#... thank you for asking!!
hasello · 1 month
Out of curiosity, are you going to add Mutant Mayhem turtles to your cousin au? It's totally fine if you don't!! I was just if any of the relationship amongst the turtles would change if they did.
Again you don't have to!! Have a wonderful rest of your day and stay hydrated!!!
To be honest? I keep thinking about it now that the show is out 🙈 I know more about them and feel a lot more confident in drawing/writing them, I think. That was my main argument for not adding them, since I just felt I can’t write them properly… BUT I love these kids a lot and would really like to do something with them. The cousins would probably meet them as teens, tho idk yet! We’ll see!!
You have a lovely day too and have a little treat, as I try to not die finishing this tottmnt piece 🥹
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fffrost · 10 months
Do u have tips on drawing faces? Mostly getting the likeness of a character? I struggle making my drawing looks like the character im trying to draw😞
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It is a little sloppy but I hope this will do!
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palossssssand · 8 months
Hey there! Are there any other beasts in slug city or is it just the orchid and electric ones?
there are other beasts !! Smooks has one, it's made of paint! Best seen in this image
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Delta and Oster and Co. have them too, Delta's is a round-ish beast with many leg and eyes surrounding its entire body with waterfall-like tears. Oster and Co's is one with multiple heads, each representing one of the "main" alters. I would like to heavily rework these both design-wise and concept-wise. Here's old art of them!
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mayasaura · 4 months
hi, may I ask where John being gender non-conforming and his only known family dying of pneumonia happened/was mentioned in the books? I probably just straight up missed it and would like to look back at it, thank you!
Hi!! You certainly may! Sorry I'm answering this bit late, but better late than never right?
So narratively speaking, the John verses are where the story establishes John's background, yeah? They're very deliberate in the details, and we can deduce a lot from what they mention .... and what they don't.
The only family John ever mentions in an active capacity is his Nana, his mother's mother—his mother comes up once, but only in the context of objects she left behind. More on that in a minute.
What happened to his parents is unknown; they just don't show up in his 'saga of me, confused destroyer of worlds'. Whatever the story is there, their omission suggests they weren't present in his life, at least in any stable capacity. Nana and her little dog are his only known family.
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Nana died of pneumonia when John was "a teenager", so between the ages of thirteen and nineteen. Odds are extremely good that happened while he was at Dilworth, which houses students aged eight to eighteen.
As for gender non-conforming, well. Not very gender conforming of him as a little boy to pick Hollywood Hair Barbie as his favorite toy, while letting the dog chew on Ken because, quote, "[Ken] was a creep." Very masculine of him to hold that in his heart as a cherished memory well into adulthood.
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Most of the little boys like that I knew grew up to be women.
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tricitymonsters · 1 month
if you ran and jumped at the LI's while they're holding something, would they drop it to catch you or let you fall? >:]
Mori - Would probably spill what he was holding on you but WOULD catch you.
Amir - do nOT!!! (this turns into a very loud looney tunes chase scene until you make Amir spill his tea and then he shows you he can sprint in those huge heels)
Akello - WILL drop his stuff to catch you but will grumble about it.
Raath -Will spill what he was holding on you And drop you
Kazu - Will drop what he was holding, catch you, then suplex you into the couch
Marcel - Somehow the only one that manages to catch you and hold his drink
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tw1nkee28 · 1 month
Heeey quick question: does use Filipino honorifics like kuya/manong, etc?
Yes yes!! (Assuming this was about Dawn)
(while I may not know a lot of Filipino honorifics, my older brother figure taught me kuya specifically. So I know for certain he uses that one. And my other friend from the Philippines taught me Po, and if I'm remembering correctly that one's sir? Correct me if I'm wrong please. But if I ended up right, I think he'd use that one too)
He doesn't use them often since he generally tries to distance himself from his past, which includes his country, but sometimes it slips out as a force of habit.
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9haharharley1 · 1 year
Since it doesn't exist on the list, I wanna see your aftercare headcanon for Vlad and Danny. I feel like Vlad would be AMAZING at aftercare
Vlad excels at aftercare. The man wants nothing more than to take care of someone, and who better to pamper than his little badger? And after a scene, he's always quick to lavish the praise, simply showering Danny with "Good boy," and "so wonderful, absolutely beautiful for me," and "You did so good for me, Daniel, just perfect." He'll run a bath with scented bath bombs and bubbles, light a few candles, and depending on how rough he was there may even be a cheese platter waiting for them to share, pick Danny up and cradle him close in his arms, press gentle kisses to his lips and face and settle them both in the bath for a long soak and cuddle.
He'll wash Danny's hair and body, still praising and kissing his neck and shoulders, and Danny will tremble and shake in his arms despite the heat of the water. Danny will turn around, straddling Vlad's legs, kiss him sweetly, and then offer to wash Vlad's hair. Vlad let's him, of course. Danny washes his hair, taking his sweet time as Vlad's head falls back, exposing his neck, moaning softly, and Danny will lean in and kiss his neck, maybe even leaving a playful bite. Then, after Vlad's hair is rinsed and conditioned, Danny will soap up his chest, feeling him up all over as he does, and they're both well aware of the tension between them.
Sometimes Danny will ride him there in the bath, slow and gentle, as Vlad cradles him close and whispers sweet nothings in his ear, letting Danny control the pace, both of them falling apart in the other's arms. Sometimes, they just finish washing, kissing and touching, and just simply being together. They get out, dry off, and Danny leads Vlad back to the bed where they snuggle close, still touching gently, still kissing sweetly, falling asleep in each other's arms.
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sammy-gvf · 2 months
If you don't mind me being curious, who are your favourite HOTD characters and why?
Oh I luv this question!!
I truly believe that he is probably one of the best characters he is just so complicated and there are so many layers to him. I really like his character besides the obvious Kinslaying and war crimes but truly, it is apart of his character. I just think that he is unintentionally witty and funny and very calculated. I’m assuming he does love Aegon but holds some type of obvious grudge against him because of how he’s been treated by him. As we can see with what’s happening now in the show that he really just honestly needs someone for him.. like I don’t know if we will see him with Slyvi again. Ewan Mitchell plays him in a way where it’s kind of hard to dislike the character.. like he put so much thought into him.. EWAN MITCHELL MWAHHH
Honestly, I will say that he is one of the funniest motherfuckers on this show even though he’s done the shittiest things here and there, but he is actively one of the funniest characters. He’s complicated and literally just wants to be held by his mother. He’s trying his damn hardest!!!!!  I believe that obviously being thrust into the position of king obviously isn’t easy to deal with so I can understand why he wasn’t happy about it. He’s also complicated character as are majority of them in the show. Tom Glynn Carney, MWAH MWAH CHEFS KISS!!!
OK actually hear me out because if I were in House of the Dragon, as in like my own OC, I would 100% be joking and having banter with him. I genuinely do not dislike his character, besides the obvious with rhaenyra. this little motherfuckers funny I don’t care what anyone has to say. Like right now what’s going on is that I think he might try to somehow get over on Rhaenyra for her claim I don’t know that’s just my opinion it’s what it sounds like!!!! I am hoping NOT .. but Matt Smith.. the man that you ARE!!!
I absolutely love Heleana,I think that she has so much potential. She’s really trying to do is be there for her child now and I believe she wants to be for Aegon. I really liked when she asked aemond if this was worth it. Like, was it truly worth it for you to almost kill your brother? I feel like she’s truly going to show herself more in these last three episodes. she has so much knowledge with bugs and such like you’re so cute…Phia Saban… I LOVE U SWEET GIRL!!
Rhaenyra is an honorable mention bitch you funny too !!
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commsroom · 3 months
i want to hear!! your thoughts on what you think happened the night of eiffel's junior prom!!! user commsroom speculations for the win
oh!! honestly, it's probably not that interesting, but the way pryce says "what really happened the night of your junior prom" implies that it's a secret he's kept, and that he told a different story. if i was going to guess, i'd say he lied to his friends and told them he got laid when he actually got rejected, or something similar. nothing earth shattering, just a private bit of teenage romantic embarrassment that he might've felt guilty for if his lie impacted someone.
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storiesofaot · 22 days
Hello. Would you, please, write smth about Hange and Levi's eventual reunion in the afterlife?
Hi Anon! Of course; I’ve wanted to write Levihan reuniting in afterlife for quite some time now, so thank you for giving me the opportunity!! 🤭 Here it is!
Title: Our Eternity; Rating: T; Word Count: 1137
With one final breath, Levi's eyes fluttered shut, leaving this world behind. For a moment, there was nothing - only darkness and an unbearable quietness enveloping him. 
But then, something changed, and the weight suddenly disappeared. A warmth that blossomed within him took over, spreading from his heart over his entire body. His eyes remained shut, but he knew that he was in another place - a world untouched by the scars of his past, where only peace reigned. 
He took a deep breath, feeling life rush back into him - though not in the same way as before. It felt different, lighter somehow, as if being alive carried a new meaning in this place. Underneath his body, he could feel the crisp grass touching his arms and neck, while a warm breeze brushed his face and tickled his bare feet.
Slowly, he opened his eyes and was immediately blinded by dazzlingly bright light, which was overwhelming at first. But he continued to breathe in the sweet air, listening to the rustling of the leaves around him and gradually, the light softened into a warm, golden hue, revealing the canopy of a tree.
Levi allowed himself to linger in that peace for a moment longer, savouring the tranquillity. Suddenly, a rustling reached his ears, which definitely didn't come from the leaves. Propping himself on his elbows, he sat up slightly - and instantly froze in place, his breath catching in his throat.  
He blinked a few times, certain that his eyes were playing tricks on him. But the sight in front of him remained - a familiar face he hadn't seen in what felt like a lifetime. 
Hange was sitting a little distance away from him, crossed-legged in the grass, looking down at her hands as she fiddled with a dandelion. A soft light surrounded her, casting a gentle glow on the serene moment before his eyes. She seemed to sense his gaze and looked up, and when their eyes finally met, time seemed to stand still.
A soft smile appeared on her lips, and she dropped the dandelion. “Look who’s finally here. I've been waiting for you.” She unfolded her legs and knelt down next to him, her knees almost brushing his elbow. 
“Hange?” he gasped, her name a sweet sound to his ears. He quickly shifted into a sitting position, afraid to break eye contact for fear she might disappear.
She chuckled and cocked her head. “Yeah, it’s me. Time works differently here, that's why I don't look all wrinkled and worn out.” 
Levi allowed himself a moment to take in her face. She looked young and full of life. Her skin was smooth and unscarred, her hair open and falling over her shoulders in gentle waves, and she was looking at him with a pair of chestnut brown eyes. He raised his hand to his right cheek and ran his fingertips over it - there were no scars.
“You're right; injuries and imperfections don’t exist up here. No pain, no illness. That’s why I’m not wearing any glasses,” she explained with a grin. She slowly lifted her hand to his face, pausing over his right eye before finally running her fingers over the spot where she had once stitched him up. It was only with the feeling of her skin against his that he truly understood she was actually there, and that after so many years apart, they were finally reunited.
In that moment, it didn't matter to him that his feelings were probably written all over his face. He might make a fool of himself, but he didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was that she was there, that he was there, and that they were given a second chance. Together. “I missed you so much,” he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. 
“I missed you too.” Her hand gently caressed his face - a simple touch, but it was enough to set his heart on fire. A single tear rolled down his cheek, then another, and she wiped them away with the back of her fingers. 
He gave in to the overwhelming urge and leaned forward, pressing his forehead against her shoulder. Her hands moved reassuringly over his back, and then, finally, she pulled him into a warm embrace. His arms instinctively wrapped around her waist as he returned the gesture, drawing her as close as possible.
There was one thing, though, that he still needed to do. He had already spent half his life regretting not having dared to take the first step. But now he was given a second chance, and he was determined to make it right. Carefully, he pulled back just enough to look her straight in the eyes, their foreheads still pressed together. Shaky fingers reached for her cheek, and he gently brushed a lock of her hair back behind her ear. 
Hange seemed to sense what he had in mind, and her eyes widened slightly, but she didn’t pull back. Her eyes flickered from his lips up to his eyes again, and anticipation coiled in his stomach.
Levi wanted to say something, to tell her how he felt, but the words caught in his throat. He had never been good with words, and it seemed that even in a place like this he couldn’t find the right ones to express everything he wanted to say. “Hange, I..."
“I know. Me too,” she whispered softly, not even letting him struggle to find the right words. He let out a huff of air, and the corners of his lips turned up just a little. 
His heart was pounding very fast when he finally reached for her head, burying his fingers deep in her hair, but there was no turning back now. He leaned in, closing the small gap between them, and gently pressed his lips to hers. 
The warmth that rushed through his body at that touch was overwhelming, but it also felt incredibly good. Everything about the kiss felt right - how her soft lips moved against his as she returned the kiss, how her hands rested on his chest, one directly over his pounding heart, and how her fingers were buried in his hair as she deepened the kiss, gently scratching the back of his neck. Kissing her was both exhilarating and thrilling, and in that moment, he had never felt so profoundly loved.
What he had intended to be just one kiss turned into several, and when they finally pulled away, both were breathing heavily, their cheeks flushed but smiles wide. 
“I should’ve done this sooner,” he murmured, gently tracing her jawline with his thumb.
“Oh, definitely,” Hange chuckled, playfully nudging his nose with hers. “But I don’t care. Now we have an eternity to make up for everything.” With those words, she leaned in again and drew him into another kiss.
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fffrost · 10 months
takeda with "knives" or "hunter eyes" palette ? :]
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I really struggled with this one but i'm very pleased with the end result!!
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i-am-a-fan · 1 year
Can you rant about Red Son and weapons? Because that really stood out to me when you did the post telling people to ask you about stuff
This really was from someone's idea that Redson should get DBK's axe later on. (I think my memory is failing me because I went searching for the original post and I CANNOT FIND IT.)
The Axe would most likely become a family heirloom, with each person adding an engraving to the axe.
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However, I don't feel like Redson would wield such a weapon. They feel like their preferred method of fighting is sharp, quick, and precise movements. Forcing their opponent into a very close distance in which an axe wouldn't help them.
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Normal verson
and slowed down version
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Look at where Redson is trying to hit, it's the neck, chest, and head: vital points of the body that would deal massive damage. (Take a moment to appreciate that fighting animation though. Wow, the movement, the dynamic AHHHHH.)
I personally feel that IF Reson used a weapon, it would be something small more of an extension of his fists.
Boom! Enters the Deer Horn Daggers or Liujiao Dao/ Lùjiǎodāo. These weapons /seem/ to have been used to destroy your opponent's sword, while still being sharp enough to cause damage on their own. They're funky and many people say that they are more of a danger to the person wielding it than their opponent. Which, seeing Redson's reckless personality, I think it would fit her perfectly.
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Unfortunately, they are SO funky, that I cannot find any good information on them.
I also think that Redson would use a Halberd due to their time, possibly, training with Nezha.
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It’s multi-functional, with the side blading being for disarming and the main blade being for stabbing. My only issue with it, is that it requires distance to be able to use, since it’s partially a defensive tool against chariots.
Mostly, I think that Redson would wield a large variety of weapons, but would default to her fists and fire-wielding abilities.
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Two weapons of honorable mention the Jie Bian and the Shenf Biao which would obviously be set on fire as Redson wields them. (suggested by @nickythesilliest )
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4ugust4r · 2 months
LMAO okay it's not actually THAT specific it's just my go-to thing to think about of like. What if everything happens...laterrr.
Mob becomes even more repressed and isolates himself, becoming a shut in at his parents house while
Ritsu goes off to college and loses it under the pressure of whatever insane degree he's going for.
Teru. So many things could happen with Teru. Does he cave and join Claw? Start his own evil organization? The possibilities are endless.
As for Shou. He's still working hard at being undercover while gathering forces to oppose Claw, and I think that means doing and seeing some pretty sketchy stuff as he gets older. Maybe he starts killing people from Claw for various reasons. (He got caught and he's gonna be ratted out to his dad, if he doesn't kill this person they're going to kill other people. Etc.) Who knows!
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i-like-bagel · 5 months
If you don’t mind, could draw Lucy maud Montgomery from bsd? I think she’d be really really pretty in your style :D
don’t do it if you don’t want to, and have a lovely day/night!
(Btw, your art is so so pretty ^^<333)
tysm 🥹🫶 I’d love to!
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i’ve drawn pretty much everyone from bsd *but* Lucy, and it was honestly a lot of fun! thank you for the suggestion ✨
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ao3-shenanigans · 6 months
My question without the typo : is the fic game still going on ?
Anyway, have a good day, I'm sorry for bothering
Not a bother at all! Your typo was actually really funny!
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tricitymonsters · 29 days
Hellooo~ I had question regarding akello: since he’s basically a slime in human form, does he NEED to eat or does he get his sustenance another way if that make sense?
Following that if he does still need to eat; if a lover were to make breakfast for him in the morning?what would he prefer? Something light or something a lil more heavy?
Yes! Akello still needs to eat to upkeep his biomass- which can get used up if he's doing things like healing other organic matter or if he sustains heavy damage (think burns and chemical reactions). He doesn't need to eat much and he can technically do it by engulfing various energy sources in his slime form (slime molds- a big inspo for the way Akello's monster biology works, do this. It's called phagocytosis, though slime molds usually enjoy things like protists, yeast, decaying organic matter, etc etc) but what can I say, he really really likes to eat.
BUT if you used to be human, that's no way to live and Akello loves to eat food the human way. He's very traditional in that one of the fastest ways to his heart is through his stomach. Please eat a full southern-style breakfast with him- but don't think he won't happily scarf something lighter either!! He's not picky and he feels sturdy enough to face the day when he's got a full meal in him!
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