y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
Bizzare statement, but Lolth and Corellon as depicted in Evermeet: Island of the Elves are divorce goals for many of the toxic relationships involving my characters.
It's a regular trashfire; my OG dysfunctional, abusive divine family from before the Bhaalspawn obsession kicked in. Throw the whole thing out! Partly why I enjoy using a BG2 tie-in to make my Durge a child of Bhaal and kind of the Seldarine for double the dysfunction, maybe.
Corellon is implied to be a tad obsessed with his gf (not even sure what's happening with Angharradh. 'I declare myself Queen and consort,' meanwhile Corellon's not even looking at her because he's busy looking at Lolth.)
Lolth finds him smothering. Vhaeraun and Eilistraee are neglected. Eilistraee is slightly better treated, but she's also noted to resemble her mother which uhhhh. Eilistraee is 'my child,' Vhaeraun is 'your mother's son.' And even Eilistraee's idea of optimism is; 'if I do something to please father (by recovering one of my mother's lost creations she made for him) maybe he'll divert his attention from obsessing over mother for five seconds and show me an iota of affection!'
Meanwhile Vhaeraun long ago gave up trying and hates them both, and his sister because at least Corellon likes her and Lolth doesn't seem to be physically and verbally abusing her.
"I am Angharradh," the new goddess said in a voice that was wind, moonlight, and music. "From the essence of the three greatest elven goddesses am I born. I am three and I am one—three to ensure that treachery never again enters the heart of a goddess of Arvandor, and one to stand at Corellon's side." Angharradh stooped and touched her hand lightly to Corellon's forehead, and again to his heart. The wounds closed, and the dark aura that clung to him seemed to part. The elf lord opened his eyes at last. They settled, not on the wondrous Angharradh, but upon Araushnee. His gaze held terrible heartbreak and equally strong resolve. "A great evil has entered our midst," he said in a dry whisper. "We must confront it now, for the sake of the Seldarine and all our elven children. The Council is convened. Let any who would, speak freely."
Corellon looked into Araushnee's malevolent crimson eyes, marvelling that he had never truly seen her before. She stood taut and defiant, her fists balled at her sides and her entire slender form quivering from the effort it took her to keep from striking out at him. Where did it come from—this rage, this terrible ambition? "What is this that you have done?" he said softly. "What could you possibly hope to gain by such actions? If there is anything that you lacked, you had only to speak and I would have given it to you with joy." "Exactly," snarled Araushnee. "You would have given. True power is not given, but seized! As to your 'great gifts,' I held in my hands the destinies of mortal beings—but was my own ever mine to command? You treated me like some cherished and cosseted possession, while standing in the way of everything I desired!" "Not so," Corellon told her gently. "Never did I show you such disrespect. I loved you." "And you will yet live to regret it," she hissed.
And then he - instead of killing her as everybody, including Lolth, knows would be the better option for the safety of everyone - banishes her. Fuck the wellbeing of your children - mortal and divine - as well as other mortals of Toril!
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alleesaur · 1 month
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doodling a bunny vs doodling a hare
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Does this count as finding a walrus at your door?
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jdsquared · 1 month
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Walz is a former school teacher, served in the army, and was very pro-active in getting progressive stuff passed in his legislature. Besides codifying abortion/IVF rights, see this list of his accomplishments. A solid pick.
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titleofpersonage-p01 · 6 months
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rivetgoth · 7 months
It's honestly crazy that discussion around testosterone HRT skews so much towards the beginning stages of it (to the point that you have dozens of guys thinking their transition is "failed" if they don't pass by like a year in lol) and what the initial changes of the first couple of months to years look like, like the classic laundry list of those early basic changes like bottom growth, voice drop, etc, when IMO literally none of that compares remotely to the depth and intensity of the long term total masculinization you start to experience like 3-5+ years in.
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geezerwench · 28 days
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In Prince's funky name, amen.
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trainwreckgenerator · 4 months
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a face you'd find on the side of a milk carton
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virtualplushy · 4 months
being traumatized is so embarrassing sometimes like oooogh my mom was mean to me when i was little so now i want to eviscerate myself anytime i think i’ve done something wrong. fuck you
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fuzzballsheltiepants · 2 months
ok looks like we're gonna be doing the same thing, different verse, now that it's Kamala Harris on the Dem ticket instead of Joe Biden.
friendly reminder that one of these 2 people is getting elected. there's not a magical 3rd party person who's mystical and perfectly progressive who is gonna come out of the woodwork and save us. not voting or voting 3rd party isn't a "protest," it's capitulation. so let's do a comparison:
On Gaza:
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I forgot to add to this that Trump also stated he will deport any non-citizen who protests the war in Gaza.
On LGBTQ+ rights:
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On criminal justice:
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On reproductive rights:
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On the border:
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In case you don't believe me re: the last Trump point.
On voting rights:
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On climate change:
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On the working class:
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willgrahamscock · 10 months
1. Yes they have to fight, 2. Tell me who’s fighting who in the tags! (I’ll add the most ridiculous combos in a reblog)
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hausmakes · 5 months
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prokopetz · 27 days
One of the reasons the walrus-versus-fairy thing was so contentious is that not only did the person who originally posed the question strongly believe the correct answer was obviously the fairy, their reasoning for why the fairy was obviously more surprising was that seeing a fairy would instantly refute the validity of human reason as a tool for understanding the universe and bring your entire worldview crashing down. The sensible response is, of course, to point out that people don't work like that, and realistically nobody is going to see something mildly inexplicable and fall to their knees wailing in existential despair unless we're living in an H P Lovecraft novel, but I'm not gonna lie, I'd probably pay money to read a story about a dude having a full on Lovecraft protagonist breakdown in response to seeing Tinkerbell.
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silverskyeline · 1 month
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someone fetch peepaw his robe!!! run him a bath!!!! cook him dinner!!!
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transannabeth · 6 months
if you opened discord’s april fools day loot boxes how long did it take you to get all the items? it took my friend 18 boxes but me 65 and i want to see how bad my luck is
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