaka and Noya are absolutely crushed - heart been broke so many times
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hufflautia · 4 years
Where it all started [Part 1]
Chapter 1 
Sometimes links don’t appear on posts. if you can’t see the link to “Chapter 1”, my masterlist is pinned to the top of my blog, and you can find it there.
Summary: Slytherin’s parents have another argument, but at this point, no one’s surprised. After all, they’re her parents. It would be abnormal if they didn’t argue. However, this one’s a biggie. The fight ends with the slam of a door and her dad packing his bags into the car and getting ready to leave. Desperate for him to come back, Slytherin’s mom forces her to go to him with a message that will surely make him stay. Buckle up folks, for this is where it all began. 
Slytherin stood on the sidewalk as she watched her dad pack up his things into the van. 
She dug her fingernails into her arm, her heart stinging with ache as her dad turned around with a smile on his face, a failed attempt to reassure her that it was going to be ok. It was all gonna be ok. After all, this was normal, right? It’s not like it was unusual that her dad was leaving again to go back to Florida, where the homewrecker waited for him, her outstretched hands eagerly opened up to him and his credit card. 
However, this was the first time he left abruptly. A spike of sorrow stabbed at Slytherin’s heart as she thought back to the sound of her parents’ door abruptly opening; soon after, she could hear angry stomps that quickly descended down the steps of the staircase. 
She could almost hear the hiss in her ear as she stood in the archway of the living room, watching her dad leave in the far distance. “Tell him that Ravenclaw’s crying,” her mother spat, pushing her towards the front door. “Quickly, before he leaves!” 
Slytherin internally sighed. How typical. Instead of resolving their relationship issues by going to couples therapy, her mom decided to throw all those burdens onto her daughter, who had already grown tragically used to being used as her puppet. 
She decided not to argue against going after her dad and trying to guilt-trip him into staying home as her mom wanted. Otherwise, she would be lectured on how she’s selfish and wouldn’t do this small thing for her mom, how she’s basically ruining this family by letting her dad leave, how family is so fucking important and manipulating her dad into staying would be vital to their happiness as a whole, how family this and family that. 
You get the point. Slytherin certainly did. That’s why she was currently standing awkwardly behind her dad, staring at his back as he lifted boxes into his car. 
“Um, Raven…” She paused. Her throat felt dry and tight. Swallowing with difficulty, she tried again. “Ravenclaw’s crying.” 
It wasn’t the crying itself that mattered. That wasn’t the main reason why her mom rushed her out the door to deliver the message to her dad. It was simply the fact that it was Ravenclaw who was crying. Let’s just say that he and his dad had a complicated relationship. 
Things were never the same between them after Ravenclaw sent an angry message to him via text when he was in Florida a year ago. The contents of the message reeked of disdain for his constant infidelity. When his mom found out, she shoved the phone into Slytherin’s face in the dead of night and asked if she knew about this. The glaring light from the screen nearly blinded her. 
Slytherin read the text messages through squinted eyes and could make out a few curse words here and there. Though she was slightly disoriented from the sudden ambush of information, it was clear to her that her brother resented their dad for what he did.  
That made Ravenclaw’s anguish even more useful in their mom’s opinion. Seeing the tears streak down his face when he heard that his dad was leaving again, she had a glorious idea. Perhaps if her husband knew of their son’s sorrow, he would reconsider his abrupt departure. After all, it was Ravenclaw who was crying. 
If it were Hufflepuff, that would be understandable—she can get quite emotional sometimes. But it was Ravenclaw, who was usually guarded and distant. One might suggest that he was secretly broken inside. But that’s not the point, at least not in his mom’s opinion. The main thing she was concerned about was that she could use his misery to her advantage! Maybe if her husband knew of his sadness, he would feel guilty enough to stay behind. After all, if his son, who despised him, was upset over his departure, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to stay home and endure his wife’s temper for a little while longer. 
Slytherin’s words did produce somewhat of a reaction. Her dad didn’t turn around for a while, but when he did, his eyes were slightly red and puffy. It was evident that he was trying to hold back his tears. One might think that this means that he’ll stay. He seemed distraught over the news that his son was crying because of his leave. Surely, he’ll stay, right? 
It wasn’t enough. Nothing ever seems to be enough.
“I’ll be back soon, okay?” He hugged her briefly and gave a light squeeze as a sign of reassurance. As a silent message that it was going to be ok. Even though everything was most definitely not okay. A thousand hugs and gestures of reassurance wouldn’t change this. 
Slytherin didn’t react angrily to his refusal, the unspoken declaration of No, I will not go back home. In fact, it seemed as if she didn’t react at all. However, if one were paying close attention, they would notice the sparkle in her eyes dim. But maybe there wasn’t a sparkle to begin with. She had been enduring this shit for so long that she forgot what it was like to be normal, to feel like the white kid you see in commercials, the one who seemed to radiate mirth, a type of energy that said, I don’t have a care in the world because life is so fucking great and I can’t stop smiling. She didn’t even bother to smile, a common facial expression when one is in a difficult situation and tries to diffuse the somber atmosphere by slapping a facade on their face, the corners of their lips upturned to form a grimace that resembles some sort of a smile—a twisted kind of smile, that’s for sure. Why should she pretend that everything was okay when it wasn’t? Instead, she merely nodded in response. 
When her dad pulled away to pack the last box into the trunk, she took a deep breath to diminish the familiar sense of abandonment that flooded her senses, to clear the warning signs that flashed in her mind. He’s leaving! Your dad is leaving! He’s abandoning you again. You’re apparently not important enough for him to stay. 
She stared at the ground, only looking up when she heard the sound of a car door slamming shut. The resounding click was all it took for the waterfalls to finally pour from her eyes, for it was at this moment when she realized that this was actually happening. This was no dream—it was reality. Her sad, devastating reality. Tears blurred her vision as she watched the car drive away, leaving her in the dust. 
Slytherin gasped in erratic breaths between her broken sobs as her eyes hung onto the tiny speck that resembled her dad who was driving 
and a-w-a-y.
Through the jumble of thoughts that clashed in her head, one thing was clear. Her dad was her dad, but only sometimes. 
Tears streaking down her face, she tried to soothe her pain with the belief that he would be back soon. If only she had known that it would be a while before he returned. If only he hadn’t left. Perhaps things would’ve been different for her if he stayed, for this was where it started. 
This marked the beginning of it all.   
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Comments and reblogs are a writer’s gold!
MASTERLIST ; sometimes links don’t appear on posts. if you can’t see the link to “MASTERLIST”, the masterlist itself is pinned to the top of my blog. check it out if you haven’t already! 
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Author’s note: HI! Were you surprised to see that I posted two fics in a row?? I hope you enjoyed this. Most of it was unfortunately based on what happened to me a year or two ago. I based Ravenclaw on my brother, who did actually cry when my dad was leaving after an argument, and yes, my wack mother did force me to run after my dad to tell him. One of the few differences is that I’m not a drug addict and I’m fine now so dont worry. 
Idk how I feel about this series, it is a lot darker from what I usually write. I know I’m gonna have to write more for creative writing class, so maybe i will continue it. I will try to think of how to turn these fics into something more positive, because this stuff is very heavy and depressing. however, that will be a little difficult because the plot itself is naturally drab. however, i will try to think of a happy ending for Faye/Slytherin. 
Shall we look at some wholesome pictures? 
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lmaoaoa i pasted this picture from the internet and tumblr glitched and pushed the pic all the way to the top. imagine seeing this dog at the beginning of the fic, that would be funny :’) 
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ok hold up i just realized that is probably a stuffed animal 😐 this is so embarassing lmaoaoa when i saw it i was like THAT IS SO FRICKIN CUTE
OK WAIT WTF NOW I THINK ITS AN ACTUAL DOG??? CAN SOMEONE HELP AND TELL ME IF ITS REAL OR NOT?!! at first, i thought it was real, but then i looked at the paws and it looked kinda fake and i was like this dog is too fluffy and wholesome to be real. BUT THEN I LOOKED AGAIN and i think the owners just put the pooh outfit over the dog?? what is going on with my brain.. but at the same time, its 2 am for me rn so maybe i should get some sleep BUT FIRST, LETS LOOK AT MORE DOGS <3 (lmaoaoa i feel like my friend would say “gosh ur such a hufflepuff” (menna im talking about u lmao omg hey gorl)) 
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After seeing this gryffindor pup, i immediately searched up “dog costumes hufflepuff” lmaoooooo
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OK THATS ENOUGH DOGS FOR NOW. Part 2 is coming soon. I already have it ready but I might not post it right away. 
That’s all for now. Be sure to let me know what you think. TOODELOOO!
TAGS:  @slytherpuff-shenanigans @lokijiro @xxkitsurikaxx @sara-is-boredd @skylee-skz   @determinedpines @draco22malfoy @pancakes-and-sugar  @casteel08 @indigosimon1998 @tell-that-to-my-feather @the-ugly-duck0 @prettyblueskylark  @okiguessimawitchnow @daisyinmyheart @peachyblue @korra4321 @shoyoockbby  @ravenflowersposts @walkinganomaly @parkerthemarker02 @hummingbird-hufflepuff @bumbblebeeeeee @luciferswife16 @iknow-im-cute @maisen98 @shadowsinger11 @tuonglam03 @fanfic-reblogger @mygc0re @rellasworld @sha3thehunter @croctusjuice @jadefox05 @d0uxs @charleii @kaylenthegreat @hufflepufflepukwudgie3897 @insertlongnamehere @trashpannda @ihate-myname @nowheredreamer @history-geek101 @strawberrypanda99 @nikkijovanic @hannanshi @sirenofthe7seas  @johannamariemst @badass-like-damon  @willow-salix @remmyswritings @x-whatsupdoc-x @dracosvftie @hitchhiker-of-the-galaxy @akerlizzie @thatfann @justanxiousme @another-witch @bucinjisung @elegantcroissantplaidpony @treefroggo @narritydream @hufflpuffles @adreameratdawn @leftpeanutturtleegg @turbulentbluebird5 @geekgirl69 @praiseourlordduck @quakemebacktothe50s @nomad-of-the-realms @stardustzainy  @theblackwolf21 @crakencc @introvertedrae @cryinbisexual @bojelina @cocoqueenstheword @manicpixiedreamtarot @velvetstrawberry @jxmpsuitx @simpering-simpleton @urfaveslytherin @asterinatlas @simpforkpop @pufflehuff929 @morallyambiguoussimp @applekenm @chunwest @oncergleekpotterhead @no1-importan @qiaopao  @dulduldoldul @schlongbottom @vickeyunicorn @peanut-in-the-goal @hufflepuffgirly @flvrqnce @nothingtoseehere812 @maxwellsgang @1d-killed-me @betacaroteno-lanudo @dragon-slayer-fairy1 @thatonebislytherin @dragonsandbread @justanotherperson @sophiexteresa @hmilkwhoney @writertwiddle @questionsbecameourocean @anomiatartle @coldsweetharmony @dont-hyuck @fixstationed @kindawannadietbh @trippy-morgan @xo-angel-ox @fangirlgeekandfreak @evolnura @mossy-axolotl @verylovelystars @boilyourteeth @megand2017 @malfoys-demigod @booksntings @joshirlangford @staymoarmyzen @poojxshxh @hedgepuffgirl @alverniaphi @verifiefangirl-mainblog @purpleskymalfoy @roxy3457 @rayanicaraynbow @jess-harrywars @starrysonic @tonksichu @lauxtbs @tumlbr-trasher @chelseasosa @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @swagangelhorsepickle @princessstoopid @pymmoon @emilyaneliperry @pond-waterr @pandapillow @saraleo95 @astrartss @trentalexanders @theoriginaljohnwatsonsblog @nevilletheplantboi @just--another--hufflepuff @yoongifiess @ajdqueen @annie-mcl @coloring-bud @majorfangirl37 @eatacrackerandstop @weasleytwinswheezes @imscaredofhorses @dontmindmeimjustabox @glitterykidlightmug @multi-fandom-nutjob @littleemotionalpanda @thewitcheswords  @blueberry-9-pancakes @worldsbestdilfbecky @qixnsriess @inexperiencedpotathoe @notsowiseravenclaw @captiniminnie @ruinyourface @da-fox-rangerrr @inkedintothepaper  @happy-puff @grandcyclecreation @dawinehouse @catiwisspuff​ @aasa2102​  @mae-25​ @sydthekidd98 @kokichismango @xxavaloraxx​ @iamahufflepuff​ @adoregin​ @sunnniiee @lewispoolerpayton @dumbbitch85​ @bumblebirbs​ @diggorycullen​ @protectorofsk8topia​ @silverhetdanes​ @zuko-28​  @beardedhumanoid​ @arianatorpotterhead​ @shipping-book-keeper​ @marvelenthusiast10​ @i-cannot-do-aesthetics​ @a-huffleing-lesbean​ @kaslec​ @hufflepuffwritess​ @mouthfacereborn​ @kodeinekissss​ @ihavenocontrolofmylifeeither​ @pinqgchuu​ @im-a-solanum-lycopersicum​ @clementines-x​ @stressy-depressy​ @sweetinvisiblewriter​ @absentmindeduniverse​ @asnowpuff​ @theofficialgaybestfriend​ @violayaxley​ @sunshinyyb @colettedelaurel​ @theoriginalsherlockholmesblog​ @i-have-a-bad-feeling​ @jpow345​  @gay-disaster826​ @bloodyxheaven​ @autumnpleaves​ @froggy-failure​ @toomanybandstocare​ @pink1babez​ @untitled-2424​ @sleepdeprivedgurl​  @chaseanders​  @wolfpack-arts-industries99​ @nugnugchick​ @queenofwordsandnerds​ @ganjeolhiddaeng​ @wordy-escapades​ @writtenfoxscreams​ @w0odr0ses​ @coolpetsmcubandit​  @crypticcandi​ @widowsgranger​ @fantasyprincess101​ @wiiltedflowers​ @aestheticworldd​ @miniaturefunnytraveldonkey​ @bucketofdeadroses​ @uwuplsh​ @softedits-exe​ @cel3stialone​ @sofiapeachyy​  @wanderaven92​ @eunnieah​ @marsupialsgotbloodyears​ @eurydicedior​ @neonuzumaki​ @uhhhem​
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
What would the lost boys think if you accidentally say a different mens name like from a rockbands name. While you was having sex with them
Sure thing fang baby, lemme give it a shot! I’m gonna be honest hon, there isn’t anything romantic about this scenario though, this one is gonna be a whole lot of drama. I write them according to what I think would happen based on their personalities. And let’s be realistic here- None of the boys would respond well to this. All of them are only ever going to polyamorous between each other and their s/o’s in a best case scenario. Outsiders involved in any way, shape, or form is seriously frowned upon. You could call to the great artists of the Renaissance, you could call out Eddie frickin Van Halen, it doesn’t matter. Trust me on this. 
THANK YOU TO @imlostinsantacarla WHO IS NOT ONLY MY CO-AUTHOR BUT A FELLOW LOST BOYS WRITER, AND AN AMAZING FRIEND! I appreciate all the help you’ve been, dude I love ya like a sister! Seriously guys, check out her blog, she is amazing!
The Lost Boys’ S/O Moans a Rock Star’s Name During Sex
18+ CONTENT WARNING: Contains Offensive Language, Gore, Homicide, Violent Behaviors, Potential Emotional Triggers, Sexual Themes! READER'S DISCRETION IS ADVISED!
Any name that isn't his will infuriate him. All he knows is while he's on top of you, you just said another man's name. There's a split second where the infernos of Hades ignites his entire body aflame with pure unadulterated rage. His eyes spark white hot, it takes every ounce of willpower he has to physically calm himself so he doesn't "accidentally" kill you. It's tempting, nearly impossible to resist the urge to slice you open while he's still inside you. How dare you say anyone else's name. 
There’s quite the conflict in his head. He wonders if he should pull out, and leave you there without another word. But instead he chooses to take his revenge. Your mouth won't ever make the mistake of calling to anyone but him ever again, if you’re even lucky enough to be graced with his presence once he’s finished with you. Immediately he would've grabbed you by your throat, tempted to squeeze you until you fainted as he demanded you tell him again who's name you just screamed. It's a terrifying moment, you barely choke out the words before he flips you onto your stomach
"...What was that, kitten? I don’t think I heard those lips right! You're gonna have to say that louder for me."
Make no mistake, the fact that it's the name of a celebrity as you desperately try to claim, means fuck all to him. He will punish the fuck out of you! Everything is drawn out. He'll choke your neck until you can't even moan, just barely teasing when you begin to have tunnel vision. There is no way you'll be satisfied, this is for him! He's not about to give you what you want until you're crying, pleading for him to let you orgasm. You know what he does? Just at the edge of climax covered in scratches and bites, he pulls out and leaves you. Shaken, exhausted, alone, and unsatisfied. Why the hell would he give you the satisfaction of what you want when you called another man's name when you guys were having sex?
David is one of the guys whose ego is going to be busted, and that is a very poor choice to make. He would immediately get dressed. No aftercare, he wants you to feel filthy, dirty. You didn't deserve his love that night. The guys would jump out of his way, you don't want to be in his warpath when he gets like this. As he's tearing through victims he's constantly questioning himself. Why are you thinking of another man when you guys are intimate?! He doesn't let people in, but he let you in, and you fucked it! Obliterating his trust in less than a second.
Expect him to suspect you of adultery. Give him space, because for the next few weeks he won't humor any excuses you give him. How can he be sure you aren't lying?!  Maybe it wasn't the lead singer of the band you just said. Maybe it was just some fucker with a similar first name. David's trust in you no longer exists, and his respect is gone too. Afterwards he refuses to get intimate with you. Even hugs are rejected, he doesn't want you touching him- period!
Celebrity or not, don't bother being surprised when that guy winds up dead in their precious Hollywood estate a week later. David is possessive as fuck and he doesn't take betrayal lightly, no matter how big or small. You’d hear it on TV. The rock star found with his wrists and throat slashed, presumed suicide. But you already knew who was responsible. David isn’t even phased when you storm up to him on the boardwalk with a lit cigarette in his mouth. Of course he used mind control to have the bastard stab himself and slash open his throat. He only wishes he could’ve done it himself. He’ll even tell you all the gruesome details, mocking how he greatly suffered because David made him think there were bugs under his skin. David is over 110% petty. In fact, he’ll taunt you about this after. At first it’ll come off cold, passive and indifferent before it spills over into pure aggression. If you dare try to get angry at him he’ll put that to rest real fast, looking you dead in the eyes.
"You’re damn right I killed him. And you know what? His blood on your hands, y/n, not mine. You made one grave fucking mistake, you have no one but yourself to blame. I don't know why you're crying."
He's never gonna let you forget this. The likelihood of him staying is entirely dependent on how long you two were together. That also means how angry he gets will rely on that as well. He's not gonna trust you after either. In his eyes you're both done. But even then, you're still his at the end of the day. He’s not losing to a corpse, you knew the moment you two came together that you were going to be with him- whether you fucking like it or not. If you think you're gonna dare to move on, and leave him miserable in the dust after hurting him so, think again! You’ll be making it up to him for years, and maybe, just maybe, he’ll forgive you. 
Low-key freezes at first. It’s almost an otherworldly feeling. He must have heard you wrong! Did he hear you right? No way! Was that someone else's name? It certainly wasn’t his! Dwayne will just full on stop the action, the look on his face just dropping! It’s confusion, fear, rage. There’s no words. You had said another man’s name. Not even said it- you screamed it out. The nervous expression furrowing your face told him all he needed to know. He would immediately get dressed and leave you still sprawled on his bed storming off before he’s tempted to scream at you.
But he doesn’t. In fact, he doesn't say anything, but when you look into his eyes he's pissed! His eyes are fucking GLOWING, his fangs are bared, utterly insulted! This is a rage you’ve never seen on Dwayne. You done fucked up mate. This was an intensely intimate moment with him that you just shattered by the mere mention of someone else. Rock band or not, it’s another man’s name. Period. He knows exactly who Steven Tyler is, he doesn’t give a fuck.
When he pulled out and got off of you it was with such speed you never thought was possible from him because of how big his stature is. But now he’s shaken. For a moment it doesn’t even seem possible. Dwayne is trying to calm down, but if his heart was still beating it would be tearing through his chest. He feels like he might throw up, his stomach is just twisting into hideous knots he never thought possible. 
Dwayne is hurt. Utterly crushed. He loves you, or rather, loved you. It’s hard for him to understand what to do with this. He would never dream of doing something this dumb like that to you. Out on the boardwalk he doesn't even see other men or women, like that because he's with you, so for you to do that to him? He's intensely wounded. You said a rock star’s name, but what’s to stop you next time from saying someone else’s name? If you were going to be screaming other people’s names during sex, how far would you go?
When he leaves, he storms off for hours. You won’t see him again until the sun is starting to rise, and even then he won’t speak to you. Well, unless it’s to tell you to get out. Yeah, he wants you gone. Go home. When he’s ready, he’ll talk to you. For now, he doesn’t even look at you. Don’t expect to see him on the boardwalk. In fact, none of the boys are there. If they see you, it's silence and dirty looks. They’ve never seen Dwayne like this. Even when Jasper died he powered through it. This made him utterly depressed, nothing made their friend smile. Paul tried everything, even dancing in drag! Nothing! 
Out of everyone, it's gonna be the hardest for Dwayne to move past this. It’s not just a major turn off, it almost feels like a betrayal. Unless you two have been together for a significant amount of time, he’d probably break up with you. If not, then he’d demand space. He isn’t ready to let go, but he’s not ready to just forgive you. He won't be able to look at you the same afterwards. How could you be thinking of another man when his dick is literally inside of you? 
Are you unhappy? Are you unsatisfied? Like what's going on? Did you not want to be with him anymore?! He’d be questioning himself, questioning anything. Probably will talk it out with you but it's difficult for him to move past. 
It'll take a long time before he can be intimate, if he even can be with you because the trust just isn't there anymore. For Dwayne to be with someone, to let them in, he needs there to be trust in order for him to be intimate. It’s so hard for him to let someone in his life outside of his brothers, especially if you’re human. Now? He doesn’t even know. He may try to patch things up but all he’d hear and see is just you crying for someone else. The damage done might be too much for him to handle. If you guys manage to revive your relationship it’d be an utter miracle because honestly the chances are viciously slim. 
Whatever band member’s name you just called is now officially ruined for Paul forever. By the time you screamed it he was pretty much finished, and mid-climax his heart just drops, utterly falls into his stomach and any horny left inside him is dead. 
That man just pulled out so fast you were winded. He won't touch you after, and if you even try to touch him he will slap your hand away! Eventually he’s so pissed he’ll try to get away from you because he's just so furious. You have to understand, he didn’t hear a band name, he hear another man’s name
"Wait what-... What the fuck-?! What the ever loving fuck did you just fucking say?!" 
A switch has gone off in his head and he's almost violently shoving his clothes on. If you won’t leave then he will, and he honestly needs to get the fuck of there pronto before he’s tempted to do something messy he might regret! 
Paul may come off as this cocky, goofy playboy himself, but he's serious about you! He may have slept around before, but he’s only ever in a relationship, a real, serious relationship, if he truly trusts you. Paul hates being vulnerable, it’s a foreign and risky task that could bite him in the ass. And it just did. All trust is gone and he immediately jumps to the conclusion that you're sleeping with other people. A wave of insecurity takes over. He has a fragile ego, that’s why he tends to be such a needy boyfriend- he always needs to know you love him and that you won’t leave him. Honestly, now he can't look at a picture of the band member you called out during sex anymore, it’s ruined for him now. Their music pisses them off, their face makes him enraged. Even sex is ruined for him for awhile. This boy is so possessive it's unreal, but you've made things all weird now and he can't shake that shit off!
He genuinely cares about you! He knows he's done some dumb shit before! Paul’s behavior can always come across as flirty, even when he’s in his most relaxed state. He’s gotten shit for it before, and he totally understood when you would get ticked off at him for it. But... he never expected that fucking shit to come from you!
Paul will try to patch things up, as best as he can. He doesn't really wanna stay mad at you; it's not his style. However, things are just... different after. He lost that deep, trusting connection with you he once had. It’s just back to square one now, he may even need some space for a few days. Even if you guys manage to pick up the pieces, you have to earn every ounce of his trust back. Part of him sees it as a challenge. Every time you have sex he is determined to make it the most incredible, mind melting, mouth watering fuck he’s ever give in his afterlife! You won’t ever, ever think of another guy again! Unfortunately it makes it hard for him to enjoy it, because not only is he not relaxed, he’s utterly focused on you and there’s still such a massive fear that you’ll do it again.
Part of him desperately wants to murder the guy, and he wouldn't feel bad about it. Not one bit.  Gets way more possessive with you than he ever had been in the past, and frankly it’ll take years before he ever learns to relax again. He may see you as untrustworthy whenever you're around other males.  His anger is uncontrollable some nights, will probably kick, punch, or throw things. His rage is fucking untamed man! This haunts him, he thought you were starting to lov-... well, now he feels like an idiot. 
If you really do stay with him, Paul will be petty. He’s immature, he’s never had this serious of a relationship. So with that, he doesn’t understand how to handle the complex emotions that come with a situation like this. Even though you hurt him, he still cares about you! And that, in a way, makes him even angrier! He should be furious with you, but more than anything he just wants you to want him. Only him! He will remind you of this constantly, even with callous side comments because he can’t let go. If you guys fuck he may start call another women's name. Part of him doesn't give a shit if it makes you uncomfortable or insecure, because you did it to him! 
Paul will blast his favorite bands that you didn't ruin for him, even the other guys can’t cheer him up. None of them have ever seen Paul like this. You wouldn’t expect it to hit him this hard, but it does. He was laying into you, he was inside you, and your mind wanted someone else. Your pleasure wasn’t for him! Your desire, your love, your mind was yearning someone else when he was giving you everything he had! He won't look at you, or talk to you for a good few days. Maybe even a week. He won’t let you come to the hotel, on the boardwalk he’ll openly give you the cold shoulder. The other guys might too. How could they be certain it even was a band name? Maybe Paul had just rationalized it as a rock name so he didn’t have to face the fact you called for some random guy. David is wholly convinced you were having an affair, Marko is just pissed you hurt his friend, Dwayne just doesn’t know what to think of it all. Anytime you try to talk to him before he’s ready, he just acts like you don't exist. He’s hurt, and his anger is the only thing keeping him from forbidden tears. Just give him some space man! 
Marko would be the most hurt out of the group. The sound is just sickening. There he was, holding you to him, deep inside when your voice said… the wrong name? The horror makes his stomach drop, he immediately lifts himself off to look at you still lost in pleasure even as he’s stopped. He's so hard to read, you don't even realize you've hurt him until he's pulled himself out and off of you. 
He wouldn’t speak, or move for a solid 30 minutes. Just silently sitting on the edge of the bed, if you tried to speak he wouldn’t even turn to look at you. His muscles are rigid, wound tight in knots. He’s imploding from the inside, it’s impossible for him to keep his vampire rage subdued, so in a fury he leaves. Marko is not fucking around right now. You’ve screwed up, majorly. He thinks you’ve been cheating on him, and if there’s something Marko takes very seriously, it’s loyalty. He needs to get to get the fuck away from you, because he’s not sure if he can control himself for much longer, and despite his suspicions he doesn't want to hurt you. 
Unlike Paul or Dwayne, when he returns Marko will not talk this out. You honestly shouldn’t have stayed, you should have left when he was gone because he’s still seething when you try to explain yourself. No. You're in the fucking wrong and he's not budging. He will not be hearing any of your bullshit excuses, whatever you throw out doesn’t matter! It's a dumb move he'd expect from Paul, but not from you. Part of him is almost tempted to just try to work things out, but Marko doesn’t trust easily and you’ve not just damaged his trust, you’ve damaged his self esteem. When he heads to the caves and you’re still here he’s had enough.
“Get out…”
Marko flares his fangs at you, blood still staining his mouth. “GET. THE FUCK. OUT.”
You will not be back in that hotel for a long time, if ever again. Marko will avoid you for a while, and I’m talking months here. It’s not just a silent treatment, if he sees you approaching he will start up his motorcycle and ride away- with or without the other guys. He can’t even look at you. If we’re being realistic here, Marko probably won't be able to be intimate with you again. He can’t look past it. All he can see is you calling for someone else, in your heated climax in his arms, utterly exposed, and you desired someone else. He has more self respect for himself than the others, so more than likely he will break up with you! 
He’s hurt. It's a cluster of emotions, all of them feel horrid. Rage, pain, sorrow, betrayal. How could you do this? Have you seen him? (like bruhhhhhh where you gonna find a man that rocks a crop top as good as him? where?) He definitely went on a killing spree right after. He needs to release his rage, it’s so pent up he doesn’t know how else to handle it. There would be blood everywhere, there wouldn’t even be any bodies left behind. Everything is utter carnage. Marko would need some serious alone time from everyone, he wouldn't talk to the other boys for at least a few hours. 
Paul is furious at you when they find out what you did. You're fucking dead! Marko means so much to them, and you meant so much to Marko! This was his best friend! They let you into their coven, they trusted you with their brother, and you genuinely broke this poor baby’s heart! Hope you don’t have any unfinished business. Say your prayers and make amends now, because you're packing for your funeral buddy. David even hunts down anyone with the name you called and kills them, and he’ll be sure you know. You don’t hurt his friends, you’re lucky that he’s allowing you to draw breath from this miserable planet.
Afterwards, Marko does not go into another relationship for years. Maybe even a decade. It hurts him to go back on the boardwalk. Everything reminds him of you. The ferris wheel where you guys had your first kiss, the food stands he’d take you to, the arcade where he’d kick your butt at Mortal Kombat. Even more so is the sight of you. He doesn’t want to run into you at all. Even the sound of your name, anything to do with you makes him feel down or enraged. He already had trust issues before you, now he wasn’t nearly as willing to be trusting to anyone but his brothers. The next s/o he has, if he ever decides to have another, will definitely be picking up the pieces.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
For the OC anonymous ask! Man, if you gave me a chance, I'd take it! XD I'll go with Jonah since he's the only character that I've actually gotten to know. Hope you don't mind me rambling in your feed.
To start off, it was Jonah's pirate theme that first caught my eyes. I had a thing for pirate AUs back then, so the eyepatch and pirate references became my drive. Jonah's soft boi personality too! It made me wonder how he was going to survive the overblots with that kind of personality. Especially because those battles were brutal and traumatic.
"Down with the Bloody Red Queen"
This. This was and is still my favourite line.
I was like, "damn?!" I had to take a double take when I read that. Since Riddle is twisted from the Queen of Hearts, I thought it was some sort of threat! THE soft boy Jonah Argentum? Threatening THE Riddle Rosehearts? YOOOOOO THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GO DOWN!
I want to say more, but I'm afraid it might be a spoiler to those who haven't read it yet. Like Chen'ya's lines during the Unbirthday Party and [RSA student]'s appearance at the Magift Tournament! I need more of his appearance! XD
But all in all, Jonah's character development is my favourite part. I'm frickin' in love with TW:OPT!
I was not expecting this 😭
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Rambling is very much welcomed in my blog. Please, I love listening to rambles. So, I'll answer with my own rambling.
Okay, let's start from the beginning. It might be a bit long so... Page break!
I am... I am so happy you like Jonah as a character. I'm so worried that I might make him too generic or borderline gary stu, even with the pirate theme. But the soft boi is very intentional because I do love those types of characters. I want to make Jonah to be able to fill Yuu's MC role, but becoming his own unique character that deviates from Yuu.
And reaching that line in The Crimson Tyrant Arc. It was a delight to write that line. Originally it was supposed to be a quick reference to the 2010 Alice in Wonderland movie where the Mad Hatter said it, but I realized it won't make sense since Jonah never see those Disney movie. Thus, his expansion happens, which resulted to his connection with RSA, including Che'nya's line, the certain RSA student (oh, hopefully we can see more maybe in the current arc? But who knows my writing process), and basically his whole past before the memory loss! So, yeah, if I never write that line, maybe Jonah would be just another bland amnesiac character. 🤣
Which leads to the character development aspect. I do want Jonah to grow from just being dragged along into someone who can stand on his own. Yeah, comparing Jonah from Prologue Arc to Scarabia Arc is really satisfying, at least for me. Jonah's character development is an interesting process behind the scene. I do want to test my own skill in character progression. Jonah is really a trial run for and I'm just so happy that you appreciate it. But also a little bit of whumping wouldn't hurt, right? 😅
Again, thank you so much, Sir/Madam, for giving Jonah a chance~ Hope you'll enjoy his journey further...
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svnarintaro · 4 years
𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞
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well,, i don’t know wether or not this is narcissistic but here is a few things about me !!
name: haru 
it’s my korean name and online alias fun fact: it was a korean name gave to me by my korean friends cause they thought i was korean (i’m filipino :)) so i just rolled with it
age: i'm a minor
don't get me fooled i'm a minor he he i'm making it so that only my muchachos know my age hehe he heeee
birthday: june 17
sexuality and pronouns: bisexual and she/they
i honestly don’t mind whenever people call me a he or a they like i honeslty don’t care with pronouns but i am perfectly comfortable with my sexuality and what it is so dear homophobes please
self ships: 
haruroki (haru x todoroki shoto)
rintaru (haru x suna rintarō)
shiru (haru x shindo yo)
likes: sloths, playing music and just typing 
i really like sloths, like i think they are one of the cutest things to even exist like i really do love them 
i play a lot of instruments in addition of being in band, i just really do like playing music more than listening to it,, idk do people find it annoying whenever i try to learn a song by ear the moment i hear it? maybe- 
idk ever since i learnt how to type by myself i have been so frickin proud of myself and it makes a satisfying sound to me so i just like typing random words that come into my head as practice 
dislikes: genuinely rude people, bees, needles
the rude people is just something i just don’t vibe with, bees just scare me, needles suck end of story 
animes i love: bnha, balance unlimited, haikyuu, erased
if you want more anime that i have watched then just click here for my whole list 
random facts about me:
i actually can’t tolerate spice like at all, as a child i used to think onions were too spicy
my first anime was yuri on ice and attack on titan and i low key lost my anime mojo cause i didn’t know where to watch until recently 
i look like the offspring or daichi and sugawara 
i’m too scared that people from my school will find my blog or people from my church will find me and thats why i haven’t done a face reveal
i play basketball and volleyball
in volleyball i’m a libero
in basketball i’m a point guard
i want to start a podcast titled, “the boring life of a depressed teenager” and just talk about all the things that make me mad 
my favourite artist is brockhampton and isaac dunbar
i'm actually in a band- it's called knee high socks and i'm the guitarist
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bakugohoex · 3 years
ゞ°✭・㋛┃ Hello, hello, my favourite person in the whole entire world! Just got back from my 7-hours-of-hell building so I decided to drop into your blog and check up on you before I bury myself in work, been thinking about Murasakibara’s long-ass arms for the entire day and how they could be wrapped around me but sadly he’s not here and he’s not real and how frickin’ touch-starved I am, reminding myself that somehow Imayoshi reminds me of Ranpo, pet a Pomeranian that almost bit me and said “ OK, Bakugou ”, drew a chibi Sukuna in the corner of my workbook during my second lesson, and, other than all that, all is well and I’m doing fine!
Now, how are you, my lovely? v(´∀`*v)ピース
— 🌨
hiya baby 🥺 sheesh 7 hours of hell could never be me i’d cry on impact 😪 i hope you did do the work i set out to do baby and omfg please murisakibara’s arms would literally wrap around me so easily like he’d end up hugging himself as well cause he’s just so tall 🥺 please yes touch starved gang occurring here 😥 ooo i bet sukuna looked pretty when u drew him i’m glad you’re doing good though my lovely ☺️
i’m doing fine just gonna go eat and hopefully revise for a bit maybe an hour cause i have to shower lmao but yeah overall everything is calm here
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maelyca · 4 years
I am super excited for today! It’s supposed to be a beautiful day with a high of 66° ☀️ — which is great compared to the snow we had a couple days ago ❄️😵 I’ve got errands to run and am meeting a friend for brunch a little later. I woke up way too early, so I’m watching Bridesmaids (one of the funniest movies ever) while drinking a cotton candy Bang energy drink. Exciting life, I know 🥱
I really want to start journaling again to get stuff off my chest (and sometimes just to ramble, I suppose), but since writing tends to hurt my hand, I’d like to try blogging. My only fear is that I’ll come off as complain-y if I’m venting. I definitely don’t want that to happen. After the recent situations at work I’m hesitant to open up to a lot of people there. Plus, more coworkers are annoying me these days, and I have no idea who I can trust anymore. I am honestly not sure I can trust even some of the people I thought I could. I hope I learn some lessons from this — watch what you say on social media (so this blogging stuff should be really entertaining since no one knows it’s me…yet), don’t add coworkers to your social media, and don’t open up to coworkers like I tend to do. Coworkers are not friends. I totally broke my rule on that when I started my current job 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I’m also hesitant to open up to my boyfriend because he can be a total dick sometimes. He has very strong opinions on almost everything, and he likes to let you know what they are. I don’t feel I can talk to him about my current job because he worked for the same company for a couple months and it did not end well so he doesn’t have a high opinion of the company as a whole. I just want to come home sometimes, vent about my day a little bit and move on. He likes to focus on the subject, rip it apart, put it back together his way then tell me why it’ll work better. It’s no wonder I’m having more anxiety and depression lately 🥺 But I digress. I’ll save that for another post when I come up with a new name so no one knows it’s me 😉
I miss typing, too. Since I left the call center almost three years ago, I barely have a need to type anything more than my ID number and password at work. I’m typing on my iPad right now, and it’s not as easy as I thought it’d be lol My fingers are already cramping up. I may have to get one of those fancy keyboards that attaches. Or maybe just get a frickin laptop and save myself the trouble 🙄🙄
Writing again feels good. Getting my thoughts out feels amazing. Idk if anyone will ever even read this or if it will get sucked into the black hole of the interwebs, but it feels like such a release of pressure in my mind. Hopefully, this will help me become a bit of a better writer. I’m still a little dusty on my punctuation, but I’ll make it work. Honestly, I don’t even know what’s acceptable these days - one space or two after the end of a sentence?!?! I’ll probably do both because I’ll go on tangents and not pay any attention whatsoever 🤷‍♀️ Do people even use commas anymore?! I have a small grammar book somewhere. I may have to dig that bad boy up lol
Writing my thoughts will most likely help, too, instead of doing video rants. Here, I can proofread and stop myself from sounding like an idiot or an asshole (I hope!), where as in videos I talk to fast and get confused, or just plain forget what I was talking about. Here, I can backspace and delete before a thought gets put out there; videos don’t let me do that.
I’m going to end this, so I can get back to my movie before brunch. Today is going to be a good day 😎
Do good. Be good. Pay it forward.
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WFC: Siege watch!
Part 1: Episodes 1, 2, and 3
[Part 2] (Linking because Tumblr isn’t even showing the post on my blog or on my dash 🙄)
As a side note: every single person in this fandom is horrible at tagging their spoilers, you guys really need to do a better job at that because I’ve got a bunch of blockers on and I was STILL almost spoiled multiple times. Come on you guys...it literally came out today, be better about this.
Alright going to try and keep expectations low because I feel like the target audience for this is G1 dudebros who take a series about transforming cars way too seriously, but I’m still cautiously optimistic because a friend vetted for the dudes working on this show so WE”LL SEE
Episode 1
Aw man there’s only 6 episodes??? Bummer, I wonder if they’re already working on Season 2 or if they’re going to see how this does and let it die in the water if it’s not popular enough.
Things I know going in: Skyfire / Jetfire is in this, Megatron has big lips, and Elita is in it. That’s literally it, I’ve managed to avoid spoilers thusfar (though a few of the promo images implied Skyfire’s a Decepticon, so you KNOW that’s gonna break bad eventually)
The transformation sequences look so reminiscent of those stop-motion videos people do of their Transformer toys transforming. This isn’t a dig at the animation style, I think that’s rather charming and I wonder if it’s intentional.
Wow Bumblebee sounds like a jerk. I’m instantly on-edge, please don’t make all the characters ~hyper-masculine mean guys who don’t know how to have fun or talk about their emotions~
“The Autobots aint paying you for attitude” YOU TELL HIM WHEELJACK
Yooo Velocitron exists!
Ahh so Bumblebee IS just a mercenary, not an Autobot
Wow Jetfire you’re really going the bad dude route huh
Ayyyyyy there’s Starscream
Thundercracker I appreciate that you’re using fancy tech to identify wheeljack but his Autobot badge is literally Right There
WELL THAT DIDN”T LAST LONG HUH...that’s a bit disappointing
huh so they’re making Skyfire the target of Starscream’s desire for power. hmm
WHY ARE YOU GUYS RUNNING JUST TRANSFORM INTO CARS unless they’re too low on energon to do it??
There he is...Mr. Big Lips
Well that’s a surprising take Megatron
Isn’t that Cybertron and Luna 1 in the sky though?? Are they on Cybertron rn or not??
Megatron’s voice is really throwing me off, if it weren’t for his helmet and color I’d really think that was Overlord
Why does bumblebee have lips too
“What do you know of slavery?” Alright that line did make me go “OHHHH”
“Alpha Trion would be ashamed!” “Of us both, I think” ouch, but nice to see Alpha “Grandpa” Trion back in a series
Megatron PLEASE don’t say “I’m enjoying this, Prime” in that voice while I can hear Optimus groaning in the background
Why are the Seekers chasing these guys, who are running on foot, ON FOOT??? CHANGE INTO YOUR DANG ALT MODE
man I’m only like a few minutes in and I’m already bored. I’m going to watch the whole thing, but I feel like this is really lacking soul or personality so far. It very much feels like the script was written by people who aren’t familiar with these characters, so they’re writing them how they EXPECT them to sound, not writing them as they actually are. It’s more than a little disappointing, but this is only the first episode, so I’ll keep going and see if this is consistent throughout the series.
Oh man, just listening to Elita you can tell she was written by a dude. Oof.
There’s the Ark!
Dang everyone’s running low
Jeez Optimus and Elita wouldn’t just walk by all these injured Autobots!
And Optimus wouldn’t brush off his officers!! Agh!!!
YO Ultra Magnus!
oh my gosh is THAT Red Alert??
Hey where’s Ratchet though
Gosh the writing is so STIFF!!!! I can’t stand this, if I wasn’t a die-hard Transformers fan I would’ve bounced a few minutes ago
 It might also be the way the VAs pause between words, please speak normally, these constant pauses between words are frustrating
Ok but where the frick is Soundwave
“His arrogance I actually like” pfft
Annnnd here comes Ultra Magnus to accept the treaty on Prime’s behalf, where he’ll get held hostage and probably wind up beefing it.
Episode 2
And Shockwave!!! 
I want to know where Megatron got all this fabric for those stupid flags and where Ultra magnus got that cloak
Is. Is that Prowl with a weird paint job
Wow bad aim dude
Ultra Magnus you dummy....
Ok but if it was a battle then who were they fighting against???
Wow you’re really just gonna stand there and take that Magnus?
I know they’re on a time-crunch because they only have 6 episodes, but they have to do more to make me care about the characters. I’m inclined to care about them already because I’m familiar with the series and because as a stand-alone, even I’m like “Ok. So?” whenever new problems come up for them. I’m not invested!
Not to compare the two, because I feel like this entire liveblog will turn into a comparative essay, but Cyberverse got me invested in characters within the first episode! They were on an even TIGHTER time-crunch because their episodes were only 10 minutes, and yet they did a great job weaving a tight narrative and making good use of their time to tell a story and have characters charm the audience.
Optimus: Til All Are One Rodimus, coming out of nowhere: TIL ALL ARE ONE
WELL THAT”S NOT THE VOICE I WAS EXPECTING FOR SHOCKWAVE he sounds a bit reminiscent of his TFA version
What does de-rez mean
Ok but that’s assuming that this thing will automatically reprogram them?? Reformatting doesn’t automatically mean someone will turn into a Decepticon!
You know, there’s a lot of talking in the show but the dialogue doesn’t actually say a lot. It doesn’t reveal much about the characters or tell me who they are.
It really annoys me that characters always pause after saying “I”. It’s always “I.........[long pause] rest of their sentence.”
what do you mean “Teams” Optimus there’s like 5 of you guys
I love you Soundwave!!!
Whoa wait was that Impactor in the background?
Again, it feels very much like the writers read the wikipedia page for Transformers and maybe the first sentence of each character’s bio page and then wrote the entire script from there. It’s frustrating. I hate being so severe in my reviews because I hate dunking on my fellow writers because they don’t always have final say in what happens, but this is astonishingly poor writing.
Like, I can see what they’re TRYING to accomplish, but it feels like they whiff so badly.
oh thats Barricade that’s why I thought that was Prowl
Chromia!!!! My darling!!!! I can’t believe there’s only two girls in this show so far
Oh that’s Cog, I wasn’t sure if that was Beachcomber or what
Nice one Chromia
Oh is that Mirage?
Ugh ANOTHER WRITING PET PEEVE: Constantly having characters start to say something but then then their dialogue gets cut off. It’s fine if it’s once in a while but over and over it’s annoying
I also feel like a lot of the VAs lack...emotion. They don’t emphasize the lines. Like, “Get him into the repair bay” is one example. Depending on how you emphasize certain words in that sentence, you can infer a lot! Emotion, the state of mind of the character, etc. But when it’s delivered in such a bland way, it’s a bit like “ok whatever”, which is how I’m starting to feel about this whole show. This doesn’t go for all the VAs or all lines, but it’s consistent enough that my mind’s wandering.
RAVAGE??? RAVAGE???? RAVAGE?!?!?!??!?!
It was probably Bumblebee.
Not to be nitpicky but it should be “Neither we nor the Autobots”
Episode 3
Lmao love your lipgloss Megatron
Ohh is Ratchet going to fix Impactor??
Gosh please, please don’t have humans in this show
lmao Skyfire called Starscream a tool
I’d like to see who was on the writing team of this show
Isn’t that Mirage?
Again with the sentences consistently being cut off....
Is that Sunstorm?
Points to Chromia and Mirage for showing the first bitof personality in this show.
Yooo Ratchet! Oof he’s not chummy with Prime huh
Oh Mirage come on
Actually no, don’t shut Impactor up he’s right
“I didn’t patch you up just so you could blow a valve here” *snorts*
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Wouldn’t it be frickin hilarious if Magnus just popped open a panel and Minimus came out and just dipped outta there
lmao nice lightsaber Jetfire
Ratchet is the ONLY character they’ve given personality in this show so far.
Jeez Mirage cool your jets
Oh for frick’s sake Optimus be cool
Megatron please stop torturing your ex boyfriend
Ok but who did they rise against??? Were there Quintessons in this universe too?
oh come on you guys
Oh boy something tells me Skywarp isn’t going to survive the rest of this episode
Oh jk, Skyfire just let him go. Well alrighty then
I’m not sure how they found the Autobot base, they implied that it was because of Impactor but that doesn’t make sense
This post is getting long so I’m going to spit it between two posts
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vanmathilua · 4 years
Stoicism 101
Disclaimer: This isn’t a blog post about stoicism. The title is a misnomer.
This post is actually ... well, I have no idea what it is about but let’s just see where it goes..
I celebrated my 22nd birthday a couple days back and for once, I felt amazing throughout the day, instead of sad and anxious which is usually how I feel on birthdays because the hype is too much and reality never matches up.
Maybe I was just being a very good stoic, I had very low( almost nonexistent) expectations for this day. I also offered it all over to the Force That Keeps The Birds Up And the Winds Blowing, and took a vow to embrace everything completely.
Turned out to be a pretty fucking great day.
However, this post isn’t about how great of a birthday I had a couple days back. It’s more of a rambling whiny self absorbed expression of consciousness without inhibition, in the present moment.
Life right now, is so shaky. And by life, I mean external circumstances and internal coping mechanisms, ideas, values and hopes in general.
It’s great in a way... change is exhilarating. An impersonal outlook on these things is very liberating.
But ever since I woke up this morning...
I am thinking...
Fuck, this sucks.
My boyfriend broke up with me.
My mom has to travel alone to her sick parents house to take care of them while the whole country is under a strict lockdown. (Yesterday was...hellish. We had to apply for an e - pass so that she could travel without being arrested or quarantined by officials. And she doesn’t handle crises very well. She gets the things done, people’s desires are met , not just their needs.. but she sucks at taking herself into consideration. She becomes an anxious wreck. And with my root chakra almost entirely taken up by her, I go crazy seeing her that way).
I have my period and the stress of the month must have taken its toll or something. I have cramps. Bad ones. I usually don’t get cramps. Fuck again.
Dad got transferred and we gotta shift districts within two days. And mom is gone.
And the kitchen has a frog in it.
And my sister broke my sunglasses. My favourite ones.
I lay in bed, numb. Mom had left a mere five minutes ago. It was almost a relief to see her out of the house. Her jitteriness was making me nauseous.
So I flicked through YouTube. I mean, what else could I do? My body aches and I had just woken up. The rest of the day didn’t look promising, I was up to my neck with med school work...
And I came across videos of Stoicism.
Here is something I did, as I watched the video..
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These words were of Marcus Aurelius.
And I remembered...
There is cake in the refrigerator and food in the kitchen for two days.
Heartened a bit, I ate and then gutted a pineapple. That felt great. Like I said, low expectations really are beautiful.
And mom is not here to tell me not to eat cake straight off from the fridge, let it warm a bit. Cold cake is delish!
The house is pretty much packed already . It ain’t gonna be that tough. I am going to manage, I think.
So what if I have cramps? I have cake. Fuckin delicious three layered cake and chocolate crepe cake.
And I can swear all I want.
And thank frickin god that my boyfriend broke up with me. Hallelujah, headspace!
So ..
I guess life is good right now.🤪
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hufflautia · 4 years
Hi! I hope you are doing well. This is a quite random ask. I just need to rant for a bit and have no idea who to go to and you seem like a good person and I adore your blog, I’m sorry if you aren’t ok with this, you don’t have to feel obligated to respond ofc
I just wanted to say that I have this friend who I like to think i’m really close with, but I feel like i’m not as close to them as they are to me. I feel so selfish for thinking this way because I know they care for me, but they’ve become very distant. Sometimes when we talk the conversations feel very bland and not as meaningful as they used to be. I hate to admit this but sometimes when they mention another person it makes me feel sad and I hate that I feel that way because it makes me feel like a horrible selfish person for thinking like that. This is just something I need to get off my chest, if you want to give advice you can but don’t feel obligated to, I just need someone to listen. If you read this entire thing thank you
hello! thank you, i hope you had a good day too. there is nothing to be sorry for, my ask box/messages are always open if you need to rant!!  
i understand how you feel about the whole “I feel like I’m not as close to them as they are to me.” I had a friend like that once and it was not a good relationship at all. you are definitely NOT selfish for thinking this way; despite the fact that you know that they care about you, its important for friends to interact with you and show you that they care about you; i can tell that your friend is not really doing that because they’ve become distant. friends should be making you feel good and happy; they shouldn’t make you feel doubtful about your friendship at all. its not to say that they have to interact with you all the time and 24/7, but when i think about my friends, i just feel warm and happy. i don't have bad thoughts about them, I'm not wondering whether they care about me as much as i care about them because that’s what a good friendship is all about! that's what you should be feeling too, but your friend is a poopy face 😐
“Sometimes when we talk the conversations feel very bland and not as meaningful as they used to be.” 
^ i absolutely understand how you feel. the same exact thing happened to me with that friend that i mentioned beforehand. the convo just died out and i didn't feel as happy as i used to be, and i can tell that you feel the same way too w ur friend. here is my advice- leave the friendship. you stated that they became distant; it sounds like they’re not putting as much effort into the friendship as you have been doing. if they dont care, you should drop them. i have been in your shoes, and lemme tell you that leaving the friendship is for the best. getting out of a toxic friendship sucks ass because it’s really hard! its very similar to a toxic relationship: you start remembering all the good times and all the good laughs; suddenly, you dont wanna stop being friends with them anymore. so you go back to the friend, then you suffer the same thing all over again, and you feel the same dull sadness you’ve been feeling for a while. that's what i did, and it was quite terrible until i finally decided to put an end to it and i stopped being friends with them. i have to warn you that its gonna sting for a while, but it is genuinely for the best. you deserve better anon, i swear!!! you are a glorious human being, you kinda remind me of myself (due to what you went through), and i swear to god that you will meet better friends who will make you happy, friends who wont make you doubt their love and appreciation for you!!! you shall have meaningful and fun conversations with another person who will be amazing and great and probably way better than that other person. 
“I hate to admit this but sometimes when they mention another person it makes me feel sad and I hate that I feel that way because it makes me feel like a horrible selfish person for thinking like that.” 
^ you are not a horrible selfish person at all!! i feel like most people would feel the same way if that happened to them. especially because your “friend” is depriving you of the affection and appreciation you deserve, it is hard not to feel jealous when they talk about another person! your sadness is VALID, IT IS SOSOSOSOOS FRICKIN VALID BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE VALID!!!!! 
anyways, i will always always ALWAYSSSSSSSS be here for you, i am all ears, i will always listen. thank you for coming to me to talk about this, you are strong and courageous for opening up about a bad situation like this. to reiterate, this “friend” sounds like a bad friend; imma be blunt, they suck ass. 
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THIS IS ME @ THEM!!!!!! i hope that made u laugh <3 
perhaps you dont want to unfriend them. in that case, i would recommend you tell them how you feel and explain that you feel that they are becoming distant from you. communication is key. nevertheless, in the case that you shall unfriend them, FUCK THAT COMMUNICATION BRUH! WHY ARENT THEY APPRECIATING YOU FOR THE GLORIOUS PERSON THAT THEY ARE?? THEY DONT DESERVE UR LOVE! some friendships just dont work out, so its better to let them die out instead of holding on and letting the toxicity grow. 
i love you, I'm here for you, i hope all goes well! lemme know what happens or how you feel about my response (i.e. any questions or requests for additional advice). also i volunteer to become your friend and give u all the gucci love that you deserve<3!!!!! 
also sorry about the late reply; perhaps you noticed earlier that i responded to another ask and did some other stuff on my blog but didn't post ur ask yet. i was feeling gross bc i was on social media for hours and i had already read your ask and i was excited to respond to it, but i wanted to take a shower to cleanse my soul and generate a sufficient number of brain cells to respond to your ask properly! anyways, listen to THIS SONG ! it is nice, it has good vibes, maybe it will lift ur spirits up:D also its about love, and it kinda relates to this ask i guess, BC U DESERVE LOVE AND APPRECIATION! ok bye bye <3
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