#-watches him go open the window to throw mael out-
pressurebrew · 2 years
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herwritingartcowboy · 3 years
Just Us Two Under A Mistletoe
Day Three of my Christmas special.  Okay and promise i’ll do another fandom next time and it will be Demon Slayer just Seven deadly sins.
Fandom: Seven Deadly Sins
Character(s): Mael
Readers Gender: Female
It was a cold night as you were about to report new to the Sun grace. You walked in as you held onto your coat a bit more tighter as Jelamet greeted you as you asked to met with his grace. The meeting with him went well as you both talked more even after bring him the news.
You were in love with his grace as he was sweet, kind, caring, funny, and just different. He called you one of friends as one day you two were walking together as he tolf you he had feelings for Elizabeth. You heart broke when he said that but you said he had a chance. You grew up with the young grace as you were told the news of his ‘death’. You cried that night as you wanted revenge but you couldn’t do it. 
For many years you helped Meliodas and Elizabeth with the whole issue. You were also the one he asked to kill off the rest of Elizabeths families as to not cause confusion. At times you and Meliodas would sit and talk about your feelings for the goddess, he was to only one who knew your feeling besides Jelamet who gave you a death threat when she found out.
You helped out Mael when it came to helping out the goddess, telling him the latest news. Now that the goddess looked to Mael as there leader now you didn’t really have time to be his friend. 
To be honest you soon moved on from your feeling. In your eyes you never had a fighting chance. When it came to close females in his life that would be Jelamet who pushed you aside to help Mael. When that happen Elizabeth asked you if you wanted to work for her. Not really having anything to hold you back here in the goddess realm you said yes. Many of the goddess heard the news as it soon went to Mael. 
You got your stuff ready to leave but then you heard a knock at your door. Once you opened it you shall Mael, “Hi Mael what brings you here?” “W-well i heard you were leaving so i thought to stop by and ask when will you be back”. “Oh well i’m not sure if i’m coming back sense i have nothing holding me back here”, you sheepishly grind as Mael lower his head a bit. “Well it’s getting cold mind if i take you myself” “Oh thanks but i got this” “Oh but please as a nice jester before you leave” “Well okay”. 
The two of you walked as the snow fell from the sky as the two of you finally got the time to talk again. 
Mael in his mind was hoping you wouldn’t leave ever sense he got the news from Jelamet. “When is Y/n leaving any way” “Oh tomorrow i heard why” “I just well um” “Are you okay?” ”I’m fine i really am” “If you don’t want her to leave or if you love like that then go stop her”. Mael always new Jelamet had feelings for him but to throw them all away for him the chase down the girl he really loved made him happy. He thanked her as the two sat as he rambled on about you and how to make you stay or for him to confess. 
That is what brought him here with you as you both got closer. “Um..Y/n look let’s get some coffee before we get there” “Oh yes let’s go”, you said grabbing his hand rushing over.  
You both sat near a window as you watched the snowfall and human pass by as Mael just stared at you in awe. When you turned back to him your eyes met for a second as he blushed looking away. “I think we should head there now this place is going to close soon any way”, you as Mael looked around seeing you two are the only ones there. He nodded as when you were about to walk out you shall the snow get thicker and thicker to were the door would not open. Mael pulled you back not wanting you to get hurt. The old woman who run the shop came out saying she has a place for the both of you to stay at till the snow dies down. You both thanked her getting in the room as you turned on the lights closing the blinds.  “You should take the bed Mael i’m fine on the chair” “I was going to say you should take the bed you need your rest” “No you’ve been working to hard and too much so you should take the bed”. You looked up at him as he looked away. But he notice you kept looking up so he did to and his eye widen. Just above the two of you was a mistletoe. “Heh yeah well you don’t have to Mael” Mael’s face grew hot as he turned away covering his face with his hands. 
“D-do you want to” “W-what” “I-nevermind” “Mael do you like me?” “W-well do you l-like me” “To be honest i did when we were younger but at that time you liked Elizabeth so i didn’t say anything” “What about now”. Mael said as his mind flushed with regrets, no one will never love of him as much as he did them. “I still hold onto those feeling Mael all i want you to be happy so i thought sense you spened you time Jelamet i thought soon enough you will fall in love with her so i took the chance to leave so i wouldn’t be there to see that happen”. Mael came closer to you as he placed his lips on yours as you both kissed under that small mistletoe. When you both parted you looked away blushing as Mael hugged you closer to his chest. “I wanted to do that for awhile now” “I’ve been waiting forever” “Are you still going to leave me?” “Why would I”.
The next day Elizabeth made you her personal knight at you can help her on missions. You asked if you can stay in the goddess realm but still work for her. She smiled at you saying yes as you went back home with Mael reading on of your books. “You know Mael i’m going to marry you one of these days, you know that right”, Mael looked up at you his face a beat red.
“So that is how you told mom” “Yeah S/n that is how me and you mom got together now let’s go see mom the cookies might be ready”. Mael went behind you placing a kiss on your cheek as you the three of you ate the cookies you made. After putting you son down you went to your shared room seeing Mael waiting for you. “Butterfly can you i already miss holding onto you” “Give me a minute sunshine”, after getting changed you got into bed as Mael rested his head on your chest. “I love Y/n” “I love you more Mael” “I love you the most”.
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the--archive · 4 years
It’s Raining Tacos
Okay, so this is...weird. It’s also part of my ‘Emotions’ series, and was requested by a friend of mine, who I would describe as, well... definitely not sane. Yes, this is a songfic. Yes, this is a Gloxinia x Reader, he’s the only idiot insane enough to sing this. Anyways, I’m gonna shut up now. Story is below.
Also spoilers (i forgot to mention this in my last post lol)
Lots of spoilers)
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🇳​🇴​🇼​ 🇵​🇱​🇦​🇾​🇮​🇳​🇬​:
🄸🅃'🅂 🅁🄰🄸🄽🄸🄽🄶 🅃🄰🄲🄾🅂 ​🇬​🇱​🇴​🇽​🇮​🇳​🇮​🇦​​
─────────⚪───────────────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 1:17 / 3:48 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐
"It's raining tacos~" your very, very drunk boyfriend slurred/sang, as you and Drole stared at him in shock.
"Seriously, Gloxinia?" you deadpanned.
"From out of the sky~" he continued, seemingly not having heard you.
"Welp, imma go get a drink. Can you watch him, please, Drole?"
The now human-sized giant sighed, but hesitantly nodded.
What a bad idea that was.
*less than an hour later*
"It's raining tacos, from out of the sky~" you and Gloxinia sang, somehow in sync, with Drole staring, dumbfounded, at the two of you.
"When you said you were going to get a drink, I didn't realise you'd end up this drunk." he said, gesturing to you.
"Tacos, no need to ask why~" you and Gloxinia sung over him.
*short time skip*
Well, the rest of the Sins and Commandments were sure to hate you the next morning.
Well, you had used your mage powers (yes, you're a mage) to bring the song to life.
To make it reality.
To give the things you had sung of, a true body.
To release them from the confines of musical fiction.
"It's raining tacos, From out of the sky. Tacos, No need to ask why. Just open your mouth and close your eyes, We're throwing tacos at your face!"
Ban's eyes opened as realisation hit him, and so did the taco.
"It's raining tacos, Out in the street. Tacos, All you can eat. Mela and Mael, Ludo and Drole. It's raining tacos for you all!"
An array of tacos flew across the room, hitting the four faces.
"Yum yum yum yum yumity yum, It's like a dream! Yum yum yum yum yumity yum, Bring your sour cream!"
You used a spoon to flick sour cream at Escanor, whose face was as sour as the item he had been hit with.
"Shell! Meat! Lettuce! Cheese!"
You threw said items, one at a time, at Gelda.
"Shell! Meat! Lettuce! Cheese!"
Gloxinia threw all four items at a rather annoyed Meliodas (I mean, who wouldn't be annoyed if your bar was filled with flying tacos?)
"Shell! Meat! Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese!"
You hurled handful after handful of cheese, in sync with Gloxinia's singing, at random people.
"It's raining tacos, ooh, Raining tacos, ooh, Raining tacos, ooh, It's raining tacos! It's raining tacos, ooh, Raining tacos ooh, Raining tacos (shell, meat, lettuce, cheese), (Shell, lettuce, ch-ch-cheese) It's raining tacos!"
And to top it off,
For your grand finale,
Your insane boyfriend threw a taco at the one and only...
"Oh shit." you both sang to the tune of It's Raining Tacos, before sobering as your faces paled.
"Oh shit." you repeated.
"Oh shit." Gloxinia said.
"Gloxinia..." Zeldris said warningly, turning to face the fairy.
"Hey, why aren't you blaming Y/N for this as well?"
"Because she was smart enough to run."
Gloxinia turned, shocked, only to see an empty window with a taco taped to the window sill, along with a note.
Sorry not sorry, it read. It ain't raining tacos no more.
"Oh, shit." Gloxinia mouthed, before turning to face the enraged (new!) Demon King.
"It will always rain tacos?" Gloxinia suggested quietly, but his face dropped as Zeldris scowled.
"I heard that."
Me: Well, RIP Gloxinia.
Someone: I'm alive!
Me: He will be well loved.
Someone: Quit telling them I'm dead, damn it!
Me: Sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Well, I'm gonna leave it there!
See y'all whenever the fuck I decide to update next.
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icefir-windbreaker · 5 years
All-Stars -Story Mode- [CHAPTER 14] Part 1
Part 2
I know, sorry that I had to post Part 1 of this so soon but it will have to come out one way or the other after a feeling that all of you are eager to see the full chapter 14 of All-Stars -Story Mode- but the part 1 is what I could post right now. Please enjoy it while you guys, I will get to work finishing the rest.
Enjoy. ;)
Part 2 is now up
-Chapter 14-
Bendy couldn’t stop as he ran through the Caves blindly in the dark, he noticed a crystal orb wedged between the rocks as he passed by it, he immediately stops and then goes back to it.
“You'd better be useful.” he muttered as he grabs it and then pulls but it doesn’t budged, then he tries again, again, again, again and again. Until he managed pulled it out finally, he laughed trumpity as he looked at it. He looked at it as he raised an eyebrow, he held it in his two hands before shaking it.
He shakes it again, “I had a feeling that you’re useful,” he said as he looked at it in different angles, “I just know it in my gut but…” he continued before he rubs it with his gloved hand, “You’re hard to make out than a stand out.” he muttered as he rub it hard.
Then suddenly, a small ball of gray cyan blue light glowing from within the orb. Bendy‘s eyes had gone wide as he looked at it the light glowing dim to bright and from bright to dim. Pulsing like it was a heartbeat.
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Discovering the Crystal Orb
It’s light had illuminates the area around him, his mouth was opened a bit as he stared at the orb in awe. “Wow…” he said, still holding it in his hands and looking at this pulsing light within the crystal ball.
“If Boris was with me right now, his reaction will be like mine… I wonder if Frisk, Mugman and Cuphead will be like if I find them.” he said then suddenly, the orb had shook forcefully all the while Bendy tried to held onto it but it flew out of his hands as he gasped.
“Hey what are you-?!” he said as the orb then flew around and around him before he lunges out to grabbed to which it is successful but it’d ended up flying through the Caves, carrying Bendy with it. He screamed “Stop! Stop flying like a maniac!” as he hold on the orb with a climber’s grip while he and the orb is flying through the Caves. Orb had flew through the caves while Bendy had barely managed to avoid the rocks, the rivers and other things that are hazardous for anyone who had dared to enter a cave like this. He had hold on tight to the orb with now a death grip while he is bruised, cut and nearly broken as it flew.
He then finally screamed “STOOOP!!” as it nears a tunnel with such speed before just as suddenly as it began, it had suddenly came to a screeching halt and that had forced Bendy to let it go and sending him flying across far from the tunnel and crashing into a pile of rocks with a crumble as he screamed.
The crystal orb is gently floated down to the ground and lands, Bendy had managed to pull himself out of the rumble and then stormed over to the Orb with an angry look on his ink-dripping face as he is covered in dirt.
“Why didn’t you stop!?” he yelled, “You’re supposed to be inanimate object, not a living inanimate object, you stupid ball!” he bellowed out as he tried to kick it but missed and lands on the ground as the Orb had suddenly floated upward to avoid Bendy’s attack as he groaned on the floor.
He then growled as he got back on his feet, dusted himself off as he glared at the orb and said “If I had still had that sledge hammer, I would smash ya to bits!” he bellowed once more as looked at the Orb winch then it had pointed out the way at the tunnel.
Bendy turned his head to the tunnel and sees that there’s a fight going on, Cuphead and Mugman are fighting back against Colonel Mael Radec.
Bendy’s jaw dropped when he saw him, he then looked at the Crystal Orb and said “You had brought me here…?”
As if the Orb had understood him, it bobbed up and down like how a head would do when given a question and answer. Bendy smiled sheepishly as he nodded as he looked at them fighting, he looked like a frightened child before saying “But… I need help.” then looking at the Crystal Orb, “I need a lot of help. I need Scarlett, Frisk, anyone. I hope you’d understand, you do, don’t ‘cha?!”
The Crystal Orb bobbed again then leaves Bendy alone again.
Bendy then said “Now where are you going?!”
The Helghan Soldiers had the base under lockdown, three prisoners had escaped and now going to try to escape the base as the other head in command is talking to the rest of Helghan forces.
The sounds of two revolvers are still sounded through the area, even a commander is hearing it a far from a far and he was yelling out orders to them to get Erron back to his cell, he was until one of the soldiers had called out “Commander!”
“What is it?!” he barked, the Helghan soldier had been looking out from the observation tower of the base with binoculars who is now pointing at the street corner while ushering him to come up and yelling “Come up here and look!”
Annoyed by this, he turned to the rest of the soldiers and yelled “Go after the prisoner! No more mistakes!” as he threw his hand in the their direction like he was throwing an object at them and all of them ran off while the commander stormed over to him.
He had climbed on top of the viewing porch, that porch isn’t really a porch, it’s a tower made from branch-ridden tree with a opened-air shed with a roof still on and it’s walls are able to reach their stomachs, they has called observation tower a “Viewing porch.” and it is facing fount of the street and down the street to the center of the town with ruined stores and apartments.
The commander walked over to the viewing porch and climbed on the ladder to get to him, the soldier who had spotted something
“What is it, soldier?” the commander rebuked to the soldier as he took the binoculars away from him, “I had found someone down the street, I wasn’t sure what he is doing but he is just standing there.” the soldier explained as his superior commander looked into the binoculars.
And he has seen a man, had raven-black hair with a sliver of white and blueberry-colored eyes, wearing a long white doctor, a medigun device on his back, red rubber gloves, brownish-red pants, and black boots.
Medic is smiling a smug smile like an evil mad scientist while he is now waving at him as he knows he’s been spotted. The commander was confused and looked at the soldier who had called him up earlier, he had give the soldier a look of confusion but the answer he had received was a shrug while he shook his head. Commander then looked view the binoculars again and saw that Medic had disappeared.
He was looking around the town center to find him until he heard a bullet opened fire and a body falling onto the floor of the Viewing porch, he looked at the soldier but realized when he looked down to the floor and finds him dead on the ground with a bullet wound on his head.
"I'm not done yet, mate, not by a long shot." Sniper muttered as he hid inside one of the apartments with his rifle’s barrel was smoking from firing a bullet. From the where he is, he can hear the commander yelling “Snipers! The enemy is attacking!” and Soldier at the lower level of the apartment yelling "Attaaack!" and others shouting battle cries of their own.
“Bloody hell Soldier…” the Austrian whispered as he knew that he will say that when he done his role of the plan that he had managed to get done: Be the one who push first.
Then, an air raid siren had gone off, He then puts back his sniper rifle on it’s rifle case before getting out his SMG and breathing a little bit. “Bugger…” he muttered as he peeked outside through a window, he had saw Soldier, Medic, Demoman, Richtofen, Dempsey and others running into battle. Bullets were fired at his way, he ducked down as he mattered “Wanker!” and waited until the bullets had died down, he had his eyes to the window before looking at the Primis Crew but they looked different…??
Sniper looked at them with confusion, they are not like this when he saw them and they dressed different too.
Richtofen is wearing a nazi major general’s uniform, a cap, arm band and black rubber gloves.
Takeo’s with his hair cut short, wearing Imperial Japanese uniform, an leather handbang and wore a cap.
Nikolai is wearing a scarf over his head and wearing a Soviet uniform and is drinking vodka of all things.
And Dempsey is wearing 40’s Marine Corps uniform with the sleeves rolled upward and a bandolier with two grenades and a knife tucked within it’s sheathe.
Sniper watched as they had entered the base after hearing more gunfire, and disappeared into the enemy. He hid again… what just happened? Why are they dressed differently? Why do they looked older than younger as they are usually were?
He must be hallucinating of this, this must be from drinking coffee that Mann. Co had gotten him! It must be what had cost him to be hallucinating, right?
He then noticed an Crystal Orb, glowing and flying across the area and away from it. Sniper’s jaw dropped when he saw this as he walked away from the room, now it’s time to cut off the caffeine coffee for a while as he walked downstairs.
-Meanwhile, with Erron Black-
Erron had managed to distract the soldiers to get Bendy to go to the Cell Block Point B but unfortunately, he had got his right arm shot while he was shooting at them without looking at one of them had already reloaded their rifle.
He is sitting on the ground with his hand on the wound, back against the cargo and blood on his hand and gone down the side of his arm. He muttered “That could’ve gone better….” as he looked at the his bloody hand that is pressing against the wound.
He looked back at the troops who had fired a warning shot, Erron what that warning meant and what was going to happen to him soon. So by that, he knew that he needs to act quick and fast as he heard footsteps coming his way from another end of the cargo, he was prepared himself with it, his right hand is still gripping onto revolver despite being injured as he kept his eyes on that end of the cargo.
He is pretty sure he is going to face one of the troopers and ready to die fighting but to his surprise, he was surprise to see that he’s not one of them but he is wearing a suit but it’s in different color; it’s orange and black hazmat suit with a greek alphabet lambda “λ” on the chest.
He is wearing glasses over his green eyes, had auburn/chestnut hair and full beard that was subsequently trimmed. Erron is somewhat still cautious with this however, he could tell if he’s better or worse than the Helghan troops as he said “And I thought you were one of them.” as he looked at the man with his gray-blue eyes.
“What brought you here?” he asked as the man walked over to him before kneeling down to him, the cowboy raised an eyebrow as he realized that he is concerned for the injure he’s gotten.
“It was from one of the troops if you are wondering.” Erron said as he looked at him before asking “You don’t talk much, do you?” with an eyebrow raised. The man then took Erron’s poncho and rips a piece of it, he didn’t even once interjected as he knew that piece of it needs to can be done to cover the wound.
The man then carefully takes his hand away from the wound in order to wrap it around the arm and over the wound. “Thanks.” he said as the man placed his hand on his shoulder, then they heard another bullet shooting through the air.
“F***....!” he muttered as he looked at his end of the cargo and heard multiple footsteps heading his way, this time he knows for sure that it’s the troops.
The man he had meet had took noticed too, Erron then looked back to him and looked at one of the revolvers he had in hand before standing up and standing against the cargo. Looking over to the man before flipping the gun to grip onto the barrel of it and said “Are you at least familiar with this?”
The man stand nothing like before but he does nodded before taking it by the handle of the gun, checking if it had bullets in it and it does. “Before all of this could go down, could you least say your name first?” Erron had asked, “The name’s Erron Black, by the way.”
The man had said nothing but does wrote on the dirt, the name he wrote on the ground was
Gordon Freeman
“Gordon Freeman, huh?” Erron said, “Nice to meet you and thanks.” to Gordon, who smiled but before he could go but Erron grabbed him by the arm and said “Good luck out there and don’t make my mistake. Got it?”
Gordon nodded before heading to other side of the cargo container while Erron remain on his end of the cargo, “Hell is going down hill when we go out, bullets and lead flying everywhere. So be expecting that.” Erron said as he peeked while Gordon is looking over to him.
They heard one of the troops calling out “Stand down! Surrender now or we will shoot!” as they stepping closer to where Erron and Freeman are.
They were prepared, they were ready to die and ready to die fighting. Then like that, Helghan troops had appeared at both sides of the cargo container and surrounded them both.
Erron and Gordon aimed the revolvers at them just as Helghan troopers are are ready to shoot them and-
A yell had sounded out and what comes next is a sound of a rocket screaming that had made both men look up and saw Soldier flying through the air with a RPG and shovel in his hands (yet he had unknowingly slammed his shovel onto a head of an invisible Helghan Soldier with a combat knife after he had followed him when he did the rocket jump, killing him when the shovel blade hits his skull.) as Erron and Gordon looked in shock and disbelief.
Then soon they heard another voice saying “Let’s waste ‘em!” and Scout ran in with a bat along with Demoman, Takeo and Dempsey all of them are charging in with weapons.
“I’ll be-!!” Erron said as his eyes widen when this surprise had came out of nowhere and came to their aid, Gordon was surprised as well to see them then suddenly a bullet flew passed him and a troop charging in at him with a knife but Erron shot him as he aimed for the head.
The Freeman looked at Erron who had killed him, the cowboy looked at him and said “Merry Christmas.” as he smiled under the mask. Dempsey rushes one of them and holds the rifle as they both fought over it, trooper had hit him two times with a bunt end of the rifle but Dempsey punched him back as he yelled at him “Cocksucker! F****ing maggot!!” as he sucker-punched him.
Demoman and Takeo aren’t hesitate to fight with melee weapons as they dashed forward. “Not one of ye aren’t going to survive this!” Demoman shouted, Eyelander in his hands and his eye glowing yellow.
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He raised the claymore sword up high and then swings at full force, chopping the trooper’s head off of it’s neck and rolled onto the ground with geyser of blood spurted out. Takeo slashed him in the middle and the halves of him had dropped to the ground as he barked out “Feel my blade, monster!”
Erron and Gordon then finally began to fire at the Helghan troops, it is a pretty much like a brawl that is going one; fists flying, bullets fired and body parts scattering around the area around them and bodies of the troops fell down, dead.
After they are finished, they looked over to the two men who had been surrounded by the one they had just killed, Scout raised an eyebrow as he puts the bat on his shoulder as Demoman sheathes Eyelander away but Takeo didn't as he is still cautious along with Soldier had aimed his rocket at them and Dempsey had crossed his arms as he raised an eyebrow too, especially at Erron.
“Here I thought they were one of ‘em,” Scout said finally, with a smirk but it is a friendly smirk before turning to Takeo and said “Am I right, Tak?” as he looked over to the Samurai who had still keeping his eyes on the two men they had just saved. “I rather “look before I leap” first before jumping into any conclusions, Scout.” Takeo cautioned as Scout looked at him.
“Come on Tak,” Scout said before pointing his bat at them, “They did helped us taking those suckers down and they did right up surrounded them like cornered mouses.” he continued as Dempsey was looking at Erron Black while he looked at Dempsey back with a dislike in his eyes.
“I bet Tak’s right about that Scout,” he said as he walked towards Erron while the cowboy continued to look at him. “I mean, the other guy is fine but the cowboy however, it’s what I am concerned.”
“Man of a lot of words.” Erron said as he readies the revolver again, “I take that you’re looking for trouble here, do you?” Dempsey asked as he is readied to fight this guy and was set off when Erron replied “Well, you’ve came to me. Didn’t ya?”
Dempsey pointed his own revolver at Erron as he pointed his at him but before the fight would really start, Gordon got between them with both hands halting them as they raised eyebrows and the look on his face tells that he doesn’t want to have anyone fighting, not during a time like this.
“Gordon, move.” Erron said, he shook his head, “Please move?” Dempsey asked next but Gordon shakes his head again. Scout raised an eyebrow again along with Takeo, “Dat guy is not gonna move out of the way.” Boston boy said as he lowered the bat down, Erron looked over to him and said “Ya think? He won’t move.” as he kept looking at the Corporal as he looked back.
Takeo looked at the Freeman with curious thoughts but still being cautious, this man haven’t spoke a word and serious. “Your friend isn’t talking much as we do, does he?” Takeo asked as lowered the sword a little, still caution about this.
“He had patched me up, Samurai.” Erron answered, pointed at the wound bandaged with a piece of his poncho. “And yeah, he doesn’t talk often.” he continued, Dempsey raised an eyebrow by this. “You two were on a rescue mission to get your friends?” Dempsey asked and Erron looked back at him, “No, I had just got out after helping two kids getting out of here after getting into the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Dempsey and other’s faces had turn to shock and surprise when the cowboy said that, he had helped Frisk and Mugman escaped. “The lad had beaten us to them!” Demoman said as Soldier moved his helmet a little that revealed his grey eyes.
“How did you help them escaped?” Dempsey asked, “I was a prisoner to begin with but when I heard a kid’s voice and another, that’s when I had to help them escape from here. From I can tell they are halfway through the Cave by now.” he explained further.
“You were a prisoner of war?! Then you must’ve be one of us instead of them!” Soldier said as he pointed at the dead corpses while he rests the rocket launcher on his shoulders, Erron raised an eyebrow at Soldier, along with Gordon Freeman and Tank Dempsey. “How did you end up being a Prisoner of War anyway?” Dempsey asked as he looked back at him but haven’t lowered his revolver as he is still tensed with the thought of Erron shooting him if he lowered it.
“I had tried to assassinate their leader but I was caught in the progress.” Erron answered but didn’t lowered his revolver with the same reason as Dempsey. “Is it Mael-?” he started to say but Erron cut him short as he said next “It was their leader, a man they called Autarch Scolar Visari. I was hired to get him and make sure he’ll be dead.”
“You’re a freaking hitman?!” Scout said as he pointed at him, “Yeah,” he maintained, “I had tried and guess what had happened after? I was captured and then sent here to be imprisoned.” he recounted what had happened before continuing “I had been in that cell for god knows how long until I met Frisk and Mugman.”
“Where did you last seen them, Cowboy?” Dempsey asked as he lowered the revolver a little and being cautious on this Erron but he couldn’t help but begin to trust him a little. “In Cellblock Point B, at the police station from here, there’s a hole in the their cell next to mine and it’s about 7 cells on the right. Ya can’t miss it.” Erron answered but then he remembered that he had encountered Bendy before, he looked down and said “Oh… There’s another thing. An devil had came here before you Earthrealmers, he is on a rescue mission as well.”
“A demon?” Takeo said as he looked over to Demoman who is looking at him back, “Devil is what the lad means,” the Scottish man answered, “Devil can be a demon as well but the cowboy-”
“The name’s Erron Black, Scottish.” he introduced.
“Erron Black,” Demo corrected, “Do you know what the devil is?” he asked him. Erron looked at the Demotions Expert and said “Not sure, a bit short, black and white, devilish toon with a rucksack.”
Dempsey slapped his forehead, he couldn’t believe this; another toon!? On a same rescue mission as them? What is this world??
“I couldn’t believe this!” he said, “Where has he gone to!?” as he looked around, Erron puts away the revolver and then grabs Dempsey on the shoulders before shaking him to sense once again as he said “Calm down there.” and made Dempsey looked at him. “Erron, if you wanted to get out of here as much as they wanted to too,” the corporal began, “You’re gotta stick with us and help us get to ‘em, do I make myself clear?” while Erron looked at him with suspicion in his eyes. Dempsey looked back at him with the same feeling as Erron before repeating “Do I make myself clear?”
Erron had gave it much thought as the corporal continued to look before nodding “Alright, yes sir.”
“But we will be keeping an eye on ya, maggot!” Soldier barked as he pointed at him with a rocket launcher resting on his shoulder but Demoman and Takeo looked over to him and both saying this at the same time “Only if he does anything, Soldier.”
Erron shook his head as he looked over to Dempsey “Your friend, is he-” but before he could finish, Dempsey answered “He is like this but we haven’t introduce, I’m Corporal “Tank” Dempsey.”
“I am the Scout!”
“My name is Demoman!”
“Jane Doe AKA Soldier!”
“My name is Takeo Masaki, samurai of Japan.” he said last after others had did, then looking over to Gordon, he had is beginning to realize that he may be a mute and said “And you said that your friend’s name is Gordon, yes?” “Yeah,” Erron answered, “His name is Gordon Freeman.”
Dempsey looked over to Gordon and said “Well uh… Nice to meet ya, Gordon.” before turning over to Erron, a serious look in his eyes and saying “Now, remember the agreement we had, Erron. And don’t even thinking about shooting me.” as he raised an revolver up while hs is looking at him.
Erron simply shrugged as he said “No promises.”
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