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atom-system · 1 day ago
aughfff how dare you!!! /j /silly
your not that much taller than us!!!
my stupid lil object oc <3
i can ask devon if he has them heh
You are the stupid lil object oc./silly/aff
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atom-system · 1 month ago
Nuh uh, all our posts need to be posted right now, immediately, in batches, within half an hour of each other
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pangur-and-grim · 10 months ago
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me and my son
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honeyrolls · 2 months ago
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Cat Tarts
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atom-system · 1 month ago
^w^ <3
And every other mutual I'm too afraid to tag <3 I love you guys /gen /p
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friendship lives in little things and little things make up love. and what is love if not knowing everything about them before you know their name?
just something i made for school on the prompt internet. to my best friends and to my amazing online friends &lt;3
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barghest-land · 10 months ago
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drawings from paleo expedition to dagestan, done right on the trip. sometimes messy when it was cold and rainy, but i won't correct it. i think it's cool to leave it just the way it was done, and not retouch it after. there will be more drawings later, but those will be done from home
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melljam · 4 months ago
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atom-system · 1 month ago
Probably shape shifting chair, got a mind of its own.. making them all comfortable
It could use vocal recognition or something, logging each voice into a special chair-based database associating each contestants with their own chair
could also be a mental state thing, like "how are you feeling" "what would make you the most comfortable here"
For example, of course Gaty would feel comfortable on a couch that closely resembles Two's couch. That's where she likely would be "most comfortable" according to the "couch database" and therefore that is what it shifted into. I guess this could also with the voice recognition "software" listing Two's couch as the most common, low stress location for her
What on earth did I just write [ this is good enough for the main blog atp ]
I just realized
Every character we've seen so far be in One's little room thing has their own specialized chair
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Gaty gets a couch because.. Well, obvious reasons. Basketball's chair kinda looks like a hoop to me?? Idk. Fanny's chair I'm confused on.
Now I'm just wondering 1. Where does she keep these chairs? 2. Does she have a custom chair for everyone?? 3. How does she remember which chair goes to which person-
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miiaoq · 4 months ago
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Neko Atsume 2
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tsuutarr · 5 months ago
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You almost scream when something falls into your basket, certain that you'll have to deal with a large bug. 
You soon calm down when you realize that your sudden visitor isn't a bug, but a tired garden fairy. He leans against your basket, looking worn out, causing sympathy to well up inside you. You push some of the berries inside your basket his way, causing his eyes to brighten.
After that, you've had a little fairy stalker following you around everywhere. But you don't mind – he's cute and harmless, after all. He fits into all your dollhouses and gets full eating just a few berries, so there's no way he's anything dangerous. 
In fact, he helps you out a lot! He makes you tea and helps you clean despite being so tiny. And it's really cute when he sits on your shoulder or gives you little cheek kisses or little gifts! You're still wearing that necklace with an adorable acorn charm he made you.
So of course you appreciate his company. Besides, you've been feeling a little lonely as of late, what with so many of your friends getting sick lately. You're not sure how you avoided the weird stomach bug that's been going around, but you don't really question it.
Because really, why would you ever question it? It's not like you're aware that your new little fairy friend enchanted that necklace of yours to make your friends sick whenever they talk to you, nor are you aware that he's been feeding you enchanted tea to make you more fae than human, hoping to whisk you away to the fairy realm.
Because really, why would you ever doubt him?
He's so cute and harmless, after all.
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atom-system · 13 days ago
Hii! What is a system?? /genq
I've been often seeing this term but I don't fully know what it means, I suppose it has something to do with multiple personalities but I don't wanna jump to conclusions and end up accidentally making people uncomfortable, so if you could explain with details I'd appreciate it ^^
hi! Glad you asked
You're on the right track there with "multiple personalities" but it's a bit more than that.
Important note!
We are not professionals, we know little outside of our own experience. If someone sees this and knows we are sharing misinformation, please correct us!
Systems, in their simplest definition, are when someone has multiple beings [ headmates, alters, whatever they call them ] that inhabit one body.
There is a ton of variation as being plural [ being part of a system/are a system ] is a very diverse condition.
This will likely get long so more info will be put under the cut. If you need any more clarification we are more than willing to provide information.
There's a lot of different types of plurality.
While it's a bit of a controversial opinion [ even though we believe it's entirely true ] there are non-disordered, disordered, non-traumagenic/endogenic, traumagenic, and many other subcategories.
Keep in mind that our syscourse stance will change the type of info we add here. Anti-endos are allowed to use this post for information if they want to but please remember we are traumaendo. And we ask that hate isn't directed at us on this post [ or in general ].
Lets start with:
Disordered traumagenic plurality
I do not know much about this being we are not one. Disordered traumagenic plurality is something that can actually be diagnosed since it is disordered. DID, OSDD, and other disorders can be defined with these labels. Traumagenic refers to how a system has formed by trauma. Trauma is inherently a very complicated topic. Many different situations causing trauma and certain traumatizing experiences nobeing validated as trauma male it this way.
Non-disordered traumagenic plurality
This kind of plurality could be caused by healing from disordered plurality [ losing the symptoms that makes a system disordered ] or not having enough symptoms to consider themselves disordered. Despite it not being disordered it is still just as valid, as are any other types of plurality.
Non-traumagenic/Endogenic plurality
"Endogenic" is a blanket term for any system that formed. Meaning there are many subcategories within the term. It's so diverse that I would suggest doing your own research on specific terms if you want to.
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-PluralPedia. Very helpful, helps with many terms!
-r/plural, r/pluralsystems, r/plural_irl (memes and community), r/pluralmemes (on Reddit), r/DIDinclusivity
-the multiplicity wiki on fandom
-simply plural resource page
[ ^ edited, from @ plural-dictionary ]
[ ^ posts/websites proving endogenic plurality if I remember correctly ]
These sources will be/lean pro endo as that is our stance. You are allowed to do whatever other research you find necessary though.
[ ^ some of our own posts explaining our experience ]
We hope this helped!
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atom-system · 1 month ago
that's a difficult question /silly
>^> 2!!
pick a number 1-2
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spadegeistalt · 1 year ago
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Wapeach! Or as I'd like to call her, Apricot! (Wapricot?)
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chikurevo · 1 month ago
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toastydumpster · 10 months ago
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new to the whole "human condition" thing
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sashayed · 25 days ago
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ive started using a heating pad at my desk (bc of that time i gave myself Flop's Chilblains) which means there's a new warmest seat in the house for the tiniest girl in the world
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