#.` 🥝kiwi writes🥝`.
lounaticm · 10 months
So I've been massively obsessed with listening to FNAF songs lately I'm definitely very mentally well about it, ah. anywAYYY
Music headcanons about what the egos listen to??? 😁 Feel free to do as many as you want to, but I'm most curious about Murdock, Illinois, engineer Mark, and Wilford. (Also, I have some idea of what's in ur brain with Dark, but any more details would be welcome~) (Also also, Y a n c y)
Murdock - Industrial and Aggrotech are his shit, but also very much into Power Metal and Rock, the heavier the better. Appreciates Classical and Jazz, though prefers songs that sound more brooding and ominous in both cases.
Illinois - Definitely listens to and enjoys all sorts of cultural folk songs and the like native to the places he visits in his travels. Indie, Blues, and Jazz round out his typical tastes. People who don't know him tend to assume he'll like Country music, but he can't say he cares much for it.
Wilford - Disco is a very obvious choice here and it is true, but Wilford's been around for quite a while and has an appreciation for pretty much all types of music. He does, however, have quite a strong fondness specifically for Electroswing.
Engineer - Listens to a lot of sub-genres of Electronic and EDM. Like Wilford, a big fan of Electroswing, and also likes Chiptune a lot. Will put on heavier music like Industrial when he's angry or frustrated and trying to work something out. If he gets too strung out, though, he'll find some sort of rain or - especially after the Wormhole Incident - heartbeat ambience to put on and go decompress. Preferably with the Captain nearby.
Yancy - Musicals is really on the nose but also so very apt. Also Rock'n'Roll, Rockabilly, and Doo-wop, considering the whole 'greaser' vibes he's got. Also likes some sub-genres of Rock and Alternative. Doesn't actively dislike any genre of music, even if it's something that isn't to his tastes. Boy just loves music too much.
Damien/Dark - Classical, Oldies, and some Blues and Jazz are all very obvious and fitting picks (all moony and lovesick), but only very close friends and family know that he also adores Metal, with Symphonic Metal being his favorite of the genre. You'd be hard-pressed to catch him listening to it, though, especially after the events of the Party. It reminds him a little too much of a certain someone who used to listen to and play it with him...
Bonus (cause his music taste jumped out at me):
Bing - Vaporwave and Chiptune are his favorites, but he likes almost all kinds of Electronic and EDM. Always surprises people when they find him listening to Industrial music and its sub-genres, of which Dark Electro is his go-to.
[Partially me projecting really hard here, partially honestly striking me as making sense, but I can see pretty much all the Egos enjoying Post Rock. Some more than others, and some only when they want something to help them wind down, but still.]
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kkyaka · 2 years
okay... imagine waking up beside connie in the morning, modern au. i think he sleeps with a shirt on bc his skin is sensitive but i also like to think he's a wild sleeper until you get in bed with him. i would like to say the same about jean but he sleeps hot, without a shirt, and in one spot but if his sleepy brain registers its you in bed beside him then he's curling an arm around you for snuggles. youre a favorite writer of mine n i wanted to share thoughts w/u. have a nice night/day! *leaves zoom chat*
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Also yes, this is canon. Connie sleeping with a shirt on bc of his sensitive skin just made fall more in love with him omg. And Jean definitely is a walking FURNACE, there's no doubt about it
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Aaah, Ryen! This is going to be a loong message because Yoongi isn't the only one with a lot of thoughts haha.
This whole time I have been growing more and more protective of OC with each chapter after seeing the way she overthinks everything and how much she really deserves. Now after reading Interlude I feel this ten times more for Yoongi. Our poor baby is really going through it y'all and it made me so sad to see him like this 🥺🥺🥺. But I'm also really glad we got to see his POV for all of these moments because the man really doesn't speak about all of that shit that is going on in his head huh.
First of all what a start and a way to set the mood with these lines:
"Another breath.
Another day. 
Filled with the same plaguing thoughts as the last."
I always appreciate when something from the beginning comes back around in the end like that.
I knew the basketball scene was going to get me mad but I was seeing red, it was almost as bad as Dalo really. I did agree with every thought of Yoongi's during that moment though like:
“Think you’re hot shit?” 
Uhh. He knows he is. But that’s besides the point." Like, that's right, he absolutely is .
"He can take heat. 
But when it comes to you? 
Yeah, no one’s getting away with that shit."
this one too, I've genuinely become just as protective of OC as everyone else in this story, she just deserves the world.
"when he purposefully lied about not having a pump in his car." ok Yoongi I see you 👀👀👀 If this doesn't prove how gone they were for each other from the start, I don't know what does.
Reading about how much he doubts and blames himself for everything was truly heartbreaking to read though, these lines made my heart physically hurt :
"Because he already knows he doesn’t deserve you in the first place."; "He did this to you. He should’ve been there."
It was really nice to see that as much as Yoongi has helped OC be more confident and not overthink so much, OC has helped him a lot too.
"But you somehow showed up on his doorstep after a whole year of him hating who he was. And whatever you did somehow repaired that broken record, allowing him to escape that headspace and do shit again."
This made me so soft and I really hope that one day Yoongi tells her all of this and how much she has helped him as well.
This chapter did make me fall in love with Yoongi more though, even though I thought that was impossible. Seeing how attentive he was to every reaction of OC's and what he thought about their moments together firsthand really almost killed me. I think these lines just speak for themselves:
"And it’s much easier to deal with than any other name he wants to change it to."; "You have no idea how much you’ve changed his life. Whether you’re his or not, that fact remains the same."
Also, all of the allusions to Yoongi's past in this have made me so curious. I hope that like OC, he will eventually be able to open up about past experiences that have hurt him, because that really is a step to healing from them.
"Once a space that saw many destructive arguments and silent, unfinished meals, your appearance started giving it new life. New energy. Energy that he can physically feel as he passes it on the way to his room. "; "Not after what he went through last time."
I love the way you add things like this in, there are always so many new things to think about and explore because of details like this and it makes the experience of reading and rereading so much richer and more rewarding.
Jimin really was a real one in this as well. I really appreciate a friend who knows when to be supportive and when to call you out on your bullshit too.
This line was the final straw for me on this roller-coaster of emotions: "This is exactly why he can’t be with you. This is exactly why he wants you to be his." I just love both of them so much and I really just want them to be happy 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you for letting us into Yoongi's mind with this Interlude. It really did put a lot of things into perspective and I loved getting to know him more intimately. Hope you're doing well, Ryen 💕💕
KIWIIII i can actually respond to one of your heartwarming reviews a day later and not several! LOL i'm so happy you got to read the interlude, and so soon? gosh and the amount of thoughts your wonderful brain had.. i had to read this over and over again. i love you so much.. let's get into my response!
oh my god, you're so right. like we're already protective of reader no question. but now YOONGI? my god i wanna wrap him up and never let him go until he knows how loved he is by everyone around him dskfndsfkj. it made me so sad to see this, too.. he always tells reader to say what's on their mind. and yet.. baby.... please listen to your own advice. (this makes reader's talk to him in basketball hit so much harder now.)
i'm glad you like the cyclical nature of the beginning and ending lines! i wanted to callback to the beginning, because "dal segno." it means to go back to "the sign," which is a symbol shown above the music staff that shows you where to start from when you see that notation. so. going back to the beginning because he has the same thoughts, that usually start from the basketball game, which was the sign (which is also why the banner is the way it is.)
the basketball scene had me so angry. like i know y'all have been wanting to know what happened there for so long, and i had to sit there and know by myself :(( it was lonely but i think it's worth it to see all the reactions now! reader does deserve to be protected and who better to do that than yoongi and his friends... ugh.
GAHHH THE PUMP LINE!! i will adore that little tidbit forever.
yoongi's story is so tragic and we never even fcking knew. he really is becoming a source of comfort for reader, even though his mind is such a mess, bc he cares about her and doesn't want to bother her with his own problems ah fck now i'm getting emotional dflksjfn
yes! reader is helping him. so much more than she realizes.. that one fateful summer day is gonna be one that they both think about and come back to for a long time. i hope he tells reader all of this someday.. if we get to that point, i hope it happens.
gosh, i love 3tan yoongi. i literally think about him and reader everyday. whether it's just thinking about them, writing one sentence or note to come back to later, or working on chapters for real, it's all been so normal that it's going to be.. you know what, i won't even say it lol we're just gonna keep having them in our lives. for a very long time.
exactly. yoongi will need to talk about this stuff eventually, whether he realizes it or not, whether he's confronted or not. bc it's just going to keep bothering him and no one will know.
i'm glad you like the little details thrown in there that show there's more to the story! i wanted to give some things away without the entire picture. there's still a lot more to go, and we'll see more in due time. if it makes the reading experience richer and more rewarding, then i am very, very happy.
YESSS JIMIN!!! i won't shut up about him, either. going from "morning, sunshine" cheery and happy to "what the fuck is up with you?" and just, overall done/frustrated? you know he loves yoongi. he cares so much and he's not gonna shy away from hounding him.
GOD the contradicting lines on how yoongi feels about reader at the end. it's honestly so relatable?? sometimes i feel the exact same way. it's inherently human to want something and yet know you can't/shouldn't. i feel for him. i just hope he comes to some realizations soon.
you're so welcome, and thank you for reading, babe!! it was certainly intimate (and took a bunch of energy to get through) so thank you for taking the time to let me know what you thought! i cannot express how happy and encouraged you made me feel.
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melovrs · 27 days
kiwi kisses 🥝
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as you were putting on your final touches of makeup, sakura walks into your shared bedroom.
"we got 20 minutes until togame's party, we should probably head out now," he reminds you.
you turn your head towards him, motioning for him to come closer.
"c'mere haru, wanna show you something," you say.
he walks over, grumbling about how you need to hurry. he looks down to your sitting form, waiting. you turn back towards the vanity, grabbing a tube of shimmery lipgloss, and apply it to your lips. sakura watches you turn back towards him with a grin on your face.
"bend down to me," you tell him. sakura rolls his eyes before complying; he'll do whatever you say, though he won't admit it >_< ! he bends down to meet your eyes, only for his lips to be met with yours.
you bring your arms up to his neck, pulling him closer to you, your tongue slipping into his mouth. sakura can feel his entire body burning up, his face practically letting off steam. you finally let go of him,slightly out of breath. sakura opens his mouth first.
"wha-what was that for!?" he exclaims, exasperated. you giggle at his flustered state, admiring how his ears turned a bright shade of pink.
"bought this new lipgloss a couple days ago, and i wanted to see how u liked it!" you smile. he turns his head around, embarrassed.
"it... looks good, i guess," he utters out. you laugh once more before standing up from your vanity, reapplying your lipgloss. as you gather your purse and walk out your shared room, arm in arm, you speak again.
"d'you know what flavor that was?"
sakura falls silent for a moment before responding thoughtfully.
you laugh, responding. "it's kiwi, haru."
sakura rolls his eyes, his ears still tinted pink as he squeezes your hand.
"whatever. you taste way better than that stupid lipgloss anyways."
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hehe first official wind breaker fic ever DONE ! hopefully this isn't too ooc :( i was actually planning on writing this for rin but scrapped the idea :3 alsoo this is based off my experience bc my fav lipgloss ever is kiwi flavored but it's so gross and artificially flavored i hate the taste >:( also i think this counts as an adult (?) au but idk it's not specified soo :/
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Kitten surprising Min with her old school uniform and a lil role play. His mind is racing from the skirt and the memories and he can like touch her how he always imagined her
you're so absolutely right, kiwi. this was a humongous brain moment.
i've had this ask in my inbox since mid-august bc i just had to write something I HAD TO since it stirred something within me. thankfully, i recently figured out how i wanted to go about this, and finally got to writing it💜
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Pairing: Werewolf!Minho x Human!F.Reader (one of the main pairings of my WereRoomies series, but you probably don’t really need to read any of the other instalments to understand this one, although it's highly recommended!). | Word Count: ~3k | Themes & Warnings: Supernatural/Fantasy AU · Smut · Fluff · Established Relationship · role-playing as high schoolers (disclaimer: they’re both consenting adults fulfilling fantasies of their past, neither are genuinely attracted to minors in any way) · nipple play · unprotected penetration [piv. no barrier method, but reader is on birth control] · a smidge of a breeding kink · cumshot · barely proof-read as it usually is with these “drabbles”...
minors do not interact.
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Oh, how sweet you sounded when you said his name like that… It was just how he’d dreamt it’d be. He’d heard you before, of course. But not in this situation, in this particular setting…
“My dad could be home anytime now–Oh, shit…” Your words got caught in your throat the second he bit one of your nipples. How could he not, when you were on his lap, with your uniform shirt open, and your bra just down enough for him to play with your chest.
“Shh, it’ll be fine, kitten”, Minho mumbled against the swell of your breast, leaving a love bite that he hoped would be visible when you wore one of your low tops. “If he were to come home, you know he doesn’t bother us when we’re doing our homework…”
You whined as soon as his mouth reattached to your nipple, as he gently rolled the other between his thumb and index finger… Your hands buried in his hair, keeping him close while you rolled your hips to find some friction against his crotch. The pressure had his mouth salivating further, borderline drooling all over your nipple like the dog he’d recently become.
Or, at least, in this fantasy, he had probably been turned a few years prior…
When you and Minho had come to your father’s house today to help him clean up some of your old stuff from your childhood room, Minho certainly hadn’t expected for the afternoon to take him right here. To him sitting on the edge of your bed, dressed in his school uniform, with you sitting on his lap, and dressed in your school uniform.
It had been such an impromptu thing… You found the pieces of clothing at the bottom of your dresser, forgotten from the last time you wore them in your final year. Back then, you always kept a spare change of Minho’s uniform for those nights when he unexpectedly stayed over.
‘Ohhhh, you should put it on. I used to love how the uniform looked on you’, you’d told him as you handed him the dress shirt with the school’s logo on it, and the white vest top he used to wear under it.
‘Alright, but only if you put on yours. The whole thing. I also loved how you looked in that uniform’, he’d told you immediately, because it was the truth. That plaid skirt and the white button-up used to make stellar appearances in his teenage-hormones-driven wet dreams. 
He used to feel embarrassed about it. You were his best friend in this world, and the fact that he found himself daydreaming of how it’d look like if he took a peek under your skirt, or how it’d feel if he buried his face in your cleavage, certainly made him feel guilty.
Now, as an adult well into his twenties, after you both shared your affections, he no longer felt as guilty about it. Especially after learning that you yourself had those thoughts about him back then, too.
When you put on that uniform shy of fifteen minutes ago, Minho was reminded of all those thoughts he used to have, of all the sleepless nights and hidden chubs at school… It hit him then that maybe this was exactly why he loved seeing you in skirts so much in present day. A result of his teenage-self’s never fulfilled desires.
Sure, he couldn’t button his shirt since his shoulders and arms had broadened with age, and your skirt was certainly much shorter than it used to be, but that didn’t stop either of you from falling into your roles.
‘Mmm… It’s almost like we have just come back from school and are getting ready to get some work done’, you chuckled as you looked at yourself in the mirror and adjusted your thigh high socks.
That sentence alone lit up the bulb in his head, it sparked a naughty little idea that he knew you’d either entertain or laugh about. Either result was fine by him, so he had no qualms when he walked behind you, and looked at you through the mirror.
Calling your name as he placed his hands on your waist, Minho had asked you to turn around to face him. ‘There’s… there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for so long… Please don’t be mad…’
Minho feigned nervousness, like he was once again that boy that had seemingly unrequited feelings for his best friend.
‘I really, really like you… Can’t stop thinking about you. How’d it be like to kiss you, to feel you close in ways other than platonic. You’re my best friend, and I cherish that deeply, but I just… I like you so much’, funny thing, how those were pretty much the same words he’d wanted to say to you back then. Words he had practised in front of the mirror a few times, but he was always too much of a coward to actually tell you.
You looked at him in what Minho figured was feigned shock. Oh, how he loved you… You just knew him so well, and knew exactly what he was doing without saying a single word. ‘I… I like you, too. Have liked you for so long, Minho…’
Minho had cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss. He kissed you as if he’d never done it before, desperately, hungrily, no time for being tender and soft when all he’d wanted was to devour you whole. And you had retaliated, of course. You’d pulled him close by the collar of his shirt and pressed your chest to his, kissing him with fervour.
‘Even if I’m… If I’m now…’ A beast, was what he wanted to say as he spoke between kisses. Minho had maybe fallen a little too well into this role of his younger self. He could still remember how insecure he used to be about his condition, how he looked down on himself after being infected with this goddamn lycanthropy… Those were feelings that no longer existed within him, he had now long since accepted this was part of him. If anything, with time, he’d embraced it. 
‘I’d like you even if… Even if you were a worm’, you replied simply, making him giggle, which in turn made you giggle.
Minho scooped you into his arms after that, and he walked the remaining steps to your childhood bed so he could sit on it with you on his lap. In no time, he was groping you over your shirt, under your skirt, and you had started to beg for him to touch you more.
His instincts were stunted, you knew that, he knew that, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have this animal side to him. Sometimes, especially when he was horny, that animalistic side of him took over his logical mind, and, back when he was a teen, he could recall having a harder time with certain feelings and emotions like these. So, he let them cloud his reason a bit as he fulfilled this little fantasy of his…
Minho ripped your shirt open, the buttons flew all over your room, and you gasped when he buried his head between your breasts. The thing was also a bit too tight on you, so he was sure you wouldn’t miss the garment if it got ripped a bit in the process.
You scrambled to take a hold of his hands, bringing them to your chest so he could fondle you over your bra, once again begging him to touch you. To ‘Please, please, Minho, touch me. I need it. I need you…’
And he was sure his cock was about to pop out of his jeans with how hard it got at your desperation.
So here you were, grinding into each other, on your childhood bed while Minho feasted on your tits.
“Fuck, that feels so good, baby. Harder. Do it harder…” 
How could he deny you when you sounded so needy? When he’d wanted to do this for so long? 
He bit harder, pinched harder, pulling strangled sounds of pleasure out of your lips. The more attention he gave to your chest, the more you rolled your hips against him, effectively pulling sounds of pleasure out of his lips.
His senses were flooded by you. The smell of your arousal on your lavender scent, your weight of him, the taste of your skin on his tongue, all combined had him almost delirious, especially when his free hand found its way under that godforsaken skirt of yours to tightly grope one of your buttocks.
“Baby, I think I’m… I might…”
Fuck, if you came just from him playing with your chest and you grinding your cunt on the tent in his jeans, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to contain himself. Although, he supposed coming in his underwear would’ve been a very accurate representation of what would’ve happened if his teenage self had ever had the opportunity to have you on him like this…
Minho couldn’t help but groan when you tightened your grip on his hair, when you started to roll your hips faster, harder… God, all he wanted right now was for the girl of his dreams to come, he needed to feel you trembling in his hold, to drown in your scent so he could convince himself this was happening.
Seeing you come, holding you tight while you did, was just absolutely delightful. You bit on your fist to keep your moans contained, while your whole body shook with your release.
Minho had to make the conscious effort not to blow right then and there. He was sure that if this had happened back when you were still that young, he would’ve certainly done so. He imagined that this would’ve probably been your first sexual experience together, that you’d laugh about how he soiled his underwear and how needy you’d been, before you laid down and cuddled for a bit…
Maybe you would’ve had sex a different time, on a different day where you were sure your dad wouldn’t come back home… But this wasn’t about being fully realistic, this was about having fun while fulfilling a shared fantasy.
“Fuck, Minho, baby, stop… I’m sore…”
Minho finally pulled himself away from your chest, mumbling a very unconvincing ‘Sorry’ before he attached his lips to the pulse point on your neck, relishing how fast your blood was pumping in your veins.
“You’re so fucking hot, my kitten. I’ve been dreaming of this moment, y’know?” He mumbled in your ear, taking one of your breasts in his hand to fondle the flesh, with special care to not stimulate your nipple too much.
“Me too, baby…” You were still trembling occasionally within his arms, taking deep breaths to get your racing heart to slow down inside your chest. “I’ve wanted this so bad… Even… Even touched myself thinking about it”.
“Mmm, fuck…” Minho started sucking love bites on your neck, following this faint need in his gut to leave his mark on you. “Have you?”
“I have… Sometimes, I did it while we slept in the same room”.
Minho wasn’t sure if this was you playing your fantasy, or if this was a real thing that happened, but, being honest, it didn’t matter. It made his mind disconnect completely as soon as the words came out of your mouth regardless.
Before he could even register it himself, he had stood up and thrown you on the bed, eliciting a shaky, surprised gasp from your lips. In a second, he was on you, kissing you hard, messily, even desperately. Your limbs wrapped around him, your arms around his neck, and your legs around his middle, bringing him further down to lay flush against you in your heated kiss.
He was dizzy, lightheaded, and for a second, he almost believed he was in the past, that he was making out with you on your bed after school, that he was about to lose his virginity to his best friend.
“Fuck, I need to put it in…” Minho barely detached his lips from yours while he spoke, just kept messily kissing you between words as he ground his hips to your core. “Please, please let me put it in… Need you…”
“We–we need a condom, Min”, your hands found their way under his top, where they settled to caress his back, making him shiver. “I don’t have any here”.
“Fuck, I don’t have any, either”, Minho left your lips to instead attach his own to your collarbones, to nibble on the sensitive skin, making you whine. “I’ll pull out. I got quick reflexes, it’ll be fine, please…”
He certainly was playing into this horny-teenage-boy thing all too well. Although, he was sure his younger self wouldn’t have been this stupid to believe just ‘pulling out’ would be an effective contraceptive, and surely neither would you. After all, back then, your dad made sure you both knew about being safe, which Minho was grateful for to this day. 
Regardless, the very real implant you had in your arm made it so he could play like this, so you both could play like this.
“Shit, you’ll pull out?” Your hands trembled when they found his backside and squeezed him. “You would, wouldn’t you?”
“Promise, kitten. Cross my heart”.
One of your hands left his bum to move to his crotch, where you cupped and squeezed him and overall felt him over the fabric of his jeans. He couldn’t help but buck his hips to let you feel as much as you could of him. “Fuck, okay. But Min… I’m not sure this will fit…”
“It will. I’m sure it will. It has to. You trust me, no?”
With a deep breath, biting your lip, you nodded. “Trust you with my life”. 
When Minho pulled himself away from your hold, he just had to tell you how fucking gorgeous you looked with your hair all messy, your tits out, your ripped shirt, and that fucking skirt… The hem pooled on your belly, exposing your underwear and the mouth-watering wet-patch on them.
God, he wanted a taste… But there wasn’t enough time for that right now.
Minho hastily unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them and his underwear down just enough to free his length. You swore under your breath, taking him into your hand and spreading the pre-cum that had beaded at the tip so you could easily stroke him. 
“Baby, please…” You guided him to your core. With your free hand, you pulled your underwear to the side, and dragged the tip of his cock all over your folds. “Need it. Need you, Minho…”
One day you’d be the death of him, he was sure. 
Under normal circumstances, Minho would’ve stretched you open with his fingers, he would’ve made sure you were absolutely ready to take that annoyingly big alpha cock of his. But he figured skipping the step would be a bit more… in character.
“Oh, fuck, fuck…” Minho pushed himself into your heat slowly, letting your walls adjust to his length with what he hoped wasn’t much discomfort. He knew that if there had been any, you would’ve said the word that would immediately stop everything you were doing. “That’s so fucking tight…”
You whined, not necessarily in discomfort, but in that way that made him know you were feeling impatient. Wrapping your legs around his hips, you tried to push on his backside to get him to get in already. “Please, I need it all. Now”.
“Shit–!” As soon as Minho bottomed out and had propped himself on his forearms, you took a hold of his hair and pulled him down for a messy kiss.
There was just so much spit. Everything was so sloppy and messy and he was honestly enjoying it way more than he ever thought he would.
“Fuck, you’re so hard… Can’t believe you fit”, you mumbled breathlessly against his lips, releasing his hair to place your hands on his back.
“Didn’t doubt–Shit, if you keep clenching like that I’ll come, kitten… Didn’t doubt I’d fit right in. Isn’t this cunt for me? Hm? Hasn’t it always been?” Minho didn’t even give you time to respond, he just started to thrust, a borderline animalistic pace that had you biting on his shoulder to muffle your moans.
There was nothing but heavy breaths and desperate groans and whines and moans… Nothing but the sound of skin slapping against skin and the headboard hitting the wall and your nails sinking on his clothed back…
Minho vaguely realised he was growling with each thrust. Like an animal. He was making all these sounds like the animal he was. And every time he did, your body just immediately reacted. Either by clawing at his back, or biting harder on his shoulder, or clamping hard around his length…
It was honestly driving him crazy. It reminded him that, ultimately, you accepted him, that you loved him just as he was. What an odd, but pleasant reflexion to make when you both were fucking, and pretending to be your teenage selves at that.
“It–It is”, you meekly mumbled after a while, and Minho, a bit puzzled, pulled himself away from your neck to look you in the eyes. “It’s yours. Has always been. I’ve always been”.
Minho swore loudly, throwing his head back once your words registered properly in his hazy mind. Your cunt was his, you were his. You’ve always been…
That reassurance, coupled with the vice grip of your walls, got him so incredibly close…
“Fuck, kitten, gonna come. Need to–need to pull out”, Minho was panting, drunk on the pleasure he was feeling and the fog clouding his reason.
Your legs tightened around his frame, keeping him as close as you could while he kept thrusting into you. “What if–What if you don’t?”
“Oh, God… Don’t say that…”
“Why? What if I want your puppies? Hm?”
He was going to die. Minho was sure he was seeing the gates of heaven open up right in front of him.
“C–can’t. We can’t…” Shaking his head, Minho tried his best to hold back, a titanic effort with how fucking good you were making him feel, with how fucking in love with you he was.
“Can’t…?” There was a pout on your lips, highlighted by your blown pupils, and Minho, once again, shook his head in response.
Minho just desperately shook his head. “Kitten, baby, please…”
The hold of your legs relented. Minho immediately straightened himself and pulled out of your warmth to take his cock in one of his hands while the other gripped your hip tightly. One, two pumps and he was groaning deeply, coming all over your underwear, over your mound and your now only partially exposed folds.
The sight was nothing short of exquisite. Your wrinkled, open shirt, your tits still falling out of your bra, with your nipples slightly puffy after all the attention Minho had given them, the skirt hunched at your waist, and your underwear drenched in his cum… 
Minho felt light, satisfied, and, as he tried to catch his breath, he just took you in.
After a few moments of silence–silence, save for the sound of your heavy breathing and the ringing in his ears–a grin made its way to your face, and, a second after, you broke into laughter. It made him laugh, too. Maybe uncontrollably so.
“Oh, that was awesome”, you chuckled, wiping the tears that had collected in your eyes at your outburst. “So good”. 
“Totally agree”, Minho leaned into you to press a brief kiss on your lips before he left the bed to find a face towel from your dresser to clean up the stupid amounts of cum that had come out of his stupid monster cock off of your body.
“‘Suppose it was a good thing that my dad isn’t coming until very late today. It would’ve been seriously awkward to explain what was going on if he found us… Well, like this”, you started shrugging your shirt off as soon as Minho had finished cleaning you up, and proceeded to work the couple of buttons on your skirt.
“I don’t think he would’ve appreciated the sight, to be honest”, Minho chuckled, getting out of his shirt and vest top as well to put his t-shirt back on and do his jeans. 
As soon as you two were dressed properly and in clean clothes, you both laid back down, unbothered by the soiled sheets. Minho simply pulled you into his arms, and pressed a brief kiss on your forehead before he hugged you close.
“Kitten…” Minho mumbled against your hair after a while, dragging his hand up and down your back in a gentle caress. “Was that true?”
You absentmindedly traced patterns on his chest, shapes that he could’ve sworn were hearts and stars. “Was what true?”
“Y’know… that thing about… About you touching yourself while I was in the same room…”
You pulled yourself away from his hold a bit so you could look him in the eyes. A smile came to your lips, right before you started opening your mouth to speak.
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© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
taglist: If you want to be added to the taglist, you can fill in this form. be aware that you must have an indication that you’re an adult in your blog if you want me to tag you in my works.
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unorthodoxsavvy · 5 months
Apple: Favorite subject in school?
Apricot: Favorite dessert?
Avocado: What’s something weird that you like?
Banana: What’s the worst artificial flavor?
Blackberry: What kind of phone (if any) do you have?
Blueberry: Have you ever dyed your hair?
Boysenberry: Do you do any crafting?
Cantaloupe: Best ice cream flavor?
Cherry: Deecribe someone you think is cute.
Clementine: Favorite Song?
Coconut: Do you like the beach?
Cranberry: Have you ever been to a swamp/marsh/bog?
Date: What’s your ideal date?
Dragonfruit: What’s your favorite mythical creature?
Elderberry: How old are you?
Fig: Do you think you’re smart?
Gooseberry: Favorite animal?
Grape: Do you have any siblings?
Grapefruit: What’s your dream job?
Guava: What’s your DnD class?
Honeydew: Do you/did you play/participate in any sports?
Huckleberry: Favorite classical literature book?
Kiwi: Favorite type of flower?
Kumquat: Favorite hobby?
Lemon: Are you creative?
Lime: Favorite movie/TV show?
Lychee: What’s your favorite drink?
Mandarine: What language(s) do you speak/sign/write?
Mango: Do you have any pets? If so what are they/their names?
Orange: What’s your favorite color?
Papaya: If you could live anywhere where would you choose to live?
Passionfruit: What’s something you’re passionate about?
Peach: What’s the sweetest thing to you?
Pear: How long do you sleep on average?
Plum: Favorite kitchen utensil?
Pineapple: What color is your room?
Pomegranate: What’s something that is tempting to you?
Raspberry: Favorite form of showing/being shown affection?
Star Fruit: What’s your star sign?
Strawberry: What’s the best dipping “sauce”?
Tangerine: Favorite time of day?
Watermelon: Favorite season?
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imperpetuallylost · 3 months
✭Lea’s Fruity 500 Followers Event✭
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hey bbgs why tf are there so many of u??? but like thanks i'm so flattered that either you thought i was kinda cool or you wanted to put me in a jar and study me and following me was the next best thing. anyways, thank you all so much! i'll plan on running this event until 7/14 whenever i finish the asks that have already been sent. feel free to send as many as you want, but not more than one per ask. thanks bbgs love u all <3 you can find my intro post here
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strawberry 🍓i'll shuffle my music and tell you my favorite lyric from that song or from a song you request
mango 🥭 i'll make you a mood board based on any character/album/song/etc you request, or just your general vibe
kiwi 🥝 i'll make you a playlist based on any character/album/song/etc you request, or just your general vibe
blueberry 🫐 i'll draw something for you. it won't be good, but it might be funny
grape 🍇 (mutuals only) i'll come up with a god awful nickname for you. prepare yourself if you pick this
watermelon 🍉 (mutuals only) i'll write you a letter that will be mostly sweet things <3
coconut 🥥 i’ll send you anon hate!!!
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eightstarr · 11 months
Hey Zoe!! It’s the girl who cut her fingers lolz tho I don’t want you to only know me by that so if it’s ok I’ll start using the swan emoji :D 🦢 Or the kiwi 🥝 idk. Anyway, since Halloween is tomorrow I was wondering what you think Abs and Ellie’s costumes would be and if they would be into the idea of couple costumes. Don’t know if you’ve already been asked this but just wanted to know your thoughts 🙏🏻 also, how are you?! Hope you’re having a good week and have a fun Halloween if you celebrate :D <3 🎃
hey!!! omg you can use any emoji you want, both the swan and the kiwi are so cute! i'm doing okay, thank you for asking <3 we don't really celebrate halloween in my country but if you do, i hope you have the best time!! ily
i'm no expert but this is what i think!!
if they did individual costumes, i think ellie would either do something hyper specific that like maybe one person gets (film bro tendencies) OR she would be like… a traffic cone. something very silly that somehow still works for her. but me personally? i would dress her up as jim from treasure planet. if you get the vision i love you
i can see abby saying that she doesn't care but as soon as she picks a costume and gets excited about it, it becomes unacceptable for it to be anything except perfect. she has to get every detail right!! goes out of her way to get a realistic firefighter jacket and is so offended when you wanna take it off of her (she'll do it of course, she just needs a little coaxing! and perhaps a kiss or two)
as far as couple costumes, i think ellie would pick yours! she gets ideas all throughout the year and writes them down in her notes app. it's a yearly tradition for her to sit you down and go through all of them asking for your thoughts (and maybe softly guiding you to pick the one she happens to like the most) (they're all some guy and his cool hot girlfriend but that's what she loves). please please please be jesse and jane from breaking bad with her, she'll be so happy <3
abby, however, will literally be whatever you want. she completely lets you take the lead. doesn't care about the details because she doesn't mind looking silly if it makes you happy! how can she feel stupid when you're so excited about it? i think she would have fun literally just being your accessory, like if you're a cute mushroom fairy she'll be the moss. and if you wanna do mia from the princess diaries, she'll look hot in any of chris pine's outfits <3 abby would also slay as emmett from twilight if you wanted to be rosalie!! she's got the built for it and she basically already dresses like him
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charmsandtealeaves · 7 months
Kia Ora! I’m Ray. Kiwi 🥝, fanfic writer and mum. This is just a little pinned post to get to know me.
First I feel like it’s appropriate to provide some character references from my beloved mutuals:
@abihastastybeans : Sleep deprived chaos
@annabtg : Uses commas as a spicy stylistic choice
@athenasparrow : A pioneer amongst a disappointingly dysfunctional family
It’s also worth noting I’m the admin behind @jilymicrofics , @jilymicro-oops and our discord server. I also have a sideblog @charmslibrary for all things purely fic related.
I predominantly read/write jily but have been known to dabble in other things. You can find me on AO3.
Some of my more popular fics:
Call Me By Name
Complete (29.6k), Rated E, Jily AU
After a not-so-great breakup with a not-so-great boyfriend, Lily comes to the conclusion that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Whether mechanically, hydraulically, or auditorily? She WILL find the key to that currently unreachable pleasure.
Ties That Bind
Complete (21k), Rated T, Hogwarts! Jily, Soulmates
Lily Evans grew up with old wives tales about soul mates, but she'd never put much stock in the idea. Not until after she learned about the world of magic and the fact that soul bonds were a thing that actually existed. Which makes these strange new feelings and experiences that much more difficult to manage.
Spitting Image
WIP (updates Fridays), Rated M, Jily AU
James Potter always knew he wanted to build a family, he just hadn’t found the right person to build it with - yet. Freezing his sperm at Gringotts Sperm Bank was a no-brainer really. He’d have children when he found the right person, and now he had an insurance policy. Then Lily Evans walked into his place of work with her son - the spitting image of him.
Wake Me Up ( When September Ends)
WIP (updates ?), Rated M, Hogwarts! Jily (7th year+)
Growing up is hard. Learning to love, and be loved is even harder. A chance encounter at a party over the summer break turns Lily Evans' life upside down just in time for her final year at Hogwarts.
Tags worth blocking if you don’t wanna see my nonsense:
#ray watches NRL - used when live blogging NRL #ray plays stardew - pretty self explanatory, Stardew Valley game play screenshots
Any questions feel free to send an ask or DM, I don’t bite! ❤️
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lounaticm · 11 months
Ok I know Halloween is over but I am still very much hanging on to it lol.. Did Damien and the DA have any special Halloween traditions?? And how do they change and/or stay the same after Dark reconnects with the DA after everything??
Hmm, I mostly imagine Damien and the DA being quite busy on most holidays - considering their positions - so rarely anything that's very extensive. Typical things leading up to the day of, such as carving pumpkins and lightly decorating Damien's home - and the DA placing a few things around Damien's office, often without the mayor noticing until later, when someone else mentions the addition. They each also might wear subtle Halloween-themed accessories, like a bat-shaped tie clip, pumpkin-shaped cufflinks, or orange colored boutonniere or pocket square.
Considering the holiday's association with sweets, they will, of course, not miss the opportunity to bake plenty of sweets and pastries themed after pumpkins and ghosts and such - and eat more than just a few of them even as they go.
They're both usually too busy to really attend any parties or anything after becoming mayor and district attorney, but back at university they would dress up and occasionally go to costume parties.
As for Dark, well... most things don't really change, though neither of them have any obligations to attend to anymore. Depending on how soon after a reunion takes place, those old traditions may just settle into place as easy as if they'd never stopped. What differences there may be would mostly just be caused by whatever shenanigans Wilford and any other Egos might be getting up to - which is just bound to happen.
The sudden plethora of sweets is, of course, a surprise to all the other Egos except Will.
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 4 months
Hi!! I have a maybe weird fruit salad for you 🍍🫐🥝
Hi Kate! Hope you’re having a good week so far! I’m sorry I didn’t get to this sooner - I didn’t get a notification when you sent it (because dumblr) and then yesterday flew by in a span of 10 minutes (aka 24 hours) BUT I’m here now and I happen to believe that no fruit salad is a weird fruit salad. So thank you for my bowl of pineapples, blueberries and kiwis.
🍍What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
So I used to be a somewhat picky reader when it came to AUs. But lately I’ll give anything a chance - even if it’s something that doesn’t sound like it’s gonna be my thing - because as long as the writing is good and the characterization is done well, any AU can make sense and make a good story.
I’m not sure that I’ve ever read a coffee shop AU, because that used to be one that I’d avoid in my picky days (why? Idk? I love coffee?) but it’s not that I have beef with it anymore I just haven’t gotten around to righting that wrong yet.
I am and always have been a sucker for anything with a magical element, though. Magical, mythological, mystical AUs will always pull me in. Give me witches and monsters and merpeople and powers and abilities and visions and all that jazz.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
I think one of the most underrated things in this fandom is when writers take a character who has basically no screen time or canon background and turn them into a fully fleshed character who lives and breathes and loves and has flaws and motivations. It’s the way creators will see a character from a music video or a wine commercial or an SNL skit and make him into a whole man with a whole life. Like the imagination and creativity needed to make something from nothing but scraps?? It’s the Chopped Champions of fanfic. It’s like “okay writers, you’ve got 3 short scenes, 2 lines of dialogue, a pair of glasses and a smirk, create a masterpiece” and then they DO? 🤯
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
I think the things that I tend to write the most would fall under the umbrella of fix-it fics, because usually what inspires me to write for a character is some kind of tragedy or heartbreak that I want to undo or give context to. That character isn’t dead, he’s actually alive and well. That character isn’t heartbroken and alone, he’s actually in a really healthy relationship with himself and his partner. That character doesn’t have to face his past or future alone, actually he’s got family to support him and a cat to sit on his lap.
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kiwiana-writes · 7 months
feel like it’s law to send the username kiwi(ana) the 🥝 for the ask game, and these 🍬🔪as well please MJ
Hahahahaha VERY TRUE. Sidenote: I was delighted when after podding Going Platinum I had a few people who had not realised that's what my username actually was! It's so obvious to me, a person who grew up seeing the word used as a term for a particular art style everywhere, but of course is isn't actually obvious if you don't already know lol.
🥝 Do you lie a lot? What's the most recent lie you told?
I try not to, as a general rule! But also perhaps "I try not to" is the most recent lie I told, because thinking about it the last lie I told was like... four hours ago when I told my grandmother I don't know what my novel is going to be about, because she definitely doesn't wanna hear that I'll be writing queer romance lmao
🍬 Post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Ooooooh. I posted one here... fuck idk what opinions are unpopular lol but (and I feel bad about picking on Ellen twice) the thing that both Ellen and Oscar do where they call Alex by the other person's surname when he's, direct quote from the book, "exhibiting particular traits" is... fucked up. The fact that the narrative implies they only do it to Alex nudges it close to emotional abuse imo. I went on a ramble about this a couple months ago in the context of the much ado au, but getting someone's name right is very much the most basic level of respect, but the whole "you get [bad trait] from [other parent]" thing is uhhhhhhhh A Big Old Yike, especially when said parents' relationship ended in a contentious divorce.
🔪 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
There's a GREAT one I researched for the Big Secret @indestructibleheart Collab but unfortunately it's very spoilery so another one... I once got REALLY in the weeds about iOS messaging on different iOS versions and what came in when for an AO3 skin lmfao
[Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game]
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moistvonlipwig · 10 days
🥝(kiwi), 🍏(green apple) and 🍎(red apple) (these apple emojis look kinda weird tbh) for the fruit emoji ask game
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
I enjoy writing metafiction a lot. I have two published works in that vein and I have a couple more in the works.
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
I don't know if I'm self-aware enough to answer this question tbh!!! If anyone has noticed any patterns do kindly tell me.
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
I won't write smut lol.....the farthest I'll go is a tasteful fade to black. I tend to skip over smutty parts in fics because I don't tend to find them interesting and I'm equally bored by the idea of writing it. Also I don't think I'd be good at it lmao.
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Call this an early birthday thought/gift
Chan and Pretty mirror sex
Like he gets to see a lot of pretty normally, but also getting to see her face while feeling her push back on him. He’s admiring her glorious everything and she just gets to soak it in and see her alphas face throughout the entire process.
But also a cute tender moment where their eyes lock in the mirror and Chan gets a shy little smile maybe a little blush🫠🥲🥰
i read this a couple of days ago and i knew i wanted to write something for it, i just didn't have time to do it for my birthday sdjfskjdfhsf but close enough!
thank you kiwi for always sharing your big brain ideas and tickling the little lizard that controls my brain.
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Pairing: Werewolf!Chan x Human!F.Reader (one of the main pairings of my WereRoomies series. you don’t really need to read any other instalment to understand/enjoy this piece). | Word Count: ~2k | Themes & Warnings: fantasy/supernatural AU · smut · established relationship · unprotected penetration [piv] (reader is presumed to be on birth control) · cum-eating · this was barely proof-read.
minors do not interact.
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Chris knew you were smart, he’d never had doubts about it. But this… This was probably one of the best ideas you’d ever had.
He couldn’t help but wonder if you had taken what you were doing right now into consideration when you thought of this. He wasn’t even sure which option he preferred… for you to have known, or for you to be blissfully unaware of the potential such a purchase could have.
A new wardrobe for the spare bedroom of your shared flat was something you had been wanting for a while, and you’d finally gotten it a few days prior. As soon as Chris saw it in this room, after you’d so carefully put it together, he knew immediately what he wanted to do with it.
‘We need a big mirror in this room, considering we’re using it mostly to store our clothes and dress up’, you’d told him when he’d entered the room, and he agreed. A big mirror was a good idea, but not only to aid in the mundane activity of putting clothes on…
“O–oh, baby…” Your constant whines and moans always fueled him, but right now, looking at you through the mirror, they seemed to be affecting him even more.
“Mmm… That’s it, pretty. You feel so, so good, love. So good…” 
With your knees and chest planted on the floor, with your lower back arched just right, Chris had the absolute perfect angle to fuck you nice and good from behind. He was able to see your bum bouncing off of him with each thrust, he could hold your hips tight to pull you back to him, or place his hands on your waist to squeeze your soft sides. But, best of all, he could do all that and see your face through your shiny new mirror while he did.
The wardrobe doors were just two big mirrors, going from the very top, all the way to the floor. What an excellent add-on, in his humble opinion. It was perfect for Chris to see even more of you when he took you like this.
Whenever he was fucking you, he usually struggled to look at just one part of your body, there was just so much to see, so much to ogle, so much to worship and appreciate… That had never been more true than it was right now.
It was almost like his eyes didn’t know where to look. To what was right in front of him, in the flesh, or to what he could see in the mirror…? Any option was acceptable, honestly, but he just wanted to see it all.
Your hands weakly tried to hold onto something, desperately opening and closing over the tiled floor. It was an action that simply spurred him on, almost like he had his own personal challenge to fuck you as dumb as possible, to wipe you mind of anything that wasn’t him touching you, taking you…
Leaving one of his hands gripping the swell of your hip, Chris brought the other to your shoulder to keep you from moving away from him. He made sure to drag his hand all the way up your back when he did it, desperate to feel every centimetre of plush flesh. The motion had you furrowing your eyebrows, closing your eyes, and moaning his name oh, so sweetly, in a way that had his lower abdomen harshly flexing with need.
Holding onto you like this gave him even more leverage to go harder, and as soon as the strength of his thrusts increased, one of your hands found the one he had on your shoulder. His eyes zeroed in on the movement, looking away from the reflection of your face just in time to see you link your fingers with his.
The tender gesture had the pool of arousal in the pit of his stomach growing exponentially, especially when his eyes started to focus not only on your interlocked fingers, but also the skin right next to them, on the skin at the juncture of your neck and shoulder… Mindlessly, he stroked the area with his thumb–without letting go of your fingers, or slowing down his hips’ motions.
Oh, how soft it looked right there… just soft and perfect for him to sink his teeth into–
He was doing it again…
He was thinking about marking you again. Not only that, but the thought was incessantly repeating in his mind over and over again. It was just impossible to ignore it.
Claim, claim, claim, claim… Mate, mate, mate, mate…
“Oh, fuck”, Chris threw his head back with a groan.
Your walls were squeezing him so tight, you were moaning so prettily… If he kept looking at that area he just knew his canines were going to enlarge on their own, he’d start drooling, and the need to bite you and mark you as his would just consume him whole, to the point where he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to hold himself back.
This had become a common problem. He used to think about it sometimes, but lately, especially when it was this close to a full moon night, the desire to mark you was absolutely unbearable.
Chris loved you. He hadn’t told you yet, he’d convinced himself that, in your human standards, it was probably too soon into your relationship to outright say it, but he knew he was absolutely in love with you. He knew, with zero doubts in his mind, that he wanted you all to himself for the rest of his life, and at moments like these, where you were both lost in your utmost primal needs, it was just hard to ignore his feelings.
But because he loved you, he couldn’t just let his instincts take over. He just couldn’t. Claiming you without a prior conversation and mutual agreement, without your consent, would be something he’d never forgive himself for. There was just no way he’d force himself on you like that just because of his idiotic dog urges.
So he tried to hold onto his humanity with all the strength he had, to keep his mind within the logical realm–or, at least, as logical as he could be while relentlessly ramming himself into you.
When he opened his eyes again, he diverted his attention to the mirror in front of you, and his hold on your shoulder tightened the moment your eyes found his through the mirror. The hand that had previously been on your hip moved, he wasn’t thinking, he just desperately needed to make you feel good.
Your eyes fluttered a bit when his fingers found your clit, and you bit down on your bottom lip to keep your moans somewhat contained. Even then, you didn’t look away from him, your gaze had him trapped right there, barely aware of the movement of his hands, focused solely on your blown pupils and your delicious warmth around him.
Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine…
Before he knew it, heat was pooling on his cheeks. He was blushing, suddenly overcome with his feelings for you.
“Fuck, baby, come here…” Chris’s hips stilled briefly, only to pull you back towards his chest.
Oh, he could see so much more of you like this. One of his hands found your tummy to knead the soft flesh, while the other found one of your breasts to play with your nipple, coaxing a quiet moan from your lips. You reached back and gripped his hair for stability before your lips pressed on his flushed cheek.
“You’re so cute”, you mumbled the words against his skin, and his blush immediately deepened.
“You’re cute–Shit–” His words caught in his throat when you started to push back against him, fucking yourself on his cock like you knew it was yours and yours only.
All for my mate, all of me, take it, take me…
“Chris”, you whined his name, and he was starting to truly feel lightheaded. “Don’t stop, baby, please. Fuck me, hm?”
His hips started to move on command, he didn’t even need to think about it. You wanted it? He’d give it to you. Whatever you wanted, he’d just give it to you. He’d give you the world if you asked him for it.
His lips attached to your neck, his pace increased, and one of his hands immediately resumed its previous motions on that precious nub at the apex of your thighs. “Like this, pretty baby? Is this what you want?”
You nodded, eagerly offering him an enthusiastic ‘Yes, fuck!’ that had his chest swelling with pride.
My mate, for me, mine, mine, mine… Claim, mark, all mine…
Chris detached his lips from your neck when his instincts started pulling his thoughts in all sorts of directions. Instead, he looked ahead, and focused on your face, locking eyes with you again through the mirror. 
“C’mon, pretty. Aren’t you gonna come on my cock? Wasn’t that what you wanted?” Chris rubbed quick circles on your clit, eliciting a string of swears from your lips.
You nodded once again, rocking your hips to meet his harsh thrusts. “Gonna–Oh, fuck!”
Your body started trembling with your release, your walls fluttered deliciously around his length, and Chris was sure he was about to burst.
“Fuck, that’s so fucking good. I’m so fucking close, love”, Chris mumbled the words against your cheek, he wasn’t sure if you were aware of what he was saying, but if there was one thing about him was that he wasn’t going to shut up about how good you always made him feel.
When he came, he did it deep inside you, and he started seeing white. He was sure he was ascending and this was how being in heaven felt like. Chris could vaguely hear himself repeating ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck…’ over and over again, just like he could vaguely hear your words of encouragement.
Love you, love you, love you, love you… My pretty mate just for me…
It was genuinely hard to hear anything at all over his instincts squeezing his mind and heart along each purposeful clench of your walls.
“You’re so good to me”, was the first thing you said that Chris could fully understand as the final spurts of cum filled up your cunt. “You’re so good, Chris, baby…”
If his cheeks hadn’t been almost permanently flushed for a while now, he was sure he would have blushed right then and there.
When all his senses returned to him, he looked at you through the mirror once again, finding you already looking and smiling at him.
A smile appeared on his face as well, and he kissed your shoulder, bringing his hand further down your centre as he pulled out. Only a few seconds passed before his cum started trickling out of your hole and onto his fingers.
He kept kissing your skin leisurely as he squished your soft tummy, and spread his cum all over your core. You giggled softly, caressing his arms tenderly while you let him play with your mixed fluids to his heart’s content.
Finally, he brought two fingers to your mouth. You simply let him in, suckling his digits, diligently cleaning them up and swallowing the remnants of his release.
“You are so, so good to me”, Chris mumbled against your hair, where he placed a soft kiss after.
He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, and you smiled at him once again. After turning around, you gave him a quick peck on the lips before you laid down on the bare floor. Chris, of course, immediately laid down next to you, and quickly shuffled so he could lay his head on your chest.
“This closet was an absolutely brilliant purchase, pretty”, he brought a hand to one of your knees, and started to massage it softly.
You chuckled, burying your fingers in his hair to play with it. “I’m afraid you won’t want to leave this room now”.
Chris further wrapped his limbs around your body, giggling mischievously at the thought, moving his hand to the other knee. “Can you blame me? I can look at my pretty girlfriend from so many different angles now. It’s like a dream, y’know?”
“Easy to please, aren’t we?” You chuckled, playfully tugging on his locks before you pressed a kiss to his head.
“You know me. I’m a simple wolf, with simple needs”, he mumbled against the skin of your chest, then placed a kiss on it. “Are your knees okay?”
“They’re fine. Don’t worry”, you hugged him tighter, and Chris all but melted in your hold.
You both laid down there for a while, just relishing the skin to skin contact, until you lightly tugged on his hair again, but this time just to get his attention.
“C’mon, babe. We need to actually pack our clothes. It’s my first time going to your monthly trips, don’t wanna forget anything”.
Ah, yes.
That was what you had originally come into this room for… to pack your bags for the trip. Chris definitely got carried away when he saw you here, wearing nothing but his t-shirt while you spoke about helping him and the rest of your packmates during their monthly run…
He couldn’t even bring himself to pretend he was sorry that he’d interrupted your task. And, surely, you already knew he wasn’t sorry at all.
In fact, he was certain you already knew it’d happen again.
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© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
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memento-rory · 12 days
I will always eat up anything you write but man will I anxiously be awaiting best man!schlatt’s return
you and me both, my dear kiwi 🤭🩵
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alltheirdamn · 4 months
sending you love because I love you. take your to write, if you don’t feel motivated, you don’t feel motivated. it will come and it shall be glorious
thank you kiwi 🥺💛 i needed those kind words 💛
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