#-seriously because like. then it's tolerable
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chimeraboy-girlcock ¡ 9 hours ago
tbh i think like 90% of how people react to like, certain kinds of 'annoying pervert' or fanservice scenes in anime is less about how much you can tolerate sexual assault as a subject (although that also matters) or how much you take it seriously period and more just like
if the concept of "cartoon violence" can extend to sexual violence for you
b/c like it's not hard for basically anyone to go "here's the violence that's just jokes and it doesn't matter, here's the violence that is meaningful and/or horrific" even when they happen in the same work
but that's division a lot of people aren't willing to make when it's sexual
(which to be clear, is fair. i'm not saying this in a judgemental way so much as just kind of thinking about why i react differently to things)
and it's a bit of an odd thing because i think there's also like, a third group that is just outright "the narrative doesn't take this instance of sexual violence seriously, but that because it doesn't take it seriously at all, ever"
which i think it the natural place to put the joking instances if you don't tolerate them, and that's naturally going to make going "it's just a joke though, it's different" look, you know, bad
but they don't feel the same to me...? even in series that i wouldn't consider like. particularly good to women. i feel like there's still the division there, even if it's not necessarily done well.
i dunno...
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By: Craig Biddle
Published: Oct 26, 2014
One religion today regularly motivates large numbers of its followers to murder, behead, rape, and enslave people across the globe. That religion is Islam. Not Christianity. Not Judaism. Not Buddhism. Islam. Only Islam. You know this. I know this. Everyone paying attention knows this.
The Koran explicitly and repeatedly commands Muslims to engage in jihad or “holy war” whether they like it or not. “Jihad (holy fighting in Allah’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know” (e.g., 2:216, 9:38). The Koran explicitly and repeatedly commands Muslims to “kill the unbelievers wherever you find them” (e.g., 2:191, 9:5), “strike off their heads” (e.g., 8:12, 47:4), make sex slaves of their wives and daughters (e.g., 4:24, 33:50), and continue this jihad “until all opposition ends and all submit to ‘Allah’” (e.g., 8:39, 9:29). You know this. I know this. Everyone paying attention knows this.
According to Islam, the “Prophet” Muhammad is the ideal role model for all boys and men; he sets the perfect example for how to live and wage jihad. Muhammad regularly killed and beheaded unbelievers (e.g., the massacre of Banu Qurayza), made slaves of those he conquered but didn’t kill (he had many slaves), “married” (i.e., repeatedly raped) slave girls (e.g., Safiyah and Rayhana), raped children as young as nine years old (e.g., Aisha), and founded a religion in which all such behavior is regarded as morally great because the “Prophet” did it. You know this. I know this. Everyone paying attention knows this.
Of course, not all Muslims engage in the above-mentioned behavior. But this does not change the fact that Islamic scripture commands or condones such behavior. It simply means that some Muslims don’t take Islam seriously. For that we can be thankful.
Unfortunately, as anyone can see by glancing at the news, many Muslims do take Islam seriously. Jihadists across the globe—from the Middle East to Africa to the United States to Canada—are murdering, beheading, enslaving, and raping “infidels” wherever and whenever they can. And these jihadists are supported by Islamic theocracies such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, which encourage and fund such barbarism.
Everyone paying attention knows at least that much. Granted, some know it in greater detail than others. But everyone with a functioning mind who has not been asleep since September 11, 2001, has a basic understanding of the foregoing facts.
Yet many people—from leaders of the (semi-)free world to leftist intellectuals, journalists, and celebrities—pretend otherwise. George W. Bush, for instance, says “Islam is peace” and a “noble faith.” Barack Obama says “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance”; “Islam is not part of the problem” but “an important part of promoting peace.” David Cameron says “Islam is a religion of peace”; jihadists such as members of Islamic State “are not Muslims” but “monsters.”
Leftists such as Glenn Greenwald, Nathan Lean, Nicholas Kristof, and Ben Affleck go further. They not only pretend that Islam is not inherently barbaric; they also smear those who point out that it is inherently barbaric. If you call Islam or its serious practitioners barbaric—heck, if you so much as say “Islam is the mother lode of bad ideas,” as Sam Harris recently did—the leftist smear brigade will label you “Islamophobic” (as if fear of Muslims who actively seek to kill you were irrational); “racist” (as if Islam were a race rather than a religion); “intolerant” (as if you should put up with people who seek to behead, enslave, or rape you and your loved ones); and all manner of other absurdities. Leftists will also point out that, like the Koran, the Talmud and the Bible contain commandments to kill unbelievers, homosexuals, and other “sinners,” and that these books also condone slavery and the like—as if such truths somehow change the fact that today only Islam motivates large numbers of its followers and, indeed, entire nations to murder and enslave people in the name of “God.”
Why do so many people pretend not to know what they know about Islam and its unique role in the world today? Why do so many smear those who speak the truth about this horrendous religion and its devout followers? Why do so many ignore the fact that although other religions involve barbaric commandments, none motivates large numbers of its followers to commit atrocities the way Islam does today?
We can only speculate as to people’s motives on this count. Perhaps some feel that by pretending not to know what they know about Islam they can somehow make Islam not be what it is. Perhaps some have accepted the religious dogma “Judge not, that ye be not judged” or the relativist mantra “Who are you to judge?” and thus are afraid to judge or think for themselves. Perhaps some see that to criticize Islam for its irrational, faith-based tenets is to expose the fundamental illegitimacy of religion as such, and they are hesitant to do that. Perhaps some loathe freedom, America, and Western values and see the spread of Islam as a way to help eradicate these “problems.” Again, we can only speculate.
Whatever people’s motives, these facts remain: (1) To pretend not to know what one knows is to be dishonest. (2) When we know that a person is being dishonest, we have a selfish, moral responsibility to acknowledge the fact and to judge him as dishonest. (3) When a person is dishonest in a way that intentionally whitewashes a religion that commands its followers to murder, enslave, or rape us or our loved ones—or when a person smears people for stating the unvarnished truth about that religion—we have a selfish, moral responsibility to judge that person as evil.
Just as we have a moral responsibility not only to judge Nazism and its serious practitioners as evil, but also to judge those who whitewash them as evil; so too we have a moral responsibility not only to judge Islam and its serious practitioners as evil, but also to judge those who whitewash them as evil. There are, of course, degrees of evil among such whitewashers—but those degrees are degrees of evil. People who knowingly whitewash evil are by that fact and to that extent evil.
We who want to live and love life have a selfish, moral responsibility not only to say what we know to be true about Islam and its serious practitioners, but also to say what we know to be true about those who seek to whitewash them.
Islam is evil because (among other reasons) it commands or condones murder, slavery, rape, and the like; Muslims who take Islam seriously and thus seek to engage in such barbarism are evil for doing so; and those who whitewash these evils are evil for their part in advancing this god-awful nightmare.
We who know this should say so. Keeping silent on the matter effectively whitewashes the whitewashers.
[ Via: https://archive.today/C6cIM ]
Only become more relevant today.
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pyrriax ¡ 2 years ago
like. this is in sylvester's playlist because it so perfectly fits my vision of them.
like they're so much more than just a "generally caring person" and i mean like.
also just the lyric "no one who loves you should make you feel so unsafe / no, no one who loves you should make you feel alone"
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fedoraspooky ¡ 1 year ago
Just saw some posts about how all the recent irritating changes at tumblr were made for the purpose of chasing growth.
And all i can say is, there's something kinda beautifully ironic about the possibility of tumblr's eventual downfall being due to their endless need for Biggering driving the natural wildlife away.
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lazylittledragon ¡ 6 months ago
Question about tattoos, if that's alright! If not, please feel free to ignore this. I have four tattoos, but none were handpokes. I've always been curious about getting one done, perhaps across my hand. Is it truly so painless as you described in the comic? Can you find a professional artist willing to do them? I had one tell me that none would, which was disappointing. Thank you for your time ❤️
based on my experience - YES. it was maybe 2/10 pain for me, it hurt less than getting my ears pierced. it takes a long time and you can kind of feel your skin like. popping. which is a bit weird. i can't say anything about the most painful areas for tattoos but to compare, i have one on my inner bicep next to one of my more painful machine tattoos and i hardly felt the handpoke at all.
you can ABSOLUTELY find professional handpoke artists!!! the idea that you can only get them in someone's dirty basement is outdated, most handpoke artists work in studios and they can be just as clean and professional as machine tattoos. also you can have a nice nap which you don't usually get with most tattoos
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yourgamemasterthewhiterabbit ¡ 4 months ago
Both my parents actually suffer from HORRID emotional dysregulation and are prone to snapping and going into rages. My sister is the same way tbh. I am now realizing this is why they are constantly baffled by the question of whether or not I am mad at them.
I don't have external meltdowns.
I could. I don't let it happen.
I keep my rage on the inside and stay pretty quiet about it. It's just as strong as theirs [physically shaking nose bleed from high blood pressure kind of bad], but like as a kid I saw how terrifying it was to be around [dad breaking dishes, mom putting our lawn chairs into walls] and I just internalized that I wasn't going to wear that anger on the outside.
So my mother genuinely cannot tell if I am just being quiet or if I am silently hearing the dial-up noises of pure rage. This has lead her to both making strong and confident statements like "You are a pacifist who would never hurt a fly U.U" but also acting like I am secretly dangerous maybe... It's because she has never seen me snap.
She knows what her temper is like [throwing chairs through walls], she knows what my father's temper is like [pick up child and toss out door], and she can tell I am being tested, but she doesn't know what happens when I snap or where that breaking point is.
Her -perhaps unhinged- solution to this, my whole life, has been to do things that should obviously enrage me or shut me down completely, like ignoring important boundaries, repeatedly, punishing me for expressing emotions or needs at all, etc... And then to constantly ask me if I am angry with her when I get too quiet [right after near directly telling me to shut up].
It has occurred to me now, they have never once seen me lose my temper, so they literally just can't tell if I am angry at them. My sister is easy, my mother fights and screams with my sister constantly, my mother understands this. My mother doesn't have any grasp of feelings or boundaries that are not screamed at her [apparently, and I fear my sister is the same way]. Her and my sister are close despite constant fucking fighting because they understand each other.
They are trying to get me to engage the same way and it is not working. I realize now that this has been hard for them.
I was so successfully taught to suppress my emotions, by being punished for any outburst, that rage quiet looks the same as any other kind of quiet from the outside. To them anyway.
I did tell her. For the record. I used my words. I did tell her very calmly that my response to rage, in order to avoid doing the things that terrified me as a child, was to simply leave [the autistic urge to GTFO]. When a situation or person causes too much of the dial-up rage noise, I simply extract myself from that situation, up to and including never speaking to a person again. I explained this calmly. I explained it calmly 100 times and I explained that I explain myself calmly as my rage response 1-5 [also pretty much every other negative emotion tbh], and I told her that what came next was me simply opting out and fucking off. I told her this. I couldn't understand why she never took me seriously, or why she never fucking understood.
I couldn't understand what made her like this.
But it's the same problem I have with everyone else multiplied by a factor of 10.
If I am explaining myself calmly, they can't understand that it's actually serious or that I am actually upset. ESPECIALLY because they read me as "female" and women "aren't that rational" so if I am not screaming and crying about something, which I never do, people assume I can't be upset and it isn't serious.
And then after having my boundaries ignored too many times despite having calmly explained how and why it's a problem [shaking inside or not]... I leave. I leave and everyone gets upset like this is unexpected behaviour, even though I told them 50 times that is how I would respond if they kept doing *the thing.*
And for neurotypical people especially, they are expecting there to be a disconnect between what someone says they need or feel and what their actually boundaries and feelings are, and they expect the latter to be demonstrated with emotions. Telling them bluntly you do not function that way somehow never helps?
My mother isn't just looking for normal yelling or a few tears to know I am serious, whether or not I do those either [I don't], she's looking for an explosion to know there's a problem at all.
Fucked if I know how she proceeds through life this way in general or if this is just her expectation of her own kids???
And I couldn't get why my mother couldn't read my emotions and didn't seem to think I have any. It's because she's testing for the rage limit to see where my 'actual' limit is instead of taking my word for it. Never the fuck mind that she could simply *not* test at my boundaries instead of letting me have them. Separate issue.
I couldn't figure out what made her *like this*
She's expecting me to throw a giant meltdown violent tantrum at people when I have 'actually' had enough. Maybe she got away with those being like 5'4" in another time, but I am the size of the average man, I do not get to have giant screaming rages, whether or not people perceive me consciously as a woman, and least of all because a lot of people -at least unconsciously- read me as 'masculine' or at least always "they guy" of the situation compared to all other women and some men [bigger stronger and more rational, more able to just absorb the damage and let it go so the less rational screaming/crying one doesn't have to be dealt with]. Even if it was in me to be willing to terrify people [usually never], there are such limited instances where it wouldn't just blow back on me. Potentially very dangerously.
I am going to be the quiet calm one. You are going to have to let me use my words, bitch.
So she kept ignoring my boundaries until I had to cut her out of my life, and she probably doesn't understand and probably thinks it feels sudden -after 36 long years of bullshit- abrupt and unfair.
But I told her hundreds of times.
I probably should have just screamed at her.
#good stay out of our yard' and he didn't seem to know what to say to that#but other than that I don't think anyone in my adult life has ever seen me turn aggressive at all to the point where people 100% like to#play games of testing my patience and my boundaries because they think my tolerance is infinite#but like I have autistic rage tantrums on both sides of my family and they are just happening inside my head#And somehow it took me until now to realize that being that way was actually -expected- of me by my parents and especially my mother#and that by keeping myself outwardly level headed to be considerate I actually took away whatever signals she can understand#to have empathy for how I must be feeling#I mean it's still all on her#but it makes so much sense of why she's fucking *like this*#And why my sister thinks I hate her just because -she- stopped texting -me-#but that fucking guy#Every time I was like#In my adult life I have screamed at someone ONE whole time and it was 1000% deserved#And I threw heavy objects around one whole other time and in my defense I didn't do it in front of the guy he just felt the ground shaking#heard the thuds and came back to the logs blocking his path because that fucker wouldn't stop parking in our yard after being asked#and then TOLD not to about 10 times because he was acting entitled to just park in our yard and was crushing my plants???#seriously I don't know what his deal was but he wouldn't stop telling me how much the ground shaking scared him like it was supposed#to get my pity like I think this guy took one look at the logs I had just tossed down and was suddenly afraid of this “woman” he was#bullying in their own yard and so my ability to feel bad for scaring him had gone straight out the fucking window#I looked at him and said stop parking in our yard instead of your own you are killing my plants#he'd just fucking be like 'well the last people to live here let us D: :)“ and I'd be like ”good for them?“ ”stop“#and he'd just keep doing it#I was having a week of insomnia and was finally having the best dream#the kind of sex dream you have like twice in your life#and this fucker had just gotten some noisy ass little bike with a spoiler on it#and starts it up right under my window at 3am from IN OUR FUCKING YARD#so I had a nice long anger nap and just after he got home from work and was sleeping in his house#I picked up these chunks of deadwood tree from the back#there was like 3-4 logs that used to be a WHOLEASS fucking oak tree Like these logs were not as heavy as they -looked- but they were still#this fucker deleted half the tags I wrote and I am not retyping that fuck you tumblr so fucking hard
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kihteyu ¡ 5 months ago
“I hate Luz! She’s annoying!” “The show would’ve been so much better without Luz.” “Luz is such a poorly written character.” Bro then why did you keep watching? She’s literally the main character. If you were seething in rage every time she was on screen you can’t convince me you enjoyed watching the show.
Why is she annoying? Why don’t you like her? Is it because she’s a 14 year old who acts like… a 14 year old? Is it because she’s made some minor mistakes? Just like literally every other character? Is it because she’s a girl? A teenage girl? A female who isn’t perfect? A girl with flaws? Is it because she’s a non white female character?
Do you hate when Luz is loud and outspoken but love when Eda or King does it? Do you think Luz is a terrible person but were quick to forgive Amity? Do you think Luz is irredeemable but don’t hate Alador for how he treated his kids? Do you nitpick every little thing Luz does and says but consider Hunter a perfect little baby who can do no wrong?
You’re allowed to not like characters but sometimes you need to take a step back and consider if it’s due to your own biases. If you just don’t find Luz relatable or whatever that’s fine but constantly bashing her over such non issues when you don’t do the same for male and/or white characters is not.
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cinderpaw11 ¡ 4 months ago
I'm sick of DILFs. what about DILAM (dads I'd like to adopt me).
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aces-to-apples ¡ 2 years ago
Frankly I think Alistair being mildly shitty to that mage in Ostagar seems pretty in-character for the guy he is before the massive, life-altering trauma that is the Ostagar massacre wherein he sees all of his Grey Warden comrades, his beloved mentor/father figure, and his beloathed half-brother/convenient-target-of-projection absolutely torn to shreds by literal Thedas boogeymen. IIRC Morrigan and Flemeth both comment on his wack behavior after Ostagar and then by the time we get to Lothering Alistair just fully surrenders any and all responsibility (and, frankly, agency) to the player's Warden for the foreseeable future. It can then take anywhere from a couple IRL hours to the entire second act of the game for him to retake almost any amount of it back. And depending on the player's choices in dialogue, and especially whether or not they choose to romance him, we may only see flashes of that guy we met at Ostagar before he potentially morphs into almost someone else entirely (hardened!King!Alistair). All that to say, I don't actually think it's a useful criticism of "characterization" to bring up Alistair's glibness as compared to his behavior in the majority of the game because from where I'm standing (looking directly at his snottiness about Cailan, his complaints about being assigned to the Tower of Ishal, his Templar-esque focusing on Morrigan and Flemeth being apostates, his generally pretty brusque manner with the Warden recruits) it seems fairly in-line with the rest of his behavior at Ostagar.
#like seriously he's a bit of a dick (more than what becomes usual) while at ostagar#before his world is shattered and his brain (and personality) is completely rearranged by seeing everyone important to him slaughtered#he clings so hard to the warden as a lifeline that he kind of goes full-on fawning mode for a little bit there#just giving up the reins completely and following orders as (imo) a method of coping with massive loss and trauma#throughout the course of the game he recovers somewhat and goes back to being kind of a dick#and/or growing up pretty extensively and becoming a much better and more tolerant person as a whole#but the idea of him being a dick to a mage because he's being moved around like a chess piece rather than a person#by someone who should NOT have the authority to do that and that fuckin ANNOYS him and then this dude's getting all up in his face about it#as if this was HIS decision and then being accused of harassing this random ass dude he could not give less of a fuck about for funsies#and thus him going full obnoxious shithead teenager about it is somehow OUT of character?? for ALISTAIR??? wack#like nah bro i know we all love ali but our vision is being obscured by that love and also how sweet he is in a romance#just being besties with him unlocks an incredible amount of unfiltered BITCHINESS that is fully in-line with ostagar!alistair's shenanigans#dragon age: origins#alistair theirin#by apples#da meta#anyway there's been disk horse on my dash for the last couple days and this is my take on it
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im-still-watching-anime ¡ 5 months ago
one piece is crazy fr like what do you mean you’re following up Everyone’s Dead™️ with Objectifying Women: The Arc™️
#bruh :/#im bout to vent cause im mad about it rn sorry#op fans there are many good elements to your series outside of this and i love u sorry im about to talk shit about it#pls abandon ship now and stop reading my tags to avoid if you want#anyway#once i put a certain amount of time into something i usually commit to finishing it#but this arc is like 👌 this close to making me abandon the whole series like wtf is this#i know i KNOW sexist shit is like practically unavoidable in anime but this is a LOT jesus christ#i want to punch a WALL#like wtf do you think women ARE#i want to attack and kill#everyone who has ever told me that naruto is worse than one piece about women owes me 500 dollars rn#like it’s BAD and i would have been mad about this either way#but i think im extra salty because ive had SO many people praise one piece women at me#and i was like doubtful cause ya know LOOK at them#but i LISTENED because everyone was so insistent the women are good and it’s not bad with that kinda thing#which was a BETRAYAL because seriously wtf is this😤#ughhhhh i CANT watch this HOW am i supposed to watch this#why do i have to watch the creepy island of women cluelessly mess with unconscious mans dick trope i canttttttttt#the answer is i DONT have to watch it and i want to STOP#how are yall watching this i still havent even forgiven thriller barks invisible man nami bath scene#like yall i canttttttttt#my ‘fiction that treats women like shit’ tolerance is too low for this#ughhh really at a loss here because so much time already committed and i was enjoying it aside from this#but i really CANNOT keep watching if the bar gets any lower and idk if it even CAN get lower#sorry sorry okay vent over this just#REALLY pissed me off#cause it kinda blindsided me i think
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alltheoutsinfreeeee ¡ 8 months ago
is there any magical girl anime still out there that doesn't have any fanservice? Shows like Precure, Cardcaptor Sakura or Madoka?
And if there isn't, are there at least any shows where the fanservice isn't with elementary school girls?
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strangerchurby ¡ 8 months ago
Looking for some fanfic recs and would love for our community to help me find a variety of things to put in my back pocket for my bedtime story fixes. What I'm looking for is the general theme of 'Reunited Years Later'. I don't care if it's canon, in fact it's probably better if not given the other desires. Oh, minor note, they should be on Ao3 please, I just work better with keeping track of things there. Which are: Characters: Any combination of Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove (all others welcome around the edges, but one of these three should be MC)
Ships: Let's start with Gen is fine. I love Gen Fic (especially if in this case it's getting people back together for more USD fighting many years later or maybe a 'getting the band back together' theme). But I'm happy to have any combination of the above characters but also Stancy (but only if they were not romantically involved in the years apart), Munver (Jason has to have some background emotional improvement), Hellcheer, Tommy Hagan and either Steve or Billy.
AUs: Bonus points if it's 'getting the band back together' literally or metaphorically, Everyone Lives AUs, drawn back to Hawkins to fight the USD shit again years later, or No Upside-Down but reuniting after becoming successful/settled. Also bonus points if any of the boys has a kid.
Length: Either 4k+ if completed, or any level of WIP (including seemingly abandoned fic. Not that I don't like short short stuff too, but for bed time I prefer at certain length to let the sleepies settle in, and I find that hits at about 4k or more. Rating: Any is fine, but if it's higher rating i'd prefer it not just be a PWP. Any advice anyone has is just the best. Thanks! Just throw a fic name or link in the comments, or reblog with a link. You're all heroes.
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samglyph ¡ 1 year ago
“Nine People you want to know better” tag game
I was tagged by @accirax <3
Last Song: 2012 by Will Wood (specifically the 2020 remastered version). I’ve grown a new appreciation for the Self-ish album after seeing the Real Will Wood (also @accirax I know you liked 6up 5oh so I might rec some of the songs on this album specifically)
Favorite color: Green :) shout out to gold and black right now though really enjoying gold and black atm.
Last Movie/TV Show: I’m counting The Real Will Wood as a movie since I saw it in a theater on a screen but otherwise Percy Jackson
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: savory, sweet, and then spicy.
Relationship status: single
Last thing I googled: James Percival Everett (a relative wants me to buy them a book but that book doesn’t come out for a couple months)
Current Obsession: Murderbot. I am rotating it in my head at all times. Also Will Wood I’ve listened to self-ish like four times today. Sorry. Good news there might be art out of this.
Tag “Nine” People: @thesbians @tubular-toby @sevendeadlyhomunculus @bluejayblueskies @telethiaspawn @cielle-b @fruttaseccx @physical-manifestation-of-spite @demekii and anyone interested but no pressure :)
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tormented-velveteen-heart ¡ 3 days ago
How did you start your New Years Eve?
Me: Bruised the fuck out of both my hands trying to scale a gate and cut up my leg :3
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rohirric-hunter ¡ 5 days ago
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alkeneater ¡ 23 days ago
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every time i go check the clone high tag on tumblr... 😔 he's here.
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