#....anyone care for (another) v confused man from the future/space?
mundanemiseries · 11 months
....what in the void's name was that.
Somewhere, he could vaguely hear the systems of the orbiter slowly restart themselves over the ringing in his ears. Ship Cephalon gently asking the man if he was alright.
❝  yeah....yeah I'm fine Aria. Just...the fuck was that? Kinda bullshit turbulence....  ❞
❝  I am....unsure. Raziel. Readings point towards some sort of...void anomaly.  ❞
❝  alright...alright. There a reading on where the hell we are, at least?  ❞
" Earth. However things seem...incorrect. None of the surrounding flora are ones I recognize, sir. "
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❝  the fuck do you mean by that? Let me take a- oh.  ❞
Wherever the orbiter had landed...well it was at least clearly a forest of some sort...one of Earth if the cephalon was correct. And definitely not a forest of Earth's that was...anywhere near recognizable to him.
Through the damaged glass of the landing craft, he spotted something run by, a creature of some sort. Definitely not one he'd ever seen.
Yeah...something was definitely up.
Patting at his pockets, the man made a quick double check of what was on his person. Knife, pistol, restoratives, spare ammo. He was good.
❝ Ari. Cloak the ship. Let me know over comms if you notice anyone else in view distance. I'm gonna see what's going on out there. ❞
" On it, Raziel. Be safe out there. "
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stardust-walker · 3 years
Undying Fidelity
(Loki X Sigyn!OC)
Summary: Sigyn is feeling v stressy and depressy after Loki dies. She volunteers to return to 2012 New York with Tony, Steve, Scott, and Bruce. Her reasons weren’t selfish, she promises. Chaos ensues. Big dorks. 
My first time writing for any fandom besides TWD but this idea has been in my head since the Loki trailer came out and I couldn’t shake it so here it is lmao.
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Sigyn had felt like the world moved in slow motion from the moment the life had left Loki’s body. The snap had only made things worse. It had been 5 years since she had seen pretty much anyone other than Thor and sometimes the residents of New Asgard. She kept to herself more often than not. 
It was almost ironic how Loki had spoken of undying fidelity shortly before his life had been snuffed out. Meanwhile her own undying fidelity had seemed to leave her cursed with never-ending grief.
The talk of time travel had gained her interest almost as soon as the idea was pitched to the team. Asgard was an option but she knew that wouldn’t be the best option for her. Odds were that in the time they would send them back to, the residents would still think that she was dead.
Her heart had done a funny sort of flip-flop as they talked about heading back to New York. Her stomach sank even lower as an image of Loki was pulled up on the screen.
“So Sigyn will come to Asgard with myself and the rabbit,” Thor began to announce.
Her brown eyes drifted over to where Rocket had, once again, slapped himself on the forehead in frustration. “As much as I would love to go back to Asgard, I believe my skills are needed in New York.”
“You sure that’s such a good idea there, Frosty?” Tony quirked an eyebrow. 
“Are you sure it’s such a good idea to have two Hulks in one place? No offense, Bruce.”
“She’s right.” Steve spoke up, “I know what you’re thinking, Tony, and it won’t happen.”
Sigyn locked eyes with Tony for a moment before the older man relented. “Fine. But any funny business and I’m leaving your ass back in 2012.”
She hated travel. Whether it was through space or time, it all sucked to her. All the hair on her arms seemed to stand up inside of the suit as she shared one last worried look with Thor before they were off. Something was different about hurtling through space when you were a lot smaller.
“We all have our assignments,” Steve began as Sigyn stood up straighter and began to glance around. She knew he was around but more importantly she could feel him again.
A loud roar jolted her from her thoughts as she took a step closer to the men she had traveled with. There was the Hulk. Or the old Hulk. However time travel worked, there was the previous Hulk from that time smashing up a car like his life depended on it. 
A small smirk crept onto her face as she caught the embarrassed look that Banner had on his face. That was the champion she had seen back on Sakaar. A total wild animal. 
This Bruce, however, didn’t seem to have any of that in him anymore. Sigyn’s head tilted slightly as the rest of them watched the green man try to get back into how he was before. “Well, he’s a little confused..” She muttered.
“But he’s sure got the spirit.” Tony joked. “Let’s roll.”
Sigyn didn’t even have to ask where they were going. Sure, they had talked about it in the plans but she felt like she was almost in a trance as she scurried after Tony and Scott as Steve split off from them with a flash of a reassuring smile.
After not using her magic for what was probably years, she was surprised that she didn’t stumble as she landed inside the Stark tower right after Tony. As she slipped behind the stone wall to hide from their old selves, she couldn’t help but sneak a peek. Did her hair really look like that from behind? Ew.
“If it’s all the same to you,” her heart leapt into her throat, “I’ll have that drink now.” Tony gripped her arm a little too hard. Her eyes narrowed as she shot him a look.
The 2012 version of her let out a quiet snort of laughter. She remembered the look that Natasha had shot her. “What?” She heard herself say. 
“All right, get him on his feet.” The younger Tony Stark ordered. “Uh-uh. Not you, princess. Come on, Point Break. Get him up. We can all stand around posing up a storm later. By the way, feel free to clean up.”
“Wow I almost forgot how much of an ass you were, Stark,” Sigyn hissed through gritted teeth.
“At least I had style. Speaking of! Mr. Rogers, I almost forgot. That suit did nothing for your ass.” Tony shook his head in mock sympathy. 
Steve practically sounded like he was rolling his eyes. “No one asked you to look, Tony.”
Sigyn raised an eyebrow and shrugged in agreement as she caught sight of Captain America. That suit really was terrible. 
“I think you look great, Cap. As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass,” Scott called out over the line.
“C’mon.” Sigyn whispered, “No one likes a...kiss ass.” She smirked as Tony shot her an appreciative look.
“Who gets the magic wand?” Nat asked.
Thank god that Tony knew his way around Stark tower more than anyone even after years of not living there. Sigyn’s eyes narrowed as she watched the Hydra agents in disguise begin to file into the apartment from their new hiding place.
A laugh nearly slipped out as she watched Loki transform into Steve from across the room. “I mean honestly,” he joked as he turned back into himself, “how do you keep your food down?” 
“Shut up,” Thor snapped as he placed a lock over Loki’s mouth. 
“I wish I could tell you dearest,” she heard herself say as she watched the scene unfolding in front of her. In spite of Loki being in chains. A prisoner. She watched herself grab him gently by the arm to lead him into the elevator with Thor almost like when they used to walk through the gardens together. “But then I would have to kill you.”
Tony’s grasp on her shoulder pulled her out of the moment as he pulled her back towards the window. The plan flooded back into her mind as she began to plummet backwards towards the ground. She let out a grunt as she was finally able to regain her own balance to drift back towards the ground without Stark’s help.
“What’s-a matter, Frosty? No knight in shining metal armor today,” Stark joked. 
“You burn my hair with those flaming feet of yours and you won’t make it back to the future,” she hissed through gritted teeth as the small green embers flickered from her own fingers as she continued on a quick course back to the ground. 
“Looking fresh, Stark,” Sigyn mumbled as she walked up beside Tony in her own security outfit. The only difference was her long blonde hair hung out from under the helmet. “Almost didn’t recognize you without the extra few inches of metal.”
“That really hurts me, you know. I would think for someone so old you would want to be a little nicer to the younger gen-ow!” Tony rubbed his arm as he received a hard pinch. 
“Shut up. Here we come,” she swallowed hard as she spotted herself again out of the corner of her eye. She walked side by side with Loki with her head held high. It was amazing how she could walk like that when she remembered how she’d felt. She had known that Loki had pretty much signed his own death sentence and yet still she walked beside him with pride. He was her husband and she was loyal to him. It was her gift and her biggest curse. 
“Thumbelina, do you copy? I’ve got eyes on the prize,” Tony chirped into the ear piece. 
“I’m going inside you,” Scott whispered back after a moment. Sigyn’s eyebrows shot up as she shot an amused glance at Tony. 
Sigyn flashed him a delicate smile. “I didn’t realize I would learn so much about your personal life today, Mr. Stark.”
“Quiet down, Glinda. We don’t want Elphaba to hear you.”
“May I ask you where you’re going?” Pierce’s voice made her skin crawl as she watched him approach the group. 
“A bit of lunch and then Asgard,” Thor answered cheerfully.
“Perhaps a stop for gas. I hear mileage on the Bifrost is killer these days,” past Sigyn cooed as she shot a look back at Loki over her shoulder. 
Pierce stood up a little straighter. “I’m going to have to ask you to turn the prisoner over to me.”
Sigyn could almost feel her throat close up all over again as she watched herself take a defensive step back towards Loki. Her hand came to rest a mere inch away from the handle of her knife.
Tony whispered beside her, “Easy, Sig. We know how this goes, right?” He paused. “I see what you mean by the whole fidelity thing though but the victory thing?”
“Hush!” She hissed back as she watched Loki turn slightly with an annoyed look in his eye. The woman turned to face the other way quickly as chaos seemed to be breaking out behind them again. Pierce had always been an asshole that much was sure. She wished she could’ve said she were surprised when she found out he was Hydra all along. Her stomach churned as more thoughts raced through her head of what they would have done to her husband if they’d gotten a hold of him in the first place.
Sigyn squeezed her eyes shut tight as she heard the crackle through the ear piece and a different sort of chaos broke out. “Oh my gods! Stark,” she heard her own panicked voice and the two of them turned to see herself abandon Loki and reach a hand out to steady Tony.
“Aw, you do care.” 
Sigyn resisted the urge to punch Tony in the chest for good measure. Her heart leapt as the suitcase with the tesseract spun towards them. Her pulse quickened as Tony leaned down to pick up the case and her gaze wandered for just a moment. Loki had noticed. 
“Good job, meet me in the alley,” Tony mumbled as he began to quickly exit the building. She was just about to take a few steps to follow when another explosion happened. Except it wasn’t so much of an explosion as it was a rampaging green monster busting down a door.
“Oh shit,” she hissed through her teeth as she skittered back. Stark landed at her feet with a groan but a softer noise drew her attention. A soft tinkling noise and her gaze flickered to the case. The tesseract. 
Time seemed to stand still again as Loki glanced over his shoulder and locked eyes with her. A confused look crossed the upper portion of his face for a moment before he glanced back towards the chaos ensuing over past Tony. He had noticed.
With one last look back at her, he knelt down to pick up the tesseract. She thought she heard Tony grunt something but her feet carried her quicker than she could ever remember running before. 
Just as Loki stood again, Sigyn came within one step of him. The sudden noise behind him made him turn once more. She gritted her teeth into a grimace as she placed both her hands on the tesseract. Sigyn fully intended to yank the damned thing right out of his fingers but before she could, she felt a strange sensation. A wall of blue and black smoke engulfed the pair of them.
She hated space travel.
Loki landed in the sand with a loud grunt despite the muzzle still over his mouth. The tesseract was still in his grasp. Had he even really seen what he thought he had?
A loud scream echoed through the air around him. His eyebrows raised as another portal seemed to open in the sky right above him. A figure all in black fell through it; arms flailed and legs kicked as the ground seemed to raise to meet them.
Another loud grunt left Loki, this time a more pained one as the smaller figure landed right on top of him. 
Quickly, the woman rolled to the other side and let out a quiet groan as she pulled the helmet from her head. With a fluid movement, the black object was tossed aside into the sand before she flopped back onto the sand. A grunt beside her alerted her to the presence of the man. Without even a glance to the side, she reached over and pressed a hand to his mouth to deactivate the muzzle. 
“Lovely of you to drop in, Sigyn,” Loki coughed as he took a deep breath.
Sigyn let out an annoyed grunt. “A pleasure, as always.”
Loki caught her gaze out of the corner of his eye as he rose to a sitting position. “You should have just let me take it,” he hissed through his teeth.
Sigyn let out a heavy sigh as she sat up and shrugged off the heavy black bulletproof vest and jacket she wore. “And let you cause more chaos and destroy more cities?”
Loki glanced over at her. A nearly imperceptible look of nervousness crossed his face before he smirked at her. “Who says that’s what I was going to do with it.”
Sigyn rolled her eyes as her gaze flickered forward to a small group of people that were moving slowly towards them. “I would like to think I know you better than you know yourself. Whatever you do, we’re in this together now.” She wasn’t about to lose him again. Not so soon.
“I’m positively touched,” he cooed.
“Til death do us part, darling.” And even after.
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ranmanjuu · 4 years
—gen z mc with uesugi-takeda + misc. forces
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ahh, i’m so glad people liked my gen z oda hcs! lol it’s usually pretty slow from my writing blog experiences until now, but i’m rlly happy! i was planning to do u-t and the others but then i decided to stop at oda and continue another day. thx for the asks tho! and yeah, i do take requests but it’s more of a pasttime, since this whole blog is just my stupid ideas written out and shared out there.
also someone said that a gen z mc could be old enough to romance the warlords, like, early twenties. and yes, very fair if u wanna romance ur mans with memes and existentialism go for it!! i just think it adds more to the comedy side of this child they have to babysit, while not fearing death or any consequences from their dumb of Ass decisions. someone who fears no death and armed with no braincells is a fool, but a Child who fears no death and armed with no braincells is also a fool, but more bizzare and has That Vibe y’know
@niphredil-14​ and @arthotsglasses​
tw: s*icidal, violent jokes treated in a light manner
also spoilers to some things of their characters
who is this,, , sassy lost child??
he first saw you prepared to throw hands with ronins who were being Elite Dickheads. ofc, armed with nothing compared to the sworded-adults, he had to interfere.
no matter how cold he treated you, masking his secret !!!-like concern, you seemed so unfazed through it. you still interacted with him like normal,,,,, why?? do you want a death wish?
and each time he threatened you with,, anything, you responded with, “the only one who gets to hurt & kill me, is ME”
...... what?
he’s convinced you’re the biggest fool of a person. and he’d be right but even so, he has a weirdly strong need to protect you as you two got closer. you’re often with sasuke, so it’s harder to avoid you.
even with all the Horrible jokes you make on a daily basis, if your passionate side with everyone having equal rights of being treated as human, for him it shows a side of you that makes you seem precious and pure and kind hearted.
and the overprotective side increases.
which is, ,, a bit problematic sometimes cause you have the tendency to target and piss off anyone in a 10 meter range by just one (1) sassy comment, along with your lack of impulse control and blurting out everything in your mind. it’s made you a lot of short enemies in the sengoku period, and kenshin would always be ready to slice them down behind you.
sasuke has to tame him down with his Masters degree in kenshin-wrangling.
at banquets, kenshin would often have you beside him. if you’re too young for sake do age for drinking exist in sengoku? probably not. it’s more of sasuke advising for him to not give you alcoholic drinks he’ll have you pouring for him or just munching away at pickled plums or food.
(ngl i kinda had a hard time with this since it’s erasing a big part of his overall character,,, flirting)
once he heard the news that oda had taken in somone as young as you during honno-ji,, ,,,he’s in a very “how dare that demon >>:( taking such a pure soul,....”
and when you’re taken to kasugayama as a captive, you’re,,, surprisingly very calm and whelmed. you don’t have much sign of fear or anxiety in your overall demeanor meanwhile you’re busy dissociating and spacing out to feel those
you actually don’t seem to hate your captor. but shingen isn’t sure if your ‘fingerguns’ is a good thing or not cause it depicts you pointing guns @ him,, (dw is good shingen)
while yes being held hostage—no matter how good you’re being treated—isn’t ideal and kinda not very cash money, you consider shingen v chill. man has a kindheart!! “i diagnose you with good vibes.”
if he ever sees your righteous side, as everyone else, he’ll deeply admire you. he himself is someone who believes in such as well. and hearing the circumstances in the modern world regarding those things (blm, etc.) his heart truly does go out for you. he feels sympathy for such a young person like you having to take action
also your dirty humor around him, echigo’s player, kind of makes him question where and how you learnt it
and,, his illness.
through getting straight to the point and not falling for it each time he changes subject/dodges the question, you managed to get to the bottom of his illness. shingen himself thinks it’s not something you have to burden with knowing—you’re so, so young.
but that doesn’t matter to you. the world’s given you such a shit time, you’re mature enough to understand the situation at least.
and as he finishes his explanation, all there was is silence. it felt wrong to say any of your usual quips,, so all you did was slowly came there and hugged him.
that was more than what he’d ask for.
oh hell yeah
you are in your element with him. the chillest guy to talk to, and probably the first one you’re the closest to
your phone was dead after like 2 days of use, and you were miserable while hideyoshi, like a typical parent, told you to go outside and into town. sensing your bad mood, sasuke asked what’s up. you deadpanned, “my phone game ended and now i’m ready to commit not breath.” you oslemnly look out in the bustling streets and clutched your fist like an Anime Protagonist, “those boomer memes were right all along... i am absolutely Miserable and Useless(^TM) without it.”
in response, you could’ve sworn he did the Anime Glasses thing as well, “then we at team Moderately Awesome Sengoku Ninja are happy to announce the launch of a DIY phone charger, made with the electricity from a fruit and the main functionality of a solar panel. and has more durability than samsung’s.”
there were Stars in your eyes now. with a big grin, you thank him, “i’d die for you, sasuke.”
“then perish.” he said with a blank look. (yukimura, in the bg: ???!!!??!??!?)
the next day he consentually breaks in through the ceiling and gives you the weird contraption. you’re now saved, soul-wise.
the memes start coming and they don’t stop coming from the two of you. in any situation. whether it’d be at a teahouse, or at a battlefield that can determine your life and death.
and you can have discussions about current world events, or the past ones, with him and he’d understand completely what you’re talking about. it’s those rare nights when you’ve been thinking and have a deep conversation with him in his room, and as an adult, it makes for interesting results as well.
the others are endlessly confused, but you’re both so unapologetically yourselves.
and he’s super protective if the circumstances are tough. he feels bad for dragging another person in the sengoku with him—much less when they’re so young like you.
if you’re enough of a lil shit, once you’re taken into kasugayama, in the nights where you can’t sleep because brain at what would be 3 am, you’d probably trudge over to his room and wake him up to tell him what kind of mind-blowing shit you realized.
when he saved you from falling to your death, your reaction already set off weird Vibes inside him. what do you mean, “you stopped me from fleeing this fleeting world by the sweet embrace of death” ?!?!?! are you crazy?? yes
he doesn’t waste time getting blunt with you at all either.
once he goes into azuchi as a merchant, he silently observes you talking to sasuke for a bit. what’s with your weird language?? and crude humor???? never in his life has he met someone in your age act like that wtf
even so, he still operates on the basis of ‘‘if sasuke trusts you, i trust you’’, no matter how utterly concerned you make him feel
you have a dirtier mind than him! unsurprisingly. along with everyone else, you often tease the poor soul, a nd you’d gladly tell him what the innuendoes mean ( 69, etc.) and maybe sprinkle in some gay jokes in there
and why do you keep mentioning this “bromance between him and sasuke” ?? what us,,, a bromance????? and why is sasuke in it??
he takes you out to teahouses to eat chestnut dumplings and other desserts with you. you always seem to target the one he doesn’t like the most and have a bit of banter
your relationship is built on banter but what’s different rlly
he treats you much more maturely than other people your age. as in, he doesn’t pull back his punches in words most of the time. you don’t seem to around him also, it looks like.
and, he’s also very protective of you. he regards you as his little sibling, as rat as you may be. and he does care about you—he might just be a bit unwilling to say it
you think he’s very chill, if a bit unique but who were you to judge. and he is, if you ever meet him in echigo or even azuchi
his big liking to art and something of apathy to people is osmething you can respect. there’s something about that kind of Vibe that you find oddly a mood.
and oh boy oh boy you wasted no time pulling up your phone and showing images of what art is in the future. whether it’d be a screenshot of anime, fanart, aesthetic-like ones, palette-themed—the whole shabang. 
and, somehow, you were left ranting to him  about how some artists in the future get it so shitty for theft, reposting, not crediting, the list goes on (please be a decent human being to artist, sincerely the author) and he can’t help but just listen in silence and kind of thinking about how you’re so passionate about the Struggles of artists. and it isn’t something he sees often in the sengoku era—where war rules most things.
and he does find art from the modern times interesting, how they’re so different and vast in styles. and not only that, it’s not like the future only has one major style like then, each hand can draw such different pictures and still have beauty in each. he appreciates and admires that.
and he does tell you his thoughts ^ while you give your own insight. it’s so fascinating to see someone like you having strong opinions on this.
because, well, rn art is a big thing in our lives as we’re stuck inside. a part of entertainment is looking at any media of art—and he finds his view of art and yours quite the same. you two came from a time of turmoil (one moreso than the other) but still think art isn’t exactly irrelevant just because it isn’t a cure to diseases or the Ultimate Weapon.
you had to Surgically Remove him from your phone so you can use it and to stop him from draining your battery looking at the art
and he often drags you out to town and admire pieces when you’re holing yourself in too much. your comments are always unknown to him, “radical”, “that’s one i can vibe with ngl”, and the list goes on.
and you occasionally call him pretty boy as a compliment rlly
when you first saw him at honno-ji, and he won’t forget the one (1) line you gave him, all you said to his warning of ooo spooky demons was, “that’s lit fam gtg tho”
and that alone was enough to stun him for a few seconds
honestly you told the others of your meeting with kennyo before they told you it could be kennyo. just a throaway line of “oh yeah there was this dude with a scar across his face.” / “,,, ,....that’s kennyo. he’s really dangerous actually—” / “oh, poggers”
you’re probably kind of half the reason the oda forces found who dun it.
and it was an eye for an eye, kennyo himself found out that you were their child chatelaine, and very close to the others. as per his villain-schedule, he kidnaps you .
he laments about how “such a pure soul such as yours is not to be stained by the demon’s hands”
oh how Wrong he was.
you were the definition of the opposite of pure. and you seemed unfazed, which surprised kennyo but shrugged it off. he was willing to face you screaming and panicking, along with shouldering the sin of doing the deed. but instead, he was met with a raised eyebrow and, “this is unexpected and probably not welcomed but what am i doing here.”
he was stunned for a moment before explaining what he can. 
“......... fuck.”
he cringed ever so slightly at your curse. but your attention seems to stray so quickly off of the fact that you were bounded and helpless, to the fact that you have the man doing unspeakable things to civilians and you absolutely don’t approve.
throwing your common sense to maybe be civilized, you went off on a rant of how human rights and how to not be an ass to him. all he could do was just listened, shocked to even cut you off.
when he did, he gave the whole ‘unsaved demon’ shtick, and you weren’t taking that kinda shit. he believed he was truly unsaved—you knew that. but that doesn’t make it okay.
eventually, he left you with a cold end of the conversation.
he admires your spirit in a way—but with what he’s experienced,,, it’s a bit of unreachable for him.
if at any point you saw the soft side of his with animals, you just gaped at him for a split second and whispered, “the gap moe is strong with this one.”
also old man died inside when you said that you’d fight god, along with many things.
all in all, to him, you’re insufferable. but weirdly,, fascinating.
you’ve totally ok boomer’d him once cause he rlly looks old
,,. if your speech to kennyo was bad, he’s going to rant hell.
motonari already knew you were interesting even when his men just spied on you. your behavior, so brash and impulsive, is going to be so fun to have, he thinks.
through some planning to stir up more chaos, he kidnaps you and brings you unto his ship. same as kennyo, you showed no clear sign of surprise, and that’s when he decided you were either used to this in any way, or a fool. both answers, he liked.
you’re kind of really confused on why he’s doing what he’d doing. “i get it, i like to stir up chaos myself but it’s harmless,, most of it—but not until the people are in danger, bitch.”
and by that line, motonari leans towards you with a deadly smirk, “now, i can bite, ‘kay kid? you don’t wanna be in the receiving end... do you?”
“do it, coward.”
and before he could let out even a wheeze of laughter, you continued on on a lecture of, again, not being a dick and letting people live their life in peace. and much less all of this damage, for what? chaos?? yeah you wanted to see the world burn but it wasn’t literally.
however, his patience was running thin. he shuts you up forcefully, and leaves.
even so, after a cooldown period, he still talks to you (,,,, well, that’s kind of a generous term) because, right he was, you were so fun in his eyes.
an interesting observation he made,,, was that you picked up on his big dislike of physical contact. and he’d think with how annoying you were at times, that you’d weaponize it. but you didn’t—in fact, you kept your space (not that you were planning to get close) and respected his boundaries.
he thinks you a bit of peculiar for that decision, some wary, and perhaps naive.
one of the days—the more dangerous ones—he was planning to take you to the oda as bait or something. and you weren’t taking it like that. two days before arrival, a storm racked up. you stood upon the edge of the ship with the rest of the crew watching you like you were a madman.
“the oda won’t want me if i’m dead, would they now?”
motonari stands in his composure, guffawing, “all i need is to make sure they believe you’re alive, kid.”
a smile that showed absolutely no fear and 1000 percent spite spread in your face, “not unless i decimate my own body until all the trail left is my blood. the only one who gets to do that shit to me, is me.”
finally, a look of wavering shows in his face.
you were saved last minute,, and the rest is history.
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Flatbush & Atlantic: part vi
Part vi is here! As always, I love hearing any kind of feedback, so reblogs and inboxes are so welcome!
part i part ii part iii part iv part v
part vi
January 30 
Cass was distracted as she walked into the arena, distracted as she found Mat’s family, and distracted as she sat down. Fiona’s words were weighing on her, and she didn’t know what to do about them. It didn’t help that she hadn’t seen Mat since that morning, he had press and practice and some fan stuff with the league. It was maybe ten minutes before puck drop, and Cass didn’t know where her head was at. She was picking at a loose thread on the hem of her jersey when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, she was surprised to see that it was his mom. 
“Are you okay, love? You look distracted.” She asked, concern clear on her face. 
“Yeah?” Cass responded, almost like a question. 
Nadia gave her the “mom” look, the kind that pierces through your soul and knows all of your secrets. “I know you don’t know me all that well and I won’t make you talk about it if you don’t want to, but I can tell something’s on your mind, Cassidy. And I have a feeling it has to do with my son.”
Cass let out a defeated sigh. “Yeah. It’s just...everything’s piling on top of each other, and it’s hard to sort out what’s important and what’s just...static, if that makes sense.”
She nodded wisely. “What kind of things?”
“Outside opinions on us, on Mat and I’s relationship. People thinking that they have a right to make a judgement one way or another. People thinking that I don’t belong here, or with him, because of who I am, and how I look, and what I do.” Cass paused from her monologuing for a moment. “And it’s not always done out of spite. I’ve got a friend at school who just texted me basically asking if I’m sure that my priorities are in the right place. And I know she means well, she’s a wonderful person, but it’s just…” She trailed off.
“Tiring,” Nadia supplied. Cass nodded. “Well,” she began, “Obviously I’m not an expert. I’ve never been in a relationship with a professional athlete, and I’m not you. But I know what pressure feels like, and I know Mat.” Cass gave a watery chuckle. “And I know that my son is head over heels for you. He thinks the world of you, he really does.”
“But, all due respect, it’s not like I’m his first girlfriend or anything.”
“True,” she started carefully, “but I’ve also never seen him like this. I won’t insult your intelligence and say that there haven’t been other girls, because there have, but he’s never been this wholeheartedly invested in someone before. Did you know that you’re the first one he’s introduced us to since he moved to New York?”
Cass shook her head. “No, I didn’t. He never told me.”
“And why would he? Mat’s a good man and he’s got a good heart, but sometimes he can be remarkably dense. Doesn’t always notice what’s right in front of him.”
“Believe me, I’ve noticed that much,” Cass said, laughing. 
Her thumb ran across Cass’s shoulder. “I guess this all just goes to say that you’ve got to talk to him. He cares about you, a lot. He’ll listen. And if he doesn’t, you send him to me, okay?”
Cass smiled. “I will.” The players had just come out, and the anthems were about to start. Cass rose from her seat, hand over her heart and Mat on her mind. 
The score at the ten-minute mark was 3-3, and Cass had to constantly stop herself from chewing her nails down to nubs. The 3-on-3  format made it easier to keep track of the puck, but there was so much open space on the ice it was sometimes impossible to tell where the players were trying to go in the first place. There were three minutes left, and Mat had just nabbed a pass from Konecny. Skating down the ice, he caught a breakaway. Faked to his left, skated to the right, and poked it right past Vasilevsky in the far corner. Half of the arena exploded, half sunk to their seats and groaned. Cass cheered loudly, cupping her hands around her mouth and hugging the rest of the family. He skated over to the side, hi-fiving the guys on the bench before taking his seat for the next shift. 
Metro division ended up winning 8-6, and Cass shot off a quick congratulations text to Mat, knowing that he probably wouldn’t be able to read it until after the final. She half-payed attention to the Western conference semifinal, only enough to know that the Pacific division won. She couldn’t even say by how much. 
The final was close, much closer than the first game had seemed, with no more than a single goal separating the two teams at any time. Late in the game, it looked like the Metro team would be able to run away with it, but Tkachuk sniped from the blue line, pulling Pacific ahead and giving them the win. She followed his family down to the hall where everyone was waiting, internally cringing at the thought of how Mat might be taking the loss. He had gotten better, a lot better, after they had made it clear that communication was a priority and something that needed to be worked on in their relationship, but he wasn’t perfect, and neither was she. 
So needless to say, she was more than a little surprised when he came out of the locker room with a smile on his face, embracing his family and giving her a kiss on the head. The group walked outside as they said their goodbyes — Mat’s family had an early flight back, Miami to Vancouver wasn’t exactly an in-demand route — and Mat’s sister hugged Cass, turning to her brother after and sternly telling him “don’t screw this up. She’s way too good for you.” 
It was pretty late, and a beautiful night, and most of the fans had left, so Cass and Mat walked hand-in-hand back to the hotel. “What’s on your mind, pretty girl?” Mat murmured. So I guess we’re going to have this conversation now, Cass thought, on the sidewalk in an Islanders jersey in the middle of Sunset, Florida. 
“You really can read me like a book, can’t you?” Cass asked softly.
Mat shrugged. “That, and the fact that you keep glancing between me and the street. Might have been a little bit of a giveaway.” 
“The interview from the other day’s been on my mind. I know it seems kind of stupid and childish, but it’s getting to me. What he said about me not being a ‘typical’ hockey girlfriend.”
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Mat said dismissively. 
“I know that, you know that, but it’s the perception, Mat. Either that I don’t support you or your career because I have my own things to deal with sometimes, or that I don’t occupy the ‘place’ I should by pursuing education and a career. By pursuing a male-dominated career, especially. I’m worried I don’t…” She took a breath. “I’m worried I don’t live up to the expectations everyone’s setting for me.” Cass was annoyed, not at Mat or at the interviewer, even, but at the situation. At the thought that she had to continually prove to people that she was enough and she had earned her place. 
“Fuck expectations,” Mat said abruptly. “I want you. All of you.” He stopped for a moment. “I’m so, so proud of you. I know I’ve said it already, and I hope you don’t get tired of hearing it, because it’s true. You have this incredible future ahead of you, and you’ve worked so hard to get to where you are. Everyone sees it. You’re going to do such good work, whether it’s bailing dumbass hockey players out or defending immigrant kids. You’re made for this.” Cass had gone into law school thinking she wanted to go into immigration law, motivated in no small part by the fact that Alejandra, her best friend down in Texas, was a DACA recipient. She had legal status for the time being, but it broke her heart to think that she could be forced out of the only country she had ever known. And when Cass was pissed off about something, she wasn’t the type to keep her mouth shut. 
“People will want to write you off,” he continued, “because maybe they’ve never seen anyone do what you do, but that just makes it all the more incredible and impressive that you are able to do it. To have it all.”
Cass let out a humorless laugh. “Have it all, sure.”
“What else happened?” Mat asked, getting the sense that there was still something she was holding back. And he was right. 
“Fiona sent this text checking up on me,” Cass said, not quite sure where to start. 
Mat’s eyebrows furrowed. “But isn’t that good? That she wanted to catch up?”
“I mean, it would be,” Cass sighed, “but she was saying without saying it that she’s not sure my priorities are in the right place since I’ve started seeing you. Almost like you’re...I don’t know. Distracting me from school or something.”
“But—” She cut him off.
“Don’t be mad at her. She means well, I know she does,” Cass replied sharply. Even frustrated, she was still protective of her friends. “And she’s right in the fact that I’ve had more things taking up my time now, and maybe I’m not spending quite as much time at school or the library or wherever as I used to. But that’s fine. Right? Because I’ve been working hard, and I’m still getting good grades but this is making me worried that everything I’m working so hard for isn’t going to pan out—”
“Are you happier?” Mat asked abruptly. 
Cass turned to him, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Are you happier now than you were before we met?” She could see his Adam’s apple bobbing. He was nervous. Mat had taken a gamble asking her the question, and he wasn’t sure of the answer. 
“I am,” she said softly. 
Mat squeezed her hand. “Then what else really matters?”
They arrived back at the hotel some twenty minutes later, dropping their bags on the floor and grabbing a change of clothes. There was a party at a bar downtown, and everyone was invited. By everyone, that meant all the players and whoever they decided to bring along. “I don’t actually know who booked the place,” Mat said, pulling one leg through a pair of black jeans. “Segs, maybe?” Out of anyone she had met that weekend, Tyler Seguin renting out a bar would surprise her the least. It was kind of sweet, she thought, zipping up her ankle boots, that the teams could check each other on the ice and then go celebrate together after. Being in the hockey world was really just like having a weird, dysfunctional family. 
“You ready to go?” Cass asked, grabbing a jacket. 
“After you,” Mat said, opening the door. They met a handful of others in the lobby, and the group grabbed a pair of Ubers over to the venue. It was packed by the time they got there, most of the players hanging out in the roped-off section  towards the back. Mat helped her up, grabbing them a pair of what she’s pretty sure were whiskey sours, and introducing her to everyone they ran into. She couldn’t keep track of all the names, there was Nathan MacKinnon and Seth Jones and the Tkachuk brothers and a half dozen other players she didn’t recognize. “Please, for the love of God, shave the mustache,” she said to Auston, sipping her drink and staring at him judgily. “It’s not a good look.” He waved her off good-naturedly, and she smacked his shoulder as she walked back to Mat, wrapping her free arm around his front and kissing his shoulder. 
“Let’s dance, chou,” Cass said, shucking off her jacket and leaving it on a spare chair. Mat smiled, taking her hand and guiding her out to the dance floor, where a mix of hockey and decidedly-not-hockey couples were gathered under the bright lights. Ah, sweat, the great equalizer. 
“Do you think any of these Florida men are, you know, Florida Men?” Mat asked over the noise. Cass threw her head back laughing, remembering their first real conversation. 
“Absolutely. We’re going to get pulled into their gator cult.”
It was Mat’s turn to laugh. “I’ll protect you.”
“I’m swooning,” Cass replied. “You’re my knight in shining armor, Mathew.” 
Cass sat down her second drink of the night onto a nearby table, draping her arms around his neck. His hands snaked around her to the back of her waist, pulling her up against him, pulling her closer. She couldn’t even say what song was playing, some dance remix of a top-40 hit that the DJ in the corner was more than likely butchering, but she didn’t care. All she could think about was Mat’s hands on her and how he made her feel. For once in her life, Cass felt like she didn’t have any pressing responsibilities. For one night, she didn’t have the weight of the world on her shoulders. She was 24, and she was going to party like she was 24. 
Cass leaned up to Mat, kissing him, whimpering when his tongue slipped between her lips. In a normal context, Cass never would have done something like that in public, and maybe it was the alcohol talking, but she finally couldn’t care less what people thought of them. “I don’t think the girls behind us know I speak Spanish,” she murmured, his face still so close she could feel him breathing, “because they’re all talking about how hot you are.” Mat laughed, letting his hands down a little more than was respectable. “Soy mexicana, hablo español,” she said over her shoulder, raising one eyebrow as the girls blushed and hurried off. “Now where were we?”
They kissed for what felt like hours, until her lips were starting to get puffy and she needed to come up for air. “I’m going to get another drink. You want anything?” 
“Gimlet?” Mat asked hopefully, giving Cass a peck on the cheek as she made her way to the bar. Waiting among the throngs of people vying for the bartender’s attention, she threw her hair up in a high pony. It may have been January, but it was still Miami and they were still in a club — it was hot as hell. Five minutes later, she had finally shoved her way to the front, ordering Mat’s gimlet and a mojito for herself. Cass scrolled through her Instagram feed as she waited, sensing someone who she assumed was Mat off to her right side. 
“Hey,” she said, looking up, expecting to see her boyfriend. It wasn’t her boyfriend. The men was a little taller than Mat, blond instead of brunet, and any other time, she probably would have been all over him. She wished she hadn’t started a conversation.
“Hey,” he said, resting an elbow on the bar. “What’s your name?” 
“Cassidy,” she said, flashing him a tight smile. He didn’t deserve the nickname. 
He nodded. “Cool, cool. That’s a beautiful name. I’m Justin. Can I buy you a drink?” He was clearly a few in himself, not enough to be drunk but more than enough to engage in a spectacularly poor decision-making process.
“I’ve already ordered one, thanks.” Cass was trying to negotiate, walking the fine line between politeness and interest, hating that she had to talk to someone she didn’t want to just in the interest of safety.
 “You from the area?”
She had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, willing the bartender to come back with the drinks. “No, not really. Just visiting. Leaving tomorrow,” she said, hoping that that would be enough of a hint to get him off of her back. As it turned out, that would be simply too big of an ask. 
“Then I guess we’ve got to make the most of tonight, huh?” Gross, she thought. She wasn’t leading him on, wasn’t doing anything more than making polite conversation so he wouldn’t get even more pissed at her, so what gave him the right?
“Listen, Justin,” she said, finally turning and facing him. “That’s not my style. And I have a boyfriend.”
He cracked a smile, clearly not buying it. As subtly as she could, she tried to find Mat, but she couldn’t. Maybe he had gone to the bathroom? And she didn’t want to leave without having gotten their drinks, cocktails didn’t come cheap and she didn’t want to throw her money away. “It’s okay, babe, you don’t have to play that game with me. He’s not here.” 
“I’m not interested.”
“Hey, come on,” Justin said, inching closer and growing more aggressive by the second. “I was just trying to be nice. Don’t have to be such a bitch about it.” She took a deep breath, about to flag down the bouncer and tell her that this guy just wasn’t taking no for an answer, but she didn’t have to. 
“What’s going on here?” That voice, she recognized. That voice was Mat. Cass let out a sign of relief, gladly moving to the side and letting Mat step in between them. 
“This the boyfriend?” Justin asked with disdain. 
Mat arched an eyebrow. “Yeah, I’m ‘the boyfriend,’ but it shouldn’t matter. She’s not interested, and you’re having trouble respecting that.”
Justin huffed. “Fine, She wouldn’t have been worth it anyway.” Cass had to grab Mat’s wrist to stop him from going after the guy. 
“God, I wanted to punch that guy,” Mat said, running a hand through his hair and visually inspecting her. “You okay? Did he do anything?”
She shook her head. “No, thank God. A little shook up, but nothing serious. He just didn’t know how to take no for an answer.”
He kissed the top of her head, grabbing the drinks from the bartender, who had just slid them over. “You good to stay?” He wouldn’t have blamed her if she wanted to leave.
Cass shook her head. “No, I’m good. Liquor me up.”
“As you wish,” Mat said, handing her the glass. 
The two made their way back to the cordoned-off section, where Cass downed the entirety of her mojito in under 10 minutes. She wasn’t in a sipping mood. Then someone from the Pacific Division — maybe they were on the Sharks? — bought the whole room a round, then she finished half of Mat’s Whiteclaw. Then somehow, she was goaded into body shots. 
“You cool with this?” Mat asked as she scrambled up onto the table. Cass nodded quickly, trying to control her giggles. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m good,” Cass said, scrunching the bottom of her shirt up, trying not to think about what her mom would think if she saw her right now. 
Someone had obviously made a run to one of the bars, returning with a bowl of limes and a saltshaker. She tried not to think of how good it felt when his tongue ran over her stomach, licking up the salt, tried to distract herself when his head was ducked just above where her shirt barely covered her bra, throwing back the tequila, and definitely didn’t want to think about his lips just barely touching hers to grab the lime wedge. He threw away the wedge and bro-hugged a few of his onlooking friends, collapsing over Cass in laughter and kisses while he helped her off of the table. 
A little under an hour and a few more drinks later, most of the group had finally decided to call it quits. To put it technically, everyone was shitfaced. A few people luckily still had the wherewithal to call Ubers, and they split up with Instagram handles written in eyeliner on hands to cars grouped by hotel. It was her, Mat, Seguin, and someone’s little sister packed into a white Honda Civic, Mat lazily kissing Cass’s neck, shoulder, anywhere he could reach. They tipped the driver  — very well — before stumbling into the elevators, saying goodbye to Tyler, who was the floor below them. She barely managed to wipe off her makeup and brush her teeth before falling into bed with Mat, who immediately draped his arm over her waist and pulled her into his chest. Even drunk, she wasn’t complaining. 
Jan. 31 (sun)
 Cass groaned, her head pounding as she looked she rolled over in bed to grab her phone, looking at the time. 9:22. Great, their flight was at noon, so there wasn’t any time for self-pity before they needed to leave. Mat was up too, rubbing his eyes with a grump look on his face. He leaned over, giving her a kiss good morning. “How are you feeling, babe?” He asked. Mat’s head wasn’t hurting too bad  — he knew he could hold his liquor just fine  — but he had never seen Cass drink as much as she had last night. 
“Ugh,” Cass moaned, pressing the heels of her hands to her temples. “It was so much fun, but I’m never doing that again. I don’t think I’ve been this hungover since the SAE color party junior year.”
“Oh yeah,” Mat mused, “I forgot you were a sorority girl,” he said in sing-song. 
Cass huffed. “I was president, thank you very much.”
“Does my sorority girl need an Advil?” Mat asked. 
“Your sorority girl will punch you if you keep saying that, but yes. Advil would be much appreciated.”
Mat padded away, returning from the bathroom a moment later with the bottle in his hand. He shook two out, grabbing her water bottle from the nightstand and unscrewing the cap. “Here you are.”
“Thank you,” Cass said, flashing him a small, begrudged, but genuine smile. “You’re really too good to me, Mat.”
He kissed her shoulder, pulling a t-shirt over his head. “You deserve it.”
Feb 13 (sat)
 Cass’s hair was thrown up in a messy bun as she padded through the aisle of the grocery store. Shopping duties rotated every week, and it was her turn for errands. She handed her card over to the cashier, pulling out her bag-of-bags and beginning to separate. Fridge. Fridge. Pantry. Freezer. Pantry. Errands had always been somewhat of a soothing activity for her; Cass liked just being able to listen to her music and drive around and go into stores for a reason, not just to kill time. As much as she loved spending time with Mat and her roommates and her friends at law school, the constant human interaction could get draining sometimes, and the precious few free hours were alone time she craved. Loading all the bags into her trunk, she set off for the CVS. The bathroom was running out of soap, she needed a box of tampons, and she had gotten a call that the refill on her birth control was ready. 
It was also the day before Valentine’s, which hadn’t always been the best time of year for Cass. It seemed like most of her Valentine’s Days had been filled with sitting alone in her room or binge-watching Bachelor reruns with friends. Or, in the case of her junior year of college, it was crying in her bedroom at the sorority house over the fact that Alex, her boyfriend of a year, had broken up with her two days prior because a relationship was just “too much work.” And Cass was all in favor of self-reflection, but that didn’t mean the rejection stung any less. They had been together for almost a year, and even though she had had other boyfriends before, he was the first one she loved, the first one she really saw a future with. So, needless to say, her track record wasn’t the best. Which she told Mat, that she didn’t want anything elaborate or extravagant, especially since he was leaving for a roadie the day after and would have to get up early. 
But they say love makes people do crazy things. And Mat didn’t want her memories of a day that, commercialized as it was, was supposed to be about celebrating love and commitment and admiration for your partner. And anyone who knew Mathew Barzal knew that he was stubborn as hell with a heart of gold. But if Cass didn’t want anything big, he wasn’t going to do anything big; as much as he would have been absolutely willing to rent out the entire damn Empire State Building just to shout from the rooftops that he was absolutely, unequivocally in love with Cassidy María Cabrera Shaw, but her comfort came before anything. He’d bend over backwards to make her know how much he cared. But this was also Mat Barzal, and Mat Barzal never did anything halfway. 
So it really wasn’t a surprise at all when, just as Cass pulled into her parking spot and killed the gas on her car that her phone lit up with a text from Mat. Picking you up at 5:30 tomorrow. Dress like you’re going to a diner. 
61 notes · View notes
hwallout · 5 years
our little secret (ii) - csy
summary: as a CEO of one of the country’s most powerful companies, you had your secrets to success. no one ever gained power without ruthless, filthy and unfair play, it’s all okay if no one knows right? well, what happens when your little secrets fall into the hands of someone you can’t get rid of that easily?
words: 4,8k
genre: angst, drama, future smut
warnings: language
early an: hi im sorry for the wait, it’s been a tough ride these last two weeks. hopefully, this was worth it <3 also our company now has a name yay! feedback is appreciated again, thank you for reading! 
[part one]
[part three]
[part four]
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You thought about the whole situation in the upcoming days. Hayoon was right; Seungyoun wasn’t someone you could simply have killed and then bribe the police to throw the case under the mat. You thought that it could be an easy job, something that demanded just a little bit of planning and a lot more money to get done – only if wasn’t for one other factor.
The actual problem wasn’t Seungyoun, he was just one link in an endless chain. What you were most worried about was his father. Mr.Cho was a man who played the same game and used similar tactics to yours. It was his alliances, connections (that you knew the number of was way bigger than yours) that actually held you back from actively acting upon the issue.
No matter how much money you put into the country’s best hitmen, Mr. Cho would have you found out – it was just the fact that he could always be a step ahead of you. Experience played a big part in this game of monopoly. There were only so many of the best assassins in this country that it often happened two opposing sides hired the same person. The only matter was just how much money was offered to keep a secret hidden.
What you were thankful for though, was the fact that Seungyoun and his father never had the strongest of trust bonds. For years now, you’ve been listening to media exaggerating Seungyoun’s wishes of pursuing music instead of business. They would skyrocket every type of misbehavior from the younger, often saying how he wanted to sabotage his father by not showing up on important meetings or being rude to the representatives from other companies.  
On the other hand, many articles wrote about the fact that the deals Seungyoun agreed to ended up being the most profitable for the Cho enterprise. His father, though, would never admit to Seungyoun’s involvement, usually saying that he was there to learn, not to make decisions.
Mr. Cho was always hesitant about leaving work to Seungyoun, despite all of his positive attributes, purely because of the other’s undying wish to pursue music. The CEO was so unsure, even though his son wasn’t a child anymore, that he was anywhere near ready to take over the main position. He doubted everything, nitpicked every little mistake and often deemed him unprofessional.  
Seungyoun probably thought that with this information, he has secured the most legitimate and safe deal for his father. Maybe Seungyoun thought that it was his role to somewhat guard the whole situation, to prevent you from screwing Mr.Cho over and favoring yourself too much in the whole project. You couldn’t blame the younger, for he wanted to for once do satisfactory work for the older.  
Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?), due to the bumpy history, it was easy to conclude that his daddy would never believe him so easily. Although pitiful, that was the strongest knot you could hold onto to still have a chance in this fight.
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Although it always happened, you hoped that somehow this time it wouldn’t. Celebration parties were something INVICTA planned whenever an important deal was signed. Considering that you’d always invite the employees and the CEO of the other corporation, there would consistently be a lot to do and talk about. The workers found it a way to meet new people and have a night out in a formal setting – while you thought it was a great time to discuss any important matters or just get to know your associates better.
This time though, you were very iffy about it. The planning and invitations were prolonged up until Hayoon confidently came up to the office and (respectfully) ushered you to hurry up. The employees are looking forward to the celebration, she’d say. Oh, how you wished to brush the smaller off with a who cares, but truthfully, it was you. The staff in this company were very important and respected. You grew up with the mindset that lower in position didn’t mean lower as a person, therefore such replies weren't anywhere near moral.
Not long after, you got to work, reserving a beautiful and fancy restaurant for Friday night, hiring a great soloist to sing live and sending invitations to everyone in the company as well as to Mr. Cho.  
Consequently, there you were, walking up the stairs to the entrance, looking like a princess. Dark blue high heels hit the marble surface in an even rhythm, a beautiful dress of the same shade falling graciously behind you. It was a perfect fit, not too tight, but still deliciously hugging every part of your body. The dress was shorter at the front, with lace covering its hem. Your back was exposed, the V cut dipping as low, while the front exposed just enough cleavage to run one’s imagination wild.
Interestingly enough, you weren’t alone tonight.
The one holding your hand carefully and leading you up the stairs was a guy named Seungwoo. His suit of choice matched yours, a completely dark blue suit paired up with a black shirt underneath and black dress shoes. The first couple of buttons were unbuttoned, showcasing just the smallest glimpse of his chest tattoo.  
You’ve known Seungwoo for quite a while now, the male being one of your dearest friends. It wasn’t a surprise when he was asked to be your +1 for tonight, not only but mostly because you needed someone close to be there.
It was expected that the guests would notice your entrance, but it wasn't quite anticipated that every single pair of eyes would be locked on you. Most females ogled Seungwoo’s appearance, tall, with his slicked-back black hair, broad shoulders and tiny waist, while men drank your own appearance up. And of course, so did Seungyoun.
The male somehow managed to spot Mr. Cho before you did, leading the way towards the elder confidently. When only a few steps away, Seungwoo made sure you were okay alone, before excusing himself for a quick minute. You looked after as he walked away, noticing all the stares he was getting while being so effortlessly breathtaking.  
“Your boyfriend seems to be the life of the party too,” Mr. Cho said, his tone warm and welcoming. The other seemed to approach you quietly, for his presence went by unnoticed before he spoke. You bowed politely, bidding a polite greeting, before taking a second to process said words. A look of confusion washed over your features, for you weren’t sure what to reply with. Did it even matter?
Suddenly, Seungyoun stepped forwards from behind his father, making his presence known with a fake cough and slight bow. Seungyoun looked you up and down, but the emotion in his beautiful features didn’t change – blank, unmoved, much like always.
“Yeah, he really does” You smiled, choosing to once again look in the direction Seungwoo disappeared in, purely for a more convincing effect. At that moment, explaining that the mentioned male wasn’t your boyfriend appeared to be way too much effort; white lies never hurt anyone, right?
Except, you missed the way Seungyoun frowned at the reply, his tongue prodding at the left cheek right after.  
“It’s very nice of You to honor Your achievements with a celebration for everyone. This is a very enjoyable event, thank You for inviting us” Mr. Cho continued, taking a sip of white wine from his glass. He watched all of the employees from the Cho enterprise having fun, talking and dancing with both their coworkers but also your own people. Smiles were evident on their faces and everyone seemed to be enjoying their time.
“We should look up to this” Unfortunately, Seungyoun wasn’t paying any attention, nodding along but not really hearing what the elder had said. What he focused on were your eyes that skimmed over everyone, a small smile of satisfaction playing on your lips. Maybe there were moments when your strictness surfaced, but you loved when employees were content. That is exactly why this company was one of the strongest.
The words died out, awkward silence filled the small space. Investments, projects, plans, expectations, hesitations, so, so many topics, but no one made any effort to begin the conversation. Maybe for once, you needed to take a break from such routines and go have fun.
Fortunately, as if ordered, the doors to the restaurant opened again, revealing yet another beautiful pair. It was your assistant Eunha and her fiancée Jacob. Both of them were dressed in matching colors, looking like the most alluring people on Earth. It wouldn’t be a lie to say that Eunha was the most charming female tonight.
Using the instance to escape the building awkwardness, you excused yourself and hurried towards the two. Eunha’s face lit up immediately upon noticing a breathtaking princess approaching, beaming at just how astonishing her boss looked.  
Jacob was the first one to bow, with you following quickly after, happy to finally see the fiancé Eunha constantly blabbered about. She only ever talked highly about the man and was always extremely happy to hear the news of a +1 for any event. Unfortunately, the other seemed to be a busy man, for he has never been able to accompany his fiancée – up until today.
“Miss! You look absolutely prepossessing tonight” Eunha said, eyes roaming over your body quick. She spoke with a wide smile and stars in her eyes, a clear indicator that the words were a hundred percent sincere. The assistant was never hard to read, emotions always showing on her features without any filter. Maybe that’s exactly why she has been chosen for the job.
You offered an honest smile in return and complimented the female back with equally as warm words, before turning towards the other. Jacob looked at you with expectant but also excited eyes as you offered one hand out for a handshake.
“Ah, I suppose You’re Jacob, right?” The male nodded along, accepting the handshake with a tight grip, “I’ve heard a lot of nice things about You, it’s a pleasure to finally be able to meet You”. Jacob listened to the words carefully, immediately turning towards his fiancée upon processing what you have said. Eunha only shied away, hands coming up to cup her cheeks that were turning the same shade as her red dress.
“I’ve also heard a lot of nice things about You too, Miss. Thank You for inviting us” Jacob spoke and you smirked at the formal tone the man was trying to use. Nodding along, you patted him on the shoulder, having to slightly lift up your arm to reach the height. Telling the pair to go and have some fun, enjoy the night, you distanced away from them and found purchase on one of the empty chairs in the corner.
With a wine glass in hand, you once again scanned over the huge room. Instantly, a familiar tall man dressed in dark blue caught your attention. Seungwoo was talking to one of your employees, a girl who you couldn’t quite remember the name of, but knew quite well as a hardworking and persistent person. They were pretty close, both smiling at each other while taking sips of their own drinks.
“He’s not your boyfriend” You suddenly heard someone’s voice from close proximity. Startled and suddenly shaken out of daze, you jumped in place, almost spilling the blood-red liquid. On your right, maybe about one step away, Seungyoun stood leaned on the wall. The male held his chin high, not really looking at you as he spoke. Seungyoun’s lips formed a frown as he locked eyes at one point, but from your position, it wasn’t possible to conclude what exactly caused it.
“Why does it matter if he is or isn’t?” The answer came out harsher than intended.
“It doesn’t. I’m just saying you’re horrible at lying” What is one supposed to reply to such a statement? The other was obviously wrong, for lying was a skill one has to master before becoming a powerful businessman. Negotiations were always a balance between lies and truths. Everyone is trying to protect their own interests, it’s only normal.
“Keep that in mind” Seungyoun whispered, although this time much quieter than last.
Remaining silent, your eyes fell down to look at the finger that traced the rim of thin glass. You understood quite well what the other was trying to do, how he was approaching the topic. Seungyoun was trying to keep you on a leash, using his knowledge to actively threaten you to be a good girl. On the other side, Seungyoun probably wasn’t aware of how big the consequences of his actions could be, and you blamed it on inexperience.
“Don’t you think that you’re putting your nose into the whole thing way too much?” You bit back, still not glancing up at the male. Currently, the attention was dedicated to the perfect little bows on your heels, the diamonds in their center shining under the light. It went by unnoticed, but Seungyoun’s frown deepened and he glanced at you from the corners of his eyes.
“And don’t you think you’re being too daring?” Seungyoun’s voice became deeper and the man swiftly moved, suddenly standing turned towards you. As if some sense was finally knocked into your mind, it instantly processed the way his frame towered over yours. The other wasn’t doing anything, but it felt as if you were taken back to the same scenario from a few days ago – captured and unable to move.
“I don’t” Remembering just how important it is to hold the steady ground, you dared to look the other in the eyes. Usually, one can observe the feelings of the other through their irises, but at this instance, it wasn’t possible. Seungyoun was a hard book to read, his eyes a burning fire, thousand emotions filling the tight space. Without any restraint, they moved downwards to lock on your shining lips.
“I could ruin you” The male whispered, his fingers coming up to take a hold of your chin, lifting it up. Seungyoun’s grasp wasn’t anywhere near rough or strong, you barely even felt it. He was allowing you to move, look away, stand up and walk away – but you never did. Maybe the goal was to show the other you were fully aware and in control of the situation. Maybe, as one would never admit, it was the feeling of Seungyoun’s fingers on your soft skin that prevented any kind of movement.
He dared to lick his lips and run his thumb over your lower lip.
“And I could quite literally end you, Cho Seungyoun. Don’t let your guard down” With that, you stood up from the now uncomfortable chair, taking long but quick steps away from the other. It was only then that the blood rushed towards your cheeks, stripping you of the previously unbothered façade. Seungyoun on the other hand, was wholeheartedly smirking, watching the lengthy back of the blue dress drag over the marble floor.  
Your frame hurried between groups of people, hand still holding onto the wine glass. Trying not to attract attention was deemed impossible because a familiar tall figured appeared by your side in a matter of seconds.
“What happened there?” A delicate hand took hold of your wrist as the male questioned. Seungwoo’s expression was worried, his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort. Fortunately, instead of any form of unsettlement, he found a rather flushed expression.
“Nothing. Can we just sit there for a little while?” Your answer was concise, therefore Seungwoo was already able to only suspect a few things. Still, he chose not to question anymore, knowing that if you wanted to talk, you’d do so when ready.
Seungwoo nodded as a reply, and he allowed you to drag him up the stairs and towards a secluded table right beside them. A bottle of red wine was already placed on the top and you hurried to tear the seal open, pouring the both of you a glass of said liquid. Seungwoo watched you down the whole glass, amusement written all over his face.  
Although there was a generous amount of people on the upper ground too, it didn’t feel as crowded as it was downstairs. There was a small fence that allowed you to overlook the situation down there, seeing everyone while not being in their center of attention. It was unusual but also refreshing to for once not be the life of the party.
Seungwoo stopped you after the third glass, remembering you that there was still some dignity to uphold, to which you agreed. Ordering a jar of water, you spent the rest of the night talking with your partner and occasionally standing up to dance to the live music. You learned that the female he talked to, used to be his classmate a while ago, negligible weight falling off your chest for no apparent reason.
What you hadn’t noticed though, seemed to be Seungyoun, who has never once looked away from you throughout the whole night.
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On Monday, you decided to start the week off differently. Usually, you’d appear in the office before the first employees to work on the week’s goals for every department. A cup of coffee you hurriedly picked up would often be a bit too bitter, but you wouldn’t mind, for it did its job properly.
Today though, you decided to pick up a strawberry latte and take a calm seat in the corner of the café. You, for the first time, felt no hurry, choosing to rather sit down and breathe for once on a busy Monday morning.
In such a small space, quite a few pairs of eyes were focused on you. It wasn’t to be unexpected, for being a CEO of such a powerful company proclaimed you some kind of a celebrity. The attention didn’t feel right in such an informal setting, it was awkward and made you want to hide away.
Then, as if things couldn’t get any more awkward and tense, the chime above the door sounded, and inside walked no one else but Cho Seungyoun.
Cursing the absolute lack of luck that keeps striking for the past two weeks, you looked out the window, trying to seem deep in thought. You tried to hide behind the broad shoulders of the customer in front of you, shimmying awkwardly on the leather seat. Taking an occasional sip of the sweet latte, you tried to control the eyes from straying away towards the absolute beauty that was leaning on the counter and smiling at the waitress.  
Unfortunately, even with all the effort, the world played its game against you again. An almost black liquid appeared right beside the pink one, and you had to hold back the urge to roll eyes and sigh out loud.
The male wore a black shirt with the first two buttons unbuttoned, allowing evident collarbones to come into view. Seungyoun’s hair was parted to the side and styled quite messily this time – the soft strands of hair were sticking here and there, some even falling over to cover his eyebrows. The smirk on his lips and hooded eyes were pretty enticing, but even with such a distracting appearance, you managed to keep steady ground.
You thought about it, the way how everything could’ve happened differently. Maybe Seungyoun wasn’t such a bad person, maybe if you hadn’t pulled the wrong string of faith, the guy would be a tolerable associate. If the first impression wasn’t such a bad one, who knows what could’ve happened? Then really, whose fault was it this time?
“What a pleasant surprise” Seungyoun stated, his voice jumping up at the last vowel. The irritating tone made you frown, the previous state of calm suddenly ruined by uncomfortable noise. You sent the other a nod of acknowledgment, deciding to continue staring out the window and test just how long you’ll be able to endure before its deemed enough.
“Didn’t quite expect to find Miss CEO wasting her time in a café this early” It was a sudden conclusion that the useless remarks were a personality trait of the male. You thought that it might just hurt less if he let the information leak.
“There’s a first for everything” You replied curtly, still not looking at the other.
Silence enrolled quickly after, but it wasn’t as pleasant as you expected, for the man was moving his hand and grabbing the strawberry latte. Your eyes followed the pink drink and transparent straw that were closing the distance to his lips, not believing what they were seeing. Seungyoun dared to take a long sip out of the strawberry latte, immediately frowning at the taste. A pure look of disgust mixed with disbelief overtook your features.
“Too sweet, too creamy” Seungyoun whispered, pushing the drink away with a pointer finger. A hand was quick to come up to your lips as an expression of shock, while the other harshly grabbed a hold of the plastic cup. It somehow didn’t feel the same in your hand and the glistening tip of the straw made you gag. At that moment, it took every bit of self-restraint not to make a scene.
“Not too talkative today miss CEO?” The male added and you audibly sighed. Seungyoun leaned over and took a hold of a stray strand of your hair, twirling it in his fingers for only a second. Visibly uncomfortable and confused, you grasped his hand and lowered it down on the table. The warmth of his palm was unusually comforting, for it contrasted your cold skin perfectly.  
“Exactly mister heir” Although unintentional, the tone was one of a mocking kind. The other caught onto it fast.
“Stop using it in a degrading way” Seungyoun rolled his eyes and relaxed back into the seat. Only then were you able to feel the air clear up, the distance between the two of you finally appropriate. Just as a remark was about to fly his way, your phone began vibrating on the table. Immediately picking the device up and accepting the call from one of the polite receptionists, you were ready to use the new situation to escape the current one.
“Miss, I’m sorry to be interrupting, but we’ll need yo-”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there in a minute” And with that, the call ended, your phone was put back into the leather bag and you were putting on a thin coat. Without any more words, you distanced away from the table, bidding the other a weak and pitiful ‘goodbye’. Seungyoun could only watch the smaller form walk away and enter a cab that was parked right outside the café.
Once again, he smirked, although this time it was directed towards someone else.
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Just what horrible crime did you commit in the past life to deserve this?
One could only imagine how it felt when the first person noticed at the reception next day appeared to be Seungyoun. The tall, broad man dressed in formal attire, black suit, and pants paired up with black dress shoes. As if the alert senses tingled from the very entrance, you spotted the intruder almost immediately and instead of heading to the reception as per usual, you speed-walked towards the elevator. A phone in one hand and coffee in the other, you pretended to already be busy, trying to avoid any kind of pre-planned contact with the heir.
Thankfully, the elevator was already waiting and able to take you to the top in just a few seconds. Eunha's greeting was the usual short bow, but her expression wasn’t as calm or composed as always. It looked as if the assistant had something to tell you but didn’t know how, for she began reading today’s schedule and progress in a troubled manner. You were tuning in only for the most important parts of it – generally stopping once she began with the percentages.
What occupied your mind was the fact that Cho Seungyoun was in the company before the CEO herself, which could only mean one thing – he was waiting for you. But why? There was absolutely no reason – did someone call him?
“Eunha” You suddenly interrupted the other, forcing her to stop with the reading and lift her gaze up to meet yours.  
“Yes, Miss?” She replied, lowering the big tablet and straightening the slightly hunched posture. The assistant fixed the hem of her tight dress while trying to keep up with your steps.
“Were any visits planned for today?” While questioning back, you fiddled with the silver keys in your hands, trying to find the right one that fit the lock of the office. Eunha excused herself for a moment to look through the schedule again, only to sigh and shake her head a few seconds later.
“No, I’m afraid I can’t find any” The female replied, following after you and closing the door behind once inside the office. You scanned the room quickly, nodding after noticing that everything was where you had left it yesterday. There was no rational reason to be anxious, but could anyone really blame you at this moment?
Taking a seat on the comfortable leather chair, you crossed your legs and motioned for Eunha to sit on the other side of the table. The assistant did as told, resuming to read whatever more was left off the screen.
Not even five minutes later, as Eunha was reciting the daily spending on media advertisements, a series of hurried knocks sounded throughout the room. It was obvious who the person was, therefore you silently debated was it worth letting them in. Yet, before anyone could react appropriately, the heavy entrance opened and a composed Seungyoun walked in. As if the male had no manners, he closed the door behind him with one foot and walked over to your desk in a few slow, but long strides.
Eunha’s eyes were as big as avocados, and she hurriedly gazed between the two. The assistant was about to stand up for a bow, but upon hearing your whisper of ‘stay seated’, she decided not to.
“I heard that people usually knock before entering,” You said, leaning back into the chair and crossing arms under your chest. The action made your cleavage more evident, and although unintentional, it managed to grab the attention of the male.
“And I heard people don’t pass by their acquaintances without saying hello” Seungyoun replied with a calm and calculated tone. It was possible to catch onto the slightest bit of passive-aggressiveness, but it went by without any mention. Finally, he closed the leftover distance and leaned against the desk, both hands firmly pressed against the surface. Somehow, this version intimidated you more than the one through which Seungyoun was actively trying to scare you.
“Why are you here?”  
“Am I not allowed?” Seungyoun asked, a palm coming up to press at his chest as he turned to look at Eunha. It seemed as if the disapproval wasn’t expected from you, rather Eunha, who only shook her head with a panicked expression. Of course, the assistant can’t do much in this situation. “I was just passing by and thought that I might visit and see how the preparations for the first stage of the project are going”. He turned to face you again.  
“They’re doing great. You may leave” Your expression was one of annoyance and you waved at the other, showing that there was nothing else to talk about.  
“Well, well, is that the proper way to treat your boyfriend?”  
Seungyoun’s lips were a thin line, but one could notice that the corners were desperately trying not to jump up into a smile. The words took a second too long to process, huge amount of shock and confusion hitting like a powerful wave. You were at a loss for words, not quite sure how to appropriately dismiss what the other said.  
“Excuse me?” The incoming gulp was a tad bit too loud, for the other was obviously able to hear it. Seungyoun remained indifferent, but he turned to look at Eunha again, who had her head hung low, eyes focused on the fingers that nervously shuffled.
“Has your little assistant not told you?” The male said in a slightly mocking tone. Seungyoun took a moment to step back and retrieve a huge phone from his back pocket, speaking without looking up from its display. “Let me enlighten you then, darling”
Seungyoun tapped a few times onto the bright screen, before turning it around and carelessly throwing it onto the desk. You didn’t dare touch the device, for it was thrown as if you were a dog to catch it. Anyway, with a straightened back, you threw a glance on the display, managing to swiftly read the big, bolded letters of a Naver article.
[New business couple? The heir of Cho enterprise and CEO of INVICTA seen together on a date]
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skvaderarts · 4 years
Hiraeth Chapter 13: Forward
Masterlist can be found Here!
Chapter Thirteen: Forward
Notes: Sorry this one was a little late! I had company over, and we were having such a good time that I forgot to upload the chapter! My bad!
Time seemed to flow a little differently in the quiet chaos of the hospital’s intensive care wing. Drifting in and out of consciousness lent him a skewed sense of what was actually going on around him and, as such, he didn’t truly understand the gravity of the situation that he found himself in. And in a way, there was a part of him that was eternally grateful for that, because he could only scarcely imagine the horrors that must be occurring within his vicinity if the sounds were anything to go by.
All around him, the sounds of machinery humming and people shouting and yelling over one another filled the stagnant air, most not taking the news of the demise of their loved ones lightly. And there was no definite reason that anyone could give them as to why it had happened in the first place. It was simply one of those freak things that no one could really adequately prepare themselves for, like an earthquake or other natural disaster. Only this was different because should there have been an adequate police presence present at the time or some other form of armed response, they might still be alive. You couldn’t fight a tidal wave, but you could shoot an idiot with a knife who was trying to stab your mother to death. And while you couldn’t do anything to nature for sweeping your house away in a mudslide, you could sit in a courtroom and face the evil individuals who killed your family.
V felt fortunate at that moment that he had no one to lose. As much as he cared for Morgan, especially in the moments when he wasn’t sure they were both going to make it, they weren’t family in the way these other people were. He’d liken them to friends, maybe even good friends now. But he could only imagine what kind of damage losing your mother or father or even your grandparents to something like this could do to you. And as V drifted in the semiconscious state that he found himself in, he couldn’t help but feel the agony of the space around him. It was as if the hospital had a presence of its own and it was weeping in sorrow from what it had lost. What had been lost within its sterile walls despite the best attempts of those who sought to do the best they could by those who had been sent there to be cared for by them.
More time than he could adequately acknowledge in his hazy state passed, and soon he found himself awake. It was a strange sort of hyperawareness that he rarely felt, and it was somewhat akin to those rare mornings when you woke up and sat up in your bed only to realize that you were wide awake somehow. In truth, V had never been a morning person. It wasn’t so much that he was a night owl as it was the fact that his mind tended to wander into the late hours of the night, keeping him awake when all he craved was the sweet embrace of a deep slumber. But at that moment, he was very much awake. And he was very much aware of where he was.
Judging by the conversations that he had heard bits and pieces of, he was somewhat surprised that his leg wasn’t in some form of traction. In truth, he couldn’t actually feel anything that might be wrong with it. In fact, he hadn’t been able to feel it at all when he’d first realized that they were talking about him. But in that same vein, he was just glad that he still had it. Talk of hypothermia claiming a part of him like that was a phobia he hadn’t realized he’d had until that day, and it was one that he wasn’t keen on helping come to fruition. But at the moment he had more pressing matters to attend to.
There was a doctor there to see him, and they looked utterly and totally perplexed.
“Hello, young man. I apologize, but your medical chart doesn’t reflect your name, and I don’t think you’ve been treated here before due to a lack of other forms of identification or other records in our system.” He pulled up a chair, plopping down with a much friendlier look on his face than he’d previously possessed. He seemed somewhat intrigued instead of confused. “I’m David. I was just coming to check on you, and here you are, awake and coherent! Wonderful. You’re doing spectacular, all things considered. It’s actually slightly unbelievable.”
V tilted his head to the side slightly, admittedly taken aback slightly by the statement. What did he mean by that? Did they expect him to be doing poorly? In truth, his memory of what had happened recently was somewhat spotty due to his prolonged period of inactivity and semiconsciousness, but even still, that was enough to cause him a great deal of concern. The most he could remember was bits and pieces of him somehow reaching the road and then collapsing. What exactly had happened to him after that was a mystery, as far as he was concerned, so this was all news to him.
“I get the impression that you didn’t expect me to recover from…” He paused for a moment, trying his best to recall what had actually happened that could have injured him. Unfortunately, he came up empty. “Actually… what did happen to me? My memory is a little bit hazy at the moment. Did I hit my head or something?”
“No, but your vitals were all wrong when you arrived.” The doctor took a moment to leaf through the papers on his clipboard, shaking his head as though he himself didn’t believe what he was reading. “Your internal body temperature was at 90 degrees, and you were suffering from Acute Tachyarrhythmia. You’d also somehow managed to walk what we estimate was around 5 miles in soaking wet clothing during a blizzard with a major impairment to your right leg. At first, we thought your femur was broken, but all of our follow-up X-rays have come up inconclusive. I can’t say anything as to the rigidity of your bones, or your ability to actually walk at the moment, but the fact that you are sitting here breathing and seemingly just fine is nothing short of a miracle.”
If he’d been able to look at himself, V probably would have found the absolutely gobsmacked look on his face amusing. Despite the fact that he didn’t understand the implications of what most of those terms meant, that didn’t mean that he wasn’t somewhat shocked to hear that he had apparently nearly died and yet didn’t feel any different. “That condition you mentioned… acute -what was it- what does that mean?”
David looked at him for a moment as though he were attempting to remember what he was talking about before looking upwards again, seemingly jolted back to reality. “Oh! Acute Tachyarrhythmia? It’s a form of arrhythmia or heart palpitation. Essentially, your heart rate was far above what it should have been. Well into the 300s, and nearly at the 400 mark at its peak, which is irregular, to say the least! We had to administer anti-adrenaline, but much to our surprise, the normal dose didn’t seem to do much of anything. Four injections later, we were finally able to sedate you, but the entire situation was deeply strange, to say the least. That might be why you don’t remember much.”
Looking over at V, he paused for a moment to see how he was reacting to the news before continuing. Giving him a stress aneurysm after he’d managed to survive such extraordinary circumstances was relatively low on his list of wants, and the last thing he wanted to do was overwhelm him. “Are you alright? I can stop now, if you’d like. I understand that this is probably a bit much for you to take in so soon after waking up. You have been out of it for quite some time now.”
The white-haired teen immediately went on alert at the statement, his pupils dilating in slight apprehension and shock. What did he mean by that? “Please tell me that I haven’t been in a coma for several weeks or something like that. Even if you have to lie.”
David smiled sympathetically, shaking his head. “Oh, no! It’s only been about four days, young man. Nothing that serious. And that was mostly due to the sedatives we had to give you. I suspect that if your chart is anything to go by, that will be just fine.” He took another quick glance at the chart, his brow furrowing slightly as he looked over something. “You may have some arrhythmia issues in the future, but nothing that should impair or limit you. You’d need a follow-up appointment to look into that, however. I don’t have the authority to diagnose you with anything. I’m just a general medicine doctor, and that is my opinion on the matter. Nothing more, though I do hope you do well. You’ve been through an awful lot for someone so young. What a terrible shame.”
V resisted the urge to nod in agreement. Yes. He had been through entirely too much in his young life. As far as he was concerned, that was a fact. Still, he was surprised to find that he couldn’t make himself look at the situation with an entirely negative outlook. He’d never been through something so physically dangerous, but this was far from the first time he’d ever been in peril, and he was sure it would not be the last. That was just a fact of life. Or at least it was a fact of the life he lived, but what reason was there to be splitting hairs about it at this point?
“Yes. Yes, it is.” He lingered on the words that the doctor had spoken for a moment, turning to look in the direction of the window. He needed a moment to himself to think and take in the gravity of the situation that he found himself in. It was admittedly more than he could properly process all at once, but at least he knew for the most part that he was alright and that everything would be okay. But in all honesty, he didn’t know where he was going to go from there. Back to the town to pack, maybe. But after that, what would he do? “I realize that I still haven’t given you my name. You can call me V.”
The doctor looked at him as though he was going to question him further, but decided to drop the matter for the time being. After all, they weren’t going to be billing any of the survivors, and he was probably slightly dazed and overwhelmed at the moment. There was no point in pushing him to reveal information that he didn’t feel like discussing. And for all the doctor knew, that could very well be his name. People tended to give their children unusual names nowadays.
“Well, I’ll give you a little while to collect your thoughts and think of anything you’d like to ask. From what I can tell, your free to go, but there isn’t a rush.” David stood up and straightened out his coat, looking towards the door to check and see if he was needed. “Your one of the last people from Lympha that’s still here, so we’re not short on rooms or anything.”
A thought occurred to V as the doctor spoke those words, a low undertone of dread rising up from the pits of his gut. He knew the answer to his question long before he actually asked it, but he was hoping to be pleasantly surprised for once. Sadly, he received the usual brand of disappointment and anguish that he was so used to. It seemed that wherever he went, disaster followed not long after. “The rest of the townspeople… did any of them make it?’ 
Gods how he hoped his gut feeling could be wrong, but he knew.
David shook his head slightly, looking down at the floor for a moment. He fell silent, grief overtaking him for a moment before he responded. “Sadly not many of them did. So far of the two-hundred and thirty-seven residents that are currently known to reside in the town, we’ve only managed to locate about six of you so far. Thankfully the other three-fourths of the town were gone for the season at the time, so the damage was somewhat contained. I shudder to imagine what would have happened if everyone had been home for the season…”
V closed his eyes for a moment in contemplation, still facing the window. The warm sun wasn’t something he normally relished in. In fact, he was much more at home in colder climates. But in this particular instance, he couldn’t help but feel lucky to be able to feel anything at all. He didn’t want to know how many of those who had perished had been children or elderly people. None of them had deserved their fate. While everyone in the town hadn’t always been the kindest to him as a general rule, they had never been overtly unkind or hostile, and none of them had done something to merit the horrible end that they had been granted. At least not his knowledge, but he could scarcely imagine what they could have done to incur such insurmountable wrath, especially from such a seemingly random opponent.
“… What about the people who attacked us. Has anything been said about them?”
A sigh of something akin to contentment escaped David’s lips. V could tell that he was tired, and probably new to the job. Most of the doctors that he’d encountered in his life were a bit more adept at hiding how they felt. If he was willing to bet, he’d be willing to wager that David might be a resident or an intern of some sort. But his heart was in the right place, and he appreciated the honesty, especially in a situation like this. It didn’t matter to V in the slightest. Everyone had to start somewhere.
“Thankfully I can give you some good news there. Or, at least something a little bit better. It’s more strangeness, sadly.” The doctor leaned against the doorway, straightening his posture as best as he could. “That’s where they got the other survivors from. They were held up in the woods somewhere. The people who attacked your town had taken them into the woods to do some kind of ritual. Anyway, there was a huge shootout, and most of them were killed. Their accomplices in the next town over were arrested, and part of the town actually got buried under a snowdrift during the incident. Karma, maybe? Anyway, there hasn’t been given much of a reason yet, just something about how their “lord wished this of them” and “the prophecy has to be fulfilled”. They all sound out of their minds to me, but the one upside to this situation is that the people involved will be looked up for a long time, and they will never be able to hurt anyone else again. That’s the best outcome you can hope for in a situation like this if I’m being honest. It’s shades of grey, not black and white. And sometimes you have to find the brightest light in the darkest room, so to speak.”
Just as the doctor seemed to be about to continue, but didn’t get the chance. Just before he could speak, his attention was drawn away by a small head of messy hair poking through the doorway. Neither of them got the opportunity to speak before Morgan bolted into the room, running over in a teary-eyed mess to see if V was okay. David put his arm in front of her in an effort to stop her, but V waived him away, unwilling to allow her worries to be dismissed. He could tell she had been through an awful lot during his absences. Her eyes said it all.
“No no, let her through. Please. It’s fine. I know her.” V moved to sit on the edge of the bed, not entirely sure what his intention for doing so really was. If he was willing to guess, he’d say that he just wanted to show her that he was alright, but in truth, he didn’t really know whether or not he was or what he was so eager to come to her aid. There was just something about the look of absolute heartbreak on her pretty little face that struck a nerve with him. He never wanted to see her like that again.
“Oh thank- your okay! You haven’t been awake in like four days, V! I was worried sick about you!” Morgan looked as though she wanted to strangle him, but there was no anger in her face. Only relief, sorrow, and exhaustion. He got the impression that she probably hadn’t left the hospital, slept, or ate much in the time since he’d arrived. It was understandable, but he hoped it wasn’t the case. “I’m just glad you’re okay. You looked absolutely terrible when they brought you in. I thought you were gonna die! Had me worried sick there for a while”
Realizing that they needed time alone, the doctor waived politely to them both before quietly exiting the room and closing the door behind himself. Both V and Morgan watched him as he went, relieved to see one another again. He noted that as he tried to put weight on his right leg, he felt a persistent burning sensation and he had a bit of difficulty putting weight on it, but aside from that, he was sure that he could and would manage just fine on his own. Maybe that was the best place for him right now. Morgan would return to life with her family, and he would go elsewhere. Maybe just pack his bags and go. It was worth a shot.
“I’m glad to see you’re doing alright as well. I presume you’re going back to stay with your mother?” V asked, not entirely sure what to say or do at that point. It was a lot to take in.
Morgan nodded. “Yea, she’s waiting for me in the lobby. She came up to see you and thank you for helping me, but you were off getting an x-ray or something, so she couldn’t. Said to thank you for her. She’s too upset about my grandparents to really say much right now.” Morgan looked distant for a moment, more than likely sharing her mother’s sorrow. He knew that it had to be a lot for her. “What are you going to do now? Supposedly all of us are going to be getting some kind of huge payout for having to go through all of this nightmarish crap. I know your not just going to move back into that town and pretend that none of this happened. Any plans for the future, or is it too early in the morning for that.”
V smirked. He really did like this young girl. She had a certain tenacity to her that he didn’t see very often in the people he interacted with. And he was willing to admit that he thought he understood that sentiment. But he lacked the nerve, and that was something that she had in spades. 
“I think I’m going to pack my things, put them in storage, and catch the first train that goes as far as possible from here. Once I’m on board, I’ll ride it until I see someplace that catches my eye or until I reach the end of the line.” He shrugged slightly, unsure of what else to say. “If that happens, I’ll board a different train and keep going. And when I’m ready, I’ll contact you. I don’t know how long that will be, but I promise that I will.”
Morgan a hand on her hip, shaking her head. “Call me crazy, but I’m willing to bet you’ve done this before. Just a hunch.”
V nodded, smirking again. She was smarter than she looked, and that was truly saying something because she didn’t look the slightest bit stupid. “If you need me, contact me. Please. But I have to leave here. I’m sorry.”
She held up her hand to hush him. “I understand, V. Just knowing you’re alive is enough. Don’t’ you dare tell me your sorry. I don’t’ want you to be. I want you to leave here and live your life and be happy. I’m going to try and do the same. We both deserve that.”
He looked back at the window again, feeling the morning sun on his face. That was something that he was willing to agree with her on. After all, he’d always wanted to travel. And now that he had nothing to tie him down, why waste the opportunity. If there was one thing that the entire experience he’d just gone through had taught him, it was that he never knew when he could wake up and it could be his last day. He didn’t want to squander that. Not while he still had breath in his body.
I hope you all enjoyed this ark! It’s basically over now, so I’m excited to hear what you thought of it! See you all next week, and stay safe out there! To the comment section! Away!
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writethelifeyouwant · 5 years
You Got Iced - Chapter One
Pairing: Jared x Reader x Jensen
Rating: M, for language (future chapters will be explicit)
Summary: Inspired in part by the challenge prompt and in part by this convention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAHS_RJ5Gac (which is fucking hilarious, go enjoy yourselves there). The reader is attending a Supernatural convention during a heat wave and gets her money’s worth out of her ticket that’s for sure. 
Word Count: 3556
Warnings: None for this chapter
A/N: Written for @babypieandwhiskey ‘s Hot as Hell challenge. This is only chapter one of an undetermined number. If anyone else wants to be tagged in the rest of the chapters shoot me an ask! I’ll be posting them over the next couple weeks as I finish them. I’m in the process of moving to a different country so it’s taking me a little longer to write than I’d hoped :) (Also I’ve only been to cons in my dreams so sorry if things aren’t totally realistic in that respect).
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The convention hall, also known as the shabby ballroom of the Hilton on Main, was clouded in an ungodly, sticky heat that had descended, seemingly from nowhere, the previous night. Even the oppressive heat hadn’t dampened the palpable excitement of the hundreds of people that were crowding into each other’s personal space, waiting for the boys. A dance, so identical it was practically choreographed, spread throughout the audience as the minutes slipped by. People’s heads nodded up and down as they checked the clocks on their phones and then checked the stage again, finding it still empty. 
Then a shocking scream erupted from a corner of the room where a ripple of the curtain had announced the imminent arrival of Rob and his band of merry men. Shouts rang out as the band populated the stage and without introduction, cranked out discordant rock chords. 
“How you all doing today?” Rob shouted into the microphone and answering hollers echoed back. “No one melted yet?” 
An answering “No!” came back from the crowd. 
“Alright well let’s get this show on the road before that happens!” 
Cheers erupted as the music started, Rob introducing himself, Michael, Billy and Stephen, and Rich who had popped up from behind the curtain in the meantime. 
“So hey,” Rich had grabbed his own microphone, “I saw a couple guys lurking backstage, I think you guys might know them, those two really tall motherfuckers that are on TV all the time?” The shrieks that flew out of the crowd must have made the band glad they had earplugs in. “I’m gonna assume that means you guys want them up here too?” Rich prodded with a smirk. More screams. “Yeah I thought so, everyone give it up for Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles!” 
The boys, somehow dressed in flannels despite the god awful heat, jogged out on stage, waving and smiling and lapping up the outcry from the nearly hysterical audience members. Picking up the microphones that were waiting for them on the chairs in the centre of the stage, they settled themselves in, Jared flipping his chair around and earning some extra swooning screams because he somehow managed to make that simple movement incredibly seductive. 
To be honest, you were glad you had a railing to lean against as you watched them. Terrified excitement gripped your chest as you stared up at them enjoying the turmoil they had engendered, and you felt sweat pooling at the base of your spine that had nothing to do with the sweltering humidity you’d been standing in all morning. You were in one of the two lines of incredibly lucky humans stood near the front of the room, with your question scribbled on a piece of paper in case you totally lost your mind when it was your turn to talk to them. 
Just as the noise finally began to die down Jensen grinned into the mic and said, “Hi guys,” pulling a whole new wave of cheers from everyone. 
“How are you guys doing?” Jared asked, nodding along to the answers of “great, amazing, good, boiling” that were making their way back to him. They both laughed. “Yeah, it is pretty hot in here isn’t it?”
“Sorry guys, that’s my fault,” Jensen smirked, and Jared shot him a teasing look and fanned himself wildly. 
“Seriously, is this normal for here, did we just totally miss a memo?” Jared asked. The crowd shouted that this was completely not normal, it was some sort of sign of the apocalypse, curse from God, that sort of thing. “Oh good, so we’re not total morons,” he nodded, shaking the front of his shirt to encourage some airflow. 
“You know what might help, man?” Jensen asked. 
“What?” Jared’s face told the crowd that he genuinely didn’t know where Jensen was going with that question. 
“If you took the fucking beanie off.” 
Laughter rang out followed by hollers of encouragement as Jared shook his head but pulled off the wool knit cap, shaking out his hair and pushing it back out of his eyes. 
“Yeah okay, the hat was a stupid move today,” Jared admitted, tossing it casually straight into Jensen’s face. “Do you guys like not know what air conditioning is or…” laughs rippled through the audience and a garbled shout you couldn’t make out made its way towards the stage. 
“What was that?” Jensen asked, leaning forward as if that was gonna make it easier to hear. You heard the words repeated but you still couldn’t understand them. 
“Bring back strip question?” Jared clarified. The boys chuckled as answering shrieks reached a heightened level of hysteria. 
“Honestly, I don’t think we’re gonna need the prompting this time, the layers are just gonna start melting off eventually,” Jensen laughed. 
“No but, on a slightly more serious note,” Jared interrupted, “Thank y’all so much for being here. We love you guys and we really appreciate it but it is hot in here so, take care of yourselves, drink water if you have some. If you have to get up and go cool off or get a drink, please, please do, don’t feel bad. We don’t want anyone collapsing out there.” 
Jared’s thoughtfulness really touched something in you. He was so unendingly sweet it just showed how much he really felt everyone there was his family. You felt like you mattered and that spread warmth through your limbs that was altogether separate from the heat of the room. Lost in your thoughts briefly after Jared’s PSA you noticed that they had started to take questions from the line, and you shook yourself out in time to hear a small girl’s trembling voice ask, “What was the hardest thing you ever had to do for the show? A stunt or something emotionally difficult or scary to film?”
The panel trickled by, and you tried to absorb every second of it. The minute expressions that Jared and Jensen shared, the laughs they broke from each other, the looks of adoration on every fan’s face, the feeling of gratefulness that swelled in your chest at being anywhere near these two and surrounded by such an incredible amount of happiness. The heat was the constant companion of everyone in the room, and Jared and Jensen were frequently leaving their chairs to make trips to the jugs of iced water that had been set up by the band. 
As you neared the front of the question line, Jensen got up for another water break while Jared finished answering a question about the mechanics of one of his favourite shots from last season when he was suddenly interrupted by a growl from Jensen. 
“Son of a bitch!” Even without the microphone he was incredibly audible, especially since you were very close to them at this point. 
Jared turned around, confused and amused, trying to figure out what the hell Jensen was doing. It quickly became apparent as Jensen pulled from a jug of ice a slim white bottle, shaking the condensation off of it. Jared burst out laughing, clapping his hands together and pointing in mocking. 
Walking back to his mic, Jensen twisted the cap off the bottle. “Did you do this, man?” Jensen accused Jared. 
“No, I swear,” Jared choked out still laughing. Jensen rounded on the band and Rob and Rich just shrugged, with unapologetic smirks on their faces. “Hey man, at least it’s cold,” Jared offered. 
“Ugh I hate these things,” Jensen complained, but he sank to one knee to raucous applause and tipped the Smirnoff Ice back, downing it in an impressively short time. Rob and Rich grinned at each other and shared a surreptitious low-five behind Rob’s back. You were right next to their side of the stage now and they heard you laugh at them. Turning they gave you a thumbs up and Rich looked around, leaned in to whisper something to Rob, then pulled back with a pretty evil smile. 
On the other side of the stage, Jared and Jensen had returned to answering questions and you tried to pay attention to the anecdote they were sharing but you kept getting distracted and glancing back at the band, because you could feel Rob’s eyes on you. Looking around you realised that Rich had ducked behind the curtain and now he was rounding the corner of the stage on the audience level, sneaking along bent over so his head wouldn’t be seen over the side of the stage. He was coming right at you. 
He stopped to check something with the volunteer that stood at your side of the stage, then continued to creep back towards you. You stood there in stunned silence as he approached with a wide, conniving smile and whispered an introduction. 
“Hi there, I’m Rich.” 
“H-hi,” you gulped, completely stunned that you were standing so close to an actual Supernatural actor. 
“So, you’re gonna have the last question,” Rich cut straight to the point, keeping his voice down so he didn’t disturb the proceedings around him. You nearly choked on your breath. 
“That, that means,” you struggled to compute for a second. “I go up there?” You pointed up to the stage where Jared and Jensen were sitting, laughing, looking like giant gods. 
“Yup,” Rich popped the ‘p’ on the end of the word. “That okay with you?” You could only manage to nod. “Okay, so, we play the little jingle, the volunteer will walk you up, we’ll have a chair there with a mic, all good?” Again, you only nodded, clutching your question in your hand, eternally grateful that you had thought to write it down, and hoping the sweat pooling in your hands didn’t smudge the writing. 
“One more thing,” Rich ducked his body behind yours and brought his face close enough to full-on whisper. “That dress have pockets?” Completely confused by his question you squeak out an answer. 
“Yeah, why?” You felt something cold at your elbow and you looked down. Rich was sneaking you another Smirnoff Ice, indicating with his head that you should put it in your pocket. 
“Think you can give that to Jared for us?” 
“Oh,” you breathed out, understanding now. “Yeah, sure,” you giggled. 
“Thanks kiddo,” Rich clapped his hands on your shoulders and squeezed before darting forward and launching himself back onto the stage so he could situate himself with the band. 
After an exchange of looks from Jared and Jensen and back to Rob the music kicked in and you were ushered forwards by the volunteer Rich had spoken to a moment ago. 
There were no real words to describe what it was like to stand right in front of Jared and Jensen. You felt like your heart had stopped and like it was beating a million times a minute at the same time. Up on the stage with lights beaming down it was even hotter than it had been in the audience, and when Jared and Jensen each placed a hand on your upper arms and guided you towards your chair and mic, it felt like their hands were burning into your skin. You almost hoped you had scars a la Dean’s from Castiel. 
As you sat down, the faint buzzing that had stuffed your ears started to dissipate and you realised that Jared was talking to you. 
“I’m sorry, can you say that again?” You were so embarrassed that they were affecting you like this but Jared just smiled gently, practically radiating a safe, warm encouragement. 
“What’s your name darlin’,” Jared asked again. 
“Oh, uh, Y/N,” your name came back to you, finally. 
“And Y/N,” Jensen asked now, “what is your question?”
“Okay, um, so my question is for both of you and I’d like to extend it to Rob and Rich too if that’s okay?” You glanced around at everyone’s faces and all four seemed to be nodding their heads that that would be okay. When you looked over at the band you caught Rich’s eye and he quirked a brow at you, a small reminder of your other purpose on the stage. Clearing your throat you pulled out the your question but kept your other hand in your pocket with the cold bottle. 
“But, before I ask it, I’ve been asked to give something to Jared by a friend.” 
“Oh cool, what is it!” Excitement took over Jared’s face like a puppy dog who heard the word ‘treat’. That joy was quickly doused when he saw what you pulled out of your pocket. “Oh, God,” Jared pulled a hand over his face, scrubbing at his cheek adorably in annoyance. 
“Sorry,” you did feel a little guilty, but mostly it was funny. 
“Which one of those douches was it,” Jared pointed accusingly at Rob and Rich. 
“You’re welcome!” They shouted in unison, giving Jared a big thumbs up. 
“You suck,” Jared shouted, but good-naturedly sank to one knee, upending the Smirnoff Ice and draining it as quickly as possible. What made you absolutely lose your breath, and nearly your mind, is that when he dropped to his knee he used you as his brace. His long fingers wrapped almost all the way around your knee, and he squeezed gently, almost teasingly, as he gulped down the icy drink. You couldn’t take your eyes off the way his neck was pulsing as he swallowed, and a small drop of sweat was running achingly slowly down past where you knew you could find his pulse if you just reached out your fingers and touched. 
When he finished, he exhaled on an over-exaggerated ‘ahh’ and his eyes locked straight with yours. He maintained eye contact, his hazel irises twinkling in the bright lights beating down on the stage, and he rose slowly back to his feet, giving your knee one last squeeze before reaching out for his microphone again. 
“Now, Y/N, since we’ve got that out of the way,” Jared flared back at Rob and Rich, “what is your question?” 
The rest of your time on stage was an absolute blur. Jensen answered your question first, quickly followed by Rich. Jared and Rob took a few seconds each to consider before offering their best answer and then before you could process what was happening Jensen was pulling you to your feet and wrapping you in a burning hug. Jared came around the other side and stretched his arms around both you and Jensen, briefly trapping you there between them. Then all the sudden you felt a rush of air as they pulled back and you were being ushered off to the side by a volunteer. 
Your eyes took a moment to adjust back to the lack of blazing spotlights, so you kept following the volunteer without giving much thought to where she was leading you. It was a shock when you found yourself being pushed through a gap between a curtain and the wall, moving back behind the stage. A little holding area was filled with everyone who had just been on stage, and a volunteer passing around water bottles.
“Why am I back here?” You whisper shrieked at the volunteer. She laughed at you. 
“You want to take a picture with the guys?”
“Oh wow, you’re not serious,” you panicked, smoothing out your hair and patting over your face, hoping your makeup hadn’t sweated off too much.  
“You’ll be fine,” she laughed again, good-naturedly though. She must be used to dealing with fangirling freaks, you thought to yourself. 
“Hi Y/N,” Jensen called when you were just about level with the group. 
“Ready for your close-up?” Jared asked, waggling his eyebrows at you. 
“Um, yeah I guess,” you gulped, trying to organise your thoughts as you followed Jared and Jensen over to where a camera tripod was set up against another wall. You were walking between them, the bare skin of your arms brushing against their hands, because they were that much taller than you. “It is so nice to meet you guys, seriously, I just want to say thank you for being like, amazing and wonderful. You’ve made such an amazing family,” you stop talking and try to rein yourself in, knowing you can’t guarantee you won’t say something monumentally embarrassing very soon. 
“Well, you guys are all pretty amazing too,” Jared smiled, clapping a hand on your shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze, clearly sensing you could do with a little calming down, not that having him touch you actually accomplished that. Your heart felt like it was trying to jump out through your throat. 
“So, where do you want us?” Jensen smiled warmly at you, but there was something else peeking out from behind his bright green eyes. Mischief, maybe. 
“Oh god, I don’t even know,” you tried not to giggle hysterically, which was your usual defence mechanism when you got nervous. 
“It’s okay, just come over here,” Jared pushed you forwards slightly towards Jensen. They stood together, arms slung around the shoulders that were touching and pulled you in front of them. Stumbling a little, like a total idiot you berated yourself internally, you fell back against them. Assuming they’d want a little more space, you started to take a step forward but then you felt solid warmth pressing against your back. Jared and Jensen had both pulled you closer into them and they were pressing you back into their bodies. You felt more than heard a chuckle roll through Jensen’s body, and he slung his left arm around your body, settling his hand against your right shoulder. Jared mirrored him, crossing his arm over Jensen’s to hug you tighter to both of them. 
“Okay, say ‘bacon’!” The photographer snapped a few photos of you all absolutely laughing your asses off, because who says ‘bacon’ when they take a photo? But as the laughter settled you felt a sense of incandescent calm spread through you. Jared and Jensen were still pressing you against them, and the laughter had broken the tension you’d been holding in your limbs, allowing you to settle into them without so many nerves. 
When the photographer indicated that he was done the boys released you and each other, Jared ruffling his hair mostly to give his hands something to do. You felt more relaxed now, and a little more confident that you weren’t going to start babbling nonsense so you took a chance to ask for a favour. 
“I’m gonna ask since I’m here and I know I’ll kill myself later if I don’t… Do you think it would be okay if I got a photo with the band?” 
“Oh, sure, yeah,” Jensen said, obviously having expected something much more out of left field. He waved over to the guys still milling around in the holding area. “Hey, Rob, get your guys over here!” 
When they were in better earshot Jared pointed his thumb at you and said, “Your new minion wants a picture.” His voice was scathing but hid his amusement pretty poorly considering he was an actor. The band plus Rich all crowded around you for a photo, going for a giant group hug approach and pulling loads of stupid faces, helping you chill out even more. 
As they released you from the crush you turned back to Jared. “Sorry, again, about that,” you said, referring to passing on Rich’s prank before, and blushing a little. 
“Yeah, bullshit,” Jared laughed, his eyes crinkling and fuck, why was that so sexy.  
“Well did you want to give her this for your revenge Jared or…” Jensen let his thought trail off, swinging a cloudy white bottle by the neck between his thumb and a finger. 
“Jay, we cannot Ice a fan,” Jared laughed exasperatedly. 
“Sure we can,” Rob grabbed the drink from Jensen and tossed it at you. You screamed a little but by some miracle you caught it clumsily, clutching it to your chest to keep it from smashing to the ground. 
“Y/N you really don’t have to drink that,” Jared insisted, trying to protect you from his ridiculous friends. 
“No it’s okay, fair’s fair” you laughed, twisting off the cap of the cold drink, confused as to how this was your life right now. You brought the bottle to your lips, taking a moment to shoot Jared a reassuring smile because he was still looking worriedly at you. Before you managed to actually drink any of it though you heard Jensen clear his throat, and he looked pointedly from you, to the ground at your feet. 
“You forgetting something?” Jensen grinned as he watched you, arms crossed over his chest. Of course, you thought, you were supposed to take a knee when you downed it. 
“Someone’s bossy,” you chided, but you let yourself fall, landing on both your knees instead of just one like the challenge technically called for. Glancing up at Jensen for permission to down your drink now you saw him exchange a fleeting look with Jared. For just a moment, something had cracked through their smiling exteriors. It was dark; hungry. The change had been infinitesimal and before you could swear it had been there to begin with, their warm, encouraging smiles were back. You tipped the bottle back, keeping your eyes locked with Jensen’s the whole time, like Jared had done with you earlier on the stage.
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sondepoch · 5 years
XIV: Neutral Route (Luciel)
Where Futures Begin
Life used to be simple for you. Peaceful. But the Savior had other plans for you, and in moments, she ruined what you thought was your one shot at happiness. Blinded by anger, you escaped the Mint Eye, but that triggered a series of events that would bring you further into the world of brothers Saeran and Saeyoung. And further into the twisted world of your love for them.
Neutral Route: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ✔
Saeyoung’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ✔
Saeran’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | ✔
Luciel considered himself to be a fairly level-headed person. Even back when he called himself Saeyoung, he'd been able to make tough decisions, able to weigh the pros against the cons without bias.
He didn't know what quite came over him when V told him the truth.
"Luciel, we've found your brother," V said, eyes gazing softly into Luciel's.
The redhead stood still for, not really understanding the weight of the words. But that only lasted a moment; after a couple of seconds had passed, Luciel's lips were moving like a rapper, his mouth barely able to keep up with his mind.
"How do you know? Who is he with? Is he safe? Where is he? Who gave you this information? How could Saera-"
V put a hand up, halting Luciel's questions. "It seems that..." V trailed off, hesitating as usual. "It seems that Rika is alive."
Luciel felt something inside him churn at the words. When V had first come to the RFA, pronouncing Rika dead by suicide, Luciel hadn't bothered asking what had become of Saeran. A part of him didn't want to know. Because if there was even a remote chance that Saeran had survived up until that point, he would have died without Rika to care forhim.
But if Rika had never died...
"Is Saeran with Rika?"
V nodded his head, and Luciel felt relief flood his body. At that moment, he could have cried. He loved Saeran so much. So fucking much. When he thought that his other half had died, he felt incomplete. Withdrawn. Like a part of him was dead inside.
But now, that was no longer the case. 
"How can I go see him?" It had been so long since the twins had been reunited. Too long.
It was time for Luciel to come home.
It was time for Saeyoung to come home.
"You can't." V 's words were blunt, not shaped with the care he usually put into everything he did.
Luciel felt his breath catch. "Why not?"
"It seems that....your brother is currently....well, the situation is complex...." V's words were empty, the blue-haired man stalling to confess a truth that Luciel suspected he did not want to hear. Luciel felt his expression turn hard, and he met V's eyes. The older man sighed and took his sunglasses off, wiping them and setting them on the table. He looked into Luciel's eyes. "Saeran is in the Mint Eye. And that Savior (Y/N) and MC keep talking about? That's..."
"Rika." Luciel murmured, finishing the horrible sentence V had started.
Luciel didn't need to be told anything further, that information alone was enough. The Mint Eye was a cult for the deranged, a gathering of unstable minds. If Rika was the Savior, there was no doubt that she had Saeran doing ungodly work for the Mint Eye.
Luciel closed his eyes, suppressing tears that were bubbling up.
Saeran was leading the very life Luciel had left to protect him from.
That information alone was enough for Luciel. It was so much to process; most of the knowledge had already set his mind in a daze. V, however, didn't stop talking. "You know that Ray person (Y/N) keeps mentioning?"
Luciel nodded, remembering the terrifying encounter they had when Ray hacked into (Y/N)'s laptop and threatened them. That man was genuinely psychotic. A freak. The way he spoke...that guy wasn't just mental, he was mentally deprived — the mark of a truly insane person.
"That's Saeran."
Luciel felt his heart stop.
"(Y/N) has been calling him by a different name because he-"
Luciel tuned out the rest of his words, numb before the truth.
Everything after was hazy, a product of the confusion and anger and unfairness Luciel saw in the world. He glanced at the empty spot where (Y/N) sat not two minutes ago as she worked, remembering her hesitant fingers and cautious breathing.
He almost laughed.
The girl feared him.
Not that he cared. If she had just been honest and called him Saeran from the start, Luciel would have received a lot more information a lot quicker than how he had been forced to do it.
Luciel sighed, pulling his laptop off his lap. He took a glance at the door, and, quickly walked over to the bed. Was she hiding information again? What had made her walk out of the room so quickly?
Luciel turned the laptop on the bed so that it was facing him and sighed.
That idiot. He saw the sign-in interface, the user Saeran. Did she try to get in by guessing his password? So much for her skills as a hacker.
Luciel rolled his eyes, almost walking away, before something pulled him back to the laptop. Saeran...still remembered him, right? Luciel thought about his own password for his mobile phone: saeran. All lowercase, no spaces, no special characters.
Would his brother be the same way?
The redhead typed his name out, a strange feeling as he hadn't done it in years. His fingers almost prompted him to type in 'Luciel' rather than 'Saeyoung,' but the boy caught himself before he made such a stupid mistake.
Luciel paused, finger hovering over the 'Enter' key. This is ridiculous, he thought to himself. He didn't hope. He didn't allow himself to. That was what made life easier. If you never hoped, you were never disappointed.
But when the error message popped up, he still felt his heart sink a little.
Error: Incorrect password.
1 attempt remaining.
Luciel found it easy to ignore the white-haired girl.
Unlike MC, she knew when to keep quiet, her voice pleasantly unpresent as he discussed plans with Vanderwood and V. The five cabin-members had gathered in the kitchen, Vanderwood refilling his cup of coffee every ten minutes.
"We have to return to the Mint Eye. It's just a matter of when," Luciel said, groaning for the umpteenth time.
"I don't have time for you to play 'hero' just so you can feel better, Luciel. You have work," Vanderwood scowled, yet again threatening to taser Luciel.
"Vanderwood, please try to understand," V interrupted. "Luciel will become a much better agent when he can stop focusing on this. It's closure he needs."
Amidst all of this, (Y/N) had kept quiet whilst MC taunted her in a whisper.
The brown-haired girl thought no one could hear her, but the truth was that neither Vanderwood nor Luciel cared what MC said to (Y/N). And V was too busy trying to sort out the ridiculous rescue mission Luciel was planning to worry about either of the girls.
"So, what made Luciel act like that toward you?" MC whispered, dangerously close to (Y/N)'s face. Luciel watched through the corner of his eye, rolling his eyes at MC's petty nature and at (Y/N)'s utter inability to defend herself.
"MC, shut up," He found himself saying before he had registered the words. "Unless you have something to add to this conversation, I suggest you keep your mouth shut like her." Luciel gestured vaguely toward (Y/N), still too irate with her to even say her name.
"Oh, now you want my opinion?" MC asked, crossing her arms. "I think the whole idea of going to the Mint Eye is stupid. You literally helped me escape less than twelve hours ago, and now you want to go back? One of us is getting captured if we do that, and the Mint Eye won't hold back this time."
Luciel bit his lip. MC was stupid, loud, and obnoxious, but he couldn't deny that she had a point.
"We're not debating this. We're infiltrating the Mint Eye to retrieve someone. The only question is how. If you have any ideas relating to that, then speak." Luciel scowled. He knew he was being unreasonable, but he also knew that he would do this mission solo, if needed.
Just then, V's phone rang. Luciel raised an eyebrow. "Is it Jumin?"
V shook his head. "An unknown number. I'll take this in the other room."
Luciel watched with narrowed eyes as V left, settling his gaze back on Vanderwood. "The window may still be accessible. It's risky, since they'll increase the perimeter security, but with your taser, the guards shouldn't be much of an issue." Luciel glanced down toward his shoes, where he hid a dagger at all times. "And I'm ready to kill anyone who stands in the way."
For the first time, (Y/N) spoke up. Luciel glared at her as she began, but his expression softened when he noted that she had something relevant to say. "No! I mean...no. The Mint Eye has more than enough cameras. They'll have reviewed the footage. They definitely know we escaped through the window. If it's still open, it's a trap."
Luciel stayed quiet for a moment. "And the Mint Eye is completely sealed, except for the front door."
He scowled. Rika, or The Savior as she liked to call herself now, had done an impressive job of making sure everything at the Mint Eye was securely handled. The window itself was only open because it was under Renovation. The door that led to the window, however, was locked tight. Luciel assumed that the only reason (Y/N) was able to get past it was because of her hacking; he, only the other hand, had come to the Mint Eye with explosives, ready to force entry if there was none.
"We can't blow anything up, this time. The Mint Eye will be expecting it. After what we just pulled, they're going to hear any blasts and will alert that Savior woman long before we're able to do what we need." Vanderwood's words were blunt, further emphasizing the fact that infiltrating the Mint Eye a second time was going to be difficult.
"Luciel," V called from another room, gesturing the redhead in. "Come here."
Luciel glanced around the kitchen. (Y/N) was biting her lip, MC sitting with a bored expression, and Vanderwood was drinking coffee. "This meeting is over." Luciel scowled, frowning at how unproductive the other people in his cabin were.
He walked over to V's room, shutting the door behind him.
"What?" Luciel's tone was sharp, the boy's frustration heightened from the previous events.
"I think I have a way to get Saeran back without us having to infiltrate the Mint Eye," V whispered. "But I'm not sure if we..."
"Give me the phone," Luciel said, holding his hand out. No doubt, this had something to do with the call V had received earlier.
"The call went to voicemail," V murmured.
Luciel fiddled with the phone for a moment, taking a moment to familiarize himself with the buttons before replaying the message that had been left on V's phone.
"Hello, V." Luciel's eyes widened. This was...Rika!
"I'm sure you've discovered the truth by now, where Saeran really is. I regret not being more careful with (Y/N) but...well, I'll punish her for that later. Anyway, since you're so noble, I have no doubt that you've told our dear Saeyoung about where his brother is and...let me guess. You're trying to break into the Mint Eye to get the precious boy back."
Rika laughed, but it wasn't the merry chime that Luciel was used to hearing from their childhood. It was deranged laughter: sick and twisted and cold.
"No need. Meet me a mile in front of the Mint Eye, right by the Ritual Grounds. You should remember the place well, shouldn't you?" Another cruel laugh followed, before Rika continued.
"Bring Saeyoung. I haven't seen him in so long...and in exchange, I'll bring Saeran! The two brothers will get to see each other once more! I'll even give Saeran to you, forever, let them be reunited. They can have their happily-ever-after. There's only one thing I want in return."
Rika paused, her voice cold once more and now devoid of the fake mirth she put into her words.
"(Y/N). Hostage for a hostage. I'll see you in six hours."
The phone beeped, signalling the end of the message.
Luciel leaned back against the wall, still a little shocked by Rika's voice. Then, he burst out into laughter. "This is perfect!" He said, grinning wildly. "All we need to do is give her that freeloader, and we have Saeran back! You know where the location is, right? The Ritual Grounds?"
V turned away. "Yes...it was where Rika and I first..." The man coughed, uncomfortable.
Luciel didn't notice. Instead, he chuckled, almost amused with how smoothly things had worked out. "Perfect. Truly perfect!"
V, on the other hand, didn't seem so elated. "Are you sure about this, Luciel? If we give (Y/N) to the Mint Eye...even MC knows what would happen to her."
"Who cares?" Luciel said, smiling. "It's the perfect trade. I want Saeran. Rika wants (Y/N). Why should we both be deprived of what we want when we can simply trade?"
Luciel grinned once more. For the first time, the stars had aligned so that he didn't need to struggle. "I'll make sure (Y/N) is ready. I think Vanderwood gave her new clothes...I'll have her put on her old dress." Luciel ignored V's stutters of protest, blinded by his happiness.
He closed the door without another word and grinned at the ceiling.
"Saeran, I'm coming for you."
Neutral Route: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ✔
Saeyoung’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ✔
Saeran’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Word count: 2.2k
Notes: I tried to update early today because I have an extremely hectic schedule for these next few days (going to a competitive conference!). Somehow, everything clears up by my next update so I'll let you know how it goes :) Wish me luck!
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Next Update: 02/17/20
I do not own the rights to Mystic Messenger or any of the characters within it.
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dreamdaddydutch · 6 years
‘I See You’ - Reader x Charles 
18+ for smut (there’s also angst/hurt/comfort)
 Set after the events in RDR2, the reader (general neutral) was Arthur’s s/o, Charles made a promise to Arthur to keep them safe. I’ve always been fond of comfort sex, or using sex as a way to process emotions and move on, so this happened. Also, I made myself sad. (edit - there’s an amendment to the final line which initially read ‘girl’ it’s now ‘girl/boy’)
If anyone is interested, this is what I was listening to whilst writing this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSjSozKL_EA&t=2315s (starting at around 14 mins in) 
I know you’re hurting... I know that you feel lost....that the sun won’t rise again..that the air hurts to breathe... I know that I know nothing of how you feel and yet I know that your lungs feel about ready to burst. There’s a thousand things Charles wants to say to you, but in the end, he knows that there is nothing he can say that will lift the burden, relieve the pain that has been devouring you ever since that day.  Arthur, his name haunts you, his wit, charm, his humanity in the end. But it wasn’t just Arthur, it was the loss of family, home, hope... 
You tried to piece together the moments where it went wrong, but there were so many minutes to consider. And then there was Hosea...A father figure to you, gone just like that. Yes, the cracks started to show some time ago, but after Guarma, that was when it was worse. 
Charles’ arms had held you strong, passing some of his own strength to you. He had made promises to Arthur, promises that he now transferred to you, he wouldn’t abandon you, he’d take care of you. 
You dug Arthur’s grave together, one another keeping the other strong. You dug in the dying light of the day, the sun’s rays guiding Arthur home. You didn’t cry then, the tears had come all at once and then nothing for weeks. It wasn’t sorrow or anguish as such, that would have been easier than the numbness that now possessed you. 
You would curl up into his side at night, sometimes he would hold you from behind, sometimes there would space between you, but you always shared blankets. Charles became your home. You watched the stars together, you hunted together, occasionally when in a chirpier mood you would reminisce about the old days. You wondered with some sorrow what had become of your other friends, of Javier, John, Tilly....
It is months after Arthur’s passing when Charles sits across the campfire from you, watching the flames flicker in your eyes, your cheeks glowing red.
“He wasn’t a bad man, not in the end,” you say suddenly one night. 
You had been thinking about what you wanted for a long time, your mind was made up, wheels turned in motion before you had a chance to stop it.
Charles offers a smile, “He was better than most of us.” He pauses, “You know a part of him will always live on, that nothing truly dies, not really. We live, we die, but our actions in life, they count for something.”
You nod and then fall silent, shifting on the ground, your hands reaching for the campfire to warm them up. You try to think of something to say, and it’s there, a monologue, hundreds of words pent up, but when you open your mouth to speak, it may as well have been dust that fell from your parched lips. Nothing came, just a choking sound from deep within, the place where the weeds had grow and tangled, suppressing emotion, was finally being overgrown by new buds. But the battle within seemed to strangle you, and every word you tried to speak wouldn't come, just a series of barely audible noises and the sound of your tongue against teeth. 
You met Charles’ eye line, he shifted his weight forward a little, concerned for you, he spoke, “It’s okay, I know.”
“I....” it’s a moment later, when you try to talk again. But there’s something else that's getting in the way of you expressing how you feel. Five months have passed without the touch of another’s skin, at least, in that way. Long ago, five months would have been nothing, even when you and Arthur dedicated yourselves to one another, he didn’t have the highest sex drive, but still... You missed being needed, wanted like that.
“I...” you wanted to ask Charles to take you, to kill the pain for a moment, embarrassment stung your cheeks as you choked on your words and bile rose in your throat. You hadn’t even realised you were doing it but the way you were sat, your legs were parting more than normal, you were holding yourself higher, as you stared at Charles your heart rate begun to increase. 
Charles gets up and moves round to sit next to you, you rest your head on his shoulder, nuzzling into him. “I would give you the world if I could,” he speaks so softly it could have lulled you to sleep. 
You reach out for him, resting a hand on his knee, your fingers moving in slow circles which clearly tickled him a little. You slowly move your hand up his leg towards his thigh. As your hand travels further you feel a deep sense of trepidation at your own actions, but hearing Charles’ breath hitch when your hand started to massage the inside of his thigh, tells you that he wants this too. Looking down at his pants you see already that his bulge is growing, stretching the material tightly. 
“Charles...” you spoke so softly, but your voice was drenched in need.
The two of you don’t need to say anything more, you don’t need words, you don’t need to explain to Charles what you need or why. When his large hands come up to cup your chin and trace gently along your jawline. Your mouth falls open just slightly as you had moan in anticipation. 
Charles searches your face, looking for permission to continue, in response you take one of his fingers in your mouth, sucking gently, your tongue moves in circles across the tip. 
“Y/N,” Charles moans as you suck two of his fingers. 
The moment you let his fingers fall from your mouth, his lips meet yours, they are not greedy, but soft, need wrecks through your core as you pull him in closer, then push him away, straddling his hips. You continue to kiss him, deepening the kiss as your tongues explore each other’s mouths, he sucks on your lips, his hands now a mess, reaching round to grab your ass. You slowly rock your hips in his lap, feeling him now so hard against your sex. 
Charles reaches down and undoes his belt-buckle, undoing his pants a second later and allows his cock, large and heavy to spring free. You let out a moan just at the sight of it, he’s larger than Arthur, larger than any man you’ve been with before. Your hand reaches down, there is a moment where you pause, but it’s already too late, your hand wraps around him, eliciting a hiss from his lips. You slowly pump his cock, gripping hard at the base and then softer towards the head. You are careful not to go overboard, you guess that Charles has a lot of self-control, but want to make sure that this lasts.
Charles stops you suddenly and rolls you over, you entwine your fingers with his, his weight on top of you feels like safety.
There isn’t a lot of foreplay, no giggling or anticipation or slow build. The sex wasn’t for that, in a way, it wasn’t even born of a desire for one another and the pleasure sex can bring. It was born of desperation, of an ache that only built and needed release. Charles could do that for you, bring you to your knees, and when he filled you, you knew you would be whole again, even if just for a moment. 
You stare up at the sky, the rapidly setting sun, wondering how many sunsets you had watched with Arthur. A sudden guilt builds and you try to push it to the back of your mind.
And then Charles is kissing you again, his tongue in your mouth, his hands breaking free from yours reaching down between your legs. You lift your hips a little as you feel him undo your belt buckle so that he can slip your clothes and underclothes over your ass and allow him access. Only it’s no good, you want to be naked under him, if you are to sin, you wish to do it bared. 
“Charles,” you gently push him up. For a moment he looks confused, hurt even, but when he sees you removing your shirt and baring your chest for him, then removing your clothes completely so they lay in an undignified pile on the ground, he smiles. It’s a slightly wicked smile, a smile you haven’t seen him wear before, it sends desire pulsing to your core. 
Charles pushes you gently back to the ground, his hand traveling between your legs, slowly caressing the most delicate part of you. Your lips are open, head thrown back in pleasure as you try to grind your hips upwards. 
He reaches into a bag and pulls out some oil, squeezing a generous helping onto his hand he reaches back down between your legs and makes sure you are well prepared. The cold sensation causes you to shiver, but you soon feel at ease when he slips one, large finger inside of you. He gently pulls it out and back in, slowly fucking you before slipping a second digit in alongside the first and finally a third. The third nearly causes you to cry  out, he’s stretching you in a way you haven’t been stretched before, but you know it is needed to accommodate his width and you are glad for the care. 
He looks up at you after pumping three fingers into you several times to gauge your reaction, you nod at him and he remove the fingers, shifts his weight back on top of you and lines himself up at your entrance. 
He enters you slowly, allowing you to feel at ease with him, to stretch you slowly, his size taking your breath away. In a way you wanted to scream, out of pain, out of pleasure, out of agony that he was filling you and not Arthur. But Charles was handsome, he was beautiful and had become everything you knew, past, present, future. 
Charles stays still for a moment, brushes some of the hair which has stuck to your forehead, to the side. He kisses your flushed cheeks and then moves his hips, slowly drawing out of you before thrusting back in a little quicker. 
For a moment you forget everything as Charles pounds you hard into the ground, your back arching, your hips thrust up to grind against his. He is every part the expert, knowing just where to angle to hit your most sensitive spot. The moans that come from your lips get louder, more frequent, but Charles remains almost silent. Arthur starts to fade, the memory of his touch though is still there and anger once again fills you, the anger that Dutch could give up on his ‘sons.’ No, you try to focus on Charles, on the feeling of him inside you, you try to channel all the anger into your grunts and moans, into the way you thrust your hips and allow yourself to be so completely ruined by Charles.
Your hands wrap round his torso, they snake up to back and your fingernails dig into his skin, it is only now he moans and hisses at your touch. You can tell by his pace he's getting close, there’s still the control, but it’s a little more irregular and it’s working, your mind is blank, Arthur no longer exists in your world. One of Charles’ hands lifts and for a moment you believe he is going to place it at your neck, but instead he goes back to between your legs, making sure you feel every part as good as he does. And oh does it feel good. 
You clench around his cock and watch as Charles’ face contorts, his body trembles, you feel him pump inside you several times and as he gives one final thrust you feel him twitch. He remains inside you as his hand works at you to bring you to orgasm, a few second later you cry out and bite your lower lip. 
As you orgasm, Charles’ name spills from your lips. Arthur faded into the past, joining a thousand hearts, into the black. 
Afterwards Charles pulls blankets over the two of you and cradles you in his arms, your head rests on his chest listening to his heart beat slowly return to normal pace. His fingers lovingly play with your hair, you’re sure he’s braiding a small section of it. 
The setting sun had finally given birth to the night, neither of you spoke a word for a long time. At first you enjoyed the silence, but soon the old fears returned, the air around you felt heavy as the light slipped away. 
Charles eventually breaks the silence and with it, the stagnant air that has been choking you, “Are you okay?”
You prop yourself up and look down into his kind eyes, “I will be now, yes.” 
You smile and lean down to kiss his lips, it’s far more gentle than it was before. When you break away he moans your name, mutters something you can barely understand, but it’s clear to you how much he cares for you. 
As you lay back down and go to rest your head on his chest you are sure you see Arthur, just for a moment. He’s stood over the two of you, a smile playing on his face, hat in hand, you’re sure you hear him say, “That’s a good girl/boy...”
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olicitysecretsanta · 6 years
True Loves Gifts: AN 2018 SECRET SANTA GIFT
@christinabeggs: May you Holiday be bright and full of Olicity dessert. I hope you enjoy this fic. It gave me the gift OF writing again and finding the joy of creating something new. 
After months of long nights in the office, smoldering looks over the computer screen Felicity has a date with one of the most eligible bachelors in Starling City. A handsome billionaire her mother would be proud to call son. They share a concern for making their relationship public considering he is technically her boss. A few whispered conversations and an upcoming Winter Gala made Felicity his date.
Ray was everything she’d dreamed of as a potential husband. He was brilliant, charismatic, funny, he valued her mind as much as her body.
Felicity has a little over a week to find the perfect dress, make a hair appointment to touch up her roots. Her work schedule left her with only one day to get everything done.
She throws  her hair up in a messy bun, her comfortable shopping outfit leggings and oversize sweater. Felicity grabs her purse, texting Renee about her hair emergency. Felicity is looking down unaware of the person standing in her hallway until she slams into the hard body.
Felicity lets out a yelp before falling backwards on her butt. Her glasses fall off her nose turning the world into blurry shades of green and brown.
“Hey!?” Felicity snaps. “Anyone get the name of the tree I ran into? Ouch, sorry I didn’t see you.”
She looks up at the man standing in front of her, he’s wearing head to toe camouflage. Half his face is covered with a full beard. His hair is shaggy under the green ball cap he wore. The rest of his face hidden behind dark sunglasses. On his shoulder is a stuffed duffle bag.
“I didn’t know camouflage works in urban hallways,” Felicity tilts her head to the side. She sees his lips twitch, at least she thinks  they did. It was hard to tell with the dead animal on his face.
“Are you okay?” the tree of a man has a deep rich amused voice.
Something about him seems familiar. He reaches down helping her get to her feet. He smells of sand and a faint hint of spice.
“Oliver in 2B?!” Felicity says with a snap of her fingers.
He was a ARMY something or other and had been deployed for over eighteen months. She had a bit of a crush on him before he’d left but never had the courage to tell him. They had been friendly neighbors, he’d help her with projects around the apartment. She’d save his computer from him. On rare occasions he’d cook her dinner.
The first few months after he left she’d send him care packages full of cookies made by the bakery down the block and a few pictures of her Sunday adventures. She stopped writing when he never wrote her back.
“Felicity 2A, good to see you.” Oliver’s says softly.
Felicity looks down at her rumpled clothes, drags a hand over her hair.
“Welcome home,” her phone dings in her pocket. “I have to run, glad you made it back.”
Felicity rushes past him, she can feel his eyes watching her, she refuses to give him the satisfaction of turning back. Oliver had been a short term crush from some long ago dream. Ray Palmer was a viable future. She has a date to get ready for and no time to waste thinking about Oliver 2B.
Renee does an amazing job on her hair color. He practices a few different updos depending on style of dress. His vote is something short to show off her legs. She promises him pictures before running off for dress shopping.
She hits the major stores trying on different styles, colors, lengths, fabrics nothing feels  right. Felicity finds a small boutique she’d only read about in a magazine. The dresses are stunning. The price tags shocking.
A skin tight beaded red dress catches her eye.
Standing in front of the mirror Felicity wonders what Oliver would say if he saw her in this dress. Would his eyes follow the deep V of the neck line or would he be drawn to the mid thigh length.
She shakes her head of Oliver thoughts. This dress isn’t for him, it’s for Ray.
It’s for her future.
Felicity runs her hand over the beads, her finger drawing along the intricate designs. She’d need a new bra, a little something intimate to match. A new pair of shoes that’d kill her feet and make her legs appear longer. It would be cold, Felicity is going to need a wrap to keep her warm. Is Ray the kind of guy to offer her his coat?
A few hours later, Felicity stumbles into her apartment.  She spent way more than she should have. Probably will live off top ramen for a few weeks. It’s worth it. She puts away her purchases then collapses on the couch.
Pulling out her cell phone she considers calling Ray. Felicity puts her phone down when she remembers Ray turns his phone off on Sunday’s, she’d see him tomorrow. They have an early meeting with a new client.
A loud buzzing from her intercom startles her. Felicity press the button, the image of a teenager holding a bag filled the small monitor.
“Yes?” she asks in confusion.
“Delivery for 2A.”
“I didn’t order anything?” It has been a long day but she would have remembered ordering food.
The kid sighs, “well someone did and I’m supposed to deliver it. So do you want it or not?”
“What is it?” Felicity recognizes the logo on the bag. It’s the best kosher deli in the city.
“Latkes,” the teenager taps his toe.
She has only had Solomon’s Latkes a few times and they were amazing. “I’ll be right down. Oh, how much?” Felicity reaches for her purse.
“Paid for including the tip.”
“You sure they are for 2A?” Felicity is highly suspicious, also hungry.
“Come on lady I have two more deliveries, if you don’t want them I’ll leave.” The kid pulls out his phone.
“No way am I turning down Latkes, two minutes.”
Felicity runs out the door in her socks.  Her feet slide on the hardwood floor, her arms pinwheel and she starts to fall back. A strong arm wraps around her waist and pulls her back into a warm chest. She inhales the smell of warm spices. The tip of her ear brushes against coarse hair.
“We got to stop meeting like this 2B.” Felicity’s voice is low. She licks her lips.
“Just trying to help 2A.” Oliver’s says in her ear.
His hands slide up her sides onto her shoulders and he gently places her steady on her feet. She misses his warmth instantly. He stays a few inches behind her, the heat radiating between them. Felicity fears if she turns around she will do something crazy and throw herself back in his arms.
“Very kind of you 2B. Well, I have latkes waiting.” Felicity steps away from him for the second time today. Each step harder than the first.
“Merry Christmas 2A,” Oliver calls out to her.
Felicity stops, she turns around. She sees him standing tall, his back straight, shoulder tight taking up the entire space of the hall with his size. He is out of the uniform, a black tee shirt cling to his chest. His arms were bigger, she wants to drag her hand over the lines of his chest. His jeans hug his hips. He is bigger, broader more gladiator than a simple soldier. His beard still covers his face. Unlike last time she could see his piercing blue eyes. When she meets his eyes something in his body eases.
“Thanks, but I’m Jewish.” Felicity corrects. She swore they’d talked about this before. Maybe she wrote it in a letter. Oliver didn’t remember, why should she care.
“Oh then, Happy Hanukkah 2A.” Oliver steps back, walks into his apartment and closes the door. .
“Lateks, I have Lateks.”
She hesitates another moment. She used to linger in the hall until he’d open his door and ask about her day. They would talk from their doorways until she’d slip out of her shoes. He’d tease her about being tiny and tell her to have a nice night before disappearing behind his door. The time he was gone the hallway felt empty and cold. She’d walk by his door and know he wasn’t home.  The hallway became colder, everything a little more empty. It felt as if even the building held its breath.
Felicity smiles knowing he is behind the door, Oliver was home safe. It would take her time to get used to him being home. Maybe they would even get back to the way they use to be. Her letters never revealed how she’d felt, she has no reason to be mad at him.
She slowly turns away from the door and down the stairs. The teen gave up waiting, leaving her strange delivery on the front porch. Felicity brings the bag inside, locks her door and sets her alarm. She opens the bag, inside with the receipt, there is a note.
On the first night of Hanukkah my True love gave to me a platter of latkes.
She looks at her calendar and realizes that she’d almost forgotten in all her rushing. The card wasn’t signed. The only logical person has to be Ray. She’d told him about the deli and her love of the food. Felicity couldn’t believe he’d done this for her. It was thoughtful and sweet.
Facility hated surprises but she is sure this years Hanukkah was going to be special.
Each day following she receives a small gift arriving near sunset with a short message.
On the second day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me a dreidel made of wood.
She was sure it was handmade.
On the third day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me an ugly Jewnicorn sweater.
The blue sweater makes her laugh out loud when she pulls it from the box. A white unicorn surrounded by Stars of David and a blue and gold rainbow. It is terrible and she loves it.
On the fourth day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me a box of menorah cookies.
She eats half the box before lunch.
On the fifth day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me a Blue Nail polish.
Felicity changes her color that night, sure that it would be a sign to Ray she was enjoying his gifts.
Through the days she tries to talk to Ray, to thank him but he is constantly on the move. She can never catch him alone. He tells her to order a limo for Saturday night. He touches her elbow, his palms are damp and soft.
Felicity thinks about Oliver, wonders what he’s doing back home. She hasn’t talked to him since Sunday. She has seen him a few times through her window. She’s watch him running home in the early morning after his run. His clothes drenched in sweat. Before coming inside he scrapes ice off the Diggles car, they have two kids and always seem to be rushing. A few times Felicity would leave for work and her windshield would be clean.
She wonders how is he is adjusting to being home. How long will he be home? What if he leaves before she can fix their friendship. Did she want to fix it or advance it?
Felicity stares out the window, lost in thought. The voice around her sound far away and hollow.
“Earth to Felicity,” Ray’s voice cuts off her Oliver spiral. “I don’t know what’s wrong with you this week, but I need you to wake up and do your job.”
Ray storms off leaving a flabbergasted Felicity. He’d been wrong during their last meeting and when she tried to correct him he sent her out for coffee. Her ears turn red and she almost snaps her pencil in half. It’s only the sight of the blue nails that calm her down. Ray is having a rough week but still doing things that made her feel special. She brushes off his bad behavior and gets back to work.
On the sixth day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me a Blue Police Box from Doctor Who filled with treats.
Felicity opens the lid of cookie jar police box and the familiar sound of the Tardis fills her kitchen. Inside are gold foil wrapped chocolate coins. She loved these as a kid.
She grabs a handful before leaving her apartment. She stands in front of Oliver’s door, lifts her hand. Before she knocks, the door opens and she lets out a squeal.
“Damit 2B, are you trying to kill me.” Felicity smacks his arm.
Olive chuckles, “I don’t think so 2A. I just seem to have a strange effect on you.”
“Ha, you have no idea what you’re doing to me.” Felicity mumbles. Her heart is racing, her knees weak.
Oliver crosses his arms and a single eyebrow lifts. He leans against his doorframe.
“I mean not doing to me. Not that you’re doing anything to me or even talking to me. Why aren’t you talking to me? I want to hear about what you’ve been up too.”
Oliver stiffens, he pulls back from her. A wall comes down over his eyes. “You don’t want to hear about that. I’m back and that’s all that matters now.”
“I do want to hear about it,” she tries again. “I want to know about the pet you got on your face.”
“Listen 2A, I have plans. Did you need something?”
Felicity steps back, her eyes burning. She shakes her head. “I… Um wanted to give you some Gelt.”
She holds out her hand filled with coins. He reaches out his hand, his fingers drag down her palm. Felicity curls her hand prolonging the warm sensation burning up her arm and down her spine. Oliver stares down at their hands, Felicity watches emotion cross his face. His wall comes down for an instant.
“Oliver,” Felicity breaths out his name. She takes a small step closer. His head lifts up, his eyes meet hers. She longs to touch his cheek, to pull him in.
Her phone rings in her pocket and the moment is broken. Oliver steps back, his wall back in place, standing between them. She licks her lips and pulls out her phone, Ray. Of all the times for him to call.
“Hey Ray,” Felicity answers.
“Felicity, I’ve been thinking about you all night. How about I come over and we can go over my briefs.” Ray chuckles and hiccups into the phone.
“Have you been drinking?” Felicity couldn’t  remember a time he’d ever called her drunk.
“Maybe! Want to join me? We could have a real good time. I want to have a really good time with you baby.”
Felicity looks over at Oliver, he is scowling. Can he hear Ray? Did she want him to be jealous? Could he get jealous? Why would he, they are long ago friends.
“It does not sound like you are up for any time beside bed time.”
“Mmm bed time, I like that sound of that. Will you be beside me?”
Felicity turns away from Oliver.
“We have plans tomorrow night remember. Get some rest Ray.”
“Don’t play hard to get with me Miss Smoak. I know you want it.”
A noise behind her makes her turn around. Oliver is cracking his knuckles. His eyes blaze. She inhales sharply. The phone forgotten in her hand. He moves fast standing in front of her, she steps back, he follows.
“O-Oliver?” her voice quivers. It’s not fear the making her body shake, it’s hormones. He is looking at her with unrestrained lust.
“No one talks to you like that. No one.” Oliver’s voice is a low dangerous rumble.
Felicity can feel his body press against her. He grabs the phone from her hand and ends the call. Gold gelt are on the floor around their feet. He leans in closer. The smell of spices surrounds her sense. Her head falls back surrendering to the moment. Oliver’s hand grazes over her cheek, down her neck. His thumb traces her lips.
“Felicity.” Her name on his lips is a sonnet, a poem she never knew she needed.
“If you kiss me, will you stay?” Felicity’s words slip out. She thought them a thousand nights.
“It’s not a good idea.” The wall slams down between them. Felicity is light headed, she is drunk on his scent. He steps away, she stumbles but refuses to fall.
“Which, kissing me or staying around?” Felicity demands.
“Both,” Oliver shakes his head. His eyes sad.
“Yeah, okay, you are right, this is a mistake. I wish you had stayed gone. Everything was fine before you came back. I knew what I wanted, I knew where I was going. But you come back and mess everything up. You spin me around and flip everything upside down.”
Oliver’s shoulders sag, he takes another step away from her.
“Just keep running 2B, it’s what you do best.” Felicity spins around and storms into her apartment slamming the door.
For an instant she let herself believe. Felicity grabs her cookie jar and the chocolate coins. Ray loves her.  Yes, he was a little off during the phone call - it was in front of Oliver. Everything feels different around Oliver so it only made sense.
On the seventh day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me a candle to light up the dark when we are apart.
A three wick large candle arrives the next day smelling of homemade cookies and cinnamon. How long does Ray think they will be apart, Felicity wonders. She has a rough night tossing and turning. In a few hours the limo will be here to pick her up and she barely has enough energy to shower. Oliver would not ruin another night for her. She puts on her favorite playlist to let the music ease her out of her bad mood.
She removes the blue polish and puts on a dark ruby red. She shaves and lotions her legs. Slides on the dark red lace underwear and matching strapless bra. Tonight if everything goes right she will be showing these off. She curls her hair and leaves it down. Her makeup is dark, her blue eyes startling. Her lips are a long-wear red.
Felicity steps into her shoes and inspects her reflection. Hands on her bare hips, she thinks Oliver would swallow his tongue if he saw her now. Nothing but red pumps and lacy underwear. For a moment she considers knocking on his door and showing him what he is missing.
The thought of Ray being the one to see her tonight seems a little wrong.
Resigning to her choice she pulls on her dress. Grabs her purse and wrap. Before opening the door she hears voices in the hall. Using the peephole she looks out. She sees John Diggle standing in the hall. He is talking to a man in a suit with short hair standing with his back to her door.
“If you’re sure about this then I support you, I’ve been there I understand.” John says to the man.
The other man puts his hand on John’s shoulder.
“Thanks John.”
It’s Oliver in a suit and he got a haircut. She wonders if he’s shaved. Does he look different? Should she open the door show off her dress. Show him she doesn’t care. Before she could decide Oliver is walking away down the stairs and into the night. Felicity wonders what would happen if she chases after him.
Gripping the handle she pulls the door open, and rushes down the stairs. The crisp night is shocking. She tightens her wrap around her. Looking around she doesn’t see Oliver’s truck. Felicity’s chest feels hollow. She is too late.
“You must be really excited about tonight.” Ray Palmer is standing beside a limo. He’s wearing a sharp expensive tuxedo.
Felicity watches as he checks his reflection in the limo window.
“You look great Ray.” Felicity takes heavy steps toward him.
“Thanks, are you ready? Or do you need to fix your hair?” Ray’s eyes skim over her. Taking a deep breath she opens the door of the limo. Ray pops his head in.“Alright, if you’re sure. Scoot over, I’d hate to get my pants dirty.”
Shaking her head, she slides over. Felicity sees a flash of the driver from the rearview mirror. She sees a hint of a clean shaven face before he turns away.
“Driver, we’re ready. What should we do until we get there?” Ray purrs. “I know what you can get me for Christmas.”
He is breathing hot hair on her neck. She leans away, creating space between them. He moves in closer, leaning in for a kiss. The limo breaks hard, Ray slides down off the seat landing on the floor of the car. Felicity resists the urge to laugh. She catches a spark of blue from the driver.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Ray snaps.
“There was a dog in the road,” Felicity explains before the driver can answer. She grabs the champaign. “How about a drink?”
Ray talks, asks about her plans for the Holidays. Asks if her mom is coming for Christmas. It didn’t take long for Felicity to realise there was no way that Ray was her Hanukkah True Love. The more time she spends  with him, the more she knows she has no reason to stay.
“We shouldn’t walk in together, don’t want to give people the wrong idea.” Ray fixes his jacket. “Have the driver take you around the corner and I’ll meet you inside.”
“Yeah, make sure you hold your breath.” She shuts the door on his smug face. “Can you take me home? I don’t belong here.”
“Are you sure? It looks like a beautiful party,” his voice is a little muffled through the half raised partition.
“I’d rather go to Big Belly and get a milkshake.” Felicity sinks into the warm leather seat.
“It would be a waste of an amazing dress.”
“I wore it for the wrong guy.” Felicity looks out the window. She rubs her arms lost in thought.
“Who’s the right guy?” The driver pulls away from the curb.
“Someone I was scared to take a chance on. Someone I should have told years ago how I feel when I’m around him.”
“How do you feel about this someone?”
Felicity drops the wrap. She uncrosses her legs. “How do I feel about him? I feel like ripping his clothes off. I want to know how he tastes, explore his body with my tongue. Most of all, I want him to pull over and join me in the back of this limo.”
Felicity rubs her legs together, her hands drag up and down her thighs. It was the timber of his voice and the shape of his ear. The sense of comfort in his presence. Her heart would know Oliver anywhere.
The limo stops on a vista overlooking the coast. He is out of the car and joining her in the back. They reach for each other and he pulls her into his lap. His large hand cups the back of her neck. Felicity places her hand on his cheek he leans into her warmth.
“I thought I screwed up.” Oliver whispers.
“So did I.” Felicity close the space between them.
He wraps her up into his arms. He holds her close, his hands in her hair. He explores her mouth with his tongue, sucks on her lips. Kissing him takes her breath away, fills her up with molten lava.
They lose track of time in each others arms.
Felicity wakes up in Oliver’s bed, alone. The smell of fresh coffee draws her out of bed. She puts on a discarded flannel shirt. She finds him in the kitchen. He is sprinkling powdered sugar on a jelly donut.
“Hey, I was going to surprise you.” Oliver smiles. He leans over the counter to kiss her cheek.
“You made these?” Felicity takes a bite of the warm donut. Her eyes close in pleasure.
“You make that same sound when I kiss you behind the ear.”
“Prove it.” Felicity challenges.
“In a minute, I have something for you.” Oliver walks around her, disappears into his room. He comes back holding a blue box with a silver bow. He sets the box on the counter.
“What’s this?” Felicity laces her fingers through the bow.
“Open it and find out.”
She lifts the lid off the box. Inside is bundle of letters in a ribbon. On top of the buddle there is a note.
On the eighth day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me his heart.
Felicity looks up at him. Oliver pulls out the bundle and places them in her hands.
“For five hundred forty-seven days I wrote you. Sometimes it was a multiple page letter. Others it was a short message about thinking of you. You were always on my mind. You were the only thing that kept me going. Kept me alive. I held on to every letter you wrote, every silly selfie you sent. I wanted to hand these to you. See your face, when I tell you that you are the love of my life. I love you Felicity.”
Felicity hugs the letters to her chest. Wipes the tears from her eyes.
“I should have known it was you. I sent letters full of my ramblings about my favorites places and things. You are the only person to ever truly see me. You are my true and only love. I love you 2B.”
“I love you 2A.”
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goldstonegolem64 · 6 years
Book1 Hope returns Chapter 23 Info grab By goldstonegolem64
New altea. two years after the defeat of hagger. allura and Coran we talking in a hospital room
“ So Coran what did I miss this past two years  ?”
“Well beside Matt and Eve’s wedding. The paladin, Prince lotor, his generals, the blade and the coalition have finally brought peace to the know universe. there are this still some pockets of the old empire and some Altean piloted robeats that are still loyal to Hagger are still running around. But they haven't been causing that much trouble as of late . Do to Matt,Jay, beau And Shiro working day and night to find and root them out before they could hurt anyone. an since Planet Daibazaal” was restored Lotor ,the generals , Krolia and Kolivan are trying to help the Galra to be better as a races  with some mixed success here and there do to some Generals still being stuck in the old way but there they are trying. Hunk and shay Now are the owner of the most famous restaurant as well as being engaged. Keith is now the leader of the blade and turn it in to a humanitarian group, Pidge,lance and adam  are training  the new generation of legendry defenders But when there not doing those thing they all have been trying to get you back. Also Honerva is also back “ Coran said 
“Wait honerva How is she back ?” She asked confused
“when you came back she was holding onto you and anytime we  tried to pull you away from her she would make a shield around the both of you and started yelling about Eyes that were always watching .” Coran said 
Allura had a few memories of being in the astral plane  but they all were just of her floating in the astral plane or when she would get a rare visit from her parents and the older paladin or she got the even rarer glimpse of the others live their lives. But there were no Eyes just ” Coran”
“Yes princess”  Coran said 
“Do the other Know I'm awake ?” Allura asked 
“ We do now Allura .” Lance said while he was standing in the door way smiling  
Allura turned her head and saw them all standing there. Her heart soared when she saw them.
“ Hey princess how are you doing “ Keith said 
“ It’s good to see you again princess” Adam said
“ Hi boss long time no see” Jay said
“ Hi princess  “ Hunk said
“ It’ s good to have you back princess” Shiro said
Pidge slammed into Allura Crying “ It’s good to have you back Allura we’ve missed you ”
“ It’s nice to see you again old friend “ Beau said 
Allura was so happy She was back with her family again. this was the perfect end to her adventure and she couldn't’ wait to spend the rest of her life in peace But that happiness was short lived As her alarm went off  
Queen Allura awoke back in her room on the Cronos. The same dream a different night but never the less it hurts her to think about her past. So She just laid on her bed just listing to the alarm .but it didn’t stop the pain. So first time in years she cried For the loss of her Family.She didn’t know how long she was crying for or what time it was. But she didn't care it felt good to let it all out after so many years of holding it all in. Then her door opened to reveal her son  
“ Mother are you alright?” the young prince asked worried about his mother
.” I’m fine Alfor” She said wiping away the tears
“ Alright I just came by to tell you breakfast is ready” Alfor said
“ I will be there soon just give my a moment” Allura said giver herself a moment to regain her composure  
“ ok” alfor replied leaving the room 
Allura sat up right in her bed thinking about the mission how she had to change the past to save the future or save this worlds future? She didn’t quite understand the whole multiply verse theory. She would have to ask Leon and Adin later about this seeing as they were the one to figure it out their mothers blue print for the Cronos but that would have to wait. She had breakfast and her kids wait for her  
In the bridge of the castles of lions. with Princess allura and  the paladins gather and watched pidge search through Sendak’ s memoirs 
“I don’t think your father would approve of you looking through your enemy memories” Coran said
“ Why not. We can learn something from these and once we learn all of zarkon weaknesses. we can go to Zarkon’s  front door and challenge him win get the universe “ Lance said smirking.
“ it’s not that easy lance we need to find it first “ Shiro said 
“ How hard can that be after ten thousand years of conquering I could fire my Bayard in a random point in space an hit a galra ship” Lance said
“ Yes but we need to start  small by free each planet one by one. Because attack Zarkon at his home base with six inexperience pilot  an a support ship  it would not end well for us if we attacked him head on” Shiro said
“Ok I see you point But one Fuck you i’m a great pilot , Two the castle of lions is not just a support ship. three freeing ever planet will take us ten thousand years.four your right if we take the fight to zarkon’s front door with what we have now we are doomed to fail” Jay said frowning 
“ Hey Pidge did you find anything yet?” Keith ask
“ Yes I have it’s a transport hub but It could be a galactic Hud” pidge said
“or a Space Base “ lance said  smiling  
“ Ha I get it “ jay said 
“ I don’t know which one it’s Because I’m translating from galra to atlea then to English so something could be loss in translation. But I did find it’s location” She continued 
“ Alright let’s get going then” Shiro said
An Hour later the castle arrived to the locations of the transport hub which was in-between two planets. the hub itself was build in to an asteroid with a war ship docked. 
“ It looks like the station is using the planets gravitational field to hide from Deep space  scanners” Coran said 
“but if it’s just a giant airport  why are they hiding it?” pidge asked
“ it’s a transport hub for foul or supplies .  hiding it from their enemy makes scents . “ Jay replied  
“To bad we now where it is.” lance said looking a 3d layout of the station’ s outer layer trying to find away in side with shiro
“ How do we get in ?” Keith asked 
“ the control tower  has an airlock near it and If we get in there we could have pidge hack into the system and find out  what this place is for” Lance said 
“that is a great plan Lance. Alright paladins let’s suit up “ Shiro said 
“I'm coming with you” Allura said
“ princess I would rather have you stay here” Coran said
“ Coran I’m a part of this fight against Zarkon as much as anyone. So I'm going dose anyone have a problem with that?” She asked Everyone just stood there a Not saying a word “Alright then Everyone suit up She said
Back on the Prometheus
Jay was in his room. Getting his armor on only stopping when he heard a knock on the door.
“Who is it?” He asked
“ it’s Fitz can I come in?” the boy asked
“Yes” He replied
The door opened and the balmeran boy walked in still wear his old tatter clothes
“  We really need to get you new clothes dude . So what can I do for you to day bud” Jay asked while putting on his boosts
“  Your going on a mission right?” Fitz asked
“yes Why do you ask” Jay raised his eye brow 
“ Is it dangerous”  Fitz asked with worry in his voice 
“ Yes But all missions I go on are dangerous. But  I have Shiro and the other watching my back. So you don’t have to worry about me” He replied.
“ I know but I already lost one person I care about and I don’ t want to lost another. Fitz said rubbing his arm
“Fitz I'm going to be fine I got Shiro and the other watching my back. So you don’t have to worry. 
“ Alright but can you at lets try to stay safe out there please” Fitz said has he hugged jay 
“I will try but no promises little buddy” Jay hugging Fitz back” now I have to go meet up with the others alright”
“Ok” Fitz replied 
 Moments later Jay had made his way to the green lion’s where Allura and the others are waiting 
“what took you so long man ?” Hunk asked
“ I was showing Fitz somethings  “ Jay replied 
“Ok now that everyone’s here. lets get on the green lion“ Shiro said
“Wait where everyone else”? Jay asked
“they will be training today.now get in the lion please”  Allura said
Moments later in the control tower the only Galra guard stood watch over the two sentries that were doing the last bit of the docking sequins for the ship.  “ Hey” a voice whisper behind him so he turn to see a group of color full people standing in front of him. Before he could raise his weapon. the man in black armor punched him in the face sending him flying and knocking him out. Has the body hit the floor the two sentries turned to see the paladins all standing there .the sentries raised there blaster only to be shoot down by the blue, silver and yellow paladins. Moments later a Galra appeared on a screen.
“ is everything alright in there we saw flashing lights what's going on”  the galra soldier asked.
Hunk picked up one of the sentry's and gave a thumb up. Soldier on the screen starred at the offline sentry. Everyone held their breath hoping the soldier fell for hunks ruse. the soldier starred a little longer Before shrgging his shoulder and ended the message.
“ nice job dude” Lance said as he went for a high five 
“Thanks man” Hunk said giving lance a high five with the sentry’s hand
a few minutes later pidge had set up her computer and hacked into the system
“So have you found anything pidge?” Allura asked
“No it’s all just the schedule of ships coming in and out”  pidge said
“do you know where that ship is going then ?” allura asked
“ it will be here for about half hour then it’s going to central commanded”  pidge said
“alright I'm going in” Allura said
“  How are you going to do that?” Lance asked
“ like this” Allura said as she take out her helmet. Then she started to grow taller and her skin turn purple
“  How the heck did you do?” Hunk said
“ The altean are a chameleon like people who can blend in with the local populations it’s ability that made us great explores and diplomats and i’m going to need a change of costume. Luckily he’s the right size” Allura said looking at the knock out galra
“alright you should take Shiro or jay do to their arms being made out of galra tech “ pidge said while shaking shiro’s arm around 
“ Sorry I’m still repair my galra tech arm So I'm stuck watch you guys” jay said waving his normal prostatic arm.
“ alright Jay keep this four out of trouble  us up dated” Shiro said
“ Yes sir” jay gave a two finger salute to shiro”
 Shiro and allura left the room. leaving the five paladins to just wait for their leader to return and to mess with the sentry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8buJ2-oD02E music playing in jay’s  
 Jay  watched the loading dock. nothing was happening then. it was boring so he started to listen to music on his helmet . as he watched he noticed two massive tanks full of yellow liquid ? energy?” 
”Hey guys come see this”  Jay said waving to the others 
Lance ,hunk and Keith made their way to him the all looked over to where jay was looking and so the same thing
“  what are those thing full of?” lance asked
“I think it’s sporks”  hunk said
Everyone turned to look at him
“what their clearly an advanced race and saw that have both spoon and forks is foolish  when one tool can do the job”  Hunk said
“ As a member of an advanced race we see spocks as useless.” Jay said
“ Maybe this guy will tell us. what is coming in and out of this station ?” pidge ask the sentry she had plugged her laptop into
“integration detected Activating lock down” the sentry said
Keith and jay had made there way down to get a better view of the loading bay and saw a purpled rode figured appeared. he watched has the rode figured moved toward a door way” I'm going to follow him” Keith said to jay. as he jumped for the  closing door. 
“ No Keith don’t. “ Jay said as Keith jumped. Jay knew that Keith would do something stupid if no one watched him. So he followed Keith narrowly missing the closing door.
After Keith and Jay left lance and pidge tried talking about what happened during the Ai insulted. While hunk was messing with the sentry by making it hit itself
“So are we ever going to talk about what happened ?”  pidge asked 
“Yes we are but not here “ lance said
“ then where and when. It’s been a week” Pidge said  
“I don’t know . look one minute I'm about to die by flying into a imploding star next you and Keith confessed to me, So now I'm just trying to figure out what to do next,” lance said as he watched the loading dock making sure no one was going to entered the room Jay and Keith when into 
Pidge sighed and walked back  to her computer
“ Hey you going to be alright pidge?” Hunk asked 
“ Yeah I just need to give him sometime to make up his mind” she replied while she set up a connection to the castle of lions so coran could see what they saw  
in the galra ship Allura was standing guard has Shiro was using his arm to get the location of the command center and to gather any info about what the transport hub had. Allura watched both ends of the hallway and saw a galra soldier walking toward her 
“What are you doing here “the soldier asked
I’m just standing Guard ” Allura replied 
The soldier looked at her and saw a light on in the room. “Who is in there?” The soldier asked
“ my commanding officer say hello plyrocks” Allura said nervously
“It’s plytoxs” Shiro replied in a deeper commanding  voice 
“ oh Sorry sir” Allura said
the soldier stiffened and saluted  “ Vrepit sa sir “ then the soldier left 
“That was a close one” Shiro whispered
In the room Keith and Jay were making their way through a dark hallway. into a dimly light multi leveled room full of those yellow.
“So what's your plan Keith?” Jay asked
“ to do this” Keith said as he activated his wrist camera and pointed it toward the room ”  you guys see this”  he asked 
on the other end Pidge lance and hunk saw the room
“ What is that?” pidge asked
“ the material is Quintessence. the subtends that this the life blood of the universe. Raw quintessence is brought here to be refined into standard galra fuel.” the sentry said 
“ did you get all that coran?” Lance asked
“yes I did. But it doesn't make scents get that much raw quintessence is impossible”  Coran said 
“well it’s possible now,” lance said 
 “So what do we do now Keith?” Jay asked
“ were going to take one of those tanks. so we can study it” Keith said 
“that is a bad plan. but I have no place to speak do to all my bad plans”  Jay said
Back in the room with Shiro and Allura. Shiro was searching through the data base until an alarm was set off
“fugitive  prisoner 117- 9675 detected please stay where you are”  the computers said
“ looks like the jig is up” Shiro said
 The soldier look at the door and raised his blaster. only to be meet by the door being slammed into him  by Allura. Allura pulled the blaster from the knocked out  soldier. Shiro looked at her surprised by her sudden burst of strength.
“what?” she said
As the two stood there a horde of sentries ran towards them from one end of the hall way and two appeared and the other end. But they were quickly cut down by shiro
“We need to go now” 
Keith and Jay were just about to steal a tank just as the alarm when off. the robed  figured appeared and saw them.
“looks like the jig is up” jay said
the robed figured fired a arc of lighting toward the two paladins. So the two paladins dodged the bolt that hit the tank causing a massive explosions erupted where they once stood . the two jumped around the room. dodging arc after arc Jay pulled out his Bayard and fire at the robed figure trying to distracted the robed figure as Keith tried to charge the figure with his blade .But the figure dodged ever shot by teleporting way only to appeared in front of Keith and fired a bolt straight into him. luckily Keith blocked the bolt with his Bayard but the blast sent him flying in to a tank on the second level.
Jay stood and watch in horror as his friend was blasted into a tank of the yellow fluid and collapsed  “Keith!!!” he yelled. then he realized he had stood out in open and saw the robed figured fire a arc toward him (HA Ha I'm in danger) he thought to himself as arc of electricity slammed into him sending him fly back into the wall. the red hew appeared when he got to his feet 
Keith felt pain shooting up his back and his right hand. So he look at his hand and saw a burn. Keith got to his feet using the tank to hold himself up, he felt something wet ran over his hand and the pain went away. Keith turned to see the tank he had slammed into was leaking. the he hear a popping sound from behind him. he didn’t need to turn around to know what was behind. so he slashed the tank in front him causing the tank to burst letting all the fluid spurt out . He side step so not to be swept away by Quintessence. sadly the robed figured was him by the full force sending them falling into the ground knocking him out. Keith used his thruster pack to jumped to the floor just to make sure the figure won’t be a problem anymore. then he looked for jay.
“Jay are you alive?’ Keith asked worried
 “Yes” Jay said in a deeper voice then usual has he walked out for behind a tank half transformed 
“Are you alright” Keith asked
“Yeah just let me calm down “ Jay said has started to turned back to normal
“We need to get back to the others” Keith said 
Jay used his thruster pack to come down from the shelf he was on”yeah we should”
Lance,hunk and pidge were still hiding in the tower as the alarms went off
“We need to go now “ lance said 
“But what about the others?” Hunk asked worried 
“ They can handle themselves. now lets get to the green lion before we get caught” lance said as both Keith and jay climbed into the room from the window 
“ Thanks for the vote of confiding But I think we need to leave now “Keith said
Back on the galra ship. Shiro and Allura were running to an escape pod  at the end of the hall as the horde of sentries following close behind them. The two made they way into the shuttle bay. then Shiro hit a button to close the door.
“Allura hold the door I'm going welled the door shut” Shiro said as he active his arm
She followed his orders but then she saw the door was closing.” it’s taking off get in the pod” She yelled
“No I'm not leaving without you” Shiro said still trying to welled the door shut
“You have too” Allura grabbed Shiro by the back of the collar and through him  into the pod”
Shiro got back on his feet an ran to the closed door and tried to open it. then he saw Allura standing there  with a sad smile on her face and heard her say “keep them safe Shiro. Keep our family Safe Shiro “
Shiro slammed his fists into the door over and over yelling at her as the pod launched he watched as Allura started to shrink as he got further way and further away. 
in the green lion everyone looked for Shiro and Allura
“Look an escape pod” hunk said
moments later Shiro walked in to the cockpit alone
“Where's Allura?’ Pidge asked 
“she sacrificed herself to save me”  Shiro said
“So She still on that Ship” lance said
“The ship that going to Zarkon’s central command” hunk said
“ the one place that is protected by a huge fleet of warships” Lance said 
“the one place in the universe that has enough fire power to wipe out a solar system “ Jay said scared 
“The most dangerous place that were not supposed to go” Keith said
“yes to all of those thing but we have go there to save her Shiro said  
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rounse-error · 6 years
Hello can I request a hc with the rfa + another story with an mc who does not fall in love with them but rather sees them as close friends in the end of the routes? How would they react? uwu
Writer’s Note: Hello to you too, anon. Their reactions would be…heartbreaking to imagine so I’ll leave that to my imagination and writing. Anyways, enjoy! 
RFA + Another Story Reactingto MC who friend-zoned them
The shock and hurt in his face would be obvious for a few seconds before he changed his expression into an understanding one and would assure her not to worry about it.  
Being seen as a true friend was better than nothing…he guessed.
Except deep inside, he would be in lots of pain because not only was this the first time (probably) he was rejected but he loved MC so much.  
If not for him being a skilled actor, he would have broke down into a sobbing mess after she politely left their meeting spot.
MC would be surprised to see him acting normal in the chat rooms whenever she logged in except she would get the hint that he ain’t over her through his unintended flirting responses and subtle pickup lines and she’d feel bad about it. 
Whenever she privately asked him about it, he’d shrug it off and would quickly change the subject to a casual one.
This boi needed help with all the drinking and smoking he had been doing in a single day, a mountainous pile of beer cans and cigarette pacts had been consuming every single space in his apartment.
Eventually, he’d pull himself together after his depression stage and would do his very best to move on, for the sake of MC and their friendship.
If Zen had it bad, imagine how this cinnamon roll would react. Yoosung was one to take things personally negative towards terrible outcomes especially what happened to Rika…
He’d most likely run away right after hearing MC’s rejection to his confession. He’d hide in the nearest comfort area he could find if MC chased after him and he’d stay there, silently crying to himself and swinging his body like a cradle.
He’d avoid her at all costs, inside or outside the chat room with excuses like he had after-university club activities or he needed to study for an upcoming exam when in fact, he’d wrapped himself into a crying ball with his blanket or play LOLOL more aggressively to his teammates and his opponents’ disbelief.  
If this situation grew worse, Zen would offer his apartment to be a place where they forget their problems and whatnot. They’d drink to the point of no return but Yoosung would be the obvious one to easily get wasted and blabber about the pain of rejection and his denial over it.
Imagine Zen’s frustration in taking care of him and his apartment. Dragging Yoosung to his toilet and pat his back in comfort as Yoosung vomit. Ridding his apartment of empty bottles of Soju and cleaning up all the mess that was there. Putting Yoosung to sleep in his bed while he went to sleep on the floor, poor Zen.
After some time, Yoosung will come to accept the truth and move on. But he’ll probably be cold and distant towards MC for a year or two. He would try to swallow the bitter feeling of just being a friend and renew their friendship.
She expected this to become a possibility but the pain still hurt like hell and even knowing the rejection beforehand won’t lessen the pain.  
She’d be full of self-doubt and insecurities. She’d be lost in thought, wondering what she lacked in and would kind of blame her gender into this. Jaehee, there there.
Jaehee would politely leave the chat room whenever MC logged in with an excuse of not finishing her work yet and she’d do more work than anyone could accomplish even herself in a stable state to the point of Mr. Han applauding her and leaving it as it was. Jumin, you gotta help her somehow.
Once she finally calmed down, she’d try to approach MC bit by bit despite being uncomfortable with it. She’d eventually realize that things were better this way and come to terms with this.
Whether Jaehee buried her feelings to the grave or let go of them, she’ll still be the best friend that MC wanted and needed. Nothing will ever escape her notice and she’d help MC in anyway she can.
Oh boy, if there was one thing he had not experienced his entire life: that would be rejection in both as a businessman and a person. He’d quickly feel sudden change from brief shock to denial, thinking that there must be something lacking in him that made MC reject him.
He’d find out whatever MC likes and dislikes by assigning Assistant Kang to do a thorough research on MC. Then he’ll change or add that aspect (be it appearance, qualities, or personality) in him to make MC like him more.
Only for him to be rejected once more and be placed in the friend zone. He’d be in complete confusion and frustration, obviously not understanding as to why he’d been rejected again when he worked hard to get her to like him more. He’ll probably lock himself in his penthouse and seek comfort from Elizabeth The 3rd for a short time leading a chaotic outcome in C&R.  
Until MC marched over to his penthouse and gave him ‘the talk’. Once he came to understand the aspects he never experienced before and sorted out his feelings, he’ll go back to his old self.  
Since his feelings for MC won’t go anytime soon, he’ll cover it up with his excessive generosity and kindness that would aid MC’s every need. She didn’t need to even ask and he’d do it with a snap of his fingers. After all, Jumin’s the MVP of all routes.
Despite his unwillingness to do so, he’ll settle down to being her best friend and be contented with it since that was the only closest relationship he can cherish to have with her. Of course that doesn’t mean he had given up yet and would be waiting in the sidelines until death called for him.
Ironic as it was to feel relieved when he got friend zoned by MC after his confession, the burden in his shoulders would be lifted with the thought of not having to danger MC in the future.
But there would be another part of him that would be full of anguish and loneliness that would persist to run wild which he would control behind his 707 facade.  
He would act like his usual happy, pretend self except with occasional slips of romantic jokes that took a dark turn and he’d immediately change the subject before MC noticed.  
He’d do his best to let go and accept her view of him as her friend but dang, how can something that was supposed to be simple so difficult? After all, he was an agent of a secret intelligence agency where life-threatening situations became a casual thing to him.  
He’d drown himself in Honey Buddha Chips and packages of Dr. Pepper to a point of a tummy ache. Vanderwood would have to step in if he wanted to keep one of the best hackers working for the agency. Vanderwood would forcibly pull Saeyoung together and get him to snap out of his denial state.  
It might take him half a decade to move on and go on with life as he was expected to. Getting along with MC would be difficult but not impossible, he would need baby steps for this.
Among them, Jihyun would be the most accepting about being friend zoned. Sure, he’d be quite depressed about it but this was something he’d understand. He still needed to learn on how to love himself before he can properly sort his feelings out and decide on this situation.  
Jumin would offer a drink at his penthouse as his silent way of comforting his best friend but he’d reject the offer and instead suggest a self-discovery journey himself.
While being on a journey to find his path and true self, he’d take notes on his feelings for MC and check his progress on whether he let go or not.
Once he had let go of his feelings, he’d tear out all the papers from his notebook, shred them to pieces in his gentle way, and let them fly in the sky. After all, he loved her enough to do this for her and move on.
He’d quickly adapt to his status as her dear friend and be that mother hen kind of friend who would both spoil her rotten and scold her firmly.
He’d be glad that nothing changed between them and he’d come to a realization that he didn’t need a romantic relationship to be this close to her.  
Saeran would not take rejection very well. Not after what they went through together and he had assumed that MC loved him in a romantic view as well. He’d be a ball of chaotic feelings, also Ray and the other Saeran would clash against him.  
MC would be shocked to see him going back and forth from sobbing while curling himself into a ball to a rampaging man who’s on a mission to destroy his surroundings while cursing MC for making him believe such lies and then vice versa.
Saeran would hold himself back before the situation got worse and lock himself in a room to calm down and think in peace.
Saeran won’t be able to sleep properly, crying himself to sleep and he wouldn’t touch any of the food tray MC placed in front of his door.  
Once he had calm down, he’d leave the room once in a while to tend his flowers and he would avoid MC as much as possible.  
It would take a lot of patience and effort on MC’s part to get Saeran to not avoid her like a plague and talk to her. Saeran won’t be able to understand at first and once he did, he’d be very chill about it but being formal towards MC won’t be avoided.
Saeran doesn’t like the idea of being just her friend but he’d go with the flow. He’d warm up to MC again after a long period of time in adjusting and accepting it. 
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adacarisi · 6 years
V E R I T A S | Rafael Barba
Chapter 2: Chinatown
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In your professional life you’d always been highly attuned to reading other people. Corporate law in particular was dog eat dog. No one could be trusted and everyone was working only for themselves and their interests. You worked harder and longer than all of them, drawing praise from both your clients and the managing partners. You made a name for yourself quickly, becoming known for both your efficiency and efficacy. No one dared come after you with slander or scandal because no one would have believed them.
You were the best and had been rising quickly through the firm and then one morning you’d woken up and realized you had no desire to become partner. You wanted every case, every deal, every client. You loved the rush of being overwhelmed and understaffed. There was no place better to experience such things than the DA’s office. You applied for a job and they eagerly accepted, it seems you were well known in the criminal law sphere as well.
This morning when Rafael Barba fell into the conference room beaded with sweat and disheveled you’d noticed how his eyes immediately hit your chair. It didn’t take much to realize that you’d sat in his usual spot. You were sympathetic as you had placement preferences as well. You liked having your back to a wall so you could see everything and nothing could surprise you. You hated surprises. But you were surprised at the look on his face when he finally sat down. He looked confused and perturbed as if he’d taken a sip from the wrong drink. You probably should have been offended but instead you were interested.
If you’d learned one thing in your years of corporate law it was that there were always multiple things at play in one expression. The subconscious always had a hand in physical expression. Micro flashes of true intent and emotion. You’d had to learn them quickly when you were a child. You needed to see anger before it became rage, sense the tightening of a fist before it landed a blow. If you’d been good then you were a master now, you could read anything and anyone, it was like being psychic, seeing the future before it happened. And you used your ability to your advantage.
Despite your past, which was filled with violence and an incredible variety of abuse you’d only become more kind, more empathetic. You made it your advantage and edge because in this line of work you could have no weakness. And that was the hardest lesson to learn, being kind was not a weakness, it was the highest level of strength.
There was a concern in the back of your mind that you could not deny, the concern that you’d become too emotional with these cases. You’d be working SVU cases with Rafael Barba and with the briefs you’d gone over so far many of these women’s experiences were similar to your own. You’d found tears in your eyes after the fifth brief and echos of broken cries in your ears. But you were strong, you would do this and you’d do it better than anyone had before. For you this wasn’t just punishment and consequence, it was justice, justice you’d never gotten.
From what you’d heard Rafael had a career path similar to yours and a work ethic that rivaled your own. It seemed fitting that you’d take the office next to his. You’d been offered a choice of offices, one with a near panoramic view of the city as well as an ensuite bathroom, or the one you’d taken, a small corner office next to the downstairs conference room. You’d never been one for flashy things even if you could afford them. You cared about the work and you thrived around people who were just as passionate and hardworking as you.
Then Rafael Barba was late and you began to question all you’d heard about him. But then you saw the look on his face and you recognized the pain in his eyes and the stress in his brow. He looked like a man tortured and your heart reached for him despite the scowl on his lips.
After a brief meet and greet with the rest of the ADA’s you made your way to what was now your office. The click of the marble hallway under your heels announced your approach and you hoped Rafael would come into your office to greet you since he’d left the conference room without so much as a hello. No such luck. You passed Carmen on your way into your office and gave her a smile, she returned one tinged with sympathy as if she knew something you didn’t.
The office was empty for now, and you were having painters come by within the hour. With approval from the EADA you were going to repaint the office a dark green seeing as how the last time the room had been painted was 1989. You’d also found out that under the faded carpet was a beautiful parquet floor. The EADA had agreed to the removal of the carpet under the premise that you’d be the one to foot the bill. You’d already picked out the curtains for the room, emerald green velvet with a second rod for a more sheer cream colored curtain underneath.
You were shaken from your interior design fantasies by the sound of someone clearing their throat. You turned and saw Rafael Barba standing in the doorway his eyes making their way up your legs and torso.
“Yes Mr. Barba.”
“I’d like to take you to lunch. To welcome you to the office and the job, if you have the time.”
“I do seeing as I don’t have much of an office at the moment.” You offered him a half smile at which his eyes widened a bit.
“If you need to do any work you’re welcome to use the conference room, I don’t need it today…well as of now.” He was trying to maintain his dominance and authority over the space you now would share and you let him, for now.
“What time?”
“Excuse me?”
“Yes, 12:35 - 1:30. Does that work for you?” A man after your own heart, you hated meetings without set ending times, it always made things awkward when one party wanted to continue to chat and the other, you, did not.
“It does.”
Rafael tapped his palm against the door frame a few times before turning to leave.
“Thank you Mr. Barba.”
“Anytime. Well, not anytime I do have a schedule but…yeah anytime.”
You gifted him a smile and he returned the gesture in a slight pull of the corner of his mouth. Now you had a lunch date. His change of tune was interesting, as was the way he’d eyed you up. It could have been perceived as sexual but instead it had been him measuring you up, trying to determine who you were in one look. That and you did look fantastic in this skirt.
Little did he know you’d already set up in the conference room so his blessing really hadn’t been the indulgence he’d thought it was. Nevertheless you appreciated his professionalism despite the look he’d given you this morning.
You glanced at your phone to see how much time you had before lunch. It was 10:15. You could juggle the painters and renovators as well as a few case briefs and motions. But you had to get to work now. And so you did.
It had been impulse that drove Rafael to ask you to lunch. Pure impulse. Despite keeping a cold, yet witty composure there was a lot that pulled at Rafael under the surface of his skin. He was passionate in more ways than one and sometimes it fueled him into actions that he couldn’t have planned for. He couldn’t deny that you were more than attractive and he didn’t want to. But that wasn’t why he asked you to lunch. Rafael knew what it was like coming from corporate law to the DA’s office. He understood that transition and all that it entailed. Secondary to that you were going to be his neighbor. And seeing as he spent more time in his office than anywhere else he was going to be running into you too frequently to not be aquatinted.  
Besides he’d had his coffee now and the world was a balanced place once again. He had no reason to dislike you despite the fact that you’d sat in his chair this morning. Rafael would deny it but he’d spent a good thirty minutes researching cases you’d worked and projects you’d sponsored. You were impressive, just when Rafael had thought he’d read all he could there was another article detailing just how skillfully you’d won a case. He even read a few law review articles you’d written in the last few years. How had you had the time? If he was honest he was intimidated by you, it was rare that he could harbor
Lunch would be good. But where would he take you? He hadn’t asked what food you liked. The only restaurants he frequented were Fried Dumpling, Tasty Dumpling, Xi’an Famous Foods and Ping’s. He needed to diversify his dining experiences. Rafael opened his laptop and began searching for restaurants near the office, he was nothing if not efficient.
Atera seemed interesting, it had great reviews but it was far too formal for just lunch. Dim Sum Go Go looked delicious but was limited to only Chinese food options and Rafael didn’t know what you liked.
Rafael sighed and began to rub his temples against his knuckles. This was impossible. Then again you were fifteen feet away perhaps he should just ask you. But he hated being interrupted when he was working and you probably did too. Rafael also didn’t want to appear overbearing or over-caring. 
This headache was getting worse by the second and Rafael knew he shouldn’t take anymore medication. But he did. Three more pills. Just as he finished swallowing the third pill there was a light knock on his door.
“Come in.” Rafael called out with one hand still pressed to his temple.
“Mr. Barba I—“ You leaned into the room one hand still on the cool of the doorknob.
“You don’t have to call me that…Rafael is fine…or Barba.”
“I’m sorry I was just coming in to ask where we’re going, I neglected to ask you before in my office.”
“I hadn’t gotten around to thinking about that yet but…you’re right I guess we need to choose somewhere.” Rafael lied with a heavy sigh as if the task of planning a lunch was the Everest of his schedule.
“Chinatown?” You suggested as a smirk began to pull at the corner of your mouth.
Rafael didn’t realize you could see the reflection of his laptop screen in the glass of his bookcase. It seems he’d been giving your lunch more thought than he would care to admit.
“Hmmm?” Rafael raised both eyebrows in feigned surprise as you slowly approached his desk.
“Chinatown is close, we could walk there, that is if you like Chinese food.” You gestured toward one of the chairs in front of his desk in a curtsey request to sit.
“I do.” Rafael nodded and you took a seat, crossing your legs as you did so.
“How about Nom Wah? They’ve been in Chinatown since 1920…their fried dumplings are delicious.” You suggested tilting your head slightly to the side.
“A usual of yours huh?” Rafael seemed amused but was trying to hide his interest with a mask of indifference.
“No I just have a good memory for seemingly useless facts.”
“About Chinatown?”
“About everything.”
“Okay well what about seafood?” He leaned back in his chair obviously trying to test your wealth of useless knowledge.
“In Chinatown?”
“The best is Sing Kee. Technically it’s Cantonese food but they do a great flash-fried flounder.”
“What about Poke?” Rafael raised an eyebrow as an amused smirk began to creep into the lines of his face.
“Chikarashi. They fuse together Hawaiian traditional poke with Japanese chirashi not to mention their wasabi goma shoyu bluefin tuna is phenomenal.” You joined your hands together and laid them on your upper thigh.
“Dim Sum.”
“Dim Sum Go Go…that’s obvious though.” You gave him a knowing look at which he raised a thick eyebrow.
“Is it?”
“I thought you were from here?” You teased as he gave you a dramatically slow blink.
“Okay okay fine. Where are we going?” Rafael waved his hands in surrender before returning his gaze to you.
“Cuba.” You couldn’t help the smile that unfurled across your features upon seeing the confusion on his face.
Your Theme
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Rise Up
Chapter Twenty Five
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader  |  Word Count: 4436 Warnings: Swearing, fighting
Song: Certain Things by James Arthur, Chasing Grace
“Oh, Steven. One minute,” Mardöll spoke, materializing beside him. “You are going to need this.”
A puff of gold magic hit him in the face making Steve snort, “The hell was that?” while rubbing his nose to stave off the desire to sneeze.
She spoke to him in a spate of words, the kind his girl lobed at him to drive him wild, until slowly the words gradually morphed into ones he could understand. “Ah, there it has taken effect. Good. You will understand now. Anything you read, anything you hear, now it will not be foreign to you.”
Before he could ask if it would be permanent because he liked listening to (Y/N) murmur dirty things to him in a language he didn’t fully understand, Mardöll was gone back to the trees in her feathered skin. Huffing out a sigh of exasperation, Steve stepped up to the opening. It appeared one of the side supports for the lintel stone had eroded away causing the thing to collapse down into a tight ‘v’ shaped doorway.
It gave him pause for if this was the tomb of the family of Sváfaland, the once kings and queens, why wasn’t it better-taken care of? He glanced again at the castle across the valley and up at the woman who’d led him here, but she remained stoic, watching him with unblinking eyes.
“This is so not how I imagined my wedding day going,” he muttered as he ducked beneath the stone and squeezed through the entrance, trying not to scrape his chest on the rock. The cave opened up on the other side, but he still had to hunch slightly to keep from smacking his head on the ceiling. Cobwebs coated everything, and for the first time in his entire life, Steve wished he was shorter.
Still, he had a job to do, one he had very little information on and took a hard look around. A tunnel led deeper into the earth, and he sighed. “Of course it does. Can’t just have the sword sitting out where I can collect it and go home.”
He knew by the heart beating beside his own (Y/N) was worried. It beat fast, too fast, and her emotions were a wild mix of things too hard to distinguish between. Steve pressed the heel of his hand to his chest and rubbed it there. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll be back soon.” Or he was going to take the sword Mardöll had sent him after and use it on her.
To the right of the opening, he found a torch and dug his lighter from his pocket. No, he didn’t smoke. No, he didn’t know anyone who did, but it had been a habit back in the day to carry one especially during the war. You never knew when it might come in handy. Now it was merely a reminder of simpler times and something he could use to fidget with when bored.
The torch was old and well used, impossible to light, causing Steve to grit his teeth in frustration before tearing the bottom few inches from his button-down shirt and wrap the fabric around the wood. He’d liked that shirt and was even more annoyed for having to destroy it, but at least he had light to wander into the dark as well as a way of removing the majority of the hanging cobwebs from his path.
He had a flash of memory to a movie (Y/N), and the others had convinced him to watch. A classic they’d said. Steve smirked a little, wondering if he could pull off a fedora like Dr. Jones or if he’d look stupid trying. Still, he felt the part today with his burning branch and leather jacket, delving deeper into the mysteries of this long forgotten tomb.
The path led him into the mountain. The space narrowed and grew tighter, beginning to brush the shoulders of his jacket as he ducked lower. Finally, when it was so tight he had to turn sideways, Steve wondered if he was going to get stuck before he ever found what he was looking for.
He came to a wall with an incredibly skinny crack in it, one he wasn’t sure he could even fit through, but when he reached inside, he found free space beyond. Enough to wave his hand around without wacking it into anything. Throwing the torch through first, he wedged himself into the narrow fissure, swore viciously when the stone raked open his chest, breathed out hard to make himself as thin as possible, and heaved through the crack with all his might.
He stumbled when his boot caught and nearly fell on his torch when he landed in a room with a wooden door.
Steve stared at it a little dumbfounded for the door was pristine, as if it had only been erected the day before. The wood was glossy and smooth, the handle appeared to be gold and shone in the dying light of his torch, but it was the light which came from around the edge of the door which had him reaching forward with caution.
“Should’a known,” he muttered as he pulled it open. “When is anything related to Asgard easy.”
He opened the door far enough that he could peer around it, finding it led to some kind of hallway, dimly lit and made of stone. A burst of laughter came from further down, and he slipped inside, closing the door carefully at his back. More laughter and boisterous shouting came from the other end, and Steve started slowly forward, careful not to make a sound.
When he reached the end of the hallway, he peered out into what looked to be a gathering room of some kind. Long tables lined the floor. A mighty fire burned in an open hearth in the center. Enormous beams, carved with all manner of symbols held up the roof.
Men were gathered around all of the tables, but it was the people seated at the table furthest from him that drew Steve’s attention. A man and woman together in the center, holding hands and laughing as they feasted. The woman was lovely in a dark red dress, like something out of medieval times. Blonde with hazel eyes, she laughed at the burly man next to her when he lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. To her left was another large man, his clothing all leather and covered in food stains for he ate with enthusiasm. He had her eyes, but he matched his father for hair colour. It was a rusty red as if it couldn’t decide whether it wished to be red or blonde, and had been braided back, revealing his heavily tattooed skull.
The man who could only be king if the woman was queen, had the same unfortunate mop of unruly red hair, but when he gazed out on the crowd of gathered warriors, his eyes were vibrant, bright blue. They were Steve’s eyes, and he stared at the man in shock before taking in the breadth of his shoulders beneath the same style of tunic Steve had seen Loki wear. A wide flat torque sat against his chest, and a crown of spires and stones wrapped his brow.
Steve had to grab the railing which led down the stairs into the room. He knew them in the same way he knew the valley and the tomb. He knew them. “Mother… father… brother…” he whispered, awed.
Then, his eyes darted to the man who sat next to what had once been his father and Steve inhaled sharply. “Helgi.”
The big warrior looked up, almost as if he’d heard the whisper of his name from Steve’s lips, and pressed slowly to his feet. (Y/N) had said he’d worn his hair long and had a beard, but Steve was stunned by just how long and how much beard. Leather-wrapped braids, metal cuffs, feathers, and beads all adorned his hair. A heavy cloak complete with thick black fur fell from his shoulders, revealing a multitude of dark blue tattoos and heavily muscled arms. A metal band hung on his forearm, a ring of some kind which sat just above the metal and leather bracers, while a torque similar to the one on their father rested against his chest.
“Who hides in the shadows of the hall?” Helgi called out, bringing many a warrior to their feet.
Steve walked cautiously down the stairs. “Wasn’t hiding. Didn’t want to interrupt.”
Everyone at the table joined Helgi on their feet, but it was the woman who gasped softly, “How? It is like… a mirror.”
“Ma’am.” Steve nodded.
“How are you here? And how do you look like the twin of my son?” the king demanded.
Steve flicked his gaze to Helgi who stared at him hard. “He knows.”
“You have come for the ritual sword,” Helgi murmured. “Sváfa has returned to the world. Finally, after all this time.”
“I have,” Steve nodded. “She has.”
His eyes narrowed. “Who are you to be worthy to walk at her side? Who are you to be able to protect her? You come here unarmed and unarmored seeking the ritual sword when it would be simpler for me to take your place and return to my love!” He hurdled the table and charged across the room, brandishing an axe drawn from his hip.
Steve kicked up a shield leaning against the back of a bench and kicked out at it, sending it straight into Helgi’s chest. The big man went sailing backward and to the ground at the foot of the table. “I’m Steve. People call me Captain.”
Bucky had just dipped you back over his arm when the door to your suite swung open.
“Darling, your sjelevenn is missing, and you are spending your time… dancing?” Loki asked.
“Don’t get snippy. I need something to keep my mind off things, and Bucky agreed to help by teaching me to dance like Steve dances,” you muttered. “If I keep planning like there is going to be a wedding, I figure there may actually be a wedding.”
“Your hopes are justified, Sváfa dear.”
“You found him?” Bucky asked, lifting your with a flourish.
“Not yet, but I think I know who took him. Or, at least I have an idea.”
“Who?” you asked well aware it was nearly a snarl.
“Someone who uses seiðr as easily as I. Someone who knows me well enough to impersonate me without suspicion. Someone who would be as invested in your future as Odin is.”
“No…” you whispered. “It can’t be.”
“Who?” Bucky asked.
You shook your head in denial. “She’s been gone for ages!”
“For fuck sake who!” Bucky snapped, shaking you by the shoulders.
“But I thought… she left?” Bucky muttered, clearly confused.
“She did.” You scrubbed your hands down your face. “Are you sure, Loki?”
Loki sighed. “I cannot fathom it being another. Few could pull off the spell used to take him from the jet. Fewer still who could slip past Strange’s notice.”
“Someone want to clarify this whole mess?” Bucky grumbled.
You made your way over to the sofa Bucky had pushed out of the way and sat down with a thump. “Freyja was the goddess who ruled us, the Valkyrjur. She was our Queen and the goddess of love and beauty as well as war and death. By the time I was born, she had already left us, but Tove told stories, ones passed down to her by her mother and so on, back through the ages. She left because of her husband, Óðr.”
Bucky settled on the couch at your side, while Loki perched on the arm behind you, his hand slipping beneath your hair to rub the back of your neck.
“What happened with the husband?” Bucky asked.
“Freyja… has a necklace, Brísingamen. It is said she betrayed him for it. That she saw and lusted so badly for the necklace, she broke her bonds and slept with the ones who created it. She sold her body for the chance to own it. Óðr was so heartbroken, and he fled from her. Left her without a word and without a chance to voice her side of the story. She would never have…” You shook her head. “It wasn’t possible.”
“Why?” Bucky asked.
“Because Aunt Freyja’s bond with Óðr was the first sjelevenn bond. There’s was a love meant to be,” Loki murmured. “To betray one’s sjelevenn… it is not done.”
“You’re so sure?”
“Bucky.” You looked up at him in exasperation. “If she felt one-tenth of what I feel for Steve, she never would have looked twice at another. Not for anything.”
“My mother always said Aunt Freyja proposed the dwarves a wager, one for which she won, and spent the nights away from her sjelevenn drinking them under the table. If she managed to out drink them all in a single sitting, she would take the Brísingamen. She succeeded, embarrassing them, and they started the rumour as revenge.”
“And this Óðr guy just fucked off without waiting to hear her side of things?” Bucky snorted. “Some husband.”
“I have never understood that part myself,” Loki agreed. “But then Óðr was, apparently, never the most… stable of minds. He was a minor god, one associated with madness and poetry. If he thought she’d betrayed him…” Loki shrugged.
You relaxed against Loki’s leg. “Freyja left after she found out Óðr had run away and spends her time searching for him throughout the realms. She left Asgard centuries ago, millennium ago, and hasn’t been back. I don’t understand why she would appear now and take Steve?”
“She didn’t just appear.”
You looked toward the door and smiled. “Dr. Strange.”
“What am I? Chopped liver?” Tony grumbled.
“I see you all the time. Strange not so much,” you teased, getting to your feet.
Stephen chuckled softly as he made his way over and took your hands. “I have heard of your... change of title, your majesty,” he murmured and kissed your knuckles, his cloak brushing gently against your shin.
“Cut it out, doc or I’ll kick your ass,” you quipped, rolling your eyes.
“Still as testy as ever,” he snickered. “You are doing well? Your eyes and senses have steadied?”
You smiled and nodded. “Yes, very well. If people would stop messing up my wedding day, I’d be even better.”
“Perhaps I can assist with that?” Stephen said as he peered around your room. “There is much magic in this place.”
“Mm. Sword, gauntlet, me.” You shrugged. “Him.” You smacked a hand into Loki’s stomach.
“And him.” Strange nodded toward Bucky.
“Me?” Bucky frowned.
“Something you’re carrying…” Strange cocked his head. “Ah, I see.”
“See what?” you asked.
“Nothing. It can wait. As for this woman… Freyja, she has been here off and on for many years. The Ancient One had documented her comings and goings but she never caused trouble, and they got together once in a while to share tea. She was searching for her lover.”
“So we have just explained to Sergeant Barnes,” Loki quipped.
Strange glanced his way but ignore Loki’s sharp tongue, the two of them had never gotten on. “The Ancient One expressed her trust in the woman, so I have never bothered to interfere with her actions. Unlike some.” He threw a condescending sniff Loki’s direction.
“She’s been here all along?” you asked, changing the subject before the two of them deteriorated into a round of trite and cutting remarks.
“Off and on.”
It made you curious. “Doing… what? I mean, other than looking for Óðr.”
“Apparently,” Stephen’s attention flicked to Bucky and then back to you. “She’s been making jewelry.”
Helgi picked himself off the ground gingerly. “Perhaps… I have misjudged you.”
“Perhaps you have,” Steve grumbled, eyeing the others warily when they shifted uncomfortably around him.
“You are strangely dressed for a warrior,” Helgi muttered, holding his chest.
“I could say the same of you.” Steve looked him over.
Helgi laughed, and what tension had been in the room waned. “Come, friend Steve. Sit. Eat at my table. You must tell me what battle you lost to have shorn off your hair. It must have been an epic one for someone so strong to lose.”
Steve knew enough from what little (Y/N) had related, the bits and pieces they’d had time to discuss, to know an offer of hospitality was a way of saying he would not be harmed. But he was still wary as he made his way forward to sit in the offered seat at the end of the table next to the man who could be his hairy twin.
“I do not understand, Helgi,” the woman stated, peering between the two of them.
“It is the sjelevenn bond, mother. He is me reborn.” Sharp, assessing blue eyes stared at Steve. “Though… you are missing your mark.”
Steve arched a brow when Helgi turned his head and pulled back his hair to reveal the tattoo. “She wishes to wait until after the wedding.”
“Bah! She is stubborn as a Bilgesnipe,” he huffed and poured a cup of mead before shoving it at Steve.
“She’s feisty alright,” Steve murmured into his glass, careful to sniff it first, knowing just how strong Asgardian liquor could be.
“Feisty… yes, that is a good word for Sváfa.”
“She goes by (Y/N) in this life.”
Helgi drained his cup and slammed it on the table. “If you are here than she is Queen once more and her name, outsider, is Sváfa!”
Steve set his cup down gently. “She wasn’t meant to be Queen, not this life, but someone keeps messing with our journey. Our souls are out of sync, and she hasn’t been back to Asgard as a Valkyrie in over a thousand years. So you call her what you like, but I fell in love with (Y/N), and that’s who I’ll be marrying today once I get this sword Mardöll said I need, so I’d be much obliged if you’d hand it over so I can get back to my girl.”
“He is strong of will, as you are, my son,” the man beside Helgi chuckled.
“Tell me, brother reborn,” called the man at the other end of the table. “Does the lovely Sváfa remember me fondly?”
Steve glanced his way and scowled at the lecherous grin. “She’s never spoken of you.” A roar went up from the listening hall at Steve’s unintentional burn of the man.
He thrust himself to his feet. “You insult me, stranger, in my own house at my own table?”
“My table,” growled their father.
“Sit down, Heðinn. You exchanged nothing more than a kiss at a time of great turmoil for our Sváfa.” Their mother waved a dismissive hand.
“Why was your brother kissing our sjelevenn?” Steve asked, glaring at Helgi.
The hairy blond shrugged. “It was our way. She wed him before his avenging me, but the bond would not allow her to outlive me for long. Still, it was how things were done. Is it not so where you are from?”
“No.” Steve didn’t bother to elaborate. It would have been fast, her second marriage, as he knew she had died of a broken heart shortly after Helgi.
“So… tell me of yourself, Steve for whom they call Captain. What battle did you lose for that to occur.” He waved his hand at Steve’s head.
“This is how it’s worn now. It has nothing to do with battles won or lost.”
“Yet they call you Captain? Is this not a military title? A rank of a warrior?” the woman asked.
“In a way. Mine is more… honorary, though I’ve earned it over the years.” Steve smiled at her, finding her pretty in the same way he remembered his own mother being beautiful.
“But certainly you’re some kind of warrior?” Helgi asked. “You are as strong as the Berserkers.”
“I assure you, I’m not of (Y/N)’s descendants. I’m just a kid from Brooklyn who got lucky. I work with a group of other warriors. Powerful people. Enhanced people. We’re tasked with saving the world and getting rid of the bad guys. That’s where (Y/N) and I met.”
“You are of Midgard?” Helgi asked, his eyes widening. “How is that possible? Sváfa is returned, but you are not of Asgard?”
“I told you. Someone here is messing with our lives. We’re going to find out who and stop them, but I can’t help her until I get this sword I came for and go home.”
“Well, if you want the sword… take it,” Heðinn said, waving at the sword hung on the wall behind their father and mother’s thrones. “But it won’t be easy for you.”
Steve pushed to his feet but stopped when Helgi grabbed his wrist.
“One must be worthy to take that sword. No other before you has succeeded. Not even I succeeded when I came for it.”
“I thought this was some symbolic ritual. Something done for the wedding.”
“On Midgard, maybe.” He looked up at Steve gravely. “But this is Asgard.”
Steve sat back down. “Explain.”
Helgi’s brow arched in the same manner as Steve’s. “That was the sword of Hurgid, the first of our line. He was the strongest of us. The best and bravest of warriors born in the time of the god's beginnings. It was said he rode with Freyja and at the side of Odin in a time of great upheaval. The sword remembers its first handler. It will accept no one less than Hurgid as its wielder.”
It made Steve frown as he peered at the sword with the golden hilt and bright amber stone set in the pommel. “I already have a sword. Your sword. Rettferdighet.”
He stiffened. “How is that… you should not have that sword.”
“It was taken from me when I died. Lost to my family. How did you come to possess it?” he asked, leaning forward.
“Odin. Odin sent it when he returned (Y/N)’s armour.”
Helgi sat back and scrubbed his hand over his mouth. “I don’t know what this means. I don’t know how he came by it. Álfr, he would never give it up. Not even to Odin.”
“He didn’t.” Everyone in the hall jumped to their feet at the sound of Mardöll’s voice. She only scowled at Steve. “You are wasting time. Collect your sword and let us go.”
“What’s the rush?” Steve asked, rising from his chair.
“Your… people grow anxious. The Sorcerer Supreme seeks my presence.”
“Who is she?” Heðinn demanded.
She glared at him. “One who placed you here when you failed.”
Steve watched the brute of a man pale before he bowed his head. “Lady.”
“Why are they all here?” Steve asked. “Aren’t you all supposed to go to Valhalla when you die?”
Mardöll turned her harsh glare Steve’s direction. “Only those who are worthy find Valhalla, and I told you, Steven. Beware the ghosts. Too long have you allowed them to hold your attention.”
He looked around at all the bowed heads, the shame coating their faces, and frowned when he looked at Helgi. “But why are you here?”
“Why indeed?” Helgi murmured. “I have often wondered the same.”
“What is this place really?” Steve asked, turning toward Mardöll.
“Your people would call it purgatory.”
Steve stared at her in horror. “What?”
She only shrugged. “It is where they belong for what was done.”
“And him?” He motioned toward Helgi. “(Y/N) said we didn’t go to Valhalla, but why is he here? Why did you call them ghosts?” Steve demanded. 
Mardöll waved her hand, and everything disappeared, leaving behind Helgi, Heðinn, and a host of tombs. “Ask your brother why you are here.”
“He ain’t my brother,” Steve growled.
She narrowed her ocean eyes. “Ask… him… Steven.”
He looked to Helgi who would not meet his eyes and shifted his gaze to Heðinn. “Why are you here?”
Heðinn wouldn’t look at Steve but turned to face the grave nearest him. “Father always preferred you. The eldest. His heir. The nameless son. The one who barely spoke but was given… everything. What I wouldn’t have given to be in your shoes.” He laughed softly, and it was raw with anger and hate. “And then one day you came home with a name and a sword and a Valkyrie and not just any Valkyrie but the Valkyrie. The damn Queen!” he bellowed, slamming his fist down on the stones.
“So what? Were you jealous? What did you do that would put you in this place?” Steve asked.
He turned and the sword he’d pulled from somewhere scraped along the stones before he lifted it and pointed it at Helgi. “I killed you,” he sneered. “Helgi killed King Hróðmar in battle with Sváfa at his side. He did so in honourable combat, but Álfr wanted revenge. He challenged Helgi to a holmgang. It was the perfect time to take everything I wanted. The throne, Sváfa, Rettferdighet! It was all mine for the taking!”
“And you took it, didn’t you?” Steve muttered, moving cautiously to circle as Heðinn swung the sword his way.
“I did,” he chuckled gleefully. “I was better than you. Stronger than you. Smarter than you! I deserved it all! Me, not you! So I paid the witch woman to slice him with a poisoned blade during his fight with Álfr, and she did an excellent job.”
He lunged, and Steve leaped back, the tip of the blade swinging through the space his stomach had just occupied. “So out jealousy, you murder your brother?”
“I murdered him for everything!” he screamed.
“And it got you what, Heðinn? Nothing!” Helgi bellowed. “And took everything instead.”
“I didn’t know it would kill her! How was I?” he snarled.
“She was my sjelevenn! Her soul, tied to mine for eternity! Of course, she would die when I did!” Helgi lunged but went right through Heðinn, his body nothing more than spirit.
“You haven’t been able to touch me in hundreds of years! Did you think you could now?” He shouted out a bark of laughter.
Steve stepped in and plowed his fist into Heðinn’s face. “He may not be able to, but I apparently can!”
Next Chapter
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lilietsblog · 7 years
my mirai nikki liveblog notes from last night
yandere is a gross and creepy fandom trope beloved by gross and creepy fandom dudes but I really like Mirai Nikki and personally Gasai Yuno, and I hope she finds some stability in her mind orrr she could kill either herself or Yukki to get the other to be the god of time and space and I'm honestly not sure which of those would be a healthier decision or more fascinating to watch. but i dont want this ending bc of the cop )= (my taste in anime is impeccable)
I like how Yukki is still majorly creeped out by Yuno, even if making out with her is no longer even a Big Thing for him
WHY DID THIS THING JUST HAPPEN THIS IS LIKE THE WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO HONESTLY WHAT THE FUCK I like the girl just snapping photos of everything I aspire to be this chill
Yuno if you fuck up Yukki's friendships because you are jealous I'm going to be very cross with you that's exactly what you're going to do isn't it I mean you've been 100% right about Tsubasa and you've been actually very charismatic with Yukki's mom but I can just feel the trainwreck coming
huh, they all end up just hanging out together, that's surprisingly nice I'm glad things other than blood and carnage are allowed to happen in this anime it won't last long will it
shine shine shine wow Yuno maybe chill
Mao and Hinata, I swear I'm going to remember this
okay what followed was teeth snapping not blood from a bitten throat so maybe she won't die after all thank god
guys you are discussing it with them walking right behind you how well have you thought this through I guess they were further behind?
Akise is another Diary owner isn't he
I feel Yukki on his Definite Overload With Everything
I sure hope those are not Akise's dogs that Akise deliberately set on them to engineer this situation
hm well at least this is not personally Akise, doesn't mean he's not affiliated with this guy at the very least they seem to share hair color
I love Mary tho
hmmm this might actually not be the guy with the flesh eating dogs, these look different okay I'm holding off on further speculation right now and giving it a tentative 50/50, as well as to Akise turning out to have been behind the attack
okay what the FUCK that looks like Hinata
fuuuck i am SO tempted to like Akise but that would also come with a sore wish to have him Join The Team and I hoped that for Tsubasa too >_> my heart can't take it
...that feeling when Yuno is being the Voice of Reason
aaand it's gone
please Yukki don't tell them about your diary there's nothing about that that's not a bad idea don't drag them into this aaand of course that's what you're doing and once again, Yuno is me
aaand there's Mao isn't there fuck not the one I was expecting at least thank you Akase for it not being you
okay Hinata is alive that's fair enough except she won't be for long will she why must you take away Pure things from me anime why ugggghhhh
a Breeder's diary??? oh right dogs whew
oh my god Akise too????? okay this is kind of hilarious now I hope they go for a reverse of the temple thing and he actually gets to join the squad I guess the girls were doomed because of Yuno anyway but he has a chance
so I think Deus rigged this whole game specifically for Yukki his random observations diary made the future diary a very interesting idea and a very powerful tool but then Deus threw a bunch of various... interesting characters into it, and I imagine physical proximity (or ability and willingness to get around fast) and, ah, interestingness of character were the main criteria, and he went for ANY kind of diary at all, which made most of theirs much less potent
another thing I'm thinking is I've been noticing the small child holding hands with ?parents? in the end credits for a while, and it looks like Hinata, and she might be an important character
maybe this anime just burned through a few expendable characters at the beginning to set up the situation and create the athmosphere, and the main plot is going to be about a bunch of high schoolers after all, because that's just how anime rolls - high schoolers would be the major characters out of the whole bunch of diary owners
so maybe they're not all dying next episode is what i'm trying to say
Murmur is amazing btw
hum so Akise got his diary late? or does he not have one after all oh my god I love Akise so much already his expression here like 'i can't believe i'm going along with this' and yet he's going along with this like sure ok
aaand SUDDEN DORK MODE oh no I have a new favorite character please don't turn out to secretly be a mass murderer that's all I ask ;~; hum might he not actually have a diary after all dammit these are supposed to be post credit scenes not revealing plot twists I'm just confusing myself at this point aren't I
lol oh my god they thought Akise was a diary owner but he's just a guy who's good at investigation isn't he
or is he??? godfuckingdammit I need to stop doing this to myself theorizing is a bad habit that I get way too into I don't like bumpy rides of plot twists I like being able to follow what the fuck is going on )=
yeah he does not have a diary nor any idea what's going on does he lol I called it seconds before Yuno caught on it's kind of interesting how it seems her job is to be the genre savvy one, whose usefulness is however kind of fucked up by her brain cockroaches
I guess she caught on that he was bluffing but??? ??? ???
and Akise's just going nuts and laughing because what else is left to do honestly
Akise why are you so fucking likable how dare you I'm actually angry at this development HAVE A FLAW DAMN YOU I CANNOT RELAX BECAUSE OF THIS SHIT I CANNOT TRUST WHAT I AM SEEING THIS FUCKING ANIME
oh man I thought they were lesbians when Mao first brought up that she's taken, but this is V Cute
oh my fucking god Akise have you MISSED Yuno's thing in your investigation or are you doing this ON PURPOSE
wait what just happened was that yandere on yandere combat or what
Mao what the fuck were you doing
Yuno you are an ASSHOLE I hope everyone other than Yukki keeps just ignoring everything you say and do
I love this one normal guy who's kind of a dick and just reacts normally to things and his contrast to Akise whom I love
honestly Yukki I agree I think I DON'T WANT TO is the only argument Yuno can be receptive to
oooor that only makes things worse huh Yuno honey please settle down believe in Yukki a little more than that
oh hey good solution even if it's just getting yourself deeper in I guess in a BLOOD DEATH situation it's kind of the best available option
"You don't want me to hate you, do you?" A+ game Yukki hit her where it hurts aka explain basic facts of human relationships >_>
aaand yep he's freaking out because he doesn't even like her that way and he's getting deeper and deeper in )=
uuunless that was a lie huh can't deny that possibility
lol Akise also has voice of reason tendencies <3
hum okay dammit I liked the cop a lot then again Akise is like him+ as far as having an Awesome detective character goes and Yukki has a Squad his age now I'm surprised by how well this went actually
another episode and I'm going to sleep (yes i'm aware these are Cursed Words but what if I'm lucky)
Yuno? Uh, are you okay?...
see the thing is I really can't find a way to apply to this anime the standards of 'healthy relationship with a mentally ill person' because PEOPLE ARE DYING AND EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE LET'S PUT THAT OFF UNTIL THE FUCKING GAME IS OVER like Yukki can't just ditch Yuno because she keeps fucking saving his life??? and Yuno can't just resolve to Not Murder because that keeps fucking saving both of their lives??? they can't do what would have been the Reasonable Thing To Do under normal circumstances because these SURE AS FUCK AREN'T NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES
oh please girl are you sure anyone's MAKING you do anything
wait what the fuck is going on here oh it's Murmur fucking around isn't it yep there it is
okay I'm not sure what's happening like, what? seriously? what the fuck
okay so that's what happened huh that still leaves a lot of holes but okay
uh Akise why what makes you think this is a good idea I mean I've noticed you don't exactly have conventional emotional responses to fucked up stuff either but like seriously
oh Yukki you're starting to become more OK with murder that's just the world you live in huh
awww he cares about her when they are one on one as much as he cares about EVERYONE which he does because he is wonderful and I love him it's just in mixed company that Yuno's stalkerish shit gets lower priority to everyone else's normal shit and Yukki is 100% right in that
aha I'd been wondering whose last name I forgot
ahhh so that's what he was doing that makes more sense than him being a shipper on deck -_- just throwing Yukki under the bus for the sake of investigation that's p much normal... by this anime's standards...
also holy damn Yuno you can work when you try hum self-induced amnesia or something? that's almost a sensible coping mechanism I'm glad the anime is actually paying attention to that
augh what the fuck Kurusu why do you gotta hum and there's that other detective uuugh this anime has way too much going on I guess it IS 11 pm and I HAD decided to go to sleep after this
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btsfanficss · 7 years
Stay Professional! Pt. 11
Work AU! Fluff, Angst and smut: Jungkook x Reader
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (12 has arrived! )
Summary: Jungkook desperately tries to fix his mistakes. Whether it be through his irresistibly sweet speeches or something a little more, you were bound to fall under his spell again. 
A/N: Yes I am back! Did y’all miss me? 😘 I honestly think the mothers are the best characters ever tbh (ultimate wingwoman goals). Sorry I didn’t update for so long- I had my Semester 1 exams :) As always, feedback is appreciated! 
Jungkook knew that there was nothing he could do. So why did it feel like he was waiting for a miracle to occur? He rhythmically tapped on the dark mahogany table with his slender finger, tension built up to his shoulders. He felt as though he was going to snap at any given moment. And he hated the feeling. He couldn’t stand the nausea that bestowed upon him when he thought about you. At least he knew he fucked up this time.
“Jungkook, may I come in?” A familiar voice interrupted his toxic thoughts. He quickly glanced in the direction of the elegant voice and a small smile of relief spread across his lips.
“Of course mother.” He gave her a nod of affirmation before standing up to greet her properly.
“You’re probably wondering what brings me here.” She smiled warmly at him and closed the door behind her before seating herself across Jungkook’s table.
“Sit, son. We have some talking to do.” She spoke in a gentle tone- but Jungkook was beyond intimidated. He felt like he was 4 years old again, getting lectured and scolded. But this time it was worse because it wasn’t Jimin lecturing him, it was Jungkook’s actual mother- whom before had no time to do that.
He gulped noticeably loud before looking behind his mother’s shoulder and he avoided her gaze completely.
“Is it possible for us to do this tomorrow? I’m really not feeling good today.” He confessed and his mother raised an eyebrow.
“Did you think I was here to lecture you?”
There was a small pause that intensified Jungkook’s childish fear. Despite being a grown man, Jungkook didn’t deal with authorities well because it was abnormal to have people of higher status than him.
“You’re not wrong my darling but that’s not my main intention. I’m here as a mother today. How about we sort things out together?” She suggested in a sweetened voice and gently placed her hand on top of Jungkook’s and his trembling stopped.
“As you may also be aware, I wasn’t very happy when I found out that Y/N left the company. I assumed it was because of you- you do have a reputation for firing assistants quite regularly so I wasn’t surprised. But she had so much potential and she brought out the best in you so I was generally upset when you fired her. Not to mention, you looked so much happier with her around.”
“For one, I didn’t fire her. She left because Jimin offered her a job at his company. He told her that she was a burden to me and so she left.”
“Then why did you tell me that you fired her?” His mother sounded genuinely confused. And before Jungkook could reply, she answered for him with sparkling eyes.
“You were trying to protect her image.” Her voice squeaked in relief.
“Oh thank god!” She placed her hand over her thumping chest and a smile stretched across her relieved face.
“This whole time I was worried because I thought my son turned into a maniacal and heartless business man! Thank goodness you have some sort of consideration for others.” She fanned her face and sighed in relief.
“You can’t be serious, mother.” Jungkook chuckled and his mother laughed.
“Oh honey I am. Before Y/N you were so.. artificial. Sometimes I felt regretful because I thought I changed you for the worse. My son, you are still very young; I know the pressure I’m putting on you and though keeping a cool head and being detached from your emotions when doing business is an advantage.. you’re my only child and I can’t afford to let greed consume you.” She confessed and Jungkook suddenly softened his gaze as his mother gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
Jungkook’s adorable smile warmed her heart instantly and she felt obligated to continue.
“I think I know my son well enough to say that you’re head over heels for that girl. What are you waiting for? Get her back. Don’t tell me I raised a loser, now did I?” She quirked an eyebrow and the original smirk that Jungkook inherited spread across her features.
Jungkook let out a hearty laugh and craned his neck back to hit the cushion of his leather seat. “So you approve of her?”
“Darling, it’s not a matter of my approval at this point because even if I said no, I highly doubt you’re going to get over her before my whole company burns down because your shitty reports.” She giggled and Jungkook cringed at the truthfulness in her savagery.
“I’m glad we had this talk. At least now I know my son isn’t a complete asshole. I expect to see you in top notch condition soon- invite her over while you can. I don’t know how long this 'approval’ will last.” She answered in a cheerful tone and quickly walked off after checking the time on her phone.
“Good luck Jungkook! Not only for the sake of you but for the sake of my company, get her back please. For the love of God child, this better fix your recent concentration issue.” Her voice diminished as she strutted further down the long hall outside of Jungkook’s office. And for the first time since the incident, he felt as though he could take on the world again.
You squinted your eyes in confusion, brows furrowed into a deep ‘V’ shape as you tried to make out the unrecognisable figure that sat comfortable on the jet-black motorbike. The person was wearing black from head to toe, his jacket that had extra padding made him appear even more buff and the tinted helmet successfully hid his identity. He took off his shiny leather gloves to unclasp the buckle of his motorbike helmet. And within a couple of seconds, he managed to pull off the tight helmet. You could hardly believe your eyes.
There sat Jungkook, looking ridiculously irresistible on his black motorbike that was shined to perfection as it reflected sunlight into your eyes. Jungkook shook his head to get his fringe out of his eyes. His noir locks bounced back in place and he fixed his fringe before casually striding up next to you with the familiar bunny smile you were so obsessed with. His ‘bad-boy’ demeanour certainly didn’t fit that childish smile. He presented two clashing charms.. and maybe that’s what made him even more charming.
“Hey.” He smiled and scanned your expression in an attempt to read your thoughts. You could only raise an eyebrow in response to his sudden and very random appearance.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, breath hitched as you couldn’t believe your sight. Jungkook looked so divine in his all black motorbike attire, but nothing could match up to his charming smirks and smiles you’d missed so much but was too afraid to admit.
“I’m here to see you.” His smile dropped and he suddenly looked very serious. It felt so wrong to think that he looked so deadly handsome in that black leather jacket. It wasn’t the time to fawn over his beauty, it was time to act logically.
“Jungkook.. I told you I need time to think.” You sighed, a little frustrated at his persistence but at the same time, a little relieved because it showed you that he was desperate and that he really did care.
“I know I know.. you don’t have to give me an answer now but I just.. wanted to see you.” He said with an undeniably handsome smirk smeared across his lips.
“We both know you don’t have time for that.”
“But I’m making time for it-.”
“Don’t you have somewhere you need to be?” You crossed your arms in defence and shifted your weight to one leg, some sassy body language that Jungkook found adorable.
“You’re right... maybe I shouldn’t have ran away.” He chuckled lightly, as though what he’d just done wasn’t a big deal.
“What? Are you crazy?! Did you really come all the way here without telling anyone?” Your jaw dropped in disbelief.
“I thought you’d find it romantic.” He smirked again and you could feel an annoying blush creep up your face.
“Jungkook that’s so stupid! You know what you’re doing right now is completely careless and irresponsible! This is going to be your company--”
“--but you’re my future, Y/N.” He cut you off with a deep voice and took a step closer to you. He touched his forehead with yours and you felt the butterflies go haywire inside your stomach from him being stood so close. Jungkook intertwined his fingers with yours and pressed a soft kiss onto the back of your hand.
Fuck, why did that always seem to work? You couldn’t help but roll your eyes- not because he was being cheesy, but because you knew that you loved every second of it.
No words could come out of your mouth so you just continued to stare blankly at him. Jungkook felt so relieved that you didn’t push him away and so a warm smile emerged from the bottom of his heart.
“Am I.. interrupting something?” Your mother’s voice called out from behind and you immediately shook your hand away from his, an evident blush of crimson on your cheeks.
“Ye- I mean no. No, mum it’s alright. We’re not doing anything.” You stuttered uncontrollably as you could feel Jungkook sneak up closer from behind. Did he have no concept of personal space?
“That’s a little suspicious.” She laughed and made eye-contact with Jungkook behind your shoulder. “And who might this handsome bloke be?”
Jungkook happily walked over to your mother and bowed his head in respect before charming his way through another life-situation. It always seemed to work for him. But you weren’t surprised since he had such a face..
“I’m Jeon Jungkook, ma’am. I’m very delighted to meet you.” He raised his head to meet her eyes with a gentle smile.
“O-Oh..” Your mother’s eyes widened in shock. “I’ve heard lots about you, dear.” She covered her mouth and giggled.
“That’s not very good.” Jungkook laughed and ruffled the hair on the back of his head, which was something he often did only when he was nervous.
“I’ve made some pretty terrible mistakes but.. I’m changing. I’m willing to change if it means that I can make Y/N happy.” He said through a gummy smile and your mother seemed a little speechless.
All she’s heard from you was all the negatives. You’d told her that Jungkook was a merciless and careless business man with no real heart but the man that stood in-front of her was someone completely different. You once never mentioned to her about Jungkook’s chivalry or professionalism. Or once never mentioned the fact that he was bloody gorgeous.
“That’s.. lovely.. it’s getting cold outside. Let’s warm ourselves up with some tea, shall we?” Your mother suggested and you immediately spoke up in objection.
“No mum. He needs to get back to his company asap. If his mother found out that he’s here I’m going to get a death sentence- I can’t afford to ruin my life even more.”
“I rode all the way here. You can’t expect me to just leave right now. It took me 4 and a half hours to ride here Y/N.” Jungkook defended himself in a desperate attempt to gain your sympathy.
You grumbled in frustration and stormed inside, a little defeated that you were going to have to talk to him. Your mother led him into your small house in which you grew up in and Jungkook’s happiness radiated from him at the sight of your baby pictures he eyed when he arrived in the living room.
“Please, make yourself at home.” Your mother insisted and Jungkook didn’t even sit down, he went straight for your neatly framed child-hood photographs.
You were too grumpy to notice the heart-eyes Jungkook had looking at your baby photos. His heart had never felt so touched before.
“Oh my god you were adorable.” He chuckled lightly before picking up another frame to analyse. “I can’t say much has changed.” He looked over his shoulder to see you sat comfortably on the sofa, legs and arms crossed.
“Oh please Jungkook. A couple of smooth words isn’t going to fix this mess.” You turned your head the other way so your inner-thoughts would stop complimenting how good he looked.
“I realise.” He sat down next to you and twiddled his thumbs around each other. What an unusual habit. You’d never noticed his cute little habits when he got nervous because it was very rare for someone like Jungkook to lose his composure. But that certainly wasn’t the case when he was around you.  
Your mother sat directly across from Jungkook and stirred her freshly brewed tea. You could practically sense the fear, judging from Jungkook’s fastened thumb twiddling. 
“So tell me dear, why should I trust you with my daughter.” Your mother got straight to the point and Jungkook gulped in response. 
“Because..” He planned out a million different ways to respond inside his head but nothing seemed to come out of his mouth. 
“I love her.” He said blankly. It was the only thing that seemed to slip out- his nerves were getting the worse of him and you didn’t know what to think of the situation. 
“How are you so sure?” She asked and calmly sipped on the warm tea. 
“I..I’ve never felt so sure in my life. I’ve never felt like this for anyone. I didn’t want to admit that I had feelings for her at the start because.. I didn’t know if someone like me was capable of being genuine..” Jungkook found it nearly impossible to peel his gaze off of his now semi-warm cup of tea. 
“I.. Before Y/N, I felt completely detached from the world. Everything felt very grey... cold and colourless.” Jungkook finally looked at your mother straight in the eyes and she could tell that he wasn’t lying about his feelings.
“Then what do you plan to do next?” 
“I plan on making it clear to Y/N that I am sincere about my feelings. I know I’ve made many terrible mistakes but I’m determined to persuade her that I’m serious about her. I’m willing to do anything that’ll get her to change her mind about me.” He looked over to you with a desperate gaze and you looked away immediately, unable to handle his convincing voice. 
You just squeezed yourself tighter and your mother could tell that his smooth-talk seemed to be working. But it shouldn’t, especially not after how he broke your trust. 
“Shouldn’t you be back in the office with Yujung or whatever her name was?” You sounded terribly petty but you didn’t seem to care. And neither did your mother.
“I fired her.” He interrupted before you could continue to give him shit. 
You just rolled your eyes in response but deep down you were so very relieved of that. “I’m very sorry.. I wasn’t thinking straight and I know I hurt you- it wasn’t intentional I promise.” Jungkook shuffled closer but you inched further away from him and he let out a sigh of defeat. 
There was a heavy silence that added extra tormenting weight onto Jungkook’s already heavy shoulders. Your mother just continued to drink her tea and you hadn’t even touched yours, similar to Jungkook’s situation. He slowly stood up from the sofa and lowered his head greatly to your mother. 
“Thank you for giving me a chance to express myself.” He lifted himself up from the deep bow and sighed again upon the sign of you, curled up into a ball; still evidently annoyed with him. “It was lovely seeing you again, Y/N.” He smiled weakly and placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head before he ruffled your hair affectionately. You could only pretend to not care but obviously your body couldn’t hide the glowing ecstatic feelings within.  
“Leaving so soon?” Your mother suddenly asked in a bold voice. His ears perked up at the unexpected question. 
“Yes ma’am. I was only briefly visiting to cure my sanity for a little while.” He admitted selfishly and your mother seemed to appreciate that. 
“It’s already getting dark. It’d be terribly rude of us to just let you leave at this time, especially since it’s four and a half hours ride from here.” She placed her tea cup down and analysed your reaction to her surprising words. 
“I suggest you stay over and leave in the morning.” She smiled and your mouth dropped open at her bewildering suggestion. She could see both of your facial expressions change in confusion. 
“Pardon?” Was all Jungkook could ask as a happy smile seemed to peak through from just the thought of spending the night under the same roof as you. 
“I’m just saying.. I don’t want to be responsible for your safety, dear. From the things that I’ve heard from my daughter, you seem to be a very important person so- I don’t plan on taking any risks regarding your safety.” She admitted and the amusement in her voice continued to grow. 
“Mum he’s a grown man. He can handle himself just fine. It’d be worse if he stayed here because the entire company’s probably already freaking out.” 
“I’m sure Jungkook is aware of that. But I still think he should stay the night. What do you think, Jungkook?” Your mother eyed him curiously and his smile radiated joy. 
“I.. You’re right. I suppose it is getting too dark. But I can only stay if Y/N agrees to let me.” He looked over to you and you sank deeper into the warm couch. You pretended to groan in frustration and stormed out of the living room quickly before anyone could catch a glimpse of relief on your face. You’d secretly wished for him to stay a little longer. 
“She didn’t exactly say no.” Your mother pat his shoulder kindly before cleaning up the cups of full tea that’d turned cold. 
You’d come back from a brisk walk that cleared your mind. Jungkook’s charms were seriously effective and you’d decided to keep your distance from him even though he’d be sleeping under your roof for that night. You carelessly kicked off your shoes and placed the plastic bag that had some groceries from your small walk onto the cold wooden floor. You picked them up, opened the fridge and placed the eggs and milk in their usual places whilst humming a happy tune to yourself. 
You strolled over and opened your bedroom door and your humming came to a sudden stop. 
There stood Jungkook, both of you frozen at the sudden appearance of each other. Except you were more shocked because he was shirtless. Jungkook had a white towel carelessly wrapped around his waist and another towel over his head. You traced your eyes over his impressive chest and soon had heart eyes for his defined abs. Jungkook was completely frozen in place, his biceps evident from the way he used the towel to dry his wet hair. You brought your eyes back up to meet Jungkook’s and by that time, your face turned completely red. His pink lips were parted ever so slightly and his eyes widened in astonishment. 
Heaven had blessed your eyes and your heart thumped violently within your chest. You quickly slammed the bedroom door before neither one of you could say anything. “I’m sorry!” You instinctively yelled out and buried your hot face into your now clammy palms. Jesus you did not expect that. 
After a couple seconds of quick shuffling, there was a sound of quick footsteps on your wooden floor and then suddenly, a strong aroma had hit you. Jungkook had opened the door and he was slightly out of breath from rushing to get dressed. You could tell he looked a little tired from the way his chest would rise and fall quickly when he let out breathy apologies. 
“I didn’t know I left the door open.” He chuckled and you could feel his minty fresh breath against your flushed face. You swore to yourself that you wouldn’t be shaken up by his charms but that was impossible when he looked so handsome and smelt absolutely divine. You didn’t know your shampoo could even smell that good. Or perhaps, that was just Jungkook’s natural scent. 
“I’m sorry. I promise it was an accident. I’m not planning anything.” He panicked a little because you were being so quiet. You just wanted to shut him up because his voice sounded alluring enough, not to mention his scent. He was wearing the same clothes for before and it smelt of his usual, expensive cologne. 
“It’s fine. Sorry I should’ve knocked.” You blabbered and tried to calm down your ridiculously fast paced heart. You felt as though you could happily drown yourself in his scent. 
“Don’t apologise, it’s your bedroom. It doesn’t make sense for you to knock.” Jungkook leaned onto your door frame and you looked up at him to see him smile a little. His confidence had grown suddenly as he stood very tall over your small frame. 
“You’re right. Can you please leave for a moment. I need to get changed.” You coughed and Jungkook let you through. “Can I watch?” He said playfully and you slammed the door at him in response. You heard him chuckle through the door and your heart softened slightly from his childish comment. 
It was well past 10 o’ clock and you were convinced that Jungkook was already fast asleep on the floor-mattress just a couple of metres from your bed. You asked him to sleep on your bed instead of the mattress but he refused to do so, so there you were; warmly wrapped up in blankets yet your mind refused to let you fall asleep. 
All you could hear in the quiet room was the sound of Jungkook’s soft and even breathing that sounded tranquil to the ears mixed with the consistent muted sound of the clock ticking from outside the room. You let out a small sigh and felt a little frustrated that you were unable to fall asleep. You’d been trying to rest for the past hour but nothing seemed to work. Perhaps it was the fact that Jeon Jungkook was right next to you that you couldn’t relax. 
You rolled over for what felt like the 100th time and closed your eyes in another attempt to fall asleep. After some more time and a couple more shuffles on the bed, your brain was starting to feel too tired to stay awake. Finally, your eyelids started to feel a little heavy. 
You closed your lids and your mind started to drift in and out of consciousness. You heard a muted shuffle and suddenly, you felt a body stealthily slide under your blanket. Jungkook casually put the blanket over the both of you and inched closer to you as he cuddled you closely from behind. He proved that indeed 2 people could fit snugly on a single sized bed. The realisation set in and you were wide-awake at the point but you pretended to be fast asleep. You didn’t want to admit that you wanted him to stay close to you. 
Jungkook’s body felt warm. He was the big spoon and had his warm chest pressed up against your back. Jungkook’s rested his head on your shoulder and you could feel his warm breath gently tickle your exposed neck. You mumbled softly at the comforting sensation and Jungkook could feel a chuckle bubble up inside of him. You then turned around slowly so you were directly facing him. You curled up closer into his chest and the scent of your hair seemed to push Jungkook’s buttons. 
You could hear the rhythmic beat of Jungkook’s heart and you were practically screaming at yourself inside for how wrong this was but how right it felt dominated that. Jungkook shifted his arms slowly so that one arm casually pulled the two bodies closer and this action encouraged you to gently grip on his black cotton fabric of his t-shirt. He found that absolutely adorable and ran his hand through your hair, comforting you in a way that was beyond ineffable.
You simply inched closer to his him until your forehead was touching his toned chest. He continued to comb his fingers through your soft and sweet scented hair that drove him to the brink of insanity. But to be fair, his natural scent was the same for you- god he smelt like absolute heaven. Jungkook’s cheeks were getting tired from smiling since you’d cuddled up to him and he couldn’t refrain from kissing you. 
He placed multiple delicate kisses on your head and forehead as he drew random patterns onto your back. Jungkook couldn’t describe in words how content he felt to have you in his arms once again. He felt as though he was taking advantage of your unconscious state but what he didn’t know was that you were awake the whole time. And you loved it equally as much as he did. 
All you had to do now was, admit it. 
Long awaited Part 12 is here!
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