Amy Wolstenholme | Photographic Arts | Westminster University |
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Final Images.
These are the final 5 images I have decided to go with:

I decided that these images were the final 5 because not only do they express the theme throughout and all have a nice flow throughout them, but they also match in terms of colour cast/formal elements. As well as these factors, these 5 images also show that I am photographing within the city centre but in quite a subtle way, which is something I definitely wanted to come across in my images.
This image was one of my favourites, and I particularly wanted to include it within my sequence:

however I decided not to as it is slightly warmer than the other images so it wouldn't fit well as part of a sequence.
I also decided not to go with this image as it was very similar to another. It didn't seem necessary to have two images, which are very similar, and taken in the same location. As the other image was much more effective and relevant to the theme of the project.

Final Sequence:

I decided to sequence my images in this particular order as I wanted to images to flow and connect well with each other, but I didn’t want there to be repetition or symmetry. I felt that this would have taken away the theme of the city. London is very populated so it can be quite hectic and unpredictable at times but anyone who visits will notice that everyone knows everyone’s system and routes. There is a system to the absurdity.
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Brainstorming for a Title.
I found it extremely difficult to think of a title for my project. I knew I wanted something that expresses my project (obviously) but I didn't want it to be so obvious/straight forward, but also didn't want it to be ‘poetic’ so that no-one understood it.
These are my brainstorming ideas:
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Final Peer Crit Review.
Today I had a group review with my tutors and fellow course mates, they all helped me discuss which images to use, potential sequencing ideas, how to mount, which paper type to print on etc etc.

More test strips:






I have decided to go for the pearl or a semi-gloss/luster/satin paper, as this will deflect any reflections and light, so the audience won't get distracted or see anything else other than the photograph.

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Printing my images on a larger scale.
Tuesday 18th April.
I decided to narrow down my images to 8, and decided to print them larger (A4) to be able to look at the images in more detail and create mini sequences with them. Trying to decide which work best together and which do not.

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Looking at my images

(poor quality as taken on my iPhone)
First sorting - high quality contrast within the images with single person -> street portraits.
Photos Teemu and Eugenie said no:

My Favourites:

Teemu & Eugenie’s favourites:

One’s that never moved: (=gone)

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Group Work Review
Tuesday 11th April
Today we had a group work review with Teemu and Eugenie and other peers to help give advice and feedback on each other’s work.
When it came to presenting my photographs, both tutors agreed that I had strong images, however not all related to each other. It seemed that I had different mini projects within all my images. So we then decided that the most effective images were ones with harsh shadows and highlights, where the person isn't noticing the camera. We then went through my images and decided which worked best and which didn't.
The next step I was told to take is to print my images, not necessarily in the best quality, but good enough to be able to see the detail. Then I should look at my images and start to decide from these which work best and which don't. Slowly narrowing down the group. Perhaps I should stick the images I have on my wall too, see which work best in a sequence and or how many sequences work well together.
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PrintSpace Test Strips
Monday 10th April
Over the weekend I sent some test strips to be printed at The PrintSpace to see the different effects that different paper types would have on my images. I realise that I have not chosen my final images yet so this may change, but it might give me a little head start for when I do decide on the final images.
The paper types I printed on were:
Canson Baryta Photographique

C-Type Fuji Flex

C-Type Fuji Gloss

C-Type Fuji Matt

C-Type Kodak Metallic

After looking at these paper types with my images, I think I am definitely leaning more towards the glossier-type papers, they seem to add a more professional aesthetic to my images, as well as keeping the colours quite high in contrast.
Thursday 13th April.
I have decided that glossy type photos will not be the most effective as the reflection of the viewer could distract them from the image (especially as I have a lot of contrast and blacks in my images), I am now leaning more toward a matt photo type or perhaps pearl.
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Damian Chrobak
Everywhere I look, I’m being looked at.
I recently came across street-documentary photographer Damian Chrobak and I have fallen in love with his series “Everywhere I look, I’m being looked at.”
The way that there is a true sequencing to his images, they are all linked with the fact that he focuses on a poster, photograph, newspaper, or a magazine rolled up in someone’s bag. It made me have some sort of realisation or anxiety feeling about constantly being watched. (not necessarily by these posters/images.) The fact that Chrobak’s images are focused on the poster with a blurred effect of people walking past, just sorts of makes you realise how people go by so quickly, without noticing really anything.
I feel this project is slightly similar to mine, as my theme is the ‘spot light’ and the idea of ‘stalking’ an individual, or picking them out from the crowd. Perhaps like CCTV cameras, I’m watching from afar without the subject knowing at all.
Chrobak’s photographs:
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Philip-Lorca DiCorcia
After reviewing my images over the last couple of weeks, I have noticed that my images are quite similar to Philip-Lorca Dicoricia’s ‘Heads’ project.
Philip-Lorca diCorcia took his camera to public places—in many cases, New York City’s bustling Times Square—to capture candid photographs of strangers. He affixed a powerful strobe light to scaffolding and used a radio signal to activate the strobe, releasing the shutter of his camera in time with its flash. In doing so, he captured unwitting pedestrians in a burst of light from more than 20 feet away. Since diCorcia worked in broad daylight, his subjects did not notice the strobe’s flash. The person caught within its light is highlighted in great detail, while the surrounding crowd recedes into the background. In describing his process, diCorcia said: “I was investigating things: the nature of chance, the possibility that you can make work that is empathetic without actually evening meeting the people.”
Even though my photographs are not taken with a ‘forced’ flash/strobe light, when I am out shooting I will find a certain spot where there is harsh lights coming through and wait, with my camera pointing to that spot, for people to walk in and out of the light.
These are some of DiCorcia’s shots:

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Printing my images 6x4
I recently found this website which lets you prints images 6x4 for free (just pay delivery charge) and thought this would be a good opportunity to print my images and see how they look in person instead of on the screen.
I felt that this did help quite a bit when deciding which images I preferred compared to others but i also felt that I couldn't make an official decision as the 6x4 size was too small to see all the detail in the images.
If anything, these photographs have made me come to the decision that I want my final prints to be quite large. (perhaps size A2-B0)
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Trying to find a little more inspiration for my project, I thought I would look at the ZZYZX photobook, Gregory Halpern.
While I was looking through this photobook I was mainly observing the types of photographs - composition with in images, formal elements, highlights/shadows, repetition, colour, what makes this image interesting etc etc
Trying to perhaps put these answers forward into my photos/ future shoots.

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Time Plan
Wednesday 29th March
As we’re coming to the end of March, I thought it might be good to add a time plan to my blog and try to force myself to become more organised as we reach closer to the deadline.
During the April Month, I need to:
Start narrowing down my shoots
Start editing/refining my shots already taken - which work, which don't.
What can I do to improve on any future shoots?
Start thinking about how I want the final piece to look - how many images, what size, frames(?), what type of paper, where will I get them printed?
Start making test prints with types of paper/inks/printer types
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Shoot #24
Sunday 19th March
Piccadilly Circus (St Paddys Day Parade)

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Shoot #22
Monday 13th March
St Pauls

A very successful shoot around St Pauls Cathedral area, I believe I have some potential final photos from this shoot.

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