#...and she felt like she'd lose something that made her 'special' (her words)...
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
You don't become less trans the more you transition. No matter how long you've been on hormones, no matter if you've gotten every surgery you want, no matter if you appear to be cis - none of that negates your belonging to the trans community.
I've seen some trans people worried that they would almost stop being trans or belonging because they've gotten bottom surgery, or top surgery, or start appearing cis, and let me tell you... none of that, ultimately, changes you on an ontological level. Yes, all these things are affirming, and it's safe to say that if you got it, you life can be so much better for it. But it doesn't change the fact that you belong, that if you're trans, you're trans.
Do what makes you most at peace. You still belong no matter what, people aren't going to love you less.
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wildandsmile · 9 months
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*✿❀ Under the Fireworks ❀✿*
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Summary: You and your best friend had a routine of taking turns to accompany his grandmother, ensuring her safety. However, things began to change, and a significant turning point came one fateful night.
Tw: Death, Trauma (nothing crazy), Sad Memories
Wc: 3.6k
Kinks:Dom Itto, Sub Reader Bitting, Pet Name, Size difference, Chocking, Growling,Fingering, Exhibitionism,Breeding, Cream-pie, unprotected sex, penetrative sex (p in v) and Rough sex
An: Happy Day 4 of Kinktober, sorry if the smut sucks on this one it’s like 1 in the morning my writ schedule sucks I know. I’ll probably re do this week until then.
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You and Itto had grown really tight over time, so much so that he even let you meet his gang and his sweet Grandma. It made you feel like you were part of something truly special. Itto had even opened up about how most folks didn't treat him well, and some even try threaten his dear Grandma, which you found utterly terrible. That's when you stepped in, offering to look after his Grandma while he and his gang set off on their exciting escapades. And he couldn't have been happier about your offer.
And that's how you found yourself right here, perched on Grandma Oni's front porch, patiently awaiting Itto's return. Grandma Oni was well aware of what the two of you were up to, taking turns to safeguard her, ensuring nothing would harm her. Naturally, she felt the need to ensure her beloved children were cared for, even though you reassured her it wasn't necessary. Without fail, she'd emerge with a platter of freshly sliced oranges and a steaming cup of tea. It was undeniably the most heartwarming gesture. After losing your own grandmother and seeing your grandfather fall into a deep despair, which only worsened with the Vision Hunt Decree, these moments felt like a comforting embrace.
Feeling like a child again brought a few tears to your eyes, but you didn't have much time to dwell on it. Grandma Oni stepped outside, this time carrying more than just her tea and oranges. She held a large red book, piquing your curiosity. As you wiped away your tears, you couldn't help but ask her about the book's contents. She looked at you with a warm smile and said, "It's a photo album."
You gazed at her in confusion, wondering why she had a photo album when she had no children or grandchildren. But she took a seat beside you and started flipping through the pages. To your surprise, it was filled with pictures of her and a young baby Itto. You couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable photos of baby Itto, watching him play in the dirt, take his first steps, and even hold a sword for the very first time.
The two of you continued to leap through the book, immersing yourselves in the memories captured in those photographs. You couldn't help but shed tears as you saw not only pictures of a young Grandma Oni but also snapshots of her with her late husband. It was bittersweet, and your mind drifted to fond memories of you and your own grandmother once again . You missed those times when you could visit her after a tough day, rest your head in her lap, and feel her gentle touch as she brushed your hair and cleaned your ears.
Reality jolted you back when a sharp pain gripped your arm. Blinking away your tears, you found Itto standing before you, his face a mix of hurt and anger, concern etched into his features.
Before you could utter a word, Itto began shouting so loudly that you feared your eardrums might burst. "Hannii, what's wrong? Did someone hurt you? Why are you crying? Who did this? I'll gut them like a fish!" His barrage of questions seemed never-ending, and you placed your hand on his forearm, causing him to release his grip. You glanced down, noticing the imprint of Itto's hand on your forearm.
After examining your arm, you looked back at Itto, his face still contorted with the same emotion. Letting out a long sigh, you reached up and gently placed your hand on his cheek, softly rubbing your thumb against his skin. He grasped your hand and sighed deeply, saying, "I'm sorry, Hannii. When I saw you crying, I panicked. I didn't know what to do. I thought someone might have hurt you or Grandma Oni. I just panicked." You nodded slowly, continuing to caress his cheeks. You had only seen Itto like this once before, back when a group of Treasure Hoarders had attacked you and Grandma.
You managed to fend off those Treasure Hoarders because they weren't Vision holders, but you did end up with a few nasty cuts and burns. That day, you swear Itto transformed into a different person. It was like his horns grew larger, his anger intensified, and his elemental energy surged. After a while, you could hardly recognize him. But once he regained his senses, he dashed off into the woods, apologizing for you having to witness that side of him.
Of course, you didn't mind at all. In fact, you found that form rather enticing, though you couldn't admit it. How could you tell your friend of almost four years that you had a crush on him? It's not like he occupied your thoughts every day or made you blush at his playful antics—absolutely not. You'd just bury those feelings deep down because there was no way someone like him could ever be interested in someone like you, right?
You didn't have much time to dwell on it because Grandma Oni stepped outside and insisted that both of you come in you swear you don’t remember her going back inside but you shake that thought away and head in. But not before she gave Itto a stern talking-to about his shouting, warning him that if he kept it up, he'd scare all the fish away from the Inazuma coast. It only made Itto laugh even harder, and Grandma Oni responded by playfully smacking him with one of her shoes, making him exclaim, "Hey, I wasn't ready for that, you know!"
With that, she walked off to the kitchen, likely to prepare dinner for everyone. You always offered to help, but she insisted on doing it herself, considering it her way of thanking both of you for watching over her all day. Her compliments never failed to brighten your day. However, this left you alone in the dining room with Itto, who, as usual, was playing with his Onikabuto beetles. He insisted they were more than just bugs, and though you didn't quite understand, you supported his passion nonetheless.
You noticed him stealing glances at you from across the table, but whenever you met his gaze, he quickly averted his eyes, making you raise an eyebrow. "I know you were looking at me, Itto. What's going on? It better not be another one of your silly pranks," you remarked, giving him a stern look.
He didn't say anything; instead, he pulled out a poster and handed it to you. The poster announced the Lights Festival tonight in the Chinju Forest, open to all ages. You glanced up at Itto, then back down at the paper, and back up at him. It suddenly dawned on you that he might be asking you on a date, or at least that's what you hoped. But you wanted to be certain, so you decided to clarify his intentions.
In a casual tone, you asked, "Are you asking me out on a date, Itto?" He didn't respond immediately, but you noticed the tips of his ears turn red as he slowly looked up at you and gave a quick nod. Before you could let your excitement take over, Grandma Oni entered with a large tray of food for everyone. As she set the food down, she couldn't help but comment, "About time this meathead asked you out." Her remark made you blush at the thought of actually going on a date with him.
And so, that's how you found yourself in the forest, dressed up nicely in one of Grandma Oni's old kimonos. It was a stunning bright red and orange, just like the colors of the fireworks you were about to see.
But something didn't feel right; Itto was nowhere to be found. He had asked you to wait, claiming he had something to attend to quickly, but it had been almost an hour. You started to worry that he might have stood you up, but then you remembered who you were on a date with. There was no way he'd do that. Maybe he got lost.
With that thought in mind, you began to wander through the forest, searching high and low for any sign of Itto. The more you looked, the emptier it seemed. Just as you were on the verge of giving up hope, you heard faint grunts and what sounded like your name being called in a hushed tone.
*✿❀ Smut Time ❀✿*
Following the voices brings you to a massive tree that appears to have been her long before you. But you didn't have time to take in its beauty before you heard your name again, and this time it should sound more like a moan than a groan.
Slowly making your way around the tree, you see nothing at first, but once you get to the other side of the tree, you see Itto, but he wasn't in the same form or state he was before, no now he was two times his normal size, and his teeth were so large that they turned into tusks. It was similar to when you saw him trying to defend you, but this time it appeared much worse, not to mention he was using his large calloused hands to slowly pump his cock.
You had no idea what to do as you stood there with your crush and what you believe to be his true form masterbationing to the concept of you. You wouldn't lie looking at him like this made you feel a little bit hot yourself but you didn't want to get caught by anyone so you turn around to walk away but while you were stepping back you stepped into a branch causing Itto to look up at you his eyes were bloodshot and his breath was so heavy you could see it clear turning to you he sees that it's you and begins walking towards you thought he was going to say something hell you thought he might even eat you.
To your astonishment, he pulls you into a deep kiss and screams into your ear, "I need you please," to which you reply by slowly kissing him back and murmuring, "Ok."With a seductive breath, your fingers entangled sensually in Itto's silky strands of hair. Itto, driven by want, carefully nibbles on your neck, sending waves of pleasure flowing through your sensitive skin.
You try to cover your mouth so that no one else outside can hear your moan, but immediately as your hand cups your mouth, it falls open. "Please don't hold back, that sweet voice," Itto says, his voice tinged with longing, definitely hungry. Itto looked intently into your lovely eyes, which sparkled with an enticing mix of desire and passion. "Look at you all flustered," Itto adds as his breath shortens and he starts kissing your neck like a piece of meat.
His enormous beast-like hands caressed your sensuous contours as his long nails teased and traced a path along the valley on your breast all the way down to your tight cunt. Itto seductively parted his lips and said, "You know, while I'm in this form, I can hear your heart racing right, and right now I can tell it's racing for me pretty badly" after that he let out a loud chuckle in his ture Oni form it made you feel safe like it was still him inside their even though it didn't look like it.
But you don't have long to consider it before Itto pushes his lips into yours. He cuts your lips with his teeth at first, but this only appears to rile him up more as the flavor of saliva and blood mixes into your mouths.
Itto then looks at you, your eyes locked together as your lips continue to fiercely collide with his, yet as he pulls away to allow your lungs the air they require, you can't help but feel a craving for his delicate yet rough touch. He must have felt the same way because his lips crushed into yours again not long after.
This time, the kiss was gentler and softer, as if it sent you to cloud nine. You were so engrossed in it that you didn't notice when he slid his buff head down to your legs and pushed them open, giving him an even greater view of your body."You're excited, aren't you?" Itto adds, growling into the kiss.
Itto begins to remove your kimono without hesitation while instructing you to remain still."Come one Hannii, stay still for me, I don't want to cut you with my claws," Itto said seductively as he carefully lifted the hem of your kimono. He'd finally gotten rid of all the bothersome garments, but now that he was looking at you through the moonlight, he could see how lovely you were. Everything about you was flawless.
"I can't believe you're all mine." Itto replies, his stare filled with list, as he begins to fondle your body, rubbing his enormous calloused hands along your smooth breast, gently playing with your stiff nipples. "You like this, don't you?" Itto asks as he takes one of your nipples in his mouth and slowly begins to tease the other with his nail nips. You couldn't possibly respond. The most you could do was nod and mutter something incoherent. But, of course, Itto was so enthusiastic about pulling your words out of your mouth that he was already planning to turn you into a fucked up toy.
And the best part was that anyone could stroll through the forest right now and see the two of you, and what could they do? Nothing, of course, since Itto wouldn't allow anyone ruin his moment. Just suddenly, Itto snakes his hand to your laced underwear and neatly removes them, showing your puffed out clit. As the cool breeze brushes your skin, you begin to shiver.
Itto then plays with your swollen clit with the tip of his painted nail while messaging your moist folds with his other fingers. Finally, when he thought you were sufficiently wet, he shoved two of his fingers deep inside your cunt, wiggling them around before curling them and repeatedly smacking them exactly on your sweet spot. The sensation of his knuckles digging deep into your cunt caused your toes to curl and caused you to fling your bed back against the base of the tree as you began to see stars."
You soon gripped Itto's muscular shoulders and began to give out naughty groans as you arched your back and grunted for him to go deeper and add another finger. Your hips had moved forward into his. Itto could feel you clamping down on his hands, attempting to fuck yourself stupid outside in the open on his fingers, and he loved it, he loved you, and he was going to give you what you wanted. "You want me to fuck you silly, don't you Hani?" Itto says as he growls slowly into your neck. You attempted to ignore him and focus on your ograsm, but Itto wasn't having it.
Now you were writhing and humping the air, trying to create as much friction as possible, but Itto wasn't having any of it. He pinned your hip to the tree with just one of his hands and growled loudly into your ear, "I'll ask again do you me to fuck Hani" You try to turn your head so you don't have to face him; he knew you wanted him, and you knew he wanted him, but you didn't want to be the first to say it.
But just as you were attempting to think, he lands a hard smack to your ass, and the pain snaps you back to reality. Now his hands are around your throat, pinning your entire body to the tree, and you can't even turn your head. He looks at you like a feral animal in heat this time.
He even started licking your neck, but then he bites you rough and hard, causing you to let out a hard moan, and in that moment you felt your legs give out and your body become even hotter, but even in that moment you couldn't think about anything but how your clit was throbbing and how you could see Itto hard cock and how it was leaking per-cum.
He then stares you straight in the eyes and says. "You don't want me to fuck you, Hani" in that moment you snapped, it was as if something else fully took possession of you, but at that point you didn't care since the only thing you could care about was the feeling of being stuff.
So, like a hot babe, you look up at Itto and say, "Yes, Yes, I want you to fuck me, I want you to fuck me so hard that everyone in the forest can hear me." Itto then responds, "Well, if that's what you want, just don't be made when you can't walk to tomorrow Hani" With that, he aligns his thick cock with your tight entrances and carefully pushes the tip in, which is already making you see stars.
But just as you get used to him, he thrusts himself into you completely, causing a bump in your stomach that he places his hand on and says, "Feel that Hani, that's how deep I'm inside of you." This only made you blush slightly, but you weren't given any more time to think before Itto was slamming himself in and out of you at an animalistic pace. He seemed to be splitting you and two, but in a pleasant way that left you wanting more. You began to whine since you couldn't make a full sentence, so Itto felt it would be a good moment to ask you a stupid question.
"You love riding that cock don't you?" Itto asked, even though he already knew the answer, knowing he might quit if you didn't merely to tease you. "M'mm fu- M'mmm yeAh," you murmured as you rode his pounding cock, eagerly rocking up and down to his intense pace.
"So fuck good, so tight," Itto said sensually as he touched your supple derriere and tantalizingly slid his fingers over your silky thighs, drawing a passionate moan from Itto. The overwhelming pleasure drove Itto to instinctively clench around his beloved, intensifying their delicious bond. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like being treated like a slut," Itto says, panting heavily.
You brushed his lips sensually against Kagirua's neck, inhaling the enticing aroma that rose from his skin. You launched a wave of pleasure that drowned out Itto's passionate shouts, but the muffled groans still reached your ears as he continued to ride him with furious need. "Mmm," his seductive moans send waves of pleasure through his body, sparking a longing symphony. As he masterfully administered solid yet delicious spanks to their enticingly curved ass, Yout sensually bit on Itto's neck, sending thrills down their spine.
"Yes! Spank me harder, don't stop till my ass is hurting with your handprint on it," you let out a passionate moan, reveling in the heady feeling that Itto delivered with each hit. He'd transformed into a seductive, subservient lover in an instant, eager for the delightful sting that turned his derriere a brilliant shade of loving purple. Itto sensually caressed him, enthralled by the sight of his attractive derrière swinging and gyrating on his pounding member."Holy Shi- yeah right," you murmured, thrusting your tongue out.
"You don't like that, haha I know you I can feel with the way you tighten on my cock" Itto sensually muttered before teasingly caressing your lovely derriere, delivering a succession of delicious spanks that left them both wanting more. You could feel the enticing sensation of his handprints appearing, but he couldn't resist the desire to keep going, constantly caressing his supple and beautiful derriere, all the while enjoying the symphony of his increasingly impassioned moans.
"C-Close!~" Your body ached with want as you placed your lips on Itto's beautiful neck with a passionate moan. He could help but barry inside deep into you as he poured all his cum deep inside you filling you up like there was no future and continuing to push into you so none of it leaked out. After that, you both fall to your knees, back against the tree, and Itto simply pulls you into a long hug before placing your Kimono on top of the two of you so you weren't both nude. You then glance at him and smile, and he does the same, but not as well as the two of you.
As you share one last kiss, the two of you start laughing. Before gently returning to Grandma Omi's, where she scolds you both for ruining her kimono. The three of us then sit outdoors and enjoy the rest of the fireworks.
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tuliptired · 2 months
He’s Good People
Chapter 1: Ask me, I Won't Say No (How Could I?)
Pairing(s) Reader/Ray, Reader/Egon Reader/Winston
Summary: Janine's always told you that you had a strong "line of fate". Whatever that meant. When you lose your job and apartment, however, you're offered a (temporary) fix with her ever-generous employers.
Hopefully part of a series! A little Ray-centric- Check Ao3 for more tags and warnings.
read it on Ao3!
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Today was the big day. You’d be working at your job at a major TV station for just about forever now, and it was about due time for a promotion. The pay was decent, enough to clothe and feed you and have the slightest amount left over, and you got to specialize in what you loved all day, everyday, while contributing to American television. The varieties of the entertainment industry. 
But you were starting to come to the realization that maybe your skills were a little underappreciated. You worked quickly, feverishly, and passionately, after all. You’d be damned if you said you hadn’t been dreading turning up everyday for a little while now. You put off asking, figuring that you should be grateful to be employed at all, but coaxing from your very opinionated best friend you gained while interning in Brooklyn proved fruitful, as she sat on the phone with you.
“You’re worthy. You’re deserving, they’re lucky to have you, you’re doing them a favor by showing up,” she repeated the affirmation to you, undoubtedly breaking a rule or two as she used her work phone from her receptionist job for a personal call. She'd been your biggest supporter, from every new hairstyle or investment, and she knew you were more than capable of whatever a higher position could offer you. You, on the other hand, stared at your reflection in the mirror. You don't really know what you'd do if turned down. You need this, your heart clenches a bit.  
You steeled your nerves, taking a deep breath in and a light breath out. “I am worthy, I am deserving, they’re lucky to have me, I’m doing them a favor by showing up,’ you chanted. The chord of the landline strained against the stretch you put it through from the kitchen to the bathroom. 
“That’s the spirit,” she praised you on the other end. Before you could respond, a sharp beep interrupted you, and she groaned lightly.
“Other line. Listen, I gotta go, but I want details. You know where to call me- and call me as soon as you get word,” she ordered you, causing the fear in your stomach to reemerge, the moment coming closer. But, her voice did make you feel better, in a way.
“Thanks, Janine, pray for me,” you half-begged, desperation unashamedly showing in your tone.
“Mazel.” The phone clicked.
You took what felt like the hundredth calming breath, and it was only 9 am. As you exited your apartment, the world woke up around you, the walk to the bus a little more packed as you made your way down town. On the bus, there was an ad for the Ghostbusters across from you. You laughed to yourself at its presence, a square poster of the 4 men simply standing in a line. The only other design is a little tagline- ¨who you gonna call?¨
You´d always wanted to ask Janine about her place of employment, naturally. She only ever brushed it off as a day job that took up too much of her free time, but you were a bit more curious than that. Believing in ghosts and spirits and monsters wasn't something you were necessarily taken with, but if there's a ghost up somewhere in Albany, it's not your problem. Leave it to the professionals, if they wanted a call so bad. Their pseudo-celebrity statuses were admirable, though- their ads for drinks and toys and services took up 70% of your network’s commercial breaks.
You were practically dripping with a mix of assuredness, sweat from your walk, and a tinge of fear as you clocked in when inside the giant, bustling company. The walk to your workspace felt like you were walking into war, going over every point you wanted to make the moment you saw your supervisor. He was a little hard to get to, really. He was even able to convince you that the due date he had given you in writing was much, much earlier- and you believed him, until you were working overtime with your entire department for the 3rd night in a row for something you had a month to finish.
You were intercepted halfway to your desk, and your confidence dropped to your toes as his smile wasn’t the half-there, busy and distracted one he often held. It was deliberate. He wanted something from you.
“Y/N! Goodmorning, goodmorning. I need a quick word with you.” God damnit. 
His sudden appearance derailed your ability to form respectable sentences, your fingers fumbling with the lapels of your shirt cuffs. “Actually, I was looking for you too,” your tone betraying you.
He led you into his office suite, a brown set of rooms that got less presentable as they went from reception to official-one-desk-two-chairs territory. He stopped you in the hall, where ambient lights illuminated pictures of happy talent, tv producers, and writers who struck it big under his guidance smiling big with awards in hand. “Spare a minute?” He put his hand on your shoulder. Asshole, you can’t refuse. You were already there.
He didn’t wait for an answer. “It’s been a real busy season, huh? Lots of work. Lots of talented stars. SNL’s really jumping off, isn’t it?” You smiled with a bit of pride, knowing the time you and your colleagues put into the success of an experimental show like it, albeit behind the scenes.
“I’m gonna tell it to you like it is, ‘cause you’re a smart kid. You went to Columbia, right?”
Flattery. You answered anyway. “Yeah. Yeah, I was gonna put some time aside for my masters,” you try and broach the conversation back into your favor. Tell him about your ambitions, your qualifications, and the job will fall into your lap.
He had an unreadable expression, his manufactured appearance unwavering. His mid length brown hair and brown suit nearly blended in with his decor. A blank slate was important in entertainment, he told you one day, you want to be what boys and girls want to see, he said. “You’re gonna have a hell of a lot of time then, kid.”
You blinked, words tumbling out your mouth before you could measure them. “I beg your pardon?” You asked earnestly. 
“Lots of work. Lots of talented stars,” he repeats. “It costs a lot to keep the boys and girls happy. Too much to keep certain departments as big as they are.” He swallows, picking up where he left off. “I figured, you’d feel better hearing it from a friendly face then some corporate robot, huh?”
You don’t remember how you got to the payphone, but you did, and you shakily entered Janine’s work number as tears and snot threatened to spill over the dam that was your face.
So there you were, her by your side, sitting under a tree in a nearby park, leaving work for a “personal emergency”, ignoring the voice of her boss as she made her way downtown. You felt bad, coating her shoulder in your sadness, but you couldn’t help it.
“He sounds like a total jackass,” she insisted. “I would’ve put my foot up his…¨ She looked down at you, your cries resigned to snotty sniffles. “You okay?” She asked softly.
You looked at her weakly. “Am I a loser?” You choked out, feeling absolutely miserable. This was rock bottom if you’ve ever been there. Jobless and bawling in a public park.
Janine grabbed your hands. “Don’t ever say something like that again. I’m telling you, your fate is something bigger.” Your eyes got glossy again, and she shook you around forcefully.
“No more crying! C’mon,” she hoisted you to your feet, head spinning and tears dried out of whiplash. Silently, you let her drag you to a grocery without protest, watching numbly as she stopped at a candy counter with you clinging to her arm. 
“10 Crunch bars. And as many of those red things that can fit in the bag.” The man behind the counter obliged, not without looking at the pair of you like a mother and her overgrown child. She took the paper bag, and loaded up another basket with the supplies to make your favorite dinners from the grocer, not forgetting a large tub of speciality ice cream.
“I can’t ask you to buy all of this,” you said softly, but your voice broke into a quiver as you realized what buying something entailed. “Now that I have no-no money,” your voice, wet and weak, about to break out into another session of hot tears.
“If you start crying again I’m leaving you at customer service,” She threatened as she opened her wallet, making her way to the cashier. 
“D’you think the corner takes applications?” You walked in tandem to the bus that’d take you home. 
“We can find out together. I’ve been telling you, there are men at Playboy who’d pay good money for-”
“WOW, Janine, your voice is a little loud, no?”
Her attempt at making you smile worked, and you felt a little better at her side on the bus. Stuffing the sack of candy in your bag, the bus rocked gently as Janine rested the large grocery haul on her lap. 
You were ready to just fall into bed, with or without Janine there, but your droopy eyes were snapped open upon seeing a white envelope taped to your front door. With further inspection, Janine watched sadly as you read that it was a water bill due ridiculously soon. The best you could do was knock your head against the plaster of the wall and hand her your keys.
You had a whole feast of food to be prepared laid out on your counter as you lay on the couch, weak and unwilling to do anything as you pressed your face into the cushions. “Is your oven always this…not on?” Janine’s voice came confused from the kitchen, a bundt pan full of box-mix-cake batter in her left hand.
“You’re joking,” you peeled yourself from the couch, crouching in front of the oven. One spark, nothing. Two, nothing. Three, four, five…not even a match could lit the stovetop nor the burners in the oven. You slid to the ground, defeated. “Kill me, Janine.”
You could hear her click her tongue, before a tiny bleeping filled the room. She apologetically moved her way to your phone, explaining that her boss(es?) were paging her. While you wallow on the kitchen floor, she dials in a number and waits, a little frazzled.
“I told you, it was an emergency.” Her eyes look to yours, silently asking for permission to spill the worst day of your life to some guy you don’t know. You close them, surrendering as you melt into the ground. Maybe this was rock bottom?
“I'm by the theater, it’s a bus and a brisk walk…you can manage without me for a night…4 grown men can’t problem-solve?...Peter- friend of mine got laid off, and they’re pretty upset, ok?...Yes. No, not that one…yes, that one. Ask them yourself, Peter.” She glances at you, annoyed as she holds the receiver out. Not having a speck of pride left, you trudge over, taking the phone limply. 
The line is silent for a bit, except for distant, deep voices you can’t hone in on, expect for the fact that they were arguing.
“Hello?” A voice starts.
“Real sorry about your job, dear. Tell Janine to bring you around and we can show you a good-” Whoever the hell is on the other end is interrupted by a frantic voice, interrupting as they take hold of the call.
“Hello? This is Dr. Stantz. Uh, Ray is better. Janine told my friend Peter here about your work situation, we wanted to let you know we’re real sorry. Let Janine know she’s not in trouble, but she needs to get here soon, ok?” Dr. Stantz sounds genuinely sympathetic, and you can’t help but be comforted by his words.
“Thanks,” is all you can manage, if not rudely then a little flat.
“If you ever need anywhere to go, our headquarters are open! We have food, hot water, Janine,”’ he laughs on the other end, a little awkward. And a little on the nose for comfort. You react freely in the safety of the private nature of a phone call.
“Thank you?” You answer honestly. He clears his throat.
“If I could hear from Janine, please?”
You wordlessly pass it back to your unamused friend, and she listens to the other end.
A loud, low rumbling in your laundry closet cuts through the calm. You glance at each other, assuming the worst as you swing the door open.
Bubbles spill out onto the floor, your washer unit shaking and leaking onto the worn out wood. All things, this is what gets you the hardest. Your washer can´t break now. Out of all the horrible, awful things, your washer can not break now. You can't even cry, it's so ridiculous. Standing incredulously in ankle deep suds, all you can do is stare at the appliance spit and sputter liquid onto the floor. Janine breaks your bout of shock, pressing the phone into her shoulder so she can reach you. Her voice urges you to unplug it, and before you could break down again, you´re leaning against the lid, with the sudden realization that all the water and soap could start an electrical fire.
You have to lean your entire torso against the top, arms fumbling for the chord buried somewhere in the dark space against the wall. Soon, your legs are dangling over the edge. It would be a funny sight, if the machine wasn't shaking so monstrously underneath you.
Suddenly, there's a large hand on the back of your thigh. It was a cold, unnerving touch, sharp points digging into the flesh of your leg. As you could look back, to tell Janine to let go, your receiver drops to the ground. Her face is ghastly pale, and she´s suspended in a scream. As you look down towards the front of the washer, the large, reptilian claws try to grab you, to pull you into the washer with it. Your eyes widen, and you scream as you clamor to get out of its reach, to no avail.
Janine’s at your side, prying the digits off of your skin, the claws no doubt leaving marks in their wake. You climb to the top of the machine, legs to your chest, and she slams the door on the arms enough times to force it shut. 
Catching her breath, she backs up to the phone slowly, her eyes on you as if you yourself were whatever beast residing in your washer.
¨Ray.¨ She says his name as if there’s a 3rd party in your little apartment listening. ¨You´re coming to us.¨
4 men in brown jumpsuits are at your door. They look much more frazzled than they do in their ads. There´s…a crocodile? A monster? Living in your house? Your brain can´t form cohort thoughts as you blink, eyes drying out. One of them tries to console you as you sit in your armchair, breaths shallow and skin cold. You can’t even freak over the local legends standing in your home. 
 You only recognized one of them personally, from Janine´s birthday a few months ago. You couldn't stay the whole night, only dropping by to give her well wishes and leave her gift behind, but you can remember a brief conversation. You arrived around the same time, and he had opened the entrance to the building for you with ease, the handle notoriously always needing a bit of extra effort to haul the door open after being buzzed up. He walked you, explaining that her boyfriend forgot to pick up the cake, pointing to the box in his hand, which you shared a laugh over. In the time it took to get into her apartment, he explained that he was Dr. Ray Stantz, and he worked with her. You ingenuously told him he was the splitting image of a young comedian on the show you work for, to which he smiled, wide and a little embarrassed. Your conversation was cut short- Janine emerged from another room and dragged you over to some corner to see a mutual friend. 
One of the men flipped between the paper on a notepad, fixing the arms of his glasses. ¨If you don´t mind, we'd like to see the markings the ghost left on you.¨ He requests in a baritone voice, dark and monotone.
¨Egon!¨ Janine scolded him, rubbing your shoulders as you sat. 
¨Only if you´re okay with that,¨ another mediated, as ¨Egon¨ opened his mouth. He cleared his throat. ¨For research. Their research. Not mine. I’m not really a science guy-¨
¨Unbelievable,¨ Janine mumbled, ushering you up and out the chair. Before she could take you out the apartment, Ray grabs the doorknob- not to keep you inside, but to catch her attention. He looked at you both gently, if not a little urgently.
¨We´ll get rid of it no problem, promise. Real exciting thing you got living in your apartment.” He gives you both a soft smile, before opening the door and letting you out. Before you cross the threshold, she turns her head to address them as you grab your bag.
¨There better not be a hair out of place!¨ She shoots eaaaach and every one of them a look, the targets stiffening in the process. The man with the voice you recognize as Peter over the phone bids her farewell with a mock salute.
¨Yes ma´am, Janine!¨
¨I´m sorry about those guys. They´re,¨ she pauses, hand on her chin as you sit on the stoop, ¨the best in their field.¨ A little hard to believe, Peter had almost knocked down one of your trinkets on the way in and put it back a little too haphazardly for taste.
“They seem like interesting people,¨ is all you can manage. ¨Egon-¨
¨Don´t mind him. His brain´s big, but a little empty. He’s a peach.”
¨I was gonna say he was Columbia´s resident myth. I just couldn´t remember his name for the life of me.¨ 
Janine perks up a bit. ¨Oh? What was he like?¨ She pries, always in the mood for a little gossip.
You roll your eyes, albeit not really annoyed. ¨Well, I remember every girl in my major wanted to be the one to ¨break¨ him. Lots of turned down dates, lots of time wasted pretending to care about mushrooms,” you laughed at the memory. ¨He's still, just, not like that, huh?¨
Before she could answer, the entrance from the stoop is swung open, and said man is barrelling down the steps to the white van they tote around, hastily opening the backdoors and pulling something out.
¨What's wrong?” You and Janine say simultaneously. 
He turns to you, pausing mid-action. ¨Nothing,¨ he shuts the van door, making his way back up the steps at a much more measured pace. ¨Everything is fine.¨ Your apartment window slides open, impossibly quick.
¨EGON! Hurry up and get back here, it's got Winston!¨ Peter´s head is half out the window, face dirty and shaken up. Egon blinks once, and then resumes his pace back up to your apartment.
After what felt like half an hour, the 4 men stagger down the steps, worn and beat as you lift your head off Janine´s shoulder to asses the damages.
¨We got him,¨ Ray manages a weak smile, holding a machine billowing sickly chemical smoke.
¨He got us, ¨ Peter says flatly as he leans against Winston, who´s jaw is sporting a deep bruise. Hair disheveled, faces dark, and clothes stained, the men breathe heavily as they can finally relax, dragging themselves to the van. Janine stops Egon, taking his glasses off and saving a lens from popping out.
¨He was real mean,¨ Ray explains, ¨but a Class III of that size! Insane! I´d love to find out where he came from. Amphibious, malevolent ghost living in my washer- I´d pay to be you!¨ He´s excitable, even when his hands have light cuts littering them, his palms raw and pink.
“I’m sorry- I didn’t expect you all to get,” you pause to address their injuries. All things that will manifest after a hard-night’s rest. “So banged up.” You cringed.
“It’s nothing.” Peter started. “Eges, gimme your calculator, I need to run the bill.”
“No way!” Winston protested, hitting Peter on his tender arm, making the man recoil in pain.
“Don’t worry about the pay,” Egon cut in as he examined the trap in Ray’s hands. “We should be paying you , this particular ghost opens avenues for more experimentation. And I don’t mean that lightly.” His inflection remained the same throughout his entire sentence.
“More?” Peter complained.
“The workbench is getting crowded, Egon. Not everything can be a breakthrough.”
“You can never be too sure,” Ray insisted, opening the van door for the men to haul in. “If this thing’s connected to that beast back in Coney Island that we’re makin’ big strides.” He turned to you and Janine. 
You couldn’t help but ask, noting the deep scuff marks on the workboots each man wore. “Can I count on getting my deposit back?” Ray couldn’t quite meet your eyes.
He chuckled weakly. “Sure-”
“We blasted a chemical-leaking electrical machine inside an enclosed space with unregulated units of atomic energy. If you don’t want a malignant disease, I suggest finding a hotel,” Egon said from the front, the door still open. You could hear the thump of a boot against a car seat immediately after.
Janine bit her lip, thinking, suddenly unphased about how they didn’t heed her warning. “I’ve got my sister and her kids staying over,” she apologized. You weren’t mad, you knew how cramped her place could get, but also how much she cared for her family. Plus, Louis’ spring allergies would drive you up the wall. Ray’s frown deepened, before his face lit up. He got modestly close to you, lowering his voice.
“Tell you what, I wasn’t joking when I said we have space at the firehouse. Spend the night, it’s the least we can do.” He smiled softly in your little aside. His words reminisced of the one’s exchanged between dozens of young men and women during late nights at the TV station when they think no one’s around, and one of them is leaning against the wall. It was always sweet, and a little awkward knowing you’d have to make coffee across from them the next morning, but you couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. Lord knows it’s been a long time before anyone’s even thought of you that way.
You don’t have any other options, really. At least not on short notice. You eventually nod, apologizing for impeding on their space.
“Don’t worry about it! My grandma used to tell me- be a fine fellow if you want faithful friends at your funeral.” What a boyscout. You couldn’t stop the grin that spread across your face.
“There’s that smile. C’mon, we’ll take you and Janine.” That definitely made you feel something, somewhere. 
In the front, Ray drove while Egon sat next to him, and in the back, Peter sat on your right, Winston on your left, and Janine ending up having to sit herself on your lap. Ray blushed and apologized as he turned down the radio once the car’s engine turned on, speakers playing 70s rock directly into your ears.
“We never formally introduced ourselves. Not me, at least,” Winston spoke up at your side, Janine leaning forward so he could see you properly. “That’s Dr. Peter Venkman, Dr. Egon Spengler, you know that guy,” he pointed to Ray who looked at him in the rearview mirror with mock-anger, “and I’m Winston Zeddemore.” What a friendly man. 
“You don’t like the sound of  ‘doctor Zeddemore’?” You asked quietly, noting how he was a little out of place with the group of scientists.
He shook his head, not offended. “Not me. I would be- my dad wanted me to go the minister route, but I’m former air force,” he explains. 
“He’s still smart,” Peter adds at his friend’s defense.
“I know I am,” Winston sits back in his seat.
“Hey, you two,” Ray starts as he gets closer to the firehouse, “we have a bust in a few minutes. We’ll be gone for most of the evening. You can sleep, eat something. Ask Janine to read your palm!” He adds enthusiastically. 
You laugh at that as the car pulls into the large garage. “She told me I had a strong “line of career”. Funny how that worked out?” She pushed your head back with her hand. 
“Fate! It’s also the line of fate, ” she reiterated as Winston scoots back to allow you both out. 
“Is it fate that you’ll find a bill for $1000 under our pillows?” Peter mumbles, as Winston slides the door shut again. You can see the guys bickering through the windshield as Ray pulls out, honking the horn twice and flicking on the siren.
Inside, Janine slumps into her chair behind the front desk as you look around in awe. As soon as you open your mouth to ask if you can help with anything, she’s herding you up the stairs.
“You’ve had a horrible day,” she states, “sleep.” Opening the door to a repurposed fireman’s quarter’s, you swallow thickly.
“I can’t sleep in their beds,” you protest.
She surveys the room, examining each bed. “Winston, Egon, that one’s definitely Peter’s..Ray.” She stops in front of his bed. “He won’t mind.” 
You can’t even retaliate before she’s out the door, shutting it behind her. Sighing, you gave in, unbuttoning the top few bottoms of your oh-so-professional promotion-guaranteed outfit. You were pretty spent. But to sleep in this nice man’s bed? Maybe you were overstaying your welcome. A yawn disturbs your thoughts. Okay, you were exhausted, and he offered…
You had the most melancholy nap of your life, the kind you can only achieve after crying all day. You tossed and turned a little, walking up in the weird not-sleeping-falling-back-asleep state a few times. You hugged the thick comforter around you, lulling yourself back to sleep as the natural smell of the bed made its way into your dreams. 
You dreamt of being in highschool again, crushing and writing diary entries about a boy who smelt nice and made you laugh. It all felt so cathartic, that when you eventually dragged yourself awake you realized where the nostalgic scent was coming from- Ray’s bed. Your face got a little warm as you were broken out of sleepiness, remembering where you were. As you slowly sat up, your back pressed against something behind the pillow. On impulse, you reached backwards, pulling out a worn, soft Smokey the Bear plushie. You smiled to yourself at the sight, forgetting your embarrassment.
You crept out the room, praying to whoever was watching over that the men hadn’t returned and seen you slobbering all over their pillows. To your relief, it was only Janine, nursing many papers spilled over her narrow desk.
“What’s this?” You read the documents, what seem to be job reports that get more and more detailed the more unorganized the desk looks. Janine has different colored stamps balanced on her lap, as she juggles with the stability of a thick, 3 ringed diary against her computer screen.
“Notarizing,” is all she says, trying to bite back her frustration. Moving behind her, you can see that her thick tome his open to a double page spread of the different ghost classifications. You found her problem- the hand writing in the journal was abysmal, notes were scratched out, rewritten, written over.
“Do you need any help?” You ask, picking up a paper that fluttered to the floor.
She sighs, pushing her desk chair out and rubbing her eyes. “I need a nap myself.”
She disappears up the staircase, and you hear a door unlike the one with the beds fall shut. Glancing at her desk- and at the clock, you lower yourself into the chair. It’d be a while until they were back, right? And you really couldn’t leave this mess for Janine. It wouldn’t hurt to give her a hand. Plus, stamps were always a funtime.
You’d been stamping for an hour. Your eyes bulged at the clock, and then back at the neat, orderly piles of reports organized by date and class. Suddenly, the garage opens, and the men file out. Ray smiles upon seeing you, holding pizza boxes in his hands.
“I’m sorry! Janine just needed a break and..” your voice falters as Peter whistles at your work.
“You look nice behind a desk. Maybe we should get an extra chair and keep you with Janine full time. And you could understand my handwriting,” he raises his eyebrows, zipping down the front of his jumpsuit.
“Thanks for helping her out,” Ray takes a look, pleased at the sight, passing the boxes to Peter who takes them upstairs. “You’ve got a knack for clerical work!” Odd compliment, but you’re willing to take it.
Egon’s curiosity gets the better of him, peering at the documents as he takes the stairs up. You swear you can hear him hum contently as he looks down over the railing, Winston behind him.
“Wanna eat with us? We didn’t know what you’d like, and we figured everyone likes pizza,” Ray starts to shrug his own suit off.
“I’m sorry, again. I take your secretary, your money, your room, now your food.” Ray shakes his head hard, closing his locker. He waves his hands dismissively. 
“I’m telling you, it’s nothing at all. You’re good people.” His colloquialism makes you smile, stubbornly. You cave, following him towards the stairs as he walks backwards toward it. As you reach the second floor, the other 3 men were already seated at a table, distributing the food amongst themselves. You freeze beside Ray, nerves picking back up for whatever reason.
He leaned over and whispered in your ear. “We’re not freaks, you know. Just, 200-something-pound men who walk around in onesies and share a bedroom.” You laugh yet again, feeling a little dumb whenever you’re next to him, giggling every few seconds like a teenaged girl. 
Upon seeing you smile, Winston smiled in turn and pulled a chair out for you, putting the ice he held to his jaw down for a second. Gosh, you’d have to apologize for that again. Sitting down, he even passed you a plate of food, the two biggest slices out of all the others.
“You live near the Benjamin Fairhooke theater?” He asks, knowing it’ll spark interest in Egon.
“Old spooky haunted Abraham Lincoln theater, Winston.” Peter takes a sip from a beer can.
“Lincoln was shot in D.C.”
“Never seen it.”
You wipe your hands. “Abandoned for years. Some kids got in trouble for sneaking in. They were pretty spooked- they say they saw a headless body walking around.” Egon perks up at that. “They’ve got some strict security there now.” Your brain pings for a second, remembering a not so legal secret you had been holding.
“I had a friend who used to do city maintenance there, before they abandoned the refurbishing project. He moved to the west, and left me with the masterkey.” 
Egon’s eyes widen, ever so slightly. “I’ve been trying to get a reading on that place, but Ray’s not willing to come with me.”
“Ray’s not willing to break in with you, Spenges,” he cuts in.
“Do you want the key?” You offer, before you could think about what you said.
Peter groaned, slumping back in his chair. “You’re encouraging him.”
“Very much so,” Egon nodded. 
After the food was finished, mostly by the 200-something-pound men not realizing how much food they really took. You didn’t mind- you were the guest, after all. Ray suddenly realized that it was fairly late, and you still didn’t have an official place to stay. As the guys stood up to get ready for the night, he spoke up quickly.
He looked hopeful. “You don’t mind staying the night, do you?” Before you could answer, he starts to speak again. “Our extra bed hasn’t been broken in yet, you can take mine if you’d like!” Neither of you realize it, but Peter’s watching with more intent than the other 2 men. 
“Where would you’d sleep, Raymond?” Peter’s suddenly interested in the paint chipping on the doorframe.
“The extra bed, I suppose”
“That’s no good, you’ll mess up your back”
Something was unspoken between the two of them, their eyes having a conversation of their own. Ray’s big brain slowed a bit. “The…loveseat?” He offered, as if asking for permission. 
Peter made a buzzer noise. “I’ve already tried- it’s too small. And ocupado. Janine. She’s tiny. We’ll wake her up, send her home- you two figure it out.” Peter corales the other two, confused men out the room and down the hall.
Ray looked stumped, and a blush was slowly creeping from his ears. He seemed to be battling something in his head, before he refused the force tempting him as he shook his head. “I can take the floor,” he decides.
“What! I can’t ask you to do that.” 
“You’re not asking me. I’m telling you.” He wouldn’t budge. He started to clean up the mess his friends ever so gracefully left behind, before you moved to help him. 
“Just let me,” you responded to his face. Ever the host. You cleaned together quietly, but comfortably.
“I want you to know,” he bent over to put a spray back under the sink, “that we know what it’s like. To lose our jobs.” He stood to face you. You had a flash a shame hit your features, which you really couldn’t help. To the Ghostbusters’ credit, they had a good way of making you forget things.
His face was understanding. “Really, we do. We started this whole thing ‘cause we lost our jobs. It was a dumpy feeling.” You purse your lips, turning your gaze down. His head followed your eyes, and your stomach felt a little woozy as he physically commanded your attention.
“I wouldn’t say it so much if I didn’t think you deserved it.”
You let out a soft puff of air out your nose at the potential to make a joke. “You’re ready to believe me?”
His serious face melted into that of pride, his mouth splitting into a full-toothed grin.
“You’re something else. Hell yeah, I am!” He squeezed your shoulder, before having you follow him down the steps and into a basement. He stuck his head into a door and said goodnight to Egon before entering what looked like a laundry room. 
He swiped a few articles of clothing on hangers, hanging over most of the room’s perimeter. There were t shirts, longjohn’s, plain sweatshirts, smocks, of varying sizes, though they look like they’d seldom been used. He settled on gray sweat pants and a gray sweatshirt, holding them up to you from a respectable distance to measure.
“The firemen before us left all this. Joke’s on them, right?” He folds them loosely, handing them to you before rummaging through a cabinet for a toothbrush.
Your face unintentionally twitches as he holds the plastic wrapped brush out to you, wondering if it’s been here as long as the clothes you had in your arms.
He glances down at it once, before waving your fears away. “Janine bought new one’s last week, I promise.” 
After muttering an apology and leaving for you to change, he leads you back to the sleeping quarters, opening the door slowly. Winston was fast asleep, always the first to be out when the day’s work took a particular toll on him. Ray listened to the silence for a second, piecing together Peter’s absence and the sudden running of the shower down the hall. He leans over, excusing himself to get ready for the night and letting you know there was a bathroom connected to the room, albeit very small. 
After a quick brushing of your teeth, you emerge at almost the same time as him. He nearly jumps out of his skin noticing his stuffed animal still on his bed, stuttering how’d that get there’ s and it’s for memorie’ s. 
“Don’t be mean to him,” you mock-scold him in a whisper. His cheeks are still pink. He’s wearing a matching pajama set- which was enough to make you shake your head and giggle to yourself.
He looks down, noticing his pink pajamas. “It’s light red . And you should be disappointed I passed on my Dr. Thirteen robe.” He remembers the bear still in his hands.
“You want him?” He holds the little toy out to you, Smokey’s been very clearly well loved, as his fur and outfit are fading slightly. “Take good care of him,” he looks as if he’s parting with a child.
He makes his way to a wardrobe as quietly as possible, pulling out a pillow and blanket for his sleep on the floor. “You want new ones? Sheets, pillowcase? I’m not sure how nice mine are.”
Your mind flashes to the nice smell his bed had, and you promptly shook your head. 
He sets up on the floor, unconsciously choosing to sleep at your technical-side. You set Smokey up next to you, tucking him in, watching Ray lay out the bedding, before he sits back and sighs up at you.
“I know it’s not the Marriott. Sorry you hafta share a room with us.” Sure, he could’ve set his den up next to Winston, or taken Egon’s currently unoccupied bed, but neither of you were gonna complain. He refused to even entertain the idea of you sleeping on the floor of whatever the room the loveseat was in, so this was how it would play out. “I can imagine you don’t often bunk with people you just met before.”
“It’s just a night,” saying it was a little useless- you had no idea how long you’d need to stay with them. You had no idea about anything at all anymore.
He fell silent. “A night?” You couldn’t decipher why his voice had a despondent tone.
“However long you’ll have me.”
A pause. “As long as you wanted.”
The clock on the opposite wall was ticking softly. It was getting late, 11:30.
“Goodnight, Ray. And thank you, really. Thank you.” 
“Goodnight. I can…wake you up before the guys do, if that’s more comfortable for you. We’ll figure something out, ok?”
You nod, and he turns off the lamp on the side table above his head.
12:05. A freshly showered Peter opening the door to two bodies out of the three, softly breathing.
“Raymond Stantz. You were supposed to get into the bed, too.”
“Go to bed, Peter.” He pulled the covers over his eyes.
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jeonaachu · 4 months
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Genre: Established relationship, fluff
Pairing: Jung Hoseok × Fem. OC
Words: 1.1k
Summary: Hoseok and OC are on a mini countryside vacation and he's scared of bugs.
A/n: Spring is here so I HAD to write something related to it.
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“Shh…. It was just a bug-” Haneul starts, to comfort her very frightened boyfriend who is currently clinging to her body like a giant koala, but is cut off when a high pitched voice speaks up.
“It landed on my neck!” He lets out, burying his head into the crook of his girlfriend's neck for some comfort. “And it was as big as my palm.” He adds. 
Haneul laughs softly and wraps her arms around his slightly shivering body. He's just too adorable. “Hobi…. It was literally just a dragonfly. They are harmless, love.” Her voice is gentle as she tries to get him to calm down, knowing very well how scary bugs are for him. 
The male was quick to shake his head. His body curling up against hers even more. “I don't care if it was a dragonfly or an elephant fly. It was scary!” 
She sighs. Maybe bringing him to the countryside for a chill weekend outing wasn't a great idea. He had quite a scare because of a grasshopper last night too when they arrived here. He's always been a scaredy cat, always startled easily by one thing or the other. 
This little trip was planned to give both of them some time to unwind, away from the hustle and bustle of the fast city life both of them lead. Go on picnics, run around in the fields of daisies, pick strawberries and just enjoy each other's company. And what season would have been better than spring itself? But the trip was turning out to be a little stressful for Hoseok because both of them skipped the part where they'd have to deal with the insects and bugs that also reside in these open fields and farms. 
“You're such a baby sometimes.” She comments in a playful manner, giggling a little but lets him snuggle close to her on the couch.
It was Hoseok himself who had gone out in the garden of the rented cottage house to pick some daisies for his girlfriend, wanting to make her feel special but instead he himself was the one seeking comfort now because he had encountered a huge and unpleasant bug outside which was as big as his palm.
Well, that was definitely an exaggeration. 
She wasn't really bothered by it though. He can go around being as dramatic as he wants and she'd still be ready to calm him down and soothe his scared self. 
The male raises his head from her neck and squints his eyes at her. “I'm going to tell you the same thing when you ask for chocolates next time.” A small pout forms on his lips as he looks at her with an unimpressed expression at her teasing remark. 
Oh, and he can be petty sometimes! 
“Are you really going there now?” Haneul looks down at him, her lips spread wide in an amused grin.
He nods with his eyes closed which makes her let out a small chuckle at his boyish attitude. She props her head up which was previously resting on the armrest of the couch and leans in, softly pecking Hoseok's lips before returning back to her spot. “Alright, I'm sorry. How can I make such a huge mistake!” She states, her eyes shining bright with mischief. 
It wasn't really an apology made because she felt bad for calling him a baby but rather because she wanted to be on the safe side, not wanting to risk losing her chances of getting her beloved chocolates from him. 
Her playfulness makes him groan and nuzzle his head in the crook of her neck once again, their bodies tangled together as they lay on the couch. “That does not sound very genuine but I'll take it.” His voice is filled with a certain tenderness as his fingers trail up her arm, fingers gently tracing her soft skin. 
Haneul smiles and lovingly caresses his back. The both of them stay like that for a while, a blanket of comfortable silence surrounding them. Her hand plays with his soft hair while he lays his arm over her torso, being cozy together. 
“I don't know if it's going to help you with your fear but according to a legend, a dragonfly around you is actually an angel from heaven visiting you.” She speaks up, wanting to put him at ease. She herself is pretty skeptical about the legend but if it helps him enjoy this little outing, she won't mind doing an extensive research on different mythologies, legends, fairy tales, folklores and what not. 
She smiles at the curious glint in his eyes. She's so in love with this guy, it's unbelievable. He's got this innocent vibe to him that it makes her want to wrap him up in a bubble wrap. 
“Mhmm..” She nods her head to which Hoseok's mouth forms a little ‘o’ shape. “So what do you say? Go out and pick strawberries?” 
He blinks in contemplation and glances out through the window. It's still noon. The sun is shining bright but not in a way that makes the skin burn. It's the gentle kind of warmth, the type that fills one with joy. 
A small yawn escapes her mouth and she stretches her limbs a little, breaking the comfortable embrace they were laying in and gets off the couch. She was feeling lazy and it wasn't what she wanted, not when she's out on this mini trip with her boyfriend. She was here to explore and have fun, not laze around. With a small grin, she takes his hoodie from the armrest of the couch and quickly puts it over her tank top. 
Hoseok is quick to rise up on his feet. “Hey, that's mine!” He exclaims, amused by his girlfriend's never-ending mischievous antics. Before he could protest against her act of stealing his hoodie, she was already at the door with her playful giggles filling up the entire place which only added up to the lovely environment inside the cottage. 
“Okay at least wait for me!” He calls for her when she just runs out into the field of daisies adjacent to the place they were staying at. 
Haneul laughs, a mischievous tone lying under that sweet, bubbly sound. “Catch me!” She replies back which makes him shake his head, a silly grin on his face. 
Only if she knew that he'd catch her no matter how far she goes, follow her everywhere no matter where she goes. Even if it's the afterlife. Just so he could see that beautiful face of hers and stay with her forever.
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lionizingheathen · 1 year
Love Me - L.L
Luna Lovegood x fem!Reader
First time sleeping with Luna Lovegood (this has been in my drafts for an ungodly amount of time, prepare for some draft purges over the next couple of days)
Warnings: Smut, cunnilingus, fingering, hickeys, nipple play
Smut under the cut
Nighttime was always peaceful with Luna, she had a routine. She'd paint for a couple of hours, take a shower, and then crawl into bed beside you, resting her head on your chest. You'd talk about everything, anything, and then fall asleep... tonight was shaping up to be no different. Her head was against your chest, her fingers tracing on your skin, and she'd been asking you about anything and everything, the books you were reading, work, personal opinons... she never ran out of questions, and you tried to keep from running out of answers.
"Can I ask you a question?" Luna asked, and you nodded. Of course she could, there had never been a point that you didn't want to hear what she was saying.
"Sure. Anything. You know that." You murmured, and Luna waited a moment, her fingers dancing over your skin, tracing little patterns and words that were only known to her. You quite liked when she did that, it made you feel like you were canvas, like she was turning you into art.
"How come we've never slept together? I want to, you know. I've wanted to for a really long time, actually." Luna said, and your eyes widened as you sat up, still careful to maintain a position where Luna could listen to your heartbeat... though you were sure it wasn't slow and steady now, it was probably racing, pounding in her ear. You laid back down carefully, swallowing on a dry throat.
"I don't know... I guess it never occured to me that you would want that, I assumed... it would be a part of our relationship that wouldn't be breached." You said carefully, and Luna lifted her head, giving you a confused look as she continued to trace her finger across your collarbone. You swallowed heavily, looking away from her eyes. So beautiful, and entirely too intense.
"Why?" She asked, and you sighed and shrugged. There was no reason for it, you were protecting her. She didn't need protection, and it wasn't as if you were going to hurt her, but you were just trying to be respectful, you felt it was something unspoken, the two of you would never do that... which wasn't fair. Deciding something without talking to her wasn't fair.
"Honestly, I don't know. I'm just scared that I'll lose you if we move too fast." You said, and Luna's face broke into a smile as she let out a laugh, shaking her head. Was she making fun of you right now? It was hard to tell, Luna didn't always communicate her emotions in a way that was easy to decipher, though she did often mean the words that came out of her mouth, so you decided to just wait and listen.
"We've been together for a year and a half. And friends for seven... I don't think we could move any slower if we tried, love. We'd be moving backwards, and life only goes forward." Luna said, and you nodded slowly. Was she asking to have sex with you? That was what it felt like, it felt like she wanted that dynamic to come into play... but it never hurt to clarify.
"So you're saying you want to sleep together." You clarified, and she nodded
"If that's something you'd like as well, yes. I want you." She said, simple as that. You let out a long breath and nodded, clenching your fingers in the duvet. Your heart had not slowed at all from it's pace.
"Yeah, I would." Luna grinned, sitting up to ease you back onto the bed.
"Wonderful. So lie down, and I'll-." You let out a bark of a laugh, surprised at her boldness. You thought she meant in the future, you weren't preparing for right now... there were steps, things you should do to make it special, to make her like it more.
"Right now?" You asked, and Luna blinked, giving you a look that showed that she was confused why you were so surprised. Her fingers wandered around on any bit of you they could reach.
"Is that a problem? I didn't mean to sound so eager, I've just wondered how it would feel to have you cum on my tongue for a while now." She explained, and your eyes widened as you laid back on the bed, feeling your cunt throb. You were used to her honesty, but she'd never been that forward about this topic... it was making you dizzy.
"Jesus Christ Luna... I mean, I haven't shaved in a while, and I'm not dressed-." Luna leaned back on top of you, her fingers wandering up your clothed leg, making your muscles jump as you cleared your throat, trying to stay focused on her eyes.
"You won't be wearing any clothing pretty soon, that doesn't matter... and neither does shaving, I don't care. I just want to feel you, to make you feel good." Luna said, pressing the heel of her hand between your thighs for a moment, rubbing it against your clit. You let out a gasp of a moan, gripping her wrist. "Do you want me to make you feel good?" She murmured, and you shivered, scooting a little away from her so you could look into her eyes. She had to be sure before this moved any further.
"Are you sure about this? Because I can wait, I'd wait for you-." Luna reached out, placing a hand on your cheek to silence you, a large grin on her face. She nodded, leaning down to press your foreheads together as she spoke.
"I'm sure. Just treat me how you would anyone else, I'm sure I can handle it." She said, and you sighed shakily, nodding. You'd already thought that you'd lose her before, you were sure that after the war you would never see her again... and even if that was four years ago, you didn't want anything else to separate the two of you.
"Okay. But if at any point you want to stop, just tell me-." She leaned in, kissing you softly to stop you from talking more. You sighed, relaxing into her touch, her kiss. You sat up a bit, wrapping your arm around her waist to pull her into your lap. Even through her pants, you could feel that she was warm... wet... you moaned softly into the kiss before she pulled away.
"I know." She kissed you again, firmer this time and with a bit more urgency, her hands moving from your cheeks to your shoulders, clenching in the fabric of your shirt. "Merlin, I love kissing you. Your lips are always so soft... and so sweet." Luna murmured, tracing her fingers over your lips as you closed your eyes, your mouth hanging slightly open. She giggled and leaned in, kissing you deeply once again. You clenched your fingers into the back of her sweater, feeling like you couldn't form a cohesive thought aside from her even if you tried.
"Yours too." You sighed when she finally released you. She had a look in her eyes, one you'd only seen a couple of times -at the beach, at clubs with friends, at parties- and you recognized it now. It was lust.
"Can I take this off of you?" She asked, tapping lightly on your shirt. You nodded, giving her a large smile.
"Yeah. Can I do the same?" You asked, and she nodded. Good. You were hoping she would.
"Of course." She made quick work of taking off your shirt and bra and helping you do the same before she stared at you, silent and contemplative before she sighed and shook her head. "God, you're always so beautiful..." She said, leaning in to lick and suck marks into your neck and collarbones and down your chest, making you shiver underneath her. You were going to be a tapestry of marks by the time she was done with you, you could feel it.
"You're so pretty... All mine." She bent her head down, taking your nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. You gasped raggedly, tugging lightly at her hair... The small sensation it was, it was still more than you'd dealt with before.
"Luna..." You gasped, and she chuckled, looking at you with warm eyes as her fingers pinched and pulled at your nipples, making you whimper as you felt your cunt throb. She was good at this.
"You're sensitive, huh? Have you been wanting this as much as I have?" Luna asked, and you nodded. Truly you had, you just hadn't wanted her feeling like she had to give you what you were craving.
"Yes." You responded, and Luna's brows furrowed, but her fingers didn't slow their movements over your skin, tracing and digging in every now and again, bringing your sensitivity higher and higher. You just wanted her to touch you.
"Why didn't you say anything?" She asked, and you swallowed, trying to keep your voice level as you spoke, even as she leaned in to kiss and suck up your neck again.
"Why... Why didn't you?" You asked, knowing your voice still came out in gasping remarks.
"Kept slipping my mind." She pulled back, grinning above you. "But my mind is very focused now, entirely on you." She said, and you swallowed heavily. God, you didn't know if you could handle Luna Lovegood's undivided attention, clearly it was a very powerful thing, if the canvases hanging all over your flat were anything to go off of... Luckily none of them were in here... some would talk, and that would ruin the mood. She was kissing back down your body, biting and sucking where she could, making your entire body feel hot.
"I never knew you were so sensitive to my touch." Luna mused, sucking deep marks down your ribs, across your stomach, little ones in a line down to your waistband where she bit down, making you cry out. She wanted those ones to stay longer, that was clear... it was like she was marking her territory, making it clear that you were spoken for.
"You're leaving so many marks..." You said, and she lifted her head from your waistband, giving you a large smile as she traced around each one. They littered your stomach, your chest, the crests of your hips... She was thorough, that was for suer.
"Love bites... I think they're beautiful. It's like painting, I'm adding to an already beautiful piece." She commented, and you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face as your heart squeezed. She was always so sweet.
"You're so sweet." You said, and she nodded at you, pulling your pants and panties off in one swift movement before settling betwen your thighs, spreading them wide.
"Thank you." She traced around your cunt, making you jump before she bent down, sucking marks into your inner thighs. You cried out, leg kicking involuntarily at the stimulation, but she held you down just fine. "Let's see if you truly taste as good as you look, darling." She said, almost as if she was speaking to herself. You swallowed back a groan and shook your head.
"Merlin, you cannot talk like that..." You sighed, and Luna looked up at you, cocking an eyebrow as she continued to trace just around where you needed her, driving you up a wall. You'd beg if that's what she wanted out of you.
"I'm pretty sure that this is the exact situation where I can talk like this." Luna reasoned, and you thought for a moment. She had a point, this was the only time that it was really appropriate.
"You make a good point." Your voice shot up as you felt her fingers ghost over your cunt.
"You're so wet..." She rubbed over your clit before leaning down between your thighs, licking a slow stripe up it. Your head lolled back on the pillow as you gasped, mouth falling open. "Mmm... I can feel you trembling." She murmured before burying her face between your thighs, licking and sucking quickly, making you groan as you twisted your fingers into her hair. You panted as you stared up at the ceiling, feeling like your head was going to start spinning from the stimulation. God, Luna was good at giving head... maybe she'd done if before you two were dating, either way you didn't care, all you cared about was here and now, and the warm feeling spreading all over your body.
"Luna... Oh my God..." You gasped, glancing down to look at her. She was staring up at you, hair messy, hand snaking up to grasp at your breast as she continued her movements, tongue swirling around your clit in a way that made you tremble and clench your thighs, though she didn't seem to mind. Her free hand wandered around your inner thighs before pausing at your entrance. She lifted her face for a moment, panting with a smirk that was ungodly filthy. Her chin glistened in the light, making your face feel hot as you glanced away from her for a moment before she cleared her throat, bringing your attention back to her.
"Can I?" She asked, circling her fingers over your entrance as she looked at you expectantly. You nodded quickly, swallowing... You wanted anything and everything that Luna would give you, this all just felt right.
"Yes. Please." Luna slipped her finger inside of you, making you gasp as you felt it. She thrust it in and out, and you blushed at the wet noise that accompanied it. She leaned down, licking and kissing across your cunt before she spoke again.
"You're so wet..." She added another finger, and then another, making you gasp as you looked down at her. She curled her fingers, rubbing quickly over a spot deep inside of you that made you gasp and hang your head back, feeling heat shoot down to your toes."You take my fingers so easily, it feels like you were made for them." She murmured before leaning down again to lap at your clit. It was all so much, almost too much, it made you feel like you were on fire. Your stomach tightened as you gripped her hair, pulling her closer. Her pace increased, pulling moan and sigh out of your body with ease.
"Fuck..." You were on the edge, close... Shit... "Luna, holy shit... This feels... You're so..." You couldn't finish, you couldn't formulate a full sentence when she was doing this. She was reducing you to a pile of whimpers and moans, feelings and stimulations... and she did it with such ease.
"Are you getting close? Are you gonna cum for me?" She asked, and you nodded quickly, feeling the knot in your lower stomach tighten as she continued to curl her fingers just the right way.
"Yes." You gasped, and Luna grinned, resting her cheek against your thigh as her thrusts increased in pace, making your stomach feel white hot. Fuck, you were so close.
"Good. I was hoping you would." She lolled her head forward again, lazily sucking your clit between her lips, licking across it. That was what sent you over the edge, gasping as you shuddered out your orgasm.
"Fuck... Fuck, oh my god..." You clenched your fingers into her hair, scratched at her shoulders, arched off the bed... and she didn't stop, forcing you into another one before you pulled her feebily up, breathing heavily. She looked wild, eyes bright as she wiped her face on the corner of the duvet, grinning at you. "Luna..." You croaked, throwing an arm over your eyes for a moment as you worked to regain your bearings. She sat beside you, stroking through your hair and kissing at your temple, mumbling sweet words.
"That was amazing. I knew it would be, but knowing and seeing... they're so different." She murmured, and after another moment you sat up on your elbows and pulled on her wrist. You wanted her to feel even half as good as you just had.
"Come here. Let me return the favor, please." You said, and Luna nodded, sitting down across your hips so she could look down at you.
"How do you want-." You sat up, circling your arms around her hips so you could drag her up your body and position her over your face with a wide smile. Her eyes were wide when she looked down at you, clearly not expecting you to move that quickly. You knew what you wanted, though. You knew what she wanted too. "Me... I didn't know you were strong enough to do that." You shrugged. You were pretty sure that the prospect of having a beautiful woman on one's face would be enough to make most people move mountains.
"You're easily movable." You pulled her down onto your face by her hips and licked a long stripe up her cunt, making her gasp as she jutted her hips forward, grinding them across your tongue. Your fingers dug hard into her hips as you sucked her clit between your lips, running your tongue over it. You moaned at the taste of her, making her gasp above you. You glanced up to see her grasping the headboard hard, chewing on her lip... she looked so cute.
"Merlin... Shit..." She groaned, canting her hips faster over your tongue as she moaned breathlessly, getting more frantic by the minute. She wasn't going to last very long, that was clear from her movements... and that only excited you further. "I... God, we should've... done this sooner. So good." She sighed. You grunted in agreement, looping your arms around her thighs to pull her more onto your face, sighing against her cunt. You could do this all day, you would quite literally die between her thighs if she would let you. She was mumbling sweet nothings, moving with your tongue as she trembled slightly, shivering. So sensitive.
"Hah... So talented... My girl..." Luna gasped, leaning back a bit to rest her hands on your body, blindly tracing on the skin.
"All yours, baby." You murmured against her, licking and sucking wherever you could reach. It wasn't long before she began to unravel, her moans getting louder, higher, betraying how close she really was. God, this was heaven... being under Luna Lovegood had to be heaven.
"Ohmygod... Fuck... Y/N, I'm gonna cum... I'm..." She froze up for a moment, her head thrown back and her hands resting back on your hips before she let out a high moan and pitched forward, shivering above you. "Ah, fuck I'm cumming... all for you... it's all for you..." She gasped, grinding her hips frantically on your face as she gripped the headboard, her head falling forward. Her mouth was agape, her brows furrowed as her thighs trembled around your head. She slumped forward a moment later, breathing heavily as she hovered above you. She'd looked so ethereal... and you were intent on seeing it again as you looped your arms around her thighs, sucking her clit between your lips again as she gasped, wriggling out of your grip.
"Okay, okay... Merlin... Shit... Holy fuck." She slid off of your face, sitting to the side of you with her eyes closed for a moment, catching her breath. The moonlight glinted off of her body, making a slight halo out of her messy, frizzy hair. The flush on her cheeks and relaxed features of her face made her look like art, like a statue you could view in a museum. A moment later, her eyes were open and she was speaking again. "You are... so good with your tongue, love." She sighed, leaning forward to kiss you deeply. You rested your hands on her hips, pulling her against you again. She was warm... comfortable.
"Such language, Lovegood." You said, and she chuckled, giving you a lazy smile before pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose.
"Mmm... It's earned." Luna responded, pausing as she stared at you, brushing hair from your face with such an amount of care and concentration that it made your heart ache.
"What?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. She chuckled, shaking her head at you.
"You're so beautiful in the moonlight." Luna said, and you grinned, kissing across her fingertips as you looked in her eyes. She was just so beautiful it made your heart ache.
"Was that good?" You asked, and she nodded quickly, resting her free arm on your chest and her head in the crook of your neck, pressing soft and lazy kisses there.
"That was fantastic. I'm kicking myself for letting us wait so long." Luna mumbled, tracing her fingers over your sternum as she spoke, making you shiver. You wanted her again, wanted to see her cum, to listen to her whines and moans... This was shaping up to be a favorite passtime.
"Yeah. Me too." You sighed, leaning down to kiss her deeply again, pushing her gently onto her back so you could kiss down her stomach and settle between her thighs again. Something that beautiful could not only be seen once in a night, you'd have to see it at least three or four more times to truly commit it to memory.
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bluethunderbombpop · 9 months
Vegas, Baby!
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Title: Vegas Baby! Pairing: Bobbi Morse x Reader Summary: Bobbi and Y/n have their first kiss as a married couple. R WC: 967
Y/n watched the bleach take off the last remnants of blood from the bathtub. The mission had been messy, but an overall success. It was definitely the kind that Director Fury would have them stay in to think about all the ways it could have gone over better. Y/n wasn't going to do that though, Bobbi wouldn't let her. She'd drag Y/n with her for a night on the town. They were still in Vegas and would be until the next afternoon when their bus arrived. Bobbi had casually mentioned hitting up one of the casinos under the guise of it being suspicious for them to go to Vegas, but not been seen anywhere except for their hotel and the place where they killed a couple guys.
"Christ, you have got to air this place out," Bobbi said as she stepped into the bathroom. Y/n turned to face Bobbi, who was already done up for her night out. It was unfair how good Bobbi looked, especially since she would always be unavailable for Y/n. There would always be some other agent around who had Bobbi's attention. She had gone straight from her training crush to future husband, leaving no room for Y/n to really make an impression in between. "Is that what you're wearing out?"
"Who said I was going out?" Y/n asked. Bobbi shot Y/n a look, one that challenged Y/n to stay inside.
"Come on, are you really going to let me run around Las Vegas by myself?" Bobbi pouted as she took a step towards Y/n. Bobbi towered over Y/n, and Y/n tried to distract herself from all the ways Bobbi could have easily overpowered her in that moment. "Apparently, I'm a bit of a hazard."
"Fine, we can go out," Y/n agreed. Bobbi smiled and excitedly pulled Y/n out of the hotel room. There was a cab waiting for them on the street, which Y/n knew wasn't a good sign. Bobbi seemed to have their entire night mapped out. The cab brought them to a casino that felt a bit fancy for Y/n's black t-shirt and black jeans. Bobbi's cocktail dress made much more sense, and Y/n felt like Bobbi's bodyguard standing behind her all night.
Bobbi was unsurprisingly good at almost every table she stopped by. Bobbi didn't lose any money that she couldn't easily win right back. Even as the drinks began to flow, Bobbi was shockingly good at everything. Y/n tried to hold off on drinking, but her own boredom got the better of her. She busied herself with a few fruity drinks that turned out to pack a much bigger punch than Y/n ever would have thought.
The casino was much more fun when Y/n let herself relax. Now, it was Bobbi's turn to follow Y/n around and make sure that she didn't get into too much trouble. Their fun came to an end much quicker with Y/n when the woman started losing at Blackjack, the only form of poker she knew how to play. Bobbi hoisted Y/n over her shoulder and carried her out of the casino as Y/n shouted profanities that Bobbi hadn't heard since her time in the military at the security team following them out.
"What a bunch of-," Y/n started, only to be cut off by Bobbi.
"Not now," Bobbi warned. Y/n pouted as she looked up at Bobbi. It didn't take very long for Bobbi to register that Y/n was just staring at her. "What?"
"You're pretty, I'd like to marry you." Y/n's words were jumbled together, but Bobbi could still decipher them. "Why did you marry that stupid British guy instead of me? I thought we had something special."
"We did, and that's why I couldn't marry you," Bobbi confessed. Y/n didn't seem to understand it, but Bobbi doubted that it mattered when Y/n started trying to chase down a street food vendor. Bobbi thought they were in the clear until Y/n brought it back up again as they walked past a 24 hour wedding chapel.
"Will you marry me?" Y/n asked hopefully. "Come on, we're in Vegas. You know what they say, and it's not like we don't love each other. Please Barbie, I just wanna love ya."
Bobbi couldn't believe herself as she let Y/n walk her inside. They filled out the forms, which seemed very simple for legally binding contracts, and a man dressed like a wizard ushered them into a little room. There was a blood stain on the carpet in front of a table with a small memorial for a terrible Elvis impersonator. Bobbi had a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach about this being a terrible idea, but if Y/n woke up in the morning regretting it, they had a great cop-out. Bobbi could pretend that she hadn't sobered up after Y/n caused a scene in the casino. They could pretend to never even know if they didn't want to.
"You may now kiss the bride," the wizard said. He took a step back and Y/n tried to dip Bobbi in a Hollywood kiss, but it was much less graceful than that. Bobbi caught Y/n before she could fully fall. Y/n stared up at Bobbi with a lovestruck look on her face, and Bobbi had no choice but to kiss her. The kiss was messy, as would any with the amount of alcohol that they consumed over the night, but to Bobbi, it was perfect. It was her first kiss with her wife, and she could only hope that they both remembered it in the morning.
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thranduel · 2 years
i was rewatching the 4x08 car scene again and i just can't get over how mike never even mentioned that he loved el at all when he was talking to will. he was just going on about how he feels inferior to her and he's afraid she won't need him anymore because she's a superhero. he didn't mention anything about love. he didn't say "i'm scared she won't love me anymore" or "i love her so much for these reasons and who she is as a person, that's why i can't lose her and blah blah blah". nope. nothing to do with love. he couldn't even mention anything about her outside of being a superhero because the sad truth is he barely even knows her. mike and el barely know each other because they can't even be themselves around each other and they don't even share any of the same interests. they always lie to each other too.
the entire time he was talking to will, mike was just pitying himself and talking about how he's scared she won't need him anymore because he’s a nerd and he’s insecure about himself. he also kept going on about how she was "born special" with powers. again, nothing to do with her as a person or loving her, but just that she's a superhero and he wants to be needed. he also said it wasn't fate or destiny but simple dumb luck that he stumbled on her in the woods (later on in his monologue, he lies and acts like it was love at first sight. we all know he doesn't believe in love at first sight either. ugh mike what are you doing). he even said she was just lonely and vulnerable and needed help and he just happened to be there... that's about it.
and remember in 4x04 when mike was talking to will, he said "maybe i should've said something, and if i would've said that thing, then maybe she'd want me there with her, wherever she is"?? he couldn't even specify what "that thing" was. he didn't mention anything to do with saying the words "i love you". it's just so weird how he couldn't say it to will. mike also said it felt like a fight they can't come back from. if he’s afraid she won’t need him anymore and he saw her sobbing in front of him AND he knew she wanted to hear the words "i love you", why didn’t he just say it? he could've prevented the fight entirely and he could've stopped her from going with owens (or she would've taken him with her, like he said to will). like seriously this entire "mike can't say he loves el because he finds it hard to express himself and he's scared of losing her" is the most ridiculous arc because it reduces mike to just being el's boyfriend and not having his own character development AND there are so many things that don't make sense because mike constantly lies and contradicts himself. "he's just a teenager" just isn't an excuse. it's actually a mess from a writing standpoint and it's even more horrible because they used will's feelings as a plot device and the only reason mike ended up saying he loves el is because of will. he was literally responding to will's confession but he just doesn't realise it. mike’s monologue to el wouldn’t have happened without will.
that’s why it only makes sense if all of this is intentional and they talk about it again in season 5. mike will find out about the painting and monologue and realise his true feelings for will and el will also realise she doesn’t need mike, even though that’s nothing new. we already know that because they made it very clear when she made the decision to go with owens even though she was warned she might not see him again. she also sent him a letter saying “from, el” which says more than enough. and will deserves to finally get his happy ending for once and be with the boy he’s loved since the beginning since he’s suffered every single season. otherwise what was the point in doing all of this? for a bit of extra drama that doesn't even make sense? nah
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simslegacy5083 · 2 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 77: When it All Falls Apart
Luigi had hoped to scuffle with Leroy secretly, so as not to disrupt the party, but Vlad had ensured the pair a wider audience.
Peachy was front and center, mustering up his best "cop voice" as he hollered at the fighters to "cease and desist!". Sadly, either his policing skills were rusty, or the combatants were too far gone, but it did no good and the battle continued to rage.
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Luigi had expected the scrap with his elder to be easy, but Leroy had a lifetime of experience picking fights in seedy dive bars.
The expert brawler landed hit after hit. Luigi started out deflecting the worst of them, but soon had the wind knocked out of him. Head spinning, he could no longer defend himself. Leroy landed one final decisive punch, declaring "and that’s how it's DONE, you young punk!”
With that he turned around to grab his coat and his wife and get out of there, figuring correctly that he was no longer welcome.
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As for the loser, Luigi didn’t just feel defeated, but also humiliated and judged by the hushed crowd of family that had appeared suddenly around him.
His anger spent, the foolishness of his little escapade came crashing down on him like a tidal wave of guilt. How had stooping to Leroy’s level ever seemed like a good idea? Even if he had won their little scrap he would have looked like a colossal ass, fighting on his dad's special day.
Dazed and aching, he wobbled over to a nearby bench, flopping down and burying his throbbing face in his hands.
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He looked up and tried to smile when he heard Amaya approach, but something about the fight had clearly set her off.
“What kind of evil jerk tries to beat up an old man at his father’s wedding?! You can lose my number; I’m not interested in dating someone who would act the way you acted tonight. I can’t believe I was so wrong about you!” Having said her piece, she turned around and stormed off in a huff.
Hurt and shocked Luigi yelled at her retreating back to "just go then, if that's how you feel!". Fuming and trying to convince himself he'd never really liked her that much anyway; he didn’t even notice his dad approach until Peachy quietly settled beside him.
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As calmly as he could Peachy told his boy: “I hope I won’t hear any excuses out of you. No matter what Leroy said or did, sneaking away to brawl like the sort of tavern crawler he associates with is not a reasonable way to settle differences or right any perceived wrong.”
Luigi's heart felt like it would break in two as his father went on “your papa would never want to see you acting this way. He always used logic and cunning to fight his battles. What you just did makes you no better than the sims Jack and I were forced to put away back in the day. I’m not mad, son, just deeply disappointed and worried. Please take a few minutes to reassess your behavior and do some serious soul searching, because you are on the edge of a very dark path.”
Clapping him on the shoulder Peachy rose, turning back with a smile “Not too long though. The dance floor is open, and that’s what I was hoping to see my boy doing tonight. It always makes you look so happy.”
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As the crowd headed back inside, Luigi sat alone in the twilight, attempting the "soul searching" his father had recommended. He thought of how easily Leroy had goaded him into violence, and his father's concerns that he could end up on a "dark path" if he didn't change his behavior.
Looking back even further he considered his other serious altercations. Crashing prom and picking a fight with Bryon just because he'd asked Isra to go with him to the dance after they'd broken up. Beating up Beau, who all in all was turning out to be a decent sim, accidently injuring him in the process, because he'd made some snarky comments about Denton's choice of Spooky Day attire.
Amaya's choice of words as she was leaving echoed in the back of his brain. She'd called him evil. Surely, she was wrong… maybe he'd been quick to anger in the past but surely, he wasn't an evil sim, was he?
🎶Its me, hi, I’m the problem, its me🎶
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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sadiegirl2021 · 5 months
Watermelon Sugar (NSFW)
Hop on the Gwynlain Train!
I keep seeing that cute fanart of them baking, so I wrote some inspired smut! Enjoy
Ao3 Link
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Elain was excited to visit the House of Wind today. She hadn't really spoken to Azriel much since their 'near kiss' at Solstice, but after everything that happened with Feyre and Rhys, and nearly losing people she loved, she didn't want to avoid him any longer. She deserved to be desired and loved, and he wanted to give that to her…at least he did at Solstice.
She told Feyre she was making some treats for Nesta; she definitely didn't mention Azriel. Rhysand seemed tense whenever his name was mentioned these days.
She worked all morning in the kitchen, baking scones and fruit tarts, and had them packaged up neatly in a wicker basket. She had butterflies at the thought of Azriel’s face when she gave him the special tart she'd made just for him. She had cut a love heart out of the pastry’s centre, and filled it with homemade strawberry jam. He was going to love it... she hoped!
"Ready?" Feyre asked, swanning into the kitchen in a flowing black dress. She really was the embodiment of the Night Court.
"Yes! I left a few extra treats for you and Rhys for later."
"You're too good to us," Feyre replied, holding out her hand to winnow. Elain always hated this part. Her hair and clothes were going to be in disarray when she landed. She could only pray no one would be on the balcony, so she had time to fix herself. She took her sisters hand, and they disappeared in a flash, reappearing just above the wards, and gliding down with ease as Feyre summoned her wings.
No one was around! Thank the gods. Elain smoothed out her dress, fixed her hair, and headed for the dining room where she assumed everyone was.
"I'll pick you up at six," Feyre called out as she flew away. She waved her sister off.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
"Knock, knock…" she said, standing at the doorway of the balcony that led to the grand dining room.
Azriel, Cassian, and Nesta were eating lunch along with Nesta’s two friends. She hadn’t had a chance to meet them properly, only caught a glance of them the day Nyx was born.
One had dark hair, light brown skin, angular eyes, and beautiful Illyrian wings, with scars running down them. That must have been Emerie. And the other…
Elain drew in a breath at the sight of her, the first proper look at her.
This female must have been Gwyn. She was beautiful—rich, coppery chestnut hair and large teal eyes that caught the light and sparkled. Elain had never seen anyone so breathtaking before, human or fae.
Gwyn noticed her staring and, in a light voice, greeted her, “Hello! You must be Elain?” she asked, standing to approach her.
Elain was lost for words.
Nesta cleared her throat, snapping Elain out of her stupor enough to finally reply, “Oh, yes! Gwyn, isn’t it?” she asked, extending her hand. Gwyn took it, and at the first touch, Elain felt a spark ignite inside her—like nothing she had ever felt before. Gwyn looked a bit wide-eyed too, as if she had felt it as well. They stayed like that for a moment too long, holding onto each other's hand.
“What did you bring us, Elain?” It was Azriel who asked. Right. Azriel! That’s who she really came here to see.
“Oh, some homemade treats! You all train so hard; you deserve it,” she said to the group.
“They’re on a strict diet; they shouldn’t be eating sweets,” Cassian argued. Nesta rolled her eyes, getting out of her chair to give her sister a hug in ‘thanks.’ Emerie was next, shaking Elain’s hand and introducing herself. But Elain couldn’t stop stealing glances at Gwyn. There was just something about her…
“This is really nice, thank you,” Azriel leaned over and whispered in her ear. His hand brushed against her back, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. “It’s nothing,” she replied, trying to angle her body away from him. Why did his touch feel wrong? No, she was just being silly. She should give him the one special treat she made for him… or…
“Gwyn, can you help me dish them up in the kitchen?” Elain exclaimed, garnering surprised looks from the table.
“Yeah… sure. Follow me,” Gwyn said.
She wasn’t even sure if Gwyn lived in the house or knew where the kitchens were. But the words had slipped out before she could stop them. What was wrong with her?
Gwyn gestured to the door, and they headed out of the room.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
“So nice of you to bake us treats; I can hardly boil an egg,” Gwyn quipped as they walked. Elain felt so nervous and sweaty, and she didn’t know why. It was just Nesta’s friend... her beautiful, stunning, tall, warrior friend...
Elain said nothing. Gwyn continued to fill the awkward silence, “Well, there was this one time I made my sister a chocolate cake… although I accidentally used a tablespoon of salt instead of a pinch. Bless her, she pretended it was lovely before running to the bathroom to throw up!” Gwyn laughed at the memory.
Elain had to start speaking, “She sounds like a great sister. Does she live in the Night Court?”
Gwyn frowned sadly, “No…she died at Sangravah. Azriel was only able to rescue me.”
Oh gods. She was so stupid to ask.
Gwyn must have noticed her expression, “Hey! It’s fine; I want to talk about her…just because I miss her doesn’t mean I don’t want to remember,” she said with a gracious smile.
Elain returned it. She didn’t know what she’d do without her sisters. Both had helped her so much in life…she felt like a burden to them.
“We’re here!” Gwyn chirped, pointing to the swinging, double door. She gestured for Elain to go first and followed closely behind.
“We could have just asked the house for a plate, but this seems more fun. Any idea where they would be kept?” Gwyn asked Elain as they took in the huge, sprawling kitchen. It looked like it had never been used.
“Does Nesta not cook for Cassian?”
Gwyn howled in laughter. “Nesta? Cook!? That’s hilarious. I don’t even think she knows this room exists! She has a magic house; no one cooks.”
Oh, right…
“Well, I’m sure between us we can find an adequate serving dish,” Elain said with determination in her voice. Gwyn mirrored it, and they split up to find something. It wasn’t long before Elain found an oval, porcelain plate, painted with delicate flowers. It was perfect.
She opened the basket, and she and Gwyn went to work placing the treats on the dish in an appetising display.
“Ohhh…who’s this one for?” Gwyn teased, noting the love heart tart meant for Azriel. Elain’s cheeks flushed.
“Eh…I haven’t decided yet!” Where did that come from? 
“It looks delicious,” Gwyn said, while licking off a bit of jam that got on her finger. Elain’s breath caught at the sight of it. The flush of her cheeks spread lower down her body.
“Y–You can have it?” she stammered out.
Gwyn’s eyes lit up. “Really? I thought it was for someone special?”
“I would like you to have it…if you want it?” Elain did not mean for the words to come out as seductively as they had. Gwyn stared at her before biting her lip and saying, “I think I do want it…” 
Gods, there was no air in the kitchen. Elain’s throat felt like it was closing up.
Gwyn took the tart and slowly raised it to her mouth, still staring at Elain. She licked the jam out of the center and moaned at the taste, “Fuck…this is so good,” she groaned out. Elain was going to die; her core tightened as she watched.
After a few more licks of the centre, Gwyn stopped to ask, “Do you want some?”
Elain could only nod, licking her lips in anticipation.
Gwyn moved gracefully towards her, bringing the tart towards Elain’s mouth. When she went to take a bite, Gwyn kept moving it back as Elain followed it. Their lips were so close now. Was she really going to do this?
Gwyn hesitated, waiting for Elain to make a move… and so she did. Elain leaned up and pressed her lips against Gwyn’s, the sweet taste of strawberry jam still lingering on them. She moaned in pleasure at the taste, at the feel of Gwyn’s lips against her own.
Gwyn made her own beautiful sounds that Elain wanted to bottle and keep forever. Her hands had a mind of their own as they moved to grip Gwyn’s waist and pull her closer. Gwyn went with it and licked along Elain’s lips. They parted to let her in.
As their tongues brushed against each other, Elain never thought she could experience this level of euphoria from a kiss. No man had ever elicited such a response. Her core heated, the scent of her arousal evident as it mixed with Gwyn’s. It was intoxicating. It made them deepen their kiss, pushing their bodies tightly against one another.
“I’ve never done this before,” Gwyn whispered against her lips, panting.
“Kissed a girl?” Neither had she.
“Kissed anyone.”
Elain was stunned but didn’t stop, too lost in the feeling. Gwyn was possibly the most beautiful female to exist, and that was saying something considering Mor existed! It spurred Elain on more. Their tongues and teeth clashed as they grabbed at each other’s clothes.
Gwyn’s hand came to the front of Elain’s dress, and she gently squeezed one of her breasts before pinching her nipple lightly. It felt so incredible Elain couldn’t hold back the moans she sang out into Gwyn’s mouth. She did it again, and Elain knew she was wetter than she thought was possible.
“You certainly seem to know what you’re doing,” Elain groaned as Gwyn continued her sensual touches.
“I read a lot of books,” she teased seductively. Nesta’s smutty books, no doubt!
“Yeah… what else did you learn from your books?” Elain responded, shocking herself with the words coming out of her mouth. Gwyn pushed Elain back against the counter before stopping their kiss to go to her knees. It was the hottest thing Elain had ever seen.
Gwyn bunched up Elain’s dress to show her underwear. She leaned forward and kissed against the fabric. Elain’s head fell back in pleasure as she groaned from the feeling.
When Gwyn stopped, she looked down to see why. There was a question in her eyes, and Elain nodded ‘yes’.
Elain took hold of her dress as Gwyn pulled down her soaking underwear to the knees, enough to give her access to what Elain desperately wanted. Gwyn kissed her clit before her tongue began its work. Elain couldn’t stop the cries of pleasure at the feeling. Nothing had, and nothing would ever feel this good.
“More!” Elain mewled out, and Gwyn’s fingers joined her mouth. As her tongue teased her opening, pressing inside her, her fingers rubbed tantalising circles on her clit. She was going to come so fast and so hard from this.
Elain gripped the counter, trying to hold herself up, her knees getting weak. She still couldn’t understand how she’d ended up here, but she didn’t care. It was perfect.
Gwyn’s ministrations continued, and after a few more moments of perfect pressure being applied to all the right places, Elain cried out as she came. Gwyn moaned as she did, enjoying Elain’s writhing motions as she trembled in ecstasy. 
When the wave was over, Gwyn fixed her underwear and dress before making her way back up to kiss Elain. The taste of herself on Gwyn’s lips and tongue was incredible. She wanted to repay the favour.
She moved to turn them, but Gwyn shook her head, “Just you.”
“Why?” Elain asked, she wanted to taste Gwyn just as much.
“I’ll tell you another day,” she said, kissing the tip of Elain’s nose. “Thank you for the treats,” she smiled, and Elain couldn’t help but laugh.
“I mean…thank you for that!”
Gwyn laughed too.
They finished dishing up the scones and tarts, composed themselves, and headed back to the dining room. Elain felt lighter than a cloud. Her day, month, year just got so much better than she could ever anticipate.
“Took you long enough,” Cassian joked.
Gwyn and Elain only smirked at each other. Elain placed the treats in the middle of the table, and everyone but Azriel grabbed one. He was looking at her funny and then glanced towards Gwyn. His eyes went wide when she noticed one of her shadows whisper in his ear.
Fuck… he knew.
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boliv-jenta · 10 months
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Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels x plus size f!reader
Warnings: Unprotected P in V sex. F!&M! receiving oral. A tiny bit of angst.
TW: CNC themes. Concent is given beforehand and not stated in the story.
Summary: Jack has the walls around his heart broken down in an unusual way.
And It Just Keeps Getting Better
Part 6: The Little Ranch of Love
"Holy…! Excuse me, Ma'am. Mr Lord." The shock Jack received as he rounded the corner into his small barn suddenly brought out his best manners.
He was usually well mannered, they maketh him after all, but it was a little odd that he felt he had to be so formal to the naked people in his barn.
"Sorry, Jack, but I did ask if we could use the barn." Mrs Lord reminded him.
It was true, she had. She didn't say she was going to use it to tie her naked husband up to a chair with his legs spread wide and cockring firmly in place. Or stand bare assed while having a conversation with him.
Jack really had to remember his manners as he fought the urge to look down her body. Mrs Lord sure was a beautiful woman. She'd looked incredible riding him when they first took him on. He'd been more than happy to let her test the goods. The memory of it made him slip, his eyes darted to her chest. It was just a millisecond but she caught it.
"Do you like what you see, Cowboy?" She gave him a sly grin.
Wisely, the guys usually tried to stay out of the games between Mr and Mrs Lord, they tend to get a bit much. Jack had never seen two people so in love and lust with each other. The only guys that enjoyed being part of the games were Ezra, Dieter and Oberyn. They were all batshit when it came to sex anyway. Jack wasn't a prude, not by a long stretch, but he figured that he'd sleep better not knowing what went on behind closed doors when they got together.
"Yes, Ma'am. Your husband is very lucky." Jack thought that seemed like the most diplomatic answer.
"He is. Aren't you, My Love?" She cooed over her shoulder.
Max gave a muffled reply around the gag in his mouth.
Mrs Lord approached him like a wildcat on the prowl. "What's that, Dear? You want Jack to play?"
Max let out a sigh as she released his red shaft from the toy.
Jack's moustache twitched upwards in a smirk. It wasn't in his plans today. It could be fun though.
Mrs Lord drew near to whisper in his ear. "I know you have someone special now so I understand if you don't want to touch me. Or Max. Maybe just some flirting or teasing about how good you remember my pussy being. You know how Max loves to share me."
'Someone special'. Jack wasn't ready to hear those words from someone else. He pushed them and any thoughts associated with it aside as picked up Mrs Lord's naked body. Her thighs wrapped around his narrow waist until he spread them over Max's. Jack noticed how red and dripping the other man's cock was. He wondered how long Mrs Lord had been edging him. He must have been sensitive, he hissed as her ass pressed into him. It pressed in further as the bristles of Jack's brushed her clit and she jolted back. Jack tried to lose himself completely as he ate her pussy. He really did try. It was just so hard not to think about you.
He thought about it being your pussy on his tongue. He loved the way you threaded your fingers into his hair while he was down there. He loved the pretty sounding praise that tumbled from your lips for him as he sucked on your clit. He loved your taste. Mrs Lord tasted amazing but you were something else. He could eat your pussy for his three square everyday and still come running when that dinner bell rang. He tried to tell himself that's all his infatuation with you was, really fucking good sex. Deep down he knew it wasn't. He was infatuated with you before you let him slip inside you.
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He'd met you at one of the parties. There was an incredible air of confidence around you. He wasn't the only one drawn like a moth to a flame. He'd nearly shoved Pero out of the way to get to you. Fuck, you were a vision. Your ample curves poured into a tight dress. Your tits defied the laws of nature to both spill out of and be contained by your dress. Jack was overcome with wants not becoming of a gentleman. He knew there and then he had to paint your breast with his seed by the end of the night. And he had. You'd even let him fuck them after he made you come on his cock. He was surprised he was still hard the way you screamed his name as loud as you wanted. It made something feral rise up in him. From then on, you were his favourite customer.
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"Oh, shit, Jack." Mrs Lord trembled as she rode the curve of his nose through her orgasm. Her cream rushed to his tongue nestled inside of her.
Max let out a whine behind her. When Jack helped Mrs Lord up, he saw why. Max's cum covered her ass and lower back.
Jack couldn't resist holding Max's gaze while he dragged his finger through it before taking it onto his tongue. "You both taste so fucking good." He smacked his lips for effect.
Max's spent cock jerked with renewed interest and Jack smiled to himself.
"Thank you, Jack." Mrs Lord was still holding on to his shoulder to brace herself until her legs worked again.
"Thank you, Mrs Lord." He pressed a kiss to her cheek.
That little escapade should give him enough to think about tonight. He would think about Mrs Lord's sweet pussy. The look that Max gave him that told him he would have helped him with the erection he was sporting after having his wife come on his face.
Max wasn't just a sub for his wife, and he had absolutely no gag reflex. It made him very popular at the 'team building' days.
Jack would think of all that while fucking you so he could hide from the reality that he was head over heels in love with you. Not just your body or how it made him feel. You. The little bits and pieces of you that you gave him between rounds. Your little stories. The whole way about you. Everything made him love you. He was glad that you were such a regular as if he went too long without you his heart would break. Jack knew all too well what a broken heart felt like. It was still broken all these years later until he met you.
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Jack had swung by the party as a courtesy. He owed it to the Lords to showcase what fine company someone could hire if they were so inclined. Plus his dance card might already be full for tonight but it didn't hurt to line up some future partners. With Dave and Javier leaving, both with a woman on their arm, Jack watched Din visibly relax. Din was usually a calming presence around the place. Jack had only seen him lose his cool a couple of times. It was enough to know not to upset him. Din was efficient in his choices, in less than five minutes he had two women draped around his neck. Jack smiles to himself as he watches Din leave. Before anyone can engage him in any further conversation Jack slips out the back way. He wants to shower and prepare for his role. Making his way to his room at the far end of the motel he passed his closest neighbours room. Dieter's window was open giving Jack a good view on what was going on in there. Even with the good view Jack couldn't even begin to guess what was going on in there. He counts at least five people possibly more. It was hard to tell in the tangle of limbs. The tangle he notices the most is Oberyn's ringed hand in Dieter's messy curls.
Before he gets too lost in trying to solve that puzzle, Jack moves on.
The room Jack keeps at the motel is very neat. Mrs Lord hung some pictures in keeping with the cowboy theme of his services. Also keeping in with the theme of the motel the cowboys were naked with strategically placed hats and various other cowboy paraphernalia. The first time he'd brought you back here, you'd laughed and asked did he spend much time with a hat covering his modesty. As your breasts jiggled with laughter he said he would for you. The way you were poured into your dress, Jack would do a lot of things for you. The next time you returned he had Mrs Lord show you up to his room so he could wait on his bed wearing nothing but his hat. You made a quip about it still technically being on his head before moving it out of your way to ride him. Lost in his memories while he showers he finds himself growing hard at the thought of your body. Most of the women of your size that he'd been with have some reservations when they first take their clothes off for him. They try to hide the parts of them that they think are less desirable. Some even ask to go straight under the covers or dim the lights. When you first took your clothes off for him there was not one ounce of timidness in you. You bared herself for him completely. Every pillowy curve. Before he knew it he was fisting his erection. Better to get an easy one out of the way he supposed. Of all his regulars, and Jack had many, you was the only one that got under his skin. The only one who could make him come embarrassingly quickly. Even just the memory of you had him painting the shower tiles.
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The ranch house was warmly lit. The lamps dotted around flickered like old timey lanterns. When Jack had suggested the elaborate role play to fulfil your fantasy, you weren't so sure that it was for you. Now, strutting around in your beautiful dress, you were definitely into it. Your makeup and perfume probably weren't era appropriate but they were perfect and made you feel pretty. Jack had let you take a bath in the freestanding tub. The gold taps and claw feet didn't quite feel like an old timey ranch bath to you but the candles that were dotted around helped keep up the illusion. After you bathed and put on your costume all you had to do was wait.
The ranch was within spitting distance of the motel but with the noise of the animals outside and the curtain of the night separating the two places it could have been miles away. The fantasy was getting easier to slip into by the minute. The microwave blinking at you didn't help but it did show that Jack should be arriving any minute.
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Heavy boots landed on the wooden porch. The knock that followed was to be expected but still sent a shiver of fear through you. It rooted you to the spot long enough for the need of a second knock. Cautiously you move the pretty lace curtain to peek out. A handsome cowboy dressed all in black gives you a disarming smile. Slowly, you open the door.
"Evening, Ma'am." The cowboy tips his hat. "My horse got spooked, threw me and bolted a little ways up the trail. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to allow me to shelter for the night in your barn?"
"Yes, that would be fine. Now if you'll excuse me…" you try to shut the door and find a polished black boot wedged it in.
"I sure am grateful for your kindness, Ma'am. Could I thank your husband, too?" The cowboy leans in to get a better look at your home.
"He's busy. The barn is around back. Goodnight." You rush out as you try to close the door.
"Now, you wouldn't be lying to me now, would you, Darlin'?" The cowboy pushes the door easily against your protests.
"No. He is busy. In fact he is so busy he's late home. He'll be here any moment." The fear in your voice is evident against your will.
"I don't like liars. A sweet thing like you should know better than to lie. Maybe I should teach you some manners. Or wash that mouth out." The disarming smile turned sinister as he grabbed you firmly by the arms.
"I'm sorry." You sob. "I just didn't know if I could trust you."
"Hush, now. Oh, you can trust ol' Jack. I'll take care of you. Shhh." With one large hand around your wrists, he brushed your hair back with the other. "Such a pretty girl." His tongue violates your mouth as he pins you close to him. Somehow you manage to pull away.
"That's not very hospitable of you, Sweetheart. You really do need some manners. Maybe I'll fuck them into you." It says it so casually before turning you in his arms to bind your wrists with the rope at his waist. "What do you say?"
"No, please, don't." Tears run down your face freely now.
"Maybe, for now, I'll just wash your mouth out." Large hands find your shoulders and push you down to your knees. The same large hands free his cock. The fact that those large hands are dwarfed by his cock makes you sob harder. You have a pretty good idea where he wants to put it.
"No, no. Please. N…" is all you get out before shoves his fingers in to hold your mouth open. You almost gag as his cock is shoved in there too. He groans as he pulls his fingers out allowing your lips to wrap around him. He thrusts deeply and haphazardly, nudging your throat until you choke.
"Unless little whore. Let's see how your cunt takes me instead." With that he hoists you up. "Are you going to let me fuck your little hole?"
"No! No!" You begin to thrash in his arms as one of his hands disappears up your skirt. His cold stare pins you in place until he almost reaches your core and you let out another terrified sob. The cold stare is now full of sadness and regret.
"I'm sorry." Jack, not the cowboy, says. "I can't. I know this is your fantasy and all but I can't even fake it. I couldn't ever treat a woman like that. Especially not one I…" he catches himself with a shuddering breath. "I can set something up with Ezra. We'll find someone to do this for you. Maybe even Ezra himself, he'd have no problem with it. You'd like him. He's your type. He looks a lot like me actually. I…"
"Jack." It's only when you take his hands that he realises that he's trembling. "Come." You guide him to the sofa in the next room.
Once you are sitting, still holding his hands, you give him a minute to compose himself. "I'm sorry I can't do this."
"It's okay. I have plenty of more palatable fantasies…"
"No, Sweetheart. I mean all of it. You can't be my client anymore."
"What? Because of this? I know it's a little dark but you know how ashamed I was. I won't ask for it again. Please…"
Jack brakes as your voice does. "No. It's not about this. That's part of it but…I…" Jack steels himself. Now or never. "I can't pretend to..harm..you or keep fucking you for money when I am so goddamn in love with you that I can't think straight." It's not how he wants it to come out but it's out.
Suddenly he doesn't know what to do with himself. He stands up and begins to pace. He makes two laps of the room before you stop him with a kiss. "I love you, Jack."
"Really?" He breathes shakily.
"Yes. Yes, I do." The two of you laugh as you lips meet over and over. It's a giddy meeting at first until Jack takes you on the floor. The lead up is all rushed but as soon as he enters you, he takes his time. His pace is smooth and slow. He takes his time to kiss you gently all over while buried inside of you. He works to make the distinction between the fucking you did before and the love making you are sharing now. When you come all the unsaid praise rolls of his tongue. When he comes it's with an 'I love you.'
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For the next few months that is the difference for Jack. He fucks his clients. Then when he comes home to you even with his hand tangled in your hair while he drills into you from behind so hard that his balls bounce off of you, calling you all the filthy things under the sun. Telling you you're his fucking dirty little slut. It's all love making.
When you decide to move in with him on his little ranch. He leaves the job behind but he keeps some of the perks. The two of you still attend some parties. He beams with pride when he lets Pero finally get a taste of you. He loves the look of adoration you give him when you let Ezra finally fulfil your darkest fantasy. The biggest perk is the little slices of domesticity some of you have found.
Mr and Mrs Lord come over for game night every week. Most weeks you actually play the board games.
Din brings Grogu over every Sunday for lunch, more often than not accompanied by his partner. The two of them constantly keep a hand on one another as they watch their be doted on.
Even Dieter and Oberyn drop by with whatever energy is between them to bring you freshly baked goods. Dieter looks shy about offering them, while Oberyn looks on proudly.
Between you and your visitors, the little ranch is filled to the brim with love.
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September MC & OCs of the Month - Special Edition: Vivian Carrick
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Help us in welcoming September's MCs and OCs of the month! That's right, plural! Most months, CFWC highlights one randomly selected MC or OC from our Meet My MC / OC List. (More info here.) But this month, we're doing something different.
In August, @lilyoffandoms hosted a Writers Appreciation Month, and we announced the September Writer of the Month would be selected from its participants. But all participants agreed - Lily deserved the honor! Still, we wanted to do something nice for the eleven writers who elected to participate to help uplift other writers in the fandom. So, this month, each of the eleven participants will have one of their MCs or OCs highlighted.
We will introduce each MC / OC individually, and once all eleven have been highlighted, a masterlist for the month will be created. We hope you enjoy getting to know all about them!
The fifth OC of the Month is @jerzwriter 's Vivian Carrick!
Learn more about Vivian below!
In your own words, tell us what you like most about your OC.
It's hard to narrow it down because I just adore Vivian. She was the first original character that I created in the Choices World, and I felt like she almost created herself. It was within my Delaying the Inevitable Universe, and we met her when she walked in on Casey in her son's apartment wearing his bathrobe. After Vivian realized Casey was being truthful, there was nothing going on between her and Tobias, she made it her mission in life to change that.
At that point, I didn't know I'd have a full T/C headcanon, much less have Vivian a part of it, but I couldn't let go of her. She's a strong, smart, powerful, intuitive woman. She's witty, quick thinking, and can verbally disarm anyone in a nanosecond. Sophisticated and worldly, but she has quite a backstory, that wasn't always her life.
Despite a sometimes intimidating exterior, she has the biggest heart. She will defend those she loves to death. The way she and Tobias banter gives me life! lol
Do you feel your OC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
We have some similarities, but I wouldn't say a lot. We both think quick on our feet and enjoy bantering/teasing. We also love putting a bully or bigot in their place. We're both extremely loyal to those we love and understand they're the most important thing in life.
While we both grew up, not poor, but not well off by any stretch, I never had to endure the overt and systemic racism that Vivian did.
We both put ourselves through school and are quite proud of it, but she followed her dreams, and I allowed myself to be talked out of too many of mine. She's definitely got more confidence than I do. I also never married into extreme wealth lol, nor did I marry - and lose - the love of my life.
But we both adore our children and would do anything for them.
What is most important to your OC? What is their motivation in life?
Her family. There are other things - justice, equity, an intense desire to prove her naysayers wrong... but nothing comes close to her family.
What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes?
Ignorance. Especially wilful ignorance.
Racism and sexism.
Her sons making her wait decades before they get their shit together and settle down. lol
If your OC could change one thing - anything - what would it be?
The one thing she'd like to change more than anything is her late husband, Charles's death. He was the love of her life, and while she's managed to go on and live a full life without him, no one knows just how difficult that's been. Even more so, she knows the toll his death has taken on her boys, especially Tobias, who was not on the best of terms with him when he passed. While this is her greatest wish, she knows it can't happen, and she doesn't even know if it should. She doesn't like the ending but has a strong faith and believes this happened by God's design, so she doesn't feel right questioning it.
For something she feels she has a bit more of an ability to impact, she'd want to make the world a better place for her granddaughters and children like them. She knows things like systemic racism and misogyny are so ingrained in our society that they'll be almost impossible to fully overcome, but she sure as hell won't let that stop her from trying.
Also, I see Vivian as a strong ally for LGBTQIA equality. She will admit this isn't something she understood well in her younger years, but she now has a bisexual daughter-in-law, and eventually, her son, Jordan, comes out, and later, her granddaughter, Kayla. Inequity and discrimination are things that she abhors, and when she begins to what the community faces, she is a vocal ally who puts her time, money, and energy where her mouth is.
What is your OC’s favorite quote or song?
Her favorite songs are:
Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World - that was her and Charles's song.
Diana Ross's Ain't No Mountian High Enough - Because she used to sing it with Tobias and Jordan when they were children.
John Legend's All of Me - Tobias & Casey's wedding song - and Vivian was certain her son getting married was a miracle.
Her favorite quote:
“Neither love nor terror makes one blind: indifference makes one blind.” - James Baldwin.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your OC?
Vivian is not perfect. Sometimes, her sarcasm and humor can be viewed as acerbic. She is a loving and doting mother, and as a grandmother, triple that, but she acknowledges mistakes she made when her boys were small. She and Charles had a love so strong that sometimes, it may have made the boys feel secondary, even though they never were. Also, she was determined to prove she belonged in her husband's world, not so much for herself but for those who would follow - most importantly, her children. But she acknowledges that sometimes she was so busy pursuing that agenda that she lost sight of little things that were, in the end, far more important.
She has so many accomplishments in her life that the list could go on for days. But the one thing she is most proud of is the relationship she has with her adult children, their partners, and her grandchildren. When she closes her eyes for the last time, she knows she leaves behind a legacy of love, and that's all she ever wanted.
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bloodyknucklesforme · 2 months
Al Dente | Guest Check
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Nina struggles with what she read in her mother's journal
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She was never particularly good at her job. The only reason she'd stuck with it was because Price hired her and she needed something to do. Her social battery ran out too fast to be a good host or server. She got snippy when people got rude. Kyle and Kate had frequently had to smooth things over.
She was on bar tonight. Making cocktails, pouring beer and wine, staying out of the way. It was a Wednesday so few people were sat at the bar. She could keep track of things like this.
She thought she could.
It'd been a week and her mother's words picked at her brain like a scab. She could barely look at Price. A deep nausea combing through her.
He had to know. That's where all his kindness came from. He thought she was his child. She wanted to ask, regain some sort of family. Then there was the fear. What if he wanted a DNA test and he wasn't anything to her? Would he still love her?
She'd spent so much of her childhood trying to earn her father's love and affection. A fruitless task that made it hard to look back. As much as she tried to grow up and away she felt like a child whenever she looked at Price now.
She wanted to shrink back down into a little girl and start it all over. Let him tuck her in and read her stories, teach her how to ride a bike or tie her shoes, let her cry to him when everyone at school called her a slut.
She tried not to fantasize too hard. A negative test and she'd be a little girl again begging for some man to love her.
"Hey, Nim. You okay?" Kyle turned her towards him, hand on her shoulder. "You're crying, love."
"Errr... yeah. I'm okay." She used her shirt sleeve to wipe her face, stepping back to hide behind the taps.
"I don't think you are. I have three tables saying their drinks don't taste right. Maybe you should take a break? Alex is about to clock in. He can handle it."
Her face was hot. This was supposed to be the thing she was good at. Not great, just good. Her eyes darted around and she saw Price watching from over by the kitchen doors. He knew she'd fucked up already. Probably the one to send Kyle over to get her to move.
"I'm here. Go take a smoke break," Alex clapped her shoulders and moved around her and Kyle. If he noticed her crying, he didn't show it and moved straight into catching up orders.
Kyle tugged on her arm and pulled her away. She didn't even smoke anymore. She tried to hide from the view of all her co workers. No one else got pulled from their stations. No one else got hidden away by the lockers for Price to talk to them. He didn't lead anyone else out the back door with a hand on their back.
"You doing okay, love?" Price asked, rubbing her shoulder. "You don't seem fully with us."
"I'm okay just distracted. I'm sorry." She kept her eyes pointed at her shoes like a child. Always a stupid fucking child.
"Does this have anything to do with going home last week?"
She was standing on a tight rope. Trying to balance so she could keep the life she has, not knowing if something would catch her fall if she slipped.
She liked to believe love could be unconditional. Maybe it was for some. Never for her. It was something she had to earn and fight to keep. She felt like she was losing it. Every mistake she made built up and his kindness would bleed dry.
"That place isn't home. It never was."
"You can tell me what's going on, Nina. You don't have to do this alone." Too much kindness.
"I want you to stop giving me special treatment." She said. "Everyone in there hates me because of it."
"No one hates you."
"I can see the way they all look at me. Even if they don't hate me they resent that you do all this shit for me for no reason. I don't get written up, I'm late all the time, I call off, I'm out of uniform. I-"
"Your family died and it's my fucking kitchen. I'll do-"
"They weren't my family!" She yelled. "They were just people I lived with. There was a reason I wasn't with them when it happened. I wasn't fucking wanted! I don't have family, John."
The corners of his mouth drooped. She could keep him at this length. Reinforce their positions. Not too close. He was a family friend. That was it. He didn't have to know she knew any other possibility. It could just stay like this. A familiar loneliness.
"Your mum lo-"
"What do you know about my mum?" That was cruel, she could admit. Anger coming from him knowing her mum better than she did, better than she ever would. Anger that he didn't seem to fight for her, for either of them. A quarter of a century old affair that now tormented her. He looked hurt and she was crying again.
"You should go home." He said. "Get some rest. You don't have to tell me what's bothering you but you need to tell someone. I can tell something is chewing you up. Don't let it swallow you."
He patted her shoulder and headed back inside, sighing to himself.
She put the crook of her elbow against her mouth and screamed.
Kyle texted her later that night, asking she wanted him to bring her food. She ignored him, rolling over in bed.
She woke up the next morning with red eyes, a headache, Kyle sleeping next to her and a take out box in the fridge.
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Tag List: @queen-ilmaree@macravishedbymactavish@gogh-with-the-flow@water-bearz
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
"Working Hands" by kazoosandfannypacks
Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: G Tags: 2K words, Pining (Mutual?,) Season 3B, i swear each and every one of those run on sentences is necessary Summary: Killian broods at Granny's after hours, pining for Emma and wishing the colder Storybrooke climate didn't make his hands so dry. Author's notes: @silver-the-phoenix and I have had this headcanon about Killian having dry hands for quite a while, but when @cosette141 and I figured out we live near each other and are both experiencing similar cold weather problems, I decided it was high time to sit down and project them onto Killian Jones
Also on Ao3!
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 Neverland had been a much more tropical climate. It was warm, and humid, and Killian was used to it. Something about it just felt right to him- he could wear multiple layers in the heat of the jungle and scarcely break a sweat.
 Killian managed to get by with the weather in the Enchanted Forest too, even and especially during this last year- though admittedly, he'd had other things to think about during that time than the weather- atmospheric conditions mean nothing to you when you're separated from the one you love, when you know that you can never see her again, and she doesn't even remember you- when you have to bear all the work of remembering and grieving for the both of you all by yourself.
 But now he was with her- not with her with her, but both in the same realm, in the same town, Emma renting out a room at Granny's just down the hall from him. 
 "But what does it all matter?" Killian thought. "All I did was bring her back to Storybrooke, back to her family, back to a life that still doesn't need me."
 Of all the memories they'd shared, the ones where he felt a connection with her the most- the beanstalk, their kiss on Neverland, sharing drinks in New York- in all of them, in all those moments where she almost made him feel special in her eyes- in all of them they were alone. She'd never treated him so fondly when her family was around- she scarcely acknowledged his presence then- and Storybrooke was a land filled with her family.
 But what he wouldn't give to have just a moment alone with her!
 He tried to turn his mind from that and found himself remembering how cold he was here in Storybrooke, and how sharp and brisk the air, and the havoc it was wreaking on his hand.
 He could handle the cold without a need for change of clothes- if losing a hand didn't make him stop wearing twenty nine buttons in every outfit, surely something as impersonal as the weather wouldn't convince him to change his aesthetic. He didn't mind the harsh winds, as it reminded him of his days on The Jolly Roger- and how he hoped she was being treated well now.
 But what really bothered him was what the cold did to his hand-how it roughened it like sandpaper, crackled it like sands under the sun- how, much like the crocodile's cold heart had made his skin rough and scaly, so the cold weather made Killian's hand.
 Today though, all the cold was really getting to him- he almost considered making himself a cup of coffee, or some of that cinnamon hot cocoa Henry loved so much, just to warm up- but at the same time he knew if he used Granny's ingredients without her permission, he might lose his roaming privileges around the diner after hours.
 But he quickly forgot all about the quest to keep warm-he looked up and was warmed through the core when he saw Emma Swan enter.
 He noticed her before she noticed him, but when she did she seemed a bit startled. 
 "Hook!" she asked, clearly searching for an escape route. "I didn't know you were here, I…"
 He didn't want to watch her walk away- her presence was a soothing one.
 "That's alright, Swan." He said. "I wouldn't've brought you back to Storybrooke if I didn't want to run into you every now and then."
 Emma rolled her eyes, but she also didn't leave, instead taking a seat at one of the bar stools across the room, staring intently at a paper napkin that had been left on the counter.
 Killian watched as she stared at it for a few minutes, seeming more than a tad frustrated with every passing second. He tried to continue his solitary brooding, but after a few minutes he realized the futility- it was ridiculous to mourn his affections for Emma when she sat thirty feet away from him.
 So he got up, quietly, so as not to startle her, and walked over.
 "What are you doing?" He asked. She started, and out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw the napkin move.
 She let out heavy breaths, trying to regain her composure. "Just testing out my magic a little." Emma said. "Granny said I can work on it in here at night, while Henry's not around."
 "How's that going?" Killian asked.
 "So far?" Emma asked. "Not well. wasn't exactly a master magician when we left, and I haven't been practicing this past year."
 "That's alright, Swan." He tried to reassure her. "I'm sure you'll regain the hang of it in due time."
 "I appreciate your vote of confidence," she said, then turned back to the napkin.
 "What are you trying to do?" Killian asked.
 "I'm trying to move it." She snapped.
 "Well that's not so hard." He joked, trying to ease her tension. He then picked up the napkin and placed it a few inches away from where it was.
 "Without touching it." She glared at him.
 He blew on the napkin and it slid across the table a little.
 "That's not so hard, is it, love?"
 "Oh wow" she rolled her eyes, "master Yoda couldn't've taught me better himself."
 "Master who?"
 "From Star Wars." Emma said.
 "Star Wars?"
 She rolled her eyes again and turned back to the napkin.
 He felt sure he was distracting her, that his presence was a hinderance, but after she haunted his every moment the last three years, he felt it only fair to haunt even one of hers.
 "Is there anything can do to help you?" He asked, pulling out his flask.
 "Leave me alone?"
 "Alright." He wasn't about to infringe on her boundaries, but he hesitated only a moment before he left, just long enough to take a sip of rum.
 Perhaps it was fate that she looked up at that moment as he brought the flask to his face with his chapped, red hand.
 "Woah." She said, and he turned back a moment.
 "What?" He asked, corking the bottle and stashing it.
 "Your hand." She said. "It's so dry."
 It was his turn to roll his eyes as she dug through the small backpack she'd brought in with her. "Thanks for noticing for me, Swan." 
 "Here," she handed him a small canister, "this lotion works wonders."
 "Thanks." He said, holding the circular green container, and looking down at his hook, wondering how well he could apply the lotion with it.
 "Oh." His hook had caught her glance, and she looked up at his face, "I'm sorry, uh, do you want help?"
 "What?" He asked, unsure how to respond. His pride said it was an insult for her to even ask that, his humility said there was no way Swan cared enough about him to even offer that- but his heart said "please."
 "Sorry, just- do you want me to help you?"
 "Yeah." He blinked a few times as she twisted off the lid and scraped a dab of the lotion onto her finger. It was very rare for Emma to initiate any contact with him, especially physical, so he was a little surprised at her stepping down from her high walls to touch him.
  "Stop making this romantic, Killian!" He thought. "This is purely platonic, she's the Savior, she probably feels obligated to help."
 Despite his best thoughts, it was hard to push back his feelings as she took his hand and caressed it- no, not caressing, just applying the lotion, just trying to fix his crackled skin- there wasn't anything romantic about the magic of her touch, the sparks he was sure he felt, how every swirl of her thumb was like writing love letters in a language only they knew- but surely it meant nothing, just like their kiss on Neverland.
 She hadn't looked up at him the whole time- and he knew, because he hadn't taken his eyes off her for a second- but instead had focused on smoothing his rough skin as best as she could.
 "I think that'll have to do it." She said. Did she feel the same tension he did? Surely she didn't. Did his hand feel the same in hers as hers felt around his? Surely it didn't. Did their touch rouse passions any further awake in her, like it had in him?
 Surely, it couldn't've.
 She'd made the mistake of letting her hand linger half a second- a half second which Killian read into, which Killian almost felt meant hope, in which Killian didn't think he'd be out of line if he took the opportunity to twist his hand so he could hold hers- so he did, holding her fingers between his fingers and thumb.
 He didn't look her in the eyes- the scared expression he knew they'd hold would break his heart- but looked down at her beautiful little hand, and how well it fit in his.
 "Thank you." He said, and dared to play on his old-fashioned reputation in her mind, dared bring her hand to his face, dared to bring her knuckles to his lips, dared to kiss her hand.
 Had she grown up a princess in the Enchanted Forest, she would've been accustomed to this, probably receiving this gesture from every man who crossed her paths- and he never would've done it if that were the case.
 But nature having presented an opportunity to thank her as none ever had- but all ought to have- he took it. 
 It felt so right, so right to hold her fingers to his lips, so right to show her the love and honor she was due- so right that it felt a great sorrow to let go.
 He risked looking in her eyes afterward, afraid of her confusion and anger, but instead seeing confusion and awe.
 "You're welcome." She said.
 She didn't turn away from his gaze, and he wanted to savor the moment as long as he could- for in that moment, he almost felt like maybe, like maybe he was something in her eyes.
 But as he remembered who she was- the beautiful princess, the Savior, a hero in every realm she graced with her presence- he remembered himself- the filthy pirate, the vengeful captain, the villain of every story he forced his way into- and he realized how ridiculous it was for him to think he'd ever be good enough for her.
 And to share this moment with her, but to know she'd never care for him, not like he cared for her, that he was trying to wedge himself into another life he didn’t belong in, it tore him apart.
 "I should go." He looked away from her, unsure what he was even staring at, or where, just not at her, "I'm distracting you from your magic practice."
 "Right." Emma turned back to the napkin on the counter as he walked away.
 He scolded himself for that hopeful little part of him that told him to look back, told him to see if she was watching him leave- but he listened to it anyways, and saw her not looking at him at all, instead intently focused on the napkin.
 So he intently focused on whatever was ahead of him, on the hallway, on his door, on his room, on the door he could slam, then that he could lean back against, and heave a heavy breath, looking down at the hand that moments ago had held Emma's- and that probably never should again.
 But had he watched Emma a moment longer, he would've seen her magic in action, seen the napkin move across the table at her will, in response to her feelings.
 And he would've seen how the napkin snuck across the table and landed a moment on her knuckles, just as his lips had moments ago. He would've seen how, in response to her feelings, her magic had tried to mimic him, to recreate and replicate his affection for her. He would've seen her excitement at making her magic work shift into panic as she realized too what that meant- that perhaps his feelings were more mutual than she'd been letting on, that perhaps she enjoyed their moments alone almost as much as he did, that perhaps she cared for him in return- and he would've seen her smile as she looked back at the hallway he'd just about disappeared down.
 If only he'd been able to bear watching her just a moment longer!
 Then perhaps, he wouldn't find himself where he did now, staring up at the ceiling on a lumpy old mattress, staring at the hand that had just touched hers, placing a finger to the chapped lips that had just kissed her hand, clenching the fingers he’d just let her slip through, lost in his pained, impassioned wondering, trying to shake himself, but knowing after a year’s struggle that it was a losing battle.
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powertaco · 3 months
I do have to agree with your confession about Volume 9 being the weakest.
It tries to hard at being "Symbolic", but the fact that even the confession between Yang and Blake had to be forced with death made it painfully obvious they were taking short cuts in writing. Couldn't have it be a simple talk under the stars? Had to do that? Are words so hard to say?
Every scene was kind of awkward. While the beginning was comedic and brought charm, the volume got more and more scene's that made people question some decisions.
I mean, we all know the one where Weiss and Yang were literal inches from Ruby, but they left her face down in the dirt. We all know what part of the fan base that awkward moment was directed at, and that's just mean, taking from the volume.
They see she's not fine, but efforts to do anything to help her were minimal. The scene from the Caterpillar smoke suggests everyone's now confident and strong, but the writers didn't allow them to let Ruby lean on them. When Yang was asking Ruby "Are you fine?", you could feel that Yang was restrained, wishing to do more, for the sake of the tea drinking scene.
That may be a characteristic thing for Ruby to not lean on people, but Weiss, Yang, and Blake know sadness and know it's not good to deal with it alone. Weiss had Klein, Blake had Sun, Yang had Tai. If the plot didn't need it, Ruby wouldn't have drunk the tea if her team was allowed to talk and comfort her. But ya know, writing decision of "none of them thought Ruby needed them."
Yang didn't confront her and stop her spiraling, which as Yang herself spiraled into depression after the fall of Beacon, you'd think she'd have experience with it.
Then characters felt absent from scenes even though they were right there in multiple instances, and all you have is 6-7 to work with, are you serious?
My worst gripe is Jaune tho. You're gonna blow up at Ruby, blaming her for everything, even though you know she's breaking right now. You're a grown ass man, and you're blaming a child for a village you've been trying to protect from itself, great to know you'll never mature.
And once again, the other 3 felt absent from this tantrum, who didn't interrupt it and let him continue yelling at the top of his lungs at Ruby. Forget what Neo did, in my opinion, she drank the tea because of Jaune.
And I wouldn't hate Jaune this much this volume of they simply acknowledge it. But no. Jaune gets the hugs, the reassurance, even after Ruby's "death". Come on Miles, you know better than to show favoritism for the character you voice.
This volume made it felt there was a lack of time to script, to focus group, to reconsider choices, to see if "that's what the character would do."
I know they wanted it to be special, and meaningful, and while I don't really care much about them the fact that they basically HAD to confess to solve the issue is that they didn't get to do it on their own. I know they wanted to end the series by having Bees be canon, but there were other ways to do imo, and like I said it just made me dislike canon bees because it showed that they focused essentially on only each other until Ruby drank the tea.
A very too little too late thing, and they don't seem to acknowledge that they got too caught up in each other or anything, and much like Ruby's mental issues are just kinda brushed aside.
We lose great storyboards of other partners who aren't bees interacting.
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You really don't even have to ship WR to see that they're supposed to be canon best friends, and a single scene like this is not too much to ask.
We got an entire episode basically devoted to the bees, and loooots of jaune time, but we can't get a single scene elsewhere in the series for something like this to give the girl partners a chance to, you know, interact, or be meaningful.
I know there were problems but they knew going into it that this was likely it, and had years to work on it. This volume is exceptionally rushed.
One of the biggest problems I have with the show is that it's named RWBY, and there's so much character bloat, and even among the named cast the team barely interacts outside of their partners.
Ruby, and Blake interact more in her imagination in the Emerald Forest and the first episode of IQD than they do in most of canon.
Weiss and Blake trade a few catty remarks for fun in atlas,and despite supposing to be deuteragonists JNPR is largely just Jaune.
We don't get scenes of Ruby, Jaune, Nora, and some of the others playing games. Ruby, and Ren baking as Nora awaits her feast. Blake having a book club with Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, and Ren, or even working out with Yang, Nora, and Pyrrha.
It makes the relationships feel kind of hollow, and now that WR apparently forgot they're partners for most of the last 3 volumes I mean it's just the bees show really, and as I said V9 showed me their worst side. If you wanted to convert me you failed miserably.
I realize that's unpopular because as long as team bees win it's perfect, but I don't care if people don't like my opinion.
The bees deserved better than a forced confession, like rwby deserved a proper non rushed ending. (also side note wasn't jax lobotomized in the novel? So why break him out?)
To bring back your point yes it is annoying they leave Ruby in the dirt. People were saying they left Ruby in the recovery position which you know great, but that's doing the writers job for them. It wouldn't have taken much for Weiss to fret, and put Ruby in the position, or Yang while they talk to the others. It's like a first draft that needed another run over.
I know in the white void Ruby's first instinct is to call for Weiss, and Yang, and yet again for the sake of making her speedrun a breakdown everything conveniently works against her.
There's a game called Evil Within. Sequel is fun, but the 1st game has a goal of getting to the lighthouse. The issue is that you're inside the mind of another person so one moment you can go from a forest with the lighthouse in the distance to a closed house, then a medieval battlefield, and so on.
Essentially there's no sense of progression, or rules you can really enforce because of the setting.
Ever After bothers me for that reason. I understand it's fantastical, but without some rules there's no sense of urgency, or weight, or stakes to whatever actions can happen.
Could they open a random door, and Salem be there sipping coffee? It's EA so why not?
Ruby's mental breakdown and suicide don't matter because it's EA.
Side note Weiss you have glyphs put one over the teacup so she can't drink it. Of course your sister could have also used one to catch you too as you fell so maybe forgetting you can do that is a family thing. Hmmm, thoughts for later.
Jaune isn't in a great headspace. I don't like that he yelled at Ruby, but I do understand him snapping after decades alone, and venting his frustration. I mean I get pissed if my cat knocks out the ethernet cable. I don't scream at it, but it didn't cost me 20 years worth of effort either.
My point being that I agree that one of Ruby's teammates, especially her partner should have stepped in at that point, and many others to protect Ruby, or each other, and they don't.
They're not a cohesive team anymore. They're Bees who care about each other, and if they can bother to remember the others then the others.
Weiss is adrift with no arc AT ALL, , and reduced to comedy. I hate it. We have seen time, and time again that Weiss will have hard talks and yet now of all times she just can't? Must be those darn ever after rules making her suddenly not talk at all.
Jaune's...idk him returning to normal is boring because the idea of him needing to meet and interact with new peers and his friends despite being older is interesting, and hey older jaune meeting older jess in the JL P2 would have been pretty neat to see.
If we ever get a V10 you can bet he'll go right back to being the same old Jaune except he might sometime say something wise and nora might mock his gray hair. Yay what a waste.
I still would have prefered Nora falling so she can learn who she is away from Ren and he from her then when she was reunited in V10 they could be ready for a relationship.
Plus Nora would be well used to wearing a happy + mask so she'd actually talk to ruby or get mad weiss or none of the others were.
I will also accept maria jumping down after Neo screaming round two bitch, and somehow getting the dagger, and turning young. This would also be acceptable and make just as much sense as anything else in Ever After. You know I have to work it in there. Bonus, she wouldn't accept Ruby acting like that, and would confront her on it.
If Maria can handle Neo then she can handle a moody Ruby.
At any rate I'm rambling but yes Ruby got a team hug, and came back basically the same as ever (for real give her a semblance upgrade or power up she's fighting what's close to a god) except she's more confident.
I know there's no victory in strength, but there's only defeat in weakness too so I meeeeean.
Idk just me though. Prob why Vol 8 time travel or fix it fics are so common. Just an easy pathway into them.
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wait theres a band in d4dj called mermaid ??
oh yes there is. <3
Cut because i think i ended up rambling too much uh. also it's been a while since i read all d4dj stories so there might be some things i remember wrong
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They are horrible and i love them sm. Their unit 2 story is LITERALLY almost entirely comprised of "saori learned how to drive so now we have to make horrible decisions and run through all of japan to do shows yahoo!!!"
Merm4id (or m4 in the abbreviation) is one of the 2/3/4 (if you consider abyssmare and call of artemis as also fully fleshed units. one of the two if you consider initially released units only though and not the ones that came later) adult units in d4dj and they're like. the glowing image of party girls. like, when you think of the word "clubbing", they most likely will be the closest thing to whatever came to your mind in d4dj. they're all college students and decided to d4 on one of rika's (orange haired and the leader) whims because she thought it would be fun and somehow convinced the other three.
they're also all INCREDIBLY pathetic little meow meows (except rika she's lowkey kind of a girlboss) (and to be fair every d4dj girl is kind of pathetic i think every single one of them had at least one pathetic looking card)
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Rika is like the life of the party, she's the d4dj sun coded character tm. and ironically, while she may look "dumb" on a surface level since "haha extroverted and easily excited impulsive character", id actually say rika is not only one of the most compassionate characters as well as one of the smartest ones in d4dj. she constantly takes job gigs as EVERYTHING: cashier, flyer giving, babysitting... and while we still don't know much about her story, it was through one of her gigs that we got to start getting glimpses about her past and how she felt bad she couldn't keep in touch with one of the other characters in the game (tsubaki) and always guilt herself over that: because she cared for tsubaki, because, since tsubaki was always shy and more closed off, rika wanted to help her grow as a person and make more friends, but as time went on she grew more distant. this is something that heavily impacts rika through her life as, because of that, she always tries to help others, SPECIALLY those that seem anxious (saori herself) or lonely (m4 christmas story) and this is something that she herself admits to: rika, sometimes, may care more for others than herself. she's an extremely lovely character and i love her sm vkngkgjfkcjr
Marika (brown haired one) has. so much going on. from the top of my head i think there are three events that heavily focus on her and her story: first the dalia + marika relations, then the merm4id theme part event, and finally the towa + marika relations. Marika, since she was very young, has worked as a model with her mom's support and has made it her goal that she wanted to be an actress. Because of that, she had a hard time on school as she decided to mostly focus on her jobs and career, being excluded by other students who saw her as someone "too high" even if marika herself wished for friends. however, even in the future, marika was constantly told that she'd never make big: that she should stay as a model because she could never become an actress, which caused her to lose all confidence in herself to follow that path up til the dalia + marika relations event, where dalia helps marika and encourages her to keep following that dream while not letting others get to her. this led to the most recent marika focus event (towa relations), where she got an acting gig alongside towa, however, with a director that constantly kept harassing her and trying to get with her, promising that this way she'd have a guaranteed career. through the whole story towa tried telling marika to back off but she brushed it off, saying that this was necessary for her to get big in the industry but letting it very clear she knew what was happening was bad and she shouldn't submit herself to such a thing. in the end towa stands up for marika and exposes the director which makes even more girls that worked with him to come out, which showed us marikas willing and passive nature even more than what we already knew: while marika is smart enough to trick others into getting what she wants and tease others (d4fes2 card with muni where she tricks her into using another product so marika could get the one she wanted, which was the last one, and d4fes1 (?) card with aoi where she jokes about aoi and tsubaki marrying, breaking aois cool and composed facade for the first time). marika is a really complex character behind just "refers to herself in first person and calls herself cute plus being into fashion and a model uwu " and i also really enjoy her character sm,,
Saori (purple haired one, the dj) is an anxious little mess and she's like my mipy i love her SO much. I don't think we ever really got much backstory on her, sadly??? maybe the rika + saori relations but i don't really recall much,,, what you have to know is that she's THE failgirl ever and, even so, is liked by literally all d4dj characters. she was literally scared of dj-ing at first since she had no practice with it and boom merm4id is still my favorite unit song-wise.
dalia....... <3 she's a professional dancer and really into exercising. also she can break many boulders. she's strong. however, it was shown in the marika relations that she has a hard time with others, specially looking at them, because she was constantly told her eyes were scary and this caused her to get self conscious of her looks, which is why she initially didn't want to model with marika: she was afraid she was scary and wouldn't be able to pull it off well. she works as a bartender (which tbf all of m4 have a side job. aka every job ever - model - maid - bartender) and, ironically enough, is terrified of ghosts. she's a v lovely character and i love her sm, specially when she breaks the cool and confident facade vmnvkgjfjckjd,,,
tldr stan merm4id and stream love bite on youtube they're so silly and i love them
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reira-layla · 2 years
Birthday Sex
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Shigure Sohma x Akito Sohma
Mature conent
Plot: Exactly what the title says
The night had been far more eventful than she cared to admit. She had embarrassed herself. It was fortunate that Hatori was around to stop her from doing something reckless. After vomiting several times on the ride back home, Akito was finally sobering up. 
"I hate you so much. I knew this was a bad idea," she said to Shigure, looking down at her hands. Akito had known better but had wanted to make Shigure happy by agreeing to go out that night and now she was a mess. The new dress smelled of vomit, her hair was tangled, and her mascara was streaked all across her face. However, she had to admit that this certainly wasn't the worst birthday she’d ever had. Sure, she got shitfaced and made a fool of herself while idiots cheered her on, but it was nice to have other people around on a day that had always been special to her. 
"You hate me now, but you won't once I give you the best birthday sex of your life. You had fun. I can tell." He couldn't hold back his laughter. Although she would never admit it to him, Shigure could sense that losing her inhibitions for a short amount of time had truly made her happy. Although it had been over a year since the curse broke, Akito was still sheltered and anxious when it came to the most basic things.
"For the record, you look beautiful, puke stains and all," he said with a smirk. "Definitely a night to remember as I'll always remember you vomiting all over Haa-san's shoes. It made me love you just a little bit more." She couldn't help but smile. Akito felt bad about Hatori's shoes, but at least it would make a good story to tell their children someday. 
Still feeling a bit uninhibited, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close, almost pulling herself onto his lap. "Let's make a baby," she whispered in his ear. More laughter left the lips of her lover. Why did he always think everything she said was funny? "A baby?" She nodded. "After the wedding, of course. I just like the idea of us creating something together." It was something they'd never spoken about before but it had been on her mind ever since the night they'd gotten engaged. "If you want that, I want it, too. We'll even start practicing tonight." Akito could feel her inner walls tighten at the very thought of having him inside her. They couldn't get home fast enough. 
When they'd finally arrived home, they both hurried out of the car, eager to rip each other's clothes off. It didn't matter if she looked and smelled like a mess, all Shigure could think about was fucking her. He'd been waiting all night and he knew she had as well. Taking her in his arms as soon as they reached their room, he immediately started taking off her dress. Taking one nipple in his mouth, he fondled the other with his hand, causing her to moan. She loved having her nipples sucked and he loved sucking on them. 
After a moment, she got down on her knees and unzipped his pants, pulling them down until his entire lower half was naked. "I love you," she smiled up at him before taking his cock into her mouth. Pressing her lips firmly around it, she bobbed her head as she sucked him hard. His moans were loud and feverish. Twirling her tongue around his cock, she then placed her tongue on the tip, using that to push him out before taking him back into her mouth. Pale hands reached up to grab her lover's ass, pulling him even deeper into her mouth. His hands gathered her hair, pulling it slightly so she'd be forced to look up at him as she mouth fucked his cock. Their eyes met and she looked up at him lovingly. This was a sight he wanted to see for the rest of his life. "You'd better stop. I might end up losing control and cumming all over that pretty face."
Purring at his words, the petite brunette pushed his cock out of her mouth one last time before pushing herself back onto the futon. Her eyes never left his, making the moment even more intense. He removed the rest of his clothing before sliding between her legs. With his teeth, he removed her panties, his teeth grazing against her bare skin.
His mouth made its way back to her pussy. He licked her clit once before he began to suck on it, reaching up with one hand to play with her nipple. "Shigure…ahhh" Hearing her moan just made him even more determined to please her. Two fingers slid inside her, pressing firmly against her g-spot as his mouth sucked her clit even harder, causing her to cry out in pleasure. The maids probably heard them but that didn't matter. Rigorously, his fingers worked hard to hit the right spot, his tongue now moving further down near her opening. "So wet…" He observed as he took both fingers out and licked them before replacing them with his tongue. The pleasure was too much. Akito felt herself losing control, giving every ounce of control to Shigure. 
"Don't cum yet." It was the first time he'd been serious all night. "But I have to… please." This was a new kink they'd recently discovered. Orgasm denial had spiced up their sex life in the best possible way. "Please… don't tease me. I need you inside of me," she said, weakly. Her body desperately wanted release but he wouldn't allow it. She had every intention of paying him back once he was inside her, ready to burst. 
Without having to be told twice, Shigure kissed his way back up to her neck before sliding his cock into her, causing her to arch her back and let out a loud moan. Roughly, he pounded her insides, causing her to cry out in pleasure yet again. Akito loved rough sex and he was happy to oblige whenever she asked for him to be rough with her. "Shigure… I can't. I need to. Right now." His hips continued to move against hers as she kissed her neck. "No, not yet." It was nearly impossible to hold back her orgasm any longer. Gripping onto the futon under her, she wrapped her legs tightly around him as she climaxed, rocking her hips with his as she rode out the wave of pleasure.
"You've been a bad girl, Akito. I'm willing to let it slide given that it's your birthday." He sounded stern and that just turned her on even more. Her pussy walls tightened around his cock, pulling it in even further. Now it was his turn to be denied his orgasm. She could see it in his eyes, he was getting close. "Don't you fucking dare," she whispered. There was venom in her tone, sending a chill down his spine. He sighed in frustration, still pounding into her. "Deeper," she whispered, using her legs to push him further into her. 
"Can I cum? I want to fill you up to the brim." Their eyes met and she could feel herself tighten around him once more. Although she wanted to deny him yet again, the thought of him filling her up sounded incredible. "Yes…" With that, Shigure emptied himself inside of her, truly filling her to the brim as he'd said he would. 
Both lovers lay holding onto each other. "I love you. I love you. I love you," she said with a huge smile on her face. It was a genuine smile, the kind that he'd do anything to see. "I love you. I hope you had a good birthday. I know it started off rough, but that was incredible. I'm looking forward to doing it again in the morning" She chuckled, wrapping her arms tighter around him. "You can fuck my hangover away." Gentle kisses on his neck caused him to moan, holding her even closer. This woman was what he lived for and loving her seemed to be his life's purpose. Silently, he thanked the universe for December 27th, the day his life changed forever. 
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