#. reek reek it rhymes with freak!
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theirxnprice · 2 months ago
i. Probably an insomniac. Either that, or he was an actual tweaker- and that thought didn’t actually seem to far fetched for Theon. Talk about a staring problem! Did this guy even blink? Theon’s brow furrows momentarily in  a state of mild confusion of the others creepy audacity. For a moment he wants to comment on how creepy he looked- “Do you ever blink?” Though, ultimately he doesn’t seem all to phased by the others abnormal disposition; as he doesn’t do much to move away from the wall he is so comfortably leaned against. Theon takes a brief moment to study the features of his peer. The guy had nice hair, a real Peter Steele type with a little more metal in his face. 
ii. So he wasn’t here for the til, but he was here to rob Little Debbies. He quirks a brow at him in light amusement, pondering how he would respond to the others proposal. He very well should be discouraging of the others jest, as it was in line with his job description; but in truth, the other’s assumption of him had proven correct. He was too exhausted to care, which clearly reflected off the deep eyebags under tired grey eyes. However, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t ever stolen anything either. Since childhood, Theon had a case of sticky fingers; His father caring not to dissuade either him or his sister from such antics. He in fact had not paid for the fourth cup of coffee he currently sipped from, so there was no moral objection on his behalf. Employee of the month! The camera was busted, anyways; not like either of them would be held accountable. The Stark family had managed to whip him up into some kind of respectable shape, but at the end of the day he was still a Greyjoy. Theon takes a few steps forward, now resting his weight on the palm of his hand pressed against the front counter. 
“ … Yeah, I don’t get paid enough. “
iii. He chuckles, a pardoning wave with his free hand being granted before his thumb finds the loop of his jeans.
“ Go nuts. “
iv. With his permission granted, he finally breaks their prolonged eye contact and returns his attention to his phone; though only briefly, just to catch a glimpse of the time. An hour and a half, and then the mornings shift change would come in. There’s a small sigh of relief exhaled through his nose before his attention once again returns to the man perusing the aisles.
v. He had seen him around, though in truth he really didn’t know much about him. While he was not shy by any means, they had never really shared the same social groups to warrant any level of dialogue between the two. However, being alone at his job with the other proved to ignite a spark of interest; even if only from sheer boredom, even if only for the need to hear his own voice.
“ So, did you go to Joffrey’s party tonight? “ “ Heard that went really badly apparently, the cops got called or something? “
vi. He opens dialogue, referencing from a post he had seen on Instagram moments before the other had come in and presuming that this was the reason why the other was out and about at two-thirty in the morning. It would make sense, as the house party was only 5 blocks away.
➳ 𝔦. had ramsay taken the time to consider it, he would’ve supposed he’d always had nocturnal tendencies; of course as a child this had always proven irritating to his mother, having to send him to bed for the fourth time in one evening surely couldn’t have been fun. at that age it was quietly trying to put a movie on, the volume so low he himself could barely hear, where he’d have to lean in to listen, or sneak downstairs for extra dinner. But suppose he did not; this was simply the way it’d always been. Although now he was free to venture out at night, his father certainly didn’t seem to care, so long as he still attended school and such, and after his mother’s death and the car he’d been given, nighttime adventures had become a near nightly occurrence. thus, adventure he did. oftentimes these outings had him partaking in less than savory activities; hitting animals intentionally, stealing, harassing the homeless, etc. all of which he found to be greatly amusing, his own car being chock full of stolen baubles and nicknacks. ➳ 𝔦𝔦. it was quite common for him to stop for meals at places like convenience stores or gas stations as opposed to any of the local fast food chains, he certainly didn’t want to pay for his food, and depending on the employee and location, some would just let him take things. he’d grown more careful since his arrest, only about a year prior he’d been sent to juvie for repeated thefts that he’d been a bit too bold with. no, since then he’d been quite good at minding where he’d just been, who had better cameras, and which employees would or wouldn’t care if they caught him. he hadn’t much minded juvie, if anything, it’d been sort of fun at first, but the monotony had become boring, and the food was a step down from the typical cafeteria meals at his school. no for the time being he’d had enough of that. of course his definition of “being more careful” was still quite bold, just a bit easier to pass as a joke. of course roose had a well stocked pantry, being as well off as he was, but ramsay was no culinary whiz beyond using a toaster or microwave, and this was far more entertaining. ➳ 𝔦𝔦𝔦. it was on one such night drive, after having gone out of his way to speed into a raccoon that had been crossing the road, that he realized how brisk it’d become, his car, while functional, was certainly not in the best condition, and one thing that proved more temperamental was the heater in his car. of course he’d donned a jacket but it was doing little to stay much chill when the car was struggling to warm itself, what would be perfect right now, would be a cup of instant noodles, or hot chocolate; hot food to ward off the low temperatures. he pauses a moment in thought, eyes narrowing briefly as he considers his options; there were a few locations he could head to from where he was, all within 15 minutes of him, although he would ultimately decide to simply drive until he found one to his liking or one he hadn’t raided in a while. 
➳ 𝔦𝔳. there was a bj’s around here, one that, if he recalled, had shoddy cameras as it was, one he’d not paid any visit to since his arrest. it’d never necessarily been his favorite place to grab a bite to eat, but it certainly wasn’t bad food either; and after pondering this a moment longer he wheels around, abruptly, turning sharply in the middle of the unlit back road to reroute himself to the gas station. the cold elicits a yawn from him as he slumps a bit in his seat, one hand lazily draped over the steering wheel just enough to keep him headed in a straight line.
➳ 𝔦𝔳. its a roughly 5 minute drive made out of what would have been a 10 minute drive, as there was hardly anyone else on the road at this hour, ramsay could pretty much speed to his heart’s content, and thus he did, wheeling recklessly into the parking lot and doing a shoddy job at parking, being slightly too diagonal. what did it matter? hardly anyone else was out and about at this time. and should someone be and take issue with his half assed parking, he’d take great delight in completely disregarding said complaints, and if anything adding fuel to the fire. besides, even if he did care, nearly the entire parking lot was free. he presses his boot to the brake pedal and turns his key before removing it and returning it to his jacket pocket, pressing the lock button from inside his pocket, as he’d quickly stuffed both hands in them. before he enters, he looks in at the cashier, someone he recognized from school, but not someone he’d yet encountered as an employee. he ponders his options as he walks, thumbing over his wallet to see how much he had on him, worst case scenario, he buy something small and smuggle out something else in his jacket. while he was certain he’d never spoken to the other before, as he approaches the door he can’t help but ask himself why; those pretty dirty blonde curls would certainly prove a joy to tousle and play with. he doesn’t try to hide the fact that he’d been staring, if anything, quite the contrary, he continued as the automatic doors slide open for him and he’s greeted with the clearly exhausted, half hearted greeting from the other, which he soon thereafter returns with his own too cheery for the hour
➳ 𝔳. just from what he could gather this seemed hopeful, this man certainly looked the type to be too tired and underpaid to care, but there was never any harm in seeking clarification. should worse come to worse, he had become quite good at playing off such inquiries as a joke done in poor humor. animatedly, he removes a hand from his pocket, pointing to the other before he speaks.
“you- “ “look like someone that’ll let me have free…”
➳ 𝔳𝔦. he stops a moment to pull his phone out of his pocket to check the time; 2:30 am.
“...breakfast? dinner?.... breakfast.”
➳ 𝔳𝔦𝔦. he shrugs at this dilemma as to what he’d consider a 2:30 am meal
“whatever you’d call it.”
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death-of-cats · 2 months ago
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The Drowned Man, AFFC
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Reek I, ADWD
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months ago
staying in the north because that’s home
we’re doing theon chapters next lads it’s about to get very sad in here. also theon has more chapters so this one is a little longer. tldr on theon’s adwd arc:
FIRSTLY I kept track of his reek rhymes it goes leek bleak meek leek squeak cheek leak weak freak sneak wreak peek freak shriek meek peek weak sneak
Secondly, just for reference, his chapter names are Reek I, Reek II, Reek III, The Prince of Winterfell, The Turncloack, A Ghost in Winterfell, and Theon. When I saw “Theon” I genuinely cheered out loud.
I like these chapters a lot because there’s a lot to analyze without (at least to me) being all that plot heavy. They just like, go to a wedding then hang out at Winterfell. Meanwhile Theon is losing his mind and also connecting spiritually with a nine year old.
I think it’s soooo funny that everyone is like “oh that Tully Temper” as if the northmen aren’t just as unpleasant as cat hoster lysa edmure and blackfish lol. like these are the bitchiest people in the world omg.
let’s goo
we are just opening with eating a alive rat let’s get into this shit.
kyra story is horrifying. the characterization for her is interesting as she introduces us to ramsay's little most dangerous game playground - ramsay truly sets her free to give her a headstart and she realizes she won't be able to find her way home on her own so she goes to the one person she knows is both skilled enough to help and likely willing to help, which is theon. but theon in that moment is still just steeped in his selfishness; he's almost more angry at kyra for not splitting up so he could get away than at ramsay for hunting them down and gruesomely murdering her.
Ramsay was clad in black and pink—black boots, black belt and scabbard, black leather jerkin over a pink velvet doublet slashed with dark red satin. In his right ear gleamed a garnet cut in the shape of a drop of blood.
the DRIP omg once again angry that the Northerners all wear the exact same ugly outfit when we could have gotten THIS
but also his "she is only a girl" about arya marrying ramsay....that hurt me too
No. I never thought we would. They’re dead. Lord Wyman had them killed. That’s what I would have done if I was him.
first of all - i love this evil little kid lmao
second of all - i love that he very pragmatically is like "yeah those bitches should have realized they were gonna get got"
third of all - kinda love that he hangs around talking to theon. as i've been thinking about who will get the twins at the end, I think what's interesting here is that Little Walder, the "stupid" one, is the Frey that latches onto Ramsay while Big Walder, the "smart" one, seems to talk to everyone there, more intent on gathering information than purposefully currying favor with any one person, even from lowly, broken little Reek.
After the scratch the Young Wolf gave Lord Rickard, that may be somewhat less true than formerly. Be that as it may. Lord Stannis has taken Deepwood Motte from the ironmen and restored it to House Glover. Worse, the mountain clans have joined him, Wull and Norrey and Liddle and the rest. His strength is growing.
so we’re at Winterfell. This is how it shakes out-
WINTERFELL, STARK LOYALISTS: Manderly, Hornwood, Cerwyn, Tallhart, Locke, Hothor “Whoresbane” Umber WINTERFELL, BOLTON LOYALISTS: Bolton, Frey WINTERFELL, SHADY GROUPS: Ryswell, Dustin, FF Flints, Stout WITH STANNIS: Mors “Crowsfood” Umber, Mountain Clans (First Flints, Wulls, Liddles, Harclays, etc), Mormont, Glover, possibly WW Flints as well? IN THE WIND: Reed, Karstark, Skagosi
just listing that here so i have it somewhere.
"Has my bastard ever told you how I got him?” That he did know, to his relief. “Yes, my … m’lord. You met his mother whilst out riding and were smitten by her beauty.” “Smitten?” Bolton laughed. “Did he use that word? Why, the boy has a singer’s soul."
this one hurt my feelings. Especially in conjunction with Roose's "don't make me regret the day I raped your mother" and the way that's the comment that really gets under Ramsay's skin - I think he much prefers to tell himself that Roose was simply ~overcome with lust~ for his mother's beauty rather than Roose thinking she wasn't even worth the time it took to rape her
"You could be my man." "I'm no one's man."
interesting how both Barbrey and Wyman distrust Maesters
"And be quick about it. If she’s not wet by the time I’m done disrobing, I will cut off that tongue of yours and nail it to the wall.” Somewhere in the godswood, a raven screamed.
that's Bran btw
“Please,” he murmured through his broken teeth, “I never meant …” The words caught in his throat. “Save me,” he finally managed. “Give me …” What? Strength? Courage? Mercy? Snow fell around him, pale and silent, keeping its own counsel. The only sound was a faint soft sobbing. Jeyne, he thought. It is her, sobbing in her bridal bed. Who else could it be? Gods do not weep. Or do they? The sound was too painful to endure. Theon grabbed hold of a branch and pulled himself back to his feet, knocked the snow off his legs, and limped back toward the lights. There are ghosts in Winterfell, he thought, and I am one of them.
The girls were glad to see him. They knew him by his smell. Red Jeyne loped over to lick at his hand, and Helicent slipped under the table and curled up by his feet, gnawing at a bone. They were good dogs.
i'm curious if this will come up again - that Ramsay's dogs know Theon (because he sleeps with them) and they seem to like him, and they're fairly well behaved despite being raised by Ramsay.
The gods could not kill Bran any more than I could. It was a strange thought and stranger still to remember that Bran might still be alive.
so there's the murdery mystery plot. what's interesting to me here is that once we get to the Prince of Winterfell, Theon stops referring to himself as Reek (until Ramsay rapes Theon & Jeyne on their wedding night). But in the Turncloak, he goes back to being his usual prickly self; he's picking up on what people aren't saying, he starts with his "jeyne jeyne rhymes with pain" as a substitute for the reek bit, and even when he's doing the reek bit he's not just using random words, he's using insults for himself - meek, weak, freak, etc. By the murder mystery, he's straight up snapping at people, interacting with people, actively lying for no real reason, and he seems to start really resenting the idea that he'll have to go back to being Reek. There's a level of barely concealed rage more an anything but it's not directed at the people around him, it's directed at Ramsay for the first time and it's directed at himself.
anyways, there’s this clear shift as Theon starts breaking out of the brainwashing effect the torture has on him but it's not a shift into being mentally well it's just a shift back into being Theon Greyjoy and that means prickly, and that means weird magic stuff too.
The poetry. of theon’s chapters starting with his thoughts on kyra, mad at her for needing his help, to theon lying to get jeyne out of there, and grabbing her before he jumps, without even a thought in his head about leaving her behind.
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akilahia · 6 months ago
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I just like these expressions.
Perpetrator and Victim.
Wolf and Lamb.
He’s full of anger for being held captive his entire life, to lose his sense of identity and belonging. No one understands what he’s gone through, not his friend whose family held him hostage, or his sister whom he was kept away from for years. To the Stark children all they’ve known was his life with them, he wasn’t anything before that to them. For the Greyjoy’s the Theon they knew died when he was 9 and they hate what he’s become, seeing him as a Stark. He is seen as a Stark and a Greyjoy by opposing side, yet he is nothing. No one could understand, just because he wasn’t tortured or chained up while held captive. For years he knew at any moment they could(and would) kill him, no matter how kind and close they were. And they didn’t understand how that affected him. But he stepped out too far, causing too much harm.
The true wolf led him further down this violent path, and no matter how much Theon tried to prove himself as the brave and ruthless wolf. He ultimately was a lamb led to the slaughter.
A living butchery of agony.
Breaking, snapping, flaying. God.
With the flesh stripped away, his twisted identity became something worse. This thing was a nothing, with no purpose but to appease.
Reek, Reek, it rhymes with meek.
If he didn’t he’d lose more of who he once was, the body of Theon Greyjoy further being mushed and cracked into Reek. Broken in with pain and torture, but he didn’t want that anymore. He wants his fingers and toes and teeth and skin. If he is good Ramsay won’t take it. Ramsay is kind. So loving. So monstrous. So sadistic. What has he done to Theon Greyjoy.
Reek, Reek, it rhymes with freak.
Theon is dead and stupid. He was naive and had no one left to love him. Everyone hated him for his betrayal or betrayed him. There was nothing left for Theon, making him ripe for the birth of Reek.
But it can’t be over for him god. Please no.
Like doomed Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy also faces an inescapable fate. He must live. He has endured things worse than death but he must live. Jeyne must live.
Asha must see her brother, still barely alive in this terrified husk of himself that has been twisted unnaturally and painfully. She must realize that when she refused to help, he had been left to this fate.
Poor Theon Greyjoy. Wicked Theon Greyjoy. That bitch Theon Greyjoy.
What he’s done is worthy of death, but what he’s endured is worse than that. Has he paid his debt tenfold? What of the millers sons, innocent whom he killed. What of Kyra, innocent whom he’d forced and hurt. Both of whom died guided by the hand of the man who flays and skins and lies of love. But ultimately Theon perpetrated their suffering. The suffering of the Miller’s wife.
But what of Jeyne Poole, scared and young. The love of one whom he once loved. The one he betrayed. They care for each other. He must ensure she lives. They both must, but her above all else.
Theon Greyjoy, how much fright have you known. Do you even know your hair turned white.
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mayaswiterblog · 6 months ago
Beautiful Starry Night
The 8th of February 2020, then posted in Wattpad. Poems were made in sleep.
Beautiful Starry Night When the stars dipped deep Into clouds that quick leap, As the snow through seep, In the form of flakes, you see. The cold touch out reap, Lives of past and weak, Lays down the white sheet, Angels gather and seek. In the land of the Greeks, Unmatched, kind freaks, Speaks truth of sky deep, Full of talents he reeks, Brings a colossal fear. What a mess of lines, Trapped in wicked rhymes, Glitter secrets leak, To fret you shan't need, For Shining Stars grudges don't keep. As you see, magical, indeed, Of human relations; - What a wonderful read.
Softer version When the stars dipped deep into clouds that quickly leap, Angles peek from their soft sheets, Gather and start to seek For secrets that the Moon hides in her beam. The murmur of angel wings, Make stars giggle in their sleep. Where is the mystery, where are the stars? The Moon solely lights up the night sky. But if one man spots a glittering, leaping star He may take a peek at celestial secrets without any reason.
Finnish Version Kun tähdet uppoavat pehmeisiin pilviin Kuu hohtaa ja valaisee yksin yö-taivaalla. Enkelit siipiään suhisten etsivät hiljaa Salaisuuksia pilvistä, tähdistä ja mistä muusta. Tähdet nukkuvat pilvien lakanoiden alla Kaikki taivaan kilinä ja kikatus pysyy verhojen takana. Mutta jos vaikka näkee yhden loikkivan kirkkaan tähden Voi yhden salaisuuden kurkata ilman mitään syytä.
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a-song-of-art-and-fire · 3 years ago
Reek, The Ghost in Winterfell
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"I'm not him, I'm not the turncloak, he died at Winterfell. My name is Reek. It rhymes with freak."
It'd be wrong to say this was a fun paint job, but... I'd be lying if I said it wasnt at least satisfying. Theon's ADWD arc is, bar none, my favourite part of the series, and the day I don't cry reading "You have to know your name" is the day you can tag my toe and call the coroner. Someday I'll treat myself to the partially recovered Theon who flies from Winterfell, but this is him at his absolute nadir.
I had a lot of fun with the skin tone, ironically enough where I struggled to keep it smooth with my other almost-nudes, Theon where I was happy to have splotches and discolouration, has the smoothest paint job. The combination of pallid and dirty lends itself well to heavy highlighting and a wash. I also used his more extreme look as a chance to practice adding some red, blue, and green tints, which I'm really happy with. Finally, a bit of classic Bolton grime and gore on his rags and the soles of his feet.
Finally, it should go without saying I was blasting Beige Lunatics while painting this.
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kitathyy · 7 years ago
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I did this and now I'm crying
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mirdaniaa · 4 years ago
“i could fix him” and i could turn him into my creature. reek, reek, it rhymes with freak.
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nebulous-tundra · 3 years ago
Theon! my boy!
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favorite thing about them
tragedy is one of my favorite tropes, and one of my favorite character arc-types is the 'flaunty, guy in position of power loses everything and realizes Many Things', so Theon really checks all my boxes, as for one particular thing that stands out? hmm, probably his deep dark longing for genuine human connection. i love that he's actually a hostage for house Greyjoy because it taints his all closest connections -to the family members of house Stark, the house that it obliged to kill him if his father acts out, and you can really tell how deeply he let that affect his ability to truly open up to them......so tragic, in the most delicious way LMAO
least favorite thing about them
the way he treats women, i love it as a character flaw and it makes perfect sense but every time it comes up in the chapters i'm just like FUCK, HERE HE GOES AGAIN. feel so bad for that Captain's daughter ;-;
favorite line
"Be careful, he told himself, be very, very careful. He did not like his lordship's smile, the way his eyes were shining, the spittle glistening at the corner of his mouth. He had seen such signs before. You are no prince. You' re Reek, just Reek, it rhymes with freak. Give him the answer that he wants." there just something so descriptive here that it tells you exactly where the line is between Reek and Theon. the text explicitly says he's Reek, but the caution, the way he notes even the excess spittle Ramsay has, that's allllll Theon.
Theon and Robb is and obvious one. i really wished we could have gotten a closer looks at that, but alas. Theon and Jon could've worked out really well, if only the two hadn't their heads shoved up their own ass looking at their own pain lol. two highborn sons who are So Close to being Stark, yet not quite : [ they could have bonded so much, maybe if Theon had been a bit younger and softer it would've happened
Theon and Ramsay LOL, Ramsay's horrible in any relationship he's in but there's a specific way he corrupts Theon that just feels right for the both of them. i just can't imagine Ramsay getting quite as under the skin as anyone but Theon. and likewise Theon seems like Ramsay's ideal wife: highborn, handsome(once), can recognize the pain of not having his father's recognition, needing affection, any affection......
cannot for the life of me imagine him with Jeyne or Sansa
random headcanon
he picked up archery because it was something the other Stark kids didn't have a talent for, wanted to be the best of them at something lol
unpopular opinion
i dont actually like Alfie as a face canon for him, he acts and expresses him wonderfully, but i miss the Iron Islander features being canonically darker than the other seven kingdoms know
song i associate with them
Crucifixion - Made in Abyss OST
<--good torture song
Pugna Infinita - Puella Magi Madoka Magica OST
<--good tragedy song
Twice - Little Dragon
<--specifically a very Theon v. Reek song, but also one of my favorite songs period
favorite picture of them
can't post it here(because reposting is bad) but this fanart
thanks for the ask! Theon is one of my favorites in asoiaf, wish i could actually get around to drawing him more OTL
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eefgegre · 3 years ago
It’s all buried
When he left me, forgot me I have been through everything, thought over everything What else have I to do? I don’t blame you, Alyosha. Why are zapatillas de tacos futbol you deceiving me? Do you suppose I haven’t tried to deceive myself? Oh how often, how often! Haven’t I listened to every tone of his voice? Haven’t I learnt to read his face, his eyes? It’s all, all over. It’s all buried. Even so, the selling left a foul taste in his mouth. Taking a man as thrall or a woman as a salt wife, that was right and proper, but men were not goats or fowl to be bought and fekete női bakancs sold for gold. He buys or sells at auction or privately that which the majesty of the twin set cardigan outlet law has declared to be property. The victims may writhe in agony, and the tender-hearted spectator may look on with gloomy sorrow and indignation, but it is to no purpose. I don’t want to wear this dress . So far, however, it had been possible! My head was going round, I could scarcely stand upright, but my heart was filled with joy, infinite joy. My novel was finished and, although I owed my publisher a great deal, he would certainly give me something when he found the prize in his hands — if only fifty roubles, and it was ages since I had had so much as that. “This girl keeps making fun of me,” said the old man, looking delightedly at Natasha, whose cheeks were glowing and whose eyes were shining like stars. “I think I really may have overshot the mark, children; but I’ve always been like that . I told her quite truly how it struck me, that is that her husband could not bear to go on living without Natasha, and that one might say with certainty that their speedy reconciliation was inevitable, though everything depended on circumstances, expressed at the same time my conjecture that probably the failure of his lawsuit had been a great blow and shock to him, to say nothing of the mortification of his pride at the prince’s triumph over him, and his indignation at the way the case had been decided. At such a moment the heart cannot chanel ágynemű help seeking for sympathy, and he thought with a still more passionate longing of her whom he had always loved more than anyone on earth. And perhaps too he might have heard (for he was on the alert and knew all about Natasha) that Alyosha was about to abandon her. He might realize what she was going through now and how much she needed to be comforted. But yet he could not control himself, considering that he had been insulted and injured by his daughter. It had probably occurred to him that she would not take the first step, that possibly she was not thinking of him and felt no longing for reconciliation. “That’s what he must have thought,” I said in conclusion, “and that’s why he didn’t finish his letter, and cizme din denim perhaps it would only lead to fresh mortification which would be felt even more keenly than the first, and might, who knows, put off the reconciliation indefinitely . . .” You are no prince. You’re Reek, just Reek, it rhymes with freak. It makes me sigh now when I think of it, though it’s long ago now. She threw me over in a year. She had meant it playfully, but Daario’s eyes hardened at her words. “Fucking queens is king’s work. William Ladd, Esq., Minot, Maine, President of the American Peace Society, formerly a slave-holder in Florida.—“The dwellings of the slaves were palmetto huts, built by themselves of stakes and poles, thatched with the palmetto-leaf. The door, when they had any, was generally of the same materials, sometimes boards found on the beach. You would deliver a highborn maid to the bed of some stinking savage. Did you sample her yourself first?” He laughed. The Stalwart Shields had chosen a new commander, a black-skinned Summer Islander called Tal Toraq, their old captain, Mollono Yos Dob, having been carried off by the pale mare. Grey Worm was there for the Unsullied, attended by three eunuch serjeants in spiked bronze caps. I’ll dine with you next week, or Friday if you like. But now, my boy, I’ve given my word; or rather it’s absolutely necessary for me to be at a certain place, You’d better explain what you meant to yeezy off white boost tell me.”. And he, poor dear, was on his knees, praying before the shrine. I felt my legs give way under me when I saw it. Lord Stannis has taken Deepwood Motte from the ironmen and restored it to House Glover. Worse, the mountain clans have joined him, Wull and Norrey and Liddle and the rest. He will do as he is told. If she stayed here, she was nike ao0053 doomed, and the only way she would return to the Red Keep was by walking. The Volantene waved a hand. “In Volantis, thousands of slaves and freedmen crowd the temple plaza every night to hear Benerro shriek of bleeding stars and a sword of fire that will cleanse the world. Elsewise he would have died. As you will nike delta force árif you do not yield.” He gestured at the parchment. The state of the case shows conclusively that the contract had its origin in an offence against morality,
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pernicious and detestable as an example. But, above all, it seems to have been planned and executed with a fixed design to evade the rigor of the laws of this state. “His deicmen gyerek csizma mother,” Thistle told him later, after the boy had run off. “It were his mother’s cloak, and when he saw you robbing her …”. “Don’t be a fool. Euron shows the world his smiling eye tonight, but come the morrow … Asha, you are Balon’s daughter, and your claim is stronger than his own. Not now. Hizdahr’s peace has lulled us to sleep, they believe.”. “I . Shall . Will made a face at that, and said, “A tale to tell tavern wenches, you mean, in hopes they’ll lift their skirts.” Cletus had slapped him on the back. “For grandchildren, you need children.
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theirxnprice · 2 months ago
tag directory. to navigate, or to block.
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death-of-cats · 3 months ago
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Cersei II, ADWD
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dwellordream · 4 years ago
Reek Reek it rhymes with 'Gyldayn is a sex obsessed freak'
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istaricelebelasse · 4 years ago
@robbeonsa wanted Throbb for 8: “He waited for you, you know.”
Thanks for the prompt 💕
Theon hardly felt it when the spear pierced his chest, by that time he was already fading, his body already starting to give up.
The Godswood slowly turned grey around him, the details fading until it was as though he was viewing them through warped glass or a veil.
“Turncloak.” A voice hissed, one Theon had thought long forgotten.
He turned towards it, turned to meet the face of the man who had taught him history and geography, a man whose death he had caused.
“I had no choice.” Theon knew his voice was weak, knew his attempt at defence was weak, but it was all he could think of.
“There is always a choice. You chose wrong. You murdered children, Theon Greyjoy, you betrayed your king. Your actions killed Robb Stark as surely as Roose Bolton’s knife did.”
His words pierced Theon’s heart like a knife. Maester Luwin had never been overly fond of Theon, just as Theon had never been overly fond of him, but there had still been respect between them born from hours spent in each other’s company, from advising Robb and aiding him when his parents had left.
“No.” Theon’s knees gave out under him, his attention fully focused on the Maester, even as Arya faced their great foe alone, “No, weak Reek. Good Reek.”
“Murderer.” A high voice this time, a boy’s yet unchanged by growth, “Murderer and traitor.”
Pale eyes peered into his own, eyes set in a face that Theon had tried to forget but which had haunted his nightmares nonetheless. The miller’s sons.
“You killed us. Burnt our bodies and claimed we were the princes. You used to give us sweets and let us let your horse. You killed us.”
Theon let out a pained moan and tried to hide his face behind his fingers, his hair no longer long enough to hide behind.
“It rhymes with freak, rhymes with weak and meek and sneak. I know my name! I know my name!”
Everything faded away, Maester Luwin and the miller’s sons, and even the first rays of dawn breaking over the Godswood, all of it faded in favour of eyes like ice chips and a smile that promised nothing but pain.
“You do know your name, don’t you Reek?” Master Ramsay said in a sing song voice, “But you forgot everything else. You betrayed me Reek, betrayed the only person who could ever feel anything but disgust for you. You stole my wife from me, stole her for yourself.”
The noise Theon made no longer sounded human, it was the noise of an animal too beaten down to even try and escape its next beating.
Master Ramsay’s smile widened, an expression which only ever meant pain, but one which Theon looked forward to all the same, one which might mean he would be allowed to sleep on the rug in front of the fire afterwards.
“There we are Reek, doesn’t that feel so much better?” He purred down at Theon, “Back in your rightful place.”
Theon could feel how everything which made him Theon, all the likes and dislikes, the experiences which Yara had coaxed out, the care for others which Sansa had resparked, all curling up into a little ball in his mind as though knowing it would be attacked and removed.
A hand twisted into his hair, yanking painfully at the strands, and Theon found himself absently wondering if it could turn grey once more in the afterlife, or whether he would be stuck looking as he did when he died.
A low growl sounded as his hair was yanked once more, but Theon ignored it. He was sure it was only wishful thinking. His sins were far too great to be rewarded in such a way.
The growl sounded again, and the hand was removed from his hair with a sharp moment, pulling hairs out along with it.
Slowly, fearfully, Theon looked up.
Bright blue eyes met his own. Eyes that he had imagined so many times glazed with death or looking down at him in anger. But these fitted none of his imaginings, they held no anger or death, only a sad sort of love.
“Theon.” Robb breathed, “Theon, you’re here.”
A tear trickled down Robb’s cheek, and to his horror Theon realised he matched him. He did not deserve Robb crying over him, did not deserve the forgiveness and love broadcasted from every part of Robb’s body.
He did not deserve it but he received it nonetheless.
Strong arms wrapped him up in a hug, one that pulled him from the floor to lean against a broad chest.
“Thank you,” Robb whispered, “Thank you for saving Sansa and protecting Bran. Thank you for doing what I could not.”
With arms that trembled from fear of rejection Theon reached up to return the embrace. He marvelled at the feel of Robb in his arms once more, at the sensation that he had accepted was long lost to him.
“I missed you.” Theon breathed, “Can you ever forgive me?”
Robb laughed wetly against his shoulder, “I forgave you as soon as I found that Bran and Rickon had not joined me here.”
Those words loosened something in Theon, something that had been wound tight with guilt and regret for so many years.
They sagged together, muscles relaxing until they were on the floor once more, only this time Theon look up, up at the colours swirling in the sky and the sign that his death had not been in vain.
Slowly Robb’s breathing began to deepen and his eyes slid closed, a sort of tenseness leaving him which had Theon startle and come to another realisation: Robb had been as afraid of seeing him as he had been if seeing Robb.
It was his turn to wind a hand in someone’s hair, only he carded his fingers through Robb’s red curls gently, a soft repetitive movement which had Robb relax even further.
“He waited for you, you know.” Lord Eddard said solemnly, appearing from Theon did not know where., “He waited and watched, even as we begged him to look away and rest. He watched and waited and wept for what had been done to you.”
Theon glanced at Robb again, at the face softened by rest into the youth he truly was, rather than the aged and stressed king.
“I wanted nothing more than to have died with him.” Theon confessed in a hoarse whisper, “I prayed to join him, but the gods kept me alive so I could repay at least some of my debt.”
“Any debt you thought owed was paid a thousand times by your rescue if Sansa.” Lord Eddard said, “If anything it is we who owe you a debt. I would ask a final favour of you though, I would as you to care for Robb now in death as you wished you had in life.”
Theon looked down at Robb once more, at the red hair and smooth cheeks and the blue eyes he knew lay behind those delicate eye lids. It would not be a chore to care for Robb. It never had been.
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lesdoublesll · 5 years ago
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So I draw this three years ago: the original drawing was given to Alfie Allen, this is a copy that I colored soon after our meeting.
Narrator: You’re challenged by Bastard Jon Snow !
Jon: It’s over Ramsay ! Your girls are KO ! Ghost, go !
Narrator: The Bastard of Bolton Ramsay Snow wants to fight !
Ramsay: Ok, but... Hopefully, I’ve kept my “best” pokemon... You really aren’t funny at all, bastard. Being your rival is boring. AND IT’S NOT SNOW ANYMORE FUCKING NARRATOR I’M A BLOODY BOLTON !
Narrator: Sorry sorry, it’s not the name registered in the pokedex !
Ramsay: THEN FUCKING CHANGE IT ! Reek, go ! Stop hiding behind the tree, you coward !
Reek: Reek Reek ! it rhymes with weak !
Jon: Hm i’ve never seen that pokemon before ! Pokedex, what is it ?
Pokedex: Reek, smelly pokemon ! Reek lives at the Dreadfort and... No Jon, you idiot lol ! That’s not a pokemon ! It’s Theon Greyjoy !
Jon: Theon ?? Kill him Ghost !!
Narrator : What will Reek do ?
Different actions: Mercy, Stinking Meat, Splash, Rotten Missing Finger.
Narrator: Reek uses Stinking Meat. He reeks so much that Ghost can’t bite him. He’s afraid to be ill :
Jon: Ghost, c’mon ! Ghost ! Don’t let me down ! I can’t lose against Ramsay and his creature :
Ghost : Ghost Ghost !
Reek: Reek it rhymes with freak !
Ramsay: REEK ! HURRY UP ! ATTACK ! NO ! It’s just a fucking butterfly ! Let it go ! You useless cunt ! Attack idiot !
Reek: Master, master ! It’s the first time I see a butterfly ! First time in Reek’s life ! I think he might love me !
Ramsay: Impossible, remember. Nobody loves you !
Jon: I suggest we stop that battle.
Ramsay : No fight Reek ! You cockless dog ! You’ll be punished !
Reek: No ! Good Reek ! Loyal Reek ! Reek Reek, please !
If you think this has a happy ending...
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neuxue · 5 years ago
I love morally grey characters and to debate about them, Jaime, Sansa, Dany... (Oh I'm surprised Reek-it-rhymes-with-weak/freak/etc-know-your-name didn't make it in your list . ;)) But your answer makes me rather sad. It sounded extremely wary. Has this fandom become so toxic that such preemptive defensiveness has become necessary to speak about the work? Nowadays, it feels like the fandom has taken over the actual books... It's a bit depressing because I was really into them once.
Fandom is... fandom. There are going to be excellent and ugly parts of any fandom, but I just happened to see a lot of the ugliness in ASoIaF (not directly; I very much stayed on the edges of the fandom so wasn’t actually involved, but good lord some of the things I saw play out). 
And especially because I tend to like the sorts of characters you get called a [insert Bad-Thing-buzzword-of-the-day] apologist for liking, on the one hand okay whatever bite me, but on the other hand I’m not even that invested in this story and so would rather not invite that kind of ~discourse~.
That said, I’ve not seen nearly as much of that recently, perhaps just because I only follow like 60 blogs and most of them aren’t into ASoIaF anymore if they ever were, but also probably because the show is over now and is therefore not giving people weekly opportunities to gain Internet Woke Points by harassing other people about which fictional characters they like, so.
Basically it’s just a curate-your-experience thing for me; I like discussion just fine but I’m mostly allergic to the ~discourse in fandom, and while I’ll write salty essays from time to time I do actually prefer to just enjoy things, without feeling like I need to argue for my right to do so, or like I’m making a target of myself. So I often just end up avoiding larger fandoms, or at least not posting about them.
Which, yeah, I should probably just get over it and learn to block people. Because otherwise I just end up throwing my Awful Fic Ideas at like one or two friends over chat and they don’t deserve to bear such suffering alone.
(As for Reek... see, Theon’s a good example of how torture alone doesn’t necessarily do it for me; he’s annoying to me as a character and Ramsay bores me. It all just feels almost moustache-twirlingly over-the-top and gratuitous, and I’m not invested enough in the character to care)
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