twelveskidneys · 5 months
steven moffat really said alright how many aspects of modern society can i criticise in the one (1) episode i’m writing for this season
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foursaints · 16 days
call me problematic but the death eaters will always be the more compelling characters to me specifically BECAUSE they exist in a narrative with such rigid black/white morality; because they are considered evil as fact; because they are punished as individuals for the way a system made them; because they are offered no avenues for redemption!
every glimpse of humanity & personhood from one of the cartoonishly-evil disposable background villains (bella’s petnames for her sister, peter’s friendship with james, barty’s skill as a teacher, the carrows’ love for each other, regulus’s note) automatically carries INFINITELY more weight than any dramatic gryffindorish act of heroism BECAUSE it comes shining out from a vacuum. lock me up!!! you should be feeling empathy for them!! do you see how humanity becomes more textured when applied to characters that we, as readers, are meant to disregard as monsters. should i call mary shelley
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pollyanna-nana · 7 months
Like a cat clipping its own claws
I was talking with a friend recently about how Thistle continues to wear his silly little jester outfits all the way into the present day even as the mad mage, and while I agree to an extent that he just likes the aesthetic I also think it might be something he feels like he has to do, because otherwise…
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Thistle’s very dubious acquirement as a child was specifically so Freinag could have the aesthetics of an elven court member without the danger his advisors worried an adult would present. From his very first moments in the court, it was clear that making him a simple jester was because they feared what would happen if he was allowed to gain too much power (and independence…) And the thing is, I think Thistle knows that.
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In the end, Delgal ends up asking Thistle to learn magic and become the court mage anyways after his father’s death. There’s no way there weren’t a lot of opinions about that from other people, especially his advisors, seeing as that was exactly what was feared could turn an amusing commodity into a dangerous threat. The fact that he was so secretive, too, about his investigations into the ruins I think might hint that he was aware of the optics of such a stunt.
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But Thistle isn’t stupid. From his reaction here to the way the villagers look at him I’m sure he knows— whether from overhearing, being told directly, or simply picking up on the vibe— that they think he’s dangerous and scary simply for being an elf.
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So, why keep the silly outfits, especially when he doesn’t seem to have any qualms with the villagers finding him scary now? Maybe he does just like wearing them. Or maybe… it’s a remnant of a desire the demon ate away a long time ago. Who is to say…
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taffywabbit · 1 year
my relatives looking over my shoulder while I sit at a table at this predominantly mormon wedding, drawing SLARPG fanart in a sketchbook and showing my cousin some furry art on my phone under the guise of it just being a "D&D commission" (because apparently having a furry character be a cool wizard completely nullifies all typical warning signs):
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chandralia · 4 months
katsuki saw deku so mesmerized by todoroki’s phosphor that he was like “watch this” and deliberately let his heart explode so he could have the biggest, most interesting chest scar in the world
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esmeraldablazingsky · 5 months
female characters who are like "sorry, i'm not that smart, all i can do is be your sword and shield and defend you with my amazing combat prowess. i hope you are not bothered by the fact that i have little tactical ability and am limited to using my beastly strength to stand by your side and enact your will. it's ok if you're disappointed in me i am also disappointed in myself" and don't know that a slightly meatheaded loyal weaponwoman with a heart of gold is one of the sexiest things it is possible to be
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kyoshi-lesbians · 6 months
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[ID: A series of GIFs showing the parallels between Azula introducing herself to King Keui in Kyoshi Warrior disguise and Ozai asking Fire Lord Azulon to make him the crown prince over Iroh. The last GIF shows Azula and Zuko peeking through curtains watching Ozai speak to Azulon.]
“I am your humble servant, here to serve you and our nation. Use me.” // "We are the Earth King's humble servants."
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excitementshewrote · 8 months
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olvmpus-ig · 8 months
Neil: “I don’t swing.”
also Neil the moment he catches sight of Andrew:
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yangscowlick · 9 months
It really is so remarkable that a western cartoon was brave enough to frame desertion as the moral and heroic thing to do.
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rendnotmyheart · 5 months
Here's the thing about Armand's little speech. "He wants you in pieces for the privilege of putting you back together as he sees fit. It's his drug." 1) Is this the story he has told himself about his past with Daniel? That Daniel was just trying to pick apart Armand to put him back together the way he sees fit? or 2) Is this Armand projecting? or 3) Is this, perhaps, something Armand and Daniel have in common?
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wild-at-mind · 7 months
I would honestly call the left's inability to accomodate people with morality-based OCD compulsions an accessibility issue at this point.
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mickedy · 2 years
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in the mood for something spooky
i was thinking, the other night, "what if mickey made the blot because he was trying to create a replica of himself?" and it brought a lot more things together than i expected
i dont think the blot is truly evil, just an unfinished toon with a hunger for a Heart and universal adoration. but there is some baggage in that, from creator to creation.
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moth--punk · 1 year
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St. LSTR-512
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goldenappledelicious · 7 months
Really interested in the Charming parents relationship with their kids in terms of Apple and Darling relationship. Because the thing is, while I’ve seen a lot of takes where the Charming parents react negatively or still hold up Daring as the golden child, I’m personally of the opinion that they are far more destiny oriented. If Destiny says Darling is Apple’s prince, then they’ll accept it, even if they’re a bit confused.
The thing is, at least from how I interpreted Darlings book, she never read as the unfavorite the way Dexter did, though I know some people interpret them as treated similarly. She kept all her knightly interests pretty tight lipped and generally acted like they thought she should. Not the Golden Child or the Scapegoat, just a generally positive middle ground.
I also think the kiss reveal really hurts Daring place as the Golden Child of the trio. I think King & Queen Charming would definitely view it as a failure on Daring’s part. That he must have done something wrong or something must be wrong with him to cause him to fail at what should’ve been his destiny. Their favoritism is distinctly based on Daring being the perfect Prince Charming and if he can’t even do the one thing they think he was meant to do, then clearly he isn’t actually that perfect.
And while I don’t think Darling would just become the new Golden Child, I do think they focus most of their attention solely on her now. She’s the one with the ultimate Charming Destiny after all while Daring failed his and Dexter’s is still unknown. Clearly that must mean she’s the best of the kids. How the Beast reveal would go, I’m still debating. On one hand, Daring is still the true love of an important Princess, but the beast very much Does Not fit the values of a Prince Charming.
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
me, pointing to a character who wears tight and/or revealing clothing and swaggers around seductively: aroace
me, pointing to a character that has sex regularly: aroace
me, pointing to a character whose whole arc is centred on finding romantic love: aroace
me, pointing to a character that other characters, creators, and fandom find incredibly attractive: aroace
me, pointing to a character whose famous trait is sex appeal: aroace
me, pointing to characters who have ambiguous tension that people get annoyed isn't codified to be romantic: aroace qpp
me, pointing to narratives that try to explore the complexities and difficulties of navigating attraction and consent from a queer theoretical perspective: have you considered... some aroace
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