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riddle-me-ri · 6 months
I've just found your blog and read just about every penguin x reader I could find man! I gotta ask for more (I'm so sorry if your askbox is closed or anything again so sorry ignore this if it is) how do you think they'd handle a chubby short reader feeling insecure? Since I know you did one for reader comforting the colony on their insecurities
Either way have a good day/night/whenever you read this, take care of yourself, and get hit with the self care and seld love beam or so HELP ME :D
a/n: awww this is so sweet, nothing like reciprocated love and support, cause if there’s any rogue that understands these insecurities it’s definitely a handful of the pengys. I hope you enjoy!
Content Warning: none
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The Penguins Comforting Reader's Insecurities
Arkhamverse Penguin:
- Oswald understands all too well how you feel…
- He wishes he can just get rid of those thoughts for you.
- Oz mostly uses actions rather than words to try and reassure you.
- He will spoil you with clothes that he knows will compliment your body.
- Oz will wrap his arms around you or squeeze you.
- He will solidify his actions with words if he can tell you’re still not convinced.
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin:
- Needless to say, this Oswald compliments you…basically daily.
- He does everything he can to put your insecurities at bay.
- Oz will fill your ears with sweet honeyed words about how much he loves to touch and hold your plump skin.
- He will tell you how your chest is his favorite pillow to nestle into.
- As his words get sweeter, his grip around you gets tighter and he pulls himself closer to you to kiss you.
- Just the warmth and sincerity in his voice may just be enough to make you convinced.
Gotham Penguin:
- Oswald hears you out, and it hurts him to hear how you feel about yourself.
- He instantly wants to know if there’s anyone in particular that said something rude or judgemental to you.
- However, even Oswald himself doesn’t know how to take care of an enemy when it’s their own person.
- Oz will want your full attention when he tells you that he wouldn’t change a thing about you.
- A king always knows what he wants, and he only ever wants the best.
BTAS Penguin:
- Oswald wishes he could find the words that could cease your insecurities for good.
- The way he compliments you is like something straight out of a poetry book or romance novel.
- He holds your hands and squeezes them reassuringly before kissing them, just adoring you the only way he knows how.
- He will spend the whole day with you, never letting you out of his sight.
- Oswald assures you that you're just the perfect beautiful dove and that you two were always meant for each other, no matter what others say or feel.
- Pretty soon, your feelings will slowly be replaced with love and contentment.
Telltale Penguin:
- Ozzie's first instinct is to go fists to cuffs with whoever said anything to you or made you feel that way.
- However, when he realizes it's just your mind…he can't help but understand somewhat.
- He knows what it's like when your mind goes out of it's way to make you feel like shit.
- Oz isn't always the most physical when it comes to affection, but in these circumstances, he pulls out all the stops.
- He rests and nestles his head on your thighs or chests, where else would he rest his weary head if you weren't generously chubby there.
- You shouldn't have to worry about your height, he's got all the height you'll ever need.
- And you'll always be the only person he will ever need.
One Bad Day Penguin:
- Oswald can tell you’re feeling insecure by just how hesitant you become.
- You don’t want to go out sporting a new dress, you don’t want to embarrass Oz, or see people judging you.
- Ozzie racks his brain trying to find a way to make you see what he sees.
- He begins flirting with you, teasingly so, not too far off from how he actually first approached you when you first met.
- You can't ignore the butterflies in your stomach or the soft smile stretching across your lips.
- Out of all the beautiful people that were in and out of the Iceberg Lounge…he only had eyes for you.
The Batman (2004) Penguin:
- Ozzie's first remedy for your insecurities is to make you laugh.
- He’ll make fun of conventionally attractive people and/or skinny people (totally not also because he has a grudge against them)
- They aren't as fun as you are, they aren't as amazingly beautiful inside and out as you…
- Before either of you realize it, he somehow goes from joking to sincere-
- He just wanted to see you smile and happy again, but he means everything he says.
- Ozzie wishes he can more, but he always hopes that his words are enough (they are)
Batman Unlimited Penguin:
- Oswald is hesitant and unsure what to do despite desperately wanting to help…
- How does he reassure someone of something he often struggles with that's only left him bitter and resentful.
- It breaks his heart to hear how you dislike your physique.
- He tries to deter them with his own words, how lucky he feels to have you…(especially…given his own appearance and age…)
- Not to make it about him but as a means to let you know he can understand and relate…
- But he has been able to be more secure in himself because someone as beautiful as you loves him for who he is and what he looks like inside and out.
- And he hopes to return the sentiment tenfold with his words and undying devotion to you.
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parasolids · 4 months
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you can buy an OBD reader for $50 you dont need to go to a shop for it and also if youre just clearing codes you can disconnect the battery (the low voltage battery if youre driving a hybrid/EV) and the code should go away
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hi!!! i'm looking to make fmvs for merlin and i saw your post about the hd episodes... may i have the link? it's okay if not! but thank you!
yes of course! can you please text me? i don't want to post the link publicly, or it might get taken down. (it's my sideblog, so i can't message you myself from this one) also, please tag me in whatever you make. i'd really like to see.. ^_^
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our-flag-means-death · 11 months
fuck you david jenkins..you made me cry over izzy! 😭😭😭😭
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action012xyzcom · 3 months
[18|12] @XyzS - #VideoThumb Next: #Rainbow6 Lvl 123+ #SeasonPass5_100 Next: #OBD #THIEF& #WeekEndWorldVsArena& !commands 4615Sa11UTC
Live on https://www.012xyz.com/channel
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kerakitty · 2 years
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Reason # 1 million that I love the Penguin: The man understands consent.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Of all the fic ideas I never wrote and likely won't that I have the one I really wanted to wrote/might actually do is the OBD AU were Edward is raised by his mother. Part of it is because all my other ideas have a way higher chance to be actually used by someoene else intencionally or not but this one is seems very unlikely to me at least.
But mostly is because Edward's mom was a characther that really stayed with me after reading One Bad Day. And just like everything on that comic not in a good way. There is just something about her absence. How Edward's abusive father is a real person, he is there on flasbacks and he gets a real actual chance to try to explain himself. We see him by Edward's eyes but also by his own. And in a sense the comic is amost apologetic towards him, like he might done it wrong but he really tried his best with the genius kid he loved or something, that it makes sense that Edward being the son of whore would make him more impure and evil and harder to love and I just have no words for how shitty this all is.
But it gets worse because this abusive asshole gets a voice, he gets a chance to explain his side of the narrative. But Edward's mother doesn't. Not to Edward and not to us. Riddler killed her. He was angry and empty and she slept with his henchman (wich the comic points out as if it matters somehow) and he killed her on first meeting and we don't even see her trying to explain. Edward's mother exists as a blood stain on the wall and a dead body for shock value close to bloodied picture of Mary holding baby Jesus because subetly is too hard and we need to let clear she is the mother from the start and add some religious symbolism even if it's sorta meaningless in these context and in the words of a neighboor that might or not have being her client. Her status as a woman, as a sex worker, as poor all appear to be reasons somewhat that this is fine, that her brutal murder was bound to happen, that while she doesn't deserve her fate she doesn't mean and never meant anything more than a bloodstain in wall anyway.
She has no friends. Or if she has they are never mentioned because her neighboor didn't knew about them and Batman doesn't think she has anything to add so he never digs further. She has no partner or at least none went to the police or visited her house and if they did everyone though they were a client. Her only familly killed her the moment they met. She is insignificant. And one of the first things the neighboor says about her is: "saw her spoting a bruise on her cheek on the form of a cop badge" and "no one can save these pepple" and after he compliments her says her clients had taste and that she was nice and babysat his cat. But the bitter taste is already there and the fact that the neighboor didn't include himself on "these people" shows what he was talking about. Her brutal murder was inevitable. The cops woudn't help. Batman wouldn't notice because she didn't matter. Not even for him.
Edward's mother doesn't matter. She might be the cataclism for his change but even in that she has the same value of an inanimate object. Edward appears, screams with her, doesn't let her explain anythjng at all and just kills her. She has no voice. She has no importance. She doesn't matter even for the only thing she does. And it really angers me. It angers me that his dad got a scene that he deserved a moment. It angers me how misoginistic and anti sex work her treatment is but also how devoid of nothing. How a characther that could have changed the narrative, that in papper has a central role, means nothing because potential is irrelevant.
And between that and the idea that an Eddie that was raised by his mother not only might be closer to cannon Riddler in loving puzzles and riddles and not being the most over the top edgylord to ever edgy but instead follow my idea of a Riddler that learns to be unapologitically himself out of spite (this time a thing he learned copying his mother) this really makes me want to write it.
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bitstream24 · 8 months
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Bluetooth OBD2 Scanner and Car Code Reader for iPhone & Android
The FIXD car scanner and OBD app instantly translates 7000+ engine fault codes into plain English on your phone. Wireless Bluetooth connection. Set up in minutes. No car knowledge needed.
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roobylavender · 2 years
on one hand i think g willow wilson's introspection about selina is on the nose for the most part (with some caveats) and certainly an improvement from what most interpretations have made of her in the last few years. but where i think she and ram v (someone else who came close to returning to that post-crisis core for selina) tend to falter is in how they position selina with respect to bruce. modern iterations of the bc relationship generally tend to make the longing and yearning between these two pretty even handed but i think what writers like mindy newell or even bob kane and bill finger understood about bruce and selina is that it was a one-way chase on bruce's part. in the golden age selina was wrapped up in her own world and only ever on the verge of probing that she might feel something for the batman. in pre-00s post-crisis selina was either bent on survival or pulling off grand set pieces so she could make a mark on gotham and the world. sometimes it was both. there was a power play there between her and bruce on occasion where he would intrude into her space and she'd have him on a leash for a quick moment before she suddenly bound away. but whether we're talking about the golden age or post crisis the fact stands that it was bruce who sported the secret bewilderment, the subdued awe, the latent yearning. selina was unabashed and rough-edged and hot-headed and rarely had the time let alone energy to even dwell seriously on something like romance. and newell's selina specifically was never falling head over heels for bruce or setting aside her anger and confusion at his belief in a system that threw away people like her regularly. he intrigued her, but he didn't manage to charm her. he was still an obstacle and a challenge, and she had the control
i definitely understand where the sentiment of wanting to see a softer and lighter selina depicted regularly comes from, bc it's hard to read about a character who struggles and is angry at the world all of the time. but i also think this sentiment obscures that there were plenty of moments pre-00s selina displayed a softness and compassion for the people she was in community with, and it creates this on-page contradiction where she's angry at a system in one breath and all too ready to let it slide in the next when it comes walking to her in the form of bruce. the novelty of selina as she was established by newell in the post-crisis era is that her unapologetic rejection of the system was wholesale. it didn't falter simply bc bruce came parading into her life and dared to challenge her. and selina didn't simply walk away with a quirky word or two. she clawed her nails through his chest, bc even if he was charming, she understood ultimately what bruce was: an arm of the system, even when he didn't want to be. i think that is something that absolutely has to be understood by writers to bring the most compelling version of this relationship onto the page and screen, bc there's no tension there if all it takes for selina's stance and ideology to crumble or momentarily disappear is the fact that bruce likes her and could care about her. it has to take more than that. bruce has to fight to prove to her that he's different. and it has to be him that relents to her world view rather than the other way around
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The one great aim, Why, even Death stands still And waits an hour sometimes for such a will. - Ella Wheeler Willock
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
So we’ve already got daddy!Oz…how do you think the other Penguins would feel about their S/O wanting to call them daddy (or something similar) in bed?
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a/n:  Whelp, looks like it’s time for the pengys to get the daddy treatment lol. This took way longer than it should have, my bad rip. Definitely wasn’t surprised when I got asked for this more than once lmao, some would be into it and some would definitely be confused by it lol. Sorry if some of these are repetitive that’s always likely with these headcanons rip
Content Warning: mildly suggestive dialogue and scenarios related to daddy kinks
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The Penguins with a S/O That Has a Daddy Kink
Arkhamverse Penguin:
Oh, Oswald loves it. 
It's another means to show how powerful he is…in a more intimate way. 
He loves having his baby (boy/girl) perched up on his lap where you belong. 
Whenever you call out to him, he swells up with pride. 
He enjoys messing with you by correcting you. 
"Uh uh uh, now what do we say?" 
He acts annoyed but he loves it when you deliberately disobey…
Oswald enjoys punishing you just as much as spoiling you. 
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin:
I mean…does he need an explanation?
The fandom has already blessed him with this title
As we should because asdfghh Oz is littered with daddy material
So he obviously, really, really enjoys it. 
A proud grin grows on his face every time you call him daddy.
He enjoys spoiling you, especially once he takes over.
You get a power high from being his partner
And he gets one from being your daddy.
Gotham Penguin: 
It takes him by surprise at first. 
Where-where the hell did that come from?
Oswald is genuinely unsure how to make of it. 
He’s all for power dynamics within your relationship…
He isn’t opposed to names like king, master, sir, you know?
It will take some getting used too for sure
The idea slowly grows on Oswald
Will most likely only have you call him that in private though
BTAS Penguin: 
Asdfghjj oswald.exe has stopped working. 
His face is as red as a tomato, stuttering over his extensive vocabulary. 
Oswald isn’t sure what to make of this more…provocative side of you.
He’s not entirely unsure of the concept, it just never occurred to him that he could take part in it. 
He is intrigued however, Oz is always looking for ways to please you. 
Ozzie enjoys spoiling you and praising you.
It takes time but he definitely gets into it.
Especially when it comes to correcting or chastising you for your naughty behavior. 
TNBA Penguin: 
He’s all for it. 
Oswald beams with pride every time. 
He takes to it much quicker than his BTAS counterpart. 
Doesn’t mind if you tease him by calling him daddy in public.
After all he teases you back relentlessly, daring you to retaliate. 
Oz enjoys it when you act mischievous around him and his colleagues…
Much like his BTAS counterpart he does enjoy the private sessions between you two.
Oswald relishes punishing you almost than he does spoiling you.
Telltale Penguin: 
Oh damn right, he’s your daddy.
Oz absolutely eats it up. 
He craves any attention and means to make him feel bigger and dominant (especially after you know…losing everything)
When you first refer to him as daddy, it’s almost impossible to wipe the smug grin off his face. 
I can definitely see him teasing you about it.
Even reminding you of what you call him when you two are in private when in public.
Don’t be afraid to tease back at him though.
Give him something to make him want to prove why he’s daddy in the first place.
One Bad Day Penguin: 
Honestly the best daddy, second to Farrell Penguin.
He adores the attention.
Ozzie likes having you around his finger. 
Oz enjoys praising you and showing you off with your arm linked around his. 
He loves giving you countless gifts; outfits, accessories, etc. and watching you wear them. 
He has no problem letting people know that you’re his baby boy/girl/ or just baby.
Ozzie has no qualms about the dynamic in the bedroom either, it definitely gets him going most nights. 
He’s always ready to tend to you and take care of you again like before. 
The Batman (2004) Penguin: 
Ohhh ohhh boy.
Also one of the pengys that are definitely into it.
He’s definitely aware of the term, but never once imagined it being applied to him in a relationship.
But he is almost delirously into it.
The first time you called him “daddy” his grin was so wide and it never faltered for a moment.
Like Telltale, he’s looking for anything to prove his superiority (albeit consensually with his partner) after losing his family influence. 
You calling him daddy is just the thing to get him going and to make himself feel bigger. 
Will likely refer to himself to you as daddy in third person in public, so hope you’re comfortable with that.
Batman Unlimited Penguin: 
Oswald.exe has stopped working #2
I feel like while this Oz pretends not to care about his age…
When it comes to your relationship, he’s very self-conscious about it. 
Anything that sort of highlights that fact he’s a little weary of. 
You’ll have to explain more about the dynamic and what you find appealing about it. 
Of course, Oz is game for anything that will make you happy.
It will take him a long time to adjust, his face will never not get flushed when you call him daddy.
Slowly but surely, he does grow to like it…it even makes him feel more confident in himself. 
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Keeping Track
Do you ever worry about the safety of your classic cars? With car thefts on the rise, if not for the car then for the hard to get parts. Either way it’s more important than ever to take precautions to protect your vehicle. In this article, we will discuss the use of GPS trackers for car security, a modern solution to this growing problem. Through innovative technology and real-time tracking, you…
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lovesicklobotomy · 1 year
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diyelectricaltech · 1 year
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Hi, do you still have the Merlin BBC in HD, and if so, do you still have an active link to download it? If not, still thank you for the work you have done so far by sharing it until you could!!
hello! it's my pleasure..to have and share it.. i still have it btw.. ^_^ this is my sideblog, so can you send an inbox message? i'll send you the link.. :)
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