ordinaryxxgirl · 2 days
@championselect asked: ▲ for Mira/Beatrice
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Hopefully, Beatrice doesn't mind Mira grabbing her by the leg and smiling down at her as she fucks her girlfriend into a cock-drunk stupor. After all, that's going to be all they'll be doing that evening!
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discreteblessings · 3 days
P, R, I, M
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P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Mood pending. In heat and needing a quickie? Best pull her hair and churn along. Opened up the good wine? Oh you can count on it being a long, thorough, intense night.
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R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Oh, she's fairly open to most things. But best clear it with her first, you know?
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Refer to the last post!
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M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
For those who know her well? Just grab her by the waist, pull her in, and she'll become putty soon enough. For everyone else? Hope you're cute girl or a guy that's easy on the eyes.
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tacitusauxilium · 9 months
🏆 how long i've been roleplaying for
((I think it’s been at least 11 years this year! I started the end of my freshman year finding all sorts of RP blogs and decided in the summer to give it a shot.
Never looked back since!))
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siiinfully · 10 months
❛  read . - Gavin/Celeste from @championselect
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The ancient Roman series was more like a s.oftcore p.orn, which meant that they had their pick of which scene to re-enact. But Celeste knew what she wanted: the Lupercalia scene between the titular character and the Roman senator’s daughter, who was skimpily clad with golden chain necklaces and a thin, gold belt, her modesty covered by ivory, gauzy fabric.
Somehow, she managed to find a similar costume and lay on their bed, smirking when she saw Gavin. However, she didn’t say anything; instead, she chose to wait for him to approach before crawling over to him and standing on her knees at the edge of the bed.
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
[  LAPDANCE  ] (idol verse)
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[  LAPDANCE  ]  *  my muse gives your muse a lapdance.
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Mukuro couldn't say that she was an expert at lap dancing but she was rather skilled at dancing in general, so she was confident enough to feel like she'd do a good enough job。And here she was, her hips swaying and dipping to the music that she had playing for him, something slow and sensual。
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She honestly hadn't imagined that frequenting a cafe often enough and growing a little crush on one of the employees there would lead her to this。 But she also didn't not like it。
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【 sexual tension prompts 】                      ♡                      【 accepting 】
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electricea · 9 months
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@championselect sent - 🌟💯🌺 ( Small Symbols of Kindness - Accepting! )
🌟 ― I love how you portray your muse(s).
💯 ― Your headcanon posts are always on point.
🌺 ― Simply admiring you from afar.
You know, looking at your blog it really does feel like we've been mutuals for a long time and you've always been someone familiar and someone who I have a lot of respect for. I definitely think it's a shame that we haven't gotten to write or talk much, but if you're willing, I would love to correct that.
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startgamc · 10 months
“ then again , i guess i’m just as happy staying in on a rainy day too … ” arisato shenanigans afoot
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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Dialogue meme. [ Accepting ] @championselect
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"You never liked going out much regardless of the weather." Hamuko made a face, poking his cheek. "I really wanted to catch a movie today, but with the rain coming down like that there's no way I'd make it over there."
She sighed and flopped on the couch. "I guess we can watch Netflix or Hulu or something but it's not the same."
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ordinaryxxgirl · 2 days
@championselect asked: ▲ for Tobias/Leslie
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I hope Tobias realizes that Leslie isn't letting him leave the bedroom until he's knocked her up through all the baby-making mating presses he can stand. And even that might not be enough for this greedy redhead!
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siiinfilled · 2 years
for @championselect​‘s jordan from dahlia verse: main
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“F-fuck!” There was a light crash, her foot having caught the microphone stand and knocked it over. Thankfully, there was no one else in the room, the neon lights casting both of them in an eerie glow. “Sh-shit, Jordan, slow…slow down,” Dahlia panted, though she kept a tight hold on his neck, her arm draped around it. “Someone might hear…”
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
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@championselect​ said:  this is real ,  i’m real .  look at me .
𝑫𝑰𝑹𝑬 𝑺𝑰𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺  .    (   a  collection  of  dire / urgent situation  sentence  & action  starters .   adjust  phrasing  +  ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ  as  necessary .   ) // accepting
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“...no... no you aren’t real. You are...” Fuuka felt her voice quiver in fear, staring at Minato in front of her. “...dead.” She reached out to the boy, not realizing how far away he was to her--she could have sworn Minato was closer to her. And yet...she almost fell forward trying to reach out to him. Tears flooded her eyes as she tried to blink them away, even using her sleeves on her turtleneck to wipe her eyes clean. Everything was blurry, unreal, and she wondered why she was being haunted again.
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“Th-this is a dream! It has to be! Why would you appear in front of me?” Fuuka cried out, watching the figure walk away from her, only saying those two sentences to her. She felt like her legs were molasses, stuck in quicksand, unable to escape. Fuuka wanted him back--she wanted the loneliness in her heart leave her so she could feel complete, WHOLE, again. “No...d-don’t leave me... please, I’ll stay here forever! I-I’ll... I’m yours! Don’t leave!” She screamed, her hands reaching out towards the figure who simply turned around, giving her a small smile, as Fuuka sobbed and tried to crawl towards him out of pity.
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liecoris · 1 year
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"do you want to go to the beach? i know it's a twelve hour drive, but i want to feel the sand under my feet." - Minato/Mukuro
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「Be it twelve hours or twelve days, I'll always go to the beach with you, my darling~」 She did really love the beach and she loved going to the beach with him, so it didn't matter how far away or not the beach would be, as long as he was with her, Mukuro knew she'd have fun。
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「I did order a few new swimsuits to wear to it~」
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【 sweet slice of life 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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siiinfully · 1 year
hours - Tobias/Quinn from @championselect
After days of work, she was looking forward to let loose and have fun. Tobias had promised her both, and she didn’t know him as the type to go back on his word. Quinn was ready and waiting in her living room for him to arrive, wearing a nice pale yellow sundress and cute strappy sandals. Perfect for an entire day of walking and doing whatever it was he had in mind. Hearing the familiar roar of his car engine, she stood up and headed out, waving at him as she closed the door behind her and hurried down the front path. “Hi! Where are we going?” she asked as she slid onto the passenger seat.
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lunaetis · 2 years
gives the pupper some cuddles and treats; good pupper, best pupper.
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[ tackles & hugs you !! cuddles & treats are always welcomed on this blog ! thank you fammmm !! i strive to be a good pupper !! hope you’re doing well on your end friendo !! *shares treats with you* ]
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demonwield · 2 years
META + sword technique
Headcanons and Metas || Accepting
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     To say that Akame doesn’t have a SINGLE sword technique, but rather, an ADAPTABLE one, is an understatement. Throughout her time fighting, Akame went from a specific form of fighting, to learning to ADAPT on the fly, to outplay her foes. She starts off simple: always aiming for KILL shots, but over time, she ADAPTS to throw her opponents off. 
          And she is not ABOVE cheating doing this. 
     When in combat with Akame, the number one thing you should always be doing is guarding your VITALS. As an assassin, her rules dictate how she fights. Even when she had the Murasame, she would not utilize it’s poison unless she felt she TRULY needed. She would fight like the sword in her hand was not enchanted / cursed, and use it as just that: a blade. 
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     At a young age, she started SLOPPY, she was always precise, always FAST, but she had ONE way to fight: on INSTINCT. But over the years, she learned to ADAPT. Her fight with Taeko taught her that she couldn’t rely on just her training: she MUST be  able to adapt, and LEARN from her foes, and because of this, she learned Taeko’s form of combat. Then against Weneg, she learned to off set her timing and path of her blade. 
     But! The fight that taught her the most: was Esdeath. Against Esdeath, Akame Had To Use Everything At Her Disposal To Even Stand A Chance. What does this mean? She tried tricks she had NEVER done before, that even Esdeath had never seen her use. Their first fight, Akame was easy to be read, and she lost for it. 
          She learned, and she adapted. 
               Tricks like  during a CLASH, she released the GRIP of her blade, letting Esdeath’s strike toss the momentum of her blade, spinning around to catch it in her OFF hand, and striking in a reverse manner.
                    Each strike, SWAPPING HANDS to fight. To keep HER GUESSING. 
     Akame is deadly, because she never DOES THE SAME THING TWICE. She learns from EVERY fight, and utilizes every single skill in her disposal to kill you at all costs. And being Ambidextrous? Means it doesn’t matter WHAT arm, or hand, you injure: she can keep fighting. (You best take them off if you want her to DIE.) Atop of this, SPEED is not just her strength: she CAN slow her blade, speed it up, off-set the speed mid way, she’s a WILD CARD of attacks.
     Yet when she first starts a fight, or wants to overwhelm you, she resorts to IAIDO especially: the reason being, is she can normally FAST DRAW her blade before you even have a chance to blink or comprehend what she is doing. She does this for a swift, and merciful, fast end. If you do not fall? Then you are not given mercy. . .she will use other means. Even if that means LAYING YOU TO REST IN PIECES.
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jaakunxkaze · 1 year
”Nothing’s perfect, the world’s not perfect, but it’s there for us, trying the best it can. That’s what makes it so damn beautiful.” - From good ol' Mashu
Fullmetal Alchemist Sentence Meme
✦ ─ ━ Ѕһɩɴоβɩ
There is no such thing as perfect, everything and everyone has flaws that make them special or unique. Chaldea was one of those that every single person if they are master or servant, everyone has a place to belong to and it doesn't matter which period they are from.
❝You always find the good in everything do you, Mashu-san. But I don't think that's a bad thing, especially when going up against our fate there, it's what everyone needs honestly.❞
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elganac · 2 years
[ BARE ] - Leah/Anderson
( prompts that make me go 👀; not accepting! )
[ bare ]: as they get undressed, the sender gently places a soft, tender kiss against the receiver’s bare shoulder.
          “lift your hips for me?” there’s an affectionate pat to anderson’s side as leah coaxes him gently to aid her in the removal of his pants. it was all quite routine at this point — it was a familiar set of actions, and even with the shades drawn closed and only a tad bit of sunlight seeping into the room, she found it rather easy to undress the other, just as he found it easy to undress her. 
          pulling away from a hasty kiss so that she could focus on tugging anderson’s jeans down and away, there’s a playful, giddy giggle that sounds once she’s able to accomplish the task at hand, leah returning to her rightful seat in anderson’s lap once he was just in his underwear. as for her, she was still in her own bra and panties, though with how the straps were sliding down her shoulders, they both knew it’d only be temporary. 
          it was then did she pull anderson back in for another kiss, her hands cupping the sides of his face and neck to bring him closer to her, love and affection radiating from the way she smiled into the kiss. “you missed me, didn’t you?” as if to further tease him, she rolled her hips over the bulge she was straddled on, and in feeling anderson’s hold on her waist tighten coupled with how his breath hitched, she laughs again. 
          it went without saying they both missed each other. beyond intimacy, being apart from each other made the days go back slower, especially for leah who’d gladly take being in anderson’s presence ( even if he was hard at work with shield breakers business ) over being in class. she knew he returned the sentiment, kisses with an antsy fervor peppering along her neck jaw before a single, deliberate kiss was placed on her shoulder. she found herself smiling, a sense of endearment overcoming her as she continued to hold anderson’s face gently, though she quickly realized it was all a ploy to get her to drop her guard once he managed to get her on her back, this time, his own form hovering hers. 
          “you sneak!” she laughs, her legs immediately wrapping around his waist to keep him down to her level. “so that’s how you want to play?” 
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