#cracker island better go so fucking hard or im going to be such a little hater
sushiisiu · 2 years
Oh. You want questions? I have one. Unsure if you have ever talked about it, but what do you think of how 2D's personality progressed?
I liked that his character is growing beyond murdoc's influence since the now now, it's long overdue and personally seeing him confident and more smiley makes me happy too. although with the band dynamic in phase 7 i feel like it's never going to be addressed again other than have him be the "endearing idiot" of the group. which sucks because the earlier phases have shown that he can be a character with a lot of depth, like
he's dopey and isn't one to think too deep, but he's /far/ from being shallow and there's tons of moments that show he has his own philosophies and a really rich internal world. he's meek but snarky still and clearly so passionate for the things he likes. you can really feel the love he has for music and zombie flicks anytime the topic comes up, just from the way the way he speaks about them. all of this is brought together by nelson's incredible performance that has him sounding squawky and unique but still not so much that he feels fake.
with the new writing he just feels so... flanderized. like heehoo shrek 2 ora aura oreo...... there's definitely a way to marry the idea of a stuart who's independent of murdoc's that's still a bit slow and weird, but i really don't think the new writing team cares enough to give him that kind of layers. so i guess my feelings on his personality's progression is that They need to get a new writing team
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