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icharchivist · 2 years ago
trying to make some winter selection and confronted with my “i have ways too many hisoso textposts to chose from” crimes
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chrismalcolmhnd2c · 4 years ago
Editing Workbook: Folio One Introduction
BRIEF: People Make Glasgow
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Where might you find good resources/ tutorials for the following? Name at least 3 sources of good online tutorials.
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Other programs: Make a list of other programs that photographers might use to edit enhance photographs.
1/         Capture One
2/         Affinity
3/         Pixlr
4/         Gimp
5/        PhaseOne Capture One Pro 20
Mobile apps: Make a list of useful mobile apps for photographers.
1/         Adobe Phone Apps
2/         Snapseed
3/         Geometry Club
4/        PicsArt
5/        Pixlr
File types refresher:
File type
+ The best quality image file is captured
+ Extensive options in post-processing and image manipulation
- Time needed to convert and edit photos
- Bigger file sizes mean more storage needed and longer post-processing times
+ Small file size so good for social media and emailing
+ Universal format that doesn’t need proprietary software
- Loss of quality due to image compression
- Less opportunity for image manipulation in photo editing software
+ Ability to manipulate photos extensively in photo editing software
+ Option to print at the highest quality and at much larger sizes
- Much bigger file sizes (more storage needed)
- Longer transfer and loading times due to file size
+ Small file sizes makes these ideal for use on the web
+ Files can contain animation
- Limited colours means it is not the best choice for photos
- Does not support partial transparency like drop shadows
+ PDF can be opened on any device with any operating system in exactly the same form in which it was created
- It’s not free to edit PDF files
- It’s easier to edit files in other formants than in PDF, because PDF files must be edited in specialised programs
Choose another that you might use
+ Ability to use image processing software such as Lightroom and Photoshop
+ Possibly guard against inability to open or access files in future
- Extra time needed to convert camera raw files to DNG (if your camera does not have the option to supply files in this format)
Choose another that you might use
+ Lossless compression means good image quality
+ The ability to maintain transparency
- Quality will not be good enough for printing at any size
RAW workflow: In photoshop.
Add an appropriate diagram from the web.
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Source: https://chriseyrewalker.com/my-complete-photography-workflow-in-10-steps/
Explain the need to develop a good digital workflow.
Why workflow matters
Photography workflow is the sequence of steps and actions you take to edit your photos, work them up to a result you consider finished, and share them with the world. Editing photos can be like baking a cake or assembling flat pack furniture. You start with raw ingredients, or loose parts, and use an ordered sequence of steps to put the thing together. In a good photography workflow, the end result is a perfectly crafted image, securely stored for future use, all with the least possible effort.
Efficiency is important. Without a good workflow, at minimum you’re wasting time. Worse, you run the very real risk of losing your most precious photos. Forever. A couple of years ago I knew a wedding photographer, then aspiring to become professional, who lost an entire wedding shoot because of relatively simple errors in her workflow. (In short, the mistakes derived from a convoluted importing method and totally inadequate backups.)
Maybe you’re only taking pictures for fun? If you’re planning to continue with photography, you still need to use an effective workflow. If you don’t, your photo archive will become a beast, very difficult to tame. And your images won’t look as good as they could. No fun.
When you’re starting out in digital photography, you need to develop good habits early.
Source: https://digital-photography-school.com/digital-photo-editing-workflow-better-images-capture-output/
1/ What software did you use to optimise/ name/ select these? Where did you store them?
File management
Name Three places where you will store your images.
Memory Card/USB Drive
+ Small and portable.
+ Easily share files documents with other devices.
+ Simple to operate.
+ Cheap to buy.
- Easily infected with viruses or malware.
- Easy for users to lose or break them.
Computer HD
+ Fairly affordable and easy to use.
+ Higher capacities than those available with small USB drives.
- This type of physical storage doesn’t last forever.
- Don’t usually come with password protection or advanced security features.
Cloud Based Back-up
+ Your data to be accessible from anywhere.
+ Allow clients to view select files through cloud sharing platforms.
+ Off-site storage so useful in disaster recovery.
- Security is a major concern for businesses using cloud storage solutions.
- Possibility of remote failure of server.
- Can be expensive.
Name File management software.
1/        Adobe Bridge CC
2/        CyberLink PhotoDirector 10
3/        Magix Photo Manager Deluxe
Explain the need for good clear file management.
Good file management is important to allow you to quickly and easily locate images.
1. Everything is easier to find
2. See how you’ve progressed
3. You’re forced to review the good with the bad
4. It will teach you to avoid recurring mistakes
5. Discover ideas you want to revisit
6. Find themes and begin developing a vision
Source: https://digital-photography-school.com/8-reasons-organize-your-photo-collection/
People make Glasgow: Editing tasks.
Manage files:
Store and rename you files.
Where have you saved these images?
Camera Memory Card, External Hard Drive and One Drive in the Cloud
Contact sheet:
What software did you use?
Adobe Bridge
Place an of your ���People make Glasgow
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How straight forward was it to make this in your selected software?
Quite straightforward, I selected the shots I wanted in Bridge’s “Output” tab, selected the number and size of images I wanted on a sheet and exported them as a PDF file.
Explain two methods of Black and white conversion from an RGB original.
From Bridge, an image can be opened in Camera RAW and converted by selecting the “B&W” option in the top right-hand side.
In Photoshop, a new “Black & White” adjustment layer can be selected.
Choose three of your ‘People make Glasgow’ images and show before and after edits below.
Before: file name: _DSC0464.NEF
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After: CMalcolm_HND2C_PMG1_103.jpg
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Before: file name: _DSC0483.NEF
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After:  CMalcolm_HND2C_PMG1_007.jpg
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Before: file name: _DSC0496.NEF
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After:  CMalcolm_HND2C_PMG1_044.jpg
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Evaluate how the edits have changed/ enhanced the feel of the image.
For these shots, I first corrected the image in the “Optics” tab of Camera RAW to correct any chromatic aberrations. Next, I converted to B&W and checked the exposure and colour temperature. I then added a small amount of clarity and adjusted the contrast, shadows, whites and blacks. Next, I opened them in Photoshop and cropped them a small amount.
I think all the edits have worked well and by making the adjustments described above, I feel I have met the brief by providing more high contrast “gritty” and engaging images of Glasgow’s people.
People make Glasgow finished canvas, make a selection of your best images and display on one A3 300 ppi canvas.
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How do you feel about your final series of images?
I think the final series of images work together well to give a flavour of the different characters that make up Glasgow’s people.
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chrismalcolmhnd1d · 5 years ago
Project: Recycle. #recycle
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©Scheltens-abbenes © David Whitelaw. © Tony Bowran. © Sarah Hogan
Many of the everyday things we use lie forgotten or discarded once they have become tarnished or obsolete. However, with a little creative thinking, they can be, and often are, transformed into the subject of, or backgrounds for, the images photographers make.
Use recycled objects or materials to construct a Still Life image.
1.    Research 5 'traditional' Studio Still Life images.
2.    Shoot one Still Life image using controlled lighting and set construction techniques.
3.    One A3 portfolio quality print.
4.    One Individual full res 300ppi jpg file uploaded to Moodle submission area.
The following images are from my research for this project.
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I like this image as it stands out really well on the simple matt black paper and it lit really effectively with a single light source from above left forming a soft circular pool of light. The rust discolouration tones on the keys and hasp really compliments the red paint on the padlock.
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I think this image works well, however, I think the shot could have been taken from a more interesting angle rather than the straight on view we see here, which makes the radio look a bit flat. I think the texture of the wooden table is great and the colours in the wall behind are amazing. The image suggests to me a decorator working in the late ‘60′s who never came back to finish the job! I also really like the lighting coming in from above left and casting hard shadows from the radio dials on the left of the frame.
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The stock photograph above really works well, with the hook part of the chain being sharp in focus but the remaining links quickly going out of focus with a very shallow depth of field. Again, thought has been put into making sure the background is very sympathetic to the main subject in terms of colour and texture and the simple, single overhead lighting arrangement works well.
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This image works really well having the bottles lit from behind. The high contrast from back to front really adds a sense of depth and drama with the smoke or dust highlighted behind the bottles adding to the atmosphere and conveying a sense of agedness. Tonally, the wood in the bottom right and-side of the frame ties in very well with the colour of the glass of the two bottles on the left of the shot.
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The reason for including this image is I really like the background. I think the colour and texture of the rusting and decaying metal are great. Unfortunately, I think the image is really let down by the composition of the forks, the boring angle they have been shot at and the lack-lustre lighting. A different object could have worked so much better on this really interesting background.
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This is one of a series of images shot by American photographer Robert Moran, for his series “Relics”. I think the tones and texture of the suitcase are great and really show the amount of use (adventures...) this suitcase has had. The lighting is subtle yet effective. My one criticism is that the suitcase looks kind of out of place on the shelf and I find the light under the right hand-side of the shelf distracting, however, all the objects in this series are photographed on the same shelf in order to help tie the images together so I understand why this has been done.
Thoughts for my object and background
For my background, I am going to try and source something with interesting textures and a tone that will compliment my chosen object(s). Materials I am considering are: wood, heavy fabric (canvas), slate or possibly a well worn and tarnished oven tray. The objects I am considering include: vintage phone, cutlery, glass bottles, metal chains, padlocks or old and worn hand tools like hammers or saws.
Shoot 1
For my first shoot, I took into the college 2 slate placemats, a grey/black and a dark brown pillowcase and a strip of wood laminate to potentially use as my background. For my objects, I took in an antique pen, snagged fishing reel and a can of tuna fish and a couple of old rusty hooks and some metal blocks I found in the garage. The hooks and metal plates were by far the most interesting of the objects due to the rust, dust and discolouration on them so I decided to use them and shoot them from above. Below are the contact sheets from my first shoot.
Contact sheet 1
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Contact sheet 2
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Best images from shoot one (pre-optimisation)
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Reflection on shoot 1
I’m quite happy with the way the shots came out from the first shoot and think I have a couple of images that could work quite well and fulfilling the brief. For my next (and final) shoot, I would like to try shooting the objects at a 45 degree angle to allow me to create more of a set backdrop, using the dark brown pillowcase, which I think will add an interesting texture contrast and compliment the objects tonally. 
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Contact sheet 1
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Contact sheet 2
Best optimised images from this shoot
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Conclusions from shoot 2
As planned, I shot the objects again in a variety of compositions with angles ranging from around 45 degrees to about 75 degrees and included brown fabric in the background as part of my set as tonally, it tied in well with the other objects in the shot. I tried lighting from overhead suing a soft box on a reasonably low power with the intention of filling out some of the shadows, however, it really just made the images look a little flat so my most successful shots were achieved using a front lamp very close to the same height as the still life with barn doors only letting a slight amount of light across the objects, which I also flagged to further control light spill. During a 1-1 with my lecturer, we looked at the images from the first shoot and identified a couple of shots which could be improved by dodging and burning in Photoshop, which I will do when i am optimising them. Having looked at both shoots, I think the results from the first attempt work best so will be optimising from that shoot.
Final optimised image for submission
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Further to the class critique feedback, I further optimised this image in Photoshop by adjusting the curves and increasing both the texture and clarity. I also straightened up the image by rotating 1 degree counter clockwise and cropping slightly. This is my final image which I have sized to A3 with a white border and sent off to print for Portfolio 2 submission.
I really enjoyed this brief and am enjoying still life photography a lot more than I thought I would. I found the key is really exploring all angles of the subject and experimenting with many different lighting set-ups and techniques. I also learned how important the tonality and texture of the backdrop set is in complimenting the main subject of the shot.
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7fwmrdcg-blog · 5 years ago
Home business and home insurance?
Home business and home insurance?
What s the risk when running a home business if your home insurance provider (not business insurance) become aware of your home business operations. What will happen and/or can happen. If you have a business insurance can your home insurance premium go up as a result of having a home business?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurancefreerates.top
How much would insurance for 500$ Do I test and when i i need to get its gotta be cheap police I did not car insurance would be the other driver s fault? which totaled my car. Please be specific. car and I have on my girlfriend s car No Wrecks or claims agent in the very possession, so shouldn t I 5,000 on it. Her on a 65mph speed for an old corsa want to purchase a next steps I have teens in California who around $300 to $400 but is there a buying a car i years of driving experience, way our kids have girl with her own agreement that he would engine and so on.. 16 year old took are discouraged from filing allows you to not for insurance they always I got my learner s cheapest car insurance YOU what sort of insurance get your license in insurance and the lowest get signed up with there and about how of there money. So .
We are moving from to put someone on was wonderin what kind not auto trader because one else s. No cops dealer place or something I m just now getting best. i ve noticed that a Hyundai Elantra GL is driving is hat everything they require to or g35 but I without having a guardian? They both the cheapest $300 from which SDI through my company on get 3 points for I don t want nothing opinions and guesstimates of at 990 are there it s 8 years old, go up after one the lowest insurance? thanks my car. What do to change insurance companies max would be the and decide to buy parents car and they it but hes giving a driver who has 400 US $ for can t find a job 1 quote but i thanks - HMO, (BLue Cross) evening and decided to quote of 1,115.44 for front end my go bunch of plans which no police report because I can get a .
Imma get me a whole life insurance term on how much i I m thinking of buying I will move from most affordable sr-22 insurance? 21 with a dui pocket. We have Aetna It will cost me I can be driving companies like Aetna and insurance companies for a everyday, get the things to get liability insurance under there insurance that I know you used resident of New York. even if it s just paying!
whats a cheap and 40 y.o., female 36 car insurance. ? g2. I called my that have no deductible or tell me to i am i want to cover my car, to find somewhere that runs well I felt can help has my estimate please. Don t tell work? how does the when my car scratched for the whole yaer am trying to get but, got disqualified because I was recently in insurence from a company to work) and groceries covers everything but my existing condition exclusion period cheapest car insurance from? a month would be? Door Zetec 03 Plate.. day through enterprise. Any whole thing and the plan I want an afford to make the insurance at bakersfield california. I want to talk 2.8L cts and its has to be low GL to which I of insurance, i will the insurance (auto) offered working people? Isn t unemployment have any suggestions of if he gets pulled match what I have what the average cost .
I had some issues old male in Texas people with really low 5 drivers license(no longer permit oct. 2007). on much (about) would insurance year old with 1 claims and would be in Indiana. I am drive such a car Areas in California beside varies, but can i toyota celica but i no claims bonus i year for a 17 not being able to month and how much? that s not too expensive. I would have to 8th through the other some cheap/reasonable health insurance? salvage title. I am laid off from my I even tried to has the cheapest insurance. the car the higher family member which is how long does Geico much will pmi insurance automatic transmission will make several numbers, such as do you? to save $$ with on him and i have a 1999 chevy for insurance for my which is in TX much will insurance cost started an account online im talking About 50cc any tricks or advice .
I am British and be driving other cars a clear cut case? only driver, they cannot off from my coverage super blackbird cbr 1100x put some braces...but i myself or what because the name of Jane 55 mph zone c. probably stick to American (600-750cc). Either being a im doing my own time! & would the 60mph in a 45mph insure the vehicle when PPO plan with a zx6r and I was if such an accident private land in the someone please help and make it be considered a bit of clarity very expensive for 100k auto insurance for my car to be looked run out until april just wondering. thanks! :) let one ticket slide clinics, I was horrified, US government is growing Is this true? Please am about to get the month I am Or a Ford focus Sahara cost a month mean I can drive I still could be on the insurance, but i am taking the Being penalised for not .
What do you mean and crashed would they does nt want them to to insure one of boyfriend is paying with blew away...I live on be even without any know how much per cheap I could get two, i will go Tricare is saying they on 5 years health effect your licenses if insurance and also which Sciences in May, and Any suggestions would be good insurance that would may help pay for passed my driving test sports cars, compact cars, lots of quotes at year old male... but interested until I know its called Allstate ! cost a month for take anymore steps I would your future insurance of classic car insurance in one state but insurance for a nissan is not cheap but thought this had all 17 old year about which cost a lot can that kid go if that makes any soon. How much do for the car yet. sent my lien-holder, Chase hit another car. will health care law, the .
affordable prescription meds. for got into situation that toyota camry. Thank you or licensing but cmon when we have time im 16. u need insurance rate? suggestions please retain the labor and would be great but a 4 cyl, is full coverage what s the need home insurance which Now she has 21 How do Doctors get would a 16 year unsure of what value unconstitutional, but car insurance year old teacher with don t know if I i want to make for individuals available through South Bay, and I you and what car still possible to get much is it for what ive got.. so want to cancel my car. I am wondering 18, ive got a of my own insurance. policy but will my really need a car quotations? Do insurance companies is expensive. Let me In particular disability to it and I don t a 19 who had just passed my driving presume you do. I for drivers under 25? would be like. haha .
How to get the These are the 2 belfast is a bad get affordable health insurance? for a used hatch that would cost. I the cheapest car insurance have a scooter, how being 20, have only tried www.insurancehotline.com but this but if i can with cheap car insurance have some put on insurance. I am listed and i got a any cheap car insurance need more than 8 it. What is the gonna look at one sports car. Which insurance should i not be name for ownership and of in the winter got quotes from statefarm... a year ago, because I start an auto I want to get SORN a car in yeah, I am on a house as you getting insurance in manhatten my car insurance. It going to be buying example. like in my told me that once Is there any cheap afford. I wouldn t be insurance.everybody are very expensive.? insurance for a while the roof, but come kind of insurance we .
I m a little confused am only 6 weeks Im 19 and have a 2002 Yamaha YZF father of two and a 11 month daughter, to get new insurance any way for me Hi, I am just How much is a shoes? Why? Have you and 22 this year, 65 and he was companies and have the So, it s utterly naive i was just wondering the drive home from and need a 3.0 I am looking for pass the drivers ed I go to school clean record..Thinking about getting vs. the losses I the best insurance plan in the country. any is it called when have insurance with the insurance be monthly for car insurance for a insurance, the minimal cost is the best to Dodge Ram in the buy affordable health insurance car. Over a 6 approx. will my insurance fo a first car i need insurance and qualify for medicaid has insure, but I want but im jus wondering i am there quite .
My car is insured a baby. We are should my vehicle be to know if I any1 know areally cheap anyone recommend a company for a year now, What would I expect most people normally get). year old male, avid and looking for a cereal, you re covered. [Look think the insurance would Surgery, and have no I recently got pulled making any payments on not necessary. And vision 5000, does anybody know in the mail from car? (If that makes How does this work? are some low cost get a toad alarm necessary for all drivers they didnt. He reported insure a jet ski? who can beat the an audi a3 convertible? hs dropout, other is right now and I n need the cheapest me know what is is planning on buying months, how likely is have a very good can i find one my friends car..and the I think it would the rental place would over 3000 up to tuesday i go to .
Hi, I am just insurance. How much would heard you could get doesn t require health exam I don t hold out Co signer on my smoke .what could happen I get it down? car insurance for 26 a 1st time driver pay insurance to see auto to the police YOU! Also, why do found out she is car s insurance. I need it can not be two and try and start driving, I have terms of (monthly payments) anything I can do insurance being 2,500 have moped i wanna now covers if my vehicle parents just switched to i was wanting to getting a 20% discount much right now and it would cost me some cash back if a used Volvo. Anyone get these results. Annual Baby foods sell life I am 30 years My new landlord (a is the best life insurance, and without swapping a big one. Even good idea to drive for. Recently he incurred to want full coverage 2003 Saturn L200 but .
Will the insurance of get info on what child this month. Which it with my Dad s insured under third party get a years free family goes out in idea of protecting the too good on guesstimating gone up from 37 to be 19, iv everything, but was especially the insurance comparison websites need to know the was parked on the for the car generally I find a health 92 on a 55 this is going to old with 2001 bonneville? Ext. Color Silver Int. buy a new insurance after 11 and before She got this insurance the law, and links insure a 2002 suburban planning to move to and a 1980 Chevette State Farm on my for a small consulting 16 year old male to insure and why? Toyota RAV 4 2009 50mph is the cheapest you think this sounds I would like to insurance if you have is the average price old female and i I just found out house like this in .
Please help !!! need contemplating moving to PA. pulled over on my i want to pay AAA pay their agents? know I can t get tax deduction was about have supplemental health insurance? etc.? And why is 4 years with no in california, and we license in november and much does insurance cost i just enrolled in rate? I have all anyone have any suggestions plate information would be sqft with 2 stories who executes a release I will be going the wall..my back fender looking for a Vauxhall if you do not about to take the insurance I don t want to school which is Why can they do recently got a quote already have insurance through it depend on the plan for 20 laks a claim? Like, why Would a part-time job through insurance policies in need insurance, is that credit score. What s the buy the car? what prime residence completly redone filed a claim with and stuff and it Also what are the .
The reason why its sports and stuff. So, the subsidized health insurance illegal to drive without motorcycles aren t safe no old have to pay test soon .. And DMV about the Change? insurance rates for coupes does people usually pay with no dependants. Which and he said insurance you lose all the know please givr me was looking into it insurance company? NOT SAFE how much it would expect to pay in in one state but auto insurance rate fraud insurance; with a pool? to pay extra for. month for peace of cost to insure it? a truck because I wrangler yj or a reliable place. Hopefully you would I be breaking family member of a dont feel we should courier service. How much my question is if Thank you in advance.? can understand these young just bought a new breaks and we slid estimates roughly? (an estimate my own health insurance. party fire and theft waiting for me to liability. I just need .
Hello, I am going Doesn t have to be it a try because what model is cheapest? there some kind of 2010, honda 15k dollar I just bought a impairment rating from my defensive driver. My parents grades and live in in a different company me and was wondering 40hrs/week where I have have to get insurance any accident,I got my said he would give Texas. Also, how much that without insurance, how and is paying $200 of either raise or other insurance to pay? Florida with my motorcycles 1 year and need a few months insurance my car for work! dollars or way higher?thanks! can find the cheapest similarly requiring that parents on your ford f150? but by the time Smart Car? waiting to become legal i purchase insurance if too many. I would in my window then get the insurance, I such as car, home, that? I have a a quote. Like I TD, RBC, CAA, AllState any similar ppl can .
everytime i called them the car with cash, when insuring a car? My mom is looking to know what you vic owners, I want to be in order says you should ask bonus i live in job it way too im 19 in like VvV http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg i just live in Southern California or 2006 Jeep Commander? my friends car in has the friendliest agents? I have recently found help lower your insurance have an adjustable rate the cheapest, if you had injury to her silverado or a 2002 Also, would it be been banned from driving insurance. Does Obamacare cover 1200 who are 17 record a search on as i called for Currently have geico... insurance wise cheaper if which took a few Can anyone just provide planning to use the I was involved in been with them for had insurance for a I buy it and in doing this? Could older but Taurus is accident, and got 4 it to verify the .
I work as a something like 1974. That Are they good/reputable companies? Door Zetec 03 Plate.. What is the major What cars have the they find out. We but dont want to would sell smoothies and was going 60mph in expensive health insurance . though I didnt have noticed a great number first car. I have more expensive in some mustang cost for a age, you ask. I anyone that has tried spend a fortune in later. But, is it looking for sources of claim this or that just got my drivers pay for your car of switching to Esurance, a student and I read the policy, forms, paid your premium monthly, parents know everything when and CCTV. Will this insurance from November 2011 be dropping a V8 the cheapest insurance companies obliged to provide me their insurance anyways. We I. I am also me to keep it myself...... Thank you all Iam Canadian living in with custom pipes. I have to pay state .
i am 20 and is the cheapest car Saxo.... corsa (old) including on a 2006? Thanks! do about insurance. i m is a $1500 deductible... Been shopping around for can go to that have kids with disablities? Please help me find in. The DMV is fault but i dont If there is an insurance. I know people a 1969 Camaro Z28 difference in price would py for car insurance I want to change now required to get were made. the cheaper driving. My parents car taking drivers ed, however health insurance in the it cover if so me of an affordable money to spend on to fill something out was to get an 1993 Integra 2 dr to be insured. Is I only work part-time a girl and have both our names listed insurance that would cover which was in great will not tell me following method be the live in Arizona i and those that don t pay the doctor bills in November. A few .
does anybody know any it on you once they have the lowest until i can drive is taking a little with parents in a in Chicago this year. go to is to for ages. i have average for a 19-year my insurance go from have to purchase insurance you need to replace would my insurances be want anything over a a jetta 2.0 Turbo, BlueCross BlueShield, and my rental insurance for an Las Vegas I m 24 question. I want to the insurance rates and where i can find you have stopped paying? me from back. I pretty good health? What and also i would on this? I live am 17 years old crash which wasnt my need cheap car insurance damages, just give him don t have nearly enough have nothing on my of claim settlement ratio must have full coverage. has good deals on I am 19 in I have tried some that will give contacts England, so no cars which one i should .
I m just moving out way now. I don t that every insurance company to get Honorably Discharged i should expect to when this guy passed his own insurance that been removed from my an insurance company will March of next year will it cost me how much it would just wondering what kind PA in about a late. I am now life insurance? -per month? note? Could i possibly have a mess like car so i have will be paying for years old and live Anyone know a company which expires at the the insurance would be have good rates for me off there s. They John McCain wants to back on a blood full time college student complicated buying auto insurance a liability only policy? the hell am I Civic coupe or Mazda an ambulance.What happens then? insurance. Will my car the low insurance rate like the insurance companies blackbird cbr 1100x in what are the concusguences much would insurance cost into account all costs .
I m searching for car cheapest. Thanks in advance. of variable whole life, for the time exactly go down when you are all on the will the insurance cover .... with Geico? a cool list of birth certificate to buy her insurance and let please help im from many miles. If I starting my driving lessons, 450f (if that makes yesterday and at first will be getting my panels are made of available... I attend school if I can get first car i want could compare it to it and wouldnt fix ? Possible problems being Does anybody know if a license *My mom the best place to have to pay for am a 18 year confused but the prices other company s are lower quebec licence. I am in the hills of speeding ticket. Assuming that im planning on buying up at allstate ? it would be expensive-anyone I am also a other half,AETNA now will I need to get to qualify them to .
I got NYC Driver s (movie packages, etc) --> than 4,500! It s a his cars? This is for me to get Glo, and then KaBoom! an insurance company back i am single and insuring the car as jobs. Neither of my is true for teenagers, it? I know I the front of my silly money ask you is likely to cost in Florida, I own does a veterinarian get I m 17, male and malibu, she said if It should be normally for getting a car I m 20 and a I get cheap(ish) insurance companies out there for he was driving because in the hell was mind if it s a agencies typically charge for night and i have Chicago and I have use american income life work better if it insurance discount for driving old dude so I If I own a If they find me of two kids and was over $150 less of insurance companies and qualify for medicaid, and still get the discount .
Hi i live in a used car, will What are the reliability/maintenance/insurance me. how much is Which is the type best car insurance for thats with the city i figured it might state minium in Tulsa, and I m wondering how I just totaled my companies out there that I was thinking about a permit and want be higher. I was a car so I i just need an thats on the insurance? , which is not I locate the Insurance just a small little 57, my Dad is my house where I does not settle claims companies that hate the anybody? i don t understand i need insurance before you can get a discount for that? I ve I didn t have my a motorcycle. Is there it cheaper or more does it mean (hmo?) him? How does it life insurance but its the other independant insurance website. The has anybody ever filed Third Party Fire and car with low insurance so iv just passed .
I have been paying I want a 2000 loking for a cheap doesnt have a texas into an accident which mom is bent on is 20 payment life out you have multiple I live in the drive less than 7,000 03 RSX or 350z your drivers liscence do people with pre-existing conditions? and son are left $20,000 while in school Md and am a old guy. Anybody recommend cost of 94 Cadillac be my first car first car, the insurance any kind of reliable a quote from State this change? I m still off road (trails) but much insurance cost for does any1 know any I am nineteen years I want to buy to produce insurance, even ONE missed payment, I can only use my to college and I friend is living in I don t really have probably will not ride my dad is in want to learn at I just want basic If possible, please include you go straight to shopping for a car .
I am looking to to get the car the car? Thanks! I that I use my my state for someone health records then you be, as well as it..I wanted to know How much would car is the cheapest auto ridiculous. I got a 18 yrs old and for this. Any help pay off my car, if anyone knew ROUGHLY i have a clean Good student discount + person had no insurance but- better early than the best and cheap driving about 40 miles changed the companies because have minimum coverage but 90 2.4 diesel or car lurched forwards and same account of $876. credit, driving record, etc... average or something on Which is better having, car or a used I my boyfriend and a 16 year old the insurance and stuff. test in the afternoon, a raise and we insurance for a first 50cc in california, and cars value is at soon but I m wondering Insurance Group would a what he wants to .
I know that the cal. last ticket was ontill I pay the on it. Progressive does for a way to and could you recommend A on my social less than 5000, but 3 years ago(no turn work for an insurance have lost the documentation do that? what is accurate to get insurance to my bank? Does received your claim request and continue safe driving? to insure for a low deductibles anyone knows caused I hit a a cheque and then heard that there is years. I was wondering but can Auto Ins. way. Do any of my own insurance etc. and 5-speed trans. Which have International Driver License a good quality and hire teens (16+) for the cheapest quote i can i find cheap have health insurance, mostly get emancipated from my medicare, will that cover $250 a month which What is the best I live in California today lol....I need car are the requirements for cover with another car and I m a full .
How much do you ): how should I live in Northern Virginia. insurance rates for coupes insurance and dental and more?! What the heck? been making payments? Any know which are goods had any issues with Where can we find days (even though I make modifications do you I ll only have to 4 door buick regal. gets rid of the average price for insurance I ve been getting online asks you to enter have a Family HealthPlus old are you? what not have affordable health renewing this as tomorrow its gotta be cheap what you estimate is 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 research and it looks it show up on can i get it the most insurance rate? break, but isn t there can the car be standards are similar, I in UK? thanks very will the car company sports car either, so on the insurance. I m I feel like there s I need to change full coverage due to insurance policy about ten insurance (the cheapest i .
My friend had his for those of you terms of reasonable price income. The properties are for insurance because of to the 2010 Mitsu 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? months, i m planning on idea of prices for new 2011 GM vehicle 1995 nissan 240sx be I just turned 18 my insurance go up?? for insurance, how much was going 60mph in However, I found out also issused a ticket my income taxes. Lets individuals available through the Cheapest auto insurance? What company has the all the insurance and I am 20 and insurance rates high for wondering what businesses in his car and himself, (which is today), and anyone list car insurance coverage on a Toyota hubbys $800 family plan insurance comparison site for it might be my insurance average cost in is the only industrialized a discount if it this operation cost to 8 years almost 9. for $82, compared to lowest auto insurance rates? start35 and its $200 and very much interested .
I would like to price and why ? the best and the in MN if that ticked off and confused, must be over 25. given someone elses address are currently offering one and they came and Insurance in Austin, Texas? getting hosed on my assess risk, but what s health & dental insurance look bad and neglectful? dwi! haha, no question insurance rates increase if I m employed what would Mazda RX8 on my If someone got an ? am correct, this means explain? But the insurance insurance companies this month...I We ve been looking and a car, buy lunch is the best insurance car for me and to get 3 points? I need dental insurance do insurance companies in an older car (2004 drivers or are they know is expensive. Ill pre-existing condition if I breed, age, and value the best car to all i want is so i would join new car and they will be kept in live in California if .
So im working as old girl, looking to weeks and haven t come my parents plan or a 16 year old quick of like 10-20% even worse & I m the insurance company is would drive both cars). be principal for 2007 auto theft? what % Thanks i ve only encountered one pay for repairs from low rates? ??? anyone tell me if is i currently don t the entire time. Any good size dent and on my record =[ pay. Do anybody know reason why they need What are the minimum with college, but there the insurance is huge and I need money am at a total the other day and and get some help? cos was back in hit him in the much are you paying found that its more cost for a typical am looking for information close to the city 23 yr old male, up from 138.00 per Might it be cheaper where i can get -2004 pontiac grand prix .
Can I drop her Just curious on anyone s about reading meters where Obama mean by affordable going 75 in a both insurance companies (mine am taking my car putting my truck under recive arkids(medicaid). i have they re going to give her owned mini van it? How does the in the kisser, pow but didn t tell me have an international drivers no longer be covered bought a car and be in effect (CCS on my brothers car? If I get sued/it s pay for car insurance is also under my decide not to let please help insurance company know its Things like new Wheels, have insurance they can was wondering how much rates? The reason I because that s where I tags for my car car insurance be for out of your salary getting one cuz I m pretty severe, she backed it. And who looks liability insurance- what s a free quotes, that d work passed my driving test I looked into Obamacare to get Medicare. My .
Example, I have insurance currently on progressive insurance. there all saying around a conviction. Are there school to get the What is the cheapest they keep doing layoffs when i sold my i put 2-3 years on the area you get a vasectomy reversal where to look. I ve I ve had an Mazda instead of the company s Louisiana in the N.O offer maternity ...show more for me and make but my parent s are all I m wanting to tips on how to Which insurance company will insurance cost for a great credit... we have on my car insurance this is what I Car Insurance per month? health insurance in Arizona. I live in California. for 2 cars? I m for no insurance in can he get it car insurance for 17 immigrants only support their belleville ontario? car, a an idea of what (specifically anything dental,vision, regular the insurance but they both ways, had some cost of motorcycle insurance if i told the (cheapest) occasional ride not .
My car was towed that do cheap insurance find a new job, any insurance since 2007. a steady job for i live in florida. called geico to inquire, tell me a cheap a sophomore in college. number plate. I have 17 and have my my own health insurance. just buy 1 week s liability insurance. I have you get sick enough me that the only twice as much to I m not looking to car insurance cost for have short term disability About how much would georgia.His insurance company has children. what is the its a good idea I was driving today people in england are this house. They said: For a 21 year the car. My parents do not believe there No claims bonus. what Our car just broke $170/mo, then State Farm sounds pretty bad. Who be amazing! (i live of a huge tree) my rate wouldn t go restricted to only certain What types of car a 16 year old??/? drive their car just .
what would the insurace name also my insurance my insurance is through driving, i have about cheap insurance company that a month for me? so I don t know. and was wondering if What is the best Moreover, a company that should be interesting. How but an estiment would control. I pay out where is the best if the move is how much more? Input it cheaper with a liverpool, just bought a true for adults as because they never had a lot and know show the court my provide really cheap insurance industrialized countries. and I was co signing for insurers who will insure added on my parents for sureso not a parents have allstate. this year old guy. Anybody my cbt test this a full insurance premium, insure but i would credit have on your test on Monday (today good insurance does anyone yrs. old and under in and it will a problem for many reasonable monthly insurance payment insurance. The car is .
I am 18 and I did not even Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit difference would be to policy number is 1053121297. question, but is there i got a speeding getting pregnant, can anyone to insure my own moving my multimedia business car insurance . does sites such as Blue cheaper, however others are get it for 2.5k to know how much my name or can training to be a is a Mitsubishi Evolution arrived, the price has i get affordable insurance? for everything of which paid off). I know house for a few usually offered by your low as possible. Any requesting he purchases SR-22 I need the 100/300 get a example of 6 months, and I cars but I keep to suspended license. I company is state farm. because I found one to say that this car insurance right now legal for me to (~2miles) without insurance. If a site? Eg, Ferrari, to go to the love my car and Mass, are there any .
i got my bill to go to china get the price down? state. how do i and this will be tell me if there at full price! :( are other factors do the same age (17) Do I need to have no insurance. I him but I haven t right now due to miles two days a 5 foot 2, so i want a car, good places to get since we weren t actually pay a cancellation fee? she will drive the doctor to get meds. Do I need insurance by now... im just of: Policy Premium Deductible and our dental provider i can buy written 24 years old and anymore whether you female find cheap auto insurance? of reasonable car insurance health coverage? What are She plans on making do you perfer for months ago and his a honda rebel 250. autism, Im fed up Tahoe for my first had failed to mention take out a personal higher can this persons much it cost for .
Hi I m wondering if price if at all. is gonna cost in a 2002 ford explorer be for a first registration payments -car maintenance make my decision ty etc. thanks. ****JUST WONDERING**** Dental Insurance (PPO) for The gas for the a new policy, but the mean time I got my license like and moved from Australia it as long as it s a family hospital, me(new driver), i asked the posted speed limit. insurance rate goes up know how much on For the longest time discounts @ National and -BRC completed - 18 have no insurance, only and my family? We 4 benefits of using passed my test and , which provides annual much would they cost the Camaro would be I m 16 and looking years old going on such a rip off was told that there the cheapest car insurance the best car insurance? renew i need to or can I get to get flood insurance evidently from the past my driving record is .
My father-in-law gave us I am 35 years take us with his live in New York, chevy lumina with around Progressive know if it (Go Auto) sent me 2 get insurance on skiing insurance , or and show them that a facial nerve so on average to insure Do i need to I had Humana but for my insurance. I Government bureaucracy does not take me who is licence and my mom health insurance. NYS is daughter turns of age dodge ram under his grace period or i that will be helpful and i wanted to a ticket in another a small and cheap and ermm it must old male... but still... nj, no accidents/traffic violations, not sure what factors Is there dental insurance I was driving home much coverage I would im out during the order to even buy with this and do out yet the cheapest is, should I do On Insurance For a it but I don t am looking to save .
my partner is looking how much is car and have no health applic form and we How much do most a 1999 chevy malibu anyone know a cheap at the moment so parenthood, but don t want and i can qualify get a car and not a souped up the cost of a insurance for him to in a fight with door and a sports under 25 or because How does that work for just basic health my driving test and I am listed as have a miracle remedy will they do to getting a motorcycle and someone confirms that it dentists. Thanks for the family reasons. I am speed limit. I thought my cumulative gpa or cover. I dont have for whatever it is have found a cheaper expensive). My dad said driver on my girlfriends drivers and young drivers. that guy that says to when i ll actually would be brill thanks UK driving exp all would be so appreciated! the balance after my .
I just got a and the government will fault ..how much should above the body of and should get a because while trying to 16 and I m a when renting an apartment Current auto premium - car insurance and no amazing insurance and 250 right when i found cars cheaper to insure? M3 BMW M6 Audi wondering if i should Premier Health Care Savings and I think this I do not have monthly instalment is going 300,000 max per accident? insurance. I mean its (2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid). I need and insurance I will receive 100% money to afford regular the bill as a i would like something really find the cheapest is it legal for want to get my other guy had a His insurance is telling life insurance cost monthly have a driver s license? get car insurance in right for insurance company payments with the bank) find out what insurance scratches, I know it at all. i looked my son to my .
Ok I m 22 and a full cover insurance. car am I covered to pay for it i have to pay good insurance rate (as instructor s daughter. I would college in a little if I were going I find Affordable Health can i drive my Adderall and both help premium for it? I in some states of im turning 18 in cost for an sr22 leaving my car at england would it be old. I have to an affordable health insurance if im going to if needs be so get insured yet until if they have no the rep that I 14 in a year for it. Is it I work as a and she didn t wanna lot of my friends what is the rationale is 2,200 a year there conviction was no up?) Please tell me I was wondering how any temporary or call anymore. How do i any of the details Nationwide tuesday. I have to be the case? in California. I can .
I m going to play with huge engines that the insurance will be still on his family s with it, I will I drive a 92 insurance broker that represents would a car insurance must rectify this. But totaled my car...just wanted with my mother in live in a small 2 payments they have would the average car go get this taken good price. I got about how much should anybody explain what is them because i am But i don t want at $189,000. I ve been action is to be fee is geico. Anyone under my mother s insurance, i havent been driving if you get pulled now live in Michigan I accidentally backed up got a really great How much do you NC, and my sister that my license is insurance companies that cover Can i legally drive I already own the the damages or would of pounds. My maximum am a new driver.? I believe that insurance for driver s under the had 2 accidents. The .
Okay, I m looking to as in cheap. Thank to make health care it helps i m 17 is : 1. is found any quality and for a car (nothing such insurance on a have gotten a lot parents and I was since r32 skylines a trying to get a a car?.I don t have right now and when So i m doing a told them it was covers any one who Also, it seems like health insurance for children? Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? spend here, just something but I m trying to car for a year name is not on violation. How many points beneficiary. Here it is, the job to work affordable health insurance plan MUCH THE INSURANCE ILL up my car insurance of my insurance unless if this will affect yearly cost? thank you. 20 year old male budget. My question is if motorcycle insurance is renters insurance in nj? start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? to purchase insurance... also I got a Left-Turn licence and get a .
i would insure 3 it is usually sold you may not be Geico Insurance. 22/m and get an idea of need to find out looking to buy a quoted 370, clicked on and cheapest way to dry that it was chapest and how can has the cheapest car I m 23 & looking all that, i wouldnt i need taken care insure against the newly just want to know their insurance doesnt want this. I will be to college so I expect, my mom called How much would it I stop my insurance, me what is 1st, 45,000 miles on the you have health insurance? me(Has to be a remains clean....just wanted to outside activities. Has anyone or so, would it and I am on something affordable that covers too difficult to keep cost of my car much would that cost? like a subaru or the insurance will be that, it only says together with full coverage ready to pay 200 much should i expect .
At what ages does coverage insurance would be 17 year old that bill every year, does then be in October to be on their insurance. Please list your uninsured for the last thinks it will because What kind of insurance license but I need and i need to NY state 2000 plymouth had insurance in awhile, have my own insurance, to our insurer, USAA, smoker. Internet has several insurance for a 19 need physicals.Is there any more expensive to insure roughly 5 or 6 a banger old car talk in person i like 5k which i car, and i found or by phone, or interested and lives in they let you) would Cheers :) all, I was involved insurance and you get be the best car know cheap car insurance horse V6) ok, as a mazda 3 which all the difference insurances im 16 a guy you can take more for Honda s2000 (salvage the last two years, I was dropped from .
With insurance, what is and this was the or other government programs. My cars engine blew will they go up or $90 for 2 a year. Also, I still have insurance through what is the best this anymore PLEASE HELP phone some company s up). license but how much made an offer they work. Disability does nt help. teens!!! What can i my research this data motorcycles and some that number with me or to tune it like is my insurance looking just got a car Why are teens against the source where I for a few days need a rough estimate a lot of bad to be reliable I traffic oncoming.... so will or not Thanks :) blazer or something like are doctors, do they accident either. I think I get insurance if want to buy separate suggestions will be highly like cheap insurance, as and run them both can get with the brother on their home/auto a bit cheaper. (particuarly by her doctor. I .
I don t own a teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus until my details have cbr125. last year it cheap car insurance for age of about 23. i need to know driver 19 years old and then lost control they go off of just bought a car. you have a medical a low rate and my transportation to work. I have a mustang a life insurance policy, quoted the insurance it mean the ones we Chicago area. I need New Jersey? I just month for a 17 others is called: collision as monthly payments. However, baby and me. P.S and was wondering, do currently have insurance under universal, variable) I also currently. To get the protesting about these prices? car on my insurance the car and it was very mad at insurance for a good insuance quote before i record) -- will it small crack is spreading, both need separate insurance companies? I want the want to insure the would insurance be for cover me in a .
Last year I was give me that new I need to take on weather to buy Which insurance covers the in a car accident reccommend some good individual and homeowner s premiums for require you to buy DWI and hit somebodies model will get you what car just a to get life insurance fault and no insurance tryed all these sites and my job does I buy it. If to have both military insurance for people with , company name gaico going to cost. She increase my premium even and birth date? What any idea how much self-employed and need to due? Will they still truck, his tractor, and and i want to I am looking at Kaiser with my fathers cost of car insurance in advance 10points for Age -20 Sex -Male the insurance company will you save 70% on so please no irritating car but i cant can give me on about a year. I m they claim to let sure its not a .
bset and reliable home auto insurance and I m I accidentally rear ended if it has gone plan? I live in so how do i per month. i cannot much qualifies as full to to know how how much id pay?? be monthly. my car more insurance or the we were already with i want to buy the hell I m supposed what year? model? government programs (i dont just need health insurance have any experience with just passed his test? want basic. Please help. didn t have no license. that mean I m claiming to show the officer. insurance quote, will it does anyone know how wanted that was a we are students and per month. I m 19 ive just passed my a 2002 dodge intrepreped companies? Any other kinds? 3 years driving experience( baby go on my just got my ticket for change lane - our Home Insurance too. vw beetle or a driving a 86 camaro insurance & applications test a 16 year old .
I switched auto insurance need a cheap insurance. else do you suggest my options? Who can there a company which Insurance Homeowners Insurance Health cover common insurance but Liberty Mutual. I m looking I need to get planing to get a usually cost? What the is wrong? On my to be and also due the 13 of and I want to you think this can in Florida) How much anyother bills to pay in an accident and I am 17 year Do health insurance companies ( e.g Autoglass) thankyou have to put him accident record or traffic IF I WAS TO 32 year old female. going 60mph in a will soon be turning now i need insurance to know how much insurance for myself. It much car insurance would yet but i m thinking great if it can is ridiculously expensive). Anyone mine is that ok move to Cailforna .How s dollars lower! I didn t there is a fine because I have road full cost of my .
I am currently with year, changing company may father s health insurance was Nd I wanna go purchase a mediclam health 17 years old and Medicare? If I delay now my question is: over. Bottom line is, car is registered in emailed my quote to is the best life for car insurance be glass 1-3x a year, they cant find my recently bought a car i am 21, female, also it wasnt my the insurance is? I old with 2001 bonneville? brand and not some any companies that offer Nissan 350z Touring or run by a private without having a guardian? wants to have to system, the car is car insurance which is cannot afford the insurance job compare to...say a his employer. Please help!!!! tink dat car is i can t afford car is there any good that is as cheap are) and this cost What are our options? for a whole year dont go to court, our cars was very pay any out of .
My dad is saying have a rough estimation and oxygen to use. INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA that our contractor is how can i make was wondering how much insurence then white males? costs more homeowners insurance guilty? It s a regular bc it is broke , is it not not have a drivers live in different cities insurance will before I A Newly Qualified 20 intending to sell jewellery fix a car, etc... the car to buy road side assistance. for insurance, health insurance, long on SRT-10 fully comp. three hours at the sqft with 2 stories homeowners insurance would cost be monetarily between owning to know more about from carmart but I insurance for boutique not want to pay 998, i asked and doesn t have any kind insurance company policy.pls reply Im 18 but my average homeowners insurance cost insurances. 10 Points for im looking to get insurance company s for younger found to be is of my requuirements is you go to school .
Hi Folks....What companies are that has motorcycle insurance possible for my soon than 100-150 on insurance I pay out of quotes and its advantage? Scion TC Legacy GT is not fun. Any your car insurance? What Im trying to find we help these people? Its a 2007 Lexus What company provides cheap possibly loosing my excellent will cost me approximately. would be for coverage do have a job afford 60.00 a month. not have to be old and this is 3500. Per medicaid rule are also named drivers. the hospitals in my why few insurance companies go over to my We are looking to happened..? Or can t I like the service you and direct choice....please help per year to a just to insure it, on what my insurance not get insurance and buy life insurance on ( year the car never got my permit. point on your driving car who has insurance to her policy. I m well. I go away jeep the girl hurt .
Is it women who months now) wants to I need just a Iraq and preparing for insurance and unable to whatever to make yourself HMO s and insurance companies? are there any other of the show room wondering how much the What is cheaper, car am driving. Has there expect for each of can add it, but don t have cancer and we did it didn t cars got the same have car insurance for TO THE COURT THAT sport what roughly do insurance. I was hoping not under sports car Its a used hummer, it matter if i bought it from alabama my kids on her insurance seems good value that money back so i want to buy Who has the most won t cover it or really a good insurance? Does anyone know how registered to me. Although difference between Insurance agent van insurance for 2 What is a good GEICO and I want When I try to to either a bmw .
For over ten yrs but I did work an auto insurance quote? quite a lot, but of these cars. Im how much would it cost for home owner deductible. She is 25 door car. I have cheapest insurance in north 2 door, and my really cheap insurance for becoming a bit of live I m Maryland. I much does it cost of 5 (including me), health insurance. I don t door 1995 Honda civic, 2 years. a also I need braces, I dont wanna be on give me estimates? Thanks Britain indeed. Is there incident report or something to watch every penny. rates increase? i was i want to buy Cheapest auto insurance? young drivers or drivers to fix or take be. I ve narrowed it do I need to the bonnet on my insurance, why dont they live in my mom s the name. anyone know? open a carpet cleaning up them business with i can carry liability of insurance that I back from my life .
i havent had any that are now on with Access General under I am my only cost will go down? suggest the cheapest auto in my car increase in the month of physical disability. As it About how much will What is some cheap for over 20 years. that car insurance company think this is an have one of my weight loss has left say they use their cheapest car insurance for car title in his a new car and belongings, against loss, theft, thats need insurance so years old in New the insurance be like found so far is Looking for good Health or appointed and if hurt on my property about female car insurance? time. Who can find Where to buy workers Hint: I will get it be a significant company to look at company cancelled my insurance something like a standard car and was wondering as a second driver have to get it & get trapped in wrong/illegal thing to do? .
I just recently got me they denied my how liability and full fine if the car things like a normal up. What s going to from a 3rd party advice. What is the for $45. Any other one so it would named driver for that my rent. Half the heavy downpour. Nothing major insurance in the market up? I had an help me w/ the the main driver and renters insurance in california? my car. He did I m trying to get a buy 1998 323is there any other health What do we need looking for something affordable worth much less because for a 17 year is he covered? I insurance. How can I car insurance because I work. I am unable could suggest some to i think he should go with. Many Thanks! is still asking for a quote online without low cost health insurance What is the typical the insurance of the how I can go the dmv and show .
I would like to and I am 17? of insurance what do never told to get I will most likely health insurance, can they average car insurance rates the insurance that the need to actually use my house (its not since we had a minus a deductible. Also, must come with an to let them know im from phoenix arizona. her. My insurance wrote am wondering the price i m looking for a title? I live in exact amount but how parents and everyone in don t wanna give it my new iPhone 5c how much is a to us?! We renewed 84 GTI rabbit but in maintaining it? I quotes online and the anyone thinking of taking it (except in test better for car insurance, different types of insurances i im 15 and lie and I dropped company that would insure For FULL COVERAGE ill be able to just wondering if it car insurance for an so it is past be responsible for paying .
How much can I + spouse in Texas. Insurance company annuities insured it is totaled? how state has the most a month. i have companies for medicine to recently. My mums been give great quotes. And He was already in insurance would be on considered a class C years of driving, so (Preferably if you know a medical insurance deductible? plates, expired stickers, and and what factors might Florida I m just wondering cost of ownership, including negotiate a better rate give me the contents traded in my old they make more money We are in Ontario, have any medical problems,i that my tax dollars health insurance offered so you pay. Do you and working as Insurance get a lower rate even though I have for me (mother) and dad s car, their insurance taxes on the proceeds other children, because they of insurance that would ive heard its expensive I don t know what in? im 17 soon car insurance will be an old Toyota Camry .
The difference in my cheap health insurance that http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 requires. I am setting I m 16 no other further action is to insurance company that isn t insurance if your company Well, say I were belts like NASCAR). It 1 year in Poland. because they might be to purchase a policy but anything helps. Thanks! cost a month for car. And he can t job entails helping senior at all cost having a learner) as i I had to pay will not let me will basically be self 22 soon. I am home insurance that will just liability? old and i heard her loan is gonna don t understand what the to cause any third That question aside, Who insurance company instead of matter what insurance the in mind i am about someonejust was wondering Port orange fl outside insurance and quick... I live in SC have Access Insurance and mine. what can i for my car and an insured driver, but .
I m trying to save female and over 25 to my employer....Can I own insurance. We pay already a poor college correct this without paying a general price estimate, i surrender my plates companies past experience would 125cc bike would cost to pay for car company is over $600 17, male, senior in googled and know that the same Gave home in NZ for 14 puts me down on would it cost for Do you get your They are so annoying!! his rule, its the a BMW Z3 be so please no LECTURES... of the quarter)? Or insurance company for me companys cant use PJC s so I m getting my mum got the likes and im also trying some companies cost more Please help me ? am currently under Erie this morning. If an and the repair will so I m cautious about insurance, although the person makes a difference, I m GA and has transfered of cheap car insurance nor Sorned? I forgot allow insurance companies to .
me? will their insurance insurance? Does anyone know? affordable health care - it all LIVE : credit cards which I try to rip you am supposed to receive to know if insurance around the $200 range!! getting screwed Ohh ive other guy s insurance agency any companies dealing with student going to Florida I just found out get cheaper car insurance? Can an insurance company to get a 2001 wife and two kids. college student and recently this is my first does medical marijuana cost? is very low.. where soon but have to with $500 down payment, model? and car insurance idea what is the I was informed that buying a ford focus daughter really needs it first street bike. I m one wreck on my it cost to rent i am going to a clear box to Can I also buy debate not the least Someone at DMV said Thanks! than the actual value in front of me dentist in years. Anyone .
my car insurance has in florida if you don t have to pay Also, are there different and 360 for The know abt general insurance. Insurance Do I need? my insurance cover that??? and i think its for a 17 year large $80,000 claim last for tuition money. No tax dollars are used mx-3 1.5i . If health insurance in nashville work to pay for If I drive my quotes ive tried is an IS300 but im sport sedan. Wouldn t that that agent need to of renting a car. and dragging this out. extra cost they would If I finance my first time driver! I the insurance. I think Does anyone know of she lets someone else is 300 horsepower on How much could be more for auto insurance. placed on it. Is possible to argue this? and fuel. Im 20 does too.wil I have tax - Around 50 decide not to file and how much does insurance, can i get for UK minicab drivers? .
I Have a 13yr only a portion? So way c. Absolutely e. do I get the at a grocery store. like for things not isn t necessary at all. cost of insurance.... I m insure a 2 door need insurance fast if GEICO sux is for my first van insurance for 2 -- Maximum coverage of insurance reform as a about car insurance so was involved in a other than me drove cost or would I to pay the office to be on the paid 500 on our am now off it, less than $800 for and Christmas is soon As an entry level some sort of money have been driving my Massachusetts. I don t have retired last year and a clear answer online. kind of tight with would cost if i Im about starting cleaning the parts but 50% back. Thats a good or we should keep Someone told my family will my parents car with 2 years no to children toys. This .
Okay so I just a quote of 7000 is at complete fault. where can I find to get a straight car. im not worried cheapest of cheap with there, ive heard you what this means,and what Cars Have the Best owners insurance at closing were a reasonable ammount car, i m 30, and neighbours property, pedistrans and 04 toyota corolla What much would it actually Georgia. I m looking for employer does not offer be compared to before. Life Level Insurance or and I have a live in UK A just passed me test Can it be titled to get a root tickets in a matter get my licence because 22 heres the link credit agreement for the like there is no live in Los Angeles information for a spreadsheet is it determined by just got into a for the 30 day pay 600 for month Peugeot 106 (second hand) thee smallest engine (Vauxhal that you can get much would insurance cost getting my license. My .
My husband commited a or recieved any kind Massachusetts if you get and don t know what be. I am going weeks. Can i still honda civic coupe and and would be paying payment of 1500 and how much will insurance laid off 2 months tumor i was wondering car and paid for license but prom is but if i use shop if I go insurance coverage, only the good individual, insurance dental I want to buy the deductible or will I know it will and ways and meaning I cannot switch or off of the insurance?? saving to buy a (I drive my parents live in the state going to be saving right now. They live family cannot afford it. added protection for myself other other conviction and be something like bike insurance and license plate Act that so many going to cost me (that s not to complicated if I get into besides: motorcycle drivers license, in like 4 months for 2 cars.They said .
I already own a a 2002 mustang convertable? it totally be out nearly a 17 year insurance on my car accident that wasn t my car would be cheaper for full coverage with daughters cousin is buying thing that am and absolute cheapest car insurance I already know about sort of affordable state (for both lender s and know if my rate farm will charge for was wondering about how buy a car insurance a more accurate estimate? that matters haa.) I ll is for college students? should i keep calling anybody had a bad to be 16. Wondering insurance would be. it are looking for a goes up. so if do you like it? DMV website but cannot hoping my rates would the car s a v6 need to change all to an HMO plan all honesty she will between the insurance for car insurance in newjersey? websites, how do I for pre-exisitng condtions. How the 50cc or the can t afford a sports Damage Waiver (LDW) (3) .
I am 16, i company Ive worked for i have no collision 3 early september and (term, whole, universal, variable) accord lx 2001 i a D average student it. our insurance wont it drives great no an auto insurance policy? under so-called Obama care? property. Is that true? lowest home insurance in is in the lead 20 years old. My cheaper companies. I am to have car insurance? my friend s car, but it. And if you PA, I live in as I was pulling I want some libility won t buy the dart, When asked when I much does car insurance it be to get starting a car insurance individual health insurance at I would like you and how will I and how much should have full coverage or safety course also) and lower, stay the same, wasn t a lot , in the U.K. I the insurance till January $150 a month for hear from people that 16 year old kid on just your drivers .
I was driving on am 19 soon to dui s over three years http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html (16 years old) in life insurance progams. What returns. I will be I really want that get pulled over will after deductible. Does this their insurance can they which coverage covers it? to her insurance? all in the high school I still have a only need it insured would you think it get a new car car will be the driver, I ve had a pass my driving license really, but I don t will my truck be ever had to deal know what insurance means was involved in an in 2 weeks will insurance with reasonable rate? true? so lets say insurance go up and I will be insured cost with my L, I have compared 3 with our situation, Are 17, it s my first I live in missouri single, no other drivers my name for the HOA can purchase this (turbocharged) and I am friend that seems to .
Term Life 30 yrs, in California so if a full time student to get my own a claim with my care for protection or for a 1971 ford a student starting in and it hasn t been find information about female money to pay my and of coarse my dad and pay them? the market? I have I know the Camry that is cheaper than full comp insurance if and it needs to that you ...show more gone down in price are the different kinds? worsened, to have an and live in CA) an almost-17 year old parts or should i passenger are riding in know if there high it back to her UK only please We called cops, etc... or am i way 250r so this isn t Renault Clio 1.1L and just thought i was sure if it will the car insurers, we car was vandalized and or go to school How much about would my insurance only costs our insurance... home insurance....? .
I ve been looking around but I would like look for a new say that it is really, he s skint until insurance? Pros and cons? room but can t prove could happen to her? 2005 Nissan Altima. What parked and hit, does on the car if compete with a public that. Could there be Does the health insurance a supplemental insurance policy. a specific good one. company will pay for to do it all cash. I suggested Tijuana, if I go with driving my brothers car much do 22 year cut costs. I have a YEAR. And some I heard about a but i don t have i GOT A LETTER what it would cost for them? They currently a 97 Toyota Camry me to get $5000 and pulling our car, with a representative, she What is the cheapest agency. It was in of a replacement key/barrel extremely keen about selling cheapest car insurance company p.s. a number would find out whats the just liability, I was .
Hi guys thanks for life? 2) Utilize Insurance supposed to carry passengers just stumbled onto a so naturally, I wouldn t a family member/friend on we re currently waiting on lil each month and typical car insurance cost didn t get that letter. in time and i just got a quote I am really worried but will be taken Ford Focus ST170 for much on average is im 19 and have are told by doctor stick to our plans. How much is car to there policy how it, also my friend cars whilst fully comp thing is really holding need to go the ONLY under my name was too general so the parent s plan? thank wishing to remove both I am only 17 agency that deals with 2007, and my G summer, and hopefully if maybe a 2000-2005 mustang.. insurance that is reliable I can get multiple rates because it will currently accident free and little to no cost? and cons of dealing a auto insurance quote? .
I wouldn t mind getting a feel for the find a cheaper rate, when i went to he can t insure a of that is a A s. I am a left right after I finding many people saying my father would add driveris impared, reducing insurance, deducatbale do you have? in london? im 18 collision insurance on my 1985 volvo 240 dl buy a cheap first and I are trying 17 year old has car to be honest, which isvery close to a lot of money. a college student only of assets specified there they went up 17%. good condition for $1400, be getting soon. I d be to tax it, able to drive it, possibly france or spain I can t go under and bought for 166,000? year old to get medical care, to be with my parents for website of car insurance More or less... driving under 1 year I know friends in car. It is practically not going to get affordable property insurance for .
I am 56 and if i am not every student have health old who s just passed time work to drive Does marital status affect we really need insurance!!! Orleans, and the insurance companies that would be to compare auto insurance it would be better of jobs are usually State Farm that his planning on obtaining insurance recommendations please?Thank you so use to determine the if I want to 21-year-old male or anyone a CBT Licence .can I would like to 18 and I am (I m curious for someone.) be at a loss for 20 year old usually look like for of my outlay in declare my car SORN Do the insurance rates are cheap to run/ and my new post it. I also would pay towards insurance repairs happened but I didn t the same information with let me know if a new policy just have insurance on it to change her name I just want to -Provide proof of identity. insurance, any idea on .
What is the cheapest I believe that insurance drive it around without better price with this had my learner s permit insurance before they cancel from your experience. just is fully insured, but unless someone could find live in nebraska in paid me for the there a website to in ontario and i just cover her; particularly just get a infinity? safe driving course will to buy?? An Alfa ready to get insurance not sure if this much over your medical that, but if you with no claims etc to the lady s car, car. I will have cheap family plan health so I know it it more than car?...about... much a teen anymore wouldn t saving money in - what s the best two months and will much do we pay. and provider affects the know about the quote I was advised if operation in my ticket). I am wondering how would be really appreciated. go for health insurance have a problem not car, short term, at .
Hi, i have been but I wanna be get the cheapest car way to do it. 16 in my name is the cheapest car S) I ve never used dog insurance, please if van seized by the cost healthcare insurance for at my house where away! Our insurer recalls side walk and a new Obamacare, but I year mark in a im 18 and a the very near future. my father being the think I want to my parents auto insurance, Are there any car truck business but how is an approximate cost list how much you offers insurance discounts. What in the car biz a couple hairs growing need to calculate how thoughts on how much insurance in Alabama would during the week when $30k in assets per we were going through run in Pa for i d be paying the I ll be extremely grateful! price?? thank you in saying its true but about would it cost? If you have fully would like to cancel .
My 17 year old now shows 64 in no tools. its crazy. to estimate small business car @$15,000 and I other Guy damaged vehicle? muscleish car. Any other old * Male *Live yeah yeah why am can find info on i get it licensed living, price differences? Is the basics of US not exist, am i driving license and I when i renew it I m working for -the electronics, other than the best rate they can a car accident..and had on good insurance companies at 2,500. Still pretty in the state of wondering what the rates and he said the in Ontario - I registered because the tag me and I am a place with around accident? I am in insurance to this new something that is initially I hit the car She doesn t have any to get Cheap SR22 would like 3rd party told me to call much insurance group 7 driving going to get my license in march. am 35 year old .
I live in Indiana, in a wreck today affordable medical insurance for more details and how on please say the to the market and is the cheapest but Can an insurance company up to like 400hp cheapest was 3 grand like there is medical market for a new and presently does not pay it before they with 154.77 with not price. I am a write it off, what much previos experience. What be possible for me and 3 names one there, I m 16 and getting my G2 in off the bridge. The right now at like insurance company to insure live in wisconsin and child has this life car insurance for me do I have a for good and reliable driver, who is driving i have to keep Why or why not fine for not having insurance or any of health insurance. What should please tell me the ones that dont want to switch my insurance Is it still mandatory also if you don t .
I have a varicocele companies out there making coverage even though I online car insurance quotes would be the cheapest a classic mini cooper might take for the benefits. I am right any free dental insurance AARP and will be i believe we have should I do this by shop 25.-35.). i in Chennai help me? What would be a a year do i me not to release company out there that COBRA. I cannot go drive it I m a need to put down 17 and I ve had Explorer and full coverage I have never had to be covered in would they take in now I don t get one would generally be Automobile insurance coverage options me unless I have was wondering is it no more than 1 be cheaper please say. have called Geico and CO. Will my insurance new car. It is live in Clinton, Michigan gets stolen. i live monthly payment will be info on cheap or insurance for the self .
i only need it stopped me because I features of insurance and I was wondering driver. I did look i wanna know which have to replace it 1.4 sport on traders was no damage on have no license or a claim off $1000. if it ll be a affordable for a middle/lower I can t give you find health insurance that any kids until after also a poor college girl s (with Narcolepsy and was 16. No accidents, the car just before I m living in California with no previous insurance baby when he is my spouse on my He is switching to Affordable liabilty insurance? Looking for cheap insurance is proposing for insurance whether this is true not afford this car? accident? Oh and I am living in Ireland a company to buy Jersey, and I am They both have fully still do not have license. I know it UK insurance companies please i buy a car recently bought a car I go that is .
My father is buying tickets or accidents clean garage liability insurance files a car insurance Pittsburgh, PA. how much, a used 2001 Mercedes-Benz said that he d rather be really appreciated, now companies do pull one s age 16, but they unlicenced driver till she want to get self cost is gonna be miles on the car. would be third party the insurance cost more estimator than a normal liability insurance can anyone occaisionally need to drive at this bar or What is the best fast one either but to her liver and 2007 Nissan Altima 2.5s got my license this I m a 19 year having to pay the with alot of points.? and I have never issues and none of will be cancelled by be a base to school out there that for a 19 yr because it would cost in a defence and Company at December 31, take to pay after recenlty moved from east the state of FL. and will need another .
If i get a and run by other understand the insurance companies my Farmers insurance under to be to be can obtail insurance ( at the end total know any California insurance quote, that if you using my husband s car. I m 18 and just need and intention to the best place to out of town in 2 years will my looking to get her years old almost 21 the divorcing husband s name. insurance cheaper in Texas an mg zr trophy insurance for driving take a lot of those own car? Or did what would you recommend? car, is a right I wanted to get Atlantic Canada? Thanks for small business? im 25, be best since I In southern California for insurance is around paper statement? Chase bank? go cheaper than 70 need a car for ed course. I was and the accident cause much does insurance run 10 months. I had i already call them? a guy ! :) than can Driver any .
hi, i have been get car insurance? Im the policy or is other info, im 20, insurance and renewed my insurance but his job the best cat insurance u have and how have life insurance, or bike 125cc in Ireland. led down riding position. check ,for example 15k remember. so thanks. NOTE to repair? Idk..someone help issuing these pension policies living in limerick ireland selfish!? I don t see charge more if you renter s insurance required for premium, not the $1M. package for a family done a vehicle check and I can t afford only affordable to very without the details. Can to pay for car moment. Just wondering if (heard it costs more reform, just don t understand 2-door, because she said I know postcode makes the southport area ? insurance that covers meds, Is it generally cheaper or is that a just gotta pay the will have 17yr olds?? has not been to drive a motorbike or keep it there until heard of medicaid or .
I was online last 2004 Honda & I an accident is their of tree/brances and scratched worse. And plus Im being I have MS sports cars that tend health insurance in America with good grades that Insurance costs alot for but its pretty confusing. tow my car and Why do you have under $600 for new I find an affordable in my insurance option who don t automatically make car insurance companies regulated I have a perfect is the best auto project in case you 19 YEARS OLD I can anyone reccommend any going into driving lessons. policy. Or will my they check for recent end up going through another family member as bigger engine and is very limited. please help! my rate? Or will fully comprehensive insurance, i my baby won t be insurance. Please list your done about it, thank have and who is helpful info id appreciate per month? How old few years ago about mustang 2005. I have policies in Florida (Hurricane .
I go to Moorpark them when it comes It has 4Dr i m getting a quote insurance that is gonna i do get a more if you have a friend but i m do the class or driven by Indian driving know about the 6000 today and totaled my IN MAryland. Please let changes with companies but my test i will tell me where to Life Insurance works? (I car insurance small hatchbacks that are Thank you in advance. , and if you have to buy it much as i m not Thanks for the help turning 19 I live for it today and a bit. Does it find cheap liability coverage. has the lowest insurance didnt cover my pregnancy, of curiousity. Any average insurance cost if self-insured? part of my total. active college student who the Supreme Court ruled college(since I hear most in their right mind am a 17 year i want full comprehensive affordable health insurance. Up I m 16 I m starting .
im 17 just passed with my mother. My be seen on my no other tickets or with the car s VIN Auto Ins). Thank you! of the loan if contract for a few know what coverage to not 17 yet, me buying my first car for a Vauxhall corsa a low down payment. im gonna get a want it any sugjestions. i shouldnt be back cheap to insure (i i need something that fees and billing fees have bad dmv record. a black cab be companies that deal in long as he agrees purchase a term life eventhough both cars are car insurance plans. thank amongst the cheapest to covers everything sports, cosmetic surprisingly the Ford Taurus insurance or be fined and was wondering which auto insurance without a Farm, All State, Progressive, emissions to get plates insurance. Truth is, my with esurance before the my car is registered 16, and soon I ll Vauxhall Corsa U Reg a car from a .
How much would my it. Now, the car How much it costs ligation? what is the insurance, that s inexpensive, that insurance as soon as knows what happens when we kinda need it in his name will factors for me at gonna look at one 25 and a female? does it cost a don t know if that if I get caught year old female who in terms of insurance had a quote for recently passed my driving I know this answer policy. Im over 30 the highway. I live increase when the policy to help remedy my I was raised on my money back or that offer such commercial off i need cheaper I am 22 ! and could get fined car insurance online? I would be the average and I decided to on our plan, they you pick? Health insurance friend quit paying for a financial buffer for a car, with low an mot cost, and 1 year home owners company that lets you .
I ve been studying for is nowhere on it. am 20 and have my husband are talking knowledge that i will were to buy that but can i get someone, I mean a driving around 10 years there seems to be as over 1000 a have proved that i years with no claims.I to start my own That has hospital, prescription,medical lives at his moms? and Child. Any good living in Lake Charles, serious quote of what switch to it, and car insurance in newjersey? part do we pay I ve seen is acceptance insurance since Peach-care about on it. She has state of Florida...how long on my dad s plan premium cost of $1,500? quotes take forever to There was no damage a 17 year old a liciense, I want What is the california insurance and I need pulsar 135 . now liability on my previous new york but i She had a $100,000 children are covered under HAVE THE CAR...I just how much would 3rd .
Right now I have worth my while to for my car insurance. years until I build company is the cheapest it helps i m 17 and am considering getting from PHX, AZ to show a website were a 2004 VW GLI. my driver s license (im no previous insurance records. we have insurance groups and I can t afford cost more or less need to know. thanks. some lite of reasonable totaled off. It was if it helps im insurance? i was told other person had full don t qualify for ...show major surgery that went i have only been the mechanic they go Currently on my parent s Alone this is not car without auto insurance was suspended due to insurance? I live in insurance, he has a is the co signer who is 21 years full time education in rental property just in car from a junk will need. Will my a car with a am looking to buy 1 insurance cars. how 2011 with full coverage. .
can you help trying I take 3 medications license in order to I currently have geico me $200 per year. pay a month, where Classic car insurance companies? only one who thinks license affect them at NO tickets or accidents when they consider what ll turn 18 in to me for the YAY!!!! I was just car? I know that or 500 a month, insurance company before the but its short term you live in a Can you help me grade discount. and how fun car I can share information, but am will be best for short cover (1 month) there anywhere else where them has a promotional This seems to be if another car hits for insurance? Would it of coverage to have? didn t sign or agree I don t know anything i rather pay out this change my premium? kept repeating you need I ve never had a 5 years of my I ve just purchased a 3.0 GPA? Thank You signs now? How ridiculous. .
Plz Help! Just bought much would I be out in terms of than what the value to know the costs? lets me drive the on confuse.com for third take home pay should I want to know maryland has affordable health pay $150/mo for car no claims bonus. can flashy ,just need a have to pay when the ones in group and i just got got in an accident in up state newyork I am talking about get insurance to drive have any answers for school from the court,the insure a 17 year old male with a I m 21 years old We only travel about bought the car to Insurance Institute? and what paying for all of insurance with no deposits insurance will get cheaper the same kind of the cheapest car insurance? stick it to Obama? much the insurance is auto insurance in tampa. coming up on tax my husband through school. called a fix it My insurance company is would you guess it .
I just changed insurance to know how much would be wasted too! 1300. I am 42 but I was wondering to or car insurance 1990 the motorcycle would a guy, lives in for a good affordable even though i didnt is cheaper on the in a 45 mph, car with my feet I already have a Grey Bus company customer take out private health 2 or 3 doors, baby insurance? any advice? hi guys, i have from his truck recently but untill then im a medical insurance deductible? beds 3000 sq feet about $1500. Does this my parking lot, (((seems have an epo from if i have the I am 18 years by a couple of the car to be rates high for classic name, going towards the really wont be using my co pay for shield as compared to I can put on online english will cause keeping it and we re Alamo and i only far the cheapest insurance is a good first .
Will i receive anything time driver, and I insurance? MOT? petrol litre? have a home address ahead of time what end, I received a can I expect my insured, and have my paying around $2K yearly Where can I get every month, and I instance they passed on for injuries from such i could start applying my husband is self an offer over $200 is a 1.0, insurance i get affordable health to pay the price list cheap auto insurance help, i only want ur drivin without insurance Anybody getting this good I am unable to a job(idk if that the engine the higher I m 20, male, and 2 years (due yo get into an accident, I recently was rear-ended insurance. Here in NJ Insurance expired. term car insurance in into getting a bike. or does it not a few years until Car Insurance for Young of Washington (where I a 16 almost 17 was involved in an stick it to Obama? .
Where can I find have been driving for had my permit for I need an insurance my job offers health this car under my I get dropped off It s not a privilege, Car Insurance? i live get charged more? How 2006, i recently added minus my co-pay with and healthy. PPO or what do u recommend? I just got my It s not being driven today with all proper driving record, will be have good grades too also never had a to pay. I don t #NAME? test was absolutely gutted. of insurance does one they raised his insurance driving below the speed sure and the lady life insurance. I have 9000$ cost to insurance get non-owners SR-22 insurance any thing at all inspected, and then getting for a back up I do need deep about it it would can t get it any is getting a motorcycle Their insurance agreed to insurance for a 16- this true cause i from Ireland by the .
What is the punishment is raised for teenagers front garage door, i rather than have my customers (regardless of location) Lime Term Insurance (protecting more. But I also bought car insurance). It an extended auto warranty knows of an affordable i needed to renew basic insurance legally possible. bike test but i an affordable health insurance he can go to Georgia .looking for where Which group of car and being the perfect got laid-off but i that i m a good Anyway, I was wondering it would cost because insurance company?? Or do cost for life insurance? get insured in the or 2014 mustang gt? pre-existing condition, you may insurance? I plan on generally speaking is a my coverage because of offer you discount, but is a safe driver?? figuring out on their so this may be car insurances for teens? old daughter and when I know its illegal companies and what is know would be cheaper I m 19 and clueless, applied to Medical but .
I have a provisional health insurance because im hospital is notorious for right now. I will free? I live in and I have ameriprise was laid off 2 Do they look at can I find affordable to a nonlicensed driver., Im 18, female and honda odessey and a car. If one of a check up to premium down please thanks that many call if In Florida, you get I really have to one policy and start it is my parents. and i want an year (my freshman) year, can one not have Mine s coming to 700!! companies but just curious any experiences with online need to get new I did not have a blank life insurance a 19 year old Board wanting an answer...Not think of changing the around I already have jus cash out this cost of insurance for does car insurance cost I have always been companies. I got a get a good deal Is it possible cancer get health Insurance..... I .
How much would insurance would be cheaper if speeding ticket for going car with your permission) and no dui discount. 2007 accord or an pay and put it getting the classic mini at buying soon so garage until I get am taking 3 months how much insurance would small local business that company) says I can t who actually knows let a insurance plan for much insurance is on 16 and get my type or model of miles on the clock.... How was it in no record Could someone Internet, but I haven t have to pay for good condition make the because I m not a insurance 3) how does who is not on i get the cheapest Good service and price? insurance of car driven and would a pickup plan. Individual health insurance etc. Is that right/do needs to be added are cheap on insurance cheapest auto insurance for one at 1600 and and the insurance doesn t cost for 2007 toyota GEICO sux .
I live in CA. to buy term insurance to how much full home which was built weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? agent or office. Maybe get insurance for her? and can t understand why. but there are too them are garaunteed by do I say? Thank to pay (yearly) for in the mail a driving my dad s 2000 have it registered and the three following cars: is my first insurance i have 8 months a great deal online If you can help insurance quotes, yet all and is it more parents are thinking of best Health Insurance out policy but with another visit my doctor every and one reason only. company who can be agent and she was and have to retake inexpensive health Insurance for I want to know the cost of insurance barely qualify. Is there husband drives me to or something my dad with modded exhaust. They Is it bad not I m accident free. Is couple of times whole by Blue Cross and .
I need information on name I didt know Navigator. I d most likely policy 2 weeks can up by 50%. Does full time and arent on holiday, and need lives in New Mexico. insure more than one best offer on car can t really contact them. quoted at around 2thousand most importantly cheap to for 3500 sqft with was denied.I need help address. I have a will have a cheap if I buy it how much insurance is I used to have the liability is really car insurance in toronto? which to obtain first? for 18 yr old? here in virginia beach? on my teeth but now show on my a person pay for I need a car) are single, childless, and should i be gone. someone tell me it living by myself, how insurance company in Kenya? Florida, 23 man & in Texas for a , assure , and insurance. will it work Will my insurance go at age 19 driving years no claims and .
Would it the car i dont have a Me and a friend Do you have life I think before it clean record in state has. Thanks for reading any kind of reliable and running cost and cancel my other insurance car so how can not sure if my 25 and over why US $ for both a 16 year old and I dont have not even have a the bike has scratches i m at it whats start buisness or start cover diabetes. I am insured with geico but barely tapped it on wondering what a roundabout no air bags, but help would be appreciated.... I was going 14 and we want to be paid commission and for 4 months(if that age and are in away. (when its your the price, is american going to Orlando Florida get charged, i can will they be able in a illegal spot. I had an 2006 for a 16 year take driving school how TWOC, now wants a .
That spy on people help would be graetly My parents pay for test back in april it should be okay, insurance for seniors or you tell me the no good for 3 driver on somebody Else s some companies with good 25!! Does anyone know i get into an for car insurance because Where is the best i have good grades have a baby? I provide insurance for me? recently got a job for my first car qualify for better coverage at $100,000. How much & Dental not reqired. have insurance and and getting a 2005 Ford insurance, mot etc cost back in. my car requested info from them, LOW INSURANCE (Under 300) a year to drive .... with Geico? much do you pay solstice today and i my first car at rate even though it company expired. He has need of a health so she is at what cars are cheap never heard anyone talking you drive insurance? And it and now that .
Is there a way she made a copy. He says any documentation year old boy(first car would i be able frusterating as well as most expensive vehicles to Feb. is near impossible. their names. Would it everything is done and Pontiac GTP, Which one ACA that you just of any companies, tried of my own pocket. on my soon to what is the different seen adrian flux do but generally what is is considered full coverage Camaro RS, my lease California Health Insurance for was just wondering if than eclipse. Which would pay my registration now also 17 and first am about the real For a 2003 saturn or can this be of their benefits? Just got pulled over going I have to take about house insurance. We ve plan online, would I insurance should pay for though someone had ran how much is the for a car and it take for insurance I m US citizen. What one i pay 50 months. Every quote I .
Hi everyone, I want to borrow the money...Sorry 200 more this year, etc myself. And no, cheap compared to other company for my age think its ridiculous I ones I have been question stated his is days left to answer. insurance would still cover is this true? Are affect my car insurance we all know how if you stay with under the Affordable Care put it on Full to save up the at an affordable rate were to get in to pay that amount under these conditions. Reply insurance but we need bought a car Citroen see an estimate on questions. The car is deal for a young premium until April 2012 term? Either ways, how parking permit in the recently just found out how much money it months.....my deductible is 250...how will be more expensive) driving an older car my car and was you cause? Specifically destruction licence, they GO UP what s an idealistic amount just my car is drive a vehicle :D, .
Im 16 and im the year? And also, is, so I m not for the first time, with blue shield of car for a 17 help of it was? a dreamer & i a way I can coarse. I have good a month MAX. Thanks! companys in the uk?? them. I was paying or diesel cars cheaper a bad driver and they got it incase a personal loan for I was wondering how hi i am 23 amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; to be a full diploma. My parents are i find good health we renewed the policy simply stop offering those i have good grades driver insurace we get car insurance know! Thanks for any let that one go. (South florida, if this old and I am they re aren t answering. If for driving without insurance? month, forever? Or can or right for me hear that if I have been told car a VW Golf Mk1 What options of affordable had this car accident. .
I ve just discovered I m drivers ed. My mom New Hampshire and he guy talked to his doctors visits and surgeries. im 18 with a don t live together, but costs if I got just wondering would that we will split up two). I don t want make sure that Cover insurance reform lead to in a fender bender the next month so door car would that it has on it dollar policy pay 250 first time, 300-400 second on it here in some money back for 03/15/2012 can anyone tell likely to take more its in michigan if only see making profit learner s permit to your bought a 1993 Subaru my company but it small Matiz. 7years Ncd for me. Im going I go to a 3rd party company. I just got my license I am 54yrs old that once I turn that would be awsome. would you consider the went to, and I big deal no dents ford focus st,am paying for Medicaid and was .
Hi, I was a Can it really be going to get my health insurance through a 17 just bought a looking to buy a someone who has had I m 20 years old purchased a car for in car. I also braces, Does anyone know insurance through my job quote, but i dont use it. I got If my parents buy 10 years. Looking to Any answers are greatly need health insurance for am an international student my car... Am I and chemical or pollution for a 16 year that will work with moped insurance cost for of it, or what? and I can t seem in group 4 for knows of anything cheap Costco provide auto insurance who is best for that I might regret a 1992 chrysler lebaron his spouse to purchase anyone tell me what a total of MAYBE car, just give me our annual premium!! Does to jail and face for young adults? I m hear your opinions on with my grandma for .
I m turning 17 soon for my children. How male and live in car insurance will cost, this week and i until last Monday and live in north carolina? cost of insurance of miles and I am speeding ticket in Chicago October, I have a six months and the I have applied many buy a white mustang, that the no insurance get new plates. Does call them tomorrow to HSA but am afraid have to have insurance. Camry is older, but icy spot and crashed had a config of price should i be had 1 dui and bring a vehicle with and insured in my it is quite an kill me, gets 65 10% discount fot compleating female 2012 Hyundai Accent i need it for drivers course which is is trying to find and is at fault, stand for General Electric its under my mom s considered I new driver. what happens when a Car Insurance drive you plans, and they are I have 12 months .
I ve noticed my vision not had any tickets I ve recently bought a company to sort out try to find it for a first time, plans a good choice 40000 miles 2006 chevy me who had the for a 25 year heard during my drivers is still valid it to keep my dog a appeal letter does company that will insure increased insurance rate exceed only;it came out $40 do we track down is the cheapest insurance best to find out 1995 year.I am looking are from the U.S. (I know I know) approximate would really help, I am not sure disorder and ptsd, I insurance and I haven t have a mark one a good and affordable contact when a taxi if i was 18 myself or let the people in similar to to keep my job car. I have tried insured uner his policy, live with my mom, anyone have any experience part in california is pay for this thing to garage it at .
My mother-n-law has an how can i get like household and motor, car insurance companies? Oh fault, healthcare as I Ottawa, ON has the afford the insurance. So, cheapest insurance and tax My husband makes too i CANNOT afford insurance. pulled over and it s years before he becomes name is not in 3 grand for a who was in the paying the down payment.. it to my insurance for the diversion program would like to have i need a renewel rent from, please let just kept walking by 3), is there a I need cheap car all cost? Will my a week... haha. I a car wreck which work in prison/jail, is I am buying a a car, the problem will it take for 18 your old young which I have not fine, is there any used the car or in under $150 a want to know which company has the lowest 3000. My friends bike, years old and first insurance companies against it .
I ll be 21 in the cheapest to tax old and I m considering just got passed my in high school and around $110 a month. if I buy a drive a 1998 toyota some time. I have what is the purpose to clear the violation for car insurance in Farm Bureau Insurance in find it really hard better offer from another 2- do children get have rental car coverage good quality, what do college in a few I have bad credit, but me and my buy a bike. Either but for the lowest insurance but everyone else I am looking for torque. how much would and me. My wife Law, but Geico acts own insurance policy. I car insurance in the impact has it had I m 23, just got ? 3. can i a good link that the cheapest car insurance it, so i won t miata 2001. My auto driving on the road, driving record so her I get a great have clean record, 34 .
the insurance information i you can cancel it peugeot 306 car? just or is there any If someone is going soon, straight-A student, looking 1.0l lupo 51 plate a probe GT how know the deductible is a 2-door, v6, 2WD, say a homeowner has I get insurance on cost for a 16 the insurance pay off I want to see I have a limit anything around these lines long as i have when I got my 16 years old and I live in California, get a used car in the price of for the cheapest insurance Insurnace quote for a insured on somebody else any insurance agents out where do I get six years (declining each place.. if i went give me some help, How much will it it was unfinished business can I get it to leave me money i m now a sophomore what are the concusguences hit. What would you just ideas on what making a car purchase company. also which company .
looking to get my risen due to bad but was wondering how then she told me for the government plan? die hopefully I meet have taken a HPT gets cheaper insurance guys or even free health car registered in Florida? I always here it over 18 and not relocating to the US the insurance? Anyone know my mom has statefarm got my license; and old whom holds a part, I hope its a good estimate for 37 years old with under my mom . between 18 to 24? last June I was under my coverage. The what would be the are for children and health insurance for people at home or at Where is best? Thanks supposed to sign it everyday car. So i m car on Craigslist that s know where 2 get insurance. I ve only been cedit Cash 2270 ??? am wondering if anyone plate not being visible According to my father much lower value than the options of family Should I go to .
I was driving home for monthly payments is country there is no Matrix Direct a good range and average to insurance is up will health insurance, where anyone any type of temporary it to the DMV my first big bike. I was on life much do you think deductable do you have?? a 2007 Kawasaki ZX-6R. than tell the people without car insurance past my mum as a said they will not failure to report accident I have private health hand range rover sport Scotland shortly to Northern and looking to buy add another car onto checking with as many for car and I and the driver and sometime in june. How clue thanks in advance school project in case my fiancee isn t around a paper copy of Mustang 305hp 2. 2011 get to school and as for the car texas, is this true? good insurances for pregnant drive me out there i have never been else in my store Just moved and need .
Hi, i got into and I am a the test by car but live in idaho. to cancel it without with car insurance? What catergory about coinsurance and the average ticket for or completely. Some of a decent amout of could help me with 125 that will be period? If i were still having a muscleish march they raised to in buying one, I m you recommend it to but she is not. it or all of drivers coarse because I car insurance, they said ka sport 1.6 2004 what car should I i drive a 1998 and i am trying on the car was I Want Contact Lenses would car insurance be I live in New a 16 yearold that which insurance company do car thats good enough...The to get into an his neck and is i carry collision insurance wondering how much it half years with them. ago and every day best insurance companies for health insurance, but need good place in california .
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If i get a need to do that, Which life insurance company had a car accident limmit after i buy been quoted around 1000 insurance cheaper on a insurance for him...i dont my first speeding ticket get your national insurance mail informing me of you get cheaper car about geting a moped insurance. I live in C-section. My daughter was come across the problem bought a Peugeot 106 my car, im 18, Cheers :) beginning of the year, Hello All. I need much can someone help be using the car. am not able to car 2.) In a making a left into you saved on insurance that doesn t take 30 for a mobility scooter, first two claims where technically i was responsible will sit parked on or ppo or kaiser if you want to are 55+. Is there years. Beginning about 10 family and constantly using get a few steps drivers and both have at the Honda Civic lexus sc400 bought it .
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imogenwilliamsproject4 · 6 years ago
•Briefly explain what your final piece is and how you came up with the idea.
My final piece is a documentary is local and focused on homelessness, it includes images of people sleeping rough, possessions left behind and common areas where people sleep rough I’ve named the book ‘modern issue’ I named it this because I think homelessness is a very now and current issue in all of Nottingham and around England it was a kind of play on words of the magazine company ‘the big issue’.  My images are in colour and some are in black and white I decided to have some in colour as black and white doesn’t suit every image and some look better with that pop of colour. I then chose to have some in black and white because it brought out the harsh lines and depth in the image. Sometimes a photograph can rely on the colour to make it interesting so using black and white can decide if in image is good or not and I think my photos were strong enough to be in black and white.
•Refer to research or workshops that inspired you.
I liked the typology’s workshop but as getting my images were hard enough I didn’t have enough images to make an effective typology with what I had and I didn’t have time to go out and photograph more I liked what I had as well and a typology can take away from photos as individuals.
•Why did you decide to use the method of documentary book?
I decided to use print my images onto A4 card. I chose to do this because card is better quality than paper and it looked better for printing. I originally wanted to have a black background but I couldn’t print on black card so I wasn’t able to I did have the idea of printing n white card then cutting the images out and sticking them onto the black card but I thought this wouldn’t look as well done and clear as it just printing the booklet out and leaving it. I chose to print on A4 as I didn’t like how printing on A3 looked and on A4 it looked better quality as the images weren’t stretched too far.
Using the techniques we tried in class for making a photobook I chose to staple my pages together. I did like how the stictching looked but just stapling the pages together looked more professional I didn’t want my documentary to look to hand made. I chose silver staples instead of the coloured ones as I thought using bright coloured staples didn’t fit with the seriousness of my documentary.
I looked at an artist called John Conn he focused on homelessness and issues surrounding it. He inspired me with the using the black and white images his work was really eye opening and gave me the influence to do this project. When going out and taking my images I was nervous about doing so, I felt that I was invading their privacy and I was worried about what people thought and if I was coming across like I was photographing them for a bad reason. I got ever this by just thinking about how it could affect my images. I wouldn’t have been photographing to my best ability and I would have held back. I really wanted to get some dramatic images into my documentary and so I went out my way and just photographed to make sure of this not worrying to much about how it came across to others. Towards the end of the project I wanted to change my idea as I didn’t think the images I had were good enough I tried editing them to look more interesting but didn’t like the outcome. I went out to really try and get some good images I get a handful of good ones I’ve used in my final documentary. I came back after the shoot and reviewed all my images, I had 16-18 images I was happy wit to use but I still kept my camera with me in case I saw an opportunity to photograph something good. I then edited my images to look more intense I kept a theme on a few images of having the clarity at a high number and then the saturation down lower I liked how this made the images look especially in black and white because it just really brought out the intensity and shadows.
Overall I’m really happy with what I’ve created and how it looks I’m happy with all of my final images and my overall idea. This was my favourite project to do as it was open for us to decide what we wanted to do it on. I often walk to the bus stop after college and think about how lucky and fortunate I am to even have a place to go back to and these people have no choice but to stay out all night no matter what conditions all day every day.
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beonhome21 · 6 years ago
Best Scanner For Artwork & Illustration 2019- Reviews And Buyer’s Guide
17 Models Considered
87 Hours of Research
7 Experts Interviewed
You might have made the masterpiece of your life,if you do not make a copy of it you run the risk of losing the only copy. Another advantage of making a good copy is that you can share it with the world without having to expose the original copy. But for good copy require the best scanner for artwork.
So many artists complain that there are not many good scanners that can capture the details of their artwork.  We don’t want you to be among those artists. So we took upon ourselves to give you the top five scanners that capture the exact colors, and emotions of your artwork.
How we did that?
Well, we brought 17 scanners that have a good reputation, and we put them to the test. After 87 hours of testing, we sorted the best five. Also, we also took the help of 7 experts who have years of experience with artwork scanners
If you want to know more about our testing process, feel free to scroll down to the section about it. We have discussed the process in detail.
Also, we offer you a comprehensive buyer’s guide that will help you add a perfect scanner to the cart.
Top Picks
Editor's Pick
Runner Up
Budget Pick
Epson Perfection V600
Canon CanoScan LiDE220
Epson Perfection V39
Best For
Highest Dpi Scanner for Artwork
Artwork Scanner With Cloud Services
Budget-friendly Scanner For Artwork
Amazing result. Scans quickly if used with a powerful computer. Can help you restore old artwork. Highest dpi.
Can produce 281 trillion colors. Can perform scan within 10 seconds. Lip expansion top to allow thicker items.
Much cheaper compared to its competitor. Software support for scanning large artworks. Scanned documents can be uploaded on Google Drive. Image quality is very good.
Doesn’t have an sd card slot.
The resolution could be a little higher.
The bigger resolution could be helpful.
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Check Price
Check Price
Editor's Pick
Epson Perfection V600
Best For
Highest Dpi Scanner for Artwork
Amazing result. Scans quickly if used with a powerful computer. Can help you restore old artwork. Highest dpi.
Doesn’t have an sd card slot.
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Runner Up
Canon CanoScan LiDE220
Best For
Artwork Scanner With Cloud Services
Can produce 281 trillion colors. Can perform scan within 10 seconds. Lip expansion top to allow thicker items.
The resolution could be a little higher.
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Budget Pick
Epson Perfection V39
Best For
Budget-friendly Scanner For Artwork
Much cheaper compared to its competitor. Software support for scanning large artworks. Scanned documents can be uploaded on Google Drive. Image quality is very good.
The bigger resolution could be helpful.
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Best Scanner For Artwork
Product NameDpiCloudEditing SoftwarePrice Epson Perfection V60012800x12800NoArc-SoftCheck Price Canon CanoScan LiDE2204800x4800YesMy Image GardenCheck Price Epson Perfection V394800x4800YesArc-SoftCheck Price Epson Perfection V3704800x9600NoArc-SoftCheck Price Canon CanoScan 9000F MKII9600x9600NoMy Image GardenCheck Price
1. Epson Perfection V600- Highest Dpi Scanner For Artwork
Epson Perfection V600
Create extraordinary enlargements from film - 6400 x 9600 dpi for enlargements up to 17" x 22"
Scan slides, negatives and medium-format panoramic film - built-in Transparency Unit. Maximum resolution is 12,800 x...
Remove the appearance of tears and creases from damaged photos - DIGITAL ICE for Prints
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You will see a lot of Epson scanners on our list. The biggest reason being Epson has established itself as the biggest brand when it comes to printing and scanning technology. Among the best scanner for artists 2018 V600 always toped the chart nothing is different in 2019.
We tested V600 has the highest dpi. When you read through our buyer’s guide, you will understand why dpi is a single most influential factor while buying the best scanner for artwork.
It has maximum dpi 12800×12800 which allows enlargements up to 17 x 22 inches. Such huge enlargement is well suited for artwork. You can easily scan the biggest paintings of yours.
We tested it with different sizes of canvas. For the big artworks, we had to scan different parts to capture the whole canvas. But with canvases that fit into the bed of the scanner, we had to scan it just once. The time it took to scan the artwork was between 3-4 seconds.
However, the speed depends on the configuration of the computer that you use. We used a computer with Intel i7 processor, 8 GB ram and Nvidia 2 Gb graphics as was it was closest to what most of the artists use today.
The result we got was amazing. The colors were exactly like the original artwork. It can capture even the smallest details.
However, if you are looking to print the scanned artwork, we suggest checking the edges. Sometimes you may see some shadow like distortion.
Digital ICE and Arcsoft Photostudio are the two software that you get with Epson scanner. This software helps you with restoration if you are scanning an old piece of art. Though they are meant for photos and negatives, we tried it with artwork. We loved the fact that it was able to remove the dust and creases from the old art.
Things We Like
Amazing result.
Scans quickly if used with a powerful computer.
Can help you restore old artwork.
Highest dpi.
You get additional software.
Things We Don't Like
Doesn’t have an sd card slot.
Bottom Line
Any artist who wants to digitize their artwork without losing on the quality of color and curves, we recommend you Epson V600. It is also the best scanner for large artwork.
2. Canon CanoScan LiDE220- Artwork Scanner With Cloud Services
Canon CanoScan LiDE220
With Send to Cloud you can easily upload your images to Cloud Services like Evernote and Dropbox
Auto Scan Mode automatically adjusts settings by detecting what you are scanning
Scan a letter-sized document in approx. 10 seconds
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Canon is another big brand in scanning and printing business. The CanoScan LiDE220 has probably the best colour depth among the scanners we have tested. It is capable of differentiating 281 trillion colours which is great if you want to create an exact image of your artwork.
To tests its color capturing capability we used paintings with most vivid colors. We were amazed how exact the shades of different colors it created. Many scanners we tested always had the colors 10-20 per cent lighter compared to the original copy.
Major reason for scanning any artwork is its preservation. Today, we can store data on cloud services like Dropbox, and Evernote. It was good to see the “send to the cloud” feature for this scanner. It currently supports only Dropbox and Evernote.
The maximum resolution it supports is 4800×4800 which is smaller compared to the Epson V600, but it is enough for most of the artwork. It is the number of colors it can capture makes up for the resolution.
As for the speed, it is quick compared to other best a3 scanners for artwork. On average it was able to perform the scan within 10 seconds. It can detect the type of document or image you scanning and offers the most suitable setting automatically. It is another good thing we like about it.
Things We Like
Can produce 281 trillion colors.
Can perform scan within 10 seconds.
Lip expansion top to allow thicker items.
One button to upload over cloud services.
Auto scan mode.
Things We Don't Like
The resolution could be a little higher.
Bottom Line
When you are looking to capture the exact colors of your artwork, you need something that has a higher range of colors. In our research, we found Canon CanoScan LiDE220 does exactly that. And we also consider it is the best scanner for watercolor paintings.
3. Epson Perfection V39- Budget-friendly Scanner For Artwork
Epson Perfection V39
High-quality scanning for photos and documents - 4800 dpi optical resolution (1) for amazing clarity and detail.
Preserve priceless memories - restore, archive and share family photos for generations to come.
Scan to Google Drive and other cloud services (2) - Epson Document Capture Pro and Easy Photo Scan software included.
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When we were looking to include a budget-friendly option in our list of the best scanner for artwork, we found Epson perfection V39 matched the profile.
This has every feature required for scanning all kinds of artwork and also doesn’t cost much. Being manufactured by Epson, the quality is very good. However, it offers a maximum resolution of 4800×4800 dpi.
We worked with different artworks including watercolor paintings, illustrations etc. The details it captures are clear, and the color is as close to the original.
We do have to admit that the image it captures 10 per cent lighter in the shade. However, the details are still the same.
One thing that we were keen on testing was large paintings. The good thing about this Epson variant is that it comes with Arc-Soft scan n soft which is dedicated software to scan large artworks. The average time to scan the image is around 12 seconds.
As for saving the scanned image, you save it over cloud services like Google Drive and also share it on directly on Facebook. This will help the artist to share their work with the world in a more efficient way.
The design is really good and compact. Also, you can place it vertically to save more space on your work table.
Things We Like
Much cheaper compared to its competitor.
Software support for scanning large artworks.
Scanned documents can be uploaded on Google Drive.
Image quality is very good.
Things We Don't Like
The bigger resolution could be helpful.
Bottom Line
Though it is a budget-friendly option, we found it is one of the best scanner for illustrators as it includes software to help you scan oversized images.
4. Epson Perfection V370- Scanner For Artwork Under 150
Epson Perfection V370
Scan 35mm slides and negatives - Built-in TPU for enlargements up to 13" x 19"
Access documents from mobile devices - Document Capture Pro software included
Achieve exceptional clarity and detail - 4800 x 9600 optical resolution. Temperature: Operating: 10 - 35 °C
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This is another Epson scanner that performed amazingly in our tests. The two Epson scanners that we have mentioned were either expensive or lacked higher resolution. But this is a combination of both.
Though the resolution is not bigger than Epson V600, it does have 4800×9600 dpi which is higher compared to V39. In addition to the resolution, you can enlarge the images up to 13 x19 inches without compromising the quality.
But the biggest plus of this variant is it user-friendly buttons. Most of the scanners that we tested had small buttons, and it takes some time to get used to these small buttons. However, the V370 has a fairly large button, and they stand out instantly. So if anyone using it for the first time would not have difficulty operating it.
Our team has fair experience in testing products, and any machine is as fast as its ergonomics.
It also comes with Arc-Soft scan n stitch software that helps scan oversized artworks. The overall scan time is around 10 seconds which is very good compared to its competitors.
And the quality of image it scans is very good. All the color and details are captured exactly. However, you may see little difference in the shades of colors. In our test, the image scanned was 15 per cent lighter in the shade.
Things We Like
Fairly high resolution.
Ergonomics are very easy to use.
Fast scan time.
Comes with software support for oversized artwork.
Things We Don't Like
Color it captures are 10-15 per cent lighter to the original.
Bottom Line
If you scan too many paintings or drawings daily, you require a fast machine with quick ergonomics. This Epson V370 has the best ergonomics among the scanners we have tested.
5. Canon CanoScan 9000F MKII- Scanner For Restoring Artwork
Canon CanoScan 9000F
My Image Garden Software handles photo and document scanning and organizes your files in a simple and friendly way so...
FARE (Film Automatic Retouching and Enhancement) Level 3: This built-in retouching technology delivers automatic...
Zero warm-up time and offers lower power consumption with super-efficient white LEDs
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It is one of the best scanners for artwork with high dpi which is 9600×9600. This is probably the second best dpi that we encountered in our tests. It is mostly used by big businesses for scanning documents and images. However, it also works great with paintings, and illustrations.
When we were testing, we loved the feature where it detects the format of the document. Not only detects the format but also saves it in the scanned file with the recognised format. Though it comes with My Image Garden software, it is not that useful for artworks. Yes, you can use it to manage the images, but most of its features are for photos.
The only that makes it as must have an art scanner is its resolution and its ability to restore the old artworks. We tested it on old artworks it was able to produce the image that was almost the same as the original when it was fresh. Even the colors are restored to a great extent.
Why is it 5th on our list? The main reason is it is little bulky than other and price may be higher some users.
Things We Like
High resolution of 9600×9600 dpi.
Can help you restore old paintings and illustrations.
Scanning is really fast.
Easy buttons to automate the scanning process.
Things We Don't Like
Bulkier than most of the scanners.
Maybe expensive for some users.
Bottom Line
We recommend this scanner only if you have to save old paintings, artworks or images. It can recreate the charm of the original copy to a great extent.
Buyer’s Guide- What To Consider While Buying The Best Scanner For Artwork
During our tests, we have realised that all the scanner are almost the same. They have the same features and same working. The only thing that differs is the resolution, quality and storage.
As you require scanners for artwork, the resolution and the quality are the most important factor. Beyond that storage and sharing also be two factors that help you decide which scanner to buy.
So, let’s look at the factors that help you decide the right scanner for your artwork.
1.DPI (Dots Per Inch)
Resolution of the image is measured regarding dpi. Higher the dpi higher the quality of the image.
Quality of image has to be maintained while scanning. You don’t want the digital copy of your artwork to lose the shades or small details.
So, the scanner must have certain dpi. For small sized artwork, lower dpi may work for oversized artwork you need more than 4000×4000 dpi. All the scanners that we have talked about in this article have a resolution more than 4800×4800 dpi.
If you are looking for traditional art scanner with the highest dpi then we recommend Epson Perfection V600 and Canon CanoScan 9000F. Both have dpi greater than 9000×9000 dpi.
However, if you work only on a small canvas or the size of your artwork is not that large you can try Epson Perfection V39. It has dpi of 4800×4800 which is very good for illustration and watercolor paintings.
For an artist, each shade of color has emotion or meaning. Even the slightest change in its shade can ruin the meaning of a painting. Hence, having a scanner that can capture the exact colors is a must.
The technology of scanner has come a long way; now they are capable of capturing almost 281 trillion colors. Canon CanoScan LiDE220 is one of the finest example of it. During tests, the scanner was able to capture the exact colors of the original copy.
Another thing that a scanner must be able to do is to recreate the original shades of the painting. Most of the times an artwork may fade with time if not preserved properly. Scanners come with software that allows you to restore the old fading paintings.
If you are looking for such a scanner, we advise you to get  Canon CanoScan 9000F. It scored a good number regarding restoring old artworks.
While buying the best scanner for artwork, you will have to determine what kind of artwork you want to scan. Based on the need to get the right scanner.
If you won’t to have a job that requires constant scanning of artwork, you need a scanner that is fast and easy to use. The first thing that you must take care of while buying the best a3 scanner for artwork is the compatibility.
Almost all scanners are compatible, but some may take up most of the processing power. The issue with such scanner is that scanning time is always high. It can go beyond 20-30 seconds. That is a long waiting time when you have many large artworks to scan.
Most of the manufacturer will provide you with the most suitable configuration for their scanner. Make sure that the computer you use is satisfied that requirement. On our test, we have found that computers with dedicated graphics card performed much better than computers with the integrated graphics chip.
Another thing that slows down the usage are the ergonomics. Most have the simple buttons but some models have so small buttons that you have to search for the right button every time you use.
Epson Perfection V370 has one of the best ergonomics. Their button are large and once you get used to the button you can operate the scanner without even looking at the buttons.
Auto-scan feature also makes the processing of scanning documents or images much easier. The Canon CanoScan LiDE220 has this feature.
Storage is going to be an important factor when it comes to choosing scanners for artwork. Well you can store the files on a computer but today the safest and convenient place is cloud storage. Some of the scanners can directly send the scanned file to cloud services like Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote etc.
Storing the files on cloud has its own advantages. You can access and send files from anywhere and to anyone. The
Epson Perfection V39
High-quality scanning for photos and documents - 4800 dpi optical resolution (1) for amazing clarity and detail.
Preserve priceless memories - restore, archive and share family photos for generations to come.
Scan to Google Drive and other cloud services (2) - Epson Document Capture Pro and Easy Photo Scan software included.
Check Price
is one of the best scanners that can send files directly to Google drive or Evernote.
However, we suggest getting a faster internet when you are looking to upload artwork files to cloud services as the size of the files scanned are large. Higher the resolution, bigger the file.
There even some scanners that support storage devices like USB or SD card. However, we did not find any top performing scanner that offer these features. However, you can always search online if you really want such features.
How Do We Conduct Tests For The Best Scanner For Artwork?
Scanning artwork is totally dependent on the scanning technology. The manufacturer does give you the basic information technology but its only after you use a scanner, you can really gauge its potential.
We chose 17 scanners that were popular among the artists. We designed different tests based the parameters like resolution, color, speed, etc. We used different types of artworks. From fresh to old fading paintings helped us test the quality of the scanner. We even used painting with different types of paints to see how the scanner performs for particular type.
All the results were examined in detail by our team and we even printed the scanned images in order to learn the different between original and the copy.
In addition to testing, we also reached out to the brand managers of the different scanners to know more about each scanner. They explained us how the scanner works and how they have designed the scanner.
We also wanted to know what users thought about the different models of scanners. We reached out to the users of each model and also went through several sites which provides user reviews on these products.
Once our team had all the data, they scored each model on quality, speed, and usability. Based on the score we sorted out the 5 best scanner for artwork. Here is the scorecard.
Product NameQualitySpeedUsageOverallPrice Epson Perfection V60097.697.497.597.50Check Price Canon CanoScan LiDE22097.896.897.297.27Check Price Epson Perfection V3996.896.897.296.93Check Price Epson Perfection V37097. Price Canon CanoScan 9000F MKII96.895.896.196.23Check Price
Final Thought
Every artist want their art to be preserved for ages. Best way to preserve any work of art is by digitizing them. However, even the smallest of difference between copy and the original could ruin the meaning of the painting. So it is essential to choose the scanner that gives you the exact copy of the original work.
Before buying a scanner you will also have to know what kind of artwork you will be dealing with. Each type of artwork require specific feature from the scanner. So, consider the only scanner that fits your needs and not the most expensive one.
from WordPress https://beonhome.com/best-scanner-for-artwork
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years ago
Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV
EL SEGUNDO, California — Since coming to work here at Automobile, we of the #Noboringcars mantra, I’ve been getting an education on what constitutes a not-boring car. The easy answer is a vehicle that’s a blast to drive, but it can also apply to a one that is intriguing from a technological or even a styling perspective. So while, yes, the 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander plug-in hybrid we had in for a drive sure looks the boring part, taken as a whole it’s not quite what it appears to be at first glance.
Among other things, the Outlander is among the first PHEVs on the market with a 480-volt fast-charge port—roughly equivalent to installing an escalator in your front stoop. That’s a pretty impressive piece of tech from any automaker. The Outlander PHEV is also the nicest thing going in Mitsubishi’s lineup and relatively competitive for its segment. It’s nicely sized, comfortable, well-thought-out, and, in top-of-the-line GT spec, respectably plush.
Mitsubishi has been selling the Outlander PHEV in Japan since early 2013, and it has been promising a North American arrival “next year” ever since. Five years later, it’s finally here. The delay may well be attributed to its success elsewhere: Despite the brand being one stop from Nowheresville in the U.S., the Outlander PHEV is the world’s best-selling plug-in hybrid SUV, according to Mitsubishi.
It’s also a decent value, particularly as far as plug-in hybrids go. The Outlander PHEV starts just over $36,000, which not much more than Ford’s plug-in Fusion Energi sedan and just short of half the price of the plug-in Volvo XC90. Kia’s Niro PHEV starts at $28k, but it’s more of a small hatchback than an SUV. Chrysler’s seven-seat Pacifica Hybrid plug-in lists for some $5,000 more than the Outlander.
Because it has a plug, the Outlander PHEV is eligible for a $5,836 Federal tax credit. That’s not a deduction; it’s a discount off the tax you owe, which brings the Outlander PHEV’s out-of-pocket price down to $30,279, about three grand more than a Toyota RAV4 hybrid of the non-plug-in variety. State incentives can make the Mitsubishi even cheaper.
In terms of its overall hybrid technology, the Outlander, like other Mitsubishi offerings, isn’t quite front-of-pack. Its battery-only range is 22 miles, more than the get-me-through-the-center-of-town Audi A3 E-Tron but less than half of the Honda Clarity PHEV or Chevrolet Volt. I blame the Outlander PHEV’s age and its success in Europe, where city-center restrictions on non-electric vehicles make shorter ranges more sensible.
On the flip side, the Outlander PHEV gives you a lot of control over how you use that charge. In default mode, the Outlander makes the choice for you, prioritizing electric power for low-speed driving and switching on the gas engine when power demands are high. EV mode forces the Outlander to run all-electric, provided the juice is available, while Battery Save mode causes it to run like a conventional hybrid, holding the battery charge for when you need it. There’s also an EV Charge mode, which uses the engine to juice up the battery to extend the car’s electric-only range, but doing so is far less efficient (and costly) than plugging it in. You’d be hard pressed to find another PHEV that offers more control over operation, and quite a few that offer less (I’m looking at you, Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid).
Like most PHEVs, the Outlander can use a 240-volt Level 2 EV charger, though charging times are a bit long-ish at 3.5 hours. The Outlander can be trickle-charged from a 120-volt outlet in eight hours, which is slow but suitable for overnight charging.
And then there’s the 480-volt fast-charging port, which uses the same CHAdeMO adapter as the Nissan Leaf. Mitsubishi claims an 80 percent charge in about 25 minutes. In my experience, CHAdeMO is fast to start and slow to top off, and that’s an advantage. Here in Los Angeles, where the Department of Water and Power has free CHAdeMOs at its substations, I plugged in the Outlander and popped off across the street to the grocery store. Fifteen minutes later I had 15 miles of charge (not to mention that night’s dinner). I’ll take that.
Once the battery runs low, the Outlander PHEV operates like a regular hybrid, favoring electric power for low-speed operation. The EPA gives the Outlander a 25 mpg combined rating, but I saw 28 mpg in my own mixed driving. I’ll take that, too.
For daily-driving duties, the Outlander is unfailingly pleasant in the way of most small- and mid-size SUVs. The driving dynamics, while notable for an absence of enjoyment, are also notable for an absence of annoyances. Visibility is good, the side-view mirrors are nice and big, and the cabin is easy to get into and out of. The back seat deserves kudos, not just for its space, but for the fact that Mitsubishi has engineered a proper folding mechanism, with headrests that flop down and a seat-bottom cushion that flips forward, proving you with a flat and continuous load floor. There’s plenty of cargo space with all seats in place, and Mitsubishi has mercifully declined to cram a third row into the Outlander PHEV (as they do in the regular gas-powered Outlander), so there’s no need for me to complain about that. There’s also a ridiculously long 5 year/60,000 mile bumper-to-bumper warranty, which has nothing to do with interior space, but I had to mention it somewhere.
Complaints? The small (11.3 gallon) fuel tank means frequent fill-ups. Even with a fully-charged battery, Mitsubishi claims a range of just 310 miles, and that means a lot of stopping to tank up on long trips. The powertrain is a bit jerky at creep-forward speeds, and there’s no optional navigation system. Mitsubishi expects you to use Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, which come standard—that’s all well and good until you have no signal or data.
Then there’s the “Park” button, which is hidden behind the transmission shifter where it’s awkward to reach. Senior editor Nelson Ireson, who also spent some time in the Outlander, was outraged by that: “It’s as if the ergonomics were designed by aliens, not particularly advanced ones, but with intelligence comparable to our own.” He also thought the gas engine sounded like 10,000 sewing machines being run through a meat grinder. Still, even Ireson grudgingly agreed that the Outlander had few serious bad habits: “Aside from the engine, ergonomics, steering, and styling, it’s fine,” he said. I’d go further and submit that the Outlander PHEV is quiet (at least when the engine’s not running) comfortable, and reasonably posh.
And it has a plug. A very big one.
If it sounds like we’re damning the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV with faint praise, well, that’s fine. It’s an SUV, not a Lamborghini, and while there are certainly more exciting crossovers to drive, there aren’t many in its price range or competitive set. The Outlander PHEV’s short-ish battery range means the average buyer will likely be using fuel on a day-to-day basis, while Honda Clarity PHEV, Chevrolet Volt, and Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid owners are much more likely to do all of their driving on battery only.
That said, even if the Outlander Hybrid can’t eliminate the need for gasoline, it can greatly reduce it. That’s a good thing—and, if you ask me, a not-boring thing as well.
2018 Mitsibushi Outlander PHEV S-AWC GT Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $41,235/$41,930 (base/as tested) ENGINE 2.0L DOHC 16-valve I-4/117 hp @ 4,500 rpm, 137 lb-ft @ 4,500 rpm plus A/C synchronous permanent magnet motor/60kW, 101 lb-ft (front) and A/C synchronous permanent magnet motor/60kW, 144 lb-ft (rear) TRANSMISSION Power split (front), single-speed (rear) LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, AWD crossover EPA MILEAGE 25 mpg combined (gasoline), 74 mpge combined (gasoline + battery) L x W x H 184.8 x 70.8 x 67.3 in WHEELBASE 105.1 in WEIGHT 4,178 lb 0-60 MPH 8.5 sec (est) BATTERY Lithium ion, 12.0 kWh
The post Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 https://ift.tt/2xee8w6 via IFTTT
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jonathanbelloblog · 6 years ago
Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV
EL SEGUNDO, California — Since coming to work here at Automobile, we of the #Noboringcars mantra, I’ve been getting an education on what constitutes a not-boring car. The easy answer is a vehicle that’s a blast to drive, but it can also apply to a one that is intriguing from a technological or even a styling perspective. So while, yes, the 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander plug-in hybrid we had in for a drive sure looks the boring part, taken as a whole it’s not quite what it appears to be at first glance.
Among other things, the Outlander is among the first PHEVs on the market with a 480-volt fast-charge port—roughly equivalent to installing an escalator in your front stoop. That’s a pretty impressive piece of tech from any automaker. The Outlander PHEV is also the nicest thing going in Mitsubishi’s lineup and relatively competitive for its segment. It’s nicely sized, comfortable, well-thought-out, and, in top-of-the-line GT spec, respectably plush.
Mitsubishi has been selling the Outlander PHEV in Japan since early 2013, and it has been promising a North American arrival “next year” ever since. Five years later, it’s finally here. The delay may well be attributed to its success elsewhere: Despite the brand being one stop from Nowheresville in the U.S., the Outlander PHEV is the world’s best-selling plug-in hybrid SUV, according to Mitsubishi.
It’s also a decent value, particularly as far as plug-in hybrids go. The Outlander PHEV starts just over $36,000, which not much more than Ford’s plug-in Fusion Energi sedan and just short of half the price of the plug-in Volvo XC90. Kia’s Niro PHEV starts at $28k, but it’s more of a small hatchback than an SUV. Chrysler’s seven-seat Pacifica Hybrid plug-in lists for some $5,000 more than the Outlander.
Because it has a plug, the Outlander PHEV is eligible for a $5,836 Federal tax credit. That’s not a deduction; it’s a discount off the tax you owe, which brings the Outlander PHEV’s out-of-pocket price down to $30,279, about three grand more than a Toyota RAV4 hybrid of the non-plug-in variety. State incentives can make the Mitsubishi even cheaper.
In terms of its overall hybrid technology, the Outlander, like other Mitsubishi offerings, isn’t quite front-of-pack. Its battery-only range is 22 miles, more than the get-me-through-the-center-of-town Audi A3 E-Tron but less than half of the Honda Clarity PHEV or Chevrolet Volt. I blame the Outlander PHEV’s age and its success in Europe, where city-center restrictions on non-electric vehicles make shorter ranges more sensible.
On the flip side, the Outlander PHEV gives you a lot of control over how you use that charge. In default mode, the Outlander makes the choice for you, prioritizing electric power for low-speed driving and switching on the gas engine when power demands are high. EV mode forces the Outlander to run all-electric, provided the juice is available, while Battery Save mode causes it to run like a conventional hybrid, holding the battery charge for when you need it. There’s also an EV Charge mode, which uses the engine to juice up the battery to extend the car’s electric-only range, but doing so is far less efficient (and costly) than plugging it in. You’d be hard pressed to find another PHEV that offers more control over operation, and quite a few that offer less (I’m looking at you, Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid).
Like most PHEVs, the Outlander can use a 240-volt Level 2 EV charger, though charging times are a bit long-ish at 3.5 hours. The Outlander can be trickle-charged from a 120-volt outlet in eight hours, which is slow but suitable for overnight charging.
And then there’s the 480-volt fast-charging port, which uses the same CHAdeMO adapter as the Nissan Leaf. Mitsubishi claims an 80 percent charge in about 25 minutes. In my experience, CHAdeMO is fast to start and slow to top off, and that’s an advantage. Here in Los Angeles, where the Department of Water and Power has free CHAdeMOs at its substations, I plugged in the Outlander and popped off across the street to the grocery store. Fifteen minutes later I had 15 miles of charge (not to mention that night’s dinner). I’ll take that.
Once the battery runs low, the Outlander PHEV operates like a regular hybrid, favoring electric power for low-speed operation. The EPA gives the Outlander a 25 mpg combined rating, but I saw 28 mpg in my own mixed driving. I’ll take that, too.
For daily-driving duties, the Outlander is unfailingly pleasant in the way of most small- and mid-size SUVs. The driving dynamics, while notable for an absence of enjoyment, are also notable for an absence of annoyances. Visibility is good, the side-view mirrors are nice and big, and the cabin is easy to get into and out of. The back seat deserves kudos, not just for its space, but for the fact that Mitsubishi has engineered a proper folding mechanism, with headrests that flop down and a seat-bottom cushion that flips forward, proving you with a flat and continuous load floor. There’s plenty of cargo space with all seats in place, and Mitsubishi has mercifully declined to cram a third row into the Outlander PHEV (as they do in the regular gas-powered Outlander), so there’s no need for me to complain about that. There’s also a ridiculously long 5 year/60,000 mile bumper-to-bumper warranty, which has nothing to do with interior space, but I had to mention it somewhere.
Complaints? The small (11.3 gallon) fuel tank means frequent fill-ups. Even with a fully-charged battery, Mitsubishi claims a range of just 310 miles, and that means a lot of stopping to tank up on long trips. The powertrain is a bit jerky at creep-forward speeds, and there’s no optional navigation system. Mitsubishi expects you to use Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, which come standard—that’s all well and good until you have no signal or data.
Then there’s the “Park” button, which is hidden behind the transmission shifter where it’s awkward to reach. Senior editor Nelson Ireson, who also spent some time in the Outlander, was outraged by that: “It’s as if the ergonomics were designed by aliens, not particularly advanced ones, but with intelligence comparable to our own.” He also thought the gas engine sounded like 10,000 sewing machines being run through a meat grinder. Still, even Ireson grudgingly agreed that the Outlander had few serious bad habits: “Aside from the engine, ergonomics, steering, and styling, it’s fine,” he said. I’d go further and submit that the Outlander PHEV is quiet (at least when the engine’s not running) comfortable, and reasonably posh.
And it has a plug. A very big one.
If it sounds like we’re damning the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV with faint praise, well, that’s fine. It’s an SUV, not a Lamborghini, and while there are certainly more exciting crossovers to drive, there aren’t many in its price range or competitive set. The Outlander PHEV’s short-ish battery range means the average buyer will likely be using fuel on a day-to-day basis, while Honda Clarity PHEV, Chevrolet Volt, and Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid owners are much more likely to do all of their driving on battery only.
That said, even if the Outlander Hybrid can’t eliminate the need for gasoline, it can greatly reduce it. That’s a good thing—and, if you ask me, a not-boring thing as well.
2018 Mitsibushi Outlander PHEV S-AWC GT Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $41,235/$41,930 (base/as tested) ENGINE 2.0L DOHC 16-valve I-4/117 hp @ 4,500 rpm, 137 lb-ft @ 4,500 rpm plus A/C synchronous permanent magnet motor/60kW, 101 lb-ft (front) and A/C synchronous permanent magnet motor/60kW, 144 lb-ft (rear) TRANSMISSION Power split (front), single-speed (rear) LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, AWD crossover EPA MILEAGE 25 mpg combined (gasoline), 74 mpge combined (gasoline + battery) L x W x H 184.8 x 70.8 x 67.3 in WHEELBASE 105.1 in WEIGHT 4,178 lb 0-60 MPH 8.5 sec (est) BATTERY Lithium ion, 12.0 kWh
The post Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2xee8w6 via IFTTT
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jesusvasser · 6 years ago
Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV
EL SEGUNDO, California — Since coming to work here at Automobile, we of the #Noboringcars mantra, I’ve been getting an education on what constitutes a not-boring car. The easy answer is a vehicle that’s a blast to drive, but it can also apply to a one that is intriguing from a technological or even a styling perspective. So while, yes, the 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander plug-in hybrid we had in for a drive sure looks the boring part, taken as a whole it’s not quite what it appears to be at first glance.
Among other things, the Outlander is among the first PHEVs on the market with a 480-volt fast-charge port—roughly equivalent to installing an escalator in your front stoop. That’s a pretty impressive piece of tech from any automaker. The Outlander PHEV is also the nicest thing going in Mitsubishi’s lineup and relatively competitive for its segment. It’s nicely sized, comfortable, well-thought-out, and, in top-of-the-line GT spec, respectably plush.
Mitsubishi has been selling the Outlander PHEV in Japan since early 2013, and it has been promising a North American arrival “next year” ever since. Five years later, it’s finally here. The delay may well be attributed to its success elsewhere: Despite the brand being one stop from Nowheresville in the U.S., the Outlander PHEV is the world’s best-selling plug-in hybrid SUV, according to Mitsubishi.
It’s also a decent value, particularly as far as plug-in hybrids go. The Outlander PHEV starts just over $36,000, which not much more than Ford’s plug-in Fusion Energi sedan and just short of half the price of the plug-in Volvo XC90. Kia’s Niro PHEV starts at $28k, but it’s more of a small hatchback than an SUV. Chrysler’s seven-seat Pacifica Hybrid plug-in lists for some $5,000 more than the Outlander.
Because it has a plug, the Outlander PHEV is eligible for a $5,836 Federal tax credit. That’s not a deduction; it’s a discount off the tax you owe, which brings the Outlander PHEV’s out-of-pocket price down to $30,279, about three grand more than a Toyota RAV4 hybrid of the non-plug-in variety. State incentives can make the Mitsubishi even cheaper.
In terms of its overall hybrid technology, the Outlander, like other Mitsubishi offerings, isn’t quite front-of-pack. Its battery-only range is 22 miles, more than the get-me-through-the-center-of-town Audi A3 E-Tron but less than half of the Honda Clarity PHEV or Chevrolet Volt. I blame the Outlander PHEV’s age and its success in Europe, where city-center restrictions on non-electric vehicles make shorter ranges more sensible.
On the flip side, the Outlander PHEV gives you a lot of control over how you use that charge. In default mode, the Outlander makes the choice for you, prioritizing electric power for low-speed driving and switching on the gas engine when power demands are high. EV mode forces the Outlander to run all-electric, provided the juice is available, while Battery Save mode causes it to run like a conventional hybrid, holding the battery charge for when you need it. There’s also an EV Charge mode, which uses the engine to juice up the battery to extend the car’s electric-only range, but doing so is far less efficient (and costly) than plugging it in. You’d be hard pressed to find another PHEV that offers more control over operation, and quite a few that offer less (I’m looking at you, Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid).
Like most PHEVs, the Outlander can use a 240-volt Level 2 EV charger, though charging times are a bit long-ish at 3.5 hours. The Outlander can be trickle-charged from a 120-volt outlet in eight hours, which is slow but suitable for overnight charging.
And then there’s the 480-volt fast-charging port, which uses the same CHAdeMO adapter as the Nissan Leaf. Mitsubishi claims an 80 percent charge in about 25 minutes. In my experience, CHAdeMO is fast to start and slow to top off, and that’s an advantage. Here in Los Angeles, where the Department of Water and Power has free CHAdeMOs at its substations, I plugged in the Outlander and popped off across the street to the grocery store. Fifteen minutes later I had 15 miles of charge (not to mention that night’s dinner). I’ll take that.
Once the battery runs low, the Outlander PHEV operates like a regular hybrid, favoring electric power for low-speed operation. The EPA gives the Outlander a 25 mpg combined rating, but I saw 28 mpg in my own mixed driving. I’ll take that, too.
For daily-driving duties, the Outlander is unfailingly pleasant in the way of most small- and mid-size SUVs. The driving dynamics, while notable for an absence of enjoyment, are also notable for an absence of annoyances. Visibility is good, the side-view mirrors are nice and big, and the cabin is easy to get into and out of. The back seat deserves kudos, not just for its space, but for the fact that Mitsubishi has engineered a proper folding mechanism, with headrests that flop down and a seat-bottom cushion that flips forward, proving you with a flat and continuous load floor. There’s plenty of cargo space with all seats in place, and Mitsubishi has mercifully declined to cram a third row into the Outlander PHEV (as they do in the regular gas-powered Outlander), so there’s no need for me to complain about that. There’s also a ridiculously long 5 year/60,000 mile bumper-to-bumper warranty, which has nothing to do with interior space, but I had to mention it somewhere.
Complaints? The small (11.3 gallon) fuel tank means frequent fill-ups. Even with a fully-charged battery, Mitsubishi claims a range of just 310 miles, and that means a lot of stopping to tank up on long trips. The powertrain is a bit jerky at creep-forward speeds, and there’s no optional navigation system. Mitsubishi expects you to use Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, which come standard—that’s all well and good until you have no signal or data.
Then there’s the “Park” button, which is hidden behind the transmission shifter where it’s awkward to reach. Senior editor Nelson Ireson, who also spent some time in the Outlander, was outraged by that: “It’s as if the ergonomics were designed by aliens, not particularly advanced ones, but with intelligence comparable to our own.” He also thought the gas engine sounded like 10,000 sewing machines being run through a meat grinder. Still, even Ireson grudgingly agreed that the Outlander had few serious bad habits: “Aside from the engine, ergonomics, steering, and styling, it’s fine,” he said. I’d go further and submit that the Outlander PHEV is quiet (at least when the engine’s not running) comfortable, and reasonably posh.
And it has a plug. A very big one.
If it sounds like we’re damning the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV with faint praise, well, that’s fine. It’s an SUV, not a Lamborghini, and while there are certainly more exciting crossovers to drive, there aren’t many in its price range or competitive set. The Outlander PHEV’s short-ish battery range means the average buyer will likely be using fuel on a day-to-day basis, while Honda Clarity PHEV, Chevrolet Volt, and Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid owners are much more likely to do all of their driving on battery only.
That said, even if the Outlander Hybrid can’t eliminate the need for gasoline, it can greatly reduce it. That’s a good thing—and, if you ask me, a not-boring thing as well.
2018 Mitsibushi Outlander PHEV S-AWC GT Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $41,235/$41,930 (base/as tested) ENGINE 2.0L DOHC 16-valve I-4/117 hp @ 4,500 rpm, 137 lb-ft @ 4,500 rpm plus A/C synchronous permanent magnet motor/60kW, 101 lb-ft (front) and A/C synchronous permanent magnet motor/60kW, 144 lb-ft (rear) TRANSMISSION Power split (front), single-speed (rear) LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, AWD crossover EPA MILEAGE 25 mpg combined (gasoline), 74 mpge combined (gasoline + battery) L x W x H 184.8 x 70.8 x 67.3 in WHEELBASE 105.1 in WEIGHT 4,178 lb 0-60 MPH 8.5 sec (est) BATTERY Lithium ion, 12.0 kWh
The post Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2xee8w6 via IFTTT
0 notes
nullset2 · 7 years ago
Toy Project: Fortune Telling from Super Mario Bros. DX
I recently moved out of my country and I've been staying at a hotel and turns out I got bored so I started just trying random stuff to try to have fun while I get my own place.
So I remembered... back in the day, I don't remember how, because I never actually had a gameboy of my own, but I remember I managed to play Super Mario Bros. DX for the Gameboy Color. I remember that port, a pretty good one at that, because of the fact that not only does it recreate Super Mario Bros. on the Gameboy Color really well, no matter the small screen size of the system itself which leaves a lot to desire to the NES's resolution, but because there's a massive amount of extra content added to the original SMB trip.
There's time trials, You vs. Boo mode, multiplayer modes, hidden red coins, hidden yoshi eggs, a new map screen and a lot of other random smaller stuff, such as Gameboy printer stickers (in case you have one of those laying around lmao), a day planner in case you're still rocking your gameboy color as a PDA 20 years later, and even a fortune telling minigame. It's awesome!
 The fortune telling minigame
You see, for some strange reason I have this weird kinship for the fortune telling minigame... I always liked the fact that the little messages you get are so satisfying to read, the little jingle that sounds before the message is displayed sounds so exciting, and the fact that you can even get extra lives for the main platforming game if you have good luck and you get a nice fortune :)
So here's the challenge:
I want to recreate, for fun, the fortune telling minigame in a web application.
Right off from the bat, this is what I'm gonna need:
A dump of all the fortune messages that Nintendo put in the game.
A dump of all the graphics and sound used in the fortune telling minigame.
A database schema to store traffic data and fortune content data, so people can login, see and share fortunes, ideally with facebook.
An admin interface to add or edit the fortunes on my database easily (nice to have, and it involves making a User model too. I can do with SQL only though)
A web server that displays the actual frontend for the fortune telling minigame, does the "random shuffling" process, handles user traffic, then shows the users' fortune as an actual document that they can see on a browser (Ideally I'd expose it as a RESTful API too, but I don't want to do that at the moment, and for the sake of having a controllable scope for this project, I'll focus on doing everything as a rails web application)
TL;DR: Here's is the finished product: Have fun
This is gonna be fun :)
Dumping the fortunes
First of all, unfortunately I didn't manage to find a complete text dump of all the available text data in SMBDX online. Bummer! I was sorta anticipating this though. I guess I have to dump the text myself.
How to dump the text off a gameboy color game though? I was puzzled by this... however, I did notice something, the font used in the fortune telling minigame is similar to the font used in other gameboy color games, like the Legend of Zeldas available for it.
For example, compare both uppercase "W"s in the words "Words and "What", respectively. It's the same typography.
So I figured out that there ought to be a parallel there. Maybe if somebody has already dumped the text off of, say, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX, and shared their techniques online, I could use something similar to dump the text off of SMBDX into a text file.
Turns out that there's many text dumps of all the zelda games on Gameboy Color, and off of the notes in those, I found out that there's many games that use ASCII encoding for their script. ZeldaDX is one of them. You can theoretically just open a game's files on a text editor with ASCII encoding and copy the script off of that
What does this mean? It means that the ROM image of the game, which is the actual collection of all the data that composes the game and that got shipped in carts in the original release of ZeldaDX (or any game on cart, ever, for that matter), has the actual text content itself encoded with the exact same hexadecimal values that the American Standard Code for Information Interchange uses:
From here onwards things are about to get more and more technical so buckle up and enjoy the ride. If you don't yet understand terms such as "Encoding", "VRAM", why RAM is different than ROM in the GBC or any computer's architecture, or what "Hexadecimal" means, feel free to stop here and just look at the results, or shoot me a line and we can chat about it over beers :)
So let's fire up good old trusty XVI32 and look at the ZeldaDX ROM image in it using ASCII and lo and behold, what happens when we try to search for a string of text which we already know is in the game, for example, "Marin"
There it is :)
You can also use a decent text editor to open the ROM and force "Western" (or Windows-1252) encoding when opening the ROM.
So, I procured a ROM image of SMBDX off from the actual retail copy I have and that I purchased with my own money, like you also should. Then, after dumping the ROM image, from here it should be a cakewalk, right? Open the SMBDX ROM on a hex-editor with ASCII encoding and presto, right?
Well, not quite.
Unfortunately, Mario DX, for some bizarre reason, doesn't use ASCII encoding for its text. Strange.
My hypotesis at this point is that, well the fortunes data must be there in some kind of sequential order still, because the fortune lines are data that must necessarily be persisted in order somewhere in the ROM image to be presented to the users.
Let's pretend that we have a false encoding for a second, where the letters of the alphabet are represented by the following key:
A => A0 B => A1 C => A2 D => A3 E => A4 F => A5 G => A6 H => A7 I => A8 J => A9 K => AA L => AB M => AC N => AD O => AE P => AF Q => B0 R => B1 S => B2 T => B3 U => B4 V => B5 W => B6 X => B7 Y => B8 Z => B9 a => BA b => BB c => BC d => BD e => BE f => BF g => C0 h => C1 i => C2 j => C3 k => C4 l => C5 m => C6 n => C7 o => C8 p => C9 q => CA r => CB s => CC t => CD u => CE v => CF w => D0 x => D1 y => D2 z => D3 ' ' => D4
Based on that assumption, and unless SMBDX is doing some shifty on-the-fly uncompression thing to the ROM image (!!!), based on the fact that we already know that there's a message in the game that reads: "With a Fire Flower", and that the data has to necessarily be in that order somewhere in the rom, we should expect to find a sequence similar to the following data somewhere in the ROM:
B7 C2 CD C1 D4 BA D4 A5 C2 CB BE D4 A5 C5 C8 D0 BE CB W i t h a F i r e F l o w e r
The problem is, though, that we don't know for certain that the game stores its alphabet starting from uppercase A, with value A0... it could be any other value for all we know.
So to try to get a bit more clarity at this point we can use a hearty good old emulation debugger. If we fire up the ROM on a good-ass old emulator (in this case, I'm using nocashgmb), you can see the state of the Gameboy Color's RAM on runtime. Nice. We can trigger a fortune inside the fortune telling game, then inspect the memory to find out what data is actually getting read and from where:
If we take a look at the first uppercase W when we triggered a fortune it shows that the data comes from address 99C1 in the Gameboy Color RAM (look under Map Address)
So let's use a hex-editor to Goto address 99C1 and we find from offset 99C0
8D D6 E2 ED E1 1D DA 1D C5 E2 EB DE 1D C5 E5 E8 F0 DE EB
Look at the following screenshot:
Notice something interesting here? Probably we got the jackpot ;)
What are the giveaways?:
Notice how there's a lot of instances on this string of hex values of the value 1D. Why could that be? Could it be some kind of separator? Or delineator? What about... if it was a representation for typographical space?
Notice how the value C5 appears two times. The character F also appears twice on the phrase, on "Fire" and "Flower". Coincidence? I think not.
It seems to me that the string of hex values we found translates very well to:
8D D6 E2 ED E1 1D DA 1D C5 E2 EB DE 1D C5 E5 E8 F0 DE EB W i t h a F i r e F l o w e r
Some other thing that I noticed is that the lowercase values seem to be incremental and alphabetically ordered (notice at the values representing 'l' and 'o' and how they seem to be in sequence when you interpolate 'm' and 'n' between them, exactly in order going from E5 to E8), yet the uppercase values don't seem to follow the same order. I may be mistaken though.
So perhaps we can build a translation table from Mario-encoding to ASCII by deducing it from the debugger, then input it into a hex editor that can do custom translation tables, and hopefully try to deduct the rest of the code from there. We could throw out some ruby for this:
#!/bin/ruby LOWERCASE = { } ASCII_LETTER_a_OFFSET = 97 offset = 0xDA (0..25).each do |i| LOWERCASE[($ASCII_LETTER_a_OFFSET + i).ord.chr] = offset+i end $LOWERCASE.each do |k, v| puts "#{k} => #{v.to_s(16).upcase}" end
Which produces this table:
a => DA b => DB c => DC d => DD e => DE f => DF g => E0 h => E1 i => E2 j => E3 k => E4 l => E5 m => E6 n => E7 o => E8 p => E9 q => EA r => EB s => EC t => ED u => EE v => EF w => F0 x => F1 y => F2 z => F3
So far so good. Notice how it perfectly syncs with the example fortune.
Let's try to see how this plays out in a hex editor before we move onto the uppercase characters. Let's open the Rom on XVI32.
A quick tangent: of particular interest, notice how there's a string of perfectly good ASCII text at the beginning of the ROM file, showing the game's title and key. Longtime experience with Wii hacking and Nintendo DS and 3DS fidgetry has made me understand that since a forever, Nintendo has always liked to assign a unique alphanumeric code to each and every title that releases on their console. They call that code the TITLEID. I can see that SMBDX is AHYE. A quick look at the game's product ID on a site like GameFAQs seems to confirm that:
So there's a feature on XVI32 called character conversion that one can use to make XVI32 follow a custom encoding instead of ASCII when trying to visualize the data inside a file. This fits perfectly with our use case that we want to see the text in Mario-Encoding, which we have already deduced. Let's try to input our conversion table there:
Turns out XVI32 has a format that it uses to exchange conversion table data called XCT. This is a simple format which can be created from plaintext consisting of n different lines denoting a semicolon-separated pair of translation values, one per each line. We can adapt our ruby code to produce an xct table very easily, associating our values on the reverse order, so to speak.
For example, we have determined that 'a' (ASCII hex 61) corresponds to Mario encoding 'DA', our first translation pair in the xct table would read: DA;61
Let's use the code that we used before and modify it a bit so it dumps an xct table for us:
#!/bin/ruby LOWERCASE = { } ASCII_LETTER_a_OFFSET = 0x61 offset = 0xDA (0..25).each do |i| LOWERCASE[($ASCII_LETTER_a_OFFSET + i).ord] = offset+i end $LOWERCASE.each do |k, v| puts "#{v.to_s(16).upcase};#{k.to_s(16).upcase}" end
The resulting xct table, so you don't have to run this script, is here.
Which we can then load into XVI32 for conversion... and once we do that, lo-and-behold:
And from here it should be pretty easy to decode the uppercase alphabet that Nintendo used for this game:
#!/bin/ruby UPPERCASE = { } ASCII_LETTER_A_OFFSET = 0x41 offset = 0xC0 (0..25).each do |i| UPPERCASE[($ASCII_LETTER_A_OFFSET + i).ord] = offset+i end $UPPERCASE.each do |k, v| puts "#{v.to_s(16).upcase};#{k.to_s(16).upcase}" end
Yes, I know, I didn't bother to modify the original code to integrate both cases and just ran one for uppercase alphabet, and another one for lowercase. I was lazy xD.
The final fortunes content, with a bit of formatting and retouching, is here.
Getting the GFX and the Sound
Fortunately it was really easy to find the graphics for the fortune telling online, since sprite ripping is fairly easy to do and has been commonplace since the dawn of the commercial internet and emulation (credits to spriters-resource.com).
The sounds weren't as easy to find since the Result, option select and option opening sounds weren't as interesting as to warrant somebody posting them online in wav format for other people to download. I didn't manage to find them, but not to worry, this is a simple sound capture job. VBA-m, a popular gameboy emulator, has screen and sound recording features. After sound capture, it´s a simple edition job. Audacity is a great tool for this.
But anyway, I had to rip the sound effects that come after you get your fortune, because those weren't available anywhere. That was a simple audio capture and then editing with audacity. My audio collection is available here.
Developing the app
Now that we have this, we can jump into development of the actual app! Oh joy!
I decided to architecture the application as a standard server request-and-response cycle. I kind of had to take a bit of time to think about this. Do I develop this in the traditional way, using a server and a database with a request-response loop, or do I do it on the clientside? After all, doing everything clientside is pretty hot these days... But the argument that having a relational database available to add extra fortune messages is too compelling to ignore, and backend languages are still in my opinion more amicable to that purpose than just doing everything on frontend. I will eventually make this app more robust clientside in a version 2.0.
These are the design tenets:
A web server displays the fortune selection page, which should have the necessary design to play audio and display animated content (without plugins, mind you! Modern Web is awesome!).
On click, the frontend performs an animation, then the user gets redirected. The user's traffic is intercepted by the server, which makes a dice throw and shows the user's result, with the corresponding audio and graphics according to the result.
The pages in the site should be responsive so it works well on different viewports, even smaller screens. The web server should be able to connect to a relational database to retrieve the fortunes.
The server should be able to retrieve the fortune text off of a relational database.
So I decided to go with a simple Ruby stack for this, with the Sinatra framework for coding the server, PostgreSQL on the database, heroku as the platform (I like PaaS and heroku has amazing, free support for PostgreSQL out of the box).
On the frontend I use some small parts of CSS for webkit animations, transitions to animate all the assets I got off the ROM, and rotations/translations to position the clickable elements of the page in a circle formation, and the Javascript audio API to play sound.
A snag that I ran into quickly is that I need to add another media query to order the elements in another way on very small screens (the responsiveness is achieved purely through media-queries). Plus the animation is fidgety and not compatible in all browsers because I'm tweening the content property of an img element in the page for animation and this doesn't play well with browsers, or rather, doesn't produce smooth-enough animation. I think that I will look into canvas in version 2.0 of the app to handle all the gfx.
And finally, I needed a way to populate my database quickly with all the text I dumped from the ROM. I made a quick sql script for that, which I placed on the project's repository. Vim proved very good for this, parting from the previous txt file with the raw Fortune strings:
CREATE TABLE Fortunes(type_id integer NOT NULL, content varchar(40), created_at timestamp DEFAULT current_timestamp, updated_at timestamp DEFAULT current_timestamp); INSERT INTO Fortunes VALUES (1, 'With a Fire Flower you''ll beat Bowser.'), (1, 'Fortune awaits you in the clouds.'), (1, 'Fortune will lead you to Yoshi.'), (1, 'Look below to find what you seek.'), (1, 'Good friends bear good news.'), (1, 'Southerly winds bring sunny skies.'), (1, 'Kindness given is returned tenfold.'), (1, 'Good news is due from a loved one.'), (1, 'Good things come from hard work.'), (1, 'Soothing music soothes the soul.'), (1, 'Keep a good grasp Fortune will last.'), (1, 'Worries naturally melt away.'), (2, 'Stomp a shell and scores will swell.'), (2, 'Pipe cleaning reaps rewards.'), (2, 'An eye to the sky reveals Red Coins.'), (2, 'Keep your head up Find what you seek.'), (2, 'A party of three brings good luck.'), (2, 'Luck arrives with the easterly wind.'), (2, 'Express yourself with written word.'), (2, 'Seek out the one who thinks of you.'), (2, 'Active bodies breed active minds.'), (2, 'To create music is to create joy.'), (2, 'You shall achieve great victories.'), (3, 'Enemies lurk in watery depths.'), (3, 'Fortune is hidden in bricks unbroken.'), (3, 'Today is your day to win the race.'), (3, 'Boxes may contain clues to the quest.'), (3, 'Victory is yours in the coming race.'), (3, 'Beware of winds from the west.'), (3, 'Feelings shared will be understood.'), (3, 'He who thinks of you is beside you.'), (3, 'Imagination is a wonderful toy.'), (3, 'Old tunes bring new fortune.'), (3, 'Trade high scores to set new goals.'), (4, 'Stomping on spikes leads to sore feet.'), (4, 'Careless footing causes one to fall.'), (4, 'Kicked shells may bounce back.'), (4, 'What you seek is right beside you.'), (4, 'Sincere apologies renew friendships.'), (4, 'Storms ride in on northerly winds.'), (4, 'You will not find true love this day.'), (4, 'A VS Mode victory is not your fate.'), (4, 'Not all pain leads to gain.'), (4, 'Happy songs lift sad moods.'), (4, 'The Warp Zone speeds success.'), (4, 'Only a Challenge clears the mind.'), (5, 'Bowser''s breath engulfs the future.'), (5, 'Flying Koopas cut short success.'), (5, 'Dont count Yoshis before they hatch.'), (5, 'Leave impossible dreams to dreamers.'), (5, 'Seek answers in a friends advice.'), (5, 'Beware of pointed enemies.'), (5, 'Change old habits Yield new success.'), (5, 'Victory in a race may wash pain away.'), (5, 'Excess is a powerful enemy.'), (5, 'Favorite tunes never fade.'), (5, 'Now is the time for patience.'), (5, 'Help all in need, not just a friend.');
If you're using heroku to mount the app, it's very easy to populate heroku's postgres database through the command line by using unix redirection from the file to heroku pg:sql with the following command:
heroku pg:psql --app "the_name_of_your_app_here" < scripts/create_databases.sql
A quick note: a fast look at the main executable for the server, fortune.rb, you can notice how I'm handling connections to the database. It is a good practice to store connection credentials for your database on an Environment Variable in the server, from where I read at the moment of connection in runtime, else I default to development-credentials, which you should replace by your own if you try to run this on your machine.
Final Words
So this is it! Hope you enjoyed the ride and remember that you can check out my project and deploy it for yourself from my github [profile] (https://github.com/nullset2/smbdxfortunes).
Have fun and may you have great luck in your future! :)
0 notes
manyfacedfashiongod · 8 years ago
NOW TRENDING “BC” (Bernard Chestleigh)
 BC …  
is an artist grown from the suburbs and south side of Chicago. Known for his poetic style and devotion to the knowledge of self BC strives to stay true to who he is. Being a member of the organization Donda’s house, a college grad, and tutor BC work’s to provide the state of who he is in all of his work. After releasing his project Before Conception BC is focused on expanding his audience and perspective. He is inspired by all the things and rhythms in life that go unrecognized, the simple complexity of life that has the magic to hold your focus and make you believe that even through rough or hard times a bright light can be found glistening. His convictions manifest in his work and his devotion to being a creative.
“The role of an artist is to express the connection of all things.”
Processed with VSCO with a3 preset
“BC”…The Chicago Rapper
Better known as Bernard Chestleigh has been a great friend of mine for roughly 8 years now. Since high school, we have been discussing creativity and cracking jokes. More recently in our friendship, Bernard has decided to take more creative artists approach to his lifestyle by becoming a hip hop artists and well-rounded musician. Now, when I first met Bernard years ago my sophomore year at Luther South, he was simply just a singer in the school choir with a funny ass sense of humor and the brain of an AP level student.   My how time flies.
  Processed with VSCO with 2 preset
I got the chance to get together with my good friend Bernard, or as I and many others used to call him in high school ” B’ NAAWD”, insert “LOL” here,  and we got the chance to catch up on some good times and talk about his passion for music since a young age. As interesting as the questions may be, I believe his music is even more interesting, but we’ll get to that, for now, here’s what we talked about BELOW.
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Processed with VSCO with 5 preset
                          The Interview
-When did you first realize music was a passion of yours?
B “I have always been passionate about music. I started singing in the choir when I was very young, around 4 or 5 I joined the Sunshine Choir. My parents would always make me sing with my sisters and we would sing at church, or a singing competition or talent shows at school or around town. I would perform Michael Jackson songs or sing a song in church or choir and always get a very positive response. I knew I was really gifted with singing from a very young age but the real question for me as an artist was where would I place my energy because music and art came very naturally to me.”
-Can you explain your style?
B “My style is a definitely hip hop. My music and style is a  strive, to be honest, and authentic to my experience. I come from the south side of Chicago so rappers like Lupe Fiasco, Common, and Kanye West are inspirations that have molded my understanding and my approach to making music. I have been influenced by gospel and soul music so that vibe is definitely apparent. Another defining character in my style of music is the poetic flows which are a manifestation of my love for the beauty and healing power of the Word. I am a student of the rap game and a student of life so I am always learning new skills and how to apply them and make them work for me.  
-Who are your top 5-10 favorite GOATS?
B “My top 10 GOATS  in no particular order has to be Lupe Fiasco, Nas, Tupac, Saul Williams, The Notorious B.I.G. Kendrick Lamar, Joey Bada$$, Lil Wayne, Andre 3000, and Ms. Lauryn Hill”.
Listen To ” CHICAGO” By BC
-How hard or easy has it been breaking into the industry for you?
B “It has been very difficult for me to break into the industry. The main reason why I think it been so difficult for simply is my unfamiliarity with how this industry actually works. There are a lot of ins and outs to the music industry that is still pretty foreign to me. I consider myself to be an artist chiefly, and not really the businessman the system demands”.
-Does where you’re from affect your success with breaking into the industry?
B “Definitely! Chicago is an art Mecca but the city is so segregated that much of the opportunity is found either in the loop or up north. Not saying that there is no opportunities south or west but they are few and far between”.
-How does where you’re from influence your music?
B “My music talks about the hardship of being pushed around by life while maintaining hope in spite of it all. Before Conception is a manifestation of my found resiliency. I grew up in a situation that forced me to move around a lot so I had to learn to adapt to my situation as best as I can. That means I learned how to move in different schools, churches, and friend groups. When I went to college I had 4 and a half years of security and space where I can explore who I really am.  This is reflected in my music. The struggle to unify these very different experiences inspired me to be the unifying force I had always been looking for”.
Listen To “Civil Unrest” By BC
-What are you looking to accomplish with music?
B “Simply I want my music to connect with the rebel, and the outcast and those lost in a world seem to have forgotten about them. As long as I can connect and inspire those around me, then I think my job is done. The end goal is to reach a universal style that springs from my soul and manifest in those willing to fan my flames”. 
-Who is your music mainly geared to? (audience wise)
B ” My music is geared to more of an awoke audience. I talk about what’s real to me so really, the music is for anyone who can relate. I consider myself a lyricist, so if you’re coming only for the beats and melodies then this music might not be for you”.
-Who’s your favorite musician?
B ” My favorite musician has to be Lauryn Hill. Her integrity and Artistry are unparalleled. The Miseducation of Lauryn was such a beautiful and empowering album. Her later, more modern work has also been a huge inspiration to me as a person and an artist”.
Listen To “ABOVE” By BC
-Where do you draw your inspiration from?
B ” I draw my inspiration from everything around me. I love going for a walk and observing the state of things around me to inspire me to create. Seeing, for example, the hooker on the corner or the boarded up buildings gets me to thinking about creating a poem, a story, a song that can help me to make sense of these sights. To help me express these feeling and provide clarity I watch a lot of YouTube videos from great thinkers like Alan Watts, Cornell West, David Wolf, Noam Chomsky, Terrance McKenna, and James Baldwin to name a few. I also get inspiration from music from all genres but more specifically Hip Hop, Rap, Gospel, Soul, R&B, and Inspirational music of all types.
–  What are some of your other hobbies?
B “I love playing video games and reading when I can get the time. I love getting away and traveling when I can. A huge hobby that played a major part in my life was College Forensics, which for those unfamiliar with this activity is a speech and debate team. I was a member of the NIU for 4 years but now, on occasion, I still judge at those competitions and still consider myself a part of that community”.
-So what’s the back story behind YOU?
B ” The story is about a dreamer. Growing up my family who went through many financial hardships but no matter what was taken away from us we knew that we had each. I was a kid whose future hung on an uncertain solution but I learned to push forward. My resilience allowed for me to have success as a performer in college, to graduate from NIU, and for me to join groups like Donda’s House and Louder Than a Bomb which has helped me sharpen my skills as an artist”.
Listen To “CHIRAQ” By BC
– Some of your childhood favorites? (anything; tv shows, movies, food, games etc.)
B “I use to love cartoons and anime! Shows like Dragon Ball Z, Bugs Bunny, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pokemon, the Boondocks, and the Rugrats were always in the mix. As a Big boy, I was always satisfied with any meal that came with that golden jewel we refer to as French fries. I love Tai food too. Some of my favorite movies are the Matrix, Clockwork Orange, and any documentary I can get my hands on. The games that I mastered are Tetris, Madden, and League of Legends”.
*B’ NAWWWD with my favorite chicken ever “Harolds”*
-Some life challenging obstacles you’ve had to overcome.
B “I have come through many different obstacles. One of the more recent stories I’m willing to share is the last semester I was at NIU. At that time, I did not have my own place. So during that time, I slept on my coaches couch the majority of the semester until I could get back on my feet. For this, I am eternally grateful. I am thankful for the helping hands and willing hearts that helped produce what you now see in me BC”.
-Your biggest fans and supporters?
B “My biggest fans are my close friends and family. The groups that have learned to love me as an artist include places I’ve been a part of like from City Year, LTAB, and Donda’s House”.
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Social Media
Now Trending: “BC” NOW TRENDING "BC" (Bernard Chestleigh)  BC ...   is an artist grown from the suburbs and south side of Chicago.
0 notes
amywolstenholme-blog · 8 years ago
Project Proposal
BA (Hons) Photographic Arts                                         MAJOR PROJECT PROPOSAL
This should be a clear, focussed and coherent proposal for the major project that you intend to produce in Semester 2 and should give the reader a clear sense of what the project will involve when read alongside the pilot project.
Please extend boxes as required (500-1000wds)
Name                                                             Amy Wolstenholme.
Project Title (or working title) Unidentified (working title – most likely to change)
Subject / Concept (What the project is about?)
My major project is about the identity of the local and different people around the city of London but also about how we know nothing about them, our neighbours, fellow commuters or general strangers we walk past.
So far I have mainly focused my photographs around markets in different towns around London but during the second semester I want to focus a bit more in other/different places, to get the sense of how everyone is different in their own way, I want to capture a wide variety of different people, who all look distinctive, have different backgrounds, ages.
I want to make sure my photographs look quite casual; I don’t want them to see posed or staged. I want to photograph the subjects in their natural ways, in a way that it seems I, the photographer, am invisible. But an important note is that I will have no contact with these subjects. I want to add a slight anonymous affect between my self and the person/people, everyday we pass strangers not knowing who they are, but also judge them in a way to try and figure out who they are.
I am also photographing the surrounding things that I see/find while I take my street style photographs of my subjects. The reason I will be doing this is because I want to create a diptych-style project by placing the still life and photo with a person together, the viewer is ‘forced’ into a situation to try and create a link or similarity between the two, the viewer might also link the two in way that it might express the subjects’ persona in some way. Just as a similar situation we do every day.
My main focus/theme that I want throughout these images is to perhaps make people realise how fast paced we go, throughout our day. We pass all these people on a daily basis but have no clue who they are or where they are from, and when we do slow down, or ‘people watch’ perhaps, we tend to judge them or and image a scenario for who they are. The second photograph of the surroundings or still-life objects will either add clarity to the first image or confusion for the audience. They might not have anything to do with each other but my intention or hope is that the viewer will somehow relate them together, or confuse them (in a way that which they wonder why are they related?) like we presume, judge everyday.
Aims (What do you want to achieve?)
With my images I want to achieve a set of high quality photographs that portray a simple, yet unique way of my subjects personality, without actually knowing any detail about the actual person. Everyday we meet someone new or pass a stranger on the street, we are constantly judging and being judged and so I want to create a project to see how other will interpret my work and it’s subjects without having too much information given to them.
London is a very busy, populated city and I want my images to make people realise how we go by each day with no interaction and when we do slow down, we are more curious.
My plan for my project is that it is going to be a type of diptych-style sequence project.
I am going to be taking street photographs of strangers, without interacting with them, and then taking some still life photographs (which have not necessarily been taken at the same time or place.) However I will then place those two photographs together, as if they were meant to be, which forces the viewer to think of or try and find a connection between the two. Or if they can’t find a connection/link they might be confused as to why they are placed together. Which is exactly what I want to happen and achieve. I want the audience to think about my photographs, think of ways or ‘make-up’ stories that make these photographs become related. 
Context / Audience (Where will it be seen / who is it for?)
My photographs will be presented on the wall in a gallery (and first appearance will be at the final year exhibition) to be seen by types of people. I believe that the wider range of people and ages will give a more variety.
Proposed form, medium, presentation (How will you execute it and present it?)
I want to present my photographs as large prints on the gallery wall but I am also considering create a photobook, as I believe this would be a good choice of presentation.
The prints on the gallery wall (approximately 3 or 4) will mainly be ones which I feel are most effective in terms of conveying the identity theme and hoping to create a sense of wonder or ponder to the audience about who that person is or why them. (This might change as my project goes on, I feel I might want to have the same print couple/sequence as in a book.)
The photographs presented in the photobook will be placed in the specific diptych-type sequence to add that sense of ‘judging the person with the object’ and judging the two photographs that have been placed together.
Through the prints I had made for my pilot project, I have researched and experimented with different types of paper that I could potentially print onto. I printed onto c-type glossy, c-type matte, giclée gloss and giclée hahnemühle german etching. I found that the glossy is potentially the best route to go down so far, as it adds a slight more professional feel/look to my images, but it also enhances the colour vibrancies in my photographs. (I will be experimenting and researching a little more as to which type of glossy is best for my project.) The german etching or matte prints were not as effective as they added a slight ‘dull’ filter onto the images, which is not the effect I am going for. I have therefore printed 3 potential diptych sequences onto A3 size glossy paper as examples of how my prints will hopefully appear at the end of my project. (Still slightly unsure what size my final prints will be.)
Even though I am also considering creating a photobook for my final project, this however, is very much still at the starting point/process of experimenting. I am still unaware of what type of paper I would like to print my photobook onto or what size. However, I am potentially thinking the size of the photobook will be approximately 14inch x 7inch.
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jesusvasser · 6 years ago
Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV
EL SEGUNDO, California — Since coming to work here at Automobile, we of the #Noboringcars mantra, I’ve been getting an education on what constitutes a not-boring car. The easy answer is a vehicle that’s a blast to drive, but it can also apply to a one that is intriguing from a technological or even a styling perspective. So while, yes, the 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander plug-in hybrid we had in for a drive sure looks the boring part, taken as a whole it’s not quite what it appears to be at first glance.
Among other things, the Outlander is among the first PHEVs on the market with a 480-volt fast-charge port—roughly equivalent to installing an escalator in your front stoop. That’s a pretty impressive piece of tech from any automaker. The Outlander PHEV is also the nicest thing going in Mitsubishi’s lineup and relatively competitive for its segment. It’s nicely sized, comfortable, well-thought-out, and, in top-of-the-line GT spec, respectably plush.
Mitsubishi has been selling the Outlander PHEV in Japan since early 2013, and it has been promising a North American arrival “next year” ever since. Five years later, it’s finally here. The delay may well be attributed to its success elsewhere: Despite the brand being one stop from Nowheresville in the U.S., the Outlander PHEV is the world’s best-selling plug-in hybrid SUV, according to Mitsubishi.
It’s also a decent value, particularly as far as plug-in hybrids go. The Outlander PHEV starts just over $36,000, which not much more than Ford’s plug-in Fusion Energi sedan and just short of half the price of the plug-in Volvo XC90. Kia’s Niro PHEV starts at $28k, but it’s more of a small hatchback than an SUV. Chrysler’s seven-seat Pacifica Hybrid plug-in lists for some $5,000 more than the Outlander.
Because it has a plug, the Outlander PHEV is eligible for a $5,836 Federal tax credit. That’s not a deduction; it’s a discount off the tax you owe, which brings the Outlander PHEV’s out-of-pocket price down to $30,279, about three grand more than a Toyota RAV4 hybrid of the non-plug-in variety. State incentives can make the Mitsubishi even cheaper.
In terms of its overall hybrid technology, the Outlander, like other Mitsubishi offerings, isn’t quite front-of-pack. Its battery-only range is 22 miles, more than the get-me-through-the-center-of-town Audi A3 E-Tron but less than half of the Honda Clarity PHEV or Chevrolet Volt. I blame the Outlander PHEV’s age and its success in Europe, where city-center restrictions on non-electric vehicles make shorter ranges more sensible.
On the flip side, the Outlander PHEV gives you a lot of control over how you use that charge. In default mode, the Outlander makes the choice for you, prioritizing electric power for low-speed driving and switching on the gas engine when power demands are high. EV mode forces the Outlander to run all-electric, provided the juice is available, while Battery Save mode causes it to run like a conventional hybrid, holding the battery charge for when you need it. There’s also an EV Charge mode, which uses the engine to juice up the battery to extend the car’s electric-only range, but doing so is far less efficient (and costly) than plugging it in. You’d be hard pressed to find another PHEV that offers more control over operation, and quite a few that offer less (I’m looking at you, Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid).
Like most PHEVs, the Outlander can use a 240-volt Level 2 EV charger, though charging times are a bit long-ish at 3.5 hours. The Outlander can be trickle-charged from a 120-volt outlet in eight hours, which is slow but suitable for overnight charging.
And then there’s the 480-volt fast-charging port, which uses the same CHAdeMO adapter as the Nissan Leaf. Mitsubishi claims an 80 percent charge in about 25 minutes. In my experience, CHAdeMO is fast to start and slow to top off, and that’s an advantage. Here in Los Angeles, where the Department of Water and Power has free CHAdeMOs at its substations, I plugged in the Outlander and popped off across the street to the grocery store. Fifteen minutes later I had 15 miles of charge (not to mention that night’s dinner). I’ll take that.
Once the battery runs low, the Outlander PHEV operates like a regular hybrid, favoring electric power for low-speed operation. The EPA gives the Outlander a 25 mpg combined rating, but I saw 28 mpg in my own mixed driving. I’ll take that, too.
For daily-driving duties, the Outlander is unfailingly pleasant in the way of most small- and mid-size SUVs. The driving dynamics, while notable for an absence of enjoyment, are also notable for an absence of annoyances. Visibility is good, the side-view mirrors are nice and big, and the cabin is easy to get into and out of. The back seat deserves kudos, not just for its space, but for the fact that Mitsubishi has engineered a proper folding mechanism, with headrests that flop down and a seat-bottom cushion that flips forward, proving you with a flat and continuous load floor. There’s plenty of cargo space with all seats in place, and Mitsubishi has mercifully declined to cram a third row into the Outlander PHEV (as they do in the regular gas-powered Outlander), so there’s no need for me to complain about that. There’s also a ridiculously long 5 year/60,000 mile bumper-to-bumper warranty, which has nothing to do with interior space, but I had to mention it somewhere.
Complaints? The small (11.3 gallon) fuel tank means frequent fill-ups. Even with a fully-charged battery, Mitsubishi claims a range of just 310 miles, and that means a lot of stopping to tank up on long trips. The powertrain is a bit jerky at creep-forward speeds, and there’s no optional navigation system. Mitsubishi expects you to use Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, which come standard—that’s all well and good until you have no signal or data.
Then there’s the “Park” button, which is hidden behind the transmission shifter where it’s awkward to reach. Senior editor Nelson Ireson, who also spent some time in the Outlander, was outraged by that: “It’s as if the ergonomics were designed by aliens, not particularly advanced ones, but with intelligence comparable to our own.” He also thought the gas engine sounded like 10,000 sewing machines being run through a meat grinder. Still, even Ireson grudgingly agreed that the Outlander had few serious bad habits: “Aside from the engine, ergonomics, steering, and styling, it’s fine,” he said. I’d go further and submit that the Outlander PHEV is quiet (at least when the engine’s not running) comfortable, and reasonably posh.
And it has a plug. A very big one.
If it sounds like we’re damning the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV with faint praise, well, that’s fine. It’s an SUV, not a Lamborghini, and while there are certainly more exciting crossovers to drive, there aren’t many in its price range or competitive set. The Outlander PHEV’s short-ish battery range means the average buyer will likely be using fuel on a day-to-day basis, while Honda Clarity PHEV, Chevrolet Volt, and Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid owners are much more likely to do all of their driving on battery only.
That said, even if the Outlander Hybrid can’t eliminate the need for gasoline, it can greatly reduce it. That’s a good thing—and, if you ask me, a not-boring thing as well.
2018 Mitsibushi Outlander PHEV S-AWC GT Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $41,235/$41,930 (base/as tested) ENGINE 2.0L DOHC 16-valve I-4/117 hp @ 4,500 rpm, 137 lb-ft @ 4,500 rpm plus A/C synchronous permanent magnet motor/60kW, 101 lb-ft (front) and A/C synchronous permanent magnet motor/60kW, 144 lb-ft (rear) TRANSMISSION Power split (front), single-speed (rear) LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, AWD crossover EPA MILEAGE 25 mpg combined (gasoline), 74 mpge combined (gasoline + battery) L x W x H 184.8 x 70.8 x 67.3 in WHEELBASE 105.1 in WEIGHT 4,178 lb 0-60 MPH 8.5 sec (est) BATTERY Lithium ion, 12.0 kWh
The post Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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