eternallsun · 8 months
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a soft wolfy chuckle rippled past his lips. he enjoyed ophelia's quips. especially now, so it could distract him from the noise that was growing all the louder. he shuddered when a painful cry rent the air.
finding a few more guards milling about, derek allowed phee to take the lead again until they were safely behind the door and on the landing of a metal staircase. the alpha held his breath for a moment, sharing a look with ophelia, before he led them into the lions den. "i've had my fair share of fights." and he had. especially in high school. "and i've fought enough battles with scott." a lot of them doozies. "i'm sure i can handle whatever is thrown my way." of course, derek leaves out the failed battle with the ALPHA PACK. it had been scott who won that fight.
“not really on the things i’m looking for here. at least not tonight other than playing it. the moment we get out, i’m happy for you to step in again.” there was no way she ever felt confident enough to be an alpha. she was still relatively young with her transformation and the last thing she needed was to jump in a leadership role.
taking a breath, ophelia tries her best to keep her cool as she entered. she really didn’t want to see derek get in a fight, but she knew that was partially why they were here. “i know you’re stronger than most of them, but don’t die in here tonight, yeah? kinda need you to be the brains and brawns here to get us out of this mess.”
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eternallsun · 8 months
she caught feyre's true meaning. an innocently posed statement. velaris and the night court had the chance to rebuild and rebrand into something better. something more. and while mor knew that rhys and feyre had the potential to toss the doors wide open, the blond had spent too long cultivating her life here. she didn't want anything to change.
grabbing two glasses, mor poured both her and feyre a drink before curling up at one end of the couch. she wore a smile, though the expression didn't reach her eyes. "what do you want to do with velaris and the night court, feyre? what do you imagine this place could be like?" @magikldreams
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A THOUGHTFUL EXPRESSION APPEARS on her features while she watched blond. an attempt to figure out what was going in her comrade and more importantly friend's head. there were times when morrigan appears unaffected by her past and recent events. other times, where feyre couldn't help but worry about her. like the walls she kept up were shuttering and providing a glimpse into a turbulent mess of emotions. ones that feyre merely wished she could provide a bit of ease for.
her responding smile is one that's soft, " in the cabinet much like always. if we're having us a drink then we might as well settle in. maybe talk a bit more about where things go from here... " if there was perhaps something more that morrigan required, or wanted out of this life - then rhysand and her would do all that they could to ensure it happened.
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eternallsun · 8 months
a playful pout jutted her lip out. ruby let it rest there for a moment before her teeth gathered the flesh and she pulled it back. "oh dean, we both know that's not true. your pride couldn't handle the loss. besides, what would sam think?" her eyes grew round. "or bobby?" the blonde tsk her tongue as she slipped from the counter and twirled the blade again before sheathing it at her hip. "no. i told you. this is mine and you've stabbed me in the back too many times. i don't trust you anymore." and while the witch bitch may have her own end game, she did believe, to an extent, in helping dean and sam. @nachtbizz
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Head tilted downward to glare from under sharp brows Dean clenched his jaw. She was so ... irritating. His eyes snapped to the blade reflecting sunlight into them. The urge to snap, dash forward like a mad zombie and strangle her grew with every of her following words, but he chose to bottle it all up and lift his head with pride even tho she definitely outwitted him again. I'm better than that. "Who said I didn't let you win?"
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"I don't have time for any of your funny business, blondie, gimme that back." Empty hand presented he grumbled. "Now."
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eternallsun · 8 months
"i'm over five hundred years old," the fae drawled. "survived two horrible wars." and dealt with the politics of the courts. he wasn't about to change who he was now...at least not much.
squeezing her fingers gently, rhys led ophelia through the house of wind, those of his inner circle curiously absent. rhysand was just waiting for them to spring from the shadows and start drama. "are you sure you want to visit the library? on a beautiful day like today?" @theresastargirl
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“have you? you’d think you might change some things with your charm then.” ophelia replied, raising an eyebrow at him. she glanced at his hand before taking it, not about to be rude herself. she knew her place when it came to her and the high lord, and she didn’t want to cause any trouble, even if his charm was irritable at the moment. “does that line normally work?”
@eternallsun continued from here
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eternallsun · 8 months
"i've escaped from worse places than this!" jack exclaimed as he looked below. jumping down was out of the question but...there! that ledge. that could get them to safety. if only they could get there.
gripping his sword, the captain swiped at the ropes which had bound them and fashioned them into a longer version of it's self. at one end, he made loop, hoping to rope himself a rock or a branch. anything to get them off the crumbling platform.
"we will not being sacrificed to the gods today," he declared as sparrow tossed the rope and watched it loop around a boulder. "hope you can climb," he said over his shoulder as he tested the strength of the rope. "we need to jump and then ascend." @theresastargirl
“can you blame me?” redd struggled against her bonds, gripping it tighter as the platform shook under them. “a little carefulness would go a long way right now if we’re actually going to get out of this.” she slipped out of the ropes, glancing down at the ground. “i’m really hoping you’ve got a plan right now. some sort of… experience in matters like this.” this would be the last time she got herself tangled up with captain jack sparrow if this was how things were going to be.”
@eternallsun continued from here
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eternallsun · 8 months
elizabeth clucked her tongue, lips lifting upwards. "this wasn't easy," she pointed out. "i had to work for my station just as i imagine you did. my own countryman wanted to toss me overboard, saying it was bad luck to have a woman on board." a bemused grin touched elizabeth's face. oh, mister gibbs. "the crew i have now, though..." the captain turned to the deck, observing her men work, each following orders given by her first mate. "it took me proving myself and getting us out of trouble for them to fully trust me."
turning back, elizabeth nudged ophelia's shoulder. "all in due time. i could help you get your ship back, if you wanted. find you a new crew. up to you." @theresastargirl
“it’s becoming more and more annoyed every time i get asked though.” ophelia rolled her eyes, leaning against the railing of the ship. “it’s humiliating that my crew was so eager to abandon me and give in to superstition, whereas your crew is extremely loyal to you and that would never be an issue.” she sighed, resting her head against the wood, letting the sea spray cool her face. “i was free. i was in control. now i’m… back at the bottom. just not having to sell myself anymore to make a point thankfully.”
@eternallsun continued from here
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eternallsun · 8 months
derek was quiet for several steps. his focus, while centered on ophelia, roamed around the yard, looking for any signs of danger or that their rouse had been discovered. "standard wolf powers. strength, smell, heightened senses, a connection to me..." derek trailed off. "i guess you have the potential to be a true alpha, too, if you really wanted."
when they reached the metal door, the alpha held it open for ophelia then trailed in behind her. a warehouse illuminated by bright, overhead bulbs, stretched before them. but they lamps were so spaced out that it left room for darkness. already, derek could heart the crowd cheering. nothing like an illegal werewolf fighting ring. @theresastargirl
“yeah, no trick of the light could help us there.” ophelia waited until they were a few more steps in before she casually reached back for his hand, fingertips brushing against his just to keep her sense of calm. “do i even have any powers as a beta? something to try in case they want me to prove that this lie is totally convincing?”
@eternallsun continued from here
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eternallsun · 8 months
the huntress curled her fingers around her bow, knuckles turning white. after several heartbeats, allison released the breath and dropped her arm. "i don't think i can do it," she whispered, brown hues drifting to ophelia. allison thought bringing her friend along for support would help her get back into the swing a shooting but...no. she was wrong. @theresastargirl
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eternallsun · 8 months
Starter call here, maybe?
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eternallsun · 8 months
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a private & selective multi muse blog featuring fantasy and supernatural fandoms. 25+
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eternallsun · 8 months
Starter call here, maybe?
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eternallsun · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤshe wasn't sure what was more infuriating. being reconditioned by the woman she thought was a friend or being yanked along by dean and his aversion to lack of personal space. but the fallen angel bit her tongue and trailed after the hunter.
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"sure. what is the problem?" what easy fix was dean hoping to take from her this time?
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𝑾𝑬𝑳𝑳 , 𝑺𝑯𝑬 𝑯𝑨𝑺 a point , but dean doesn't have to acknowledge it if it doesn't suit him , which it doesn't . ❝ yeah , i mean -- thanks for coming , but i didn't call you here to invade personal space . we've got a problem , and i wanted to run it by you . got a couple minutes ? ❞
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eternallsun · 1 year
you know, i'm really starting to not like you. - rhys
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤa fiendish grin touched his mouth. "you wouldn't be the first one to tell me that. i've heard it a time or two from other people." the fae snickered as he held out his hand to the red head. "but in the end, no one can resist my charm." @theresastargirl
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eternallsun · 1 year
we're going to die in here. - Jack
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤhad this woman learned nothing hanging around captain jack sparrow? obviously not because she assumed they were going to die. not on his watch. jack didn't survive being marooned, getting his ship back, and the kraken only to die now! no, there was too much to do. too much treasure to plunder.
"ye of little faith," the pirate muttered as he wiggled his way out of his bonds. the platform shook, threatening to spill them both on the ground. a drop of nearly 10 meters. "just stick close." and then captain sparrow went to work. @theresastargirl
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eternallsun · 1 year
i do wish people would stop asking me that. - swann
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤcoy smile tugged on pouty lips. "why do you say that?" the other captain teased. "it's so much fun to see your reactions. it's similar yet different every time." @theresastargirl
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eternallsun · 1 year
i'm glad it was convincing. - derek
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤthey walked through the gate, ophelia in the lead. every instinct in derek told him to be in front. to make sure his beta was safe. but in order to get past the guards, he and ophelia needed to switch places. the alpha snorted. "just be glad they didn't ask you to show alpha powers. then we've have been in a real pickle." @theresastargirl
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eternallsun · 1 year
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endless edits. please, do not reblog.
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