#-- but dior necklaces are COMPLICATED
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girl experiences gender euphoria and is immediately slammed by grief
for @litttlittt <3. this was supposed to be a portrait of caroline hill, but litta mentioned tim looking like janet when dressed as caroline and identity issues and angst and things spiraled
something about tim not knowing if he's his mother's child or bruce's or neither's.
figuring out the looks:

i wanted janet to have that poofy 70s hair
#tim drake#dc#bruce wayne#janet drake#sart#i'm picturing this as transfemme tim hence “he” and also compounding issues about bruce treating him as a daughter#which is exactly the gender validation tim wants and needs but isnt sure he deserves#but this also definitely works for trans tim#she gets to process that she looks like her mom!! and her mom will never get to know her daughter#would she have wanted to know her daughter? even though she showered tim with love when she was around#she barely knew her son#gender idk he's a girl 👍 hope that helps#i went down a rabbit hole looking up vintage dior necklaces -- hopefully something martha wayne wouldve worn#-- but dior necklaces are COMPLICATED#i almost drew pearls but i think that wouldve been too cruel to bruce lol#(a decent amount of my art--even when it's not femme tim--gets tagged 'gender' and i dont know what im going but im glad 👍)
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Read your opinion about L&B, It Is really interesting and I agree :) my question Is why do you think the feanorians did not dare to atack Luthien while she had the Silmaril? This has always been a mistery to me
Hi ! Thanks a lot for your positive feedback!
Your question is a very good one and we can only speculate and come upwith our own answers. I have a few hypothesis of my own, but there’s no way toascertain any of them.
But first of all, I’d like to emphasize the fact that this idea that the Fëanorians did not attack Lúthien once she had the Silmaril is an important part of the plot – I mean, beside the fact that it is a useful narrative tool which allows the second kinslaying to happen in Doriath and to involve Lúthien’s descendants, it is also useful for the characterization of Lúthien and it develops her legend and the way she’s regarded by the other characters.
Anyway, here are my main hypothesis, in no specific order, and please keep in mind that they’re not incompatible and do not exclude one another.
1. The light of the Silmaril enhances Lúthien’s power
It’s hard to assert that the Ainur are actually more powerful in the light of the Trees, but you cannot deny that their relation to light is somehow remarkable. We know about Melian that “the light of Aman was in her face” and that it made her stand out in the dark when Elwë meets her, and this makes me believe that maybe, the Ainur kinda absorb the light; could they feed off on it? I have no idea, but that could be a possibility. This sole question deserves a whole post in itself, and I’m not doing that. Yet, I’ll just point at what is said in the Quenta about Lúthien wearing the jewel:
“And it is said and sung that Lúthien wearing that necklace and that immortal jewel on her white breast was the vision of greatest beauty and glory that has ever been seen outside the realms of Valinor and that for a while the Land of the Dead that Live became like a vision of the land of the Gods, and no place have been so fair, so fruitful, or so filled with light”.
We have the first words “it is said and sung”: no assertion – a legend, a saying, a rumour. No one witnessed it save Beren, Dior and possibly a few elves of Ossiriand. So, who knows? Now, all doubts put aside, this image of Lúthien gives way to many assumptions, including that of her power and the idea that the jewel indeed increases it. “Glory” here doesn’t only refer to beauty or fame, it is really a word that has to do with majesty, if not power. When we speak of the glory of the Valar, with speak of their majesty but also of the very might of their presence. This etymological point is very interesting, so I just drop that here and leave it to that because there would be too much to say. Anyway, it is obvious that the jewel allows Lúthien to enjoy the full might of her power (even though she’s a mortal at this point), and indeed, the sight of her in this situation must have been very impressive… to say the least.
So, we can easily imagine that, with the light of the Silmaril reflecting on her face, Lúthien appears not only lovelier than anything in the world, but also more powerful (after beauty and power are close intertwined n Tolkien’s lore). And maybe she is indeed more powerful while holding a Silmaril. Or maybe she just seems to be more powerful, but that would be enough for the Fëanorians to stand back.
2. Námo roots for her
The Fëanorian must have heard rumours about L&B’s miraculous returnfrom Mandos. They must have guessed that, whatever happened there was unusual, and that she benefited a very unexpected support from the Vala, that same Vala who actually cursed the Ñoldor. There’s no denying that Námo resents greatly the exiled Ñoldor, and surely the latter know they’re in his black book. Therefor if they know that Námo favours Lúthien, they wouldprobably be very careful in their dealing with her.
It could be both of those hypothesis, because in the end, the Fëanorians haven’t met Lúthien since her return, but they’ve heard rumours of her power, of her greatness, of the kind way the Valar treated her. They know just two things for sure: she could be dangerous, but she’s mortal now. Just. Be. Patient.
Which leads to my final theory:
3. The Fëanorians know nothing at all, and the narrator fills the gap
The Fëanorians might not be aware that Lúthien has the Silmaril; They might just know Doriath was ransacked by the Naugrim, and that Thingol’s treasure has been looted, including the Silmaril. So they’re looking for it, but they don’t know where it could be. And indeed, it’s only when Dior inherits the necklace that the Fëanorians learns that “A Silmaril of Fëanor burns again in the woods of Doriath” while the narrator explains that the attack on Doriath is due to the oath waking up when they hear of the “renewal of Doriath and of Dior’s pride”. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me because, well… when Lúthien wore the Nauglamír, if they knew that she did, there would have been something like “a Silmaril burns in Tol Galen”, and the oath would have been rekindled at this point… right? But no, it only happened afterwards.
Moreover I can’t believe that they went for a kinslaying partly because of “the renewal of Doriath”. I mean, even if the Fëanorians had their feud with Thingol, Doriath itself is more a shield against Melkor than an impediment in the war against Angband…they should be somehow relieved to see it back, don’t you think? So yeah, I’m not digging it. Consequently, it is possible that they just didn’t know Lúthien had the Silmaril, and only heard about it when Dior wore it, and Dior refused to surrender it and that caused the Second Kinslaying.
The tricky bit is the actual journey of that Silmaril; there are severalversions which make it hard to follow, so I’ll go for a quick sum up:
In the published Silmarillion: the Dwarves loot Doriath, leave with a Silmaril; Beren and the elves of Ossiriand stop them on their way to Nogrod and Beren gets the necklace back.
In The Nauglafring : after the plundering of Doriath, Huan (stillalive in this version) leaves Doriath and finds Beren and Lúthien,who immediately understand what happened. Beren and his rangers march forth to stop the loiterers at the ford of Aros. Beren kills Naugladur and takes the cursed necklace to bring it back to Lúthien. Gwendelin (=Melian) comes to meet them and “she cried as in amaze beholding the Necklace of the Dwarves that hung about the white throat of Tinúviel”. Also, in this tale, after Dior’s return to Doriath, Maidros (Maedhros) “called to his brethren […] and he said to them how it was known to him that a Silmaril of those their father Fëanor had made was now the pride and glory of Dior of the Southern Vales.” Obviously, it seems theyhad no idea where the Silmaril was before that moment, that is when the “fame of that jewel spread like fire through all the regions of the North, and the Elves said one to another: “a Silmaril of Fëanor burns in the woods of Hísilómë”.” So they discrover the Silmaril with the rumours of the return of Dior.
The Earliest Silmarillion explains how “the dwarves are ambushed at aford by Beren and the brown and green Elves of the wood” and how Beren “takes the Nauglafring”. We also learn that “Melian warned Beren of the curse of the gold and of the Silmaril […] but the Nauglafring remains hoarded secretly in Beren’s keeping.” The idea that he kept it “secretly” is interesting; who knew about it? Surely not the Fëanorians, even though they might think it possible that the jewel is with Lúthien. But would they make war upon her if they’re not sure she has the jewel? I think not. Here, we don’t know how or when they heard of the return of the jewel in Doriath with Dior, only that “after vain bargaining the sons of Fëanor made waron him.”
In the Quenta, Melian warns Beren of the presence of the Dwarves’host; he fights them and takes the necklace. Then, “Melian warned them ever over the curse […] yet the Silmaril they retained”. Dior goes back to Doriath as king, L&B die, Melian leaves to Valinor, and as Dior wears the necklace “the fame of that jewel went far and wide.” And that’s how the Fëanorians seem to have learned about the Silmaril.
The Earliest Annals of Beleriand tell us again that it is Melian whosends Beren to stop the dwarven host; he takes the necklace and keeps it until he and Lúthien die; Dior is king of Doriath, Melian goes back to Valinor and only then “the sons of Fëanor hear tidings of the Silmaril in the East.”
In The Later Annals of Beleriand, Beren again “overthrew the Dwarvesat Sarn-Athad as they return eastward” and he took the Nauglamír and the Silmaril. We also learn in this version that it is after the death of L&B and the departure of Melian that the Fëanorians “heard tidings of the Silmaril in the East, and they gathered from wandering and held council together” which also seems to point toward the idea that they knew not where the jewel was after the ruin of Doriath, because if they did, they would have “gathered from wandering” much earlier and took council to decide if they should attack Lúthien whilst she had the jewel.
The Tales of Years which accompanied the Annals of Beleriand is maybethe more complicated text, since Tolkien rewrote it several times.
the first draft reads: “the dwarves invade Doriath. Thingol is slain andhis realm ended. Melian returns to Valinor. Beren destroys the Dwarf-host at Rath-Loriel.”
The second draft was altered and enriched: “the Dwarves invade Doriath. Thingol is slain and his realm ended. Melian takes Nauglamír to Beren and Lúthien and she returns to Valinor. Celegorm and Curufin destroy the Dwarf-host at Sarn-Athrad in Rath-Loriel, and are wroth to find the Silmaril not there. Dior goes to Doriath.” THIS is an interesting element for many reasons, and in the matter at stake, it means that the Fëanorians knew very early on what had happened in Doriath and they believed that the Dwarves had the Silmaril with them. However, even if they come to realize their mistake, it does not mean that they will understand that the jewel is now with L&B… they could guess it, but again, it would just be a hunch. Do you make war on a hunch? Especially after the vain killing of the dwarf’s host (because obviously they only killed them because they thought they had the jewel…); would they do the same mistake twice?
Likewise, the next stage gives: “The Dwarves of Belegost and Nogrodinvade Doriath. Thingol is slain and his realm ended. The Dwarves carry off the Dragon-gold, but Melian escaped and carried off the Nauglamírand the Silmaril, and brought it to Beren and Lúthien. Then she returned o Valinor; but Lúthien wore the Silmaril. Now Curufin and Celegorm hearing of the sack of Menegroth ambushed the Dwarves at the ford of Ascar and defeated them. but the Dwarves cast the gold into the river, whichafter was names Rathloriel. Great was he chagrin of the Sons of Fëanor to discover that the Silmaril was not with the Dwarves; but they dared not assail Lúthien.” Here for the first time we have hints of the Fëanorians knowing, or at least guessing that Lúthien has the jewel.
The next step is basically the same, but what comes later is relevant: “The sons of Fëanor hearing news of the Silmaril that it is in Doriath hold council.” So, again, they dared not attack Lúthien, butit’s only after Dior’s return that they hold council? Hm. I’m not convinced.
What could we conclude after all this? Well, nothing for sure.
But! we see that nothing guarantee that the Fëanorians knew exactly where the Silmaril was after the sack of Doriath – even in the versions that involve Celegorm and Curufin: the boys were certain they would find it with the dwarves while Melian had it, but when they realise they were wrong, how could they be sure it is in the hands of Lúthien? They can’t. In the versions in which Celegorm and Curufin don’t appear, it seems that they all only learn about the jewel when Dior is back in Doriath, while some elements seem to indicate that L&B would rather keep it secret whilst they have it.
Besides, the narrator’s line concerning their refusal to attack Lúthien could be just an invention to increase her aura, to make her appear, through a simple narrative trick, much more impressive, like, “wow, look! even the fell Fëanorians wouldn’t attack her! The girl must be fucking savage”. (And guess what, it worked.)
Actually, I think that if the Fëanorians had known about it, they’d have sent, at least, an embassy to L&B– after all, in the Naugalfring, they sendCurufin to Dior to discuss the jewel-issue, and in most versions they sentmessages to Dior. I’m pretty sure Maedhros wouldn’t have missed that opportunity to discuss the matter with her, precisely because she’s supposed tobe devoid of greed… but then again, I don’t think they exactly knew what toexpect from her, and of her actual power. So yes, it is possible that theyindeed feared her, precisely because they had little information about her.
There are two main elements that makes me favour that third theoryabout the Fëanorians’ ignorance of the position of the jewel: The first being the recurrent line referring to the fact the oath was awoken when they heard about the Silmaril being in Doriath. If they had known where it was before, why would the oath be awoken only then? The second element is more about the characters themselves, and one in particular… guess whom?
*Curufin*. He had been humiliated by Beren, completely, utterly humiliatedand despoiled. I’ve written enough about this character to have a rather good and full idea of him, and yes it is my own, but come on, don’t you think he doesn’t want to avenge his honour? I actually believe that if he had known for sure that Beren had the jewel, it would have been a very good justification for a gruesome revenge. And he wouldn’t have hesitated to ride to Tol Galen, not only to get the Silmaril, but also to make Beren pay for the disgrace (using the oath to justify it) (Curufin and the art of killing two birds with one stone).
But, those are mere speculations. The more I think about it, the more I believe it could be a bit of all those points that prevented the Fëanorians from attackingL&B. Now you can choose which theory you prefer, or you can come up withyour own 😉 Thanks for your attention!
#luthien#feanorians#silmarillion headcanons#beren#curufin#silmarillion#silmarillion meta#Anonymous#headcanons#ooc
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They're under whole different brands so it's probably just fashion trends for people to be doing neutrals right now and not them being allowed Hobi wore that bright ass LV fit and his Hermès jacket was teal and fashion has been having a weird moment with accessories lately every time there's a red carpet people complain about the lack of accessories especially necklaces people are also questioning if Jimin is signed to Tiff & Co
I like neutral colors and monochrome color schemes! But I really hate brown tones, haha. I hated their color scheme for the 2022 Grammys and their LV suits in general. Thank god they're sort of done with LV. Their AMA suits weren't it either, but thankfully they've been wearing nicer fitting suits lately! Would Jimin be signed to Tiffany&Co as well as Dior? But Dior has tons of pretty jewelry anyway! Tbh, I think BTS are just playing it safe: toned- down makeup, neutral color schemes, nice yet boring suits... Hobi took bigger risks with his outfit choices but that's just his style and, I think, he wasn't under the pressure of representing any brand.
Imo, BTS have a tendency of changing themselves a bit when having to present themselves directly to an American or overall Western audience. This isn't a fair comparison, so don't take it too seriously, but, for example, Twice's English songs sound like "normal" Twice, and their styling and MVs for their English singles are very Twice too (although their sound in general has become a bit less "kpop" and follows American trends more, and they had American concepts like the prom too). The thing with BTS, though, is that so far none of their English singles sound like them, the Butter MV is different from what they usually do, and when they attend the Grammys or other famous events in the US, they sometimes play it really safe with their styling (they generally dress better in Korea). Honestly, this isn't a critique (I've criticized them plenty but I get it now - it's complicated and we make a bigger deal out of it than we should), but it's something I've noticed sometimes anyway, and Yoonmin at Paris Fashion Week felt like that. They've looked cooler, prettier and more fashionable many times before. They/their stylists can do better than this.
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chunky necklaces or chandelier earrings
We cannot go further with this article without mentioning an international fashion icon. She is famous for her elegant turbans and elegant attires influenced by her native land. Her choices for her official commitments really made her stand out from the crowd. Jacqueline Kennedy, wife of late US president John F. Her statuesque figure is impressive in precious fabrics and it is no wonder Huffington Post named her one of their favorite global fashionistas. Some of her trademark looks include her apricot silk bow dress worn for a visit in India and her pink strapless Dior gown worn with long white gloves for a state dinner at the White House. From presidential to royal. Her posture in designer outfits always gets appreciative words from fashion critics.When you are at the side of a head of state, most likely all eyes are on you.
Queen Rania of Jordan was named on Vogue;s best dressed list. These beautiful, elegant ladies have made headlines with their unique styles dictated by their strong personalities. One shoulder or sleeveless dresses are on top of the list, together with bold colors which match her skin tone. Michelle Obama is another name designers and fashion critics love. Her most appreciated looks are definitely the ones in which she wears floor-length gowns accessorized with chunky necklaces or chandelier earrings and no other type of jewelry or embellishment.. She perfectly controlled the simple chicness and illustrated the classic styling advice that less is more. Her image speaks China Custom Lady Sunglasses luxury and it is not a surprise. The best thing about her is that she knows what her assets are and chooses her attires accordingly. Sheikha Mozah is the second wife of the former emir of Qatar. Plain colors, classic designs, but always stylishly styled.
Let;s stick to royalty and move on to another powerful woman. Her silhouette is very feminine and looks great in the midi length dresses she prefers for day time commitments. She kept thing simple and elegant while off-duty. She manages to pull out incredibly stylish outfits with great accessories like pins, necklaces, scarves and belts to outline her waist. We are talking about Qatar here. Throughout history, there have been a few ladies who balanced these issues in such a great manner, that they are considered true fashion icons. She is, above all, a genuinely beautiful and elegant woman. Jackie O (how she was named after marrying Greek magnate Aristotle Onassis) avoided prints or complicated designs and instead opted for feminine plain-colored gowns and classy accessories like pearls, hats, large sunglasses, babushkas, belts and elegant earrings.
This is when it comes in handy to have the skill to make formal wear interesting and to know how to dose glamor in an outfit. Kennedy, could have easily passed as a French woman, if we were to judge only by her stylish looks. The current first lady of the US is famous for her good taste in designer outfits. Many designers, from Karl Lagerfeld to Jason Wu are more than proud to have these iconic women wear their creations. The queen likes to outline her waist and often wears delicate belts along with her dresses, even for red carpet events.
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Jewelry Organizers
The jewellery you're keen on to use, accumulate and luxuriate in tells a colorful tale regarding your manner sense and paints a visible picture with the accessorized you. Nowhere does this grow to be far more apparent than as part of your jewelry organizer. Whenever you look at your assembled jewellery you can see an incredibly private snapshot having a resolved slant. Does your jewellery organizer say Classic/Tiffany, Gypsy/bohemian, Avant-garde/minimalist, Handmade - Hammered Gold or silver jewellery only, or does 1 shade make the boldest assertion as in typically pink or simply just black and white. Just as your non-public jewellery collection speaks to who you happen to be, your jewellery organizer states additional! There is often a fascinating similarity involving your jewellery collection plus your jewelry organizer, or overall schizophrenia. The standard jewellery storage could be the jewelry box crafted possibly by artisan household furniture makers, from specialty hardwood (rosewood, mahogany) or great leather, and that has a crucial for protection. The box jewelry organizer might be inlaid with marquetry or veneers and may use a European background. Some have movable musical parts, including the familiar ballerina, that performs songs as being the ballerina twirls when the box opens. The one drawback on the jewellery box jewellery organizer would be the measurement with the box restrictions the amount of jewellery which can be stored. Jewelry organizers have interconnected departments with small bins and hooks and may dior belt have several drawers to deliver more levels of storage. dior sneakers A lot of are lined with velvet or satin. Other jewelry organizers is often produced from a wide range of softly padded themed material like Asian kimono designs, nation homespun, or French toile designs all fashioned as rectangles, squares, or other appealing or whimsical designs. They're able to have zipper, snap, or Velcro closures. Bohemian jewelry containers are more flowing in their screen and more often combine and chunk pieces rather than obtaining every bit separate from the some others. Place is not limited by a container or box but grows as spontaneously as being the owner wishes. This would make it an ideal jewelry box for legitimate jewellery collectors. Necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings may very well be draped on statues, busts, doorway handles, photograph frames, hangars, or peg boards. Nonetheless other spontaneous nevertheless simple jewelry containers are fishing tackle bins, massive and small glass vases or glasses, a number of trays from silver to bamboo, and even dress sorts. Travel presents a further jewelry box challenge. The theory is always to acquire just some picked jewelry to decorate pre-planned outfits. The more substantial the travel jewelry organizer, the greater complicated the choice turns into. A flat plastic, multi-compartmentalized caddy which can be rolled up in to your little tube and easily packed would be the attempted and genuine well known option. Don't just does it take less house, nevertheless it may be quickly placed into a lodge secure. For your really serious bejeweled traveler, some choose a little baggage trunk specifically built and marketed as being a jewelry box or cosmetic bag. Thanks to the specialty character of the smaller trunk, this offers particular notice over the section in the traveler to be mindful from the trunk continually.
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Tips for Getting Vogue Footwear Online
Acquiring style sneakers on the internet is an choice that many customers are picking presently. If you're also contemplating about shopping for your fashion shoes on the internet, we suggest you know a handful of strategies initial. Getting on line isn't any straightforward occupation, particularly when you find it hard to find footwear that fit your needs. Really, in some cases, a set of sneakers is different from your picture revealed within the seller's site. However, having a couple cautions, you may order your favorite pair within the comfort and ease of the dwelling. Please read on to see more about the information. Types and Trends - If you surf several web sites, you may appear to be aware of about a large amount of traits as far as trend sneakers are concerned. You'll find flat sneakers, boots, sandals, hunter sneakers, slip on sneakers and leather sneakers, only to title a few. Each design has its possess comfort and ease level, truly feel and style. Depending on your mood, you are able to pick the appropriate one particular. The interior Construction - Though the style issue is important, the inside building on the footwear is far extra crucial. Should the shoe just isn't perfectly developed, it may well harm your feet. Furthermore, for a set of sneakers will get more mature, it may well develop into not comfortable for you. Inside the same way, in case the heel will not be thick plenty of, it might arrive from the rubber sole. Ensure you contemplate the internal padding when getting the correct style sneakers in your case. The size of the shoe - With regards to purchasing trend footwear, sizing may be the most critical component. Shoes made from two distinct companies are usually not on the exact same measurement. When shopping for on the net, be sure to get a size chart. This can assistance you know the way to measure the scale of your respective feet the dior necklace right way. The Requirements - You require comprehensive specifications when acquiring your preferred vogue shoes on line. You should know the color, materials variety, and heel size on the sneakers. Around the web-site of your vendor, the photographs of footwear ought to be presented from unique angles. This can allow it to be much easier for you to begin to see the shoes from all sides. Make contact with The seller - When you have any questions regarding the pair that you want to buy, ensure that you electronic mail the vendor. Their reps are going to be more than pleased to reply your inquiries. Normally, you make contact with them by way of a cellular phone quantity or electronic mail handle. The Procedures - Listed here it is rather important that you talk to the shoes vendor with regards to the return or refund guidelines. At times, the footwear you acquire may well not suit you or maybe the colour you received may not the a person you requested. As a matter of actuality, this is certainly amongst the most frequent complications when dior earrings acquiring things on the web. Most sellers will probably be very happy to resend you the right products. The Comment Part - Below the shoe collection web page, you could go through reviews remaining from the previous consumers. The feedback can let you know how happy or unsatisfied the prior consumers were with their purchases. With any luck ,, the following tips are valuable adequate for you to purchase the top manner sneakers from the favored on the net sellers.
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How Minka Kelly transformed from ‘Friday Night Lights’ sweetheart to ‘Titans’ superhero
Don’t name Minka Kelly the woman subsequent door. After all, she appears it — hair all caramel, beachy waves, the strap of a white camisole falling off one tan, sculpted shoulder, distressed denim denims — as she glides towards a nook desk located within the again patio of Tribeca’s Greenwich Resort. And her mannerisms — a Southern-inflected “Hey, candy woman!” as a greeting and a sly smile as she recommends the pappardelle at Locanda Verde for lunch — are charming. However one dialog or informal scroll by way of her Instagram feed, and it’s clear that the 38-year-old actress is a lot extra complicated than Lyla Garrity, her cheerleader alter-ego from “Friday Night Lights.” And now, because the difficult and highly effective superhero Dove in “Titans,” a brand new sequence concurrently streaming on Netflix and DC Universe, the world might lastly witness all the size past her pure magnificence. “I used to be drawn to the characters by simply how flawed they’re,” explains Kelly of her choice to play Daybreak Granger, a okay a Dove, a former ballerina turned crime-fighting superhero who’s joined by Hank Corridor (a okay a Hawk, performed by Alan Ritchson). “Hawk and Dove, specifically, are simply these regular, damaged folks. They’re very co-dependent, and I’m conversant in a co-dependent relationship. I’ve been there. So I’ve this deep empathy for Dove. I feel she would actually quite be within the suburbs along with her man. However, in true co-dependent vogue, she places him first.” Dove is ethereal but in addition grounded, a superhero with wings who received’t — can’t — fly. (Her metallic wings are meant for preventing, not hovering.) Kelly embodies related contradictions in her personal origin story, which sounds prefer it may have been plotted by DC Comics: An toddler born in LA to a rock-star father — Aerosmith guitarist Rick Dufay, who wasn’t a gradual presence in her life — and a mom struggling to make ends meet by working as an unique dancer. A baby who finds stability within the Albuquerque, NM, desert, bonding so fiercely with the household of her mom’s boyfriend that she briefly adopts their final title, Gutierrez. A younger grownup who tries to make it again in Hollywood, working as a scrub nurse by day so she will be able to research performing by night time. And a 30-something who is completed attempting to match the mould of what others anticipate of her — and even of what she expects of herself. “My objective was by no means to be an actress,” says Kelly, explaining that she occurred to tag together with a buddy to an performing class on a whim in her early 20s. However as soon as on the stage, Kelly discovered salvation. Robe, $9,990 at Carolina Herrera, 954 Madison Ave.; “Clarita” sandals, $695 at Alexandre Birman, 957 Madison Ave.; “Neglect-Me-Not” platinum earrings with diamonds, worth upon request at Harry Winston, 701 Fifth Ave.; Rolex Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona 18-k Everose gold watch with sapphires and diamonds, $96,900, and London Assortment 18-k white-gold bracelet with diamonds, $5,470, and 18-k white-gold ring with diamonds, $5,755, all at London Jewelers, 2046 Northern Blvd., Manhasset, LI.Robert Ascroft “I used to be known as on my bulls–t,” she recollects. “My trainer was like, ‘Why are you speaking like that? Why are you trying like this? There’s a lady inside you — let her out!’ I used to be humiliated however felt like she was proper.” The recommendation labored. Kelly quickly started reserving auditions, scheduling them round shifts within the surgical workplace the place she labored. However even after she landed her breakout position on “Friday Night Lights,” she had a tough time letting go of her day job. “My first season, I might name from set in Austin, and the [medical staff] would put me on speaker whereas they have been in surgical procedure. I truly scrubbed in whereas I used to be on hiatus,” says the actress, who counts her 4 years as a scrub nurse among the many proudest accomplishments of her skilled life. (Not content material with merely two careers, Kelly graduated from an intensive culinary-school program two years in the past.) The drive to diversify her abilities was hard-won. “My mother struggled and suffered quite a bit,” Kelly displays. “The whole lot she did, she did as a result of she was so stunning. However as she obtained older and her appears went away, she didn’t have something to do. And that’s why I felt like I wanted to have one thing to do with my arms, the place it didn’t matter what I appeared like.” Her mother, Maureen, died of colon most cancers in 2008 — a time when Kelly’s private {and professional} lives have been skyrocketing. She had simply wrapped “Friday Night Lights” and was fielding plum provides for motion pictures and TV dramas; she was additionally reportedly courting Yankees star Derek Jeter. However Kelly felt misplaced. “I simply had this big gap in my coronary heart.” The subsequent yr, she partnered with In a position, a life-style vogue model that gives financial alternative for struggling ladies across the globe. She discovered catharsis whereas sitting in on a counseling session with ladies attempting to escape the sex-trade trade. “They have been speaking about disgrace, embarrassment, remorse — not wanting their youngsters to know what they did. And I knew why I used to be there. All my mother wished was for me to be pleased with her. And I used to be so pleased with her. As you develop up, you be taught a mother will do something to put a roof over her child’s head. And that doing so, nonetheless you possibly can, is a heroic selection.” In the present day, 10 years after her mother handed away, Kelly has discovered peace along with her father. “We’re shut now. And it’s difficult. However I really feel like I would like him greater than ever … He helps make sense of my childhood.” Whereas Kelly doesn’t have youngsters of her personal — “I give it some thought on a regular basis, however I desire a associate in that journey” — the following era is all the time on her thoughts. This previous summer season, she toured migrant camps close to the Mexican border and directed a brief movie encouraging folks to vote in midterm elections. “It’s not about vote purple or blue. It’s vote in your coronary heart, vote with compassion and vote for the infants who’re going to develop up on the earth you kind along with your vote,” she says, her dark-brown eyes flashing with conviction. These eyes will likely be haunting screens once more this fall. “Titans” has already been picked up for a second season, an announcement that thrills Kelly. “I hit the jackpot with this forged. There’s zero cattiness. It’s all love and assist,” she says of her co-stars. “I really feel so protected with Alan [Ritchson]. It’s like a dream. He’s all the pieces you need in a associate on a journey like this.” The information additionally implies that as soon as she’s polished off her pappardelle, it’s again to the gymnasium for a rigorous schedule of ballet lessons, martial-arts coaching and conditioning. Kelly credit Jason Walsh of Rise Motion with whipping her (and Daybreak) into superhero form. “I like being bodily, and I’m not one to be like, ‘Oh, the stunt double’s obtained it.’ I need to do all the pieces. All of us do.” Whereas Kelly has spent the previous decade repeatedly popping up on superlative lists — she was named Esquire’s Sexiest Lady Alive in 2010 — her on a regular basis model is low-key. “Typically, I’m like, ‘I’ve obtained to step it up!’ However I like snug and straightforward,” she says. The actress is extra drawn to equipment, noting {that a} rose-gold Rolex is one among her prized possessions. “It was a really good present, and I’ll have it for the remainder of my life.” However don’t ask whom the Rolex is from. A couple of bruising information cycles about her previous relationships (together with Chris Evans, John Mayer and “Gray’s Anatomy” star Jesse Williams) have left her tight-lipped about romance. “I’m not courting anybody now,” Kelly says. “However for some cause, for me, issues flip into clickbait craziness, and I’ve been by way of hell. So, now, I don’t say something. You’ll by no means see me with a person on my social media feed. Except I’m married. However perhaps not. I take pleasure in retaining some issues a secret.” With that, it’s a hug, a hair toss and Kelly — the superhero-next-door — heads again by way of the iron-framed French doorways and into the world. Gown, $25,000, bralette, $1,350, and briefs, $1,300, all at Dior, 800-929-3467; London Assortment 14-k yellow-gold earrings with diamonds, $3,480, 14-k rose-gold necklace with diamonds, $5,860, 14-k rose-gold bracelet with diamonds (prime), $4,300, 18-k rose-gold bracelet with diamonds, $9,300, and Chopard Completely happy Sport 18-k rose-gold watch with mother-of-pearl dial, diamonds, rubies and pink sapphires, worth upon request, all at London Jewelers. Robert Ascroft High, $565, and skirt, $3,480, each at Emilio Pucci; “Rosalind” mules, $495 at Sophia Webster; Patek Philippe Calatrava rose-gold watch with diamonds, $39,690, and London Assortment 18-k rose-gold ring with diamonds, $5,595, each at London Jewelers. Robert Ascroft Coat, $4,195 at Dolce & Gabbana, 717 Fifth Ave.; High, $248 at Amur; Briefs, worth upon request at Milly; “Eliza” pumps, $1,020 at Rene Caovilla; London Assortment white-gold earrings with diamonds, $4,195, and Harry Winston Premier Blooming Snow 18-k white-gold watch with diamonds, Paraiba tourmalines and blue sapphires, worth upon request, each at London Jewelers; Platinum necklace with diamonds, worth upon request at Harry Winston; Ring, Minka’s personal. Robert Ascroft Ralph Lauren Assortment gown, $14,000 at Ralph Lauren; “Rose” earrings, $7,600 at Piaget, 877-874-2438; Bulgari Lvcea Tourbillon 18-k gold watch with diamonds, worth upon request at London Jewelers; Perlée 18-k rose-gold bracelet with diamonds and carnelian, $17,600, and Perlée 18-k rose-gold ring with diamonds and carnelian, $7,050, each at Van Cleef & Arpels, 744 Fifth Ave. Robert Ascroft 4 View Slideshow Trend Editor: Serena French; Stylist: Johannah Masters; Hair: Mark Townsend for Dove Hair Care at Starworks Artists; Make-up: Kristofer Buckle at Crosby Carter Administration Share this: https://nypost.com/2018/10/16/how-minka-kelly-transformed-from-friday-night-lights-sweetheart-to-titans-superhero/ The post How Minka Kelly transformed from ‘Friday Night Lights’ sweetheart to ‘Titans’ superhero appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2018/10/how-minka-kelly-transformed-from-friday-night-lights-sweetheart-to-titans-superhero.html
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2017 Academy Awards Fashion Critique
2017 Academy Awards Fashion Critique
Another year and another interesting red carpet turn out. The awards have all been given out but lets see who the real winners were!
The Best
Jessica Biel shone in custom Kaufman Franco. The gilded gown highlighted Jessica’s killer body and showcased her beautiful face. The jewelled neckpiece gave enough drama that there was no need for statement jewelry. The clutch worked. The slicked back hair and light make up showcased how stunning Jessica is. She looked statuesque.
Emma Stone was radiant in this gold Givenchy dress. It fit her beautifully and showed off her frame. The patterns work nicely together towards the tassled flapper-dress-eque bottom. Her hair and makeup are old Hollywood glamour. The only jewelry she wore were earrings and rings and in dress like this, it didn’t need anything else. Perfection.
Bombshell Alert. Taraji P. Henson looked incredible in this blue velvet Alberta Feretti gown. It fit her perfectly. The color was a nice change from the other black dresses we saw. Her smouldering makeup and tangled locks hit all the right notes. Even that necklace was perfect for that neckline.
Leslie Mann turned heads in this mustard taffeta Zac Posen gown. This dress won’t please everyone but it was a bold choice and I loved it. Usually this would be a difficult colour on a blond, but it works on Leslie. The bodice accentuated her figure and the skirt was whimsical and full. Her hair and makeup are the best I’ve ever seen on her. You can see how pretty she feels in this dress.
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The Boring
Scarlett Johansson fizzled in this pink Azzedine Alia gown. The dress itself was alright but not Oscar worthy. The dress was soft and delicate and should not have been paired with clunky and heavy accessories. Why was there a belt? Her hair and makeup look flawless but from the shoulders down it was disappointing.
Kirsten Dunst failed to score any points in this Dior Gown. While the dress had vintage qualities, it swallowed Kirsten’s lean frame. The hair, makeup and jewelry did not match the style of the dress. Time for a new stylist.
Michelle Williams didn’t sparkle this year. Her Louis Vuitton dress was pretty enough, but it didn’t fit her as it should on the skirt. Her makeup and blond hair wash out all her colouring. Yawn.
Ruth Negga wore this complicated Valentino dress on the red carpet. To start, the colour photographed terribly against the red carpet. The actress, only 35 years old, looked matronly with the sheer and lace details. The lace mock-neck and poofy sleeve need to return to grandma’s closet. Her hair, makeup and jewelry looked beautiful.
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The Bad
Dakota Johnson looked foolish in this gold Gucci dress. It was too 'Dynasty' for the star of 50 Shades of Grey. She needed to loose the jewelry considering all that is going on with the dress. And that sad limp bow? It looks like an apron. The back half of the dress is already badly wrinkled. It’s just bad.
I applaud fashion risks but not when they go too astray. Janelle Monae looked perfect from the waist up in this Elie Saab gown. Makeup and hair on-point. The belt looked misplaced and the shape of the dress looked too much like a costume from the Victor & Albert Museum. The patterns fought against each other and it resulted in a mess. I wished this had worked...but it didn't.
Brie Larson failed in this Oscar De La Renta dress. The plunging neckline was too severe for her petite frame. The ruffles took over the entire bottom of the dress. The sandals and hair suggest she just returned from the beach. Not a cohesive look whatsoever.
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PRETTY but also AUGH
girl experiences gender euphoria and is immediately slammed by grief
for @litttlittt <3. this was supposed to be a portrait of caroline hill, but litta mentioned tim looking like janet when dressed as caroline and identity issues and angst and things spiraled
something about tim not knowing if he's his mother's child or bruce's or neither's.
figuring out the looks:

i wanted janet to have that poofy 70s hair
#tim drake#dc#bruce wayne#janet drake#sart#i'm picturing this as transfemme tim hence “he” and also compounding issues about bruce treating him as a daughter#which is exactly the gender validation tim wants and needs but isnt sure he deserves#but this also definitely works for trans tim#she gets to process that she looks like her mom!! and her mom will never get to know her daughter#would she have wanted to know her daughter? even though she showered tim with love when she was around#she barely knew her son#gender idk he's a girl 👍 hope that helps#i went down a rabbit hole looking up vintage dior necklaces -- hopefully something martha wayne wouldve worn#-- but dior necklaces are COMPLICATED#i almost drew pearls but i think that wouldve been too cruel to bruce lol#(a decent amount of my art--even when it's not femme tim--gets tagged 'gender' and i dont know what im going but im glad 👍)#addition +#batman comic#readmore
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