the-hydroxian-artblog · 2 months
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clicksarts · 3 months
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securitrons,,,,, my beloveds,,,
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pandamimi · 2 months
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Best trio in the game Harry, Liam and mama Victor ❤️
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pigdemonart · 22 days
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Your mama is dark skinned, your dad is light skinned, your skin and hair texture is a mix of both, siblings come out looking completely different from you.
Personally I think Mani and Adrian can be clocked very easily, but it is a constant point brought up in their life that Vico doesn’t look like a relative lmao
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eskey-09 · 11 months
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friends in galar!
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littleskrib · 1 year
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Colorwheel Challenge🌈 Single colors will be posted individually also! |290623
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malama-art · 5 months
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masahop be upon ye
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centralbunnyunit · 6 months
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crapload-of-crafts · 7 months
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‘The Reluctant Victor’
(I don’t really like how this turned out so I might redo it at some point)
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ayanarts-01 · 9 months
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missyzero · 2 months
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Hmmm what am I up tooooooooo? ALSO I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE FOR GETTING A PILLOW OR PILLOW CASE! My tumblr chrome ate itself before I could tag and gush! BUT THANK YOU! ...I just might be makin a blanket as well....
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the-hydroxian-artblog · 3 months
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here / next
EDIT: Format here will be adding up to two pages to the original post per update, and the rest in either a Read More or a new post.
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venrin · 1 year
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Rewatched yoi recently and it remains one of my favourites. Here are some of my favourite fanarts I did back in 2017 :))
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pandamimi · 2 months
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A small idea I'm working on for Harrison and Liam.
When Liam mentioned that Harrison is his partner, I couldn't help but imagine them going hand in hand as two cute, tiny menaces to society.
As for Victor, he's the best supportive mother you'll ever see.
He'll be like : "Here you go, sweetheart (handing them a knife and a gun), now go do crime... Oh, and make sure to come back before dinner time"
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pigdemonart · 4 months
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Little character ref sheets of my lads that I made for myself, just stuff I keep in mind while drawing/writing the comic!!
Im bad at ref sheets because after I finish them Im never satisfied and its only a matter of time before I make new ones in a fit of rage, BUT at least it exists!!
Wanna learn more about these guys? Here’s the comic and their tag.
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*Cut Companion’s Art Night at the Cafe of Broken Dreams*
Victor, painting a beautiful and tumultuous landscape to represent his inner conflict and relationship to House: well pardner, ah had no idea that cazadors were invasive to the Mojave!
Ulysses, painting a photorealistic portrait of the courier eating shit outside Goodsprings: they are a weapon unleashed by the old world that have become their - and our - destruction. It is hubris to think we can control such terrible power.
Vulpes, trying so fucking hard not to call them homophobic slurs bc JE Sawyer told him he’d get extra Vulpes mush if he behaved for once in his fucking life:
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