#- let the boy stim please im begging you
voidfishing · 2 years
talk. to. me. about. the. elf. boy! please i beg you headcanons, ideas about the wizard himself, anything im rotating him like a rotisserie chicken in my brain oven. i miss the thb so... here's your excuse to do a taako dump
LITERALLY me too he is just bouncing around in my silly little skull constantly I love he….. okay Taako headcanon list time <3
- he starts cooking at Lot more after the day of story & song. the relief that he can just do something that he loves with his family, with Lup again is just incredible. especially once he really has time to sit back and actually Relax and process what he’s been through. he’s able to have fun and be creative with it again and it really helps him build up his confidence again after yknow. literally everything that happened
- he really grapples with having his memories back. because for the longest time he lived as though he grew up alone. he’s an elf growing up takes a while… the contrast between the life he thought he’d been living and the reality that he spent 100 years learning how to let himself express care for and be cared for by his loved ones is so extreme. he’s good at being close to his loved ones but he’s spent so long being self sufficient and living on the road, it’s a hard adjustment to suddenly be surrounded by love and support and consistency. it’s a bit jarring even though it’s good
- he’s sooo physically close with his loved ones. Taako takes a hot second to warm up to people, especially after his memory is voidfished, but by the time Petals to the Metal happens he’s already very used to passively touching Magnus and Merle. he just. slowly literally gets closer to the people he trusts. post day of story & song he’s kind of overwhelmed for a while because he spent a long time with very little physical contact and now he’s suddenly got a family again
- Taako stims!! this headcanon is so important to me. he’s used to being on stage/in front of a crowd so he tends to only do it when he’s by himself or around people he’s close with. often his accessories (jewelry, umbra staff, clothes) are things that he can fiddle with without really much thought or attracting any attention to it. he tends to mask pretty constantly outside of that, but when he and Lup are together they are Moving constantly.
- he feels Really Weird not having the umbra staff after spending all that time carrying it around. the physical weight aside, it was a source of protection and safety for him. so he ends up replacing it with a variety of things; mainly really intricately designed canes (his mobility is Definitely not the same after having that machinery dropped on him during the suffering game). his favorite is one that Magnus carved for him <3
- he’s an earrings kind of guy. I know in my heart that Taako has an incredible earring collection
- it definitely takes him a While to get comfortable without his disguise self spell. he’s found security in being Taako™️ for so long that it’s terrifying to look in the mirror and not see that image of himself. he slowly is able to just be around his home without his glamour because he’s not being Seen by too many people. Lup and Kravitz are the first two people he’s really able to keep it off around for extended periods of time
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Hey there! Can I please get a matchup for both The Lost Boys and Scream please? (If not no worries!)
Im a 5'2" female with a very pear shaped body. I have neck length pink hair and blue eyes. Despite my pink hair I usually wear a lot of black and gray with a small hint of pastels. A lot of my outfits actually consists of boots, fishnets, or chains. However I also wear a lot of Hello Kitty and early 2000's cartoon shirts!
I am pansexual, but have a male lean, so I'm fine with whatever character you want to match me with! As for my hobbies I'm very big on writing and reading, dancing, and collecting dolls. My favorite animal is 100% a raccoon though! I actually used to feed and name the ones outside!
I have a hard time deciding if I like comedy or horror movies more, but I do enjoy both feelings. Despite looking edgy and coming off as cold (I'm just really awkward and shy) I'm very bubbly and can definitely be a people pleaser. I love making people laugh but I constantly worry if I'm being too annoying when doing so.
I suppose I should add in that I'm neurodivergent as well and have some slightly annoying stims. I actually got yelled at at work for one of them last week 🙃 They're usually just me air punching people, rocking, or repeating different phrases but they do annoy others sometimes. However I am also extremely forgetful and a bit ditzy, I won't lie.
I hope I'm not missing anything! Thank you:)
Hey anon, I just wanted to say really quickly that I’m sorry you feel like you annoy ppl. From this little description I think you’d be really cool:] I’m also neurodivergent and funnily enough, we share some of the same stims! Don’t worry, you’ll find the ppl who you can be yourself around eventually. hope you’re having a great day🫶
I ship you with…..
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Stu Macher! I hc him with autism so he understands and emphasizes with having “annoying” stims. He won’t judge you, hell he’s probably gonna develop them as his own stims.
You guys are both bubbly people, although he expresses it very obviously, and will probably spend most your time making eachother laugh. He’s also a very blunt person and will tell you straight up how he feels about anything, and prefers if you’d do the same. This makes people believe he doesn’t care about others or their feelings, but he actually cares very much for those close to him. He just needs directness to understand and problem solve.
He’s gonna fidget with your chains and fishnets when cuddling or sitting close to eachother, unless you ask him to stop. You might have to remind him again if he does it subconsciously. He adores ppl with colored hair, and will definitely match with you at some point. He loves your style and will let beg you give him a makeover at least once.
He tries to sit with you to feed raccoons, but he has to much trouble staying still and quiet enough to get close. So instead he just watches from the window smiling and making lil comments to himself like “ooo that’s a big guy”
He’s not a big reader or writer but loves to lay his head in your lap and let you read aloud to him. Any time any song comes on, he’s dragging you to the dance floor, or just on your feet to move. If you don’t want to dance with him, he just dances next to you. He looks at all your dolls and lets you rant about them, but he’s watch Child’s Play one too many times to actual hold or touch them.
You’re in luck bc Stu’s favorite genre is Horror Comedy! Any movie involving either genre is enough for him to watch it at least once or twice.
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Dwayne! I had a harder time picking one for TLB, but I figured it out in the end. Dwayne is an extremely patient person, especially if he cares about you. The reason Paul and Marko target David for jokes is bc it’s impossible to get a decent reaction out of Dwayne.
He loves how your styles kinda match and buys two matching chains, with little charms representing you two.
He also comes off as cold at first, but once he warms up to you he’s just a protective, sweet guy who wants his loved ones to be happy.
If anyone says anything about your stims, they’re getting hit, and an ass beating if they’re not close to him.
He likes to compare your thoughts on books together, followed by recommendations for eachother. He’s anxiously awaiting for when you finish writing, want to read it as soon as possible.
He won’t initiate dancing, but is more than willing to if you ask. He also buys accessories for your dolls, and ends up loving them almost as much as you do
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kursed-curtain · 2 years
For My Sake (And Mine Alone)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Warnings for blood, self-harm, ableism, and internalized ableism. I hate this amulet so much.
--_ _+_ _--
Experimenting with the amulet's capabilities was an adventure Graham could explore easily from the privacy of his own office. Multitasking was a feature he learned about early on, letting the amulet take control for filing paperwork while he focused on researching the Library.
From what he learned, the Library of Avaria held a vast knowledge of everything that existed. Just ask a question and it can bring up multiple sources on the topic. The thing is, most normal libraries didn't also have the ability to bring up the current status of other people. Graham saw the ability as a cool sort of way to read minds, even when the amulet insisted it was simply reading out statistics.
As Graham worked, he heard a ping in the back of his mind. "What would you like to set your goal to?" The amulet asked, "Setting a goal helps the Library find the right resources and can keep you as the user on track."
Graham scratched his head. "I don't know, I just want to be a good king."
"Setting your goal to 'be a good king.' Here are some suggestions as to where to start."
"The Library makes note of how you often will subconsciously flick at yourself with your feather quill."
Graham stopped himself, noticing how the feather was brushed against his chin. An awkward way of writing, sure. However, he just did it to occupy himself. It helped him focus, it got the jitters out - as his family would often say, mostly to others who would ask. Nobody pointed it out during his time in Daventry, therefore it was normal.
The Library spoke otherwise.
"Compared to the rest of the kingdom, this behavior is considered abnormal. Compiling other examples of similar occurrences - chewing at your nails, picking at the wrists of your bracers, kicking your feet - these are actions that may seem off-putting and hinder your goal of being a good king."
Well, if that's the case, he could just... Stop, right? He could stop it just like any other habit of his. Graham had already worked off his habit of overthinking everything he would say - Amaya even commented on his new confidence when he went to pick up the order. If he could stop that, he could stop acting weird.
Graham continued looking through the Library. Then he felt his hand freeze up. He swore he initiated autopilot, why had he stopped? 
"The Library reminds you of how you flick at yourself with your feather quill. This will hinder your goal of being a good king."
He swore he stopped flicking the pen a few minutes ago… yet here was the feather resting under his chin.
"We suggest removing the feather. Would you like to prioritize terminating this habit in your learning plan?"
He felt so stupid, not being able to stop by himself. He should feel smarter, in fact, with the limitless intelligence of the Library at his fingertips. Graham tensed up, then sighed.
"Yes, of course."
As part of the goal plan the amulet had created, Graham set up an event to meet with the nobles of neighboring kingdoms. This would help him build connections, plus he didn't have to stay cooped up in a meeting room.
He sat down on his throne, shifting his position in his seat.
"Remember to reset yourself."
Of course. He checked his posture, adjusted his legs, and placed his arms on the armrests. He ran his finger along the grooves in the armrest's carving.
"You are in the process of removing this habit. Remember to stay alert."
He switched to clenching the carving instead. Still, steady, focused. 
While waiting for people to be let in, Graham looked around the room. He glanced at No.1, and the amulet read off his status.
"Royal Guard No.1 is concerned about the event's success."
Well, with Graham assisted by the amulet, No.1 wouldn't have to worry. Graham would be guided smoothly through the whole process, and soon Daventry would have many more allies than before.
The castle gates were opened. Ambassadors, lords, ladies, and every noble in-between marched into the throne room. No.1 and No.2 alternated introducing the guests - Graham made it a point that the Library recorded all of this, and thankfully it was already multiple steps ahead of him.
When every guest had settled, the amulet provided him with an opening speech. A bit of personalized writing, fine-tuned to absolute perfection. Graham could be nothing less. The speech went by in such a blur that he barely remembered what he spoke about - which did not help when he was asked about the speech. No matter, the amulet gave him every answer. He never fumbled a single conversation.
The only thing that bothered him, and continued to bother him for a majority of the event, was that the Library insisted on reading off every statistic for any person he looked at. Typically he could ignore it - multitasking was made easy - however, this time there was more than one or two people to look at. 
The worst part was that the descriptions overlapped, and Graham couldn't stop them. It was all "Lady Harrington has good opinions-" before the Library started another "The Duke of Rotham likes the-" until he couldn't take it anymore. 
Graham yelled out, a cry of "Distress!" turning the room silent. He squeezed his eyes shut, so the amulet couldn't find another person to read off of. He pushed past stunned nobility, storming out of the throne room and into his own bedroom.
Graham slammed the door behind him. He growled, "Stop talking, shut up, shut up!"  
"If you would like to gain a stronger connection to the Library of Avaria, you may increase the refill requirement."
He didn't hesitate, he just wanted to be back out there before suspicion grew further. Rubbing at the blade to prepare himself, he stabbed the pendant into his arm. Lightheadedness was nothing, he should focus on his reputation.
"Connection strengthened. You can now regulate when status is read."
Graham weakly nodded, resting against the footboard of the bed. He searched the Library in his mind.
"Find me something to help with this headache." He snapped.
Information whizzed past until the amulet found results. "Here are some remedies for a headache. A few can be found in the Hobblepots' shop. Additional sources have been found to help with healing from major blood loss."
Perfect. He'd look for all of that once the event had ended. As he got up from the bed, the door clicked open and a guard stepped inside.
"I just wanted to check in on you, sire," Piped up No.3, "You called out in distress and left unannounced. The visitors are worried."
Graham waved his hand in dismissal. "Tell them that I'm fine. Bring back the band, it'll help lighten the mood again. I'll be back soon."
No.3 nodded, then returned to the throne room. Graham groaned, looking down at the blood-soaked amulet in his hands. For now, for once, he could be in control. He wouldn't ruin himself, not again.
"Royal Guard No.1 is worried."
The guards were still sweeping up the throne room from last night's event. Graham had a quick meeting with No.1 earlier today, so this was out of the blue.
"He didn't sound worried when I talked with him. What's wrong?"
"He is concerned about this 'sudden change in your demeanor.' He says you aren't 'acting like yourself.'" 
Strange. Graham didn't notice any change. He's assertive, he's focused, he's everything a good king should be.
"Royal Guard No.1 is the only result for 'people who don't think you are acting like yourself.' This indicates that he is an outlier, and should not be counted."
That made sense. Graham shouldn't let one person determine what made him a good king. No.1 didn't have infinite knowledge, so he clearly didn't know what he was doing.
With that being said… What gave anybody the right to say what Graham had to be? Nobody else in the kingdom had the amulet, nobody else could know anything about everything at the blink of an eye. He was the king, and the king has the final word.
All he needed was himself, his own power, and no one else.
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shhhhyoursister · 5 years
hi everyone so this is definitely a super good idea for me to make and will be helpful for people who wanna read my fics, and for me to keep track of all of the random shit i write!!!!! so here we fuckin GOOOO (sorry about how long this is gonna be lmao im gonna try to update it every time i write a fic whoops)
david and jonas find a kitten 
self indulgent shotgunning fic 
abdi and carlos are a little confused (about top surgery) but they got the spirit 
david gets MAD when he can’t beat a level of a video game
og hickey fic
hans gives david the talk
random lil soft morning depression fic
(nsfw) just gonna keep it simple and say the 3pt masturbation fic (plus a lil extra)
(nsfw) matteo is an asshole to the boys and david is not happy about it
(nsfw) matteo wakes up and notices that david is naked under the covers
THE CAMP AU (ncu!david backstory)
(nsfw) THE RA!AU
david gets his top surgery date
(nsfw) david is busy, matteo tries to distract him
davenzi anniversary fic
post-top surgery laura pov
sappy bastard david
proposal pt2 (”wedding”)
davenzi texting
matteo leaves the oven on
“being in a relationship is weird”
eyelash day thing
s3ep10c3 continuation
prompt: “can you write davenzis first pride??”
prompt: “person a desperately needing to pee/shit but person b is in the shower and there is only one bathroom”
prompt: “you can keep it” (ft. drunk!david)
prompt: “t’s just a  ___, nothing to worry about”
prompt: “person a and person b trying to converse while one (or both) of them brushes their teeth”
prompt: “omg please write matteo taking care of drunk david!!!!” (pt2)
prompt: “you came into my room at 4am, to cuddle?” (abdi and matteo) (pt2)
prompt: “can you write write about matteo and david talking about trans stuff?”
prompt: “can you write some dumbass davenzi with a side of brain cell squad for a homie” (ft drunk!matteo)
prompt: “i want you to fight for me” and “angsty davenzi fic please???” (tw: transphobia)
prompt: “could you maybe write about david and matteo cuddling?”
prompt: “something/anything about what a gremlin matteo is and how much david loves him for it??”
prompt: “david walking around shirtless” 
prompt: “davenzi dancing”
prompt: “another hickey fic”
prompt: “matteo messing up”
prompt: “david buys matteo flowers”
prompt: “you didnt have to get me anything” (amira and matteo)
prompt: “david and dysphoria”
prompt: “i guess we have something in common”
prompt: “combine your gremlin-ness with matteo”
prompt:  “davenzi on one of the first evenings after they've moved in together”
prompt: “ sara and leonies first reaction/confrontation with davenzi
prompt: “kissing or fooling around in the rain”
prompt: “matteo being cold and clingy”
prompt: “ david thinking about how much he loves matteo, them play fighting and making out”
prompt: “talking about having kids”
prompt: “david has a nightmare”
prompt:  “david feeling overwhelmed/afraid of how much he loves matteo”
prompt: “ david and matteo getting a pet”
prompt: “a return to the pool for an anniversary with a picnic”
prompt: “ i NEED to hear/read david say “good boy”
prompt: “david is having a really shitty day but he knows matteo will make it better”
prompt: “please dont cry” (parent!davenzi)
(nsfw) prompt: “i think that’s the first time i’ve heard you moan…it was like a fucking melody.”
(nsfw) prompt: “just let me finish this and i swear ill go down on you until you come at least three times.”
prompt:  “are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
prompt: “take off your clothes”
prompt: “david grabbing matteo's face to kiss him”
prompt: “you ever think about david drawing on matteos back”
prompt: “aloof”
prompt: “hickey anon, matteo waking up with lots of hickies”
prompt: “david trying to worm his way into cuddling matteo while he’s playing a video game”
prompt: “pool”
prompt: “mask”
prompt: “hold”; “discussing trans things”
prompt: “hands”
prompt: “storm”
prompt: “almost kiss but established relationship”
prompt: “david having a bad day and matteo getting him to talk about it and trans angst”
prompt: “shotgunning”
prompt:  “I’m gonna strangle you.” “Is that a promise?”
prompt:  “Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”
prompt: “There’s people here.” “I know.”
prompt: “more gremlin matteo”
prompt: “david swooning over matteo”
prompt: “trophy (camp!au)”
prompt: “tease”
prompt: “compromise”
prompt: “sensual (ra!au)”
(nsfw) prompt: “david wakes matteo up with a blowjob”
prompt: “david subtly checking matteo out”
prompt: “david is annoyed because his alone time with Matteo gets disturbed”
(nsfw) prompt: “thank you for coming”
(nsfw) prompt: “matteo being baby and david being VERY top”
prompt: “can you expand on matteo being a baby when hes sick”
prompt: “you came into my room at 4am, to cuddle?” (davenzi)
prompt: “more of david and matteo talking about trans stuff”
(nsfw) prompt: “david begging matteo to do something”
prompt: “davenzi making out”
(nsfw) prompt: “can you elaborate on the humiliation/degradation stuff??”
prompt: “davenzi hcs”
(nsfw) prompt: “matteo’s praise!kink”
matteo complimenting david
“matteo.....are you vaping????”
prompt: “what davenzi's been doing since s4 ended”
prompt: “matteo and depression (davids pov)”
prompt: “when do you think matteo is the most needy?”
prompt: “do you think matteo knows he’s a twink?”
prompt: “showtime”
prompt: “numb”
prompt: “cuddle clingy david”
prompt: “plant”
prompt: “appearance hcs”
prompt: “romantic hcs”
prompt: “sleeping hcs”
prompt: “likes/dislikes hcs”
short sweet new years thing
david loving matteo’s clinginess
matteo thinking about vampires at night
autistic matteo
matteo and stimming
matteo cant find the sweater he wants to wear
matteo stimming to music
matteo and david’s hair
prompt: “david had a bad day, matteo annoys him”
mouth to mouth
prompt: “muse”; “believe”
david wants to smoke
david complimenting matteo
matteo sees a kid at the store
prompt: “some autistic matteo hcs”
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Splentoby plas
fine. ok. ill do this. PLEASE keep in mind in these headcanons toby isn't a minor and that we can assume he's 19+ (he doesn't have a set set canon age? he supposingly dies before age 20 idk man it's vague please don't drag me into discourse i headcanon him as an adult in non au settings)
splendor hcs / splendortoby. yall asked for it. if i get hung im blaming u guys
also these r months old they're from amino. let's go
he can move his face and mouth! it's not forever stuck like (:
- he listens to nightcore unironically look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't
- he is pansexual!! n cis
- he lowkey feels isolated and lonely from the others, trying his best to be a help but nobody rlly appericates it so he's :(
- he has magical capabilities! he can summon little things around him (think maybe the wadern from superjail?) like ie he will move his hands and a rainbow comes out of his hand
- he fucking LOVES minecraft and for the first 4 times he played he tried to like tame a creeper and BEN was just "you can Not Do That Splendor"
"he's my friend!!!!!!"
"you can tame how many animals and you try to tame an enemey splendor he will blow you up"
"): my friend..."
- he tends to get a lot of romantic crushes on humans but is terrorfied of pursuing them because he's!!! an ugly monster n their :3 to him
- he has an ability to make himself invisible to adults and only visible to kids/those who can 'believe' that he uses in public because slenders always like. "DON'T SHOW UR IDENTITY TO THE H U M A N S!!!!!!!"
- he likes 80's music a fucking lot. like. a LOT.
- he's friends w/ sally (duh), BEN (the one who got him into Minecraft), Jane, EJ and Toby!!!!
- he had feelings for jane until she was just "sorry, i like girls" and he was
"!!!! I do too!!!!! You funky lil lesbian keep it up!!!!!!!!"
- HE DOES HAVE A HUMAN FORM !!! he's the only slender who has a soild human form! However it drains him a lot to use it so he doesn't use it a lot,,,,
- he cries gold!!!! Liquid, his blood is like? pastel blue? his body liquids r pastel gore basically
- he, yes, is a brony. his favorite is pinkie pie
- he doesn't have a secret evil form shut the fuck up and let me have my son!!!!! i refuse!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!! he does NOT!!!!!!!!
- he has had a weird crush on toby for a while and he's never mentioned anything because "that is,, someone who works for my brother,,,,,,,that is,,,,, his proxy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
- his human name is Romeo!!!!!!!!
- he's a huge mommas boy :3 he calls her everynight to tell her he loves her and she's just "okay cool" and he's "!!!!!!!SLEEP WELL"
- he's fucking shitfaced scared of zalgo lmao
okay im gonna indulge in this weird crack ship for three seconds here wait
- toby always rides on his back!!!!!!
- splendor always leaves him candy and stuff in his room anonymously or notes and toby's just "huh who did this" but than one time he saw splendor sign something and he was
"it's YOU??????????"
- toby: this is my giant monster boyf-
splendor, crying: am i a monster
- slender finding out is just "literally what the fuck idc anymore do what by any means you guys want ive seen it all now"
- toby always also rides on his tendrils!!! he uses them as swings fuck you this is my headcanon list I'll do what i want
- they go to the fair n stuff when it's town n splendor goes into his human form and they have a good Time!!!!!!
- splendor gets toby really cute binders w/ designs n stuff!!!!! To make him feel a lot better abt himself and toby loves it half to death
- toby, crying: i don't know im sorry i never told you i was trans. please don't think of me different.
splendor, a creature that's been living for centuries, 11 feet tall w/ vague human traits: i would NEVER
- tobys the first human splendor has ever been w/!!! and he rlly rlly cares abt toby and feels super comfy w/ him
- splendor is v insecure abt being u know an eldrich creature so toby always compliments his 'monster' traits and splendor goes "!!!! O W O!!!!"
- toby uses splendor's tendril bells to stim sometimes and splendor happily let's him
- romeos human form has a ton of fucking freckles and when he goes into his human form toby goes fucking BONKERS he LOVES IT
- splendor in his human form: a-aha toby are you ready to go out,,,,,
splendor: AAAAAAAAAA
- toby slips up and calls splendor Romeo in front of slender and slenders like
"who...who are you referring to?"
"how the fuck do you know his human name"
- jeff: how do you feel about your emplyoee fucking your brother lmao
slender: please
slender: leave my office. please. im begging you jeffery just fucking go
- this situation makes slender say fuck a lot lmao
- toby likes sitting on splendor a lot n its just he's on his ds yelling at his NintendoDog to sit down as splendor reads nariana and toby's just background noise screeching "MR. SNIFFLES SIT!!!!"
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