#- thank you for sendiiiing~
captainswife · 7 months
5 and 13 💙
5. TV show of the year?
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Need I say more
13. How was your birthday this year?
It was a bit of everything, really; we had a fun birthday stream, I spent time with the fam, had a mini menty b over the finality of life... yeah! Not to get TMI, but I think most people with their brain chemistry all over the place have an odd connection to their birthday - but alas! It was one of the better ones, of the birthdays in my 20s, if I may say so myself.
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shrapnelsong · 3 years
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@honedtalent​ asked: he knew she'd be sending him something for valentines, but not that she would have her handmade gift delivered to his place all the way from tokyo. white day arrives and he places an order with a local flowershop: a small bouquet of white lilies and pink rosebuds, as well as a box of white chocolates and pink marshmallows to match. "happy white day, sakura-chan~! i'll see you tomorrow ☆"
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     A knock on her door on a Sunday afternoon is quite unusual, and when she opens it to find a delivery of flowers, Alice immediately knows who they’re from. Charmed, she smiles and signs for it, giving the delivery person a nice tip and bringing the gorgeous gift inside. Humming to herself, she finds a glass vase and fills it with cold water enough to keep the stems submerged. Phone in hand, she takes several pictures, both with the box of chocolates closed and opened, trying out different angles and lightings just for fun. She has no intention of actually posting them at first, but they turn out so lovely that she just might...without divulging the sender, of course. They might no longer be neighbors, but she will never underestimate the reach of his fanclub. 
Realizing that she has yet to read the card, she quickly puts down her phone and mentally berates herself for the rudeness, opening the little envelope nestled between two flowers and pulling out the card. Tomorrow? Of course he knows, but is he coming over? A call is only two taps away and she waits for him to pick up with a little flutter of excitement in her chest.
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“Oikawa-san. Thank you so much for the gift! It’s beautiful!” Alice can feel how big her smile is in her cheeks, and she’s sure he can hear it in her voice too. “Am I seeing you tomorrow, though?” 
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ofstarlites · 5 years
“ that’s the greatest thing to steal : a man’s joy ” (Mädchen @ Ceci)
buzzfeed unsolved inbox memes | accepting!
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“Is that right?” She mutters into her curled up fist that she’s leaning her head on. “I’ve never thought to steal anything- but I guess if the man in question where to deserve it, I wouldn’t be exactly opposed.”
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ladychlo · 3 years
i should have KNOWN you were a virgo!!! smart sharp wit artistic sensibility loves dolly parton yeap the signs were all there weeeee happy birthdaaaaayyyyy!!!!! hope today is full of love from those you love <3
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Omg STAHP IT YOU!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU 💕💕🌼 sendiiiing loads aand loads of hugs my dear
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usedstarshard · 7 years
bubblegum, peach, and key lime
thank you for sendiiiing
bubblegum: books or movies? both, but i’d rather watch the movie first to avoid pointless frustration :’)
peach: how do you relax? asmr. really recommend deep ocean of sounds and tony bomboni (although his style takes some time to get used to, his acting is much better than most channels and that makes it kind of less cringe)
send me a flavor ♥
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shrapnelsong · 3 years
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@honedtalent​ asked:  “Did you touch yourself, thinking of me?” [ Sunday Special Starters & Symbols ]
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     With traveling all around the world being an integral part of both their jobs, keeping track of timezones could get quite difficult after a while. Alice was up late, having an important meeting with a client who happened to be in yet another timezone altogether. What upset her the most; however, wasn’t the fact that she was further messing up her sleep schedule, but rather that she was missing one of Tooru’s matches. As soon as the call was over, she pulled up the live feed and managed to see the last few plays, smiling at the sight of his team celebrating.
Sighing quietly, she brought the documents she needed to look over to bed with her and flopped down onto the mattress, reaching for her phone by the nightstand to take a quick selfie and send it his way. [ Congratulations! I only caught the last few minutes, but I’ll watch the entire match tomorrow. Have a goodnight, baby ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁) ]. With a small smile, she set the phone away and started reading. Being tired but not quite sleepy wasn’t the best frame of mind to go through important documents with, but she could at least get a head start. She was turning the page when a notification had her checking her phone again, opening a message from him and very nearly dropping the device.
[ Thanks, babe! I’ll talk to you later, then. Don’t work too hard! ] was a nice, sweet message to receive while working overtime. But the selfie that came with it had a different mood to it altogether. Tooru was still in the team’s uniform, standing in front of a mirror that showed a large bathroom behind him. He was probably about to go take a shower - the last one, if she had to guess by the fact that he was proudly making his long, thick bulge even more apparent with one hand and holding his sweaty top up to reveal his sculpted abs with the other. And if that wasn’t enough, the look on his stupidly handsome face was one she knew well...  One that said I know you want it, but you’ll have to beg for it.
With a big sigh this time, Alice put away the documents and got comfortable in bed instead. Shifting so she was on her side, she looked over the picture again, biting her lower lip. They hadn’t seen each other face to face in a while. Surely she wasn’t the only one feeling this needy. To the point where one suggestive picture of him could take over her brain entirely and leave her incapable of thinking of anything else. So much so that she only realized how long she’d just been lying there pressing her thighs together when another message came in almost half an hour later. 
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[ Did you touch yourself, thinking of me? ] 
Her breath caught in her throat for a second, excitement making her stomach flip. She wanted him so badly, to kiss him, feel his hands on her flesh, have the smell of him lingering on her skin. He knew the effect he had on her, and most of the time, he also knew how she would react to his teasing. Because of it, instead of sending him another message and asking if he was home already, she simply hit the call button, heart racing as it connected and he picked up. 
“Not yet.” She answered without even greeting him, wishing she could have seen his face. Was he surprised? If yes, would her punishment be for pleasantly catching him off guard or for being too daring? Either way, just thinking of it was making her wet. But that was just the beginning.
“Can I..?” Alice asked in a breathy, almost trembling voice, hips squirming as her insides clenched needily. Usually he was the one asking questions and giving orders, so taking the initiative and beating him to it came with a high of its own. And when he did break the stunned silence to give her permission with a hum... it felt incredible too. 
Rushing at this point would be a disservice, so she took her time. Sinking her fingers into the softness of one breast, she pinched gently at the perky nipple, hand continuing its path downwards until finding itself between her legs. Pressing two digits to her center had her whimpering, not at all surprised to find the fabric already wet.
“Did you touch yourself, baby..?” Her question was soft and unassuming, all fond curiosity. Closing her eyes, Alice thought of the picture, thought of him sliding his shorts down and brandishing his cock for her, his tip leaking precum. He could tell her to get down on her knees and suck him clean. She would. Gladly. But that wasn't the focus right now.
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“Are you still hard for me?” Her voice was full of longing and lust, fingers rubbing along her slit through the soaked fabric of her panties, only occasionally flicking at her sensitive clit. “Did you cum already?” Her mind went back to him in the shower now, warm water caressing down his body as he pumped himself to orgasm. Mm, what a waste... 
Having built her own arousal up right to the edge, Alice finally pulled her panties aside, moaning as she teased her little clenching hole, circling it with a fingertip. “Can I cum? Please~?” The sound of his spoken permission hit different, making her hips buckle as she easily slid two fingers inside with how wet she was. “Do you want to hear me cum, baby?” After knowing the pleasure of giving her body away to his masterful self, doing it herself was never quite as satisfying, but it would have to do for now.
For a stretch, all he could hear was her heavy breathing laced with soft moans. If he listened really close, maybe the lewd, wet noise of her fingers going in and out, deep and hard. She wanted to see him. Even just through a screen would suffice - having him watching her fuck herself after being turned on by his picture. And that idea was what pushed her over the edge. “Mmm, Tooru!” Cumming with his name on her tongue, Alice pulled her fingers out and kept gently stimulating her clit until the orgasm had washed over her, sighing contently as her body relaxed.
“I miss you, baby...” She whined affectionately while regaining her breath. “Can’t wait to see you again.”
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shrapnelsong · 3 years
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@kingheld​ asked: "sakurazuka-san," atobe calls out as he approaches, handing her a medium sized bag. "its my gift to you," a soft smile upon his features. a return gift from her own, white day was hectic but he hadn't forgotten about her either. inside contained a box of white chocolate, marshmallow lotion and a small bottle of her zodiac perfume, expensive. to him, it wasn't much but thoughtful.
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     Looking up from her book at the sound of the familiar voice, she smiles and marks the page, rising from her seat to properly greet him as he walks into the student council room. “Atobe-san.” Of course, any gift from him would be luxurious, but she can tell just from the bag it is exceedingly so. “Thank you.” Taking the gift, she offers him a polite and thankful bow, trying not to peek inside it immediately. It’s certainly bigger than what she’d given him, and it feels quite heavy. 
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“Can I open it now?” Since they always arrive early, there’s still some time until they have to start working, and once he’s given his okay, Alice can hardly hide her excitement. The chocolates she leaves for later, but she does take a moment to smell both the lotion and the perfume, sighing at how pleasant she finds them. “They’re very lovely.” They’re not particularly similar to the fragrances she usually wears, but they fit her taste to a T. Also, if he’s gifting her a zodiac perfume, he must know when her birthday is too. Maybe this is why he’s given her so much, then. 
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shrapnelsong · 3 years
@empiia​ asked:  [tenderly] - to tenderly make love to my muse uwu [ Sunday Special Starters & Symbols ]
     Waking up to her lover’s touch is a luxury she’ll never get enough of, sighing contently as Sorun’s caresses follow the curve of her waist, gently coaxing her out of her dreams. “Mmm...” Alice hums in greeting, unable to form actual words just yet but wanting to acknowledge the loveliness of the moment. Her answer comes in the form of a kiss to the back of her neck that makes her entire body quiver.
A pointed look. A grazing touch. That’s all it takes to have her incensed with desire. Sorun’s masterful hands explore the expanse of her with languid interest, stopping at every minute twitch and devoting their entire focus to building her anticipation to a boiling point, refusing to move on until her love and lust have melded together and overflown.
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Normally, she would be crying out their name like a prayer, pleading for more, but not today. “Wait, Sorun...” 
Their fingertips are sunk against the center of her soaked panties, teasing at her clenching entrance when she asks them to stop. They do, of course, and it’s a lot more challenging than she’d thought to keep herself from grinding against their still hand. Swallowing in dry, Alice sits up in bed and steals a hungry kiss before shifting so Sorun is the one lying back.
It’s so easy to get lost in all the pleasure they give her, but today she wants to take a stand, small hands teasing their body instead. “You first...” She declares despite the warmth across her cheeks, fingers caressing down Sorun’s happy trail and then lower, biting a smile when she finds them just as wet. 
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shrapnelsong · 4 years
@honedtalent​ asked: “Snow? More like frozen evil...” [ Winter Starters ]
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     Ever since she was a child, being outside when snow started falling had always been a magical moment. And even now, she can’t help the tiniest gasp when she - as well as a number of people all around them - stops to admire the tiny flakes as they make their slow descent from the skies. Cupping her hand, Alice catches one in her palm, and turns to face Oikawa-senpai with a smile full of childish glee, only to find his face expressing the opposite.
He seems to scoff at a nearby girl’s merry exclaim of it’s snowing!, and makes that sour comment under his breath. “I didn’t know you didn’t like snow, senpai.” She chuckles at finding yet another new side of him - not recalling a moment when she’d ever seen him looking quite this grumpy.
“How about we go grab something warm to drink instead, then?” Alice suggests, indicating a coffee shop nearby. They’d planned to walk around the shopping district together to find gifts for their families, but the change in weather would make it quite difficult. She doesn’t mind it all that much, after all, she’s still spending time with him.
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shrapnelsong · 4 years
@championselect​ asked:  💖 :)) [ send a 💖 and my muse will admit something cute about yours! ]
     “I met Tobias as someone who was in pain and under a lot of stress, wanting to get better responsibly with a looming deadline in sight. I found him honest and hardworking, which are very good traits to have in a patient.” She’d been surprised by his levelheadedness, or at least by how well he seemed to be able to manage how incredibly frustrated he was surely feeling, getting injured right before such a huge tournament. Alice only came to learn later on that it might have been because it wasn’t his first injury, and it only made her admire his posture more.
“I can’t say I wasn’t surprised when I got to watch him playing competitively.” She mused with a small chuckle at the memory. It was her first time attending a tournament, too. While she had plenty of close friends who were professional gamers and had watched them competing before, being there in person was something entirely different. “He always carried himself with confidence, but being in his element really brings it out of him.” A kind way of saying he could be quite smug up there. Certainly not without merit. And if anything, he wore the look really well.
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But the topic was what she found cute about him. “He’s actually a really good teacher! It’s funny because when you think pro-gamer, somehow it’s easy to assume they wouldn’t have the patience to take the time and teach someone else the ropes. But it’s super fun learning a game from him. And the way he shares in your excitement at doing something right is very cute.” 
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shrapnelsong · 4 years
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     This is... so suspicious. Just a huge person-sized box right there in the middle of the way. A cautious person by nature, Alice approaches slowly, but the moment her steps make a noise, someone pops out. Honestly, she shouldn’t be surprised. But she is. He even has a bow atop his head. She can’t help the girlish giggle that escapes her.
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“How did you know?” She grew up not celebrating her birthday, so she never really bothered telling people unless they went out of the way to ask. Some of her coworkers are aware of it merely because of the clinic’s files, but she has no idea how he could have found out.
“Are you my gift~?” Alice asks, voice still fluttery with laughter as she reaches up to adjust his ribbon.
@garrotejima​ happy birthday alice~
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shrapnelsong · 5 years
“I wanna hear you. Scream it again.”
[ sweet filthy things to say~ ]@dxmonicmoon
     Even while being intimate, he often set forth challenges for himself and for her, always seeking to better them in body, mind and soul. She was both used to and glad to follow his lead. He had not only allowed her to grow to her full potential as a warrior but also taught her what pleasure actually felt like. As a kunoichi, sex was just another tool in her arsenal. But with him... 
Her master’s favorite challenge was one of restraint, keeping one’s calm and composure in the face of anything. It was a challenge she consistently failed while sharing his bed. Yuzuriha tried her best to keep herself centered and not succumb to the overwhelming pleasure of having him inside her, but she always broke first into a quivering mess of moans and pleas.
She’d been doing so well this time. She was on her hands and knees, the small of her back beautifully arched for him, his strong hands keeping her hips still as he thrust - steady and deep but slow. Despite wanting nothing more than to push back against him, urge him to go even a little faster, Yuzuriha remained in place, moaning quietly under her breath.
But he was never one to keep the same rhythm for too long. After all, one needed to be prepared for everything. He pushed himself fully inside her, hard and fast, and pushed her right off the edge of her pleasure. Her entire body quivered with the intensity of the orgasm and, without her meaning to, his name escaped her lips. And something in him seemed to snap.
Suddenly, he was pounding into her with abandon, and she had to lower her head to the bed, fingers gripping onto the sheets. “Master, please..!” She couldn’t help but plead. She’d not even climbed down from one orgasm and he was already pushing her through another, the sinking of his strong fingers onto her hips seemingly holding her afloat in utmost pleasure.
His growled order sent a shiver down her spine, another hard thrust that seemed to target every sensitive spot inside her all at once bringing her right to the peak again. “Michikatsu~!”
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shrapnelsong · 5 years
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.@honedtalent​
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⭐️ - Ever since she told them the reason why the volleyball club doesn’t have a manager, Alice occasionally finds herself a little upset over it. And in order to fight off the feeling, she offers to help Oikawa and the others behind the scenes.
⭐️ - While their study group convenes often, sessions at her house are usually reserved for the two of them. He’s the only one who’s actually met her guardian, after all, and that was a challenge in itself. Alice doesn’t think Yohji would react well to more tall handsome 3rd year boys in their apartment. And while he seems to like Oikawa fine, she doesn’t really want to think whether he’s mentioned him to her grandfather or not. 
⭐️ - They text each other a lot and sometimes keep talking late into the night. They’ve both noticed themselves growing somewhat comfortable with being more honest with each other through these messages than they are in real life
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shrapnelsong · 4 years
♡ Kira says “ay girl what’s good”
[ a ♡ for a ship ] - @spacymuses
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y e s p l z ? Gosh, Kira is the ultimate crush!! The moment they met Alice was just “oh... i’m in trouble”. I am totally tagging you on a thing! askjafhajfs Thank you for sendiiiing
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