#... Wait. I guess he still is called a kaiju. lol
screwpinecaprice · 1 year
Hi, Any plans for a Giant Steven AU? Love him being a big cutie.
Not really, can't even think of how to make one. 😅
Though I could prolly imagine some angsty and fluffy scenarios where he temporarily turned big.
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nmnostalgiadrabbles · 4 years
Then and Now - Iwaoi
soooo put all three together bc that’s what I should’ve done in the first place lol
 The story of Oikawa and Iwaizumi, over the years.
 They’ve kissed more than their teammates might think.
The first time, they were twelve, on one of their days off from practice in the summer and they’d spent all morning searching for caterpillars. They come in for watermelon and a break from the sun and humidity, that, once they’re upstairs reading Iwaizumi’s comic books splayed out on the floor, turns into a nap. A half hour later, they wake, and Godzilla resumes defending Japan from another kaiju terrorizing the earth on glossy pages beneath sticky fingers. They talk a little as they read, about caterpillars and the upcoming school year, volleyball and what Iwaizumi’s mom is making for dinner.
“What do you think kissing is like?” Oikawa says, stretched out on his back with his hands folded on his stomach. He’s counting the plastic glow-in-the-dark stars on Iwaizumi’s ceiling. “Makki and Hanna got married on the playground the other day and got in trouble for kissing.”
Iwaizumi grunts, uninterested really, but a couple moments pass and he decides he’d like to know too. After all, he and Oikawa compete in just about everything else; he can’t lose here either, even if he is feeling kind of chicken. So he sits up cross legged, and Oikawa follows, and they don’t say a lot, but before they lean in, Oikawa asks, “Should we close our eyes?”
Iwaizumi hasn’t a clue but he says he thinks so.
And it’s exactly what an experimental kiss between twelve-year old best friends should be: scrunched up faces and pursed lips that meet only for a second before they pull away and look at each other again.
Iwaizumi grunts again, shrugging a shoulder, and Oikawa agrees.
“Yeah, don’t really get what all the fuss was about.”
 The second time, they’re fifteen, and its after Oikawa’s knee starts hurting during practice. Aside from sets that aren’t up to Oikawa’s own standard – but still entirely hittable, Iwaizumi thinks – Iwaizumi knows his partner well-enough to see that something isn’t right. He doesn’t mention it during practice, and neither do the coaches; they probably think he’s just having an off day. He’d been kind of tightly wound since Kageyama had taken his place in that match, after all.
They walk home together, where usually Oikawa is skipping about in front of him, going on about his latest girlfriend, but today, he lags behind in strange silence.
Iwaizumi turns to face him and goes for normalcy. “Shittykawa, spit it out.”
Oikawa looks up. Iwaizumi wants to see his face twist into that all-too-familiar shit-eating grin. Instead, he notices Oikawa looks pale. He’s leaning to one side – weight on one foot – and says, in a voice Iwaizumi has never heard before, “It hurts, Iwa-chan,”
They make it home to Iwaizumi’s, because Oikawa’s parents are out of town and he’s staying over, and Iwaizumi helps him up the stairs and onto his bed, leaving him for a moment to retrieve an ice pack from the refrigerator downstairs. He offers ibuprofen too, but Oikawa says he needs to be able to feel it.
“What? Why?”
Oikawa mumbles out an answer that Iwaizumi doesn’t like: that he needs it to hurt to remind him to try harder.
“Don’t be a dumbass. Your play is already suffering; if you continue like this, it’ll get worse and then Kageyama will take your place for good.”
Oikawa flinches and looks away from Iwaizumi, who’s kneeling at his legs and holding the ice pack in place.
“I want you setting for me, not him.” Then he stands and chastely kisses the top of Oikawa’s head, hair unreasonably soft, in one quick motion.  
“Iwa-chan, if you wanted to kiss me you could have just said so,”
Iwaizumi slaps the back of his head and stomps downstairs to start dinner.
 The third time, they’re seventeen, cicadas call loudly, and they’ve come back from a run. They’ve just had lunch, and Iwaizumi tastes like peanut butter and Oikawa like a popsicle.
“‘Blue’ isn’t even a flavor, it’s a color,” he says, and Oikawa sticks his purple tongue out. Iwaizumi makes a face, but Oikawa’s put a hand behind his head and leisurely, like he’d done it as often as he’d served a volleyball, kisses Iwaizumi. It isn’t like when they were twelve.
Oikawa pulls back, triumphant, saying, “See, there is flavor.”
 The fourth time, they’re eighteen, getting ready for bed early because they’ve a match in the morning, brushing their teeth in Oikawa’s bathroom, play-fighting with elbows until Oikawa swallows some toothpaste and hacks over the sink while Iwaizumi, already rinsed clean, cackles behind him till his stomach hurts. Oikawa catches his breath and rinses eventually, and turns to Iwaizumi, who recognizes the danger immediately. He intends to flee from the bathroom, but Oikawa, long-limbed and oddly flexible, manages the get the door shut. Iwaizumi does his best to look intimidating, but Oikawa smiles confidently and ghosts his hands over Iwaizumi’s ribs. Involuntarily, Iwaizumi shudders as Oikawa says, “Please, Iwa-chan. In close quarters like this, you don’t stand a chance. I know your weakness.”
Iwaizumi swallows, mouth parted in a nervous, have mercy smile, but Oikawa will have none of it. The same fingers that deliver the only sets Iwaizumi could ever ask for tickle his sides till he wheezes and tears form. He breaks mostly free and reaches for the doorknob, but Oikawa seizes the opening and then Iwaizumi’s back to laughing and trying desperately to grab hold of Oikawa’s hands while still defending himself. A few misfires, but eventually he gets one and holds it behind Oikawa’s back and the edge of the vanity while he nabs the other wrist and takes them both his is calloused hand. He presses forward with his whole body, still breathing heavy, but finally, finally he can relax.
Oikawa smirks. “I could get free if I wanted to.”
Iwaizumi scoffs. “No you couldn’t.”
Oikawa’s smirk remains, and entirely too confidently for someone with his arms pinned behind him, he leans forward and looks Iwaizumi directly in the eyes as he kisses him. It’s brief, so he can pull back and raise his hands and wiggle his fingers.
“Told ya,” he says, and Iwaizumi expects him to cross his arms over his chest and continue gloating, but he doesn’t. Well, he still gloats, but he puts his hands on Iwaizumi’s sides again, and Iwaizumi sucks in a breath.
“I like them here better. Don’t you?”
Iwaizumi swallows. Looks at Oikawa, all smiles and lidded eyes, and decides this time will be different.
So he pushes forward and they kiss there, in the warm light of the half-bath off the corner of Iwaizumi’s room, with open mouths and think they’ve finally understood what all the fuss is about. Iwaizumi half-wonders if maybe Oikawa understood a while ago, because he moves himself and directs Iwaizumi with a confidence Iwaizumi doesn’t have yet. At some point though, they separate, and Iwaizumi is pleased to find Oikawa’s face – and mouth – as red as his feels.
They hear the front door close and Iwaizumi’s mom call out. Iwaizumi wavers, but Oikawa grabs his face and kisses him hard, and a moment later darts out the door, down the stairs and in into, Iwaizumi suspects, the kitchen, where he’ll be hiding behind Iwaizumi’s own mother. Iwaizumi clambers after him.
 The fifth time, they’re still eighteen, but they’ve just lost to Karasuno. Oikawa knows it isn’t the end for him, but it’s bitter, because it’s the end for him and Iwaizumi.
He’s glad when Iwaizumi turns up at the Shiratorizawa-Karasuno showdown. He’d been afraid to reach out and meet up formally because what if it hurt? He didn’t feel like crying anymore; he’d done enough of that. And it does hurt, them analyzing the match together. Hearing Iwaizumi call him an asshole and laughing because he knows it’s true. Toward the end, Oikawa, unsure, says, “I was imagining it was us out there.”
“Me too.”
They get coffee. Iwaizumi remarks about how little crème Oikawa gets in his.
“I’ve got to start taking care of myself,” Oikawa replies, and Iwaizumi reads between the lines.
“Come back to my place. I’ll make dinner.”
“‘Your place?’ You still live with your parents, Iwa-chan,”
Iwaizumi huffs. “They’re out. We’ll have to stop at the grocery first. Guess I oughtta teach you how to do that too, huh.”
Oikawa smiles, but when Iwaizumi turns and heads out the café door, it slips.
He wants to enjoy these last moments together, so he laughs and teases Iwaizumi like he should, but it’s hard, so after dinner when Iwaizumi puts a movie on, Oikawa excuses himself to the bathroom upstairs, sees the toothpaste on the counter, and cries. He’s in the there entirely too long and knows Iwaizumi is probably getting suspicious, but he’s still surprised when he opens the door to find Iwaizumi flipping through an old comic book on his bed.
Oikawa sniffs.
Iwaizumi pats the space next to him.
Oikawa curls beside him with his head on Iwaizumi’s stomach and tries to breathe without shaking. Iwaizumi puts the comic book down. They’d done this before. Oikawa had cried in front of Iwaizumi more times that he’d cried alone, though he can’t help but think that will be changing. Universities across the world from each other – how could they ever hope to close that distance?
“I know you’re thinking.”
“Iwa-chan had a thought?” Oikawa hides his face in Iwaizumi’s sweatshirt.
“I’m trying to be genuine here, asshole.”
Oikawa has a decision to make – allow Iwaizumi to start this conversation, the one he wants to pretend won’t happen if he avoids it, or try to enjoy one of their last nights together. He isn’t sure he can do either.
He feels a hand in his hair, soft and warm, and though he knows Iwaizumi is offering comfort, Oikawa needs to take more. So he sits up, sets his glasses on Iwaizumi’s bed-side table, and moves to straddle his best friend’s waist.
Iwaizumi is taken aback. He’s perceptive, but Oikawa can be a mystery if he really wants to be, and now, Iwaizumi notes, is one of those times. He waits. Watches Oikawa’s chest rise and fall.
Oikawa puts his hands on Iwaizumi’s chest. He can do this. He wants to do this. He has to do this. There likely won’t be another chance. With worry and separation in the back of his mind, he leans down and kisses Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi kisses him back, moves his hands to either side of Oikawa’s waist, above the hips but below the ribs, which is an incredible relief; Oikawa had half-expected Iwaizumi to say no, we shouldn’t, not like this, or worse, just no, because he didn’t want Oikawa the way Oikawa wanted him. That just because they’d kissed a couple times didn’t mean he’d mourn him from how-ever many thousand miles away. How could Oikawa blame him? They weren’t even twenty, and Iwaizumi was going to move on from volleyball. He was going to study sports medicine in college, but that wasn’t a team sport; Oikawa couldn’t be a part of that world, and maybe that was for the better. Maybe that was what Iwaizumi wanted.
Oikawa feels sick at the thought, and decides that at least for this moment and the few that would follow, he would be something Iwaizumi wanted.
Oikawa kisses him in what he thinks is the sexiest way possible. Tongue, but not too much, just enough to tease, because that about sums up his entire personality, doesn’t it? If Iwaizumi could read his thoughts he would have said no, you’re entirely too much, all the time.
Oikawa holds back tears.
He presses his hips down and wills himself to feel something that doesn’t hurt. He trails wet kisses from Iwaizumi’s mouth to his jaw to his neck – the kind that leaves bruises – and Iwaizumi, who is breathing faster than normal, whose hands roam from Oikawa’s sides to his shoulder blades to his hair, makes a noise Oikawa hasn’t heard before. Oikawa’s chest tightens.
It stops when Oikawa pauses opens his eyes because he stupidly, stupidly wanted to see what Iwaizumi, what Haijime looked like beneath him. It’s everything he’s hoped for – flushed down to his neck, red, shiny lips parted perfectly for his own, eyes shut almost tightly, almost like it was too much and Oikawa would cement this moment, this Haijime in the back of his mind for the rest of his life – but Iwaizumi opens his eyes, why Oikawa didn’t know, and for a reason Oikawa is frustrated he can’t overcome, Iwaizumi blinks and it’s too late, it’s over Oikawa recognizes; Iwaizumi has been snapped from the moment Oikawa had tried so desperately to create, and all the ones he’d hoped would come after.
How could he live without hearing Iwaizumi say his name like that ever again? Say his name at all?
“Oikawa, what’s wrong?”
So it had been his fault after all. He’s given himself away, but isn’t sure how until Iwaizumi brings a hand to his cheek and Oikawa feels him thumb wetness away.
Iwaizumi sits up as best he can, pillows at his back, and looks at Oikawa with the furrowed brow Oikawa had loved from the moment Iwaizumi’s face had first scrunched up when they were five and Iwaizumi had stepped in water with his sock feet.
Oikawa hunches down with his fists in the fabric of Iwaizumi’s sweatshirts and doesn’t care that he sounds like a child.
“It hurts, Iwa-chan,”
Iwaizumi puts his arms around Oikawa’s shaking shoulders.
“I know,” he says. Oikawa raises abruptly; had he heard that right? The tremor in Iwaizumi’s voice?
He finds Iwaizumi is crying too.
“I said I knew what you were thinking, didn’t I?”
Oikawa can’t help it – he laughs. They both spend a moment wiping their faces and sniffing, and then Oikawa says what he’s always felt.
“I love you,”
He’s never imagined how Iwaizumi would react to hearing those words from him because he’s never imagined himself really and actually saying them.
But maybe Iwaizumi has, because he says without hesitation, “I love you too.”
And even though not all of the pain is gone, enough is that Oikawa can grin again, honestly, and says, “Iwa-chan that’s so embarrassing!”
Maybe Iwaizumi hadn’t thought that far ahead, because he balks for a moment, but only a moment since this is Shittykawa after all, and launches himself into Oikawa’s torso so convincingly they tumble off his bed and this time, Iwaizumi makes sure he comes out on top so he can mercilessly dole out payback for that time in the bathroom. Oikawa writhes and shrieks beneath him with smiles Iwaizumi catalogues for when they can’t torcher each other like this every night. Because Iwaizumi is so pleased with himself, he takes Oikawa’s wrists in one hand and pins them above his head, further pleased at the blush that spreads across Oikawa’s cheeks and ears. He basks in his victory and tries his hand at the patented Oikawa smirk.
“You can’t kiss me now,” he says.
Oikawa goes still beneath him, surprise evident.
“Guess you’ll just have to let me do that part.”
Oikawa’s eyes narrow, but he grins and licks his lips.
They don’t actually talk about who won or lost. There’s a jab and a comeback and then they just laugh. They separate to celebrate with their own teams, out for dinner, but Iwaizumi tells Oikawa to come by his room later.
Oikawa makes likes he’s offended, going as far as to summon a faux blush and says, “Aren’t you supposed to take me out first?”
Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and says, “I want to check out your knee. I know you’ve got your own trainer, but a second opinion never hurt anyone.”
Oikawa leans close, and Iwaizumi breathes once, twice, his sweat and deodorant and the way he’s smelled since they were kids. Feels the hand hot on his shoulder.
“But what if I want it to?”
But then he pulls back and he’s just one big shit-eating grin.
Iwaizumi laughs. “I don’t know why I thought you’d mature,”
Oikawa’s teammates call him over, apparently there’s an interviewer waiting for him, which doesn’t surprise Iwaizumi at all, so Oikawa just says for Iwaizumi to text him his room number.
It’s late when he comes by, and Iwaizumi hounds him about getting enough sleep. Oikawa falls with a huff on the twin bed by the window.
“Who’s the one keeping me up?”
Iwaizumi comes to stand at the foot. “This doesn’t count; it’s for good reason.”
“You think you’re worth losing sleep?”
Iwaizumi forgot how often he rolled his eyes when in Oikawa’s presence. “Sit up, put your feet on the floor, legs a ninety-degree angle.”
Oikawa complies, and in his best nauseatingly-sweet voice asks a third question. “Do you talk to all your players like that?”
Iwaizumi kneels in front of him and then realizes.
“Tell me you’re wearing something under those?”
Oikawa nearly short-circuits thinking up the perfect response but he just ends up laughing and stepping out of his sweats.
“Thank God.” Iwaizumi resumes his place kneeling on the patterned carpet and put his hands on Oikawa’s thigh.
“It’s the other one,” Oikawa says.
“I know. But you can’t be trusted not to fuck yourself up for volleyball.”
Oikawa snorts. A few moments later, Iwaizumi moves to the other, pressing into the tissues carefully. A little longer, and then he uses his thumbs to dig.
“Tell me if anything hurts.” He scoffs and corrects himself. “Tell me what hurts.”
“Is it so hard to believe I’ve learned to take care of myself?”
Iwaizumi moves one hand to the other knee and feels them simultaneously for comparison. “It really is.”
Oikawa doesn’t say anything, just watches Iwaizumi continue his examination. He thinks about reaching a hand up to feel Iwaizumi’s hair.
“Okay, lie back.”
“Oh good, the fun part.” Oikawa winks and Iwaizumi flicks him.
“The first thing you do when we see each other after all this time is feel me up and physically abuse me, Iwaizumi? Can’t say I’m surprised.”
Iwaizumi holds Oikawa’s ankle in one hand and behind his knee above the calf in the other. He puts a knee on the bed and presses forward. Only when Oikawa’s thigh is entirely flush to his chest does he wince. Iwaizumi watches him for a moment, as Oikawa pointedly looks up at the ceiling.
“Fucker,” Iwaizumi says. “You’re supposed to say when it hurts.”
“I didn’t want you to stop,”
They’re quiet for a moment, looking at each other, till Iwaizumi releases Oikawa’s leg and settles between his thighs. He moves forward, slowly, because it’s been too, too long since he’d torchered Oikawa proper. One hand on Oikawa’s right side, the other on his left, and he bends down like he’s going to kiss him. But he stops and breathes, leans back just enough when Oikawa lifts his head to meet, and chuckles at his irritation. Oikawa squints, takes the fabric of his shirt in his fists and finally – because honestly it had been torcher for Iwaizumi, too – they’re kissing.
They’re steady for a beat, until Iwaizumi feels a hand tug his hair and then they’re touching all over and scrambling for purchase to bring themselves closer, as close as physically possible after being continents apart, and mold into one another.
Then Iwaizumi pulls away for just a moment because he really wants to see what Oikawa looks like kissed stupid after so, so long.
“God,” he breathes.
“You haven’t called me that in some time,” Oikawa manages, and Iwaizumi laughs. The texts, the phone calls – they’d been enough because they were all the two of them had had for months on end, for years, but now, to see Oikawa blush for him, feel his mouth open for him? Iwaizumi doesn’t cry, but Oikawa reaches up to kiss his cheek like he had. Then he licks the same spot with what felt like basset-hound level slobber and falls back in hysterics while he watches Iwaizumi furiously rub his face in the shoulder of his t-shirt.
Oikawa’s stomach flips when Iwaizumi looks at him again, and he lets Iwaizumi gather his wrists in one hand and hold them above his head. The other splays out on Oikawa’s stomach and it flips a second time.
“That’s more like it, Iwa-chan.”
 It’s not entirely a grunt and it’s not entirely a groan, the noise that Oikawa makes as Iwaizumi digs his thumbs into his traps. It’s just a noise, Iwaizumi decides, that he likes – proper term irrelevant.
“You’re really tight,” he says.
From his spot on the floor in front of the edge of Iwaizumi’s bed where Oikawa sits so Iwaizumi can work more easily, Oikawa only turns his head enough to give him a side-eye and half-assed grin. Iwaizumi enjoys that he’s capable of doing something Oikawa likes enough to actually shut up.
“I hope you’re doing this yourself, too.”
“How’s that?”
“Put a tennis ball between the muscle you want to work and a wall and press back till you feel pressure that’s uncomfortable but not painful. I do it for myself all the time.”
“It is really a massage if you do it to yourself?”
“This isn’t a massage, asshole. It’s myofascial release. I just haven’t gotten to the part that hurts yet.”
“Are you sure you went to school for this? Massages are supposed to feel good, Iwa-chan.”
“You’ll feel good tomorrow.”
“Have you ever known me to be patient?”
Iwaizumi sighs. Thinks for a moment. “Alright, lie on your stomach.”
Oikawa, still half-sleep, rises with a groan (this time, definitely a groan) and crawls like a child up past their bedtime to the center of Iwaizumi’s bed. Iwaizumi grabs something from his work bag and moves to sit atop his waist. Oikawa hums with his eyes closed.
“This’ll be cold, but it’ll take the edge off.”
He sprays a menthol solution across Oikawa’s neck and shoulders and down his back. Oikawa flinches, but after Iwaizumi’s warm fingers return, he finds the familiar cooling sensation more than pleasant. It doesn’t quite numb the area, but it helps him relax the muscles he tenses unconsciously throughout the day.
“Do you foam roll?”
“Yeah, mostly my legs.” Oikawa mumbles into the comforter.
Iwaizumi works up high for several minutes before placing hands on either side of Oikawa’s spine a few inches above the waistline. They’re exploratory at first, lacking real pressure, but there’s one area that’s particularly sensitive and Oikawa jumps involuntarily.
“One hell of a knot there.”
He works it for a while.
“Sure you don’t wanna betray shorty and Ushiwaka and join our side?” Oikawa says between breathes Iwaizumi reminds him to keep taking.
“What, your trainer’s no good?”
“He’s plenty good, but nobody’s got your hands, Iwa.”
Iwaizumi snorts. “Even if it’s not bothering you at the time, try and hit your back when you roll, too. You’ll end up pulling something when you serve eventually, otherwise. Do the tennis ball for your shoulders when you can’t get with your trainer.”
Oikawa doesn’t respond yet. It certainly is one hell of a knot, and he shuts his eyes and presses his lips together while Iwaizumi applies pressure that’s almost too much. Then Iwaizumi pulls back and Oikawa practically shudders.
“Sorry,” Iwaizumi says, sitting back. “It’s four-thirty. You should probably shower and head back to your room.”
Oikawa turns over on his back and rubs his hands up and down Iwaizumi’s forearms. “Yes, what would they say about you aiding the enemy? ‘Did you see? Oikawa returned from somewhere before the sun came up today – who could he have been visiting?’”
The corners of Iwaizumi’s lips curl. “As if they’d have to wonder.”
Oikawa props himself up on one elbow and reaches to place a hand behind Iwaizumi’s neck. He pulls him down and kisses him. Is kissed back.
“I’ll think about you tomorrow. When my neck –” another kiss. “– and my shoulders –” another. “– and my back –” just one more. “ – feel good.”
9 notes · View notes
some-creep · 4 years
Because, like, no one played Gestalt. Also this game has more songs.
Significance Like. I guess. It’s a title you can use. What is significant? We don’t know. The characters don’t know. They are struggling to find out. We all are. What is meaning? What really matters? I don’t know but we’re all crying. 8/10
City Ruins – Rays of Light / Shade Plays in the ruins of the city. Exactly as advertised. Sounds sad like you might imagine. 9/10
Peaceful Sleep This is the Resistance camp right? Peaceful things don’t tend to happen there honestly. At least not as we keep going. Sounds like a sleepy JRPG town though. Ok title for the mood it gives. I like this song a lot so I’m cheating and giving it more points than I know it deserves as just, like, a title. 8/10
Memories of Dust Sand is dusty. What memories? We’re making them. Cool title. Sounds like a YA novel though. 9/10
Birth of a Wish Genuinely often get confused with the Silent Hill 2 bonus story Born from a Wish whenever I try to remember what this song is called. This Cannot Continue / 10
The Color of Depression This is like… a really cool title. Thanks. That Scanner boy is not gonna live the happy family life you all for some reason keep suggesting he is. Bad things are gonna happen to him. He dies anyway. 11/10
Amusement Park Yeah. I guess. We certainly are in the amusement park level. Creep why does this one rank so much lower than City Ruins which was also just “name of location”. Amusement park is not a cool title. City Ruins is a cool title. 7/10
A Beautiful Song Would you say Simone has girlpower? Would you say Simone successfully used her girlpower to kill and consume countless androids and also turn them into near lifeless weapons and body jewelry? 9/10
Voice of No Return Sad title. Sad song. Exactly as advertised once again. I feel sad listening to the Automata OST most of the time. Is this quest complete in the camp? I think so. Anyway it’s really sad. I love to cry. 11/10
Grandma – Destruction Um so this is like. Genuinely a horrible title. It reminds me of the title of a darkweb video which I will say no more on. This song is REALLY good its a shame this title is so… uh. Bad. It’s just bad. 1/10
Faltering Prayer – Dawn Breeze / Starry Sky This is another really cool title. This game is about like… life after god. I’m not here to get thematic. I say in a list entirely about if the song fits the theme. Anyway this is a cool title. The song again… sounds sad.  One of them is a music box which I love. Cheating again. 10/10
Treasured Times The fact this plays after Emil’s shop on the OST is the biggest tonal whiplash in the world. This song makes me feel an emotion I cannot describe. It’s something like sadness but not quite. This isn’t a review of the songs, just the title. But reading the title makes me feel that emotion too but stronger when I think about it. I don’t know. 9/10
Vague Hope – Cold Rain / Spring Rain Good title… Thematically very appropriate. Not COOL like some of the others but it feels right feels canon. I like it. It’s just the city ruins quest complete song but it also plays in one of the fucking… DLC fights. That makes me extra sad. 10/10
End of the Unknown Which unknown was ended. Genuinely think when this plays I had more unknowns than knowns. This song sounds like every song from the Gestalt DLC. 6/10.
Pascal At least Automata has far fewer “named after a character” songs. They just have named after a place songs. I love Pascal so if I give this a low score he might be upset. 8/10
Forest Kingdom It really… the forest huh. Random but one of the songs in Code Vein does a vocal thing that always reminds me of this song for some reason. That has nothing to do with this game or this songs title at all I just wanted to tell you. Long Live The Forest King / 10
Dark Colossus – Kaiju This song is also in Gestalt. It’s cooler here. More stakes. Song title suggests less stakes though? That’s kinda weird. Because of this it loses points. I’m sorry. 7/10
Copied City Dude I left this one off the list when I first typed it out lol. Someone not to @ anyone told me this was based on Nier’s village. Lie to me again. I don’t know what City is being Copied. One of them. It reminds me more of the Cathedral City from DoD3. Which is a bad horrible game that I completed 100%. 8/10
Wretched Weaponry Not to be confused with Wretched Automatons. Is this like, a remix? My ears don’t work so I don’t know. Don’t inform me because I love being stupid. Anyway, in the narrative it makes sense. It’s a good, cool title. Song is softer than the title would suggest. 9/10
Possessed by Disease COOL SONG TITLE. Thank you. This plays… somewhere. Uh. Hm. I’ve 100% completed this game like three times. 9/10
Broken Heart You think you’re gonna hear a sad song? SURPRISE. Sinister as hellllll. Subverted expectations baby. MCU take notes. I’ve never seen a movie in the MCU. Loving the dark tones in this. Broken heart but the emotion isn’t just sad. GOOD STUFF. 10/10
Mourning Again. You think it’s gonna be sad? But BOOM. It isn’t. I mean it still is, but in a dark way. These aren’t song reviews. These are title reviews. But if a title suggests one thing and delivers another that’s still a valid point right? I don’t know. Hey wait isn’t this just Shadowlord’s Castle? Yonah / 10
Dependent Weakling Well, it’s no Song of the Ancients – Fate, but it’ll do. In all seriousness, this is like, a great song title for Eve’s boss battle. Y’know, because he relied so heavily on Adam and all’a that. Maybe a little on the nose. Maybe a little rude. Eve sucks / 10
Rebirth & Hope Sounds hopeful. Plays during ending A where we see a Rebirth cos 9S super doesn’t die. This song is literally 30 seconds long why am I even bothering. Oh, right, because it’s on the OST at all. 30 second songs / 10
War & War Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room. It… sounds like a war room song. A preparing for a big battle song. Once again, exactly as advertised. Plays before a big battle. It really thematic naming! Peace was never an option. 8/10
Crumbling Lies Words cannot express how much I adore this song. First of all, title is on point. It’s the song that plays when you get to  Route C. Literally the moment I fell in love with the game. The Bunker is destroyed, which, again… maybe it’s a bit on the nose. I don’t care. This is the perfect song title to the perfect song. I will die on this hill. 12/10
Widespread Illness Red Eye except it’s robots now. Very thematically appropriate. Everyone is dying. There’s nothing you can do to cure it except kill them. They’re incredibly infectious. Zombie Virus but with Robots. Can you tell I don’t remember what it’s called? I’m writing this at 1am and I’ve decided it’s funnier if I don’t look anything up. Sounds very somber… I like it. 9/10
Fortress of Lies Not to be dramatic but when I read this English title I was like MMMMMMMNNN because like. I get it. It plays in the Bunker. Which… is built on lies. Again. Incredibly on the nose but when I learned what the song was called I just fucking DIED the first time. I’m stupid. I don’t care. 11/10
Song of the Ancients – Atonement Another song I died when I learned the title of. Devola and Popola in that game have nothing to atone for. They are atoning for sing they did not commit. Punished for the crimes of another set of Androids, possibly thousands of miles away. It’s not fair. They have nothing to atone for. They’ve done nothing wrong. 12/10 crying creeps.
Blissful Death FUCK. This one plays in the Devola and Popola like. Text Adventure part. Which is just. I love it so much. No one dies in that though. Well… maybe someone does. It’s not impossible that Popola hurt someone. It’s suggested that, maaaaybe she did. No one stops. No one Stops.
Emil – Despair Emil’s life has quite literally only been despair. Please don’t bully him with your song titles like this… 9/10
Alien Manifestation Vintage meme of that guy from the history channel with the impact font that just says Aliens.  This game has aliens, I will give you that. They’re all dead though. I guess the machines are aliens but. Eh. Wait doesn’t this play in the castle? There aren’t even aliens there what the fuck. 5/10
The Tower There’s a tower. This plays there. Thank you. Also the name of a tarot card I think? That could be cool if I knew a single goddamn thing about tarot cards. I don’t. 6/10
Bipolar Nightmare Cool flying section. Has anyone found Grun skip yet? Because the bounty for that was like. A lot of money. Vaguely a cool song title. I kinda like it. Although for some reason it reminds me of The Evil Within’s Japanese title, Psychobreak. So I think I like it less because of that. Not the worst title, but maybe the lowest of the COOL EDGY song titles. Fucking love the piano part in this one though. 7/10
The Sound of the End Really super cool and sexy song title. 2B is going to die but she can’t let anyone else get hurt because of it. She’s already done so much damage. This song is really dramatic sounding. The title is dramatic. Love this one a lot. The actual playable segment is kind of a struggle. But I think that’s the point… 10/10
Weight of the World / End of YoRHa I once got into an internet fight because I said this song is about every character except 9S because of the line “I’m only one girl”. I was corrected that the Japanese version is basically EXCLUSIVELY about 9S. None of this is relevant at all I just wanted to remember it. I still do not like 9S. Thematically a brilliant title. Everyone feels like they must do so much… but you cannot bear the weight of the world alone. Ending E legitimately makes me cry. Whenever I think about the messages from other players supporting me? It’s a lot. What the fuck. 12/10
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kewltie · 4 years
If you can, how would you list your works from the fluffiest to the angstiest. And is there any work of yours you would consider doing a bad end for either/both izuku and katsuki?
hi anon!!!
ahh that’s hard Q to answer tbh mainly bc i have a lot of ‘verses, but i’ll try my best to categorize them and hopefully i dont miss any or much...! lol /o\ so TOP is the flulliest and bottom is cry your fucking heart out sort of thing. i think most of my fics are midtier range like a good 90% bc i like my usual tear jerker  butw/ a firm dose of HEA at the end. some of these might have a really BAD, BAD tear jerker which is why it’s ranked so low but most honestly have good endings w/ the usual drama and tears sprinkle throughout. 
murder kittens au - just bc they’re really cute and there isn’t any drama except kirishima being terrorized by fiercely codependent & murderous kittens bkdk 
idol au - where izuku is the nation’s sweetheart who has the biggest crush on Ground Zero & katsuki may or may not like him back. it’s silly, fake dating, fandom playing supportive matchmaker, and feature power couple bkdk. 
the TA au - where katsuki is profs who made a ton of students cry and izuku is the TA who they absolutely worship and make their class 100000% more bearable. 
secretary au - excellent secretary izuku vs TERRIBLE BOSS katsuki, fill w/ hijinks, office, gossips, and everyone being terrified of katsuki but izuku is the only one to reign him in
doki doki ‘verse - katsuki is half kaiju & half human and he’s a damn boss AND NOTHING CAN TOUCH him except for that human boy who  can completely destroy him w a single smile 
soulbond dragon fic - lol i mean it’s just katsuki getting harassed by his dragon about courting izuku???? 
stepdad au - idk it’s just a bunch kids, their papa, and THEIR KACCHAN navigating how to be a family
accidental kink - kink navigation/exploration basically, doesn’t have a lot of drama or angsty bits 
EVERYTHING THAT ISN’T mention on this list belongs in the midtier range: angsty but not too angsty + got enough fluff to balance it out
[we’re on to angsty tier list now]  izuku in fantasyland - fucking punch me in the heart bc NOBODY WANTS HIM at first but THEY WILL!!!!!!
the fic where future izuku died and future!katsuki became ruthless, cold killing machine who traveled back to the past to protect bb!izuku and it’s lot of LONGING AND INTENSE PAIN FOR THIS BOY WHO WILL ONE DAY BE HIS EVERYTHING
the wintersoldier!katsuki - where katsuki got brainwashed by LOV and the only thing that kept him human is his hallucination of a green eyed boys who followed him around and cried for him SOBS 
stepbros au - izuku loves katsuki and katsuki loves izuku; it’s as simple as that but they’re stepbrothers so i guess not so simple :(
fluffybottom ‘verse - break up, chasing after your dream vs love, and how you can always go home again and sometimes home is your ex and his ugly grumpy cat name fluffybottom
bakugou twins au - love triangle ft prototype!katsuki vs canon!katsuki over izuku’s affection
song of songs - tododekubaku abo kingdom au where izuku is married to shouto but is bonded to katsuki so in public tododeku are the happiest couple but whenever his heat hit he craves katsuki’s touch. it’s complicated  and all party are suffering izuku out of guilt, katsuki out of jealousy and anger, and todoroki’s silence hurt and longing :S
the bodyswap au - where izuku’s current bf (shouto) and ex (katsuki) swap body due to a quirk that wouldn’t be as much of a problem if izuku still doesn’t love katsuki and he thinks katsuki and shouto are growing closer bc izuku leave for US for over a year to learn and todobaku bonded over their EPIC pining of this boy who RUINED THEM. 
ot3 concubine kingdom au - where izuku is an omega slave taken from another kingdom and katsuki is the general who found him and brought him back for emperor!shouto. the court thinks izuku has the favor the emperor but is in love with the general but IN REALITY todobaku are in secret alpha/alpha forbidden relationship and is using izuku as shield to hide :(((  it’s a lot of izuku feeling like he’s being used and lacking but slowly HE CLIMBS UP THE RANK and win their BOTH OF THEIR HEART and become the most powerful omega in the land lol i have a lot feels about this /o\
as;djfa;lsdjf I REALIZED the last super angsty fics are all ot3 related and i can’t even defend myself. they havent been written *technically* but i talked about them a lot on my twitter acc before and i want to write them one day!!!! it IS MY DREAM
idk if i ever thought a story should have a bad end??? i mean im pretty set in HEA so i dont really think that much about it unless it FEELS right... then im committed to it. OH right there is this one fic that i really hate, LIKE HATE bc i wrote it for a fest and i forced myself to finish it and i didn’t get exactly what i wanted bc i had to meet deadlines... (it’s ‘as the moon bears witness) and in that fic izuku got summoned to another world to save the ppl there, he met up w/ his party, and then he met and fell in love w katsuki who lost his parents and home to the demon king. SO BASICALLY the night before the grand battle w the demon king iizuku decided he’s going to stay w katsuki and not return to his world and they’re going to get marry *if* they both survived. SO izuku did SLAYED the demon king and i had two endings for this either he died in the process... in a sort of eternal sleep till one day they will call upon him again and katsuki stay but his tomb and guard him until the day izuku will awake again (it’s... thousands of years alone waiting for izuku :(((() or THE SECOND ending where izuku lives but his job is done and he got sent back to his world w/o ever saying anything to katsuki and katsuki go back to rebuild his kingdom but never take a consort bc he will always loves izuku and rules alone for thousands of years.... ANYWAY yea it’s a diff take to summon to another world /o\ AND it’s.... unhappy??? but idk i fascinated by it. 
thanks for asking!!!! it gave me a lot of thoughts lol 
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tumblunni · 6 years
Rambling about my new watchholder oc Mallory
* absolute gremlin child. Eats dirt. Probably more of a monster than most of the yokai.
* at the same time tho, she is like super sunshine friend! She looks kinda gloomy ominous but her personality is actually super bubbly and her biggest priority in life is making new yokai friends and loving them forever. Like, creepy in a wholesome way? She does indeed love horror movies and creepy crawlies and could probably fistfight god, but that doesnt mean she's evil!
* kinda always bored but also easily exciteable? One of her biggest recurring jokes is just ignoring the normal or sane solution to a thing and doing something more fun even if its more difficult or dangerous. Actually i guess its more "fearless" than bored? Or bored of fear, lol. Fearless and doesnt really give a shit about any rules. But again not in a mean way, she doesnt break rules because she wants to piss people off, just like "im not gonna believe this if nobody bothers explaining why its supposed to be so important". But not exactly phrased like that cos that would be rude, lol. So uhh more like just relateable autism feel of not grasping social cues but mixed with a personality thats quite outgoing and uncaring of being judged poorly for not being normal, as opposed to me who's always worried about what people think.
* oh wait thats the word for it!! Free-spirited! Trickster! Like a peter pan type of trickster tho, more than loki. Like just "i am naturally outside the obligations of normalcy" rather than "i am intentionally trying to prank/illusion/manipulate people cos its funny". Or uhh i guess "manic pixie dream girl" but without all the stupid shit that trope has got associated with.
* pretty much just wish fullfillment of "what if i was confident enough to not care what people think and just act like myself no matter what"
* anyway in summary she likes to climb trees n stuff and her reaction to yokai being real is "yay" and her reaction to seeing an undefeatable giant kaiju is to run at it and try and suplex it with her bare hands. She's kind of a badass! Tho lol also her biggest character flaw is her badassness, cos she can be reckless due to the lack of fear. But then also sometimes when everyone is hopeless she really does manage to save the day no matter what, and help inspire everyone else to be brave too!
* though i'm thinking of maybe a character arc where she starts off seeing this as just a fun adventure with no stakes, and it doesnt matter if you take risks cos nobody's gonna get hurt anyway. Like a "this isnt really real, its just my hero's story" sort of thing? When things start getting more dark and she faces things she cant just defeat with simple optimism, it kinda stops being fun anymore. And she has to realize that even if she doesnt care about her own self preservation there's consequences that could happen to her friends and family. And maybe she's already made mistakes that she can't take back, and now she's neck deep in a conflict thats a lot bigger and more insurmountable than she thought. You can't just fistfight something like the abstract concept of hatred for humanity which will continue to be perpetuated as long as the idea keeps taking root. And maybe even yokai you befriended could start to believe it too, after all you've kinda been treating them as just fun toys and sidekicks on a story that's all about you, and dragging them into danger with your recklessness. Even though you're fighting the villains, are you really doing it because you actually care about saving the day? Do you even know what you're saving it from...?
* and similar to her unflappable victoryness being shaken, i think her fearlessness and confidence could also be deeper than they look on the surface. I feel like maybe as the story goes on it could be revealed that its less being fearless and more just not caring about her own safety. You start to see her get more actual consequences from her fights, and it starts to become sort of concerning that she keeps brushing it off as no big deal. Laughing it off. Wondering why her friends are even sad that she got hurt. And maybe she isnt really happy all the time and 100% secure in who she is, she just tries to hide any signs of doubt because she feels like nobody would care. And that she has to always be the funny class clown or else nobody would want to be her friend. And like.. She doesnt even really believe that she's great, believe that she's fine as she is. She's more aware of her weirdness than she lets on. She's constantly, paralyzingly aware that everyone thinks she's a freak. She did use to try and change herself to fit in, but she kept failing at it and it never helped her get any friends. Or when she did think she made a friend they'd turn on her whenever she slipped up and showed a crack in her mask of the perfect normal person. The perfect normal person they wanted her to be.. Constantly changing into WHATEVER anyone wanted her to be. The only reason she doesnt do that anymore is that she lost all hope in it working, not that she actually gained confidence in her true self. And even when she's npt conciously doing it she's still subconciously trying to be what people want her to be. She has to always be funny, always be fearless, she has to cling to the few parts of her weirdness that people dont seem to hate. And now she has to be the hero. She has to carry all the dreams of everyone she's met along the way, while never letting them know when she's scared she wont be able to help make them come true. She's always just laughing it off and never being fully open with any of her friends, because she's scared they'll hate her. ..
* so uhh.. Yeah. Personal experience of that. Personal experience of trying to fit into negative stereotypes of autism because thats what everyone saw me as no matter how hard i tried, and also it was the only form of autism theyd treat positively, somehow. Like just be the "funny one" and dont challenge any of their assumptions ans they'll leave you in relative peace. Put up with some degree of degredation to avoid the even worse version. And i was doing all of this at a very youbg age before i even knew i was autistic or what autism was, but i could still feel how people treated me differently and how i had to friggin agree with it or else they'd never let it go. Gahhh.. It was all way too complicated and dark for a kid to understand!
* so yeah anyway her story arc is going from being a badass funny to being a funny badass? Like she just becomes more genuinely tough and cool when she's not always winning and the stakes dont seem so low and comical AND most importantly you know her real feelings and see that she will indeed continue fighting even when she's scared. And she doesnt try so hard to be cool all the time so it just lets her be more genuine. And form actual relationships with everyone with genuine feelings. So its less "she is badass because its funny" and more "she is a badass because she's a badass". But she's still funny, just in more varied ways than simply "the only reason she won this fight so fast is because jokes". Fighting legit threatening enemies in fights that arent over in five seconds. So they can contain... SEVERAL joke..!!! And also some actual fighting for once!!
* hhh i dunno i am very tired im probably not explaining this well
* oh and i think possibly she has a bit of a complex of feeling she's nothing without her yokai watch? Like the yokai are her first friends who never abandoned her. And she always felt like she was useless and it was her own fault that she didnt have any friends. She first started off being all irreverent and goofy when she got the yokai watch cos she was well into her "i dont care anymore" phase of depression and felt certain these new friends would all realise she was awful eventually and leave, so like.. Why get attatched? Just have fun while it lasts. So maybe actually she shows early signs of her depression by trying harder to be normal whenever anyone shows her friendship. Maybe something where she starts straigjtening her hair or dressing more feminine and then you just see this look on her face like her heart has shattered when someone agrees that she does look better now. (Maybe a new yokai she recently caught who was like super cool and she wanted to impress them?) And she gets compulsively obsessed with it, exaggerating it to a ridiculous degree and starting to change other parts of her appearance and everyone goes from giggling about this weird circumstance to getting REALLY DAMN CONCERNED! And in the end something something the yokai who was an asshole abput her needing to be more feminine slips up and shows his true assy colours to the other yokai and theyre like IT WAS YOU and he's like "what? You should be thanking me for fixing your shitty trainer!" And Then Everyone Beats Him Up Forever. Etc etc moral that real friends accept you for who you are and anyone who tells you you have to change to impress them is not worth impressing. Also maybe some aspect where the yokai dude thinks that mallory is trying to impress him cos she has a crush on him, and thats the moment that manages to snap her out of her depressive funk. Self hate overrided by sheer EWW NO IM A LESBIAN, DUDE i just liked ur cool hat, geez. (Wait was that entire plot idea just an excuse to find a way to foreshadow her getting a crush on hailey in yw3...?)
* and maybe i dunno some sort of dramatic episode where she loses the ability to use the yokai watch and is faced with her self worth issues all at once and its super fuckin sad and we all know eventually she will get to see all her yokai friends again cos the plots not gonna end before finishing all the games but still MEGA SUPER SAD MOMENT ANYWAY (also tearful reunions!)
* also i just heard theres a yokai called furgus thats a big adorable hairball that gives people big hair. So maybe that could be one of the comically easy victory episodes? He uses his power on mallory but her hair is already too fluffy to be floofed! Maybe it backfires and turns his own hair into a boring bowl cut, lol? And then maybe a sequel where he returns for revenge a million episodes later but it just so happens to be during the maddiman boss fight and he accidentally cures his balding. "Noooo dont thank me nooooo" *is forced against his will to become a popular advertosing mascot for hair cream* *like straight up just gets sucked into the nearest bottle and sealed like a genie* *cursed forever to fame and fortune and a million dollar salary*
* lol i dont think im as funny as the actual yokai watch writers but i have a few ideas at least. This will be fun to draw!
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
whyy fight off a droid army if the pyramid is empty...makes sense it would be scanned and empty and left to rot.  so they go and find it still inprogress the ships offshore and fighting to get tothe isle and place bombs theyo brought...and it is notgood they said we are embroile too and see why the prize there the ships roll in tkae it rollout and they saw it yesterday the chinese simmply drove right up to him.  out of nowhere...and it was likethat too caa says they are warring with themand boom he is in front of us card worked didnt save as wanted, order perfect,and nobody saw,no it was seen they had ppl there let himkonw ken and the truck. but then he said the truck left and he couldhave no sawwho and what...and thenthe yelling yesterday...theyi got that then....so they saw. they wheel by and do it like here and tooknicaragua and she  expectsa  report fromsasquatch andeh sasy no and then ok ok i giveone but i wont tell every damn thing under the sun...it will be as compltet as im allowed...she smiles i see.  droids willbe on it and they see they walk in grab leave.  so tgons see it and if in disguise worse...tons knew that fast...and it is s asuprise yes.  but driods were allover  the isle and still are...tons of them..and we see it have had this situation before and it is a nasty event..tons see it.  we work now  Thor not only would you have no chance but they go aftre te daimondsnow are all over gibraltar and we use the chaos of this election so what of it. mac we use you and your droids sowhat of it  bja and we use both wei ton seeyoui now bja and lots see you wie and we see both mac wesee allof you and you will fall infight included. your too onryo here and mean you need distemper shots Thor we shallhavethemthen mac not me your an idiot mac  bja oh distempter why  us we were calm even after coaxing an outburst from him mac okok we coax yes anddo it yes and then whay you clobber i see it mac no youdont we all get it and yourto blame your ass technique you are notmy father where ishe you numbnutted douche bja we see you you say it like aman and are .  it is too tough of asituation okwe say it out of pridethis is aweful mac put way too much stank on that ball. real mutantsarehitting and are huge ok this is bad sour. mac was mean and had a grudge and ghwb grip broken now we can see it this is a war the shatterdome came down and he says incompetent idiots had it and they ddid were at it thewholetime killed off thier own andorencouraged it now they have these Jaeger and they are not incompetent machines but the pilots are..we move in need them and in ohter areas  mac weknew it and you too caa bja nah mine are better caa okok we seesomething this is about hardwareand he has the best but where..ok andours is similar shut up is good but no yours never lose...and it is due to holding off Kaiju well cant accessour areas, so we watch ours get creamed are defensless asthis boys grandpa died or left.  he is under diress no he is in the pyramid yes.  and they keep him there to take goodies.  try yes and are an outfit but are poor. we see preston adn it is mean they are poor and it means poorly skilled. tons see it bily could shoot but pilotiing is complicated.  difficult and requires thinking adn nerves of steel and manyour bodies fail a lot epceially grafted we need them now protection. mac we cannot it is too hard to give up you haveto wret them from us bja and you both arethere and it is nonssensce and que lastima macs fail due to youcorkand that part is true. your a slob and dont use gear...it takes all macs havet do it less you not wit you proof is tommorrowland Zues treu too we are not great at it and it took tons of effort to build those cities and tons to keep themgoing and he came by messedit up and in one day. they are a mess. we need yououtcork ofoffice adn other now mac fine weleave where should we go then he says china th orient flood and die flood die after your diamonds taken from you ok.  most were and lots from delaware thatday they used the greek fire Zues ok ok they did and we go adn wehate themfor it and other occasions that is real weseeitandprocessed themeand are incorporating them..into what...we see fine lassers as we mess up plants true too.  sow e find thm takethemas we used to and you pay caa for your comments bja shut up dog shit you cant steel a thimble from anyone here except a prisoner oppressed by all around himin the entire state pitiful wierdo Zues we see it too we reshunned as we acton you and it is distrubing our women and more.  we leave to try it bja and webelive it when we see it but chewey left to look so you follow him.rifhgtfuly soboth are hairy animals mac hey chewey yeh chewey, what did you do to lewey Zues ahhaahha always ready weith ajoke his grandpa taught him we see it chewey ok you ate lewy and was it cintron mac no no i did not eatlewy chewey i fly by caa and leave he is an ass bja your a faggot you fly by westop you and deductpoints as usual for each attempt.  you are blind and you lose tons of stuff by doing it as said.  Zues we do it then no. no. we are idiots and continue to sit bother himandothers take as it is a fruitless effort...we leraned that in the park pick onhim you mess with us all stood up fo ryou as they were, anyways and we get it out or die.we go after the diamonds in china then and were stolenfromall bja yeh they were but you had themand they tookthem you dolt you let themgo fromhosptials nad your area... mac no i did not he directed it andwe let them have himdo that bja you did mac fine we did it is haienous we suck and are bad at it and go there try grafting to get themback honed i can hone this is awefil mb had them ok. aweful.   bja ok ok cork is arriving yes and he sends stuff calls up says imgoing and gets motivated as most say okgo and he is the clone army and sends tons. they fight droids of macs soon andmac willbe consternated. a nd chewey fights the clones too shortlyas bja is an ass.  huge ass.too big fatone lol wie soihave a fatasss so  bja well it is indicitave ofyour race and do not talk to our son the way you do you fattassed whore you die fully now your down toonly several nonillion and we see it too. so go expendand die.  and yourhere too trying for himand try using it to distract we hityou now you aredesperate need votes. want a hostage. and you shallperish too biden your prick. none in office  but we shallsee. loser Thor why loser imgetting to hte best part wherehe gets arrested and tried for treason andmore.   biden your a dumb fuck arent you biden and you continue to be. you stepped on your game and now it is flat. you put me incourt and your rhealm began to tear at it self and now it is being dissolved, there will be no dc by thte time you are elected and it will be mine wehere you will stand trial for your crimes against my people...and fully too.  and it iwll bre witnessed by my Father and Mother and you shall perish.  and the protectorate is there already and the Dark Tower,waiting for you  to fall like a good boy as you say,no zaps all who come near.  tons try adn all die. all. iti s not your caliber.nope.  nor macs nor the giants.  it is Class A Alpha class weaponry.  you are not going to try me buttfuck....your tribe falls.  your fight lost to dirt too. scum.  and by the way your a loser tossedout a game you stillhad for this pieceof shit nothing gameyouwant a fight and you got one cant see it even corkcan. whats wrong with you shrimp got  trd torso cant handle it at ll...you will be on trial shortly.  and Thor issues the warrants and we havepower all the time dont need to dancearound..and pstons are at your tower shit for brains thanks for all the nagging Zues Hera we are at war then biden gee wiz you figured it out Zues Hera youwillnotcondescend to me i had you there biden no shit sherlock had tohave someone and you were hot totrot for it as if i took your lawnmower not even you harrassedme fromnext door and did tons ofidiot things and i ama young man wasnot awrae of tons of your issues i amnow dont worry wont use that on you.ooops i am already...backstabbing faggot.what a loser you turnedout to be.  fell once all the way down.  now you are deaf weak dumb adn demand me in court as macs want and i did not focus on your puny ass...but nailed macs and htey regret it yes.  now it is your turn...and you will be vanquished in days.  not weeks like bja took.   Zues Hera oh i see days so be it then we war biden sheeesh i thought you never wouldget it...you declared iton me and you demand we aim at you now we shall and we take your hardwarenow. and you will feel it, a sharp pain then no arms orlegs at all Zues Hera wedo this now you little imp your a faggot too. adn we see you dance around adn do stupid things for macs and fall your an ass too weak performer and your lines are poorly delivered sick old fell adn are crap now get outor berun down like trump is Thor Freya run em down then imold and failed at it all of it lost my family now he tears it up as i aman asshole to him.  and it is about family and i cannot hold itanymorehe is at s all day all night and yes due to me so what biden your an asshole ok turmp too you both are traitors he si not to blame but ours will want a trial and it is hellthey will and do bring it downonus. hell too this sucks it issodumb youfeell on us biden and turmp you planned to. faggot what is your plan by the way mac we dont have one i guess crapped out before it started...true too.  china and s o on never changed. we saw it they raid fast we are slow trump slow as hell love it too wait wait onemore coffee and gone. got it oh it isgone too bad. and youbiden a gift to us yoru an asshole you left your boy to you t beharmed and yous ay it your gross.  a fag loser and squander hsi abiltiies onhisown fu mac yeh fu traitor.  thank you for the starting pistol it is ince and you hv seen it in many movies latley its a .22 you idiots shoot each other no foul adn so on and are dumb. Zues Hera we see it we are losers and we go now but war iwth youon a personal level biden you have been you dolt Zues Hera  yeh new and improved and all and himok why biden you need it badly your an ass this is so stupid you usedhimnot he used you faggot tied us all up china drove away w it and per mac but this is well over it he takes all and proves it shortly  and yeh the daimonds are in the hole as you s ssy he says.  and we go look now and cant see it is too huge batman well well we hae a concensus we shoot you all you wnat himtired so you talk.  and he felt itbut knows you need toget your burdens off your chest like biden thewhore...he is a man whore...sucks badly Thor
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I have a (slightly) bad feeling about this...
Alright, after watching the teaser and the first trailer for “Pacific Rim: Uprising”, I have to admit that I’m still very confused regarding how I feel about the upcoming sequel…  Or how I’m “supposed to feel” regarding its current marketing strategy... First, I know that, within 10 years, there probably would have been some significant technological advances in the world since the war, and it’s likely normal that the new Jaegers would look the way they do – i.e. all shiny, sleek and new, and more or less built from the same overall platform. Still, those Jaegers (and the pilots inside) are moving so fluidly and effortlessly that it’s difficult for me to believe that they are huge, heavy pieces of complex machinery piloted by two tiny human beings. Some of the buildings surrounding the Jaegers also look a bit like what you’d expect to see in a videogame…  I’m not sure if that’s because they wanted to give the new post-war world a more futuristic look, or because they spent a little less time on animation and special effects than they did with the original movie (especially that scene here from 1:50 to 2:15 approx.).
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 And you can pilot a Jaeger with just some kind of backpack suit and gloves now?  Once again, alright, I know, new technology, but still!
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(Okay, I get that this character is a hacker (I think), and probably a genius, and she seems to have more or less built that Jaeger herself (or with some help) from scrap parts or something, because it appears to be much smaller and have a more rugged look with her feet stuck in some types of boots (as opposed to newer models), etc.  But even that idea seems the tiniest bit too much for me...).
I did expect the Jaegers themselves to be different, and able to do some new stuff (like yes, flying, and perhaps joining together to create a larger robot, etc.), but I think I was still expecting the pilots themselves to require to be a little more solidly strapped in, and still move like their bodies are the size of a skyscraper! Here, they just seem to be able to jump around in the Conn-pod and do acrobatics, and their Jaegers just… copy them?  I dunno…  Perhaps it will make more sense and look better in the actual movie when we get to see more than just quick bits and pieces of some scattered scenes, but I’m having a slightly hard time understanding how you can keep your balance in there doing a round kick with seemingly nothing attached to your feet or even the rest of your body!
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Where’s the Conn-pod situated?  In the chest?  The head?  If you’re round kicking and the Jaeger is round kicking with you as well... Assuming you’re in the head of the robot, wouldn’t the platform you’re standing on be sharply shoved to the side while you’re trying to perform that move?
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There was already a pretty huge level of suspension of disbelief required in “Pacific Rim” when it came to how well the pilots were able to sustain being thrown around in such large robots…  All you have to do is watch the scene in the beginning where Gipsy Danger collapses on the beach, and imagine that there’s a tiny human being in that head when it hits the ground from such height to know what I mean. Actually, the laws of physics didn’t quite seem to apply to the first movie in general, but the way it was filmed still made it feel so tangible that I was perfectly fine with stopping asking questions, and just going with it! Here, I’m not so sure… Unless they’ve somehow completely altered the gravity inside the Conn-pods?  Otherwise how are you two jumping like this with the lashes and staying suspended mid-jump in the air?  What’s going on?  How are you connected to the Jaeger’s body and sharing a common “nervous system” with it?
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Or perhaps they are held in place by some sort of rig in their backs that is also allowing them to pivot? I’m trying to be open to these changes, I really am...  But one of the things I really loved about Guillermo Del Toro’s approach was how he was able to make fantasy look like it was firmly grounded in reality by giving us a solid sense of size and scale, and the illusion that it took a great amount of both physical and inner strength to pilot a Jaeger. Here, it somehow looks like you could easily put the two pilots in a Conn-pod that’s situated outside of the Jaeger to control it remotely, and it would basically do the same thing. I’d have an easier time believing that they’re inside their Jaeger if the Conn-pod was pivoting with them, at the very least...  Perhaps that’s what’s not visually working for me. From the looks of it, the floor of the Conn-pod is still perfectly aligned with the ground, and the ceiling with the sky....  But isn’t the big robot doing the same move as the pilots?  So why is the Conn-pod still perfectly leveled if it’s inside a Jaeger that no longer is? Does that mean the the Conn-pod itself is pivoting inside the Jaeger to compensate for the Jaeger’s movements at all times; therefore ensuring that the two pilots are in an environment where the floor they are standing on remains perfectly leveled, no matter what the Jaeger surrounding them does? Hopefully, the movie will expand more on this... Also, how old are those pilots? I feel like I’m going to be watching “Ender’s Game” meet “Pacific Rim”. Then again, with the previous generation of pilots now either dead, retired, or I suppose assuming positions of command, like Mako Mori, it makes sense that the new recruits could be pretty young… Chuck Hansen did start piloting a Jaeger when he was 16, so it seems that the PPDC does accept candidates that are younger than 17. I guess that, with pilots in the first movie aged 21 to 44, and the relationships between them being diverse (ex: father and son), I just didn’t expect this to be an all teenagers / very young adults (I doubt any of them are older than 25) team of pilots this time around. Actually, everything from the younger main cast to the music choice in the trailer (and the teaser) seems to be geared towards attracting a younger audience.  I’m not sure if that’s because they believe that most people who fell in love with the first movie were teenagers, or because they are hoping to make “Pacific Rim” more appealing to them by having new pilots that are easier for kids to relate to. Even the fact that the only movie novelization I’ve seen so far is called “Pacific Rim Uprising: The Junior Novel”, with the products details listed on Amazon as:
Age Range: 8 - 12 years
Grade Level: 3 - 7
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Insight Kids (March 27, 2018)
Language: English
has me greatly concerned that the targeted audience of the sequel is indeed going pre-teens to teenagers, with very little thought given to more mature audiences. It also makes me question if they are going to be willing to take as many risks as they did in the first by sacrificing so many pilots to the war this time around... I mean yes, “Pacific Rim” was an homage to anime and kaiju-era movies...  But it was a very dark and gritty homage with the perfect balance between drama, humor, tragedy and hope...  People call it “silly” and a movie about “big robots punching monsters in the face!”, but you are given a 15 minutes opening that features two tightly bonded young pilot brothers that deeply kicks you in the guts! Then, the first time you see Cherno Alpha, Crimson Typhoon, and Striker Eureka all get together on a mission out there, two of those teams gets dispatched right away! I remember sitting in the theater looking at the screen in shock and disbelief while asking my friend “Wait.  Did that just happen?  Did they just kill those 2 teams after having barely introduced them - just like that?” And my friend, equally stunned, just going “Yes.  Yes they did.” That’s when shit for me got 100% real for me, and I knew that the movie wouldn’t fuck around.  Yancy had just been the beginning, and no one in this universe was safe.  The stakes got crazy high! So, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but as much as part of me hated the “there are no heroes in a world where heroes can’t die” mentally, it still profoundly resonated with me and gave the movie some weight. Because back then, I happened to be in a situation where I was very sick and disabled, and had to learn a very important lesson in order to be able to cope with and accept my condition - life isn’t fair, anyone can fall.  Bad things happen to good people, and sometimes nothing can be done about it no matter how hard you try to prevent it. (For everything else, there is fanfiction!  Lol!  And thank the PTB for that!) But yes, it broke my heart into a thousand tiny pieces to watch Chuck Hansen die before he was ever given a chance to finally figure out who he was, among others...  But all those things also had a profound psychological and emotional impact, and it did add to that sense of realism in an otherwise very unrealistic universe and movie. Guillermo Del Toro made me believe in the unbelievable.  He made me forget that it was a movie about giant robots punching giant monsters in the face, and experience that movie first and foremost through my heart.  I am also heavily crediting Travis Beacham for the screenplay, the actors for having brought those characters to life, and everyone else that took such great care in building that universe (set designs, costumes, etc.)... But I think that GDT is hugely responsible for giving the movie its soul in the way he directed the actors, and seemingly got involved in every little detail of the movie’s production, including the 3D conversion. This was a work of pure love, and it showed. And even today, the movie is still helping me cope with a certain level of survivor’s guilt, given that I now have access to proper medical cares and treatments; including monthly injections that have gotten rid of about 70% of my symptoms, and allowed me to start living again. .  Meanwhile, I still have friends, that are as ill as I was a year and a half ago, that are still looking for a diagnosis, are left without resources, or then again, share the same diagnosis but don’t respond well to the same treatment I’m taking, etc. It wasn’t fair that I was unable to leave my room most of the time for 7 years, and depended on others to prepare my meals and care for me...  And yet, it’s no more fair that I’m getting better now, when so many of those that are in similar situation aren’t getting better, or can’t... Anyone can fall...  Meaning all I can do is continue to care about those people, and help where I can.  Otherwise, I have to accept that sometimes, things are the way they are.  Life is not about what you deserve, or being fairly rewarded for your efforts; but simply about your ability to live with and take advantage of the resource you do have, while ideally finding ways to share those resources with others, when and if you can. Raleigh’s journey in “Pacific Rim”, to me, heavily reflected that.  Actually, pretty much every character shared a similar journey where they had to learn to trust in others, and let go of the things beyond control. Beyond the Jaegers and the Kaiju themselves, one of the key elements of “Pacific Rim” was that it was, in Del Toro’s words, a movie about “the world saving the world”: “I just wanted to show small stories of people trying to come together to survive, because I didn’t want to make a war movie.  I wanted to make an adventure movie about people who come from all over the world.  We have an African American leader, we have a Japanese girl, we have Korean-Chinese guy, we have an Australian team.  I wanted to show all the world coming together.  It’s not just two characters; among them all they don’t understand each other.  All of them have great differences.  And the thing is as the movie resolves you see these characters be above all those differences.  I wanted that.  I didn’t want to make it just, “Oh if these two guys only got along.”  Everybody, everybody, which is like a movie set.  On a movie set if you don’t come together, we are all very different, but it works.  I really love the idea of coming together without a certain jingoist or, you know, this or this side saved the work.  Everybody did.” That’s why I find many debates regarding who’s the protagonist of the original movie sort of silly, and, like I’ve expressed before, I see Raleigh Becket as being more or less a leading character in a supportive role.  i.e. The story is no more about him than it is about any other character.  Once again, anyone can fall, and anyone in life will do what they can with the internal and external resources they have. Sometimes, someone just happens to be at the right place at the right time with the right resources, and they wind up getting the credit for something that was built through the efforts of countless others before and/or with them. Though history and society will generally tend to remember the leaders, and/or those that used what was done before them to innovate and come up with something groundbreakingly new, we are all connected. Raleigh basically just happens to be the character introducing us to the world of “Pacific Rim”, and whose story arc we are invited to follow first.  But every character in the movie has their own stories, doubts, and issues to come to terms with before they can all save the world together.  And that’s why I’ve connected with this movie so strongly, and why I love it so much. So, regarding the teaser that was first presented to us, for me, in terms of marketing strategy, it heavily missed the mark of what the first movie had been all about. I’m wondering if that was meant to show that, while the Kaiju were gone, world leaders have all been essentially patting themselves on the back on a job well done and taking credit for it.  Were they trying to convey that humanity, once again, has learned very little from history, and its ego has inflated to the point where suddenly Jaegers became all about “Look how awesome we are, and always have been!”, and “Why pilot a Jaeger?  Because YOU’re worth it!” Were they trying to convey that, in the future, humanity has gone back to the mentality of the “glory days” where Jaeger pilots used to be rock stars, and people thought Kaiju no longer posed any significant threat? Was that teaser meant to be an actual recruiting video that would fit within the mindset of that universe, 10 years in the future (which could make sense, and would therefore sort of make up for how weirdly self-centered it was)? Or was it simply how the marketing team in charge of “Pacific Rim: Uprising” chose to promote the movie, thinking that this is what audiences, nowadays, would get massively excited about? Because, yes, I do love Jaegers.  And, of course, John Boyega is a wonderful actor and a pure treasure that can totally rock that drivesuit! But where is the sense that Jaegers are only as good as their pilots (plural), and the stronger the bond between them, the better they fight?  Why having made the choice to show a single Ranger alone (unless that teaser was made very quickly to present fans with some form of publicity, and he was the only actor available to shoot it)? And quite frankly, I don’t personally give a single damn about Jaegers being “me” times a thousand! What is a Jaeger? A Jaeger is the very embodiment of the deep trust and empathy shared by two (or more) people who genuinely love each other regardless of the type of relationship they share.  A Jaeger is that love and that bond times a thousand – two (or more) beating hearts made one that burn as bright as the sun, and have the power to move mountains! You become the most heroic version of yourself through your connection with others – through learning to balance your own needs with theirs, and using the potential you have been gifted with to serve the common good. This is what “Pacific Rim” was all about to me, and this is the message that the teaser, as far as I’m concerned, has sadly failed to convey. And while the actual trailer does show pilots fighting together, and present them all working together as a team and joining forces to survive, once again there’s something slightly off about the vibe I’m getting from it.  Like it’s a movie that is a lot more about new cool Jaegers, and how they and the Kaiju have evolved, rather than the complex human connections that are required to power up those Jaegers. I know I’m probably overthinking this, and most people are likely just going “Whoohoohoo!  NEW ROBOTS, WEAPONS AND KAIJU!  COOL FIGHTS! AWESOME DUDE!” And, like my partner told me, “No matter what they do, given everything the original represents for you and why it means so much, I’m not sure anything else they could ever come up with will ever measure up.” And maybe he’s right. But still, instead of getting me all excited for the sequel, what the teaser and the trailer have managed to do is confuse the Anterverse out of me! Now, I’m sort of scared that they essentially took shortcuts with this movie by using elements of what they thought made the first one so popular with the (apparently young) public, but without understanding the deeper message behind the story, and/or Guillermo Del Toro’s vision of that universe. Every little detail in “Pacific Rim”, from the set pieces to the colors that were used, were filled with tons of symbolism and meaning.  4 years later, I still continue to discover and notice new little things every time I watch it. I’m not expecting the new director to copy Guillermo Del Toro’s style or use the same symbolism, but I’m hoping he’ll find ways to put nearly as much love and thought into every scene, and that the sequel will hopefully have as much depth and soul to it, too. Offer us beautiful robots, monsters, and actions scene, yes; but don’t forget what the movie was about first and foremost – the power, beauty and complexity of human connection. Another thing that sort of completely turned me off about the teaser is the choice of music. The Pacific Rim’s main theme is one of the most addictive and distinctive movie themes I’ve ever heard. The first few notes start to play, and that’s it!  I’m back in that world!
Even the movie trailers of the first installment chose a soundtrack that had strong elements of pure epicness to it.
For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5guMumPFBag , and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUR1IoPdBg8 Everything felt like it was larger than life and imposing. While that “I’m a Beast” song, combined with the would-be flattering message “a Jaeger is YOU times a thousand and tall as a mountain”, seems to have been put out there to appeal to self-centered and easily influenced kids in search of thrills who are supposed to go “Oh yeah man!  I’m a Jaeger, I’m a beast, I’m so cool, dude!” Maybe I’m getting too old for this (I was born barely 6 months after Herc Hansen, after all).  But, to me, it basically looked like the teaser was meant to be the equivalent of a sports car line publicity, with Jaegers replacing the cars! I just…  I don’t get it.  Yeah, this worked for the PPDC’s glory days, I suppose; and if the world has reverted back to that mentality, then please, by all means!  But still, I’m hoping it’s just a phase, and they’ll move out of it soon. And, while the music in the trailer itself takes back some elements of the original soundtrack, it’s weirdly mixed with a rap song, and combined with videogame looking CGI.  Somehow, this makes me feel like I’ve just stepped into a completely different world that has very little to do with the massive scope and depth of the original. Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate a good rap song remixed with a movie theme every now and then...  But here, I find it to be heavily distracting, and it makes me disconnect from that sense of awe I get every time I watch those huge robot titans appear on screen in the trailers the original “Pacific Rim”. It works for movies like “The Fast and the Furious”, but here it messes with the overall tone, and gives me the impression that the robots are once again an oversized version of a sports car and next thing you know we’ll be watching them racing each other for thrills! If they keep at it, I’ll start nicknaming that sequel “Pacific Rim: Tokyo Drift”. That being said, there are a few things I’m excited about. Like the return of Mako Mori, Newton Geiszler, Hermann Gottlieb, and the fact that Gipsy Avenger looks like the child Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka would have had together if Jaegers could make little Jaegers.  Although I am slightly concerned about how they will be using those beloved characters in the new installment. I’m also glad that John Boyega seems like such a huge fan of the first movie, and therefore hoping that’s a good sign, and the storyline will remain true to the first movie, and the extended universe that we’ve gotten thus far. I’m also curious regarding how they will be explaining Jake’s Pentecost backstory, and why Stacker and Mako have never mentioned him in the original movie.  Was Stacker even told he had a son (otherwise, I would have expected him to have some parting words for him as well, regardless of whether Jake was there or not, considering that the missions are usually recorded and/or Mako, Herc, or anyone else who would hopefully survive the mission could have relayed his father’s words to him), and how old was he when his father died? And looking at Stacker’s own backstory, i.e. his father having been killed in a fight with a club owner (where his mother was performing) when he was only 10, and little 10-year-old Stacker burning that club down and attacking the club owner in response… Well… It seems that little Pentecost babies tend to take losing their fathers very seriously, and will come after whatever is responsible for their death with everything they’ve got, apparently.  Which I do find rather interesting. Otherwise, I’m also a little concerned regarding how they will handle Raleigh, Herc, and even Tendo’s absence from the movie… Basically, I still plan on going to see it, but I’m having huge mixed feelings about it, and trying to keep my expectations as low as humanly possible (going down to the breach deep under the Pacific ocean to be sure...). That being said, please don’t let my own doubts, concerns, and personal preferences keep you from being all psyched about the new sequel, and loving the teaser and trailer to death! Truth is, if the original had never existed, and that trailer had been my very first introduction to anything “Pacific Rim”, there’s a possibility I would have been jumping up and down, cheering, and unable to wait to see that movie! I do love “Transformers” (in general), used to be a huge fan of “Power Rangers”, and my favorite TV show as a small child growing up was “Goldorak” (in English “UFO Robot Grendizer”). But “Pacific Rim” had a very different and unique feel to it that felt inspired by those series, without exactly becoming them.  “Go Go PPDC Rangers!” doesn’t sound quite right in my mind... Except here.  Probably the only place where I want to see those two related.  Lol!
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Gotta collect my damn mind about this trailer, under the cut, cause some people don’t wanna read a fucking essay lmao, just looking at details and hypothesizing. 
alright, first of all, I hated that other trailer where they were like, “Join the Jaegar Uprising,” cause I thought it was gimmicky and dumb
Opening on 15-year old hacker Amara, who later is piloting her mini-solo jaeger? It might be Scrapper that DeKight talked about. It looks like maybe she built the bot herself and military ppl with those jeeps are coming to collect it, so she busts out of that warehouse?
It also looks like there might be a Jaeger on Jaeger fight going on behind her. I appreciate this opening bc it feels more like the original than the rest of the trailer. The scale is so large, you understand how big they are. In the rest of the trailer, they feel like little colorful toys/cartoons, which I kinda eh.
Can I just say, they fucking sidelined our girl Mako in this trailer?? One very wide shot of her with Boyega, and then her walking on the side of a shot next to Tian Jing(?)  Not feeling confident they’re gonna do her any good.
I like the new Jaeger port they have, with 4 of them lined up next to the sea. Not sure how I feel about the fact that basically everything we see is in the daylight.
Wonder whose home Boyega is in with those Victory posters. Possibly Amara? She might idolize the old heroes since she was only 5 when the Battle of the Breach occurred. It’ll be interesting to see her and Boyega teamed together like they are later in a Jaeger since he doesn’t wanna live up to that.
Looks like some type of Jaeger/Kaiju hybrid is attacking the Chinese(?) base.
Can I just say that zooming dutch angle onto Amara and Boyega just looks so cheap and dumb? lol, like wow DRAMA!
Then there’s my beautiful wife Mako again, dressed real fancy, i love her. The smirking guy in red looks like an ass and we’re all gonna hate him. EDIT: lmao FUCK ME that’s Newt, I couldn’t tell cause he looks like a totally different character. So I guess Mako, Newt, and this Liwen Shao character are all working together? Innnnnterestingggg.
I don’t really like the new pilot suits, but that’s just me, the original suits were fucking cool as hell.
Interesting that the synopsis names Eastwood as a “rival pilot” but Eastwood calls them best friends. I guess there will be a past falling out they have to get over? Possibly that after the Breach, Eastwood got involved with the new PPDC and Boyega dropped out?
Then we get shots of Hermann and Newton. I can’t wait to see what they’re up to. Gorman said Hermann is very much still affected by the drift with Newton/Kaiju, so that should be fun *cough* gay *cough* Tho I guess Newt is in the private sector instead of with PPDC, so maybe some rivalry? I mean probably. I suppose Mako and Liwen might be working in the private sector too? Tho Mako looks like she’s wearing a very official uniform, so she could just be escorting them to the Navy, combing private and public sources? 
Bracer Phoenix looks cool, the 3 pilot jaeger, I guess it doesn’t have a third arm, but the third person can drop into the cannon chest to operate. They don’t seem related though, so I wonder how the drifting technology has advanced, especially since Herman and Newton’s drift? Could be interesting. (We also see Boyega pilot with 2 different people, so same question there).
Then it looks like the four jaegers fucking blast off from the seaport?? They’ve got what looks like rockets on their backs. Wonder what that’s about? Maybe more flying Kaiju like Otachi??
The Jaeger with a whip looks cool, but, do they really need real whips inside the cockpit? also, picky note: they’re totally not in sync when they were doing that lol one has his arm straight up when the other’s is at a 90-degree angle.
But the Kaiju they whip looks cool, and then there’s a quick shot of those weird mechanical slithering things?? Then I think it’s Eastwood again with the gun on the street?
Is it just me or is almost all this fighting in the daytime and at like the same place? Even in daylight, I feel like I can’t see those 3 Kaiju very well.
There’s that Jaeger vs Jaeger fighting. I think its Guardian Bravo(?) fighting Gipsy Avenger. Sidetone, I wish they had changed Avenger’s name to not include Gipsy. Could have called it Stacker Avenger to honor Pentecost? Idk.
There’s the very quick shot of the office building being sawed by the blade, which is a direct contrast (to me) of the Pendulum scene in the first, where the buildings were empty. Maybe since this is Jaeger on Jaeger, it was unexpected? There wasn’t a warning for people to get to shelters like in the first? Maybe those shelters were shut down bc they thought Kaiju were gone? Who knows.
Then they cut to them fighting in the snow?? Interesting scene change, wonder why that happens.
Bunch of quick shots I don’t have much to say about, but THEN!! Are those Kaiju healing themselves or are they actually combining?? Also, that Kaiju with the long spiked bottom jaw with all the eyes looks Fantastic!!!!
Overall it looks kinda like Transformers actually with the action. With the 4 jaegers standing together, idk it looks a bit gimmicky and silly.
There has been a lot of writers working on this movie, so I’m worried that the story is going to be lackluster, but I hope it's not. I’m also not a big fan of that song they played over all the action. also… did Newton get fucking contacts??
Last picky thing: Some of those Jaegers are a bit Skinny, look like they’re gonna fucking break in half
EDIT: I have more to say
Also, Jake calls the Jaegers monsters?? But like with real bite, not like they’re just big weapons. What has the Jaeger tech been used for since the Battle at the Breach? Because the newest ones were Mock 5 in PacRim 1, right? But there’s only 1 Mock 5 in this one, and they’re all Mock 6 now. So they obviously kept building? Were they used to fight human wars? Police the populace?
EDIT again lmao: I didn’t say anything about it, but I’m still sad that Raleigh and Herc Hansen aren’t in this. Herc, my beautiful man who watches his son die in the sea for the cause :(((( I wonder if they’re going to explain it away, have them have died before these events, or maybe just not address it? Tho I think not addressing it would be a bad move since so many characters are returning and interact. But I don’t want them to have died in the interim either??? Ugh, idk. As long as they don’t sideline Mako too much it should be fine. 
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lilietsblog · 7 years
one punch man 10-12: the aliens
huh its episode 10 already man this anime is so short is it flashback time yet?
hi terrible Godzilla oh yeah its the S class introduction time
gotta love that theres actually competent military in this anime why is it such a rare thing jfc
seriously tho Saitama's superpower is NOT superstrength, that's just now how physics works I think he has sped up perception, and I suspect he had that to a degree even before he started his training, judging from how easily he managed to take on the crab guy, if not all of it but what his strength training gave him (awakened in him?) was basically reality warping no wonder he's bored: he ACTUALLY REALLY doesn't have to put any kind of effort into his punches, as it's not his physical strength that's doing any work there, it's literally reality bending to accomodate him that has got to suck reality warping ennui I love my egg son
I love how all of these monsters demand acknowledgement and don't just try and step on pesky human distractions that ignore them
okay yeah this dude did end up just trying to step on her
man Tornado is freakishly powerful and that's amazing
Genos oh come on you really should learn some self-defense actually
this sounds like an anime reference I'm not getting
I love that Silverfang at least appreciates Saitama's actual power
and Genos is just inviting Saitama to tag along this is adorable
I love how completely fucking extra all the heroes are and how ridiculous Saitama's low key normalcy looks by contrast
poor Tornado she's amazing but since she's only summoned for appropriate level threats it's not even interesting to be amazing
Watchdog Man is amazing
man you are so dramatic maybe start with explanations jfc there is no logic to this order of operations SAITAMA GOT HIS TEA IT'S FROM STARBUCKS IT'S HILARIOUS awww I love this cute lil bad boy who skipped his lil sis's piano recital )=
poor Saitama not knowing anything I love how casual he is about asking what he doesn't know I wouldn't have managed >_>
you call it right Child Emperor this is very ridiculous granted the meeting holder dude is probably right but he's being very ineffectual about it
Saitama jfc why
oh yeah this is a completely irrelevant bunch of baddies isnt it
OH YEAH THESE ARE THE ACTUAL BAD GUYS GEE 'IN THE NEXT SIX MONTHS' SURE DID TURN OUT TO BE SOON so yeah thats why the meeting holder dude was right
I love how much attention this anime cares to pay to civilians in trouble
man guys you should have hidden in that rut together instead of getting out
the knight guy is awesome
man thats... not all of city A that was destroyed
ahaha Saitama didn't wait for everyone my socially awkward egg acts on his own out of sync with anything <3 i can relate so much
man my favorite thing about this final fight is that it's going to involve collaboration it's not just 'Saitama saves the day' because he's just one person like with the fish king, Saitama was only able to save anyone because other heroes were there first and here there are multiple battles to be fought these dudes are important too
wow his stump sure isn't bleeding out
hey the swords at least slow the monster down that's not nothing
man this samurai dude is hella cool this entire squad is hella cool footsoldiers are important and I love this anime
I love that the kids are in front here it's a terrible idea and yet in context who's going to say no
jfc King you are way too fast to give up
sorry Genos this is a child
I love the peacemaker dude tho
ahaha Saitama is already inside I love him
oh dude you sure are confident in yourself
man this guy's design is SO TOTALLY A REFERENCE
...so the flashback stuff is probably side material that I haven't downloaded isn't it
whatever, I'll just continue the liveblog
man this ending is nice it's just pure aesthetic, and it's such a nice grounding one the Earth that Saitama lives on, which is the same one we all do
hi humanization of the enemy to them, Saitama is the kaiju and yeah he kinda is reality warping powers do that
aww Saitama is not very good at finding vital parts of the ship to destroy eh
Saitama makes for an awesome creepypasta really an unstoppable juggernaut
...I really want OPM to become an endless shounen series it's worth it and it has political setup enough for SO MUCH to happen it features a cast FULL of people very ready for exploration and convoluted plots the first season feels like BARELY A PROLOGUE in what could be the grand scheme of thing
hi Hammerhead!!! I love you!!! omfg is that your actual first name oooomg
this show's unwillingness to kill anyone off IS AWESOME
hi Sonic <3 I still love your oni face
I love that the knight guy looks middle aged with wrinkles and all
sorry coordinator dude that's S class heroes for you
welp bye bye dude that's the batter figuring shit out <3
man poor coordinator dude he's trying his best
I love Saitama and his low key shit I love how the navigator TRIES HIS BEST Saitama is ONE SMART COOKIE oh man this dude can actually look hella intimidating
yeah the downside of telekinesis as a combat power is that you still need to have something to telekinesis unless you can just straight up telekinesis your foes i guess
oh hey gravity manipulation nice
sorry due Saitama's power is basically no sell of any other powers its kinda sad
ahaha hes breaking his own ship now
man this supreme telekinetic power sure isn't used to actual direct combat ....yeah he's ridiculously weak kidna
awww cute lil aliens
awww Child Emperor! <3
ah yes! this is what Tornado is for!
and Mumen Rider on the ground you is good job!!! i love that they give him spotlight so fucking much you have no idea this really is an anime exploring the idea of heroes
guys with indirect powers wait for guys with direct powers to give them a chance
I'm still amazed the Knight is still alive guess his power is some sort of invulnerability/healing
dude if you forget the defense and focus on attack they still outnumber you this would have worked better when you still had many heads
Saitama is like a white hole infinite energy he just makes his own
I love how Saitama is still not used to the change of his status from hobbyist to professional it's the small details that make it <3
ahh and this is the kind of fight Saitama wanted isn't it?
haha twenty years yeah strength training had fuckall to do with it Saitama had this potential since babyhood
man Saitama's low key-ness looks really badass here best egg
I love that Saitama's movement isn't even running particularly well, it's just walking really really fast
awww Saitama's come to not expect much by now <3
haha sorry dude you're now match for Tornado's firepower hope she's got some way to watch out for civilians would be invaluable for search&rescue if she were free for it rn
oh hey Drive Knight there sure are lots of knights here huh
oh and it was Metal Knight who destroyed the town huh was he the dude who came in to test his weaponry against the meteor?
yup dude sorry outnumbered
so guys you might want to get the fuck out from under the ship now
I love the badass opening music this is Saitama's true potential too bad the plot isn't about it
lol I love how they both have pretty low expectations for each other
this dude is about to bring down his own ship heh
OMG SAITAMA DIDN'T NO SELL THAT THAT'S PRETTY AMAZING sorry dude Saitama has power beyond his own conception too
yeah you can heal yourself but Saitama wasn't hurt
man his pants are baggy and look hilarious
wow holy fuck and Saitama's method of surviving is ragdoll roll with it as much as possible I do that in the car to avoid motion sickness on bumpy roads
aww hey dude vulnerable after all where Saitama just isn't
sorry Tornado you're awesome but that wasn't you
this dude is strong but he isn't Saitama fast he's not even Sonic fast just very strong
CONSECUTIVE NORMAL PUNCHES NICE NOT ENOUGH STILL SAITAMA MUST BE SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW (and yet vaguely dissatisfied still because something in his brain chemistry still isn't making this as awesome as it should have been)
I love Saitama's creative names Serious Punch
I love that Saitama never taunts, never doesn't talk to his foes he doesn't dehumanize them, ever
well yeah okay that was pretty curb stomp sorry dude but you still entertained Saitama more than anyone else ever managed to
I hope poor little alien crew members survive alright ^^;
aww and the master picks up his knight
oh hey Amai Mask who the fuck even are you dude what the fuck shut up? I love the bad boy he's saying it like it is dude they literally saved the Earth and everything that wasn't wiped out in a single strike???
Amai is an actual supervillain here isn't he
mm he could be S rank I see
oh hey Metal Knight there sure are a lot of supervillains holed up at the top of the Hero Organization huh well I mean it makes as much sense as anything to recruit anyone sane enough to come in
awww Genos really has found balance with Saitama
so is Saitama already home or what ah nope there he is <3
Tornado you naive muffin
'history-making events, the top stories for days' yeah i guess in this kind of world there's nothing to do but keep reconstructing and ignore the losses )=
anyway I love this anime
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newgeekcity · 7 years
New Geek City is Live Blogging MST3k The Return
Once a upon a time there was a bored kid. He just moved to a new place where he didn’t know anyone. Hair was coming in weird places. His face looked like it came from a rare Garbage Pail Kid card.
Other things were changing for the kid, namely his tastes. To him everything started to be so childlike. His books, Full House, even Saturday morning cartoons. There wasn’t anything that really appealed to him anymore.
Except for Batman the Animated Series, that was still awesome.
So one day while trying to avoid the Smurfs or some shit, the kid flipped on Comedy Central. Gamera was on. Everything sucked, but he wasn’t too big for Toho movie monsters. 
Just look at it...
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And see those guys on the bottom? They were cracking jokes, making astute observations. Then they would do silly musical numbers. It was the best, and for years after, no matter what, the kid would tune in to see what crazy schlock the boys of MST3k would do next.
And yeah yeah, the boy was me. Twist ending, M. Night Shyamalan style. Blah blah.
Since MST3k came into my life so early, sometimes I wonder where it started and I begin in the soup of neurons and my memories. Am I sarcastic and love terrible movies because it brings me back to my safe space? Or am I drawn to MST3k because I am sarcastic and I love 1960s Godzilla movies.
I don’t think there’s a real answer to that question. However, after a long long departure. MST3k is back and on Netflix... so lets dive into the first episode which is called... episode 1? Seriously guys? Way to be descriptive.
We got movie sign after the jump
00:00 - Hold on I need more coffee. 
00:00 - Alright, back. Lets see what’s up. I’m really curious about the opening. If I remember right the opening song was sung by Mike Nelson. So lets see how this stacks up. 
I’m not looking for a perfect recreation, but something in the same spirit.
1:39 - People? There’s other people in this universe? I thought there was like 10 tops in the entire world in the original series. Then there’s Wil fucking Wheaton. I don’t mind the people, but I do mind Wil Wheaton, that fucking guy. The DIY effects and models are really great though.
In what looks like the Gizmonic mission control, the staff are puppets. I love that.
Wait I know that lady... She’s Erin Gray. Colonel Deering from Buck Rogers. When I was 5 I wasn’t sure if I was going to marry her or Princess Leia. 
Hey it could have happened, I was a cute kid.
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But seriously, Fuck. Wil. Wheaton. 
2:00 - I have to admit, I’m sort of liking Jonah. He has the same affable quality as Joel and Mike. 
4:30 - Gypsy could talk? Like for reals? Weird.
I also did like the opening sequence, a lot. Its different. It feels like that’s what the sequence should have been for the movie. But I really liked it. Great work Joel. 
8:00 - Invention exchange is back. Patton Oswalt is perfect as TV’s son of TV’s Frank. Although I was doubting Felicia Day, I have to admit she is charming here. 
The movie doors are different, you could tell they used a computer for this one. Not sure if I like that, But whatevs its minor. 
The bots voices are actually pretty good too. Crow sounds like Crow. Tom sort of sounds like Tom. I do have to get used to Jonah though.
9:00 - Its not skin, its beef. Just saying.
Delicious ground beef.
10:30 - Tom can fly! He can fly!!
13:15 - We have Super Dragon reference! Also one of the best MST3k songs 
14:00 - “You know an aquarium is just a pet store that doesn’t sell anything.” Made me lol.
14:41 - Gypsy showed up and made a quip. I already forgot what it was. I wonder if it’ll be a thing.
16:35 - I’m hoping the movie picks up. I doubt it because its MST3k. But they did a “commercial break” just now. They repeated the name of the movie and showed I guess would be the Deep 13 House Band. 
I think a skit would have worked better. Its not like they have to fit in actual commercials. But they’re probably trying to keep as close to the original format as possible.
18:30 - Scientist 1: “I envy that young man.”
Scientist 2: “He will be busy now.”
Me: Yeah with your daughters, you Dane weirdo.
20:00 - Who just keeps an electric eel in a tank in a hallway? Nothing is gonna go wrong there. Nothing at all....ARRRRRGHG 
22:00 - I’m having a really hard time picking up who’s speaking. Particularly with Tom / Jonah. 
But Jonah’s Monster Mash / Reptilicus cover was definitely out of the Joel Robinson playbook. 
25:00 - Can someone tell me if that Dane blonde, scientist daughter has a single daughter along the R line? And that wound looks like pudding. Just saying it looks like delicious reptile pudding.
27:00 - Ok the skit break is this kaiju monster rap. The bots, particularly crow are more animated. He’s able to move his arms around now.
The song itself is way different from the original series. Which I’m giving it a thumbs up. It fits well into the original ethos. Its catchy, fun. Its a good update. Nice work modern MST3k writers.
32:00 - One thing I’ve noticed is the actual filmic quality of the movie. In the old MST3k’s you could still see the scratches and dust, and the warping. It looks like that this is a restored film. 
Its not awful or really a distraction. But its just something I noticed as a long time fan.
35:00 - Dickweed. It makes me laugh every time.
36:00 - Of course the goofus stuck his hand in the electric eel tank. You know comedy. It had to happen. Like the sun rising, and the rain falling in the amazon.
38:00 - I wish netflix would have some way that it counts up instead of down. It would make my life easier here.
Another “commercial break” I was wrong, in the new series its Moon 13 and Patton Oswalt gave a fun fact about the doors. The house band is playing at the same time. Its very Svengoolie.
39:00 - Xanadu reference. Not sure how many youngin’s would get it. I barely do because my dad had a bootleg VHS tape. 
It was awful.
41:00 - I was about to say a lot of the jokes are falling flat, but when that scientist “screamed” and one of the guys dubbed it with Opera, that was brilliant. 
43:00 - I get that MST3k was never really about plot when it came to the host and bots. But they seemed to jump into the riffing really quick. I was expecting some sort of intro for Jonah, like he’d ask questions about why he’s there throughout the movie and the bots would fill him in and he’d grow into the host role. 
I think it would have added some sort of dimension to it. But I would get why they would just jump right into it. 
45:00 - Also I’d expect the Mads would show up more by now. Maybe in the next skit sequence?
47:00 - No Mads, but the cloning of Tom Servo in the “genesis tank that’s conveniently off camera” was real classic MST3k. 
So far, Jonah I would say earned his spot. He nailed it. 
Crow, yup classic Crow. 
Tom, well. He’s not awful. He’s funny but I just can’t get past the voice. Kevin Murphy really owned the character. I hope its just matter of getting used to it. Like when Kevin originally took over in Season 2 (I think) of MST3k.
51:00 - Hold on I need a gif of that.. give me a few minutes.
Ok, I couldn’t get a gif. I’ll have to check into that. BUT I did grab a screenshot.
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Single handedly this is my most favorite special effect ever.
54:30 - Although another stray observation, when the people are in frame, the film is alright. Like no scratches (for the most part) but when the monster is up it looks like someone went through it with sandpaper. 
Which lazy bastard only did half a restoration?
55:00 - It feels like Tom should have had that ability to fly all along. His bottom always reminded me of a hovercraft.
56:00 - Yup the commercial breaks definitely is reminiscent of Svengoolie, Paton Oswalt should just show up on that set one day as TV’s Son of TV’s Frank. 
It would be some great cross promotion.
BTW, go watch Svengoolie. Its not as funny as MST3k, but it’s really charming and fun.
Occasionally they show a good movie. Which I guess defeats the point, but whatever.
60:00 - We’re about at the halfway point. So far, I will admit the new MST3k is... I don’t want to say a worthy successor but Joel Hodgson really did something special. This definitely feels in place with the originals. Almost like it never went away. 
I do want more Mads for this episode. Where are they?
62:00 - How did they get letters? This is like the first episode in almost 20 years. How many 8 year olds could sit still long enough to watch reruns? Aren’t they making methlabs and sexting? 
63:00 - Just a note, I know nothing about modern children.
71:00 - Have you ever wondered why Kaiju are impervious to tank shells? Think about it, they’re designed to punch through concrete, steel plating, etc. I don’t think they’d have a problem with reptile skin, prehistoric or otherwise.
74:00 - Another thing I noticed is that the guy and the bots are more animated compared to the originals. They’ll move around, fly by, bring in barrels to interact with the screen. 
I know the originals did similar, but it seems to be more frequent here. Its not unwelcome. Its actually nice.
77:00 - Another commercial break. Its a TV seal of quality with the Moon 13 house band. I’m still liking them.
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Patton talked about how Kinga established some TV group, probably to make profit. 
Its not so much how the joke was clever, I just liked how they used that to add some background of the world of MST3k. Because we really don’t know much about it, besides the SOL and Deep 13 and such. 
I never thought it was missing, but now that I’ve seen some glimpses into the surrounding world I am interested in learning more. Does the world know about the Forresters? Have they always run in secret? Or they make their intentions known and the government is powerless to stop them. Who is the government there anyway?
Are they considered brilliant or total fuck ups? Are they part of something bigger? Like SMERSH or the illuminati or something?
78:00 - They’re freaking out about getting a gallon of some sort of lizard knock out drug. Do Danes know how much a gallon is? It’s not that much, if it was like an oil drum’s worth then you got problems.
80:00 - The gallon is really just a beaker. So I guess Danes don’t get the imperial system after all.
83:00 - Seriously the guy playing Crow is really good. If I close my eyes I’d have a hard time telling the difference between him and Trace Beaulieu.
Although I noticed the mouth movement on Crow isn’t as pronounced as it was in the originals. Its a little detail, but it went a long way in figuring out who was talking.
85:00 - Monster’s dead, yay I guess.
86:00 - “Push the button Max” doesn’t have the same cachet as “Push the button Frank.” But I’m glad they brought that back.
87:00 - The end credit song sounds like it was made with a real orchestra. It gives it some gravitas. Its rather lovely. 
88:00 - They’re repeating the monster rap. Not bad, still cute. 
89:00 - Wait, in the end credits, They gave the proper name for the Moon 13 House Band, they’re called “The Skeleton Crew.”
I like Moon 13 house band better.
90:00 - Nice touch--
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And of course--
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The end tag. Its nice to see some old standbys come back.
Final Thoughts - 
I suppose if you really wanted to you could say its worse or better than the originals. I guess its like how you wanted to fight over Joel vs Mike. 
They’re different. They had their own styles, and they were very funny in their own way. 
MST3k The Return is a lot like that. There’s enough elements of the originals that it feels familiar, but stylistically its been updated. I personally think its a good thing. 
With the bigger budget, and more modern delivery I feel a lot of the fun, DIY, anarchic, lo-fi qualities that was so mind blowing about the original show is very much here. 
I like the new cast, except for Wil Wheaton (fuck you Wesley Crusher), and I think they’re as charming and clever as the previous casts. Just... different.
So if you loved the originals as much as I did, I definitely think its worth binging with your kids. Personally I plan to make this a Saturday morning thing like I did way back when.
One last last thing. From what I saw of the preview for the next episode it looks like Pearl, Bobo, and Brain Guy are visiting. Hopefully Mike shows up too.
I. Can’t. Wait.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 6 years
KP watches Marvel Rising: Initiation
Ok since I bought some Marvel Rising merch, I guess I should finally watch it…so lets start with the Initiation shorts I guess, since the App has those…
Part 1: Ghost Hunter
“Fugitive known as Ghost Spider” um…when did she call herself that? Jumping into the middle of things doesn’t always work…Why does she have a blue spider on her back? That ruins the whole suit aesthetic. And….we’re keeping the “Spider-Gwen accidentally killed her own best friend” but it’s not Peter, it’s some guy named Kevin….so this isn’t even a Gwen that reality jumped to this world, it’s this world’s Gwen, she’s just not related to Peter at all….yet she’s still in a band with Mary Jane so…wow, I kinda hate it already. I mean, I was already kinda miffed they were blending Spider-Gwen and Gwenpool visually anyways (and I guess reality hopping would’ve made that more apparent but blah) so yeah 
Part 2: Floor Toms Spider Webs
Ok yeah the red head is MJ, but then again was MJ a redhead in MSM? Idr anymore. But I am loving Gwen’s personality; she’s sassy and snarky. But Kevin looks like a Peter-Flash hybrid…which is weird…oh Gwen didn’t kill her BFF because he went evil, but someone else did it and she was framed. Mmm….ok, but there’s still no reason to call her “Ghost Spider” in any given context yet, because as a Gwen that reality hopped into a reality where she’s dead, yeah that makes sense; as a newly spider-powered person in their own universe….why aren’t you coined as Spider-Woman (you know like Gwen actually was on her earth) or Spider-Girl? I know why for copywrites and stuff meta wise, but in story what’s the excuse? Because her suit is primarily white? That’s just stupid. It was Kevin’s idea wasn’t it? Kevins are always evil masterminds…
Part 3: BFHF
Uhg Squirrel Girl…yeah, I really don’t like her in general; overhyping randomly made important OP chars always turns me off of them (why yes Wonder Twins in Gifted, you do count as that too), especially when they’re over hyped to the max. So I was originally planning to avoid Marvel Rising because of her inclusion, but then they added Gwen so I got curious. But whatever, we’re giving this a fairish look. Khamala’s gauntlet is a hyperspace storage device?? O.o? Kay…And yeah Doreen, you can’t break the 4th wall with narration in a short; you have no time for that. idk guys, not much to say on this one; it did nice intro the two new chars, had some good action, and cupcakes. As a 3 min short it works.
Part 4: Two on One
“Kawaii Kaiju”…i…idk…is Squirrel Girl really gonna be the weeaboo one all the time because that’d be grating on any character. But at least the girls are level headed enough to give Gwen a shot to explain herself; yay story progression…I guess.
Part 5: The Stories They Tell
Are there really that many squirrels in NYC?? Yeah, can the “Responsibility Lecture” she never has a reason to have that. Wait, Kevin was Inhuman? Why must Inhumans get into everything?? And we get no explanation for Gwen’s powers? Ah, friendship bracelets are the ultimate proof of truth telling, yup, totally, uhhu; there’s plot convenience then there’s silly writing.
Part 5: The Secrets We Keep
Still love Gwen’s snarky attitude lol. And it is kinda weird to hear Live Action Quake coming from Animated Quake. Also floating car, seriously? No one bats an eye at that?? What year is this??? But hey Quake’s at least smart.
 So all the shorts combined; it does both a good and bad job at introducing Gwen I think. We don’t know how she got her powers, like at all…but we do get the seeds for her joining up with this team I guess. And since this is going to be an on going series, we’ll get proper back story eventually…hopefully. HOWEVER this is clearly NOT the same universe as MSM since we have an established Gwen then, and she was not a garage band rock star with a bff named Kevin; so yeah, great job at having a continuous continuity there Disney, isn’t that why you kept canceling shows before hand?? Unlike MSM though, this art style seems better, and the story was more engaging than theirs; might be because I cared about Gwen as a character, or because we were focused on more than 1 interesting character. Idk.
 Honestly, I’m still on the fence whether Marvel Rising is something I’ll be into, but it’s visually interesting and I see some interesting story potentials. And the merch is nice, and also visually appealing. Honestly, if I saw it was on TV I wouldn’t avoid it at this point in time, but I don’t think I’m of the mind to actively seek it out either. So I guess we’ll see where we go from here.
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geek-gem · 7 years
The First Rampage Trailer
So after months of waiting and their being silence. We now have an official trailer for the movie based upon the Rampage video game franchise.
I've made a text post talking about this before oh stomach. Including my last reblog I well reblogged the trailer. But also just I saw the trailer again and two times rewinding the last half of the trailer mainly towards where the helicopter part is at to see the monsters.
Basically seeing that a few times made me think I wanna play Rampage Total Destruction after months well ever since my birthday.
Also I've read the notes. Some people are freaking out and about the humans becoming monsters. I did talk about this in the post probably. Even before the story was revealed I had wonder about that route.
Basically in the video games themselves spoilers in case. Ever since the original the three main mascot monsters themselves George the gorilla, Lizzie the lizard, and Ralph the wolf were are originally people. Because of a company named Scum yes their called that. Also the origins have changed in games at times. They are these people who transform into these monsters and they go around destroying shit and eating people.
Basically well originally an arcade game with sequels and also on consoles now.
While I'm not the biggest fan of the franchise. I've always liked it. Including last time I was in Kaiju mood or sometime when we got those first pictures.
I found the trailer to be nice. Yet understandable about the serious part. But their seems like comedy will be there still. Okay I was out of my room a bit to see if my parents needed help none for that front mail boxes then my cousin T's girlfriend calls face cam and I answer it and tell about what happened and give it to my mom who's holding my cousin T's girlfriend's baby girl. Then got some soap for my bathroom and washed hands whatever.
I'm sorry got off topic but about the comedy part. That helicopter that's nice yet didn't really laugh because was mainly excited about the monsters.
Including I didn't talk about more on the human part. Honestly I had this thought and I think I mentioned this in my posts and one time on Deviantart. Maybe it's because the idea of having humans still be the monsters would take a lot of time for development. Including even said in my head a waste sorry random negative bullshit yet I mean like I feel like they went with the route of animals instead humans becoming monsters. Probably because they might not wanna focus on development and their would not be much time.
Yet Rampage wasn't a very lore based game despite some of the story. From what I remember it's usually very simple. Despite the additions of aliens and time travel. Yes their is that stuff.
Including on a silly note I mentioned in that post of mine. I hope I see cute fanart of basically Dwyane Johnson's character being like a dad to these monsters. Weird idea no doesn't suck head no stop it meh head yet seriously his character basically being this guy who protects animals going against poaching. I can't remember his name but that's basically what his character is about. Honestly even the monsters in their regular forms.
I don't mind the monster being regular animals or well George in this case his hair being different and he's a rare gorilla of some kind.
Yet honestly my main negatives are just me being picky about designs and shit.
For George I was kind of expecting something similar to Kong and how he was in Kong Skull Island which was released this year. I know they can't make him look exactly like Kong. But I was honestly hoping it be similar to that. Including George is basically a parody of Kong himself.
For Ralph while his design is unqiue I was hoping something similar to like a werewolf even a wolf man I'm being weird. Instead of sticking to what an actual wolf looks like yet with added details showcasing his transformation. While I know the monsters aren't people anymore. I was hoping they some how have them gain anthro forms was gonna say human like forms too. But anthro makes a lot more sense even if it's weird.
Basically them standing on their two legs mostly like in the games.
Now we have Lizzie who is a crocodile and I'm guessing she's mainly gonna be a huge crocodile with added mutations and shit however it's spelt.
I was seriously hoping they try to stay with the well original looks. Then thought honestly they wouldn't because as the series went on they've become a lot more cartoony. Yet what I mean is basically scarier and okay I almost left more realistic yet what I mean is. Them not looking as cartoonish but their features would like faces and skin might be realistic and stuff like that.
Basically this weird grown up version of Rampage where the monsters are kind of more disgusting looking. Honestly discussing might not be the best word but basically designs that respect and honor the original looks while being their own designs.
Including I just want to mention this. Since I've mentioned this about George being a parody of Kong, Lizzie is a parody of Godzilla. While Ralph is a parody of basically well werewolves but with so right now took some time to look on Google. The game Rampage 2 Universal Tour theirs a reference to London because Ralph is held there. Basically also a reference to An American Werewolf In London and I wanna say that I've seen that film before when I was young. Good film yet it will kind of scar you for life in a way.
Honestly those were my biggest gripes because I basically wanted the monsters to be huge. While not as huge as let's say I've been thinking the Legendary version of Godzilla or even others versions Shin and the anime one too. Theirs also Kong in Skull Island yet he was still big too. Yet I kept thinking of that size and the monsters growing to that size. Including if you want them to well eat people. That's something you can do in the games.
So was looking on Wikipedia and that's where I've been getting this information yes not the most trust yet usually right I was checking Universal Tour and World Tour and Universal Tour and now the movie.
As of now it has a new thing for the plot. Also Dwyane's character is named Davis and so the thing is a rogue experiment actually. Honestly looking at the device even with Jeffery Dean Morgan's character talking about what it was. I was thinking of aliens. Including Universal Tour I know sorry if I'm wrong is the one game that deals with the alien part the most.
Honestly hope or just wait if it gets a sequel. I want to see if they can do that shit. Along with having monsters that appear later down the games. Even Total Destruction where theirs a shit ton.
Seriously I wonder if they make a joke or how people would react to a company or organization whatever named Scum. If the name is still there lol. Seriously I wanna know.
Really I liked the trailer kicked ass heard in head. In fact was thinking will this play before Justice League tomorrow. So I looked at Wikipedia a bit and it's New Line Cinema and their with Warner Bros so possibly might see it hope so man would kick ass oh head and had to keep retyping kick and just typos I'm typing too fast.
But honestly I liked this. Also I'll talk about Justice League and I haven't seen Rotten Tomatos yet lol
Got tags done lol and no other tags relating to this. Thought of making my own but just.......fine. So made two new tags if they were already made sorry if I took credit sucks ass. Also first time using a tag for Dwyane Johnson lol ha missed post I'm just smiling a bunch
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