#.... she does hate corpos though
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timtams writing this lil X///D is killing me he's the worlds most kawaiiest boy
#i think him and fran would be unstoppable as friends#cuz shes got those adorable tatts#.... she does hate corpos though#but nah if she can get over it with anu she could get over it with tim#borderlands timothy lawrence#squee with me my brethren#disclaimer because im the most nervous person in the fucking world idr where i took this screenshot exactly but i think it was#the jackpot dlc#in his like lil sillyboy hideout#did i literally see him write this um well no#but i.. think its safe to say its him... right... i forgot ok i dunno#the great and mighty legato sucker
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Let's see if I have one more election take in me:
I am deeply sympathetic to Sam Kriss's rage against the Democratic corpo-political shibboleth, and not just because we are both deeply enmeshed in the grand tradition of dissident Oxbridge-style cantankerous internet rants. He is right that Kamala was a weak candidate, for one. But more importantly, I still feel what he feels deep down. I remember the starry idealism of my halcyon youth, of believing that conviction, that vision, that the zeal only a platform birthed from authentic principles, tempered by struggle and sweat, would carry the day over crass, paint-by-polling-numbers incrementalism. When he describes Harris thusly:
"She’s a machine politician. She wants power, but not for any particular reason. It’s just that life is a game, and the point is to reach the highest level."
I see my own reaction to her when she first stepped into the 2020 limelight, and low-key hating her for it. I feel his heart, for it is my heart.
But it is not my brain. Because I am not a teenager anymore, and his critique is fucking bullshit.
He says all this stuff like:
The reason Kamala Harris lost is the same as the reason she was the candidate to begin with: the Democratic Party is allergic to democracy.
And how the electorate is seen as but ants from inside the towers of the Machine, like the Dems just invented "not running a primary" this time as a lark. As opposed to neither party in America ever having primaries against incumbent presidents! Because they are normally popular, and it would be a waste of everyone's time to do that! Could you imagine, launching a real primary against Obama in 2012? And possibly sabotaging his brand a bit for absolutely nothing? It is a reasonable policy, particularly when incumbents used to have an advantage for being so. Now they clearly don't, Biden was unpopular and too old, and the Dems took too long to realize it. A costly mistake, but it is a purely strategic error. Big orgs have inertia, and the Dems fucked up. It has nothing to do with an "allergy to democracy".
And Kriss can go off summarizing how the Harris campaign was offering voters nothing:
But for some unaccountable reason, among the general public, ‘Kamala: You Already Like Her!’ was not the brilliant pitch it seemed to be. [...] Another option would be to actually offer something to the voters.
Which sounds neat, but he made it up! I remember Kamala's actual campaign speeches, ads, and platforms, which she repeated so monotonically in her tightly-scripted campaign appearances: protect abortion rights, expand the welfare state, provide better child care support, lower the cost of housing. And most importantly, she ran on Biden's record of a strong economy and promised to deliver more of it. What does even mean for this to not be a real platform? Beyond not having some synthesized, totalizing "Critique" of modernity that packages it all into a beautiful, systematizing little box.
Because I promise you, voters synthesize jack shit. None of this is why Harris lost - voters have made that pretty clear:
You can find other data ofc, this or that point varies, but the story is not opaque. They didn't like Biden! They didn't like his inflation. They didn't like immigration, or they didn't like his liberalism, and they thought Kamala was too similar. She had too much policy baggage. And she wasn't charismatic enough to dig herself out of that hole - no disagreement from me on that front.
Though even then, by that we mean she lost an election by ~3-4% margins after getting subbed in at the 4th quarter while down by ~8% in the polls. That ain't bad!
None of the voters who matter share Kriss's sensibilities, and he cannot hide his disappointment in that. So he pretends that Donald Trump, the guy who promised 20% tariffs on everything to fight inflation, is giving them a real vision:
That’s what Trump did: he offered an enemy to blame and the prospect of doing violence to them
I don't know man, I think swing voters just don't like the last four years and think 2019 was better. I don't think the promises of orgastic violence against democrats are why Trump won! Actually a bit of an unforced error on his part.
But since Kriss presumes to value democracy, that thesis can't hold - so the lack of reality delivering on what his vision for democracy should be is displaced onto Harris's mistakes. The voters can never fail you. You can only fail to elevate them with the right candidate. Which, tactically? Sure, why not. But you can leave the moralism at the classroom door.
This ties into our dreaded media discourse debate, so it is time to bring in another explainer, by Michael Tomasky:
The line-by-line isn't interesting here; instead I want to focus on this quote:
Weren’t they bothered that Trump is a convicted felon? An adjudicated rapist? Didn’t his invocation of violence against Liz Cheney, or 50 other examples of his disgusting imprecations, obviously disqualify him? And couldn’t they see that Harris, whatever her shortcomings, was a fundamentally smart, honest, well-meaning person who would show basic respect for the Constitution and wouldn’t do anything weird as president? The answer is obviously no—not enough people were able to see any of those things. At which point people throw up their hands and say, “I give up.”
To which the immediate reply is: my dude, what are you talking about??
A 56 percent majority of Americans say Trump is probably guilty of a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results through false claims of voter fraud, including 40 percent who believe he is “definitely guilty.” Republicans are less united than Democrats. Nearly 9 in 10 Democrats believe Trump is guilty, while nearly 7 in 10 Republicans think he is innocent. Among independents, nearly twice as many think Trump is guilty as think he is innocent.
You know how when you ~13 years old, and you have that friend who is just old enough to start taking Dungeons & Dragons books filled with splash art of succubi into the bathroom with him, but not yet old enough to get that "talking to girls" is an acquired skill? And they are blatantly, openly salivating over the first chick in the 7th grade class who discovered what power the combination of a camisole and a push-up bra holds over the male gaze? And she just completely ignores his faltering attempts at ~casual conversation~, so his brain script-cycles through its backlog of tween sitcom plots until it lands on, "Hey, what if I confess to her? Then she will know about my feelings!"
And you have to pull him aside and gently explain that, bro. She knows. That is not your problem.
Kriss is too intelligent a thinker to not understand this, but our dear Tomasky - and so many like him - has stuck his 14-year-old head in the sand over this. Swing voters know Trump is a scumbag! They know he lost the election, they know he raped a few women in his day, they know he is a serial fraudster. Even a bunch of those Republicans who, in polls, go "oh it's all a Dem conspiracy"? They know too; they just have the decency to lie about it. How could they not? Every media outlet in the country has been repeating it for a fucking decade! I might think voters are morons but even I won't stoop this low; they have eyes and ears, they aren't illiterate.
They just don't care.
Not enough at least, not enough to make it the only thing they consider. And here is the rub, here is the grand mistake Kriss & Tomasky are making - they are at least somewhat right to not care. The height of the Democratic privilege is that they get to play this card because they don't have to deal with it being turned against them. Kamala is a political chameleon but she is a decent person. She would never take a bribe from a foreign government, she would never assault a coworker, she would never, ever, deny a free and fair election.
Which means you don't have to choose between voting for a rapist and voting for someone who is going to shove a bullshit interpretation of the 14th amendment down your throat via a stacked court to ban abortion nationwide, forever. Pro-life people think abortion is genocide against babies! Why are you surprised they aren't voting for the pro-baby-genocide person because she is nice? How sure are you that you would do the same when that is reversed? I guess those boycott-Harris-because-of-Gaza people got some cred, but I think we all agreed they were dumb, right?
This is the rub of why outsiders always have so much difficulty understanding how people like Berlusconi, Trump, Le Pen, etc, get so much vote share - they have no stake in the political struggle beyond the vague idea of democratic norms. It is easy to say "Italy, choose a non-crook!" when you don't have to live with the policy programme of the other guy. From the inside the price of those principles is far, far harder. It isn't shocking that most choose not to pay it.
This isn't to give voters like a moral pass - Trump's conduct is truly disqualifying, I would vote Republican if the shoe was on the other foot in this case. My point instead is that they generally won't as a simple fact of life, and blaming them is futile. If you have wound up in a situation where the political system has taken its pool of hundreds of millions of potential candidates and narrowed it down to two for the voters, and one of them has "launched a coup but will say go to hell to the inflation guy" as a bundled package, someone fucked up and it isn't the voters.
You need political elites to do their part in the system - Republicans never should have let Trump be their candidate in 2016. Open primaries with no organizational thumbs on the scale are a mistake, actually, allowing arbitrary minorities to generate subpar candidates. The decision to let Biden run again was, fundamentally, born from the same impulse - the Democratic Party had no leadership capable of telling him no, because they outsourced that job to "primaries". The Dems are not "allergic" to democracy; democracy is allergic to too much of itself.
But the cat is out of the bag now! These changes happened for a reason after all. Which I won't dig into here - I will keep my point as focused as something as sprawling as this can be. Voters will not save you, and you should not be disappointed when they don't. It was never their job.
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VEILPUNK 9:52 ⚡️
Narrative parallels between [and MAJOR SPOILERS for] Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Cyberpunk 2077
Wake up, Samurai, we have a Thedas to burn. Let’s play a game:
Meet [V]/[Rook]. She is living her life as a [nomad/streetkid/corpo]/[Dragon/Crow/Lord/Watcher/Warden] when circumstances (aka, some kind of fuck-up) lead her to begin a new adventure with her friend [Jackie Welles]/[Varric Tethras].
The pair embark on a mission that involves a history lesson about a mercurial and rebellious [rockerboy]/[ancient elven mage] who made a questionable choice [50]/[8000] years ago when he [detonated a nuclear bomb]/[created the Veil]. That decision had dire consequences, but was done with good intentions: to take down a corrupt and powerful group – the [Arasakas]/[Evanuris].
Anyway, the job that [V]/[Rook] is on goes really, really bad: needless to say, we won't be working with [Jackie]/[Varric] anymore. [V]/[Rook] finds herself injured but alive… and the previously mentioned grumpy old [rockerboy]/[elven god] is now living in her head, somehow?!
[Jackie]/[Varric]’s fate is not the only consequence of [V]/[Rook]’s actions. In fact, the clock is ticking: if [V]/[Rook] does not find a way to fix her mistake soon, she faces certain death. Not to mention, she promised [Jackie]/[Varric] that she would take care of the [biochip]/[team] for him.
As she works to undo what she has done, [V]/[Rook] either bonds with the [Johnny Silverhand]/[Solas] living in her head, or hates him, or something in between. There’s lots of snarky jabs traded between mind-resident and host, but also moments of genuine understanding that build over time.
It is kind of weird walking around the world, though, because you see symbols of [Johnny]/[Solas]’s legacy in the form of [Samurai memorabilia]/[Fen’Harel statues] pretty much everywhere... anyway.
In an optional questline, [V]/[Rook] can watch some of [Johnny]/[Solas]’s memories. She learns that his [nuclear bomb]/[creating the Veil] was about more than just fighting [corpo]/[godly] corruption. It was also about avenging the death of a woman he cared for deeply: [Alt]/[Mythal], who was killed by the [Arasakas]/[Evanuris]. [Alt]/[Mythal] and [Johnny]/[Solas] may have had a complicated and at times turbulent relationship, but there was no doubt he loved her. There’s also no doubt that [Johnny]/[Solas] feels, in part, personally responsible for her death.
[V]/[Rook] also gets to meet some of [Johnny]/[Solas]’s old friends: [Kerry]/[Dorian] and [Nancy]/[Morrigan], who both worked alongside him in [Samurai]/[the Inquisition], and [Rogue]/[Inquisitor Lavellan], a highly competent woman who [Johnny]/[Solas] had a romantic relationship with at one point (and who [Johnny]/[Solas] regrets not having treated better). [V]/[Rook] also meets some of [Johnny]/[Solas]’s greatest enemies from his past – like [Adam Smasher]/[Elgar’nan] – and gets to make [Johnny]/[Solas] proud by kicking their asses on his behalf.
Finally, at the very end of the game, [V]/[Rook] can choose to either redeem [Johnny]/[Solas] or condemn him. They can even get help from a version of [Alt]/[Mythal] to do so!
Roll credits.
This is all to say: I love both of these franchises very much and, so it is very delightful to find all of these parallels between them. To be very clear, this is not an accusation of stealing or anything – stories echo, history rhymes, etc. – just an affectionate observation.
It also highlights, for me at least, a few things Cyberpunk did well that Veilguard would have benefitted from incorporating. Namely:
A prologue based on character origin, where Rook meets/bonds with Varric, like V does with Jackie
More interaction between Protagonist and Guy Living in the Protagonist’s Head
Deeper engagement with the universe’s lore, particularly the setting and its impact on our protagonist. Night City feels like another character in Cyberpunk in a way that Veilguard's Thedas really does not.
The protagonist having a smaller scale, more personal investment in the outcome of events – V’s race against the biochip is instantly understandable, and her tenacity and strong will to survive make her very easy to relate to and like. I never quite felt the same level of investment in Rook, and I think that’s in part because her fight against the gods is so enormous in scale that it feels quite impersonal at times.
Story parallels aside, these two games are also both examples of games that were rushed through development and suffered for it. For Cyberpunk, that meant infamous technical failures; for Veilguard, that apparently means writing that is inconsistent at best and baffling at worst.
Fortunately, CD Projekt Red was able to add tons of post-release updates (and the excellent Phantom Liberty DLC) to Cyberpunk, that really helped it ultimately evolve into the game it was intended to be.
Unfortunately, I think it is extremely unlikely that EA/Bioware will ever give Veilguard the same treatment.
But if I’m looking for something to hope for about this franchise (despite the long odds)... I think that would be it.
Anyway, if you read this far: thanks, [chooms]/[lethallen]! 🖤
#dragon age the veilguard#veilguard spoilers#cyberpunk 2077#solas dragon age#solas#johnny silverhand#bioware#cd projekt red#dragon age#veilguard critical#veilguard
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Hi, I'm WanderingAldecaldo, aka wash. 👋
I'm a longtime writer (AO3) , relatively new VPer and modder, and still crazy for Cyberpunk 2077, Mitch and Val (and Rosalind), and the City of Dreams.
About me & this blog
Mid-40s, she/her nonbinary bisexual, paid geek, married with cats. Recently diagnosed autistic and ADHD, like 18mo ago, which explains a lot about my life and relationships (especially the autism piece). Former sportsball player and band geek, forever a total nerd. I love video games and board games; writing more than reading these days; music; and still like (and play) some sportsball. Yes, I am the queer softballer stereotype. I strive for kindness over niceness, though I'm not always successful. I believe in ship and let ship, and don't like? don't interact.
On this blog you'll find video games like Cyberpunk, Bioware, RDR2; whatever TV I'm into currently (currently Severance, Ted Lasso, and Slow Horses); progressive politics, including anti-racism and anti-fascism; gender and sexuality; ADHD and autism; plus lots of writing memes. Also cars. I like cars.
A few things to keep in mind
Trans women are women and terfs can fuck off into the sun forever. Same with fascists.
I'm an adult and post things that are of an adult nature. If you're a minor, please take that under advisement. I don't block minors because long ago I was a minor myself, and I related more to adults than people my own age. But I'm not your parent and you are responsible for curating your own online experience. If you are uncomfortable with adult themes, please hit the back button. Also I don't knowingly follow minors because that makes me uncomfortable.
I don't necessarily follow back; I like to keep a short, streamlined dash so please don't take offense if I don't. At the same time, I have become mutuals with longtime followers after checking out their blog again at a later date. 🤷
I love tag games! I am also not great at replying to them! I have over 100 archived emails going back to Nov. '23 that I haven't answered, but still think I might one day. 😅 I am much more likely to reply to writing/WIP tags since I always have a handful of WIPs at any given moment. Also music tags because I love music.
I love asks but hate chain mail — they stress me out because I hate when people feel excluded and I don't know who's received them and who hasn't, so I end up paralyzed and ignore them. Send at your own risk.
Speaking of asks, anons are off. I got one hateful anon and that was enough. Either say it with your chest or fuck off. If you absolutely must leave a hateful anon, @streetkid-named-desire has volunteered to field them for me. Go on, you'll make their day, I promise.
My ships, OCs and more after the cut.
My (Cyberpunk) ships
[Mitch+Val] Ship: Born to Run
Val and I both fell hard for the kind, handsome Nomad. The main tag includes all versions of their ship because I didn't know it would turn into a bunch of AUs. 😭 The Corpo AU has its own tag, and should be fairly comprehensive. The newer Streetkid AU isn't tagged yet, but so far it's just writing.
[main tag] [au: all that glitters] [random ship stuff tag]
[Ros+Val] aka The President's Merc AU
Their ship isn't named yet, so it's just a generic tag for now. There's also a Tower AU, but that doesn't have a separate tag yet.
[main tag] [random ship stuff tag]
[Mitch+Scorpion] Ship: Panzerboys
Do you think Mitch and Driss ever explored each other's bodies? 🤔
[main tag]
[Carol+Hilary] Carol + Hilary tag tbd
Uhhhh..... maybe it's time they got a real ship name?
[main tag]
[Corpo!Val+Richard Ripper] Ship: Business & Pleasure
Corpo!Val doesn't do relationships, but she does do Richard. She hires him as a high-end escort and eventually he becomes somewhat of a friend. During the course of events of the Corpo AU, he helps Val figure out her feelings for Mitch. Richard belongs to dearest @dustymagpie.
[main tag]
[SK!Val+Travis] Ship: Love Bites
A toxic ship featuring two streetkids with bad boundaries. They were bad for each other then, but maybe not so bad now? Nah, just kidding. They're still awful! In fact, they are so awful I have only taken one pic of them together!
[main tag]
My OCs
Valerie Vermilion (she/her)
LOML and main OC. The first character I've made for a game who stuck around and grew a personality. Streetkid!Val is the original, and Corpo!Val debuted a year later. What about Nomad!Val? I hear you ask. Don't worry, she's got a backstory already and is just biding her time.
Tags: [ALL] [StreetKid] [Corpo] [Nomad???] Random: [val things] [streetkid val things] [corpo val things] Asks+lore: [val lore]
Hilary Navarro (she/her)
An Aldecaldo OC introduced for five minutes in my Mitch + Val longfic NOGLY. She's the family's best netrunner; has a sharp sense of humor and loves puns; and is playful in general, just like her bubblegum hair. Just don't piss her off because she does not forgive. She's also one of Val's first friends in the family.
Travis Murphy (he/him)
Trash man. Babygirl. The worst being ever. Dated Streetkid!Val when they were teens and recruited her to join 6th Street. Always lying, cheating, or stealing. He'll get to redeem himself in the NOGLY sequel.
Fun fact: Travis didn't have a last name, so I used the tag #travis needs a tag i guess for quite a while until someone *cough*Imaginary*cough* shamed me into giving him a last name.
[Tag] [Random]
Antonio Varga (he/him)
A proud son of Heywood. Best friend of Jackie growing up but they fought when he left the gang. Tony wishes he'd made up with him before everything else....
Gabriella Varga (she/her)
The Flower of Heywood. A friend to everyone, always ready to lend a hand, an ear, a shoulder — or an eddie. Just don't cross her or her family, or you'll see just how mean she can get. Older sister to Tony and childhood crush of Jackie.
Vamika (she/her)
A solo merc who Corpo!Val employed during her time at Arasaka. After she takes over the Afterlife from Rogue, she will reestablish that relationship. A reliable, professional mercenary, Vamika has never botched a gig, at least not in Night City.... Sadly most of the pics I took of her were never shared before the HDD accident.
Lynx Lyons (they/them)
A scout/outrider for the Bright/Palmer family who debuted in my fluffy oneshot Cut Your Hair. They are older than they seem, and definitely too old for camp bullshit. They'd rather be on the highway on their own listening to tunes, instead of listening to the same stories told night after night around the fire.
Séverine (she/her)
A member of the Voodoo Boys in Dogtown, she is much more comfortable with guns than soft. I haven't figured out where she fits into Val's story yet; maybe she's out for revenge for Slider.
Resoures I Use
An incomplete list of things I've used:
Mods I Use: An Eternal WIP; asks open if you have a specific question about a mod you've seen
#new pinned#personal#my main tags ->#ship: born to run#aka the president's merc au#wash's writing#my screens#mods i made#other tags i regularly use ->#politics is personal#posts that make me love humanity#films i love#adhd things#actually autistic#fem v friday
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Dead Internet Theory and why you should start an unionize
Ok, let me start off with two things. 1# I never done this before but I fucking corpos push me to do this because of all the AI bullshit.
two# if you don't know what is The Dead Internet Theory is like I was, there 2 video are different on it but they are a still good watch on it.
since it become no sneaking suspicion that corpos are useing AI to trying to replace artist for a lower cost (which it's fucking stupid because hasbro, xbox/Microsoft, others are multi dollar company that end up showing how fucking Greedy they are,)
This will keep happing unless we put our foot down, tell this corpos that this shit is wrong/fuck off with this, and start a union to fight back this mess.
but what this have to do with the Dead Internet Theory?... well, if at some point if we can't tell who human and who AI/bot on the Internet. we have to go outside and meet in-persons to to talk to real people (or on discord or calling your friends on your phone.)
stuff like hardcover book, DVDs, music vinyl, art, dvd movies and so much more are now going to be more rare than gold. I am serious. since AI is making all these stuff that are difficulty to tell which one is made by a human or a bot, unironically we have to go back to the past and start buying these stuff when people used to me that we don't have to buy these things no more. because they will all be on the Internet to buy and get (or you can be a 7 sea pirates to get these stuff for "free" cuz fuck them corpos.)
Now?... now all I want to do is buy older/hardcover stuff since I know that was not made by a fucking AI bot but made by a human being. now all I want to is unplugged from the Internet and go live in a cabin in the woods somewhere to never be seen again.
this shit is starting to become a real life cyberpunk and I. DO. NOT. WANT. THAT.
So you should do this.
#1: meet in person to talk to people (or discord or any other way) and if that person is a VA, artist, animator, etc. start a unions and make it loud and clear that we don't want this AI shit in our creative industries. (as well if it's somehow possibly to ban AI then do it.)
two#: start to buy all the DVDs, hardcover book, DVDs movies (or VHS Movies), music vinyl, TTRPGs and board games to play with your friends.
and 3#: find hobby in real life, like gardening, swimming, sewing, and or playing older videos games like PS1 to PS3, gamecube, N64, etc.
For one more thing I need to say before I start to wonder how long before AI become self aware. All of this remind me of pandora box, the person who made ChatGPT/OpenAI open pandora box, so much happen in 2022 to 2024 when chatGPT/other AI stuff that I can't put into words of how much this fuck over the creative industries and cost so much people to lost their job because of greedy corpos who want to cut corners. everyone is scared of AI, even the person who made chatgpt for god sake.
but I have forgotten something important to the pandora box story.
"Pandora opened a jar left in her care containing sickness, death and many other unspecified evils which were then released into the world. Though she hastened to close the container, only one thing was left behind – hope."

and you what happening in the gaming industry?... Bethesda had Unionizes. which it own by Microsft/xbox. sure it does now sound much but to me, this sound like a piece of snow that is ready to go down hill into a SnowBall.
kick start union, support real artist, VA, animator, indie movies, indie video games, and people who are making books and so much more.
thank you for reading my hate on corpos and AI, I fucking hate it here.
#anti ai#anti ai art#support human artists#fuck ai#AI#video#dead internet#dead internet theory#union#unionize#unions#pandora box#fuck ai everything#stop ai#i hate ai#fuck ai bros#fuck ai writing#fuck ai all my homies hate ai#fuck ai art#hope#ban ai art#Ban AI voice#Ban AI#books#book#music#dvd#videogames#video games#board games
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Cyberpunk au thoughts while I can’t sleep.
Grey is as city kid as he gets, undercuts his competitors, gambles, cheats, but comes out on top most of the time. Though peach has had to save his sorry ass once or twice. LOVES working on her, she’s got her hands on some seriously expensive, unusual tech, he figures out all too quickly she’s a corpo run away, the gear she’s using is too high quality to be street installed, you don’t even see this in the military. Whatever she’s working with is clearly a set of unusual prototypes. She doesn’t explain where she got them, only that no one but him needs to know this. Strike it from the records.
He does a good job keeping peach in working order, despite how many odd bugs her gear has, they don’t seem to be lasting or fatal, but she can patch in and out from time to time, a very mild form of cyber psychosis, lasts a few seconds at best, but it’s like the gear she’s got has been engineered to combat that illness, and is doing a good job of keeping it at bay. He however knows that she can’t remove this gear, can’t downsize at all, ever, if she does she’ll snap like a twig and go nuts. Whatever she’s got, she’s stuck with it. His competence and discrete methods are useful to her, it’s the only reason she sticks with the big lug, that and he owes her a lot of money from her paying his gambling debts off. He gets to see how top of the line chrome works, and in turn can make his installs on more ordinary equipment far better, gaining notoriety for his work fast. And perhaps he’s entertaining, so peach gets to cash in maintenance to cover what he owes her, he’s skilled enough to tamper with her kit and not kill her in the process.
It’s a love hate situation, he jokes he could just install faulty gear, remove something while she’s under, and she snidely bites back that he won’t find a better bodyguard if she dies because of his half assed work, and her dying isn’t good for business. All bark no bite, the both of them. They would kill for each other but won’t ever say it, you got to be tough in the streets, no signs of weakness or soft methods, or people walk all over you. But they drink and laugh together, and bond eventually over beating up punk ass kids trying to mug them on the street.
Plum fist shows up at the door of a club peach is bouncing on, pretends to have no eddies, and says she’ll pay her tab in a more fun way. Peach is irked, doesn’t like the advances, hears it all the time, you can’t pay, then you get thrown out, or the venue owners might even salvage some of your installed tech to pay the debt. Plus plum’s too nosey, peach caught her trying to dive into her head, but her pricey corpo security got in the way, software to prevent people finding out just who she is and where she came from. She upgraded and maxed out that line of defence so no one knew how to crack her. The plan to get this woman alone to short her cyberwars out and get her picked up and taken home flatlines, plum is left with no choice, has to accept defeat this time and try again some other way. She leaves, and peach is left to do her job, charming some of the staff, enjoying a drink at the end of her shift and heading home. Plum loses her in the streets, somehow she’s pretty sly for someone so big.
Next time they meet peach recognises her instantly, doesn’t like that she slid up next to her at some back alley noodle bar while she’s getting ready to go to work, tells her to get lost. Plum does not. Obviously. In fact she just keeps following her, not a threat, but definitely annoying as all hell. Hangs about during her job, tries to charm her into a drink, fails, and this goes on for a while, weeks even.
Eventually being worn down, peach just accepts that plums not going anywhere, and annoyingly she’s proven useful on rare occasion, shutting people’s cyberware down who try to pick fights in the street, jamming guns pulled on her even though her armour upgrades can take the hit. Plum pretends she doesn’t know exactly what tech her target is working with. Eventually peach sits down at a bar and buys this woman a drink, saved her some scrapes and bruises, asks just what her angle is. Why’s she doing this? The only thing plum can do is lie, and she does well, says she knows peach from a long time ago, remembers her from school, a seriously high powered academy, that plum knew her from there meant she too was from a powerful place. But she says she’s running, and apparently peach did that pretty well, no one’s been able to find her, plum stresses that no one’s been able to find her since she disappeared, so who better to get tips from than someone who did it so well people stopped looking for her? Every red flag is raised, this little woman knows her, and if she knows her, and she’s here, who’s stopping others coming after her? How did she even find her? Plum says it was luck, right bar, right might, right time. It’s all a little too convenient. The questions are rigorous, but to peach, plum seems like she’s genuinely trying to get away from it all, plum paints this sob story, about being neglected and having a crap life, how money didn’t help, it just was a tool for manipulation, the evil shit she had to do to fit in. Peach isn’t buying it, but definitely understands the sentiment, IF it’s honest. And for now, despite her worries, tolerates plum being around. She got out, maybe it’s not impossible to think someone else did too. At least until she can prove one way or another that this woman’s telling the truth or not, she will put up with her. Plum is now right where she needs to be, getting closer to her target. There’s a lot of money riding on getting peach back to her family, she could gain some huge favours for completing this, make leaps in the corporate world.
Peach can’t hack well, it’s not her thing, she was always more athletic, better with a gun, with a weapon, with her hands, so background checking plum isn’t an option, but she asks grey to do it. He is ok at this, not the best but not the worst, regardless, he comes up with nothing, plums backgrounds been wiped for this job she’s doing, she’s been given a fake life, fake crimes committed, and even to him, it looks pretty believable. They’re none the wiser that she’s just infiltrating their ranks, and peach seems more open to her story knowing the records track. But she is aware that if this is a lie, the first thing someone would do would be to write a new past. She did it, it’s not impossible to think someone else could.
Life becomes more difficult for plum. Peach’s upgrades have rendered her too tough to take out in one hit, even if she’s fully hacked and immobilised, she’s surrounded herself with loyal people who she’s helped and who owe her, getting her alone is hard, and harder yet is getting her picked up by corpo security. Plum has a ten minute window to do it before peach would be back up and running, and passed off. Plums got to nail the hack before even a single interruption can occur, no mistakes, even in her impossibly tight.y encoded mind. Whatever’s been installed in this woman was to stop people hacking her long term, following her, or diving into her records. And so the long con begins. Charm her, be sweet, be naughty, be devious, be smart, be whatever peach wants to let her get closer, get in her home, behind locked doors where help won’t arrive in time. But peach is cautious, doesn’t cave to the attempts to woo her, gets a weird vibe off plum. It takes plum months, nearly a year to wear her acquaintance down. But eventually peach seems relaxed enough around her. She can be in her lap and not cause her to be on edge, plums able to get real close, enough to manually override her operating systems as soon as soon as that windows there, and the time is right. She’s charmed herself into a strategic position.
Only problem is plum is starting to see the genuine appeal. She’s getting more shreds of this woman’s past, honest stories that actually paint a worse picture than she thought, and soon there’s a realisation that in sending peach home, she’d be sentencing her to a fate worse than death, living as a person she hates, doing things she never wanted to do, following the steps of a family she did not want to be part of. Eventually plum realises death might still come for her, some of the family want peach gone, some want her to stay away, stay in the streets, not return to take up the mantle. They’ll kill her if she comes back, or try at least. Somehow staying in the deadly streets of the city is safer than the walls of her home.
Suddenly it makes sense, grey overhears these conversations, they hang out in his den, where he works on clients, he isn’t oblivious to their chats. Peach’s implants are so special because she’s the test subject. When she ran, she ran with crazy expensive one of a kind gear, and the family want it back, those assets, HER, both are invaluable, they’re not just off the shelf, these are made to turn this woman into a killer, a real killer, one who’ll get away with it no matter what. They’re custom fit to her genetic code, you can’t rip them out and stick them in someone else, you can’t tamper with them, they’re unique and the engineering that’s gone into them is above and beyond what’s available even at the highest pay grade. Peach’s family want their little murderer back, to complete the install process, she’s missing a couple parts still, they want to finish the job and finally have her back working for them.
Then comes the moment plum had been hoping for. A little drunk, a little high, a little tired, peach lets her into her home, a small apartment full of plants, tidier and far more thought out than plum had expected. She has the shot, that loud city ambiance the only real sound as her host is kind enough to offer a drink, to pull a smoke, to let her into her life more than ever before. Plum questions if she can hand her in, take the money, take the power and just pretend like the last year with her wasn’t fun, and interesting, and real, especially compared to how plum’s old life was. Locked up in her room diving into files and memories, not making her own. But she lived, for real, even if only for a moment, beside peach and grey.
Peach catches plum in the corner of her eye, her vision patching in and out, plums tampering with her tech, she let her into her home and the second her back was turned this little devious snake turned around and bit her. She goes down hard, a system key given by peach’s family able to shut down the cyberware temporarily, ceasing her up, she’s vulnerable, she’s barely conscious, and yet she’s looking at her. There is anger, and then after a while, the anger subsides, and it’s just sorrow. Peach realises who she let close, a traitor, someone sent to bring her home. Plum apologises, sees her target finally fall unconscious and is left to sit and hover over the option of calling in the security detail to pick them up. It’d be so fast, so easy, the moneys right there, the powers right there. Plum realises if she doesn’t get peach home she’s as good as dead, not only would peach try to kill her no doubt, but her family would for failing too…but if she does complete the job and goes home to continue her isolated life in a tall tower away from everyone, that peach would be crushed down to fit the job role she was designated with, filled with tech she didn’t want, until it no doubt took over who she was leaving a compliant husk of her former self. She’d be a walking weapon, nothing more.
Plum doesn’t know what to do.
#ok now I can try to not think about this#and fail#and think about it constantly#fruit salad#brainrot#cyberpunk au
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OC Pride Parade (12/12)
Condor Lovelace, Esq.
For brevity, I will not be typing out her full title.
Some fun facts about her:
Has some. Very mixed feelings about her new life. Mainly guilt because she loves it (and also joy because she loves it).
Cares enough to find Shaun to find him better parents (she did not want to have him at all). Once she finds out that he's a whole adult she stops caring altogether.
Nick Valentine is her bestest friend (and potentially lover? maybe?) (look todd and emil are cowards and i dont trust anyone but myself with their very specific dynamic)
On a surprisingly related note, how she got that scar! So one night after winning a big case, she ends up tripping on the courthouse steps and busting her lip open. Standard bad luck. She lives close enough to the courthouse that she walks to and from work, but not nearly close enough to the hospital to walk there, and she figures, based on how much blood there is, that she'll need stitches. Also ambulances are expensive so that's out. Thankfully, there's an off duty detective with a heart of gold that happens to be driving by just as she falls. Serendipitous to say the least. She asks if he can drive her to the hospital, he says yes, they exchange names but it's September 2077 so neither of them will end up remembering. Before they party ways she invites him and his fiancée to her Halloween party that will totally happen and not get cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Became a public defense lawyer (the most overworked and underpaid lawyers) because she genuine believes in helping the less fortunate in anyway she can, even though being a corpo lawyer would net her so much money. Fights for equal rights at every chance she gets and brings this energy to the Commonwealth Wasteland post war.
Is the fiercest defender of marriage equality and the necessary rights relating to it because she believes it's the right thing to do (she also understands the pain of being married to someone you don't actually love).
Speaking of her husband, she only married him in order to not drown in debt while attending law school (he wanted the extra military benefits and also the status symbol of having a wife). They do not get divorced because Societal Convention. This is why she practices law with her maiden name. (Call her Connie Smith and she might actually kill you.)
Loves building robots. Its her favorite pastime honestly. Given that, it's funny that she hates power armor as much as she does (and yet she has a collection)
her other besties are Preston and Ada and she doesn't like Piper. Everyone else she vaguely knows but not nearly as well as Nick. Oh! She thinks Ellie is really nice.
And some fun facts about her creation:
She's named after Conner from DBH. I couldn't think of the name "Connie" fast enough, so Condor (like the bird) stuck.
Her middle name is Maya because every time I lose track of Nick in game, I will run around the map and yell, "Nick? Nick? Nick, it's Larry. I- I think I killed him" until I find him again. For those who are uncultured unaware, that is a line from the opening scene of the Random Encounters Phoenix Wright Musical (and also Maya Fey's first line).
Originally Condor was going to get her scar from a knife attack, but then I thought about how that would come off in the context of a knight in shining armor swooping in to save her and decided that it would probably best to go in a different direction.
Please i dont know why she looks like Heather from Total Drama but im tired so im just going to live with it.
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3 and 18 for both Virgile and Vanessa on the oc questions thing? 👀
Thanks for asking ♥♥ the question about weapon is perfect, as i replay with both, i thought about it ^^
[oc asks if you're interested]
weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
Vanessa prefers not to kill, but to go behind their backs to neutralise enemies or knock them out. Her favourite? A good old-fashioned baseball bat! She has two of them, a pink one and a gold one, but any improvised weapon that can stun works too.
When it comes to guns, she's team silent power pistol. Small, discreet and effective, it's undetectable. In game, she first uses Kongou, then Seraph offered by Padre, with a silencer installed. And after PL, Her Majesty silent pistol, a real gem!
And when it's there to eliminate, especially the scavs for whom it shows no mercy, it's SMG! A good machinegun does a great job killing the bastards. She loves the Militech M221 Saratoga SMG, and even have the Fenrir. In my hc, a Maelstromer gave this gun as a gift !
He's a netrunner, so he doesn't need a weapon to take down enemies. Virgil doesn't like killing, so he prefers to knock out his enemies using hacks rather than killing them for good (even though he works with Valentin, who is quick on the trigger). So he's made his own daemons and hacks to suit his needs, enabling him to neutralise the enemy without violence.
But having a weapon is always useful. As a nomad, he learned to shoot rifles from his grandfather and knows how to use precision rifles, such as the SOR-22, a rifle common in the Free States. But he prefers tech rifles, and has a Militech M-179 Achilles that he takes with him when he works in the Badlands. In game, he has the Widow Maker, and I have hc that Panam gave him after picking it up from Nash (a reconciliation gift).
But a rifle isn't always handy, so he's got a pistol. I hesitated for a long time between a smart and a tech pistol, but I preferred the smart, because he can use smart-targeting more easily. A smart boy can only use a smart gun! In game, he first got a Kang Tao A-22B Chao, and now I'm waiting until I get to Dogtown to give him a nice Tusnami Kappa whose design I think is too cool, and especially the Crimestopper iconic because he has a chance of uploading Cripple Movment quickhack + CRIT damage!
their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
Vanessa a moral compass on a case-by-case basis Lying: not a big deal, if it's not malicious or to protect someone. Everyone lies a little, don't they? On the other hand, she doesn't lie to her family. At worst, she avoids the question! Stealing : from the corpo? that's good, you've got to rip those scumbags off. For her, it would just be a way of spreading the wealth more evenly. Robbing the bastards too, that's fine. The rest is morally questionable. Killing: scavs, shitty corpos, assholes … some people deserve to die, she doesn't even think about it. After that, she's against wanton murder and attacking innocent people. She would never accept a contract to kill a decent person.
Virgile is very strict about the way he believes Lying: he hates people lying to him, and prefers a hurtful truth to a lie. Does he lie? Of course, but it's mostly to hide something about himself, or silly lies where he quickly gets caught out because he's such a bad liar. But in general, he's honest. Stealing: apart from data on the net, he doesn't steal. Killing: He hates killing, it repulses him. He has fewer scruples when it comes to scavs or raffens, but he rarely kills anyone unless forced to by the situation.
#cyberpunk 2077#about : vanessa vergara#about : virgile sarto#thanks for asking#love the moral question and the duality between the grey moral of a streetkid and nomad honesty
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helluu i'm so so excited that opening's here wuhu!! i'm blue ( 21+, s/h ) & this is heo yewon, nothing notable to her name </3 she's just some rich astran's personal assistant, waiting for the day her boss promotes her to astra & she can leave this place behind... if that ever happens! u know what it is, profile page here, her tldr & plots are below the cut, pls like to plot or add me on dc ( pomelos. ) & i’ll be there ♡
backstory is ur usual ansan born, raised & still stuck here kinda deal. it's not all bad, because she did grow up on the nicer side of the airstrip, but it doesn't mean she's satisfied with this life. there's gotta be something more, something out there meant for her, right?
but she doesn't know what that something is, aimless in that sense. restless, with no reason for it. she's latched onto the idea that astra will be the place for her, the place with all the answers, so she's put her name in the lottery every year & dreams of it, her wes anderson new york fantasy
there's a disconnect between what she thinks of her ansan experience & the reality of it, her dissatisfaction colouring everything a shade darker than it really is. all things considered, she had a fairly calm childhood & a cushy job now, but it doesn't stop yewon from complaining about it! she's been in fairly close proximity to astra & that better life that she can't help but compare it to everything that she doesn't have, not noticing all the things she does
& her job! can we say astra / corpo sellout... yes we can! went from secretary straight out of high school & slogged her way to personal assistant for some fancy rich astran because the company promised that employees who perform well might get promoted to astra. she handles all their ansan business matters & kinda wants to d word from being on call 24/7 but she also gets to stay at their la mariposa apartment for housesitting / keeping purposes
she says she hates her boss & hopes they get eaten by karma... only after she gets to astra, pls. screw the astrans, until she gets to go !
jokes on her though, her boss gambled away some trivial assets on hand... which were all of their ansan businesses & her job... so she's got a new boss she's never met & yikes, he's in town! 😱
anyway she's fully willing to do anything for her boss even if it's shady because she's 1) just a dumb assistant & 2) really wants this promotion to work out! how far is she willing to go so she gets her dream of going to astra? we're gonna find out!
secret family backstory unlocked! daughter of an nightrunner known as an ansan legend for the damage he caused when he went cyberpsycho defending his crew ( insp by david from cyberpunk edgerunners! ), her dad's last job netted her & her mum enough eddies to live on the clean/good life… but she still lost her dad as a child & it's partly why she wants to get out of ansan & also why she looks down on that side of the city even though technically what she has is owed to it. yewon keeps it quiet, her dad known more for the chipware he had on than his name, & it's the only thing she doesn't complain about. super unlikely that muses would know this ic, but it does inform a lot of her actions!
misc fun facts: all her mods are vanity mods & a made up ver of google / chatgpt ... no protection u could beat her up! also has an ashley too doll ( black mirror inspo ) probably outdated / a relic of the times but she still bops to the songs hey yea whoa-ho!!
personality wise, she's ur cynical uncle's gen z stereotype. expects too much, complains about what she has, doesn't have a backbone to speak of & does whatever is easiest at the moment for her until something easier comes along. thinks she's better & above all of this. & on the flipside, she's more than willing to work & wait for it, whatever it may be; she romanticises everyone's life but her own, loves helping people but for the wrong reasons because it gives her a boost of self-esteem. makes reckless impulsive decisions, doesn't really know what she wants but she's demanding anyway, kind of all over the place but somehow comes in clutch thanks to her caffeine shots. she's trying! not her best, but she swears the trying counts!
chara inspos are portia from the white lotus & the vampire familiars in wwdits... astrans are vampires confirmed??
horoscope chart time she's an aries sun ( fireball ), pisces moon ( anxious insecure fireball ), gemini rising ( anxious insecure fireball who doesn't know where she's headed but she sure is going somewhere, help! ), she's got no earth to ground her at all & her signs are just a conflicted mess all around! good luck girly!
fellow starseeker, spacewalker hopeful? someone who aspires to astra like her, for whatever reasons they might have!
someone who grew up always having a little less than her, a friend as long as she had more & they had less... until now? someone who makes her feel a little better about herself, who may be climbing up the ladders and/or realising she's a bad friend
someone she's envious of, but embarrassed about being envious. they don't have the usual markers of success but they're content in a way she's doesn't understand
fellow victims of capitalism working for revel / hansol. trauma bonding over bad working conditions?
party friends, here to cut loose, live life, get totally smashed & swear they won't do it ever again... until next weekend arrives
someone she screwed over for her current job, maybe she beat them out for it or did something at the behest of her boss while knowing it would screw them over?
ya know the usual... childhood friends/rivals, exes, coworkers, friends, enemies, u name it i would like it!
also lucy & david moon braindance scene that's all i ask!
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Got an idea for a new OC, Leonora, who’s… involved… with Takemura, but being on console makes it so hard to have multiple characters!
So for now, a little bit of lore:
Name: Leonora Kazuhime Vice (she’s not a “V”)
Nicknames: Likes going by “Leo”, but hates “Nora”; the Arasakas use “Kazuhime” exclusively, which she doesn’t mind
Age: Thirty-three years old
Background: Corpo; personal chef for the Arasaka family when they’re in Night City (particularly Michiko, who spends more time in NC than any other Arasaka); specializes in both Classic French and Traditional Japanese cuisine
Love interest: Goro Takemura, though it’s… complicated; they have passionate flings when he’s in town but they’re not together; has casual lovers but doesn’t feel about them the way she does about Goro (my girl’s SPRUNG)
OTP: Meshiagare
Family: Her father, Maximilian, is a Night City native from the long line of Vice corporate lawyers, and therefore Leo grew up with a lot of privilege. Her mother, Masako Aragaki, is originally Okinawan, but moved to Tokyo to work at Arasaka HQ and was then transferred to Night City, where she met Max. She’s the oldest of three; has two half-siblings from her father’s side. Her parents split up when she was two, so she spent her time between Night City and Tokyo (Masako moved back to Japan after the separation) as a child. Leo’s very close to her mother, but doesn’t talk to her father or his side of the family very much
Relations: Spends a lot of time working, so it’s difficult to keep friends or relationships; close to Michiko but finds hard to see past the employee/employer dynamic they have (Michiko doesn’t care at all but Leo thinks it’s disrespectful to act too familiar)
That’s all I can really think of right now, but hit me up with questions if you have any!!! I wanna gush about my new baby 💕
I’ll probably make her a side blog when I have the time…
We shall see…
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pinned post time (remake)
used to be drthamen
sammy, 28 (may 13th), germany, nb biace, they/them
multifandom but currently focused on cyberpunk (clearly)
info about the main OCs under the cut
since i cant seem to link tags properly im just gonna list them, im so sorry fellas
cyberpunk 2077
V full name: valerie jeanne evans scene lifepath: streetkid, "netrunner" faceclaim: royal and the serpent other: pinterest board | spotify playlist info: the "small-time klepto punk from the afterlife", "the dirtgirl from heywood who found the guts to walk a few extra blocks from home" this how kerry & johnny describe streetkid v and that is exactly what she is. a troubled past, present and future, constantly pissed off with some bad habits. she's been a merc since she can remember but also had some "normal" odd jobs: repairshop for electronics, waiting tables, customer service and many others. she was the lead singer of rotten, a nu metal/ alt-metal band from night city that was doomed to fail thanks to aforementioned lead singer. she's always had a knack for technology so hacking badges and corpos came naturally to her. most people call her a netrunner, a pet-peeve of hers since it's not what she technically does. that being said, she doesnt shy away from physical altercations either though it usually ends in getting her ass beat. v spent her two years in atlanta with her brother vincent, he had convinced her to get out of nc for awhile in hopes it would help on her healing journey but the city has and always will have an iron grip on her. temperance is her canon ending (for now). while it seems nonsensical at first glance she wasn't going to take johnny's chance at a second life away from him just for her to die within months. besides, she would adapt to life behind the blackwall better than he ever could. v was always going to die young, might as well die for love, right? tags: -> otp; just the two of us - my personal flavour of silverv brainrot -> otp; mary on a cross - v & dagger (more below) -> otp; the ghost of you - v & lou (more below) -> p; a little bit happy - v & vincent -> p; my ordinary life - v & kerry -> p; rise rebel resist - rotten, the band she used to be in -> au: watch the world burn - 2020s AU -> au: generation doom - 2020s AU but more messed up -> au: say yes to heaven - happy AU johnny where gets a body, v lives, they are dating and kerry & v are best friends relations: -> vincent - twin brother also rotten's bass player -> dagger - band's lead guitarist and her ex also obsessed with kerry eurodyne (because im annoying like that) -> lou - dead ex, every day i inch closer to just scratching this ngl -> freddie - drummer of rotten, if v = johnny then freddie = kerry but ten times worse (they actually hate each other) might be kovachek's son idk sometimes i have silly ideas -> krasny - plays second guitar in the band, lowkey the mom of the friend group, will break up the fights between v & freddie, calls v a psychopath regularily Vincent (big WIP so there isnt much) full name: vincent raphael evans other: pinterest board info: same backstory as v, obviously. but unlike her he managed to heal to some extend; the polar opposite of what she is: he is happy, kind and believes that there is good in this world. moved to atlanta at some point to get away from the place and the people who hurt him (parents and v). v introduced him to the love of his life kerry and romance ensues, he even comes back to night city for a while. (i will be real with you the reason i made him initially was to romance kerry) not technically a "v" but i really dont care if you call him that. tags: -> otp; industry baby - did you know kerry and vincent are in love? relations: -> dagger - his bestie for some time, unlucky his sister broke her heart but they are still in contact -> freddie - had a crush on the band's drummer but things were messy enough already so nothing ever happened -> alexa - daughter, vincent & kerry had twins in my sims game so naturally they become somewhat canon. overachiever, became a lawyer -> rico - child (alexa's twin), rebellious nb disaster, gamer, lived in their parents house for a bit too long -> valonia - daughter, spoiled youngest child, named after v, kerry's favourite
dragon age
Athras - dragon age: inquisition full name: athras lavellan origin: dalish elf, mage (ice magic & shapeshifting) other: pinterest board | spotify playlist info: athras never wanted to eventually lead her clan so when the keeper sent her to the conclave she gladly accepted. the chaos that ensued and her becoming inquisitor, thus being responsible for so many more people really put that into perspective. she wears the dirthamen vallaslin but it extends down her arms and back, in hopes that it will help with her messed up spine (scoliosis girls rise) and enhance her magic capabilities. clan lavellan specialised in potion brewing and it's a craft she follows proudly since she has zero affinity for healing magic, which is one of the main tasks for a clans first and keeper. (she might not like leadership, but she still wants to be useful to her clan) her magic manifested as ice but later on she adapted the long lost art of shapeshifting. her preferred form is that of a raven with a wolf coming in a close second. looks lowkey evil with her dark hair, pale skin, SUPER tall stature (2m) and red eyes. she likes it that way since it makes her less approachable. doesn't like most people and hates very few. tags: -> otp; dream collector - i am forever stuck in solavellan hell -> otp; let's get this bread - after inquisiton athras builds a home in the woods and falls in love with a baker in the nearest village, their name is morgan (the shipname was a placeholder) -> otp; running with the wolves - her first big love, a dalish from another clan who happens to be a werewolf, his name is ilvin -> au: nas'taron - athras takes a nap in a temple and wakes up with dirthamen in her bones, they also fuck (can you believe i wrote "what if you fell in love with the person living in your head" before cyberpunk came out because i cant) -> au: the mad inquisitor - in order to find solas and bring him to justice she injects herself with red lyrium (#girlfail) -> au: professor lavellan - modern au duh -> au: all alone in a pack of wolves - after deciding to stop solas at all costs it finally comes to a confrontation but she caves in and saves his life at the cost of her own, she wakes up in his base of operations -> au: dhru'an'adal - ancient elvhen AU (the emerald graves grow around her sleeping body btw) -> au: dinathe'dirthelan - harpy AU i never did anything with and was inspired by my friend who did a similar au (hello reed) relations: -> mareloen - mother, she left clan lavellan not long after athras was born, she would visit when they were in the area -> rasdheas - father, lowkey a vampire, don't ask me how he dresses like that, has a lame leg -> fisara - sister, joins her at haven after the conclave because she was concerned. rogue/ bard, falls in love with josie -> deshanna - keeper of the clan and thus athras' teacher (also her aunt since mareloen is her sister), wears a plague doctor mask all the time, a little weird even for clan lavellan standards -> ilvin - her first big love i mentioned before, sort of becomes warden at some point lol -> morgan - the baker i mentioned before, they leave athras somewhat abruptly, might be my dreadwolf protag who knows -> agrippa - athras finds an abandoned child in the woods near her house post trespasser, turns out he is a mage and obviously in need of tutelage, another candidate for dreadwolf protag
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🎀💝💋 & 😉 for my fav Val? <3
<333 Questions found here
🎀 Who would my muse sleep with if nobody ever had to know?
Maaaannn there are a lot of candidates- Val is a bit of a horndog. I mean one of the answers would definitely be Vic ;) but since she's faithful to Goro she wouldn't on principle. I guess in this scenario it's like a freebie kind of thing...
Assuming she was interested in her, I'd say Brigitte. She's a leader looking out for her people, ruthless to her mercenaries but making deals with a frightening AI to keep those she cares about safe. It seems doubtful she'd give a shit about Val as an outsider and a corpo, and it's not exactly great professionalism to sleep with a gang leader (especially one that sent her into the meat grinder) but consider: Brigitte is awesome.
💝 Does my muse like Valentine’s Day?
I think Valentine considers a day dedicated to "romance" with her name on it to be a minor travesty. Especially since she's not much for flashy or public romantic gestures. People have tried to surprise her in this way with chocolates and flowers, and she just sort of despises the obviousness of it. Now, as a day to watch other people make idiots out of themselves, it's not so bad!
💋 How many people has my muse slept with?
A lot! ^_^ Thief knows how to Get It.
😉 What are my muse’s fetishes/kinks?
Man, I'm sure if I thought about this there'd probably be plenty more, but she is definitely into: hands, biting, restraints, teasing/edging. She's extremely tightly wound and normally hates being vulnerable, though, so she's extremely picky about who she'd let take control. But she's just as happy to give as receive. ;) And if she can make it into some kind of game, even better.
#ask meme#valentine#vik is also an honorable mention for the first question but it's also one of those#'don't shit where you eat' kind of deals#also maybe sasquatch lol.#the first playthrough i was not expecting the Cage Match and so I desperately ran around shrieking and begging to be friends#while she repeatedly snapped V's spine. but What If...#I guess that fight was a good dry run for running away shrieking from Oda and throwing all 80 grenades i had accumulated
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Template by @vincentmatthews | Find it here! Also kudos to @another-corpo-rat for bringing this to my attention in the first place.
Okay, so I have... 11 of them for 2077, so I’m just going to use my first and most fleshed out one.
Athena Telete Themis Alala Calypso Knox (there is absolutely no documentation to confirm this, source: trust me)
Fort Knox, Goldie
30 (as of June, 2077)
Eye Color
Amber (natural)
Body Type
I mean, have you seen her?
Very happy-go-lucky, almost always in a good mood. Athena is very casual about most things, to the point where a lot of people think she doesn’t take anything seriously. While that might be true, at least to a certain degree, rest assured that when things do go down, she’ll be ready to go.
She also will flirt with just about any woman she comes across, even if they’re trying to kill her at the time.
Keeping her body in shape for the most part, as well as tuning her vehicular pride and joy, a custom Quadra Javelina. More recently Athena has taken to reading ancient philosophy, if nothing else to keep up with her partner’s quoting.
Gang/Occupation (Mox, MaxTac, Arasaka, etc)
Freelance merc, working with T-Bug (and later 8ug8ear, but that’s another story)
Do they smoke?
Hell nah.
Do they drink? If so, what's their poison of choice?
It depends on the occasion, but Athena’s gotten partial to Calavera Feliz.
What do they usually wear on a normal day?
It depends on whether she’s working, but usually it’s light tops and comfortable, practical pants. Sleeves are always optional.
What do they wear when they "Get dressed up"? And what would be considered a "special occasion" to them? {I.E. "I have to look my best" Or an "It's our anniversary"}
Usually it’s a basic suit shirt and pants combo, but rarely, very rarely, she’ll wear a dress. pics or it didn’t happen
As to what she considers a special occasion, it would almost certainly be something private with her partner.
What do they smell like?
Sweat, gunpowder and a teensy, tiny bit of lavender.
How do they walk? (Do they sway their hips? Do they walk with a sense of determination? Do they bounce as they walk? Etc)
Very relaxed, shoulders down, with a slight strut. (and a lot of winks to passing ladies)
Are they more of an early bird or a night owl?
She could get work day or night, so Athena’s sleep schedule ends up being pretty flexible. She does prefer sleeping in when possible, though.
If you had to use one word to define them, what word would you use?
What words or catchphrases do they say that's unique to that character?
One or two more Australian colloquialisms, such as “bloody oath” or “yeah nah/nah yeah”.
Favorite Season?
Summer, for sure.
Favorite type of weather? {Thunderstorms, sunny, etc}
She prefers sunny and warm, but to be honest the weather in general just doesn’t bother her. Except for sandstorms, god she hates the sandstorms.
Do they have someone they're with relationship-wise? If so, who?
Despite flirting and having flings with literally half the women she comes across, she is very loyal and has an ongoing, proper relationship with her partner, T-Bug. T-Bug doesn’t really have a problem with the flings, so long as Athena’s faithful/truthful about what she’s doing.
Main Ship/Pairings
Athena/T-Bug duh
Side Pairings
Favorite/Self-indulgent Pairings
Athena/T-Bug/8ug8ear (which eventually becomes my headcanon, after T-Bug retires)
How do they show affection to their loved one?
Mostly physical things, like hugs and soft kisses... with permission, of course. Also, lots of flirting.
How do they sit in a chair?
Legs spread, usually to let someone sit in front of her so she can hug them.
What do they wear to bed?
Boxers and a tank top, with extra layers depending on the weather.
How do they usually sleep? {Side sleeper, back, fetal position, backwards, nest sleeper, blanket mountain, etc}
She’ll sleep on her back, either spread out by herself or an arm wrapped around someone else.
Do they have to have a form of "white noise" in order to sleep? {The sound of a fan, the sound of rain, the sound of a city, etc}
She doesn’t need anything to help her sleep, but the sound of rain is surprisingly soothing for her.
What's a place they go to feel comfortable, that's their "spot" they always go when they're upset?
Athena doesn’t generally get upset, but when she does, there’s a little spot on the Pacifica beachfront that always calms her down.
What do they do when they're nervous? {Fidget with jewelry, pick at nails, bite nails/lips, play with knife/zippo lighter, etc}
She’ll flick at her pointer finger with her thumb on one hand, then tap the palm of her other to make a sort of rhythm.
What is their "tell" for lying?
Athena’s not much of a liar, that being said her tell is that she crosses her arms, tapping her fingers on them.
What is their favorite color?
Gold, but not for what you think. It’s her favorite color because she likes to try and make things “good as gold”. And yes, because it’s shiny.
Favorite flower/plant?
Favorite sweet of choice?
Raspberry Licorice.
Do they have any pets? If so, tell me about them.
Pets are bloody expensive, no way she has one.
What are their triggers {If they have any}? If so, what calms them down?
She has only one trigger, it’s a defensive one, for a... particular name. She refuses to elaborate and about the only thing to calm her down is either T-Bug, or her quiet spot.
If they could visit anywhere in the world, where would they go and why?
Well, there is this certain villa in Crete that she has her eye on...
What is their favorite comfort meal?
Ice cream, vanilla/chocolate/caramel combo.
Do they have a food they hate?
Despite her apparent sweet tooth, cake. Just the way it feels in her mouth just... doesn’t sit with her.
What is their favorite {non-alcoholic} drink?
Hot chocolate, bonus points for an imported Australian brand.
What are their plans for the future {if they have any}?
Pay off her fixer debt, then help T-Bug retire. Simple, but definitely long term.
What's a song that "fits" them?
Anything AC/DC. It’s practically all she listens to
Give me 5 facts/random bits of information about them
- Athena has a Y2K 20 cent piece, given by her late grandma before she moved to the states.
- She had her first kiss on the Pacifica rollercoaster with then girlfriend, Felicia.
- Has a nickname for just about everyone she knows... except for T-Bug.
- Once spent 24 hours inside an Animal den for a bet, got caught by none other than Sasquatch on the way out. Charmed her way out, naturally.
- Did I mention she flirts with almost any woman she comes across? Cause she does.
Give me their backstory {can be long, or brief.}
Pre 2054: Living in Australia.
2053: Moves to NUSA.
2054: Settles into Pacifica, Night City.
2069: Her father Bradley gets drafted into the Unification war, doesn’t return.
2070: Is forced to leave Pacifica, moves into Watson.
2070-2077: Begins merc work, gets into debt with fixers over gear lost and bad jobs.
2077: Saves the life of T-Bug, the pair work together, eventually helping V and others.
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Episode Transcript: March 17th, 2061, Sundance Bar
It’s August 16th, 2060, in Night City, California, and it’s Jane Doe’s thirtieth birthday. Thirty is a big milestone. Especially around these parts. Not everyone makes it that far. Most of us would be content to celebrate at home, surrounded by friends and family and maybe a cake picked up from the local Oasis-mart. The more adventurous among us might go for a night on the town. If you have money, you might visit a rooftop bar in Pacifica — I’ve heard Villa Nouva is particularly nice! It’s on a high rise tall enough to get you out of a lot of the smog — if not, maybe just a local joint, or a club. Few would willingly venture into the festering bowles of the combat zone, at least not anyone sane. You’d have to be a special type of adrenaline junkie to plunge straight first into the prowling grounds of Night City’s nastiest gangs and cartels.
But Jane Doe wasn’t. Not by a long shot. Jane Doe was a Beavervillian. She grew up in the suburbs with a white picket fence, went to NCU to study engineering, got a stable job at Rocklin Augmentics, moved up the corporate ladder until she was solidly middle management. She had probably been in the combat zone maybe five times in her whole life, if even. So it begs the question: why on earth would Jane Doe — country-club corpo kid Jane Doe — of all people, choose to spend the night of her thirtieth not at her executive zone con-apt, not a fancy Marina boardwalk strip, not even at Pacifica Playground, but in the middle of the god-damned combat zone?
[intro song]
This minisode is brought to you by our sponsor Rent a Grizzly. Want to impress your friends and family by showing up to the function with a new, exotic pet? Want to feed your annoying mother-in-law to a wild beast? Want to temporarily up the security of your home while the lawmen are hot on your heels? With Rent a Grizzly, now you can do all of that and more, and do it affordably! Go to Rent-A-Grizzly-dot-com and check out with code SIDEOFSALT61, that’s capital S-I-D-E-O-F-S-A-L-T-6-1 for 20% off your first booking. Thank you Rent a Grizzly for making this show possible.
Garden Patch Kids, I know you hate it when I do this, but I have to start the episode with a quick disclaimer. This case is high profile. I’m talking high high profile. And after the legal fiasco with the California Kitchen Killings last year, I’m really not looking to get sued. So, just keep in mind, all of this is alleged. I’ve also given all identifiable people and places pseudonyms, so please respect the victim’s privacy. Anyways, do as the show says, and take all of this with a grain of salt. Let’s get into it.
If you ever find yourself in Little China, there are a few places you can go where you’re less likely to be caught in a gang war — that’s not to say you won’t be caught in a gang war, it’s Night City, but the chance is less. The Sundance Bar, as I’m going to call it, is among them.
Sundance Bar is the go-to spot for all you corpo-rats looking to chase serious thrills without getting into serious danger. This place is the ultimate vice-den, let me tell you. It’d make even your hot alt input clutch their pearls. But this place is popular. Line out the door and around the block popular. You better be rich, famous, or smoking hot if you want to get in on a Friday night. Good thing Jane Doe’s birthday was on a Monday, so they would actually admit her. Or maybe not so good. Not so good, indeed. I want to be clear when I say this, because we’re not here to slander victims, so you all should know that Jane Doe was not a junkie. Sure, sometimes she’d microdose speed at work — but let’s be honest, who high up on the corporate ladder hasn’t — and sure, she liked to get loose sometimes, but she wasn’t a junkie. She was just your standard, fun-loving, thrill-seeking choom. Jane Doe’s friends, though? They would have called her a junkie. They were prudes. Real stick in the mud, what crawled up your ass and died, types. Someone could be drinking smash and they’d turn up their nose and scoff like bougie aristocrats. So going to Sundance with her friends was kind of a no-go. And Jane Doe wasn’t social enough to find a new crew to join her bar-hopping for a night. Especially not since she broke up with her mainline of 5 years. Our girl was going through it.
But of course, she really wanted to go to this bar. Dead set on it, heh. We’re not entirely sure why? Some of her friends on the patch claim she wanted to meet a celebrity who frequented the place. Personally, I think she just wanted to go and get wasted in her best dress surrounded by hot people and blasting music. Whatever her motivation was, though, Jane Doe went to the bar alone. She told a few of her friends she’d be going — she wasn’t an idiot. She took the N-cart in with her nice heels and some hangover-cure in her bag. She was last seen by the CCTV walking down East Water Street in a sparkly black cocktail number at 9:13 PM. She would not come out of the bar again. A lot of people really want to know just what happened to Jane Doe inside Sundance. After all, that’s kind of the juicy part of the story, right? But in all my research, and trust me, I did a lot, I could not find a single person who had any clue what went down that night besides the usual bar affairs. In fact, I went to the place myself, scoped it out, and I was pretty unsuccessful in finding anything too strange. I did see that the mirrors in the bathroom were all two sided, but that’s not super unusual in these types of places. Anyways, point is, we have no clue what happened in that bar.
What we do know, however, is that Jane Doe went radio silent following her 30th. Garden Patch Kids, you know when you have someone you talk to daily, and suddenly, you’re not hearing from them for a little bit? Some of you might freak out after the first day, but I’d say most of us don’t start to worry until we see that they’ve been inactive for a week or so. Stuff comes up in people’s lives, sometimes you’re just not on the phone. But the thing about Jane Doe was that she didn’t really have people she spoke with on a daily basis. Her job was cushy enough that she could live alone in her executive zone con-apt, she had just broken up with her mainline, they weren’t exactly on speaking terms, she called her family maybe once a month. It took two weeks for anyone to file a missing person’s case. How come? Jane Doe was using the PTO she’d saved up to take some time off around her birthday. It wasn’t until a few days after her vacation expired that her job got antsy enough to send their lackeys to her door and drag her into work. Only, when they got to her house, she wasn’t in it. And it’s not like it looked like she had freshened it up in preparation for some long trip. Her car was still in the driveway, she had leftovers in the almost fully-stocked fridge, her laundry hamper was packed with clothes, she still had suitcases in her closet. Rocklin reached out to her family, called every line they could, sent emails. Nothing. Nada. Poof! She disappeared.
Her parents find out about the whole missing thing, and they obviously freak the fuck out. They file a missing persons report and they’re all up in the lawmen’s faces asking every question under the sun about how the investigation is going. At first it seems like they’re making really good progress. They find a string of text messages between Jane Doe and her mainland about a week before her disappearance. Jane wants to come over and get her designer handbags back. It’s hers, and it’s expensive, and she wants it. When her mainline tells her no, quite firmly, she calls them a bitch. It’s an ugly conversation. The cops speculate that maybe, drunk and under the influence of whatever cocktail of substances she consumed that night, she went over to her ex’s, got into a tussle, and left with a body bag in place of her Prada.
But the issue is that Jane Doe didn’t show up on the CCTV footage leaving the place. For all they know, she’s still inside Sundance. But the lawmen, for whatever reason, they’re hung up on this whole mainline thing. They keep hounding this angle, but it becomes increasingly clear that they’re making no progress. And eventually, after a few months of this, the cops just give up. “You’re daughter’s probably dead. Deal with it.” Not their exact words, but that’s definitely what it must have sounded like to her parents.
So her parents go to Garden-Patch and start a little awareness campaign, hoping to raise some funds to hire a private detective. They get about a couple hundred eddies into their campaign when they shut it down. That garden patch just gets deleted, out of nowhere. And suddenly, they stop posting anything about their daughter. They’re still active on their accounts, it’s not like they disappeared or anything, but it’s a strange shift. Call me a conspiracist, but I’m finding it incredibly suspicious. Especially with the fancy body-mods they started getting not even a full year later.
Unfortunately, that’s kind of where our story ends. With minisodes like this, things can be a bit abrupt. We really don’t know what happened to Jane Doe; there are a bunch of conspiracies, of course, but I’m not here to get into those. But oh! This Sundance place. It has a bit of a reputation. Jane Doe wasn’t the only corpo-kid to get whisked away after going there, at least allegedly. The other cases are much murkier, Jane Doe’s was the only one with anything legal filed under its name, but I want to say that there are about five other missing persons cases connected to this joint? So yeah, maybe the combat zone isn’t the best place for a night on the town. Not that any of you needed a reminder of that. But yeah, salt fiends, that’s it for the day. Thanks for tuning in. I’ll catch you Sunday for the full episode. By popular demand, we’re going to be covering the most infamous bozo incidents in honor of reaching 10k followers, so make sure to tune into that! As always, stay safe out there. I’ll see you in the next one.
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Cyberpsychosis: 1, 2, 4 and 9 for Wren. 👍😊
01. Demons of War: Is there a job that has left a permanent mark on your OC?
aside from That Job™️, rescuing Evelyn was a really hard one for her. tack that onto the reoccurring nightmares that keep her awake, it is one that will likely never leave her. She tries really hard to push the memories away by remembering Evelyn as she knew her- vivacious, beautiful, smart, cunning. That never works though. The sights, sounds and smells of that warehouse always make their way back.
02. Lt. Mower: What is the worst betrayal your OC has faced?
In her opinion, it was when the Bakkers joined Snake Nation. That was a betrayal from her family, and you don't betray your family. It's caused rifts in her blood-related family, caused her to leave for night city, and was essentially the catalyst for where she is now. And so, she blames everything on it. (most definitely not her own foolish decisions that got her here, nope)
04. Ticket to the Major Leagues: How did they react to their first chrome? (Not including the neurosocket, shard slot and wrist plug).
She played around with it allllll day, scanning things and driving everyone batty (her first piece was optic cyberwear). She told anyone and everyone about it, and in true Wren fashion did not shut the fuck up about it lmao
09. Letter of the Law: How does your OC feel about corps? Hatred, necessary evil, etc.
hate. hate hate. hate hate hate. It's about the only thing she & Johnny can agree on (at first, anyway). Corpos are the one type of person Wren is actively leery of, she can't trust them as far as she can throw them. She hates their lifestyle, hates how they think, hates how they operate. She'd rather deal with gangs because at least they are generally upfront about their intentions versus corpos who are far sneakier.
Thank you so very much for the ask!
[cyberpunk oc game]
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22 J for your V dude!
Thanks so much for asking!! :D
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Honestly, V is actually not a very jealous person overall. Since he tends to need quite some time to be able to open up to others it's more or less a normal occurrence that some will lose interest or turn elsewhere when he cannot give them what they need or want. That's okay with him. It happened before it will certainly happen again. Obviously it's not a nice feeling to be left behind, or to have someone you love "taken away" by someone else for example. But as much as he wouldn't want others to act extensively possessive of him, he wouldn't think of acting like that the other way around. The keyword for him is clearly establishing boundaries and speaking openly about expectations to avoid any feelings of jealously and whatnot from even popping up in the first place. At least that's the theory, practise may differ or not be as plain and simple.
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
I think the Corpo lifepath I chose for him and the general timeline of events predating 2077 leave just enough gaps and wiggle room to fit all my headcanons that make my V my V only and shape him into the person I want him to be xD I did consider aging him up a little bit from the canon age, because in my head he "feels" a little bit older than 27 (I think?)... but I mean, he went through some stuff and had to grow up kind of fast so, it works still!
As for the actual game canon and story and events, some of the special dialogue options I got actually inspired me to shape him more into one direction or another... But there definitely are a handful of dialogue choices here and there that feel very out of character for him. Or at least where I would have wished for a third, more neutral option than the two polar opposites presented.
Most of these I can think about revolve around Panam's storyline, where oftentimes I wished there was a third option to tell her "hey, I think you're pretty cool, we could benefit from keeping in touch, maybe be friends, but nothing more" but instead being given choice A: "I always wished to be a nomad and lead a quiet life, also, I want to spend the rest of my life with you" or choice B: "I'm an absolute dickhead with zero empathy and helping you solely for my personal gain (even though there really isn't that much to gain here financially or otherwise, so why is this even an option?)". There are one or two similar instances with Judy where I would have wished for more variety in dialogue choices, but it was a lot less annoying than with Panam for me personally (I do love Panam, but I feel it's so obvious she was written as male V's main love interest that it really overshadows her character too much for me. I love love love her text messages regarding the other main characters, and how philosophical she gets about life and family and all that which in turn does get my V, who grew up in a very shitty family, to really think what "family" even means to him... I could probably write a whole essay about this so I'll leave it at that for now XD in my head my V and Panam become friends, but it takes them a lot longer to grow close and in general play out a lot different than how it's happening in game, simply because they're from such different worlds but V isn't a coldhearted pragmatic bitch)
There's also one line V says in the Sun ending that I really hate and choose to ingore xD But that's about it for things I changed in my headcanon, everything else worked very well for me personally.
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