#...and now I kind of want to write about the emotional state of worrying walking through people. WHAT does that LOOK LIKE?
sreidlvewrites · 3 days
terffied , aaron hotchner
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aaron hotchner x fem!reader <Reader gets scared >.
( word-count ) 1.5k
Hotch has been talking about getting jack all week , Jack is in Atlanta, Georgia with his mother, Hotch gets custody of Jack he leaves to get him this evening..
Waring none really just blurb in current events reader gets scared.
A/n .. I would love feedback an any likes reblogs are really appreciated it thank you
This is my official fic for Aaron Hotchner , This hits home pretty close right now they say write with your heart write about current events in your life I understand if this doesn’t get the attention I’m hoping for with love likes epic , but I’m stepping out of my comfort zone I love Hotch with all my heart an wanted someone to feel this . I don’t know anyways here we go .. so nervous right now
Thanks for allowing me to step out of my comfort zone .
💌My first official Hotch fic 💌
A/n I’m scared ..
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“A Tropical Storm Warning as issued for the following states , Atlanta Georgia Florida Tennessee” , the list kept going , Hotch told the team he was gonna head on to get Jack , You were at home Hotch stops by to see you on his way out to get Jack , He calls you Hey I’m on my way over , Everything ok you say ya he says he’s voice a Little shaken , A knock at the door it’s Hotch , You open the door , You let him in . I know you say you’re heading out to get Jack , You run up to Hotch , He opens he’s arms to give you a hug , you too were not dating yet but he needed to see you before he left , he felt at ease with you . Jack will be happy to see you you tell Hotch as he turns to walk out the door , Hurry back you say safety we need you both home safe you say , I know Hotch says .
Hotch takes the Jet to get , Jack . He should be up in the air by now you thinking.
You send Hotch a message.
It’s 2:35pm
“Let me know when you safely land .
You send the message.
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You hear Except Heavy high Dangerous winds , Heavy Rain In the next few hours The news , List of the states again , You mute the tv , Garcia calls You answer Hey you say softly, Hey love she says Everything ok you ask her .? As far as I know , I was Just checking on you , Were at the BAU if you wanna come down , Come to work on my day off you say softly ya she says it beats waiting to hear from Hotch all by your self she applies, Good point you say On my way you say ..
You check your phone for any messages no messages You sigh, you grab your stuff to head out to work , Garica had a good point you said cause not knowing if Hotch is ok is driving you nuts .
You head to the BAU , you stop to get Everyone’s favorite coffee on the way and you get some Croissants in donuts for everyone. Let’s face when you worry you stress eat .you have all kinds of emotions right now .
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You get up to the FBI building, You head in you got everything in your hands , You get to the lobby in get to the elevator press the six floor to the BAU room , everyone is around the table , playing scrabble , Hey Love Em says hey I brought coffee it’s got each of your names on it , bright Croissants in donuts oh donuts Spencer says he grabs he’s coffee an a donut thanks bestie he says you giggle no problem Spence . You’re a life saver Garica said .
What we playing scrabble JJ says you wanna join , I’ll set this one out you say . Any word on Hotch Em says not yet you say Derek said he should be getting close since he took the jet . That’s what I thought you said , I told him to message me when he made it safely I’m nervous , What if the power lines got knocked down were he landed an he couldn’t let us know he made it ..
It’s 4pm
💬 message to Hotch .
Hey Just checking in , Did you make it in okay?
Derek hey baby girl I’m sure your man is fine , He smiles .
You surge Derek .
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It’s 5pm
You guys are watching the news the jet shoulda made it by now Derek and you say .. A Tornado Warning has been issued for the following, you say damn it they can’t catch a break ..
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📞:Hotch …
Your 📞 : Ringsits Hotch
📞: Hey you say softly, it’s good to hear your voice he said , Are you ok you ask him , Ya were fine .. I miss you Hotch you say miss you to we’ll be home soon , it’s crazy over here the phone cuts in and out you lose the connection . “Damn it you say “. Hey at least we know he’s ok Spencer says .
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You in the team decided to camp out at the office , until Hotch made it home safe . “Derek checks in on you , How you holding up , it’s almost 8pm you guys hadn’t heard anything from Hotch yet since at 5pm , “You should get some sleep Derek points out no You Say raising your head sleeps overrated I’ll sleep when he’s home .
You really care about him don’t you “Em asks you , yes don’t you yes we all do , but you me ,what you say . I think it’s deeper connection with you towards him , you’re into him “Em says , maybe you say but he’s not gonna see me that way , we just become very close you say , I’m not judging Em Says I was just curious I guess .
Garica they would be cute together , I agree Em in Spencer says I think they might be already together without realizing it Derek says . No we’re not you say , JJ come on guys stop teasing her .
You messaged Hotch
💬: Hotch
Hey , I hope you made it to Jack .
Just thinking about you, please stay safe . The team is at the office.
You in the team had passed out ..
Hotch comes in with Jack , he lays Jack on the couch ,
He heads over to your desk , Rubs your back, Hey Love I made it back home , Hotch you say softly where’s Jack over there on the couch asleep, you smile , you get up to give Hotch a big Hug … I’m so glad you made it home safely, He goes I told you I would ..
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I hope you enjoy this ..
Love you guys
K 💌
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"Some days I just don't worry - I let it walk through me" Sir, I'm sorry, but despite your intentions, that sounds violent and haunting and despondent and I don't know what it means but I am COMPELLED–
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ceesimz · 3 months
I'm a Star, How Could I Not Shine?
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This is just a lil soft blurb I got the idea to write tonight, I still have my other story in the works and I'm loving creating it :)
Life was hardly fair, that much you knew. But it seemed like the last few months had been especially harsh on your girlfriend. And it was a hard watch, almost agonising to see her come home a shell of her true self everyday.
Today, though, it reached its peak.
Work was being a lot kinder to you; you typically had a lighter load than Alexia but the past few weeks had kind of been a breeze, you were promoted to a new branch and it was a dream to be there. So, as you watched on from the sidelines as the media tore Alexia apart, inventing new reasons to needlessly hate on her, you were doing your best to make life at home a safe haven for her.
Today was Friday, and your plan was to come home from work and get all the chores out of the way, before ordering food in so that there was as little as possible for Alexia to have to worry about. Maybe you'd run a bath for her, give her a massage, or let her have some alone time before falling asleep with your chest to her back as you ran a hand softly through her hair.
What you weren't expecting, however, was to find a familiar figure in a black tracksuit curled up on the sofa, soundly sleeping.
You froze in the doorway, unsure what to do next. The first thing you thought was just how much the sight concerned you. Alexia wasn't meant to be home for a number of hours yet, her day was filled with meetings after she'd had training in the morning. Tie that in with the fact that she was adamant in never taking naps, ever, as well as how she always followed her schedule to the second, and your body was wracked with worry from head to toe.
Long story short, this only alluded to unimaginable things consuming her right now. You didn't even want to think about it. If it hurt you this much, and you weren't even the one experiencing all she was, then god only knows how she's feeling. Hopefully you can coax it out of her.
Instead of disturbing her right now, you backed out of the room and headed towards the kitchen. Once in there, you off-loaded your bag and your jacket onto the dining table, before opening your phone and putting in the order for dinner. Then you took a moment to compose yourself, to come up with a way to approach the delicate situation currently festering in the lounge of the apartment.
Alexia could wake up and be in one of either two moods: she doesn't really want company as she needs time to process what's pacing through her mind, or, and you're not sure if you preferred this one or not, she'd be in such an utterly wrecked state of mind that she would just melt into your arms and unload weeks, if not months, worth of bottled up emotions. You knew the latter would happen at some point, but you definitely didn't think it would come about so soon.
Really, this wasn't how you expected the night to go, you just assumed that Alexia would complete her work day before coming home, speaking very few words for the rest of the evening. It wasn't out of displeasure, it was how she processed things. Until the pressure built up inside her and exploded, she would keep pretty schtum about how things were going for her, and no matter how much you tried to shake her out of these habits, it was just something about her you had to deal with.
But now, with somewhat of an idea built up in your head, you slip your shoes off and put them on the rack by the front door, and walk back towards your sleeping girlfriend. As you get closer to her, you spot the scowl to her brow and slight frown on her lips - even as she sleeps, she still can't catch a break. She looks perturbed and uncomfortable, like there's things she can't quite shake off, and it breaks your heart.
With a gentle hand on her shoulder as she sleeps on her side with her face slightly covered by her hood, you gently nudge her.
"Hey, Ale, wake up. It's me, wake up." You whisper, leaning down to place a kiss on her temple. At the affectionate touch, she jolts awake, breathing a little heavy. "Hey, it's only me."
"Oh." She muttered, rubbing her eyes and sighing. "Por qué estás aquí?"
"I just got home from work, it's half four." Wrong thing to say.
She sits up in shock, looking at you agasp, her stomach churning with dread. She never missed meetings, she never missed any kind of work, period.
"Mierda. Lo siento, tengo que irme, ahora." Alexia jumps up and rushes to grab her keys from the kitchen, but you grab her hand and stop her. "No, amor, I-"
"Ale, take a breath. Slow down." You say, standing up and taking her other hand. Her eyes are everywhere but you, her body language is tense and radiates anxiety. "Look at me. Hey, mírame, Ale."
"Amor, you do not understand, I am missing a meeting ri-"
"No, you are here with me, and you need to take a minute. Just a minute, if anything. Please." You plead, dropping her hands to cup her face and get her to look at you. "Sit down with me, relax for a moment. I won't hear otherwise."
A reluctant nod later, she sits down with you on the couch, though she perches on the edge like she could take off any second. You don't doubt that she won't.
"Sorry." She states a quiet moment after, her hands coming to cover her face as she sighs heavily yet again.
"For what, Ale?" You ask, shuffling closer to her side and draping an arm across her shoulders. She shrugs, making you frown, so with your free hand you delicately turn her head to face you. "Take the day off. Anyone can see you need it."
Her nod isn't so hesitant this time, and that's terrifying in itself. The ease in which she agreed to skiving the rest of her schedule is so unnerving that you're not entirely sure where to go from here. You were expecting more of a fight, expecting her to be hard work for the night, but here she was just giving up in front of you. Near enough relinquishing her role as if it wasn't such a mental battle for her.
At her agreement, you tug her into you and she follows easily, resting her forehead against your collarbone and breathing out shakily.
"Let me look after you tonight, Ale. You don't have to apologise, not for anything." You whisper, scattering light, caring kisses across her cheek.
You pull down the hood of her jumper and, finally, see the full effect of what the month's brazen nature has done to her. The bags under her eyes are more prominent than ever, there's a permanent frown line etched onto her forehead, and she's a worryingly grey colour. Her face gives off a perturbed look, and to be honest you didn't think it was possible to be able to visibly see the aftermath of a mentally degrading few weeks.
Right now, it seems like sleep is the best option for her. And fortunately for you, and for Alexia, the restaurant you ordered from won't deliver your dinner for another forty or so minutes. It's a small miracle you'll happily take at this time, and if Alexia was in the right mind she'd probably laugh, because the wait time normally drives you crazy. You've never been more grateful for it though.
"Why don't you sleep some more? I got us some food, it won't be here for a while yet and I really think you need the rest." You suggest, tucking a few wisps of hair behind her ear.
"You... you will stay here?" She questions in such a childlike manner that it splits your heart in two.
"Yes, I'll be right here, Ale, I promise. I'm not going anywhere, ever." You tell her, and that's when she meets your eye. The look she gives is devastating, it's filled with all sorts that would take you the rest of the night to unpack. And, quite frankly, Alexia isn't ready for that.
You urge her to lay down just like she was earlier, except this time you take the place by her head and let her rest it on your lap. It's now that you're carding your fingers through her hair, not in your bed. It's now that Alexia finally breaks, as sniffles sound through the room sporadically.
"Tan cansada." She uttered, almost unintelligibly, as she covers her eyes with her hand and buries her face in your stomach.
"It's okay. You can relax now. It's just us here, and you're safe. You're gonna be okay." You reasurre her, and you mean it with every ounce of your being. How could you not, when the light of your life has been dimmed by clouds of disdain from people who aren't even aware of the joy she brings you?
Alexia may come across as a force to be reckoned with, but after all, she's just your Ale, the one that cries at animal shelter adverts on TV and smiles like a fool at the little things like when you bring home her favourite snack as a surprise one day. She's a sensitive soul, but that's what you love about her. Everything she does, she does it with her whole heart, and you'd sooner be six feet under than to let your love for her go untold.
"I love you, Ale, and I'm really proud of everything you do. Everything."
"Even when I am not strong enough to go to one meeting?" She mumbles insecurely, stealing a glance up at you with one eye.
"Especially then. You are strongest in your weakest moments, when you're afraid to ask for help but you do it anyway. So, I'm always proud of you, and I always will be. I swear by that."
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
I saw your post about poly marauders x reader inspo. What about angst and fluff where the reader is working really hard and doesn't take care of herself? She ends up fainting, hitting her head and having a seizure. (This is common for me.) The boys freak out and rush her to the infirmary. Maybe they take her back after she's given the all-clear and take care of her.
Working Hard // Poly!Marauders x Fem!Reader
A/N: hello, thank you so much for this request! I hope I've been able to write the information about seizures ok, I personally don't have them so was worried I'd get the information wrong but hopefully, this is alright!
Tags: angst, fluff, fainting, head injury, seizures, not looking after yourself, anxiety/crying, emotional hurt, protective marauders, cuddling/kissing etc.
Words: k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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The library was fairly vacant of students as it approached the evening time, not that you’d noticed. At one swift glance, anyone could have seen the state of disarray that you were in. Ink stained your fingers and clothes, the whites of your eyes were bloodshot and dry from the lack of blinking, sweat on your brow and hair unkept from the number of times you’d brushed it out of your eyes.
Not to mention the disorganised surroundings you were sitting in with multiple stacks of books covering the desk space with different length parchment paper, ink pots and a single quill also messing up the area.
“How long has she been like this?”, Sirius asked Lily, concern etching deep into his face as he’d just arrived at the library following his day of lessons. Lily briefly looked up at Sirius with the same look of worry on her face from where she sat at a different desk, having been there most of the day just to keep an eye on you as she knew you were slowly spiralling into madness.
“She’s been like this since this morning. I’ve tried to convince her to have a break but she just wants to finish the work. I’m kind of getting worried about her, she hasn’t stopped in hours and keeps pushing my glasses of water away saying she’ll have it later but she’s yet to have any”, Lily explained to Sirius who was now clenching the strap of his school bag so tightly in his hands that his knuckles turned a ghastly shade of white.
“Thanks, Evans, I’ll stay with her don’t worry”, Sirius explained, patting his friend on the shoulder as she stood, having packed her bags ages ago but was reluctant to leave you on your own. “If you see Moony or Prongs, could you tell them where we are please?”
“No worries, I hope you can get through to her”.
Sirius sighed, shaking his head hard enough that his shoulder-length, silky hair flew in all directions as he walked over to your desk. You didn’t so much as flinch when the chair next to you scrapped along the stone floor as he dumped his bag onto the floor.
As he began to talk to you, he kept his voice calm, not wanting to frighten you out of the deep focus you were in. “Darling? Is everything alright?” When you again didn’t respond to having heard his arrival, he reached across and took the quill out of your fierce grip. This snapped you out of your trance as your head whipped in his direction, body jumping in a startle at finding one of your boyfriends casually sitting next to you. Your heart was already racing before the jump scare are you looked between Sirius and the quill you so desperately needed.
“What are you doing? I’m not finished my work yet Sirius and I am not in the mood to mess around, I just want to get it finished”, you demanded to him, reaching out with a trembling hand that had Sirius’ worries increasing.
“What was the last time that you even ate anything? Or had a drink of water?” Sirius asked whilst continuing to hold your quill out of your reach.
Shaking your head in annoyance, you shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t know, a couple of hours ago maybe, I can remember. Now please, can I have my quill back!”
Sirius looked at the mess on the desk surrounding you, “Honey, this assignment isn’t even due for another week. You’ve got plenty of time to finish it another day but you need to look after yourself. Let’s have a little break, maybe go and get something to eat and drink and then depending on how you’re feeling, we could potentially finish this later”.
The marauder spoke calmly and slowly, taking in all the signs of your declining health. There were only a few occasions where you had been like this, neglecting to look after yourself and it usually ended with you crying from exhaustion or sleeping a whole day away feeling ill so he needed to be a good protector and make sure this didn’t get any worse but he feared that it was already at that stage anyway with how reluctant you were to listen to his advice.
“No, you aren’t listening to me! I don’t need any of that right now, I just need to finish this today because there’s still the potions assignment due in two days and I need to plot this week's stars for astronomy. There’s also the herbology that I haven’t even started yet so I don’t have time to go for your breaks! Just give it back to me Sirius!” As you were beginning to raise your voice, you caught the attention of the handful of other students who were studying. Sirius didn’t react to being shouted at, especially as it was never something you’d done before, he knew he was getting to the point of no return and was unsure just what it was that he was supposed to do. Let you carry on? Force feed you a snack and make you have a break but then would that anger you more?
Thankfully backup had arrived in the form of Remus and James. “What’s going on here?” the taller Marauder asked, his scarred face flicking back and forth between Sirius and where you were glaring at him.
“We were just about to have a little break”, Sirius began to explain with caution but you were quick to interrupt.
“No we aren’t Sirius! I’m fine, just let me continue other I’ll forget what I’m going to write!”. You were breathing heavily now, like you’d just run up a flight of stairs and Sirius couldn’t tell if it was because of your anger or just another symptom of how worn down you were getting.
It looked like you were close to a panic attack with the way you were reacting irrationally and the two Marauders that were standing took a protective step forward, placing their bags onto the floor.
“My Love”, James spoke carefully, “just take a deep breath for us, okay? We’ll just have a small break and then we’ll help you finish this assignment”.
Your hateful gaze turned to him, “I don’t need help James”.
The way you spoke didn’t falter him in any way as he continued, “Why don’t we just quickly get a drink of water and some fresh air and then we can come back-”
“Don’t talk to me like a child James, I know my limits. I’m just studying, I’m fine, I just need to finish this, but you’re all prolonging it!” You glared at all three of them, not thinking clearly at all and when Sirius once again held the quill away from you, you snapped. “You know what? Fine. Keep the quill. I’ve got plenty more in my dormitory which luckily doesn’t let guys in so I can continue this in some peace and quiet.”
You gathered as many books as possible into a messy pile, bundling them into your arms, along with your parchment paper.
“Wait, Sweetheart, just give us a moment-”. Sirius began reaching forward as you stood abruptly.
One minute you were taking a step forward and then next, it felt like the floor was moving, your eyes unfocused as the books dropped to the floor, swiftly followed by your body as you fainted, accidentally knocking your temple on the corner of your desk as you fell.
Remus, James and Sirius all lurched forward trying to soften your fall but to no avail, as they all watched you hit your head and collapse to the floor However the panic didn’t end there as your body began to convulse, eyes rolling back in your head as you didn’t respond to shouts.
“Shit! Go and get Madam Pomfrey!”, James demanded to Sirius who was out of his chair and sprinting within a second as a crowd began to form of scared students. This didn’t stop James though as he remained calm, kneeling next to your head but holding out a hand for Remus, “Hand me your jumper”. Remus pulled the clothing over his head and handed it to his boyfriend who balled it up and gently placed it under your head. “It’s ok baby, it’s going to be ok, it’ll be over soon, you’re safe, everything with be alright”.
With each word that he spoke, he remained calm, even managing to loosen your tie so that it didn’t restrict your breathing as you eventually calmed with your convulsions and remained unmoving on the floor, breathing heavily.
“Remus, help me roll her onto her side”, he asked the man who was also on his knees next to you, looking paler than usual. He followed James’ movements until you were lying in the recovery position, your hair carefully being moved out of your face so that they could assess your head injury as well. Thankfully there was no cut or blood but the area had already begun to swell into a small bump.
Remus shook his head, trying to process anything that had just happened as he then gazed towards James. “How…how did you know what to do?”
“My mum had seizures, usually she takes some potions to stop them from happening but on rare occasions they still do so she and Dad have taught me what to do if they were to happen, It’s not like I’ve done much anyway”. James looked you over, as Remus shook his head in disbelief, feeling guilty that he hadn’t come and found you at an earlier time but just assumed you were doing your usual revision in the library.
Sirius soon arrived with Madam Pomfrey who did her own assessment and praised James for the bits of care that he provided like putting you into the recovery position. You were then moved to the Hospital wing where you remained asleep for the next 12 hours which is what you needed, lots of rest and sleep.
When you did eventually awake, the sun was just beginning to rise over the mountains and you were disorientated and confused, being in an unknown area and alone, not remembering how or why you’d gotten there.
Thankfully the Matron was already working and hovering nearby so was able to come over and explain the events that had occurred whilst making sure you drank the numerous healing potions she’d decided you needed. With each glug of the horrible tasting, colourful concoctions, you could feel life beginning to pour back into your body, no longer feeling dehydrated or shaky, however, there was still some memory loss but she explained that was the side effect of the seizure. Your stomach twisted with guilt at not prioritising your health which was also the same sentiment expressed by Madam Pomfrey as she gave you a talking too as well about looking after yourself and making sure to take regular breaks, having food and drink nearby during long study sessions.
Finally, after she declared that you were safe to leave but only if you returned to the dormitory to rest for the next few days, she explained that James, Sirius and Remus had been by your side until late at night. Each of them outright refused to leave your side but as they all fell into their own emotional and physical exhaustion, Madam Pomfrey called for McGonagall who helped to send them to their beds.
The guilt now only increased tenfold at the thought of how worried they must have been. The Matron tried to encourage you to not worry about those emotions for now, but to go and rest and that you’d need to return every morning for additional potions and investigations for the seizure.
Every step towards the Gryffindor common room, nerves bubbled in your stomach, wondering if you should follow the woman's advice and just go to your own dormitory and sleep the day away or knock on the Marauders’ room and discuss what had happened.
Thankfully for your exhausted mind, you didn’t need to decide as soon as you entered the homely common room, the three of them were already rushing down the stairs, dressed in their casual clothes and looking like they were about to run somewhere. They were all startled to see you standing there, relief and worry expressed on each of their faces, along with dark circles under their eyes from the lack of sleep.
Hating the uncomfortable silence, you nervously twisted your fingers together, glancing at the floor, unable to hold their burning eye contact anymore. “Madam Pomfrey said I was okay to leave but said I needed to get some rest”.
Another wave of relief rushed through your boyfriends as they each visibly dropped the tension from their shoulders as they stepped forward. “How are you feeling?”, Remus asked carefully, not being able to watch your nervous twitches anymore as he grabbed your fingers and linked both of your hands with his.
“I feel fine”, you answered honestly, looking guilty up at them still through your lashes.
“What about your head?”, Sirius continued the question, standing to your left and stroking the strand of hair away from the area that he’d seen hit the corner of your desk.
“It doesn’t hurt at all but Pomfrey said those sorts of injuries are easy for her to fix anyway. I um, I don’t actually remember what happened, or even from the last few days but everything else is better, my head doesn’t hurt at all”.
James was the last to approach to your right and you were thankful to see a loving smile on his handsome face as he pushed the rim of his glasses up his nose whilst asking, “And what about the seizures?”
“She said they could happen again but it was mostly triggered because I hadn’t eaten, drank or slept properly and that I needed to be careful in the future. I think it’s something that I had dealt with in my childhood as I remember my mum saying that I used to have some sort of seizures but it’s been so long that I didn’t think it was an issue anymore. She also told me about what you did James and I just… I can’t thank you enough and I’m so so sorry for putting you all through this”. Your eyes were full of tears that quickly escaped and flowed down your cheeks.
James couldn’t watch you cry and rushed to wrap his arms around your body, cupping the back of your head to hold you against his warm, firm chest. Remus and Sirius also managed to join the cuddle. The three of them didn’t expect any sort of apology from you, the anger that had been there initially for you not looking after yourself had swiftly changed to worry and fear so just making sure you were okay was their only goal.
“Shh Sweetheart, please don’t cry. We’re just glad you’re safe. You scared us so much, all I could think about last night was having you in my arms again”, Remus calmed your cries down as he kissed your shoulder, trying not to unload too much of his worries onto you.
The three of them held you for long enough that other students began to wake and enter the common room, rushing past so as to not ruin the sentimental moment. As your sobs turned into hiccups and the tears stopped staining Sirius’ shirt, the long-haired Marauder pulled away to cup your cheeks. “Come on, it’ll do us all no good crying in the middle of the common room and you’re supposed to be resting and to be honest I think we could all do with a rest so let's go upstairs”.
Wiping your nose with your sleeve, you smiled and accepted his outstretched hand, his much larger palm engulfing yours as he gently tugged you along to the boys’ room. The sight of the magically enlarged bed only increased your exhaustion as your body seemed to slump with the need to crawl beneath the sheets.
Before you could do as you wished whilst still wearing your day clothes, James stepped behind, his arms around your waist and held you for a second, swaying slightly on the spot as he dipped to kiss your cheek. “Do you want my jumper? Might be more comfortable than what you’re wearing?” he asked with hope in his voice and you knew he always loved seeing you in his clothes.
Turning in his arms and stroking your fingers through his hair to brush it out of his face you nodded tiredly, “Yes please!”
James grinned, pecking your lips before swiftly pulling his jumper off and then helping you to underdress down to your underwear and helping you into his jumper. Remus and Sirius were already down to their boxers and in bed, Sirius in the centre with his arms open and you smiled in relief, crawling over his body and settling on top of his chest. Everything seemed to fall into place as James followed behind you and lay next to Sirius, all three of their arms wrapping around you like a weighted blanket and a breath later all four of you were asleep.
When you woke next, it was because something was tickling your nose. Squinting open your eyes, you were welcomed to the sight of Sirius’ silky hair completely covering your face and his warm breath only an inch away from yours. Laughing under your breath, being careful not to wake the Marauder, you brushed the strands out of yours and his face, tucking it behind his ear.
As your fingers settled back cuddled into your chest, Sirius’ eyebrows furrowed followed by him groaning and bringing your fingers back up to his hair. You giggled louder now as you began to play with his hair and scratch your nails against his scalp, loving the sweet smile on his pretty-boy face.
“You know Pads, asking her to pet you, isn’t what I’m sure Madam Pomfrey classed as resting”, James mused from across the room, no longer by your side. Peaking open your eyes once more, you lifted your head as Sirius flipped off James who was sitting across the room, playing with his gold snitch with a pile of food waiting beside him.
“Is that pancakes?” you asked hopefully, sitting up further by pushing off of Sirius’ chest. Remus who was also still resting on the bed perked up at his, opening one eye and rolling over, his hair sticking up in all directions nearly as dramatically as James’ as he looked for the food.
“It is indeed, and there’s also toast, sausages, eggs, bacon, fruit, anything you might need”.
The four of you repositioned on the bed, leaving space in the middle to carefully lay the trays of food that James had managed to steal from the kitchens and all ate until stomachs were full and happy.
“What time is it?”, Sirius asked, still trying to wipe the sleep out of his eyes.
“Just after lunch, so we’ve only slept for a few hours but seeing as we missed breakfast I thought it might be a good idea to get some food into our systems”.
“Thanks, Prongs”, Remus said before taking another bite of his toast and looking in your direction. “How are you feeling after a bit more sleep?”
“Good, like nothing even happened, I feel like I’m back to normal”. Remus nodded at your words, giving you a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, causing you to sigh and place your fork back onto your plate that was balanced on your nap. “I know we need to discuss what has happened and I’d rather do it now instead of waiting”.
The three Marauders looked at each other, unsure of how to approach the subject before James took one for the team and spoke first. “So you said you don’t remember anything, is that still the case?”
“The last thing I remember is going to Potions on Monday afternoon which was apparently a few days ago, I don't remember anything up until waking up in the hospital wing”.
“Do you understand what’s happened though? And how serious it was?”, James continued, his usual light and laughter not present in his eyes and you had to look at your fingers holding onto your plate as you felt the intensity of his emotions.
“Yes, Madam Pomfrey explained everything and why I had the seizure. I know I hadn’t looked after myself that day, but sometimes I feel like I’m drowning in my assignments for classes and if I don’t do them as soon as they are given to me, I’ll run out of time to complete them and then I’ll fail and then they’ll kick me out of the school and-”.
A scarred, rough hand pulled the plate from your grip so that he could gently hold both of your hands, tipping your chin back so that you were looking up at him as Remus came through with his words of wisdom. “You know that’s just your anxiety talking, there’s no way they would ever kick a talented witch like you from Hogwarts. You’re nearly top of all classes, always help others with their work and get good grades on your own. But you really need to look after yourself. To even get to the point of fainting is so dangerous Sweetheart, imagine if we weren’t there when this all happened?”
It was Sirius who began talking next, “We aren’t saying you need to completely change your ways but you fought us so hard in the library to even just have a little break. From now on, maybe we should put a bottle of water and some snacks in your bag and please, if you’re studying, just give yourself a rest every hour or so, even if it's to have a walk around the library to stretch your legs. Is that ok?”
The way he was speaking to you so softly and kindly had your heart melting and you hated how quickly tears were in your eyes again. You were so thankful for them, expecting them to be angry in some sort of way but once again proving how much you loved them and they loved you.
Unable to form any words, you nodded your response towards Sirius who smiled and opened his arms for you to crawl into again, his hands rubbing up and down your spine, soothing the emotions away.
James sighed away his own anxieties, moving over to kiss the back of your head before clearing away the food, waving his wand and everything disappearing back to the kitchens. “Right, a day of relaxation coming your way my love”, he began, trying to cheer the atmosphere and already causing you to laugh through the tears. “We will be having regular naps throughout the day, and plenty of food that will be ready whenever we are, All I need to do is summon one of the house elves. We have books, Sirius record player, we could even venture down to the common room if we’re feeling adventurous. Oh! I also caught Lily on my way back from the kitchens and she gave me some fruity bubble bath that her muggle parents have sent her that’s supposed to be nice so a nice candlelight bath will be ready whenever you are Love”.
You were beaming at all three of them, “Thank you! For this and everything else you’ve ever done, thank you”.
James shifted closer so that he could peck your lips, slowly and with love. The action was repeated by Remus and Sirius as you all naturally linked together in a cocoon of warmth and safety as you all hugged each other.
“I love you”, you whispered against whichever one of their shoulders you were nuzzling into. The three of them promised their love back to you before deciding on the first plan of the day.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 2 months
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Word count: 3500+
Warnings: babies and pregnancy
Part XXX
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Tamlin was sitting on sofa enjoying beautiful sunny day from private balcony of his bedchamber. Well, your bedchamber. Since the day he married you, he felt nothing but endless happiness and joy. To him everyday was like a dream. His home used to be a cold, dangerous, unwelcoming place where his own family ignored him or threatened him. With you it changed into something he never experienced, something he never dared to even dream about. Every room and hall that held bad memories turned into his favourite place full of warm rays of sun as soon as you walked through. He couldn't believe his luck, spending every minute of every day praying and thanking to the Mother for giving him such a gift.
With one leg up on the sofa, back leaning against the armrest, he held a stack of documents in one hand, the other one rested on your waist. You were settled between his legs, back leaning against his broad chest.
You were reading a book that you found in library some time ago. It was one of his mother's favourite ones, just some romance, but you couldn't put it down. Tamlin liked to watch you while you were reading, waiting for the moment you got so engrossed in the story that you stopped paying attention to your surrounding. He loved to see how your expression changed based on what you read, showing all kinds of emotions. If he didn't have so many responsibilities, he would just sit and watch you for hours without getting bored.
Since he returned to his duties, he was very busy, sometimes even leaving estate for several days to take care of issues on borders or distant corners of the Spring Court. This Court was completely ruined and it was pretty hard to restore it back to its original state. No need to say that Tamlin decided to take advantage of this opportunity and change things he didn't like. Because not all of the traditions and rules that previous High Lords established, were good. On top of that whole Prythian was slowly changing thanks to all new young High Lords with dreams or rather visions of better future. Tamlin wanted the same for his Court. And he did really good job so far.
Villages, cities and roads between them were repaired and rebuilt, new rules gave hope to all, whether poor or rich, for better tomorrow. Hearing about all the changes, not only original inhabitants of this beautiful country had came back, a lot of new Faes decided to move in here, too.
So as could be seen, High Lord of Spring had his hands full. However, whenever he could, he spent as much time as possible with you, even when he was working. Just like now. Your presence made him feel better whenever he felt down and you did your best to support him and help him with his duties.
Tamlin put down documents he was holding, on the table that he moved closer to the sofa for this purpose and took another one. He quickly skimmed it with his eyes.
"Little rose, your brother wants to see you. He's coming today's afternoon," he informed you.
"Really?" You put your book down, looking up at him with smile. You hadn't heard from Rhys much since the wedding. You were so worried. Lately he started to at least write you more often, but his letters were hectic and none of them explained what's going on. Tamlin seemed to know something though. When you were trying to get it out of him, he just declared that he promised to not speak about it. So you could only wait for your brother to tell you the reason.
Tamlin gently kissed your forehead, nuzzling to your hair and rubbed your belly. "He wants you to officially meet someone," he breathed out and handed you the letter to read.
"Do you know who could it be?"
"I have a certain idea, but I might be wrong," he laughed. His other arm wrapped around you, tugging you closer, so he could reach your lips.
You moaned to his mouth, turning over to him. Your hand slipped down to his crotch and to the bulge you felt there.
Pulling away he sighed. "I still have a few documents that I have to go through. Tonight," he promised and pecked your cheek.
"I already can't wait," you muttered, resting your head in the crook of his neck so you could drown yourself in his rich scent.
You smiled. "Will we tell them?" you asked after a while.
Tamlin frowned. "I'm not sure. I think that we should wait a bit longer," he said uncertainly. "Until it's safe."
You pursed your lips.
"But if you want," he added quickly. "Maybe we could wait to see who they'll bring with them and then decide."
"That sounds great," you smiled, satisfied. Your husband was a decisive male as you recently found out, even harsh in some ways, and he definitely knew how to get his way. A soldier indeed. But when it came to you, he had a soft spot for you and never tried to push you into something you didn't like or want, and rather let you make your own choices.
The morning passed quickly and just as was stated in his letter, Rhysand came on time. And he wasn't alone. Feyre was standing right beside him with a small bundle in her arms. The bundle moved and small voice echoed through the hall. You gaped at them in awe. Tamlin watched you with interest with a hardly there smile.
Rhys proudly grinned seeing your expression. He took the bundle from Feyre and together they stepped closer. "Y/N, Tamlin, I'd love to introduce you Nyx, our son."
A small fist flew out of the blanket and little baby made a satisfied sound. Apparently he didn't like to be swaddled much.
"Hello," you cooed at him offering him a finger. He immediately grabbed on it and giggled. It was a lovely baby with tuft of dark fine hair and tan skin of his father, and bright blue eyes inherited from his mum.
"So this is what you were hiding," you said softly holding Nyx's hand and gently rubbing his soft skin with thumb.
"Well," Rhys suddenly got serious. "It was quite a complicated situation." The blanket disappeared and you spotted a small pair of black wings on Nyx's back.
You gasped. It was well known that it was impossible for females who didn't have at least pinch of Illyrian blood, to give birth to baby with such wings. There weren't many cases of Illyrian male choosing female outside of the camps, but when it happened and female got pregnant, it usually ended with her and baby's death.
Your eyes shot up to Feyre, looking at her carefully. She was little bit pale and tired, but otherwise she seemed to be fine.
"How..?" You couldn't finish your sentence.
"Well, it wasn't exactly easy," Feyre smiled sadly and waved her hand. "It's quite a long story, maybe we should rather skip that. It's nothing interesting, really."
"And bloody one. You almost died," Rhys grunted. Now you understood why he looked so bad when you saw him the last time. He was desperately looking for a way to save his mate and unborn child. Even if he asked you, you couldn't help them, but he could at least confide with his worries.
"But thanks to Nesta, it didn't happen," Feyre gave him a look. "She came just in time and used whatever powers she snatched from Cauldron to safe me and Nyx."
Your shoulders slumped and you turned to your brother. "So that was what worried you? Can you imagine how much worried I have been, knowing that there is something going on and you don't want to tell me about it? If I knew we could tried to help you looking for a solution together."
"I told Tamlin and asked him for help. I didn't want you to be involved in this. I didn't want to stain your happiness. After everything that happened to you, you deserve it more than anything."
"Do you think I could be happy if someone from my family died without me even knowing there was something going on?" You hissed.
Angry, you turned to your husband to confirm that he really knew about this.
Tamlin next to you cleared his throat, obviously feeling uncomfortable. "It's true. He told me the day we informed him about our engagement. I tried to help and transform the wings before the birth but it didn't work."
Feyre's brows knitted together. Apparently she didn't know that he visited Velaris and tried to save her. Neither did you.
You narrowed eyes on him. You clearly remembered when he told you that he knew what was going on in Night Court, but that he promised not to tell you. You really shouldn't be angry with him but only with your brother because it was his doing, but still you were a bit angry.
Feyre noticed the change of mood and came with different topic.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry I missed your wedding. I've heard it was beautiful and I'd love to learn more details later if you don't mind. I hope the two of you are truly happy."
"Yes, we are very happy," Tamlin was faster and answered in a reserved voice, pulling you closer to his side. He was trying to be polite and smiled at her, but you felt tips of his claws looming under his skin.
It was the first time he paid her any attention. Since they came, Tamlin didn't as much as looked in her direction. It must have been hard for him to meet her in person again after everything that happened between them. Feyre also seemed to have problems to look directly at him.
She stepped a bit forward and cleared her throat.
"It's okay if you say no, Tamlin, but could we have a word? It will be quick, I promise," Feyre bit on her bottom lip.
He didn't need to ask for permission, yet he did it anyway. Tamlin looked down at you and fingers of his hand on your hip clenched into your loose dress. You squeezed his hand, nodding. He leaned in and kissed you before he left with Feyre. Whatever it was, you hoped they could solve it and find it in them to at least forgive each other. You liked your brother and Feyre, and you'd really like for both of your families to meet up from time to time and enjoy those moments together. You watched them until they turned around the corner and then turned to your brother and small Nyx who seemed to feel so comfortable in arms of his father that he fell asleep.
"You really could have said something," you said in small voice trying not to wake up the baby, watching his lovely face.
"I'm sorry. I- I just.. I was so scared," He admitted, watching his son with love. "I couldn't even imagine loosing them, living without them. I felt that when I tell you, it'd be definite, ultimate, that there would be no hope left."
You huffed. "Why even bother to imagine such things. You wouldn't have to live without them. You would die together with them," you sighed heavily, tears stinging your eyes. The realisation of how close you were to loosing your brother suddenly hit you.
"You remember," he snorted.
"Of course, I do. You gamble with your own life. I understand why you two did what you did, but still. Imagine she would have really died with you following after her soon. What would happen with Night Court?"
At that moment, Tamlin and Feyre came back, saving Rhysand from answering. You breathed a sigh of relief when they seemed to feel somehow more comfortable in each others presence. You were sure Tamlin would tell you what they talked about later. He stepped to you, kissed you with a soft smile and his hand once again found its place on your hip.
"What are you talking about?"
"Nothing interesting, really. Just some siblings nonsense."
"I see. It seems someone was so bored that he fell asleep," he nodded to little baby, now sleeping in Feyre's arms.
You chuckled. "Do you want to tell them?"
"And you?" He asked carefully, already knowing your response in advance.
You nodded and Tamlin sighed.
"Tell us what?" Rhysand asked, always the curious one.
Tamlin just waved his hand and your scent filled the room.
"You are.." Rhys gasped, utter shock on his face.
"Pregnant?" Feyre finished for him with big smile. If she didn't hold Nyx, she would run to you and squeeze you in tight hug. "Congratulations! How far are you?"
"Well, baby is due in two months or so," you announced, smoothing your dress so they could see the rather small bump you had. Tamlin's other hand immediately lifted to your belly in a protective way. You both were worried at first, expecting that in this stage of pregnancy you would be already so big that it would be impossible to hide it. However healer assured you everything was okay and explained you that the baby was just in a very good position.
Your brother's face changed from pale to red.
"Two..? What?! So soon? Why you haven't said anything? That's your doing," Rhys spew words.
Feyre put her hand on his chest. "It's wonderful news," she told him in calm but a bit scary way. "You should be happy you'll be uncle and congratulate them, honey."
Rhys took a deep breath, thinking it over. Then he stepped closer to you and Tamlin growled. "It's my sister. I won't hurt her," he declared with narrowed eyes.
Tamlin seemingly still didn't like the idea of any male in your proximity, but he released you. Rhysand stepped even closer and carefully watching your husband, he slowly pulled you into a hug.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, for my previous reaction," he whispered to you softly. "I'm just.. surprised. I didn't expect my baby sister to grow up so soon, but I'm really happy for you and hope that everything will go smoothly. I can't wait to meet my little niece or nephew."
"Thank you," you whispered back, feeling easier, now, when even he knew about it.
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Two months later
Tamlin ran across the gardens and up the stairs taking three at a time, swearing under his breath. He knew that he shouldn't have left. Nothing would happen if he postponed the visit of the farthest point of borders where they had some minor problem with supplies. He felt it coming, but you convinced him that it would be fine and you wouldn't give birth any time soon. Not even half a day had passed since he bid you farewell and you were fine back then, full of energy. The Mother had to hate him for some reason now.
As soon as he got the message, he ran all the way back. It was a big day and he didn't want to miss it by any chance. He knew that giving birth wasn't an easy task and he wanted to be there for you no matter what.
Heaving heavily and all sweaty he finally abruptly stopped before the double doors of your bedchamber. Something was amiss. He hadn't noticed it before as he hurried through halls, but the whole manor was quiet, too quiet. There should have been some kind of commotion, maids running around, screams or a baby cry. With a bad feeling and shaky hands he pushed the doors open wide. Small healer who took care of you during the whole pregnancy, emerged out as if she was waiting behind the doors for him, startling him and closed the doors behind her.
"Milord," old fae bowed. "You are late."
He swallowed hard around the lump that rose in his throat, his heart painfully squeezed and sank down. "Late? What do you mean by that?" His voice was hoarse, thick with panic. "Where is my wife? How is she? And what about the baby?"
The healer raised her hands as if trying to calm a startled animal. "Everything is okay, Milord. Milady and the baby are both healthy and fine. They are resting now."
Tamlin breathed a sigh of relief, running hand through his hair. It took him a moment to calm down his rapid heartbeat. He was in acute need of something to lean against or at least a gulp of strong alcohol. He had never felt so relieved in his entire life.
"Let me congratulate you to a healthy baby girl, Milord," healer smiled.
"A baby girl? I have a daughter?" Tamlin's eyes filled with tears of joy. His knees buckled and he almost fell down. He had to lean against the doorframe, taking another moment to process the information. "Can I see them?"
"Of course, Milord," healer bowed again, holding the doors open for him.
Nervously he stepped in and the healer closed the doors behind him. It was so quiet inside. On shaky legs he crossed the sitting room and stopped in the alcove leading to the bedroom. The door was wide open.
You were in bed, back rested against pillows. You looked so tired, but it wasn't what stopped him. It was a sight of you holding the little baby, your finger gently caressing chubby pink cheek. You were smiling down so softly at your daughter that his breath caught in his throat and Tamlin fell to his knees, momentarily overwhelmed by the emotions. His girls. The perfect picture of you two had engraved deep into his heart. Maybe some day he could ask Feyre to paint it for him. He already knew where he would hung it: to his office so he could have you two in sight even when he had to spend some time separated from you.
That's when Tamlin felt it.
All this time he was waiting, certain that you were the one, but it never happened, not until this very moment. It didn't snap for him when he proposed and you said yes nor when he saw you in that beautiful wedding dress walking toward him, not even when you spent your very first night together. It didn't really matter whether you were his mate or not, he was already so happy with you. You already were his soulmate whether the Mother blessed you two or not.
However, all it needed, was just to see you with your baby girl in arms. The bond had finally snapped for him and his stone heart came to life, moving. For the very first time in his long life he felt his heart beating, really beating, not only its echo. It was quite painful at first and he clenched the shirt on his chest in the shock, but with every beat it slowly got better and pain soon disappeared.
"I knew it," he sobbed, tears rolling down his cheeks. "You are mine. Mine."
Finally, you noticed him and looked up. You were surprised to see him on his knees, but you smiled nonetheless. "I've always been yours. Just as you are mine."
Tamlin crawled to the bed, impatient to see his daughter. His fingers trembled as he reached out, gently squeezing her tiny hand in his.
"I'm so sorry I missed it. I wanted to be here with you." He couldn't stop the tears. The little baby in your arms whom he loved so dearly even before he laid his eye at her, immediately won his heart anew. There was no way he wouldn't love her. She was perfect, a small version of you except of the hair as he could assume by few hairs that he saw.
"You are here now," you snuggled to his side. "Would you like to hold her?"
Little girl frowned as she left her mothers arms and shifted in discomfort. Tamlin expected her to start crying, but she only looked up at him with bright green eyes, yawned and again fell asleep.
Tamlin smiled as he brought her closer to his face. She smelled like you and the baby soap he had prepared for her. Small hand came to his cheek, tiny fingers trying to find something to grip on. He offered her his finger and she immediately grabbed it. Her pinky lips curled into a smile.
"She's perfect," Tamlin breathed out, unable to take his eyes off of her. "Thank you for this gift, my love. Thanks to you I'm the happiest male that ever walked this world. I love you so much."
He leaned in, giving all his gratitude into a kiss and sending a wave of love down the bond. You wrapped your arms around his neck, surge of need to be close to him overcoming you. However, the small bundle of joy between your bodies, didn't like it a bit. The both of you laughed out and snuggling together watched your little miracle.
That night Tamlin slept a deep peaceful sleep, holding both his beloved girls on his chest close to his beating heart.
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Note: This was the last part (until I learn to write some good smut👀)of for now the longest story I've ever written. It was a long journey, but I had a lot of fun and learnt a ton of new things. Thanks to this story I also met a lot of new people here who are very kind and I'm very grateful for that. I'd like to thank all of you who stuck with me until the end. Hopefully you enjoyed it. This story wouldn't be what it is without you, your comments and questions, and your support. Thank you so much😘💕
And I very hope to meet you again in a new Eris' series🤞🥹🤞
@impossibelle @sevikas-whore @b0xerdancer @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @tele86 @mybestfriendmademe @nocasdatsgay @yunloyal @nebarious @isabiss @st0rmyt @lilah-asteria @ubigaia @paleidiot @acourtofimagines @harahettania @talesofadragon @ceoofyearning @little-nightowl
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r3linx · 3 months
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⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⁰⁰'²⁵ ━━●━━───── ⁰²'⁰⁸
╰┈➤ characters...•`GEPARD, WELT, DAN HENG´•.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ SYNOPSIS... the issues they may struggle in your 'blooming' relationship. ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WORDCOUNT... 1,4k ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WARNINGS... tw! disturbing content, gender neutral reader, obsession, manipulation, emotional dependence, overprotection, toxic relationship ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ OTHER...reblogs, likes and requests are appreciated!
a/n: i made this draft like months ago, now that i have more time to write i might get back into it. this was originally planned with gepard, welt, dan heng, il dan heng and jing yuan but in the end i managed to only write this much
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ ​​🇬​​🇪​​🇵​​🇦​​🇷​​🇩​​. 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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‘This type of yandere cares deeply for the wellbeing and happiness of their love interest, and they fear what other, crueler people with bad intentions can do to their love interest. They will be on the lookout for anything that can cause any kind of discomfort to the love interest before taking action to get rid of it. They see everything and everyone as a threat for the love interest. They will use extreme methods to get rid of other “dangerous” people permanently, and even punish and torture them for the harm they did to the love interest, even if they didn’t really do all that much.’
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you loved your job. but you loved gepard even more and that was all he needed to hear to take these steps.
"stay safe, love.." his voice was dripping from uncertainty. eyebrows forruwed at you, scanning your expression his mind was wandering towards the fact how he should stay home too, protected by the walls around you, not just forcing leaving you there. what if someone attached you while he's away or something so much worse? he couldn't bear it without him going absolutely mad.
after a few months you really got used to almost being a woman whose only income was his loving husband who would do anything for her. he told you it is better for both of you. you won't get injuries out on the front line and he won't worry himself to death about your well-being. win-win situation!
the only bad part about this was the fact that at the beginning you were against it like hell. trying to confront him physically and verbally. well, unfortunately for you, you failed with both miserably and it only made him sneakily lock the door the moment he stepped outside. you never realized. that's how he knew how the blue and purple bruises were more than enough to stop you from being reckless and escape.
not that he wanted to, but for you to learn to love him again so purely like before. He had to stop that dirty habit of his and after a few weeks he gathered all of his strenght and walked off without turning back and locking the front door.
yes, you missed being a silvermane guard, but gepard's love was enough to make you forget about your past. like why would you even want to go around and do something dangerous when he's there for instead?
standing at the entrance, leaning down he pressed a soft kiss to your temple, caressing the spot with his thumb, writing down patterns on your soft skin. whispering away a final 'love you' before leaving the house for the day and you waiting for him to returne home at the night like an obedient, good wife you are.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ ​​​🇼​​🇪​​🇱​​🇹​. 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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‘Seeking to get their love interest to react positively to their presence and to care about them, they manipulate their love interest’s feelings and world perception. Some might see their love interest as incapable of caring about them. Others might think that their love interest wants to feel “in love” or “happy” around them so they try to address their emotional state so that they frequently feel “in love” or “happy.’
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everyone seemed so.. narcissistic and greedy in the last few days. wanting everything for themselves, not looking out for you and not being at your service like he did.
welt was always there for you and not only when there was a chance to use you for their good. he was there for you in rough times. always by your side and selflessly provides happiness, hereby you finding comfort and warmness in his powerful holds every single time he held you in his arms.
“i told you.. i told you the day you arrived here, little one, you shouldn’t get too close to anyone.” you nodded. it wasn’t the first time the taller male tried to comfort you in ways like this. sometimes it worked, sometimes it just really didn’t and his words felt more like rock heavy burden on your shoulders. as if he just wanted to brainwash protect you. making you think no one wants your happiness as much as he wants it and you’re no one’s first choice, only and only his. absurd? yes it was. but now?.. once you took a closer look to your allies’ behavior it was becoming even more and more clearer day by day.
welt was indeed right. it didn’t take him the slightest effort imaginable, your love for him made you believe every single word he even just uttered under his breath. and by now, it was natural for you to search only his company. you could’ve get used to dan heng’s cold demeanor, you could’ve help march act wiser in different situations. but before you even got the chance to firstly know about their past, welt took you under his wings since the first day. and so like that, slowly and steadily something grew within him, something that simply didn’t let you out of his reach and wanted to lock you up in a cage, just like a canary, surrounded by only his love for you.
thinking it would take more effort to put it in this long process, it was actually cut really short as soon as he realized the fact that you’re willing to do almost however he wants, sharing the same feelings he has for you, only a little more nagging and you’ll do the rest of his plan.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ ​​​​🇩​​🇦​​🇳​ ​🇭​​🇪​​🇳​​🇬. 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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‘These yandere characters will give of their time, their desires, and work for whatever their love interest wants. They are willing to do almost anything for the good of their love interest and the relationship. They see self giving and self sacrifice as essential to a relationship and they, better than any other dere type, push themselves to do it more and better.’
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dark and ugly dark circkles sat in the corner of his gorgues teal eyes, making it look as hideous and ugly as it could be. staring into the void, there he sat on his ragged and used mattress. the door closed behind you, though it did in fact was silent, a new person's presence could be very noticable in the room's atmosphere, especially if the so called place was so quiet, you could hear a hairpin drop on the cold ground.
your footsteps was just mere louder but overall still hushed. His head still hung low, breathing slowly, sometimes almost as if he just forgot about it.
then out of the blue he snapped his head upwards to seeing you crouching in front of him. finally, after gently shaking his shoulders repeatedly over and over again, his attention was turned towards you just like you wanted it in the first place when you entered his room. not even a word could escape your mouth, as he practically stuffed it back in your mouth by disturbing you, thick concern evident in his voice and gaze.
"do you need something?" not even a greeting.
"no- i just wanted to check--"
"it's okay, i'm on it." he said nothing more or less, cutting the conversation short, he stood up instantly, ready to make any of your wishes come true the second they get past your lips. your eyebrows instantly furrowed, following his movement but your soft hands held him by placing them on his shoulder as soon as you knew whatever he wanted to do.
"no, dan heng! just.. calm down, okay?.." stopping him in his tracks, slight suprise was noticeable on his features. why would you even do this? why would he even need to calm down in the first place? didn't you want this? it was just irrelevant.
"i just want to help you, y/n--"
"i know."
"then-" this time you cut him off with a quick and strong embrace, without a world you put your ear on his chest, listening to his peaceful heartbeat. after standing there for a few minutes you finally turned your head to meet his eyes. he still didn't know what was going on.
"i don't need you to do everything for me, dan heng..." you already had this conversation with him, not even once but his love blinded his wision in a way that he just did it again and again. he finally nodded though considering this, it won't be soon that he'll have a good rest.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜᵒᵖʸ, ᵐᵒᵈⁱᶠʸ ᵒʳ ᵘᵖˡᵒᵃᵈ ᵐʸ ʷᵒʳᵏ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ!
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junghwcns · 11 months
Always been you
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☆ : pairing best friend!junghwan x gn!reader word count 1.2k    genre angst , best friends to lovers , non-idol au, fluff at the very end warnings not proofread , uses y/n, junghwan is kind of mean to reader in the beginning, tons of miscommunication/misunderstandings notes this is my first time writing angsty stuff like this so forgive me if it's not the best; req'd
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“Hey Hwan, can we talk?” you say as you lightly grab your best friend of several year's wrist to stop him from going up the stairs to class. 
“Oh, so now you want to talk?” He coughs out coldly.
“What?” you try your best to control your expression but you can’t help the hurt that briefly flashes in your eyes.
“Are you sure you’re not too busy with your guitar lessons with Jeongwoo? I don’t know, you two seemed really close. Maybe you should go talk to him.” he chides, yanking his wrist out of your grasp. At first, confusion and hurt clouds your mind, making it impossible for you to think about what could’ve made him act like this and then you remember. 
“Junghwan… I-” you start to say but Junghwan cuts your explanation short, not wanting to hear about your lessons with Jeongwoo. It was painful enough for him to witness it but for you to tell him about it yourself, he thinks his heart would break in two.
“Forget it. I have to go to class and you should too.” he whispers low enough for you to barely hear him and then he’s gone up the stairs. In your 7 years of being best friends, he’s never acted so cold and distant towards you and now that he has, you never want it to happen again. His few words cut like ice, making you wonder if you did something wrong or if you would ever get a chance to explain yourself. 
As the number of weeks since your encounter increases, so does the number of days it’s been since Junghwan last spoke to you. Having been friends for so long, you’ve never gone more than 3 days without talking to him so these weeks have felt like a lifetime of torture. Little do you know, it’s been torture for Junghwan as well. He had finally worked up the courage to tell you how he feels and then he sees you laughing and cuddling up to Jeongwoo? Everyone had convinced him that you liked him back and didn’t just view him as a friend but suddenly, all those words of encouragement turned into lies. How could you view him as more than just a friend if you liked Jeongwoo? He knew he had to get over you and the only way for him to do that was to avoid you at all costs. If he saw your beaming smile or heard the laugh that was music to his ears, he wouldn’t be able to let you go. So he tried his best but all he ended up doing was hurting you and himself in the end. 
my y/niee~ ❤️‍🩹 can we talk? Read 5:56 pm please? Read 5:56 pm just meet me at our spot on the playground where we first met Read 5:57 pm
hwaniee~ 💟🐶 ok.  Read 5:58 pm
When Junghwan sees you, his heart sinks. You have the hood of (his) sweatshirt that you’re wearing pulled over your head to hide your face but he can still see the redness of your cheeks and how your eyes are puffy from crying. All he wants to do is pull you into a hug and apologize but he can’t because if he does, he’ll fall right back into the routine of loving you. 
Feeling someone approach you, you look up from your seat on the floor of the playground where you and Junghwan first met all those years ago. 
“Junghwan?” you ask into the darkness, only seeing a figure that shares a familiar outline with your best friend. The figure steps into the light from the streetlamps surrounding the playground, revealing themself to be your best friend who is also in the same disheveled state as you. 
“Yeah, it’s me. Don’t worry.” His voice cracks a little as it tries to hold back all of the different emotions he feels. You gesture for him and he walks over to take a seat next to you. Once he sits down, both of you start to speak at the same time. 
“You go first.” He says, motioning for you to continue what you were about to say.
“No, it’s okay. You can go first.” You whisper awkwardly before you squeak out a small laugh.
“What? Why are you laughing?” He questions but still starts to laugh along with you.
“It's nothing... We’ve just never been this awkward before. It’s kind of funny.” You say as you burst into a full on laugh that’s immediately followed by the sound of Junghwan’s. Once the laughter dies down, you know you have to explain yourself before the tears start to fall again.
“Junghwan… I-”
He cuts you off again, but this time, there’s no anger behind it, only remorse. “No, it’s okay. You don’t have to explain yourself.”
“But I do!” You exclaim, turning away from him to hide your face. “I can’t let you think something that’s not true! When you saw me and Jeongwoo together, he was teaching me the guitar. That part’s true, but it wasn’t because I wanted to get closer to him. We were together because I asked him to help me learn a song on the guitar, a song that was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday. Jeongwoo is only a friend who was helping another friend in need.” You turn back to look at him and see his eyes, full of regret. “The idea that you think I like someone else is tearing me up inside because you’re the one I like, Junghwan. It’s always been you.” You cry out, face full of tears. 
“Oh, Y/n. I am so sorry for making you upset. I saw you two laughing together and the thought that maybe you didn’t like me filled my mind.” He sighs and runs his hands through his long, brown hair. “I had finally worked up the courage to tell you how I felt after like 7 years and then I saw you with Jeongwoo and my whole world came crashing down. I avoided you because I knew that in order for me to be happy, I would have to let you go.  I am so sorry, Y/N… for everything. For making you cry and for making you think anything other than the truth, which is that I really, really like you. It’s always been you. From day one until now. I’ve never stopped.” he says, wrapping you in a hug. “Are you cold?” he asks, pulling away slightly to look at your face.
Through chattering teeth, you admit, “Just a little bit.” Junghwan laughs but still takes off his coat and places it on your shoulders to protect you from the cold. He offers you a hand to help you up from the floor and never lets go. Not on your walk home, not once you both entered your house and sat on the couch, and not for the rest of the night. You were finally together and he had absolutely no plans to leave.
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gepardling · 1 year
what about a shy!reader confessing to gepard and him being so surprised he’s at a lost for words
unspoken heart w/ gepard.
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desc. : dis is 1 day overdue bc i was 2 busy playing league w/ friends :(( aphelios has my whole heart... but here it is <3 i erm hope i did dis 1 some justice, my mind ran away w/ me when i started writing o.o i feel like every1 has their own perception of shyness, and as some1 who considers themselves pretty shy in a romantic aspect, i had 2 lay it bare... ( wc : 1.3k )
tags / cw : sfw, just fluff, gn!reader, reader is a shopkeeper, not proofread
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The Captain of the Silvermane Guards wasn't one for frivolous pursuits. That being said, they never seemed to come his way either. It was a double-edged sword – And yes, it did hurt. To put it simply, Gepard wanted to have his cake and eat it too. Yet, as long as he never expressed genuine interest in a person (vice versa), he wouldn't budge.
There was, of course, one individual in particular who had grasped the attention of the Captain. It was nothing major, really, just another shopkeeper around Belobog. At most, he found himself stealing glances at you every now and again when he passed by your shop, whether on patrol or off duty. But staying 100% "cool" was something you couldn't quite manage.
The first few times it happened, you thought you were under investigation for tax evasion or something equally crazy. The moment you caught his eye, he would turn away and continue walking, and it was weird. Yeah, he was pretty weird. But he was also just... pretty. It was kind of embarrassing to think how easily you had fallen for the quiet silvermane guard. Each time those intrusive thoughts wandered into your mind, you had to savagely fight off the crimson blush that crept up your neck.
It only made matters worse when he started visiting your shop, actually entering and purchasing an item. You nearly jumped out of your skin when the little bell by the door chimed, revealing the looming silhouette of Captain Gepard himself. His aura was intimidating up close, his steeled gaze seemingly piercing straight through you. It made a lump rise to your throat each time you had to greet him...
Normally, you'd never have a problem working with customers. You would greet them, help them with their orders, take their payment, and thank them. You didn't really need to have any social skills for that; it was just standard workplace protocol. But for some reason, Gepard made it increasingly difficult for you to just be natural at work. You would stutter when you greeted him, almost drop the Shield he gave you as payment, and hide behind the counter for a quick moment to compose yourself every time he left.
It was frustrating, almost infuriating, how your emotions got the better of you whenever he was around. In fact, one day you were beyond embarrassed when he actually tried to have a conversation with you. It didn't help that midway through, he asked if you were feeling unwell because of how red your face was becoming, even encouraging you to go home and get well soon. He was none the wiser about your true feelings, of course, which made you feel both relieved and anxious.
Over time, you came to realize that you must be attracted to him, which didn't do your mental state any good. It completely shattered your resolve each time you saw him from that point onwards. Your hands would shake ever so slightly, and you could barely conceal the tremble in your voice whenever you spoke to him. Though you appreciated the lingering conversations that grew longer with time. It was safe to say that you had grown accustomed to seeing the Captain’s face every day.
Yet, while you were comfortable with the way things are now, people tend to stagnate if they keep doing the same things all the time. The worry that Gepard would grow distant again before you even had the guts to tell him how you felt gnawed at your heart, and the whole situation made you feel anxious, to say the least. The feeling only worsened when he started visiting less and less, and the confidence you'd somehow managed to build up in your comfort zone dissipated before you. 
The rollercoaster of emotions had you feeling a little silly about your seemingly one-sided infatuation with him, and your own reluctance to confront him with your feelings merely heightened your awkwardness. The harder you fell, the more absentminded you seemed to become as a coping mechanism for the crippling shyness that threatened to envelop your being. But your own absentmindedness was about to bite you on the arse the very next time you met with Gepard at the shopfront. 
While you were ringing up his goods, Gepard started a light conversation. It was nothing serious, just some basic how-are-you banter between acquaintances. He told you a bit about the situation on the frontlines and how busy it had gotten lately with a spike in fragmentum activity.
"You know," your voice trailed off, gaze fixated on the Shield you were counting in your palm. "You should take care of yourself out there, I miss seeing you here." As soon as the words left your mouth, you froze up entirely. The heat in your cheeks rose exponentially fast once you realized Gepard’s own wide-eyed expression. Overwhelmed by the accidental confession that slipped past your lips, you found yourself stumbling over your words, desperately trying to salvage the situation. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, a torrent of thoughts racing through your mind. 
How could you have been so careless? The fear of rejection loomed over you, and you wished for nothing more than to disappear into thin air. Gepard's stunned expression mirrored your own internal turmoil. His usually composed demeanor faltered for a moment as he searched for a response. The silence hung heavy in the air, and the weight of your confession seemed to press down upon you, suffocating any semblance of composure you had left.
As you fumbled to correct yourself, the words tumbled out in a jumble of awkward phrases and incoherent ramblings. Your mind raced, desperately trying to find an escape from the overwhelming embarrassment that had engulfed you. But there was no way to take back what had been said, no way to erase the vulnerability you had just laid bare. Gepard's silence wasn't doing you any good either, and you were just about to excuse yourself before you melted into a puddle on the ground.
Gepard's eyes softened, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His hand reached out, lightly brushing against yours as he accepted the change you had hastily pushed into his palm. The simple touch sent a jolt of electricity through your veins, momentarily distracting you from your own embarrassment.
"It's alright," he said, his voice a soothing balm to your frayed nerves. "I appreciate your concern, and I've missed seeing you too." His words were laced with a tenderness that sent your heart aflutter, a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos of the moment. You stood behind the counter, heart still racing as you attempted to come to terms with what just happened. You blinked several times, but Gepard remained standing in front of you, confirming that he was in fact not a hallucination.
"I- uhm… I mean- No, err… Thank you for supporting us!" you rambled on, "Our shop, I mean, not us like, people, that would be silly…" All the while your eyes desperately searched the room. Your nervous laughter chimed through the shop, and by this point you've caught quite a few people's attention. Gepard's chuckle joined yours, and the tension in the air slowly dissipated. His easy smile and the twinkle in his eyes reassured you that the momentary awkwardness was nothing more than a shared experience, a humorous twist.
"Don't worry, I understand what you meant," he said, his voice warm and gentle. "And I appreciate your gratitude." His gaze swept across the shop, and a wave of embarrassment washed over you, realizing that your accidental confession had not gone unnoticed by the other patrons. 
Blushing furiously, you offered a sheepish smile to those around you, feeling their curious gazes upon you. This truly was a spectacle to behold, and you were sure to answer some questions regarding your behavior later. Suffice to say, this sudden turn of events was enough to leave you red faced for days on end…
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ya-zz · 1 year
hiya! :-)
can i request a rammattra, zenyatta, or genji (whoever you think fits best) x gn reader who's a cyborg with a gothic little balljoint porcelain doll appearence? maybe a little edward scissorhands-y in their mannerisms and personality (doesn't really talk much, curious and full of wonder about the most mundane things, a bit socially tone deaf, and usually seen as a creepy weirdo despite in reality being more akin to a batty puppy dog overall)?
also optional bonus heavy angst idea you don't have to include: reader admitting that they didn't actually want to be a cyborg when they technically died naturally of a chronic illness, but their ex brought them back from the brink of death against their expressed wishes and now reader has episodes where they have to grapple with the fact they're still alive and how different their body is now.
totally alright if this is too much and no worries if you don't wanna write it! i hope you have a swell day! :-D
Hooo boy, this one took a lil longer to get to, work be testing me at the moment, but anyway- I broke it up into small pieces for each character, hope that's okay!
Everything is under the cut and they all have varying word counts. The first section is the same for each, it's bold and italic.
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Your appearance was something neither three had ever seen before. They stared at you with a mix of emotions. Mainly awe and curiosity. Omnics had their defaulted looks, they all did. Each series a different kind but the same look, but you… You were unique. 
Zenyatta and Genji were talking, Ramattra sitting by his brothers side trying to ignore the ninja’s ramblings. It was supposed to be a meditation session, but of course, the ninja had other ideas and proceeded to gloat about his renewed and blossoming relationship with his brother. When you stumbled upon the three, looking helpless like a lost puppy, they averted their attention to you. 
Genji was the first to make a noise, a sound of surprise as his eyes widened while he looked you up and down. Zenyatta and Ramattra stayed silent, their orbs the only other sound in the room. When your voice broke through the awkwardness, the three men stand. 
“I don’t suppose you could help me find my way to the garden?” You asked, voice a little shaky and staticky. 
Ramattra stepped forward, offering a hand. 
“I will escort you.” He bowed his head slightly before bidding Zenyatta and his pet human goodbye and leaving the room with you following behind. 
The silence was comfortable yet Ramattra couldn’t help but wonder about you. 
“You are different from the others.” He states, not deterring from the path nor his speed. 
There was a hum in response and the omnic looks down at you. He notices you’re looking forward, seemingly in your own world as you walk beside him. 
“Do you have a name?” He asks.
He’s met with silence.
Ramattra silently sighs. Not one for conversation, huh? 
Instead of talking, he looks over you once more. The model make and number appears in his HUD, a rare and unique model and quite expensive too. One would be lucky to even afford such a delicate piece of equipment. 
He’s curious, and rightly so. Who and why? A ball-jointed omnic, no, you seem too human to be an omnic. You’re an anomaly Ramattra can’t wrap his system around. He goes back to his initial thinking; a ball-jointed omnic is wandering about the area, you look like a doll. A fully functioning toy doll. A kid would love to grasp and pull at you if it had the chance. 
He thinks for a moment. A collectors toy, that is what you look like. The larger omnic looks back over at you and it makes more sense to him, but he doesn’t speak out loud. You look like a doll that should be sitting on a shelf, encased with glass, one for people to look at. 
“You keep staring at me.” 
Ramattra shifts, looking forward again. “My apologies. I am merely curious about you.”
“You wouldn’t be the first.” 
“I will not be the last, it seems.” He huffs, looking out of the window as you both pass it. 
“No, you won’t be.” 
“Are you always this…” 
“This, what? Straight? Yes.” 
“I see.” Ramattra feels the tension in the air and stays silent. He pushed the wrong way and made you uncomfortable, but he dismisses the feeling as he pushes forward and opens the door towards the garden. “Here you go.” 
It’s like a switch had flipped instantly, your mood heightens as you practically run past him and out into the community garden. With the sun beaming down onto your arms, your face warming up, it felt like a dream. It had been too long since you had seen natural beauty and after hearing that this was the place to see it, you made your way here. 
Ramattra watches on, catching you staring at the bark on the trees, hands gently touching the ridges, feeling the coarse and damp wood. It had been raining two hours prior, the soil beneath your feet still soggy as your feet sunk into the dirt. There wasn’t a care in the world at that moment and Ramattra felt himself admiring the kid like excitement within you. 
Hey stays by the door, arms crossed over his chest as he keeps an eye on you. Hands playing with the leaves upon the tree, gently fingers grazing the flower petals. Knees and feet caked in mud, joints becoming sticky and grinding against each other, but you did not care. 
This… This is what you came here to do. To be free, to study… To be yourself.
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Your appearance was something neither three had ever seen before. They stared at you with a mix of emotions. Mainly awe and curiosity. Omnics had their defaulted looks, they all did. Each series a different kind but the same look, but you… You were unique. 
Zenyatta and Genji were talking, Ramattra sitting by his brothers side trying to ignore the ninja’s ramblings. It was supposed to be a meditation session, but of course, the ninja had other ideas and proceeded to gloat about his renewed and blossoming relationship with his brother. When you stumbled upon the three, looking helpless like a lost puppy, they averted their attention to you. 
Genji was the first to make a noise, a sound of surprise as his eyes widened while he looked you up and down. Zenyatta and Ramattra stayed silent, their orbs the only other sound in the room. When your voice broke through the awkwardness, the three men stand. 
“I don’t suppose you could help me find my way to the garden?” You asked, voice a little shaky and staticky. 
Genji did not hesitate at all as he practically jumped towards you. 
“I’ll go with you! Come on!” His arm wrapped around your shoulders while he escorted you out of the room and down the hallway. “So, what made you come here?” His voice was sweet and excited. You didn’t know why, but it felt comfortable. 
“I heard there was natural beauty here.” 
“Ah! The garden!” Genji exclaimed. “Yes! We would usually meditate outside but it is raining. Perhaps the rain has finally let up.”
“You were meditating?” 
“We were. Well, Zenyatta and Ramattra were, but I had news I wanted to share with my master.”
“Your ‘master’?” 
Genji nods as he walks alongside you. “Zenyatta. After a life changing altercation with my brother, Zenyatta practically took me in and guided me on the right path.”
“You’re talking about your appearance?” 
Genji nods once again and perhaps thats where it clicked with him. He felt drawn to you because you were similar to him. He could feel it. “My brother tried to kill me. Family issues and such, I won’t bore you with the details.”
You shake your head. “I was the same. Not with family, but my lover. I was on deaths door, chronic illness, I wanted to die, but he had other plans… And here I am now.” 
“Did it take awhile to get used to it? It did for me.” Genji softens his voice, tone apologetic. 
“Yes. I felt numb. My mind was there, but feeling wasn’t. I screamed, cried, shouted, anything, you name it. I didn’t ask for this.” 
“Nobody would ask for this. They should’ve respected your wishes.” His hand rests on your back, just below your neck, resting between where your shoulder blades would be. “I am sorry to bring it back up.” 
“Don’t apologise, you didn’t know.” 
There was a comforting silence as the pair of you walked through the hallway before Genji stopped beside a door. He heard the rain outside, but pushed the door open, letting the wind hit you. 
“You don’t have to go-” Before he even finished his sentence, you were already passed him, outside in the rain. Arms outstretched, face looking up, it’s like you had never been in the rain before. Genji chuckled, hiding under the shelter as he watched on. 
The ninja watched on, his eyes not leaving your body as you’d wander the garden in the rain. For once, Genji felt comfortable being around another person, someone who was just like him. Through pain and trauma, he hopes to get close to you, to know more about you, your insecurities, flaws, what makes you, you. 
He watched as you knelt down in the mud, fingers gliding over rose petals before picking up a snail that had been passing by. He chuckled once more when he watches you place it on a nearby leaf.
Time would only tell how these two would get along, but Genji hopes the feelings will become mutual in time.
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Your appearance was something neither three had ever seen before. They stared at you with a mix of emotions. Mainly awe and curiosity. Omnics had their defaulted looks, they all did. Each series a different kind but the same look, but you… You were unique. 
Zenyatta and Genji were talking, Ramattra sitting by his brothers side trying to ignore the ninja’s ramblings. It was supposed to be a meditation session, but of course, the ninja had other ideas and proceeded to gloat about his renewed and blossoming relationship with his brother. When you stumbled upon the three, looking helpless like a lost puppy, they averted their attention to you. 
Genji was the first to make a noise, a sound of surprise as his eyes widened while he looked you up and down. Zenyatta and Ramattra stayed silent, their orbs the only other sound in the room. When your voice broke through the awkwardness, the three men stand. 
“I don’t suppose you could help me find my way to the garden?” You asked, voice a little shaky and staticky. 
He approached you almost silently, feet tapping gently on the ground before he extends his hand. 
“I will escort you. Follow me.” His voice was fluid for an omnic, which was soothing to your ears. Once the pair of you had left the room, just overhearing Ramattra telling Genji to shut up, Zenyatta chuckles and guides you through the halls. 
“Do not mind those two.” He states, moving his hand as he speaks. “They have been at it like children since Genji got here.” 
He hears the hum of response and takes a moment to look over you. Zenyatta’s model wasn’t as advanced as Ramattra’s, but he could do the basic scanning of people, but you… were not entirely human. 
“You are quite similar to Genji.” 
“Which one is he?” 
“The less omnic looking one. The one who sat to the left of me.” He chuckles.
“Oh, him.” There was a short pause. “How so?”
“You have mechanics within your body. You are not entirely human, are you?” He asks, head cocking to the side. 
“I see. I will not press, I am here to talk if you want to.” He offers, tone laced with a comforting frequency that began settling the anxiousness within you. The monk pauses for a moment before continuing. “Are you here for a reason? We do not get many guests.”
“Nature. I heard stories form the village.” 
“Ah. Our garden. Yes. It is quite magnificent. Well cared for too.” He hums, nodding his head. “We have gardeners and groundskeepers in there at all hours of the day. Perhaps you may make a few friends.” 
There was a friendliness in his voice as he kept speaking. While he was doing so, his systems were wondering what had happened to you for you to be like this. The porcelaine like features of your body intrigued him, the ball-jointed appearance made you look like a doll, and while not something he had seen before, he wanted to know more. 
His thoughts stopped when they arrived at the archway, the garden just outside. He went to speak but you had already vanished into the greenery. The gardeners watched on, the groundskeepers laughing as they watched this human-omnic wander into the flower beds and bushes. 
Zenyatta sat down on a nearby bench, keeping a close eye on you. He was in complete awe of you and his systems began to work through any and all possible outcome to his feelings. He was curious, much like were in this moment.
You examined the bugs under the rocks, picking them up to get a closer look before placing them back down into the dirt. With the sun on your face, it felt like a surreal dream, one you never wanted to wake from. 
The omnic monk kept his gaze within your direction, chuckling to himself as the minutes passed by. Perhaps another familiar face wouldn’t be unwelcome here…
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bluegalaxygirl · 10 months
Hi, may I request a oneshot or whichever you feel comfortable writing with Zosan x reader reacting to their new bounties. Reader, who has one of the highest bounties, tries to cheer up Chopper and Sanji about theirs and Zoro just teases Sanji about his. Poor Chopper still has a very low one and Sanji still got that ugly picture of him on it, extra kudos if you make a smal mention about Luffy’s situation at the end!! Here’s the link if you’re interested watching the clip. Thank you soooooo~ much hun and hope you’re having a beautiful day!! ❤️❤️❤️
I'm happy too do this its so fun and i hope you like it. Also how can i not mention Luffy in a cage and Nami going super nova on him and Jinbe for trying to help the boy.
Zoro X Sanji X Reader, Poly relationship, Established relationship, reader is Female and has the ability to control the snake tattoos on her arms that come alive when she commands, they are also connected to her emotions.
Warning: Spoilers, Bad language, Violence and Fluff.
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Nami clung to you as she cried, her bounty went up but all she could think of was having that kind of money "Nami thats amazing, you did so well to get such a high bounty" You smile a little as you rub her hair "Its not fair i want that kind of money, do you know what i could do with 366 million?" The orange haired girl looks up at you her eyes streaming with tears, with a sigh you use your sleeve to wipe away her tears and run a hand through her hair to get it out of her face "I'm sorry" A mumble catches your attention looking over to see Luffy locked in a cage, his face beaten up and puffy thanks to the navigator "Please let me out" The captain holds onto the bars as you grab Nami who tries to hit him again and yell at him, you soon manage to calm Nami down and pull her to face you "Sit down and relax ok. I'll check on you later" You state patting her head and helping her sit on the railing of the Sunny, she does some breathing exercises as you walk away only to stop when you hear a whimper form Luffy "Sorry Captain but i don't want my ass beat" You sigh walking over and patting him on the head "I'm sorry" He states again but you only nod before walking away, you wanted to help him but you were scared of Nami's wrath. You hadn't had a chance to look at your own wanted poster yet since your main job now was to calm those who took their bounty's hard, you managed help calm Usopp before, who was scared about being a target because of his high bounty. The poor sniper was now sitting against the wall still staring into space but at least his eyes weren't bulging out of his face anymore.
Robin managed to calm Chopper down by giving him some cotton candy, the poor reindeer's bounty went up but it was still the lowest on the crew and the poster also called him a pet. "You ok now?" You ask walking over to the doctor who's sitting on Robin's lap and eating his cotton candy "They still called me a pet" Chopper whimpers shoving the candy into his mouth, with a small sad sigh you bed down and pat his head as Robin rubs his back "It went up a lot so don't worry too much, the government is stupid and often doesn't bother to get their facts straight, I mean poor Franky's poster just shows the Sunny" Your comment seems to make the deer cheer up a bit as Robin giggles behind him "So i'm guessing yours went up too? How much?" You ask turning your attention to the black haired woman. Robin looks up at you with a closed eye'd smile "930 million" Your eyes widen at it since its much higher than your old bounty but you soon snap out of your shock and stand up straight with a smile "Nice one robin" You cheer for her as she lets out a small laugh before reaching to grab something and handing it to you "Oh by the way i think this one is supposed to be yours but i'm not sure" With a confused look you hesitantly take the wanted poster off her and look it over, your even more confused now than you were before. The image was of your two snakes destroying a building with just the simple name of "2 snakes". You gasp a little at the bounty feeling your heart drop "What's wrong?" Chopper asks looking up form his now empty stick while Robin gives you a sad look.
You try to hide how your feelings with a small smile "It's ok... like is said the government get things wrong all the time but at least your not the lowest anymore" You smile down at the reindeer showing him the bounty poster with the price of 500 berries. The doctor jumps up in shock about to yell when someone crashes behind you, the three of you look behind you to see Zoro getting up with a growl "Bastard" Sanji yells kicking down to the floor but Zoro moves out of the way and blocks another kick with his sword. With a sigh you roll the paper up and put it in your pocket and pinch the bridge of your nose. Jinbe walks over trying to calm the two down but you place your hand on the fish-mans shoulder "What are they fighting about now?" You ask watching your two loves continue to fight, you knew it wouldn't last too long but Sanji seemed way more pissed this time. Jinbe simply hands you the two wanted posters, looking them over you smile proud of your two boys but you notice a few problems right away. The first thing that you noticed was Sanji's old image that he hates more than anything is back on his wanted poster and even though his bounty went up a lot to 1 billion, 32 million, the cook was now bellow Zoro, the swordsman's being 1 Billion, 111 million. "I'll take care of this don't worry" You hand the wanted posters back to the fish-man earning a concerned look only for Brook to walk over and place his hand on Jinbe's shoulder "Yoohoo, don't worry, she'll calm them down" The skeleton smile being very happy about his own bounty going up.
Walking over you manage to catch what their yelling at each other as they fight across the deck of the Sunny "It's not my fault your a 4th placer" Zoro laughs with a wide grin seeing the Cook glare at him and kick at his chest "I'm gonna kick your ass" Sanji yells only for you to grab his leg as he tries to kick Zoro while your other hand grabs Zoro's wrist which is holding his swords. The two look at you with a gulp knowing their in trouble with the unamused look your giving them "Shouldn't you both be happy not fighting" You glare at the two letting go of them, so they can back away form each other and rub the back of their heads "Sorry Love but" Sanji goes to say only for you to place a finger on his lips and take the unlit cigarette out of his mouth "No But's... now kiss and make up already" You sigh putting the cigarette in his pocket and patting his chest not really wanting to deal with the two's bickering, its normally very playful but you could tell the two really pissed each other off, Zoro sighs and steps closer placing his sword back on his hip "Sorry... I was just messing around... i didn't mean to upset you" Zoro rubs the back of his head looking over at Sanji who suddenly hugs the swordsman while lightly crying "They changed my picture back" The cook cry's, Zoro hugs the blonde back and rubs his back trying to sooth the man "I know honey, their assholes" You step closer rubbing Sanji's arm as Zoro nods in agreement not really knowing what to say to cheer the cook up. "But i'm proud of you two.... your bounties went up so much" You giggle hearing Sanji sniffle and pull away to wipe his eyes trying to stop himself from crying.
You reach up and wipe his cheek as he turns to look at you then Zoro "Thanks love... I'm sorry I was just so mad about my bounty picture that when you made a comment i just blew up" The cook explains looking at his hands that are resting on Zoro's shoulders. The swordsman sighs placing a small kiss on the cooks head before pulling the blonde into another hug wrapping his other arm around you and pulling you into them "It's ok" His simple words make Sanji calm down a bit nuzzling his head into Zoro's neck while putting his arm around your shoulder and running a hand through your hair "So did you see yours yet?" Zoro asks smirking down at you only for your body to stiffen feeling embarrassed by your new low bounty, the two notice turning their attention to you "Oh Love it's ok if its not as high as ours, we still love you" Sanji smiles cupping your face and kissing around your face making you giggle and try and pull away, Zoro on the other hand is very concerned looking you over soon spotting the rolled up wanted poster in your back pocket. The Swordsman grabs it and opens it before you can stop him "No wait" You yell trying to grab it as his eyes widen but the green haired man lifts it up out of your reach "Give it Zoro" You panic a little hoping to tell them in privet in case they cause a scene again, Sanji raises an eyebrow and looks at the poster his eyes going as wide as Zoro's both shocked.
You sigh giving up and put your face in your hands "The Fuck?" Zoro finally speaks his hand tightening around the paper, you were worried he would destroy it "This has to be a mistake right?" Sanji asks looking form the wanted poster to you pulling your hands away form your face "Their gonna pay for this. Those bastards" Zoro yells throwing the wanted poster aside trying not to tare it up into tiny piece "It's ok really" You state trying to calm the two down but it doesn't seem to work the angry looks are still on their faces. Zoro pulls you into him holding you close to his chest "We'll get it fixed i promise you" The swordsman had no idea how to change the bounty but that didn't matter, if he had to destroy a marine base for you he would. Sanji places a kiss on your head getting you to look up at him "Don't worry love" The cook could tell you were sad even though your trying to hide it, their comfort made you feel much better but you did hate how you did so much work and fought so hard only to end up with your bounty going way down and your name and picture not even on it. You kept thinking it must be some big mistake but you didn't find any other wanted poster around. Foot steps get your attention, looking over you see Robin carrying chopper in her arms both of them giving you a sad look "We're sorry" Chopper holds out cotton candy on a stick making you smile wide and take it "Thank you Chopper, your so sweet" You giggle as he wiggles in the Robins arms making the back haired woman giggle.
Seeing the situation seeming much calmer the new member of the crew decides to head over "I'm glad you've calmed down, nice work Y/N" Jinbe walks over with a smile bowing a little at you, rubbing the back of your head you nervously laugh not used to this kind of formality. "Is something wrong?" The fish-man asks noticing the others around you either angry or sad you jump a little and shake your head "No, no its nothing" You didn't want anymore trouble or fuss but your boys seemed to have other ideas, with his hands still on your waist Zoro growls "Y/n's bounty went down" Sanji nods placing a hand on your lower back "Those idiots got everything wrong too." The cook yells catching the other's attention wondering what all the yelling is about "Their gonna pay for this, how dare they" Zoro growls making you sigh and hand the cotton candy back to chopper so you can try and stop the two form yelling "boys please, lets not make a big deal out of this" you turn trying to calm the two down placing your hands on their chests but that doesn't stop them as they yell about how their going to tare the government apart. Jinbe tried to help you out only to get yelled at soon being pulled away by Robin and Chopper who know better than to mess with the two when their like this. Nami and Usopp look at each other hearing about your low bounty getting upset at their own reactions, both of them were upset for different reasons but at least their bounty's went up. The two nodded to each other heading off in different directions while Brook and Franky stayed well out of the way not wanting the two's anger to be turned on them.
You managed to calm the two down as best you could but Zoro was still mad "Babe, they lowered your bounty aren't you mad?" Zoro asks looking down at you his hands gripping your hips tight, it hurt a little but you just wanted them to stop so you stayed put "I am but yelling and screaming isn't going to solve anything" you calmly tell the two making them both groan in annoyance "You did so much, its just wrong" Sanji growls but you place you hand on his cheek and give him a soft smile "I know" you whisper leaning up and placing a kiss on his lips, the cook kisses back running his hand up and down your back before you pull away and turn to Zoro who leans closer "You calm?" You ask leaning back, so he can't kiss you, the swordsman sighs taking a second before nodding, leaning in you place your other hand on his check and place your lips on his rubbing your thumb over his cheek. "Urm... Y/N?" Usopp calls out standing close to the caged up Luffy holding a wanted poster in his hands. You pull away and turn to the sniper with a hum, you pause though once you see his eyes, their wide, and he's panting slightly "Usopp?" You ask concerned for your friend, Franky walks over placing a hand on the snipers shoulder to try and snap him out of what ever trance he's in while looking down at the wanted poster. A huge smile grows on the cyborgs face as he starts laughing wiping tears form his eyes in joy "What?" you yell out slightly annoyed at what Franky is laughing at.
Sanji raises an eyebrow and places a hand on your shoulder to try and calm you down as Zoro looks around wondering if they got their hands on the wanted poster he threw away but it was still on the floor. "Sorry.... i can't believe it" Franky manages to calm down as Usopp starts to shake "Your wanted poster was in the tree" The sniper manages to finally looking over at you in slight fear "My wanted poster? so that isn't mine?" You ask looking over at the paper on the floor "Dam girl, your bounty went way up..... It's 2 billion" Franky smiles wide giving you a thumb up, you gasp running over and snatching the wanted poster out of Usopp's hands. It was true, your picture was on there and your name along with the price of 2 billion berries. "What?" Nami gasps clinging onto Chopper who hugs her back shocked at the amount while the others cheer or laugh. You smile wide and hug the poster to your chest relief and joy washing over you only for two body's to tackle you, you squeak a little as Zoro and Sanji pull you into a hug the both of them smiling wide "No way... your is the second highest" Sanji laughs kissing your head as Zoro burys his head in your neck "Well done baby" The swordsman whispers hearing you laugh and cry slightly with joy, you can't believe it but its right there on paper. Sanji kisses your cheek making his way over to your lips which you gladly lean into kissing him back even with a big smile on your face. Zoro kisses your neck and once you've stopped kissing Sanji he garbs your cheek and crashes his lips onto yours.
Luffy mumbles something behind you that you can't make out while attempting to smile and give you a thumbs up "Shut it" Nami yells hitting him on the hand he reached out before turning to you "This is awesome" she states once the two boys have finally let you go. You let the two look over your wanted poster as you hug Nami "Super" Franky cheers doing his stance making you laugh and thank him "Imagine what i can do with that kind of money" Nami evilly smirks holding you tighter, you knew she was joking but there's always room for doubt so you pull away with ease and pat her head "You gonna hand me in for the money Nam? Too bad, i guess no more spar days" You turn only for the girl to grab your waist "I would never" you laugh and turn patting her head. Looking over your wanted poster Zoro smirks turning to look at Sanji who's eyes look almost heart like as he looks over your picture "I was wrong for calling you fourth place" The swordsman's words get Sanji to look up with a small smile "I know it's ok" The cook's smile fades though when seeing Zoro's cocky grin "It should be fifth place" letting go of the wanted poster he grabs his sword pulling it out to block Sanji's kick "Oh you wanna play three swords?" Sanji yells shoving your wanted poster into Usopp who's still frozen before starting to fight with the green haired man again but with a cocky smile no longer fueled by anger. Jinbe try's to clam the two down but as he gets closer you place a hand on his shoulder "Don't worry their just messing around now. no harm" You calmly state making the fish-man look form you back at the the boys "How can you tell?" He asks only hearing you giggle and walk away "You'll get used to it, just look at their faces"
Making your way back over you take the wanted poster off Usopp and pat his shoulder "You ok their bud?" You ask managing to snap him out of his own head "Y-Yea, its just..... we're gonna have so many people after us now" The sniper gulps as you pat his shoulder "Don't worry we'll protect you" You reassure him before pushing him over to the men's quarters "Why don't you go and lay down, put your feet up" The sniper nods at your words and walks into the room leaving you to close the door for him, you couldn't help but shake your head at him taking a seat on the mast bench and watching the rest of your crew before looking down at your wanted poster. "Y/n?" Chopper runs over holding a wanted poster in one hand while the other holds the cotton candy before jumping up to sit next to you and holding the paper out to you, taking it you look it over seeing it's the one you thought was yours but it makes sense now, this wanted poster is for your snakes not you. "I don't get it... if the snakes are a part of you then why do they have their own bounty?" The Doctor asks looking over the wanted posters in your hands while eating some of the candy "Like i said before the Government gets things wrong, maybe they don't know" You shrug rolling up the posters and putting them to your side before patting Choppers head "You feeling better now? your bounty's not the lowest now, my snakes are" you giggle getting the reindeer to smile up at you and nod offering you some of the candy.
Things had calmed down a lot but your poor captain was still in the cage hanging form the tree, Nami was still mad but you and Sanji deiced to sneak him some food while Zoro kept watch in case the navigator showed up. Luffy was grateful although you and Sanji had to tell him to shut up multiple times when he was talking about how good the food was "Sorry Captain" You whisper as you follow Sanji to the kitchen with the empty plates, you wished you could just let him out but again you were scared of Nami's wrath if she found out it was you. Zoro entered the kitchen soon after wrapping his arms around you as you washed the last of the dishes and handed them to Sanji to dry, the swordsman hummed into your neck before kissing it, you could feel the smile on his face. "What?" You ask knowing he's either thinking of something or is up to something, either way you know it's gonna affect your night "Nothing, just thinking about the bounties, thats all" Zoro chuckles moving to the other side of your neck kissing up that one too, Sanji rolls his eyes and takes the last plate you hand him and drying it "You sure thats all?" The cook asks watching as the swordsman lets you go to grab his waits pulling Sanji's back into Zoro's chest "Maybe" the green haired man reaches up to pull the cooks shirt collar down before kissing his neck. Emptying the sink of water and drying your hand you lean against the counter watching the two wondering what the swordsman's up too, he hasn't had too much to drink, so he's not touchy because of that so it has to be something else.
Your brought out of your thoughts by Zoro grabbing your waist and pulling you into him "Stop thinking so much" The swordsman leans down crashing his lips onto yours, you hum relaxing into him and kissing back feeling his tongue work its way into your mouth, he's being more gentle than normal but you ignore it for the time being. Sanji puts the towel down and runs his hand through your hair watching with love filled eyes, he's also been wondering what Zoro is up too, but he doesn't want to stop all the love and attention he's getting. Zoro soon pulls away leaving you breathless as your hand grips his shoulder feeling slightly light-headed but the swordsman just smirks turning to Sanji who runs his hand up Zoro's arm and too his cheek. The swordsman grips the cook's waist tighter as he crashes his lips onto the blonde, Zoro moans slightly when Sanji opens his mouth before the green haired man can even move his tongue feeling the eagerness to be loved. The two make out as you catch your breath, you couldn't take your eyes off them, handsome, strong, supportive and loving, how did you get so lucky? Zoro soon pulls away panting slightly but with a big smile as Sanji moves his hand to your chin getting you to look at him before leaning in to place his lips on yours. It was light and sweet at first but soon deepened as you open your mouth wanting more, the cook obliges his tongue meeting yours as your lips move together. You hum into it letting him know its good to which he hums back getting a little rougher and harder starting to get really into it.
You have no chose but to pull away when you need air, looking up at Sanji as you both pant you notice a little bit of blood running his nose, you reach up and rub it away. "Gods your both so sexy" The swordsman mutters making the cook blush and you giggle lightly and wipe the blood on your thumb on a napkin "Zo.... what do you want?" Sanji asks his cheeks red as the swordsman leans closer just to tease him "Just you two" Zoro chuckles placing kisses along Sanji's neck before going to yours and doing the same. You now know why he's acting like this, he's a very proud man and with all the excitement and bounties being very high he must be overjoyed. "Just say your proud of us hunk" running your hand through his hair the swordsman looks up at you and Sanji placing his hands on your cheeks pulling your faces closer to his "I'm proud of you two" Those words fill you with so much joy you can't help but kiss the two, all three of your lips meeting at the same time. A three-way kiss is very rare and for special occasions but all three of you enjoy it trying to make it last as your tongues meet and lips touch. Unfortunately when air is needed you all have to pull away but you keep close while trying to catch your breaths, you couldn't be more happy with today, your bounty sky-rocketed and your snakes got their own bounty. You also couldn't be prouder and happier for the two you love, not only are their bounties much higher now, but they tried to defend you when you thought your bounty was so low. "I love you two" You smile at them as you all hold each other with your foreheads pressed together "I love you both too" Sanji gives you a loving smile before looking at Zoro who closes his eye feeling relaxed "Love you both."
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mehiwilldoitlater · 23 days
Would you be willing to write a oneshot where after reader has the baby, she has yet to see Death relax around the baby (ex: hold them, take off his mask; he’ll touch them, albeit briefly) cause he’s convinced something bad will happen if he lets his guard down/he’s afraid he’ll accidentally hurt them in some way (he was like this even after reader told him she was pregnant, but now it’s even worse with the baby here, cause now it actually real). It’s only until she wakes up in the middle of the night to find Death holding their daughter trying to get her to go back to sleep, witnessing this man that’s usually so reserved act so soft with his child (bonus points if the baby touches Death’s unmasked face), and the reader leans against him and alleviates his worries while they both watch their baby lovingly.
I put way too much thought into this, I’m just in love with the idea of Death being a dad 😭
"i'm pregnant."
Those two words hit the pale rider worse than a cascade of arrows. It was hard to understand the mental state of that poor soul. After your burst, his facade was always able to hide every emotion. But the eyes are the windows of the sound, and His own were screaming.
And yet he reached for your hands, caressing with his colloused thumb your so soft skin.
"It's all right, we'll manage."
From that day on, Death became overpowerful over you, even more than he already was, of course. Without human experts that could assist you, his best option were the makers.  
He was a deathbringer, like his name said, not a life-giver. He didn't know anything about pregnancy or all that subject, but he was wise enough to set a line on his knowledge without hurting his pride.
 The day of your birth, you mourned your lost lover, sacrificed for the better good of your own kind, and even with the presence of all of your new friends, you couldn't shake the fact that death was lost. When he came back, you found the force to finally live again, and yet the presence of the baby seemed to scare him. Maybe not the baby per se, but something connected maybe... 
The first moment he laid his glaring eyes over that small creature, it was like he was always walking on ice. It was hard to let him hold the baby, but it was harder watching him feel him or bathe him. Seriously, that creature was delicate, but Death acted like he was made of glass!
Not to mention how hypeprotective he was towards him. He was always ready to step in action for you, but now it was another level. One day you caught him while he was casting some portective barriers, just because he was going tending to ruins for half an hour and he believed that someone or something could enter and hurt the baby.
After a confrontation, he confessed his fears that, taking them by your situation, were almost reasonable. But now he was just getting them to control every aspect of your life and your baby too! It was painful watching him waste those precious moments with his own son because he was afraid of someone taking him or killing him.
Those fears were bound to his own name, and somehow you were almost understandable: the pale rider companion had a child; this made him vulnerable. This fueled his desire to keep you both safe and sound, even to his own expenses.
Yes, maybe, but I never wanted something like this. 
You already know how dangerous and full of peril that universe of yours was, but sacrificing love for protection in that case for you was absurd.
You didn't know if your words were able to move him, but you had your answer that night.In your shared bed, you heard the pitched high cry of the infant.
You, deepened in the sleep and exhausted by the long maternity day, needed a few minutes to understand that he was actually crying.
Your eyes, still asleep from your interrupted slumber, haven't noticed the absence of the large nephilin in your bed, but you didn't even have to wonder where he could have been.Noticing the now stopped crying, you could only hear a soft murmur of something. It seemed like a song, written in a language that was unknown to you, or maybe just forgotten.
The soft light of the candles, the shadow on the doorstep—you needed to be extra silent to witness that moment.
Holding that small boundle of life, so small even compared to his own hand, Death was slowly and rhitmically rocking him, whispering what seemed to be a Nephilim lullaby, or something that was supposed to be near it.
His eyes, usually so stoic and strong, were so soft while looking, and that fragile creature, yet so strong.You admired that scene from the doorstep, unaware that the acute senses of the hero had already noticed your presence.
After a few minutes of silence, with the security of the baby now asleep, he slowly put back in the crib that Valus had built after the knowledge of your pregnancy. And only after that, he finally decided to acknowledge your presence.
"He's sleeping."
You nodded, moving closer to him, caressing his giant hand. The baby was small for everything, but everything was small for Death.
"I'm happy that you wanted me to be part of this."
"You don't have to thank me, Death."
"Maybe...still, I'm happy to be."  
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》Hospital Visit《
Content: Buggy Fluff. Ambiguous Reader.
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Buggy is so mad at you. You reckless fool, how could you do that? How could you literally walk off a cliff? What kind of absolute moron did he fall in love with? Though he supposes it was not wholly your fault. Maybe the earth was stupid because when you wandered a touch too close to the edge, the ground gave out beneath your feet.
The captain ties his hair up in a colorful scrunchie to get it off his neck. It's far too hot for him in his cabin. Despite the open windows and the cool sea breeze, Buggy is sweating. His foot taps anxiously as he crosses his arms over his chest. He couldn't imagine what was taking those medics so long to patch you up. He refused to believe you were hurt so badly that the medbay team would take forever to fix you. That wasn't possible… was it?
The knock on Buggy's cabin door makes him jump. A crewmate from the medical team pokes his head into the captain's quarters. Buggy is on his feet before the words leave the crew member's mouth. "If they're up, I want to see them," Buggy announces, dashing any negative thoughts from his mind. Since the crewmate wasn't shaking in fear, (Name) must be perfectly fine.
"(Name) is pretty banged up, but they'll be back to normal in a few weeks," the crewmate assures, leading his captain down the hall- well, not so much leading, more like chasing after,
Buggy storms down the ship's halls till he gets to the sick bay. His insides are squeezing most uncomfortably. His nerves won't let him be comforted by anyone's words. Seeing is believing, after all.
He bursts through the doors to find his partner sitting up and awake. Their leg is wrapped in a white cast, and they've got bruises and bandages, but (Name) is okay.
Emotion rolls over him in the most unexpected storm. His anxiety is washed away with relief, followed by anger and guilt, but none of those feelings will help. He lets out a breath of relief.
"(Name)," he calls smiling, "I'm so glad you're alright."
"Sweetheart!" (Name) grins back, waving to him. They're pleased to see him turn a bit pink at the nickname. Then they pat the spot beside them.
He frowns, looking down at the blank cast. "I'll be with you in a moment, precious," he says before disappearing. Upon his return, Buggy has a large box of permanent markers in hand. He comforts himself on the bed's edge and starts doodling on your cast.
"Now you'll look extra flashy," he states with a smug smile. He writes his name in big blue letters, giving his signatures lots of flourishing touches.
You can barely contain your laughter as your partner draws over your cast like a young kid. How sweet. "Thanks, B, I appreciate it," you say, gazing at him fondly.
"I know you do, and I don't do these kinds of things for just anyone. Only people as handsome as you," Buggy replies winking at you.
"How long can you hang out with me?" you ask, hoping he'll take the afternoon off from piracy, "The doc is only entertaining me so much."
Buggy pauses in his coloring, frowning again. "I can't stay too long. I put off all my work until right this minute," he confesses.
"Why would you do that?" you ask, bewildered. Ever since you met the man was a workaholic. He never wanted to take a break unless he felt like he had earned it. Maybe that was the remanence of Silvers Rayleigh stuck in his subconscious.
Buggy huffs, not looking at you. "I was worried. You fell off a cliff, and I couldn't catch you," he spits, clearly upset with himself, "How am I supposed to work when the most important treasure I could ever get falls off a cliff and is in the medbay?"
You reach down and stroke his hair. The moment burns an unseen injury, but you ignore it for the moment. "Thank you," you say softly, "For caring about me."
"Of course, I care about you, idiot," Buggy retorts, flipping back to his usual snarky self, "What fun am I supposed to have if you're not around."
You nod, considering the prospect. He'd certainly get into a lot more trouble, but maybe a little trouble and worry were good for him. Perhaps you thought the flashiest man you knew needed to take a moment and remember the precious things in life.
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Character thang: mithrun! And falin:3 if u want
GRINS just doing mithrun for now might rb this later and add on falin thoughts....
favorite thing about them
honestly just his whole arc being a pretty blatant abuse/depression metaphor combined with like. some of the most realistic disabled writing ive seen in fantasy. like i remember reading dunmeshi for the first time and pogging about seeing a character with ptosis because i NEVER see that shit outside of my own ocs and also some of the stuff discussed about him like. having a weird sense of direction (which is partially bc of dungeon lord business but also iirc he is stated to have weird walking/gesture patterns so!) and not really being aware of his own energy or triggers.... like it hits very close to home for me as a chronically fatigued guy with bad balance and bad eyesight and its just really nice to see someone like me portrayed in like. a way which doesnt exaggerate mithrun's disability as laughable or tragic in a very unsympathetic way. like the way the canaries accommodate him and the way his arc finishes up (+ the little chats he has with marcille....) i think its very sweet very comforting. ive just been very into him recently after like. coming to terms with being abused by an ex and going through the whole rollercoaster of emotions that comes with that. like. ughhh. i saw this thread recently and it keeps swimming around in my mind. its good
least favorite thing about them
i guess like the dude's bigotry but considering other chapters in the adventurer's bibble he seems to be self aware of it? its kind of an unexplored facet of him altogether.... and at the same time i think it informs a lot of like. the inherent supremacist ideas elf culture harbors.
favorite line
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reiterating what i said when i answered these qs with kabru. i think they both have a very funny dynamic that i wouldnt even necessarily describe as platonic or friendly theyre just very good inverse masks of one another.... makes for entertaining scenes in a way i really respect
also as i mentioned i think him and marcille getting to know one another post-story and talking out dungeon lord feelings is nice....
i think he has more important things to worry about
him and kabru. as i said i think its funnier if theyre just two blokes forced to talk to each other. they wouldve never conversed willingly and that makes so many of their discussions interesting....
random headcanon
i think im just too picky about the anime LOL but im not too fond of the voice hes been given based on the previews. they did that breathy anime twink shit to him. i think he sounds like he smokes 20 cigarettes a day personally
unpopular opinion
i think the fact i dont like yaoi with him in it is unpopular enough i feel. oh uh i also think like. the few scenes where he shows off like. genuine bursts of aggression and violence are really fucking interesting and everyones far too keen on dismissing him as like. A Numb Mindless Boytoy like hey. think about this dude for a second as like an individual please.
song i associate with them
SIGH i have so much to say about this one. thats for another day though
favorite picture of them
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sketches here are forever lodged in my mind theyre cutes. i like his shitty little ponytail here LOL
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bun-lapin · 1 year
nyahoo~ i saw ur reqs are open. i was wondering if you can write cater diamond dealing with gn!reader insecurity with their small, monolid eyes (established relationship, romantic)? feel free to disregard if you are not comfy writing it, thank you!!
Nyahoo~ Thank you for this very thought-provoking request and I apologize that it's taken me a while to get to this one. I honestly wasn't sure if this was a prompt that I had the skills to write. But it felt like the kind of request I would have sent myself so I knew I had to give it a try. I hope I did this idea justice! I put some more of my personal thoughts on this request at the end of this post in a little note~ <3
CW: established romantic relationship, gn!reader, reader is only described to have monolid eyes, mention of dissatisfaction with physical appearance
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Sitting by the sunlit bedroom window with a book in your hands, you slowly turn a page and let out a small, comfortable sigh. A softly singing voice floats over from the direction of the bed and you look up from your reading with a warm expression on your face. You smile affectionately at the sight of Cater lounging on the soft bedspread, aimlessly scrolling on his phone, and singing a quiet love ballad.
As if sensing your gaze, Cater suddenly looks up from his phone and notices the way you are looking at him. With an alluring and adoring smile on his face, he slides off the bed and walks over to your side. Leaning down to brush a soft kiss against your cheek, Cater whispers, “Hey there, you.” For added emphasis, he playfully rubs his nose against the side of your face.
You laugh at the tickling sensation and plant a kiss in retaliation on Cater’s cheek. Glancing at the familiar phone in his hand, you smile and ask in a slightly teasing tone, “What kind of Magicam mischief are you getting up to today?”
Cater flashes you a wink and a charismatic grin. “Couple selfies are trending today! Which is great news for us because we’re a couple of top tier cuties!” Pressing his shoulder against yours, he raises his phone in the air in front of you both and excitedly asks, “How about we take a selfie too?”
You gently smile at his enthusiasm and look up at his phone expectantly. Looking at Cater’s reflected image on the screen, you are immediately, as always, drawn to his large, green eyes. Wide open, his eyes shine with an excitement that touches your heart. Your gaze then shifts over to look at your own face and, when you see your monolid eyes next to his double eyelids, your smile quickly drops.
Cater immediately notices the drastic turn in your expression and turns to look at you with a worried expression. “What’s wrong? Do you not want to take a picture right now?”
Seeing the strong concern on his face, you swiftly stand up from your seat to face Cater and you rush to alleviate his worries with a lighthearted excuse. “Nothing’s wrong! Everything’s fine. I’m okay.” You give him a small smile but Cater looks unconvinced and his worried frown stays in place. Feeling touched by his evident care for your emotional state, you sigh and reluctantly admit, “I was comparing my eyes to yours. They look so small next yours.” Looking down and off to the side, away from Cater, you whisper, “Sometimes I wish my eyes didn’t look like this.”
The two of you stand in thoughtful silence for a few seconds, until you suddenly hear a soft clack as Cater deliberately sets his phone, screen down, on a nearby table. Taking both of your hands in his, he lets out a soft sigh and you look up to see that he’s smiling sadly at you, like his heart is on the verge of breaking a little. In a low voice, soft with devotion, he says, “I wish you wouldn't think like that. Your eyes are beautiful.”
You begin to speak up in protest, but Cater gives your hands a gentle squeeze and shakes his head. Once you fall silent again, he continues, “You are a beautiful person, inside and out, soul and body. Your eyes are beautiful because they're a part of you as a whole. I fell in love with the real you, all of you. Truly loving someone isn’t about taking just the parts that are convenient. It’s about receiving everything without conditions. And that’s how I love you.”
Leaning towards you, Cater lays a soft kiss against your forehead. Placing his cheek against yours, he lets out a dreamlike sigh next to your ear as he wraps his arms around you in a gentle embrace.
“To me, the way you look is like a song without words. I can't describe it in a way that would really cover everything I feel. All I can do is sing the melody in my heart. It’s a song that I sing of how much I love every single part you and I hope that will be enough to reach you. Some days you might not hear it, but that's alright. Because I'll always be right here, singing my love and waiting for you to love yourself the same way.”
A/N: Thank you for taking the time to read this, darling reader. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that no matter what you look like, I will always think you are beautiful. We may not know each other, but I know that you are a human, with all the limitless potential to put kindness and love into this world. And that fact alone will always make you beautiful to me. Always remember this and be kind to yourself.
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
hmmmm i did have fic ideas last night but i dont feel confident enough in my understanding of the characters to write a full fic
so here's snippets/basic layout:
Reigen comes back to the office, and everyones shocked that he's back, because wtf this guys been missing for literally 2 months and they kind of thought he was dead. So they took over the business for him-- but it's really not the same.
As soon as he walks though the door, he's met with just. stunned silence. At first, he's uncomfortable with the silence, like... shit... did he intrude? he's in a very vulnerable emotional state right now. But he gently waves hi and greets everyone, beginning to apologize for being absent for so long-- before mob gets up and comes over to him and hes CRYING (bc this is post s3) and hes just so happy to see his master hes like where were you!?!?!
big reunion, some half hugs shared between mob and reigen, etc. they ask him what happened and he sits down to explain.
he explains what happened while serizawa is cutting his hair and... his voice is so soft and quiet right now, it's unnerving. he's slowly talking too, and still as serizawa cuts his hair. he's choosing his words carefully... it's unlike him.
serizawa asks him if it's a curse on the train, then maybe they should go exorcise it?
reigen begins to answer, suffers through a few false starts and then just puts his head in his hands and mumbles that he doesnt want tothink about the train right now. they leave it be. reigen is also worrying abt his apartment, and having to clean it up.
dimples like "damn, you're really fucked up rn huh?" and reigen, instead of taking the jab, is just like "dimple... please, lay off it for today, okay...? im really... really not in the mood..."
and that gives dimple pause and hes like "... ok. whatever." and leaves.
they talk a bit more, the haircut finishes, and reigen finds out that they were taking care of the place for him while he was gone. but customers have dropped because reigens not there anymore... without his salesman experience, SnS is missing a key component. Reigen is flattered, and says as such. He'll defifnitely come back to work, but... right now, he's gonna go home. Throw out all his expired food and... clean.
as he beginst o leave, he lingers in the doorway for a moment.
"..." He scratches the wall nervously, looking away. "... Would it... be okay if I... came back afterwards? To here?"
Serizawa tilts his head. "Of course, you are the boss--"
"No, I mean... not for... for work." Reigen bites his lip, this is hard for him to say. "... Just to hang out. With... with you....... guys. I don't-"
His shoulders hike up. "Don't want to be alone. at my house. today."
it's silent for a while before they agree wholeheartedly. reigen sighs out his tension and nods, then goes to leave. Serizawa stands and says that, maybe he should walk him back.
so they both walk back to the apartment, but when they get there, oh no!! there's a stranger in his apartment! reigen is ready to fight but the stranger is dimple :) possessing somebody. he took care of throwing out all the expired food and trash for him whwen he left earlier. Reigen looks in his now empty fridge and pantry, save for a few canned goods, in awe. Dimple makes up some excuse of he was bored and then insults reigen over how little food he has-- poor much?
reigen smiles though and laughs a bit to himself.
"Thank you for... doing this, Dimple. I appreciate it."
Dimple is taken aback by the earnest statement and shrugs. "It's whatever. I aint taking care of your roach problem though."
"ROACH!?!??!??! PROBLEM!??!?!"
Dimple laughs at him and pats him on the back. Reigen scowls and shoves him, but he's smiling afterwards. Then a roach skitters across the floor and reigen screams.. Dimple is laughing his ass off and serizawa picks up the roach with his powers and removes it. He says he can take care of the roaches for reigen. Reigen says thank you, and leaves the apartment "to get some fresh air" (to get the fuck away from the roaches)
anyways, after that, they go back to sns and reigen just hangs out for the rest of the day. tome eventually comes in and is happy to see him... reigen falls asleep on the couch... things are nice <3
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the-widow-sisters · 1 year
Love love love all your stories!! Could you do a
I still need you... I think I’ll always need you.”
For nebula and gamora please! Preferably the original gamora and not the alternate universe one, but whichever you think is best
Thanks for all your content, I think you’re the longest fanfic author I’ve ever followed lol, I’ve been around since your descendants fics and you just keep getting better :)
A/N: Thank you so, so much for this request! 💞 I absolutely love writing for Nebula and Gamora, and I hope that this one does not disappoint! I made sure it was the original Gamora (and my favorite Gamora 😂)
You are literally the sweetest and you made my day with your kind words 🥺💗💗💗 It means so, so much to me to hear that you've enjoyed my fics even back to my Descendants ones 💖 It's always awesome to hear from folks that have read these and the Descendants ones 💗
Thank you for being such a dedicated reader and for sticking with me all this time 💞 You're the best 🥺
I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.8k+
   “Now. What did you want to talk about so badly that you almost kicked Groot and screamed at Mantis for?” Gamora demanded as the door slid closed behind her and Nebula.
   She turned around to face her sister, and Nebula was just standing there impassively. Gamora could hear her heartbeat thumping steadily and Gamora knew that she was mad about something or another. Of course, that was not uncommon with Nebula. It was more uncommon to see a time where she was not angry.
   Gamora just watched her, and Nebula walked past her with a sharp exhale, moving to the cabinets not too far from her. Gamora narrowed her eyes as she turned to watch the blue-skinned woman where she was looking through the things stuffed away.
   “Well?” Gamora questioned, trying to push her into talking. Nebula simply ignored her, still looking for something in the medical cabinets.
   However, as Nebula withdrew some candy, Gamora felt anger rising within her instantly.
   She stalked forward, snatching the bag of candies before Nebula could get a single one in her mouth.
   “What is your problem?!” Gamora questioned, raising her voice, and Nebula snarled as she glared at her.
   “You haven’t checked in for a month,” Nebula spat, and Gamora just looked at her in confusion.
   “So what? All of this because you were worried about me?”
   “You didn’t check in,” Nebula repeated, ignoring Gamora’s interpretation.
   And with her second reiteration, Gamora understood Nebula’s meaning a bit better. Nebula was mad because Gamora did not check in on Nebula herself. And that filled Gamora with some amount of anger both for the fact that she hated herself for making Nebula feel abandoned and for the fact that Nebula was being ridiculous about all of this.
   However, her instant reaction was the easiest one that went on the path of irritation and anger. Only after this entire thing blew over a little would Gamora allow herself to actually feel the painful, gut-punching guilt in her heart.
   “This is because I didn’t check in on you?” Gamora questioned incredulously and Nebula instantly bristled.
   “No! I expect to hear updates from you! It’s how I know that you haven’t been captured by Father and that you aren’t spilling all of our secrets to him,” Nebula growled, and Gamora instantly felt the rage rising within her at the low blow.
   Of course, she knew it had been Nebula’s intention to redirect Gamora from the sensitive emotions to something that was more aggressive. It took everything in Gamora to focus on the main point of this entire confrontation.
   “No, you’re mad because I didn’t check on you,” Gamora stated firmly, looking at her carefully as she grit her teeth, and Nebula scoffed at her, anger and defensiveness rising within her.
   “I don’t care if you check on me! Keeping contact with you is a strategic choice!” Nebula tried to explain to her, but Gamora was not having it.
   “You are so full of it!” Gamora cut her off dismissively, and Nebula growled at her.
   “Look, I left you alone because I thought you didn’t need me right now and that you’d let me know when you did need me!” Gamora snarled back, irritation filling her at the fact that Nebula was yet again angry at her for something that she herself did not know any better than.
   Nebula’s eyes narrowed as her nose scrunched with the outburst about to overcome her.
   In the middle of her anger, Gamora kept pushing forward with her irritated jabs.
   “Normal people say when they need people! So I’m sorry that I can’t magically read your mind—”
   “OF COURSE I STILL NEED YOU!!!” Nebula practically roared, her voice cracking a little as she screamed a reply to Gamora’s statement.
  At the sudden words, Gamora quieted instantly, all of the gusto to fight her sister taken out of her as she looked at Nebula in surprise.
   Nebula instantly looked away from her, the emotions apparently growing to be too much all at once.
   After a few moments of the blue-skinned woman regaining control of herself, her head moved in a jerky motion so that she could looked at Gamora out of the corner of her eye.
   There was a hint of embarrassment written in the stiffness of her posture, and Gamora knew that she was likely ashamed of the emotion and actual care that she had shown. It also did not help that the Guardians were just in the other part of the ship, and Gamora felt fairly certain that Mantis was listening in.
   Nevertheless, despite their potential presence of an audience or lack thereof, Nebula had undeniably put herself on the line terribly with that statement. Gamora would honestly not be surprised if Nebula completely changed the subject or went on a different track.
   However, Nebula always seemed to be one with surprises when it came to Gamora and their relationship as sisters.
   “I still need you… I think I’ll always need you,” Nebula expressed hesitantly, her voice stiff and irritated as she growled the words out.
   There was a definitive shame in her tone, and Gamora just stared at her blankly, unsure of how to even begin to reply. She did not know what the right response was in this situation, and she was not sure what Nebula wanted to hear.
   Nebula bared her teeth a little, those dark eyes glinting with something pained, hateful, and so, so injured as she looked back at Gamora finally.
   “And I hate it,” Nebula shakily exhaled.
   Gamora swallowed, looking down at the floor, and Nebula did not speak, remaining silent as her heavy breaths remained as the only sound between the two of them. Her heart rate was elevated with how angry that she had gotten in the moment, and Gamora was truthfully not sure what to do to slow her heartbeat and cool the simmering anger boiling up.
   “Nebula, I—”
   Nebula let out a noise akin to a growl and a snort as she turned and started to leave, not even about to let Gamora finish. Gamora narrowed her eyes as she lunged forward and grabbed Nebula’s arm tightly.
   Nebula spun around swiftly toward her, her arm instinctively raised. Gamora simply remained still, looking up at Nebula as she stared her in the face and remained completely unfazed.
   “You do not get to walk away after telling me all of that,” Gamora informed her, her voice lowered as she spoke to her.
   “And why not?” Nebula snarled, her lips curled into a sneer as she fought to provoke Gamora. She leaned closer and further into Gamora’s space, and Gamora held her ground.
   “Because I deserve to be able to defend myself,” Gamora started to tell her, and Nebula pulled back, starting to attempt to rip herself away from Gamora as she scoffed.
   “Of course it’s about you—”
   “No!” Gamora raised her voice, tightening her grip as she held Nebula in place before bringing her voice back down to its previous level. She stared into the inky blackness that were her little sister’s eyes.
   “No. I deserve to be able to defend myself and you deserve to feel better about this,” Gamora told her firmly, not about to back down from this challenge.
   Nebula remained still, and when Gamora was mostly certain that she was not going to run out on her, Gamora released her, backing off only just barely.
   “I thought you wanted me to leave you alone since you didn’t seem to have time to talk much the past few times I called. I didn’t want to drive you away by checking on you too much,” Gamora tried to explain.
   Nebula scoffed, not believing her as she looked away, and Gamora tried to catch her gaze.
   “I’m serious,” Gamora insisted, and Nebula did not reply as she remained quiet and listened to Gamora’s next words. Gamora looked down, wetting her lips before gazing back up at her again.
   “If I knew it meant that much to you, I would have checked in on you,” Gamora tried to explain to her, and Nebula remained dead silent, not saying anything as she kept her gaze firmly affixed on the opposite side of the room.
   Gamora tried to muster the courage to keep talking when she felt the guilt starting to set in. It was the calm part following the storm that had just raged between them, and the regret was flooding her in the wake of the anger that had just dissipated.
   “You are allowed to need people. I need people,” Gamora tried to tell her, and although Nebula angled her head just a bit more in her direction, she did not look at her.
   Gamora took in a soft breath, nervousness gripping her just a little as she prepared to make her own statement that put her on the line just as Nebula had done to herself earlier.
   “I need you,” Gamora finally confessed.
   Nebula instantly looked at her, taking in the sight of her, and Gamora swallowed as she stared back, their eyes meeting as Nebula stared at her silently.
   There was nothing said between the both of them for several long moments.
   Eventually, Nebula started to speak, but as soon as she did, she was swiftly interrupted.
   “And I need you now tonight! And I need you more than ever!”
   Gamora and Nebula froze as they looked toward the speakers where music was suddenly playing through the ship.
   “And if you only hold me tight! We’ll be holding on forever!”
   The lyrics were definitely not lost on Gamora, and she knew that with the words combined with the timing and the volume it was being played, the song had definitely not come on by coincidence.
    Nebula looked at Gamora slowly, nothing but utter confusion and slight irritation written in her face as the music serenaded them.
   “What the—”
   “PETER!!!!” Gamora yelled, raising her voice as she tried to ensure that Peter heard her clear warning.
   “Sorry! I thought you might’ve needed some mood music!” Peter apologized from somewhere outside the door.
   “I told you we needed to be more subtle,” Drax declared resolutely, and Mantis let out some noise of unhappiness.
   “No, I said that!” Mantis protested, and Drax offered a dismissive grunt as the voices grew farther away, an “I-am-Groot” sounding off in the midst of it.
   Gamora sighed deeply, closing her eyes as the music turned off finally. She rubbed her head tiredly, not even sure what to say.
   “Check in more often, sister,” Nebula told her softly after a few moments, and Gamora reopened her eyes, looking at the younger sibling carefully.
   “I will,” Gamora softly promised with a nod.
   And just like that, things were back to that strange middle ground and the new normal that they had been developing.
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