#-on one layer SO heehoo
camotherogue · 9 months
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sneak peek of a guy. hello creepypasta fandom
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
other people: [make art that's meaningful, dynamic, exciting, emotional, at the very least cool to look at, etc]
me drawing for fun: what if I drew my OC standing up straight in 3/4 view over and over with different amounts of clothes every time
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sushiisiu · 2 years
Oh. You want questions? I have one. Unsure if you have ever talked about it, but what do you think of how 2D's personality progressed?
I liked that his character is growing beyond murdoc's influence since the now now, it's long overdue and personally seeing him confident and more smiley makes me happy too. although with the band dynamic in phase 7 i feel like it's never going to be addressed again other than have him be the "endearing idiot" of the group. which sucks because the earlier phases have shown that he can be a character with a lot of depth, like
he's dopey and isn't one to think too deep, but he's /far/ from being shallow and there's tons of moments that show he has his own philosophies and a really rich internal world. he's meek but snarky still and clearly so passionate for the things he likes. you can really feel the love he has for music and zombie flicks anytime the topic comes up, just from the way the way he speaks about them. all of this is brought together by nelson's incredible performance that has him sounding squawky and unique but still not so much that he feels fake.
with the new writing he just feels so... flanderized. like heehoo shrek 2 ora aura oreo...... there's definitely a way to marry the idea of a stuart who's independent of murdoc's that's still a bit slow and weird, but i really don't think the new writing team cares enough to give him that kind of layers. so i guess my feelings on his personality's progression is that They need to get a new writing team
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poppyseed799 · 8 months
I have begun properly looting ancient cities and heehoo it is fun! Forget stealth horror, ancient cities are a puzzle game. I sneak up to where the chests are, assess where all the sensors, shriekers, and chests are, then start calculating what order I have to break things in, where I need to place wool, etc. It’s even possible with less than 10 blocks of wool, and having less wool adds an extra layer to the puzzle. I can loot cities without summoning any wardens, although sometimes things spawn in unfortunate ways that make it so you WILL set off a shrieker at some point, and if you get enough of those then you’re GONNA spawn a warden, but wardens aren’t that bad to deal with either as long as you don’t step on a sensor or walk into a wall/corner. If you have a clear path then even without swift sneak you can outrun wardens by just sneaking away. Just don’t make any noise. I will say I’ve been getting lucky with spawning wardens in open spaces, it is EXTREMELY easy to run yourself into a corner when you have the darkness effect in there.
Very fun looting cities, I know people seem to often say that the best way to loot them is with elytra but you can easily do it with nothing but a hoe (you don’t even need a hoe it’s just most efficient) and at least like 5 blocks of wool. I stand by ancient cities being early game loot the only thing disproving my theory is how damn deep underground they are. Anyways I still cannot for the life of me find out how to get into the little redstone rooms in the center I know there are different ones that spawn but I only know the chest one with the golden apple and I haven’t seen it yet so idk if I’d even figure THAT one out.
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falcatrecon · 2 years
Kinktober day 15
Overstimulation/Sex Toys Heehoo, afab
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Heehoo liked to bring you gifts, mostly stolen property from random campers in the woods. He was generally good about picking things that weren’t going to be missed or were easily replaced, but this box you were pretty sure they’d notice missing. It was honestly designed a little like a treasure chest, and at first you thought maybe it was another sort of picnic basket but when you lifted the lid…
“Did you look inside before taking this?” You looked to Heehoo, who was trying his best to play innocent. Yeah, he knew exactly what he had stolen. You looked back into the treasure trove of sex toys. It looked like more than half used some form of battery or needed to be charged, but you figured you two could sort something out later with that. You sorted through them. Thankfully each layer was separated by a towel. You knew that silicone when left against each other would melt together, making both a mess and rendering the toy useless. They’d last so much longer this way, especially weeding out the toys you two couldn’t use at all. He was a bit big for the ones that were supposed to fit around his cock.
You pulled a couple out and set them on the cloth that made up your nest. You had lube on hand, also long since stolen by Heehoo. You grinned at Heehoo, who had given up the innocent act to watch you intently. You pointed at the makeshift bed. “Lay down.”
He stretched languidly out, as if it had been his idea. You laughed softly, settling between his legs and kissing his thigh. “Good boy.” He was already halfway to hard, always eager to have fun with you. You started simple, mouthing along his shaft, getting him fully interested. You popped the lube open and put a good dollop in your hand before massaging his ass, teasing the ring of muscle open slowly. He whimpered as you worked him open for the toy you had picked out. It was one of the dlidos with a flat base and a small control wired to it, the whole thing just long enough you knew it would reach his sweet spot.
You slowly pressed it in, earning a low moan. You let him get used to it before lightly tugging on his arm, coaxing him to sit up, the dildo’s base resting against the floor. He whined as he shifted his hips, but you distracted him, putting a smaller plug in his hand and leaning back yourself. He grinned and tugged you forward into his lap, forcing your hips up so he could easily see everything. He pressed his fingers in, finding you already wet for him. You could hear him hum happily to himself as he covered his fingers, teasing your tighter ring of muscle open with your own slickness. He didn’t need to work you quite as wide before slowly pressing the plug into you. You squirmed as he leaned down to taste you, tongue exploring your unoccupied entrance. He let up only so he could work his fingers into you, widening you for his size. He purposefully pressed against the plug, teasing you with its motion.
One of the presses managed to find the button, making it buzz into life. You whined in surprise, bucking up into his fingers hard. He had stopped moving and was staring. His fingers shifted inside of you to press lightly against the back wall, feeling the way your inside vibrated. He growled softly, quickly hauling you up into his lap properly. You gasped at his manhandling, still helping align yourself so he could slowly push in. His moan was low in your ear as you settled, the vibration sending you trembling so quickly. He didn’t move quite as quick as he normally did, instead raising you slowly. You were fairly certain part of it was the way the dildo inside of him moved at the rocking of his hips too.
He finally started to speed up, thrusting roughly. You clung to him, riding what he gave, trying not to go over the edge just yet. You still had one more trick up your sleeve that he wasn’t aware of yet and you wanted to properly feel his response to it. You tapped the button on the remote. He howled sharply, slamming you hard onto him as the vibrations echoed through him and against his prostate. He panted harshly in your ear, whining every time his hips moved. He adjusted his hold on your hips, fingers tight, before moving you in earnest. You’d have bruises, not that you cared at this point. Your own fingers dug into his shoulders as you let him use you, feeling every inch of stretch as he pushed you hard down onto him. You orgasmed quickly, muscles tightening hard around him as he continued to chase his own.
He let out another low howl as he pulled your hips as close as he could to his own, and you could feel his dick twitch sharply inside you, the warmth of his cum spreading deep. You whimpered, rocking your hips through your own overstimulation to milk him, to get his own hips to move the vibrations against his prostate again. THat got him to shove his hips upward into you, pressing everything even worse and earning yourself a low whine in your ear as he was long past just an orgasm. You held on, muscles clenching around him again as the movement and your own vibrator got to you. You bit down on his shoulder, earning a soft yelp. You were both so over sensitive you finally managed to work your twitching fingers to shut off his, giving him at least some relief from the overwhelming pleasure.
He let out a long exhale, slowly sliding you off of him, covering your face in soft kisses. You gasped softly as he pulled out, feeling almost empty now. As he worked himself off the dildo you quickly found the button on the plug, going limp in relief. It had felt amazing, but finally your muscles could relax.
You found yourself hauled over to Heehoo, who then curled around you in a big snuggle. You trembled slightly, still a bit sensitive. He had also not allowed you the time to pull the plug out of yourself either. He kissed what skin he could reach, and you could swear he was purring.
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abyssaldyke · 2 years
Working on Space Opera is so fun because on the surface it's like "heehoo goofy road trip dick jokes intricate rituals" and then you go one layer down and it's like "Sal and PK are two very distinct types of self-destructive. Sal, who has manufactured an undue sense of responsibility and devotion to the concept of being 'worthwhile', views her future and therefore future end as an inevitable fixed point that she is trying to avoid reaching for as long as possible, to the point of digging in her heels and freezing the narrative in place around her. Pyrrha, on the other hand, is trapped in a 'God won't let me die' spiral where she beats herself bloody against the walls of the narrative because if she dies then it will all end—the suffering and the joy—and every half measure she takes ends up proving that even the parts she can kill are never really gone because it's all her and it's never going to end."
And then you go another layer down and it's like "and they were lesbians."
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Favorite bs character?
no question
i have this one google docs document where i ranked all of the bs characters, in order, for a prospective video (i’m not actually doing it since i realized it requires me to use my voice and i’m uncomfortable with that right now)
the most impressive thing to me was that i struggled with tons of placements, changed several sets of characters around, with the bottom five fluctuating wildly even before i had to mentally address camilo’s deal, and even the top ones changing around as i asked myself if i really liked lenox more than shoichi
but isol never moved from the top spot. every time i went “nonono no way isol’s my favorite” and tried to move it around i instinctively felt i liked him over whoever i tried to rank him under and wound up putting him right back
i don’t know why i like him this much or where in time i started liking him so much, but i do, and whenever i see an isol player i immediately hope they succeed no matter what other variables are there in the situation, sometimes even if it means i’m gonna die by c-4
i have not actually played him more than, like, twice in erbs and never played him entirely seriously in isbs though. so anyone that disagrees can definitely take it with a grain of salt
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toaarcan · 2 years
What was Teridax’s Damage?
So, I saw this post about Miserix’s characterisation earlier and it got me thinking.
I want to say that first off, I do not like the idea that all of the Makuta were just made to be evil, that they popped out of the antidermis already predisposed to be power-hungry bastards. That Miserix apparently only didn’t try to take over the universe because he had power, and considered aiming for more to be too risky to himself, is boring.
Shit like this is why I maintain that Bionicle is a much better story if you never read Greg’s forum posts and just make your own inferences based on what’s actually in the text.
Still, the notion of the ‘curse’ and some other Greg Canon got me thinking about how they intersect, and I landed more or less at this.
According to Greg Lore, Teridax was destined to take over the MU. This is a controversial element, a lot of the fandom really don’t like the idea that Destiny was so immutable that even the story’s main antagonist was ultimately just following the plotted line laid out by the Great Beings, but there’s a part of this that has the potential to make Teridax significantly more interesting.
There’s some lore floating around- I’m uncertain if it’s been confirmed or not, but I like it so I’m going to for it- that Teridax wasn’t just a Makuta. He was a Great Spirit AI, intended to be given control of a second Great Spirit Robot, but when it became apparent that the planet would blow up before they could even make headway on the construction of GSR 2, the Great Beings just crammed Teridax’s AI into the GSR 1 and hoped that he would absorb the same information as Mata Nui did on his travels throughout the galaxy.
This may have had something to do with Teridax being granted Metru Nui as his region. We don’t have the full details of Miserix’s selection process, and how he decided which Makuta got what, but I would not be surprised if he read it in the stars that Metru Nui was where Teridax belonged. Certainly makes it more interesting than “Terry gets the MU’s most important location because of nepotism.”
I’ve seen it suggested that the purpose of the Ko-Matoran being astronomers and scholars was to make sure Mata Nui was studying the cultures of the galaxy and learning from them, that their observations of the stars and writing it down was how Mata Nui took on and processed that information. Shit just got a little scrambled when sentience was factored in.
Being close to the core processor, and having access to the information that Mata Nui was taking on board would certainly be benefits to giving Teridax Metru Nui.
Still, the whole “Teridax is MU 2 AI” thing does kinda contradict the established canon that Mata Nui created the Makuta within the MU, doesn’t it? Well, maybe not.
First of all, we have Vezon’s multiversal journey. In one of the AUs he lands on, he finds that Makuta is the GSR and Mata Nui is his scheming, ambitious brother. This shows that the Makuta name was something the GBs already had before Mata Nui ever made the species. The difference between this universe and the prime one isn’t just “The names are switched heehoo”, it’s that in this one, they decided to make Makuta the one in control of the GSR 1, and Mata Nui the passenger... and Mata Nui turned out just liked Teridax did in the main universe. Well, as much as we can tell from Vezon’s perspective, anyway.
This is the strongest evidence, IMO, that Teridax existed before the GSR was launched, and before the Makuta species was created.
Also, in this case he’s just called “Makuta”, and it’s not a species name. I’ll get to that later, for now we’re just going to look at Teridax the individual and not worry about his brothers and sisters. The Makuta species is an additional layer I’ll factor in after we’ve got the gist of how this changes Teridax himself.
Layer 1: Teridax the Individual
Here is my theory: Teridax was an AI before he was a Makuta, but he doesn’t remember it. He was crammed into Mata Nui’s brain, and when the Makuta were born, either Teridax slipped in himself, or Mata Nui intentionally tried to give his brother a body so that he could at least live as his own entity.
Still, downscaling from a GSR AI to a regular MU resident had... consequences, and Teridax lost most of his conscious memory of who he had been before. As far as he was aware, he was just a Makuta.
Still, there was a part of him that did remember. The thought that he should’ve been so much more than this would linger in the back of his head for millennia, gnawing away at him. He was a god forced to be small, for reasons he could no longer remember or understand.
Imagine if you were crammed in your entirety into a microbe and made to exist entirely within the body of another human. You weren’t able to understand why, but you knew you were meant to be more than this. Wouldn’t that just drive you crazy?
I don’t particularly like the idea of Destiny being this immutable force within the Bionicle story, I prefer to think of it as just “What the GBs made the characters for, and they’re somewhat predisposed to carrying that out, but post-awakening they’re fully capable of consciously going against it. That said, I have to admit that the idea of Teridax-the-diminished-Great-Spirit makes him way more interesting to me than Teridax-the-generic-evil-overlord-who-wants-power-for-power’s-sake.
It doesn’t really change his characterisation much, but it gives him a lot more depth and explains some of his actions, like styling himself as Mata Nui’s brother post-Cataclysm. There’s also the detail that the GSR AI in the AU Vezon visits is called Makuta, not Teridax. Which brings us neatly to the Makuta species.
Layer 2: The Brotherhood
As stated above, Pre-MU Teridax wasn’t called Teridax. He was just Makuta. Which raises a few questions, not all of which have answers.
Were the Makuta AI and the Makuta species linked before the former became one of the latter?
Did Mata Nui name the Makuta species after the Makuta AI, perhaps?
Are the Makuta species in the Great Spirit Makuta universe called the “Mata Nui species?”
My take on this is that... the Makuta species wasn’t an intentional creation on Mata Nui’s part. Makuta Teridax was intentional, but when his AI was put into the Antidermis pool, it was... refracted, and created 100 different individuals. They were given the purpose of maintaining order and stability within the Matoran Universe, because that was part of Mata Nui’s intent in giving Makuta a body within the MU to begin with: Makuta would take care of the inner workings of the MU while Mata Nui focused on his mission.
Having 100 of them rather than just one didn’t really stop the plan much, but what Mata Nui didn’t know was how badly Makuta’s AI had been shattered by the process.
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This image from Bionicle: World always confused me as a kid. I wasn’t sure why the Makuta were being depicted as three Teridaxes. I mean I got that it was because the rest of them didn’t have designs yet, but now...
I think that this image represents them as they were originally formed. Originally, they all looked like this. When they were born, they were physically identical besides maybe masks. So Mata Nui didn’t realise that Makuta had been broken apart by the Antidermis, he just thought they were multiple incarnations of the same entity.
Still, the reason the Makuta are Like That, the only reasonable way to work in the supposed “Curse” of the Makuta species in my eyes, is that the Makuta species is actually the Makuta AI split across multiple individuals, fragments of the whole who forgot what they were meant to be and were left with a deep-rooted trauma spawned from being forced to be so much smaller than they were designed to be.
Some of them were affected more deeply than others. Miserix, and those that sided with him, were able to find purpose and satisfaction at their lot in life. But Teridax, who contained the largest portion of the original Makuta AI (I’ve always liked to think that he was the first one that emerged from the Antidermis Pool, personally), well, he didn’t take is so well.
And what’s the smoking gun?
This line from Destiny War.
"I... we are the essence of the Makuta species. We know what they were meant to know, but have forgotten. We see the error. The flaws. So much to repair; but it cannot be done. Spherus Magna, the Shattering. The three that must be one; the two that must make them one. He must remember, he must be made to see, or the journey of 100,000 years will be for nothing. He hides beneath, preparing to meet his destiny. We must go there, we must right the wrong. So many wrongs before the Shattering can end." — Antidermis through Brutaka, Destiny War.
The memories of their purpose didn’t just disappear. They were left in the dregs of the pool, and when Brutaka absorbed it, he was possessed by the remainder of the Makuta AI, the parts that did know what they were supposed to be, and they in turn tried to remind Teridax before it was too late.
The “Curse of the Makuta” isn’t that they’re all power-hungry bastards from birth. It’s that them being fragmented and compressed, and losing the memories of their original purpose left them with an intense, unremitting need to try and regain their lost stature that grew and grew.
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spearxwind · 2 years
Honestly it was incredibly fun! Evek is still by far the most fun I’ve ever had (as a player) in dnd. It really helped that the dm was very laid back, go with the flow.
Uh, as an example! After the blood incident, we ended up visiting one of hell’s great cities. The thing was essentially an engine run on soul power, hovering over a pit of lava— if the citizens didn’t give up enough soul energy, then the city would eventually sink, and the main source of soul power is *incredibly* important. It was genuinely a very neat setting. A very neat setting that Evek destroyed about ten minutes after first making landfall.
So, Evek’s number one screaming character trait, the thing he should be posted next to in the dictionary, the thing as intrinsic to him as being itself— he LOVES shiny shit.
We’re escorted into the heart of the city by a platoon of guards. They’re friendly, share some of its rich history with us, tell us that we will need to surrender a little soul in a show of good will— ‘nothing that won’t grow back :)’.
To meet with the leaders of the city, we have to go through the soul room.
Imagine, if you will, a gorgeous ornate room with a floor made of thick multilayered glass. Thick enough, for reference, that you could submerge a bus in it. And at the bottom of that thick, strong layer of glass? That glass meant to withstand a millennia of wear? That glass that could stand up to a dragon?
A giant. Shiny. Ball. Of soul power.
Evek stops. The party continues, carried in their conversations. Two guards stop with him, hover, eventually one— concerned, Evek does not appear to be breathing— asks “Sir?”
Evek turns to him with the biggest grin on his little birdy face, and says a single word. “Shiny.”
He punched through every layer of glass in one fell swoop, landed in the pool of centuries upon centuries upon centuries worth of soul power, and absorbed it all, turning into a miniature god-sun of unfathomable power.
The city sank.
So, uh. Technically, we weren’t the good guys. In fact, measured up to just about any force other than an entire fleet of mindflayer ships, we were the bad guys. I cannot recommend playing an overpowered bad guy enough, even if Evek shaded more to… ‘bad at consequences of actions’ more than he did ‘heehoo evil villian >:)’
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everyothermouse · 3 years
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HEEHOO FINISHED! SEASON 1 GANG! From left to right:
Fun in the air: A wandering spirit of fun who wishes to force everyone to be in eternal party, until they exhaust themselves so much they can join her as a wandering spirit!
The key (Damian): A mad scientist driven to drive down the barriers between the over world and the underworld by creating artificial inbetweeners (those capable of traveling the two realms) and inbetweens (places where the two realms can interacte.) Her subjects are often developing children, including genny’s son, nut.
Deforestation: A confused fairy who lived her whole life in a rainforest and mistook a dessert for a horrific result of human deforestation. She decided to enact revenge by growing a forest there.
Liar Liar (waneta): a lonely young shapeshifter who tries to make friends, by imitating other kids and hypnotizing all her classmates with cookies!
Eyes of gold heart of sand - an angry little shapeshifter who cares about keeping everything perfectly in order in his mommy’s temple! Every skeleton and artifact must be in order, and if you interfere he’ll get so mad he’ll show you what for… by telling on you to his mom!
Eyes of gold heart of sand (revolting from the left to right a little bit- see the large woman sitting behind everyone intimidatingly for this one): an old spirit simply trying to keep her temple in good shape with the help of her small skeleton army. She won’t mess with you unless you mess with her.
There’s no u in team/mystery maze/just my cup of tea (prince): A prince of the uppermost layer of the underworld who becomes obsessed with Peter, and attempts to impress them into dating him using the traditional underworld method… of fighting their group and them.
There’s no u in team (see: the dog behind prince): prince’s pet demon dog! She loves her owner, and will gladly attack or defend anyone he asks her to.
To be human (Benny): A possessed pile of springs in an abandoned trampoline gym looking to shove her springs into a human host, so that she can be a real girl and have fun!
The other side of the mirror (episode name might change not sure): a cursed mood ring which takes on its wearers emotions and traps them in itself, in a dome of that emotion. It sucks anyone else who touches the ring inside as well, and only resets once all have escaped from its grasp.
Here’s the current working order of the episodes each appears in:
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And as a bonus since I couldn’t really draw the beginnings villain, here’s a description!
The beginning - a non sentient growing magical plant which knocks out the city in it’s attempts to swallow it whole. Has 5 major flowers, which must all be destroyed to defeat it!
also for your convenience if this is your first time reading a hunters post, here’s a post with the character sheets of the 4 main characters who these villains are for!
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ceasarslegion · 4 years
Hey actually. as someone with... strained relations with a parent, I'll just say
Endgame really fucked up that final exchange between Howard and Tony
"Dames, it's been like, a year. You've said this alread-" AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN
Endgame did everyone dirty, but the dirty they did Tony really rubs me the wrong way in a more personal fashion. I'm gonna prereq this by saying that it's important to write a traumatized character, it's important to portray emotional abuse on screen as well, especially when that emotional abuse comes from a parent. Tony Stark really connected with me over the last now 11 years, in a way other characters never really have because of that. Because I got to see a character go through trauma and come to terms with a parent who loved him conditionally and was never really there for him at the same time that I was going through the same things, and however y'all discoursers think about Tony, that is important. Howard wasn't something he could just get over, and that was okay. He wasn't a failure for it. He was still a hero, just one with PTSD and an anxiety disorder.
And then Endgame dropped, and Howard Stark, his emotionally abusive father who gave his son a lifetime of inferiority issues, was made out to simply be misunderstood, and a secretly good father by Tony's own words. I, uh... no. No. Stop all up in here. What the fuck?? No!!
Not a single person on that writing team has ever dealt with an emotionally abusive parent, and it fucking shows. Having a moving on scene is all well and good, and some peoole move on by forgiving, but what really hammers the nail in the coffin for me is the complete dissipation of any blame on Howard Stark by the man he abused. That completely absolves him of the long-term trauma he directly caused in his son and the legitimacy of Tony's pain in one fell swoop. Congratulations, you missed the point by so much that you somehow swung your bat at the outfielder's face.
Fuck that whole scene, man. I wouldn't have had Tony cause a scene, but I would've had him acknowledge the pain Howard caused him with some commentary about how his father wasn't the best, how it really messed him up and caused him a lot of pain he's been working on healing from, and when they part ways for the last time, he'd refuse a handshake and say a quite assertive "goodbye, Howard." I'd make sure the next shot had that dirt road in frame so you could see the clear divide between them as Tony walked away, but there'd be that sense that the divide was his choice, that he gained power over his own narrative of tragedy and was able to look it in the face and say "goodbye" as he physically moved on. No "thank you"s because there's nothing to thank an abuser for. No "heehoo he was actually good father because he was worried about being one :))" because Howard, objectively, was a terrible father no matter what his intentions were. Just a "goodbye" because that's all they really deserve from you, and that takes a lot of courage and strength to look that person in the eye and say that to them. That's a narrative of victory; they gave Tony submissive defeat.
For the love of gods great fuck, stop making traumatized characters invalidate themselves and absolve their abusers of any and all faults. I'm usually not so heated about stuff like this, but Tony's been... a really important character to me growing up, and even though I was 20 and on my own and able to fend for myself and all that by the time Endgame came out, that scared, manipulated, gaslit 10 year-old kid who saw Iron Man 1 and saw a part of himself in Tony Stark that gave him some strength and resolve to keep going because if Iron Man could do it he could too felt utterly betrayed. That 14 year-old teenager who was going through the fallout of that abuse, the onset of mental illness, the anxiety attacks and suicidal thoughts who saw Iron Man 3 and saw his hero go through panic attacks, trauma, and mental dysfunction and found untold comfort and cathartic familiarity in that was totally distraught. Fuck, even the adopted 17 year-old who read International Iron Man over and over because woah, Tony's adopted too! And his strained relationship with Howard had an extra layer of complication because society always impressed upon him that being adopted means his parents can do no wrong because they must be patron saints of perfection if they took in a Poor Abandoned BabyTM felt disgusted by the ending they gave that relationship.
Fuck man, is it really that hard to give traumatized characters power over their own narratives and not kill them off for tragedy porn?? Fuck Endgame, Tony's alive and retired and happy with his wife daughter and adopted spider boy in my heart.
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violetsbaudelaire · 4 years
esme, duncan and kit for the character meme!
since this is three i’ll bundle em all up hehe uwu
-How I feel about this character: esme is a dynamite bitch and i love her, the absolute best villain to love. duncan is this precious lil dude who just LOVES journalism LOOK at him he’s so SMALL!!!! PERFECT baby ;w; and KIT!!!! kit,..,., violet’s auntie!!!! kit is such a complicated character i lov her sm (yes i believe violet snicket, do not fight me on this sdgouhsg)
-All the people I ship romantically with this character: *with esme: jacquelyn, olivia (show) (gimmie da lesbianths..,.) *with duncan: KLAUS. little bookworm bois ;w; *with kit: dewey, tbh. really i think kitlaf is nice BEFORE pedolaf decided to go apeshit, but after that im like “hell no ty lol” with kitlaf. dewkit is the best uwu ALSO perhaps beatrice and kit bc.,,,. cuties uwu
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: *with esme: beatrice and esme is prob the best brotp i can think of. just two chaotic women living their fullest lives. causing mayhem. truly the best. *with duncan: carm and duncan and vi and duncan as ive said before - these two r prob trying their HARDEST to bring out the hidden chaotic layer he has. (and they succeed sometimes heehoo) *with kit: beatrice and kit and esme, the power trio. chaos. CHAOS.
-My unpopular opinion about this character: *ESME IS THE BEST VILLAIN IN ASOUE AND SHOULD HAVE KILLED OLAF idfk if that’s unpopular but it’s MY opinion and im DYING BY THIS. *duncan is a soft little boy with an underlying chaotic layer, and will only be feral with the proper prompting. *kit: i think she has long, dark brown hair, blue eyes, some freckles, and wears glasses. she puts her hair up a lot. i do see why ppl see her as blonde but personally i see her as a brunette. uwu
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: esme should have gotten a redemption arc. she’s been thru a lot of pain which has caused her to go full batshit, bless her heart. allow her to answer for her crimes and try to get better. duncan my poor boy, let he and isadora reunite with their triplet brother and their friends in safety. ty. kit shouldnt have died and nobody is allowed to fucking fight me on this.
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