shrapnelsong · 3 years
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@honedtalent​ asked:  “Did you touch yourself, thinking of me?” [ Sunday Special Starters & Symbols ]
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     With traveling all around the world being an integral part of both their jobs, keeping track of timezones could get quite difficult after a while. Alice was up late, having an important meeting with a client who happened to be in yet another timezone altogether. What upset her the most; however, wasn’t the fact that she was further messing up her sleep schedule, but rather that she was missing one of Tooru’s matches. As soon as the call was over, she pulled up the live feed and managed to see the last few plays, smiling at the sight of his team celebrating.
Sighing quietly, she brought the documents she needed to look over to bed with her and flopped down onto the mattress, reaching for her phone by the nightstand to take a quick selfie and send it his way. [ Congratulations! I only caught the last few minutes, but I’ll watch the entire match tomorrow. Have a goodnight, baby ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁) ]. With a small smile, she set the phone away and started reading. Being tired but not quite sleepy wasn’t the best frame of mind to go through important documents with, but she could at least get a head start. She was turning the page when a notification had her checking her phone again, opening a message from him and very nearly dropping the device.
[ Thanks, babe! I’ll talk to you later, then. Don’t work too hard! ] was a nice, sweet message to receive while working overtime. But the selfie that came with it had a different mood to it altogether. Tooru was still in the team’s uniform, standing in front of a mirror that showed a large bathroom behind him. He was probably about to go take a shower - the last one, if she had to guess by the fact that he was proudly making his long, thick bulge even more apparent with one hand and holding his sweaty top up to reveal his sculpted abs with the other. And if that wasn’t enough, the look on his stupidly handsome face was one she knew well...  One that said I know you want it, but you’ll have to beg for it.
With a big sigh this time, Alice put away the documents and got comfortable in bed instead. Shifting so she was on her side, she looked over the picture again, biting her lower lip. They hadn’t seen each other face to face in a while. Surely she wasn’t the only one feeling this needy. To the point where one suggestive picture of him could take over her brain entirely and leave her incapable of thinking of anything else. So much so that she only realized how long she’d just been lying there pressing her thighs together when another message came in almost half an hour later. 
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[ Did you touch yourself, thinking of me? ] 
Her breath caught in her throat for a second, excitement making her stomach flip. She wanted him so badly, to kiss him, feel his hands on her flesh, have the smell of him lingering on her skin. He knew the effect he had on her, and most of the time, he also knew how she would react to his teasing. Because of it, instead of sending him another message and asking if he was home already, she simply hit the call button, heart racing as it connected and he picked up. 
“Not yet.” She answered without even greeting him, wishing she could have seen his face. Was he surprised? If yes, would her punishment be for pleasantly catching him off guard or for being too daring? Either way, just thinking of it was making her wet. But that was just the beginning.
“Can I..?” Alice asked in a breathy, almost trembling voice, hips squirming as her insides clenched needily. Usually he was the one asking questions and giving orders, so taking the initiative and beating him to it came with a high of its own. And when he did break the stunned silence to give her permission with a hum... it felt incredible too. 
Rushing at this point would be a disservice, so she took her time. Sinking her fingers into the softness of one breast, she pinched gently at the perky nipple, hand continuing its path downwards until finding itself between her legs. Pressing two digits to her center had her whimpering, not at all surprised to find the fabric already wet.
“Did you touch yourself, baby..?” Her question was soft and unassuming, all fond curiosity. Closing her eyes, Alice thought of the picture, thought of him sliding his shorts down and brandishing his cock for her, his tip leaking precum. He could tell her to get down on her knees and suck him clean. She would. Gladly. But that wasn't the focus right now.
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“Are you still hard for me?” Her voice was full of longing and lust, fingers rubbing along her slit through the soaked fabric of her panties, only occasionally flicking at her sensitive clit. “Did you cum already?” Her mind went back to him in the shower now, warm water caressing down his body as he pumped himself to orgasm. Mm, what a waste... 
Having built her own arousal up right to the edge, Alice finally pulled her panties aside, moaning as she teased her little clenching hole, circling it with a fingertip. “Can I cum? Please~?” The sound of his spoken permission hit different, making her hips buckle as she easily slid two fingers inside with how wet she was. “Do you want to hear me cum, baby?” After knowing the pleasure of giving her body away to his masterful self, doing it herself was never quite as satisfying, but it would have to do for now.
For a stretch, all he could hear was her heavy breathing laced with soft moans. If he listened really close, maybe the lewd, wet noise of her fingers going in and out, deep and hard. She wanted to see him. Even just through a screen would suffice - having him watching her fuck herself after being turned on by his picture. And that idea was what pushed her over the edge. “Mmm, Tooru!” Cumming with his name on her tongue, Alice pulled her fingers out and kept gently stimulating her clit until the orgasm had washed over her, sighing contently as her body relaxed.
“I miss you, baby...” She whined affectionately while regaining her breath. “Can’t wait to see you again.”
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