#. narrated by › derek hale
vivitalks · 5 months
man. derek is such an interesting character in season 1, especially when you can look at him through the lens of having seen the whole show, because he's like an unreliable narrator for scott, even though he's not a narrator for the show.
the thing is, derek in season 1 is the primary vehicle for werewolf lore. as new viewers, we're reliant on his character to explain to us the rules and conceits of the genre, but once you've seen the whole show, that role is no longer necessary. but for scott, in season 1, derek is the sole source of werewolf intel. derek is werewolf jesus. which means that everything scott initially learns about being a werewolf is filtered through the Derek Hale Trauma Matrix, and neither of them know it.
for example: in 1x05, derek tells scott that pain is what keeps you human (which is a mantra that gets repeated and referenced a ton over the course of the rest of the show). scott has been a werewolf for all of five seconds, and has no choice but to take the word of this obviously much more knowledgeable werewolf. in that way, derek operates as a kind of narrator for scott, giving him information and context he couldn't really get any other way. but it's unreliable info. don't get me wrong - derek isn't trying to be an unreliable narrator; he's not aware of how much his life experience has colored his understanding of his own species. it's just that...well...derek is a twenty-something with the kind of trauma that eats other trauma for breakfast. of course he would say that pain is what keeps you human. at this point in the show, pain is all he has.
this is the same guy who, in the next episode, says this:
DEREK: You getting angry? That's your first lesson. You want to learn how to control this, how to shift-- you do it through anger, by tapping into a primal animal rage, and you can't do that with her around. SCOTT: [defensively] I can get angry. DEREK: Not angry enough. This is the only way that I can teach you.
except we know, and scott quickly learns (in that very same episode, in fact), that this isn't true. anger doesn't work for everyone, and it doesn't work for scott, who's not an angry person. the things that work for derek won't work for all werewolves - but how would derek know that? he's never had to teach someone to be a werewolf before. he's not actually werewolf jesus.
to scott, derek is the only trustworthy source of information on being a werewolf, because he's the only werewolf scott knows. and from derek's perspective, everything he knows about being a werewolf must be true, because it's true for him. derek is the narrator, and it's only as his backstory unfolds that the viewers, and scott, learn just how much his history and trauma have obscured the reality of things, even for derek himself.
pain is not what makes you human. it's what makes derek human. because the moments in derek's life that stand out to him most are all tinged with tragedy. mercy killing his high school girlfriend. losing his entire family in a house fire. the death of his sister. for derek, to be human is to be in pain, and to be angry about that is the only way to be in control. after all, he doesn't have anyone teaching him otherwise.
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cupidsbower · 2 years
Re the Teen Wolf movie (abomination):
I haven’t seen it, but I’m loving the gif sets. Thank you fandom.
I just have one thing, likely unpopular, I want to say...
A lot of the “discrepancies” that people are bringing up seem to be Eli’s take on stuff. And as that’s second-hand information, it seems less like a discrepancy and more like the kind of lack of understanding you get when you only know a story from being told by a parent looking back and editing the past.
The broad strokes of what Eli says seems to be enough for a casual viewer to get the gist - which is no doubt what it’s for. From a scriptwriting perspective, that makes sense.
But even from a plot/story perspective, that’s what happens when stories get retold, especially if the person Eli heard them from in the first place is Derek “speaks fluent eyebrow” Hale. And doubly so when Eli’s a teen who’s exaggerating for dramatic effect. Triply so if Derek did that thing all Teen Wolf characters canonically do, of crediting Scott with Stiles’ actions when they tell a story. Unreliable narrators are a Thing in Teen Wolf.
The movie sounds like it’s terrible, so I don’t mean this as a defence, especially as I haven’t seen it. This particular gripe just seems to be missing an opportunity to headcannon why Eli’s telling these particular versions. What exactly did Derek tell him??!!!? Inquiring minds want to know.
Another thing that fascinates me is that Eli’s name doesn’t follow the Hale naming conventions  (e-e names and ora/lia names), so where did it come from? O_O. Sterek shippers, you should get on that, stat.
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kit-middleton · 1 year
I just watched Teen Wolf 3.08 and I loved the way it used the unreliable narrator trope.
My random thoughts:
The casting for babyDerek and babyPeter doesn’t work. I couldn’t remember why I already loved Paige, then realized she played Ian Tracey’s daughter on Supernatural. Small world.
I loved babyDerek having the same (reasonable) reaction any adult watching this show has had: someone should really call security or report this older teen/young man who keeps hanging around the high school looking sketchy as hell in his leather jacket.
Oh good, Gerard has a Lucille.
Love how we’re pretending the adults are way younger by having the actors shave. That appears to be the only change made to their appearance.
I was puzzled by Peter using the exact line Stiles used on Lydia the previous season, then remembered he was in her head at the time, so: well done writers! (Or maybe it was a slogan from a Reese’s ad? I dunno.)
I barely had time to mentally respond to Stiles’ “how do you know that?” by “ew, he was watching the children have sex” before it cut to… babyPeter watching the children make out. He’s such a perv.
What was Peter’s plan, exactly? Maybe I’m too used to him only doing things that benefit him in some way to imagine there was ever a time when he was different, but… suggesting Derek get some rando, violent werewolf non-consensually turn his girlfriend? That seems like a no-win situation. (Maybe he learned his lesson and that’s why he asked for Stiles’ consent in season 1 then didn’t do it when Stiles said no?)
I have to say that’s a lot of rape-y tropes for one teen show. Yikes.
How did Chris grow up with those fucking psychos and become the man we’ve got to know? I judged him for violently pulling Scott from the car window and threatening to kill him, but from what I’ve seen in this episode that was gentle by comparison. He’s a kitten compared to those people. (Kit the kitten. Sorry.)
I love, love, love how my boy Stiles saw right through Peter’s edited version of the story.
Scott!!! It took only 3.5 seasons but he finally did something that impressed me. He saw through Colonel Tigh’s lies *and* threatened to kill him. Now if only he followed through…
That was fun.
Btw I get the Peter/Stiles shippers, but when do we get Peter/Chris scenes? (Except for the movie. And the homoerotic impaling. I saw those gif sets.) Those have way too many shippers for the fact I don’t think they’ve met yet.
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I love Peter. Even (especially) when he’s being creepy and/or manipulative.
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eternallsun · 1 year
i'm glad it was convincing. - derek
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤthey walked through the gate, ophelia in the lead. every instinct in derek told him to be in front. to make sure his beta was safe. but in order to get past the guards, he and ophelia needed to switch places. the alpha snorted. "just be glad they didn't ask you to show alpha powers. then we've have been in a real pickle." @theresastargirl
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Narrator: Stiles Stilinski has been nursing an impossible crush. It was on the local alpha werewolf, Derek Hale. And with no one to talk to, Stiles was looking for some kind of direction.
Stiles, holding a box of candy hearts: Just give me a sign, any sign.
Candy heart: ["No way"]
Stiles: Pshh. The first one's obvious, okay.
["It's crazy"]
["Fat chance"]
["Get lost"]
["Don't even try"]
Narrator: Stiles continued to look for a sign, until finally...
["Maybe tonight"]
Stiles, smirking: "Maybe tonight"... Well well well... what are the chances this would happen...
Narrator: Actually, "Maybe tonight" was a very popular candy slogan, and the chances were 1 in 8.
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buckybarnesss · 9 months
This is sort of an out of left field question- but what are your thoughts on Peter and Talia being half or step siblings?
Obviously, they don’t look alike very much. And clearly genes are funky things and this is not damning evidence. But I think it’s a very personal hc to me bc I myself have a half brother who I love very much, but it does influence our interactions.
One thing I constantly think about is Peter being an unreliable narrator. And what we see of Laura from his pov is different than Scott and Stiles finding her body. Is he imagining she’s blond and looks more like him? Yeah sure this could just be casting inaccuracies. But it feels very personal lol.
Has Peter always felt a degree of distance with his family? Where did the idea of him being Talia’s left hand come from? Wouldnt he have been there in the alpha pack flash back if that was the case? Was he younger than Laura? This also brings to mind Papa Hale (who I like to imagine was a human part of the pack/another pack before him and Talia were in a relationship). Was Talia always a Hale? Or married in?
Anyway, I have many thoughts and questions. But I really appreciate your analysis and insight. Joining a fandom past its prime (affectionate) is sort of like being in the apocalypse where 80% of the fandom is dead, and finding a ‘survivor’ is a miracle. Anyway, if you feel like it, I would love your thoughts on it all :3
if laura hale is my roman empire than talia and peter's relationship is my holy roman empire.
@dear-massacre and i talk about this quite frequently. it's a problem fam.
i do have a talia hale and peter hale and the hale family feels tags.
we don't really have any information other than some crumbs jeff has thrown us within canon.
in my opinion talia is the hale. there's no other option put forth. derek's father is such a non-entity that there's zero mention of him. the hales are clearly an old family of werewolves and were part of the very founding of beacon hills itself likely connected to the nemeton.
not to mention, season 3 has a lot to do with derek learning from and accepting talia's legacy and the legacy of the hale family. it also directly contrasts the argents. the argents pay lip service to being matriarchal but we know gerard has been calling the shots for decades whereas it seems as though the hales actually were.
so when you get down to it you can pretty much headcanon anything you want for how the exact specifics of how talia and peter are related but what we do know is talia was the older sibling and peter the younger.
peter doesn't actually talk about talia very much if at all. however, his monolog in monstrous is quite illuminating on peter's headspace while he was in a coma and pre-resurrection.
i predicted this. i told-i told talia this was going to happen... something like this was going to happen... i said that they were gonna come for us... " the argents, they're gonna come for us. they're gonna burn us to the ground-- burn us to the ground." did she listen? of course not! did anyone listen? they listened to her-- yes!-- say that everything was going to be fine. that we were all perfectly safe...perfectly safe... but she made us weak! she made us weak. and what happens to the weakest in the herd? they get picked off by the predators! we used to be the apex predators, until talia turned us into sheep.
with that said i do have my own ideas on their relationship given what we know. visionary is the episode that does the heavy lifting in the entire goddamn show in regards to this.
the age inconsistency comes from bringing back the younger actor from season 2 to play peter in visionary. it makes peter appear closer to derek's age than he actually is. i think it's almost part of peter's manipulations. it's his attempt to manipulate the audience as well just like he did lydia.
there's just simply no way talia hale didn't know about peter's everything. she was not only his older sister but she was his alpha. i think peter and talia may have been more similar than people want to believe.
peter is a lot of things. many of them contradictory. he loved his sister and clearly mourned her but that doesn't mean he didn't resent her just a little. he did still after all go with derek to retrieve her claws and i think there's something twisted up in him about how derek resembles her and begins to become more like her.
when you begin to sort of dig into what we know about the hale family the more one begins to question if talia was as benevolent as people assume she was. there's some seriously morally questionable things that occurred. talia did some shady things.
the real big one is that she coerced corrine into carrying her pregnancy with malia to term. the likely explanation is talia did this because she knew this would decrease corrine's power.
corrine is pretty explicit about this with what she says to malia:
you know, your real name isn't malia. you don't have a name. talia hale took you away from me before i could give you one.
corrine: i'm not going to stop, malia. i'm taking back what you stole from me. malia: i didn't steal anything. corrine: but you did. corrine: and I don't care if you're a willing participant or not. talia hale spent nine months trying to convince me of the miracle of childbirth. you know what it really felt like? a parasite. talia said it was a gift, that the coyote passes down part of her power to her daughter. she called it "beautiful." i call it "theft."
she also took peter's memories of malia's existence which considering peter's reaction doesn't seem like he had much say in. so in effect talia removed peter's agency.
she probably felt she had valid reason for doing these things. corrine was a threat and dangerous person but still it's really, really questionable. it still ended with malia's adoptive mother and sister being killed and malia going missing for years because corrine was vengeful over losing her power. talia was still alive when this happened.
of all people talia had to be aware of peter's -- you know -- everything and she probably held the leash. he wasn't a problem so long as she was the alpha and could control him.
talia also had to have been aware of and likely either approved of or encouraged him taking a mentor sort of role with derek. we see peter having a keen interest in derek in both visionary and the season 4 flashbacks.
like, who do we think ran off and told talia about what happened with derek and paige? who likely instructed peter on getting rid of paige's body and helping to cover up her death to protect derek and the family?
i actually fully believe she knew peter was skulking about the werewolf summit and may have even told him to do so.
talia is like the mona lisa smile of teen wolf. she's inscrutable but we get impressions about her and what she was like via the people that knew her. her children, her brother, her advisor and peers.
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tudorscrown · 4 months
call it what you want | young!derek hale
young!derek hale x stilinski!fem!oc warnings: weird things are happening, cringe, read if you dare, alan deaton has rizz? alex being ridiculous navigation | tw masterlist | 1 ; 2 ; 4
After English was Theater with Ms. Hanifysei, then History with Mr. Banditt. Then there was lunch, Novalies favorite time of day.
She was sitting with Alexander Grave and Alan Deaton. Alex is like her brother, but they aren't blood. That doesn't mean that they are any less of family.
"Do you think you can make that shot from here?" Alex said.
"I know I can. They don't call me The Baller for nothing." Alan said, grabbing his trash and going to shoot it in the garbage can from his seat.
"They don't call you that." Nova said.
"Not yet." He said. He took the shot.
"He shoots... and he... misses! Landed right on the table of the infamous Hales!" Alexander narrated. Of course it did. It had to land in the hands of the Hales. Why did they even have the same lunch as them?
"Five dollars that he won't go and get it." Novalie said to Alex.
"You're on."
"Who the fuck threw this?" Laura said as she used a spork to move the trash further away from her.
"I don't know, don't push it near me." Derek said as he moved further away from the mess of napkins in a tray.
"Oh please, you'll heal." Laura said.
Derek made a face at her. Then, they felt someone approaching them.
Alan approached their table. "Sorry, meant for the trash can."
Laura sneered at him. "Then take it back to your table."
Alan snickered. "Why hello there. I'm Alan and you must be Laura. i've heard about you, your family and everything in between."
"I can't believe he's actually over there right now." Novalie said as she watched Alan talk to the stoic Laura Hale.
"Please, he's been crushing on her for ages. It's about time he's talked to her." Alex said, picking at his mac and cheese.
Novalie whipped her head around. "What?"
Alex looked up. "You didn't know? As long as I've known him, he's liked Laura."
They looked back at Alan and saw him freezing up as Laura kept coming up with witty comebacks.
"And now he's drowning." Alexander said as he started to get up.
"What are you doing?" Nova said.
"Throwing him a life saver." He said in a 'duh' tone.
Nova sighed and followed him.
"...yeah I mean, you remind me of autocorrect, I can't live without it." Alan winked.
Nova stood to the left of Alan, next to where Derek was seated.
"Sorry about him, he's a little... yeah." Novalie said as she looked from Laura to Derek. Though, she made a face of disgust at Derek.
She grabbed Alan's arm and led him back to their previous table where Alex was sat eating gummies.
"I thought you were going to throw him a life saver?" Nova said as she sat down.
"Hey! I didn't need saving!"
Alex looked from her to Alan. "Life saver?" He was referring to the candy he was eating.
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Down to the Marrow
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50263759 by LuckyBishop Being thrown into the world of werewolves and hunters was terrifying enough, but Stiles is relieved to have survived. That relief becomes uneasy quickly when he starts being regularly kidnapped by a still semi-feral Peter Hale. It’s not like Peter is hurting him, though, right? Words: 23206, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Categories: M/M Characters: Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Chris Argent Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: season 1 AU, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pack Alpha Peter Hale, Feral Peter Hale, Peter Hale Gives Stiles Stilinski The Bite, Canon-Typical Violence, Kidnapping, Injury Recovery, Sheriff Stilinski is a great dad, Unreliable Narrator, Caretaking, Mating, Mating Rituals, Knotting, Ambiguous/Open Ending Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50263759
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https://archiveofourown.org/works/54792490 by FyreFlys After Derek’s rut finally pulls the two together, Stiles starts to take steps to make sure this relationship will actually work. And slowly, Derek heals and grows. Sequel to my fic Fumbling, part of my First Steps series. Words: 14726, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of First Steps Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: sterek, Emotionally Constipated Derek Hale, Derek doesn’t know how to show affection, Derek is bad at communication, But he’s learning, Stiles is really good at communication and emotions, past relationship trauma, Past toxic/abusive relationships, PTSD, anxiety attack, Grief, Depression, very brief suicidal thoughts, like blink and you’ll miss it, really it’s just survivors guilt, Angst, Fluff, chronically insecure Derek, learning to love, Character Development, Plot with a dash of porn, slight gore, Derek is kind of an unreliable narrator, Stiles never got possessed, Stiles is a Spark, College AU, sort of but not really, slow updates probably, this is a side project read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54792490
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sterek-ao3feed · 6 months
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54792490
by FyreFlys
After Derek’s rut finally pulls the two together, Stiles starts to take steps to make sure this relationship will actually work. And slowly, Derek heals and grows.
Sequel to my fic Fumbling, part of my First Steps series.
Words: 14726, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of First Steps
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: sterek, Emotionally Constipated Derek Hale, Derek doesn’t know how to show affection, Derek is bad at communication, But he’s learning, Stiles is really good at communication and emotions, past relationship trauma, Past toxic/abusive relationships, PTSD, anxiety attack, Grief, Depression, very brief suicidal thoughts, like blink and you’ll miss it, really it’s just survivors guilt, Angst, Fluff, chronically insecure Derek, learning to love, Character Development, Plot with a dash of porn, slight gore, Derek is kind of an unreliable narrator, Stiles never got possessed, Stiles is a Spark, College AU, sort of but not really, slow updates probably, this is a side project
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
Respectfully, i think fandom's treatment of Scott (and Allison) has far less to do with them being heroic and compassionate and far more to do with fandom racism and misogyny. Cause I've been in fandoms where the more morally grey or antagonistic characters were people of color (or even just 'unlikable' white women) and in those cases the fandom double standards re: character mistakes were stacked against them, not the white male or 'likable' white female heroes.
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I don't think you can separate them, to be quite honest, though I apologize if I gave you the impression that the hatred of Scott and Allison isn't absolutely and fundamentally anchored in racism and misogyny. But I don't think it's a matter of "I see a non-white character so they must be terrible" or "I see a female character therefore she must be irrelevant." I think instead that this animosity is born out of a malicious cognitive dissonance. They hate Scott and Allison because they are embodying attributes that they were taught were meant for other characters, and the fandom can't handle it.
If you examine their behavior closely, the many parts of fandom believe that compassion and heroism are privileges reserved for white male characters. If a Latino teenager, such as Scott, in the name of compassion and principle tries to stop someone from killing other people, it's not a heroic stand -- it's him being arrogant. It's him not knowing his place. If a female character, such as Allison, in the name of fulfilling an ancient duty she has inherited from her family, falls into darkness, it's not part of her journey of reconciling that duty with her own will, it's her being a bitch. To supply another example, if black adults who possess both skills and knowledge, such as Deaton, Morrell or Braeden, act in accordance with their own principles, seek to fulfill their own agendas, and establish their own boundaries, they must be sinister.
On the other hand these very behaviors are lauded in the white male characters, even when they canonically don't possess them. The parts of the fandom which hate Scott so much do not hesitate to take his acts of heroic compassion and transplant them onto Stiles. After all, to them, Stiles naturally cares so much for people (such as Jackson, Isaac, Boyd and Erica) that he will fight for them (as Scott did in canon). To them, Stiles should correct and guide individuals (like Scott or Derek), and he should act to stop immoral behavior (such as punishing Scott for rejecting the Hales or not paying enough attention to him, even if they aren't actually immoral), which is the exact behavior fandom gets mad at Scott for doing in canon. In a similar vein, it's perfectly fine if Derek spends Season 2 trying to murder Lydia and endangering his betas, actions that lead to death and chaos, because of his family's history (which is exactly what Allison does in her dark arc). Peter has skills and knowledge, but it's actually exculpatory that he has his own agenda, his own principles, and his own boundaries, such as when he sits out the battles against the Alpha Pack in Season 3.
Ultimately, it's why they keep trying to make Teen Wolf not about Scott McCall. It's why they created the Unreliable Narrator Theory out of a single line that only serves as a framing device. It's why they created flights of fancy like the Tree Alpha or the Anakin Complex. It's why Poseygate is still a sore spot nine years later. It's why, in the end, there is Eternal Sterek. Their minds can't comprehend -- or more honestly they refuse to accept -- that the show simply isn't primarily about white men.
Want a very recent example of this cognitive dissonance? Yesterday, a writer named FairyNiamh published a little piece called Broken on AO3. Here's the citation:
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Now, as with many fans of fiction I don't mind a little whump, so I read it. I shouldn't have. You shouldn't either. Why?
It's nothing but hate. The first paragraph is a summary of the movie (notice no tag about the movie) but twisted to outright state that Scott didn't care about Derek dying only to reveal that this is a deranged drug fueled fantasy of a human Scott who got hooked on heroin by Theo and so his mind is broken. (Heroin addiction doesn't work like that, but if your goal is slandering a Latino hero, accuracy and research aren't important.) And they have Melissa and the Sheriff grateful that Derek so bravely kept Stiles away from drug use through his wuv.
You get it, right? This isn't a story; it's a spasm. It's a combination of all the racist and misogynist furor generated by the unforgivable crime that Teen Wolf happened to not be about white men and then directed at a movie (and its actual fans) by a writer who had plenty of warning about whom the movie was actually going to be.
And it was deliberate. This writer is not 16, unless they wrote their first Harry Potter fanfiction piece while in their mother's womb in 2006. This person knows how to tag, considering they've had plenty of chances in the 703 other stories they've written.
So there are one of two possibilities. EITHER this person deliberately wrote this to trick fans of Teen Wolf and Scott McCall into reading it so FairyNiamh could spew bile at them (note Derek and Stiles are the real good guys, but the writer left them off the character list). It was mean. It was hurtful. There's no purpose in it but to crap on Scott McCall and the people like me who are his fans.
OR, this writer has so totally internalized the Eternal Sterek victim complex that they see this as a legitimate criticism of the movie. Not, legitimate as in 'what actually happened' in the movie, but a cultural criticism of how dare a television show not be about the endless love of two white men who never even verbally expressed affection towards each other. Because to people like this writer, Teen Wolf could never be legitimate because it had the wrong leads.
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thegeminisage · 3 months
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Relationship: Chris Argent/Derek Hale Characters: Chris Argent, Derek Hale, Kate Argent, Original Characters, Minor Characters, Araya (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Asexual Derek Hale, Stone Top Derek Hale, Wolf Derek Hale, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Lovers to Friends, Friends With Benefits, Age Difference, Explicit Consent, Cohabitation, Grief/Mourning, Beards (Facial Hair), Trauma, Nightmares, Flashbacks, Unreliable Narrator, Past Abuse, Past Sexual Abuse, Past Underage, Sexual Dysfunction, Warning: Kate Argent, Minor Character Death, Blow Jobs, Grief Beards, Asexual Character Words: 55,331 Summary: Derek insists on coming along with Chris Argent and the Calaveras on the hunt for Kate, so he can see her dead for good. While following her trail back to Beacon Hills, they come to understand some hard truths about both each other and themselves, and struggle to find the reason why, after losing nearly everyone they've ever loved, they're still here.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Relationships: Chris Argent/Derek Hale, Derek Hale & Laura Hale Characters: Derek Hale, Laura Hale, Chris Argent Additional Tags: Wolf Derek Hale, Grief/Mourning, Codependency, Cohabitation Words: 2,278 Summary: Derek's first day back home.
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Relationships: Chris Argent/Derek Hale, Chris Argent & Scott McCall, Derek Hale & Scott McCall, Past Relationships:, Derek Hale/Paige, Kate Argent/Derek Hale, Chris Argent/Original Character(s), Chris Argent/Victoria Argent, Allison Argent & Derek Hale Characters: Chris Argent, Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Original Characters, Mentioned:, Kate Argent, Victoria Argent, Allison Argent, Gerard Argent Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Nightmares, Flashbacks, Grief/Mourning, Panic Attacks, Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Memory Loss, Repressed Memories, Guilt, Redemption, Codependency, Cohabitation, Asexual Character, Asexual Derek Hale, Sexual Dysfunction, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Murder Words: 36,500 Summary: Twenty-four hours after the death of his sister, Chris Argent wakes in Derek Hale's loft with his hands trembling too badly to load and fire a gun, and no matter what he does, he can't make them stop. He made a promise to protect Beacon Hills in Allison's stead, but now he has to decide how he carries on her legacy when he doesn't know if he can fight, if he can ever lay his guilt to rest, and if he's truly capable of doing good when he has already done so much harm.
...i wrote this series in 2017/2018 as teen wolf was coming to a close, but i didn't post them here since i was a little shy about my rarepair and also they're Extremely Explicit and i had a lot of kids following me for skeleton art. since those kids are all grown up now (?!?!?), here these finally are, on this blog for the first time Ever. the first fic is the best one, obviously - it's almost a ship manifesto, and i am proud to report i have won over skeptics with it <3 derek hale i love you forever
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bookgeekgrrl · 7 months
My media this week (25 Feb - 2 Mar 2024)
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nancy is the superstar of this show. she's in it for 5 seconds, drops the best line, steals the scene
🥰 What I Used To Be (thepinupchemist) - 117K, stucky, omegaverse trauma recovery fic - a relatively light tone, mostly escapist fic focusing on the recovery, not dwelling overly much on trauma details, kidfic but I really dug it
😍 The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi (Amina al-Sirafi #1) (Shannon Chakraborty, author; Lameece Issaq & Amin El Gamal, narrator) - just gonna KJ Charle's review bc she's better with words than I'll ever be: "Good god, this was incredible fun. Absolutely cracking. A sort of take on Sinbad but with more historical accuracy (apart from the demons, marids, etc), with a middle-aged retired lady pirate getting the crew back together to take on a Frankish coloniser/sorceror/baddie. It's just fabulous exuberant fun." I cannot wait for more!
😊 The Werewolf Companion (MargaretKire) - traumatized derek hale, intriguing larger worldbuilding, hot, wet, messy sex that really leaned into the 'definitely not human' aspect of werewolf fucking without going full xeno. super enjoyable
🥰 My Man Jeeves (Jeeves #1) (PG Wodehouse) - our intro to Bertie & Jeeves 💖 [via Serial Reader app]
💖💖 +50K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
A Fine Cure from Fennel Seed (Lucius Parhelion (Parhelion)) - original work, 10K - absolutely delightful amuse-bouche of an original fic; short, hot, slapsticky hilarious, set in the '30s
Matt Berry and Peter Capaldi read a FIERY letter exchange
Hot Ones - Quinta Brunson
D20: Adventuring Party - s3, e1-5
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "The Mystery of the Haunted Subway" (s7, e3)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "We Need to Talk About Cody" (s7, e4)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Trouble at the Tunnel" (s7, e5)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Collaborators" (s7, e6)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Parade of Peril" (s7, e7)
Ghosts (US) - s3, e3
Um, Actually - s9, e1
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival" (s21, e8)
D20: Adventuring Party - "I See Your Butt Plug and I Raise You a Fist" (s16, e8)
Up First - The Sunday Story: The Diaspora's Troubled African Dream
How To! - How To Let Go of a Friendship
⭐ Switched on Pop - Beyoncé's Country
The Sporkful - Gary Gulman’s Ice Cream Joke Was A Cry For Help
Overinvested - West Side Story (2021)
Consider This from NPR - How The Underground Railroad Got Its Name
⭐ It's Been a Minute - Da'Vine Joy Randolph on 'The Holdovers' and becoming a matriarch
⭐ 99% Invisible #438 - The Real Book
⭐ Vibe Check - Be Forreal!
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Wendy Williams
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Jerry’s Hat Museum
Short Wave - Is It Possible To Feed To World Sustainably?
Decoder Ring - The Gen X Soda That Was Just "OK"
Off Menu - Ep 228: Ray Winstone
⭐ Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - All About That Bass
I Said No Gifts! - Oscar Montoya Disobeys Bridger
Throughline - The Right to An Attorney
The Assignment - Polyamory Is Having a Moment
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Black History in Plain Sight with Places Editors Jonathan and Michelle
Short Wave - Could Dune Really Exist? What Scientists Think of Our Favorite Sci-Fi Worlds
What Next: TBD - The Supreme Court Takes on Content Moderation
Dear Prudence - Am I a Bad Father If I Don't Want to Acknowledge My Kid Publicly? Help!
Welcome to Night Vale #243 - Lost and Found
You're Dead to Me - The Inca Empire
Today, Explained - It’s Shotime!
It's Been a Minute - Three ways to think about journalism layoffs; plus, Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation
Consider This from NPR - Are We Alone In The Universe?
99% Invisible - Roman Mars Describes Santa Fe As It Is
Under the Influence - Seeing is Believing: The Power of Demonstration Commercials - Part 2
CREDITS: Carole King
Chromeo Radio • Party
Pop Radio • 1990s
"Easy" [Commodores] radio
Steely Dan Mix • Focus
'90s Dance
Billy Joel Radio • 1980s
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lewdcanons · 1 year
lewdcanons is a secondary blog of @sparsilelove and @aeipathiclove -- all guidelines of my main blog apply here too! this page is for all my (likely canon divergent) adult plots involving canon characters. while i'm usually picky about canons and their portrayal, everything here is a little more chill and entirely #toohornyformain. characters under the cut 🥴
a note on gender: * indicates a genderswapped character. all muses can be played as cis or trans, but please don't use feminisation kink with trans guys in threads with me. i'm trans myself and it makes me super dysphoric, thanks!
for all of the fandoms mentioned, i'll most likely play anyone from that fandom -- just send me a message on main and we'll figure it out.
comics - dc:
bruce wayne (henry cavill or ben affleck)
conner kent (joshua orpin)
damian wayne (anthony keyvan)
dick grayson (brenton thwaites)
garfield logan (ryan potter)
jason todd (curran walters, noah centineo or matthew daddario)
jon kent (michael cimino)
timothy drake (tyler lawrence gray or jay lycurgo)
comics - marvel:
clint barton (alexander ludwig, sam claflin or boyd holbrook)
frank castle (jon bernthal)
kane bishop* (ryan potter or tanner buchanan)
matt murdock (charlie cox or cameron monaghan)
miles morales (jharrel jerome)
peter parker (nick robinson or tom holland)
steve rogers (chris evans)
movies - scream:
billy loomis (felix mallard or skeet ulrich)
chad meeks-martin (mason gooding)
ethan landry (jack champion)
quinn bailey* (cameron monaghan)
richie kirsch (jack quaid)
troy carpenter* (michael cimino)
movies - misc:
duncan idaho (jason mamoa)
indiana jones (john krasinski or chris pratt)
james bond (thomas doherty or henry cavill)
leto atreides (oscar isaac)
nick gant (finn cole)
paul atreides (timothee chalamet)
raleigh becket (charlie hunnam)
sebastian valmont (aron piper)
tyler durden (charlie hunnam) and the narrator (robert pattinson)
tv - fate: the winx saga:
dane (theo graham)
riven (freddie thorp)
sam (jacob dudman)
saul silva (rob james-collier)
sky (danny griffin)
tv - misc:
bobo del rey (michael eklund)
doc holliday (tim rozon)
geralt of rivia (henry cavill)
joel miller (pedro pascal)
nick scratch (gavin leatherwood)
tv - riverdale:
archie andrews (kj apa)
barney cooper* (hunter doohan or froy gutierrez)
fp jones (skeet ulrich)
jughead jones (cole sprouse)
vernon lodge* (rafael silva)
tv - shadowhunters:
bat velasquez (rafael silva)
clarence fairchild* (kj apa)
jace herondale (finn cole or dominic sherwood)
simon lewis (asa butterfield or alberto rosende)
tv - teen wolf:
alexander argent* (thomas doherty or manu rios)
chris argent (john krasinski or milo ventimiglia)
derek hale (richard madden, michael trevino or tyler hoechlin)
isaac lahey (archie renaux or paul mescal)
liam dunbar (jordan elsass, rudy pankow or dylan sprayberry)
noah stilinski (ben affleck or timothy olyphant)
peter hale (jensen ackles or sebastian stan)
stiles stilinski (nico hiraga or dylan o'brien)
theo raeken (jacob elordi, gavin leatherwood or cody christian)
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eternallsun · 1 year
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mikaharuka · 2 years
Ooh, I love Teen Wolf too! I’d definitely be interested in your fics for it. I’m more of a femslash fan myself, have a huge soft spot for Allydia in particular. Maybe because how different the fics are to the source material, it’s always made me a little nervous to consider writing for it, even though it’s one of my comfort fandoms, and I’ve had little ideas for it too, but they have never sprung into anything. The fics introduced me to the fandom, and it’s one that I’ll happily read fandom blind.
Heyo Iris - glad to see another Teen Wolf fan! That fandom was such a comfort zone before I got back into writing and lost my time~
(I made this post, briefly touching upon Teen Wolf and Apricity)
I love Allydia too! I love Allison and Lydia and their dynamic is perfect - the athletic/quick one and the intellectual/clever one? Amazing. I hate that canon screwed them over. They both deserved better.
Then and again, canon didn't really do anyone any favors... anyone except Scott McCall and his supporters (can you tell that I'm not a Scott fan? lol). Especially not Stiles and the Hales (Derek, Cora, and Peter)... and don't get me going on Talia and most of the Argents.
But yeah. Canon was a trashfire, and a total world overhaul and canon rewrite is so easy to do there... and now you can see why Twilight and Teen Wolf were the two fandoms I was choosing from.
I had a whole (rough) plan for Juugoya, just like I do with Apricity XD
Juugoya only had two primary ships, and one of them was Allydia! The other was Stiles and... a totally rewritten Peter who was aged down with a totally different backstory... who also had parts of canon Derek? But Derek also existed in that verse? I had a two-narrator approach - Stiles and Lydia. It was a wild concept with so many changes - to the same extent that Apricity's world was changed!
Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I'd chosen Juugoya over Apricity... but I think I made the right decision. I was far more confident with the latter (I mean... Allydia and Steter are quite the huge pairs to write for!), and now look at me in my brainrot XD
I'm not going to write any Teen Wolf stuff any time soon, but who knows? I might incorporate some of the Juugoya stuff into Apricity (beyond the werewolf lore - that was heavily TW-influenced), or several years from now, I might take a stab at Juugoya and its verse.
Ah well, that'll be a ways away, if ever... but if you ever write Allydia or anything TW, I'd totally be down for it! I love them and the fandom!
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